#off the beaten path
nmnomad · 2 months
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Built on a rock outcropping above Cerro Gordo Road in Santa Fe, La Capilla de San Ysidro Labrador honors San Isidro Labrador, the eleventh-century patron saint of farmers. The chapel was built by Lorenzo López in 1928, using stones from his property and mud from the acequia.
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vbsvartalf · 9 months
Audio drama peeps, I need some recommendations. I’m looking for something light hearted but still serious, something a little moody but still has lots of hope running through it. Maybe something you’d listen to on a rainy Saturday afternoon. I’m thinking along similar lines as “Me and AU” or “Desert Skies”. Whatcha got?
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life-of-architecture · 9 months
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Czarny Potok foto z 1 sierpnia 2018
Drzewo przy kościele jest najstarszą (co najmniej 510 do 650 lat) i najgrubszą (ok. osiem i  pół metra obwodu), choć nie najwyższą (ok. 20 m) lipą szerokolistną (Tillia platyphyllos) w Polsce. Powszechnie wierzono, że jego kora jest cudownym środkiem przeciw chorobom zębów, więc ciągnący licznie do kościelnego sanktuarium pielgrzymi odłamywali ją, a niekiedy obgryzali bezpośrednio z pnia. Figura Marii z Dzieciątkiem w kapliczce jest kopią rzeźby z XVII w, umieszczoną na pniu w 2014 r., po przeniesieniu oryginalnej do wnętrza kościoła. Korony dodano postaciom w 1899 r. Ówczesny proboszcz, Zygmunt Miętus, zanotował wtedy w kronice parafii: ...po Mszy świętej poszliśmy z procesją ku figurze Matki Boskiej w lipie obok kościoła i tam założyłem na głowy Pana Jezusa i Matki Boskiej nowe wyzłacane korony sprowadzone od Jana Heindla z Wiednia za 21 złr., do czego przyczyniłem się datkiem 5 złr.
Akwarela Józefa Pieniążka z 1933 r.
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Pochodzący z Czarnego Potoka historyk literatury Bolesław Faron wspomina: Fascynowała nas ona od dzieciństwa. Jej wnętrze w naszych najmłodszych latach stanowiło znakomitą kryjówkę, zwłaszcza podczas, nielicznych zresztą, ucieczek z lekcji. Bywało, że mieściło się w nim 12-15 uczniów. Do szczególnych atrakcji należało wspinanie się w środku lipy, gawędzenie w ukryciu, a czasem nawet gra w karty czy inne młodzieżowe gry hazardowe. Specyficzną rolę pełniło to drzewo podczas Świąt Wielkanocnych, a zwłaszcza w drugim dniu, w śmigus dyngus. Otóż, przed wejściem do kościoła dziewczęta z całej okolicy miały zwyczaj klękać przed figurką Matki Boskiej i mówić pacierz. Z pokolenia na pokolenie przekazywano sobie bowiem przekonanie, że taka modlitwa może wpłynąć na sfinalizowanie małżeństwa, w ogóle, że młodym kobietom przynosi szczęście. Jeden z naszych szkolnych kolegów wpadł zatem na znakomity - jak mu się wydawało - pomysł. Schowamy się we wnętrzu lipy i kiedy modląca się panna wzniesie do Madonny oczy, ze specjalnej „sikawki”, zrobionej z drewna, puścimy jej prosto w twarz strumień wody. Eksperyment się udał. Kolejne nieszczęśnice zrywały się z klęczek, ocierając twarz chusteczką i chroniły się we wnętrzu świątyni...
Lipa wraz z kościołem zagrały w serialu Polskie drogi (1976-1977). Karol Strasburger i Kazimierz Kaczor w rolach partyzantów ukrywają broń w pustym wnętrzu pnia.
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Kolejne części: druga, trzecia, czwarta.
Czarny Potok, Poland taken on 1 August 2018
The tree by the local church is the oldest (at least 510 to 650 years) and thickest (circa eight and half meters in circumference) though not the tallest (circa 20 m) largeleaf linden (Tillia platyphyllos) in Poland. There was a common folk belief that this particular specimen's bark is a miraculous remedy curing toothache, hence a constant stream of pilgrims who used to break off splinters or even bite them directly off the trunk. The figure of Mary with the Child in the shrine is a copy of a 17th c. sculpture; it replaced the original in 2014, after moving the latter to the church. The crowns were added in 1899. The parish priest at that time, Zygmunt Miętus, noted down then: ...after the Holy Mass we went in a procession to the figure of Mother of God in the linden tree next to the church and there I put on heads of Jesus and Mary new gilded crowns from Johann Heindl's workshop in Vienna for 21 guldens, of which I donated 5 guldens.
[watercolor painting by Józef Pieniążek in 1933]
Bolesław Faron, a literature historian born in Czarny Potok, wrote: [The linden] fascinated us since we were children. In our youngest years, its interior made an excellent hide, especially when we ditched school, which was not very often anyway. It could fit up to 12 or 15 pupils. Some of particularly attractive pastimes were climbing inside the linden, chatting in hiding and sometimes even playing cards or other youth hazard games. The tree had a specific role in the time of Easter, particularly on its second day, that is Śmigus Dyngus. Namely, local girls had a custom of kneeling in front of the Holy Mary figure and praying, before entering the church. There was a belief, passed over generations, that such prayer could help in marrying and brought luck to young women in general. One of our school colleagues came up with a great - as he thought - idea. We would hide inside the linden and when the praying girl would raise her eyes to Madonna, we'd spray her right in the face with a special wooden toy. The experiment was successful. One after another, poor girls jumped up, wiping their faces with a handkerchief and took cover in the church...
The linden together with the church made locations in a Polish TV series Polskie drogi (1976-1977), a historical drama set in the World War II. [partisans played by Karol Strasburger and Kazimierz Kaczor hide weapon inside the hollow trunk]
The next parts: 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
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johnschneiderblog · 7 months
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Off the beaten path
After an eight-hour flight, then a five-hour drive, we're back in Michigan, bodily speaking. But our minds remain a step or two behind . They seem to hesitate, looking for direction.
Boarding a plane in Shannon, Ireland at 9:30 a.m. Friday and arriving at O'Hare, USA the same day just after noon ... It's the closest thing a human can come to time travel.
Are we in Ireland, dreaming of home; or at home, dreaming of Ireland ...?
I'll figure it out. Meanwhile, while my mind is dragging its feet, I'll tell you about a few accidental surprises we encountered in the Irish countryside.
Top photo: Choosing an "alternate route" to our destination one day, we stumbled upon the remains of a medieval monastery. The Cloonameehan Friary was built in the late Fifteenth Century.
Middle photo: Just when we thought the roads couldn't get any narrower, we got redirected by GPS one day to L5879, a big name for such a wee road. And yes, it is an actual two-way thoroughfare, not a fire trail.
Bottom photo: They're everywhere.
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brittxbrain · 30 days
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Find beauty in the little things
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thewhimsyturtle · 2 years
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Weekends are for exploring off the beaten sidewalk!
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tsukidrama · 2 years
desperation [nsfw]
off the beaten path (a trnt side story)
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢѕ: thigh-riding, partially clothed sex, and Annie's fingersssssss
ao3 | the road not taken | cottagecanon
setting: the beginning of chapter 2, the cottage
← previous | next →
author’s note: throwing up bc i want her so bad
word count: 1.7k
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The most time-consuming part of finishing the interior of the house was decorating it. Painting and detailing was finished in three days. It took another few days to deliver and transport the furniture. Once it arrived at the house, lugging it up the front steps took less time than it took for Annie to decide where she wanted to put everything. Eventually you start unloading boxes of pots, pans, and other cooking tools over in the kitchen, and all the while you hear the creak and scrape of the couches and desks being pushed around in the next room over.
The first night you spend at the house is the day the two of you struggle for an hour to haul a queen-sized mattress around the curve in the indoor staircase. And eventually you manage to bend it in the middle, and Annie uses a surge of strength to deadlift it while you guide it in the room. The mattress falls down on the bedroom floor at long last. That first night you don’t even bother to put on sheets, and you just collapse together in a mess of limbs.
Neither of you moves for about an hour. At first, you’re grateful for the reprieve. You stretch out onto the mattress and let your spine decompress, popping one disk at a time. Annie’s legs settle on top of yours, trapping you in place. You’re not going anywhere, it’s fine. 
At some point, you feel her tapping on your hip with her hand, trying to get your attention. You reach down to hold her hand and it seems to satisfy her for the time being. 
The both of you are so exhausted that you stay there for a while, resting in silence. Relief floods through you to the point where you start to doze off a bit. Your eyes slip close and your mind grows hazy. 
It doesn’t really surprise you when Annie’s fingers unclasp from yours. Her hand stays on your hip, rubbing gentle circles on the fabric of your pants. To be honest, you figure that she’s just being sweet until you feel her fingers slip beneath the waistband. 
Immediately, your eyes fly open and you lift your head. 
“Hmm,” she giggles, “I thought that might get your attention.”
Annie doesn’t have a particularly good angle from where she is, but she can reach far enough to play with the elastic on your underwear. She snaps it with a smirk. 
You’re still sweaty and dirty, but it’s the last thing you’re thinking about. She doesn’t climb off of you – in fact, she just pins you down further as she climbs over you to straddle your hips. Her hands wrap around your wrists, pushing them down into the mattress. 
“Oh…” you mumble. A blush overtakes you. You’re not embarrassed so much as flustered, taken aback by the unexpected move as you suddenly come face to face, “...well hello there.” you say to her. 
“Hey,” she whispers, as she leans in for a kiss. 
Her nose bumps against yours. It’s a little sloppy and uncoordinated, messy. She isn’t well balanced, and her knees slip on the blanket to make her fall forward on top of you. 
Annie seems unaffected by it though, as she just uses it as a way to bury her face in your neck. The warm exhale of her breath against your skin makes you shiver. You try to kiss her again, but when you’re close enough to lean in she grabs a handful of your hair and yanks your head back. 
It makes you gasp. While your head is thrown back she uses the new angle to run her tongue up your neck. She giggles again when you moan softly, and kisses the skin to draw more noises out. She’s being gentle and light to purposefully tease you. 
She pulls at the base of your shirt, freeing it from beneath you and yanking it right over your head. As she gets rid of the garment, you unbutton her pants and push them down. 
There’s a moment where she pulls away, just long enough for the both of you to strip off your bottoms. You go ahead and hook your thumbs around your panties as well and toss them somewhere off to the side with the rest of the discarded clothes. 
Immediately Annie notices and smiles wickedly as she grabs your ass with both hands. She gives it a big squeeze before she pulls you closer by the waist. This time when she climbs on top of you, she straddles you so that she presses against you with her knee. It provides enough friction that your back arches. 
You can’t help but moan as you lean in to kiss her; she’s so tiny that she has to stretch her neck to reach you properly. Whenever she leans back down on her heels, she grinds against your thigh purposefully. Wetness soaks through her panties so thoroughly that it smears on your leg, and your gut burns for how badly you want her. 
She knows what you want – she’d started this in the first place, after all. Part of you wonders she might leave you hanging indefinitely with nothing other than the blunt pressure of her knee, with the way she’s going at it on your thigh. She bites her bottom lip and breathes heavily as her hips swivel around. 
You genuinely couldn’t complain if she didn’t. While the growing wet spot on her panties is certainly turning you on, it’s the little noises she makes in the crook of your neck that affect you the most. Every whimper muffled by your shoulder, every moan she tries to keep down goes straight between your legs. It’s starting to grow unbearable. 
“Oh… nnghh. Please, come on,” you beg, gazing up at her with the most alluring fuck-me eyes you can muster up. “I need you.”
Annie moans into your collarbone. The slight reverberation of her voice tickles your skin and honestly, your instinct is to pull her closer still. Her warm breath against your skin makes your head feel light. 
She shudders above you, her hips stuttering. “S-sorry, hah. It just feels really good,” she whispers behind your ear, her breath shaking as it puffs in your hair. “Open up for me.” 
Without a moment’s hesitation, you oblige. She readjusts herself to a more stable position, though unfortunately for her it means her position grinding against you becomes less than ideal. You wrap one of your arms around her shoulder to pull her closer. 
In return, she puts her around your back to effectively hold you in place. You end up being glad you’re holding onto her when you feel her reach between your thighs. 
First, she dips two fingers inside, swirling them ever so slightly to slicken them. When she starts to rub your clit, she muffles the groan of pleasure that it elicits with a kiss. As her hand continues to move in small circles and she grows bolder, it becomes clear she’s had her fill with teasing you. 
Annie’s hips start moving faster. One of her knees locks her wrist in place so that her hand works in tandem with each thrust. She moans into you, only breaking the kiss whenever she pulls away to gasp for breath. 
“Yes, touch me,” you whisper into her skin, “touch me, please…” 
As she continues to grind on you, you push the fabric of her shirt up to expose her breasts. Again she crumples into the crook of your neck as you play with one of her nipples. 
The soft vibrations of her voice against your neck send shocks down to your toes while the steady pressure on your clit works you closer to the edge. It builds much more quickly than you anticipate – it’s embarrassing, really, but you can’t help it. 
It’s all so good, and you’re so consumed with so many physical sensations that it saps away your self-control: her lips nuzzling your neck, the smooth curve of her breast against your hand, the pleasure she thrums up in your gut, the searing wet heat rubbing against your thigh… 
As her pace quickens and her movements grow more erratic, her panties have slipped off to the side. Her bare cunt grinds against you deliciously, intoxicatingly. The more she gets into it, the more you feel drip down your leg. You have no regard for how messy it might be, you can’t get enough. You’re mesmerized by the way her hips stutter and jerk back and forth. 
She speeds up her motions a little bit in her excitement, and it builds you up to the point where you feel you might burst. 
“Yeah – like that,” you cry out, pressing your lips against the top of her head, “I’m gonna cum.” 
She nods into your shoulder, panting and pressing messy open-mouthed kisses. A strained “Mhmm,” is all you hear from her as she buries her face in the crook of your neck. 
Right as you don’t think you can hold back anymore, her grip on you tightens. A moan builds in her throat, and when her fingers start shaking you realize that she’s close. It’s the final push that sends you right over the edge alongside her, so you grip her waist to pull her flush against you.
Annie comes with a high-pitched whine and loses all her composure. A gush of hot fluid runs down your leg, she twitches against you. You’re coming, too, all at once blinded by ecstasy. The pressure in your gut releases rhythmically, and she continues stroking you albeit slowly and a little shakily. 
You squeak out her name at some point while you’re lost in the pleasure, and there’s a noticeable physical reaction from her when you do. Your grip on her tightens as you ride out the pleasure. 
A few moments of soft moans fill the silence as she continues moving. When she finally stops, you let out a sigh. 
“Mmmm, much better,” she mutters as she pushes herself up. “I really needed that.” 
All you can muster in response is a flustered giggle and a hasty nod of agreement. Your face is still warm with embarrassment so you hide your face in Annie’s hair. 
She stays straddling you for a good few minutes, and you’re in no hurry for her to get off. You hold one another close, in silence aside from the sound of your breathing. A quiet, tender moment passes between the two of you. You’re both sticky, sweaty, and exhausted, but you’ve never felt closer. 
You’re still too tired to move, so you just smirk as you stroke her upper arm. “I love you,” you tell her wistfully. You wouldn’t be surprised if your pupils were shaped like hearts as you gaze up at her. 
She looks down in embarrassment – like that had been the most flustering thing that had happened just now. Maybe for her, it genuinely was. 
All these years later she still struggles to say those three little words. Her lips tremble, but she pushes through the insecurity and gives a soft, shy, “L–love you too,” in response. 
You’re not sure how much time passes before you finally clean up and lie back down again. It’s long enough that you feel your eyes begin to grow heavy and your limbs uncoordinated. The only thing on your mind is cuddling up with Annie, so everything else is insignificant in comparison. 
As you’re falling asleep, she curls into your chest with your arms around her. 
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Desert Embroidery, Lakiya
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When you enter this hand-woven tent in Lakiya, guides will tell you about the lives of Bedouin women, the changes they are undergoing, and the role of embroidery as a creative and social outlet in their lives.
In addition to traditional Bedouin coffee and tea and optional full meals, your visit to Desert Embroidery can include an embroidery workshop, henna workshop, pita making, or a presentation in the center’s Medicinal Plant Nursery. Tours are available to the nearby Huriya Palace, a unique ancient mud structure.
Information: +972-)0)8-651-3208, [email protected]
Orlyya Farm, Negev Highlands
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Orly and Yoni Sharir established Orlyya Farm in 2003 in the desert between Sde Boker and Mitzpeh Ramon. In this desert environment, they grow argan nuts.
The highly prized argan oil inside the nuts is used as the basis to make a variety of healthful products you can find in the visitor center and factory shop.
Schedule a free daytime visit – including a walking tour of the argan trees and the ancient Nabatean rock paintings the Sharirs discovered on their property, plus a cup of herbal tea – or book an overnight stay in a cottage or personal tent on the farm’s private campgrounds, boasting incredible views.
Information: +972-50-299-3214, +972-(0)50-980-0069, [email protected]
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jonasjpbrazil · 8 months
A Calling to Hit the Road in Brazil.
Movie about a journey through Brazil. Gringo hitchhiking in Brazil with no money to his name. Pondering about what our basic needs really are. A spiritual journey, in essence, of testing yourself. Experiencing the kindness of strangers. Venturing into the unknown. Letting go, without a plan or destination, off the beaten path.
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nmnomad · 3 months
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High Road to Taos 😍
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ross-hori · 10 months
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Off the tourist trail at Toryu-nada 闘竜灘.
A beautiful spot on the Kagokawa River where geology appears to have pushed a collection of rocks clear of the river bed, creating some fascinating rapids. Most of the tourist websites reckon it isn't worth a special trip to see it. Not entirely sure I'd agree. It's a lot of fun scrambling over the rocks, there are usually heron fishing, and the air is nice and cool. Maybe some of Mrs H's current geology nerding is rubbing off on me?!?!
Odd highlight was capturing this chap. It landed a couple of metres from me and I just managed to get this single shot before it was gone. Must've been camera shy.
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life-of-architecture · 7 months
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Czarny Potok Kościół św. Marcina Biskupa foto z 1 sierpnia 2018
Mur wokół kościoła z kapliczkami Siedmiu Boleści Matki Bożej - na zdjęciu scena Odnalezienia Jezusa w Świątyni. Drewniane płaskorzeźby wykonał w 1979 r. Stefan Szubryt z Limanowej.
Poprzednie części: pierwsza, druga, trzecia
Czarny Potok, Poland St. Martin of Tours Church taken on 1 August 2018
The wall with shrines of Seven Sorrows of Mary surrounds the church - scene on the photo is the Finding of Jesus in the Temple aka Christ among the Doctors. The sculptures were made in 1979 by Stefan Szubryt from Limanowa.
Previous parts: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
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malbecmusings · 2 years
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How adventurous are you?
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jenuptoolate · 2 years
Ponce Food Truck Festival
Ponce Food Truck Festival is back!
Are you traveling to Puerto Rico?  Thinking about it?  Do you like food?  Do you like Free Entertainment?  If you answered YES to at least one (of course you did), then I have an event for you! The city of Ponce, on the Southern coast of Puerto Rico, hosts a huge Food Truck Festival with musicians, entertainment, family activities, and of course FOOD! (more…)
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everydayhalfling · 2 years
Listening to the thunder while we were up the mountain.
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hermiones-haven · 2 years
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Happy Summer Solstice! It's time to reveal this year's Off the Beaten Path Crossover Fic Exchange Collection! Our writers have been working hard on their stories these past few weeks and we're excited to share them all with you now!
Our authors gifted us with so many fun crossovers! We hope that you enjoy reading each and every one of them! Make sure to leave them some love!
Find the #OffTheBeatenPath22 Collection Here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/OffTheBeatenPath22
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