#obx soulmate
sukka-fanpage · 5 months
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Ik this is more of a TikTok thing but hopefully you can appreciate what I was going for
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raiisakitsune · 1 year
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theanonwriter · 1 year
friends close, enemies closer: part 2
A/N: expect weekly updates!
Summary: When your parents unexpectedly become wealthy from good investments, you're forced to leave your old life in the Cut and move to Figure Eight.  Right when you finally start to move on (thanks to the help of your best friend, Sarah Cameron), your old friends are suddenly forced into your life again. Getting comfortable with them means discovering their new lives and making amends for the past. And just when things couldn't possibly get any more complicated, you have to deal with your lingering feelings with a certain hot-headed blond. 
word count: 2.6k
warnings: swearing, that's basically it
“Doesn’t look like you have chicken pox to me,” Sarah stated, searching your body for any red pox marks. “Or a shark bite either.” She looked around suspiciously. “Wait- were you lying to me?” She feigned shock and held her forehead in one hand while she leaned her body onto her white jeep.
“Oh, the horror.” You deadpanned, dragging your feet across the front gravel to get to your driveway. “Plus, you knew I was lying. You wouldn’t have come if you thought I was actually sick.”
She lifted her body back upright and scrunched her nose in thought. She nodded. “Yeah. Probably not.” She chuckled at the look of you, face miserable while you hauled a much-too-big beach bag over your shoulder. “You pack for the apocalypse?” 
“Haha.” You looked at her with frustration and walked past her to put your shit in her trunk. 
It was much too hot for the first Saturday of June. The air felt sticky, which wasn’t a new sensation on your skin, but definitely one that you didn't enjoy. Your hair would frizz up, sweat would bead and drop down off your forehead, and the odor of low tide was worse than ever. 
“I packed all my bathing suits. I’m tan, but not summer tan, so I don't know which one will look the best. Plus, I don't know if they’ll still fit like I want them to.”
Sarah helped you shove the shit in the back before she looked over her shoulder. “Is this concern over making a good second impression? Or looking good for a certain blond?” She replies as she sees you almost tumble out of the passenger seat. 
“It’s not! Can a girl not want to look good for the new tourists?” 
Sarah giggled again, making sure you had your seatbelt on, and then started the minute drive to her house. You promised last week that you would hang out with them soon, and so you were here. 
“I’m nervous!” Sarah groaned, gripping the steering wheel tighter and turning her head to look at you. “What if they think I’m stuck-up? Or a bitch because of what I did to Kie? Or, oh my god, what if they think I’m ugly?” 
She looked petrified. The idea of anyone thinking of Sarah as ugly was unfathomable. She was undoubtedly stunning. She had the perfect face and ideal frame, not to mention that she had matured into the kindest woman you had ever met. 
“Sarah.” You looked at her with gentle eyes. “You are the furthest thing in the world from ugly. I’m being serious. They may think you're stuck-up and a bitch, but that's why you hang out with them. You can show them the reason why John B likes you. Not as a rich Kook who wears a uniform to school every day.” 
She smiled back, but she didn't seem convinced. 
“Plus, if it makes you feel any better, if they gonna make fun of someone, it’ll probably be me.”
When you hit a red light, she finally turned back to see you. “Maybe. But at least we have each other.” You flicked her shoulder jokingly as the light turned green again. 
“Ugh, that's even worse.”
When you finally finished your makeup and picked your outfit, you felt like you were going to be sick. The nerves had kicked in, if they were excited or anxious butterflies you couldn't tell. This could be the start of something new for you. A reconnection with people who you treated like home at one point. 
You had a basic tee shirt and blue jean shorts on, rather than the cover-up dress that Sarah told you to wear. Although it had been a couple of years, you knew that they would mock you if you came to chill with a dress on. 
Plus, you wanted to look familiar to them. Maybe, if you dressed the way you used to, it would be like a white flag. You nonverbally telling them that you were willing to just go back to the way things were, rather than pretend like nothing ever happened at all. 
“They’re here!” Sarah yelled, racing out of her bathroom while sinking an earring through her ear. You followed her into the sunroom and watched her lace up her new black converse, embroidered with purple butterflies. 
You ran over to the lace curtains and slowly peeked out from behind them. You saw the Twinkie, the gangs busted minivan, waiting in front of Sarah’s horseshoe driveway. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud. The minivan looked so….out of place. Is this how your family looked the first year you moved?
“Ready?” Sarah asked, hand on the doorknob as you strode away from the window.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
Sarah opened the door and ran out to meet John B. She found her way into his arms, and you watched from afar as they laughed about something. She gestured to her Jeep, and they both started to walk toward the connected garage. You went to follow them, but John B saw you.
“Oh, we don’t need help, do we Sarah? It’s too hot. You can just go and find a seat in the Twinkie. Hope you don’t mind being a little squished.”
You smiled politely and turned away, heading in the direction of the car. You could already hear the music coming from the speakers, and you swear to god that the car shook from the intensity of the bass. You walked up to the handle, and opened it slowly, trying to focus on anything other than the fact that you were going to vomit.
As soon as you opened the door, the talking ceased. Three pairs of eyes all focused on you, all displaying different emotions. Kie looked giddy, excited about whatever they were talking about before you came into the car. Pope had the same look of confusion that you remembered from your childhood. He made you feel like you were the stupidest person ever with just one look. You would call it a superpower if it hadn't offended you so much.
And of course, sitting in the chair by himself, was JJ. He looked irritated, cheeks puffed out and arms crossed over his chest. When his eyes met yours, they hardened before he quickly looked away. You could tell he was mad at you. You just hoped it wouldn't be too awkward. 
“Hey girl!” Kie chirped, giving you an awkward hug as you tried to maneuver through the car and to your seat. 
“Hi, babe. Uh, hey Pope. Hey JJ.” You mumbled, putting on your seatbelt as you looked up to see them. 
“What? Don’t trust John B to drive you now? Too used to your personal driver?” JJ mused, moving his legs farther from yours as he pulled out a joint from his pocket. You looked at him with unhappy eyes, but you knew this was just part of the process. Of course, they would be hurt. You were too.
“That's not it-” You tried to interject, but Pope cut you off. 
“Ignore that, Y/N. JJ’s on his period today.” He lifted himself further off the seat and turned towards you. “JJ, watch this,” he reached his hand towards you. “Hey, Y/N. Long time no see! How’ve you been?” You shook his hand firmly, keeping eye contact as a smile spread across your face. 
“I’ve been good! Just doing my thing. How have you been?”
“As good as one can expect from a dirty Pogue.” He looked at you with his eyebrows raised. You gaped back in shock, mouth starting to drop open before he spoke again. “I’m just kidding. I’ve been good!” He laughed, and you let go of the breath that you were holding. 
“Good to know that you’re still cracking jokes.” You breathed out, listening to your heartbeat in your ears. You knew that you were gonna be the butt of the joke for a little while, but you genuinely thought you were gonna have a heart attack by the end of the trip. 
Pope and JJ started to fight over who was going to get more leg space, and Kie looked over at you, bothered. “Sorry about them. They’re idiots.” 
You bit back a laugh as you spotted John B strolling back to the car with Sarah, him struggling to hold both you and Sarah's bags. “So what your telling me is nothing has changed?”
She giggled again, throwing her head back and sighing as she grinned at you. “Yes and no.”
You heard Sarah pop open the trunk, and shifted yourself in your seat to make eye contact with her. You tried to signal something with your eyes, but she just looked at you smiling. You wanted to leave. The Twinkie was too full of not only people, but memories. 
You watch silently as John B and Sarah slipped into the front, sending flirty glances to each other over the center console. You rolled your eyes to yourself, knowing that watching them flirt was going to be your own personal hell. 
As you started to drive, you noticed that it was much too quiet. You looked over at JJ, who was mouthing something to Pope. He grinned while he talked, his tongue-in-cheek and eyebrows raised. When he caught your eye, he instantly stopped and made the 'kill sign' to Pope. You glanced over at Pope, but you couldn't tell what they were talking about. 
“Secret secrets are no fun, unless shared with everyone.” You sing-songed, tutting as you shook your head at them. Pope shyly smiled at your comment, but JJ just scoffed. 
His lips set into a thin line. “Wouldn’t have been a secret if you actually talked to us.”
You walked into that one. You instantly shut your mouth and turned back around. Kie rubbed your shoulder gently, and you could feel JJ’s eyes burning a hole through your face. The fact that he was, at one point, your best friend shocked you. He seems like he couldn't be more of a stranger. 
“Kie, why are you consoling her?” JJ sputtered, shaking his head in disbelief. His attitude had never changed. When he started mumbling at the window, the whole car groaned in protest. 
“Oh, of course, I’m the bad guy.” JJ muttered, eyes looking far out of the car. 
“C’mon, man. Remember what I said.” John B urged, tapping the steering wheel in rhythm with the radio. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, and you use it as a way to ignore everyone else. 
why is he being like that
it’s JJ so idek 
when i got in the car i was like 
hot damn 
maybe i picked the wrong one 
but then he opened his mouth…
such an ick.
You laugh out loud at her text, quickly putting your hand over your mouth to muffle the noise. Sarah's head whipped back instantly, eyes wide open as she stared you down. 
“Did you just fucking SNORT?” Sarah yells, disbelief wrapping her features. You try to deny it, but everyone in the car erupts. 
“You most certainly did!”
“Don’t lie!”
“Is there a baby dinosaur in the car with us?”
“You still do that?”
You look over at JJ, his features softer than you’ve seen them all day. He looks like a kid, like he just learned something new for the first time. 
“Yeah. I guess some things never change.” You look away quickly, eyes darting anywhere but his face as you feel a blush start to light your cheeks. 
You wish you could say that JJ wasn’t attractive to you anymore, but he was. His skin was still tan, and a light sunburn brushed across his cheeks. His face was more chiseled than you remember, and he looked much more built than he did only 3 years before. 
The car ride passed with quiet conversation, all friendly and polite. You mainly talked to Kie, catching up with each other about family issues and Kook events. It was nice to be back and just hanging out with them again.
When you finally got to the beach, you all spilled out of the side door and stretched your limbs. As many memories you had in the Twinkie, you couldn't lie and say that you were glad you were back in it. The air conditioning was broken, the seats were worn, and the general smell made you glad for your “new car” air freshener. 
You didn’t bring your board, which you regretted when you saw all of the Pogues with theirs. You knew Sarah didn't have one, but John B would probably let her use his board. You picked your bag from the trunk and turned back to Sarah and Kie. 
The girls were chatting quietly, and there didn't appear to be much tension. It wasn't a beautiful reunion, but no one was bleeding, which you took as a win. 
“You didn’t bring your board?” JJ asked, tousing his hair with the hand not holding his belongings. 
“No, I thought we were gonna go on JB’s boat. No biggie though, I’ll just tan or something.” You responded, looking into his eyes and shielding the sun with your hand. 
“Oh. Well, if you get bored or something, you can, just like-” he glanced over his shoulder at Pope, who was observing your interaction intently. “swim around us, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly, cheeks reddening faintly. You knew he was just getting hot, but you secretly wished it was more. 
“Oh. Thanks, Jay. I’ll think about it.” You smiled shyly. You watched him leave with a quick nod, and you went to go catch up with Sarah. 
You spent the first part of the day on the sand, watching as the group fucked around in the sea. Because it was broiling today, you were sure that your towel was probably wet from the sweat pouring off you. When you got tired of pitying yourself, you got up and started to wade into the water. 
Talking and hanging out with everyone felt normal. With Sarah in the group, there was an even amount of crazy and kooky. There was never a dull moment, and everyone seemed more at ease than you had remembered. 
When you finally were dropped off at your house, your back was a faint pink and your hair was filled with salt. Taking a shower hurt like a bitch, but your mother always said showering with hot water after getting a burn helped the day after. 
When you got into your bed, your phone suddenly beeped.  You saw a notification from a new group chat that had everyone from today's rendezvous, including JJ. You couldn't help but smile at your phone, seeing what John B was typing. 
Hey Y/N
Welcome back to Pougelandia
Prettiest Pogue EVER!!!
*SAR-BEAR liked a message.*
whats going on
John B: 
NEW GC!!!!
That was Sarah
we need one if we're all going to hang out again!
Welcome back. 
TAGLIST: @totallynotkaibiased @jsbaby @midnightrqin @siriuslysmoking
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uponasoapboxb · 1 year
okay i feel like this is a very unpopular opinion but i need to share:
i don’t like that they’ve made kie have some sort of romantic interaction with all of the guys in the group. i just don’t think it’s realistic that a girl would want to stay friends with dudes who constantly give off the “can i tell you a secret? ;)” energy
and i don’t think i like the idea of jj and kie getting together. i would have thought it was a really good idea if they had done it before kie and pope had their little thing, but i feel like, now that they’ve put pope in the middle of this whole situation, i’m just not rooting for jiara. :/ i miss the flirty, fun, Platonic relationships that the group had back in season 1. i don’t see why we need everyone to be in a relationship all of the time. it seems unnecessary, especially since they’re all like,, getting their shit rocked Every Episode? that doesn’t seem like the time to have the “feelings” talk?
(maybe that last part is because i am currently trying to figure out whether i am on the aromantic spectrum or not)
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Ok here me out for season four when the other pogues find out JJ and Kiara are like a real thing and actually dating. I think they should like accidentally discover it cause JJ and Kie were to indecisive about how to tell them. It should be like Kie is staying overnight with JJ on his charter boat and the rest of the pogues come to visit him cause they have some news or something then JJ like awkwardly walks out from the bedroom like hey what are you guys doing here and they tell him some important news about the treasure hunt and there like we gotta call Kie and he’s like nah we can call her in the morning and they really push it and he’s like well she already here. Or they just call Kie and her phone rings in the bedroom. I feel like pope or someone gets like a little upset about it and he’s like to JJ she’s not just another one of your chicks you date for like a week then dump and JJ has like a whole I love her moment like Monica and Chandler in friends. Then he tells them the truth that they’ve been together for months.
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I know this is random and the first thing I’ve posted and probably the last I just kinda felt like I needed to tell people my random theory 😂
Feel free to comment your guys opinion or message me
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areesvt · 2 years
Platonic jiara can be something so personal to me
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Jiara soulmate au 😌
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In a world where your soulmate’s treasured belongings begin showing up amongst your own, JJ Maybank has never given the implication much thought, especially with his own parents failed soul-match hanging over him. He figures even if he does have a soulmate out there somewhere, they’re better off without him. At least that’s what echoes through his mind in a voice that sounds eerily similar to that of Luke Maybank. Besides, JJ has bigger things to worry about - like surviving a six-week surf trip with the girl he’s secretly head over heels for.
Kiara Carrera is almost 18 and still she doesn’t have a soulmate. If she’s being honest, she isn’t really interested in having one anyways, since she’s accepted the fact that she is utterly and irrevocably in love with her best friend. Which doesn’t matter, because the feelings are certainly not mutual and there’s no way fate could ever be so kind. Now, she just has to make it through the next six weeks without letting her true feelings show.
Nine days into the trip of their lives, somewhere on the coast of Yucatán, JJ thinks he’s doing a pretty good job of not being madly in love with Kie. But then, why is her beloved hand-painted ukulele in his duffel bag? And where the hell did his trusty zippo get to?
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bejeweledbaby · 1 year
just realized that JJ and John B remind me of James and Sirius
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maybankiara · 2 years
‘Dead boys shouldn’t flirt with living girls.’
JJ’s eyebrow shot up. ‘But they can flirt with living boys?’
‘Ha-ha. Keep it in your pants, ghostie.’
deleted bit that doesn’t fit the mood of the scene but this fic is my life
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obaex · 9 months
pinch me - jj maybank
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summary: when you turn 17, your body begins to mirror anything that happens to your soulmate, but with so many marks and bruises, why is yours so hard to find?
word count: 2.9k
a/n: happy obx writing week! this is for day 1: au with jj! thank you to the lovely @surftrips for planning this event. this fic's a little different, but i am simply a sucker for a soulmate au. italics are jj's perspective. ♡
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The flowers bloomed on your skin like a tattoo, delicate but dark. Large roses, orchids, lilies and daffodils tangled with leaves to form a winding pattern that started on your hand before appearing on your arm. You lifted your shirt to see them swirl on your ribs, near your stomach. It was mesmerizing to watch, beautiful, hypnotizing even, the sensation felt like a pleasant tingle beneath your skin that now danced on your cheek, around your eye. You lay down on your bed, closed your eyes, and willed the patterns to disappear by morning.
You knew when you turned 17 that this could happen, that your body would begin to mirror any impact on your soulmate’s skin, so you weren’t necessarily surprised. What did surprise you was the frequency with which the marks appeared, their breadth, their size. Your chest ached with the knowledge that whoever your heart was tethered to underwent physical pain on a regular basis.
You searched for your other half eagerly, knowing they wouldn’t be hard to find: a split lip, a black eye, bruised knuckles, but of course there was no one that looked like that on Figure 8. Your friends sought out their matches based on the occasional skinned knee, maybe a broken finger playing lacrosse; when they asked you about it, you lied and said you hadn’t felt anything yet, too heartbroken to share the truth and the fact that your person was nowhere to be found.
When your best friend Sarah Cameron found her match, you couldn’t help but be happy for her, even though she had found him on the wrong side of the island. She and John B began spending every day together; you were lucky if you could steal her away for an afternoon at the beach, and even then, she spent every moment gushing about him. Before long she was begging you to come hang out with him and his friends. You were undeniably skeptical, but by now your own flowered marks had stopped appearing and even though you knew that was a good thing for your other half, in a way you missed them, missed the connection, the reminder that someone out there was meant for you. You needed something to distract you, and John B and his friends proved to be the perfect distraction, especially JJ Maybank.
You and JJ fell into an immediate friendship that was unlike any you’d had before. Frankly, it shocked the other pogues – what could a marina rat and a kook princess possibly have in common? On the surface, the answer was nothing, but it’s like you just clicked right from the first day you met. You were always laughing at each other’s jokes, tears brimming your eyes, unable to catch your breath no matter how stupid they seemed to everyone else. You would finish each other’s sentences, you could read into each other’s emotions, able to understand one another when words fell short, ready with a hug or a smile when they needed it most. You had a casual intimacy, your head resting on his shoulder when you watched a movie, him always needing to have the seat next to you whether in the twinkie or in the back yard at the chateau, you permanently wearing at least one article of his clothing at any given time. You were having fun, your time with JJ distracting you from the loneliness you had felt before.
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Everyone had become so obsessed with this soulmate thing - JJ didn’t think it was even real. He had never felt a thing, grateful at least that that meant his soulmate had a life very different from his own. But, why did people care so much? He had seen and heard John B go on and on about it, but all he wanted to do was ignore it, convinced that that kind of thing just wasn’t meant for someone like him.
He never knew if his parents had had it, and even if they did, what good had it done them? His mom left and his dad was gone now too, having finally taken off for the Yucatan months ago. Good riddance.   
No, JJ preferred to focus on what he could control, to believe what was right in from of him, and for now that was Y/N. He wasn’t sure what a girl like that was doing hanging around with a pogue like him, but he wasn’t going to question it, grateful for every day he got to spend with her. He loved the way she made him feel, like he was always the center of her attention no matter what was going on around them - he’d never had that before, had never been someone’s first priority. He loved the way she would laugh uncontrollably with him, how big her smile got, how her nose would crinkle. He loved the way she curled into his arms when she had a bad day, seeking him out for comfort and reassurance; he loved knowing he could be that for somebody. He loved when she leaned on him when they watched movies, how sometimes her eyelids fluttered closed and she’d breath heavily against him, wrapping her arms around him in her sleepy state – that was his favorite.
The funny thing was, she didn’t seem to believe in this soulmate thing either, never chiming in when the inevitable conversation came up. And that made him feel like maybe he had a chance. He tried every day to muster the courage, to find the right words to say to ask her out, which is where his mind wandered while he spent the afternoon at work at the marina, pissed that he was missing a day on the boat with her.
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The HMS Pogue bobbed gently to the rhythm of the waves as John B and Pope cast their rods into the water. You, Sarah and Kie were lying on the bow, soaking in the scorching rays of the sun as sweat dripped down your body.
“OK, I’m getting in the water, it’s too damn hot” Kie said resolutely, standing up.
“Yes please” you said, jumping up, pulling off your sunglasses and diving in, beating her to the punch.
The salt water cooled your skin immediately, bringing instant relief. You let out a sigh as your head breached the surface and you began to float on your back. It was only a moment before you felt something slimy and looked around you to see you had jumped right into a school of jellyfish. You tried to swim away, shrieking, before they began to sting you, their barbed tentacles attaching to your side as you tried to knock them away and scrambled back to the boat. You pulled yourself shakily out of the water, tenderly feeling the burns on your skin as tears overflowed in your eyes.
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JJ was spraying down the latest kook yacht to pull into the marina, washing and rinsing mindlessly, his thoughts drifting to you and back again when he felt an itch on his side. He scratched it absentmindedly, attempting to ignore it when it persisted in a tingling feeling. He rubbed it harder before finally lifting his shirt to see a tattooed pattern of vines winding up his side. He shoved his shirt down and looked around, hoping nobody had seen. He dropped the hose in his hand and stumbled inside before he pulled his shirt off to inspect his skin more closely. He was mesmerized by the sensation and the pattern on his skin, his heart racing with excitement until he realized what this meant, his joy waning as his sympathy grew for this person he didn’t even know. He pressed his hand against the vines, like he could make them stop, but they persisted. He could hear his boss yelling for him, so he quickly pulled his shirt back on, his head spinning as he went back to work.
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The rest of the afternoon and evening you walked around gingerly, icing your side, putting ointment on it, but nothing seemed to quell the burning sensation of the barbs in your skin. You pulled on one of JJ’s soft, oversized sweatshirts and a pair of shorts and joined your friends in John B’s backyard, trying to focus on anything else to forget the pain you were in.
Thankfully, JJ showed up right after his shift. You had missed him all day, wishing he had been out on the boat with you; he would have known just what to say, how to make you laugh, exactly how to make you feel better, and that’s all you wanted right now.
He settled into his chair beside you, but didn’t meet your gaze, didn’t acknowledge you at all; he looked a thousand miles away.
“Hey, you okay?” you asked, picking up on his demeanor immediately.
“Hmm?” he said, glancing at you quickly before looking away. In truth, he couldn’t stop thinking about the tingling on his side, which had started to fade, but that he could still feel. He looked back at you, examining you. You were perfectly fine. No one had hurt you, you weren’t in pain, and he was overwhelmingly grateful for that, but at the same time, selfishly, he knew that that meant that you weren’t his, weren’t the one for him and it crushed him.
He looked at you with sad eyes, his ocean blues scanning yours, opened his mouth like he wanted to say something before shutting it, shaking his head and ignoring you, choosing to focus on the beer in his hand instead.
You scrunched your face in response, hurt by his dismissal, especially after the day you'd had. You had been so sure he would make you feel better, that he would pull you into his arms and tell you everything was going to be okay, and now he wouldn’t even talk to you.
“Okay then” you said, standing up quickly, wanting to put some distance between you before your emotions got the best of you. “Anyone need another drink?” you asked as you made your way inside. John B shook his near-empty can in the air and you nodded, turning quickly so no one would see the tears in your eyes as you slammed the door behind you.
“What was that about?” John B said as he looked over at JJ.
JJ just shook his head and shrugged, trying to shake off your reaction, his feelings, and failing miserably.
“She seemed upset” Kie pushed, not used to seeing the two of you at odds with each other, ever. “You could at least try to be nice to her, Jayj, she had a shitty day.”
“Pfft understatement of the year” Pope agreed as he took a swig of his beer, “she put up a tough front but I’ve never seen stings that bad before, had to be the man-o-wars, she jumped right into them.”
JJ’s ears perked up. “What?” he asked, trying to catch up.
“She got stung, asshole, like fifteen times” Kie replied, gesturing to her side.
The same side where JJ’s skin still tingled.
JJ’s mouth ran dry and he could feel his heart start to hammer in his chest. It couldn’t be… could it?
He stood up, dropped his beer at his feet and ran after you.
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“Y/N!!” he called as soon as he was inside, nearly tripping over the furniture on his way to reach you in the kitchen.
You were leaning with your back against the counter, your eyes meeting his as you wiped at your tears, not wanting him to know how upset he’d made you.
“You’re – Pope said – you – today –“ he stumbled over his words as he gestured outside and then to you.
You looked at him, utterly confused.
He shook his head, trying to clear it as he ran his hands through his hair, willing his heart to slow down just enough for him to get his words out.
“Today. You got stung. A-Are you okay?” he said through labored breath.
You shrugged, still angry with him. “I’m fine” you said.
“Nah, don’t do that, don’t play it off, Pope said it was bad, worst that he’s seen in a long time. C-Can I see?” he asked.
You didn’t know what good it would do at this point but you set your drink down and tenderly reached for the bottom of your sweatshirt, lifting it up to expose the angry red skin on your side, wincing slightly as your fingers grazed it.
JJ stepped closer to you, one hand on your stomach, the other on your hip, careful to avoid touching your wounds as he looked closely at it, then at you. He felt his breath hitch as his emotions overwhelmed him at the thought of this happening to you. You immediately registered the sympathy in his eyes and the fact that he seemed completely distraught, his own eyes nearly brimming with tears.
“Hey, I’m alright, it’s alright, J” you said, not fully grasping the look in his eyes.
He took his hands away, but didn’t step back from you as he lifted his own shirt. You could make out the faint remains of a twisted pattern of vines that ran up his side. Your hands flew to your mouth in shock.
“JJ…” you cautioned. Despite how much you desperately wanted this to be true, you both knew that this could be a coincidence, that that happened all the time. Your eyes met his and you could see the longing shining in them as they met yours, unwavering.
“Pinch me” he said, holding out his arm.
“What?” you asked.
“Pinch me, hard, do it,” he said again, pushing his arm closer to you.
Part of you wanted to know the truth, needed to know the truth, but a larger part of you was scared, horrified for this be a coincidence, and what that would mean for both of you. The idea that JJ might not be yours had your chin wobbling as you looked at him.
“Please, gorgeous, I need to know” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper.
You reached out tentatively and pinched the skin on his forearm hard enough to leave a pink mark where your fingers had squeezed. Within seconds you could feel the tingle on your own skin, your emotions bubbling up as you laughed and then cried, JJ grabbing you by the shoulders, desperately trying to read your emotions as you pulled up your sleeve to reveal the rose that had bloomed on your own arm, matching his own. He looked down as tears welled in his own eyes.
“D-Do it again” he said, now that he could see it, holding out his arm.
“JJ” you said through your tears, urging him to accept what was in front of him.
“Do it again” he said, and as you pinched him a daisy bloomed next to the rose, leaves tangling together. He watched the pattern, willing himself to accept that this was much more than a coincidence, to accept that he could have this, have you, that you were made for him.
He pulled you into his arms, burying his head in your shoulder as you shook, your arms circling him and hands grasping the back of his shirt like a lifeline, unwilling to let him go.
“My God, oh my God” he muttered next to you as he rocked you back and forth.
“W-wait” you said, pulling back reluctantly to look at him. His eyes were blown wide, totally focused on you.
“What is it, beautiful?” he asked and your heart skipped a beat at the nickname.
Your hand came up to cup his face. “Last year” you whispered, tracing your finger under his eye, across his cheek, running it over his lips, tracing all the places you seen flowers on your own skin. He hung his head, pressing his forehead to yours.
“My dad” he said simply in reply as he realized, reluctantly, that you now knew better than anyone what he had been through.
“I’m so sorry” you whispered.
“It’s okay. I’m okay now” he reassured you as his hands reached up to cup your face. “You have nothing to apologize for.”
You nodded as your eyes met his, your mind still reeling, trying to piece together what was in front of you: this boy, with his long hair, his tender eyes, his perfect smile, his infectious laugh, his warm hugs was it, was yours, forever. You smiled at him and he smiled at you as his mind pieced together the same thing.
“How did I get so lucky?” he asked and you laughed in response. “I wanted it to be you. From the moment I met you, I wanted this” he said. You nodded vigorously in agreement, your instant connection so many months ago making so much sense now.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked quietly.
You nodded more vigorously as he brought your lips to his.
He wanted nothing more than to lose himself in you, but was reassured by the fact that he’d have eternity to do so as he pressed his lips softly to yours, savoring the feeling, and the way you pressed into him, opening up to him almost immediately, grasping his shirt and pulling him against you, against the counter as you hummed in response, your pain long forgotten as the pleasure of his body, his heart beating against your own took over. He ran his fingers into your hair as his tongue tangled with yours and he swore nothing in the world would ever compare to this.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @sweetestdesire, @softcoremaybank, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller
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a-aexotic · 1 year
hi!! can you do something with jj and this is me trying it right where you left me? love your work 💌
ren's notes hey baby, tysm! this fic broke my heart ong LMGAO, i hope u enjoy!!! 💞
pairing. jj maybank x fem!reader requested? yes no
warnings. mention of concussion, death, breaking up, just general angst 😭
summary. you fell in love with jj as soon as you caught his gaze, what happens when tragedy strikes and breaks you apart?
taglist. @eli-yeah @hallecarey1
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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When you first locked eyes with JJ Maybank, you knew he was your soulmate.
You remember the day you met him to this day, like it was just yesterday. You remember it was late August and you moved to OBX after your father had retired. He always wanted to live on the coastline and it was his dream to live there with his family. You weren’t rich by any means, so you got a small house on the Cut. 
You didn’t care about the size, as long as you were happy. You had just turned 15 and you had no friends in OBX. The late summer breeze was running through your air as you walked on the beach, no particular thoughts in your head. It was relaxing; all the stress from the past few months melted away under the strong Outer Banks sun. 
You remember walking on the beach and then hearing a loud shout. You whipped your head at the noise and suddenly, you were on the floor with a headache. You were hit with a football and your head hurt. You were dizzy and all you could hear was ringing and then you felt someone shake you awake. 
Your eyes opened and you locked eyes with a certain blonde whilst his friends was talking to you. 
And that was how you met JJ Maybank, he had gave you a concussion. Little did neither of you know, it was the start of your love story. 
He apologized profusely, offering to pay for your medical bill but you were fine. You’d gotten plenty of concussions before so it wasn’t anything new. After, JJ invited you on their boat as an apology and you accepted. That’s how you made your first friend in Outer Banks. 
The Pogues soon became your second family. There was never a second where you weren’t with any of them; Pope, John B or JJ (and soon, Kie) were always by your side. 
JJ was a different kind of family, though. Sure, John B was like an older brother and Pope gave good advice and Kie was your homework buddy, but JJ was different. He made you feel someway you had never felt before. He made you laugh until your stomach hurt and he comforted you when you cried over the stupidest things. 
His touch was soft and his gaze was even softer and more admiring as he looked at you. Only a fool wouldn’t see that he loved you. 
It was too much, too soon; he kissed you first and it only exceeded the more he spend time with you. Love at first sight only worked on screen and in books, it never worked in real life. Disaster soon struck. 
JJ loved you so much, he felt like he couldn’t breathe when he wasn’t with you. You were the first girl to see him as more than just a hook-up or a Pogue. You saw him as a soulmate, and you too. Nights spent in your arms made him feel like heaven was right here, with you. 
It was all pure ecstasy until your father had died. You became distant and you were overwhelmed with grief and it felt like there was no future without him. JJ couldn’t bare to leave you all alone but that was what you needed. After months of depression, your mother decided it was best to go back to your hometown. You had no choice but to leave JJ. 
You and JJ tried to make it long distance work but it was hard and eventually, you had given up. 
JJ was heartbroken but you were destroyed. The only thing keeping you alive was miles apart form you. It was a mutual breakup but you were the one to initiate it. 
JJ couldn’t believe you’d pulled the plug on them and he was angry for months until he realized maybe it was for the best. All first loves weren’t built to last but JJ was optimistic about you two; he could see a future with you. A good one, too: a nice house, little kids and a happy atmosphere. For once he didn’t see himself turn out like a deadbeat, living alone in his father’s house while all the Pogues had moved on. 
That was his future; he couldn’t run from it. Everyone had always seen how much better you were than him, you had a bright future and he was destined to stay in Outer Banks so of course it wouldn’t work. 
Years passed and JJ stayed heartbroken. Sure, he could hook up and date but he was never committed. It was strictly physical. 
You had moved on, JJ kept tabs on you on Instagram. You were happy, that’s all that mattered to JJ. 
JJ was okay with staying in Outer Banks for the rest of his life as long as you are happy. 
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chilling-seavey · 4 months
Daniel Seavey Masterlist
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♡ Welcome to my Daniel masterlist...the heart and soul of my blog...where you can travel from modern day Connecticut to WW1 England to 1950s LA and everything in between!! ♡ Comments are always incredibly appreciated and please feel free to send in questions or ideas or asks so I can write some blurbs and help keep these universes thriving! Most of my blurbs can be read as individual stories themselves and still make sense (but it’s more fun if you really immerse yourself into the universe first!) Happy reading!
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Daniel's Face Claims ♡ Crossover Mini Series
Anything But Mine - Friends to Lovers AU ↳ Florence DiCaprio finds herself navigating life as a nineteen-year-old mother; trying to find the right balance of friendships, young adulthood, and definitely relationships. Her best friend, Daniel, seems to be learning along with her. They discover the importance of sacrifice in the process.
Passchendaele - WW1 AU ↳ It’s 1915 and The Great War is still ongoing. Men from all over Europe flooded to enlist in a rush of patriotism and dedication to their countries, nineteen-year-old Daniel among them. He’s thrilled to fight for Britain, as most men were, but once in the battlefields of Belgium, he realizes that war is truly not as glorious as he once imagined it was.
Amoureux - Royal AU ↳ Louisa is sixteen and prime age for marriage. Her father, the King of France, has been conversing with the King of England in order to hand over his youngest daughter in marriage, therefore bonding their two nations. Twenty-year-old Christian is a perfect gentleman, and he is absolutely smitten by Louisa the moment they first meet, but the young girl has her eye caught by Christian’s younger brother who can’t seem to keep his hand out of the pastries. 
Heartbreak Hotel - Soulmates AU ↳ It’s 1958 and summer has just begun, sending the teenagers of Los Angeles into warm weather freedoms and part time jobs. Eighteen-year-old Daniel finds himself spending his days trying to find his soulmate and he refuses to give up until he has her.
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit - Murder Mystery AU ↳ ‘He who wants everything, loses everything’ All Daniel knows is that he woke up the day after his honeymoon to his wife dead at his feet and the bloody knife in his hand. He is suddenly propelled on a mission to escape his own persecution while he works to find the true killer and prove his innocence; He is innocent…isn’t he?
Seasons Change - Small Town AU ↳ Everyone knows everything about everyone in this small rural town in east Connecticut and the handsome single father who owns the farm down the main street seems to always be the talk of the town. Balancing the care of his acreage, raising his eight-year-old son, and coaching the local boys’ hockey team keeps Daniel busy; but his mind never strays far from the expansive and vibrant flower gardens planted outside his farmhouse. 
Life and Death Brigade - WDW x OBX Crossover ↳ Life on Figure Eight is ordinary for Daniel. He’s got everything he could ask for: a huge family estate on the water, friends that love to party as much as he does, and a year round membership to the country club. But just when his life is starting to get predictable, Daniel finds himself caught up in a secret society run by none other than JJ Maybank and his group of empty pocket misfits. 
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princessbrunette · 3 months
do you have a favourite obx guy? or do you feel the same attraction for all of them? :D just curious :))
rafe and jj will always be battling out for my number one spot. it depends on the day honestly. some days im convinced i only need rafe n no one else, other days im convinced jj is literally my soulmate </3 i do love the other two sooo much but !!
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spliffymae · 2 years
HIDE , a virtual anthology.
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"think i found my soulmate, yeah i know this."
⚠️ prior to reading, just know my main character will always be black (unapologetically, at that).
𓆉𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧
your family’s favorite, rio (good girls)
a fallen king, rafe cameron (obx)
lick back, angel reyes (mayans mc)
 ★ *     aot°    🛰  °·  
bestfriend!sasha braus
collegejock!jean kirstein headcanons
shoulda, coulda, woulda, teacher!jean kirstein x blackfem!reader
unforgettable, college!connie springer x blackfem!reader
musicproducer!connie headcanons
rapper!ony headcanons
 ★ *     jjk°    🛰  °·  
barber!sukuna headcanons
take a hint, nanami x blackfem!reader
 ★ *     bnha °    🛰  °·  
girldad!bakugo headcanons
 ★ *     haikyuu°    🛰  °·  
nobody has to know, a.ojiro
 ★ *     series °    🛰  °·  
yours, mine, & ours, ex!series
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maybankiara · 2 years
ok my jiara folks, if i were to finish and post the kiara-falls-in-love-with-her-soulmate’s-ghost fic, would you prefer it to be a one shot or a multichapter?
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JJ Put that Gun Away.
Summary: Summertime is full of fishing, fooling around and Keggers. NOT guns and stealing. What could go wrong? (Fanfic for OBX S1: Ep.1).
JJ Maybank x Reader Fanfic
Warnings: Use and mention of guns, swearing, mentions of drowning.
ALL RIGHTS to Josh and Jonas Pate and Shannon Burke for characters, plot and dialogue, etc. In some cases, scenes and dialouge altered to fit my own ideas. 
Y/N could hear the hooting and hollering of her friends from a mile away. The familiar brown Volkswagen van deemed “The Twinkie” howling along with the sound of their voices could be heard as it rounded the corner at the end of the street. Y/N smiled as she could see JJ’s head poking out of the side door, looking right at her.
“You’re going to have to jump in while it’s moving M’Lady! This vessel stops for no one!” JJ yelled at the girl in a funny voice. “Just bend your knees!”
“Uhh, actually JJ, this is our next stop. Did you forget she brought the drinks?” John B’s voice could be heard as the van screeched to a halt in front of her.
JJ and John B hopped out to grab the cooler full of drinks and food Y/N so kindly put together for todays venture. They loaded it into the already stuffed van. Y/N hopped in afterwards.
Soon enough the trio arrived at John B’s place. Unfortunately about nine months ago, John B’s father was lost at sea looking for a shipwreck and presumed dead shortly after. His mother and uncle are in other states, not even close to coming to the Cut. He’s been living by himself ever since and refuses to believe his father is dead until he finds his body. So now, the Château, as it’s called, is the base of operations. Free reign to do whatever a Pogue wants, whenever they want. 
JJ on the other hand, doesn’t have much luck either. The blonde has an abusive dad and no other family to support him. He’s finding it hard to get by with a minimum wage job and daddy issues. It’s amazing how tough he is, but Y/N understands that he has to be to get through day by day. The girl helps out when she can by offering her cleaning services, picking up the many beer cans and cigarettes in the house when Jake isn’t there and offering as much food to the boys as she can without her parents finding out. Luckily though, they all have each other and that’s the best thing they could ask for. 
Down at the dock, the boys load the cooler onto the boat and JJ offers Y/N a hand stepping in.
“M’Lady.” He bows, taking off his hat and putting it back on again. 
 A blush dances across her face, though it is unbeknownst to JJ, so she laughs to hide the truth of her feelings towards the boy. It was a rule the group had. No Pogue on Pogue macking. No matter how strong the feelings were. If it was true love or even soulmates, it was strictly forbidden. And even if it wasn’t a rule, she had no chance. JJ was hooking up with a new girl at every party and Kegger hosted lately. It was like he couldn’t get enough. So when he was flirty like that, there was no genuine meaning behind it. It was just JJ being JJ.
Hurricane Agatha had just blown over the Outer Banks, rocking the south side to shambles. As the three friends set off, more and more damage could be seen along the shoreline. Boats, docks, houses, fences - you name it. Every hurricane made the Cut look better yesterday.  
The boat approached the marina which was jostling with people on clean-up duty. At least it was bright and sunny today to put people in better moods than before. 
“Hi, Miss Amy, you guys make it through?” John B waves at a woman and her husband. 
“We’re still here!” She replied back.
JJ wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.
“She totally looked at me,” He said.
“Pfft. As if JJ. She wouldn’t even touch you with a 10 foot pole.” Y/N scoffed. JJ feigned hurt. 
“Ouch! Watch yourself Y/N, or I’m pushing you in!” 
The mess Agatha made was unimaginable. As if reading her thoughts JJ whistled out loud, “Agatha what did you do?” 
Pope, another member of the group could be seen filling a bucket with water at the end of his dock. He got stuck with clean-up too. Pope was the smartest of them all. The kid had a full ride scholarship to one of the state’s most prestigious schools. It was unknown why he chose to hang out with such a group of troubled teenagers. He was always so cautious and tense, like his dad was watching. I mean, Heyward was always watching.  
“Well, look who we have here.” John B mimics a radio. “We have a mandatory safety meeting, over.”
Pope stops what he’s doing, looking annoyed. John B slows the boat down. 
“I can’t. My pop’s got me on lockdown.”
“You’re dad’s a pussy, over.” That time it was JJ.
“Oh, I heard that one you little bastard!” 
Heyward. Pope’s father. Not the most approving of his son’s friends but he does his best to understand. Thankfully, Y/N’s parents are good friends with his family. “Hey Y/N, keeping these idiots in line?”
“I try to. It only works if they listen.” She smiles.
“We need your son.” John B interrupts.
“Yeah. And island rules: Day after a hurricane is a free day.” JJ adds.
“Now who in the hell made that up, son?”
“Uhhh… The pentagon I think? We have security clearance. I have a card.” 
“Do you really think I’m stupid. Do they think i’m stupid?” Heyward looks at his son. 
“I’ll do it tomorrow dad, I promise. I’ll help clean tomorrow.” Pope and his dad bicker back and forth and he slowly creeps towards the boat. Once Pope’s feet hit the deck John B accelerates forward.
“I promise i’ll do it tomorrow!”
“We’ll bring him back in one piece!” Y/N yells back.
All that could be heard is the cursing of Heyward and the gentle splash of the water against the boat towards the neck stop, Kiara. Kiara was Y/N’s best friend. Though she was born a Kook, she was a Pogue more than anything. Rich parents, fancy house and all the nicest clothes. She had all the best things. If she wasn’t with the friend group, she was out saving turtles or promoting some paper-straw activist type things online. Y/N was jealous that she seemed to always catch the attention of boys her age. Maybe she was prettier? More outgoing and funnier? Y/N thought she was enough to fit in, but sometimes it felt like Kie was always in the spotlight, for every boy. She didn’t dare tell her this of course, nothing good would come out of it. They are supposed to be best friends.
Kiara walked down the ramp. JJ greeted her in an Irish accent. He also held her hand as she got in. Y/N tried her best to conceal her face so she looked into her lap. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Kiara greeted, forcing Y/N to look up.
“Hey, Kie, how you holding up?”
“Oh ya know, hurricane lockdown things.” They both laughed. That was another reason she couldn’t hate her. She always greeted her first and made her feel included in every conversation. She couldn’t hate her even if she tried. 
John B picked up the speed of the boat as they headed out into the marsh. They cracked open some beer and for what seemed like the thousandth time, JJ tried out his “party trick.” 
“JJ, you know it never works.”
“Ah! You’re getting beer in my hair!”
Suddenly the boat came to a halt, sending JJ flying off the bow and into the water. Kiara and John B are sent to the deck from their seats.Y/N is halfway off the bow clinging for dear life after just standing up to get JJ to come down. Pope’s abdomen slams against the steering wheel. Groans from each teen are let out respectively.
“Jesus Pope.” Kiara blurts out what everyone is thinking.
JJ resurfaces with a loud gasp for air.
“I think my heels touched my head.” He moaned.
Y/N groans again sitting up and clutching her chest.
“Aw man that’s definitely gonna bruise.”
“I hit a sandbar. The channel changed. Sorry guys.” Pope felt bad.  He steps up onto the bow to get a better look at where to navigate. His expression turns to shock.
“Guys! I think there’s a boat down there.”
“Yeah right!” 
“No, no. For real, I’m not kidding.”
JJ swims over to get a better look while the rest of the gang almost tip the boat, looking in the direction of where Pope was pointing.
“Shit let’s go!”
Y/N peels off her jean shorts and tank top before diving into the water to join JJ. The rest follow suit. With one huge breath, Y/N submerged herself underwater with the rest of her friends. Even in the murkiness of the water, an unmistakable outline of a Grady White is seen. Whoever’s boat this was they are probably looking for it, that is, if they’re even still alive. Y/N swims inside, a powerful swimmer and certified diver, she looks for any signs of who this boat belongs to. Nothing.
The friends resurface. Gasping for air but in obvious excitement about the discovery. 
“That’s a Grady White!” JJ exclaims. “A new one of those is like five hundred grand. Easy.”
They all laugh, climbing back onto the boat. 
“That’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge!”
John B suddenly remembers.
“You surfed the surge?” Y/N and Kiara ask together. “Jinx.”
“That’s my boy! Pogue style!” JJ high fives his best friend.
“Seriously John B that’s dangerous! “ Y/N exclaims. “What the heck!”
“Wait, guys, do we know whose boat that is?”
“I tried to get a good look, but it’s too deep.” Y/N said. “Give me the anchor.”
John B rummages through a compartment in the deck, handing Y/N the anchor.
“Payback !” JJ screams, pushing the girl into the water.
She shrieks as she plummets into the water.
“JJ that wasn’t nice!” Kiara scolds. 
“Hey, she asked for it earlier.” He shrugs it off. 
Y/N swims the path towards the boat, attempting to get a better look at anything more than she already saw. She spots a key dangling from a pole near the steering wheel, but struggles to get it unhooked.
Meanwhile, the four friends stand worried. “She’s been down there a while man, should I go get her? JJ asks. 
“Nah she’s got this. Believe in her.”
JJ frowned, worry evident on his face. Pope noticed.
“You like her!”
“What- no! I don’t like anyone, especially not her! Remember rule number one?”
“I’ve been waiting for someone to bring that up! Finally!” Kiara chimed.
“We’re just friends okay guys? Nothing more. Now shut up.”
“Jeez JJ you’re blushing so hard it looks like you have a sunburn!” John B teased.
“I said shut up!”
JJ couldn’t be more thankful Y/N was underwater right now, even if she may be drowning. It’s true he may have a bit of a crush on her, but he knew the rules. Instead, he uses other girls as distractions from the fact.
The sound of the topic-of-conversation girl breaking the surface brought JJ back to real life.
“I found a key!” She managed to say between breaths.
JJ and his friends breath sighs of relief. No CPR was needed. He went to the edge of the boat, effortlessly pulling her up towards him. She lost her balance slightly but he grabbed her waist to steady her. The action did not go unnoticed by the rest. JJ quickly jumped backwards like he stepped in a fire. Y/N shot him a puzzled glance but said nothing.
“I think it’s a motel key.” She said, drying herself off with a towel. 
“Great. A damn key. “ JJ scowled. He was hoping for anything worth some cash.
“Guys I think we should report this to the coast guard, maybe get a finders fee?” Kiara pointed out.
“Yeah, then we don’t have to work all summer.”
The crew headed back into town to go report the wreck. The sun was beginning to set ever so slowly and the warm glow illuminated Y/N’s face as she stared off into the horizon.  
“What���s on your mind, sunshine?” JJ sat next to her for the first time after his awkward moment.
Y/N was surprised he called her a nickname she’s never heard of. 
“I haven’t heard that one before.” 
“I think it suits you.”
“Thanks JJ.”
The girl avoided the question, not wanting to tell him he was the one on her mind all of the time. She waited in the HMS Pogue while the others attempted to talk to someone about finding the sunken boat. With the recent hurricane and the damage it created, many people were lined up with complaints. Her friends came back quickly with another plan.
“The motel? Are you crazy?” Pope said.
“I call lookout.” Y/N said.
“Me and JJ will check it out.” John B suggested.
When the group arrived at the motel, it appeared very run down, and not just by the hurricane. 
“This isn’t exactly 5 stars.” 
“Yeah, it looks like a place someone with a Grady White would get killed.” Pope shuddered.
JJ and John B jumped to shore. Not wanting to draw attention to the rest do the group, the trio left pretended to be hanging out and talking. 
“Be careful.” Kiara spoke softly to John B.
Last Y/N heard was something about a mattress.
“Be sooooooo careful John B.” JJ teased as they searched for the matching room number.
“Ever since she heard you were on exile she’s told you to be careful. Oh, give me that John D already. Why don’t you hop on that man?”
John B scoffed. 
“You know the rules. No Pogue on Pogue macking. And don’t get me started on you and Y/N.”
“I don’t like her I told you this already.”
“Like hell you don’t dude. You’re always looking at her.”
JJ glared at his best friend. He licked his lips.
“Okay, c’mon man of course I’m looking at her, she’s hot. Can we forget about the rules?”
John B stopped in front of room 229 and stayed silent, fumbling with the keys.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“You need help. Like, serious help.”
“Still a yes! Housekeeping!” JJ said in a high-pitched voice. With no response, the boys entered the room. 
Down below, the trio on the boat were having a similar conversation. 
“Do you have a thing for John B?” Y/N asked her best friend.
Pope looked away from the motel to look at Kiara’s facial expression, amused by Y/N’s blunt question. Kiara rolled her eyes and stood up. 
“I don’t. I’m just worried about him. The whole foster thing must really suck.” 
“And you’re not just worried about him in a different way?” Y/N suggested, grinning.
“Oh my god stop it! I don’t! And how about JJ, everyone knows-“
“Guys, cops! Cops!” Pope interrupted. 
In the small parking lot full of debris, the sheriff’s pickup truck could be seen pulling in and stopping. Y/N groaned. 
“Why does my dad have to ruin everything!”
Deputy Shoupe and Deputy Plumb exit the car and talk with a man nearby. They start pointing to the second level of the motel, exactly where JJ and John B were. 
“We have to warn them.” Kiara said. She jumps off the boat and books it to the side of the motel. Pope and Y/N exchange glances before following, trying not to be seen by Y/N’s police officer father. Staring up at the window, the stress begins to set in.
“Okay stand back.” Pope said, picking up a rock. He looked up at the window and threw it. The rock barely made it halfway up before gravity brought it back down again. 
“Didn’t you ever play baseball?” Kiara pegged.
Y/N laughed.
“I was on the math team!” He whisper-yelled back.
Kiara also tried to throw a rock but missed. She tried it again and it made a loud ‘tink’ sound against the glass. Y/N picked up one and it did the same. JJ and John B’s faces could be seen through the blinds almost instantly.
“Cops! There’s Cops! Cops!” The friends on the ground simultaneously whispered and pointed at the entrance to the room. The boys could be seen scrambling in the room. The three friends sprinted to the boat, ready to leave at any second.
“Should we peel?” Kiara asked. 
“No! Never leave a Pogue behind.” Pope said.
“Guys look! They’re on the awning!” Y/N pointed.
JJ and John B were in fact on the small ledge of the awning on either sides of the window. Their positions looking very uncomfortable. JJ laughed silently while John B used his pointer finger to tell the rest of the group to be quiet. 
The boys were up there for a while until suddenly something fell out of JJ’s pocket, hit the awning and fell to the ground a few feet down. John B visibly cringed. The blinds to the window retracted and Shoupe’s figure looked outside. Pope, Y/N and Kiara quickly attempted to look away and act like they weren’t involved. 
“This is gonna be tough to explain later.” Y/N sighed.
Theslamming of a door caught their attention as the officers began to leave.  Shoupe handed a duffel bag to the other officer. Before leaving, Shoupe came towards the boat. Y/N glanced at her friends’ position at the window, then back at her dad before he noticed her staring. 
“Hey, sweet pea, what are y’all doing here?” He looked between the three of them.
“Uhhh.. Hey Dad I didn’t see you here!”
“My aunt was visiting and staying here. We just came to check on her. We were just about to leave.” Pope interjected. 
“Yeah, Dad. We wanted to make sure she was okay. What are you doing here?”
“Ah, someone reported missing. Just like after every hurricane. Doing my part to make sure there’s no dead bodies around.” He chuckled like what he said was normal. It was obvious where Y/N’s bluntness came from. Y/N awkwardly laughed, hoping to speed this conversation up.
“Did you find anything?”
“Nah. Just an empty motel room.” 
“I have to go. See you later honey. Stay out of trouble kids!” Shoupe saluted and walked back to the truck. JJ and John B made their way down after a few minutes to make sure the coast was clear. 
“Holy shit, man. That was crazy!” JJ exclaimed., jumping into the boat with John B on his tail. Pope pulled away from shore and back out towards the exit. 
“Why did he lie about taken things from the room?” Y/N asked. No one was sure. 
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope asked the boys, changing the subject. 
“Did we find anything?” JJ repeated. He pulled out a stack of money and a gun. The biggest grin was on his face. Y/N moved away from him.
“Are you insane?” She yelled.
“I’m going to lose my scholarship.” Pope moaned.
“It’s better than the cops having it!” JJ reasoned.
“No it’s not, dude! Anyone else that’s not you is better.” 
JJ grabbed Pope and put the barrel to his mouth in a “shush” motion. Pope pushed him off.
“I’m living a nightmare.”
The group found their way back to the marina. As they were offloading there was a commotion with another large boat. Paramedics and the police were surrounding a man that looked to be dead. A dead body. As they were wheeling the body away from the boat, a woman ran frantically towards it. 
“Scooter! Scooter!” She yelled. She clung to the man, caressing his face and assessing his condition. She broke down into tears. It was Lana Grubbs.
“Who’s that?” Y/N asked her friends.
“That’s Scooter Grubbs.” A random girl next to them chimed in. “He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got. Dead body.” She bragged. She pulled out her phone and began to show a close up picture of the man being wheeled away in front of them. Y/N shuddered. Was that who her dad was looking for? 
“What type of boat did he have?” JJ asked the girl.
“Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady White.”
The friends glanced between each other silently. Y/N looked at JJ and found that he was already looking at her. She gave him a look asking for more information but he just shrugged.
“Everyone’s out looking for it.” She added. 
Back at the Chateau, Pope was telling everyone to keep their mouths shut about the situation. His panicked look on his face was enough to let everyone know he was terrified. 
“We all have complete and total amnesia, okay?”
“For once I agree with you Pope. Deny, deny, deny.” JJ said.
“We can’t keep that money,” Kiara said. “It’s bad karma.”
“She’s right you know, it doesn’t belong to us. It belongs to Lana Grubbs,” Y/N added. 
“Not everyone can afford unlimited data plans, ladies.” They rolled their eyes.
“Look, JJ I’ll help you out a little more this week if we just return the money.” Y/N’s tone softened, trying to reason with the blonde. He looked at her, silently adoring how she worried about him. 
“Let’s go dark.” Pope said.
“If it means I get to keep the money, I’m in.” 
John B finally spoke up. 
“I don’t agree.” He said. “This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that buys individual cigarettes. Shit, one time I saw him begging for change in front of the Save-a-lot because he needed gas! This guy has never had more than forty bucks in his pocket and all of a sudden he’s got a Grady White? Just saying.”
“I need a break from you guys.” Pope moaned, standing up to walk to the dock. 
“Look, Pope, how does a guy like Scooter get a Grady White?”
“Square groupers bro. Flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance, they don’t do that stuff during a hurricane.” John B reasoned. “What does that mean, JJ?”
“They were straight smugglin’.” He grinned. 
“I’m guessing there’s a crap ton of contraband on that boat.” Y/N added. 
“Okay so if there was that kind of stuff on board, and it belongs to someone, they’re going to come looking for it, right? So taking it would be catastrophically stupid.” 
“You’re right.” JJ said. “But stupid things have good outcomes all the time. All we need to do is find a way to get into that cargo hold of that wreck and then lay low.”
“And how exactly do we do that?” Pope asked.
“Kegger?” Kiara proposed.
Y/N had went over to Kiara’s house to steal an outfit for the night. 
“Red or pink?” She asked Kiara. 
“Red. JJ won’t stop staring at you if you don’t.”
“C’mon Kie, stop teasing. You and me both know he doesn’t like me like that. Look at all the women he hooks up with. You don’t see me on the list.”
“Fine! Don’t listen to me! But open your eyes girl!”
Y/N was mad that Kie was playing with her feelings. She knew that JJ would never think of her like that. Was she not telling her something?
“I’m a police officer’s daughter Kie, no guy wants to talk to me.”
Within an hour, the group had gathered all the materials for the Kegger and met at the Boneyard. Y/N spotted JJ up ahead. His blonde hair unmistakably glistening in the sunset glow. She wondered if he would talk to her tonight or take off with another new girl. Once down to the sand, the keg was set up and ready to go. John B started filling up cups of beer for everyone. Soon, a crowd started to form. The boneyard was a mix of three crowds, the Pogues, the Kooks and the Tourons. The Tourons are just kids here on vacation with their families for the summer. As the night progressed, Y/N found her place with a group of Pogues she knows from school. The group was laughing around a fire, retelling a story about how a teacher was caught making out with a student after class. The principal found them and he was fired right away. The kid only got a 3 day suspension. Y/N felt someone sit next to her.  She looked to her left. A boy around her age with curly brown hair and a lanky stature smiled at her. A Touron. 
“Hi. I’m Dean.” He greeted. “I’m not from here and you look pretty friendly enough to talk to.”
This made Y/N laugh.
“Why thank you. I’m Y/N. Welcome to the island.”
She shook hands with the boy jokingly. She could feel the effects of the alcohol she was drinking starting to flow through her body. 
“Another beer?” Someone with a keg asked.
Y/N accepted the beer with a grateful smile then turned back to Dean.
“So, new guy, where you from?”
“San Fran. I’m a long way from home.” He smiled. “My moms friend recommended it here, but too bad there was a hurricane. Cut our holiday in half. We head back in a few days.”
“Ah, big city guy. I could tell, you all have the same vibe.” She teased. 
“Hey! I’m officially offended.” 
She laughed. “Sorry about Agatha though, really, she was a real pain in the ass.” The two continued to talk about random things. Y/N thought that he was a nice boy to talk to, but he wasn’t JJ. 
“See, those are my best friends over there.” She pointed out Kiara and John B. Then a little ways over at Pope. She couldn’t find JJ. “We do everything together.” Y/N was five drinks in. Maybe six. She lost count. Not once did this boy try to make a move on her. At first she was thankful because it is always awkward trying to tell them no, but at the same time her heart sunk because it’s always been that way. There was no way he knew she was the daughter of a cop. He doesn’t live here. 
“So, Y/N do you have a boyfr-“ Dean’s sentence was cut off when Y/N suddenly stood up to the the sound of JJ’s voice. He sounded like he was in an argument.
“You’re so funny man!” She heard him yell.
Over to the right of where she sat she could see Sarah Cameron and her no-good boyfriend Topper, along with the rest of her friends. JJ did not look happy. None of them did. 
“Sorry. I’ll be right back. I’m just going to check up on my friends. They seem a little drunk.”
As she approached the commotion, Topper called them “dirty Pogues.” That term set John B off. He  forcefully shoved Topper backwards, causing him to stumble. Topper looked shocked and then lunged forward and threw a punch so hard at John B’s face that it looked like it would knock his teeth out. John B fell against the sand, unable to stand up. 
“Babe! Babe!” Sarah attempted to stop her boyfriend from causing any harm, but it was no use,Topper hated Pogues. Topper continued to kick John B until he reached the edge of the water. 
“Hey John B, don’t make me do what happened to your old man, all right?”
The crowd around began to chant for them to fight. 
“Stop!” Y/N screamed at them, rushing in. JJ held her back, shaking his head no. If it wasn’t for the situation it would’ve felt like a hug. 
“Guys stop!” Kiara hissed at Topper and John B.
John B mustered up enough to stand again and used his momentum to tackle Topper into the shallow tide. Both attackers now soaked from the cool water.
“Let him go John B!” Pope yelled. 
They continued to throw punches at the others abdomen and back. John B was able to land a few good hits. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” JJ cheered.
Topper and John B continued to trade hits. Unfortunately, Topper was able to gain the upper hand and slam John B into the water face first. He then got on top of him.
Sarah and Kiara began to scream. JJ had never looked so frightened in his life for his best friend.
“JJ do something!” Y/N screamed at him. JJ looked torn. He ran towards Topper and John B and pulled out the gun.
“No JJ!” Y/N called after him, terrified. 
JJ rested it on the crown of Toppers head after he cocked it.
“Yeah, you know what that is. Let him go.”
The crowd of people started screaming and dispersed ridiculously fast after spotting the gun. 
“JJ put the gun down!” Y/N tried again.
“Okay, okay we’re good man!” The anxiety in Topper’s voice was evident. He rose with his hands in the air. 
“Everyone listen up! Get the hell off my side of the island!” JJ screamed at the top of his lungs. He rose the gun in the air and shot it twice to prove that he was in control. Sarah and Topper ran off. Y/N covered her ears. She was terrified of guns after her mother was shot on duty when she was a thirteen. Y/N had never been told the full story but the tale left it’s mark. Mrs. Shoupe has since retired from being a police officer and chose to write books instead. A very drastic career change. 
“Y/N!” Dean yelled at her. “Let’s leave!”
Dean was standing alone in the middle of the sand. He had waited for her to make sure she was okay, not knowing that JJ was her friend since she couldn’t find him when she was pointing them all out earlier.
“Who the fuck are you!” JJ pointed the gun at Dean. Dean put his hands in the air to show his surrender. 
“Woah, woah man! I come in peace! Please!”
“JJ stop!” Y/N screamed. 
“I said, who the fuck are you?!”
“I’m just here visiting the island! My name is Dean!” 
JJ looked at Y/N, but put the gun down, finger still on the trigger. Dean visibly sighed of relief.
“How do you know him?” 
“I-I met him earlier at the fire. JJ you’re scaring me with that please you know I hate them.” In the heat of the moment, JJ has totally forgotten your fear of guns. His demeanour changed completely. He put the gun back in his pocket and threw his hands on his forehead in frustration. Y/N huffed at his behaviour. She saw a different side of JJ tonight. One that she was not used to. He scared her and their friends and she just needed to go home. It’s been a long night. She looked her friends in the eye.
“Get some sleep guys, and make sure John B is alive.” She gestured to the boy who was halfway in the water. She gave on last glance to JJ before turning back up the trail with Dean right behind her. She burst into tears. Her crying heard by JJ as he watched her figure until she disappeared into the darkness. Y/N had hoped he would have at least apologized.
After last night Y/N woke up feeling anxious and upset. The image of JJ holding a gun haunted  her memory. She knew it wouldn’t just go away. She remembered Dean walking her home and asked for her number before he left to go back to his hotel. She politely declined saying a mere ‘it’s complicated.’ He understood and said he was glad she was safe. He gave her his just in case she changed her mind. A text on her phone rung softly on the bedside table. She picked it up and a short text from Kiara read:
‘Hey I know after last night you don’t want to see JJ, but we need someone that knows how to dive. We’re searching that boat today and you’re the only one that knows how to properly dive and has the equipment. You in?’ 
‘Will he promise to get rid of the gun?’
‘No promises :(‘
Y/N groaned in her bed. Typical JJ. A knock on her door perked her up. Her father walks in, wearing his uniform.
“Hey sweet pea, I know sometimes it’s hard to be a dad and a police officer at the same time,  but I know there was a gun used last night at that party. Do you know who had possession of it?” 
Y/N froze in a silent panic. She couldn’t throw JJ under the bus like that, even if guns scared her. He would never forgive her and she would most likely never see him again. 
“Uhh, no I was over on the other side of the fire. When the crowd of people started running saying that there was a gun I ran too. You know I hate them.” She tried her best to sound convincing. Sometimes her father was intimidating. He gave her a raised eyebrow.
“You sure? It sounded like it was one of your Pogue friends.”
“No they were all with me around that time.”
He hummed, definitely not satisfied with her answer.
“Well, the Sheriff already told me she knew who it was but didn’t give me his name. I figured you’d know who it was.” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “Now, I don’t think the island is safe right now, so I need you to make smart decisions. No parties, no boats, no beaches and no hanging out with your little Pogue friends for a while. I don’t think they are very good influences.”
“Dad you can’t do that!” Y/N cried. “They’re my friends! I don’t care about the parties but that’s just not fair!”
“It’s what’s best. A man was found dead yesterday and I don’t need you being the next. The marsh is closed until we can find that sunken boat and any clues leading toward the investigation. I better see you here when I get back.” 
And with that, Victor Shoupe was out the door without a final glance towards his daughter. His heavy footsteps heard as he descended the stairs.
“You could have at least closed the door!” Y/N got up with a huff, slamming it hard enough to prove she was upset. He was right about one thing, having a police officer father was hard. She raced back to her phone, tapping on Kiara’s contact.
‘Bad news. Dads got me on lockdown saying it isn’t safe right now. He said the marsh was closed so if we’re doing this it’s gotta be fast. Gotta sneak around my mom to get the gear.’
Luckily, Y/N’s mom was locked away in her study, like usual. It was one room she was never allowed into no matter the circumstance. She had caught glimpses at it, but not long enough to make out what she does in there. Sometimes she would walk by and hear her aggravated sighs and hear frantic typing on her laptop. She figured it was just her working on a new novel and writer’s block. Everything about that room was a secret to her. Even her father rarely entered. Y/N changed into her bikini and jean shorts before sneaking down the stairs after she heard her father leave and the pickup truck pull out of the driveway. Avoiding the study, she ducked out the back door to avoid being seen through the window at the front of the house. The diving gear was kept in their small shed in the backyard. Half of the memorabilia, toys and tools in here hadn’t seen the light of day in years. With her parents so focused on their careers they never surfed or gardened since she could remember. After her mother was shot, life had never been the same. It seemed like her dad  was trying to prove that he has what it takes to become Sheriff one day and that her mother had to prove to the world that she is interesting enough to buy her books. Why was there anything to prove? None of her books made bestselling titles except for her autobiography of her life as a detective, wife and mother. She wrote mystery novels now. How fitting. 
The shed was unlocked. After locating the box of diving gear, she double checked that there was a mask and an oxygen tank before lifting it off the shelf and sneaking around the house again. She hopped in her car, thankfully parked on the street before making her way to the Chateau, not ready to see JJ. 
The boat ride out to the wreck was silent. The tension between Y/N and JJ could be felt from everyone around them. As John B came to a stop, Y/N brought out her gear, getting ready to hop in. John B threw out an anchor. 
“Fuck. This tank is a quarter full. I guess it really has been that long. I don’t even know if this is safe.” Y/N said, displaying her thoughts out loud.
“Great, I love it when a plan comes together.” Pope said sarcastically.
“It should only be... “ She looked down at the boat below. “25 minutes if that boat is 30 feet down. I just have to mark a safety stop.”
With that she took a ribbon from the gear box and her shorts off and plummeted into the water. 
“That was hot.” JJ blurted.
The friends rolled their eyes. Y/N resurfaced and jumped back into the boat. 
“Okay I tagged about ten feet down the anchor line. It’s where I’ll do my safety stop.”
For the first time since last night, JJ spoke to Y/N.
“Okay, when you’re down there, you’re going to look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?”
Y/N nodded, grabbing the key from JJ. She was still waiting on that apology. 
“See ya in a few!”
She placed the mask over her face, saluted to her friends and jumped into the water. The water in the marsh was murky, but the outline of the boat was evident amidst the cloudiness. 
Above water, the sound of police siren whooped through the air. 
“Oh shit it’s Y/N’s dad!”
“Just act frickin’ natural!” 
“Evening, officers.” 
“Evening.” Shoupe said in an assertive tone. He threw Pope a line to tie the boats together. The other cop from the motel raid was with him. 
“How you kids doin’? You know the marsh is closed?” He asked.
“No, wow.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Why- why was it closed?”
The friends tried to act as normal as possible. Their attempts feeble. 
“We’re conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?”
A collective round of ‘no’s’ came from the group. Shoupe didn’t seem terribly convinced. JJ suddenly remembered that Y/N was down there, using more and more oxygen by the minute. He prayed she wouldn’t pop out of the water anytime soon. Another situation with bad timing.  The others seemed to realize too, attempting to hide their agitation from the officers. Shoupe noticed this.
“I’m going to uh, check your little boat out.”
“You wanna check, uh check her out, yeah.” John B stuttered. 
“Thank you.” 
Shoupe made his way into the boat. He glanced at each of the teenagers faces.
“You got any more of these?” He asked, holding up a life jacket.
“Yeah, yeah. There’s more in the hold.” 
Kiara stood up so he could look under the seat. 
JJ pulled out three more life jackets.
“Yeah, here you go.” He said.
Shoupe nodded sternly. He looked out onto the water, suspicious. He made his way to the bow of the boat.
“Be careful. You don’t want to slip.” Pope commented. Shoupe placed his sunglasses on, scanning the water for anything out of the ordinary. The sunset made it hard to search, creating a glare of colour on the surface. 
“All right.” He concluded. “Beautiful day.”
“Sure is, sir.”
“Let us know if you see anything on your way out.”
“Will do.” Replied JJ and Pope. 
“We’ll be gone soon sir.” 
“Yes you will.”
Shoupe got back into his boat and drove away. When he was out of sight, the group rushed to the side, worried for the girl who was underwater. 
“She’s definitely out of air.” Pope said. 
“There she is!” JJ yelled.
“Oh god! Jesus Christ!”
Y/N gasped for air loudly and desperately. She pulled the mask off and swam towards the boat.
“How’d it go down there?” John B asked. “Did you find anything?”
Unable to speak properly, Y/N tossed a black bag she scavenged onto the deck near JJ’s feet. He grabbed it immediately.
“Hell yeah!” He said. 
Y/N climbed the ladder, still short of breath.
“Yeah, you’re dad was here, but we took care of him.” Pope told her. Y/N let out an exasperated laugh. 
“Gotta, get back, before he does.” She said between breaths. She sat down tiredly. 
Kiara suddenly shifted.
“Hey, guys? Bogey at two o’clock.”
A white boat was approaching the Pogues fast. Two men were on board. No one recognized it.
“Who is it?��
“I don’t know but let’s not stick around to find out. JJ get the bowline.” John B instructed. JJ tried to pull the anchor up as fast as he could. 
“Guys don’t wait up for me!” He yelled.
“Let’s go!” Kiara added.
The boat did not slow down. John B started up the boat and headed into the marsh. The mysterious boat and its occupants turned to follow them. 
“They’re following us!”
Y/N turned around at the same time the passenger began to pull out a gun. Her eyes widened.
“Gun! They’ve got a gun!” She alerted her friends before ducking down to avoid the line of fire. The first shot was sent out, narrowly missing John B who was intent on driving the boat as fast as he could. The rest of the gang lowered to the deck. JJ instinctively covered Y/N as best he could, shielding her from any potential bullets. He remembered her fear of guns this time.  
“John B, get down!” He yelled at his best friend. 
The perpetrator opened fire a second time. The boat was gaining on them.
“Oh my god we’re gonna die!” Pope yelled.  A third shot rung out. 
“Shit! Pope, move!” Kiara said, standing up to reach the net at the back of the boat. Another bullet flew by.
“Kie get down!”
Kiara ignored John B’s plea and threw the net behind the boat. A loud noise could be heard as it wrapped within the prop of the boat behind them. It slowed to a stop. Angry shouts of the two men could be heard as another shot flew after them. The Pogues drove to safety.
Back at the Chateau, John B grabbed the mystery bag and plopped it onto the dock. Y/N was still shaken up by the recent events, opting to be silent. JJ helped her off the boat in her shaken state. 
“What do you think is in it?”
“Gotta be money right?”
“Can we please just open the bag!” Pope ushered.  “You guys are literally killing me with anticipation.” 
John B opened the bag to take out another bag. He opened the drawstrings to reveal a metal cylinder. Y/N watched with eager eyes behind JJ. She hoped her efforts weren’t for nothing. 
John B unscrewed the end of the cylinder and dipped it upside down into his hand. A compass fell into his palm. He froze. 
“Oh, great job everyone! We found a compass.” Pope stated sarcastically. JJ looked disappointed.
“Sorry Y/N, looks like you almost drowned for a stupid compass that’s not worth anything.”
Y/N frowned while John B laughed.
“This was my father’s.” 
Any feedback appreciated. :) Let me know if I should continue! <3
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