#number plate area codes
child-care-services · 2 years
What Should You Know About  4d Plates
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What You Should Know About 4D Printing and How It Will Change the Future
The world we live in is constantly evolving, and new technologies arise almost every day. however, we are now present in an era where a lot of these innovations are more accessible than ever before. One such innovation that has gained a lot of attention lately is 4D printing. This type of additive manufacturing involves a process that goes beyond simply adding layers to create a 3D printed object or 4d Reg Plates Legal. Instead, it also monitors changes in conditions and creates secondary functions with the final product. Here’s what you must know about this technology and how it will change the future...
What is 4D Printing?
First off, let’s discuss what 4D printing actually is. This type of printing is a process that starts with 3D printing. 3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing that creates a 3D object from a digital file. This printed object is created layer by layer through a process called deposition modeling. The object is built from the ground up by depositing material – typically a powder of some sort – onto a build plate. What is different about 4D printing is that the process also monitors changes in conditions and creates secondary functions with the final product.
How Does 4D Printing Work?
The process of 4D printing is similar to traditional 3D printing in a few ways. The main difference is that 4D printing adds sensors, actuators, and a controller. These extra elements allow for the alteration of the final product which is not possible with traditional 3D printing. The process starts with a digital model of the final product. This model is then sliced into smaller layers that are used to create the 3D printed object. The extra sensors, actuators, and controllers are integrated into the printed object. They are programmed to monitor conditions like temperature, humidity, movement, etc., and then respond accordingly. A common example of this is an indoor plant that has a changeable color pattern. The plant’s leaves might be printed with colored ink that is temperature-sensitive. This means that the colour of the leaves will change according to the temperature in the room.
Why Is 4D Printing Important?
The main reason that 4D printing is important is that it allows us to create products that are more functional. Many of the items we tend to use in our everyday lives are made up of multiple components. But these components are often designed with the intention of lasting forever. They don’t let us know when they need to be replaced or repaired. This can mean that they fail without us even knowing they needed attention. By using 4D printing, we can create products with sensors and actuators that let us know when they need our attention. This means we can use components that don’t last forever but instead have a lifespan that we can program ourselves. This is important because it can reduce waste and save us money.
4D Printing Applications and Benefits
4D printing has a number of applications, ranging from medical devices to clothing. Let’s take a look at a few examples of how 4D printing can be applied and the benefits that each of these applications has to offer. Clothing - The fashion industry has been a driving force in the development of new technologies. This is somehow especially true with the advent of digital manufacturing. And while digital manufacturing has allowed designers to take great advantage of 3D printing, what many have found is that a little extra functionality goes a long way. Objects - The main advantage of 4D printing is that it allows for the creation of multi-functional products. This means that the final product can be tailored to the needs of its user. This can be especially useful in products designed for the medical industry. Tools - Tools are some of the most commonly used products in the world. It is through these products that many of us use to complete our daily tasks. As such, tools are an area where the benefits of 4D printing can be highly applied. Food - Food is an area where functionality is essential for health and safety reasons. It is also an area where 4D printing can greatly improve upon current food production techniques.
Limitations of 4D Printing
While 4D printing is a fascinating technology, it does come with some limitations. The main limitation is that it is much more expensive than traditional 3D printing. This is because the process includes additional sensors, actuators, and controllers. Because of this, 4D printing is often reserved for industries with a high-profit margin. This includes medical devices, automotive, and aerospace. There are also many applications that are better suited to traditional 3D printing due to the added expense of 4D printing. These include custom clothing and consumer goods. Another limitation of 4D printing is its speed. While 3D printing is often done at high speeds, 4D printing is slower because it processes each piece individually.
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peachesofteal · 6 months
Soap x Cypher's masterlist 18+ mdni / dark and twisty themes / dubcon / explicit, spanking Soap/female reader Sergeant MacTavish teaches you a lesson about honesty
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"Yeah?" You barely look up, too focused on the raw data that's filtering across your screen.
"Laswell asked for you." You don't hear it at first, the request. You're too lost in the lines and lines of code, numbers, letters, symbols all working together, where is it, where- "Cypher!" your coworker barks, and you jump.
"Shit. Sorry... what?"
"Laswell. Upstairs. Briefing room. Now?" Your lips quirk, head hanging. Yeah, guess you deserved that.
"Did she say for what?"
"No. And it's not my place to ask." They jerk their head, and you lockdown your console. Fine.
Station Chief Laswell scares you. She's probably one of the smartest people you've ever met, quick with analysis, observation, she can read a situation from top to bottom in less than three seconds. She knows everyone, and everything.
And, she handles the 141.
You don't have frequent interaction with her. You report to her, ultimately, but it's hard to understand where she falls on the org chart. It's hard to understand where you fall on the org chart, if you're being honest, since you're not military, just a civilian contractor. All of the authoritative titling and chain of command makes your head spin a little bit, and you've pretty much decided to ignore it all. Keep your head down, do your job, mind your ps and qs. Your yes sirs and no sirs.
You tap your knuckles against the briefing room door.
"Come in." It's a man's voice, a deep, smooth voice with a British accent, and it makes you pause, confused. I thought Laswell was up here?
You push the door open, hesitantly, and what you find makes your stomach nearly crawl up into your mouth.
The 141 are in here. You glance around hastily before finding Laswell, eyes a little wider than you’re comfortable with. They’re all seated at the table, looking at you, and when you peek at Sergeant MacTavish, he cocks his head so subtly, you might have missed it. Fuck. Shit. Why is he looking at you like that? You think you might pass out. Why do you feel like this around him?
"Gentleman. This is the civilian specialist I told you about." She gestures to you, giving them your government name before continuing, and they all nod. "This is Captain Price, Lieutenant Riley, Sergeant Garrick, and Sergeant MacTavish." She points to each, making the introductions to which you nod, and smile, trying as hard as you can to make eye contact so they don't think you're rude. When she gets to MacTavish, your stomach heats, and on instinct, your eyes drop to the floor before glancing back up to find him focused on you, jaw tight, eyes narrowed.
"You're Cypher." Lieutenant Riley comments, and you nod, surprised. How does he know you?
"That's uh... my nickname. Sir."
“Cypher is our resident analytics expert, and we believe she’s located your targets.” Laswell continues, tapping a key on her laptop that wakes up the black screen of the giant TV. You do a double take when you see your work up there, your lists of compiled data, cross matched and sorted. “I was hoping you could walk them through some of this.” Oh. Oh no. Talk to them?
“Uh okay.” Your fingers find each other, instinctually, trying to pick and tear at your skin as your heart rate speeds up. “This is-“ you glance at the screen, and then back at their expectant faces. Sergeant MacTavish is watching you, predatory gleam in his eyes, and you gulp. Is it hot in here? It’s hot in here. “This is a highlight of hot zones in two different target cities. It’s pulled from local agencies’ databases, everything from license plate readers to residency records, IP hits and census information. After cross matching with all possible identities for your targets, family members, associated persons, patterns of behavior, I confidently believe I've identified and located your subjects, and they reside in these areas.”
"You know who they are?" The Captain asks, surprised, and you nod.
“How confident are ye?” Sergeant MacTavish asks, and you blink.
“Uh, like ninety percent” He looks… displeased. “Sir.” You tack on at the end, hoping to see some sort of approval for it, and when it doesn’t come, the ache inside you widens.
“I like those odds. Heard you were good, but this is something' else. Our intelligence has been working on ID'ing these guys for months with no luck.” Sergeant Garrick raises an eyebrow, exchanging a look with his Captain, and you brighten a little bit. Okay, that’s good. Right? You did good?
“Not sure ninety percent is good enough.” Sergeant MacTavish answers, and Laswell nods like she agrees. You wilt. Welp. And now your boss agrees. “Can ye show me the raw data?”
“I- sure, it’s…” you snap your mouth shut abruptly when he stands, and motions for you to follow him out the door.
“Let’s go then.”
You don’t make it back down to your console. Instead, he pushes you inside a maintenance closet, hand firm on your shoulder, guiding you down to your knees in the back, behind a shelf.
“Sergeant I don’t understand, I-“
“Ye tryin’ to send us out on a wild goose chase?”
“What?” You stare up at him, jaw slack. He’s terrifying, lit by damp, yellow light, arms crossed in front of his chest. There’s something in the way he looks at you, something that makes your thighs press together instinctively and at the same time, your heart starts palpitating. “Sir, I don’t-“ his hand darts forward, pinching your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, squishing them just a bit with a menacing smile.
"Are ye tryin' to send us on a wild goose chase? Yes or no, specialist."
"Nossir." It mushes together in your mouth, vowels trapped between your cheeks, and he nods.
"I didnae think ye were." He releases you, only to step closer, and you gulp when his hands find the waistband of your pants. "Take these to yer knees. Now."
"My... my pants?"
"Aye." When you don't move, he sighs. "Ye dinnae want me to have to ask a second time, do ye?" And no, you don't. Because you're sure whatever is coming will be far worse if you test his patience.
It's humiliating, dropping the pants to your knees, and the mortification gets even worse when his finger slips under the hem of your very boring, generic brand black cotton thong, pulling it with a yank so it jerks you forward and you almost trip.
"Sergeant... Sir, I'm sorry, I-"
"Why are ye sorry? Stay put." He turns away for a second, locating an old, fold up chair that he sets up where he was standing, settling into it with his knees spread. "Now, come."
"I'm sorry, I don't know why... why this is happening, I don't understand." You try to explain your confusion, but it all comes out as nonsense, and he nods, sympathetically, like he's sad for you, in a mocking, cruel way.
He taps his thigh.
"Hips here." He instructs, moving you like a doll when you start to bend down, pressing your belly against one leg, your breasts and collarbone against the other, ass in the air. "Bleedin' Christ. Ye sure are a sight." He squeezes you, fingers rough in the swell of your cheeks, before smoothing over the skin of your hip, pressing a firm palm to the small of your back. "Do ye know why we're doin' this?"
"No." You whisper, eyes closed. You don't know why you're doing any of this, why he's doing it. You don't know why he picked you, why he keeps you in his sights, why he has you bent over his knee. You don't know why you felt floaty and fucked up after the first time, why you dreamt about it, why you felt like you needed it. This is wrong. Isn't it? He swats your ass, barely a tap, and you flinch. "Sir. Sorry. Sir."
"Ye said you were ninety percent."
"I did."
"But I know, ye're better than ninety percent, aren't ye, my wee genius?" Your lungs are burning with the breath you're holding, and you let it out in a burst.
"Yes." You whisper to the floor.
"Why did ye lie?" The question is followed by a swing of air, and then a palm is stinging across your skin, pin prickles of pain making you whimper. "Count."
"One-e." You gasp. He doesn't pull his punches. He strikes fast. True. Twice in a row, the intensity making you choke on a whine. "Two, three. I didn't."
"Ye did." He rubs the point of impact, cooing at your ass like it needs comfort, before asking again. "Why did ye lie?"
"I wasn't, I-" Smack. This one comes in the exact same spot, a cruel choice, and you bite down on your lip, eyes scrunching shut. "Four."
"Why did ye lie?" You don't answer right away, and he swings, palm swatting down onto your other cheek, skin rippling beneath the hit. It steals your breath, and he prompts you again, with the same question, and you fail to answer, his response coming swiftly against you, smacking raw against burning skin. It's starting to shift now, the pain blurring the lines between uncomfortable and unbearable, while also taking on a different characteristic all together, one that has blood rushing beneath your skin, clit rubbing against the front of your pulled tight thong uncomfortably, not enough contact or pressure to do anything, but enough to drive you insane. You blink, trying to keep yourself together, trying to prevent floating away into space somewhere.
"Sir!" You pant, and he laughs, shadow of a hand swinging through the air, landing against you with a resounding crack.
"Tell me. Why did ye lie?"
"I-" You scramble for an answer. Why did you lie? Why didn't you just say the truth, the facts. What you knew, without a doubt. Why did you lie? "I was scared."
"Of what?"
"Of... of the room. Of making a mistake."
"But ye didnae make a mistake. Ye found a needle in a haystack." You nod. He's right, you did. "So the next time I ask ye how confident ye are, ye say one hundred. Ye tell everyone in that room, that ye did something other people can't, and ye own it."
"Y-yes sir." You whisper, and he runs a palm over the screaming skin of your ass.
"Good girl." He murmurs, your lower lip trembling. "Ye did good for me. So good."
"Thank you." You sniffle, and he shifts your body, lowering you to your knees in front of the chair, pants bunched under your bones like a little cushion.
"Sir?" You ask, confused as he pats your cheek, bending to press a long, hot kiss to your mouth, fingertips stroking across your pussy, overtop your underwear, before pulling back with a devilish smirk.
“Open.” He instructs, and your eyes widen. “Not goin’ tell ye again, sweet Cy. Open. Now.” You do, lips parting, mouth cranking wide, and he removes his fingers, hand drifting to his pants. Oh, fuck.
If your mouth wasn’t already hanging open, it would have dropped to the floor when he pulled his cock free. It’s long, long enough that it’s intimidating, and thick, probably as wide as your wrist, flushed red at the tip. There’s a bead of pre come dripping from the head, cozy crop of brown curls at the base.
“S-s-sir.” You squeak, and he smiles, cupping the back of your head as he taps your lips with it. "It won't- I can't, it's too-"
"I'll teach ye." He grunts, feeding you his cock slowly, tears falling down over your cheeks when he presses it into the back of your throat, as much as you can go, not even to the root yet. "That's it. Jus' like that, easy." He uses your mouth, your face, hand firm on the back of your head, stroking in and out between your lips until they go numb, faster and faster until you believe you might pass out, cock head jamming down past your tongue, blocking your airway with each thrust. You think you might black out. You could be blacked out right now, and not even know. You're not positive you're still in your body, the body with a sore, stinging ass, wet pussy, and occupied mouth, your Sergeant using you as he sees fit, determined to possess you like some sort of demon. You gag on him, throat seizing, and he pushes through it, bound and determined, your name a ragged whisper whistling through his teeth. "Fuck, swallow it. Dinnae lose a drop." He grits, and then plunges all the way, flooding you with sticky, sour salted earth that pours down your throat, hot come dripping down into your stomach.
You sit there, on your knees, after, stunned, unmoving. He shifts around you, pulling your pants up, fixing your hair, wiping your face. He's speaking to you too, murmuring soft words in your ear, lips touching your cheek, your temple, something about how good you are, how sweet, how he's not going to let anything happen to you, how you don't have to worry, because he's here now- and you slip into it like you're falling into your bed, closing your eyes and drifting away, melting into his side when he gathers you up, cradles you against his chest.
"C'mon sweet Cy. Let's get ye to bed."
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
Disabling locks on public bathrooms so that people don't have to pay to access them/aren't locked out to discourage unhoused folks from using them is fun and easy.
Some very simple ways to do this that work in a shocking number of situations that require minimal tools and can be done while attracting minimal notice include:
Pack the hole in the strike plate with toilet paper/paper towels/etc so the bolt can't slide into the latch.
If the lock requires a numeric code, get the code and write it in permanent marker by the handle.
Just prop or lock the door open if that's an option available to you.
Slide a thin piece of material (maybe a business card, or shopping club card) between the bolt and the strike plate as you close the door and leave it there to less visibly prop the door open.
More complicated/risky/high effort/tool-requiring methods include:
Tape over the strike plate (depending on the lock you may need to tape a thin piece of plastic or metal over the strike plate, since some bolts will just punch through tape)
Detach the pneumatic closer from the wall inside the bathroom so the door can't automatically shut.
Disassemble the lock (varies a lot by lock/door type, don't try this without a plan and some experience with locks and the area)
There are some higher risk options for specific situations (for example, picking or disabling padlocks on park bathrooms) but lockpicks or bolt cutters are not things you want to get caught with, so either don't try it or don't get caught.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Anatomy of a lie: the French connection
With a very short day in sight at the office, I exceptionally go back to the whole Rash sightings colossal bullshit, for the sake of science. By now, we know *urv denied sending the submittal to Deux Moi: something I also expected to happen, in the context of her current feud with Miss Marple (way more reasonable and probably also way better informed).
Going back on memory lane, let's remember how the Rash Innuendo started. With this, conveniently kept under covers and then brought to light when Rash's name was out on the market:
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I have one very important thing to comment: no one, no woman in her right mind, no matter if she is an art gallery owner, a lawyer, a teacher, a pop star on drugs or a fashionista wannabe (like Rash) would ever wear a baseball cap inside a French restaurant that is not: a) a trucker's pit stop joint on l'Autoroute du Soleil (the Sun Highway, A6/A7, relays Paris to Marseille) or b) a Burger King franchise in Seine-Saint-Denis (the infamous Neuf-Trois, or 93, after the INSEE's topographical code number for car plates and counties: in short, Paris's metropolitan area Bronx, if you wish, where all the riots start). Especially "a bougie" one: you do not have the slightest clue about real, living and breathing bourgeois French women (madame Mère's friends and also my own uni mates), quite a different species from the Californian one. Rash is anything but bourgeois, Canadian or not (yet a Canadian who lived in Paris and as such must be familiar with that code). I am talking string of pearls and tailleur Chanel/ petite robe noire and Vuitton bag and Louboutins. On a daily basis and even on the subway. Not baseball caps and scattered shopping bags at the Hôtel Costes.
No client of that restaurant (I forgot to mention yesterday) would ever take pictures with their phones. This informed me about the fact (FACT) you have never been to France, let alone ever set foot in a French high-end joint. French people prefer living their social life outside of their homes. When invited at someone's place for dinner, you can be sure you are, by now: a) intimate; b) a very close, trusted and valued friend; c) someone to be absolutely included in their social circle, for various reasons (high level networking dinners in Paris come to mind: something I know very well). So, restaurant it is for everything like: bantering, flirting, getting to know each other, spending quality time with witty and hysterically funny people, looking for a new job, getting a new job, looking for a new investor in your projects, the possibilities are endless. That being said, conversation at that table is sacred: your full attention must be there at all times, repartee and consistency are expected. No one, literally no one will spend their time scanning the room for a B-list actor kissing a blonde trophy woman in public, nonetheless. Read my lips: not a soul - they would be all engrossed in whatever the talk is about at their table.
The game shifted to a superior gear with this French speaking Anon:
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Someone saw something louche/amiss in all this and reacted:
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The French is NOT 'too good'. That French is semi-vulgar and provincial, as in the crude and pauper ils étaient l'un sur l'autre (I was expecting a je te jure/ I swear to you that never came and it usually does). And what to say about elle semble beaucoup plus réelle que les autres filles? It's Google Translate all the way. A real, walking talking French person would have said something along the lines of: elle semble beaucoup plus crédible/vraisemblable que les autres filles (she looks way more credible than the other girls), simply because réel(le), in spoken and written nowadays French, always applies to concepts, never to people: un réel plaisir (very contrived), for instance. C'est quelqu'un de réel means absolutely nothing and I would laugh like a drain if I heard someone telling me something like this. Last but not least, despite insisting it was a different Anon, they all seem to use the same words: they had lots of fun/ils s'amusaient vraiment. Something you use all the time, too. Of course.
Keep your hands off France, madam. Très facile de s'y prendre les pieds dans le tapis. And for once, I am not going to translate, since you speak it so well and I am sure you got the message.
PS: The closest to a real French bourgeois woman (last pics included) is C. And FYI, that is not my style: I dress like a preppy since I was 15 and I am very happy with it.
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connected ch 7
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, maybe a tiny little splash of angst
word count: ~2.3k
warnings: attempted SA (it’s not real), knife attack (also not real), crying, pet names
masterlist * previous chapter * next chapter
an: this is the most wattpad coded thing i think i have ever written, and im kinda here for it tbh.
the elevator ride up to chans hotel room was long and awkward. you still felt a little shaken up and panicky about the whole situation and chan was being too quiet. you’ve only met him in person for the first time today, but you knew this amount of silence was unlike him. something was rattling around in his brain. you felt bad. they were here on a schedule and you messed it all up. chan has so much on his plate and all you did was add to it. you sighed as the elevator doors opened. you followed chan down the long hallway until he stopped in front of a door. he pulled his plastic key card from his pocket and the door swung open. he gestured for you to go first.
his room was nice. this was probably the nicest hotel room you had ever been in. it was like a small apartment. there was a living area with a tv, couch and coffee table. and then past that down a small hallway was what you assumed to be the bedroom and bathroom, though you couldn’t tell from where you were standing.
"the bed is down that little hallway." chan pointed. "the bathroom is there too." he gently took your injured hand in his own. "felix’s room is right next door, okay? if you need anything you have my number or you can always knock." you took a breath to say something but chan cut you off. "i promise you’re not going to bother anyone if you knock. please don’t hesitate if you need something." he said. he knows you so well already.
you gave him a small smile. "that’s not what i was going to say. though it definitely sounds like something i would say."
"oh." he looked embarrassed. "what were you going to say?"
now it was your turn to be embarrassed. you weren’t sure if you were going to regret what you were about to ask, but you didn’t think you really had a choice.
"uhm.." you pulled your hand free of chans grasp and fiddled with your sweater sleeves, unable to look at him when you asked. "would it be totally weird and wrong of me to ask you to stay here tonight?" you asked. the room was silent for a moment and you started to panic. you looked up at him. "not— not like in the same bed or anything! just like in the same room! i just don’t know if i can be alone right now. i would feel much safer if you were here with me. if that’s okay.." you slowly trailed off.
"hey.." chan soothed. he put his hands on your shoulders, squeezing gently. "i don’t mind to stay here. i’ll sleep on the couch. does that work?"
you nodded. "thank you, channie." you said quietly. he smiled down at you. he wouldn’t say it out loud at this moment, but that was the first time you had called him channie in person and he definitely took note of it. he loved it. it made him want to jump up and down and clap his hands, but he refrained.
"well.. um.. goodnight." you mumbled, awkward and embarrassed, and headed toward the bedroom.
"wait." chan said. you turned to face him. he walked over to the couch and unzipped his suitcase. he pulled out a black t shirt and some black athletic shorts and tossed them at you. "here. you can sleep in these. i bet sleeping in jeans wouldn’t be all that comfortable." he said.
you completely missed the clothes and they fell to the floor. you scrambled to pick them up quickly and stuttered out your thanks before escaping to the bathroom.
you crawled into the bed. it felt much too big for you. but the sheets were warm and inviting. chans clothes were soft against your skin and they smelled like him. that same musky vanilla smell that you noticed at the coffee shop. you pulled the neckline up to your nose and breathed deep. damn he smelled so good. breathing him in, it wasn’t long before you’re eyes became heavy and you drifted off to sleep.
you could feel the cold metal pressed against your skin again. the point poking a hole into your shirt, threatening to break the skin. you were panicking, hyperventilating. "be good and just let me take it, okay?" the man’s voice said in your ear, his foul breath ghosting over your face and filling you nostrils, turning your stomach. let him take what? he removed the knife from your skin and used his hands to grab your hips. you could feel the hilt poking into you. he pulled you flush against his body, your back to his front. he took his free hand and slid it up your shirt, running his fingers across your stomach. you knew in this moment what he wanted to take and you couldn’t let it happen. "yn?" you could hear chans voice from behind you. "let her go!" he yelled. and the man didn’t hesitate for even a moment before he turned around and shoved the knife into chans stomach. he gasped and reached for his now bleeding wound. the man ran in the opposite direction as chan fell to his knees in front of you. tears streamed down your cheeks as you fell with him, cradling his head. "yn.." he said, his voice weak. "i’m here." you comforted him. "yn." he said again, a little firmer this time. "YN" he yelled.
you gasped awake, clutching your chest, frantically trying to gather your surroundings. "hey, hey, it’s okay." chan grabbed your hand. "you were having a bad dream. you’re okay." he wiped your tears away with the pads of his fingers. "i’m here, yeah?"
finally taking him in, he was fine. healthy, not stabbed or bleeding. your bottom lip quivered. you threw yourself into his arms and sobbed. he was stunned at first, but he caught you with no problems, wrapping his strong arms around you and holding you close. "shhh, baby it’s okay. it’s over now. i promise you’re safe." your body shook in his arms as he soothed you. "do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly against your hair.
you pulled away from him and met his gaze with glassy eyes. it broke his heart to see you like that. he wiped your falling tears with his thumbs. "the- uhm.." you sniffled. "the attacker was in my dream. but this time when you came to save me, you got hurt." you said, voice breaking, fresh hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
"hey, don’t cry. i’m okay." he smiled. "i’m right here, see?" he gestured to himself. he gently took your hand in his and placed your palm against his chest. you could feel his heart beating beneath your fingertips. "i’m fine, yeah?"
you nodded, sniffling, your tears finally having stopped. your eyes now heavy with exhaustion. you wanted to lay back down. "i’m sorry i woke you up." you told him.
"oh you didn’t. you know me.." he pointed to himself. "insomnia." he chuckled. "i’m feeling pretty sleepy right now though."
"oh yeah. i forgot i bore you to sleep." you laughed.
"hey, you do not." his accent so thick, and he laughed. "i’m just comfortable with you."
"well.. i don’t mind if you stay here to sleep.." you told him. "you need your rest. and i honestly think you keep the nightmares away.." you added quietly.
he looked a little surprised. "are you sure? i don’t want you to feel like im trying anything. i swear im not."
"no, no channie. i don’t think that. we’re just helping each other sleep."
there it was again, channie. it sounded so good coming out of your mouth. it sounded so sweet. he softened at the sound of it. he smiled. "okay. as long as you’re sure it’s okay."
"i’m sure." you reclined back on the bed, snuggling under the cover. you lifted the edge so he could slide underneath as well. he slid in beside you, pulling your body flush with his. his fingertips making contact with a sliver of bare skin peeking out from under your (his) shirt. you felt that same electric spark course through you.
"is this okay?" he asked, his voice raspy as he whispered in your ear. all you could muster was a nod. all thoughts and words left your brain. you stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing easy, slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms before he broke the silence. "i’m sorry i put you in that situation today." he said.
you tried to roll over to face him, but he held tight. "you didn’t put me in any situation." you said to the open room.
"oh but i did." he said. he sounded so sad. "im the only reason you’re in chicago. i’m the one who had to leave early, forcing you to walk back to your car alone. i should have been there. and i’m sorry."
"chan it’s not your fault. you had no idea a crazy man with a knife would try to attack me. that’s ridiculous."
"ridiculous or not, i’m just… sorry." he squeezed you a little tighter, nuzzling his face into your hair.
"it’s okay." you tell him. "i’m fine, you’re fine, the guy is in jail. everything is okay."
"you’re right." he says. though you can tell he still feels guilty. "get some rest, okay? i’m here to catch all the bad dreams."
and with that, you fell asleep.
— —
the next morning came too soon. you had never slept so good. and it seemed, neither had chan. his alarm was blaring, the morning sunlight peeking through the curtains. he groaned and reached to turn the alarm off. once the room was silent, he pulled you close once more. he took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of your shampoo.
"chan.." you poked his bicep gently. you got no answer. "chaaaannnnn." you sing songed. still no answer. "chan i have to pee." you told him curtly.
"uh uh." he said in a childish tone, squeezing you slightly. you giggled.
"channie i really need to go." you pleaded. though, you didn’t want to ever leave his arms. but nature called.
"only because you called me channie." he said. he placed the softest kiss on the spot where you’re shoulder meets your neck and then he released you. but now you couldn’t move. you lay there in a stunned frozen state until he nudged you. "aren’t you going to go pee?" he asked.
"oh.. right." you chuckled awkwardly before getting up and heading for the bathroom. you changed back into the clothes you were wearing yesterday and brushed your teeth with your finger, before trying your best to flatten your hair with your palms. chan had already gotten dressed for the day, his normal black hoodie and beanie. his curls poking out from under the material.
"are you ready?" he asked. you nodded. "your car is pretty close to here. so i’ll escort you there before i have to leave."
he sounded sad. but you weren’t sure why. maybe sad because you were going home and he was off to whatever schedule they had. he didn’t know when he would see you again. was that too self centered for you to assume? because that’s how you were feeling. you weren’t ready to part ways with him yet. but you didn’t really have a choice.
the walk to your car was short and not as traumatic as you thought it would be. the spot where the attack happened was much less scary in the daytime. the walk was also quiet. chan really wasn’t saying much. maybe that’s just the way he is? maybe he’s naturally quiet, though you didn’t think so. he had something on his mind and that’s why he wasn’t talking. and you weren’t talking because you were thinking about what he might be thinking about. and before you knew it, you arrived at the parking garage. he followed you inside to make sure you got to your car safely.
unlocking the door, you turned to tell him goodbye. he was looking down at his shoes.
"chan, what’s the matter?" you asked. "you’ve been quiet the whole way here."
"i’m just sad to see you go." he said, giving you a small smile.
"i feel the same way. but we can see each other again, hopefully soon, if that’s what you want." maybe that’s not what he wants. maybe this whole mess has been too much for him. maybe you are too much for him.
"i’m not so sure it’s a good idea if we see each other again." he said quietly.
and there it was. that’s what’s been on his mind. how to let you down gently. you were too much for him. too much of a burden, an annoyance. did last night and this morning mean nothing to him? you had said it was just you helping each other sleep, but there was something there. you felt it. you know he did too. he kissed your neck this morning! how could he act like that meant nothing?
"so you were leading me on? and now you’re done having your fun? is that what this is?" you asked, your voice laced with venom. you were embarrassed and hurt and angry. and instead of rolling over and letting him hurt you, you were going to hurt him. and that will make this break easier.
"leading you on? no that’s not—" and he reached for your hand but you pulled it away.
"i understand that im not the typical girl you would go for. but i thought i felt something. but maybe that’s just me being delusional." you opened your car door. "just forget it. " you said, before climbing inside and shutting the door. you started the engine and backed out of the spot, leaving chan in your rear view.
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taglist: @thinkingaboutlana @tamlinsfiddle @everythingboutkpop @iknowyouknowminho to be added or removed, just lmk.
🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
"Highly confidential" documents obtained by BBC Persian outline how Iran's government is trying to crack down on women who do not wear a hijab.
Two documents from April and May reveal the judiciary could set up "mobile courts" in public places like shopping malls to punish dress code violations.
They also show schoolgirls could face action by the education ministry and that celebrities could be jailed for up to 10 years for "promoting corruption".
Iran's government has not commented.
However, an Iranian newspaper that published a short section of one of the directives has been charged with publishing classified documents.
And some of the directives were included in the controversial "Hijab and Chastity Bill" that is currently being reviewed by the Guardian Council watchdog before becoming law.
Iran's parliament passed the bill in September - a year after protests erupted over the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was detained by morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab properly.
Women burnt their headscarves or waved them in the air at the demonstrations against clerical rule, during which hundreds of people were reportedly killed in a brutal crackdown by security forces.
Although the unrest has subsided, a growing number of women and girls have stopped covering their hair in public altogether in open acts of defiance.
According to the leaked documents, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi approved a series of directives aimed at coordinating action by the government and other entities to address the issue of women not covering their hair in public - several months before parliament began debating the hijab bill in secret.
Security services - including the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence service, the ministry of intelligence, and the Security Police - were granted extensive powers to implement those directives, they show.
Some of the directives state that:
Police should "prepare the necessary documentation regarding schoolgirls who unveil" so that appropriate action can be taken through the education ministry
Celebrities, influencers and bloggers who do not cover their hair, or who "encourage unveiling" on social media, should face the charge of "promoting corruption", which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Officers will also be able to enter their homes and seize their computers and mobile phones
Officers can seal or shut down without permission any shops or other businesses not comply with the hijab regulations, and that any customers who violate them should be denied services, forced to leave, or handed over to the judiciary
Cafes considered "corrupting centres" because of the role they played in last year's protests should be shut down, particularly those near schools and universities
Officers are authorised to initiate legal proceedings against women who resist warnings to cover their hair on charges including "promoting corruption"
There is a need for a national database of "motorcycle number plate bank" so those carrying female drivers or passengers with uncovered hair can be identified
Monitoring should be increased of companies whose employees "violate dress codes provocatively and immodestly during entry, exit, and within the premises"
A significant portion of the directives in the leaked documents have already been implemented, including setting up hijab enforcement units inside metro stations and other public spaces; impounding cars that transport unveiled women; denying services to women violating the dress code; and closing cafes.
According to the documents, the police force is required to assign a sufficient number of officers to "identify and warn women who have unveiled themselves", and that in areas where there is sufficient manpower IRGC personnel will help carry out the task.
In the past few months Iranians have noticed the presence of hijab enforcers at metro stations across the capital, Tehran.
The interior ministry and Tehran municipality have described them as "self-motivated forces that do not require a licence for their activities".
But the documents show that their presence is the result of a government decision, which has required planning and the allocation of resources.
The documents also emphasise the importance of "extensively filming and documenting the identity of those involved in unveiling", and indicate that hijab enforcers filming women and girls are affiliated to the security services.
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gaphic · 4 months
i think procedural environment generation is a self-evidently good tool for game design that just suffers from implementation. like, i don't think there's any reason a convincing, interesting planet can't be procedurally generated. the earth was procedurally generated by an algorithm called physics!
i think the trick lies in using procedural generation for placement and simulation but not design. cause like, procedurally generated plate tectonics, climate zones, and weather systems strike me as a no-brainer. want to populate your planet with humans? have the map generate pins in areas that meet basic requirements for human habitation, like survivable temperatures and access to fresh water, and have human designers examine those pins as a jumping-off point for populations
same for flora and fauna in general. humans should be designing all your keystone species! obviously! then feed a data sheet of their survival requirements and physical traits into a calculator to check if that makes a functional ecosystem. maybe you could even have a protocol for generating variations on human-designed species to fluff up the numbers so players don't notice there's only 3 kinds of spider or whatever
i'm keenly aware that coding these algorithms alone would probably take longer than the entire development of starfield, nevermind all the layers of human review and intervention to use them, but the potential still excites me
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birdbutt · 2 months
personal tma episode today woohoo I suppose (uh.... cw for rotten/scary ?food? I guess)
I work in mail sorting. In one of The Big mail sorting plants, the kind of building lined with conveyor belts that take things across the building, up and down different floors, just wherever it needs to get to so it can leave in the right direction to the local stations and parcel carriers. A big mechanical nervous system. Filled with packages or letters instead of flesh or blood.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it. It gets weirder even on the overnight shift. Not just drugs or other illegal oddities, but those truly bizarre sights you know you'll have no way of describing later. If you even remember them after a long night.
8pm to 5am is when I'm there. We even sort on Sundays. Have to get the mail to your station by Monday you know? I usually like to listen to podcasts while I work. I mean, I'm just standing in place, waiting for that labyrinth of moving belts and conveyors to drop the next round of mail into my chute so I can start sorting the zip codes. I'll put each package on another conveyor belt, key in a code on a small number console, then watch the package get taken away and dropped into another cart or chute somewhere. There's four other drop chutes just like mine, lined up along the main belt behind me, with another equally bored or just plain tired plant worker waiting for the next round of endless deliveries to sort. All listening to their own music or books or even having a late night phone conversation. Today I was playing The Magnus Archives. It really didn't feel like it would matter what I listened to at the time. I was in the middle of episode 36 - Taken Ill, and as the narrator started describing the sickly horror of the scripted week a package at the top of my chute broke open and a slimy, pale yellow, almost gray fluid starts pouring out... well oozing out. It seemed slow, but happened so fast that I couldn't have done anything to help minimize it even if I wanted to get close enough to do that. It got over everything. The belt, the chute, the other packages, even the floor. It didn't just get my area either. When it broke it was still close enough to the main conveyor belt that it spread to the other four chutes after me too. The smell was so strong I almost couldn't move at first. Almost sweet. Before the strench of almost tangible rot slammed it's way so hard into my brain my legs nearly gave out.
Well the stench obviously traveled all over. Farther than normal I guess. Everyone on our floor level could smell it and was coming over to find out what happened. I mean everyone too which is impressive. This is not a small building, it takes about five minutes for someone fit to speed walk from one end of our floor to the other. So it was kind of a joke everytime we caught another brave soul wandering over from so far to try and figure out just what the hell they were being forced to smell.
We get people trying to mail cooked foods or meals all the time, it always turns rotten before the package even makes it to a sorting plant. Always. It's so stupid, but also so common you hardly notice it after a couple months there. A turkey sandwich in a manilla envelope, ham with mashed potatoes on a ceramic plate, a plastic baggy of homemade pickles. Almost makes me chuckle sometimes. Well, almost chuckle AFTER, the slime and smell of what used to be something consumable gets mopped up. So that full bodied stench of old organic rot isn't foreign to us in the plants by any means. Nobody could say for sure what had rotted though, but we all agreed it was definitely familiar. When we removed the box from the top of the chute we still couldn't figure out what it was. Usually when one of these busts we get to see what ever moldy, decomposed chunk meat or produce someone tried to mail ooze out of the soggy cardboard when picked up. This was somehow just slime. A molded pale yellow that almost seemed gray. There wasn't anything else. It looked like someone had packaged up only the decay while leaving out what originally fed it. If there had ever been anything else it seemed to have already completely liquefied. And it filled the entire box and more. It seemed to be too much for the package that broke. We all tried to joke about how long the package must have been lost in the twisted turns of the never ending veins of sorting machinery to get /that/ rancid, but we couldn't bare to keep our mouth open too long around it. Thinking back I don't remember anyone actually complaining about the SMELL, just how it was stronger than normal, strong enough to taste. All from a square box barely 7 inches long. A box that hadn't even smelled until it spilled open. Or we thought it had spilled, we couldn't see what might have been the tape holding it closed anywhere in the soggy mess.
Because it was just so... wet we almost forgot to check if the mailing info was still intact any any way before we binned it for another crew to inspect and clean. No chance of saving it at this point. The address had melted away into that yellowish sick of spoiled matter, but the postage mark was still dry. Pristine even. A bright unmarked spot of bright dry paper on a sea of decomposing filth where there sat a single fly. That lonely insect drawing my attention to the smallest bit of information that I would have never noticed, or thought to check, without the dance it seemed to do right on top. Pointing me to the punchline of a joke I never wanted to know.
It had been sent locally that same day.
You find a lot of weird things in the mail. You just have to learn to ignore it.
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catboyidia · 11 months
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thicc-astronaut · 7 months
Cars 2 fun fact: Professor Zundapp's license plate number is BAD GA 58, which can be see on the die-cast toy and in the movie during the finale chase scene
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Although pretty clearly just a jab at him being the "bad" guy of the film, under German vehicle registration rules, the BAD area code refers to the city of Baden-Baden in the state of Baden-Württemberg.
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mariacallous · 11 months
In the 1990s, London built the Ring of Steel—a network of concrete barriers, checkpoints, and thousands of video cameras around the historic City of London—after bombings by the Irish Republican Army. The idea was to monitor everyone entering and leaving the Square Mile, what the The New York Times later called “fortress urbanism.”
After the September 11, 2001, attacks, city planners looking to defend New York from terrorism turned to London and fortress urbanism for inspiration. Fusion centers, where US law enforcement agencies share intelligence at a federal level to be analyzed and build a bigger picture of crime, had been around for a few years. But officials began asking, what if fusion centers could be localized? What if local law enforcement could analyze and gather masses of intelligence from one city?
In 2005, they answered with the first “real-time crime center” (RTCC), a sprawling network of CCTV and automatic license plate readers (ALPR) linked to a central hub in the New York Police Department headquarters costing $11 million. Since then, from Miami to Seattle, RTCCs have steadily expanded across the US. The Atlas of Surveillance, a project from the digital rights nonprofit the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which monitors police surveillance technology, has counted 123 RTCCs nationwide—and that number is rising.
Each RTCC is slightly different, but their function is the same: gather surveillance data across a city and use that to build a live picture of crime in the city. Police departments have an array of technologies available to them that span from CCTV, gunshot sensors, and social media monitoring to drones and body cameras. In Ogden, Utah, police even floated the idea of a 30-foot “crime blimp.” In many cases, images that police systems collect are run through facial recognition technology, and the data gathered is often used in predictive policing. In Pasco County, Florida, which operates an RTCC, the sheriff’s office’s predictive policing system encouraged officers to continuously monitor and harass residents for minor code violations such as missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass.
Erik Lavigne is a detective at the Fort Worth Police Department in Texas and communications director at the National RTCC Association. He says there has been a boom in RTCCs over the past year because officers believe they help with more precise policing. He likens the scattered approach to policing in previous years to throwing out a fishnet and hoping to catch something. “For what we had at the time, that worked. But what inevitably happens is, you end up alienating the community because you're not just stopping the bad guys, you're also stopping innocent people that are just trying to live their lives,” he says. “A real-time crime center is a scalpel. We aren't catching the wrong people anymore.”
Lavigne says RTCCs are also a cheaper alternative to hiring more boots on the ground because each camera becomes, in effect, a stationary officer keeping watch over an area. Lavigne says this has proved so effective that analysts at RTCCs have been recording more crime than they can deal with, and  the Fort Worth RTCC has significantly helped decrease vehicle thefts.
Most evidence for RTCC effectiveness, however, is anecdotal, and there is a real lack of studies into how effective they really are. In Detroit, a National Institute of Justice study concluded that Project Green Light—a part of the Detroit Police Department RTCC that established cameras at more than 550 locations, including schools, churches, private businesses, and health centers—helped decrease property violence in some areas but did nothing to prevent violent and other crimes. But police departments argue they do work.
Few people know RTCCs even exist, let alone the extent of the surveillance they entail, so they can receive little public scrutiny and often operate without much oversight. There have long been concerns around how surveillance technologies could affect First and Fourth Amendment rights in the US, but Beryl Lipton, an investigative researcher at the EFF, says RTCCs “hyper-charge” these worries by collating all this data in one place.
“It’s perpetuating this mass collection of people's private information from a whole bunch of different video streams,” Lipton says. “They're really lowering the bar on the ways police can access that information … When there are these types of large databases without proper audit and oversight mechanisms, law enforcement officials and individuals can use them for their own purposes, which can be very scary.”
Regulations around the storage and usage of this data are patchy at best. For example, RTCC-collected data may be shared across jurisdictions because third parties contracted for the hardware or software will also collect data and share it, Lipton says. “Some of these companies will, in good faith, delete data in accordance with retention schedules, but we've seen them not do that,” she says. “With large databases like license plate reader databases, that information is sometimes shared without police departments realizing it and in violation of jurisdictional rules.”
While companies will argue this data is being stored securely, this is no guarantee. In 2020, hackers stole internal memos, financial records, and more from over 200 local, state, and federal agencies from web development firm Netsential, which provided data storage for fusion centers across the US. The trove of leaked data later became known as #BlueLeaks.
“There are real concerns around having this amount of information stored somewhere,” says Lipton, “I have no reason to believe these are somehow more secure systems than we have in other situations. And we know that those get breached all the time, law enforcement agencies in this country get hacked all the time.”
Lipton’s biggest worry is that this ability to follow people remotely and share that data across state lines could instead be used to target people involved in protests and political organizing, which has already happened, or those accessing reproductive health care. “Those issues become compounded because there’s the frightening ‘real time’ element to it,” she says. “That means that if you leave your house, there’s a very good chance that law enforcement could jump into a feed that is just following you around.”
In addition to police setting up their own technology, RTCCs draw on wider existing surveillance networks. Cooperation of public institutions like schools and colleges and privately owned cameras have been crucial to developing RTCCs by giving officers access to cameras that might otherwise need a warrant. In Atlanta, which has seen the number of cameras integrated into their RTCC treble to 15,329 in the past year, four higher-education institutions—Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Morehouse College, and the Morehouse School of Medicine—installed $700,000 worth of cameras, including five ALPRs, that were linked to the Atlanta RTCC.
Fusus, which claims to be “the most widely used & trusted Real-Time Crime Center platform in U.S. Public Safety,” sells hardware that can be connected to private CCTV cameras and linked up to the local RTCC. Fusus sells a solution that brings all the various technologies under “a single pane of glass,” as the company describes it. Through partnerships with companies that provide surveillance technology, including a $21 million investment from Axon, which produces Tasers and body cams, Fusus promises to integrate these technologies into one RTCC platform for analysts.
Police departments that use Fusus, like the Memphis Police Department, have been encouraging homeowners and local businesses to purchase fususCORE bundles—hardware that connects cameras to an RTCC—ranging from $350 to $7,300, plus an annual $150 subscription. Fusus has even gone as far as developing technology that allows Amazon’s Ring doorbells to livestream to an RTCC.
Amid a push for policing to harness new technologies and become “smarter,” Lipton is quick to point out that more technology doesn’t necessarily equal smarter. “It almost always just means that they're going to keep heavily policing poor and minority areas,” she says. Despite Lavigne’s claims that RTCCs mean the wrong people aren’t getting arrested anymore, in a recent lawsuit, the New Orleans Police Department was sued for arresting a Black man after watching him for 15 minutes through their RTCC and wrongly concluding he had a gun. The department ultimately settled for $10,000 in damages.
Lipton believes relentless surveillance is an infringement of citizens rights and would like to see the use of these technologies limited—aside from facial recognition, which she says should be banned. “There are certain elements we just shouldn't be using at all,” she says. “We should never be applying facial recognition to almost anything … As soon as you apply any really individualizing technology like that, I mean, it's kind of over for people's privacy.” Communities and organizations like EFF and ACLU have been arguing for Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) laws that bring surveillance technologies under the control of elected officials and communities. Cities like Oakland have found success with this, but without nationwide restrictions, the rise of RTCCs will likely continue on the periphery of the public eye.
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Business Name: HomeRate Mortgage
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Description: Buying a house is a big step and can be overwhelming. The last thing you need to add to your plate is worrying if you’re getting the best deal with your mortgage broker. Here at HomeRate Mortgage, we believe the best business practice is also the one that benefits our customers the most. When you’re happy, we’re happy. If you’re new to mortgages or have had one before, it is important to know that policies, requirements, and conditions are always changing. We work with you, and your individual situation, to see what the best option is and what you qualify for. Our team of experts is always up to date, and current on any changes made in the loan process and will quickly be able to work with you towards getting your loan approved.
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homeratemortgagetn · 2 years
Business Name: HomeRate Mortgage
Address: 7506 E Brainerd Rd
City: Chattanooga
State: Tennessee (TN)
Zip Code: 37421
Country: United States
Phone Number: (423) 805-9100
Website: https://homeratemortgage.com/chattanooga-tn-mortgages/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homeratemortgagetn/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HomeRateMortga
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/home-rate-mortgage/about/
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Description: Buying a house is a big step and can be overwhelming. The last thing you need to add to your plate is worrying if you’re getting the best deal with your mortgage broker. Here at HomeRate Mortgage, we believe the best business practice is also the one that benefits our customers the most. When you’re happy, we’re happy. If you’re new to mortgages or have had one before, it is important to know that policies, requirements, and conditions are always changing. We work with you, and your individual situation, to see what the best option is and what you qualify for. Our team of experts is always up to date, and current on any changes made in the loan process and will quickly be able to work with you towards getting your loan approved.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12825797789691031979
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 7:30am–7:30pm Tuesday 7:30am–7:30pm Wednesday 7:30am–7:30pm Thursday 7:30am–7:30pm Friday 7:30am–7:30pm Saturday Closed
Services: Conventional Loans, FHA Loans, Jumbo Loans, USDA Loans, VA Loans, Reverse Mortgage, Mortgage Refinance, Cash Out Refinance, FHA Refinance, Jumbo Refinance, Streamline Refinance, VA Refinance, Mortgage Calculator, Mortgage Rate
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detectivekirby · 2 years
An earlier version of this post mistranslated the first number in the "?/?" code at the Beast's Final Stand as a 5.
New Number Discovera-d?
Detective Kirby:
You will recall that there are 3 numbers that have yet to be identified: 2, 4, and 7. Knowing that Elfilin is also called ID-F87 gave me renewed hope in finding the number 7 somewhere across this ruined land. I looked through my detective notes (album) for clues.
During my adventure I had been deciphering all the text that I could, from signs to cement bags. There were a few things that I found in one area that would appear written backwards in another! And also some were written too small to make out.
In addition to these there were a couple of symbols I had yet to decipher. I decided to give them a second look.
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At Lab Discovera, top left at a terrible angle, we see three symbols on the ground. For the longest time I had been trying to decipher this as a three letter word. Then I considered the final character might be a skewed 5.
With all that I know now, I could see that this was an abbreviation followed by a number:
LV # = Level (5?)
You can see also the same label on the elevator linking "In the Presence of the King" to "Lab Discovera."
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I went to find other instances of this skewed 5 for cross referencing. In a stroke of luck I identified it in the license plate number of my favorite race car.
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The final number on the plate matches the number at Lab Discovera with a 5-like configuration and a longer horizontal line at the bottom.
I found the number again at the Beast Pack's Final Stand:
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Here is the image enhanced and flipped backwards. I know the numbers are backwards here because "LV" makes sense as "Level" in the other picture.
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So it definitely was not the same as the number 5.
I had a hunch I had to check out. How many Levels... Meaning different groupings.. were there in this Forgotten World? It FELT like it would be around 7.
1. Natural Plains
2. Ever Bay Coast
3. Wondaria Remains
4. Winter Horns
5. Originull Wasteland
6. Redgar Forbidden Lands
At first I thought I had miscalculated. But the menu screen displays Lab Discovera as its own separate area!
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7. Lab Discovera
Lab Discovera truly is Level 7!
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writing-turnip · 13 days
Bodyguard Work
Spent a few hours on last contract talking with an international bodyguard, he does peacemeal contracts for celebrities and VIPs. Officially because I was interested in the position but the truth is I wanted to use his information for writing.
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Networking and soft-skills: build the reputation that you are likable, and useful, but not a threat to the current persons employment (prevents them trying to sabatoge or get you killed). * If going international, read up on social cues. Every environment has its rules and customs, and your survival often depends on knowing them. In Russia, you never refuse vodka, in Pakistan, you always clear your dinner plate, and in prison, you're careful about making eye contact etc. * Have a contact card that you only give out when asked for. Give it QR code code for contact. No more details. They should already know what you do and specialize in. A bodygaurd is like a plumber, a dentist or a mechanic. Everybody is always looking for a good one. * Next time you come through here and need help with something. Make a point of reaching out to people monthly and checking on them, even if its every few months or once a year. * If helping someone a third party for a contract as a far NEVER give the client contact information unless asked for. They will treat that as you undermining them. Which you are. *U Don’t just be useful and helpful, be indispensable. "Everyone on the team has the basics: combat-driving, firearms etc. I know two guys who are barbers before becoming bodyguards, they can keep the team clean while you travel without having to try local." Other skills include Speaking a language having similar hobbies to the client (golfing,  etc), or skillsets specific to being near the client during niche times when other guards might not be able to (scuba divine, paragliding, etc), or a skillset that you'd only use when things go really pear shaped (EMT, paramedic etc). One of the best traits nobody thinks of is construction, knowing how harnesses work for performers is useful plus most of the custom-busses used for campaigns and celebrities are taller than a lot of tunnels due to the custom-made air-conditioners. If you can do lazer-measurements, you can help with the route planning and prevent a LOT of very expensive damage. Anti-bug and surveillance training is expensive and doesn't pay back as quickly as you'd think unless you're in a very specific area for it. * You should always be on good terms with your fellow help. Especially in aristocratic type households, especially in the Emirates, and some of the European noble-types, the nannies and butlers typically run the household more than their bosses do. Help them whenever you can. *Surveillance is the leading cause of weight gain among your line of work, find ways to stay awake that are relatively slimming and don't get your suit stinky with sweat. *You get used to people having whispered conversations about you. It's a little like being in high school. Pay attention to body-posture to see if they want to kill you.
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TACTICS: *What do you do when an operation goes bad? Not much to do, but smile and try to stay alive. On top of knowing the top restaurants in an area that have your clients favorite food *IF you're being followed, find hard-points to escape to if you're being followed, most people recommend trying to go to a police station, which is a terrible idea. Most operate on a skeleton crew full of rookies or the folks they don't think can handle not being at a desk. Fire-departments and ERs are better, both have large groups of burly working class guys with tools, who want to feel heroic and don't get as many opportunities for it as they'd like. Bonus points if your client is a beautiful woman or has a child with them. *Keeping track of information and being completely discreet and off social media. The truth is, identity theft isn't hard. A number and an ID is all you need to drain a bank account and return some money to some very surprised retirees. But, with some VIPs why stop there? As long as you're stealing someone's identity, why not use it to contact some known terrorist organizations on unsecured phone lines? It can get messy very quickly. *Covering suspicious individuals can be done two ways: man to man or by zone. Man-to-man is risky; follow someone too long and they're going to get suspicious. Zone is usually the way to go. Stay put and let targets come to you. Less obvious, easier on the feet... and you get to relax and can get fancy cocktails and claim its a business expense. * The thing about security is that the very things that protect you can be turned against you by someone who knows what he's doing because a lot of it is about managing the clients sense of safety. It's tough to compromise a well thought-out security system, but making someone think you can compromise it, is often just as good. Take surveillance cameras, for example: you can disable one by shooting a laser at it and overloading the light sensitive chip. Cheap, easy, and exactly the sort of thing a sophisticated criminal gang with lots of resources would do. Leave around some tell-tale signs of surveillance like cigarette butts, a forgotten camera lens cap and the more security there is, the more likely they are to think they've got a very serious problem. Even the security team itself can be an opportunity (which rival security corporations might do to steal the contract btw). The more employees you have, the more you have to worry about them. Deliver some vague threats and a few hundred bucks to a security guard. If he's honest he'll tell his boss, who then wonders who wasn't so honest. For the cost of a nice dinner you can get a whole security team canned. *A great way some people will try to get you talking about their security is to put them on the defensive. Accuse a guy of having bad locks and before you know it he's telling you where his motion detectors are. Do not give them anything.
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IF YOU FAIL: *If your principal (the client) is captured, you've failed and are likely fired. DO NOT GO AFTER THEM. You specialize in customer service, immediate protection, and making sure the clients life ran smoother in your area of expertise. Getting them back means hiring K&R, who are specialized hostage rescue specialists (Hyperion Services Corporation, for example). Also, don't tell anyone about the Kidnapping insurance. It voids the warrant and you may have just killed your client.
Lastly: remember that most of the people who want you to take a bullet for them don’t deserve it. And most who do can’t afford it.
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What is the Best Way for House Remodeling in California?
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Messy kitchens, outdated living rooms, and dreary bathrooms make you cringe? A home that needs a fresh look can often appear impossible when you start it. But don’t worry, because full house remodeling in California doesn’t need to be a nightmare. In fact, it can be an enjoyable process, increasing the property’s appeal and value. Read on to learn more!
Start With a Clear Vision
You’ve got a vision for what you want, right? If not, it’s time to gather some. Hop onto online platforms or magazines and look up some inspiration. And use these insights to pin down what you love and what you’d like to incorporate into your own space. You can also start sketching your ideas and creating a design plan. But the best option is to hire a contractor or interior designer to help you bring your ideas to life.
Secure a Remodeling Company
House remodeling in the California style involves multiple components and trades. Here, the services of a remodeling company in California are beneficial. They manage the process end-to-end, streamlining the steps, and removing stress from your plate. You see, a general contractor in California is not just a middleman. They ensure that work is completed to code and that the final product fulfills your vision.
Set a Realistic Budget
An upfront budget can save a lot of despair down the line. When setting your budget, always account for unforeseen expenses. Historical data suggests setting aside 15%-20% of the total project cost for unanticipated costs. We recommend that you consult with a construction contractors in California for a common understanding of costs and to avoid unwanted surprises.
Get the Legalities Right
Who loves paperwork? Not many. The problem is that ignoring the legal aspect of house remodeling can lead to ruinous consequences. Also, depending on your locality, you may require a permit for large-scale renovations. Hence, a construction company in Bay Area, CA can advise you on which projects need permits and can help you acquire them.
Make Timely Decisions
Whenever possible, reduce the number of decisions you have to make during the project in order to prevent delays. And try to make as many decisions as possible before work begins. Also, do not forget to think about things like paint colors and faucet styles well in advance.
Don’t Forget About Functionality
In all the excitement of a remodel, it’s easy to get swayed by aesthetics and lose sight of functionality. However, remember that your house isn’t a photo op, it’s a place to live. Optimize the design for your lifestyle.
Lean on Professional Expertise
Having seasoned experts by your side can make a colossal difference. Think of them as your remodeling guide, guiding you through the tricky pathways of design choices, material selection, and timeline management. When you work with a reputable company, they will listen to your ideas and make them better, ensuring that everything is both practical and beautiful in the end.
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Eco-Friendly Remodeling?
In a state that values sustainability, considering eco-friendly options for your remodel isn’t just trendy, it’s responsible. Plus eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient appliances can reduce utility bills and your carbon footprint. Not to mention, they can increase your home’s market appeal. So, if you’re considering selling down the line, this could give you a competitive edge.
The fact is a smooth remodel is built on clear, consistent communication. You should get regular updates and can easily contact your project manager with any questions or concerns. It is never too trivial to ask a question. This is your home, your project, and you deserve to feel in the loop every step of the way.
Celebrate the Transformation
As you near the project’s end, start thinking about how you’ll celebrate the transformation of your space. Perhaps a small gathering with friends or a quiet evening enjoying the new ambiance of your home. It’s not just about marking the completion of the project but about embracing this new chapter of your home life.
Patience is the Key
The last step, but by no means the least. Remodeling is never a quick process. Even construction contractors in California will corroborate this. Hold your patience and always keep your eyes on the prize, i.e., your dream home.
With patience, you can take the time to carefully plan and design your house with your lifestyle in mind. This way, you can create the exact home you want and ensure it’s built to fit your and your family’s needs.
Final Words
You’ve come a long way and are now armed with potent wisdom. You’ve learned that the best way for full house remodeling in California is methodical, logical, and purposeful.
Interested in revamping your living space? Create a space to fit your lifestyle by implementing your new insights.
Now that you’re here, don’t you feel a slight urge to bring all these plans to life? Maybe it’s time to start exploring that kitchen plan you’ve got in mind. Or perhaps, meet up with a general contractor in bay area, CA and put your remodeling dreams into action.
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