#olympics AU
deviliciousnavy · 9 months
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Monkey Team is ready to serve!
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
Was thinking about how the Olympic village is basically an orgy of strongest people from all over the world so let’s think of Olympic athletes Zoro and Sanji meet at the Olympic Games:
Zoro as a Japanese martial artist (karate? Judo? Taekwondo?) kind of athlete since Kendo is not an Olympic sport and fencing wouldn’t feel right for this man. He can have Law and Kiku as buddies from Japan on his team
Sanji as a French gymnast , coached by his adoptive father Zeff
Sanji spots Japan’s sexy flagbearer (a bit oiled up or shirtless maybe 😏?) during the opening ceremony and is very flustered. He doesn’t know Zoro notices him too- not just from then but because Sanji was in a promo video for Paris 2024, doing some hypnotizing gymnastics and looking gorgeous, sweaty and laughing on camera , and Zoro definitely didn’t pause and stare at his definition a couple dozen times, no sirree.
(Alternate idea: the flame needs to be passed on from Japan to France (Tokyo to Paris) What if they fight and extinguish it by accident and dislike each other at the start?)
They run into each other constantly at the Olympic village- staying in nearby rooms, at the cafeteria, at parties, etc, their friend groups accidentally mingling and bringing them together over the course of the games
The sexual tension is PALPABLE AS FUCK Sanji can’t stop staring at this infuriatingly sexy and usually composed man with an impressively large chest and arms while Zoro can’t stop thinking about getting between those corded muscles on those juicy thighs and die happy there
Zoro definitely attends Sanji’s events and gets so hot and bothered
Nami (team France, Friends with Sanji) notices Zoro staring at his ass of course and tries to get them to get it out of their system, bringing Sanji to a team Japan event or completion where Zoro is likely to attend- everyone runs with the urban myth that athletes at the Olympics perform better when having sex anyways right?
At a party, drunk after a win, Zoro and Sanji try to reason with themselves that that’s the reason they’re doing this, nothing more, as they fall into each others (cardboard?) beds again and again, seeking each other out (if they’re cardboard like for Tokyo 2020 they MUST break one)
There can be some second language English miscommunication, as a treat
Despite their emotional constipation Sanji can’t stop himself from being himself though and shows his sweet side, showing Zoro around and sharing French culture with him, and Zoro is enamoured as fuck, and Sanji tells him he’s always dreamt of coming to Japan, if not at least for the food-then for the culture (Fun fact Japan and France have a long long history of romanticizing the fuck out of each other so it’s so perfect)
Sanji originally plans to bring just Zoro on a romantic outing in Paris but ends up bringing the whole ragtag group they accidentally formed - Robin insists they need to visit the catacombs (lol) Chopper wants to eat Berthillon Ice cream, Usopp wants to visit the botanical gardens, etc robin wins and Chopper and Usopp are terrified the whole time because these are real human bones lol
Bonus stuff: Usopp is in sharpshooting or archery, Luffy is in trampoline, Chopper is in equestrian, Nami is in sailing, Robin is in table tennis (or is a coach?), Franky does Paralympic Greco-Roman wrestling, Brook does fencing, Jinbei does surfing
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rebelspykatie · 10 months
Gymnastics/Olympics AU Part 1
Steve’s not used to sharing the spotlight. He can’t believe this fresh-faced nobody is out here acting like he has any idea what he’s doing. For years, Steve’s been the golden child of gymnastics. Everyone loves him, no one’s come close to beating him at any of the events he specializes in, he puts butts in seats, which is more than most of the field can say. Until now, when Eddie Munson just waltzes onto the scene like he was born to do gymnastics. 
He makes it look so easy, long limbs flying through the air as if the universe created him to be aerodynamic. Strong arms holding him in place on the rings, not moving an inch, and perfect balance on the pommel horse. It makes Steve furious. He’s trained his whole life, worked for years to get to this level. It shouldn’t be easy. 
Every qualifying event leading up to the Olympics just made it more obvious that Steve should be concerned. Eddie kept climbing the ranks, perfecting his routines, sticking every landing. It grated on Steve’s nerves. His success doesn’t feel earned, which is stupid because he did earn his place just like Steve, but it happened in the blink of an eye. 
And Steve just has to suck it up and accept it or he doesn’t look like a team player. The media loves pitting them against each other, too. Golden Boy vs. Wild Child. Steve’s known for his looks, perfectly coifed hair, bright charming smile, eyes that melt the panties off the ladies in the crowd. And here Eddie is, long hair wild and untamed, just like his personality. His smile is coy, teasing the crowd. He’s boisterous, where Steve is reserved. 
So of course when they get to the Olympic village, they’re paired up. Roommates. Steve can’t help groaning when he walks in and sees black and leather scattered all over one side of the room. He makes it his mission to stay out of their room as much as possible over the course of the competition. He’s being cockblocked by a tragic set of circumstances. At his first Olympics, he was a bit too young to honor the tradition of sleeping his way through the Olympic village, but the next year, he made a name for himself.
Now, he’s frustrated, not just with Eddie stealing the show, but he’s got a lot of pent up emotions he wishes he were taking out on the hottest athletes from around the world. He can’t even focus long enough to convince someone to take him back to their room, mind only on Eddie and the way he looked at podium training. 
Robin, who's on the US soccer team, thinks it’s hilarious, following him around and pointing out all the ways Eddie is better than him. She likes to humble him. When she catches him staring, she has this smug little smirk on her face like she knows that Steve can recognize how talented Eddie is, but won’t admit it. And that’s not the problem at all, he can admit it, he just doesn’t want to. He’s fascinated with the way Eddie stays on his feet, like a cat falling from its perch, he alway seems to land upright, perfectly positioned. His eyes are drawn to his lithe limbs and how strong his forearms look as he’s braced in the air over the parallel bars. 
And maybe Robin picks up on that too, teasing him about how dumb his face looks when Eddie flexes, or how Steve can’t help but stare at the way his shorts ride up when he dismounts an apparatus. It’s not enough that Eddie’s taking his spot, but he’s captured Steve’s attention, as well. He lies awake at night, listening to Eddie’s even breathing, wishing he had the courage to be nicer. But there’s a tone to their relationship now. A reputation built on rivalry. It would be foolish for him to think that Eddie would want to even be friends after the way they’ve circled around each other in these competitions. 
Little does Steve know that Eddie’s been watching him, too. 
Part 2 | AO3
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theghostofashton · 1 month
wip wednesday
thank you to @welcometololaland @strandnreyes @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @lemonlyman-dotcom
@whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses for the tags <3
TK winces as his phone starts to buzz, bringing his coffee mug to his lips and taking a long sip before he answers it. “Hi, dad.” “TK!” His dad’s voice sounds bright on the other end, like he’s just at the beginning of a shift. “How’s Texas?” “Warm,” TK says with a laugh, thinking about the t-shirts, even the shorts he’s been able to get away with, in the dead of winter. “Warmer than Manhattan, that’s for sure.” Owen groans. “Oh, don’t remind me. It snowed over the weekend.” “How’s mom?” “She’s good, I talked to her yesterday. Busy, as usual,” Owen tells him. “What about you? How’s the gym, training with the Reyes’?” He decides to give up on real breakfast, and grabs last night’s leftovers out of the fridge. He spotted a Thai place just a few blocks from his apartment on his way home yesterday, and ordered way too much. “Andrea and Gabriel are amazing,” he says, through a mouthful of rice. “And the gym, just- everyone’s so nice.” “Oh, that’s great to hear, son, I’m so glad,” Owen says. There’s something unspoken in his voice at the end that TK picks up on and chooses to ignore, because today’s a good day. He’s already decided on that. “It’s so important that you’re in a place-” “Yeah,” TK says roughly, cutting him off. “Yeah, I know.”
tagging @sanjuwrites @paperstorm @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@carlos-tk @lightningboltreader @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to share!
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mmoosen · 9 months
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Scott McCall in the Triathlon and Isaac Lahey in Rock Climbing
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piecesofeden11 · 5 months
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I won't even say a lot! I'm a bit emotional! <3 Here's the link! Please enjoy! <3
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solitaire-addict · 3 months
i dont care what anyone says, Olympics AUs are the best. ESPECIALLY pjo
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doomspiral · 10 months
God Only Knows What You Are
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The 1988 Winter Olympics are held in Canada, and Gilbert is the Soviets' bright red shining star on ice. Ivan's other favorite can hardly stomach the performance, if he's being honest.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
I hate when people make Peter the only marauder who doesn’t do a sport in any Sport/Olympic AU’s because out of the four of them, Remus is the least likely to compete
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gryffindormischief · 1 year
Thoughts on Olympic Swimmer!Hary?
A/N: How about a little ficlet?
Silence under the water, complete isolation, one focus and everything in his body working toward that focus - that's what Harry loves about swimming. It's what lead him from swim lessons to swim team to private coach and now to the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.
Sponsorships and attention are more a means to an end than anything. He'd gladly pass that bit off to some poor sod who likes to grin and have his photo taken.
That's where he and his dad differed. His dad was captain of the UK hockey team back in the day and lead them to victory in a huge upset to everyone's expectations. And James Potter, by. his own admission, did go through a 'poncey period' before he met Lily Potter née Evans and she handed him his head at a charity ball. But even at his most humble, James Potter is a media darling.
Harry James Potter got all the sportsmanship, drive, commitment, perseverance, and whatever else it takes to be good enough for the Olympics. He did not, however, get any of the 'media darling' genes.
It worked when he started out. He was 'that cute shy newbie.' Now, he's twenty-six, competing in his second Olympic Games, had just shattered his previous record (along with the world record), and he is ready to toss up his breakfast at the thought of the press conference where he's about to be served up like a main course.
The dull rumble of conversation escalates to a roar when Neville shoves him into the room, camera shutters clacking loudly while reporters shout his name and random bouts of applause break out from the British press.
Apparently everyone's quite excited to win something.
Neville looms at Harry's side, then at his side glance, claims a seat just out of the heavy lighting meant just for Harry.
He takes a few questions, soft balls about how exciting it is to win, if he's proud of the achievement, what it means for the rest of the Games...
Then he catches sight of a flash of red in the crowd, and his heart starts pounding. He ignores a few new shouts of his name and pushes his glasses further up his face as he looks closer. It is her. Lingering off to the side, under the glow of the exit sign. God she's just so beautiful. Especially when she turns to him - like she is now - and her brown eyes glimmer like starlight.
And though Harry has learned to tune out the cacophony of sounds at a presser, his ear still recognizes sudden silence. It's almost comforting for a second, like when his whole body dips under the water, like when it's just the two of them with too much take away, a crackling fire, and no responsibilities.
Neville groans at his elbow, not like when he really screws up, but like when he grins and shakes his head because Harry's a loose cannon. He whispers, "Your mike is hot, and you definitely said that out loud."
Harry feels his face warm as he quickly looks toward Ginny, who's burying her laughter while the reporters turn to find Ginny Weasley, captain of the UK Women's Football team - currently the team to beat - lingering in the shadows.
She glances toward Harry and he grins. Ginny steps backward into the hallway, and disappears.
Harry chuckles. "Sorry - Ginny Weasley coming to watch me compete is still my biggest win."
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finestatue · 2 months
Megumi wants a gold medal. He wants to sleep for a week. He wants his best friend to stop asking for his cousin’s number and for the sycophantic press to give him one, just one singular day of peace. He wants to go home and stay there forever and hug his dog and never touch a pair of skis again. He wants his deadbeat dad to leave him alone and for Nanami to stop looking at him like he’s a second away from walking into traffic. He wants Gojo to stop being MIA and for his coach, the one person in the world who could’ve taken him to the top of the Olympic podium, to stop being dead.
But most of all, Megumi wants Yuji Itadori to drop off the face of the Earth.
Still, all that being said, he’ll settle for just the fucking gold.
(in other words, the jjk winter sports/olympics/eventual slight legal drama/documentary au that no one asked for)
now on ch.8 & 66k words! tysm for 2k hits!!
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gwenmontrose · 1 year
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Golden Love
read now on AO3
Paris 2024. Lily Evans, English tennis star, is ready to face the highest challenge of her career and finally fulfil the dream of winning a gold medal at her first Olympics. Now, if only a certain handsome swimmer wasn't set on wreaking havoc in her life, everything would be very much smoother...
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rebelspykatie · 5 months
Gymnastics/Olympics AU Part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Eddie’s having an out of body experience. This absolutely cannot be real and happening to him. Just a few hours ago, he thought Steve hated his guts and wanted him kicked off the podium, and now here he is, stripped naked and waiting for all his wildest fantasies to come true. Being laid bare like this has Eddie’s heart racing, even more than the intense work out he put his body through earlier that night that landed him in third place in the all around. 
He doesn’t even know how he gets the words out, suggestive and coy in a way that’s unfamiliar to him. His frayed nerves can’t handle if Steve decides this is too far. If he backs away from him now, Eddie might never recover. Desire is surely evident on his face when he turns to look at Steve, his back cooling uncomfortably, missing the warmth of Steve’s hands, hips moving almost unconsciously into the mattress beneath him. 
It only takes one glance at Steve to know he’s just as affected. Standing to the side of the bed, his skin flushed, the pink hue not as evident on his tan skin, but still present, sinking tantalizingly down into his leo. Eyes following the movement of Eddie’s hips, chest heaving and cock straining the material confining his arousal. 
Having watched him for so many years on tv, he thought he had every inch of Steve memorized, but boy was he wrong. If he had known what was hiding under those shorts all those years, he probably would’ve been even more infatuated with Steve, if that was even possible. Eddie hasn’t had much experience, coming from backwoods Indiana, but it’s never been more crystal clear that he’s very, very gay than at this moment. 
Being surrounded by men in tight leos is enough to test his self control on a good day, but this is going to be burned into his memory for a long time to come. He’ll be lucky if he’s not popping boners out on the floor in a couple of days when the competition continues. Because Steve’s length is almost unbelievable. Jutting up and trapped beneath spandex, outlined in all its glory. A tiny wet spot where the tip rests.
It’s enough to have Eddie drooling, face smushed into the pillow, eyes raking over Steve’s form. But he moves just the wrong way, trying to get his hips at a better angle and it twinges something in his arm. A hiss of pain escapes him before he can stop it, and Steve’s climbing over him again before he has time to catch his breath, turning him over gently. 
“Are you ok?” Steve asks, worry wrinkling his forehead as he hovers over Eddie, straddling his hips, hand ghosting over Eddie’s injured shoulder.
He nods dumbly, not sure he’s capable of much beyond that. All thoughts leave his brain as he stares up at Steve, ignoring how his cock is leaking onto his stomach, ignoring how he can feel Steve’s balls pressing into his groin, even if there’s a thin layer of fabric between them. If it weren’t for the dull sting in his arm grounding him, he’d think he was asleep, a fantasy script he could only come up with in his wildest dreams.
But the pain brings him back. Steve’s soft words help him focus and answer the question. “Yeah, it uh- it just burns a bit. It’s tight, even after you worked me over.” 
The twitch of Steve’s lips tells him his wording wasn’t subtle, even if unintentional. His mouth always moves faster than his brain, and his cheeks heat with embarrassment. The intimacy of the moment catching up to him.
“Sounds like I need to keep working you over.” He smirks, leaning back on his heels and lining his dick up with Eddie’s. “We wouldn’t want you to be tight.” 
That first drag is like heaven, the circular wet spot on Steve’s leo moving along the length of his cock as Steve rolls his hips. Eddie squirms, trying to line them up perfectly, but Steve pushes lightly on his shoulders, pressing him into the sheets with a firm hand. 
“No.” Eddie stops moving, a sizzling sensation fissuring down his spine, his attention fully on the command. “Stay still and let me do all the work. We wouldn’t want to make your injury worse.” 
He nods slowly, feeling bereft when Steve climbs off him and rifles through his bag. He comes back with a little bottle of lube and one of the village issued condoms, brandishing it triumphantly upon the bed as he crawls back over Eddie.
“Are you always this prepared?” 
“I planned to take my frustration out on someone in the village by the end of the week. I had no idea it was going to be you.” 
“All I’ve been able to think about all week has been you,” Steve leans forward, brushes a stray hair from Eddie’s shoulder, trailing his fingertips across Eddie’s collar bone. “You wormed your way into my thoughts and I was convinced it was jealousy. I couldn’t stop watching you.” He keeps moving his hand down Eddie’s chest until he runs the back of a finger over one of Eddie’s nipples. “Turns out it was a little more than jealousy.” 
“I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen,” Eddie gasps out, unbidden and tugged from the depths of his stupid brain like Steve’s fingers are performing sorcery instead of grazing his nipples in a personal form of torture. He stays still, though, like Steve instructed. 
“That long, huh?” There’s a cocky smirk on Steve’s face, but his eyes give him away, searching Eddie’s face for a lie with wonder, twinkling a bit with amusement. His hands move away and trail back up to Eddie’s neck, cradling it between his hands, thumb rubbing a soothing line down his Adam’s apple. Steve’s gaze is glued to Eddie’s throat when it bobs under his touch, heady, like he wants to sink his teeth into the soft flesh under his fingertips.
“Not sure how long it would’ve taken me to figure out I was gay if I hadn’t seen you twisting around on tv to awaken me in the throes of puberty.”
“How are you this coherent, still?” Steve leans down and kisses him, and that does take all the thoughts right out of Eddie’s head.
Part 6 | AO3
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theghostofashton · 3 months
wip wednesday
thank you to @welcometololaland @strandnreyes @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @sanjuwrites @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo @heartstringsduet for the tags <3
it occurred to me that i am planning an olympics au and this is an olympic year (aka the perfect time to post one) so i have picked this story back up as i wrap up the you saw the truth in me sequel. here's a bit of that:
“It’s not you,” Marjan says quietly. She beckons him closer so she can whisper in his ear, then continues, “He’s not really talking to any of us. We’re not sure why.” “Oh,” TK says, unsure if that makes him feel better or not. “He looks great, at least.” He’s only been back in the gym for a few months, TK knows. The recovery was long and Carlos took some time off afterward, but no one would ever know that from how comfortable he already looks. His transitions are fluid, as if he’s moving through water as he does his skills, and his handstands are perfect. TK’s never seen anyone do them better. Marjan shrugs. “He’s practically lived here for the past couple weeks. Dude doesn’t know when to quit.” That doesn’t feel particularly strange – TK’s had his own fair share of injuries, and after his last one, a strained rotator cuff, he was itching to get back into the gym. The only thing that kept him away was the doctor’s warning that reinjury would put him out of training for much longer than a few weeks. He knew he’d have his work cut out for him once he was cleared. Marjan adjusts the strap on one of her grips and nods over to the bars. “Could you spot me?” He smiles and nods, and then lets her lead him over to the chalk bucket sitting a few feet away from the bars. She starts chalking up her grips, and TK turns, as if an invisible force is pulling his focus, back to the high bar, where Carlos is swinging once again.
no pressure tagging @bonheur-cafe @lightningboltreader @reyesstrand @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @louis-ii-reyes-strand and anyone else who wants to share!
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mmoosen · 9 months
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Only pro-boxing legends Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar would fall in love trading blows at the biggest world stage fighting each other for Olympic gold. The medals didn't mean as much as finding someone else who fits perfectly with your rough edges
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piecesofeden11 · 5 months
As I sit here, spending my NYE quietly and calmly in my pjs, I was overcome with a small idea and thus give to you a small NYE snippet, written in a hast, unbetaed, probably full of mistakes but from the heart. May your New Year be whatever you want it to be. Above all, be kind to yourself <3 Much love - Eden
"Thank you, Cody, that will be all. I will make another round myself once midnight approaches. Go home and enjoy your evening."
"Thank you, Sir." Cody bowed at the waist, then cast one critical look around the stables. "I will have my phone on me at all times, should -"
"Thank you", Obi-Wan said with emphasis, then winked at his head stablemaster. "Same procedure as last year, hm?"
"Same procedure as every year, Sir."
The sound of Cody's retreating steps was soon swallowed by the low music playing in the stables. The horses were shuffling and snorting in their stalls, having just been given an extra portion of feed and so far, the occasional sound of bangs from distant rockets and other explosives did not seem to faze them much.
Obi-Wan walked along the length of the building once again, rubbing a hand along curious snouts peeking out of their boxes. Ben even left the trough to get his share of scritches behind his ears, returning the favor by gently nibbling at the shoulders of Obi-Wan's parker. Boga, on the other hand, was completely absorbed in a giant pile of hay.
Contented that, for the moment, all was well in the barn, Obi-Wan made his way back to the main house, stepping in through the mud room where he toed off his wellies, hung up his parker and cap. The mud room connected to the kitchens, where his cook was still in the process of making last minute preparations for dinner. She only nodded when his slipped through, forgoing protocol in favor of the meal. Obi-Wan appreciated it greatly.
From the kitchen, he took the backstairs up to his bedroom, rushing a little more when he took note of the time.
A quick shower and change later, he made it to the grand living room just in time to find his mother sit down in her favorite armchair by the burning fire, glancing up at him with a sternly raised eyebrow, which he ignored in favor of looking towards Anakin, whose smile widened visibly when he noticed Obi-Wan entering.
"There you are! We were making bets already, if Boga had eaten you." The young man rushed over, arms spread wide in a hug, but then stopped just short of embracing Obi-Wan, uncertainty flashing across his face. He still struggled with the social language of Obi-Wan's family.
"She made a valiant effort, but Cody was clever enough to distract her with frankly obscene amounts of hay so I was able to make a nimble escape." Obi-Wan leaned in and gently kissed Anakin's cheek, a hand coming up to squeeze the younger man's, then he quickly made his way around the room, greeting his mother, his brother Owen and sister-in-law, Miri, Ahsoka and Barriss and then his three young nieces, who were all excitedly telling him about their Christmas celebrations.
Their joyous explanations were soon interrupted by the dinner bell and they all filled over into the dining room, which was set up beautifully, flower arrangements worthy of a royal ball dominating the long table. By his side, Obi-Wan could feel Anakin hesitate for a moment as they entered the room and he quickly put a hand on the small of his back. "Darling?"
"It's just. Wow, I mean, I know this room but like, only with the two of us? And now it's like. It looks like a palace. And your whole family's here and what if I mess up? They'll hate me. I think your mother already does and -" Obi-Wan pulled Anakin towards him, holding him in a tight hug for a moment, and then kissed him squarely on the mouth, before leaning their foreheads together for a moment.
"Darling, this is just New Year's with my family. It's no audience with the King and Queen, it's not a test of any sorts. Relax, enjoy the food and just. Be yourself. You need not impress anyone."
Anakin, still looking skeptical, allowed himself to be maneuvered towards his chair, sitting on Obi-Wan's left, across from the Dowager Duchess, who gave them both an unreadable look, before turning her attention towards the food.
Obi-Wan pushed down a sigh and the focused on his own plate, determined to savor the meal and company.
"Uncle? Will you tell us the story of you and Papa almost burning down the barn that one year?", his oldest niece piped up when the main course was cleared away, making use of the distraction to escape censorship by her mother. Obi-Wan chuckled, glancing over to see Anakin and Ahsoka give him twin looks of horrified curiosity. Owen just buried his face in his hands, but his shoulders shook deceptively with laughter.
"Well, you see, dearest, when your Papa and I were much, much -"
"Much", Owen added with a grin.
"Yes, thank you. Much younger than today, we thought the stables were the perfect place for a New Year's Celebration." He had told this story so many times before, and the back and forth between himself and Owen in telling it had become a sort of performance in itself. To see new reactions to it, in Ahsoka's helpless giggles, Barriss' smile and Anakin's wide-eyed astonishment, was rather gratifying. It felt incredibly special, too, to share this piece of family trivia with them and rather fitting for the occasion, too.
"And thus we learned that hay and fondue are not exactly an ideal combination and also, that horses don't much care for melted cheese."
The tale's conclusion was met with a smattering of applause and cheers, which turned into even louder woops of joy as dessert was served. Cook really had outdone herself with an almost sinful and delicious concoction of vanilla creme and lemon cake, and a plethora of artful, edible garnishes.
"Oh, shit, that's the best pie, I mean cake, I mean dessert, I've ever had", Anakin nearly moaned after taking his first bite and then froze, his fork suspended in mid air, glancing around the table at all the faces now turned in his direction. "I mean, damn, ah, sorry, I'm. It's good, is what I wanted to say. It's really good and. Sorry, I'll be right back." "Anakin-" Before Obi-Wan could say anything else, Anakin had practically jumped from his chair and was heading out the door, all heads present swiveling to follow him. "What's pie?" one of Owen's girls piped up in the ensuing silence, breaking the spell. Obi-Wan's mother reached out to put a hand on top of his, squeezing softly. "You should go check on him. I fear we have frightened that poor boy quite too much."
Obi-Wan sighed softly, then nodded, pushing back his chair. "I will see you in the living room later."
It did not take long for him to find Anakin, thankfully, tucked away on a windowsill in Obi-Wan's bedroom, head leaned against the window, his breath fogging up the cool glass rhythmically.
When he heard Obi-Wan's steps approach, he only curled up more tightly, but made no move to bolt. "Sorry", he muttered quietly as Obi-Wan sat down beside him, glancing down at the garden below and the barn beyond that. Off in the distance, every now and then, a flower of firework flashed across the sky. "I didn't mean to curse. It was just really good food and I slipped up. I'm sorry."
"It really was fucking good food, wasn't it?" Obi-Wan said softly, smiling when Anakin looked up at him. "What?"
"You're a dick, you know that?" Anakin blew out a breath, than let his head drop onto his knees, hiding his face. "I just made myself look like an idiot in front of your entire family and you're making fun of me." Wrapping his arms around his knees, Anakin seemed to try and make himself even smaller. "You can't tell me she doesn't hate me now."
Obi-Wan hummed softly, then leaned forward to press his lips to the crown of Anakin's head. "She actually send me after you, you know. Thinks we've scared you off with our whole - " He gestured at the room, the house, the estate, unsure of how to put it all into one fitting world. "Fanciness?", Anakin supplied, peaking out from under his crossed arms, thankfully smiling a little again. "Or rather poshness in your words." He made an admirable effort at imitating the accent, which made both of them laugh.
"Yes, that, but you'll see, the longer the evening goes on, that we're just a regular family. We laugh, we cry, we argue, we curse, even. Heck, Owen can hold his own against the worst of sailors, trust me. A little shit is the least of our mother's worries."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better. Damn, Obi-Wan. I mean, when I first came to visit, I was stunned already and kinda understood what you meant when you said you're royalty, but then it was just us and sometimes Cody and he's normal and Kit and Aayla and Quinlan, who, by the way, is the least fancy person I can imagine, but tonight I've come to realize that - that - fuck. You really are royal. You're like, actually a prince or something and I'm just - just-"
"Two-times Olympic Gold Medalist Anakin Skywalker. And, more importantly, you're the man I am quite madly in love with and that is really so much more than titles and estates and poshness. I love you, Anakin. In fact, I love you so much, I was hoping to ask you something tonight. Originally, I wanted to do that in front of everyone, after dessert but -" Obi-Wan hesitated for a moment, as Anakin's eyes widened, shocked. "Perhaps this is the far better place."
"I had a whole speech prepared and everything, but come to think of it, that's not very us, is it? We've always been about spur of the moment. I hope you will not think I mean it any less."
"Anakin Skywalker, will you do me the great honor of moving in with me?"
"I- what?" Anakin's eyes widened even further, his nose crinkling up in confusion. "Move - move in? Like in here? This house?"
"Well, I would also give you keys to the other properties, of course, but mainly this house, yes. Only if you want to, of course. I understand that it would be quite the big move and far from home and all your friends and come to think of it, perhaps it was a silly idea but, well-" Obi-Wan fell silent, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I miss you every day you're not close and even now, with a whole week of your vacation still ahead of us, I already dread saying goodbye and -" His explanation was lost in a fierce kiss, as Anakin surged forward to wrap himself around Obi-Wan's body, sliding into his lap and slinging his arms firmly around his neck. When they parted, both a little out of breath, Obi-Wan could not help but laugh quietly. "I take that as a yes?"
"Yes, you dick! Yes! Fuck yes. You already build me a fucking skate park, how can I say no to that? Ahsoka has been going on about wanting to move in with Barriss for a while now so they can just have the apartment now and I'll be here. With you. Always! Well, unless there's tournaments and stuff but still. Fuck, I love you, Obi-Wan, I love you so much!" In the low light of the moon from the window, Obi-Wan could see the tears in Anakin's eyes, rolling down his cheeks to get lost in his wide, beautiful smile. He leaned up to kiss them away.
"I love you, too, my darling. Now, shall we join the family again? Or - " Obi-Wan glanced over his shoulder for a moment, down at the softly illuminated barn. "Let's do another round of the stables. Just to make sure that the horses are fine. And the saddle storage."
They made it back to the living room just in time for the countdown, attributing the pieces of hay found in both their hairs to the fact that Boga was particularly affectionate. As the clock sounded midnight and cheers went up around the room, Obi-Wan pulled Anakin close for a kiss and felt, for the first time in a long while, like this New Year was truly a new beginning.
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