#ok bye 🚶
cerealmonster15 · 4 months
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would u make a deal w/the class 2c power duo🤨?????? I wouldn’t 😑
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
mutuals. hi 👋
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csoisoi · 2 years
writing something for an assignment rn and i forgot how to write in cursive i have a google image pulled up on how to write in cursive directions and using a pencil to write down what im gonna pass before using a ballpen to have a guideline i despise cursive
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caspersscareschool · 9 months
kids are so funny they'll walk up to you and go "🫵 You're a boy, right?" and when you say yes they go WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😱😱😱*jaw drop*😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯*flipping out*🤯❓️❓️❓️❗️❗️❗️⁉️⁉️⁉️‼️‼️‼️🏳️‍⚧️❓️❓️❓️❓️🤯🤯🤯🤯🏃🏃🏃*running in circles* ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥Oh ok actually I don't care. 🚶Bye.
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lorillee · 11 months
btw can you tell me about how that cat is an incel
AAAHGH i typed out this whole thing and then tumblr screwed it up and deleted everything. wailing and gnashing of teeth. but thats okay. ill explain it again. anyways to any of my 5 remaining warriors mutuals if you see this post and i got something wrong i apologize to be honest its been like a decade since ive read the books that encompass this whole mess. anyways. ive provided a helpful relationship map to give you some visualization and keep these people straight
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ok. so tldr. sort of. actually not really but whatever. so basically brambleclaw is a special prophecy boy who gets a dream from the dead ancestors being like "ok you need to go 🚶💼🚗 on this journey 😤💥😎 and do some stuff 😌✨🌠" and brambleclaw is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and goes on his journey to do some stuff. its not relevant to the love drama. squirrelflight invites herself along and they end up becoming friends and later start dating. at some point after this brambleclaw starts striking up a relationship with his half-brother and squirrelflight is Not A Fan partially because his half-brother is Kinda Shady and partially because shes suspicious because of his dad, who is also brambleclaw's dad, who really sucked as a person.
so squirrelflight tells brambleclaw that he needs to stop hanging out with his half-brother, and brambleclaw gets mad and accuses her of suspecting him purely based on their dad (and if she doesnt trust the half-brother because of his dad, what does that say about their relationship etc etc). so they get into a whole fight about it and its a drama and they break up. in the aftermath squirrelflight starts hanging out with ashfur who is Just Some Guy and they start dating. meanwhile leafpool gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "ok so get this 👀🤯💥 squirrelflight and brambleclaw 😳👫💖 are like . totally destined to be together forever 😌✨🌠" and leafpool is like "ok got it boss 🫡" and tells squirrelflight. squirrelflight is like omg for real???? and tells brambleclaw and they get back together. ashfur fades into irrelevancy.
shortly before this, however. leafpool breaks off her illegal relationship (illegal because 1) shes a priestess and cant get married or have kids and 2) because the guy shes dating is from a rival clan) but later finds out - oops ! - shes pregnant. unfortunately this is now. a problem. in the meanwhile squirrelflight gets a dream from the dead ancestors thats like "okkkkk so like 😳😭😔 sorry to break this to you but ummmm 🤯💀🧍‍♂️ youre infertile 😌✨🌠" leafpool asks squirrelflight to take her babies and pretend that they are hers and brambleclaws and squirrelflight is like "got it boss 🫡". so squirrelflight lies to 1) the clan 2) the babies and 3) brambleclaw that they are hers and brambleclaw's children. no way thisll go wrong right 😎👍
so things go normally for a few years and everything is fine. then one day theres a huge storm after a drought or something i think and the entire forest catches on fire. squirrelflight is trying to get the kids out (they are adults now) and its a problem but hey look! ashfurs here to help! oh- oh wait whats . whats he doing ummmm. so basically ashfur says something to the extent of "you ruined my life i hate you so much im going to kill your kids in front of you to make you understand how i felt every single day" completely unprompted and squirrelflight is like "um. uhhhh ok well have fun with that because theyre not even my kids 👍" <- clearly last ditch effort to get ashfur to leave and ashfur is like "wait what for real? um. well okay bye then" and leaves.
one of the kids who is a massive stickler for The Warrior Code has 57 moments in a row though because she has just been alerted to the fact that she is an Illegal Baby and Should Not Exist and murders ashfur to prevent him from revealing the truth about them but then ends up having a Mental Illness Moment and tells everybody about leafpools illegal relationship babies at the monthly gathering of all the clans and runs off into a cave and fakes her death kind of. its a whole thing
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theecunt · 2 years
Omfg y'all i just had a major epiphany !!!! 🤠🤠 + Success story 😸
( warning ⚠️ : veerrryyy long post )
So basically .... I usually just scroll loa blogs (as one does) and i always saw something like "consciousness is the only reality" or "imagination is the real reality"
And i was always like "girl wtf is you talkin about 🧐" and i never read them cuz i didn't understand it and i didn't want to overcomplicate the loa anymore 🙄✋
(Note : i still don't know if this is what they meant . This is just what I think)
Fast forward ..... I was at school. Bored. And i was just reminding my self of my rules bcuz I'm tryna work on my mindset
And just kept on thinking on how fast 3d conforms to the 4d
And i realised it !!!
They were right . The 3d doesn't matter. The 4d is the only reality 😲
Lemme elaborate 🤓
(⚠️ warning I'm kinda bad at explaining things so bear with me 😃)
First things first ,
what is law of assumption?
"an assumption though false if persisted will harden into fact"
So basically if you think it's true , it is
Now let's see what 4d and 3d is ,
4d = inner world (imagination )
3d = our outer world (aka the 'real reality')
So now that's clear let's move on 🚶
Now what if I told yall that 4d and 3d are the same thing 😶‍🌫️
Yup u heard me right .
It's true 🤷
How ???
I'll tell you how .
So basically the 3d mirrors the 4d right ?? It has to . That's the fckin law
That's it's only purpose (and this is why it's stupid to react or give power to 3d )
If it's true in 4d , it's true in 3d
Simple right ? Then why do ppl not get results
Bcuz they think it takes time for 3d to conform
We all know that the 4d is instant. All loa blogs say it
Again, if it's true in 4d it's true in 3d
So , if 4d is instant then 3d is instant
Bcuz 3d only reflects the 4d
This might be confusing 😝
So let's get mathematical 🧑‍🏫
4d = instant
3d = mirrors 4d
So , 3d = instant
(4d = instant)(3d = instant)
4d = 3d (both instant)
4d is imagination and 3d is the real reality
If 4d = 3d
Then, imagination= real reality
Thus ,
Imagination is the real one not the 3d ✍️
if I have apple 🍎 in 4d i have apple 🍎 in 3d . There is no other option . Loa can't fail .its impossible .
It's just like law of gravity : if something goes up , it comes down
Law of assumption: if it's true in imagination then its true in real life
You don't wait for gravity to work . It comes down just as instant as it went up
If it took 4 secs to go up . It takes 4 secs to come down . Not 5 . Not 10 . 4 !!!!
It isn't "the 3d will reflect the 4d"
It's "the 3d reflects 4d"
No will , no going to . It does . That's it
If u say it takes time for 3d to conform it implies that 3d and 4d are 2 different things . It's not .
Persisting doesn't mean think from ur desire 24/7 . It means think of ur desire . Know it's done and move on. Do something else .
Now onto the success story 🥳
(I know a lot y'all looove to read success stories to believe in something. Which is fine ☺️ we all need motivation from time to time . But don't be dependent on them )
Ok so it's kinda "small" success story. But it proves everything i mentioned above so...
Anyway so I was going Back home from school (after this epiphany)and there is this road with a divider thingy so that 4 wheeler vehicles won't come . Anyways it's been removed for a while and i was just thinking
"oh that thing is gone . Hmmm. I guess cars are gonna come on this road "
And in less than 5 seconds a fckin car comes from the opposite side ‼️
And it's no coincidence bcuz my whole life i have NEVER seen a car on that road . Even my mom was like "oh that's weird cars don't come on this road "
So yeah that it .
Read until it sinks in . It could be a lil confusing a first
Or don't if u don't want to . U make the rules . 🙂
Bye babes 😘
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spinetacks · 2 months
aaaa I need to go to bed but vibrating at the thought of the build they could do for darby challenging swerve. they have so much history and it’d feel like a really genuine challenge from darb..if that makes sense? like it’s not just because it’s that title, it’s who it is and where they’re from and that they’ve been gently pushing their closeness on twt the past few months. they can really make it mean something. n I don’t feel like they’d end his reign any time quickly so we could get months and months of this flirting,,this is so exciting;;; waah ok bye 🚶🛌
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raidenssblog · 2 years
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How they react to you dying
Characters: tanjiro, Zenitsu, inosuke, genya ←you are here.
Pronouns: gender neutral
Genre: angst
Warnings: death, blood, body parts seperated, gore, throwing up, crying. Not proff read. Super long sorry.
Summary: how genya reacts to you dying while in a mission.
Type of person to not believe it but still believe it at the same time.
Needs some sort of evidence to really let it sink in
Blames himself for wasting time throughout the day and hates that he wasn't there for you while you died
Your legs pushed you to the spot where a demon was recently sighted. You were asked to go seems that it wasn't too important for a hashira to go, but you were nearly as strong as one.
Slowing down when you approached the place. 'Seems fine to me' you thought in confusion.
This place was spose to be deserted but all the lamps were lit and lights in in the houses.
But the place seemed.....off to you. Walking up a small set of steps and quietly knocking in a door. "Hello? Is anyone here"
You waited for a few seconds before a lady opened the door. She looked off.
Not that anything anything was intensely off about her, but she just didn't look right. Almost like she wasn't.... Well, human.
"yes?" You were snapped out of you daze as you looked at the female.
"I- hello. I was just wondering if I could have a quick word with you. It's something about the missing people around here. I just wanted to know if you knew anything" you said and finished off with a smile.
"people going missing? Well I have noticed less and less people around so maybe" she replied opening the door gesturing to come in.
'Don't do it! Don't go in! Something's not right here!' a small voice kept chanting but you pushed it back off as nerves.
"well please take a seat" she said pointing to a seat. Once you took a seat she began talking again, but you smelt a strong metallic scent. 'blood'
"well I have see some kids go missing after they entered a house a lady owes. But I never really saw them go out" she said breathing in deeply.
Your hand reached for you sword and rested there. "Do you know what house it was?" You questioned, voice wobbling a bit. "yes, yes I do." She said. A small smirk plastered on her shifting figure. "This one!"
She turned around and jumped at you. Before you could even pull it out she had already stabbed into you.
All energy left your body instantly. You felt your legs and arms getting pulled, harder and harder and harder before they were riped off you body.
The door bursted open and the demon instantly forgotten about you, throwing you riped body to the side.
By now you had died from the injuries. Slowly you bled out. The last thing that had crossed your mind was your sweet, sweet boy. Genya
"w-what?" Genya was on the verge of tears as giyuu told him about what had happened. "No. N-no they can't be gone!" Genya screamed at the shorted black haired man.
"I'm sorry but- here" giyuu said before passing his you haori and katana. That's what broke him.
Clutching the objects that once belonged to you close to his chest. Tears passed his eyes and his body shock rapidly.
How could you be gone? How? You were about to become a hashira for Christ sake! "This, this isn't fair. I lost everyone that I loved. My brother doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. You were ment to be safe. I was ment to protect you. Now look"
Genya stayed there for what felt like forever. Just, crying and sobbing. Why did he waste so much time.
A hand was place in his shoulder. It felt rough and awkward. He glanced up through blurry eyes and saw his brother.
"it'll be ok" that's all sanemi said before he walked way.
Bye, this was way longer than I wanted it to be😭 anyway genya my lovely boy🏃🚶🧎. Bro I feel so bad for the guy :( anyway. Look after yourselves please. I love y'all all <3
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pspwiki · 8 months
ok bye 🚶
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Ok bye bye 🚶
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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[background template source!]
hmm yknow what. maybe i was supposed to describe the unique magic in that bottom box. oh well teehee!!!!!
updated references for twst rsa ocs Char and Dañarte!!!!! for now. i'll add them to artfight soon!!! I was gonna do another one for Dañarte's Scarabia Era but I worked on these all week.... so i'll just do that one separately sometime maybe lol. anyway i've posted about these guys a lot as u can see from the tags i gave them on my blog, BUT my main origin post about their soap opera lore is really long and intimidating to read.... I have a shorter lore post here, but JFKSJLDJFKLDS.... finding these templates made nice, more condensed intros for them lol. and I [slightly] updated their looks so they aren't just carbon copies of what the seven dwarf characters are wearing!!!! but i'm bad at clothing design so i didn't really change them much!!!!
also i tried to be careful but my handwriting is Bad so i'll retype the info / talk more under the cut.
First guy: CHAR
Age: 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Birthday: March 19
Class: 3-C
Club: Fencing [does rsa have a fencing club. idk. they do now.]
Height: 175 cm
Hobby: Horseback Riding
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Arts & Crafts, Shellfish
Dislikes: Keeping Secrets, Beets
Unique Magic: Unknown [I haven't decided one for him yet, and I may simply make him a late bloomer who hasn't discovered his yet lol]
Extra info:
Favorite Stones: Pink Opal & Chrysoberyl
Older Cousin to Dañarte
Long-lost childhood friend + new love interest to Cater
Source Character: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Second guy: Dañarte*
Age: 17
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Birthday: February 13
Class: 2-C
Club: Equestrian Club
Height: 182 cm
Hobby: Writing Speeches
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Planning, Grain bowls
Dislikes: Tenderhearted people, Undercooked meat
Unique Magic: Kiss of Frost: He kisses something or someone and temporarily freezes them ICY STYLE!!!!! or something like that. idk it doesn't kill people[???? maybe it could. idk.] but it don't feel good. Perhaps the area of frost can vary as well, like a small smooch spot vs spreading through the whole body? We gotta workshop it a bit more I'll get back to u on that someday. maybe.
Extra info:
Favorite Stone: Apatite
Char's younger cousin
"Love interest" to Cater + later on, Jamil...
Source Character: Hans from Frozen
RSA -> NRC -> Scarabia [He gets expelled and/or leaves RSA for whatever reason, I still haven't come up w/that part LOL... and ends up at NRC post breakup with Cater and gets sorted into Scarabia.]
* Disclaimer bc I feel the need to point out whenever I bring him up about his name lol- Dañarte isn't truly a name, it's just a spanish verb that's like "to hurt you". his character literally spawned from a convo I was having with a friend when I was trying to think of a name for Char, and something I said got autocorrected to Dañarte, and we made jokes about an evil princely character... so he became his own thing and I just kept that as his name lol.
anyway. i like talking about them but i also get shy and embarrassed about it klfjslfjks. also i probs did not draw them to scale bc life is hard. so are colors. i went very basic bc im scared but im trying to remember how colors work again in our year 2024 or whatever. WAHOO FUNNY LITTLE GUYS!!!!
shoutout to op of this template [@unfinished-projects-galore] making me sit here and consider the lives of these boys a lil more w/that bio layout. i was tempted to put summoning as Char's best class but WHAT do they summon. tell me idia what does that MEAN - jk it's probably like how juice bb summons cauldrons lol. I also considered Potionology for Dañarte but I think he'd like stuff like history and all that jazz and older [perhaps FORBIDDEN] ways of doing things.
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pilk0id · 5 days
intro post so that i dont have to cram everything into my bio 🦕
da basics: i’m sophie, my pronouns are she/her, i identify as unlabeled (bc i’m still questioning my sexuality), i’m from texas, and i’m 18 years old! nice to meet you :3
warnings n stuff:
‼️ i am autistic!! if you feel so inclined, please use tone indicators whenever possible :3 i can usually pick up jokes, sarcasm, etc. but some tones are a little trickier for me.
‼️ i do not post NSFW on my page, nor do i draw it, so this page is relatively safe for minors! this is both personal preference bc i want my page to be safe for everyone, and bc its lowkey weird to look at idk 😭
‼️ i am a full time college student so artposting (and posting in general tbh) does tend to get really dry during semesters
‼️ DNI list:
homophobic, transphobic, TERF, racist, sexist, etc. (the basics ig 🚶)
proship (loud get out sound effect)
anyone under 13 (terms of service)
autism speaks apologists and supporters /srs
if u dont like seals and horses /j
my interests!!! :D
my special interest has been the ricky gervais show and its associated media & people since 2017! we haven’t been fed in literally years so any interaction about them / fanmade content is so so so lovely :3 my fav is karl (if that isn’t glaringly obvious), but i love steve too! i only like ricky’s stuff pre-2006 ish (extras being the cutoff) because… yuck
my other interests / hyperfixations include:
metalocalypse (i do not like the music of dethklok tho so uhh…….. awk)
breaking bad and better call saul
madchester and britpop music and culture, more on that later (ask me about my pookies)
adult swim in general - shows like aqua teen hunger force, the venture bros, king of the hill, etc.
the 1975 (probably my fav “current” band)
i actually love sports very much, especially bc of college :3
my fav people / characters (both real and fictional):
karl pilkington obvi
stephen merchant
ricky gervais (to a certain extent……..)
charles offdensen (metalocalypse)
saul goodman (better call saul)
jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
jarvis cocker
damon albarn
wheatley (portal 2)
simon (rain dogs - char in my PFP)
rainbow dash (mlp:fim)
george harrison
fav music:
the 1975
the smiths (tomodachi life super all time fav) and their associated solo work
the beatles
gorillaz (my first ever real fandom 🤍)
the stone roses
the psychedelic furs
random fun facts about me :3
i do colorguard full time in the fall
i collect records and i am the proud owner of the blue album
i am currently on my 2nd relisten of RSK on XFM + the podcasts and audiobooks
i own every single karl pilkington book
i’m trying to start a DVD collection, but right now the only real “valuables” i have are ATHF volume one, the office full series, arrested development full series (?), and a random frisky dingo i got from my dad 🚶
i can’t drive
i do all my art using procreate :3
i have not used the term “smerchette” to describe myself since like 2019
ok i think thats all for now bye :3
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lydiaalin · 4 years
w/e posts this here too, some food for y’all 🤲
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4cyberdreamz · 3 years
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sems-diarie · 2 years
sems* not send😭 i love your blog and wanna be friends ok bye bye 🚶
LFMSOFJR NO COME BACK 😭😭😭 i’m sorry i couldn’t figure it out
babe there’s no step by step rule book just come talk to me 🥺
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neo-shitty · 2 years
hi i heard it was bias loving hours and even though you know that i bias yoshinori and that i scream about him everyday and whatnot, it's still bias loving hours and so im here to rant about him again </3
gosh where do i even start oml my favourite thing about yoshi is his heart ;-; or soul ;-; he is just so kind and softhearted and so so just so kind have i mentioned how kind he is?? ;-; he has such a safe and comforting aura around him in everything he does ;-; the way he talks, the way he smiles, the way he interacts with the people around him, the way he— MY POINT IS!! he just radiates safety ;-; to me at least he does like?? i have never seen someone who's like him?? he seems like such a wonderful and nice person and ;-;-;-;-;-; he is just so kind oml his kindness is like,, one of my absolute favourite things about him ;-; he is just very precious to me :')
the first time i saw him, i ADORED him ;-; it was his verse in i love you and the talent??? the way he jumped right in after ruto?? legend? things istg i was so mindblown and felt so drawn to him oml then i started to watch t-map and watched treasure box ;-; seeing his character and personality just made me fall so damn in love with his existence?? like, normally i like idk grow tiny crushes on my biases but yoshi just feels entirely different ;-; i just want to see him happy, healthy, loved, and thriving ;-; like i just want him to live a nice life ;-; and like, feel as happy and content as he makes me feel ;-; fr i discovered treasure and yoshi when i was struggling with my mental health and??? i cannot believe he kept me afloat like that oml i just adore him as a person so much ;-;
ok anyways moving onto my favourite looks!!
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his silver hair was ICONIC but i also adore him in that short brown mullet but also the legendary strawberry look??? also that mama suit oml also i think about black foldneck/turtleneck yoshi a lot more than i should </3 i just like him in all sorts of styles!! my favourites are however when he is more casual hehe i just can't pick ;-;
MY FAVOURITE VERSE IS A TIE BETWEEN ILY AND MMM 😭😭 i know all of his raps by heart body mind and soul and all of them are xjcjjf BUT.! those two ;-;
i really wish that he'll lead a life where he can be so so proud of himself and his accomplishments and feel satisfied with his work :(( also i hope he knows just how appreciative lots and lots of people are of him and that he is adored for not just his looks or art, but also for him as a person ;-; one day he can do some solo work and create an album entirely of his own making just like bobby does/did!! i want to hear him and see him perform to his heart's content honestly ;-; AND HOLD AN ART EXHIBITION!! AND BE A RENOWN FASHIONISTA!! AND SEE HIS FAMILY A LOT!!
i'd be way too shy and nervous to meet him in person but i also want to desperately tell him that i really really really love him :( maybe one day i'll get to go to one of their concerts or fanmeets or like, get chosen for a fancall and then i can like, pour my heart out for him ;-; until then, i gotta practice my korean smh :')
oml this got a bit long bye i will take my leave i think you got my point🚶🚶
sorry i answered a little late! i forgot i had a worksheet to submit and it was due today e.e anyway AAAA i didn't expect you to send an ask omg BUT YES <33
i do agree! his overall aura or vibe is smth i would associate to marshmallows and just overall a warm comfortable day. and those are just my favorites :(( not to devastate you even more but yoshi gives off first life vibes ;n; the term safety is making me EMO JDLKJLFAJ i'm so glad that you found a safe space in him somehow (especially during such a rough time!!) i can't believe i was there to witness the start of this road to yoshinori ult-ing HAHA you just know you're down bad when you want them to be happy and healthy and loved and thriving. damn vienna !! yoshi despite being the softest looking mallow surely can slay a rather bad boy-ish vibe x.x HIS DUALITY. i have this deal with ppl wearing contacts but he. somehow. slays. it. everytime !! (it's ok with not being able to pick, just shows how whipped you are <33)
HELP I HAD TO LISTEN TO MMM BC I COULDNT RMB HIS VERSE T_T (just me spacing out, i just realized it's the whole 2nd verse BYE) 'i know all of his raps by heart body mind and soul' as i said earlier, whipped. i do agree that he raps well! i feel that it's different from the yg rapping i'm used to (which hyunsuk has) but it's a GREAT addition to their mix. for me its his jikjin rap has me on chokehold e.e i think i mainly listen to it for that, it makes me feel cool B)
awwww :(( this is getting so wholesome for me :(( i'm sure he's vaguely aware of how ppl appreciate him but i feel like he would 10/10 be shy abt the idea of being showered with appreciation (WHICH HE DESERVES 100%) i think treasure being under yg would be given that creative freedom (?) especially when they self-produce. so hopefully, some time in the future, we'll be able to see him have solos!! (and i hope we're still moots by then! wouldn't want to miss out on you screaming abt it in the dash T_T) I KEEP FORGETTING THAT HE'S ALSO AN ARTIST OMG this talented ass man. all of these are within his reach tbh. i'm hoping that the freaking company wouldn't be holding him back!
IFY with feeling shy and nervous OML HJSHDK it's ok!! prepare a script if it ever comes to. i hope you'll get to go to their concerts and/or fanmeets someday! it's still pretty early in their career so possibilities are quite endless. wishing you luck with practicing korean so that you could pour your heart out then!
this whole ask was just so wholesome :(( <33 atp if i ever (somehow) come across yoshi like somewhere the first thing i'm saying is a summary of this. i'm getting this shit across no matter what. >:( <3
bias loving hours!
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