#okie back to hibernation
kirborb · 4 years
they're friends
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a todoroki x fem! reader x bakugou where the two guys both like reader, but she’s super oblivious! of course bakugou is mad at Todoroki and wants him to back off but todoroki is just calm and gentlemanly towards reader. Lots of competitiveness (and maybe ft. endeavor’s credit card LOL) and class 1-a thinks the love triangle is hilarious! Thank you so much!
a/n: hello!! i love this request oh my god,, and thanks again for being so patient 💓 sorry if it’s a little long, i just missed writing!!
taglist: @jr-j-j @thebatwrangler @johariameil @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee @moonlightinsanity @anime-waifuuu @leeeah-loooser @bby-chloe1999 @verymuchbabey @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum @izuku-sakura @thegalxe @kiddiegore @xizimagines @iiminibattlehero @strawberry-ice
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When Shoto asked you to hang out, it came to you as a surprise. The stoic boy always seemed so focused on school. You complied and said yes, it could be fun to leave the dorms at walk around the city.
“Oi, Y/N-chan!”
You whipped your head around to see your class mate Katsuki, hands crossed over his chest and a slight scowl.
“Yes Kacchan?”
He rolled his eyes at the stolen nickname and slung his book bag over his shoulder, walking to you. You had dismissed from your last class of the day and were packing up.
“Let’s hang out sometime.”
You chuckled and grabbed your bag before facing him. He wasn’t one to give out such offers and be so forward.
“Is this a joke?”
You walked past him and into the hall, a growl emitting from his chest as he followed behind you.
“No dumb ass, I actually want to take you-“
Your phone buzzed and you held your finger up to the blond’s face, telling him to be quiet, he returned the action with a glare.
Your screen displayed that Shoto was calling you so you quickly unlocked it to answer.
“Todoroki-kun! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Hello Y/N-Chan, I just wanted to make sure we’re still on for the movie and dinner tonight.”
“Yes!” You chirped, ignoring how close Katsuki was to you, leaning down to try and eavesdrop on the conversation. “Who else is coming with us?”
There was a pause on Shoto’s end.
“J-Just us.”
“Oh okay! Sounds good, we agreed on 7 o’clock right?”
“Okie dokie! I’ll meet you in the common area then! Later Sho-kun!”
You hung up and turned to Katsuki, tucking your phone into the waist band of your uniform.
“Sorry about that! Todoroki-kun wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight.”
Katsuki furrowed his brows and looked down at you.
“What do you mean.”
You laughed softly and pushed his side playfully.
“Exactly what you think it means. We’re just hanging out.”
Katsuki’s eye twitched and he let out an annoyed ‘tch’. You sighed and stepped in front of him. “Don’t get all mad at me for hanging out with him just because you don’t like him. I’m allowed to have more than one friend.”
“Friends,” He mumbled and shoved his hands into his pockets. “What are you and icy-hot doing anyway?” He asked with slight disdain in his voice.
“Just dinner and a movie,” You chirped, turning the corner to the dorm halls.
Katsuki stopped in his tracks and stared at you.
“What?” He growled. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics and kept walking.
“Dinner and a movie Kacchan, jeez have you ever hung out with a friend before?”
“That doesn’t sound like hanging out to me,” He grumbles. You raised a brow at him.
“Then what does it sound like?”
Before he could answer, a cheery Tsu hopped your way.
“Tsu-chan!” You beamed at your best friend.
“Y/N-chan!” She replied smiling up at you. “Want to go study for the quiz in Hero Law?”
You sweat dropped and nodded.
“Oh crap I totally forgot! Yes, thanks for reminding me!” You turned to Katsuki and have him a wave before heading off with Tsu to study.
“Bakugo-kun looked upset, is he okay?” She asked, peering up from under her bangs. You shrugged and entered her room after she opened the door, hopping on her incredibly comfy, hibernation perfect bed.
“I don’t know, he seemed a little ticked off to know I’m hanging out with Sho-kun tonight.”
Tsu nodded and sat on the floor in front of you.
“What are you guys doing?”
“Dinner and a movie.”
Tsu blinked and stared at you. She was quite surprised that Shoto had actually made a move after all this time. It wasn’t a secret to the class that Shoto had a thing for you. And it was also painfully obvious that Katsuki did too.
“That’s a date Y/N-chan.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes, “Yeah right, if it was a date then he would’ve said so.”
Tsu shook her head and sighed in response. Your obliviousness was too much to bare at times. It was clear who they felt about you. The two boys were quite competitive with each other to begin with, but this was a whole different ball game.
Shoto would prepare your bento-box lunch in the morning, always having it ready before you could even complain that he made you lunch again. Katsuki would offer to train with you, offering you combat advice, but it usually ended with the two of you laughing and drinking chocolate milk in recovery. Those were the subtle moments, other actions, not so much. You viewed it as simple competition between rivals, but the class new better. Those boys were head over heels for you and desperate for your attention. The day you fell asleep in class, Shoto swiped your notebook and wrote all of your missing notes for you before you could wake up. Because of this, Katsuki offered to help you study. But you had already agreed to study with Tsu and Momo. Shoto has won that round.
The day you forgot your umbrella for the field trip and Katsuki gave you his hoodie was a major win against Shoto.
To you it was just your class mates being kind, but your obliviousness has begun to be a running joke to your other peers. Kirishima always seemed to be teasing Katsuki about something and Deku was always throwing Shoto thumbs ups across the class room. You saw cute friendships, they saw hypemen and wingmen.
Once you finished studying and thanked Tsu for her help, you changed your clothes and slipped on your shoes to meet Shoto in the common area. He said it was a nice restaurant and your stomach growled at the idea of expertly made soba. You looked in the mirror at your dress and adjusted the laces of your sneakers before grabbing your purse and walking out.
“Sho-kun!” You chirped at the duo-toned haired boy as you walked towards him. He wore slacks and a sweater, a turtleneck peeking underneath. He cheeks grew red at the sight of you. It was rare for you dress in more than just leggings and a t-shirt when you out of your uniform.
“Y/N-Chan,” he sighed almost dreamily. You smiled at him brightly.
There were a few other students in the common area at this time. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Deku and Katsuki were seated at the coffee table playing a card game. Yet it seemed to come to a pause when you walked in the room. Deku and Kirishima looked at each other with a worried expression. Sero and Denki beamed in anticipation for the drama that was about to unfold. And Katsuki was already up on his feet and headed towards you.
Shoto blinked out of his daze and looked at the angry blond charging towards him. You turned to see what he was looking at, only to be faced with a fuming Katsuki.
“Oh Kacchan, are you winning the card game?” You smiled kindly.
“No!” Kaminari snickered.
You giggled as Katsuki turned around to shout profanities at the yellow haired boy. He huffed and looked back at you. Shoto standing behind watching the interaction with narrowed eyes.
Katsuki’s eyes were contemplative and anxious, and his words explained why.
“You look really pretty.”
You blinked, heat rising to your face.
“O-oh thank you Kacchan,” you smiled at the unexpected compliment.
“Did you tell her she looks pretty?” Katsuki snarled, glaring at Shoto.
“Well I was going to-“
“Your don’t have to Sho-kun,” you said, uncomfortable from the situation unfolding infront of you. Shoto stepped past you and towards Katsuki.
“Well,it’s obvious why she looks so pretty. She’s going out with me tonight.” A slight smirk crept on Shoto’s lips as Kaminari and Sero let out an “ooooooo”.
“Shut up you half and half piece of-“
“OKAY!” You laughed nervously and stepped in between the two boys. They looked like they were steaming enough to cause the smoke alarms to go off. You pressed your hands against their chests and pushed distance between them.
“Both of you thats enough. I get it, I don’t look like the usual photo I do when I wear my sweats, but there’s no need to get all riled up.”
The boys with the card game sighed, your obliviousness taking hold once again. You pulled your hands away and looked up at Shoto.
“Ready to go? I don’t want to be late for the movie.”
He removed his glare and his face was filled with newfound softness. He nodded and gently took your hand in his. The unexpected gesture caused you to giggle at Shoto’s chivalry but it nearly made Katsuki blow the boy up to ash.
You waved at your friends and walked out with Shoto, swinging your hands and asking if they could order an appetizer at the restaurant. Which he replied to with an of course because Endeavor’s credit card was tucked happily inside of his wallet.
Katsuki glared as he watched the two of you walk out from the window. He growled, his gaze never ending. He was filled with rage and envy as he watched you jump excitedly and laugh.
“I’m going to ask Y/N-chan out for real and then I’m going to kill that icy-hot bastard.”
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the-pav-archive · 3 years
Oki then let's try it personally I'm a very funny and kind, I love being around children and also loves reptiles (especially dinosaurs :3 ) and a bit of a artist, I'm looking forward to see what you come up with this this quirk its a really good idea cuz you can create your own quirks with them and possibly use them for original characters
I love creating quirks and coming up with characters, so this is always super fun :D Anyways, here’s what I’ve come up with for your quirk! I went with the dinosaur bit a little more- I’m a sucker for mutant/transformation quirks!
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Quirk Name: Wereraptor
Quirk Type: Hybrid (Transformation/Mutation)
Quirk Explanation: The quirk user has the ability to shift their body into that of a raptor’s- and with this shift, they gain several abilities (increased speed, heightened sense of smell, and incredibly strong bite force with teeth to match being among them). Outside of this transformed state, the quirk user has sharp teeth, patches of scales all over their skin (mostly on the back, upper arms/thighs, and face/chest), sharp nails, and a long tail.
Quirk Drawbacks: Because of the reptilian nature of this quirk, the quirk user has cold blood- and in cooler environments, they become sluggish or may even fall into a hibernation-like state until they’re warmed up again. In addition to this, the quirk user can only communicate via growls and roars when in their raptor form- which can definitely be an issue if they don’t have a translator or someone with another reptilian quirk with them.
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chnsfairy · 4 years
2:58am and thinking of u | han jisung
words ; 1,110
genre ; fluff
requested ; no
a/n ; this was straight up a simple blurb but it’s past midnight and here we are
m.list in bio
"let's have a late night adventure !!!!" jisung yelled through ur phone a poor attempt at making u go deaf
( ̄_ ̄)・・・
sir ,,,,, its ,,,, well past midnight 
“ji ... what’re u talking about”
u were just about to go to sleep too but then OFC THIS BITCH WAKES U UP
"awwee come on y/n u know,,, we could go down to the 24/7 convenience store to get something to eat, and then we can go to the lake, where we toss in rocks while we just talk or tell stories, i don't know– now it sounds kinda silly" 
u sat up straight because suddenly :(( ur wide awake and that just sounds super fun :((
oke but like ,, u don't have anything better to do so maybee this isn’t such a bad idea
even tho ur parents would probably kill you LMAO BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER WHO CARES MSNDNJSS
"jisung you should go to sleep ~~”
like bro (・_・ヾ
“why’re u even awake anyway its 2:58am”
“W E LL I could be asking u the same thing >:[[[”
ok who are we kidding
this kid is straight up dodging the question
the only reason why jisung couldn’t sleep is because he was thinking of u
i know
poor boy :(((
he cant even get sleep anymore
ur just always in his thoughts :(( not in a creepy way or anything sdjfkasdmfkj
no no no that would be b ad ,,,,,,,,,,,
he didn’t even know what HE would do
maybe bury himself into a hole
and hibernate there forever
MCDMDDVJK okie anyway
“oh u know,,, couldn’t sleep,, normal stuff”
oh boy
see now u were just up late listening to the few songs jisung and his friends had released online and then u got distracted
and listened to them again
and again
and again
“hmm well then if u cant sleep then lets go do something !!! “
“ji i said couldn’t sleep,,, past tense,,, i was planning on passing out until noon tomorrow but then u called me”
“well ur awake now”
.......... he had a point
u were wide awake so like ,,,,,,,,,,, why say no ,,,
“y/n ur not getting a choice in the matter anyway cause im at ur house now”
and then there was a tapping at ur window
but jesus lmao that scared u 
u almost fell off ur bed
“well are u gonna open the window or not”
u were still talking over the phone even tho u were two feet away from each other
yes the dumbness genes appear in both sides of the friendship
so u hung up on his ass 
and then went to unlock the window ofc
but because it’s really chilly outside :(( hes got red cheeks ,,,,,, cute ,,,,,
where did this come from
aha ah a a ha 
“u hung up on me im sad now :(((”
“jisung- u were right outside”
and all u could do was cock ur head to the side and stare at him blankly
“well i’ll make sure to say goodbye next time ok ?”
“really o(TヘTo)”
“yes you drama queen”
after u successfully got jisung into ur room and shut the window quietly you just ,, laid back down on ur bed cause like 3am ,,,, tired ,,, 
u’ve known him ur whole life why is it just now ur feeling all these things 
wh y
jisung has slept over PLENTY of times ://// and he’s slept in the same bed with u too cause like ???????
uhhh ?????? 
you’ve known each other since u were tinie babies ???
but now well uh
now ur stomach is doing the flippy thing with all the butterflies ;-;;;;
“why’re u here ,,, i mean ,, usually u just call me when something’s up or you cant sleep”
suddenly the silence felt like it was louder than jisung’s usual screaming
“i told u ,,,,, i wanted to go DO something ,,,, i felt cramped up in my house”
“why didn’t u message chan or someone ?? he’s always up at this hour and im usually asleep by now” 
“i dont know ,,, i wanted to see u ,,,, i mean do i even need a reason to see u”
“i guess not”
ur face : (・_・;)
here’s this boy
ur best friend
just laying down next to u
and ur body forgot how to function for a hot second
u ended up burying ur face in ur pillow so he couldn't see ur face getting redder and redder by the second
“well ,,, it’s a bit too late to go out and do anything so ,,, why don’t u just stay over ,, i don’t think my parents will mind” 
“oh yes please (´ ∀ ` *)”
soon enough jisung had changed into a t shirt and sweatpants he had once left at ur house ;;;
because he’s forgetful
but ,, u know... you maybe ,,,, took the liberty ,,, of wearing them from time to time ,,,
it was just a bonus that it smelled like him ,,, 
“jisung ,,”
“hmm. ... ?”
although clearly he was already half asleep by now ,,, so maybe u could trust that he wouldn’t remember what u were saying ,,
“i couldn’t sleep cause i was thinking of u”
shit shit shi shit did u really say that
can u take it back ???
no stupid time doesn’t work that way
“hey me too .. we’re twins ....”
but before u could process what this half asleep voice was saying jisung had already passed out
sorry sir what 
wee woo wee woo 
thats ur heart that’s gonna shortcircuit right here !!!!!!
how're you supposed to sleep NOW ???
“oh god please don’t remember this in the morning ......”
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farrah-fowler · 3 years
okie i’m going back to bed
hibernation station
like hydration station
conjunction junction what’s your function
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thesunlounge · 4 years
Reviews 353: Island Sounds from Japan 2009 - 2016
The newest release from Time Capsule carries the completely irresistible title of Island Sounds from Japan 2009 - 2016 and finds label co-founder Kay Suzuki curating a miniature compilation aiming to present a personalized window into modern Japanese music. I say personalized because, rather than seeking to reflect what is contemporaneously popular, this release celebrates what Kay calls the “Island Sound,” which comprises a sort of loose and tropically-minded ideology dedicated to expanding genre boundaries and fusing musical traditions from all around the world. Thus across the vinyl’s five tracks, we are treated to a Caribbean-tinged reggae rewrite of a legendary jazz classic, a polychromatic surf slide and Hawaiian psych groove out, a fried and freaky mutant disco stomper led by chugging funk basslines, slashing fuzz riffs, and southern blues slide guitars, and an elegiac fusion of Aino folk, Afrobeat, and dub exotica made in tribute to the profound grief experience by both Syrian refugees and oppressed indigenous cultures within Japan’s own borders. As well, Island Sounds from Japan 2009 - 2016 sits nicely alongside the recently released Oto No Wa: Selected Sounds of Japan 1988​-​2018 in the following sense. While many reissue labels have their sights set on Japan’s musical past, with most of the focus being given to the rare groove, jazz, city pop, and environmental ambient music of the 70s and 80s, the curators of both Island Sounds of Japan 2009 - 2016 and Oto No Wa: Selected Sounds of Japan 1988​-​2018 choose instead to spotlight lesser known and ever more modern corners of Japanese music, thus collecting together the kind of leftfield oddities and impossibly creative genre mashups that will inspire future generations of obsessive crate diggers, balearic minded DJs, and visionary producers.
Island Sounds from Japan 2009 - 2016 (Time Capsule, 2020) Saxophonist Akira Tatsumi made his name with The Determinations, an Osaka-based ska band operating throughout the 90s and early 00s. Following the group’s dissolution, Tatsumi dove ever deeper into Caribbean musical forms such as calypso and soca and following a solo album in 2013, he began to brainstorm ways he and his fellow musicians could develop a more distinctive musical identity…something “they could export to the world instead of merely following their influences.” Thus a regular jam out called “Akira Tatsumi presents Island Jazz Session” was born, featuring an ever-shifting collective of jazz and reggae musicians who eventually recorded an EP under the name Speak No Evil, the centerpiece of which is an inspired re-interpretation of the Wayne Shorter classic of the same name. Stabbing piano chords bring in a throbbing riddim, with hi-hats guiding the flow, snare rimshots cracking, piano chords skanking on waves of tropical sunshine, and Shinichiro Akihiro’s palm-muted guitars scratching on the beat. Tanko’s sensual basslines bob the body and work through zany high note accents as familiar horn themes flow over the mix, with Tatsumi’s alto and Motoharu’s tenor and soprano singing together through moaning reveries, descending through cinematic refrains, and bleating in bombast as Pablo Anthony’s martial snare rolls and proto-fusion drum fills break free from the riddim glide to bash and crash towards the sky. Eventually, we settle down into a deep reggae zone out while the saxophonists alight on dizzying solos, with hyperkinetic blues spirals and circular marathon cascades intertwining and occasionally shrieking towards free jazz desperation. Then comes a dreamy piano solo from Tetsuya Hataya, which intersperses blazing runs and percussive cluster chords as the entire length of the keyboard is explored. After these solo passages, we return to Shorter’s classical horn themes, with pleading blues melodies and soar ascents married to a sun-soaked Kingston skank. And following a false ending, everything drops back in heavier than before…the bass now locked into a sinister pulse while ghostly dub pianos underly a panning panorama of alien saxophone mesmerism.
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The second track comes from AQATUKI, a group formed by “two guitar kids” Taaki and Chen who, together with a fluid collective of musicians, have been developing their own strand of psychedelia since the late 90s, one equally influenced by 70s space rock and 90s rave. However, for “Wakanoura,” Taaki, Chen, and friends are in bathing in rays of tropical sunshine, as the track is based around a Chen’s gemstone guitar harmonics, which themselves take inspiration from the junkyard-sourced idiophonics of Konono Nº1. As the prismatic guitar layers spread out across an infinite ocean surface, tight psych rock beats from Toda3 and Moro enter to sway the body while Taaki’s slide guitar glides between textures of Hawaiian rock and surfadelic splendor. Aknee’s bass chugs along and brings atmospheres of 50s pop romance as Chen’s crystalline harmonic webs flow into shimmering seaside arpeggios…the whole thing bringing visions of sunset skies and dolphins dashing through coral reefs. In fact, the liner notes explain that, in addition to taking inspiration from Konono Nº1, “Wakanoura” in finds the band lost in nostalgic revery as they collectively remember a beautiful sunset bar they played in the titular location. At some point, the track erupts in small scale as rimshots rain over the stereo field, basslines move down low, and double-time hi-hats add further propulsion to the rhythmic flow, with my mind drifting to the drug-induced balearica of Pharaohs and the post-rock exotica of Cul de Sac…especially as shimmering webs of polyrhythmic six string harmony support increasingly far out slide guitar explorations. Descending surf chords signal another transition, with the rhythms evolving into a sort of equatorial breakbeat while basslines dance on sunbeams, fuzzy slide hooks refract rays of tropical light, and distorted surf-psych licks hold down the groove. Elsewhere, we lock into a sort eternal two-note loop of tropical island fantasy…with everything breathing in unison and seeking out an eternal horizon…all before the cycles are broken by a glorious guitar solo, which rides high in the sky as tapped ride cymbals spread golden wavefronts in every direction.
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Just as Aqatuki found themselves backpacking to India and Southeast Asia in the 90s to bathe in psychedelic radiance, so did Altz, who also took inspiratios from “Japanese punk originator[s]” Murahachibu and a host of other avant-rock bands discovered in his youth. Around the turn of the millennium, the artist began producing on his own via a computer and MPC, and has since enjoyed a prolific and eclectic career, with releases appearing on well known labels such as DFA, EM Records, and Bearfunk. “Orympia Rocks,” which comes from Bear Funk’s Hibernation (Vol. 1) sampler, slams right away into crushing disco kicks and ringing cymbals, with strange reverb effects spreading outwards into exo-planetary caverns. Chugging punk funk basslines cut in and out alongside chopped and mangled fuzz guitar riffs, which drop in and out from all sides of the mix or suddenly rocket across the spectrum while everything else flows and transforms through dub delay chains. After a surprising cut to silence, we drop back into the groove, with stoned basslines and muscular disco house freakbeats stomping beneath a grease-soaked cascade of country-fried slide guitar…a completely strange and inspired mash up that, as told by the liner notes, was inspired by Altz spinning southern rock classics such as The Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd. The result comes off like something from the wildest reaches of the Mind Fair universe…with everything anxious, unsettled, and stubbornly refusing to lock in, preferring instead to tease out various elements while maniacally subverting well known forms of disco, house, funk, and stoner rock into a maddening dancefloor fever dream. Bleeping and blooping synthesizers beam in from faraway galaxies, crazed whistles zoom skywards, and occasionally, the slide guitar flies solo over the drums...its tremolo-soaked blues meditations fly solo before everything devolves into a storm of dubwise chaos. Later, laughing children induce LSD visions that obscure the mutant disco rock groove out and towards the end, after the drums disperse, the southern rock slide guitars transform towards Hawaiian tropicalia as calming ocean waves crash to shore.
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In the liner notes, Kay Suzuki presents a beautiful and personal meditation on Keiichi Tanaka’s unique talents as well as his tragic passing. Indeed, Tanaka was a world traveller, having ventured as far as Mali, Senegal, and Morocco to learn a wide swath of rhythmic folk traditions. Coupled with a private lesson from Afrobeat legend Tony Allen, these experience established Tanaka as a distinctly skilled and diverse drummer…something that was on full display in his band Kingdom Afrorocks. After Kingdom Afrorock dissolved in 2014, Tanaka relocated from Tokyo to Hokkaido and reconnected with deep dub and Ainu folk fusionist OKI, who encouraged Tanaka to record a solo album, which eventually led to Keta Iicna Hika. However, Tanaka passed before seeing the LP’s release, which is all the more heartbreaking given how incredible the music is, with the record hinting at a deeply creative musical mind who was only just beginning to explore the full reaches of his artistic imagination. Taken from Keta Iicna Hika, “City of Aleppo” sees Tanaka and OKI creating a unique sort of blues inspired by the bombing of Aleppo, wherein mystically aligned basslines snake up and down through Afrobeat and tradition folk drum accents led by urgently tapped hats, four-four kicks, and sparse snare smacks. Sawing scrapes background kaleidoscopic layers of Ainu folk psaltery, with buzzing spiderwebs and psychotropic spirals woven from OKI’s tonkori and mukkuri. And the whole thing ebbs and flows in intensity to evoke the way sorrow hits in waves…as moments of apparent calm give way to dense cascades of pain and anguish, with the exotica drum gallop erupting into climactic flamboyance while infinite string webs evoke the spiritual suffocation of Aleppo’s occupation, as well as the historic oppression of the Ainu people at the hands of Japan’s government. OKI’s dub version of the track from Keta Iicna Hika is also included, which brilliantly deconstructs everything into miasma of oscillating echo and prismatic future folk. Basslines dance over beatless stretches, dubwise fx chains mutate and morph the Afro-Aino rhythms amidst echoing bursts of plucked string violence, and the mix is increasingly overwhelmed by psychedelic editing, with elements dropping unexpectedly, black smoke drone clouds cycling through chasms of silence, and cavernous drum fills ricocheting beneath waterfalls of fractalized psaltery.
(images from my personal copy)
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jungshookz · 5 years
Ramenboy!tae who works at a lil ramen joint and ur dragged there by Jungkook who loves to abuse Tae’s employee discount and wow they have a competition — eat this massive bowl of ramen in ten minutes and get free ramen for a month and u cannot lose to this heathen known as Jungkook and now u’ve made an awful first impression on Tae and ur mortified but he’s just impressed~ and high key thinks ur cute and now Jungkook needs to play matchmaker in the most disastrous way possible (cue chaos) 🔥anon
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→ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
→ genre: nonidol!au, ramenboy!tae, comedy, tiny pinch of fluff, jungkook is an idiot and you might be one too because you just ate a gigantic bowl of ramen 
→ wordcount: 3.8k 
→ note: i’m sorry this took so lonG! u sent this in a while ago but i saved it in my notes because it’s.,, so cute,., this is less about taehyung and more about kook and y/n competing with each other lol!!!! my stomach exploded just thinking about eating five pounds worth of ramen idk how y/n did it 
(gif isn’t mine!) (also i was ecstAtic when i found this gif!!!! how pErfeCt)
this has quite possibly been one of the worst weeks in your entire life
you don’t know how it’s happened but on every single day of the week something has gone wrong for you
monday - your alarm didn’t go off so you accidentally skipped two veRy important lectures that were crucial for the finals
tuesday - your alarm diD go off but when you got to your first class (on time!) you didn’t realise that your prof sent out an email in the morning saying that there was a room switch for the day and the room was in a building located all the way on the oTHER end of campus so you basically missed out on half that lecture
wednesday - you have a big gap between classes on wednesdays so usually you just hang out and study in the library buT when you got there someone had taken your favourite spot so you were forced to go to the really, really quiet study area (no one’s allowed to make a peep otherwise ya get the booT) and when you stepped in you stumbled over someone’s laptop charger that was plugged into the wall and literally fell the floor in less than a millisecond with a big SMAK and everyone in that room looked like they wanted to rip your head off (especially the owner of the laptop charger)
thursday - you ordered a chocolate almond milk and banana smoothie because you wanted to treat yourself but somehow they fucked up your order and it tasted like they threw oranges into your smoothie instead of bananas and by the time you decided you wanted to go back and demAnd that they fix your order the line was like a hundred feet long so you were forced to throw out your $10 smoothie
friday - todAY,., you got your grades back for your midterms and uh.,,. all i’m going to say is u might want to spend a little more time studying and a little less time on tumblr
you’re just glad it’s finally friday because you are going to hibernate in your room over the weekend to recover from everything
you were going to head straight back to the apartment after classes today but jungkook insisted that you guys hang out today!!! even though you basically see each other every day!!!!
unfortunately you’re just not in the mood to do anything because you’re grumpy and tired
also it’s that time of the month
so like
you really reALLY aren’t in the mood to do anything
but of course
because it’s jungkook
he didn’t give you a choice (he dropped to his knees and literally just started sCREAMING until you said you would hang out with him and then he hopped back up onto his feet and was like heehee oki!! let’s go, friend!!!! as he wasn’t just screeching a lung out in the middle of the schoolyard a second ago)
and this is where he decides to take you
a dinky ramen joint in the city
“why couldn’t we just have gone to watch a movie?” you groan and flop your head back “also we had lunch like two hours ago-“
“and your point is??” jungkook scoffs as he flips through the menu
“if we eat now it’s going to ruin our appetite for dinner and thaT’s going to throw everything off course- hey quit iT” jungkook reaches back blindly to whack your face gently to shut you up
ur a great person and he likes u a lot but you need to relax ur asshole sometimes (he literally said that to you within the first week of knowing you and when you gawked and responded with ‘my asshole is SO relaxed and loOSE right now!!!!!!’ in the middle of the cafeteria he knew that this friendship was meant to be)
“listen, i was craving ramen and i always come here because i know one of the guys who works here so i always get a discount…” jungkook trails off as he continues looking through the menu “okay, i know what i want!”
“okay give me a second to- woAh-“ jungkook drags you into the restaurant before you get a chance to look at the options
this place is a lot bigger than it looks
spacious booths on both sides with obscenely red leather seats
square tables scattered around the place
it seems like it’s doing pretty well in terms of business because almost all of the tables are full
“jungkook!” both you and kook turn at the source of the sound
who is
who is tHAT
floppy, soft brown hair peeking out from behind a red bandana
a little blue apron wrapped around his tapered waist
a stained white v-neck (it looks vEry good on him and usually u hate v-necks on guys)
and his smile is very.,,. boxy?
your eyes widen when he approaches you two
you immediately duck behind jungkook and pray to god that you look somewhat presentable
you look down at your outfit
jeans and a cute little flowery blouse
okay!!! not bad!!! hopefully your eyeliner hasn’t moved from your eyes to your chin tho
“hey, man!” they do one of those bro-hug things and he gives jungkook a couple pats on the pack
even his hand is hot
“table for one, as per usual?”
oh my god
and that voiCE?
silky smooth is the only way to describe it
“i actually brought someone with me this time! this is y/n.” jungkook points behind him and you poke your head out a little
taehyung tilts his head to get a better look at you and he offers you a warm smile
your heart skips a beat and you feel your cheeks grow warm
“ah, so this is a date?”
“taehyung, please.” jungkook scoffs and pauses “…my standards are higher.”
“hEy-“ you scowl and smack his arm before moving out from behind jungkook
you turn to face taehyung and you smile shyly “hi”
he sticks his hand out for you to shake and you take it graciously
he gives you a firm shake
“hi! i’m taehyung but you can call me tae if you’d like. any friend of jungkook’s is a friend of mine!” he grins and grabs two menus from the front before leading you guys to a booth in the back
you slide in on one side and jungkook slides in on the other side
taehyung hands each of you a menu
“i’ll be back with some water and to take your orders in a couple minutes!”
“okay, thank you!” you chirp and let your eyes linger for a couple seconds as taehyung walks off to wait on another table
jungkook narrows his eyes at you for a brief second
veRy interesting
“ah, let’s see what’s good…” jungkook hums and opens up the menu while stroking his chin
what a dork
“you literally jusT checked out the menu outside-“  
“hey. look at this!” jungkook pulls a flyer out of the menu before flipping it over to show you
he wiggles his eyebrows
you squint and lean forward to read the small text
you should’ve brought your reading glasses with u
“the big bowl challenge… finish a five pound bowl of ramen in ten minutes and get free ramen for a month-“ your eyes widen and you pull away as if jungkook just zaPPed you “are you insane?! five pounds???”
“it wouldn’t hurt to try!!! if you finish the bowl, it’s free!!! and free ramen for a month?!” jungkook points to the flyer again
“well, you go ahead and enjoy filling yourself up, i’m just going to get a normal sized bowl of ramen.” you scoff and shake your head as you flip through the menu
their new spicy ramen looks pretty good
you might go for that one
ooH and it comes with a side of dumplings for $2 extra
“you just don’t wanna do it because you know you’re going to lose.” jungkook sighs and leans back against the booth and casually flips through his menu
you drop your menu and gawk at him “wha- lose?? trust me, if we were to compete, you would be the loser here.”
“all bark, no bite…”
you clench your jaw in frustration and let out a huff
jungkook knows how competitive you are and he knows exactly which buttons to press to get you to fall for his tricks every single time
he’s so sneAKy
“c’mon, let’s do it together! i know how to make things more interesting. not only will we be racing against the clock - we will also be racing against each other.”
that doEs make things more interesting
“what happens if i beat you?” you raise a brow and put the menu down
your spicy ramen and dumplings can wait for next time
“mm… i’ll buy you smoothies for a week. and if i win, you have to do my laundry for a week.”
oh groSS
you don’t want to do jungkook’s laundry
he has spiderman boxers with holes in them n stinky socks
but those smoothies are expensive
and really yummy
are you reALLY going to force yourself to consume a five pound bowl of ramen just to shove it in jungkook’s face
also,…,., do you really want taehyung to sEE you consume a five pound bowl of ramen
“-and i will be partaking in your ramen competition.” you snap out of it when you realise jungkook’s already ordering for you guys “and we’re alsO going to compete against each other to see who can finish their bowl the fastest!”
you can’t really change your mind now
you’re not a coWARD
you sit up a little straighter before propping your chin up on your palm and reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind ur ear
hopefully u look cute under this dim lighting
“oh, really?” taehyung looks between the both of you before scribbling it down on his soup-stained notepad “my money’s on y/n.”
“you’re a traitor.” jungkook responds immediately and slaps his menu shut “y/n’s going down and she’s going to do my laundry for a week.”
taehyung gasps lightly before shaking his head and tuning to look at you “god y/n.,., you better win because one time jungkook left a pair of socks at my place and i swear to god i was this close to moving out because of the stench… i don’t want anyone having to go through the pain of-”
“okAY okay don’t u have a job to do???” jungkook scowls and hands his menu to tae and you do the same
“i will return shortly with two monstrous bowls of ramen!” taehyung chirps and heads off towards the kitchen
you let out a little sigh before leaning back against the booth
jungkook clears his throat
“what… was that?”
“what are you talking about?”
“y’know, the-“ jungkook starts giggling like a maniac and reaches up to pretend to tuck hair behind his ears over and over again “that!”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about. also, just out of curiousity-“ you take a small sip of water, “how do you know taehyung?”
jungkook pokes his tongue into his cheek before leaning back and crossing his arms
“why do you ask?”
“i told u it was out of curiosity” you respond innocently and shrug
“we’re in the same literature class. he’s a pretty nice guy!” jungkook nods before going quiet “.,,.,.he’s also a pretty single guy.”
you give him a pointed look “don’t do that.”
“what?? you were curious and i answered your question!”
“i’m terminating this conversation.” you roll your eyes and cross your arms
jungkook hums and leans over to check out the little boxes of extra toppings on the side
pretty standard stuff
extra green onion.,.some ginger.,,. salt, pepper, chilli powder
“you ever think about how long it takes for people to shred green onion into these thin little-“
“how long have you known him for?”
jungkook’s shoulders droop
obviously this conversation has been resurrected from your termination
“ah… almost a year?” he shrugs and peeks into the little pot of shredded green onions
you gawk at him and lean forward
“…and you didn’t think to introduce me to him until now-“
“i thought you weren’t interested.” jungkook slaps the ceramic lid back onto the pot
“i’m just making conversation”
“i juSt tried to make conversation about green onions and you completely shut that down-“
“also, going back to my point, i never even asked you if he was single or not, all i asked you was how-“
“but if you were to ask me if he was single or not then i would respond with, yes, y/n, taehyung is very single and i’m sure-“
“alrighty, here we go!” you immediately shut up and give jungkook a warning look when taehyung appears at your table carrying two trays propped up on his shoulders
you swallow thickly when you see his biceps flex slightly
Yes To All Of That.
taehyung sets your bowl down in front of you carefully as to not have any soup splash out-
oh god
this bowl is.,., it’s a loT bigger than you thought it would be
there are like four boiled eggs in here
a tiny mountain of shredded green onion
six pieces of seaweed
ten thin slices of pork
you reach up and tie your hair up into a ponytail
ya gotta put the hair up when it’s time to get down n dirty
“get ready to lose, y/l/n” jungkook grins and rubs his hands together in anticipation
“in your wildest dreams, jeon.” you snap back immediately and pick your chopsticks up
“since you guys are competing, i brought two timers for you“ taehyung plops two little clocks down in between the two of you and you make sure to smile politely at him before looking back at your bowl
you don’t mean to brush him off but you’re tryINg to figure out the most strategic way to finish a bowl of ramen this big
and so it goes
the next ten minutes of your life will be the most important ten minutes in your entire life
here’s your game plan:
eat aLL the toppings first to get them out of the way
just go hAM on the slurping
use your chopsticks to really shovel and paCK the noodles into your mouth
if necessary don’t even chew!!!! just swALLOW
and then at the end chug down the broth because by the time you finish the noodles the broth will have cooled down a little bit
jungkook’s game plan is just to eat and enjoy himself
he doesn’t care whether he beats you or not
he just wants to see you shovelling food into your mouth like a maniac in front of his friend that he’s pretty sure you’re vERy attracted to
evil??? only a little bit
“alright, you two ready?” taehyung keeps his fingers hovered over the start button on each timer “in 3, 2, 1… go!”
you immediately slurp up a giaNT spoonful of noodles and regret that decision almost instantly because hOT HOT HOT
it doesn’t matter
you gotta do whatever it takes to win
whATEVER it takes babY
okay jungkook was originally going to just enjoy himself but his competitive streak has officially kicked in so now he’s slurping up the noodles just as quickly as you are
side note
the broth is actually really good
and the eggs are cooked to perfection
and the noodles are also cooked to perfection
perfEctly chewy and perfectly slurpable
you definitely see yourself coming back here and it’s noT just because that taehyung boy is cute okay
speaking of taehyung
he is vEry impressed with your progress so far
most of the people he’s seen do this challenge have struggled a bit at the start but you seem to be doing just fine
jungkook’s noodles keep slipping from his chopsticks and taehyung laughs lightly when some of the broth splashes onto his face
he wonders why jungkook’s never mentioned his cute friend that he’s realising he might be slightly attracted to even though he literally only knows your name
u cute
u real cute
“you’re eating like an animAL-“
“says the one shovelling noodles into her mouth!”
“at least i-“
you and kook simultaneously bicker anD eat and taehyung snorts when you threaten to shove a spoonful of chilli powder uP his- [statement redacted]
you pause for a split second when you see jungkook literally swaLLow half an egg
good god
wat dat mouf do
swallow half a boiled egg apparently
“tiME” you smack your hand against your timer and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand because you feel yourself dribbling a little bit
let’s see
nine minutes and thirty eight seconds
not bad!! for a FIVE pound bowl of ramen
jungkook slurps up the last of his serving and whacks the timer
nine minutes and fifty two seconds
close call
jungkook drops his chopsticks into the bow and pats his chest a couple times before wincing in discomfort “the noodles are stiLL going down the hatch”
“alright, that’s ti- oh.” taehyung rounds the corner and hits the side button on his watch “you’re both done!”
“yep, we’re both done..” you smile weakly
you don’t know if you can ever eat another bowl of ramen again
you don’t know if you can look at boiled eggs the same way without imagining one sliding down jungkook’s throat
“congratulations, you two!” taehyung peeks into both of your bowls to make sure there’s nothing left “you’re both the noodle champions!” he stacks your bowls together and picks them up “i’ll be back with your prize t-shirts!!”
great.,,. you’re both nooDle champions.,,. but at what coST
o god
and taehyung just witnessed you inhale a five pound serving of ramen 
his first memory of you.,,.is seeing you shovel like five pieces of pork into your mouth while glaring at jungkook 
“i think i’m pregnant.” you groan and lie down on your back
you sit up a little to look at kook “and i think it’s yours.”
jungkook glances back over at you “if it’s a boy, we name it ramen. if it’s a girl, we name it ramena.” he slouches back against the booth and stares into space “i have something to tell you too”
“i’m definitely pregnant and it’s definitely yours.” he rubs a hand over his bloated tummy and lets out a louD belch and you groan quietly
“you’re repulsive”
“i’m carrying your child, how dare you speak to a pregnant man like that?” jungkook sits up quickly but immediately regrets it
he lets out another belch and you whine before throwing a balled up napkin at him
u can smell it from here
“oh, god. the baby’s coming.”
“if you puke it all out you’re immediately disqualified-“
“i don’t caRE the bABY’S COMING-“ jungkook slides out of the booth and you can’t help but laugh at the sight of him sprinting to the washroom
you stop laughing when you feel the ramen coming up a little bit but you swallow it down because there’s no way you’re losing after that baTTle
“where’s kook?” you jump and immediately sit up  
you point to the washroom “he’s about to give birth to a ramen baby through his mouth”
“…huh” taehyung kisses his teeth “well, do you want your picture up on the wall?” he shakes the polaroid camera and your eyes widen in mild panic
heCk no you don’t want your picture up on the wall
“oh, god no. i do not want anyone knowing that i ate a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.” you snort and shake your head
taehyung laughs lightly before pointing to himself “but i know that you ate a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.”
“mm, that’s true.” you purse your lips before sticking your pinky out “pinky promise you won’t tell?”
taehyung grins and sets the camera down so that he can wrap his pinky around yours
he stands up a little straighter and clears his throat
“i promise,” he presses a hand to his chest, “i, kim taehyung, will not tell anyone that you, y/n y/l/n, successfully consumed a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes-“
“…if?” your brows knit together in confusion
if whAT
“if you give me your number.”
you have to admit that was kind of smooth
and unexpected
but a nice kind of unexpected
you snort and feel the apples of your cheeks growing warm 
you clear your own throat before sliding out of the booth and getting up
taehyung stands up straighter as you press your own hand to your chest “i, y/n y/l/n, will happily give you, kim taehyung my number if you don’t tell anyone that i successfully consumed a five pound bowl of ramen in less than ten minutes.”
keep in mind the two of you still have your pinkies locked together
taehyung nods firmly and lets go of your hand
“your country thanks you.” he salutes and you can’t help but giggle when his right eye drops in a wink  
you feel your heart go all warm and gushy
and it’s noT from the heartburn
okay wait
it might be a little from the heartburn  
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
drabble tag
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jimlingss · 4 years
Rose from the dead a 2nd day in a row to say... THE HELL WAS TWM THAT FIC SLAPPED OMG!! Good thing I thought of checking your updates before going back into hibernation cuz MY GOSH!! I love it sooooooooooooo much that I recommended it to 2 irl friends I'll dm u their responses later okie?? Anyway I should get back to my regular reading now cuz I wanna see hoseok discover his and oc's past relationship (6 chapters left to finish jungle park)
hahahahHHAHha thanks! Glad it SLAPPED! and ofc! I’ll be happy to read people’s responses!! Anyway, can’t believe you’re re-reading Jungle Park but I’m happy to know that series is still alive in people’s hearts :’)
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maxandmaeby · 5 years
Tumblr media
My sleepy red fox. We're about to come out of hibernation! This morning was cool. The pups did laps around the yard. They haven't felt a spring in their step in months. Okie Land can be brutal in the summer. Mentally I haven't been okay. I've let it get the best of me & my M.D.D. I can't always control my brain chemistry & that's okay. I still put one foot in front of the other, snuggled M&M, did my best. I felt a change in my attitude this morning. Just by feeling the breeze. By seeing my dogs happy & active. It gave me hope. It's okay to take each day at a time. To pat yourself on the back for doing the dishes or picking up the poo. Literally and figuratively. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3K6MrRgBDV/?igshid=ia8va6hahj1
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
imma be back with a fic request: phos glueing every pair like bortxdia eucxjade zircxyellow together during hibernation! Ends up with 'em wakin' up in wierd or embarassin' positions
phos giggled as they waited for the gems to wake up. hiding a little they watched the doors open by the winter gem antarc. “winter’s over. please get up everyone.” they stated as the gems got up.
“alright everyone lets-” euc started only to fall down with the weight of jade on their back, preventing their fall only to crack their hands from the unexpected impact. “o sh- ssorry euc i-ugh!” they grunted as they tried to get their back off euc’s. “i...i can’t?!”
“oh dear.” euc mumbled as phos giggled, looking to the next pair as zircon’s grunts got their attention. watching them try to get their hands out of yellow’s. “iiii’m ssosssorry sssesenapi!” they stuttered as yellow giggled. “it’s fine it’s fine.”
“WHO DID THIS?!” phos watched from their pillow hiding spot, almost bursting out laughing as dia and bort walked in an almost crab like state with bort holding their waist. “once i find whoever did this-”
“i dunno bortz i mean we don’t do stay like this often.”
“dia i meant the gluing part, i can feel it on my powder.” they growled as the other pairs moved to feel it themselves. “oh their right!” euc stated as jade growled annoyed. “damnit who did it then!?”
all the gems looked at eachother confused, only to look at the doors. “of course.” yellow chuckled lightly. “the only gem whose ever awake could do this.”
“ii didn’t take antarc-senpai to be such a prankster.”
“i mean, they do cover bortz up in a blanket.”
phos looked as they noticed yellow staring at their hiding spot, winking to them that surprised the younger. “oi rutile get up and help!” jade exclaimed as the doctor rose up. “alright alright you all are so noisy.” they grumbled as they looked up, quickly laying back down. “five more minutes.”
“fine.” they grumbled, getting up with a hammer in their hand they got from under the pillow. “alright whose first~?”
“NEVERMIND!” they all exclaimed rushing away from the gem as phos giggled quietly in their hiding spot.
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yocchannk · 4 years
Yoharikos child? Omg! Yas pleaseee!
I mean idk if ur talking abt my YOU hane riko, but oki i havent talked about them in a while anyways! Also disclaimer: This is apart of the quote on quote, canonical events surrounding my next gen AU, so there is some(ahem, lots of) drama. (ESPECIALLY, regarding the relationships between you, yohane, and riko)
(if u dont want drama or any storyline, I suggest just scrolling to the end, where theres mostly  just fluff)
(okay enough talking but like, there are SOME nsfw things, but not like, enough where its all about it.)
Yohane and Riko had twins; Yuuki Kuro Tsushima and Ryo Shiro Tsushima, Yuuki’s a girl, Ryo a boy.
Yuuki has almost impossibly good memory (Remembers everything back to the womb), and so she’s encountered times where it hurt her more than it helped her. She’s quite like Yoshiko, in a sense, she’s always very secretive on what she feels, closed off from the world for years.
Riko wasn’t aware that Yuuki and Ryo were Yoshiko’s, she figured they were You’s, as they had been dating, and she’d gotten prego at their after-party of the marriage. Yohane had dealt with extreme guilt from it, and was scarred (Hugely) because of her “mistake”.
Yoshiko chose their middle names, surprisingly, Riko and You didn’t know what they were, so Yoshiko chose them. Riko and You felt like they couldn’t raise both successfully (You mains a ship, so she’s not gonna be home often/Riko is a award winning pianist, so she wouldn’t be able to find time to give them all the necessary attention they need.) So, Yuuki was entrusted to Yoshiko.
Ryo had inherited Yoshiko’s violet eyes, but You had concluded it was because her father too had violet eyes.
Yuuki, and her infinite memory, remembers every single detail about the drama, and she’s kind of mentally unstable due to the trauma, she felt like she aged way before she was even born. She’s pretty quiet, especially regarding family and such, she acts confident and mature, but really, she’s fragile, scared and yearning for her family to bind together.
Ryo, Riko, and You are all completely oblivious to everything, they have the perfect life, pretty much. Ryo isn’t even aware of his few minutes older sister.
Yoshiko had raised Yuuki mainly in New York, she was only in her early twenty’s when Yuuki was born, and she needed an escape from her other family, so she participated in a university there. In her absence, Yoshiko was constantly trying to find someone to fill the empty role that she knew Yuuki deserved, guilt ridden and stress-filled. She went through thirteen exes, half of them didn’t like Yuuki, the others couldn’t get through Yuuki to bond with. 
Riko and You, for the entire 17 years they didn’t see Yoshiko, or Yuuki, they worried. They were ready to reunite with their (or, Riko’s,) daughter, and to raise her like they should have. 
Yoshiko tries her very best, to give Yuuki a good life, that is, and always will be, her top priority. She’s built up a video game company to give Yuuki a luxurious life, and to have something to entertain her, and, as much attention she could give, there was never a day in Yuuki’s life where she was yelled at. She just wants the best for her daughter, even if she wasn’t her legal mom. Both of them are pretty closed off from the world because of their family.
When Riko heard of the news of her daughter and her daughter’s “father” returning, she was really happy. So happy, she hadn’t even realized that her giddiness wasn’t from seeing her daughter all grown up, it was from the thought of seeing Yoshiko again. She was yearning for Yoshiko, when she thought it was Yuuki.
Upon realizing this, Riko had a huge relationship crisis. She didn’t understand why the feeling of Yoshiko returning, possibly into her arms, made her so happy and heart-aching. She was confused with every feeling for Yoshiko.
You, herself, was guilty. She slept with Chika, a year after their marriage, they were all drunk, but Riko said it was okay, well, until they found out Chika was 6 months pregnant. The scars are long gone, however.
When the two bluettes finally returned home, Riko and You were both extremely confused at Yuuki’s striking resemblance to Yoshiko. They shrug it off, thinking of it as another genetic thing. They were also surprised at Yoshiko’s large growth spurt (Riko, who drank stress-coffee all the fucking time, stopped growing and is now shorter than her fellow second years.) who was, now the same height as You, who was the third tallest in Aqours.
Yuuki, for the longest time, only referred to every Aqours member (Save papako) by their last or full name. They all were weirded out at it, especially You and Riko.
Yuuki and kotoumi kid 2, Kameko, get along like NozoEli gets along. Kameko is the only one that’s not apart of the drama that is aware of the drama. She’s pretty much the only one who see’s the fragile side of Yuuki, the one who’s been bottling up her emotions for years.
The longer Riko was around with Yoshiko near, or alone with her thoughts, Riko’s mind was subconsciously dreaming of Yoshiko, her heart ached extremely for her, Riko felt her body boiling with jealousy when Yoshiko was around someone who wasn’t her, and she still didn’t know why. Said girl, unfortunately, still can’t look or think about Riko clearly. She can’t get over her guilt, and her crush. This makes a huge gap between the two parents.
Ryo was shook when Riko and You told him about Yuuki, and their siblingship. Yuuki was partially smug.
Yuuki and Riko had a somewhat strange relationship; Yuuki, with her memory, was constantly dropping hints to her true lineage for Riko, and her true love.
Riko finally realized her feelings when she saw the messages exchanged between Yoshiko and her at the time current girlfriend, she realized upon realizing how she wished that girl was her, and how she wished she was all Yoshiko looked at and felt about. She had a long night of crying to herself because of it.
The closest the two got to one another when the intimacy was high and the tension was tense, they ended up passionately kissing due to it. Yoshiko broke the tension, and romance, from fear of destroying You and Riko’s relationship, and their family. Riko had a break down after it.
The third years were the first in Aqours besides Yoshiko to realize the drama, and then it was Chika, then the first years, then finally You and Riko.
You and Riko’s relationship was in absolute jeopardy after the realization. It got worse when Riko and Yoshiko got drunk and almost fucked, again. They were in mid-make out in bed when You, now sobered up, caught them. They divorced shortly after, it was for the best.
(heres the fluff and stuff)
When Riko and Yoshiko finally got together, as should be, Yuuki, was, not exaggerating, a fucking happy ball of tears. She was suuuper happy, she cried every morning for a week. Her dream had finally come true.
Ryo was a bit shook from the change, but adjusted quickly, he found himself happier than ever, like a piece of himself was lost and found without knowing.
Yoshiko and Yuuki felt like the burden finally lifted off their shoulders, and felt far more freedom than ever. Still, they had a hard time adjusting to the new change, and the new ability to open up and vent to their family, but Riko and Ryo had their backs.
Since then, Yuuki has taken some form of a chuunibyo (Ryo too) and now Riko can’t tell if she should be regretting it or not (But secretly she’s quite fond of the resemblance.).
Ryo and Yuuki, being siblings, and twins, have some extreme competitions between one another. Whether it be who could play piano with no mistakes the fastest, or who could finish eating the fastest. Ryo is the stronger one, while Yuuki is easily the faster one.
Riko wakes them all up, first, and always, is Yoshiko, then she wakes up Yuuki (Who, like herself, is a light sleeper.) then she wakes up the hibernating bear that is Ryo. She often has to turn on all the lights, take off his blankets, and dump water on him. Every. Single. Day.
They’re good friends with the Sonoda’s (Yoshiko and Umi are like sister and older sister), so they often have dinner with them on Fridays. Yuuki is the oldest one so she takes pride in always being the one to babysit them (Even though all credit should be sent to the third oldest one, Ukio, he IS the mom of the damn pack.) 
Yoshiko is your classic overprotective dad-mom, she’s aware of the popularity her daughter gets because of her job and success, which means she gets a lot, and a lot, of love letters, mostly from gold-diggers. So yeah, when Yuuki questions why all of the letters are gone the next day, they were burnt in the 9th Circle of Hell.
Riko and Yoshiko are both undeniably, tooth rotting fluffy, romantics. They are REALLY soft, and sweet to one another. Not only, has the variety of pet names expanded, the overdose of fluff increased. In the morning, they cuddle in bed when the kids aren’t up, and before breakfast Yoshiko’s always hugging Riko from behind, her chin on her shoulder, and sometimes feed each other. They aren’t married, but they act like they’re already on their honeymoon. It was, really vomit-inducing (Says Yuuki).
The biggest fight the duo had was when Riko found out that before they got together, Yoshiko slept with several other girls in her absence. Yoshiko didn’t even know what was wrong about it, the drama was still there and they hadn’t even reunited at the time. But then again it all clicked when she realized there was a chance of STD and getting another girl pregnant during that time. THANKFULLY, their worries weren’t true. Though Riko has Yoshiko put on a condom here and there for safety (I mean how the fuck would she get Riko preggo, wheres the logic)
Yoshiko, nowadays, has more of a Dia-aura. Serious but kind and dedicated. Dia is proud, to say the least.
Yuuki and Ryo have different bedrooms, Yuuki’s is in more dark colors (She likes dark blue), while Ryo’s is more pastel. They fight over the bathroom that connects their bedrooms, though.
The two are both your reliable senpai, they inherit the smarts and maturity of Riko (When they’re in public). It hurts how Yoshiko has three people who are at a constant rate of correcting every little thing she does (Yuuki does it because she knows how annoying it is, Ryo does it just cause, and Riko because her OCD won’t allow it.).
Yuuki and Ryo worked at 7-Eleven for quite some time because Yoshiko refused to give them the latest video game that Yoshiko’s brand released for free, and both of them reaaaally wanted it, so that’s how they worked at the same 7-Eleven Riko part-timed at for a full two months.
The two once walked in on Yoshiko and Riko having some (Very) heated sex, all of them couldn’t look one another in the eyes for a while after that.
Ryo, as the council vice president, is pretty close with Ukio, who’s the council president. Yuuki jokingly said she’d start a reelection to become president and accidentally set off a real reelection for council president. She was president for a week before she returned the role to Ukio.
Yuuki is a natural at piano, but mains the violin and guitar. Ryo plays piano and the flute.
There was a time where Riko had accidentally scheduled two recitals at the same time, so Yoshiko ended up dying her hair and changing her hairstyle to look like Riko’s. The only issue was the huge height difference, and stature. Riko’s body was far more feminine while Yoshiko had that serious business person look. You and Yoshiko often worked out too (They surprisingly got along well like they used to, despite the whole ordeal.) so both of them were pretty bulky. So at the start of the recital Yuuki was a Riko-copy, then when the curtains closed swapped with Yoshiko, who actually played (Apparently Tsushima’s are natural pianists.). Yoshiko and Yuuki were teased for their red hair for a while until they finally were able to remove it.
Yuuki is a huge prankster, and no one knows it other than her family and friends. She’s the cool mature senpai, no one would believe it if she pulled that prank and dropped a water bucket onto Koizumi-sensei. Ryo berates her after.
They once went to Universal Studios in LA. Riko and Ryo relied a lot on their English-speaking-able bluettes to get around and be a translator. Yoshiko’s accent is pretty well hidden (She was in New York for a full 18 years, her English has gotten really well since then, practically can rival Mari.)
Yuuki was born on New Years, at 11:39 PM, while Ryo was a day after at 12:03 AM Jan 2nd. They, along with Dia, celebrate their birthdays till 1AM so they get Ryo’s day as well. It’s a fun time for everyone.
Actually, all of their birthdays are absolute bangers. They play all their old songs as idols, and get blackout drunk (Which is why they have the real party separate from the kids.). They think they don’t know, but Yuuki knows everything.
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buttlerina · 7 years
get to know me
tagged by the coolest of beans with a good taste in vidya games @fishkisser
Rule: Fill out the information below and then tag people you want to know more about.
Nickname: lisee. but some people also call me The Inhaler of Delicious Sweets Except For the Ones With Coconut. lmao not really, but wouldn’t that be crazy
Height: like... 5′3 or 5′2. whichever one makes me cooler.
Last thing you googled: "seeso”, because i wanted to watch mbmbam
Favorite music artist: l...m....a......o....... okay, i like lin-manuel miranda’s stuff, and rich mullins has never done me wrong. maroon 5 too, i guess? all i know is that there are a lot of songs i like that turn out to be by them
Song stuck in your head: nothing atm. hang on, i can think of one......... the parks and rec theme. nice.
Last movie you watched: it was a while ago, but i’m pretty sure it’s yu-gi-oh: dark side of dimensions
What you’re wearing right now: a maroon hat, a loose red long-sleeve shirt, and some real comfortable skinny jeans
What do you post: Superb Lawyer and Shooty Shouty, but the shooty shouty part of my blog is hibernating until the new game comes out. also there’s funny stuff and cartoons i like.
Why did you choose your url: okie-doke, here we go. one day, when i was 13, i was writing homestuck fanfiction with my own characters, and i just realized how that sounds. anyway, i left my computer completely exposed and unguarded in front of my older sister, which no one should ever do when they are 13 and writing homestuck fanfiction. it worked out for me though, because when i came back i found that my sister had written the most beautiful thing under the section titled “==> Enter Name.” Buttlerina. it was perfect. i eventually re-branded myself from turtlescience and accepted that my true name must have been buttlerina all along.
Do you have any other blogs: mhmm, but i’ve been kind of slacking off with them lately. there’s @catalogos-artchive, where i reblog all the art and writing reference posts i find; and there’s @magicalmesscomic, where i’ve been posting mini comics about me and my sister as magical girls. (also i have an old dangan ronpa ask blog that i refuse to delete for some reason, but you didn’t hear it from me)
What did your past relationships teach you: that i’m aroace lmaooooo (grinds a surfboard on a golden coffee table and flips off into the universe)
Religious or spiritual: ye, seventh-day adventist. but, like... chill seventh-day adventist
Favorite color: pink!! i’m gonna catch up on my wasted childhood when i thought pink was ugly and like it ten times as much
Average hours of sleep: 8 hours at night, but then i gotta take those good. sweet. precious. 2-hour naps during the day
Lucky number: 27, i guess? it’s not really lucky, i just hang onto it and then i see it everywhere
Favorite characters: dorky/nerdy boys and smol angeries, so apollo justice takes all the brownie points. i also have a weakness for unapologetically narcissistic characters.
How many blankets do you sleep with: two big fat ones
Dream job: anything that has to do with art and storytelling, really. a character animator sounds good. also, a mattress tester. there’s no art or storytelling, but it sure sounds nice i’m tagging: @the-ember-cat @thenelsonninja @kyuroko @kaiba-cave if you wanna do this. go play games at a local arcade. fight a man in an abandoned alley with about 20 stray cats. whatever is your idea of fun.
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onewhodresses-blog · 7 years
Week In Review
The Week In Review is a roundup of interesting, inspiring or thought-provoking things I've read this week. "How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you? To defend ourselves...we must learn to read. To stimulate our own imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief system. We all need these skills to defend, to preserve, our own minds." -- Adrien Brody  
How to Dress a Celebrity | Vanessa Friedman, The New York Times
This is an interesting look into the business decisions that dictate what we see on the red carpet, which then becomes a moment of cultural importance (yes, albeit brief), all of which ultimately still leaves me wondering: should red carpet fashion be a thing?
The point was, neither [Alicia Vikander, Ruth Negga] resembled anyone else. They didn’t look as if they had copied a best dress from yesteryear, nor did they look like fashion aspirants who had just stepped off the runway. They looked like what viewers could only assume was themselves. Or at least the selves they wanted to introduce to the world. That kind of definition requires careful planning, coordination and some sort of personal connection between model and modeler. And it is this connection that often seems to be missing from so much of what we see these days, and why so many dresses just, well, miss. It has fallen victim, presumably, to falling film revenues, which in turn have made lucrative endorsement deals evermore important to a celebrity’s bank balance.
 Should designers dress Melania and Ivanka? The question is more complex than it seems. | Robin Givhan, The Washington Post
I continue to feel that this is a very important cultural conversation we're having about the role of fashion in our society (in case you missed it, my thoughts here). 
Critics of those designers who’ve voiced their reluctance to dress the new first lady have maintained that it’s a designer’s job to simply make clothes — that they should keep personal opinions out of it and not pass judgment on people who wear their clothes. But over time, society has demanded much more from the fashion industry. It expects Seventh Avenue to be cognizant of its impact on young women predisposed to eating disorders. It rallied against the industry’s lack of diversity. It has pressured the industry to concern itself with the labor practices of its subcontractors and to create clothes that empower women instead of objectify them.
Society expects fashion to be philanthropic and awake to the world in which it exists. So doesn’t taking a stand on a new administration and its policies — in the most direct manner possible — fall into that category?
Global Affairs
The Rights of Nature: Indigenous Philosophies Reframing Law | Kiana Herold, IC Magazine via Truthout
Indigenous battles to defend nature have taken to the streets, leading to powerful mobilizations like the gathering at Standing Rock. They have also taken to the courts, through the development of innovative legal ways of protecting nature. In Ecuador, Bolivia and New Zealand, indigenous activism has helped spur the creation of a novel legal phenomenon -- the idea that nature itself can have rights. The 2008 constitution of Ecuador was the first national constitution to establish rights of nature. In this legal paradigm shift, nature changed from being held as property to a rights-bearing entity... 
The notion that nature has rights is a huge conceptual advance in protecting the Earth. Prior to this framework, an environmental lawsuit could only be filed if a personal human injury was proven in connection to the environment. This can be quite difficult. Under Ecuadorian law, people can now sue on the ecosystem's behalf, without it being connected to a direct human injury.
 Why Millennials Aren’t Afraid of Socialism | Julia Mead, The Nation
...Bernie Sanders shuffled onto the national political stage and offered an analysis: Poverty isn’t a natural phenomenon; it exists because a few people own far more than their fair share. He also offered a solution: The government could act on behalf of those of us just barely treading water. The government’s role, Sanders argued, is to correct the rampant inequality in this country by taxing the rich and using that money to offer real social services....Not only did he name the right problem—inequality, not poverty—he named the culprit. I didn’t know you could do that. To me, and to hundreds of thousands of my peers, Sanders’s (and Corbyn’s) socialism doesn’t feel antiquated. Instead, it feels fresh and vital precisely because it has been silenced for so long—and because we need it now more than ever. 
The Music Donald Trump Can't Hear | Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker
This music was often made in protest, and frequently made best by the most oppressed among us. And so politics and our political life have always wrapped and unwrapped around that music, left and right and in between. Back in the sixties, Dylan seemed to state the times they were a-changin’, and Merle Haggard sang out for the Okies from Muskogee—and then Dylan ended up learning more from Merle than Merle did from him. The intertwining of country music with the George W. Bush years—“Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?” for example—was as credible and deeply felt as any of the enwrappings by, say, Springsteen of Obama.
And so the inability, so far, of Donald Trump to get any significant musicians from any of those traditions, rock or country or blues or Broadway, to sing at his Inauguration is not a small comic detail but a significant reflection of this moment in history. 
And while you're at it, here's the Borowitz Report on the latest entertainer to drop out of performing at Trump's inauguration.
 The Hermit Who Inadvertently Shaped Climate-Change Science | J. Weston Phippen, The Atlantic
In 1973 Barr had dropped out of college and made his home an abandoned mining shack at the base of Gothic Mountain, a 12,600-foot stone buttress. The cold winds blew through the shack’s wood slat walls as if they didn’t exist; he shared the bare dirt floor with a skunk and pine marten, his only regular company for much of the year. Barr had moved from the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains precisely because of the solitude, but he couldn’t escape boredom. Especially that first winter. So he measured snow levels, animal tracks, and in spring the first jubilant calls of birds returning. He filled a notebook with these observations; then another notebook. This has continued now for 44 years...
Barr’s notes have now appeared in dozens of research papers focused on climate change science. His notebooks on the first and last snow, the snowpack levels in between, and when hibernating animals wake and when the birds return to the the high alpine environment have provided an unexpected glimpse back into a world scientists never recorded. And from the past, scientists have gained a little more understanding of the the world’s warming future.
That's all folks. What have you read this week? 
 Feature photograph Jimmy Nelson, Before They Pass Away. 
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