#tangentially related to lapras!
sakew-region · 8 months
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#103: Evaysprit- Between being able to disappear at will, living only in the darkest and least accessible ponds in the world, and its speed, Evaysprit is exceedingly hard to study and catch. This Pokémon is very curious, however, and comes up to any human that enters its territory to sniff them with its long nose. Evaysprit doesn’t have scales and takes in no breaths; top scientists say that it isn’t even alive and many agree that it may be the reincarnated spirit of Lapras. When Evaysprit swims near the surface of its ponds, the fin on its back peeks out of the water. This has sparked many conspiracies about mythical lake monsters, dubbed “Mock Less Monsters”, named due to their existence being a mockery to science. (Name from “evasive” and “spirit”)
#104: Eelokness- Evolves from Evaysprit with a dusk stone. This Pokémon’s rarity makes Evaysprit look like your everyday Rattata. While any trainer can evolve Evaysprit with a dusk stone, no wild Eelokness have ever been documented. The only tangible evidence we have that wild variants of this Pokémon existed is a passage from a wildlife handbook written in 1856. The author states he saw a Pokémon “at least four paces tall, covered nose to fluke in the thickest algae, a black kind of metal melded upon its sloped spine.” Researchers would have believed Pokémon may have gone extinct many years ago if not for a small but persistent group of locals who insist that once every full moon, a huge beast covered in deep black metal emerges from the lake. Mere minutes after appearing, they say, the Pokémon fades away and a deep fog rolls in. (Name from “eel”, “Loch Ness”, and “elusive”)
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charcherry-weekly · 1 year
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 125
The snow falls gently from the heavens as of late. This is Mage of Light Nick Card and I've got some news to share.
Competitive Ambitions
There has been recent discussion of a little cup style pokemon tournment being ran in early 2023. It is still being worked out, so details are currently scarce. Tangentially related, PKMN Breeder HAZEL has introduced a scoring system she's been researching known as the OpenSkill rating system. A number of known trainers have been entered into the system, though the sample size of recorded battles has proven to be very small so far:
Jovin 9.272840438955914 Brae Emit 7.22262823647624 Rise Emit 6.729486072456535 Remote Soulbot 3.765501947016432 Hazel & Gwyn 3.4387124345030067 Anton 0.369765594907868 HAZEL 0.0 Charles -0.5491206378924822 Nick Card -1.8317503324442903 Maggie -1.8317503324442903 Shellderspire Isle VoidCo Employee -3.090516308757678 Hissnclinkanck -4.400395724788748
When this list was first posted, your dear newsletter writer had a score of 0.0. I wound up challenging Spirit of the Hunt Gwyn to a pokemon battle soon after. Their staravia, Starstruck, quickly floored my larvesta, Sunburst. I feel like I probably should have used Slope if I wanted to win, but I didn't want to be accused if being unfair, considering Slope is level 30, compared to Starstruck being level 20. A few supereffective flying type attacks later, I predictably lost.
A few days later, Gwyn and Heir of Hope Hazel Careon took a trip to the Orange Islands to do some proper pokemon training. Rogue of Heart Charles sent a number of greatdexes with them to perform field tests with. They managed to stream an almost four hour training session, rendered as gameplay of Pokemon Orange. The footage can be found here, complete with chat overlay: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlCi0WMc7Uw Gwyn's known team at this point consists of the following:
Bilb the Ivysaur Writhe the butterfree Danger the male nidoran Deb the lapras Minnie the pikachu and Aria the clefairy
They have managed to earn one badge so far, and have returned after the trip quite winded. One thing's for sure, I'm going to need to get serious about training if I want to be able to face them in a pokemon battle now!
Meanwhile, Heir of Time Rise Emit has managed to finally defeat Sinnoh Champion Cynthia, successfully claiming her title! It is unknown what they plan on doing next, especially considering their rather highly trained team, and lack of interest in being tied down to a particular role.
The Holidays!
On Thursday, it was the ninth anniversary of the Vast Meep, aka frogmas. It is apparently a celebration of the maturation of Gene as a habitable cosmic entity. I've heard about it here and there, but never really got into the practice of celebrating it. First time I heard about it was actually when me and Thoren were tracking down Rise back in december 2019. Apparently it's just sort of a thing that's celebrated in a lot of random places in the tadpole galaxy? Anyhow, Rufus wound up taking that day and the next off, prompting their boss, Prince of Time Aeons Edgeworth, to take their place at the pokesnack stand.
Coming up soon, is Present Redistrobution day, or Redistro for short. It is a rather localized holiday that just so happens to fall on the same day as christmas for possibly thematic reasons. Originally, it was a day when first guardian santa claus traditionally teleported large amounts of toys to countless post offices across Jingloria, for mailcarriers to deliver to countless homes. This practice was exploited by business owners who wished for a publicity channel, which soon lead to most products made by elves are created in a toy-like manner to allow for santa to deliver them. Since the Reckoning occurred, first guardian santa claus has yet to have their location reported.
In this day and age however, Redistro is meant to be a celebration of survival, as it was the day that The Reckoning occured upon Planet Jingloria. Aeons and a number of other players had saved a bunch of elves from the meteors and they've been living on starter planet for a couple years now. Every year a ton of elves return to charcherry to celebrate together for a number of days. Thoren has taken the role of santa claus in this, having felt somewhat guilty in the past for their misdeeds against the elves. Nowadays, having been brought back to life, Thoren has far less guilt, but is still dedicated to the duty. Thoren plans on making sure that presents are delivered across starter planet (and a few choice settlements off-world as well) in the outwardly observed timespan of one night. I am currently unsure what sorts of accommodations Thoren is planning on employing this year, as the global route has been noted to be very grueling. Regardless, knowing Thoren's reliability, they will find a way.
I'll be Home for Crispmas
After a great deal of time spent away from home, in the wilds of route 1 in the Kanto region, Page of Mind Samm has decided to spend the rest of the month back home with the group again. She appears quite excited to spend the holidays with those she cares about.
In other news, Desertian President Katyleen Kitten and her wife Samus Kitten have both returned home, having spent time away for their own reasons. They still however need time to recover, which is being respected.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Candlestick stand (this week)
Glue stand (this week)
Artisanal jinglorian toy stand (one day left!!)
Katie’s potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
Brae’s canned goods stand (currently closed for the time being)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus and Aeons)
Wound up taking a nap in the middle of writing. It's so cozy with the fire roaring this time of the night. At least this way I can get some segmented sleep. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/353/charcherry-weekly-issue-125
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deadybones · 6 years
top 10 songs, top 10 bands/singers, top pokemon, top 10 viddy games
Presented with the caveat that for anything music-related are in no order, and I would probably give a different answer in like, an hour.
Everyone getta load of my good taste!!
Cattle & Cane - The Go-Betweens, This Tornado Loves You - Neko Case, Oh Mandy - The Spinto Band, Sweet Jane - The Velvet Underground, A Change is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke, Life on Mars - David Bowie, Not Dead Luna - YAPOOS, Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe - Kendrick Lamar, The Spark That Bled - The Flaming Lips, Born Under Punches - Talking Heads (+ honorable mention: Until It’s Time for You to Go - Buffy Sainte Marie) 
Bands & Singers (currently active only or we’ll be here all day)
Neko Case, Wilco, Esperanza Spalding, Father John Misty, Animal Collective, The Mountain Goats, The Handsome Family, Car Seat Headrest, EGO WRAPPIN’, and anyone even tangentially associated with YMO
Lapras, Cubone, Arcanine, Gengar, Sableye, Murkrow, Meowth, Cooler Alola Meowth, Gyrados and Mudkips
Persona 4, Night in the Woods, Journey, Undertale, Odin Sphere, Earthbound, Ihatovo Monogatari, Dragon Age Inquisition, Pokemon Gold, Splatoon
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