#big windup imagines
duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Houston, i’m sad as fuck. Can I please have an emergency request?? I noticed you haven’t written any for Big Windup yet, and I would feel so honored to be the first. Can I request Mihashi and Tajima comforting their best friend who’s hopelessly in love with someone? Thank you 😭😭 (also why is the safari formatting for this so strange??)
Hi Anon!!
First of all, I felt you with the safari formatting. It’s so funky for no reason 💀💀
I hope you’re feeling a little better now!! If not, I’m here to help :)
I know all about being hopelessly in love, so I hope this can be comforting for you!!
I added a little of my own twist at the end. I hope it will still suffice!
Please let me know if you need anything!
CW UNDER THE CUT: reader is attracted to males in Tajima’s scenario.
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𝑅𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑖ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖
You and Mihashi had became friends in your first year of middle school.
You’d always felt a strong connection with him. He just seemed like the kind of support system you’d appreciate having in your life.
Once high school arrived, love lives arrived for the two of you. You both made a set of rules. Rule one, you wouldn’t fall for each other. Rule two, you’d be there for each other during heartbreaks.
While Mihashi didn’t seem to have any crushes, since he was so focused on baseball, you had found yourself infatuated with someone in your class.
You hadn’t talked to your best friend in a couple days, since he had a big tournament coming up. So, you asked to take him out for ramen and told him you had to tell him about someone.
While not thrilled to have such an important secret on his shoulders, Mihashi agreed so he could spend time with you again.
“Ren they’re just amazing! Their eyes are so pretty, and they play (sport/instrument) isn’t that just something?!”
“Y-yeah! Totally!” He beamed in reply, completely uninterested.
“And they’re really funny. They care about people above all, plus they’re super respectful. I’ve liked them for so long. They always check in on me every day and- agh Ren I think I’m in love!” You whined, dramatically throwing your wrist onto your forehead.
You and your friend burst into giggles, ready to dive into your dinners.
“Just um… J-just make sure you’re careful! I-I would hate to you up-upset over them.” Mihashi said with as much firmness as he could muster.
“No worries, Ren. I think they’re the one I was destined to be with.” You chirped in reply before you picked up your chopsticks.
Dinner went without a hitch! You were happy to catch up with your best friend, and even more happy to learn all about him and Abe becoming closer.
Over the next few weeks, your pining for (Crush’s name) didn’t stop. If anything, it only got worse. You decided that it was time to take your chances.
One fateful day after school, you wrote a small note explaining your feelings. Now, you just had to wait for the right moment to give it to them.
The right moment presented itself to you during third period. They had dropped their notebook out of their backpack! Score! You picked it up and tucked the note inside it.
“Um, (C/N)?” You asked, tapping their shoulder.
“Mm?” They turned to face you.
“You dropped this. I wanted to make sure you had it, in case it was important!” You chirped, handing them the book.
“Ah, thank you!” They beamed in reply.
After school ended, you frantically texted back and forth with Mihashi about your confession. Eventually, you just decided to pop into his house to hang out with him.
“You n-need to get your mind off of this.” Mihashi said sternly, turning on your favorite movie and making popcorn. “L-let’s watch our favorite movie, and have a whole bunch of popcorn!”
You didn’t need much more reasoning to comply. You cuddled up right next to Mihashi and all of your worries melted away.
The next day, you were walking in with Mihashi and were met with (C/N) standing by your locker. “Good morning, (Y/N)! I got your note.” They said with a patient smile.
“I-I’ll leave you to it.” Your best friend said before turning around to catch up with some teammates.
“I’m sorry to have to say this, but I just don’t return your feelings…” (C/N) said a bit sadly, “Don’t get me wrong! You’re an absolutely incredible person, and whoever does get the honor to date you will be the luckiest person in the world, but I just can’t see you in that way. I’m sorry.”
Fighting back tears you smiled patiently, “There’s no worry to be had. Thank you for being honest with me. And likewise to you, the right person will be very lucky to have you.” With a slight bow, you turned around to find someplace to be alone.
When you arrived at your usual solitude spot, you immediately burst into tears. You texted Mihashi to simply say “no go.”
Within minutes, the door to the empty room you were in opened, and arms enveloped around you. “I-it’ll be okay.” a voice whispered.
“R-Ren-“ you whimpered, “Why does this a-always hap-pen?”
“I’m not sure.” He replied, running his fingers through your hair, “The g-gods always have some weird stuff planned.”
“Maybe it’s just me… I’m probably the problem., you know maybe it’s j-”
“Stop right there.”
Mihashi seemed to have lost all of his usual sheepishness in that moment. “You are not the problem. I don’t know what they may have said to you, but you’re not the one at fault here. Just because someone doesn’t return your feelings, doesn’t mean that you are the issue.”
“You’re an honest catch. The person who ends up sweeping you off your feet will be someone very lucky to say the least. You’re an incredible support system for anyone you meet, and you continue to grow and amaze me every day.”
“You, (Y/N), are an amazing human being. And anyone who doesn’t see that, I swear I’ll-“
He was cut off by you diving onto him and pulling him into a hug. “Thank you, Ren. I’m so happy you’re my friend.” You whispered.
Mihashi happily returned your hug, holding you close and smiling. “I do have to tell you something…”
You looked up, immediately concerned. “What’s wrong?”
In a mousy voice, Mihashi avoided your gaze and said: “I broke rule number one.”
Your heart suddenly leaped in your chest, had it seen something you hadn’t before? “Yeah?”
“Maybe I’ll need to break that rule myself”.
(C/N) was long forgotten that day, given that you had found the one who would be by your side forever.
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𝑌𝑢𝑢𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑢 𝑇𝑎𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎
Sweet boy Tajima had been your best friend since diapers. Your moms were childhood friends, so they were quick to introduce the two of you.
When high school came around, the brunette had grown into an incredible young man. You knew that there were bound to be people fawning over him.
“Oye, Yuu’. We have to set some rules about relationships.” You said in a firm tone, “I don’t want you getting a partner and leaving me.”
The pinch hitter smiled, “Don’t worry. We’ll start with two.”
“Go ahead.”
“Rule number one! We can’t fall in love with each other.” Tajima said with a deadly serious face, “I know I’m dashingly handsome, and hard to resist, but you must!”
Giggling, you nodded, “Rule number two?”
“Rule number two! You can’t fall in love with any of my teammates.” He said with a cocked eyebrow, “I know, I know, we’re all just incredibly attractive, but you have to have some self control! I can’t have my best friend dating my teammates! I wouldn’t want to have to kill any of them for breaking your heart!”
You saluted him with a goofy look on your face. “Understood, sir!”
The two of you burst into uncontrollable laughter, barely able to keep your composure at your antics.
Overtime, you had begun to attend all of Tajima’s games. You wanted to be the best support system that you could be for him. And through those games, you met Azusa Hanai.
You found yourself falling hard for Hanai. You adored everything about him and your crush grew stronger and stronger every day.
One night, you called Tajima to just shoot the breeze with him.
“Yuu’, you won’t believe it, but I have such a big fat crush on someone it’s so bizarre.”
“Yeah?” He asked, putting his phone on speaker and scribbling down math problems in his notebook. “Tell me about them.”
“It’s a boy. He is super sweet and always checks up on me. He seems really intimidating, but he’s actually so dorky and kinda timid? I’ve liked him for about two months now, and I think I’ve fallen in love.”
“Sounds pretty serious.” He replied.
“I think… I think I’m gonna ask him out tomorrow.”
“Go for it. But... just be careful now. I don’t have enough of your favorite snacks on hand. Plus you know how much it hurts me to see you cry.”
“I know, Yuu’. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
After that, the two of you stayed on the phone talking about anything and everything. Among that everything was your plan to ask out your crush. The two of you decided on giving him a flower and telling him face to face.
The morning came and you rushed to purchase a small rose. You found Hanai after school and approached him anxiously.
“Uh, Hanai?” You said, tapping his shoulder.
The boy turned around, smiling upon seeing your face. “Heya, (Y/N)! What can I do for you!”
You toyed with the leaves of the rose with your thumb and forefinger. “I uh-“ you squeezed your eyes shut and sighed, “Ireallylikeyoualotandiwantedtoknowifyoudbemyboyfriend-“
“Woah woah, wait show it down.” The captain said with an amused smile.
“I really like you a lot, and I’d like to ask you to be my boyfriend.” You said, giving him the rose.
Hanai took it with a shocked look on his face, “I- oh. I am so very flattered, (Y/N). I just don’t return your feelings at this moment. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh! That’s okay!” You chirped, “I am happy you were honest with me. Please, keep the rose.” You said with a bow and a smile.
“Once again im so sorry-“
“It’s not a problem, Hanai. When you find someone who you love, they will be truly lucky.” After that comment you smiled and turned away from him.
You retreated to the rooftop, your usual favored spot to be alone. Your tears started flowing harshly and you couldn’t help the whimpers that ripped from your throat.
Meanwhile, Tajima spotted Hanai in the dugout. He said his usual hello to his teammate and prepared for practice. He noticed the look on his friend’s face. “Everything okay, Hanai? You look troubled.”
“Yeah I just had to reject one of my classmates’ confessions.” He replied, picking up the rose, “and they gave me such a pretty flower too.”
“Flower…?” Tajima asked absentmindedly. Suddenly it dawned on him. “No-“
“No no no!” The cleanup hitter almost fell over from the speed in which he took off from the dugout.
Tajima sprinted to the rooftop, knowing exactly where you’d be. “(Y/N)!” He cried out breathlessly, upon seeing your sobbing figure.
Your best friend immediately pulled you into a pretty forceful hug, still running in 3x speed. “I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You hugged him back as you stained his white jersey with salty tears. “G-God im such an idiot… I never should’ve-“
���You’re not an idiot. You’re in love.” He replied in a whisper, taking hold of your hand.
“Yes I am! He doesn’t even like me and it’s my fault. Maybe I was just too forward. Maybe he just isn’t attracted to me because I’m not pretty or my personality is weird or-“ you blubbered, breaking out of the hug.
Tajima physically covered your mouth with his hand. “Stop. I won’t let you talk about my best friend like that. You made the right decision. You are the most beautiful and talented person I know. You have the most lovely smile and laugh and you shine brighter than the sun. Anyone who isn’t in love with you is in denial.” He stated firmly.
You released a watery chuckle, “Heh, Thanks Yuu’. I just wish I listened to those stupid rules you gave me. If I didn’t break rule number two, things would’ve been fine.”
“To hell with the rules!” He yelled absentmindedly, grabbing both of your shoulders gently. “I break rule number one every day and it hasn’t ruined any-“
Tajima broke out of his ramble with wide eyes and a blush that spread to his ears. You stared at him, lips parted and eyes hopeful.
“Um. You can forget I said th-“
“No!” You yelped, “I mean-“
The two of you stood on the rooftop, stuttering out answers back and forth for a good half hour. When the deal was sealed, you returned to the field with Tajima, hand in hand.
He’d have to kill Hanai for making you cry, but for now Tajima was content with knowing you were finally with the person who would love you for who you are.
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arunneronthird · 5 months
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why? i batted a run in
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punkbeetleart · 1 year
Another scene that I find more funny than it probably is
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lilyblackdrawside · 6 days
I was looking at Deepcolor's alt outfit again because it's what you do. A while ago, I had already found her cool swordfighter self in the background
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and the definitely-not-a-tentacle creeping out of the collar of her top
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but then I also noticed the cool fossil prints on her bags
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and her eyes. They're amber again in this outfit, just like in her basic artwork:
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In her E2 artwork, she has an outfit that still has the same structure as the basic one, but wears a different jacket and boots and likely a different dress as well, though it only went through a colour change. It's the only time she's not wearing a hat, revealing her funny octopus ears and she's got a big tentacle on display holding her bag. Also a cube. Cubes have never been relevant in any way in Arknights, so I'll gloss over it. She also has very inhuman-looking eyes, with the blue, red and white. I believe that these are her actual eyes and that she camouflages them normally as amber-coloured, regular human eyes. The amber isn't as vibrant in her alt outfit, but I'll accept that as a lighting difference. It's close enough. None of this is really shocking, given that she hides her identity.
So back to the alt outfit. I like the way she's sitting on one of her 'assistants', I can get under that.
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and also this device she has. It's got to be something that she uses for drawing. In her basic artwork, she carries a paper notepad and pencil, which she also uses as a medium for her attacks.
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In the new outfit, she doesn't have a wand or pencil or anything, she just uses her hand to mess with this device and points her attack at the enemy. So this has got to be some kind of art tablet. We can see what is probably electricity sparking all over and it has wires that... plug into her hair? which looks like tentacles. It is known that devices can be powered by arts. On the left of her head, we can see some black and red accessory, that might be part of the plug. It could also be a hairtie, I don't know. Even if it's part of the plug, it still looks way too much like they're connecting into her hair. Even her combat sprite matches this. She is still making hand motions as a windup for her attack, so it must have manual input, but maybe this is something really hightech that lets her project her imagination directly onto the tablet or she's doing intricate motions with her hair to operate it? It has to have a screen too, since it's just this thing and nothing else.
It's pretty strange.
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Anime Recs Pt 2
Any BL fan knows that sports anime is all about the homoerotic tension between the MC, his team players and his rivals 🤌🏼 trust this genre to serve in both aesthetics and feels - which means it deserves its own list! I tried to include a little bit of everything from hidden gems like Ryman’s Club to big hits like Haikyu. Most of these have 🌈 vibes if you squint (sometimes not that hard) with YoI being more intentional about it. And for those who love found family like me, you can’t go wrong with 1, 2 or 6. I hope everyone can get something for their tastes and find catharsis as they cheer for these pretty boys. This is the second part of my anime rec series, you can find the first list here. Enjoy!
1. Backflip!! 🤸🏻‍♂️
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Summary: Shotaro Futaba loved sports, but was never good enough. But watching a group of gymnasts in the park and seeing them in a gymnastics tournament, he decides to join their school and become part of the gymnastic team. With new members, Shotaro and Ryoya Misato, the team aims for the upcoming Inter-High tournament.
2. Big Windup! ⚾️
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Summary: The story follows the story of Ren Mihashi, a pitcher who was blamed by his middle school team for their string of losses, and as a result suffers from low self-esteem and transfers to a different high school. There, the school's first baseball team is being formed and Mihashi reluctantly joins as their Ace Pitcher.
3. Free! 🏊‍♂️
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Summary: Free is set in the town of Iwatobi, Japan, which is based on Iwami, Tottori. The story is centered on high school student Haruka Nanase, a gifted swimmer. After encountering his childhood rival, Rin Matsuoka from Samezuka Academy, he and his friends revitalize Iwatobi High School's swim team.
4. Haikyu!! 🏐
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Summary: Junior high school student, Shoyo Hinata, becomes obsessed with volleyball after catching a glimpse of Karasuno High School playing in the Nationals on TV. Of short stature himself, Hinata is inspired by a player the commentators nickname 'The Little Giant', Karasuno's short but talented wing spiker.
5. Kuroko no Basket 🏀
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Summary: The story follows Kuroko's journey to success with his team, with most of the episodes being based around one or part of one challenging game, in which Kuroko and his teammates, most notably Taiga Kagami, perform plays and have short conversations with opposing players in the heat of the match.
6. Run with the Wind 🏃‍♂️
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Summary: After abandoning competitive running back in high school, Kakeru Kurahara has no desire to return to the sport during his college years. But when an impromptu shoplifting-related sprint brings his talent to the attention of Haiji Kiyose, he soon finds himself wrapped up in an adventure he never imagined.
7. Salaryman’s Club 🏸
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Summary: The story follows Mikoto Shiratori, a recently unemployed badminton prodigy who has the ability of foresight. After getting fired from Mitsuhoshi Banking for losing a match for their company sports badminton team, he gets recruited by Sunlight Beverage to play for their team and become a sales rep.
8. SK8 the Infinity 🛹
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Summary: In Okinawa, a group of hardcore skaters participate in a secret, no-holds-barred competition after midnight known as "S", racing each other on skateboards down a winding road carved out of an abandoned mine. Reki, a high school sophomore and hardcore skater, takes new transfer student Langa to S one night, and ends up pulling him into the world of skateboarding.
9. Tsurune 🏹
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Summary: Minato joins the Kazemai High School Archery Club and along with his old friends and new teammates, Nanao Kisaragi and Kaito Onogi, they aim for winning the prefectural tournament while trying to overcome their doubts and shortcomings.
10. Yuri!!! On ICE ⛸️
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Summary: Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki faces a crushing defeat during the Grand Prix finals and heads home, unsure of whether or not he wishes to continue his skating career. After a video of Yuri mimicking Russian figure skater Victor Nikiforov's routine goes viral, Victor decided to become Yuri's coach, much to the dismay of his coach, his fans, and his fellow Russian skater Yuri Plisetsky.
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toxicanonymity · 8 months
what if sweet pea found a old record player n asked to bring it back 🙏🙏🙏
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this is sweet. because of it being the apocalypse, I pictured a big old cabinet-style victrola that has the windup crank and doesn't require power so it can be used during blackouts, and opening the cabinet doors is what raises the volume.
imagine Joel all sweaty and bloody hauling this huge ass thing 😭 (obligatory this is too domestic for him in the foreseeable future)
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canyouhearthelight · 5 months
Machine is Perfect, but Flesh is Free Intermission
This chapter is longer than either of the previous two, and if I am correct, it is possibly longer than both combined. So hopefully that helps make up for the amount of technical things around dance that appear. For anyone who wants full context of what is going on: 1) the MC is dancing a deliberately more difficult variation of the Yuka Fukuda solo of Esmeralda.... which is already difficult enough. Every step happens on a beat, and there is not a lot of music for the piece and NO room for error, because the dancer has to kick a tambourine. Our MC is doing these kicks over their head rather than above it, which I think I have seen one dancer do only for the first portion. You can just search "Yuka Fukuda Esmeralda" to see the real one. 2) "The Fouettes" (fweh-tehs) refers to the Odette solo from Swan Lake. It is notoriously one of the most difficult passages to dance in ballet, and is also referred to as "The Thirty Two Fouettes". Spin spin spin, identically... it's exhausting, and it hurts. But if you have bionic legs and feel no pain when performing, you can imagine how boring it sounds. I swear I'm not disparaging the passage, but our MC experiences none of the things that make it hard. 3) There are two main versions of the fouette (the spin, not the passage), Italian and Russian. It actually takes less time to look up a video than listen to an explanation, and people have BIG opinions about which one is better.
All that said, thanks to @baelpenrose for making it through all these explanations the first time when I was writing it. On with the show!
For several weeks following my interrupted performance, I lived in the rehearsal studio with next to no contact from anyone except Urus and the doctor. Even M. Russo was banished from his place of power, and from the shouting I was barely able to hear through the door, he was incredibly displeased about the situation.  Urus grumbled about having to bring me meals and throughout the newly added watching me while I ate. No more solid foods, only some perfectly nutritious and perfectly flavorless concoction with a texture between porridge and puree.
Two weeks into my seclusion, my surly warden finally slipped, just a bit. “Food like that for every meal, I would dive in front of the next bullet,” he muttered.
I coughed, startling him.  Waving him off, I shook my head. “Bullet?” I gasped, trying to clear my throat.
He handed me a cup of water. “What about a bullet?”
The bowl of nutrients was set on my lap so I could turn my head and scowl at him. “The doctor said the bullet missed someone entirely the night I was brought here, and you just mentioned jumping in front of one now. I’m not deaf, no matter how much everyone likes to pretend I’m some windup doll. What bullet?”  It was the most words I had ever spoken directly to him, and from the look on his face, I had caught him off guard.
“Someone tried to shoot you while you were performing,” he explained slowly. “With a gun.” One hand dropped to his hip where he kept his holstered.
“Me?” I blurted out in shock. “Why? I’m not important, just a toy. Not even a pet.” I pitched my voice up as far as I could. “ ‘Wind up the little ballerina, let them dance’.”
That earned a more familiar sneer. “Poor little pet, to be kept so expensively and lavishly that you don’t even need to walk anywhere for fear of bruising your feet.”
“Yes, my pretty little golden cage.” I lifted the bowl and swallowed the contents as quickly as I could, wincing as I refused to let it come back up. Gasping as I finished, I held it out. “I’ve eaten. Your punishment is done for now.”
He ignored me for several minutes, until my arm was burning and shaking. I refused to beg or acknowledge our standoff until the bowl was removed from my hand.  As soon as I heard the door lock behind him, I let out a deep breath. Inhaling again and bracing myself, I slowly flexed my feet.  Pain spiked up through me, but I grit my teeth and focused on breathing with every movement.  The most recent treatments from Master Arik made it impossible for sweat to bead on my forehead, but my eyes and mouth felt feverish when I stopped for the water that was always within arms reach.
The memory of dancing - leaping, kicking, flying - warred with how quickly I was brought to exhaustion by the pain from something as simple as flexing my ankles and feet.  Since M. Russo was not allowed in the studio while I was being kept here, there were no rehearsals and therefore no need for nerve blocks, leaving me in full pain with every movement of my legs.  After another drink of water, my anger was burning hotter than my body. “Kick,” I commanded my legs. But only so fast, my teacher’s voice echoed in my mind as I strained against my own body to lift one leg, and to resist the urge to drop it.
“Again.” Breathe. My body could do this - had done this. Again and again. Only so fast, only so high, I reminded myself. Limits. When my eyes and mouth were hot again, I stopped for more water and to cool down. Another limit. 
In the ten winters I could remember being here, I had been very aware of my situation, but Urus’s comments today had been the first time I realized that perhaps I was the only one other than Master Arik who was aware. Clearly, Urus thought I was a pampered thing - what if he did not realize what the injections were?
I worked persistently at my own mobility, and it seemed that every small success woke my mind even further.  Where I had surrendered, been complacent to my existence of agony with brief rewards of relief when I behaved, now I was suspicious and curious of everything.  I was increasingly aware of how long it was taking to secure my personal quarters, where the studio had taken only a day or so.  Plots and accusations lurked in every corner of my mind that suddenly had light shining in them - why did the serving people never speak when they attended me before? Why was Urus assigned to me and me alone?  Surely Arik had other trophies - why had I never seen or heard of them?
Instead of keeping time by the things done to me - baths, meals, rehearsals I was led to and from - I began marking time by what I could do. I could slowly kick my legs five hundred times in a row each before needing to stop for water.  I could hold both feet in front of me for fifteen minutes at a time without assistance, ignoring the sharp electric razors spiking through them without a headache.
By the time I was released from my isolation in the studio, I could hold my knees to my chest with only the muscles in my legs and stomach  for an astonishing five minutes.  I had not dared to stand, but was contemplating the attempt when the locks on the entrance slammed open and Master Arik entered, accompanied by Urus and three other guards.  My back was to the door and viewing glasses, but I still dropped my feet quickly to their rests in my chair before even his brisk step could come around to face me.
“It is a good day,” he started without preamble. “Full of good news.  The man who tried to kill you has been executed, and your new quarters are finally ready.”
“Kill me?” I asked stupidly.
He waved my concern away. “Someone sent to hurt me by stealing you, once your value became known.  Thankfully, you were not injured, but measures had to be taken.”
Was I so valuable that someone would kill me to hurt him? I doubted it, but he seemed quite certain, so I nodded along. “And new rooms?”
“And a new insurance policy,” he assured. “To reflect your new value.”
Urus nodded towards my bedding and personal effects before grabbing my chair. Mechanically, I followed the script that was ingrained in me. “And my parents?”
“Compensated to reflect your rising stock,” Arik responded. Where before I had only been concerned that my family was not starving, now I was suspicious that the answer was equally rote and mechanical to my question.
With that, our accustomed exchange had ended, and Master Arik was supervising my removal from the studio space, ignoring me again.  I focused on keeping my features slack and dull, but this time I paid as close attention as possible to what was being said around me.  I learned I was being taken to the second floor, not the third - apparently my quarters had been on the third floor.  The studio, I found out, was on the fourth.  Instead of the sloped corridors, I was to be taken by elevator, which was a luxury I had never been afforded, but was apparently more secure.
Despite my new rooms being further away, the journey was far shorter.  The doors, like the ones on the rehearsal space, were keyed to the genetic pattern Master Arik’s doctors had placed in me.  Only he, Urus, and the doctor could enter without an escort - and myself, obviously, but it was left unsaid that the idea of my leaving under my own power was laughable.  The poor paper dancer could not walk, after all.
Once we entered, Arik turned with his arms extended, a smile on his face. “The walls have been reinforced, the windows filled and shuddered on the exterior with plates. To ensure your safety, obviously.” Leaning over, eyes cold, he flicked the end of my nose, his false grin never budging. “No need for cameras anymore. Any and all items and persons to enter and leave will be checked and accompanied by security.”
No windows. No more birds. No more clouds. A more secure cage than ever.
My face must have betrayed nothing that concerned him, as he stood and clapped his hands once. “Sleep tonight, and tomorrow you will perform.”
I shook my head, confused. “Perform? Not rehearse?”
He clucked his tongue. “You still need to complete your performance as Esmeralda.  It will be in the studio, and only myself and M. Russo will be in attendance, but you will be recorded so that your stock can be valued.  It is not ideal, but it will have to suffice.  Currently, your value is contingent.”
“I understand, Master Arik,” I muttered numbly.  I understood nothing, except that I had no say in the matter.
Striding to the door, he turned to Urus, who followed at his elbow. “Have dinner brought and have them bathed properly. They will be dressed here in the morning and brought to the studio for exhibition.”
After a nearly sleepless night, I was roused from a fitful half-sleep by the lights in my quarters being turned on - no dawn noises, no slivers of sunrise, just a sudden bright pain stabbing through my eyelids.  Groggily, I allowed myself to be washed again, shoved into my costume, makeup slathered on my face.  My nerve blocks were not applied until after I heard the thud of the studio doors securing behind me, M. Russo pointing to my mark with his baton.  Rather than listening for the warm ups of the orchestra, a recorded track was played as it had been in any rehearsal, although this time without M. Russo counting me off.  Nonetheless, I stepped and kicked as intricately as I had intended to when it had been a theater of people watching rather than my teacher, my master, and who knew how many cameras. Each motion as controlled and flawless up close as it would have appeared from a balcony, each sounding of the tambourine measured and equal to the rest.
I finished, face impassive, without any applause.  Instead, Master Arik drummed his fingers on his seat, head tipped to the side. “It is a beautiful and dangerous interpretation,” he frowned.
“It is a traditional one,” M. Russo responded carefully. “A difficult one, to demonstrate their skill.”
“A kick like that could kill a man.”
A gruff laugh followed. “Only by breaking his heart. The feet are too fragile for anything more. They can hardly walk without your permission.”
Arik nodded, but seemed distracted. “I will have the footage released for valuation. Uncut, I think.”
“To cut it is to imply imperfection. Release all of it. There are no flaws to hide.”
“We shall see.” Standing, Arik nodded again. “Russo. The fouettes next, I believe.”  WIth that, he left.
No sooner had the door shut again than I was peeling out of my costume, inspecting my feet. M. Russo did not even pretend to look away - he made no secret that his interest in my body was perfunctory at best. “No blisters,” I reported, disgruntled.
“Mme Boulvais is much more careful than her predecessor,” he agreed. “And the softer shank made a difference.  But shorter in the right shoe for the next performance, I think. You were barely over the box.”
“Those toes are shorter,” I agreed. “And the ankle bends further. But the fouettes?” I pinched my face.
M. Russo seemed to agree, tossing his hands in the air. “You can leap like a cat, you can kick as though you have no bones, but he wants you to twirl in place for heavens only know how long.”
“I can do them Russian,” I suggested, feeling more mischievous than I could recall feeling in my entire life.
He gripped his baton like a sword. “I will cane you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet if you do even a dozen Russian fouettes before my eyes.  And then I will ask Master Arik to gouge them from my head so I may never see such a travesty again.”
I smiled softly, stretching deeply and grabbing my toes. “He said my Esmeralda was dangerous. That the kicks could kill a man.”
From behind, I heard my teacher scoff. “I would agree if you did not need medical magic to merely walk. A kick like that could break a man’s jaw at least, snap his neck at worst. But as you would never kick me like that, and cannot even stand to attempt it when you are elsewhere, it is a vain fear.”
I hummed, hoping he would take it in agreement.  It seemed he had, as by the time I stood again, he had resumed his teaching posture. “Go ahead. Show me your fouette. Ten to the left, then ten to the right.”
Automatically and without music, I started. Traditionally, the passage Master Arik was requesting used identical turns to the right, but we rehearsed with both to err on the side of caution.  Arik was known to add or change something at any time if he felt it was something new.  By the end of the day, both of my calves stung from being struck to correct their height or how soon I did nor did not whip my leg out - M. Russo had not been joking about his insistence on Italian over Russian.  As the weeks progressed, more and more turns were added, along with various surfaces for me to balance on for precision.  A strange tool was brought to ensure that my legs were at exactly ninety degrees, a position I had to hold for as long as ten minutes at a time.
By nights, I was standing under my own trembling power for just as long.
Unlike in the past, rehearsals went on for nearly half a year.  Increasing levels of difficulty were added, in theory to explain the time it was taking.  In reality, I overheard my security discussing the increased measures to make Master Arik’s keep more and more secure, to make the performance hall doubly so.  The idea made me feel melancholic rather than secure, and I avoided analyzing the feeling too hard with my newfound inquisitiveness.  Most importantly, the next performance was intended to be ‘exclusive’ as an excuse to limit any chance at another incident, and all staff were undergoing intensive background screening and medical analysis.  My own medical exams went on the same schedule as before.
After all, I wasn’t staff - I was property.
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Random question, but what Ink weapons do you think would do the most damage/be lethal if any to Kaleb? I feel like an E-litre and Explosher would be nasty, especially at close range
Both of those would put the hurt on big time for sure, but as far as the most lethal out of anything?
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Without a doubt, it's actually Splatoon 2's Sting Ray (and by extension, the Stingers in Salmon Run). These things shoot ink with enough force to just pierce any and all map geometry - and I'd like to think that implies that it's literally cutting through these things to be able to do that (obviously not represented in gameplay bc it's impractical to reflect that on many different levels). Waterjets are a real thing, and waterjet injuries are incredibly dangerous because of how water being forced through a tiny hole at incredibly high pressures reacts when hitting soft, spongey material such as flesh.
This click-baity ass video does actually do a pretty decent job at showing the kind of damage you could expect. Imagine this cranked up to eleven if it was being shot by a Sting Ray. Kaleb would actually just fucking explode in a red mist. And yes, I am thinking about this for Act 2.
(if you wanna skip the setup they start testing it around 5:10)
I'd imagine the Sting Ray being removed in Splatoon 3 can have a very plausible explanation in canon that's basically just, "we got sued into the ground because of Sting Ray damages"; which would also explain why the Salmonids are still using it, as they do not give a shit about that.
All of that said, honorable mentions to the Killer Wail (both OG and 5.1) for similar reasons. Apparently, sound can cause damage to internal organs at above 185 dB (for comparison, the sound of a jet engine is about 140 dB). It's 3am right now and I'm a little too sleepy to go on a Matpat tier mathing spree taking cartoon logic realistically and determining that the fuckin princess cannon is ten gorillion decibels loud or some shit because it had enough force to stop Tartar's ink death ray, but the standard Killer Wails are probably powerful enough to make Kaleb receive permanent hearing damage, if not outright making him go deaf.
...Crab tank could probably also kill him with focus fire at full windup if aiming at the head. Most weapons probably could, in the sense that hitting someone in the head enough times with a blunt object will eventually crack the skull.
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i saw ur post about weapons and was curious if you have any examples in media you think did particularly good or bad with portraying them?
Well this has been sitting in my inbox for a while. Feck.
Welp, answering it now!
This is mostly just inarticulate word vomit, but if you find something useful in this, I will commend you for your efforts because god knows I can't find it in here myself what with the organization being a conflagration of chaos.
I think that, among most media, weapons are typically not often thought about outside of aesthetics, size and posing.
Most probably don't think of the center of gravity, the lever, how it would or wouldn't swing, how it couldn't or shouldn't be that big, etc, etc, because, well, face it, it's a lot of detail that most just won't notice.
I can't exactly think of anything that gets melee weapons perfectly right off the top of my head, because, again, small details that I don't often pay attention to, but what I do pay attention to is when they get it really, really, really wrong.
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Shit like this.
Holy mother of fuck, no. Good luck lifting that, let alone trying to carry it. The pole would be so impractically light compared to the head that lifting it, let alone using it, would be so cumbersome and awkward that it would be better to literally just use a sledgehammer. There has to be a balance, because if it isn't balanced correctly, it throws the weight off, and that makes it damn hard to use. Trying to pick it up would most likely just hurt you with squashed toes than it would the enemies.
Another example:
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Stendarr's Hammer, from the Elder Scrolls series.
If you've been paying attention thus far, dearest reader, then you probably already know where I'm headed with this.
Why bother with that gigantic flat ass head-disk thing that only adds unnecessary weight and agility reduction when you have a perfectly fine hammer as it is. The flat head adds absolutely nothing, because it swings too slowly to actually build up momentum without a helluva lot more windup.
If you removed the big ass back spike and replaced it with something that actually looked like it could pierce armor and removed the flat disk entirely, you'd have yourself a damn fine hammer. They're simple weapons. Lever, Weight, Head, Bonk.
I get it, rule of cool, big weapons attract more eyes, attract more attention, give the character a brand, makes them more marketable and likeable, yada yada yada, but you're just as effective with a polearm that's only a little bit taller than your head than with a polearm that's taller than three building stories being flung around like a flailing wet fish (unless it's one of those comically long spears, those stay because they make sense in their niche).
Fuck it, let's also go on a tangent about how weapons are used in popular media.
Imagine this.
You're fighting somebody.
You have a polearm with a spike on the end, and your enemy has a shortsword. You have much longer reach, they have "Superior Training" (TM).
Suddenly, in the middle of your impromptu duel, he suddenly fucking spins around and exposes his entire right side to you like roast on a platter, with his sword all the fuck-off way behind his head where he can't stab ya with it and you shank him right between where it hurts and where it hurts more because he just gave you his kidneys like an idiot, superior training my shiny plate metal ass-
*Clears throat*
Spinning does not make your attacks hit that much harder unless they have a lot of weight behind it.
Spinning a weapon with a light handle and a heavy head in your hands to build momentum? Absolutely, go for it, s'what they were made for.
Doing a fucking pirouette with a zweihander in your hands in the middle of a duel and giving your enemy a clean shot at your entire right side? Yeah, no, abso-fuck-off-lutely not, you've just cut your range in half and opened up a gigantic weak-spot and painted a target on it saying "stab me in the goddamn kidneys!" like an idiot.
Don't spin with light weapons like daggers either, same principal. I don't care how fast you think you are, the other guy is faster because you have your weapons in a disadvantageous position and your back is literally exposed to the enemy, and you have literally no range to back it up, at all. There's a reason daggers are either an "oh shit" button when you have literally nothing else or an assassination tool, or just by people who couldn't afford or find anything else.
The last place you should be with a bow is at the frontlines. If you're close enough to whip somebody with the sharpened ends, you've got bigger problems than performing ballet moves in the middle of a battlefield.
(Yes, the ends of a bow can be/are already sharpened because they're thin, whip-like sticks and you can use them to slash right through eyes through a visor or just blind some poor sod at point blank before retreating. This is absolutely not a replacement for an actual melee weapon, but it gives you something at least)
It's the survivability onion.
If you're in a battle, don't be seen.
If seen, don't be acquired.
If acquired, don't be hit.
If hit, don't be penetrated, if penetrated, don't die.
Don't go jumping off carts and throwing yourself into cartwheels through the air with a bow. Stick to medium-ish to long range (because a point blank arrow has all the force of a wet paper towel behind it, but an arrow that's already had time to build up speed and momentum is going to nail somebody like a sledgehammer to the gut, because, again, physics), shoot them before they shoot/see you, and if all else fails, run the fuck away, rinse, and repeat as needed.
Contrary to popular belief, swords are most of the time heavier than shit like maces and such, because they need more weight behind them to do the stabby stabby crap. So, take that concept, en-fucking-large it a lot, make yourself a pseudo-sword-spear-thing and BOOM, Zweihander!
Now, you absolutely don't try to bring this down on somebody on the horizontal edge like a moron, because not only is that ineffective, not only is that not going to do shit because that's not where your hitting power is, it's also really bloody heavy and tiresome to use like that.
Instead, you use the force generated behind the hilt to make large thrusting attacks, keeping your distance but making it incredibly difficult for them to close on you, because two-handed big swords like that do poking a lot better than they do cleaving.
welp that was. A lot, and I don't really know if this answered your qeustions because it is currently 12:30 as of writing this and my mental capacity is currently the rough equivalent to a burning flour silo. Ciao mate, hope this helped!
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oofuri2003 · 2 years
I'm too cowardly to actually make the post but imagine this funny post for me: it says "when the windup is big idk i never watched the show" and its some oofuri yaoi from 2007
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le-scenariste · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Tagged by @basiloaks and @i-dont-know-dude-thats-gay
Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto
Castiel - Supernatural
Evan Buckley - 911
Connor - Detroit Become Human
The Captain - BBC Ghosts
Rusty Ryan - Ocean's Trilogy
Piplup - Pokemon
Holland March - The Nice Guys
Takaya Abe - Big Windup
Derek Hale - Teen Wolf
Tagging: @stop-saying-tootsie uhhhhhhhhh yeah imagine i tagged 10 other people
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electricgaunt · 26 days
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity Bonus - Baseball Explainer:
this duo is amazing
"they stand there permanently, for the rest of their lives" !!!
what if I watch oofuri/big windup! after the baseball eps...
this is the Explain Baseball Car and I love it
"that's my actual phone number" !!!!!!
imagining a google voicemail full of strange baseball questions lol
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punkbeetleart · 1 year
So my friend who started reading big windup had started with the Tosei game bc he wanted to know about my favorite character (Takase Junta LOL), but he got invested and went back to the beginning to read through it all-- this convo which resulted made me laugh so hard I wanted to share
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porofluff1 · 10 months
Caitlyn's Futa Obsession
Chapter 3: Orianna
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Tags: Futanari x fem, Caitlyn x Orianna, robot x human, robot cock, free use sex, big cock, submissive Caitlyn, innocent & caring Orianna
Featured Characters: FUTA!Orianna, Caitlyn
Summary: After a chance encounter with Ahri and her fat cock, Caitlyn gets roped into fucking every single one of Runeterra’s lustiest futas. One region at a time. Yet, when the day arrives who should be first in line but her long-time secret crush, Vi?
Word Count: 2,519
Vi broke their kiss. Her face hovered above Caitlyn’s, wild and mischievous. “You ready, Cupcake?”
After a single cock left Caitlyn’s pussy tender and throbbing. What would four more do to her? Let alone fifty? Most likely leave her like the girls she’d seen in free-use videos. Barely conscious, glazed and oozing.
Caitlyn bit her lip. “I-I am.”
“Look at you, all excited. Fuck, I could take you again.”.
“I could have you again.”
Vi laughed. “Don’t tempt me, Cupcake. Ahri takes rule-breaking seriously. We’re allowed one orgasm, that’s all.”
“So? When have you ever cared about the rules?”
“These rules make sense and aren’t made by a total piece of shit.”
Caitlyn held her tongue. She knew better than to argue with Vi about such things by now. It never led anywhere. Best to change the subject.
“How do they know you came?” she asked.
“Miss Nine-tails has got freaky good hearing, and she can feel emotions or some shit. I don’t know, she just knows.” Vi rolled off of Caitlyn and hopped to her feet.
Caitlyn made to follow her.
“Don’t get up, Cupcake. Better to rest in between.” Vi brushed Caitlyn's hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be right outside. See you once you’re done?”
Their lips reunited one last time before Vi gathered her clothes and headed for the door.
“Good luck, Cupcake.”
Vi disappeared around the couch. The doors opened. A new set of footsteps approached.
Caitlyn awaited on her back, giddy and smiling ear to ear. Her mind raced to remember all the women in the lobby. All the faces and forms melded together, leaving Caitlyn only her imagination to puzzle out her next partner. The wildest creation of her mind paled in comparison to what presented itself.
A woman made of silver and bronze metal rounded the couch. Two unblinking eyes of glowing blue light bore Caitlyn. Like that of a statue, her hair was moulded in bronze to resemble a tied-up bun. Gaps in her arms, torso and thighs revealed gears, pulleys and levers made of brass. Where shoulders, elbows and knees ought to be were instead, ball joints. The handle of a key as long as her torso stuck out of her back, like a windup toy. Blue light like that of her eyes shone from every gap of her body. Not any normal light. Hextech light.
“Hello,” the metal woman said in a sweet yet, monotone voice. “Do you wish to continue this activity?”
Caitlyn sat up on the edge of the couch. Words failed her.
“You are surprised. That is a normal reaction. Would you care for an explanation?”
“You, uh, you run off Hex-tech, right?”
“That is correct.”
“Are you human? Like, a cyborg?”
“Once. Do not be concerned. I think. I feel. Just like you. Correction. Enough like you for us to share our bodies in coitus.”
Caitlyn looked for genitals but, found only a smooth mound beneath her iron tutu. “How do you have sex?”
“With this.”
Gears whirred and a panel shifted to the side on the metal mound between her legs. A sizeable silver cock emerged and clicked into place. A good quarter of its length reached beyond her fanning, iron tutu.
“I have another set of what are typically seen as female genitals. Both are equipped to stimulate pleasure. Based on your own genitals, I assume you would prefer this set over the other?”
“W-Well, I mean, I don’t mind either way. Whatever’s more comfortable for you.”
“You would prefer me to make this decision?”
“Uh, yeah. Yes please.”
“I shall oblige.” Gears whirred. The metal woman stared off into space. “I will use this set. I enjoy penetrating.”
Caitlyn giggled. “I enjoy being penetrated.”
“That is good. You would be ill-suited for this activity if you were not.”
Caitlyn giggled again.
“Have I told a joke?”
“No, you’re just funny, in a cute way.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Caitlyn looked the metal woman over again. Without shock clouding her vision, her beauty became apparent. Hex-tech light glittered off of her white silver and dark copper. Her face captured a certain youthful grace, despite being cast and rigid.
“You failed to provide consent to this activity. Proceeding without consent is a violation of Mistress Ahri’s terms of conduct. Do you agree to this activity?”
“I do, but I’d like to know your name before we start.”
“Obligating. My name is Orianna Reveck.”
“Nice to meet you, Orianna. Mine is Caitlyn Kiramman.”
“Greetings, Caitlyn Kiramman.”
“Just Caitlyn, Orianna.”
“Correction. Greetings, Caitlyn.”
Caitlyn slid off the couch. Velvet carpet cushioned her knees. “Shall we begin, Orianna?”
Gears whirred. “I would like that.”
Caitlyn shuffled forward. Orianna’s tutu hovered above her head. Her silver cock hung level with her forehead. She had no balls, so Caitlyn took hold of her cock with both hands. Expecting cold, Caitlyn was instead greeted by warmth. She quivered. Hard as metal and warm as flesh How would such a thing feel inside her?
Caitlyn gave Orianna’s cock a two-handed stroke from base to tip. Her palms glided along the metal with little resistance. She made no moan or sigh. Instead, gears whirred. Caitlyn stroked again and the gears whirred again. She slid the tip into her mouth and the gears revved.
“Your mouth is enjoyable, Caitlyn.”
Orianna tasted like metal but felt as warm as flesh. A strange yet, exhilarating combination. Caitlyn relaxed. She couldn’t see Orianna past her fanning tutu so, she closed her eyes. Careful and slow, she tilted her head back as Orianna’s warmth filled her mouth and throat. Her girth bulged the walls of Caitlyn’s throat. A gag struck, unbidden. She spluttered but did not falter. Orianna’s gears purred in a perpetual rev.
Sleek, metal fingers combed through Cailtyn’s hair. Pointed tips, like the blunted, trimmed claws of a cat, traced her scalp. Tingles zigzagged across her head. Caitlyn smiled as much as she was able and got to work sucking Orianna’s rather daunting length. Each time Orianna’s tip entered and exited her throat, a gag ambushed her. Spit glazed her chin. A small part of her mind threatened to buck and send her choking and gasping from Orianna’s cock. A larger part steadied her hands and relaxed her throat. She allowed herself to be a tool for pleasure. Good tools are reliable.
Orianna’s gears revved with the push and pull of Cailtyn’s throat and with the twists and strokes of her hands. The revs flared and dwindled in time with Caitlyn’s rhythm. They never died completely.
“You are quite-” Orianna’s gears revved and her voice stuttered. “-s-s-s-s-s-skilled, Caitlyn. I am enjoying you more than m-m-m-m-m-ost of our participants.”
Taking care, Caitlyn drew Orianna’s cock out of her mouth. The moment her tip passed her lips, Caitlyn gasped for a proper breath.
“I’m enjoying you too.” Caitlyn stared at Orianna’s massive cock, shiny and dripping from her work. She trembled. “A lot~”
“That is positive information.” Orianna’s gears revved.
Cailtyn’s slipped her hand between her legs and began pleasuring herself. “I’m ready for you, Orianna. I need you inside me.”
“Understood. How would you like to be penetrated? Vagianlly or anally?”
“My pussy, please.” Saying the words caused her hand to flail. She let out a shuddering moan.
“Understood. Where in the room shall we commence vaginal penetration?”
Caitlyn looked around, her mind screaming for more pleasure. The first thing she saw was a pool table.
“The pool table!”
Orianna picked Caitlyn up as if she weighed no more than a doll. Cradling her in her arms, Orianna carried Caitlyn across the room. Hextech light flared with each step. By the time they reached the pool table, she was practically bursting at the seams.
“What position would you-”
“Doggystyle!” Caitlyn exclaimed with little thought.
Orianna lay Cailtyn down on her stomach and Caitlyn scrambled onto all fours. She looked back and saw Orianna place one foot on the table’s brim. Her iron tutu retracted inside her body and she positioned her cock before Cailtyn’s pussy.
“How would you like to be pleasured?”
“You decide. But do it quickly.”
“Understood.” Orianna’s gears whirred for less than a second. “Soft and fast. Does that sound pleasurable?”
“It sounds amazing~”
“Understood.” Without wasting a second, Orianna penetrated her. Her gears sang a powerful whir.
Caitlyn was stretched and filled beyond even what Ahri’s cock had managed to achieve. Her arms collapsed before Orianna had even finished entering her. The soft green of the pool table rushed to meet her cheek, cushioning the blow somewhat. Caitlyn paid it no mind and sunk her nails into the soft green. A quiet groan wavered as a grin spread across her face. The metal of Orianna’s cock forced her pussy to conform to its form, leaving no room for discussion. While its comforting warmth lulled the complaints of Caitlyn’s stretched walls.
“I am starting,” Orianna said. Warm, hard hands secured her waist in an unshakeable grip.
Caitlyn gasped as Orianna’s cock sped back and choked on her gasp as it refilled before the next breath. The metal of Orianna’s groin patted Caitlyn’s ass perfectly in time with the thundering of her racing heart. Her muscles turned to porridge. Her bones turned to noodles. Her mind turned to fog. Yet, Caitlyn consolidated her strength to look back into Orianna’s glowing, unblinking eyes. Orianna’s face, cast in silver, didn’t smile for it couldn’t but, her eyes never broke away from Caitlyn’s. Her gears whirred and wailed with each of her swift thrusts.
“Oh f-fuck~ Please don’t stop!”
“I will not. Ceasing movement would break my rhythm. Breaking my rhythm would jeopardise your pleasure as well as my own. I can increase your pleasure. Do you require clitoral or anal stimulation? Do you wish for me to introduce vibrational stimulation?”
“O-Oh my god, yes!”
“Your answer is unclear.”
“V-V-” Caitlyn choked on a moan. “Vibrations! I want vibrations!”
“Understood. Commencing with the requested action.”
Orianna’s cock began to vibrate with the intensity of a vibrator set to the highest level. Any strength Caitlyn had consolidated, vanished. Her cheek buried into the soft green. She saw only the pool table and the room beyond its brim. Only Orianna’s grip kept her ass in the air. Pleasure beyond pleasure erupted through her. For a moment, Caitlyn thought she’d came, but the intensity persisted beyond the length of an orgasm. It locked her body as well as any orgasm could. She hung from Orianna’s grip, trembling and sputtering as her immense metal cock worked away at her pussy with a feverish ethic. When she did cum, it snuck up on her for all the intensity vanished without warning. Pleasure dwindled to a numb, persistent pulsing in her groin. Scraping together what little strength had returned, Caitlyn looked back at Orianna.
“I-I came…” she managed to say.
“Understood. Shall I do the same?”
“N-No. I wanna cum again.”
“That course of action is not recommended. Forty-nine more participants are to follow our intercourse.”
“I don’t care… I need to cum on your cock again. It’s so amazing.”
“Understood.” Orianna ended her thrusting. “Shall we proceed in this position or another?”
“Another but, first can you kiss me and hold me while I recover my strength?”
“I can.”
Orianna eased her cock from Caitlyn. She plucked her off the table and turned her around in the air so that their eyes were level. Caitlyn put her arms around Orianna’s neck before her shock had even registered. Orianna held Cailtyn by the ass, cupping both cheeks. Her hands and neck felt as warm as any human’s but, her chest exceeded both. Warmth radiated from it that Cailtyn could feel against her breasts without them so much as touching the metal. It didn’t simmer and it hadn’t turned red or white so, Caitlyn doubted it would burn her.
Secure in Orianna’s steady grasp, Caitlyn went to kiss her when suddenly, Orianna spoke.
“Caitlyn, may I confess something?”
Caitlyn blinked. “Uh, sure.”
“Despite the ill-advised nature of your actions, I am pleased you chose to continue intercourse with me.”
Caitlyn smiled. “Do you like fucking me, Orianna?”
“I do. Your body brings me immense satisfaction and pleasure.” Orianna’s grip on Caitlyn’s ass tightened. Her gears whirred.
Caitlyn giggled and kissed her. Her lips did not move for they couldn’t, but they warmed as Caitlyn’s met them. Caitlyn let the kiss linger, keeping flesh and metal entwined for as long as it took for her strength to return. And then a little longer. Orianna squeezed and pulled apart her cheeks. Caitlyn stroked her silver jaw and neck.
When Caitlyn broke the kiss she giggled. “You’re strong.”
“Correct, I am stronger than most unenhanced humans.”
“Can you fuck me in this position? All gentle and slow?”
“I can. I recommend you give permission for me to orgasm once you do for the sake of your strength.”
Caitlyn kissed her. Orianna’s lips warmed. Her gears whirred.
“I agree.”
“Understood. Shall I commence?”
Orianna’s cock angled upwards. It pressed against Cailtyn’s back. Orianna’s eyes dropped out of sight. Her cock touched Caitlyn’s pussy. Her eyes levelled with Caitlyn’s. Her cock filled her.
“Orianna~” Caitlyn pressed her forehead against hers.
Orianna lifted and lowered her with a slow, plodding rhythm. Her gears whirred and wailed.
“Your tone indicates pleasure.”
“It does~”
“I am also experiencing overwhelming pleasure.”
Caitlyn giggled and moaned. “Y-You don’t sound like it.”
“Incorrect. My gears’ noise level is peaking.”
They were. In fact, they were practically screaming.
“An orgasm would be pleasing.”
“Can you wait for me?”
“I can wait forever.”
“Do you want to?”
Orianna’s gears’ screams peaked even higher. “I do not. But my role is to serve your pleasure.”
Caitlyn moaned and shook her head. “N-No, I’m here to serve yours. I want to be used, Orianna. So, use me…”
Orianna’s gears let out a piercing wail. She dropped Caitlyn all the way down her cock. Her forehead, hard and warm, pressed against the top of Caitlyn’s head as she trembled. Caitlyn felt cum fill her and heard cum splatter on the carpet below. Despite lacking an orgasm herself, Caitlyn had never experienced such bliss before. She sighed and, as Orianna came, rested her cheek against her casted breasts. Warmth like that of a freshly heated towel lulled Cailtyn to a gentle calm.
Three sharp knocks rapped on the door but, Orianna remained as she was.
After what must have been close to a minute, Orianna lifted Caitlyn off of her cock.
“I will lay you down on the couch to allow your body to rest. Is that acceptable?”
“It is.” Caitlyn stroked Orianna’s cheek. “Did you enjoy your orgasm?”
“It was more pleasurable than any I’ve felt in three years, two months, thirty-six days and eight seconds.”
Caitlyn laughed and hugged Orianna tight. Orianna’s gears whirred.
While Caitlyn giggled to herself, Orianna carried her back to the couch. She lay her down on her back, brushed her hair out of her face and ever so gently kissed Caitlyn.
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anyaaforger · 3 years
i want a sports manga/anime that’s gay 
but not in the way that yuri on ice is
where you have this duo who are both very obviously homoerotic/ shippable
but you know it’s a shounen manga whatever it’s just bromance 
and everyone believes it’s your average shounen manga with shounen bromance 
until it’s the final game and they have won after so much hard work and
like I want heads turning, because everyone shipped it but it’s CANON NOW WHAT
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
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