#obviously i headcanon him as a young Q being
bardicious · 11 months
Okay, I know I wont shut up about this show, lmao, but they mentioned TRELANE. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. I miss you, you stupid stupid man.
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rontra · 1 year
I just realized- we don't know if Raven has a bond/portal to Summer, but if she does and if Summer is maybe alive..how do you think that would work? Any ideas on that? I'm genuinely interested
i've been sitting on this ask for a bit because my fungus wasn't in full bloom but like, fuck it, one week till the finale, let's get all the mushrooms on the table before we see whatever 9.10 has to say about summer HDHBFG <- PREPARING TO GET OWNED
the first thing you need to know is i have immense rosebird disease so everything hereafter is colored by that. i just think they're neat and i also love having remnant's #1 and #2 absent mothers in the same room
^so this is less "predictive analysis" and more "what i think would be cute for women to do". we're in the realm of transformative analysis. i don't necessarily "believe it is true/will happen", i'm just taking you to my infected playground to play outside...<3
but, okay, so, Kindred Link and Summer Rose. this whole Q is basically a flowchart to me. Step One:
Is Kindred Link voluntary?
there's a lot about raven's semblance we don't know, including how exactly said links are formed. however, we know very well from her twin brother that semblances can be an independent engine that fires according to its own rules, whether you want it to or not; it isn't impossible that kindred link is completely involuntary.
yang says (citing tai's explanation) that raven "marks" people, which is a wording that implies some amount of agency. but is that true?
okay um. this is purely headcanon. i admit. but i like it. so. it seems to me that raven's life would be very different if she could choose her kindred link loadout at will. we know raven and qrow were treated very differently by the tribe, and i think their semblances play a huge part in that. obviously raven's is not neutral: her semblance would be invaluable to her bandit family if they could control it, and i can imagine a great deal of energy was spent trying to cajole raven into forging links there. (family—only coming around when they need something.) raven has a whole host of issues stemming from the way she was raised, and i can't help but feel like her suspicion towards kindness is stemming from a history of people only treating her well because they want something from her, and the inevitable tension when she isn't able to simply give it. and i think with all that, if a young raven could be forced to forge links her situation would be different? so it makes sense to me that you can't just make kindred link Go.
that was a whole tangent solely for a headcanon but i did tell you this whole post is like that. i think you can't intentionally form these links, and you can't intentionally sever them either; after all, raven still has her links to the people who hurt her most.
like okay..., isn't it compelling to imagine raven branwen learning to care about these people, getting soul-bonded by her semblance to her chosen family, and still not being able to sever them even after being injured so severely by these people because her heart and soul can't let go of their attachment. tell me that doesn't make you swoon,
if her semblance is voluntarily controlled, i think it lessens the impact of the links she does have, so i'm choosing to rule it as involuntary. when raven forms a genuine attachment it's strong enough for her soul to respond. in the beginning, this was a bond she only shared with qrow, who was hated by their family: so she could go to him in an instant if she had to. in present time, we know she also has a link to tai, and yang, and had one to vernal (F) but apparently no one else in the tribe (telling).
there's no comment on summer's status here, but we've ruled kindred link as involuntary, so the next question on our flowchart is:
Were Summer and Raven close?
this is maybe the most tantalizing bit of the STRQ Puzzle to me because it's a wholly unknown component. tai and qrow both talk about summer and raven, and raven talks about both of them—but raven seems to make a concerted effort to not take summer's name into her mouth if she can help it. even when she's indulging in her favorite pastime (sniping at people) she doesn't have any bullets with summer's name on them. the closest we get is the "you sound just like your mother", which is definitely said in (DEROGATORY) tone, but is also pretty...mild compared to how she talks about the rest of the inner circle.
obviously this doesn't make the answer an automatic "yes": just as it's possible raven has a reason that compels her not to badmouth summer, it's also possible that their relationship was not substantial enough for raven to care about summer or her opinions. which WOULD BE a funny twist but it's also not a lot of meat to sink our teeth into (lol) because it would make the answer firmly No, Raven does not have a kindred link to Summer: an end to our flowchart!
but this post is.......not over......i'm not letting it be over...!!
personally i think STRQ is more fun if you split the twins up (because they would absolutely TRY to ensure they were partnered at any cost so we can't have that) which would make summer's partner one of the twins. i think it makes more sense (and more of that inevitable STRQ-breaking tension lol) if her partner is raven; summer was appointed the leader of her team and raven is a genuinely competent leader, you know this song and dance, yada yada raven is the weiss of her team (but has the leadership skills to back it up) etc etc
so, okay, that's her Partner, they have their ups and downs and various team-building exercises until both twins are ready to go Full Golden Heroism. like we know it isn't just qrow and that both of them get pulled away from their original goal to become wholeheartedly ozpilled; raven is cited as being just as All In with The Good Fight(TM) as her chosen family. in that scenario she and her heroic little partner could be plenty close just fine; i think all of strq became raven's chosen family, including summer rose...and it's just her soul responding ❤🤍
so yeah fuck it let's say Yes, Raven has a kindred link to Summer, now we have to keep going;
How does Kindred Link work?
oh boy.
by this question, i mean the following: how does raven experience kindred link, and how does it interact with her other senses? kindred link allows raven to open a portal to the other person and go to them whenever, from wherever, but there is more to it than that.
ONE: Kindred Link must, through some means, convey to raven WHEN she's needed. in volume 2, yang is in mortal danger inside a moving, enclosed, underground train car: there is no possible means to see inside, so raven's usual trick (bird spycraft) can't apply. even so, raven knows yang is in danger, exactly when she needs to know it. necessarily Kindred Link has somehow alerted her that her soulbond is in danger, and she would receive this information for any of her links. we don't know how dire the situation needs to be for this to happen, but we know it kicks in at LEAST for "immediate mortal danger". (because we have no insight into this, it is possible that raven's 6th sense pipes up far earlier for far less threat and she simply chooses to hang back.)
TWO: Kindred Link must, through some means, impart real-time awareness of what is happening on the other end of the link. simply put, when using her semblance, raven receives information about the other end of her link before the portal opens. at bare minimum, she knows where her person is in relation to other things in the space, and what the area generally looks like; she needs this information in order to place portals the way she does. raven's portals are always placed with purpose and a clear awareness of what's going on. this is how she's able to pull off an array of failwoman tricks, like her "placing the portal as far away from tai as she can get away with while crying and screaming" from the end of v5 (contrasted with her very funny move of lining her portal up so that it points cinder directly at ruby or her precise maneuvers during aforementioned train scene<3) these are different purposeful moves that all imply a fairly detailed level of knowledge—of a place raven can't see!
we don't know how raven experiences her 6th sense and what it's like from her side; likewise, we don't know if (2) here is "always on", or if it's only when actively trying to place a portal that she gets a quick download of the information she needs.
HOWEVER, these two things both being true makes it very likely to me that a Third Thing is probably also true: she would feel it if one of her links was severed, and only one force we know of can sever a link raven isn't ready to let go of. Whether Summer Rose is alive or dead, Raven would know.
oh my god...could you imagine?.... 😩
Is Summer alive?
yes. next question.
Why does no one else know, if Raven knows?
3 things: raven's severance from the ozluminati, her injured feelings, and potentially summer rose herself.
raven may still be in touch with qrow, but it's clear that receiving information from her is a privilege. she hoards and guards knowledge like a magpie, but she's also a spy: raven sharing what she knows is a show of trust or even loyalty and does not come easy. it doesn't come at all if you aren't her direct collaborator or someone she has specific self-determined reasons to share information with. to be blunt, receiving raven's intel is not a privilege her family has anymore, except for when she has a specific reason to talk to qrow. in general, the privilege has been thoroughly revoked, because:
the last time raven attempted to share information with her team, they rejected her. when raven's world turned too scary and she learned A Few Too Many Things about the realities of remnant and the unwinnable war—when she turned to her family for support—her family either did not understand what she was saying or chose not to believe her. she did not receive support in this critical moment, from the people she most loved and most needed; their rejection was a betrayal so fundamentally damaging to their bond that raven severed from them for good.
if raven was sitting on something as unfathomably charged as "summer rose is alive (and/or with salem(?????))", why would she spill? summer's family have already shattered her trust and she has no incentive to share information with them, because they don't deserve that privilege (<- this is obviously raven's hurt feelings turning thorny to protect herself).
this is already sufficient for me, particularly if their bond was close enough for raven to have Her Own feelings about summer being alive to untangle; she has known about this and protected the secret for a decade and a half, so it's possible she has her own reasons specifically for "protecting" this secret.
maybe the reason she doesn't involve summer in her insult volleys isn't because she has nothing bad to say; rather, it may be a part of her spy strats to avoid addressing summer too directly in any way, because she knows the secret. why invite conversation about her?
of course, the third potential factor: summer rose herself. we don't know what happened after summer left. but it's POSSIBLE that raven has met with her, later than anyone else; it's even possible that the "we can face her together" speech reminded raven of something that happened after summer left home. we don't know the extent of raven's knowledge of what summer has been up to, but it's possible that they've talked, either before summer met salem or after.
(if after, the rosebird box is wide open, because a salempilled summer is simultaneously raven's worst nightmare and a balm to her numerous cuts and bruises: imagine what it would do to her to hear you were right, we should have believed you.)
i am really obsessed with the concept of this weird mix of disloyalty to oz/tai/qrow/etc (who have been excluded from the List Of People Who Deserve It) and loyalty to summer (even if it's only out of Old Respect For My Partner (The Only One Who's Had The Sense To Defect) and they had no further interactions).
it's possible raven knows far FAR more than she lets on, depending on how much information kindred link has fed her about summer's whereabouts / if theyve met. crwby has a golden opportunity to do something very funny in the next episode (dragging raven into her mess)
it's possible raven never investigated further, too. that she knows summer is alive but hasn't gone to check it out, either because she doesn't want to know what's happened to her or she's convinced herself she's better off not getting involved.
but... oh.... i do think women should kiss...
(checks the flowchart) so i think we're at "Raven is keeping her secret on purpose for bisexual reasons"?
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s1llysmut · 17 days
NSFW ABC’s for Alastor
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A is for aftercare, what are they like after sex?:
Honestly, this depends if you’re a fling or Alastor’s lover. If you’re a fling I believe he’d be a gentleman but much less caring. I think he’d just get his servants to clean you up and run you a bath while he leaves to do his other duties. However, if you’re Alastor’s lover, this man is going to run you both a bath himself, he believes it makes it more sentimental.
B is for body part, what is their favourite body part of yours?:
Alastor loves your eyes. He’s a true believer that they’re the window to the soul and after all, this man loves souls. He also LOVES to see the fear in your eyes if you two are engaging in sadomasochism.
C is for cum, literally anything to do with cum:
Alastor typically finishes inside of you one way or another. Whether it’s your mouth or another hole, this man doesn’t enjoy making a mess so I doubt he’d cum anywhere other than in you, or in a condom.
D is for dirty secret, what is their dirty secret?:
Alastor isn’t very secretive about his sexual fantasies when it comes to you. However, he may be hesitant to tell you about his more… sadistic tendencies.
E is for experience, how experienced are they?:
Alastor isn’t a virgin contrary to popular belief. He doesn’t like being ignorant in any topic so I suspect he’s had sex at least once to at least know the basics. However, he’s not at all experienced in being vulnerable or romantic, so you may have to be a bit patient with him on that.
F is for favourite position, what is their favourite position?:
This depends how much he trusts you. Although he’s a classic man and much prefers the good old missionary, if it’s your first time together he will likely choose a position like doggy style so he can maintain more of his pride and show less vulnerability.
G is for goofy, are they more serious or goofy?:
100% serious. Although he has a permanent smile etched on his face, the closest he’ll get to being “goofy” will be if he laughs condescendingly at your whimpers and moans.
H is for hair, how well groomed are they?:
Alastor does not shave as he feels it makes him too young looking, however he does keep it neat and tidy. And yes, for those wondering it’s also bright red.
I is for intimacy, how intimate are they?:
This really depends on how long he’s know you and how much he trusts you. If you two are close enough then he’s very very romantic like a classic gentleman. He’ll give you roses and champagne, you know, the cliches.
J is for jack off, a masturbation headcanon:
He does NOT like making a mess especially one of that nature which leads me to believe that on the rare occurrence he masturbates, it’s in the shower.
K is for kink, what kinks do they have?:
Alastor is 100% without a doubt a sadist. This man will tie you up and torture you in any way that you allow him to.
L is for location, where do they like to do it?:
He’s a gentleman and values his privacy so obviously your bedroom. However if you have your own home with him, I’m sure he’d be open to other locations within the house.
M is for motivation, what turns them on?:
Alastor LOVES when you wear simple but elegant clothes that highlight the features of your body. Aside from that, he loves feeling powerful over you.
N is for no, what would they not do?:
He would never allow you to top him. The closest you could get to that is riding him and even then, he’s obviously in control.
O is for oral, do they prefer giving or receiving?:
This man is a cannibal, obviously he’s going to take any chance he can get to “eat” his partner. He genuinely means it when he says you taste delicious. Bro probably brings a fork and knife to bed just in case. (Joking).
P is for pace, are they fast or slow?:
This depends on his mood. If he’s angry or in tut you are getting it hard and rough. However, if he’s in a romantic mood I think he’d take his time with you.
Q is for quickie, what’s their opinion on it?:
Absolutely not. The only time he would be somewhat open to it is if he were in rut, but let’s be honest, that would NOT be a quickie.
R is for risk, do they take risks?:
Alastor is not taking any chances of anyone other than you seeing him in a vulnerable state. However, if he felt he needed to assert dominance, he may be open to fucking you while on air.
S is for stamina, how many rounds can they last?:
If he’s in rut, he can go A LOTTTT of rounds. If it’s a regular night he can usually go about 4 since he doesn’t often get himself off.
T is for toys, do they own any toys?:
The only toys he owns are things to tease/torture/tie you up with.
U is for unfair, how much of a tease are they?:
Alastor is the king of teasing. He lives for your whines, cries, and begging. To him, teasing you is another way to show his power and authority.
V is for volume, how loud are they?:
During rut Alastor is constantly grunting and growling like an animal. However, regularly the most you’ll get out of him besides dirty talk is some radio static when you make him feel particularly good.
W is for wild card, a random headcanon:
This may be gross but I genuinely think he enjoys when you’re on your period if you know what I mean (if you have one).
X is for X-ray, what does it look like?:
You know what they say about tall guys. My point is he’s definitely packing quite a lot of inches. I’m thinking maybe 7 or 8. As for width, it’s quite slender.
Y is for yearning, how high is their sex drive?:
Not high at all. He sees sex as more of an occasional treat rather than a necessity.
Z is for zzz, how fast do they fall asleep?:
He never sleeps so, never.
A/N: Hi guys!!! I hope I did okay! If you want me to do this with other characters or other fandoms let me know!!!
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badnikbreaker · 1 year
What pronouns/speaking habits do you think your IDW muses would use in japanese?
OOO FUN Q. i believe idw does have an official japanese translation, though i don't have a way to get my hands on it — and even if i could, i am much better at hearing and understanding japanese than i am at reading it. so take this with a grain of salt, especially since in my head most of my IDW muses don't speak japanese and thus probs wouldn't have any reason to use these.
tangle strikes me as an atashi gal, though i can also see her being a bokukko ( a girl who uses the masculine pronoun boku ) — either way, definitely not a watashi user. that's a little too polite and Normie for her. she's not a japanese speaker, but if i had to commit to a headcanon, it'd say atashi — i think she'd like boku a little bit more inherently, but it runs the risk of feeling a little dysphoric, as that's also the pronoun she'd have used before she realized she was a girl. maybe she'll switch to boku in the future, or would use it with close friends. i also don't think she'd be the type to use honorifics broadly speaking.
whisper would use watashi, probably; a little feminine but not overly so, polite and sort of generic, etc etc. uses honorifics to a fault except when mega - stressed. drives tangle insane.
belle would also probably realistically be a watashi gal i think. there's not enough rebellious or hyper-fem personality that feels like it justifies anything more casual or feminine, but i also can't see her using boku or the like. also uses honorifics to a fault and uses keigo speech when she doesn't have to.
surge and kit are both designed after japanese archetypes ( surge is obviously a japanese delinquent and kit is a japanese elementary school student ) so i do think they probably do speak japanese. surge doesn't use keigo at all and is always coming across as rude accordingly, even putting aside pronoun stuff. she definitely strikes me an orekko — a girl who uses the masculine pronoun ore, which is casual, and can be read as rude or arrogant depending on the context. ( though, not always. sonic also uses ore, for example. in anime, it's sort of a go - to 'rebellious but good-hearted hero' pronoun. ) i can see her switching to boku once she's got some character development / is in her redemption arc, since that would a.) give her a different pronoun than sonic and b.) signal less arrogance/desire to be rude.
kit strikes me as a boku user; i almost wanna say watashi, as that feels appropriately formal and polite for him. but in casual conversation watashi, especially in young people, is coded as feminine, which i can see being a dysphoria trigger with my particular kit gender headcanons. also, tails uses boku, so...driving home that comparison. kit uses keigo speech patterns and grammar when talking to surge, but not to others.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 3 years
Headcanon Asks
Franny is ten when she announces she wants to go to the gun range for her birthday.
It’s met with arguments over family dinner, Debbie yelling that she’s too young, Ian arguing the merits of learning good gun safety, Mickey high fiving her through a mouthful of spaghetti. Carl offers to teach her, which is shot down almost immediately by everyone at the table. Lip thinks it’s a good idea, that it’s better she learn from trained professionals who know what they’re doing instead of shooting in a back alley somewhere and potentially getting hurt. Mickey raises his eye at what sounds suspiciously like a jab at him, ready to tell him to fuck off when Franny lays a small hand on his arm and asks, “Will you come with me, Uncle Mickey?”
Debbie has long since given up on dreams of Franny being her fairy tale princess, frilly skirts and ballet shoes giving way to ripped, dirty jeans, scuffed up converse and cut off plaid shirts, the last one never failing to make Ian laugh.
They’d gone over for dinner that night to find Franny in an almost identical outfit to Mickey, both of them chuckling with glee.
(“You guys telepathic?”
“Nah, we just got great fashion sense, right Fran?”)
It’s one of his favorite photos, Mickey and Franny holding up twin middle fingers to the camera, matching sleeveless red plaid shirts on display with Debbie yelling in the background.
He looks at it every once in a while, holding his thumb down on the Live Photo to watch the two second loop of Mickey and Franny whipping their hands out simultaneously, Mickey’s tongue coming out in a shit eating grin as Debbie gestures wildly behind them about Mickey corrupting her daughter.
Mickey smirks to Ian later as they get home that she’s turning into his mini me, obviously the favored uncle what with the matching clothes and the desire to shoot guns. “Only reason why she wants to go to the gun range is ‘cause she sees how bad ass I am with mine.” Ian rolls his eyes, shoving him forward into the apartment.
They think Sandy’s back in the picture. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe?
Mickey’s met with stony silence when he asks her over the phone one night, but it’s not a no.
He also doesn’t really care that much, or try to press her about it, pushing his husband away behind him as he whisper-hisses various questions into Mickey’s ear about whether they’re seeing each other again and if it’s serious.
“Yo Sandy, Ian the gossip queen behind me won’t shut the fuck up so I’m gonna go.”
Franny’s birthday party is the weekend after and consists of six of her friends that had actually managed to get permission from their parents to go. Debbie, Ian, and Mickey wrangle the kids into two different cars on a bright Saturday morning, Franny bouncing in her seat with happiness.
The kids are loud and boisterous in the car, excited at the prospect of being actually allowed to shoot weapons, all of them bursting at the prospect of telling everyone at school on Monday what they did.
It makes Mickey snicker at hearing them talk about it, chuckling over a memory of Terry handing him a gun at 8 years old and telling him to go shoot some shit outside. Ian doesn’t find it quite so amusing.
They get to the range around 11, Ian and Mickey stopping dead in their tracks when they see Sandy coming out the door to greet their party wearing a shirt with the gun range logo embroidered on the front. Franny yells with glee as she runs towards her, Sandy enveloping her in a hug that lifts her off the ground as they both laugh delightedly.
Ian snorts, nudging Mickey. “Only wanted to go to the gun range because of you, huh?”
Mickey flips him off, walks over just as Sandy’s setting her back down on the ground and looking up to greet them.
“When were you gonna mention the new job, bitch? Just talked to you last week.”
Sandy rolls her eyes as she begins leading them inside.
“I had planned to but then your gossip whore of a husband wouldn’t stop interrupting our phone call to ask nosy ass questions.”
Ian rolls his eyes, turning to make sure the kids are staying together and leading them over to the counter to start filling out the waivers for them all to shoot.
A heavily bearded man with tattoos covering every inch of his body greets them with a very jolly grin as he brings them all into a room to watch a 10 minute safety video and go over the rules of the gun range.
It’s been awhile since they’ve shot guns together, and Mickey immediately realizes that seeing Ian expertly shooting holes in all his paper targets has the exact same affect on him as it did years ago, body thrumming with desire as each bullet finds its way directly to the center one after the other.
He just about creams his pants when Ian asks to shoot an AR-15, looking stupidly hot as he fires round after round at the target, Mickey daydreaming about the two of them on a spy mission taking out enemies and then fucking in an abandoned building somewhere.
Fodder for our next role play session he decides, smirking to himself.
When it’s his turn, he gladly accepts the offer to shoot the AR-15 as well, adjusting his grip and aiming down the sight to make sure it’s lined up well. He feels a warm hand on his elbow and turns to see Ian looking down on him with a devious grin.
“Why don’t I help you adjust your stance there a bit.”
Mickey snorts, balking at the assumption that he doesn’t know how to handle his guns, but the solid weight of Ian against his back and the way he seems to tower over him has him leaning into him slightly. He’s about to tell him he doesn’t need any dumb help from him when he speaks lowly.
“By the way,” Ian murmurs into his ear as he pretends to adjust his hand on the grip, “you look really fucking hot with this gun right now.”
Mickey chuckles, licks his lips. He pushes back against him slightly before tilting his head up to just under his chin.
“Meet me in the bathroom in ten.”
Ian grins, slapping him on the ass and leaving him to fire off round after round, the sound bouncing off the walls of the range.
Debbie is thoroughly disgusted as they make their way back out to the range a half hour later, hair disheveled and clothes completely rumpled, self satisfied smirks on both their faces.
“You guys are disgusting, you know that?”
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Domesticated headcrab adopts!
More info, rules + availability below the cut + okay to rb!
Hello! If you’re here, you’re most likely interested in owning a pet headcrab of your own! While you can always find a specific one of your liking, it’s always a good idea to turn to adoption to help out headcrabs in need (and your local artist)!
If you’re serious about adoption, I recommend you glance over Your Beginner’s Guide to Headcrab Domestication first!
So what is this, really?
If you’re really not sure how adopts work, it’s simple. I have little premade, pre-designed characters that you can purchase, and then they become your characters! You can then use them however you’d like; they’re now your OCs!
Obviously, I don’t own the rights to headcrabs in general- they still belong to Valve- but I sort of have the rights to my domesticated headcrab headcanons, so these specific designs will belong to you!
Okay, I’ll bite. What’re the deets?
Each character is $15 USD as a base! For that, you’ll get all rights to the design. You can rename, redesign, gift, or alter the characters to your liking after you buy them. I’ll give you the large, transparent image of your crab as well! They’re all yours!
For $25 USD, I’ll make a nice, fancy little ref sheet with at least a few cleaned, colored sketches to go along with it! Not only that, but any designs that you’ve bought from me are always 10% off if you ever commission me to draw them again!
Are there any rules?
Yep! Here’s the rules: - Prices are listed in USD! I use paypal, and paypal only for the most part. - First come, first serve, unfortunately. - You MUST pay before you receive any of the rights/images included! - Once purchased, you are free to tweak the design as you please! This includes the name and lore- they’re just fun little suggestions, laid out in the format of an adoption center. You don’t have to follow them at all! - Trades and resells are allowed as long as you sell it for as much as you bought it or less - Please credit me for the design if asked!
Alright! Give me the crabs!
“PRIMROSE” || SOLD Fawned ash standard Primrose is a spoiled little crab who was owned by a sweet little old lady who has since passed away. With nobody in her family wanting to take her, she's now looking for a new home. She's used to being dressed and wearing fang caps! She's a bit spoiled and picky with her food, so looking for someone who doesn't mind giving this little lady a lot of love and attention!
“MILLIE” || SOLD Grey capped Volkov Millie is a shy, albeit feisty Volkov who was rescued from a house that was hosting illegal fighting rings in their backyard. Her left talon and leftmost mandible were infected and had to be amputated, which causes her a bit of difficulty moving around- but she's still fit and spry! Looking for a home who doesn't mind a somewhat skittish crab, after everything she's gone through- who can help bring her out of her shell!
“MEATLOAF” || SOLD Chocolate ticked standard Meatloaf is a large, chunky crab with an interesting orange spotted tint coloration. They're a bit... food motivated, to say the least. A lot of care has to be put into watching them, as they're surprisingly smart when they put their mind into getting into things- and will eat anything they can fit into their mouth. Looking for someone with childproofed cabinets who wants a very friendly and intelligent crab!
“MILK” || SOLD Black and white Saddlehorn Milk is a standard Saddlehorn who was brought in because the former owner was unable to keep up with vet costs. Milk has a lot of internal problems, and had to undergo some intense treatment, and to be kept on a very specific diet. Looking for someone to help Milk maintain this diet and strict regimen and checkups until they feel better!
“CHOCOLATE CHIP” || SOLD Chocolate Siamese nubbed Chocolate Chip is a sneaky little crab, surprisingly small for their age. They were found wandering the streets, and it's presumed they got out of their previous home- which is most likely true, considering their track record of weaseling out of their enclosure! Looking for someone who doesn't mind a very intelligent, active crab, and has lots of time and attention to give!
“PEACHY” || SOLD Snowshoe flaxen standard Peachy came from a well-off home who once again bought a young, fancy breed- and ended up de-beaking him and then neglecting to give him proper attention and care. They were passed on to a few homes because of their rather shy behavior from lack of attention, and are looking to finally get a forever home with someone who wants to bring out the sweet, caring side we know is in this crab! He's de-beaked, with no apparent health concerns visible.
“SHOOMI” || SOLD Fawned flaxen pancake Shoomi is easily one of the most well behaved crabs in our care! They’re extremely docile and good with kids as well! They don’t mind being dressed up or having stickers and such, hence the googly eyes. They’re the only one who didn't particularly hate things being stickied to them. Perfect for a home with kids!
“STACY Q” ||  SOLD False poison Stacy Q is a false poison, who is superbly friendly, albeit... extremely lazy, and more than a little bit hefty. She's perfectly healthy, however! She came from a home that thought they would be 'cool' and 'scary', and was dissapointed when she just sat around all day. She would be a wonderful match for someone who doesn’t mind a somewhat sedentary crab who doesn’t need a lot of attention!
“GUMPY” || SOLD Olive marbled hunchback Gumpy is a hunchback with a bit of an attitude problem. He was part of a nice lineage, but he didn't get along with other headcrabs at all and was given up on. With a little bit of time he might warm up to people, but is probably best left without any other crabs or pets in the house.
“MISS SASHA” || ON HOLD Golden Bata Miss Sasha is a very old Bata, who was a winning showcrab in several runs- but as she got older her beautiful golden color began to fade, and so they took her out of competitions, and want to rehome her. She’s still very playful for her age, and loves to give and receive lots of attention. Good for someone who doesn't mind a sweet old crab who isn't very active anymore, but still has lots of love to give- and preferably can give lots of attention in return, as she gets sad when left alone.
“NGUNI“ || SOLD Fancy Saddlehorn Nguni is a very very unique Saddlehorn with a beautiful, very rare pattern- most likely a showbreed of some sort. However, she was found hit by a car, which mangled her right claw and left her with some scarring. Even more interestingly, despite her unique coloration, her previous owner can't be found, and isn't coming forward to any messaging. Enough time has passed that she's looking to be rehomed to someone who doesn't mind giving her her daily meds and making sure she doesn’t overexert her injured side!
“MAPLE” || SOLD Sorrel smoke pancake Maple is a feisty young crab, who was bought as a present for someone's child, since pancakes are known for their docility- only to find out that Maple was surprisingly aggressive for a pancake. They ended up having to rehome him, out of their children's newfound fear for headcrabs. Looking for someone who doesn't mind a bit of a feistyness in their crab and is willing to work with it to help curb their temper!
If you’re interested, DM me here on tumblr! If you’d like, you can ask for my discord and we can discuss details there as well.
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commenter2 · 2 years
Helluva Boss 2022 trailer thoughts and predictions
Yesterday we got a trailer for season 2 of Helluva Boss and along with it being awesome there was a lot of info on what will happen in the season. Just like with the season 1 trailer, along with going over a few of the more interesting scenes, I also want to make predictions of what episodes we will get in season 2 of Helluva Boss.
The video starts with a fully animated scene of Loona wanting to stay somewhere much to Blitzo’s dislike as apparently people know him there. Its then followed by a funny scene of Loona using the puppy dog eyes on Blitzo who agrees to go with her.
We see Stolas waiting in an empty room where it states a clock is ticking. I feel like this will be a big dramatic moment in the series somehow like he is waiting for Blitzo who never shows or he is waiting as some higher up demons are making a decision on how to punish him for his illegal actions. I also get a weird hospital waiting room vibe from this, maybe this is when Octavia was born or something related to her but that’s later.
We then get a few scenes of Stolas and Blitzo being nice and flirting a bit. It was said in a recent Q&A (which I will mention a lot here) that S2 will have the two exploring their relationship a bit and this shows this.
This new character with Moxxie seems interesting. I’m also curious about if that sign was talking about Moxxie’s dad or his step dad/legal guardian ? I’m hoping step dad/legal guardian as I like my theory of his dad being that Telenovela star seen in the last Stolas Instagram pic.
A scene of Stolas and Stella interacting, also what seems to be Stolas shedding a tear. I know I’m not the only one who has been waiting to see the two interact and it is nice to see that we will be getting it. That’s not all, it was confirmed that Stella will have a bigger role in season 2 so not only will we see the two interact more but likely see Stella interact with the others characters like Blitzo, Octavia, and hopefully Millie.
Human Stolas.
Fizz also seems to be getting a bigger role in season 2 considering we see a young version of him with a young Blitzo as well as a few scenes of him with Asmodeous. Speaking of which the idea of Fizz and Asmodeous’s relationship being explored is not only good character development but it would also be good (and kind of bad) for Stolitz, by that I mean Fizz could throw Blitzo and Stolas under the bus to save his and Asmodeous relationship OR along with the clown and sin getting more attention that Blitzo and Stolas can safely be together, it could make Blitzo and Stolas finally get together if not already at this point.
The Seven Deadly Sin Mammon will be in an episode.
Striker’s return and him fighting Moxxie and Millie. It is hard to see but Stolas is tied up in that whip/rope Striker is using. Could this be a hint at the S1 finale ?
Octavia will be back and we seem to meet another member of the Goteia royalty. Though I can’t really tell what kind of bird she is I’m hoping she is related to Stolas as out of all the headcanons I have come up for Helluva Boss, I really want the one about Stella’s parents being evil jerks to be true. Maybe she could look nice on the outside but inside she is very cruel. There is snow behind so maybe she could be a literal and metaphorical ice queen XD.
Though there is no info about an episode out of it, I like the scene of Millie just tearing up that guy’s face like she was Doom Slayer XD.
With this info here is what I think we could be expecting in season 2 in no particular order.
I.M.P vs. Striker S1 finale- Again I think we got a peek at the finale and in it the imps will fight Striker who has taken Stolas to kill him, but will obviously fail.
Exploring Moxxie’s past- Moxxie will team up with someone and they go on a heist. I think this will be a flashback episode where we learn a bit about Moxxie’s past before he met Blitzo and Millie. It could also just be him in the present and he is forced to do one last job with the new character for some reason like he needs the money for something, all the while we learn about his past.
I.M.P origins- A few of the Stolitz moments from the trailer do kind of look like Blitzo is flirting with Stolas to get to use the book so maybe we will get an episode about that. Episode 7 does imply that I.M.P. started with Blitzo and Moxxie so maybe the two meet during that heist Moxxie was doing and Moxxie uses some of those profits to start the business with Blitzo.
Blitzo X Stolas job date- Blitzo invites Stolas to go on a job with him which I bet will be related to killing a member of a reality tv show/sitcom. Though things seem to be happy at first, sadly I feel like while on the job something bad will happen that will strain their relationship a bit and maybe that is what causes Stolas to cry near Stella as he realizes she was right. I could also see the subplot of the episode being about Loona having to take care of Octavia, wo Stolas brought with him, but she runs a way and Loona has to find her. However that could also be something for the next idea.
Octavia runs away- A lot of people have predicted that Octavia will run away from home at some point and I think this could be true if she isn’t a part of the Stolitz date episode. Here she uses her powers to run away but while on Earth, Loona (who just like her father uses the book to fool around on Earth) sees her and two hang out. While on Earth the two run into trouble, such as the bird demon and she tries to hurt Octavia as the new lady could have been banished for trying to take Stolas’s spot on the throne and wants revenges or thinks this will help her get back on the throne. Of course Loona and Octavia stop her and they become friends, another thing people have speculated about. That new lady could be part of her own episode as she seems to be in an icy place while Octavia and Loona seem to be in sunny places. The running a way plot could have a subplot where Stolas and Stella work together to find Octavia which could result in them dealing with their feelings and what has been happening lately between, kind of like what happened with Blitzo and Moxxie in episode 6.
Fizz and Blitzo at concert at Greed Ring- This was shown a lot in the trailer and I can get a good idea about what will happen. After seeing the scandal of their relationship and them wanting to try and hide it, Fizz and Asmodeous throw a concert at the Greed Ring for Mammon to get the paparazzi off of them. Unluckily for them Loona and Blitzo go there and after seeing Blitzo, Fizz can’t help but just mock him while the two do a song and dance. During said dance I feel like Asmodeous will say and do something that just confirms that the two are together and I bet they will hate Blitzo for having a hand in this.
Flashback of Blitzo and Fizz’s relationship- This would play after the concert episode. After the aftermath of the last episode, and seeing the articles about Asmodeous and him being together, Fizz and Blitzo ironically think back to when they were friends until something happened that caused them to be where they are today which will involve Fizz getting in an injury. I can see that episode ending with the two realizing that those events lead them to where they are today as that accident led Fizz to meeting Asmodeous which led to them dating which Fizz is happy about while Blitzo realizes this led him to finding I.M.P. and meeting Stolas which gives him mix feelings as this has caused a lot to happen to him.
If we count each idea as its own episode, not counting that S1 finale idea, that gives us a total of 7 possible episodes. It has been confirmed that season 2 will have more episodes so there is room for more things to happen in the season. I do plan on posting something going over what I want to happen in season 2 but right now I would like to hear what you think about these ideas and what you think could happen in season 2 based on what was seen in the trailer.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Tumblr media
Jaemin loves to have you as tightly against his chest as possible, with your hand often resting against his abs. He loves to remind you how strong he is with his affection and use it to assure you that you’re loved by him.
You caught Jaemin’s eye at a concert as he walked through the rows of fans. Obviously, as he was performing, he couldn’t stay and chat with you, but he asked one of the security guards to head over to you and pass on a note so that he could get in contact with you once the show was over and he wasn’t busy.
Throughout the rest of that tour the two of you talked nonstop, Jaemin loved to tell you all about the things he was doing and where he was in the world. On the day he finally arrived back at home from the tour, his first destination was your place so he could see you again. He knew just from all the communication the two of you had had throughout the tour that he liked you, so he wasted no time in telling you how he felt about you.
Love is something that Jaemin loves, and your dates are definitely reflective of that. He loves the cliché kind of dates that you’d often see in the movies, long walks, romantic dinners, he wants it all. He’s learnt a lot about love and the things that he’d love to experience with a partner one day from watching programmes, and so he puts all of that into practice with you. You love how romantic and heartfelt your dates are with Jaemin are as a result of his passion for love and making every moment with you as special as possible.  
He’s well known for being dedicated to his fans anyway, but no one ever thought that he was dedicated enough to end up dating one too. Despite being his first relationship, having someone that already understood how busy him, and the team were went a long way in making sure that your relationship ran smoothly. You’d never pressure him into anything, and if you needed to take a step back and not be by his side for a couple of days, then you’d do it, not just as a partner, but as a fan of the group as well.
There are times when Jaemin can’t help but nag at you, it was one of the first things the other members warned you about him. He often does it without even thinking, if he walks in and trips on your shoes or sees that you’ve left the bedroom in a mess, then his subconscious will push him to have a grumble. Once you’ve sorted whatever nags him, he’ll be quick to apologise for getting on your case, reminding himself that a relationship is all about compromise. Aside from that, they’ll be few times when the two of you would argue as you’re both good at squashing any brewing trouble down before it amounts to anything.
As an only child, Jaemin knew that he had to make sure that he found the perfect addition to make his parents happy. He was sure that he found it in you, and so were his parents too, he quickly grew to love you having seen how happy Jaemin was around you which was all that they’d ever wanted for him too.
As he has his own room in the dorm, neither of you are in a rush to find your own place anytime soon. You’re both young and having his members and managers around you both is an advantage not just for Jaemin, but for you too. Having so many people around you to look after you is something, you’re incredibly thankful for.
Jaemin was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ at the second show that you went to. After the first show you attended ended so well, he was determined to make sure that your second one was just as special, if not more. With that, he finally decided to tell you that he loved you having kept it bottled up for such a long time.
Jealousy was a matter of pride as far as Jaemin was concerned, he didn’t want anyone to ever make him feel jealous, or see that he was feeling jealous, because that would make him a lesser man. In him, you’d often be able to tell that he was feeling jealous however as you picked up on so many of his habits. He’d often puff his chest out more and try and stand a little bit taller to make the point that he was yours and that he was going to defend you regardless of what anyone else may or may not want to try around you.
Growing up, Jaemin always dreamt of having a little sister, but having a daughter was definitely the next best thing for him. Despite how young you both still were, he’d often lay up at night and tell you all about how he hoped that he’d be able to have a little girl one day just like how he’d hoped he had had when he was growing up. It definitely took you by surprise to begin with but seeing that he had a small part of his future planned out was definitely something that you also really loved about Jaemin too.
Jaemin definitely likes to consider himself a funny guy, and he’ll work hard to make sure that he proves that to you too. Despite often being teased by the other members for how hard he tries to make sure that he can make others laugh, he’ll always get a reaction out of you whenever he tries to make you laugh. He definitely has a cheeky streak which will often leave you speechless as a result of the things that he tries, but you’re always putting him back in his place whenever he tries to tease you too hard and push things.
He’ll try his hardest to carry on as normal whenever he’s on tour, he doesn’t want the others to see him sad, and he doesn’t want the feeling of missing you to get in the way of his work too much. Having spent the initial few days of getting to know you on the road, Jaemin was convinced he’d be fine when the next tour came around. But a lot had changed between you both since then, and your relationship was a lot more serious. As those feelings for you got stronger, it meant that the feeling of missing you inevitably became stronger too, which was something he internally struggled to deal with a lot of the time.
Jaemin loves to hear you shorten his name to, ‘jae,’ despite many of his friends doing it already, it sounds different coming from you, which he loves. Jaemin is often reserved for when he’s in trouble, which is usually quite often.
He’s obsessed with your hair, he loves to play with it and run his fingers through it, he can’t help but twirl a strand of your hair in his fingers whenever he’s nearby you.
Your affection is usually very minimal, Jaemin will only ever hold onto your hand in public, to make it clear to the fans and the media that you’re a united front. He’s respectful of the fans and that some of them may frown upon your relationship so he doesn’t want to be too over the top whenever he’s around them and risk upsetting anymore of them.
He loves to ask for your opinion on him, whether it be his style, fashion, hair, or his body. Your seal of approval is something that is very important to Jaemin despite how confident he often tries to come across around you.
Jaemin loves to get you to wear as many of his shirts as possible because it will leave him no choice but to walk around shirtless. He’s very proud of his abs, and he knows that no matter how hard you try to deny it, you love to see them too. Any chance he gets to take your breath away by showing off his strong body he’ll take in a heartbeat, not giving up until your cheeks are as bright a shade of red as possible.
He definitely likes to be the dominate one when it comes to intimacy, and again try and prove to you just how strong he is. His arms will often be around your waist to move you into whatever position that he wants you, and once you’re there, his hands will move to run through your hair and tug against your locks. Despite how dominant he can be, the most important thing to Jaemin is that he’s taking care of you and what you want.
Since you ended up communicating through text when you first got to know each other, it becomes a habit for you both to often text each other throughout the day and share with the other whatever it is that you’re doing during your days.
Love was always something that Jaemin adored, but he never imagined that he would love being in love as much as he did with you. It far exceeded any expectation he had of falling in love, and that was all thanks to you.
Getting time away was rare, so Jaemin loved to take you on small trips, even if it was just for a night or two. Sometimes a change of environment was all that you both needed for a while to reconnect with that spark and enjoy some time with each other without someone or something interrupting you both.
Again, Jaemin won’t so much whine at you, but he’ll often nag at you to do little things or listen to what he has to say if he wants your attention.
As he often likes to hold you tightly into his chest, the top of your head will usually be the sweetest spot for Jaemin to kiss to keep himself happy. Whenever he looks down, he can often see you burying further into his chest as a result of his affection, which only encourages him to do it more. Knowing that you’re happy whenever he kisses you is enough for him to squeeze you tighter and kiss you a little bit harder too.
You were the one, the one that fulfilled all of the dreams he had about love.
Falling asleep together was another time when Jaemin liked to have you tightly against his chest so you could feel his muscles and feel strongly protected as you tried to fall asleep without anything causing you to be restless.
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
So I have a few headcanons specifically about Qrow’s name. Like we know meta-wise it’s because they’re birds, they have the allusions specifically to Odin’s birds, and it fits nicely with Qrow’s Semblance. But there are some in-universe reasons as to why Qrow is like that.
Firstly, Qrow says when he explains his Semblance “Did you know crows are a sign of bad luck? An old superstition, but it’s how I got my name.” Obviously it seems a little weird if the tribe looked this baby and were like “yeah this kid who is barely only a week old is definitely the cause of everything bad that’s happened” unless something absolutely monstrous happened after Qrow was born. So it seems that he would’ve gained the name Qrow, if he is telling the truth about his name, a little later on in life, when they were absolutely sure it was in fact him that caused all these mishaps around them. So I propose that his original name was not Qrow, but that it was something else and that Qrow was just a nickname due to all of his bad luck. Specifically, I think it would have been something more like “crow,” “the crow,” or “the crow boy,” because those seem more likely than his name currently. So eventually, after everyone picks up the habit, everyone just kind of forgets what his real name is. He becomes “Crow,” with him too young to remember what his real name is meant to be.
Leading into why I think it’s spelt the way it is.
Obviously, the spelling could be the writers wanting to make this cool, edgy character (because let’s be honest, he is the most emo motherfucker on the show) but it could also be on purpose. I headcanon a lot of Qrow’s habits and behaviours were formed being raised by the tribe and living in the woods for the formative years of his life - ie. he can hunt and identify edible plants, he’s a good trapper and a good pickpocket, etc. But the tribe also hates outsiders and are nomadic. They don’t need or want to communicate with people beyond their own. So I highly doubt that any children born in/taken in by the tribe would bother teaching them how to write, because they wouldn’t have any need for it.
Unless they were meant to be going to an extremely prestigious huntsmen school where their written grades determined whether or not they would get in and stay in.
So I headcanon that Qrow and Raven didn’t learn to read or write until they were older, just a few years before they would be allowed into Beacon. And well, it’s a little hard to read when you’re past those younger years, and a lot of letters in the written language sound similar, so it’s very plausible for Qrow to mix up his Q’s and C’s.
Hence Qrow, not Crow.
“But how did Qrow get good grades if he can’t read?” Summer spell-checked all his stuff for him so her partner wouldn’t be expelled. Duh.
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leejeongz · 3 years
nsfw a-z JAEHYUK (treasure)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he forgets he even exists until you’re back to your usual, smiley, cheerful self. he becomes your slave and he is prepared to do anything for you, from cleaning you up to leaving you alone (which he never wants to do but if you want to be left alone who is he to refuse). he gets a little worried when you appear down or anxious after having sex with him the first few times but you reassure him that it’s pretty normal and that he just needs to be there for you when you need him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes his hands. he likes the way they look against your skin when he’s holding your waist and how he can get the perfect grip around your neck. his fingers are long too which makes it very easy for him to reach places 👀🤭
on you he likes your lips. he likes his own lips, sure, lips in general are really nice, yeah, but your lips are something else. feeling them against his own, how soft and gentle they are, he never wants them to leave his. the way you bite down on them when he’s giving you some amazing head too… that how he knows he’s doing something right.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’s a cumming inside kind of guy but obviously that’s not always possible so the next best thing is a hot facial. he likes when he’s finished all over your face and then you clean it all off the tip of his dick with your mouth too.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he keeps a pair of your panties under his pillow for when he’s horny at night without you. you know about it, but no one else does.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
1 sexual partner. i wouldn’t term him a sex god, but he has a general idea of how to make you feel good, he may need a little direction to go off of the first few times.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
as much as he loves seeing your pretty face, hitting it from the back is his favourite position. he has total control of the situation when you’re on all fours without it seeming overpowering or oppressive. you can also get the deepest strokes from him while in this position. sometimes he gets a little shy about his facial expressions but this way he doesn’t have to be.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
you’re both still young and sex is supposed to be fun and so he makes light out of every situation to make it seem less intense. he likes tickling you and making you giggle, he likes just talking about random things even though it’s not the time or place, just to make you both feel more comfortable.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he will keep it nice and trimmed for the most part but obviously sometimes sex can happen at unpredictable times. in those instances, it’s usually grown out, but he’s not ashamed or insecure about it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
romance is the only thing on his mind. this guy loves whispering things into your ear, or just telling you how good you’re doing, because he wants you to feel loved and appreciated for all that you’re doing. something romantic that he does that ALWAYS catches you off guard is caressing your cheek with the back of his hand/fingers and then gently pinching your chin with his thumb and index finger to make you look at him and kiss him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
it actually takes him a while to cum when he’s on his own, and he usually asks for your help before going anywhere else. i see him as someone who likes to feel himself when he’s doing it, like he’ll use oil and drip it all over his naked body while sitting on his gaming chair.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
sensory deprivation (giving and receiving)- it’s rare that you two don’t have vanilla sex, but blindfolds are something that you incorporate into almost every scene. he loves putting them onto you or wearing them to show a trusting relationship between the two of you. although some intimacy may feel lost because you can’t look into each other’s eyes, it means that every little action feels electric, and that is wayyy better for you two in the moment. you know each other's likes and dislikes and use those to THEIR advantage for sure.
breeding- okay i already said he likes cumming inside so there’s that. but it’s also because he’s so possessive. and he wants to hear you beg for his hot cum inside you too. or for you to ride him and not stop until he releases inside you.
praise (giving and receiving)- as i mentioned above he loves to tell you how good you’re making him feel, how well you’re taking him, how pretty you look. he wants you to feel good in the moment because he feels that way too. he also loves when you tell him how good he’s making you feel.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
so it has to be private first of all, i don’t see him getting freaky anywhere that you two can get caught. i’m guessing his ultimate favourite place is just in bed, but he’s not opposed to some action in the kitchen on the counter when he knows no one will hear or interrupt, or even on the sofa when he doesn’t think you two can make it to the bedroom.
he’s also keen to try out a little something special, maybe in the bath. where you two start having an innocent yet romantic bath, that slowly turns into something more. but he spends too long trying to figure out how it would work and decides it is too much hassle than it’s worth.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
as boring as this sounds… the thing that turns him on the most is kissing you. he pulls away from intense kisses with the biggest, hopeful smile on his face. your lips really have that effect on him.
he likes when you dirty talk and when you attempt to take the lead from the get go. the phrase that gets him the most turned on is “i want you in my mouth”. your enthusiasm is SUCH A HUGE TURN ON.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
no hook ups, casual sex or one night stands. he has to be in a relationship with you and you guys have probably been dating for a while before anything happens anyway.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers to receive but is extremely good at eating you out. he’s not shy and will go straight for it after using his fingers just to get you a little wet to begin with. he likes to smile while he’s down there, he knows that you know when he’s doing that and that you like it so of course he’s going to.
when it comes to receiving he enjoys enough to make him want to repay you almost immediately. he doesn’t really know what to do with his hands, whether they should be on your head or his, but he can’t control them anyway because he’s so into your sucking his dick.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
more on the fast and rough end of the scale. he can’t bear being slow, that’s just teasing himself really. but usually after he’s cum, he does a few extremely slow strokes, just to make sure his cum is in and that it’s all in there.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan. at all. doesn’t want to get caught, doesn’t want one person to feel left out of the pleasure bc that’s usually what happens, doesn’t want to rush anything. if he’s feeling horny at an inconvenient time of the day, or if you are, you usually just agree to wait.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not really. he’s almost always vanilla, with a slight teeny tiny bit of light bdsm thrown in (d/s, handcuffs, blindfolds (occasionally)) and so he doesn’t really like venturing out of his comfort zone. if you share the same wants as him, that’s perfect. if you wanna be a little more adventurous, it’s going to take a lot of convincing and he has to trust you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
2 rounds maximum. most of the time only 1 because he’s tired and just wants cuddles after releasing a load lol. can go for 2 but it’s very rare and would take a lot of you turning him on to get him to do it twice.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
no toys when he’s around. he does not like the idea of being replaced by a toy, anything that a toy can do, he can do too, that’s his thoughts on the matter. he doesn’t want to use them on himself either, isn’t even willing to try because he’s told himself that he won’t like it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he slowly reveals to you that he’s a big ol tease. and you’re not getting away with anything just because you want to, he might have let you before, but not now. he likes to be teased too, but just so you know, you’re getting punished for doing it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
okay this boy is LOUD. at first, he tries to be real quiet, then once a small whisper espcapes he’s just like fuck it and it slowly starts building up to a very… audible session.
he’s definitely one to talk during sex, not even just dirty talk, he will literally talk about anything lmao. but he always announces before he finishes, he repeats “i’m cumming” or “i’m going to cum” multiple times before actually doing so. you actually start finding it kind of cute and endearing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
did i mention he’s a big fan of kissing lol. he embraces any and all types of kisses and it’s very gentle and delicate. sometimes (when you’re really taking him there) they become super hungry and he somehow manages to back you into the nearest thing, whether that’s the wall or the bed etc. that’s the first real sign that he’s horny.
honestly, i don’t think he’s that shy about talking about your sex lives with anyone. like he’ll offer advice and share his experiences with anyone willing to listen if you say he can, just because he empathises with those who might be nervous or on edge to try something.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s blessed what can i say? he’s longer than average and thicker than average AND knows how to use it (eventually). every inch of him is perfect and “down there” is no different. of course he’s vvv proud of his dick size and doesn’t hesitate to bring it up, but he actually kind of feels sorry for you having to take it all.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
when you first get into a relationship, although it’s quite high, he can control it so much so that it appears to you that it’s low. but soon you learn that he wants pussy every other day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if you let him, he’d be asleep straight away lmao, but only if he could have his arms around you of course. but if you wanna stay up for a bit, he’s down. he hates morning sex because he’s too tired to go a whole day afterwards loool.
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NSFW (whole alphabet) for Maul?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s gentle, shockingly so. No matter how rough or intense, his entire demeanor shifts.  He treats you like glass; caressing your skin, cleaning your mess, and reveling in the lingering warmth. He becomes one clingy bitch is what I’m getting at here. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your throat.  He loves how you leave it so open to him, to kiss or bite or squeeze as he wishes.  It’s a sign of trust, not to mention it leads down to your chests and all the other soft parts attached. (He’s a boob man, that’s all I’m saying)
As for himself, he likes his hands. They still hold his true strength. They can still wield the force to his will; to destroy his enemies or to place a gentle touch to your cheek.  He’s amazed that you can allow him to touch you after how much his hands have done. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He makes a mess whenever you fuck.  He likes to cum on you; on your tits, stomach, back, face, anywhere.  But he really loves cumming inside you and watching it drip from your sex.  Even if he can’t give you children, the idea of burying his seed in you is an instinct he can’t shake.  Would love nothing more than to keep his cock inside you and fill you again and again with him cum until it spills out on the bed.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There are times he purposefully makes you angry because he knows how you’ll punish him later.  He’s not sure if you’ve caught on or not, but either way you play into his scheme perfectly.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very before you.  He was taken by Sidious at a very young age; as a Sith he was trained to forgo attachments and obey his master at every turn.  Sidious would not allow his apprentice any chance to form a connection with another aside from taking him back to Dathomir to fulfill a coming of age ritual where he was taken by a Night Sister.  After that, nothing. 
But, for what he lacks in experience, he makes up for in his willingness to learn.  He asks what you want, what you like.  He feels your reactions through the force and demonstrates a control you hadn’t found in previous lovers.  He can be patient when it counts.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves it when you’re both kneeling, with you straddling his waist a he thrusts up into you.  He’s able to reach deep inside you while allowing either of you to gain control as you wish it.  Not to mention easy access to your throat and breasts as he clings to you. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Maul is 99.9% of the time completely serious during sex.  Either his focus is entire on your pleasure or you’ve given him permission to work out his frustrations using your body.  The only time he’d crack a joke is if he’s feels particularly smug about the way he’s making you feels and wants to tease you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
No hair down below, because, well...he doesn’t really have a natural below.  I doubt Mother Talzin added hair just for the fun of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As I said before Maul has two modes; I need to fuck away my feelings OR you are the most important thing in the galaxy let me show you why.  When he’s in mode two, he’s the most intimate and romantic partner you can ask for, almost desperate in his attempt to show you how you make him feel.  If it’s option one, you’ll have to wait until after the sex to get the same treatment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pre-Naboo, he kept it on the down low.  He could only allow himself a moment’s release when his master wasn’t around.  And even then, it was only when he was particularly stressed or angry.  It was done quickly with no real thought of pleasure, just some kind of release if he couldn’t do it through violence.
After Naboo, it’s not really something he does because well...there’s not much down there for a good long while and after he gets some of his...parts back, he meets you.  With you, he doesn’t feel as compelled to use his hands.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink.  He can’t give you children, obviously, but there’s an almost instinct there.  Just another thing Kenobi took away form him.
Also, not sure if it’s a kink, but he’s an absolute switch.  One minute he’s squeezing your neck while using you as his personal cum bucket.  The next, he’s tied to the bed begging and promising you the galaxy if you just let him cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a bit of an exhibitionist. As much as he wants to be the only one to see you naked and writhing underneath him, there’s something about fucking you on the throne of Mandalor that sends a thrill up his spine.  Anyone can walk in and know that he’s the one making you feel this way.  He has the power to fuck you in front of the whole of Death Watch if he wanted to and none of them could touch you.  They would know you were his and as their leader they would not dare oppose him.
So, in terms of most common place, your bedroom.  In terms of most thrilling place, the throne room, followed by the war room, and then the training room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You getting angry is the hottest thing in the galaxy to him.  If you direct that anger into destroying your enemies in combat, even better.  He’ll take you the second you’re alone in the ship.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Roleplaying.  It’s you and him, that’s it.  He doesn’t want or need to “spice things up”.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving.  He loves your taste and how easily he can get you to cum with just his tongue.  He can feel your pleasure through the force which only drives his further.  Granted he needs to be mindful of where his horns are when you clamp him head between your thighs but that’s neither here nor there.
He’ll certainly accept you going down on him, but he knows it’s not as pleasurable for you to have a metal cock in your mouth no matter how good it feels for him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be slow an sensual, but it almost always devolves into rough desperation.  He’s a man of wild passions and it shows in the marks on your thighs the next morning.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You’re almost always the one to initiate them.  He says he can wait until the evening, but he’s often left working well into the night and forgets.  You take it upon yourself to strive into his office and tell him you need a good fuck.  That will get him away from the paper work long enough to leave your legs shaking and his mind a little more clear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s willing to try something you propose so long as you discuss it properly before hand.  He wants to make sure you’re safe before trying anything.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s absolutely insane how high his stamina is.  For one, he’s got a mechanical cock that doesn’t actually get soft even after he cums.  Second, his reliance on the force allows him to recoup faster than normal.  He can go for an many rounds as you can stand for as long as you want.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
That will be a negative.  He doesn’t have any toys and the idea of you having a toy when all you have to do is ask he finds more than a little insulting.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He always does it when he’s trying to win an argument or make a point, and it’s infuriating.  He likes hearing you beg or admit he was right all while he teases you clit with the promise of more.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Maul gets loud.  It’s almost a defiance.  His master would not allow him anything like this singular happiness with another being and now he’s taking it at his own pleasure.  He screams and growls and moans and begs and every other noise in the book.  He wants people to hear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Maul wants to have kids with you, and that fact that he can’t really aches at him.  He wants something that is truly his own; a legacy outside of the Sith, a final defiance to the master who abandoned him.  They would be the best of both of you and unparalleled in their power.  Nothing would stand in their way.  He can see it in his minds eye every time you fall asleep in his arms.  But, it can never be.  If Mother Talzin had figured out a way to make life without the need of Zabrak men, he wouldn’t have been a Night Brother in the first place.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Like I’ve said, Maul’s entire lower half is mechanical, including his cock.  Mother Talzin made him one which retracts back in when he’s not aroused.  It’s shaped like a Zabrak male: three ridges, each wider than the last giving him good length and girth (look up Nova: Bad Dragon). It also gives him pleasure, which is better than a dilo and excretes a synthetic cum when he climaxes.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s not so much a sex drive as a yearning for you.  There are times he just wants you, to hold you close, to bury himself inside you and forget anything exists outside of you.  It’s in flux, but it’s certainly higher than most men you’ve known.  You’re having sex at least every other night if not more.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t dare fall asleep until you do.  He likes the feeling of your body relaxing beside his as you drift off. He likes knowing you trust him to keep you safe, even in sleep.  Only when he knows there’s nothing lurking in the dark to take you away does he finally fall asleep.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Why do you think so many can't see that RWBY's writing isn't that good? I get why people enjoy the show despite it's poor writing. I'm not talking about that. I mean people who really do think it's such a well put together show that is only getting better and better.
I honestly think a lot of it comes down to how you watch the show. I’ve spoken extensively about how many fans tend to re-write RWBY’s scripts as they watch, overlaying scenes with their preferred interpretation, filling in that gap with a headcanon, assuming that this random detail is a pointed allusion/reference/symbol/etc. and then just... ignoring the rest. Everything that doesn’t fit into the concept of “RWBY is a fantastically written show” is either changed, justified, or if you can’t manage either, ignored. This is particularly easy to do if you’re a younger viewer, simply because you may not have engaged with and thought critically about enough similar shows to spot where RWBY is faltering. After all, a Hershey bar is the absolute best chocolate ever and will remain the best chocolate ever up until you get the chance to try, say, a Belgian chocolate from a skilled chocolatier. It’s all a matter of comparative reference. It’s also just easier to get emotionally caught up in the characters you adore when you’re a kid, pre-teen, or teenager. I say this not as a means of dismissing everyone who fits those ages, or to make claims that everyone supporting the show must be younger, but simply because that used to be me and I have experience with that exact phenomenon. I can clearly remember being ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, even eighteen years old, absolutely immersed in my favorite media and defending them with a passion as only a young fangirl can. I didn’t yet have the experience or the education to spot a lot of those problems for myself and the few times they were pointed out, I recoiled at the mere idea of someone saying my favorite thing was bad. I didn’t yet have the emotional maturity to separate a critique of something I loved from that love itself, so any attack on the story felt like an attack on my taste, my intelligence, even my identity. And a lot of that was pre-social media era. So now, combine that emotion, that passion, and that limited experience with a fandom who is able to get buddy-buddy with the creators. RT very much presents themselves as friends of the fans, whether that’s responding to someone’s tweet, referencing theories in Q&As, or giving explanatory rundowns on reddit. Now, in 2021, a critique of a show can feel both like an attack on the fan and an attack on the creators, people who are no longer just a face on the back of a book cover, or a celebrity you saw interviewed on TV once, but someone you “know.” How dare you say this doesn’t make sense when the explanation I personally made up is so well done? How dare you criticize the show I’m so emotionally attached to? How dare you say anything that implies the writers I feel like I’m pseudo-social media friends with aren’t geniuses? All of which is wrapped up in not recognizing that the knee-jerk response “How dare...” is a problem all its own. 
Obviously this quick, meandering response doesn’t even begin to touch on all the reasons why someone might defend the writing, or even do anything to prove that it’s actually bad (always a subjective opinion). But I’d say the fans’ relationship with the crew, limited experience with well written media doing similar things that RWBY is attempting, limited experience with analysis/how to test the cohesion of a story, and the sheer importance that RWBY as a franchise holds for many people all probably play a part. Interestingly though, for some RWBY has reached a point where even that instinctual desire to defend the show isn’t enough. This is the first volume I’ve seen where a significant number of fans are going, “I used to defend the show, but now...” That reaction is likely due both to the declining quality and the fact that these problems are now extending to fan favorites. Volume 6, when I got off the “RWBY is great” bandwagon, didn’t have as large an impact because the fandom as a whole didn’t care for Ozpin, so the writing problems connected to him were reframed as deserving for an “evil” character. But now, in Volume 8  — particularly the finale  — the favorite MCs are getting done dirty too, so even die-hard fans are pausing and entering the “I hope this volume was just a fluke” stage. It’s easy to come up with those explanations/ignore various problems when the characters you’re emotionally attached to are soaking up all the good parts of the volume. But with the bees still not confirmed, Penny dead, Watts dead, Jaune getting attention again, Maria forgotten, Yang taken out in one hit, etc... anyone whose interest relates on any of those aspects (and others) is suddenly wary post-episode 14. The stuff that we’ve said for years is a problem is now, suddenly, a problem for the parts of the show bigger chunks of the fandom are here for and that gets people to pay attention. 
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons for what camping with Joseph and Caesar be like? Especially if they're both crushing on reader? Thanks!
Joseph Joestar & Caesar Antonio Zeppeli: Camping with them
TW // none
Oh god. Oh dear. Dora wrote an actual request. Dora wrote an actual fucking work. Yes I did. I missed writing longer stuff. Hope I haven't lost my ability,,, Thank you for your request, dear! ♡ enjoy~
Camping with both Joseph Joestar and Caesar Antonio Zeppeli crushing on the reader. Neutral!reader
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Joseph is the one who suggests camping first. In his mind, it would have been cool, just him and you, in front of a warm fire, or maybe alone, in a tent... he even thought about confessing during camping.
When Caesar learns you're gonna go camping together, just you and Joseph, he's kinda upset. JoJo knows about his massive crush on you, why in the world would he invite you to spend some nights in camping alone? Without even asking, he just decides he's gonna tag along. Screw the gentleman side.
The young Joestar has decided: this is gonna be war. He knows Caesar has a crush on you, but he had been crushing on you too, why should he be the one giving up? The blonde guy always gets plenty of partners, not that Joseph's not popular too, but damn, if Caesar wants a partner, he can have anyone he wants. But not you, come on!
"Uhm... y/n?" Joseph would ask. "I'm kinda into saying goodbyes to pretty/handsome/stunning babes, can you pretend I'm going away for a long trip and you're telling me you're gonna wait for me? Yes- yes, I know you're gonna come with us, I was just wondering if you could pretend for a second..." dork.
After fighting over who would have driven the car with an intense and breathtaking Rock, Paper, Scissors session, Caesar won, jumping on the drivers' seat with a clear smug grin on his face, Joseph grunting something under his breath as he sat on the passenger's one.
What Joseph actually grunted was "You didn't even have to come with us..."
You must admit you aren't oblivious, about their crushes on you. On the contrary, you are aware of it, since they're being pretty obvious, and enjoy seeing them bickering with each other about every little stupid thing, just to impress you.
During the trip on the car, the driver actually changes. Caesar was being too busy trying to impress you by shooting bubbles out of his finger, for them to disappear in the air over your heads. Pretty romantic, not gonna lie, if it wasn't that he almost ran over three people and bumped against a wall, saying he totally did it on purpose.
With a victorious smirk on his mouth, Joseph switches seats with the young blonde Zeppeli, who's now pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest, but giggling when you tickle his neck to get a reaction from him.
Please. Someone get Joseph to stop singing. He's not bad, and sometimes he changes lyrics in some funny stuff, but after more than a hour of just hearing the Joestar singing, you feel like your eardrums are gonna explode. You appreciate him for this too, though. He's the soul of the party.
Let's enjoy some good advertising spots while Caesar and Joseph fight over which area of the wood you should choose to place your tent and light up your fire.
[Thank you for we're close to 500 !! Please hug me I crave love.]
End of advertising spots. In the end, you're the one who chooses where you're gonna set up your camping equipment, and suddenly the both of them fully agree with you, even if you purposely suggested an area that they had discarded from the start. How can two guys be so effortlessly obvious? You giggle, without them noticing.
Time to divide the tasks! Joseph is way more muscular than Caesar, this is why he's the one who's gonna set up the tents. Or at least, the tents he wants to set up. Obviously he had gotten rid of your tent someway, so that now there were only two tents, and you had to sleep in someone else's - hopefully his - tent.
Caesar had started setting up the fire with an old lighter and some wood laying around, while you took care of looking for some stronger wood, so that the flame wouldn't die during the night. You didn't want to be alone with a single one of them, this is why you left them alone to go looking for wood.
When it's time to eat the packed meals Suzie Q prepared for you before you left, both the boys offer you your favourite thing from their plates. You never accept, first of all because you don't want to play with their feelings, since it's clear that they're trying to prove who you prefer. Second of all, because you know Suzie knows her thing, and if she packed such different stuff for every single one of you, it probably means that food can be healthy in different ways for your bodies.
"Ho capito! I understood you got rid of y/n's tent for them to sleep with you, but they'll be so angry at you for this, they'll only want to sleep with me." the blonde italian boy would say, pointing his tapered finger against the american one.
You slept in Caesar's tent. Alone. You forced Joseph and Caesar to sleep together. The worst night of their lives. Won't guarantee the brown-haired didn't try to suffocate the blonde with the blanket.
Joseph won't be able to sleep at night, not just because of his companion's presence, but also because of the terrifying night sounds. Oh god. He's pretty sure a lion is gonna attack the three of you as soon as possible. You tried to explain several times, there's no lions in Italy, unless you're visiting a zoo.
Still, you found him calling you out of your tent at three AM, saying he wanted to protect you from the beasts that were approaching your area. You completely understood he just wanted to be comforted and protected himself, but you tried not to expose him too much, to keep his dignity up. You find no harm in a man being scared of something, but maybe he did, for his own reputation.
The following morning, Caesar woke up to you checking on the fire after you went to look for wood, and Joseph sleeping in your tent, understanding JoJo hadn't slept, not even a second, because of his fear. Why did he suggest going camping, if he's so afraid of sleeping in the wild, though...
The italian boy helped you reviving the flame with the wood you had found, but noticed your ankle was hurt. "You should have woken me up, signorina/o..." he says, in a scolding but almost playful tone. "I told you not to wander around when nobody's awake. What if your wound was worse and you got lost in the wood without being able to reach for us?"
Luckily, after some interesting hours of chaos, [see bonus scene at the end] the boys gently - and together, surprisingly - put you back into the car, and without fighting, decided Joseph would have driven. Caesar asked him only for the condition of not singing.
As soon as you got back home, the boys got scolded by Suzie Q herself, who blamed them of not being able to take proper care of her dearest friend - you -, and helped you to get inside the house to medicate your ankle properly.
"Why not getting the two of them?" this is the sentence that echoed into your mind for the rest of the night, a sentence Lisa Lisa had told you, when you talked to her about your feelings towards Caesar and her son. Getting the two of them, huh?
You had hurt your ankle, stumbling on a tree's root which was coming too much out from the ground. This is why, Caesar offered to help you and go get wood in your place, and you couldn't really choose whether to say yes or no. Even Joseph accepted Caesar helping you. Just because now he got to be alone with you until the Zeppeli boy was away, of course. You noticed it when he got closer to you, already blushing and clearing his voice.
"So... looks like we're alone, now." he mumbled, sitting next to you in front of the fire. It was pretty clear that he wanted to say something, and was being pretty bad at hiding it. Still, you nodded.
"Looks like it." You giggled, trying not to meet his gaze. Deep down, you wanted him to confess the same way you didn't. Because you knew you would have felt the same if Caesar was in his place. Why did this have to be so complicated?
"Look, I know Caesar tagged along and ruined everything, but I actually had invited you because I need to tell you something." Joseph finally admitted, fidgeting with a flower he had picked before. It's not like he had picked it thinking about giving it to you, but since he already had a flower in his hands, he thought this would have been a good start.
"Y-yes...?" you asked. You tried to keep it seriously, but lowkey failed, since you had noticed Caesar was probably around, and he had come back. You understood because of the giant, full of water bubble floating behind Joseph's back. Oh dear. Oh god. What was he gonna do?
If felt kinda wild, to know two guys were ready to fight this much for you. And not two random guys, but Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli... damn, couldn't they crush on you in different times? This sounded so difficult to deal with. But it still left that good feeling about being appreciated so much.
"I... y/n, this is what I wanted to tell you. It's that I actually lov- hhgg-!" you stared at him in shock, as the giant bubble wrapped around his head, stopping him from breathing and to confess anything more. You can't hide you admire people who can master it, but hamon is terrifying sometimes.
Without saying a single word, you turned around to look for Caesar, as he came out from behind a tree, some good branches to be burnt under his armpit.
"Come on, free him. I'm pretty sure he won't say it, now that you're here." you said. You were happy he stopped Joseph from confessing, but on the other hand, you would have wanted him to tell you. Or Caesar to tell you, as well.
"But what if I said it instead?" the italian boy asked, pulling your leg on his lap to check on your ankle. As he didn't want to embarrass you even more than Joseph, he suddenly changed the topic. "I remember some tricks with bandages an old nonna taught me. I'll take care of this, okay?" well, this was... fine? Surely better than a straight confession.
"Mhmhkay." you mumbled, as he released his hamon to let Joseph breathe. The english boy furiously turned towards Caesar, who shrugged unbothered.
"It'll take a while for him to be able to attack me back. I messed up his breath's pace. No decent hamon." he explained, as you laughed, hearing Joseph's distressed noises in the background.
This really would have been a camping to remember.
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wilwheaton · 4 years
You've probably answered this before, but— would you enjoy playing Wesley as a villain if he returned to Trek as a Q-esque antagonist? You wouldn't want to call him W for obvious reasons...
So even though he was a young man the last time we saw him, I don’t think it’s in his character to be a childish and petulant as Q, who I’ve always thought of as whatever the equivalent of a teenager is, in the Collective.
Q reminds me of someone who takes one class in philosophy and suddenly thinks he’s Voltaire. He delights in tormenting Picard, and I think Q truly believes he’s challenging and sparring with him, but I don’t see it that way. Your headcanon may vary, and it’s valid, obviously.
I hope that, if we ever see Wesley again, he’ll reflect the wisdom and grace that he’s developed since he left the physical constraints of the universe as we understand it. I hope that, given that power and freedom, Wesley would elevate to the kindest, gentlest, most understanding and graceful being he could possibly become.
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mythvoiced · 3 years
ALLOW ME TO PLACE THESE Q'S HERE FOR OUR FAVE GOBLIN: Besides meat, what other foods does he find delight in? What's something that gives him utter peace as soon as it's there? How was his life during the Joseon era? Are there certain things in the past that he wishes could be available in the modern world, or is he fully comfortable with what's at hand? How would he feel if a particular gumiho suddenly hugged him from behind? 👀 LOVE YOU
-. @jeoseungsaja | Alex I would literally kill for you, if anybody ever comes at you, let them know I’ll be the last thing they see, BECAUSE I LOVE Y O U
This got so loNG I’MS O sorr y- Also look at this gif taken from the pack you sent me the link of <W<
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-. Besides meat, what other foods does he find delight in? Would saying ‘fish’ be a bit too close to meat? Okay, that aside I do think Shin has a rather varied palate, mostly because he's had plenty of time to visit any place he’d wanted to visit and explore dishes and specialities to the point where it would be extremely shameful if he chose to not keep an open mind about new dishes. I also think he’s particularly fond of Korean dishes (in a similar fashion to Hyun) simply because it feels like home, especially if it’s traditional enough that it can bring him back to the beginning of it all, perhaps without reminding of the contexts that had made the beginning difficult. And I also think he might be a little bit of a gourmet: he’ll absolutely eat what he can get, considering how fond he seems to be of beer he can’t say he doesn’t like junk food or anything you could get and/or make easily. But for some reason I have a feeling that Shin thinks of food in a ‘the eye wants its part too’ fashion, meaning that he also enjoys when something looks good, when it’s presented well, and when it looks like it’s trying to make an impression - which is something we’ve seen him do before. Kim Shin is characterised by an interesting combination of ancient and modern, old and young, where he is both wise and petulant, reliable and petty, and these many contrasts living within his personality, can present themselves in something as simple as cuisine, too. So, yeah, he’ll eat ramyeon. But also that Canadian steak. And he loves homemade... and sitting in fancy restaurants.
-. What’s something that gives him utter peace as soon as it’s there? The people he loves. The Goblin has lived so long, has seen so many things, has owned a great deal of trinkets, properties, treasures. But nothing material can bring him the peace that the people he holds dear to his heart can. Because even objects with value only have said value because they remind him of those he’s had to move on from, loved ones he no longer gets to see. So, he might show anger at losing a plate Louis XIV used to eat on, but did that plate bring him peace? No. Does knowing Ji Eun-tak is safe, sleeping in a room in his house, hopefully soundly, bring him peace? Yes. Does the pitter patter of Saja’s houseslippers headed towards his bedroom bring him peace? Yes. Does purposefully ignoring Deok-hwa’s faux innocent smile in his peripheral asking him for money bring him peace? Yes. Simply getting to sit there and witness the people he loves be themselves, alive, hopefully well, going about their existence by pursuing their hobbies, engaging in their quirks and habits, is the most Shin doesn’t dare to ask for. That’s when he’s tranquil: when he gets to see those he loves be, free of plight, or imminent danger. When he’s sitting on their couch and watching Eun-tak spread her homework across their coffee table and occasionally shoot him that special smile, while Saja slurps on his milk and gets too invested in a drama playing on TV, and Deok-hwa is walking into the room babbling about some girl-related nonsense, well... What more can he possibly want?
-. How was his life during the Joseon era? I remember one shot of Shin in Joseon era, I think he’s sitting at a table and having a good time, possibly even gossiping about something, I don’t remember the episode this scene was in, nor can I find it anywhere else, but unless I’m having brain fry, I vaguely remember his appearance as well: according to his outfit, he must have been a yangban. Yangban is sort of what you could have considered nobility at the time, the ruling class of the Joseon dynasty, made up of military officials and/or scholars. Why am I mentioning this? Well, because obviously Kim Shin would have found a way to become a yangban. The title/class of Yangban is, this all according to my research so if I’m wrong shoot me and pls correct me, something a man had to earn by passing certain exams/attending a school, that would basically qualify them for the social status that would then turn the entire family into a yangban family (also because women couldn’t take these exams and studies, nor become officials or scholars, but could still inherit the title of yangban female from their fathers, for example). So, how was his life during the Joseon era? Well, high class I would say. I don’t remember what was being discussed in that scene, so I can’t say for sure, but I can’t see Shin choosing to become a military official yet again. Considering his experiences with the empire while serving it as a general, I can see Shin simply defying from the crown by minding his own and no longer offering his self and his services in any direct way to the palace. I can see him as a scholar, perhaps simply living his life as a yangban male and every now and then attending a few things just to maintain his status, all while he simply continued to explore the country and play pranks on other officials. And I can’t tell you why, but I can absolutely see him play pranks on other officials, or sneak some reading material to a daughter, or monopolise the attention of court ladies just because he can, going as far, of course, as he can get away with flirting with anyone at the time. He most definitely grew fond of a few faces here and there, since Shin is literally incapable of not growing fond of someone, once you enter his heart, you simply do, it’s far too big for a man like him, and far too willing, far too desiring, desiring to give and receive love, to give and receive attention, to give and receive the warmth and familiarity of connections. So, he led a good life, definitely financially speaking and simply in terms of quality, he was probably annoying for some, and probably avoided the very centre of palace life, because I can see him not wanting to have as much to do with royalty anymore.
-. Are there certain things in the past that he wishes could be available in the modern world, or is he fully comfortable with what's at hand? Shin is the sentimental type. I’m not even headcanoning it, and even if he attempts to hide it, he usually does an awful job at hiding just how much he cares and how much things affect him. He’s very loud and almost obnoxious at times in his reactions, he explains himself the same way a child might at times, he’s excitable, and he doesn’t feel shame to show Saja how much it matters to him, what impression he’d make in front of Eun-tak. He cares, and while vocal admittances are usually reserved for those very serious moments, he’s always proving just how sentimental he is. So, I would say, it’s a yes to both those alternatives. First the latter: yes, he’s fully comfortable with what’s at hand, because the modern world simply has so much to offer that he enjoys. Even if he doesn’t understand it or make regular use of it, you can see him move about the modern world rather comfortably, learn about any new customs, institutions, or ways of living. He keeps himself up to date (the business card thing, I swear-), he likes to tap into new passions and likes. And at the same time, he loves the world he came from. I always feel like, compared to perhaps Hyun, who I’m mentioning here because you know him which makes comparison easier (;3), who doesn’t feel himself to belong in any particular era but rather to existence as a whole, whenever I watch Shin, he’s extremely self-aware of the fact that his time on Earth has long ‘expired’. Other than the fact that he literally should have died back in Goryeo, one of the things that kind of fortifies this idea for me is what Shin looks like when he does actually die (and then returns): he’s dressed in the same clothes he wore when he ‘died’ in Goryeo. Shin’s soul seems to belong to Goryeo still, and as such, the life he’d led at the time (now, personal interpretation) somehow feels like The life, his life, while all the centuries that followed had been the extension. The culture, the habits, the food, the garments, anything, honestly, that belongs to Goryeo feels as if it’s something Shin knows, things he grew up with, things that shaped him, that was his time, and the modern world, Joseon, they’re times he’s visiting, even if it’s against his will. That’s the vibes I get. And I realise this answer is perhaps a little too much in contrast to the question :’3
-. How would he feel if a particular gumiho suddenly hugged him from behind? 👀 Oh YEAH- Now, I could answer this question by dipping into what we’ve seen Shin do in the canon in romantic scenarios/romantic-coded scenes, but I don’t want to. Because I don’t want to recycle reactions and demeanour he portrayed for/relating to Eun-tak, I want to explore what he does, and who he is, in the particular world that is verse 4 (because, this is a particular verse for Shin as well, since Yeo’s the bride <w<). SO, the reaction obviously always depends on what stage of their relationship they’re in <w< In the canon, he usually startles when Saja does anything remotely romantic(-coded?) (well, safe for some scenes where he looks a little surprised but not displeased-), but in my boat- Circumstances are different, Yeo/the person is different, and they’ve been interacting differently. I think at a point in time in which nothing has been said but a lot has perhaps been done and/or hinted at, insinuated, he’d probably startle and not really know what to do with himself. The worry that this is just a fox-antic meant to tease him or poke fun at him might be small, but very much present, so he’d just try to play it off with some lame line, half-jokingly insinuating Yeo’s being sweet because he wants something, or even straight up interpret it as Yeo holding onto him because he stumbled and Shin was just... there, to hold onto to so he doesn’t have to fall flat on his face. Have things been... discussed though, honestly, we know sometimes Shin acts like a shy virgin, which is honestly adorable, and he might even act that way a little bit in this scenario where he just has that goofy smile on his face and is doing that flustered shifty eyes thing, but I also like to think that the moment Yeo’s arms are around him, Shin just.. laughs. Like, a warm, heartful chuckle, as he leans back into Yeo’s chest and just kind of leans his head back and turns it enough to be able to look at Yeo, give him a silly flirty one-liner, maybe try to get a kiss out of hi- Or he’ll end up turning around in his arms still to grab his face and SMOOCH HIM- Might be vary slightly depending on what Shin’s doing, but this is the gist of it, yet, no matter what, sMOOCH FINALE-
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sou-ver-2-0 · 3 years
Random question go! Generally speaking, what do you think each character's music preferences are? (you don't have to do *everyone*, though.)
I ended up doing almost everyone!! Not the dummies, though. Follow @shintsukimistan if you want headcanons for them! Also, you should just follow shintsukimistan because her posts are the nicest things on this website. :)
She’s the master of this sort of thing, coming up with headcanons that are concise and fun, but I gave this my best shot.
I’m starting with her since she obviously cares the most about music. I loved all the little details in Reko’s backstory about her musical journey. Ever since she was a kid, she listened to “Classical, folk, heavy metal, […] all of it.” Once “old bastards in the music industry” took control of her career, she started “making music [her] heart wasn’t in,” which I imagine was probably cheesy pop music. This led her to “rebel” and become a “rocker”!
Reko must know all the differences between genres of rock music, which I don’t. I’m confident that her taste is leagues above everyone else’s. She’s very hardcore and fun. I’m sure her preference is rock music, but I bet she enjoys any kind of music that’s smart. She must respect any musician with genuine talent. I want her to tell me what bands to listen to so I can be cool.
Alice’s musical tastes probably mirror Reko’s, since he must have listened to whatever she listened to. Alice doesn’t understand music as well as Reko does, but he would be fond of whatever she likes, since he loves her. They both look very cool and punk rock.
My sister and I came up with a headcanon that Alice, the stupid drummer in Reko’s band, got to write and sing a few songs to go on her albums. His lyrics are banal and his melodies aren’t original but he sings with a lot of heart.
Joe likes Reko’s new band, Skullnutz. This is canon.
Although, Joe doesn’t strike me as a hardcore rocker. I bet he listens to whatever is popular. And he reads gossip about all the musicians in magazines.
Now I’m starting to think that Sara is too busy to keep up with the current musical trends, because she is too busy with schoolwork. (This was literally me in school.) So, it’s Joe’s responsibility to put on music while she’s studying and try to cheer her up. If it weren’t for Joe, Sara would only listen to the old-fashioned songs her parents play on the radio.
One of my favorite little moments in YTTD is when Sara can tell Reko that she likes to sing, and they’ll both sing together. Sara can also say that she doesn’t like singing, so it’s up to the Player how she feels, but! My Sara likes to sing. I think she associates singing with karaoke with Joe and Ryoko. Even though I don’t think Sara knows a lot about music, she enjoys it earnestly.
I think Nao would like folk music! It’s soft and artsy and makes her feel like an old soul. She plays it when she’s painting.
If Nao and Reko had more time to develop their friendship, I think they would influence each other’s tastes a lot! Nao would listen to more rock music, and Reko would be reminded of the folk songs she liked as a child.
From YTTS, we know that Mishima saw that One Cool Rock Band in his youth that Reko really liked. We also have hints of Mishima being a “hoodlum” when he was younger, so maybe he actually liked really dirty music, haha.
However, it’s easier for me to imagine Mishima playing classical music for his art students. Music that is lovely and entirely appropriate for kids! I think he’d like that too. Just seems to fit his vibe.
Funnily enough, I actually wrote about Kai’s musical tastes in my fanfiction, so I’m obligated to write about him here, haha. I imagined that he listens to all kinds of musical genres without having a favorite kind. I think he is a lonely, “oddball” person who will listen to anything random he finds online, and he won’t try to fit in with anyone else. One day, Mr. and Mrs. Chidouin come home to find Kai vacuuming the house with Bollywood music playing in the background, and the next week he’s listening to jazz.
He doesn’t consider himself an “expert” on anything, and certainly not on what’s popular. But he enjoys music sincerely. I suppose I just made him parallel Sara that way!
I just googled “what kind of music do manly men like.” (That didn’t help me, haha.)
Well, we know he spent time in the U.S.A. for a while where he learned how to shoot guns, so… He probably likes country music, haha. I bet he listens to a lot of that while he’s working out and training!
I’m suddenly thinking that Q-Taro likely is the best at speaking English in this group, and maybe listening to American country songs helped him learn!
You know… It’s hard for me to imagine Keiji caring that much about music? Since he feels dead inside…
But I know he doesn’t like to be left alone with his thoughts, so I can picture him turning on the radio and playing literally whatever, anything to distract him. Even static.
If you ask Keiji what music he likes, he just laughs really loudly and says “your voice” or something weird like that.
What music is “cool” for little boys to like? I don’t know? He probably listens to pop music but gets insulted if anyone plays something too “childish” for him.
Gin’s primary interest is animals, so maybe he googles “jungle sounds” and listens to birds and monkeys while he’s doing his homework.
I bet that Kanna likes the cheesy silly pop songs that Reko hates.
Kanna probably has posters of adorable young pop stars in her bedroom. She dances to their songs with Kugie when they’re alone together.
Kanna’s tastes are very sincere and we stan and protect her.
Shin probably listens to videogame soundtracks like I do, lol.
I often envision him listening to funky electronic music befitting a hip computer hacker, like you’d see in the movies, but I don’t think he actually has a clue on what’s “hip.”
Shin is probably self-conscious about whatever music he’s enjoying at the moment, because he’s used to Sou making fun of him. This leads to him mumbling nonsense whenever people ask him what music he likes.
Shin would never make fun of Kanna for her tastes. That is not his style. He listens to whatever she likes and nods along.
This was a fun question to tackle, thanks. :)
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