#one of my favorite lines in the region :)
nacrelysis · 1 year
the interdarshan championship arc is peak storytelling.
on one hand you have a message about how dismissing kind intentions and generosity in the name of nihilism is ineffective and irrelevant because human society can only be improved, and has only been improved, by people who dared to do good and altruistic things; there is a difference between fantastical hand-holding idealism and the principle of compassion and community aid, because humanity has always ever thrived in groups - in the support and conditions of unconditionality we lend to one another. helping one of us is helping all of us.
on the other hand, you discover that the wanderer joined the vahumana college accidentally because he keeps fact-checking researchers about events that he actually lived through but obviously can't say he did. nahida registered him as the representative of vahumana under a pun for cat. she expects him to write a dissertation on the validity of nihilism and existentialism in human nature while also wanting him to make friends at the championship. peak sibling behavior.
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sakew-region · 8 months
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#103: Evaysprit- Between being able to disappear at will, living only in the darkest and least accessible ponds in the world, and its speed, Evaysprit is exceedingly hard to study and catch. This Pokémon is very curious, however, and comes up to any human that enters its territory to sniff them with its long nose. Evaysprit doesn’t have scales and takes in no breaths; top scientists say that it isn’t even alive and many agree that it may be the reincarnated spirit of Lapras. When Evaysprit swims near the surface of its ponds, the fin on its back peeks out of the water. This has sparked many conspiracies about mythical lake monsters, dubbed “Mock Less Monsters”, named due to their existence being a mockery to science. (Name from “evasive” and “spirit”)
#104: Eelokness- Evolves from Evaysprit with a dusk stone. This Pokémon’s rarity makes Evaysprit look like your everyday Rattata. While any trainer can evolve Evaysprit with a dusk stone, no wild Eelokness have ever been documented. The only tangible evidence we have that wild variants of this Pokémon existed is a passage from a wildlife handbook written in 1856. The author states he saw a Pokémon “at least four paces tall, covered nose to fluke in the thickest algae, a black kind of metal melded upon its sloped spine.” Researchers would have believed Pokémon may have gone extinct many years ago if not for a small but persistent group of locals who insist that once every full moon, a huge beast covered in deep black metal emerges from the lake. Mere minutes after appearing, they say, the Pokémon fades away and a deep fog rolls in. (Name from “eel”, “Loch Ness”, and “elusive”)
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symbio-ratio · 2 years
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This was the final line I made before Subjectively’s Mazah region contest ended. This was hands down my favorite batch of drawings. I’d had this idea since I’d finished my Mazian Lucario but I held off on doing it until the end. I considered making a Zangoose line to go with them but the contest would only choose one Pokemon/Pokemon line per person if that person were to win. A regular Zangoose would fit their story about humans introducing mongoose into foreign environments just fine. This is a split evolution line where Seviper can evolve into Cleavillain or Asparition depending on how a battle ends.
Seviper (Mazian Form) The lack of Zangoose has allowed these Pokemon to heal their scars and settle down. They lack the aggressive disposition their Hoenn variant is known for, but they make up for that with their cunning and habit of holding grudges. These Pokemon are generally found living in loose family groups deep in the forests of the Mazah region. They use their tails to slash and poison enemies and prey alike. It is said that if you come across any rocks with deep divuts slashed into them, you have entered Seviper territory and need to leave immediately. Unfortunately, due to an incident ending with the release of an unknown amount of Zangoose, this territory is beginning to spread further out and uncomfortably close to civilization.
Asparition It is unknown when the first Asparition appeared, but it is understood now that they are the result of vengeful Seviper reviving after being struck down by the invasive Zangoose of the region. These Pokemon are merciless towards Zangoose, making it their mission to take out as many of them as they can. Despite their vengeful desires, Asparition still stick to the outskirts of their family groups. They view themselves as unworthy of rejoining them after losing their lives to the Zangoose they should’ve been able to counter, but they make up for it by devoting their afterlives to preventing another Asparition from being made. Humans are also targets for Asparition’s ire due to their involvement in the Zangoose invasion and it is advised that trainers should avoid these Pokemon at all costs.
Cleavillain Cleavillain are the leaders of their family groups. They lead with an iron fist and a lack of mercy, but they still put the care of their subordinates over their own. These Pokemon stay deep within their territory, leaving the management of it to the Sevipers and only revealing themselves to help fight off powerful enemies. They use their bladed tails as both shields and poison-dealing cleavers, commonly baiting offending Pokemon into striking first so they can slash them whilst batting them away. Their speed is unrivaled, and they don’t let their prey or enemies get away once they’ve laid their eyes on them. They can be quite vain however as they hold their appearance in high regard and take great offense to their scales or crown being dirtied.
The appearance for Mazian Seviper was changed to resemble a fer-de-lance, the most venomous snake in Central America.
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Mazian Seviper can become either Cleavillain or Asparition depending on how some battles end. Seviper becomes Cleavillain after reaching a certain level, but Seviper will become an Asparition after being defeated by a Zangoose regardless of its level.
Cleavillain (cleaver+villain) wasn’t really based off any snake, but they have a theme regarding royalty because I wanted Seviper’s gold markings to actually mean something. Their cloak is meant to work like a cobra’s hood, flaring up and out as a form of intimidation when in battle. 
Asparition (asp+apparition) isn’t based off any snake like Seviper or Cleavillain. Instead, Asparition is based on Seviper and Cleavillain themselves. It is essentially a botched evolution into Cleavillain triggered by Seviper dying during a high stress situation. Instead of becoming something looked up to in their community, they become a malformed version of it. The cloak-hood becomes tattered, the gemstones that did manage to form are dull, and the crown they were supposed to gain is twisted and broken. Most importantly though is the loss of the signature tail their line is meant to have. That doesn’t stop them from forming something using the ghostly energy coming from what’s left of their tail.
Asparition’s design was one I fought with for a while because I wanted to show that this was a spirit piloting a body. The drawing in red was the first one that clicked for me, and I ended up coming back to it in the end. The idea behind this sketch was that the spirit was so detatched from its body that it would be forced to drag itself along using ghostly arms opposed to a smooth slither. It would’ve pushed the fact that this form was a disgrace and something unnatural. I ended up toning it down while keeping the tattered hood, the scarring, and the ghostly tail. I also kept the posing.
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critterbitter · 5 months
I have a question about the twins regarding starters. Yes, Chandelure and Eelektross are perfect for them, and I adore them. But if they were given a chance to choose one of the Unova starters, which ones would they pick? I think the Oshawott line fit Emmet, and the Snivy line gives me Ingo vibes. Tho, I'm not sure a Serperior would really get along with his Chandelure. And if they don't like the Unova starters and could choose from any starter of any other region, which one would be their choice? I'm asking this because I noticed they don't have any way to really hit ground types for super effective damage, so they might be interested in getting a water type and a grass type to cover that gap. 🤔
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More under cut!
My favorite trope is when the obvious starter-trainer pair is, in fact, swapped six ways into sunday and comes out a jumbled wreck on the other end.
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In a way weirder alternate universe, Ingo and Emmet would be given the two “trouble” starters from Professor Cedric’s batch much like how Pikachu is thrown at Ash in the pokemon anime— through a series of unfortunate accidents.
In this au, I would like to postulate they become the starter’s emotional support humans and end up running a battle gym, while Elesa (armed with a tepig) ends up head of a battle faculty.
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Bonus AU elesa… she’s plotting ways to motivate her lazy tepig. She’s scheming. That’s a constant.
FEEL FREE TO ADD ON TO THIS AU! It’s free real estate.
((As for the rest of the ask: chandelure would absolutely throttle that samurott. Eelektross and servine (i cant imagine wanting to loose limbs as serperior) would be friends faster then a house on fire, and probably cause fires.
Also, the submas gang being utterly decimated by ground types makes me honk with laughter. Earthquake is a constant nightmare in this household.))
Link to submas masterpost!
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lavendertownfreak · 1 year
So i had to dig a few grave today. It’s usually the first thing I do in a shift when necessary. Not eliminating further on this, for privacy and respect of course, Im instead mentioning this to complain about the GOD DAMN CLAUNCHER! FUCK! One of those bastards got in here and made its presence known by trying to shatter my fuckin femur with its boosted ass steam claw! Thank god I got multiple dark counters with me!
Since I think I’ve heard that some people didn’t know about these little shits, let me elaborate real quick: A good few years ago, someone people started importing Clawnchers into this region for a mixture of food and for like, trophy ponds and the like. Then a GIANT feral population happened, and nowadays we got the water/dark, steam fist pokemon we all know and hate!
(Ooc: this is my concept for a kantonian Clawncher (most if not all fakemon I introduce here are regional fakes or variations for regions before these were introduced). Feral population like alolan meoweth, for the water/dark typing. The main difference is that the pistol shimp and gun bases are dropped in favor of Mantis shrimps and steampunk shit. They still have the asymmetrical claws, but the big one now uses steam vents out the back, and functions much like a high powered piston of sorts (specifically one with a railspike at the end). Ability is iron fists, hidden one is blitz boxer. Basically it’s just the clawncher line but in more colors and now physical attackers.)
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lem-argentum · 2 years
do your partners like snow and winter as much as you do? <3
!!! HIHI i didn’t see this ask yesterday aa!!!!! <333 thank you jace hello :D!! <333
it’s been a while since i’ve gotten to a new winter season in rf4 so i can’t remember their winter lines too well but i’m 98% sure doug does NOT like winter ehehfn <33 he mentions disliking the cold in rf5 where he cameos in at least, and i also hc it was snowing during a Memorably Bad Event of his (shown a little in this animatic! ooh that art is old hehefj <3) so i always let him stay out of my winter-related activities for these reasons <3 though i do imagine he would begin to view snow more positively over time <3 not the cold though definitely not <33
same case with meg’s winter lines (i need to continue my new rf4 playthrough ehehdj <3) but i think they would like the snow!! <33 she’d think it’s pretty, and the changing of seasons would be inspiring for her music writing :> <3 i also tend to draw them in more wintery fashion, which i think they’d like!! long skirts big coats cute scarves season lets GO!!!! <333
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if you feel like laughing-crying at the absurdity of the point we've reached with celebrity culture i highly suggest checking out the CelebJets twitter account. They use airport information to track down celeb flights and calculate their CO2 emmissions and it's the most insane shit I've ever seen
My favorites include:
Floyd Mayweather taking a flight from Las Vegas to... Las Vegas. Not even the opposite side of Las Vegas. Literally just from the south to the upper south. 1 ton of CO2 emitted
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[ID: Three tweets by CelebJets describing the flight. First one says "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Landed in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Apx. flt. time 15 mins". It has, attached, a map that shows that the flight went from southernmost Las Vegas to central-south Las Vegas. The flight didn't go in a straight line, but did a circle around the region that seems to be about 8 times the distance between the two points. The second says: "Floyd Mayweather's Jet: approximately 121 gallons (458 liters), approximately 811 lbs (368 kg) of jet fuel used, approximately $816 cost of fuel, approximately 1 ton of CO2 emissions". The third one says, "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Took off from Las Vegas, Nevada, US". End ID]
Floyd Mayweather taking a flight from Las Vegas to Van Nuys, then back to Las Vegas, then to Van Nuys again, then to Las Vegas again, all in the span of 24 hours, emitting 15 tons of CO2 in the process
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[ID: Four threads, all dated from Jul 27th (except for the last one, which is dated Jul 28th) detailing his flights. All have maps showing the same itinerary, which seems to be done more or less in a straight line. The first one says: "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Landed in Van Nuys, California, US. Apx. flt. time 37 Mins. Floyd Mayweather's Jet 229 mile (199 NM) flight from LAS to VNY. Approximately 300 gallons (1,135 liters); approximately 2,009 lbs (911 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $2,032 cost of fuel; approximately 3 tons of CO2 emissions." The second one says: "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Landed in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Apx. flt. time 44 Mins. Floyd Mayweather's Jet 229 mile (199 NM) flight from VNY to LAS. Approximately 353 gallons (1,336 liters); approximately 2,365 lbs (1,073 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $2,392 cost of fuel; approximately 4 tons of CO2 emissions." The third one says: "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Landed in Van Nuys, California, US. Apx. flt. time 43 Mins. Floyd Mayweather's Jet 229 mile (199 NM) flight from LAS to VNY. Approximately 346 gallons (1,309 liters); approximately 2,317 lbs (1,051 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $2,330 cost of fuel; approximately 4 tons of CO2 emissions." The last one says: "Floyd Mayweather's Jet Landed in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. Apx. flt. time 41Mins. Floyd Mayweather's Jet 226 mile (196 NM) flight from VNY to HSH: approximately 333 gallons (1,262 liters); approximately 2,235 lbs (1,014 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $2,247 cost of fuel; approximately 4 tons of CO2 emissions. End ID]
Tom Cruise taking a private jet to fly for 10 minutes
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[ID: "Tom Cruise's Challanger 300 Landed near Killarney, County Kerry, IE. Apx. flt. time 12 Mins. Tom Cruise's Challanger 300 44 mile (38 NM) flight from SNN to KIR. Approximately 64 gallons (241 liters); 428 lbs (194 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $429 cost of fuel; approximately 0.6733 tons of CO2 emissions." End ID]
Kylie Jenner taking that personally and taking a 4 minutes long flight. That's right, not even 5 full minutes inside the jet
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[ID: Tweet describing the flight mentioned above. This time it doesn't have the stats, only the map, which shows a distance so small you can barely see its outline under the small airplane drawing that shows her current location. The flight was from Camarillo, California, to Van Nuys, California. It lasted 4 minutes. End ID]
Jay-Z taking a flight for a distance of 12 miles (19 kilometers). Gotta get that jet to go to the grocery store!
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[ID: "Puma/Jay-Z's Jet Landed in Teterboro, New Jersey, US. Apx. flt. time 18 Mins. Puma/Jay-Z's Jet 12 mile (11 NM) flight from EWR to TEB. Approximately 139 gallons (526 liters); approximately 932 lbs (423 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $937 cost of fuel; approximately 1 tons of CO2 emissions." Again the line showing the distance in the map is so small the model airplane covers it entirely. End ID]
And last but not least, Kylie Jenner emitting 50 tons of CO2 in one single day
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[ID: "Kylie Jenner's Jet Landed in Milan, Lombardy, IT. Apx. flt. time 10 Hours 17 Mins. Kylie Jenner's Jet 6,053 mile (5,260 NM) flight from VNY to LIN. Approximately 4,737 gallons (17,933 liters); approximately 31,751 lbs (14,402 kg) of jet fuel used; approximately $31,978 cost of fuel; approximately 50 tons of CO2 emissions." End ID]
And these are just my personal faves from the last 10 days. There is so, so much more out there and it's just slightly less absurd than these
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moon7jay · 6 months
Omg can u do their reaction to their s/o trying to dom them ? Thanks I rlly love ur writings!! <3333
I'm sorry for being so late bb! Thank u sm for liking my works🤍
Minors DNI
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He's honestly gonna be in awe, wide eyes sparkling as he watches u straddle him and grind against him. When his hands move to touch u, u slap his hands away
"u can't do that without asking me baby" u would whisper in his ear and trust that he almost comes on the spot. He didn't know he had a single submissive bone in his body but the way u are using him for your pleasure, grinding on his dick like ur favorite dildo, moaning and throwing your head back in ecstasy, oh he's down bad honestly.
"Please put it in y/n, p-please baby" He'd start whimpering in no time. Just straight up begging u to fuck him. Loves when u take control, just loves to pleasure u every which way, doesn't matter if you're the one in control. He'll beg u like the pussy drunk freak that he is.
Swoons. He would be so shocked when u use his belt to tie his hands behind his back, so shocked that he forgets to stop u or resist against it. Watches u nervously as u unzip his pants and undress his lower region, just playing with his dick. his hips instinctively thrust up, tip already leaking cuz something about watching u play with him is so hot. U slap his thigh to keep him still
"Be a good boy and don't cum till I say so yeah?" U say running ur tongue over his swollen cockhead and he chuckles in nerves cuz what the fuck? Good boy? But also gulps when he sees how serious u look and how much he secretly enjoys watching u like this.
He'll start crying mid way, he's not used to being edged so many times, his dick hurts so bad and u won't let him cum. Tears are falling from his eyes, your name falling from his mouth as he cums without ur permission. Poor baby was just too turned on.
Honestly he's baffled. You turned him around in the middle of sex, your hips now straddling him while u ride him cowgirl, you hold his hands above his head as u slam your hips down into him, working and swiveling your hips like you've never done before and he's in heaven. His cock throbbing in pleasure, reaching deep inside of you, watching with lust filled eyes how u slowly lose yourself in pleasure. He cums instantly but u don't stop, overstimulating his dick to the point that it's overwhelming
"Y/n-fuck, let me eat u out just-just stop"
but you're looking into his eyes and moaning out loud, his dick feels too good in u
"Be a good boy and take it"
Well, he's gonna get hard inside of you again. Aroused and throbbing beyond belief.
You are in for a long night.
Don't even try it with him. He'd watch u with a sly smile, just letting u do ur thing as u try to take control, tying his hands up on the bedpost and grinding against him, his dick nestled deep inside of you
"Beg for me" ur sweet voice would whisper and his smirk grows
"Yeah? want me to beg sweet baby?" He caresses ur cheek softly, watching in amusement at how u nod.
The next thing u know, he's turning u around, u squeal as he folds u in mating press, thrusting deep inside of your cunt. Grunting at how good u feel like this. Honestly the ties on his hands were too weak and he could have taken control before, but the way you looked so fucking adorable trying to dom him made him wait and watch.
"u r so cute baby, now be a good fucking girl and let me pound your tight pussy all night long"
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birchleavesdawn · 8 months
can I ask for prefect oc giving reward for his vice prefect/gf (any female idol you want, but I want Jihan if you could) due to their excellent performance keeping the school free from problems
(Btw, the reward is very naughty with ends with something white inside her nether region)
Weeekly Jihan - Teacher's Pet
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Hope you enjoy anon Weeekly Jihan x m!reader —————————————————————————- "No running in the halls! Two feet between you at all times. No PDA! You there — I said slowdown!"
Her voice rang out through the halls and could be heard from almost anywhere in the building. It was music to your ears, your favorite student keeping all the misfits in line. Sadly for you, that would soon be coming to an end. Jihan was in her last year of Highschool, and pretty soon, she would be moving on. Jihan was the school's prefect and was the one to greet you when you first arrived. You didn't want her to go. The thought of her not being there next year made you depressed, but there was nothing you could do. You just had to make sure that wherever she went, she would never forget you.
Now standing in your classroom door, you called her over.
"Jihan! Come here for a sec!"
She turned to face you and smiled. Jihan had such a beautiful smile that made your heart melt every time you were graced by its presence.
"Good morning sir. What did you need?"
Being called sir still felt a little strange. You were only a year older than her and even held the role of prefect at your school the year prior. You weren't sure if being teacher's assistant was really worthy of such an honorific, but you liked hearing it all the same.
"I need you to stop by my room at the end of the day. I have a class now in a few minutes, but I have a sort of going away present for you. Make sure you come alone, I didn't get one for anyone else and I don't want to get in trouble for giving you special treatment."
"Yes, of course! Thank you sir. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"It's my pleasure, believe me. I'll see you at the end of the day."
"See you then!"
With that, Jihan headed down the hall to whatever class she had now. You couldn't help but watch as she walked away. Her ass was so plump and round, bouncing with each step. You wished you could reach out, grab her by the hips, pull her onto your desk and fuck her brains out In front of everyone. She'd probably be even more into it than you, getting the chance to show everyone she really was your favorite. However, if everything went to plan, it wouldn't be long until you had your chance.
The bell rang out to signal the end of the day. Students began to pour out of the classrooms and into the hallways. The sounds of loud voices and slamming lockers filled the building. After a few minutes you heard a quiet knock at your door.
"Come in!" You yelled out at the sound of it opening.
"Hey, it's me, I'm here like you asked." Jihan spoke softly, closing the door behind her.
"I'm so glad you could make it. Come take a seat."
You smiled and pointed to a chair right in front of your desk.
"So, before I give you your gift, I want to hear your plans for after high school. I'm curious to see where you're going."
"Well, I'm planning to go to the same college that my dad went to, it's a good one with a good scholarship program, so it should be cheap enough for me."
"That's great! Are you planning on dorming or are you living at home?"
"I'll be staying at home. The school is only about a 45 minute drive from my house. It will be a little annoying to have to drive every day, but it will be so much cheaper I think I'll manage just fine."
"Oh so you'll be sticking around? Well I really am glad to hear that."
Jihan flashed that smile you loved so much.
"Now, for your gift."
You handed her a small baby blue box with red tissue paper peeking out the sides.
"Thank you so much! The box is so pretty! Can I open it now?"
"Yes of course! I'd be terribly disappointed if you didn't."
She opened the box and peered inside. A black strapless crop top with a matching pleated skirt. She held up the top to get a better look. You could tell from the expression on her face that she genuinely loved it.
"Oh my god it's so cute! Thank you so much! You really didn't have to get me all this though, it seems like too much."
"You're my favorite student, and I'm going to miss having you around. When I arrived here in January, you made my life so much easier. Plus you did such a great job keeping the school running well. So, I wanted to do something nice for you. Truthfully though, it wasn't entirely for unselfish reasons. Why don't you try it on and see if it fits ok?"
"Here, right now!?" Jihan's face went beet red.
"I'd love to see how it looks on you."
She looked around the room and then back at the clothes.
"I suppose... Just don't laugh. Promise me."
"Of course, I wouldn't dare."
"Ok, turn around so I can change."
You turned your back to Jihan and walked over to lock the door. You waited there patiently until you heard the sound of clothes rustling and her footsteps coming toward you.
"Ok, it's on."
You turned back around and couldn't help but stare. It fit perfectly. She was stunning.
"What do you think?"
"I think... I've never seen something so beautiful"
Jihan giggled and you could see her cheeks turning red once again.
You grabbed her and pulled her close to you.
"You really are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I've been trying to hold myself back, but I can't do it any longer."
You kissed her, deeply and passionately. Your hands roamed her body, grabbing and touching every inch of her that you could reach.
"Mmmmph! Ah! Sir!"
You picked her up and carried her to your desk, making sure to give her plump cheeks a proper squeeze on the way. You laid her on her back and slowly pulled the skirt you had just given her back off, revealing the sexiest pair of panties that were already stained by her juices.
"What kind of dirty girl wears panties like this to school? Were you hoping for something like this today?"
You had to take a second to admire the sight of her, lying in her underwear, waiting for you to take her. Her beautifully toned midriff on full display just begging for your attention. You walked around the desk to her side and reached your hand into her panties, feeling the soaking warmth of her folds. You took the opportunity to give that midriff the love it deserved, slowly running your tongue from her belly button to the bottom of her top. You could feel her shiver as she let out a moan, her desperation getting stronger.
You slipped two fingers into her entrance while sucking on her belly button. You curled your fingers in a "come here" motion, hitting that special spot deep within her. She gasped loudly and dug her fingers into your arm. You could feel the heat and wetness in her panties intensifying. She was so close. You could feel her tightening and her legs beginning to shake. Just a little more, and she would be putty in your hands. You kept the pace, continuing to leave kisses on her perfect tummy, while slamming into her g spot again and again. Her juices dripping down your hand.
"I'm, oh my god. Oh god I'm so close. I'm gonna cum."
"Then cum for me, let it all out."
A few more thrusts and she was done. Her juices coated your arm, your desk and the floor below. She was panting heavily and her whole body was shaking. She laid there, briefly unable to move.
"Wow, I, I'm sorry, that's never happened to me when I do it myself. I didn't expect it to feel that good." Jihan said, still panting.
"If you can still form a sentence, then clearly, we aren't finished yet."
You pulled her off the desk and bent her over. Pulling down those soaked panties and exposing her gorgeous ass. You gave her left cheek a light smack before pulling down your own pants. Your cock sprang free and stood at attention, fully erect and ready to ravage her. You lined your head up with her entrance and pushed your way in. Her tight cunt squeezed your member.
"Ah, mmmgh, yes, fuck me."
Her voice was strained. Her moans and grunts filled the room. Her ass bounced with each thrust and her legs were shaking. Her knees were threatening to give out, but you weren't done with her just yet. She had been holding back this whole time.
"I want to hear you scream, Jihan. Tell the whole school what's happening. Scream."
"Yes! Oh god yes!"
You grabbed her by the hips and rammed yourself into her. Her juices flowing freely down her legs. Her pussy squeezing and sucking on your cock. The walls of the classroom seemed to shake with the force of your thrusts. Jihan screamed and cried out. Her legs finally giving way and leaving her suspended by your strength alone.
"Don't stop! I'm cumming again!"
"I'm close too, so cum with me. Let me hear you."
Your thrusts became more erratic. Her voice grew louder, the sounds of her moans and screams echoing in your mind. With one final thrust, you slammed into her deepest part. You released yourself, coating her walls with your seed. Jihan's whole body tensed, and she screamed as she came for the second time. You both stayed like that, for a couple of minutes, panting and recovering. You were the first to speak.
"Are you ok, Jihan?"
"Yeah, just a little sore."
"Do you want to sit down for a bit?"
You sat on the edge of your desk and pulled her down into your lap. She leaned back against your chest and put her head under your chin. You wrapped your arms around her and held her tight.
"You know as much as I love that top on you, It's really about time it came off."
You pulled the shirt off of her and tossed it aside. Your hands finding their way to her breasts. They were soft and supple, and fit perfectly in your hands.
"God you're so beautiful." You whispered softly in her ear.
She let out a soft moan and melted into your touch. You continued to caress her perfect tits. Rolling her nipples between your fingers and kissing her neck. She squirmed and moaned in your lap.
"That's a good girl. Tell me what you want."
"I'm ready to go again sir."
"I don't think you're gonna be able to refer to me as sir anymore after today."
"But you're the teacher."
"Doesn't mean you can't call me sir while we fuck. I love the idea of being called sir while I'm fucking a student, especially one as cute as you."
"Yes sir."
You lifted her up slightly, just enough to allow room to slip your cock back inside. You lowered her back down and started to move. Slow and steady thrusts, allowing you to savor every movement and the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around you.
"You're such a good girl. Taking my cock so well."
You reached a hand down to rub her clit while the other massaged her breasts. She let out a loud moan.
"Oh, fuck, yes, sir."
"You like being told what a good girl you are?"
"Yes sir. I'm your good girl."
"That's right. My good little slut. And I'm gonna make sure everyone knows who you belong to."
You thrust your hips upwards. Increasing the speed and force of your movements. Her moans were growing louder, the room was once again filled with the sounds of her voice. Her juices flowed freely, dripping down your shaft and coating your thighs. Her pussy squeezed your cock.
"Fuck, you're so tight. Your cunt feels amazing."
You could feel yourself getting closer. Her body shook. Her muscles tensed. She was close as well.
"Cum for me, Jihan."
"Oh god yes! Fuck, fuck, ah, sir!"
She screamed as she came, her pussy contracting around you. Her body spasmed and she writhed in your arms. Her screams of ecstasy sent you over the edge.
"Fuck, Jihan!"
You thrust into her one last time. Buried to the hilt, and shot rope after rope of your seed inside her. You both sat there, panting and sweating, trying to catch your breath.
Jihan was struggling to speak. "That was amazing. I'm not sure if I can move. I definitely don't think I can stand right now."
"Just stay here like this for a while. Savor the moment."
You pulled out of her, and watched as your cum slowly leaked from her.
"As much as I'd love to stay here forever, you should get dressed. I don't want anyone else seeing you like this. Especially not another teacher.
"Of course, sir."
You helped her get cleaned up and dressed. Once she was decent, you took her in your arms and gave her a deep kiss.
I hope you can still come visit me after you leave for college. If you ever need some tutoring or even just help de-stressing, you know where to find me. 
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Twin Flames
To: @flurrys-creativity
From: Your Secret Admirer! The moment I saw that HALAZIA was one of your favorite songs I just had to create this stroy from my original works. HALAZIA is my favorite song as well. It was the one that inspired the original novel in its entirety. So I wanted to make something within my universe. I do hope you love the world building. There is so much more I wish I could go over but one thing at a time!
↣ Summary: In a world where magic exists, you had creatures that were created in order to help those who were able to harness the power of the sun and the moon. Each creature has a special connection with their creators. Those created by Witches were followers of the moon. And those created by Faeries were with the sun. However for some creatures, they were connected to their creators on a much deeper meaning. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Seonghwa x Reader
↣ Genre: Fluff, Angst
↣ AU/Trope info: Vampire!Seonghwa, Witch!Reader, Historical!au, Twin Flames!au
↣ Word Count: 6.6k
↣ Warnings: blood (It’s a vampire fic lol), revenge killing, murder (Nothing too extreme)
↣ A/N: If you guys were interested, this is actually based in my original novel. There was a lot of world building I really loved in this and the main story is based on modern time vampire/witch romance. In the book though, creatures don’t exist because they gave up their powers. This takes place way before the start of the actual book but it is a good start to the approach on why people were giving up their abilities. 
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @pirateeznet , @cultofdionysusnet , @wonderlandnet , @cromernet , @monsterfvckersunited
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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You couldn’t remember a time when your family didn’t have their herbal shop. It was the shop that had been in your family for generations helping those who needed it. The long line of witches you came from hailed to be some of the best in the region. In your village the only two magical families were your own–and the Jung’s, who were faeries in their own respective rights. 
There wasn’t much of a difference in what your family and Jung’s practiced–in fact there was none at all. If one was to get them confused it wouldn’t be a problem. The only reason that made witches different from faeries was their souls. It was common knowledge that witches and faeries were split from the same soul. However, the thing that made them different was chaos and order. One was the calm that connected with the soothing light of the moon, while the other was the disorderly that played in the sun. 
In the village though, there was no harsh competition between the two families. Not when you knew that one of the Jung’s was connected to you on a cosmic level. He was your soulmate–the platonic kind. And your family saw nothing wrong with it so they practiced their own things on their own. You kept the middle Jung from trouble and he was the one who pushed you to go out of the norm. It was well balanced as the universe intended. 
Now with your family's shop, you were in charge of it when they were gone–seeing as you were going to be the one to continue the legacy. You would often help customers find what they needed, create spells that would heal wounds, flesh out spirits that were attached to another person, banish entities that meant harm to others. It was the everyday life of a witch–one you cared for dearly. 
It let you know that you still had the power of the moon behind you. You didn’t take them for granted. You didn’t overuse their gift or for personal reasons. Oftentimes you would turn to it when you needed guidance or help in learning something about yourself. It was the mother that had given you what you were. The reason you were a witch. 
“Have a good day!” You smiled, bowing your head at the kind elven woman who had come to ask for a healing jar. 
You handed her the glass, checking it over one last time to make sure the salve was sealed tightly and nothing spilled out. You allowed her hand to touch yours, closing your eyes and giving one last prayer to the moon to allow the salve to have the magical properties it needed. 
“Thank you, (Y/N)!” The woman beamed, bowing her head in thanks. 
You showed the woman out, waving your hand as she disappeared into the crowd. You turned to the other side of the road, hearing commotion as someone stopped at the small food stall that you often had food at. The owner was a mermaid, serving the best seafood dishes you could think of. While your village wasn’t that near water, there was still a large lake that had a lot of freshwater fish to enjoy. 
The commotion was between said owner and a larger than life man. Ogres weren’t that common as mermaids were because of their origins. While mermaids originated from Asia, ogres came from the northern region of Europe. In this time and age, it was common to find creatures all over the world but it was still likely you wouldn’t see them often. 
“We don't serve ogres here.” The owner sneered at the large man. 
“Please, I've been traveling so far.” The poor man sighed, trying to make himself look smaller. 
He glanced around at the patrons of the stall, taking note of all the looks he would get from them. Your shoulders dropped as you sighed deeply. Prejudice against certain creatures had always been around. Some got it more than others–if only because those who treated them poorly were scared of them. It hurt you inside to see how they treated each other. They were all created with the same magic. The magic that came from either the sun or the moon. 
“Go somewhere else.” The owner waved the ogre off, looking away from him angrily. “I don't need you taking up more space than needed.”
The ogre man didn’t argue, only bowed his head and turned to leave the stall. He glanced around for a moment once more, trying to find a place to eat. Without thinking, you went into your store and gathered some mushrooms and herbs that were edible. They were used for spells but that was only if you chose to work with them. In the end they were just normal herbs that could be used in food. 
Coming outside, you were lucky to find that the ogre didn’t go too far. So you rushed up to him, getting his attention as you held out your things for him to take. 
“Here you are.” You spoke softly, bowing your head. 
The man looked down at the things in his hand, glancing back up at you. Tears began to well in his eyes at how kind you were. It had been a long journey to reach the village for the man, and he was grateful that someone was willing to help him. He knew at that moment you were a witch, having the kind nature to help those in need. 
“Thank you.” He bowed deeply, holding the mushrooms close to his chest. 
And so you watched him continue on his way, shoulders dropping at the somber feeling that filled your chest. Things were changing when it came to the people who were on this earth. You didn’t know if it was for the better–or if it was for the worst. 
“Another family came to ask my parents if they could reverse their abilities.” Wooyoung explained to you as he leaned against the counter of your shop. 
You paused in your organizing for a moment before resuming what you were doing. It was few and far between that a new family had come to your or Wooyoung’s family shops to ask that they take away their abilities as creatures. It was them asking to reverse generations of DNA infused with one another. 
Creatures weren’t alway created with spells, they could be born as well. Once the spells became worldwide and other faeries and witches would cast them, it called for new species that would procreate more. It had been a long while since the last spell was casted that created a creature, so the ones who were there came from generational families. 
“They said there's hunters nearby.” Your friend added.
You felt a deep feeling within your stomach that clenched. Hunters were the humans who chose to willingly kill creatures. Humans were common like anyone else. However it became recent that they began to turn against the creatures.  
It had been a long while since creatures themselves began to turn against each other. The humans had begun this fear, causing everyone to notice other things about each other that usually called for peace. They started to become scared of each other because they would assume others had more power. It was starting to bring about a war that would cause all creatures to be wiped out. 
Whether from death because of another species or from them reversing their own abilities. 
“Why would they be here?” You sighed, turning to look at the boy. 
Everyone knew how close you and Wooyoung were. You couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t friends with the chaotic boy. You remembered the first time you had met him, back when you were both children learning to make friends in general. 
He was a bit too much for you, often getting too excited over things that made you give him a questioning look. But you were often paired with him because the other kids didn’t like to hang out with him because of his excited nature. He was too much to handle, but you always knew how to do that. 
Witches and faeries were soulmates, it was known. The universe had created them from the same soul so they were meant to be there for one another. And just like the universe planned, you were there with Wooyoung. You loved him as your other half–it was something the both of you could feel. But that didn’t mean you were lovers. 
While a large majority of the village thought you were, you knew the kind of preferences Wooyoung had and the kind you did. The love you had for each other was platonic. You were his person and he was yours. You knew if either one of you were in trouble the other wouldn’t be that far behind to save the day. 
“Maybe because our village is near the Park estate. I haven't seen them recently now that I think about it. Is it the hunters?” Wooyoung prattled off. 
“I wouldn't assume so.” You told him. 
The Park’s were considered like royalty in your town. It was known that they were one of the founding families, along with Wooyoung’s and some others. The Park’s however were the ones who knew a lot more about how to gather a community together. They were the ones who ran things and made sure to cater to the needs of its people. Mayors of sorts for the village. 
However as of recently, it has been known that the Park’s don’t come down from their castle on the hill. It’s been a few weeks since you had last seen any of them, which you did find to be odd but you didn’t question it because your parents told you not to. 
“They're probably up there staying young forever.” Wooyoung sighed wistfully. “That's why they stopped coming down.”
You frowned, glaring slightly at the boy for his statement. “They need to drink blood in order to do that.”
The Park’s were well known for being vampires. At least being known from what they tell other people. Vampires weren’t what the stories claimed them to be. They weren’t people who drank from people in order to feed. They were still human beings but with an ability that allowed them to drink blood. 
A vampire could eat food, get sick, and die like everyone else, it was when they would have a drop of blood that would heal them both from inside and out. They didn’t have sharp fangs that sprouted from their teeth or pale skin that was sensitive to the sun. What others found out later on after so many were created was that drinking blood continuously made a vampire strong and live longer. Essentially making them immortal. 
And once people found out just how powerful they could be with a simple drop of blood, greed easily took over the minds of the weak. 
“Maybe they come down at night.” Wooyoung continued the joke, a teasing smile on his face. 
“No one goes missing.” You rolled your eyes. “Wooyoung, they're not bloodsuckers.”
You finished what you had been doing with the herbs, moving along the counter to wait on the other side as you began to compile certain spell jars. Wooyoung turned around to face you, head placed in his arms that held him up.
“Wrong!” Wooyoung suddenly said. “They are! I hear the eldest son is 96. Can you imagine how wrinkly he'd be?” He giggled. 
The boy watched as your shoulders seemed to have straightened out at the mention of the Park son. He pursed his lips to keep from saying something, already knowing exactly how it was you felt about the boy. 
“Seonghwa is the same age as you and me.” You said, not making eye contact with him. “Mother delivered him. The Park's are not like those greedy vampires.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes with a huff. “You only say that because you're a witch. Have you even met him before?” He asked you, looking at you expectantly. 
“Once when I was a kid.” You smiled to yourself. “He was very kind.” 
You hadn’t grown up to be his friend–something you regret a lot. You could only remember it so well because of the way you had felt that day. You didn’t know what you barely a teenager body could possibly have been going through but you knew you had never felt that way with someone before. 
Years Before
You had been strolling through the village, making your rounds to scourge for herbs and the likes as you were on your way to find Wooyoung. You were passing by the wall that was stationed in front of the Park estate, frowning when you saw someone trying to walk along the top of it with their arms stretched out. 
You continued on your way slowly, not wanting to disturb them in case they lost focus. However, it seemed you didn’t need to because the moment you started walking again the boy fell over, scraping his knees on the ground. 
He hissed as he lifted his hands up to wipe them before sitting down on his bum to take a better look at his knee. The wall wasn’t that tall, probably reached your shoulders which meant you were able to see over it. So his fall wasn’t something that would majorly injure him. However since he fell wrong his knees did take a good hit on the dirt ground. 
You quietly gasped out when you saw his wound bubbling with blood, rushing over to check on him. “Are you okay?” You asked out of instinct, kneeling down to take a better look. 
The boy only looked at you with wide eyes, mouth closed shut as he watched you not even pay the proper attention to him. “I’m okay. I just scraped my knee.” He told you quietly. 
You finally looked up at him, feeling your shoulder tense up as you felt a blush settle over your face from his gaze. You tilted your head to the side though, frowning as your heart skipped a beat for a moment. At that moment, you also saw as he frowned as well moving to rub at his chest. 
Looking back down at his knee, you sat down your basket before rummaging through it to find what you needed. “I’ll heal your wounds.” You explained to him, taking your small knife to pick at the herbs you had. 
Before you placed anything on him, you handed him a small cloth telling him to wipe at the blood so you could do your work. He softly took the rag, giving you a smile before nodding his head. His fingers felt cold to the touch, but your skin still heated up. It reminded you of all the candles your family had around the shop. Like a comforting hug that surrounded you. You blushed, smiling back at him before going back to the basket. 
Your fingers moved idly over the herbs you knew are used to heal wounds. With only a select few that you had with you, you cut a piece of aloe vera and made sure to expose the gel inside. While you discarded the green part, you gathered a few sprigs of green tea leaves before turning to Seonghwa. 
He sat up straighter, having been caught staring as you went about your work. You giggled quietly, scooting closer to his leg and looking over it to make sure there was nothing dirty. When you saw he had cleaned up the excess blood, you carefully placed the cool gel pad of the aloe onto the scrape and rubbed it in with the leaves. 
“Hold this here, please.” You quietly told him. 
He listened, holding the aloe to his skin as your hands hovered over him. He watched you close your eyes and began to move your lips as hushed breaths came out. Your fingers messaged into his skin as a tingle seemed to flow throughout his muscles. His eyes went wide as he had realized that you were doing a spell on him, so he quickly turned to pay attention to what you were doing. 
Nothing came out from your fingers, in fact it didn’t even look like you were doing anything other than rubbing his knee. What he did feel though was a warming feeling that overtook his body. He was reminded of the times he spent watching the flames of a candle flicker back and forth as his nose breathed against it. 
He looked back at your face, smiling softly as you made him feel content. Before he knew it you were sitting back up and taking the aloe off his skin. “Oh you’re done.” He said, looking down at his knee. 
His eyes went wide again as he saw his skin had healed over and no more blood was coming out. The skin was pink though, a scar taking its place. Magic witches and faeries had was an amazing thing but not everything could be fixed completely. 
“Yeah.” You said. “The spell only makes the healing process go faster. Scars are still going to be there.”
Seonghwa looked over his knee, moving it back and forth. “That’s okay.” He grinned.
You both stood up from the ground, dusting yourselves off from the dirt. Just as he was about to ask for your name, someone had called for you. Looking around Seonghwa, you saw Wooyoung looking around for you with a frown on his face. 
“That’s my friend.” You told Seonghwa. “I have to get going.” You gave him a bow one last time, picking up your basket and skipping over to the faerie boy. 
As you walked away, you smiled sadly as you looked behind you one last time catching Seonghwa’s eyes. He gave you a smile, waving his hand. You laughed, waving back enthusiastically. When you turned around, you felt something flicker in your chest as a warmth spread throughout it. 
“Sweet.” You added, remembering about the time you had met Seonghwa. 
“And he made me feel all warm inside as if I was standing next to a burning candle.” Wooyoung mocked in a high pitched voice. “As does every witch girl who comes across him. You aren't special.”
“I never said I was!” You sneered at him, throwing a bay leaf at him for mocking you. 
He began to let out a loud laugh that reminded you of a screech. But you couldn’t stand to tell him something about it. No matter how much he annoyed you and mocked you, you knew that you both loved each other too much. 
Wooyoung grew quiet for a moment, making you look over at him. He had a somber look on his face that made you worry a bit. Wooyoung had his moments where he was serious, especially if it had to do with his beliefs. But even then you still worried about his mental state in those times. Whether it was out of anger or sadness, you would always be able to tell when something was bothering him. 
“Do you think the hunters will come to our village next?” Wooyoung quietly asked. “What happens when they do?” He turned to look at you. 
You licked your lips, sighing to yourself. “I don't know, Woo.” You quietly said. 
That following night, your parents had left the shop in your care because they had something to attend to with the council. Wooyoung’s parents were also going to be out but they had placed their things in the care of Wooyoung’s older brother. The man himself was not going to keep the place from falling apart. 
You were getting things ready for closing when someone knocked on the door and you looked out towards the door. A tall man stood at the entrance, bowing his head when he noticed you turning around to face him. 
The candle light was too far from him for you to find out who exactly stood at the door, so you calmly raised your hand closer to some candles and whispered under your breath for protection just in case. 
However as he grew closer, your shoulders dropped and your fingers stopped their movements. You began to feel dizzy from the warm feeling surrounding you. You wanted to close your eyes and bask in its warmth but you had a customer to attend to. 
“I've come to speak to the head of this house.” He spoke, coming into view in the candle light. 
He was the tall and handsome type most people would fall for. The kind that makes people stop and stare from how regal he looked. It was only heightened with the kind of clothes he wore. They made him look taller, stronger with how much everything seemed to fit him. He called for attention, and he clearly had yours. 
“They're currently out of town.” You told the duke’s son. 
He finally had reached the counter, coming into light as the candle fully lit up his face. Park Seonghwa was someone who smiled at those in passing. The one who was kind to everyone because that was just the kind of person he was. 
To you though, he was the man who you dreamt of. The man who laid on a dying bed as your blood poured into his mouth to keep him alive. It wasn’t your memory–far from it. It was the memory of a witch who was losing her true love to some injury. The one who created the spell that would change the course of history for magic. 
But it was all in your head. Something you could never explain to others because they wouldn’t understand. Like how Wooyoung had made fun of you for thinking of Seonghwa in any way other than he was a nice guy. You knew others might not make fun of you, but it was something that you wanted to keep to yourself because it was special.  
“I see.” Seonghwa nodded his head.  
He looked at you, for a moment, eyes glancing over your face as he tried to deduce something. “Is it alright if I can ask you what creature you are?” He asked you.
You opened your mouth just a bit as your breath got caught in your throat. You smiled bashfully, looking down. “Of course.” You nodded, answering him.  
“I am a witch.” You explained. “My family owns the shop.”
He paused again, seemingly looking more confused as he scooted closer to the counter. “I’m sorry, have we met before?” He asked you.
Your eyebrows rose, as you took in his looks, seemingly sighing dreamily as you watched him. Your fingers began to tingle, causing you to flex them to relive the feelings. You could feel your blood rushing through your heart, and warming your body.
“I believe, so when we were children.” You answered. 
Seonghwa watched you, feeling his blood warm up as you looked at him. He could feel himself start to fall asleep from how everything seemed to make him feel. He could remember the one time he had last ever felt that way. The time a young woman had come to help him fix his scraped knee. 
He remembered it now, the time when someone had helped him and it made him feel like a little child who stood in front of a candle. And now, standing in front of you again, he felt that same feeling. The wick that was lit up, the heat that radiated from the small flame, the wax that would melt and he would dip his fingers into it. 
Not a day went by that he wouldn’t think about it. Think about the girl who had helped heal him with her magic. About the story his mother would tell him. The story of how vampires came to be. How they were the creatures who were created out of love. 
“Yes.” Seonghwa said, nodding to himself. “I remember now. You treated my knee scrape when I fell from the wall of the palace.” He began to smile bashfully. “Embarrassing for me really. Having a pretty girl clean my wound.”
“I'm sure someone else would have done the same.” You blushed. 
“Yes but none of them would have been a witch.” Seonghwa smiled at you.
You smiled softly at him, understanding that what you were feeling was not only yours. You didn’t know how far it was that he understood your connection–you didn’t even fully know if he truly did. But something about him knowing now that you were a witch made things change. 
There was so much you wanted to ask him. So much you wanted to speak about with him but you knew there were things he needed to get done. The night was young and Seonghwa must have important matters to attend to if he only came down from the estate this late at night. 
“I guess not.” You spoke softly. 
“I guess I'll come by another day then.” He whispered to you, not tearing his eyes away. 
You smiled at him nodding your head. Before he got the chance to turn around and walk away you called out to him. “If you need help with anything, please don't be afraid to ask me.” You told him.
He gave you a dazzling smile, lips pulling over his teeth. “Of course, little witch.”
You felt your heart stop for just a split second. The endearing nickname felt like a stab to your chest. Not in a bad way, but in a way that made your blood warm up even more. A blush overtook your cheeks. But still you gave him a nod and a wave of your hand. You watched as he left with a small smile on his lips. 
You didn’t know how long it was that you saw him again. But it was a sad day for the village. You read over the article with the news about the death of the Park family. At least the parents. 
You hadn’t seen Seonghwa since he last came in looking for your parents. It made you sad, not knowing what he must have been going through. It was even worse when you didn’t know how to fix things. 
“They said it was a hunter.” Wooyoung spoke, looking over the paper. “Now with both of them gone it only leaves Seonghwa in charge of the estate. I wonder why they didn't just take blood.” The boy sighed. 
“Wooyoung, not everything is like a story book.” You told him, not looking at him. 
You didn’t know how to tell him. How to explain what it was you felt for Seonghwa. Honestly, you didn’t even fully understand it yet. It was every witches dream to find the person they were destined for, but you knew there were a select few who were able to. 
Twin flames were hard to come by, only one in every century. To get this kind of chance was something no one wanted to just pass by. But for you, it was hard. Times were changing for the worse. At least for the creatures who roamed the earth. And yet you still wanted to deny it.
“They are not creatures who guzzle blood like it's their dinner.” You defended. 
“But somehow they were the reason this war against creatures started.” Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
“You can't blame them for everything.” You looked up at him, eyebrows pulled together. “Only the greedy ones deserve death.” You added.
“(Y/N), get out of your head.” Wooyoung exclaimed. “Vampires are the reason hunters came to be. The reason all the creatures turned against each other and started to go into hiding. The reason we can't practice our magic anymore!” He was breathing hard, trying his best to keep from crying.
You sucked in breath, wanting to calm your racing heart. “Don't make a fool of yourself, Wooyoung. We still practice it.” You denied him. 
“Really?” He asked. “Then what was the last spell your parents taught you?”
It was a healing spell. Back when you were a little girl. They never really taught you anything outside of the everyday needs. Healing, protections, warding, divination–all the things anyone needed in their lives. Wooyoung was right, though. They never taught you the big kinds of spells. The ones that connected you to the other worldly beings or fixed a mistake in your life that ended up in major failure. 
You were just the girl who worked in the shop and made simple spells and read simple futures with cards. You couldn’t save a person’s life from the brink of death. Couldn’t make a mother find what she needed in order to have a child. Didn’t know how to help a child who couldn’t hear or see. Those were the spells your parents knew because their own families had taught them. 
Wooyoung took your silence as an answer. His lips trembled as he became angry with how you were denying the truth. How you didn’t want to come to terms that the world was not happy with the magic users that were meant to care for it. 
“They stopped because they know everyone is reversing their abilities.” Wooyoung sniffled. “Even the Park's! They came to my family to take away their powers—”
“Am I interrupting?” Someone asked. 
Both you and the faerie boy turned, coming face to face with Seonghwa. You pressed your lips together, feeling your blood warm up from standing so close to him. 
“Not at all.” You spoke up. “Wooyoung was just leaving.” 
You watched the boy give you a look, disappointed in what you decided to choose. Your shoulders dropped at the way he looked at you. It hurt to watch him walk away from you in a haste to get away.
No matter what, Wooyoung was always going to be your person. Even if you kind were the ones who created vampires out of love, the universe was the one who created faeries and witches from the same soul. No creature was going to get in the way of that. 
You turned back to Seonghwa, feeling your chest burn from both hurt and familiarity. You walked around the counter, stepping to stand in front of him. “I'm sorry about your mother.” You told him.
“I am too.” He gave you a soft smile. “Little witch, do you treasure who you are?” He asked you.
Your lips opened and closed for a moment before you looked down to avoid his gaze. You felt your heart ache thinking about how he must have overheard Wooyoung telling you about the Park’s going to his family to take away their vampiric abilities. His question did catch you off guard. But the moment you understood his words, you knew what it was you wanted to say. 
People grew up to be the person they were meant to be for a reason. Being a human, witch, faerie, vampire–whatever–was what made them just that. You couldn’t go on without knowing who it was you were or wanted to be. Being a witch was a part of you just as being a vampire was for Seonghwa. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to give up a part of you. Especially because you knew it was the reason you were at risk of being killed at the hands of others who didn’t understand the kind of person you were. 
“More than anything in the world.” You answered him. “It's what makes me the person I am.”
“And if you had to give it up?” Seonghwa’s lips trembled, his breath turning shallow as he grew closer to you. “To let others know that you mean them no harm?”
You were never going to be able to know how Wooyoung dealt with his struggles. How Seonghwa dealt with his or how other creatures did. But you knew that being a witch was part of you and losing that would be one of the most painful experiences you could ever know. 
“I wouldn't know what to do with myself.” You whispered. “That would be taking away a part of me–a part of my soul.”
Seonghwa sucked in a breath hearing your words. You felt his hands brush against your own, your breath hitching as you suddenly saw a vision pass behind your eyes. It was like those dreams you had. You saw those bloody hands clasped together–watched as two candles flickered together in sync with one another. And like always, the moonlight shined down on those two lovers huddled together. 
When the images passed you found yourself staring right into Seonghwa’s eyes. You were close enough to watch as his pupils grew as they watched you. You could almost feel his warmth seeping into your skin. 
“And if your soul was connected to someone else's?” He whispered. 
“Wouldn't that make them my soulmate?” You questioned back.
“No, not your soulmate.” Seonghwa shook his head. “That would mean that person was your other half.” He explained, his hand finally taking yours in his. “The half that was torn from you.”
His fingers pried yours open, closing around your palm as he clasped your hand. Your eyes fluttered for a moment as you glanced down at his lips, but you quickly looked up the moment he stepped closer, chest brushing against yours.  
“I mean in a way that your soul mirrors another.”
Twin flames were what they called witches and vampires. They were called that because when a witch created the first ever vampire, the way they had cured their lover was by connecting their souls together. They prayed to the moon and called upon its magic to save the one thing that they had loved more than even their own life. 
And when the moon answered, the witch lit two candles that were the bridge between their lover’s dying soul and their living one. When they fed their lover blood, it was meant to be the essence of life bringing them back from the river that would take them to the underworld. In doing so, the witches' life became one with their lover. This created their souls to be connected to one another. 
“Then we'd walk side by side.” You swallowed. “Magic or not, our souls will always be the same.” You told him. 
You watched how his Adam's apple moved, his throat feeling like it was closing in as he took in your words. His lip trembled, breathing turning harsh as he tried to keep from having tears fall. 
“Are you alright, Seonghwa?” You asked, growing worried as you took in his state. 
“I just wanted to check on something.” He whispered so quietly. “I had to make sure I wasn't wrong.”
Your lips slowly turned downward as you realized what he was talking about. The moment Seonghwa saw your facial expression take a turn, he leaned closer, forehead touching yours as he was a breath away from touching your lips.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” You asked, lips brushing against his.
“More than I could ever ask for.” He then pressed his lips against yours. 
Your breath got caught in your throat once more, body leaning back as he fully pushed himself into you. You didn’t waste time to kiss him back with as much vigor. You could feel something within you swell. You could feel Seonghwa’s heartbeat against his chest. Tears pooled in your eyes as you knew it was beating in sync with yours. 
You felt his tears falling down his cheek, touching your own and causing them to get wet. But you didn’t care. All that filled your head was the way his lips felt touching yours–the way his body reacted with your own. Everything was moving together, like it was one person who was in charge. 
Everything felt right. Like you were meant to be in that moment with him. And the moon–you could feel it on your skin. You could feel it seeping through the windows and onto the both of you. It was watching you–knowing what it had been doing when it brought you together. 
You began to feel Seonghwa move the tip of his tongue onto your lips. When you opened your mouth just a bit more, you felt his teeth scrape your bottom lip. You didn’t know what had gone wrong, but suddenly you felt a nick on your skin, causing you to pull back quickly with a gasp.
You licked at your lip, feeling liquid touch your tongue. You furrowed your eyebrows when you felt that it didn’t hurt. In fact, you could even feel the sting when Seonghwa had caused the wound. The only reason you had was because you felt him bite you. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He pulled back, licking off the blood that had been left on his lips.
“It’s alright.” You shook your head, trying to wipe away the dribbles. “Nothing I can’t fix.” You smiled at him.
Seonghwa stepped forward again, moving a hand to your cheek as his thumb brushed to wipe away the blood. He leaned down again, giving you one last chaste kiss to avoid hurting you further. 
“Forgive me, my little witch.” He whispered to you.
And then he was gone.
You watched, along with the rest of the village, as people tried to clean up the bodies of humans who were torn apart and left in the town square to rot. Many tried to shield their eyes, keep children from looking at the disfigured humans. 
They were hunters. Everyone could tell from the weapons that laid at their sides. Weapons that could easily kill anyone if you used them right. But you knew they were used against creatures. Creatures who had turned themselves humans but still were ultimately killed.
Wooyoung was at your side, making faces and gagging as the morticians tried to clean up the severed body parts. There were only certain things that had the strength to do that to the body. And as far as you knew, they had reversed their ability days before the death of his parents.
“I thought you said the Park’s came to reverse their powers.” You mumbled emotionless.
“Not Seonghwa.” Wooyoung answered you.
He turned to look at you, seeing how your face remained emotionless. “Still don't want to believe me?” He asked. 
There was only so much pain someone could take before reaching the breaking point. Finding out that the one person who was meant to be a mirrored soul to your own after being told that you were no longer going to be the person you were meant to be was heart wrenching. Watching as your family lost something that belonged to not only their mind but their soul as you chose not to go through with it. Then you truly find the person who was meant to be your one true love.
Only to remember that one day they too were going to have to give up what they were. Even worse for someone who was a witch. To have to grow old as they lost their connection with the moon. That was far worse than losing some silly ability to drink blood. 
It only led them to want to fight for what was meant to be right. But was it in the end if power only caused war against one another? Maybe giving up those kinds of things was for the best. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t going to be people who fought for their life.
“Not at all.”
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Permanent Taglist: @hecateslittlewitchling , @ldysmfrst, @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @angieskzzzz , @puppyminnnie , @smilingtokki , @emtrades22 , @tinyelfperson , @0rangemilk , @jaerisdiction , @wooyoungqueen
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sakew-region · 1 year
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#71: Draykabuzz- Evolves from Hovabuzz at level 50. This Pokémon is an immensely powerful beast, a sky menace to be feared. It is capable of whipping up tornados with its huge wings and its highly venomous stinger can pierce through even metal sheets. If not for the fact that Draykabuzz is an herbivore, it would wipe out native populations of bird Pokémon in no time. Draykabuzz is completely solitary and territorial; if it spots another of its species on its territory, it will show off its bright stripes and fiercely brandish the claws on its wings. Its wings are made of a type of tough but tiny scales. This creature’s very wing flaps are deafening at close distances, and its roar makes anyone within 10 miles cower in fear. (Name from “draco”, “draconic”, “drake”, and “buzz”)
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
Can u review hydrapple
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Hydrapple is certainly a strange one. Not because of the design or anything—the design's quite good—but it's such a weird addition to the Applin line. Why take a branching two-stage Pokemon and suddenly introduce a three-stage branch? Hydrapple instantly outclasses both Flapple and Appletun both because it evolved twice and for stat-related reasons.
I point this out because all of this could've easily been fixed by just... making Dipplin a regional? Dipplin really does not look that different than Applin; it just has syrup and a long horn. It being a regional would make sense thematically (it's a candy apple, a popular treat in Japan which fits with Kitakami's setting) and it would fix the imbalance issue—in most regions, Applin can evolve into Flapple or Appletun, but Kitakami Applin always evolve only into Dipplin and then Hydrapple.
Anyway, all of that technical stuff aside, I do really like Hydrapple. It's probably one my favorite designs out of the DLC, and it has both a solid concept and good aesthetics.
Thematically, Dipplin was already established to have two wyrms living together, so it only makes sense that it would evolve into what's effectively a seven-headed hydra (or Yamata no Orochi, judging by its Japanese name). This fits with the line's dragon typing and is a neat direction that's distinct from the other evos. The wyrms are also referred to as syrpents, which I think is delightful.
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And visually, it's also pretty strong. Instead of having all the heads visible at once, six of them are kept tucked inside of the apple with only their eyes showing, and only four of them pop out during animations. This keeps the design from being too busy.
I also like how the main head that's visible at all times has a nice little identifier in terms of the mini apple and stem-like horn, which kind of feels like it continues from Dipplin's. The long necks are great and look a lot different from either Applin or Flapple, and I like the scalloped underbelly patterning as well. The apple itself also looks good, with some gooey drips on top and some more scalloped patterns to indicate further drippy-ness. And color-wise, the bright red pops out and compliments the duller greens nicely. Good stuff.
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Anyway, overall, a really good design and concept here, and a welcome addition to the Applin line... if you can get over the weirdness of it just being a three-stage evolution, of course.
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mt-oe · 12 days
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡—modern mizu
Hey dears!
So sorry for not doing requests much! I'll be deployed into a hospital known for being super busy ;; I'd like to get my ideas out before I become buried with work again.
This one's inspired by my favorite artist. They recently followed me back here and I melted ///// Every time I see their art, I always get so giddy and happy. They honestly make my day <3
I'll link them here: @winnie-illustrator / ig: winnie_illustrator / twt: babydollproject
Specific art that inspired me is linked here: link <3
Also, I feel excited because I want to try incorporating my field into my writing too. It won't be completely accurate to give it a sense of readability and because that would be hell to write www
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, reader is older than mizu, autopsy, slight violence, reader thinks mizu is a man (pronouns used will be mostly he/him), implied afab reader
note: I am more than willing to take this down if the artist wants me to, especially if they are not comfy with reader inserts. I respect your decision, which ever it may be. I will still love your art regardless <3
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Nothing but the soft sound of metal being placed on metal and the vent fans spinning resonated among the cold tiled walls. An occasional cracking sound from a rib being opened or the soft, slimy 'thud' sounds of organs being placed aside could be heard. The air smelled like decay, formalin, or xylene depending on which area you stood. An eerie atmosphere lingered with an unsettling feeling, enough to be suffocating. Even the lights flickered, making the grayish tiles appear colder. Scalpels, forceps, and saws lined up neatly on the counter, shiny and sterilized as opposed to mess of organs and body fluids you had on your tray.
This place looked gloomy, empty, lonely.
It doesn't matter. That was how a morgue was supposed to be.
You sighed as you removed your dirty gloves, the latex producing a loud crispy snap. It was bloody and probably covered with something else like bile or whatever was left of the decedent's last meal. Stains weren't allowed on your reports anymore. Don't know why. It wasn't like what you were writing was legal anyway. The head's son must have touched a shit stain while handing it to his daddy.
Removing your mask, you placed a cigarette between your red-painted lips before lighting it. The smell of burning tobacco filling up the room as you rolled the cigarette to get an even burn. Your hand picked up the pen and started writing out the autopsy report for the recent corpse, taking hits from your cigarette in between. You hated writing autopsy reports. It was a waste of time considering the lawlessness of this goddamn place.
No one cared if you died. They'd step over and desecrate your corpse.
Name: unknown Age: est. between 30-40 years old Length: 175cm Weight: 73.3kg General appearance: fair skin color, appears of good nutritional status Other findings: Livor: appearance of postmortem lividity most prominent on left side of the frontal region of the head, left hypochondriac region, and the epigastric region; decedent exhibiting tache noir Rigor: whole body exhibiting rigor mortis, rigor still easily resisted. -blood vessel dilation found on upper and lower mucosa of the eyelids -nails and fingertips exhibit cyanosis -irregular-shaped bruising found on the left occipital region measuring 6cm x 3cm -laceration measuring 3cm x 0..2cm located on the right infraorbital region -linear fracture on right parietal bone -depressed fracture on left occipital bone, depression measuring 4.7cm x 2.6cm -several linear abrasions located on the upper palate (palatine raphe) measuring between 1-3cm x 0.2cm -crush laceration resulting in rupture located on the right lobe of the liver -traumatic fracture of left ribs (7-10) and xiphoid process resulting in partial decimation of xiphoid process
'Poor man,' you thought as you drew out the location of the fractures and lacerations on the poorly printed out piece of paper.
No, you weren't taking pity on him. He was a fool that probably had mouths to feed and was tricked by the enemy into thinking that he could handle the life-threatening, high-risk-high-reward job of being a spy for the enemy organization. They must've gotten him so drunk on fantasies of amassing a fortune, getting high on drugs he can't even pronounce, and women hotter than his wife. This fucking idiot probably thought sneaking in and poisoning your subordinates was an easy job.
Now his wife would have to live wondering where her husband went off to.
With a few more words and one click of your pen, you finally finished writing the report. You'd have to culture and assay the samples from his body later for any substance or biological weapons that he might have left. Your back rested on the cushion of your seat, a hand over your eyes as you closed them. "Fuck.. finally," you groaned out before sitting back up again to grab another cigarette and lighting it up, allowing the sound of the vents to take over the room.
It was quiet here.
No one ever went to your morgue...laboratory..whatever. Dead bodies lined this place up, a new face everyday. If you're lucky, maybe a new one will roll in every hour. A gut-retching, unnerving feeling never left this place. A feeling that someone or something was always watching you would linger; and somehow, to you, it was the most peaceful feeling. Like a tiny cove hidden amongst the mess where all you had to do was open people up like a treasure box, get a bunch of samples to perform tests on, then sew them shut.
It was your haven. Your little territory. No one wanted to go here.
"Impressive. I take it you're done?"
Well except for this little shit.
It was that blue eyed demon that had somehow made a name for himself allover the scene. An assassin who steps into the scene wielding only a blue katana. The only person who was crazy enough to bring a knife to a gun fight. His eyes striking terror to who anyone who saw them. Even your allies had chills running down their spines whenever they saw him.
Rumors quickly spread about how he took down a whole unit on his own. Stepping straight into enemy territory alone only with pure seething rage behind his sharp eyes, coming out covered in the blood of his own enemies. They say he only joined to kill the don of four particular groups. His presence screamed anger and bloodlust.
An onryo.
That's what they called him.
Despite only having graduated from training, he currently possesses the highest body count in the whole organization—and we're not talking about sex.
And luckily or unluckily, you had the privilege of instructing him when he was still a trainee. You had no intention of teaching anyone, your plate was full as it was. But one faithful day, he appeared in front of your morgue. His presence undetectable until he was right in front of you, sending chills down your spine.
Your eyes met blue, staring at it with a deadeye stare, not even bothering to hide the irritation you held. The blood in your veins was running cold, the tips of your fingers tingling from how nervous you had become. You accidentally left your revolver in your laboratory which was now blocked by this stranger.
'How the hell?' you asked yourself in thought, eyes breaking contact to glance around the hallway.
It was a simple hallway with only two doors on either side, one leading to your office and the other back to the lobby. There were no windows, no cubbies, no anything. Absolutely nowhere to hide. And yet somehow, you couldn't even detect his presence.
Sound always echoed around the gray tiles, capturing any sound no matter how quiet. Even the soft pitter-patter of water dripping from the ceiling echoed like a drum within this hall. However, no sound nor sign of footsteps could be heard. He was like the wind, suddenly appearing before you.
Your eyes went back to him, stare turning into a glare. Every part of your body was silently screaming at you to run, telling you that this person was dangerous. That one wrong move would kill you. "What the hell do you want?" you seethed out, eyes watching for any sign of aggression. Even with your vigilance, you couldn't win this without a gun.
Even with a gun, something in your gut was telling you that you wouldn't win.
His cold emotionless eyes continued to watch over you before his hands reached into his pocket, pulling out a picture taken using a polaroid camera. It was a picture of a recent autopsy you performed, corpse laying on the cold metal table, all stitched up. "How did you obtain this..?"
The decedent was an instructor known for being cruel to trainees. Everyone knew of his behavior but he was too influential within the organization to get rid off. Until one day, his body was rolled into your laboratory, multiple lacerations over the body, a few missing teeth, signs of struggle evident. No one knew who killed him. Too many people held a grudge with him to be traceable. It didn't matter, it wasn't your job to find out anyway.
"This..cut," he started, voice husky as his finger pointed to the picture, clearly referring to the cut you had made on the corpse. "Its clean. Exquisite. Clearly made by someone skilled." He looked up at you, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. "Its you."
A clear look of confusion painted over your face. This boy sneaked up on you because of a cut?
You took a look at the picture again and rolled your eyes. "A y-shaped cut. Every examiner and coroner in this world knows how to do one. So what?" you groaned. The blue eyed man seems intrigued by your answer, eyes glancing around in thought. As you moved over to the side to head towards your laboratory, the man stepped back and blocked your way again, making you let out an exasperated sigh.
"Teach me," he said, handing you the picture. "Or at least show me how you made that cut."
Another exasperated sigh escaped your lips as you glared at him, hands shoving the picture back to him. "No. Get out," you scowled. No matter how oddly unnerving this man's presence was, there was no way you'd waste your time taking in a trainee. Your hands shoved him away from the door before going to the handle.
Before you could twist the doorknob, his hand immediately gripped your wrist. "I'm not leaving until you agree," he said, pulling your wrist to keep yours hands off of the knob. The look in his eyes told you that he was serious. God, this man was stubborn.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance as you pulled your wrist away from his grip, crossing your arms. "Then make it worth my time. What do I get for teaching you?" you asked, raising a brow at him inquisitively.
His gaze shifted around the hall in thought before landing on you. "I'll tell you who killed this man," he replied, showing you the picture yet again. Your eyes softened for a moment before glaring at him again. "As if I care. My job is to provide evidence, not convict someone."
No, maybe you did care...or was it because you already knew who.
The man let out an audible huff before looking around again. Now his vision was focused on you. Looking over your features, observing every detail of your clothes and body. Anything to convince you, to force you. "You're missing a gun, aren't you?"
Your eyes widened slightly, the unsettling feeling returning to your throat. "And why would I tell you?" you said cautiously. He chuckled darkly before looking over you once more. "A model 57, am I right?" he asked, slowly approaching you with soundless footsteps.
As he approached you, you took a cautious step back, following his steps. Something was telling you that he was not so keen on negotiating anymore. Soon enough, your back collided with the wall, effectively trapping you between the tiles and his body. There was no use struggling. Both were equally immovable.
Rough calloused hands lifted your chin up, forcing you to stare at his face. His thumb running across your lips, smudging the red lipstick against your chin, staring at it before his gaze went back to your eyes.
He was reading you, observing the fear as it ran through your body. Once again, he took out the polaroid picture and showed it to you, now with a sense of satisfaction as he felt your breath. "You're not an idiot. You probably know who killed him," he said in a low tone. The look in his eyes hungry as if he was a predator hunting and you were the prey.
You gulped and turned your head away the best you could with his hand still holding your chin. Your actions neither confirming nor denying his statement. Numerous large lacerations, clearly made by a sharp object. The cuts were clean too. It wasn't hard to figure it out. At least not to you.
He chuckled at your stubbornness, knowing full well that he had trapped you. "Now," he proceeded, pressing your body further against his as he loomed over you. "Teach me." His hand slowly slid the picture into the breast pocket of your lab coat, fingers tracing the stitches carefully and tenderly. The threat sent chills down your spine. Your body was telling you to run, to scream at least. You were trapped between a wall and a killer.
"Fucking shit...Fine!" Your eyebrows scrunching together at the feeling of being defenseless. The threat of losing your life wasn't what bothered you the most. It was the fact that this cocky trainee waltzed into your spaces, wasting your time and disturbing your peace; and yet, you felt utterly helpless under him.
It was unnerving. It pissed you off.
Finally, he lets you go, face emotionless but his blue eyes told you that he was more than satisfied. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you opened the door to your morgue before craning your head to glare at him. "Oh and never touch me again."
But this bastard never got lost. In fact, he came back every single day. At first he had the decency to wait for you to get back whenever you went out to submit your reports, standing in front of the door like a good little boy. Now he just waltzes in like he owned the place.
Sometimes he'd just sit around and watch, the blue in his eyes shining particularly whenever you cut up a corpse that died from something peculiar. Sometimes he'd dirty up the place, walking in after a mission, covered in blood and smearing it allover the chairs and tables. Most of the time, he'd walk in just to annoy the shit out of you, moving around the reagents and inspecting them. Like what he was doing right now.
"Didn't I just replace the lock?" you asked, raising an eyebrow and taking a long drag out of your cigarette. His hand reached into his pocket before presenting to you a bent up hairpin. This little shit picked the lock again. "You did," he affirmed, voice sounding a bit smug.
His footsteps echoed around the room as he approached you, sitting down right next to you on the smooth varnished wood of your desk. "You should consider having cameras in this place," he commented, tilting his head to look around as if he hadn't for the past years.
You rolled your eyes at his suggestion, exhaling the smoke through your nostrils in a deep huff. "Oh please, as if you won't find a way to break them and sneak in. You'd carve a hole on the ceiling if you had to."
He hummed in agreement, eyes closing while he nodded. For a moment, silence once again enveloped the place. His eyes looked over to the cigarette you were holding, blue orbs eyeing the red lipstick on the filter, gaze lingering on it in particular. "Did you like the corpse I gave you?" he asked, taking the autopsy report from your desk and reading it.
"You could've gone easier on the man," you replied, tapping your cigarette on the ash tray and snatching the report back from him. "Really. Blunt force trauma? What did you use? The back of a gun?" you chuckled, scanning over the report as well. "Just when they've handed us a new batch of rifles, you just had to use it like a machete."
The shrug he gave you was more than enough to affirm your suspicions. Raising an eyebrow at him, you put your half-finished cigarette out on the ash tray before walking over to the corpse, putting on a new pair of gloves, and zipping up the body bag. "A ruptured liver too," you sighed, bringing the tissue samples you took to another table and placing them in formalin.
"He deserves it," he replied nonchalantly, taking the lighter from your desk and standing up, striding over to where you were. Snaking his arms around your hips, he peered over your shoulder. Your body went rigid as you tensed up from the contact. Suddenly, the feeling of something firm being pressed against his shoulder made him step back a bit. His eyes trailed down to see the barrel of a revolver pointed at his shoulder.
Your eyes narrowed at him, warning him to back off. A clicking sound could be heard as you turned to face him, jaw clenched. "Touch me again and I will shoot," you warned, vexed expression evident. His gaze switched over to your gun then to his shoulder before he took another step towards you. It seems that your threat was ineffective towards him.
"Go ahead," he replied, pressing the barrel of the revolver against his shoulder before placing his hands on both your sides, resting it on the cool metal. "At least aim at a vital organ. A hit on the shoulder is easy to fix." Sharp blue eyes staring at your lips once again. The red on your lips fascinating him. It was like he was hypnotized.
You rolled your eyes at him, eyebrows knitting together as you realized that your threat was not working at all. "Oh and maybe I should remind you that I'm the only doctor here," you snarled sarcastically. He laughed softly, tilting his head down to look at you. "Aren't you a pathologist?"
"Exactly. So back off unless you want to be the next thing I cut open," you threatened but it was no use. The man in front of you stayed unmoving with his eyes fixated on your lips.
The more he stared, the more he pressed his body against you. Yet somehow, you couldn't bring yourself to pull the trigger. Instead, you raised a knee up before swinging it towards his crotch. However, upon impact, your eyes widened in realization. You stared at him dumbfounded, lips parting as you finally spoke...
"You're a woman."
At your statement, her gaze hardened, jaw clenching in sudden aggravation. Suddenly, her hands grasped your wrist, pinning you down on the table as she loomed over you. Your revolver now on the floor with loud clack, a heavy foot over it. Her eyebrows scrunching together in an irked expression. "Speak of this to anyone. I'll kill you," she threatened, face moving closer towards yours.
You couldn't believe it. All this time, the blue eyed demon was a woman all along. He who brought fear into his enemies, leaving them either dead or permanently incapacitated, was not a he. The little shit bothering you and messing around with the stuff in your laboratory was a woman.
The lack of reply irked her even more, her glare now directed towards your lips. Fuck. Maybe if she wasn't so distracted by your lipstick, she would have seen this coming. The longer she stared, the more her body grew hot either from infuriation or from something else.
Suddenly, her hand entangled itself within the locks of hair at the back of your head, pulling on it and smashing her lips against yours. Your lips opened slightly from surprise and she took the opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth. Her tongue explored the cavern of your mouth, not caring if you returned the kiss or not.
Your body trembled under hers, breathing becoming shakier as the kiss continued. A small groan escaped your lips at the feeling of her hand pulling on your hair tighter. Eventually, you allowed your tongue to move with her's, dancing together with your groans and soft mewls as the melody.
A thin string of saliva connecting your lips together upon pulling away. Your red lipstick smudged over your cheek and allover her lips. You could see her chest rising and falling as she panted through her nose.
"Fine...I won't," you breathed out, looking away to hide the warmth crawling up to your cheeks. The heat of the atmosphere taking all the snarky remarks out of your mouth. Her gaze softened before she leaned down, placing a trail of kisses from your lips down to your collarbone. She lifted her head up once again and let your wrists go, helping you up.
Before you could speak, she slipped her hand into your breast pocket and took out the carton of cigarettes, taking one out and placing it between your lipstick-smudged lips. Reaching into her pocket, she took the lighter she picked up from your desk out and flipped it open, lighting the cigarette for you.
Her blue eyes scanned over your figure before chuckling, all the anger she had earlier completely gone. "I know you won't" she whispered with a sense of sincerity. "I'll leave."
You watched as she headed towards the door, footsteps quiet and quick. Upon reaching the door way, she turned towards you with a slight smirk.
"Mizu," she said suddenly.
"That's my name, so don't forget." She turned back around and left. The sound of the door closing echoing around the morgue. Your eyes stared at the door, stupefied from the turn of events. Your fingers slowly touched your lips, tracing where she had placed hers.
There was no way you'd forget it.
She'd come back every day to remind you of it.
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he-was-number-wan · 6 months
Mainline Pokémon Games Based on How Buggy They Are: A Thread
Red, Blue, & Yellow
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Pretty buggy. The Butterfree line set the stage for regional bugs and emotional trauma. Everybody loves Scyther. Inspired use of Cordyceps when designing the Parasect line. Kabuto and Kabutops should have been Bug to honor trilobites for founding Arthropoda. 8/10.
Gold, Silver, & Crystal
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Yes, we had Scyther, but what about second Scyther? Scizor, Heracross, and Shuckle are legends. Game Freak decided to invite arachnids (Spinarak and Ariados) to the party, truly redefining what it means to be buggy. 9/10.
Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald
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This generation is loaded with bugs! Game Freak realized their mistake in not giving the Kabutops line Bug typing, making up for it with Anorith and Armaldo (who are based on Anomalocaris). They fumble the recovery, however, in not only depriving the Flygon line of Bug typing, but forever making them second fiddle to the Salamence line. The Beautifly, Dustox, and Ninjask lines introduce some interesting approaches to Bug-type evolution. Volbeat and Illumise are there. 7.8/10.
Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum
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DELELELELELEWHOOOOOOP! A smaller collection of bugs this gen, but a well-rounded one. Vespiquen slays. Scorpions get some love via Skorupi, Drapion, and Gliscor. Writing this post is making me realize that slugs, snails, and nudibranchs like the Magcargo and Gastrodon lines aren’t bugs. We grew up thinking snails were bugs, right? Anyway, Yanmega rules. 8/10.
Black, White, Black 2, White 2
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Game Freak’s magna opera. Truly the buggiest games there are. While you have to wait until Pinwheel Forest to encounter your first bugs, you’re rewarded upon arrival with Sewaddle and Venipede, the larvae of the Leavanny and Scolipede lines. From there, you encounter the Crustle, Galvantula, and Volcarona lines. Game Freak has some more fun with Bug evolutions, having Karrablast steal Shelmet’s armor as they evolve into Escavalier and Accelgor (inspired by the real-world interactions between the ground beetle family Carabidae and the gastropods they feed on). Durant is our first proper ant, and we get our first (and only . . . ) legendary / mythical Bug in Genesect. These games made Bug my favorite type. 10/10.
X & Y
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A big step down from the previous generation. This game hardly has any bugs. Do you like butterflies? You get a butterfly. Vivillon is a lovely butterfly that comes in all sorts of colors, but SURELY there are more bugs than that in France. 6/10.
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon
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Giant isopods! Diving bell spiders! Giraffe stag beetles! A true return to form. While the native bugs of Alola are great, we are also introduced to the ultra beasts, two of which (Buzzwole and Pheromosa) are really cool bugs. It seems they were going for wasps and bee flies when designing the Naganadel and Ribombee lines, but they don’t really work for me. Faint blemishes on an otherwise buggy generation. 8.5/10.
Sword & Shield
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Centiskorch is the greatest Pokémon ever made. I have them tattooed on my arm. Blipbug is the worst Pokémon ever made. I see them in my nightmares. Interesting that they’re both Bug Pokémon, and that Game Freak really min-maxed with them. Fortunately, Blipbug evolves into Dottler and Orbeetle, who are great. Snom has a place in everyone’s heart, and Frosmoth is elegant as can be. 9.5/10.
Scarlet & Violet
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I love Rellor and Rabsca! I . . . don’t really love the rest! Iron Moth and Slither Wing are great, but they’re nepo babies. Tarountula and Nymble are nice, but Spidops and Lokix leave something to be desired. Orthworm is a a big worm. At the end of the day, these games would be alright if they weren’t so wonkily coded and glitchy. Wish there was a better word for that. 7/10.
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vintagerpg · 22 days
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Love a monster book. This is Monsters of Myth & Legend (1984) for Mayfair’s Role Aids line of D&D sourcebooks. As the title tells you, this is a collection of monsters drawn from mythology. Four groupings of them are tied to specific cultures: Norse, Irish, Greek, Chinese. Two other draw broadly from the myths of people living in large regions but which belong to many distinct cultures: native American and Aboriginal Australians.
The mix is pretty solid. I particularly appreciate the monsters from Australia, which are often overlooked in this sort of thing — and even here, I can think of a couple more I would have liked to have seen, like the Pangkarlangu (neolithic cannibals), though it is nice to get attributes for Malingee (shadow spirits with burning eyes) and Murgah Muggulu (a kind of dream spider). Weird that there are still some deep cuts from Greece — maenads, mares of Thrace, even Scylla — who don’t have D&D attributes. The China chapter is probably the most robust, providing a variety of spirits and monsters that have multiple potential applications in the game. China also has a giant with no head, which is maybe the most delightful monster in the whole book.
This is maybe one of my favorite Boris Vallejo paintings that were recycled for Role Aids covers. It downplays physique and features a rad monster, both of which seem unusual for Boris. Its more atmospheric, too, a bit more in line with Frazetta, honestly. The interiors are by Teanna Byerts and Robin Wood. I don’t dislike them, but they do seem diminished by tight deadlines, if I had to guess.
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lewmagoo · 1 year
i smile at the moon | rhett abbott
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description: in which two wild souls become knit together as one
warnings: 18+ only, werewolves, violence, animals fighting, perry abbott slander, mentions of death, family drama, mentions of blood, smut, breeding kink, unprotected sex (basically a mating ritual lol), possessiveness, creampie, biting, scratching, all around animalistic themes
pairing: werewolf!rhett abott x f!werewolf!reader
notes: yeah so this started out as me wanting to write naughty werewolf smut and then it turned into a 10k+ word story complete with my own werewolf lore. thanks to @lovinglyeternal bc they basically created this monster by sending me a werewolf rhett concept. you are responsible for my insanity ;-)
He could smell you. 
Each inhale of your scent was intoxicating. Stronger and sweeter than anything he’d ever smelled before. Citrusy, in a way. Warm and spicy like a hot cider. 
All his life he’d been told that the scent of one’s mate was unique and indescribable. The most wonderful, appealing, all-consuming scent. Before he found you, he’d tried to imagine what it would smell like. His mama’s brown butter chocolate cookies, fresh out of the oven? Cotton candy, from the county fair? The comforting sweetness that hung in the air of his favorite childhood ice cream shop?
However, all of those scents paled in comparison to you. It hit him like a freight train the first time he met you. His knees went weak, his spine tingled as if he’d been struck by a bolt of white-hot lightning. It hit you just as hard, overwhelming your every sense. At that very moment, both of you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were made for each other. The Fates had brought you together and your bond would never be severed. 
You would never forget that first meeting in the woods. You were part of a neighboring pack. New to the region, having recently migrated from your old home because tensions between your pack and a rival one had grown to concerning levels. 
To avoid a full-blown war, your pack had moved out west, hoping to start fresh. And a fresh start was exactly what you found. But little did you know that it would also lead you to find the one you were destined for. 
You met him the day his pack came to make a formal introduction and welcome you to the region. The Northeast Wyoming pack was comprised of the Abbott family descendants. 
However, the pack was not as great as it had once been. What used to dominate the entire northeastern region of Wyoming had been reduced to a very small family of wolves. Royal, the alpha. His wife Cecelia. Their son, Perry; the eldest and next in line for alpha status, and their younger son, Rhett. Finally, there was Amy, Perry’s young daughter. 
Rumor had it Perry once had a wife, but she’d ultimately left the pack and chosen to become an omega. Or, so you’d heard. 
When you heard the pack was coming to welcome you to the area, you had no idea what to expect. These were potential allies, but if something went wrong, they could very quickly become your enemy. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that. You were tired of fighting and wanted nothing more than to finally enjoy a season of peace. 
Little did you know that you were about to meet the one you would mate with for life. 
They came at sunset, bearing gifts. Food for your table. Good bottles of wine. They even brought a few toys for some of the small children in your pack.
Cecelia did most of the talking. She was warm and friendly and gave you a hearty welcome, informing you that she was so happy to have new neighbors in the region, and was looking forward to rebuilding the community they’d lost over the years. 
Silently, you wondered why their pack was so small. Yours had nearly twenty members. Theirs had five. Perry had a child, an heir, already. Which left Rhett, the only one who hadn’t furthered the bloodline yet.
Of the whole family, he was the last one to arrive that night. Royal made an offhanded comment about him always being late, and how he was just being lazy. The comment rubbed you the wrong way. Especially since Rhett wasn’t even there to defend himself. You didn’t even know the man, but you already felt a strange sense of protectiveness toward him. 
Odd, you thought. But instead of dwelling on it, you simply turned and joined the rest of your pack, ready for the evening’s festivities to begin. 
Rhett arrived a little while later. A rickety old GMC Sierra pulled into the gravel driveway, and it caught your attention. You glanced over to see a young man climbing out of the driver’s side. You couldn’t quite see his face yet, but you could tell he was handsome. 
That’s when you caught it. The breeze blew in your direction, and a scent unlike anything you’d ever smelled before filled your entire being. Deep and musky, like pine and woodsmoke, yet sharp and fresh, like the air after a rainfall. 
It pulled the deepest of gasps from you, and you dropped the stack of plates you’d been carrying out of the house for the outdoor supper. You vaguely heard your mother calling your name, asking what was wrong, but you hardly registered it. Without another thought, your legs were moving of their own accord, carrying you straight for the brunette-haired man walking up the lane. 
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a figure quickly approaching. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. It was the scent. Sweet and spicy and delicious. He tensed, his eyes widening as his nostrils flared slightly. He’d never been hit with something so strong and irresistible. Suddenly his world was spinning off its axis as he realized what this meant. 
His heart began to pound in his chest. His palms grew clammy. His knees went weak. And then, suddenly, you were in front of him, eyes glowing yellow, bright as the sun, and he thought he was going to suffocate right then and there as the breath left his lungs. 
You weren’t sure who moved forward first. But all at once you were in each other’s space, like two lovers reunited after years apart. 
Rhett leaned in and pressed his nose to the side of your neck, breathing in deeply. You buried your face against his chest and inhaled sharply. This was customary for wolves. Especially ones mated to each other, to greet one another by taking in the other’s scent.
When you parted, you realized that his eyes were glowing, too. 
“It’s you,” he whispered, awestruck. His chest heaved. He could hardly take in oxygen. 
You barely knew what to do with yourself. You were so overwhelmed that all you could do was stare at him, drinking him in. The one you had dreamed of since you were small. Your hands lifted of their own accord, and you ran them over his face. Down his neck. Across his chest. Feeling that he was in fact real and that this wasn’t a dream. 
Then, when you found your voice, you breathlessly spoke. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.” 
Rhett finally found the breath he needed, and a disbelieving laugh brushed past his parted lips. He could hardly believe his eyes. Here you were, standing before him. The one he thought he’d never meet. He’d been certain that he was cursed to go through life without a mate. Yet here you were, standing in front of him, and an all-consuming sense of elation buzzed through him, like fizzy champagne in his veins.
You watched as he took a step back, his boots crunching against gravel as he threw his head back, face turned to the sky. He took a deep breath and let out a deep wolf howl, sounding through the wilderness. It echoed off the trees and it shook you to your core.
You couldn’t help the laughter that began to pour from your mouth. Laughter of disbelief. Laughter of joy. Laughter of love. “It’s you!” You repeated his own words from moments prior, still laughing, so happy you could barely contain it. 
He looked back at you, his eyes, back to a thrilling and human blue, framed by smile lines as he grinned at you. His howl had alerted the rest of your pack, and his own, and moments later, they were all gathering in the clearing to see what was going on.
You grabbed Rhett’s hand, holding it up high as your fingers intertwined. “I’ve found him!” You cried. “I’ve found my mate!”
That night, what had started as a friendly dinner between new neighbors turned into a celebration that lasted well into the night. It was a joyous occasion, to find one’s mate, deserving of an extravagant celebration. 
You swore you didn’t stop smiling for the entire night. The realization that in a moment of divine fate, you had met the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Your soulmate. The half to your whole. Suddenly, all the strife that you’d gone to just to get to this point seemed all worth it. Because now, here was this beautiful man beside you, rugged but gentle, with kind eyes and a shy smile. And he was everything you’d dreamed he would be. 
Your families gave you time alone that night, and you walked beneath the light of the half moon, side by side, straying away from all the activity to find a quiet spot. 
You sat in a clearing in the woods and you talked for hours. You told Rhett all about your pack, and the unrest that had forced you to move all the way out here to Wyoming. You spoke of each pack member with such reverence and respect, and it sent a pang of envy through him. 
He revealed to you that he did not have the most positive relationship with his family. 
“We’ve, uh, we’ve been through some shit, the last few years. It’s put a strain on the pack. ‘specially my relationship with my brother.” He gazed out across the expanse of the woods, and in the silver light of the moon, you saw a sadness in his eyes. “His wife Rebecca left him and Amy. He didn’t take it very well.”
“That’s sad,” you whispered sympathetically. “Do you know why she left?”
Rhett’s eyes remained trained toward the distance, and you didn’t miss the way his jaw tensed. “Don’t tell my folks I said this, but he ran ‘er off. I saw it comin’ from a mile away, but everybody else seemed blindsided when she wound up running for the hills.”
“Were they mates?” You questioned. 
“Nah. Perry said they were, but they weren’t. He didn’t want to wait to find his mate. Went against pack customs just so he could have Rebecca for his own. She went along with it at first. Even had a baby with him. But when I tell you I ain’t never seen a more unhappy woman in my life. She was a nice gal but she was fuckin’ miserable with my brother. Eventually it got so bad that she up and left. Didn’t even take Amy with her, that’s how bad things were,” he explained. 
Your eyes widened at the thought. You’d always been told that the bond between mama wolves and their pups was unmatched, running deeper than even the lowest depth of the sea. For one to just up and leave her baby was unheard of. It made you shudder to think just how terrible things must have been to push Rebecca away like that. 
You shook your head. “Poor Amy.”
Rhett hummed in agreement. “Her mama’s been gone a year now. She’s adapted okay, but she seems kinda lonely. Kids at school can’t relate to her because they ain’t wolves like she is.”
“I guess it really was fate that brought us here then, huh? All my little cousins will befriend her, she won’t have to worry about feeling as alone anymore.”
He smiled softly, glancing at you. “Sure am thankful to that Fate fella. I’ll have to thank him if I ever meet him face to face. Thank him for bringin’ you to me.”
It was your turn to smile, and you turned your face away, hiding the shy glimmer that lit up your eyes. But Rhett reached out, hooking his fingers under your chin and turning your face back toward him. “I know we’ve got some more formalities to go through before we’re joined together, but I want you to know that right here, right now, I’m pledgin’ myself to you and only you for the rest of my life.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply again, letting his intoxicating scent wash over you once more. “And I pledge myself to you,” you replied. 
Your gaze remained fixed on his own, and his hand shifted, moving to cup your cheek. His eyes flickered to your lips, then back up to your own eyes, as if asking permission. You gave the tiniest of nods, and he leaned in, so close you could almost taste him. 
Until, suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded through the woods. You broke apart abruptly, and Rhett sighed, rising to his feet. “That would be my mama.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Guess we should head back then.”
And so you did, walking hand in hand back to the house. You knew from that moment on that everything was about the change. You would soon begin the ritual of preparing for your wedding, a formality in which your packs would be joined together through your matrimony. Everything you had been dreaming of for your entire life was finally coming true, and it all felt so close, yet so far. 
That night, after you bid goodnight to Rhett, you went to bed with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. You fell asleep dreaming of the life you would lead together. A future that held many unspoken promises. A home of your own. A growing family that would carry on your bloodline, one of the greatest honors that could be bestowed upon a wolf. 
In the following weeks, much preparation was made. You began the process of getting to know Rhett, spending many nights going on walks, learning the inner workings of one another. And then came the week just before your wedding. A night on which the moon hung low and full-bellied in the sky. The night you shifted beneath the glow of that very moon, sharing the very special and intimate moment of transforming into your wolves.
Rhett’s wolf was deep brown, almost black, with the softest fur you’d ever felt. He was breathtaking, and as you shifted into your own wolf, you found yourself nuzzling into him, letting him know you were there, that you were with him until death did you part. 
And then, finally, your wedding day arrived. It was a beautifully warm day. The sun filtered through the trees and cast dapples of light all over, like rays of magic falling from the sky. You’d kept things simple, as wolf weddings normally were. A crown of flowers placed delicately upon your head. A simple, flowing dress. Bare feet so you could feel the forest floor beneath you.
You stood before Rhett, underneath the swaying leaves of a century-old weeping willow, where you spoke your vows to one another, and joined yourselves, and your packs, as one. 
As you pledged yourself to your mate, you wept tears of joy, and when he kissed you, so tenderly and reverently, you held onto him tightly, as if he might disappear if you let go. Now that you’d found him, you never wanted to let him go. 
“I’m yours,” he whispered against your mouth. 
“Forever,” you echoed. 
The celebration that followed was grand. Music and dancing, old folk tales told around a bonfire whose flames seemed to touch the very sky. It was the most wonderful night of your life, and nothing could steal your immense joy away. 
And so, your life together began. Your union brought your families together, and gave the Abbotts a sense of community that they had not previously had. Just as you’d hoped, Amy made friends with the young ones in your pack. Your parents developed a strong connection with Royal and Cecelia. The rest of your family was warm and welcoming. 
As you became integrated with the Abbotts, you made the decision to live on their property. Before you’d even met, Rhett had been in the process of converting the old barn loft into an apartment. It soon became a project that you worked to complete together. A home built with love, filled with love. 
Through that process, while you waited for the apartment to become livable, you took up residence in Rhett’s childhood bedroom. It was small, but it was comfortable, and it smelled like him, your favorite scent in the whole wide world, so you were content. 
Living in the house allowed you to grow closer to his mother, and especially to his niece Amy. Your heart ached for the little girl and all that she had been through. You longed to be a comfort to her if she needed it. And much to your utter joy, she took well to you. 
“I’m happy you’re mated to Uncle Rhett,” she told you in earnest. “I’ve never seen him smile so much before. I can tell he really loves you.”
Her words made your heart warm in your chest. “I’m happy, too,” you replied. 
The girl’s face fell a little as she looked down at the napkins she was folding for the dinner table. “I wish my mama and daddy had looked at each other like that.”
And in an instant, your heart was breaking in your chest. 
The absence of Rebecca Abbott weighed heavily on the entire family. Cecelia still held out hope that she would return. Royal liked to claim that she’d gone and “shacked up with a good-for-nothin’ lowlife.” Perry liked to insist she was going to come back any day and beg for his forgiveness. 
Rhett believed otherwise. “I don’t think she’d ever come back here in a million years. Either she found another pack, or she’s out there still runnin’ around as an omega,” he told you. 
Rhett’s belief that she wasn’t coming back, and Perry’s insistence that she was, often caused tension between the brothers. They both tried to remain civil for Amy’s sake, but it seemed that Perry was only growing more restless as time went on. 
He would get especially agitated just before the full moon. Which was natural for any wolf, but with him, it seemed to increase tenfold. And when his anger and bitterness reached its breaking point, he would take it out on whoever was in his path. Usually, it was Rhett. 
You would never forget the first time you witnessed him blow up at your husband in front of you. There was one thing you were certain of in that very moment: it was going to be the last time he ever did it. 
A perfectly quiet family dinner in the Abbott kitchen was disrupted when the conversation turned to Rebecca. It was Perry who brought her up, claiming that he was certain she would return soon, that he could feel it. 
It was very common for wolves to be able to feel when their mate was near. You always felt Rhett’s presence when you were apart, and it was that much stronger when you were together. 
However, you and Rhett both knew what utter bullshit it was for Perry to claim he could feel her when they weren’t even mates to begin with. And his comment pushed Rhett to react. 
“Quit sayin’ she’s gonna come back. You and I both know she won’t ever come back here again, Per.” The moment he said it, Rhett wished he could take the words back. Not because of his brother, but because of Amy. 
Her wide eyes flickered up from the plate that she’d been staring at. But instead of looking at Rhett, she looked at her father. 
“Is that true, Dad?” She asked, her voice small. 
Perry clenched his jaw as he glared at his brother. “Now look what you did. Got my daughter all upset.”
Rhett sighed. The child needed to hear the truth. “Look, Ames. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. Your mama isn’t coming back.”
Without so much as a warning, Perry shoved his plate away, which bumped his glass of water and sent it spilling across the table. You tensed beside Rhett, afraid of what was coming. 
“Perry!” Cecelia exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her son’s outburst. 
He stood up from his chair, its wooden legs scraping against the linoleum. “What’d I fuckin’ tell you, Rhett? You’re really gonna upset a little girl like that and rip away the last shred of hope she had left?”
Rhett sighed deeply, shaking his head. “It’s better than you lyin’ to her about it.”
“Fuck you!” He shouted. “Ever since you brought this bitch into our home you’ve been subscribing to her fuckin’ ideals.” He motioned toward you. “She probably put you up to this, didn’t she? Told you to destroy what hope my daughter had left.”
At the derogatory comment directed at you, Rhett shot out of his seat, quick as lightning, his eyes glowing. You followed suit, immediately on the defensive. 
“Alright, enough!” Royal barked. But even his authoritative tone didn’t get the attention of his boys. 
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that!”
“It’s true! She’s fuckin’ changed you, man. Turned you into someone I don’t even recognize.”
“Yeah, she changed me! Into a better man! Which is more than I can say Rebecca ever did for you! Oh wait, that’s because she wasn’t even your mate to begin with!”
“Stop!” Amy cried, already in tears. “Just stop!”
But it was too late. Perry had been pushed over the edge, and before anyone could even register what was happening, he was lunging. Cecelia tried to grab him, but he was too quick, and in seconds, he was crowding Rhett’s space.
But he didn’t get very far. Much to your own surprise, you moved faster than you ever had in your life, placing yourself in front of your husband. Your body burned with the overwhelming desire to protect. Your eyes flashed yellow, and you bared your fangs, growling lowly. 
“Touch him and I’ll drop you right where you stand,” you snarled. 
Perry growled right back at you, his eyes going bright yellow to match your own. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he made another move toward Rhett, you would go for his throat. 
“Dad, stop,” Amy spoke up. She got up from the table and ran to stand between you both. She let out a little growl of her own, entirely non-threatening, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to see her family fighting. “Please. Everyone just stop! I don’t want you to fight!”
“Listen to your daughter, Perry,” you spoke out. You could feel Rhett against your back, ready to act if need be. 
A beat passed. You held Perry’s gaze, unwilling to back down. Another beat. Then, finally, he surrendered, stepping back. He knew it wasn’t worth it. It was suicide to go up against another wolf’s mate. When it came to protecting what was yours you would fight to the death. Perry seemed to know he wouldn’t stand a chance. 
He had no idea what it was like. He’d never experienced that deep, primal, territorial need to protect. Not with Rebecca. He had it with Amy, but that was different. She was his child, it was natural to protect her. But he had no idea how deep the bonds of two truly mated wolves went. He couldn’t bond with Rebecca in that way because she’d never been his to begin with. 
Rather than fight a losing fight, Perry stalked away that night, leaving the rest of you in the kitchen to process what had just happened. And Amy, who remained in front of you until her father disappeared from the room, finally turned, and rushed into your arms. 
Your heart broke as she began to cry. “I’m sorry!” She whimpered, apologizing for her father’s behavior. 
It only made you angry, because it wasn’t fair that this 9-year-old little one had to apologize for him. You hated all she had been subjected to in her young age. And that was the moment you pledged to always look out for her. If her mama wasn’t going to do it, then you would. And you would do a damn good job of it, too. 
After that night, Perry steered clear of you. He seemed to realize that if he were to ever challenge you, you would kill him. No hesitation. He didn’t stand a chance. Rhett knew that you had his back, and you would always stand by him, even when faced with adversity brought upon him by his own family. 
That protectiveness was a two-way street. Rhett looked out for you just as fiercely as you did him. And while you were busy defending him against his brother, he was going to bat for you against other things. You would never forget the first time you saw him physically defend you. It was seared into your mind like a brand.
You were out on a hike with Amy. It was blackberry season, and she was desperate to pick them while they were perfectly ripe. Her grandmother was too busy with other gardening endeavors to go out into the woods to help her pick wild ones, so you offered to go instead. 
Before the heat of the day grew too overwhelming, the two of you set off, with you leaving a kiss against Rhett’s lips and a promise that you’d be back in time to join him for lunch later that day. Amy was so excited, babbling excitedly the entire hike up into the woods. 
She was fascinated by all things nature, and she knew the area like the back of her hand, so she was well aware of where the very best berries grew. She led you deeper and deeper into the woods until you came upon an entire gathering of sprawling blackberry bushes, ripe for the picking.
“See? I told ya!” She excitedly said, running on ahead of you, her tin bucket swinging in her hands. 
You couldn’t help but smile at her eagerness, quickening your steps so you could catch up with her. What followed was an hour-long blackberry picking process, and after the fact, that bucket was full to the brim with ripe, juicy berries. 
“Grandma’s gonna be so happy! She can make her blackberry preserves! And blackberry pie! And blackberry syrup for pancakes!” She spoke a mile a minute, informing you of all the ways the berries could be used, and how she couldn’t wait for you to try them all. 
However, you found yourself growing distracted when the wind carried a strange scent in your direction. You paused, lifting your head and breathing in deep. Something didn’t feel right. Amy noticed this, and she eyed you curiously. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I smell something,” you replied. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end. 
Amy turned, sniffing at the air. Then, suddenly, she gasped. “Cougar,” she said. 
You glanced around. You couldn’t see it, but you could tell the animal was close. You’d never had an encounter with a cougar. While you knew you could hold your own against an animal like that, having Amy in tow only made you nervous that the cougar would try to harm her. Surely it would be able to sense that you were wolves and not normal human beings. But maybe that would only make things worse. 
You wrapped your arm around Amy’s shoulders. “Let’s just go. Maybe it’ll leave us alone.”
But no sooner had you spoken than you heard a bone-chilling growl, and you turned, catching sight of a large cat just ahead of you. Your blood turned to ice in your veins, and on instinct, you pushed Amy behind you, keeping a hand on her as you slowly backed away.
You locked eyes with the cougar, flashing your golden irises, hoping that would be a deterrent. However, the cat only bared its fangs and crouched back on its haunches. Your heart began to hammer in your chest. There was no time to hesitate. 
“The second he jumps, I want you to run,” you told Amy.
“But I don’t wanna leave you!” She exclaimed, trembling with fear. 
“You can’t shift yet. You’re safer running than you are staying here with me,” you emphasized. Amy was just a baby, her wolf hadn’t even made its appearance yet, and even if it had, it would only be a pup. Not strong enough to fight a fully grown cougar. 
“But-” she never had a chance to finish the sentence, because in a flash, the cat was lunging at you. Amy let out a shrill scream that carried through the trees. 
On the Abbott ranch, Rhett’s head snapped up when he heard the scream. He had been hard at work trying to finish up the project of converting the old barn, but at the sound of his niece’s shriek, he dropped the tools he was holding. 
A shock of what felt like electricity rippled through him, and he grunted, realizing that you were in danger. Without a moment’s hesitation, he was running, hyper-focused on the area that the sound had come from. As he ran, his body shifted and transformed, until, moments later, he was no longer a man, but a sleek, black wolf, running fast as the wind. 
In the woods, you were preparing to fight for your life. You physically tossed Amy out of the way so that when the cat landed, it would hit you instead of her. You didn’t even have time to shift into your wolf. Or, rather, white-hot terror blossomed within you when you realized you couldn’t shift. 
Your fangs had elongated and your claws had come out, but your body remained in its human form. And when you realized this, it was too late. 200 pounds of muscle crashed into your chest, sending you back toward the forest floor.
You screamed, growling as threateningly as possible, but it didn’t seem to do much to scare the animal. You thought for certain that this was it, that you were going to die right then and there. But then, in a flash of black fur glinting in the sunlight, an earth-rattling roar ripped through the air, and in a split second, the cat was no longer on top of you.
Gasping sharply, you sat up, eyes wild as you took in the sight before you. There was Rhett in his wolf form, and he had the cougar by the neck. Beside you, Amy let out a sob as she scrambled toward you. You grabbed her, wrapping your arms protectively around her, turning her face away so she wouldn’t have to watch. 
The cat snarled and hissed, clawing at Rhett’s wolf, and it caught him on the side, at which he let out an agonized yelp that made you flinch. But he quickly regained dominance and in seconds, the cat let out an inhuman screech and quickly scrambled away from the wolf, turning to hiss once more before running off, wounded, into the woods, clearly realizing it was not going to win this fight.
Rhett followed after it to make sure it was long gone. In the meantime, Amy was crying against your chest. “Is it gone?!” She whimpered. 
You ran your fingers through her honey-colored hair, soothing her softly, even as your own body still trembled with fear. “Yes, baby. It’s gone.”
She sat upright, glancing around. “Where’s Uncle Rhett?!” Her voice was panicked, terrified.
But you didn’t have to reassure her, for seconds later, the wolf returned. Amy scrambled to her feet and ran to him, falling to her knees as she threw her arms around his neck. The wolf whined lowly as he nuzzled against the girl, sniffing at her to make sure she was unharmed. 
As you approached, he locked eyes with you, and you knelt beside Amy, reaching out to run your hand over his fur. You could tell he was hurt. The slash in his side from the cougar’s claws was bleeding crimson. But he wouldn’t rest until he saw you both to safety.
“Thank you,” you whispered, and he rested his head upon your shoulder before he finally pulled away. He pointed his head toward the trail home, wanting you to follow, and so you did. Amy gathered up her half-spilled bucket of berries, grabbed onto your hand, and followed Rhett’s wolf out of the woods and back toward the house. 
It was only after he made sure that you and Amy were safely returned home that he allowed himself to shift back to his human form. As Cecelia fussed over Amy, Rhett trotted after you into his bedroom upstairs, and as soon as the door was shut, his fur faded away, giving way to pale, smooth skin. Within moments, there was your husband kneeling bare before you, all signs of his animal form gone. 
“Baby,” you breathed, falling to your knees in front of him, reaching your hands up to hold his face. “You’re hurt.” The claw marks along his ribs looked even worse in his human form. 
He shook his head. “I’m fine. I’ll heal,” he replied. Then it was his turn to check you over for any harm. “Did that son’bitch hurt you?”
“I…I don’t think so. Just scared me, is all. I couldn’t shift, and by the time I realized that, it was on top of me.”
Rhett’s brow furrowed as he frowned, large hands coming up to rest against either side of your neck. “It’s ‘cause you were scared,” he whispered. “It’s happened to me before. I froze up, got so fuckin’ into my head that my wolf didn’t wanna come out.”
“Really?” You asked, a little relieved that you weren’t alone.
“Yeah. She’ll come out again, don’t you worry.”
You hummed in understanding, happy that Rhett knew exactly what you were dealing with, and that it was nothing to worry about. Then, the time for realization kicked in. The realization that it all could have been so much worse, and you were lucky that Rhett stepped in when he did. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, after you’d both finally stood, allowing Rhett to gather a clean set of clothes. “I feel so fucking useless, not being able to protect Amy the way I needed to. I hate that I froze up. I’m just so relieved you heard us and got to us in time.”
Rhett shook his head, stepping toward you as he finished pulling on his jeans. String fingers tilted your chin up. “You did your best in a fuckin’ scary situation. Hell, you were ready to sacrifice yourself so Amy would be safe. That’s not you bein’ useless. You protected her just like any mama wolf would protect her pup.”
His words brought unexpected tears to your eyes. When he saw them glimmering along your lash line, he smiled softly, thumb stroking over your cheek. “You did good, little wolf.”
The nickname, which he’d dubbed you after the first few weeks of knowing you, made you smile, despite the tears running down your cheeks. 
After that encounter, it seemed that your bond only deepened. You grew even closer than before, your hearts knit together by an unbreakable invisible force. And as your love blossomed and flourished, you crossed the threshold of new milestones together. 
One of those milestones was finally moving into the old barn that you’d been renovating together. It had gone from a barebones wooden shell to a cozy home with room for your family to grow. It allowed you to still remain near the rest of your combined pack, but also gave you a haven of privacy. Gone were the days of sharing his childhood bedroom and trying to stay quiet while in a house full of wolves with keen hearing. Now you had your own space to do whatever you pleased together. 
Although moving into your own space was a very big milestone for you, it was nothing compared to what was coming your way. 
There was a very special and celebrated time that took place between werewolf couples. Much like regular wolves, werewolves had a mating season. The first season shared between mates was pivotal in their relationship. 
You and Rhett had yet to experience that season yet. On your own, you had endured heats before. It was only a natural occurrence. But you had heard that the heat you experienced on your own was nothing compared to that first one you would experience with your mate. 
Secretly, in your own mind, you had fantasized about what it might be like. You were already insatiable enough as it was during heat. The thought of it being increased tenfold was unimaginable for you. 
You knew the pattern of your cycle. It was easy to follow. You would enter into heat twice a year. Once in the springtime, and once in autumn. Each time it would last around 7 to 14 days. 
Your marriage to Rhett took place in early summertime. Which meant, along with the changing of leaves and the cooling of the air, you would soon be entering into that heat stage. You knew it was coming. It was marked in red on your calendar. 
You were nervous, to say the least. While you were eager to experience it with him, it was all so new. Sex was not a foreign concept between the two of you. You’d had it plenty of times since your marriage. But this was different. This was a primal, instinctual ritual. One that could potentially result in your bloodline being continued. 
You were entirely unprepared for just how intense it would be. As the season turned, your body prepared itself for another cycle. It started subtly at first, but soon grew into so much more. 
Possessiveness and protectiveness over your mate was the first thing you noticed, increased even more so than usual. That possessive streak reared its ugly head when an unsuspecting human girl tried to flirt with Rhett. You found yourself pulling him against your side and quite literally growling at her. It was not your proudest moment, but you could not control the wolf inside you. She did what she wanted. 
The protectiveness came when anyone disrespected him. It didn’t matter who. Although Perry generally tried to steer clear of running his mouth at Rhett in your presence, there were times when he slipped up. And this time around, you found yourself with your claws at his throat when he made a comment under his breath. 
“Say it again,” you hissed, baring your sharp canines. “Go on, say it!”
It took both Rhett and Royal to pull you off of him. That instance, however, you were not sorry for. You would never be ashamed of defending your husband. 
Soon, the irritability and possessiveness melted away into something else. Your every sense was heightened. Your already keen wolf senses were increased to the point where you could hardly even bear it. 
And then came the desire. 
Nothing in the world could have prepared you for how all-consuming it would be. It hit you like a freight train, slamming into your body and sending you into orbit. It started as a dull ache that very quickly began to spread throughout your body. 
The first day you woke up with it, you were animalistic. It drove you out of your slumber and sent you shooting upright in bed, growling as you pressed your hands against your lower abdomen, where the ache had settled. 
Much to your utter dismay, Rhett was not in bed beside you. He was more than aware about your approaching heat, and he tried to spend as much time with you as he could. But that morning, his father had called him out of bed at an ungodly hour to handle an issue with an injured calf. That took him away from you, and when you discovered he was gone, you let out a pained yowl, curling into a ball. 
“Rhett!” You desperately cried out, hoping he was still nearby. But you were met with no answer. 
Groaning, you dragged yourself out of bed, and you gasped sharply, placing a hand over your mouth when you realized that your need had soaked straight through the panties you’d worn to bed. They weren’t just damp. They were drenched. 
When you stood, your knees almost buckled, and your hand shot out to steady yourself against the bedpost. “Holy fuck,” you whimpered. You had never in your life felt such a sensation. 
It was an ache so strong that there were no words to describe it. An agony that was not quite painful, but maddening nonetheless. And there was only one way to soothe it. Rhett was the only one capable of easing the burning fire. The only one who could act as a soothing salve. But he was nowhere to be found. 
How could he just leave? In your agitated state it only served to upset you all the more. He knew you were coming up on your heat. He knew you needed him. How could he leave you all alone to deal with it?
Of course, he hadn’t done it on purpose. That morning when he’d woken before the sun, he could smell you. Your scent had increased, its spicy sweetness making his head spin. But he knew how Royal would get if he refused to help his father with the issue at hand, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with the man’s contrariness. 
Leaving you in bed that morning had been incredibly difficult. But he left with the hope that this project wouldn’t take long, and he’d be back with you before you ever woke up. 
But that was four hours ago, and he was still dealing with an injured calf, a distressed mama cow, and one irritated Royal Abbott. The situation had given Rhett a distraction, but back at home, you had none. 
You swiped your phone off of your nightstand with the intent of calling him to see where he was. However, when you dialed, you were alerted to the sound of ringing coming from his own nightstand. He’d left his phone at home. 
You growled in frustration, tossing your phone onto the bed, just as another surge of molten need vibrated through you, sending you to your knees. Your body trembled, and the intensity was so great that you could feel yourself beginning to shift. 
Your claws lengthened from your fingers, ripping shreds into the side of the duvet as you held onto the mattress for support. You felt out of control, and it was a scary feeling. You hadn’t felt this way since your first full moon, and even that wasn’t comparable to how intense it was now. 
The full moon didn’t leave an agonizing ache in your cunt like this. No, this was solely the result of your body’s natural drive to mate. But how on earth were you meant to do that if the one you were mated to wasn’t even here?
Tears welled in your eyes, and you forced yourself to rage deep, ragged breaths. Maybe if you could just get to the bathroom, you could put yourself under a cold shower and hopefully snap yourself out of this feverish state. 
You stood on unsteady legs and stumbled toward the steps, which you rushed down until you made it to the main floor area below the loft. You burst into the bathroom and immediately turned on the shower to a cold spray, stripping out of your shirt and panties and jumping in. 
You hissed as the chilly water enveloped you, cascading down your heated skin. It provided a small amount of relief, but it didn’t take the discomfort away completely. 
You knew that you couldn’t relieve the ache yourself, but that didn’t stop you from trying. You reached a trembling hand between your thighs, running your fingers over your center, your legs nearly giving out as you brushed against your swollen, thrumming clit. 
You let out a sharp whimper and jolted forward. You tried to soothe your need to be filled by using your fingers, but they were nothing compared to Rhett. His fingers, his cock. They didn’t reach that spot inside you that made you see stars. You were left feeling unsatisfied and even needier than before. 
In frustration, you leaned back against the shower walls squeezing your eyes shut and trying to steady your breathing. You imagined this was how wolves felt in the wild. You hardly felt like you could exercise your human control anymore. You’d heard of werewolves shifting permanently into their wolf bodies and giving in to their wild nature. It didn’t seem that far-fetched that it could happen to you. 
In the midst of your plight, Rhett had just looked at the sky and realized that the sun’s placement must mean it was nearly 10 o’clock in the morning. His eyes widened. He hadn’t realized how much time had passed since he’d left early that morning, but it had been almost five hours. He knew you were awake by now, and probably desperate as all get out. 
He patted his jeans for his phone, but found his pockets empty. And then he remembered, he’d accidentally left it behind that morning. “Shit,” he cursed. He snatched up his Carhartt jacket that he had draped over one of the stall doors. “Dad, I gotta go,” he called out to his father.
“Hang on,” Royal replied, but Rhett shook his head, already halfway out the barn door.
“M’ wife needs me, I gotta get back. Ask Per for help if you need it.” And then he was gone, scrambling out into the cool October morning. His mind was spinning as he pictured you home alone. You were likely at your wit's end. 
Sure enough, when he finally made it to the house, it was your scent that nearly knocked him flat on his ass as he walked through the door. He grunted as if he’d been kicked in the gut, stumbling back against the wooden door. 
His every sense was overwhelmed by you. Deep, spicy, sweet. Irresistible and divine, all at once. His heart rate began to quicken in his chest, and he gasped as he straightened, hastily kicking his boots off by the door. “Little wolf?!” He called out.
At the sound of his voice, a sob of relief tore from you. You had just climbed out of your cold shower, towel wrapped around your body. “Rhett!” You wailed, your voice coming out as a desperate, animalistic yowl. 
He knew exactly where you were, he could hear the pounding of your heart, the shallowness of your breath. He was drawn straight to you like a moth to flame, and within seconds, he was at the bathroom door, just as you flung it open.
“Rhett!” You wailed again, throwing yourself into his arms as sobs wracked your body. “Wh-where were yo-you?! I needed you and you were gone! Why did you leave me?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. Dad needed help and I didn’t think I’d be gone that long, but that was five fuckin’ hours ago. I’m sorry.”
You clutched at his shirt, and he gasped when he heard a rip, only to find that your claws had torn through the fabric of his flannel. “Shit, okay, hold on,” he told you, pulling you back to look fully into your face. Your skin was damp, but it wasn’t from the shower you’d just taken. You were sweaty but also hot to the touch, as if you had a high fever. 
Your eyes were glowing gold, and through your parted lips he could see your fangs. And oh, how you trembled. So much so that he had to hold you steady so you didn’t fall. “Please,” you whimpered, “it hurts so bad, please, I-I can’t take it anymore! I feel like I’m on fucking fire!”
Rhett was overwhelmed. You smelled so good, like the natural scent that had drawn him to you when you first became mates. But there was something else, something that could only be described as sex. It felt like it was altering his very brain chemistry.
Then he growled, deep and low in his throat, and pressed his nose to your neck, breathing in deep before he began trailing lower, in search of the source. He ripped your towel away from your body and nuzzled at you until he finally stopped between your thighs, pressing his nose against your cunt and inhaling. 
You gazed down at him, and his own eyes flashed yellow to match yours. Possessively, he nipped at your inner thigh. “I’m here now, little wolf,” he assured you, “I’ll take care of you.”
“Please,” you sobbed, “I can’t…I don’t know if I can…” but the words died in your throat. 
He straightened back up, leaning in to kiss you deeply as he quickly shrugged out of his shirt, tossing it aside before you reached for his belt, trying to unbuckle it, but quickly growing tearful and frustrated. He shushed you with another kiss and unbuckled the belt himself, shoving his jeans and underwear down his legs all at once, freeing his already hardening cock. 
As soon as you saw it, you mewled, dropping to your knees and rubbing your face against the velvety skin. Rhett grunted, his head spinning at the sight of you nuzzling your cheek against his dick. You were so far gone, and it was dizzying to him. 
“Need it so bad,” you whined, kitten licking the tip as the shaft hardened. “Need it so deep inside me.”
“I’m gonna give it to you, promise,” he rasped. Then he hauled you to your feet, with the intention of pulling you up to your bedroom in the loft, but you never made it. You couldn’t wait another second, and in a flurry of desperation, you grabbed onto him, tugging him hard and sending you both to the floor. 
He landed on his back as you climbed on top of him, but in true wolf fashion, he snarled, wrestling you until you were the one lying on your back on the floor. In this way, he showed his dominance over you, securing his right to be your mate.
“Gettin’ big for your britches, little wolf,” he muttered as he ran his nose over your flesh, inhaling you. You had very quickly turned to putty in his hands, especially when you felt his cock against your inner thigh.
“Need it! I need it, please! Please, please, please!” You wept, entirely forgetting your little fight for dominance that had taken place moments earlier. The ache between your legs had increased all the more. A throbbing, burning, crushing ache that made you feel like you were suffocating, as if you’d die if you didn’t become one with him in the next few seconds. 
Rhett looked down and he saw why you were so desperate. Your cunt was puffy, and with the sunlight that was streaming in through the windows, he could see how wet it was. You’d only been on the floor for a few moments but your arousal had already dripped down onto the hardwood. “Oh my god,” he whispered in amazement. 
He couldn’t contain himself if he tried. He placed his hands on the floor, at either side of your head, and nudged his hips forward. When you felt the blunt head of his cock against you, you whimpered. It burned, it burned, it burned. Until, suddenly…
“Oh!” He was inside you in one fluid motion. Every last inch of him, filling you to the brim, fitting inside you like he was created to. Because he was. You were two unique souls made perfectly for each other. 
“I’ve got ya, sweet baby. I’ve got ya,” he assured you as you whimpered and whined at the fullness. 
And suddenly, all at once, that terrible, gnawing ache began to fade. It felt like a healing salve to a grave wound. You gasped, your eyes widening as you gazed up at your husband. “Rhett,” you squeaked.
“I know.”
Tears filled your eyes as you finally felt relief for the first time that day. Those same tears began to track down the sides of your face, and you couldn’t help but let out a breathless sob. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and clung to him as he began to slowly move. 
With each push and pull of his cock within you, your body reacted accordingly, providing you with even more lubricant until he was moaning, gasping at the feeling. “Shit, darlin’, you’re dribblin’ all over me.”
“S-sorry,” you peeped, squeezing your eyes shut. “Ca-can’t help it. Feels too good. Feels…oh, feels so fucking…good…”
You threw your head back as he built a rhythm, slow at first, but the pace soon quickened. Back and forth, faster and faster, until it could only be described as rutting. You felt so fucking full, and he kept you that way, barely pulling his hips back, instead fucking you in a pulsing motion. It was too much and not enough. You started to grow desperate again. The ache was gone, but it had been replaced with molten heat, as if your insides were melting. 
“Harder, harder, harder!” You cried out.
He obliged, grunting laboriously as he drove into you harder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him close as he plunged his cock into you repeatedly. The sounds escaping both of you were animalistic. Growls and snarls and hisses, the wild animals caged within you trying to claw their way to the surface. 
He was so deep inside you, every ridge and vein of his cock creating such divine friction within you that it felt like you were being burned alive in the most wonderful, indescribable way. 
Your claws dug into the tender flesh of his back, and he gnarled, snapping his teeth at you, but not in a threatening way. He nuzzled into your neck, the sharp tips of those fangs pressing against your pulse point, and you whined, leaning into the pleasurable pain. 
His teeth drew blood, and as soon as the crimson blossomed against your skin, he used his tongue to soothe over it, licking up your lifeblood. The bite mark healed quickly, as injuries normally did, but you could still feel the sting even after it was gone. 
And then, something else happened. It was common for werewolves to shift partially, where their eyes, fangs, and claws became visible. But it was also common for them to grow a little in stature, too. 
You could feel it. His muscles rippled beneath your touch, expanding. His shoulders grew broader. And something else, grew, too. When you felt it, you let out a wolfish yip, jolting against him as his cock swelled within your cunt.
“R-Rhett,” you squeaked, and he shushed you, kissing you languidly.
“You’re okay, little wolf. Feels good, don’t it?”
You managed to nod despite yourself. Your tears kept falling and they wouldn’t stop. But they weren’t tears of pain. Quite the contrary. It didn’t matter that he was growing inside you. Your body was designed to accommodate it. The feeling was incredibly pleasurable, and it sent an intense shudder through your body.
You screwed your eyes shut and mewled as he kept rutting into you, stretching you, filling you, completing you. This felt right. This felt good. This felt like the most natural thing in the world. And it was. Your bodies were joined as one. One force, one soul, one heart. 
“You feel so good,” you repeated yourself, unashamed of the tears still streaming down your cheeks. “So good, so good, so good.”
His hips quickened within you. His hands remained at either side of your head, and you could hear his claws gouging into the hardwood. He’d be pissed about that mark later, but right now, he couldn’t be bothered to care. Nothing else mattered but this. Fulfilling this natural, primal, raw desire to claim, and be claimed. 
The intensity mounted, like a kettle beginning to boil. You held onto him so tightly, encouraging him to go deeper, faster, harder. And he did, until it felt like he was fucking you into the floor. 
He leaned back to watch you, admiring the way your eyes rolled back in your head, the way you shuddered so powerfully, as if you’d just been struck with a bolt of lightning. It felt like you had, because each nudge of his cock in your slick walls sent sparks surging through your core. 
His eyes flickered further down, to the place where your bodies met. Where your cunt clasped him in a vice grip. “Takin’ me so well,” he gruffed, at which you whimpered. Then, you felt his big, warm hand splaying against your lower abdomen. “Gon’ fill you up, little wolf.”
“Please,” you squeaked. 
“Yeah?” He leaned in close, and you opened your eyes, finding golden irises gazing back at you. “Yeah? Want me to get you full of me? Take all my seed like you were made to?”
You cried out, jolting against you when he thrust forward particularly hard, sending your body vibrating with ecstasy. “Need it so bad!” You practically shrieked.
“I’ll give it all to you. Get this pretty tummy nice an’ round. Full of my pups.”
At his words, your entire world tilted on its axis. Your brain went blank with white-hot pleasure. All you knew was “yes, yes, yes!” That was what you wanted. That was what your body was begging for. To mate. To be bred. 
Rhett kissed you again, swallowing your babbled pleas. You felt as if you were not of your body. Like you were floating over yourself, watching your husband fuck you. It was unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
Your body shook and shivered. Your eyes rolled back in your skull. You couldn’t speak. You could hardly breathe. It was immeasurable. Indescribable. You were certain you were going to pass out from the ecstasy. It surged through you from head to toe, sizzling and sparking, illuminating the very edges of your soul, sending you into orbit.
You swore you did black out for a moment. How was it possible that something could feel this good? You had experienced all-consuming pleasure before, multiple times. Rhett was a generous lover who always made you see stars when he fucked you. But this was different. This was mind-bending, soul-shattering, earth-shaking.
You didn’t realize you were repeatedly chanting his name. It left your lips like a prayer, breathlessly whispered up to the heavens. He spoke to you, but you couldn’t hear him. You were deafened by searing pleasure, ringing in your ears, rattling your very bones to their marrow. 
You barely registered his mouth at your neck again, teeth nipping into tender flesh. All you knew was that you were existing on an otherworldly plane. And then you felt it. That flame that had been burning inside you was growing. Hotter, bigger, more intense.
Rhett could feel it. You were trembling uncontrollably, body convulsing as if you’d been struck by raw electricity. Your cunt kept pulsing around him, tightening so intensely that he almost struggled to move within you. 
“Let go,” he rasped, knowing that he, too, was nearing his end. He could feel it, crackling to life at the base of his spine, thrumming within his heavy, aching balls. He was driven by his need to fill you with his very essence. 
“I-I’m c-co-” but you couldn’t speak. The words wouldn’t come. They were impossible. So you simply cried and wailed beneath him, so certain you were about to burst into flames, reduced to nothing but ash.
But you didn’t burst into a fiery inferno. Instead, every nerve, every neuron, every atom of your body was consumed with something you could never, ever describe with mere mortal words. 
Your eyes went wide as you locked your gaze with Rhett’s. Mouth open, chest pressing into his as you jerked forward. And then it hit you. Hard, deep, stretching over every inch of your body. You let out a carnal howl, which surely echoed for miles outside of your home. 
You fell apart around your husband’s cock, keening, sobbing, consumed by blazing euphoria. You felt as if you were part of the universe, an explosion of blazing stars, scattered brilliantly across the universe in a blinding, breathtaking array.
You thought it would end, but it didn’t. Your eyes flew open when you realized you were still coming. “Rhett!” You shrieked. “I-I c-ca-can’t stop!”
His mouth fell open as he gasped sharply, grunting as your body continued to undulate beneath him. But he couldn’t reply, for suddenly, he was overcome. His own release rushed through him in an overwhelming surge, and his grunt turned into a yowl. The heat of his release flooded the very core of your being, filling you until it spilled out around the edges of his cock, dripping down to the floor beneath you.
It took what felt like an eternity for you both to come back to yourselves. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but once Rhett regained feeling in his extremities, he gingerly lifted himself from where his body had fallen against your own.
His eyes were back to their familiar human blue, so brilliant and comforting all at once. His face was soft with concern, and he lifted his hand to gently stroke your tear-dampened cheek. “Y’ okay, little wolf?” He asked. 
You couldn’t find your voice, so you simply nodded, sniffling softly. He soothed you, leaning in close to kiss you deeply. “That was…fuck, that was a lot,” he continued on. 
“I-I know,” you whispered, barely audible. 
Gently, he eased his cock out of you, and you let out a heartbreaking cry at the emptiness. One that he soothed with another kiss. He brought his hand down between your legs, cupping your dripping cunt, soothing any pain he might’ve caused. But you weren’t in pain. Far from it. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Got a call from Dad this mornin’ about a calf that got hurt, had to go deal with that and it took all fuckin’ mornin’, and by the time I realized what time it was, it was too late. I know I shouldn't ‘ve left you all alone like that, and I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, reaching up to cup his cheek. “It’s okay. When I was crying at you about it I…I don’t think I was in my right mind. I’ve never felt like that in my entire life. Felt like I could crawl out of my own skin. Hurt so bad, I needed you somethin’ fierce. I’ve had heats before but nothing could ever compare to this.”
Rhett hummed, lifting his own hand to place over the one you’d rested on his cheek. “From now on, I ain’t leavin’ you. Don’t want you goin’ through that alone again. I’ll stay with you until it’s over.”
You nodded. “I’d like that.”
You spent a few more moments on the floor, catching your breath and processing what had just taken place. Rhett glanced at the claw marks he’d left in the hardwood and groaned in annoyance. “Next time you wanna fuck like animals, let’s do it in bed, where I can’t mess up the woodwork I broke my back tryin’ to get perfect,” he grumbled.
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Noted,” you said. 
You allowed him to help you up off the floor, and he pulled you to him, naked bodies pressed together. His gaze grew serious. “I love you, little wolf. I’m gonna take good care of you while you go through this, alright? Don’t want my darlin’ sufferin’ on my watch.”
You beamed at him and bumped your nose against his. “I know you will. You always do.”
Again, he kissed you, and then he guided you back to the bathroom from whence you’d come. There, you showered together, cleansing yourselves of your previous activities. For the time being, you were sated, and that terrible, gnawing ache was gone. What followed was this strange sort of floating feeling. Your bodies were producing special pheromones which intensified the bonding process immediately following sex. 
You felt so connected to Rhett, even more so than you ever had before. It was a little overwhelming. After your shower, you refused to part from one another. You stayed close, curling up in bed for a little rest after such an exhausting morning. Rhett lovingly wrapped you in his embrace, your still bare bodies intertwined. 
He traced patterns on your skin with his fingertips and told you all the things he loved about you. He confessed how grateful he was that you were his mate, and how he’d been lost before he met you. You spoke of your future together and what it might entail. Including the little ones you might add to your family if the Fates smiled down upon you.
You connected on an entirely new level, and it only served to knit your hearts closer together. And then, you drifted off into a peaceful slumber, cuddled in each other’s embrace.
But your body would soon wake you again, and you would be reacquainted with that all too familiar ache. This time, however, Rhett was with you. You found yourself whimpering, crying for him as you shook him awake. 
He remained perfectly calm as he soothed you, kissing you so lovingly as he arranged your body into position. Slowly, steadily, he eased himself into you again, joining your bodies as one. 
“You’re okay, little wolf. I’m right here. I’ll always be right here.”
And you knew he would.
tagging (a mix of those already on my taglist/those who might be interested):
@cdauni @gothamrots @happyrebelruins @bobfloydsbabe @myfandomchangesalot @mikpieboo @petersunderoos96 @eighthwvnder @yanna-banana @bradshawsbaby @bradshawsbitch @sebsxphia @basiccortez @thesluttyarchivist @rhettabbotts @milesmillergf @briseisgone @laluneveillesureux @gohnspants @bobfloyds @wkndwlff @damrlova @withahappyrefrain @michaego
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