#now i need to go do dylan's cause i am trash
boplee · 11 months
Taken 🖤
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Angst 💔
WARNING ⚠️ profanity, mentions of blood, weapons, other acts of violence. This content is recommended for mature audiences.
Synopsis: After awakening Faye sets a daring plan into action. One moment that changes everything. Will this moment make or break her? Meanwhile, Chenle and Jisung have awakened to find themselves in a peculiar place.
Word count: 3748 words
Chapter 1: Jail Break 🚨
Faye’s p.o.v
My eyes flickered open as they began to adjust to the lightening of the room. A strong wave of burning pains shot throughout my body. I groaned as I felt a throbbing in my head. My body felt weak and woozy and no matter how much I told myself to move, I couldn’t find the strength to. My head began to run over the events that lead me here. In a panic, I began looking around the room. When my eyes finally adjusted a fire ignited in all my joints. I snatched and yanked every way. I was trapped. My ankles were shackled to the legs of a chair. My waist bonded down to the seat by rope, and my wrist was strapped tightly to the arms. As I struggled to try and break free just hoping the bondages were too weak, a low deep chuckle sounded from above me. I slowly lifted my head to face whatever made the sound and when I did I wished I hadn't. My mouth went dry and my stomach churned.
"Don't worry darling I won't hurt you. Well not yet" he spoke. I knew him all too well. I thought he was a trusty friend. I thought he was someone whom I could go to in a time of need. I let him be around my children. I allowed him into my home. He even attended my fucking wedding. "Caesar what the hell!" I pulled as I pulled at my restraints while he watched me. "Faye...Faye...Faye" he squatted himself down to my face before speaking again. "It's so nice that I have you here now." Caesar ran his hand down my cheek causing me to jerk away. Everything about this moment made my blood run cold. What could he possibly want? Why is he doing this?
"You know I can read minds." He allowed his hand to roam my face as a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips. "Right now... you're thinking. Why am I here? What does he want? Am I correct?" He smiled smugly as I glared into his eyes. "Well, that piece of a shit husband of yours left without paying me." "I don't have a husband" I spat through clenched teeth.
I had just gotten home from picking the boys up from baseball practice. My life was all I ever wanted. I have children, a husband, and a beautiful home with my dream career.
"Hey, Mom can we have burgers tonight!" Chenle asked taking a seat at the bar. "NO WAY! I want tacos" rebutted Jisung taking a seat beside him. I smiled as I watched my two babies bickering back and forth. Although Chenle and Jisung weren’t mine biologically I still loved them dearly. "Ok ok I'll make both, but only if Dad agrees ok." I smiled as the boys nodded eagerly hopping out of their chairs and running to their rooms.
"Dil baby, we're home.....Dylan...Dil baby?" I called his name over and over and there was still no reply. I decided to check our bedroom maybe he had fallen asleep. I was welcomed by an empty room. All of his belongings were gone. I plopped down on the bed as my eyes glossed over. I just knew this couldn’t be happening. "DAMN IT!" I screamed over and over in my fit of rage I stumbled upon a note.
Dear Faye,
I'm leaving. Don't bother to look for me. Take care of Jisung and Chenle, and move on from us. I am going to start a new life and hopefully, you will too
Sincerely, Dylan
Attached to the note was a set of divorce papers Dylan had already signed. I crumbled the note and trashed it. I took a minute as I let my brain comprehend the situation. My head was saying this is real, he left. While my heart screamed that it was all false. Tears stained my face as I allowed myself to take in my new reality. After about 10 minutes I gathered myself together and continued my day as if nothing happened.
"Well well well. That's such an interesting declaration." Caesar smirked smugly while running a hand down my thighs. "He left me without a trace as well Caesar....look this has nothing to do with me or my child-" Wait where are my children? " Where are my children?" I began to frantically ask for Jisung and Chenle. "CAESAR I SWEAR IF YOU HARM THEM I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!" I began to shake around in the chair while Caesar just watched. He began to circle me as I was still in a panic. Finally, his hand wrapped around my throat cutting my words and also my air. Another chuckle left his lips as he leveled himself to my ear.
"Listen up princess, Dylan left without paying me" Caesar squeezed harder on my windpipe. I choked and gasped trying to gather air into my lungs. "So now either you or your two precious boys are going to pay off that debt. Now, who will it be?" My eyes shut tight. I was in shock. I didn't want to choose between me or them. But I knew Caesar and I knew that he'll do whatever he wants. "Huh? What was that?" Caesar asked as his hand still cut off my air supply. Tears sprung in my eyes. Finally, Caesar released his hold on me. I coughed and swallowed as much air as I could. I shut my eyes tight to block my tears from falling."I'll give you some time to think about it ok." I didn't open my eyes until I heard the sound of the door slam.
"WHYYYYYYY" I screamed. Why was this happening? What debt did Dylan owe? Why are I and the boys even involved? Dylan and I left that life a long time ago and Caeser knows that. So why is everything coming back now?
My messy hair stuck to my forehead while sweat rolled down my face. It's been hours since Caesar left me here and I still have no answer for him not even one. How could I choose between me and my sons? We can't survive without one another. I finally allowed the tears I had been holding back to fall. I just couldn't stand the thought of parting with them. My boys were my entire world. I’d give up everything as long as I could still have them. The thoughts of what Caesar could be doing to them ran through my mind and pushed more cries from my throat.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I didn't want to face Caesar so I turned my head in the opposite direction. I held my breath as I heard footsteps approaching me. The sound stopped as someone's feet appeared in my sight causing me to look up. When my eyes finally locked on the person's eyes, he just stared blankly. He didn't blink or anything. He just looked at me. I've never seen him before. I couldn't recognize him if my life depended on it. He must be one of Caesar's new men. I felt fear creeping inside of me. Who knows what Caesar sent him in here to do? If there's anything I know about Caesar he will get what he wants no matter the cost. My eyes began to widen the longer I looked at him. My heart pounded so loud I'm sure you could hear it in the silence of the room.
“If you touch me, I’ll kill you” I panted out as the man looked at me. “Oh please I have no interest in you.” the man scoffed as he walk away from me. I watched as he took a seat across from me. My heart clenched as I watch him pull a knife from his pockets. “Don’t worry doll, I’m not going to hurt you.” He began to pick his nails with the knife. His aura and presence intrigued me. If you work for Caesar you must be the best in your field and have little to no concern for the well-being of others. My brain was struggling to comprehend why this guy only sat before me. “Why so quiet? I heard you were more animated than this?” Our eyes locked only momentarily before he rolled his eyes away. “A still solider are we? I like that.” I watched with wide eyes as he arose from his seat. “You know…I don’t think either of us are cut out for this.” He made his way towards me stopping right at my feet. “What’s your game huh? You wanna sweet talk me before you kill me?” I spat. I only received a chuckle in response. “Oh dolly no” he placed a hand over his chest in an attempt to calm himself. “I think you know if I wanted to do that I would’ve done it already.”
He was right. You knew how ruthless you had to be when working with Caesar. Orders were always direct and carried out flawlessly. Caesar was always good at doing his business and always kept his hands clean. “Then why are you playing these mind games with me!” My fist clenched but it’s not like I could do much. The man gave me another chuckle before making his way towards the exit. “Like I said dolly….I don’t think either of us is cut out for this.” I watched in confusion as he made his way to the door. “Catch you later dolly” he spoke before letting the door slam tightly behind him. When my eyes landed back on the floor I felt my heart drop. My eyes glistened as I looked at the small pocket knife that was set by my foot. “Little prick” I huff. I shift my weight just enough in the chair to help slide the knife beneath my foot. I wasn’t quite sure how I was gonna get this to work but I knew I had to think fast.
I was broken. My children are gone. I couldn’t help but think of how afraid they may be. Jisung can't be in hot temperatures for long or his nose will bleed, and Chenle has bad anxiety that makes him faint when he's put in difficult situations. I promised them I would never let them be put in harm's way again they've already been through enough. My thoughts were broken as the door opened once more. I watched tentatively as the woman made her way into the room. She began to set up a tray before me with her many medical utensils. My body jumped as I felt her begin to toy with the ropes by my feet. “You’re being moved. Caesar wants me to asses your wounds first. You know how he hates damaged goods.” She flashed me a small smile that said it sucks to be me before she continued to untie my feet.
Finally, she stoop to my level leaving me just enough space and room to headbutt into her. Without stopping I kick my feet out pushing her further back from me. As she struggles to catch her balance I bring myself to my feet quickly turning my back to her. I rush her into the wall helping break the chair connected to me. I pull away and watch as her body drops to the ground. “Sorry didn’t Caesar tell you? I’m far from damaged.” I know with all the commotion the room was soon to be flooded with workers. Quickly I push myself out of the remaining ropes and grab the pocket knife from the floor. I positioned myself behind the door and waited for the arrival of the next guard. As anticipated a worker entered the room questioning the causes of the noise. I grab him and place him in a tight hold as I place the blade to his throat. “You’re gonna let me out of here now or I’ll slit your throat.”
I kept my head down as I walked through the halls. I shrugged my shoulder as I struggled to keep the baggy uniform properly intact. I took note of my surroundings hoping that I could recognize the building. Damn, you Caesar for always having to change your locations. I made my way smoothly until I was stopped by the sound of a voice. “Yeah, I’m talking to you? Where are you going Caesar wants us all out back immediately.” I took a moment as I struggled to find my voice. “Oh, I sent him on a task before in regards to the girl in 413.” I felt sweet relief as I recognized the voice of the second male. I turned my head slightly as he laid a soft hand on my shoulder. “Has she been properly treated?” I clear my throat as I raise my head to look at him. “yes sir.” I say as I nod slowly. “Head up to medbay and get her proper medications. Tell Lily Ten sent you.” With a small wink, he pushed me off and continued with the other worker.
I hurried through the halls hoping to find an exit soon. Just as I had prayed I finally spotted a side door. I pushed my way through and was met with the side of the facility. I didn’t bother to stop moving once my feet hit the pavement I was on the move. I waited til I was far from the facility before I stripped myself of the worker's uniform. It felt like I had been running for hours but finally, a small town came into my view. I watched closely from the bushes at the many passing cars and truckers. Finally, my eyes came across a small noodle shop on the corner. I scoped the scene before I moved hoping to not be seen by any of Caesar’s men. I blended in with the crowd of people and slowly made my way into the noodle shop. Once inside I immediately ran to the restroom.
I didn’t bother to look in the mirror instead rushed into a stall and immediately began to treat the wounds on my arm. I wrapped it tightly and gathered my thoughts before I exited the bathroom. As I stepped into the corridor of the shop I noticed two men searching the place. Before my mind could even form a plan one of them locked eyes with me and began to head my way. My legs jetted away from me as I ran for the back of the shop. I heard the many voices of the men chasing me as I ran. I pushed open the kitchen door startling the workers. “Sorry,” I yell out as I rush through and out the back door.
Once outside my eyes set on a black van parked beside the shop. Without thinking I rushed into the back of the vehicle quickly shutting its doors behind me. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK” a voice rang out behind me. “SHHHHH,” I say as I finally turn around to make eye contact with the voice. My eyes were met by the five men who sat before me. “Who are y-“ “Are you deaf or something shush!” I whip my head back around as I stared out the back window. I watched as the men who chased me searched the perimeter. “Hiding are we?” I turn to face the slight smile of the boy who whispered to me. I nodded softly as he did in understanding.
A warm sensation flooded my body as the men began to leave. I let out a heavy sigh before turning around to face the men again. “Thanks, guys… I’ll go now.” I stretched my arm to grab the handle but my attention was quickly focused elsewhere when a small hand grabbed my arm. “Hey guys she’s got some pretty nasty cuts on her face. She also looks dehydrated." I look once again at the small boy who examined my arm with concern. “Gosh, it’s a miracle she didn’t bleed out, Renjun hand me my kit.” I watched the younger male as he handed the other guy a case. "Don't worry I’m not going to hurt you. I need to tend to your wounds. My name is Kun." I nodded my head as he began pulling bandages from the case. “And I’m Renjun. You wouldn’t happen to be allergic to any medicines would you?” This boy looked no older than 19 yet he seem to be very intelligent. I assured him I wasn’t allergic to any medications and watched as he began typing away on a tablet.
My eyes widened as I wondered what I could’ve possibly gotten myself into. But even as the vehicle started I could bring myself to question it. “And you are?” I hissed slightly as Kun applied alcohol to a gash on my arm. “Who? Me?” I looked into the review mirror and my eyes connected with the guy behind the wheel. He chuckled slightly as I nodded to agree with his question. “Yuta” he simply stated. The coldness in his voice ran a small shiver down my spine. “Don’t be afraid he’s only scary when you first meet him. I’m Johnny” Johnny chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair. “We need to get her to a shower, the remaining particles on her skin could infect these wounds” Kun spoke as he tied off a bandage around my arm. “We’re going to the agency, there are some arrangements we have to make, we also need to advise a plan” Johnny spoke to the others in the car.
“The agency?” I looked at each face in the van and awaited an answer. “What you guys spies or something?” I chuckled. “Not exactly but in a way we are.” My eyes flickered to the review and I met Yuta’s eyes “Something like that” he taunted. My eyes skipped over to Kun who tended to bruises on my legs. “So….who are you guys exactly?” “We are Neo Culture Technology a high-tech agency composed of 20 members.” I guess Johnny sensed my curiosity because he began to speak “We’re just good guys who do bad things.” he winked his eye as he let out a small laugh. My brain slowly processed the information I just heard. I decided to reserve the rest of my questions allowing us to make the rest of the drive, in silence. The only sounds heard were between Renjun and Kun as they pieced together a medical report.
“Hurry Taeyong and the others are waiting” Yuta spoke quickly as he exited the vehicle. I looked at the building before my eyes. “This place looks like it should be condemned.” I stepped out of the van cautiously as I observed the scenery. Kun laughed lightly as he and Renjun helped me into the building, “We like to keep a low profile.” Once inside my eyes ran over the intricate workings of the place. It seemed as if it was just a hotspot for the world's newest technologies. “The shower room is there, we took the liberty of supplying you with some clothes.” I looked at the set of clothing being placed in my hands as Kun lead me down a long hall. “Take your time, the men here are gonna guard you. They’ll send for you when they’re ready.” “Send for me?” I raised my brow as Kun nodded quickly before hurrying off to join the rest of the men.
I nodded as I walked through the door appointed by Kun. The shower room look like something from a hospital and the sounds of the leaky showerhead echoed off the walls. I began to strip myself slowly careful to avoid my many wounds. I fought the urge to groan with every movement I made. I stepped into the shower area and slowly turned on the water. Once the warm water hit my skin my mind went blank. I couldn't think of anything. My muscles began to retract and my pores opened. I held my head down running my fingers over my hair. I watched as the water below me ran into shades of red and brown. Slowly I found myself sinking to the floor as my tears blended with the streaks of water that covered my face. There I sat in the stillness of the shower room, heartbroken and battered.
Chenle’s p.o.v
My head throbbed as my eyes struggled to open. I lifted myself with the small bit of strength I did have. I winced in pain but quickly forgot once I heard my brother sniffing. “Jisung-ah?” I called out “Jisung-ah!?” My eyes finally adjust to the dim lighting and I spotted Jisung across from me in a corner. I tried to rush to him but metal bars kept us separated. “Jisung are you okay?” I frantically searched his frame as he sat shivering. He finally lifted his face to me. Jisung’s face burned a pure red color and his eyes barely opened. He must’ve cried all night. “Chenle…” his voice faintly called, “I thought you were dead.” My heart ached as I watched my younger brother cry out as he looked at me. “No, no Jisung I’m okay. See look.”
I gripped the bars tightly as I tried my best to hide my pain. “I saw them hurt you Chenle, don’t lie to me.” More tears stained Jisung’s cheeks as he slowly made his way to the bars to meet me. “Jisung I’m okay” I grabbed his hand through the bars and squeezed it tight. “You’re bleeding” Jisung cried harder as he looked at my face. I took my free hand and gently touch my head. As I pulled my hand back into my view a saw where a red film of blood coated my fingers. “Jisung-ah I'm okay, look at me” I turned Jisung’s face and looked him deeply in his eyes “I'm okay.”
It pained me to see him like this. It was scary enough when I would see him break out in crying fits in the middle of the night. “Jisung I need you to stay strong okay.” I held his face firmly as he bobbed his head. It was hard to tell him to stay strong. “Chenle I’m scared.” Jisung’s eyes fixated on mine as a few more tears escaped down his cheeks. “Me too Jisung…me too.”
Hello guys long time no see. 🥰
Anyway after so long I finally managed to release this and i hope you guys really enjoy reading it. I can’t say when the next chapter will be uploaded but keep on the lookout for it. Let me know what you guys think ☺️
Epilogue: How I Got Here
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theimportanceofnotme · 6 months
12/10/2023 Cont...
We spoke and decided to try things again but only if I stopped with the Coke and he stopped Drinking. We were in agreance with that and I started a new job as a live in nurse for a Spanish lady which im not gonna get into cause that was hell but on my second day his mother sent me pictures of how he had destroyed the trash can and broke his phone in a drunken rage so I told him what him and I were starting up again is done cause im not going to date an alcoholic after living with one and dealing with them most of my life. Which i think was valid but he was sad and I told him tough shit at first. I kept my distance and went back to Dylan emotionally. That didn't last very long tho cause I dropped Dylan off at our friend Marcus's house to drink and have a good time while I was getting over a cold and I told him to just spend the night there so I could get some good sleep in. I got a call a few hours later for me to pick him up and I was pissed off but got up anyways and as I was driving there our mutual friend was blowing my phone up with texts. Come to find out the reason he needed to be picked up was because his Ex-Girlfriend he was living with and STILL FUCKING just found out about me and him also fucking. I was mad. He could have simply told the both of us that he was doing us both and we BOTH would have Been okay with it cause it wasn't anything majorly serious. But he caused a huge scene between all of us and He sorta ran away and I ended up going to a trap house with his ex and our friend. I smoked a cigarette and took a few shots. We all came back to Marcus's house and I started to go back to my truck to head home pissed. But the fact that I wasn't crying made me stop for a minute cause I usually burst into tears during any kind of confrontation. So I pull out my phone and I send Dylan a text asking him if he's good. He told me where he was and I don't mess around with suicide attempts so I rushed to where he was and I went to make sure he was okay. My initial plan was to leave him there with a blanket so he didn't freeze that night but I felt bad so I gave him the option of either going back to Marcus's house, back to his Ex's, or we call 211 and find him a shelter for the night. He had a huge fit and I made sure to let him know he could just spend the night outside with just a flimsy blanket and clothes he got on right then and there and eventually we decided he was going to get dropped off at his Ex's. That whole mess was terrible and eventually I thought we could get over it all and just go back to being plain ol friends but he caught hella feelings. I invited him to smoke with me and a few of my friends which he agreed to so I picked him up and everything was chill like it used to be until I went to drop him off. He was going off the rails about how him and I were born into this world for each other and what not which was frustrating and during this time I was also getting things patched up with Dante again. He got himself sober and asked me questions on how to better himself which I tried to answer but who am I to tell him what makes a man a good man. Dante and I decided to get back together and pretend the manic episode didn't happen, but only for other people. If we need to we can still talk about it which is good for us but other people don't need to know about it. Dante asked me to block Dylan and I did without hesitation. But I didn't block him on Instagram cause I barely used it and frankly I kinda forgot Dylan and I followed each other there. Now I use Instagram more cause family decided it was going to be the new Facebook and I post things and he hearts everything, he's tried messaging me on there and I just muted him and I find myself posting new things for him to see. I know hes going to see it and I want him to and I wait for him to send me another message that I can read and not respond to. I'm not sure if I just like the attention but lately I've even been masturbating to the thought of him and I bumping into each other somewhere and we run to my car and we go at it like feral hormonal animals.
0 notes
maliaroux · 5 years
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HELLO, ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! first of all I just wanna say I am so fucking stoked for Starlit, and to get to write with you all! Anywho back to the task at hand, under the cut is a little bit about my hot garbage child Malia Roux, she’s an old muse but a goodie and I can’t wait to develop her more with you all! If you want to plot just like this or hmu via direct message and I will eagerly respond, i’ll be sure to include any trigger warnings below! Oh also, I am Mon, love me.
TW: domestic abuse, statutory rape, abandonment, prostitution, drug abuse, alcoholism, car accident, implied murder, death. 
lipstick-stained menthol cigarettes, empty spray cans, fake smiles, and humorless laughs, glassy dull eyes, dirty knees and whispered secrets, acrylic paint and empty canvases, unwavering loyalty and bruised knuckles, paint-speckled backpack full of clothes, tight dresses and high heels, hushed compliments and chipped nail polish, night terrors, and paranoia.
( her actual aesthetic board on pintrest here !!! )
malia’s always been a lost soul. she grew up in phoenix, arizona, living in a tiny little suburban community, raised in one of the copycat cookie cutter homes just the same as the rest of the kids she went to high school with. when she was about five-years-old her dad walked out on her mom ( an aggressive & unloving woman who preferred her wine bottles to sippy cups ), leaving malia alone with her and her older sister ( who was eight years older than her ).
after her father left her mother got worse, now full of resentment and alcohol, she took everything out on malia. malia was too young to understand why, it wasn’t until years later she figured out the truth, that the reason her father had walked out on her mother was that he had found out that Malia, his pride, and joy, wasn’t even his daughter, but that’s neither here nor there.
as her mother’s rage grew, the more malia got in trouble, the more malia was ignored. by age ten the girl felt like a ghost in her own home, living in the shadow of her perfect, beautiful, older sister alice. no matter what malia did, what sport she joined, what trophy she won, what prize she brought back home to her mother, she still treated her like an invader, like a pest she had to put up with until the girl was finally 18 and she could kick her out.
eventually, malia stopped trying, stopped caring, shut off every emotion, every feeling she ever had towards her mother and turned it all into an apathetic gaze. she hated her mother, she hated her sister, and rather than try to be perfect, rather than rebel, she put herself into the role her mother wanted. she was a guest.
by the time malia was fourteen she was hardly home, spending most of her time at friends’ places, out partying, hanging out with boys way too old for her, doing things with them that were meant for people way too old for her. she didn’t care anymore. she played her role as the ghost in her own home, but she was tired of feeling sad... of feeling numb, and at least they helped her feel.
she figured she’d go through the rest of her life filling the void until she could finally leave… that is until her mom remarried. her step-father was an interesting man, loud and charismatic. boastful, charming, demanding. he took malia and her mother in. he was a man who put her mother in her place for being cruel, for being uncaring… and that was something malia liked… something malia exploited.
it truly didn’t take long for malia to tempt her step-father into sleeping with her, he wasn’t a good man after all… and rather than hide their dirty secret, malia rubbed it in her mother’s face. let her call her a whore. let her call her disgusting. she didn’t care because at least it got her mother noticing her finally.
malia didn’t really care for her step-father, she never really cared about anyone romantically, they were a means to an end, just like he was. but he didn’t like that… he didn’t like malia being with other boys, other girls, and after a while things began to get violent. he was controlling, and abusive, and malia wasn’t the type of girl to put up with it, even with all the traumatic reminders she had to. and her mother? didn’t care to help… even told her she deserved it.
so rather than stay in her cookie cutter home, with her resentful mother and her abusive, disgusting step-father, she decided to leave. she had packed her bags and stolen the keys to her step-fathers range rover, planning to sneak off in the dead of the night without a trace. but of course, things didn’t go as planned.
she had managed to get in the car when her step-father caught her, she can’t completely recall what happened, but she remembered locking the door, she can remember putting the car into reverse, swinging out into the road as he chased after it, and the next thing she remembered was a loud crash, and the sound of the engine revving and the spider web cracks forming on the bloodied windshield as she sped off.
that was two years ago, two years and she still hasn’t even attempted to return home, to call, to figure out if her step-father was okay or not… she’s been living in starlit semi-happily, spending her nights partying and sleeping around just like she had back in arizona, making easy cash by selling herself and selling her art.
she’s the usual culprit for all the graffiti around starlit, an avid fan of street art and a struggling artist, she’s constantly walking around in paint covered clothes with spray cans in tote.
TLDR: so basically malia is a spray can toting sarcastic little smart ass who is an insanely good friend and self-deprecating human being. she sleeps around for fun and for money, spends her nights drunk or high, works off nights at the fremont street experience doing street art. while loyal she can still be selfish, something she doesn’t really mean to be.
THE CONFIDANT: the sole person malia trusts. though trust is used lightly. she trusts them enough to talk freely, to share how she feels more than she does with anyone else, the one person she finds herself actively searching for, her only true friend... she’s loyal to them above all else, and she tries not to spoil it, though she figures knowing her it’ll get fucked up in the end.
THE EX: There was a period of time where Malia attempted to love another. though she couldn’t find herself falling into place like they wanted, they were perfect, better than she could’ve asked for, and yet she still found her eyes wandering and after a few mishaps, they found out she was sleeping around, they don’t speak much now but when they do it’s never good. 
THE FREQUENT FLYER: Malia tries to keep work from following her home, but after a drunken desperate night for this starlit resident and her, she found herself making an easy twenty bucks for practically nothing, and they’re not bothersome, most of the time the poor soul just wants someone to listen to them talk. 
that’s really all I can think of in detail but any sort of plot connection can work with malia, friendships or enemies, people who hate her because she slept with their boyfriend or girlfriend, people she fucked over because they liked her and thought they had something and she just ghosted, whatever your heart wants I am honestly down for.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Eden’s Gate Chapter 3 - No More Lies
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst. Paige is somewhat of a bitch in this. 
Word count: 1.7k
This is a short follow up series to Kidnapped leading up to the nuclear holcaust, and the beginning of New Dawn. 
Summary: The Winchester family work on tracking down Joseph Seed. Paige finds out about Kate’s pregnancy.  
Guest OCs: Barbara Teller (FC: Katey Segal), Morgan Costello (FC: Kathryn Newton), Ryan Cho (FC: Ryan Potter), Sarah Dunham (FC: Toni Storm), Ivan Wren (FC: Dylan Spouse) Isaiah Wren (FC: Cole Spouse). 
A week has passed, and Kate is indeed pregnant. 
Fucking hell. John Seed was fucking right!!.
She’s most likely due April/May of that following year.
She can’t let anyone know just yet, especially now with everyone that is busy tracking down Joseph Seed. Wanting to kill him. 
Carrying the spawn of John Seed. The child might end up being a sadistic little shit just like him. It’s a matter of time when her stomach starts to get bigger. Paige is not far ahead of her, but she still doesn't have a baby bump just yet.
She radios Wheaty, telling him to meet her at the Whistling Beaver Brewery. He agrees, and will meet her there. 
Paige, Mandy, Kenny and everyone else is working with what Rachel had given them. She knows, she has to tell them, sooner or later Paige is starting to show signs of her pregnancy. She threw up that morning, and is eating excessively.  Kate knew it was a matter of time before she would go through that as well.  
Her and John had sex the night before his death. That was August 14th, now it’s August 26th. A little over a week, 9 days to be exact. Paige is probably 5 days to a week ahead of her.  Not sure how she was able to keep track of all that. Kate goes downstairs to where the others are. Including Rachel.
“Hey” Paige says, looking up from her laptop.
“Hey” she responds. 
“Are you hungry?!?” Mandy asks, who is cooking.
“Umm, no I’m good. I’m about to head out, and meet up with Wheaty” she says.
“Okay. Don’t get pregnant” Paige jokes, not looking up from her laptop.
Kate furrows her eyebrows at her. “I won’t” she responds. 
Rachel looks up from her book, and looks over at Kate.
“I’ll be back later” she says before leaving to her car. 
After a 20 minute drive, Kate arrives at the brewery.
She’s a little early, so she sits down at a table, and waits for Wheaty. 
“Kate?!?” a familiar voice calls out.
She looks over to her right, and sees her long time friends Morgan, Ryan, Sarah, Ivan and Isaiah. 
“Hey!!” she says, standing up to give them all a hug. 
“We heard about what happened to your sister” Sarah tells her
“I told them” Ryan says, “Paige was my cage cellmate at St. Francis”.
“Yeah, yeah. We got her back, and Jacob paid the price” Kate says.
“And we also heard about you, and Wheaty killing John” Morgan says, through her teeth. Nudging her elbow at her. 
Kate nods her head, “Yeah. Yeah. I killed him. Well Nick Rye shot his plane down. Their trash talk to each other was hilarious, comedy level, and all we have left to kill is Joseph”.
“Sooo who are you meeting here?!?” Sarah asks.
“As a matter of fact, I’m meeting Wheaty here” she says.
“It took ya long enough.” Morgan jokes, “He’s a great guy. You deserve the best”.
"John's a douche, you deserve the best" Ivan tells her. Playfully hitting her shoulder. 
She nods her head with a smile. 
“Yeah I know. So Ryan, why did Jacob have you locked up?!” Kate asks.
He hesitates, “Because of my knowledgement in chemistry, and I may have caused some trouble in his region when he was still alive”.
“I got caught as well” Morgan says.
Kate’s eyes widened “When?!?”.
“A few months ago” she replies, "I was able to escape. Overnight". 
They chat for another few minutes, and they leave. 
Kate sits back down, and waits for Wheaty.
5 minutes go by, and he walks through the door.
“Hey” she says, when he sees her.
“Hey” he responds, kissing her, “So why did you call me here?!?”.
“I’m pregnant” she says, “I took a test, and it came back positive”.
His jaw drops open, “You serious?!?”.
She nods her head, “Yeah”.
“Do the others know?!?” he asks, “Your family?!”.
She looks down, “No. None of them know about it”. She sighs, “I don’t know how to tell them”.
“You don’t have to tell them it’s John’s. Just say it's mine” he tells her. 
She nods her head, “I can. I can. I’m a good liar, and all. But I can’t lie about this”.
“Faith is living with us. She’s helping us track down Joseph” she says.
“Can you trust her?!” he asks.
“She knows I’m pregnant”.
Wheaty looks at her confused, “What do you mean, she knows?!?. I thought no one else knew about it?!". 
“I never told her, or anyone. But she “sensed” it. She said I’m having a girl”.
He looks around in confusion, “She said you were having a girl?. When it’s not even an embryo”.
“That’s what I thought” Kate responds, “Unless she’s a witch or something”.
They chatted for a couple of hours, and they went back to their places.
Wheaty the Wolf's Den, and Kate the Winchester-Smith compound.
Arriving home around 6:30pm, the sun is barely setting. Kate walks through the front door, and is greeted by Barbara.
“Hey sweetie, your sister told me you went on a date?!. Who’s the guy, or girl?”
Kate chuckles, “He’s a part of the Whitetail Militia, he’s the host of a pirated radio broadcast, and is the best thing that has ever happened to me”.
She goes upstairs to her room. A few minutes later, Rachel knocks at her door.
-knock knock knock-
“Yeah?!” she responds. 
The door opens, and she sees Rachel walk in.
“Hey Rachel” she says.
“So how was your date?” she asks.
“It went good. We had a great time” she responds. 
“Did you tell him?” she asks.
Kate looks up at her, “About what?”.
“Your pregnancy” she whispers.
“Oh, oh right!!” she chuckles, then clears her throat. 
“Yeah. yeah I told him. Because he was the only one. Before you knew of my pregnancy”
“Are you going to tell the others?” she asks.
“I’m gonna have to” she mutters, “I’m gonna have to. Maybe now, or when everyone is here” she says again, looking down at the floor.
Rachel nods her head, “I know you're scared”.
Kate looks up at her.
“I know you’re scared, because it’s John’s, and Paige doesn’t like him. I know you’re scared that Paige might not love you anymore. That she might feel betrayed”.
Kate lets out a short breath, “Yeah, Yeah. I know she’ll be angry, but she’ll get over it because John is dead”.
As they're talking upstairs, downstairs in the dining room. Paige gets a lead on Joseph’s whereabouts, by hacking into the Hope County’s police system, and finding his location, or at least where he was in the last few days. 
She wanted to tell Kate in a private conversation before she told anyone else.
She goes up stairs to Kate’s room, she’s about to knock on her door, but stops when she hears her, and Rachel talking.
As much as she doesn’t like eavesdropping. 
She listens in on their conversation from the hallway, and regrets it.
“So when are you gonna tell them?!” Rachel asks Kate. 
Kate sighs, “I’ll go downstairs in a bit, and tell them. Paige might hate me for it. But I just need to get it off my chest.”
Confused, Paige puts her ear to the closed door. Trying to hear what else is being said. 
There’s a few moments of silence in the room.
“I can’t believe I’m carrying John Seed’s kid” she says, with so much frustration in her voice.
Paige hears this, and her blood starts to run cold.
“What?!?” she whispers to herself. Eyes wide. 
“I’ve thought about abortion, but I can’t do that” she says, “I can just lie, and say it’s Wheaty’s kids. She won’t know”.
“Come on. Let’s go downstairs and tell the others” Rachel tells her in a reassuring voice. 
Paige quickly goes back downstairs before they leave the room. She is fuming. 
“Hey did you-” Kenny asks her before getting cut off by his angry wife. 
“No!” she raises her voice, almost yelling.
He looks at the others confused, and back to his wife “Umm okay what’s wrong?!?”.
“Don’t worry you’ll find out in a few minutes!!!” she says angry, leaving the room to go outside. 
Kate, and Rachel walk downstairs to the living room. 
She clears her throat. 
“Hey guys there’s something I want to tell you, and I want everyone in here”.
Everyone comes into the living room.
“Where’s Paige?!?” she asks.
“She went outside” Kenny says, “Paige!!”.
Paige walks back inside, arms crossed and angry. She takes a seat on the arm of the couch next to Kenny.
Kate takes a deep breath, “So what I wanted to tell you guys was-”
She gets cut off by her sister, “That you’re pregnant?!?”.
Kate’s eyes widened, and all of her color drained out of her body.
Everyone looks at Paige, and then back at Kate.
“Kate you’re pregnant?!?!” Mandy asks.
Paige stands up, “Yeah, she is. With John Seed’s kid!!!”.
A loud gasps between all of them. Everyone, staring at each other in shock. Heads turning to one another. 
“But John Seed is dead!!!” Martin says. 
“This was before his death. I’m guessing. Am I right Kate?!?” she asks.
She nods her head, “Yeah. Yeah it was the night before I killed him”.
“And you had sex with him. I knew, I shouldn’t have let you untie him.” she says, running her hand through her hair before placing them on her hips. 
“Okay. So what if he got me pregnant!?!?!” she snaps at her, “He’s dead, and I can raise this child on my own”.
“Kate” Paige mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose, “That’s not the point. You’re carrying the spawn of John fucking Seed!!!!”.
Paige groans into her hands. 
“And you were gonna lie, and tell us that it's Wheaty’s kid. Weren’t you?!?!”.
“He knew I was pregnant, and he knows it's John’s. He told me that he wouldn’t mind being a stepfather to the child”.
Everyone looks back, and forth at the two sisters. 
“He also told me he wants to be there for the both of us” she says, placing her hand on her belly.
Paige looks out the window, her back to the others.
Everything felt like it was moving painfully slow. Time freezing, slowing down. After a few minutes, she turns back around, and says.
“No more lies Katella, okay? I’m sick of it. I tell you everything, and I mean everything. You gotta do the same with me. From this day on there will be no more lying, keeping things from me, or bending the truth, and everything in between.”
Kate nods her head, “Okay”. 
“And not just this. From the time when you lost your soul, getting a hit on demon blood, saying “Yes” to Lilith, and not saving me in Hell. Everything!!. You promise?!”. 
Tears begin to stream down Paige’s face, and Kate’s as well. 
She nods her head once again, “Okay. Okay I promise”.
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londonfog-chan · 4 years
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Part 2 of my Sudoh Buck adventures.
At first, you simply turn the alarm off and roll back over to sleep, feeling a very soft chest clad in lace press against your back. Nothing in all the world would have moved you from your warm cocoon of blankets, sleepy sounds emitting from your throat as a pair of soft plump lips sought your skin even in sleep.
And then your eyes snapped open when you realized it was 4:30 am on a Thursday.
Which means opening shift at Sudoh Buck.
Which means you’re already pushing the envelope of late.
Immediately you jolt awake and flop out of bed, naked and cold, searching every which way you could for your phone. Sure enough, when you double checked the time to be sure there it was: 4:31 am. Thursday.
“Son of a bitch!”
You’re looking for your discarded underwear from last night, there’s absolutely no time for a shower. All you can think of is “where’s my fucking shirt?! Where’s my goddamn apron?! Where’s my fucking shoes?!” Eventually they start coming out like a mantra. You dig through the drawers where you find a pair of dark wash jeans (they have a hole in the knee but they’ll have to do), and miraculously there’s one of Bruno’s sweaters hanging off his desk chair for you to borrow. It’s his Givenchy sweater and you know he’ll be on your ass about the dry cleaning, but you need a fucking sweater to keep all the stank in if you’re going to make it to work on time. You start thinking irrationally. You can’t find your non slips or your adidas so you think “maybe if I stuff some socks in there I can use Bruno’s loafers too” as you try cramming your bare ass into your jeans.
“What in the world are you doing?”
Bruno’s soft baritone calls to you from the other side of the bed, you curse as the jeans catch on your thighs, careful not to let your no no zone get caught on the zipper as you finally yank them up and zip your pants.
“I’m late Bruno! I’m so fucking late! And Cheryl switched to day shift so I’m going to get my ass written up and Dylan is going to fucking have my ass on a platter FUCK FUCKING SHIT WHERE DID I PUT THAT GODDAMN APRON!?”
“... in the trash?”
You’re trying to fit your head through the neck hole of his sweater when that simple statement makes your memory come back. Cold, icy dread plunges into your heart when you remember where exactly you are. You take off the sweater and stare at the room. In no shape or form are you at all back at your house in your home country. The windows show the glorious early morning view of Naples through the sheer curtains, certainly nothing like the black out ones with tape on the ends back in your room. Bruno is there on a bed that is grandiose in both size and cost, posed coyly like a cat in a lace one piece camisole that mathematically shouldn’t even be considered underwear with how he just pops out so easily should he breathe wrong. The linens are soft, white, luxurious, inviting...
Your things are scattered around the room haphazardly and you start to remember: clocking out one last time before heading off to make your flight, you both got home late last night from the airport, showered, rawed, didn’t change into pajamas, rawed again with Bruno showing you all his expensive lingerie he bought to dominate you in, then you remember vaguely passing out while he was pulling out of you.
“... I didn’t turn off my fucking alarm did I?”
He doesn’t say anything. Just looks at you from across the bed with the most interesting expression on his chiseled features. When you plop down the too expensive sweater, defeated, he finally speaks.
“You don’t work there anymore. You quit... remember?”
“... fuck me gently with a chainsaw.”
You crawled towards him and lay back down, not even bothering to shimmy out of your jeans as you tossed your phone into your duffel bag next to the bed, pulling up the duvet over your head as you sank into Bruno’s soft pillows. He couldn’t see it even in the dark, but your face was crimson with embarrassment and rage.
There was dead silence for what felt like an eternity.
And then you heard a snide chuckle catch in Bruno’s throat.
“Don’t you fucking dare...” you warn.
Naturally your fiancé doesn’t listen. His normally sexy laughter is patronizing and directed at you for acting so foolishly. You growl when he lifts the blankets, still laughing as he pulls you into a kiss.
“I’m gonna slap the shit out of you.” You warn, idle threat only serving to make him bold.
“Go ahead.” He encourages. “I’ll still be laughing no matter how many times you strike me.”
You hiss out a soft “maiala” as he continues to cackle, totally nonchalant as he rubs his hardening length against the leg of your jeans, pulling you into his arms and showering you with a thousand kisses as an apology for laughing at your plight.
“Shhhh, it’s ok.” He coos like a dove into your ear, tonguing the inside of your ear and making you squirm. “You’ve got one thousand things on your mind, but make it one less now that you’re here with me...”
Like putty in his hands you look up, that one moment of weakness causing Bruno Buccellati to capture your lips in his, tongue no longer asking but invading your mouth to play and flick against your own as you moan softly into his mouth.
Well... even if you hadn’t woken up late, at least you can turn off the alarm after you and Bruno really wake up for the day. You’re home now. That’s all that matters.
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roseelise · 4 years
The Weather // Dylan O’brien
Reposting all my writings from @r0s3mm, my main blog, it is not stolen or plagiarized. All my works on my masterlist are main unless stated otherwise.
Hello! Welcome to 2-h, the back up account of @r0s3mm, I’ll be posting my works on here too until (hopefully) my blog gets restored and if not this will become my main blog.
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x ofc!Alice
Word Count: 5129
Author’s note/warnings: break up? Swearing? Reader and Dylan talking about their relationship, a series of voicemail reader sends Dylan at different moments after their relationship ends.
Based off of the song: Lawrence - “The Weather”
Come say “Hi!” Wattpad
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“Hey D’, it’s me, leaving you a message on your voicemail… again. Listen, I know we agreed to give each other space but I just wanted to let you know that your change of address probs didn’t go through because I got your new script at home- hum, at my place. I’ll just send it to Liz’s office… Oh, also I wanted to know if you wanted me to box up and send you the rest of the stuff you have here, there’s a few sweatshirts and other clothing items, as your mom would say. Okay, so you don’t have to call me back, you can text me, maybe even email me. I can leave your stuff at your mom’s house, I’m seeing Jules on the 23rd, so yeah … whatever you feel good with. Ok, bye.”
“I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together ‘Cause even when the sky is grey, I’m feeling blue And though the winds are always changing And the clouds are rearranging A part of me will always be in love with you”
I hung up the phone and placed it in my jeans’ back pocket and turned up the volume from the TV.
“A heatwave this week turned the city of Anaheim, home to Disneyland, into the hottest place in theUnited States. The Tick fire forced 50,000 people to flee their homes, many in the mid…” The weather man on the tv announced as I picked up the package with Liz’s name on it from a tv or movie set in LA, taking back my cell phone, I texted Liz, Dylan’s manager telling her I’d be sending her the script in the next few days, putting the block of pages on the bench next to the front door, I sat down next to it as the news kept playing as a background noise accompanied by the rain falling down harshly on the large windows.
It had been a little bit over 5 months and I still hadn’t tidy up from his big move, a lot of empty and piled up boxes were on the floor next to the sliding door, there were empty spaces on the wall and people who would be coming in the apartment could easily guess that the large white wall used to be full, filled with baseball jersey’s, many pictures, music record, stickers of liquor brand, some posters and a few music instruments.
“Hi Jules, it’s me, are we still on for the 23rd? Ok great then, I’ll pick you up. You got any news from your brother? Yeah, I know, I asked you to refuse if I asked but I just wanna make sure that with his new place he’s good and away from the fires and that he’s … that he’s safe y’know? Ok great then, just maybe tell him to- actually you know what? Never mind. I gotta go, but I’ll text you this week… alright bye!”
“There’s a fire in LA Since you moved there back in May I wonder, should I call to see if you’re alright? Yeah, you’re a million miles away But I still think of you each day And hope the weather doesn’t keep you cold tonight”
After picking up what was on the floor and actually tidying up the apartment, I put on my rain boots with my coat and an umbrella before going out the door with the trash and some things that I wanted to get rid of. I walked the streets of the city, listening to the chaotic sounds, the loud voices and the fast steps of those who wanted to escape the rain. Walking to the Blue Ribbon Brasserie, I turned left to get to Sullivan St and passed the convenience store and got myself a few stamps and envelopes for the thank you notes I still had to write after the home warming gifts I received a while back. I put my earphones in my ear as I gave the cashier the money and put everything in my purse. As I entered the restaurant, I took off my coat and held it tightly against me, my eyes falling on a couple sitting at the bar, both a drink in hand and completely enamored with each other.
“Table for one miss?” The host asks taking a menu.
“Yes, thank you.” I smiled at the young man.
I followed him to a table near the windows. He pulled my chair for me to sit. I smiled at him and thanked him.
“What would you like to start with?”
“Glass of white wine, if you have it. Actually no, I’ll get a G&T, please”
“Right away, ma’am” The waiter’s New Yorker accent came through and I smiled at him as I picked up the menu and swiftly looked through it, already knowing what I wanted to eat as soon as I had left my apartment.
The rain was still pattering against the window and it gave a nice ambient sound to the restaurant that for once was almost empty on a Monday afternoon. A few minutes later, the waiter came back with my drink, putting a squared napkin underneath.
“Would you like to order now, or would you like a few more minutes?”
“I’ll order now, thank you. So, I’ll get the chicken barley soup with the steak, please.”
He smiled, took the menu from my hands and left to another table. I watched the other waiters walk around with platters of food as people started to come in. Usually the restaurant would be busy from opening to the time it closed but today felt different. I held the glass in my hands as I sipped it slowly taking the wedge of lime off of it and biting into it and letting it drop on the piece of paper after draining it of its juice.
As the waiter approached my table and put my soup down my phone’s screen lit up with Dylan’s name and contact photo. I had taken the picture when we were out one day and waiting to cross the street. My finger swiped the screen to answer.
“Ali? Hey, it’s Dylan…” His voice rang through my ear, it was hoarse and dry. He had been smoking.
“Yeah, I know. Your contact info popped up.” I said, silently slurping my soup.
“Oh, wasn’t sure if you had gotten rid of it. Hum, I- I thought it’d be better to call you rather than text you and I don’t even know the last time I sent an email that wasn’t for work.” He chuckled quietly but didn’t hear a sound from the other side. “So, for my stuff you can keep it, I won’t really need it, but if you really wanna get rid of it, I can transfer you the money for the delivery and stuff. It-It’s however you want it.”
“Yeah, no. I’ll send it to you or Liz, I wanna start over with a clean slate. I also found a few caps of yours earlier when I was cleaning up, so I’ll send those over as well.” I said finishing the rest of my soup. It was silent on the other side of the line for a few seconds before I heard him sigh.
“A, maybe we should talk? Y’know, actually have a conversation. The only times we’ve talked in the past few months were through voicemail and-”
“Sounds good Dylan, just right now isn’t the right moment. I’m out at a restaurant and I don’t think I can actually do this right now and in public.” I said dryly my voice full of emotion. A waiter came to pick up the now empty bowl and I smiled up at him.
“Yeah okay. Is everything good up there? Are you feeling good?”
“Yep, I’m fine, we’re all fine.”
“That’s good. I feel a bit far away from everyone, y’know ?!”
“Yeah, are- are you okay? I’ve seen the news on the TV about the fires. I was worried.” I said the last part quietly.
“I’m fine too, yeah, you don’t have to worry. Pretty sure Jules or my mom would have rung you up if something had happened.”
“Yeah probably…” I whispered. “Did you start smoking again? Your voice sounded funny when I answered.” I said catching the eye of the waiter that was bringing me my steak. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, miss. Hope you’ll enjoy” The small exchange between the waiter and I was soon over, and I picked up a fry.
“Yeah, a little. It was weird being in LA, felt nervous at first and I couldn’t shake it after. Are you at Blue Ribbon?”
“You were nervous? Dyl’ you’ve been to LA a hundred times for filming and shit and yeah I am.” I said, picking at the veggies in my plate.
“I never actually lived there for more than four or five months, and usually I’m not alone.”
“Don’t.” I said loudly, I lifted my head and looked at other costumers. “Listen I gotta go.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to-”
I hung up and went to eat my dinner and finishing my drink quickly. After paying my bill, I put my coat back on, the weather would be a little chillier than earlier. Halloween was approaching and carved in pumpkins were starting to make an appearance on people’s doorstep and balconies. The rain from earlier had stopped and had been replaced by clouds and sun light.
“So, I won’t talk about the weather No, I won’t talk about the weather I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together 'Cause even when the sky is grey, I’m feeling blue And though the winds are always changing And the clouds are rearranging A part of me will always be in love with you”
Music was playing loudly in the apartment, the vacuum loud over it and it felt as if the sun had disappeared from the sky. Halloween was even closer now, only 8 days away. I checked the time, 10:37, Jules would be here in just under two hours. There were two boxes full of clothes, pictures, sports’ games tickets and damaged drumsticks, that I will have to leave in Jules’ car at the end of the day. The two of us had planned to get lunch and then hang out. She told me that some of our friends and her were planning a Halloween party and that they insisted that I come “You gotta get out of your hiding place, Alice!” They had screamed at me through the phone almost a month ago. Even if the weather wasn’t really great, Julia insisted we leave her car at my place and walk.
I had gotten ready slowly, music still blasting through the small speaker when it suddenly stopped. Thinking it was Julia texting me she had arrived I jogged to get to my phone in the other room, it was the other O’Brien child.
“Hello?” I answered the phone, putting it on speaker while I walked back to the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth. “Ali, are you busy? I tried calling you a couple times.” I looked at the screen where I had missed a few phone calls. “M’getting ready to spend the day with your sister actually. Can you make it quick?” I said spitting in the sink and rinsing my mouth. “I just wanted to know if right now would be a good time to have that conversation I talked about last week…?” I stopped and looked at my phone and sighed. “Your sister’s supposed to pick me up in ten minutes, think you can finish in ten minutes?” A silence was heard before light chuckling and I swear I could picture in my mind how he looked in that exact moment. “What?” “‘Nothing. Look, why don’t we try to set up a date and time for us to talk? I think it’d be good. Maybe clarify things up a bit.” “Yeah sure.” The doorbell buzzed, I sighed, picked up the phone putting it against my ear and taking it off speaker mode. “Listen Jules here and I’ve- wait a sec” I told him before shooting Julia a one letter text to tell her I was on my way and putting on my shoes and coat. “Ok, so your sister’s here. I gotta go but if you call me back tonight at around 5, your time I should be back home and mentally prepared to have that conversation you want us to have.” I locked my door and ran down the steps to stop in front of the blue car with my friend resting against it, excitedly waving at me, I walked to the car. “So, I really gotta leave now, but don’t think I’m excited about this. I’m doing this for you.” “I don’t want to make you do this if you’re not ready A’.” He says, guilt overflowing the other emotion in his voice. “It’s fine, I’ll talk to you tonight.” I hung up and put my head in my hand, scratching my hairline and walking the rest of the distance to Jules.
“So, I won’t talk about the weather No, I won’t talk about the weather I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together And it’s hard to say if we will ever be But I’ll admit my greatest fear is that The air will never clear So I just wish we could talk like you and me”
“Who was that?” Jules asked me as we started walking towards the larger and busier streets. “Damn you, O’Brien’s.” I mumbled as I pulled her into a greeting side hug. “Oh my god, was it Dylan? Are y’all talking again?” She was too excited for her own good. “Not really, I just wanted to know what he wanted me to do with the stuff of his left at the apartment and he started saying how we should talk about what happened.” “Yeah, I’m not still a hundred percent clear on that, by the way. I don’t think any of us expected you guys to break up after 4 years.” “Don’t remind me, please” I begged as I opened the door to the small café.
When we entered, I looked around for either an empty table or counter seats. I nudged Jules and pointed to a small table at the very back near the window and looked at her, watching for an answer.
“Sure.” She shrugged and took a newspaper off the stand we were standing next to.
We sat down and she opened the menu, looking through it as a woman brought us glasses of water.
“Hello ladies, how are you today?” “We’re good, Jane, thanks.” I asked sipping the iced water. “What about you?” Jules asked putting the cardboard menu down. “Oh, I am very good thank you” She said a huge grin on her face as she extended her left hand, on it a very beautiful diamond engagement ring. “You are fucking kidding me! Oh, my fuck!” Jules exclaimed jumping up and down. She and Jane were college friends, I had met her through Jules at a party a few years back. “Congratulations Jane!” I said leaning in for a hug and sitting back down.
Jane and Jules were standing up and talking in loud whispers as to not fully disturb the other customers. I picked up my cell phone and opened the messages app and clicked on Dylan’s conversation as a reflex before making the screen turn black and setting it back on the table.
“Hey Alice, I haven’t seen much of you in the past two months, but you and Dylan are so invited! Maybe you’ll be in my situation in a few months!” She said cheery, my head snapped up at the mention of my ex-boyfriend and I looked at Jules.
“What? What did I say?” Jane looked back and forth between us. “Y’know when I told you that my brother went to L.A to film a new project?” Jane nods, “Well it wasn’t fully true, yes he is filming something, but he also moved to L.A” Jane’s eyes go from Jules to me. “Dyl and I broke up 5 months ago …” I said picking my phone up again to play with something. Anxiety filling my body and making my fingers shake at the mention of the break-up.
The waitress just sits down next to me and pulls me to her and squeezes me telling me encouraging words before she is called back to the counter.
“The usual?” She asks and Jules and I nod with a smile. “I think we’ll take it to go, if you don’t mind.” Jules says as she finishes her glass of water, Jane’s eyes go over one last time before going to the kitchen.
When we leave the little café/diner we decide to walk through a park that’s nearby, eating our paninis and drinking our mango and strawberry smoothies.
“Hey,” Jules nudges me. “They added something to your bag…” I look at her a put my hand in the bag. “It’s a muffin?” Jules says unsure. “What?” My word stays stuck in my throat. “Pretty fucking sure Janey didn’t tell Henry that Dylan and I were broken up” “Henry? The cook?” I nod and put the muffin back in the paper bag. “Yeah, hum, when Henry started working there Dyl and I went there to get you a smoothie and Henry was there and he just started hitting on him and like he knew that we were together but I guess it was a running gag between them and whenever I went Henry would put a muffin in the bag for your brother with a note” I laugh remembering the memory. “Once,” I laugh stopping us from walking further. “Dylan went to pick up our order to bring back to his apartment, before we moved in, and he actually gave Henry his number … Anyway, yeah.”
Jules looks at me and pulls me to her side as I hold the bag tightly. “You miss him, huh?”. I put my head on her shoulder, “you’ve got no fucking idea”
We keep walking and talking, and I can see that she is trying really hard to change my ideas. We go into stores and try on stuff without buying anything, we just spend an afternoon hanging out and it feels so good.
At around seven thirty we part, and we walk back to my apartment, I put the boxes that I left in the lobby in her car and wave her off. Clutching the paper bag, I grab my keys from my coat’s pocket, unlock the main door before going to the building’s mailboxes, gathering my mail and going through the lobby’s door to wave to Sam, the receptionist, before going up the stairs since the elevator hasn’t been fixed in 4 months. As I get onto my floor, I wave at my neighbor who exits his apartment as he looks at my door. I turn the corner and see that my door is opened, fearing the worst I grab a baseball bat sitting near the door that my father forgot last weekend when he came over. I hear soft music coming from the record player sitting in the living room, the smell of ham and cheese stuffed chicken filled the place and for a moment I thought my mother had come to New York … I entered the kitchen with the bat lowered down knowing who was in my apartment from the humming they made.
“I made dinner” Dylan says turning around and leaning his back on the counter, he pushes himself off of the counter.
“I can see that.” I huff out not looking at him. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, putting my coat on the back of the chair and my purse on the table.
“I- I wanted to talk.” He says taking a step towards me.
“Yeah, I know I was about to call you … We said we would talk tonight, on the phone” He nods slowly and turns around to put food in two plates. He hands me one and gesture for me to sit.
“I’m not a fan of phones.”
“Yeah I know that, we could’ve facetimed or something.” I pick at my Brussel sprouts, usually loving the way he made them, but seeing here tonight caught me off guard.
I actually look at him for the first time tonight, he hasn’t changed that much, his hair is a little bit longer though, he is hungrily eating the food and nervously keeps his head down.
“What happened?” He suddenly says, his head lifting and eyes connecting with mine. I take in a short breath and can’t look away.
“What?” I shake my head and look down. I stand up and put as much distance between him and I as physically can while still being in the same room.
“What happened between us?”
“I can’t say that I honestly know. We weren’t on the same path; we didn’t want the same things … I don’t know” I mumble picking and my chewed-up nails, a habit I had taken up from him.
“Ok so why didn’t work, it’s not distance because god knows we’ve done that before, none of us were unfaithful” I grimace at the thought of him with another woman and look at him, he notices, and pain quickly passes behind his hazel eyes. “I- I don’t think, hope not, we’ve fallen out of love… So, what happened Al’?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know what you’re expecting me to say right now, showing up at my apartment at fucking 8 …” I say my voice low and full of emotions.
“We agreed to talk” He says standing up and talking another step closer.
“I agreed to talk to you on the phone because even if it’s been five months, I can’t look at you right now!” I say looking at the shirt he’s wearing
“Did you send my stuff yet?” He asks changing the subject and taking another step, now only at an arm’s length from me.
“I actually gave the boxes to Jules earlier. Left em’ in the lobby and gave them to her when she left.” He nods silently, turns around before starting to put away the food, knowing we probably would not be eating tonight. The domestic choreography started as we moved around each other with ease and habit, but I still tried to keep a distance between us. Without having to consult each other I bent down to a cupboard to grab a few Tupperware’s and set them on the counter as he passed me the now empty pots and pans ready to be rinsed off. While we were quietly washing the dishes, the music in the back changed, but still fit the ambiance perfectly. He walked to the furthest and lowest cupboard where the large serving plates used to be and opened it to now find the spices.
“You changed the plates?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Hum, yeah didn’t have much of a choice, I couldn’t reach the spices from where they were, and I don’t use the serving plates all that much.” I shrug as he picks up the utensils and dries them off. He walks around me to the drawer where they’ve always been and opens it slowly, his hand supporting underneath.
“Oh no, I got fixed, it’s fine”
“Oh okay… Did your dad came all the way from Oregon or did hum…?” He asks and I smile at what he’s really asking me.
“No, I actually asked Pat to come over a month ago, he repaired a few things here and there” I smile warmly at him and his expression that went from sad to relieved.
“You- you called my dad?” He asks as he turns around to look at me and rests against the counter.
“I mean, yeah, is that okay?” I ask him, giving him a pot to dry off.
“Of course, yeah, no- no worries, heh.” He chuckles. “I’m just happy you guys stayed in contact. They adore you, y’know, my parents. Almost like a second daughter.”
“Well that’s just wrong” I mumble quickly my eyes large, falling back into the familiarity that is Dylan.
“What why?” He asks
“That would make us “brother and sister”” I finish washing the last dish and hand it to him.
“Oh yeah, so wrong. So, fucking wrong” He says under his breath and I laugh a little as I help him put away the plates. I open a cupboard and look up to see that it is far beyond my reach and I make a noise that attracts his attention. “Oh wait, I’ll get it” He says before taking large strides towards me. I quickly move to the side and put the plate on the counter so that he can pick it up.
We finish putting everything away in silence and I go sit on the couch as he washes his hands. A few seconds later he joins me and sit on the other side of the couch. Tears pool at my eyes and I sniffle, I can feel his eyes on me, I hear him shift on the couch, so his front was towards me.
“No, I won’t talk about the weather Not with you, we’re not together But I wonder if we’re ever really through 'Cause if we’re talking about whether You and I shouldn’t be together Oh, I know I’ll always be in love with you Oh yes, I know I’ll always be in love with you”
“It hurts so much” I whimper as I wipe away a tear that’s fallen on my cheek. “I don’t know what fucking happened. We didn’t get to talk, we-“
I freeze when I feel him starting to get closer to wipe away more tears that are now falling down my neck. I nuzzle my head into his large hand.
“I’m so sorry, for everything” He says his face in my hair.
“Don’t. It is not your fault. No, the situation was not ideal you having to leave for filming after the initial event, but it is not your fault. I think we just thought we were untouchable.” I say never facing him, my eyes fixed on the stickers stuck on the wooden table.
“But still, if I hadn’t talked about me moving back to L.A we could’ve talked and work things out.”
“Stop it.” I lick my lips attracting his eyes to the area as I turn to really look at him for the first time in months. “Dylan, it is not your fault, we had a weakness, we miscommunicated something got lost in what we told each other. I feel like I might’ve thought I was ready to leave the city to go to L.A but I wasn’t and maybe-“
“Say it again.” He suddenly says, cutting me off in my version of the events.
“What? Say what?”
“Say my name again, please.” His ton is full of hope and desperate at the same time.
I lock eyes with him and chuckle.
“Dylan” I enunciate each syllable.
“God. I missed you” He says, tears filling his eyes.
He grabs me by my waist and pulls me on his lap.
His face nuzzles itself in my neck and I feel a single tear rolling down my neck followed by a few soft kisses.
“I just got used to you not being there and knowing you wouldn’t come back. I didn’t like that.” I mumble against his temple. “Don’t say that. You know I’ll always come back to you.” He takes my hand in his and kiss the silver band around my pointer finger.
We part and I just stare at him, his eyes fall on me with the softest look I have ever seen.
“You almost didn’t come back once” I say softly thinking back on probably the hardest year of my life. My finger tracing the soft and ragged scar on his forehead and nose area, his eyes close at the sensation of my finger going around his face.
“I know. But baby I swear to you, you are stuck with me until the day I die, even then.” “Yeah okay, I’d be cool with that. But I want to take things slow. You have to go back to L.A for a few months.” “As soon as I’m finished over there I’m coming home.” He smiles at me and I stand up quickly from his lap and walk over where I put my stuff when I came in. “Oh my god I forgot.” I say quickly grabbing the object and walking back to him and plopping myself hard on his lap. “What’s that?” He looks at me with a smile. “It’s an impromptu welcome home gift, it might have gone stale a little though.” I give it to him and pull his face to kiss his moles that I missed oh so badly.
He opens the brown bag and puts his hand in and gets out a blueberry muffin.
“Oh Henry! My man” He says as he splits it in two and share half with me.
The morning after, I wake up at 9:45 in my bed, alone. I squeeze my eyes shut, not believing that I actually dreamt this whole thing. I check my phone to see if I have any messages and only one from Julia saying that she would be at my place around 11. As I text her to bring the boxes back I hear my bedroom door open and a smile stretches on my lips as I turn around to see Dylan walking in with freshly made hot cocoa and buttered toast.
“Oh, you’re too good to me, O’Brien” I smile and lean against him as he sits on the bed. “What makes you think that’s yours? You’ve got the good homemade bread and I fucking missed it” He says taking a bite.
Seeing him bite into the grilled piece of bread I only think of his lips.
“Dylan?” I say grabbing his face in my hand. “Hmm?” He swallows his piece of toast. “What’s up.” “You haven’t kissed me yet. I didn’t get to kiss you welcome back. Please, do it” I say in the most desperate tone I’ve ever heard myself talk. “Anything for you my love” He leans in and kiss me.
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No Mass ✰
y/n’s POV
"I'm going to the Alvarez's!" I yelled
"Did you eat breakfast?" Schneider asked
"Yes." I groaned, knocking my shoes on the ground as I was anxious to get over there
"Obviously, you didn't brush your hair." Schneider said, gently patting my head
"What? Yes, I did." I gasped, pushing down my hair
"My bad. I know you didn't take your medicine." He said, shaking the orange bottle he took out of his pocket
"Come on, I'm fine. I promise." I said
"Nope. Come here." He ordered, putting one in my hand
I glared at the little white pill in my hand, wanting to put it in the trash
"Promise me you'll take it." Schneider begged
"I promise." I sighed, walking out the apartment door
I shut the door and crushed the little pill with my foot. I used my heel to push the dust under the welcome mat. 3
Once I got to the Alvarez apartment, I walked right in as if I lived there. I practically did.
"What's going on today Alvarez family?" I asked, shutting the door gently behind me
"We're just moving the Pope." Penelope said as if it was a normal thing
"Do I want to know? Actually, don't answer that. I don't." I said, sitting at the kitchen table next to Alex.
"Did you take your medicine?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrows in question
"Yes." I lied, patting his shoulder
I turned to find Lydia putting up a picture of the Pope on their counter. We laughed at her as she continued to dance her way to her room.
Later, I was back at the Alvarez's house. Lydia invited me and Schneider over to eat dinner with them.
"You can probably dump that whole thing on there." Schneider said, referring to the food Lydia was passing out
"Next time." Lydia, lovingly, laughed
"Hi!" We all said, as the door slammed following Penelope's entrance into the apartment
"Welcome home, Lupita. We are almost done, but there is plenty left." Lydia said, pointing to the dinner on the table
"Aw. Dinner with my entire family... and the whitest people I know." Penelope said, gesturing to me and Schneider
"We're not that white." I said, unconvincingly
"Honey, you're as white as your converse..and those are really white." Penelope joked, making everyone laugh
"Yes, I invited them, again. They're orphans." Lydia said
"Do orphans always have rich dads who buy them buildings?" Alex asked
I tensed at the mention of a dad, but shook it off with a smile. I wasn't going to cause drama in a situation that didn't really involve me.
"Hey, I may have money in the bank and two living parents, and four living stepmothers...but there is a hole in here. We never had family meals. I ate alone in front of the TV. At least now, I have this one." Schneider argued, ruffling my hair
I instantly felt guilty about not taking my medicine. I knew he wanted what was best for me, but I just couldn't bring my self to do it.
"Ay, pobrecito Schneider." Lydia said
"Oh, don't get me wrong. It was a massive TV. Sometimes my nanny would join me, but only if I agreed to watch telenovelas." Schneider said
"Ooh, those are so over the top." Elena groaned
"Right? This one time, Rosa got jealous of the housekeeper cause she was makin a move on her man, so she threatened to throw live scorpions on her while she slept." Schneider said
"Sounds good. Which one was that?" Lydia asked
"Oh, no. Rosa was my nanny. Ex nanny. Now, stepmother. I'm so glad to be here." Schneider sighed, rubbing the table
"I'm just glad to be home with everyone." Penelope said, smiling at her family
As if on cue, Elena's goth friend walked out of the bathroom and sat in Penelope's chair.
"Who the hell are you?" Penelope asked
"This is Carmen, my best friend. I'm doing my history project with her." Elena said, introducing the stranger
"These all sound like things I should know. Hi, Carmen." Penelope smiled, introducing herself
"Hi." Carmen sighed, dramatically
"I'm Penelope. Kind of a big deal around here. So, uh, what's this history project you're working on? And then maybe later you can show me how you turn into a bat." Penelope asked, teasing Elena's friend
"Well, we just got done explaining the whole thing." Elena said
"Oh, come on, mija, I missed it." Penelope begged
"Oh, wait. Alex, y/n, tell Penelope that funny story that happened in chemistry class." Lydia laughed
"Again?" Alex asked
"Okay, I'll tell it. So, there is the floor and... slip. Oh, that Dylan." Lydia laughed as she barley got through any of the story
"Oh, That story never gets old." Schneider said, laughing at Lydia's incoherent story
"I've been working so much. I've been missing all the scoops plus Latina Twilight over here. Careful. There's a lot of garlic in that chicken." Penelope said, continuing to tease Carmen
"Your mom's kinda mean. I'm obsessed with her." Carmen, oddly, smiled
"Who would like a pastelito?" Lydia asked
We all eagerly took one, ignoring the pizzas Penelope had brought home
"Mm! You know what? How about we go on a hike this Saturday like we used to?" Penelope asked her kids
"Mom, Uh, Carmen and I need all Saturday for our history thing." Elena said
"Yeah, and Abuelita, y/n, and I have tickets to wrestling." Alex cheered
"I don't understand why you waste good money on that." Penelope sighed
"It's educational." I said, attempting to convince her
Penelope stared at me with a "we both know that's bullshit" look.
"Eh, I don't know." I shrugged
"Okay, Saturday's out. How about we go on a hike Sunday morning before it gets hot?" Penelope asked
"You seem to have forgot. Sunday morning is for church." Lydia said
"So, we skip church." Penelope suggested
"You seem to have forgot. We don't skip church." Lydia said, shaking her head at her only daughter
"Mami, it's okay if we miss it one time. It's not gonna kill us." Penelope insisted
"Oh, really? My great uncle Luisito skipped church, and on the same day, he was crushed by a runaway tractor." Lydia said
"Why don't you just go to church and then go hikin' after?" Schneider asked, solving their obvious problem
"We're Latinos, Church takes all day. By the time you're done with mass and you've said hello to fulano y fulana, it's five o'clock." Penelope said
"Oh, you exaggerate. 4:30." Lydia insisted
"I wanna see these guys this weekend. Come on. Cause I like them." Penelope said, pulling her kids close to her
"I have to put my foot down. Sundays we go to church, and then sometimes we go to Applebee's." Lydia said
"Well, I have a foot, too, and I'm gonna put my foot down and say this Sunday we're not going to church." Penelope argued
"Well, I am putting both of my feet down. We are going and that is the end of it. Ya!" Lydia said, shushing Penelope
"That's not your decision to make." Penelope said, beginning to get angry
"It's starting to feel kinda like home in here." Schneider smiled, making me shake my head
"I'm with Mom. We don't need to go to church. After all, Abuelita, you don't believe half that stuff." Elena said
"I believe everything." Lydia argued
"Really? When you take the communion you believe you're eating the actual blood and flesh of Jesus?" Elena asked
"Ay, no, it's a symbol. Don't be gross." Lydia said
"Okay. So, if you believe that then you're Protestant." Penelope said
"There is no need for name calling. All I know is that a good Catholic does not skip church. Right, papito?" Lydia asked, looking towards Alex for support
"I like church. I see my friends and I eat some donuts." Alex said
"Now, this one gets it. We're going." Lydia said, patting him on the back
"No, we are not! I work hard all week. When I get home, there's barely enough time to have a meal with the kids. Weekends are my only chance. So, this Sunday, no church. End of discussion." Penelope said
Lydia stood up and said something in Spanish, confusing me and Schneider.
"Ooh." Alex and Carmen said
"What? What'd she say?" Elena asked, who was also confused
"I am raising my voice, because I cannot believe we're having this discussion! I'm their mother! I don't need permission! I decide." Penelope fought
"And I am your mother, and I decide what you decide." Lydia said
"We are a family, damn it! Don't make me choose between you." Schneider said, "Okay, I'd choose Lydia because of her warm food and even warmer hugs. But I'd feel really bad about it."
"All right, everybody, go do your homework. Schneider, take y/n and go call one of your moms." Penelope said
"Fine. Guess we'll just eat this all alone in front of my massive TV." Schneider said, storming out
"Thought that was at his dad's house-" Penelope started
"He has one too!" I yelled as we stormed out 2
The next morning, I was sitting on the couch before school when someone knocked on the apartment door. Schneider went to open it to reveal the whole Alvarez family.
"Hello, Schneider. Listen have you—" Penelope started
"Wow! I always forget how huge your apartment is." Alex said, barging into the apartment
I waved from the couch before going back to my TV show, trying to ignore the chaos around me.
"Nah, come on, it's not that big. But let's talk in the parlor." Schneider said
"Schneider, have you seen my mom?" Penelope asked
"Gosh, no." Him and I, suspiciously, said
"Then why do I smell fried plantains and Cuban coffee?" Elena asked, glancing around the apartment
"Fine! She spent the night. But I want you to know, nothing happened." He promised
"Ew." I said, shaking my head at the older man
"What were you thinking chasing that women away? She's funny, charming, and when she gets angry, she cleans." He said
"Where is she?" Penelope asked, ignoring most of what he said
"I don't know. After last nights ugliness, she spent the night and left without saying goodbye. So, she already knows the drill." He said, referring to the previous women that had been in the apartment
"Again, Gross." I groaned
Then, a girl walked out a Schneider's room wearing just a shirt. Alex stared at her, making me laugh at his immaturity.
"Unlike some people." He said, glaring at the girl
The girl walked into a different room, and everyone turned their attention back towards Schneider
"What was that? And why was she drinking my coffee?" Penelope asked
"Well, when my family oasis blew up last night, I had to seek solace in the arms of.. I don't know her name. Your mom called her the stick girl and made her eat plato de huevos." He said
"Did Abuelita forget to give her her pants, too?" Alex asked, making me laugh
Later, Schneider and I were still at the Alvarez's because Lydia wasn't there when Alex and Elena got home from school.
Penelope walked in and we all greeted her with smiles and waves, still worried about Lydia.
"Welcome home, Lupita! We already started, but I insisted nobody say anything interesting till you got here." Schneider said
"Aw, that's so sweet." Penelope smiled, looking at all of us sitting at the dinner table
"It's been weird." Elena sighed
"Did you find Abuelita?" Alex asked, desperate to see his grandma again
"Yeah, she's with Jesus now." Penelope said2
"What?" We all screamed, thinking she meant Lydia had died
"No, no. Sorry. She's at church. Poor choice of words. Uh, whoa! What do we have here?" Penelope asked, looking at everything Schneider had set up
"Oh, Nothing special. Just some nutted quinoa, wilted broccoli with radish micro greens, and venison carpaccio on a bed of nettles. Grab a cedar plank and dig in." Schneider said
"Big change from Abuelita's cooking, huh? You like it?" Penelope asked all of us
"I can't wait to have eaten it." Elena said, as Schneider stared at her waiting for an answer
"I didn't think I would like nettles, and I was right." Alex said, setting down the fork he was using to eat
"Well, I'm competing with perfection here." Schneider sighed
"It's okay, Schneider. We all thank you for this very Caucasian meal. Good to see you again, Elena's best friend, Carmen, you beautiful weirdo." Penelope smiled
Carmen stared at her, uninterested in what Penelope was talking about.
"I'm sorry things got crazy the other night. That's- that's not us." Penelope insisted
"Seems like us." Alex disagreed
"We have all kinds of arguments in my family. I have two brothers. Ones a priest, ones a witch, so..." Carmen said, making us look at her oddly
"I'm really glad I'm getting to know you better, Carmen." Penelope
"Hello!" Lydia said, dramatically making her reappearance through the front door
"Oh, Thank God!" Schneider said, running ahead of everyone and hugging her
"I am so glad you're home. I was wilting under pressure to be you." He groaned
"Oh, hello, babies." Lydia said, hugging Elena and Alex, then me
"I'm sure you did fine. Who threw up in the table?" Lydia said, approaching the table and judging Schneider's cooking
"What were you doing all day?" I asked
"Oh, you know, saying my Rosary, praying for the departed souls...Asking forgiveness for your mother." Lydia said
"Why?" Elena asked
"Oh, She didn't tell you? She's no longer going to church. Ever." Lydia said
"We can do that?" Alex asked
"You can't. We will all go together. Us. Your mother will go hiking with Satan." Lydia sassed
"Yeah, and then we'll go to Applebee's. Cause Satan loves the Fiesta Lime Chicken!" Penelope sassed right back
"So, I guess you want to take my grandchildren to hell with you." Lydia asked, furthering the argument between her and Penelope
"I don't wanna go to hell." Alex cried, making me pat his shoulder
"There is no hell." Penelope said
"Don't worry, papito, there is." Lydia said, not making Alex feel any better
"Okay! You- you really wanna do this? All right, let's do this. I am not even sure I even believe in God, Okay?" Penelope said
"Hardcore." Carmen said, as the Alvarez's gasped
"Oye, you're so smart. If God doesn't exist, who made all of this?" Lydia asked, gesturing around the apartment
"Target." Penelope said2
"Okay, can we agree that if there is a God, it's gender neutral and not a He or she?" Elena asked
"No! God is a man. If he were a woman, there would be less problems. Pobrecito God. He tries so hard." Lydia said5
"Look, Mami, I get it. You like going to church. It's habit. You go out in lipstick, get dressed up, see your friends, gossip. It's your little social club, Mami, and that's fine." Penelope said
"It is more than that. I pray. I seek forgiveness." Lydia said
"And I am so glad that that gives you comfort. But that doesn't mean that God exists, okay? I'm sorry." Penelope said
"He kept you safe. Every day that you were gone, he kept you safe. My little girl says she wants to go in the Army, and then the army sends her to Afghanistan where she is getting shot at and I don't even know what else. Do you have you any idea... how much I worried? When you were deployed, I went to church everyday and I prayed that he would keep you safe. And he did. So don't you tell me about God. I know that God exists, and he is great." Lydia said, crying as she finished her story
"Mami, I'm sorry. I had no idea. You know, you went missing for one day and I was worried sick. I can't imagine what it must feel like to worry all those years." Penelope said
"All those years putting up with Birdie, with her terrible hairdos and her smelly breath." Lydia said
"Look. I still wear the cross you gave me." Penelope said, showing her the dainty cross necklace
"So you do believe!" Lydia exclaimed
"No, I don't wear it because it's a cross. I wear it because you gave it to me." Penelope said
"I don't understand the difference, so please just let me have this." Lydia said
They both sobbed and hugged each other, as everyone else looked on with a smile.
"So, are we going to church or not?" Elena asked
"Yes. Wait, no. Wait.. Sometimes, okay?" Penelope asked
"At least at Christmas and Easter. And one other time, so we are not those people." Lydia said
"And I'm not saying God doesn't exist. In fact, I check in with him constantly, you know, like, 'please God don't let Elena come home with a face tattoo.' And Mami, I am glad that you find comfort in church. I just find it in different places." Penelope said
"That's how I feel when I watch John Cena." Alex said, making everyone laugh
"Exactly, or Sonia Sotomayor... or Death. Everyone has something that inspires them." Penelope said
The next morning, I was sat on the couch with Alex watching the News. All of a sudden, a story about a car swerving off a bridge, into a lake, came on.
I stopped focusing on what Alex was talking about and stayed glued to the TV. As the story went on it started getting harder to breath, and I was shaking, and my eyes were tearing up.
"y/n? y/n! What's wrong?" Alex asked,  grabbing my hand when he heard my labored breaths
"I... can't... breath." I said, shaking my head and crying
"Mom!" Alex screamed, calling out for an adult to come help
"What?" She asked running in, quickly rushing to the couch
"Something's wrong with y/n." He said, tearing up as I continued to shake and attempt to catch my breath.
"I'll go get Schneider. Wait here." She said, running out the apartment door
Elena, Alex, and Lydia tried to get me to calm down, but I just couldn't.
"Where is she?" Schneider asked, running in with Penelope.
When he saw me on the couch, he sat down and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.
"Okay, okay. Remember your breathing. Breath in, 1,2,3,4,5. Breath out, 6,7,8,9,10." He said
We did that couple times, and I calmed down to the point where I could at least talk.
"What happened, kid?" He asked, rubbing my back in comfort
"The news. And the story, the car, bridge, lake." I said, beginning to tear up again
"y/n. Why didn't you take your medicine?" Schneider asked, realizing what had happened
"I did." I lied
"No, it wouldn't have been this bad if you had." He insisted
"I can't, okay? Every time I take those pills, I feel numb. And as crazy as it sounds, I want to feel the pain. I need to realize that what happened to my parents is real, not some horrible nightmare that I can just forget. I need to remember, and I need to heal on my own. I know I'll never have a mom who cares for me, or siblings to comfort me, or a dad to hang out with. I miss that, but pretending it's not real is worse." I said crying
Everyone stared at me either with teary eyes or sympathy, making me want to sink into the couch.
"Hey, I may not be your mom or your dad, but I'll always be there for you. I didn't think I'd enjoy taking in someone else's child, but since you've been with me I couldn't imagine life without you. You're my family." Schneider said, hugging me, "You can't hide these kind of thing from me, though. You have to try and be honest about it."
"We'll always be here too. For anything." Alex said, coming in to wrap me in hug
The rest of the family joined in one big hug, making me realize that Schneider was right. I may have lost my biological family, but family isn't just about DNA. It's about surrounding yourself with the people who will love and care for you through everything, and that's what Schneider and the Alvarez's are to me.
Alright, I hope this chapter provides an idea of what happened to her parents. Thank you guys for the reads!! And please, any feedback is welcomed.
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases
Author's Prompt: Chloe Beale is divorced and has an eight-year-old son. She starts dating famed music producer Beca Mitchell and her son isn't too happy about it. They haven't been dating long and are about to spend their first Christmas together. Or are they?
It was the day after Thanksgiving, and Beca was helping Chloe decorate her house for Christmas. They had been dating a few months and this would be their first Christmas together.
"Am I going to have to see you in Christmas sweaters all month?," Beca asked.
"No, silly," Chloe replied. "I'll only be wearing them all the way up until Christmas day."
"Great," Beca said rolling her eyes all the while smiling at the gorgeous redhead. "So, I was wondering, what does an eight-year-old boy want for Christmas?"
"You don't have to get us anything," Chloe said.
"Hey, I like you guys," Beca said. "A lot. And maybe getting Dylan something will make him like me."
"Are you trying to buy my son's affections?"
"Nothing else seems to be working. Face it, Chlo. Your kid hates me."
"He doesn't hate you. He still thinks his dad and I are going to get back together and if you're around that won't happen."
"Like I said. He hates me."
"But, I like you and that's all that matters."
Chloe leaned into Beca and kissed her. Beca pulled Chloe closer and deepened the kiss.
"Gross," Dylan said causing them to pull apart. "Can you not do that when I'm around?"
"Dylan, be nice," Chloe said.
"Why?," Dylan said crossing his arms over his chest with a pout. "It's not like she's going to be around once dad comes back."
Beca stood awkwardly next to Chloe. Chloe sighed and looked at Dylan.
"Dylan," Chloe said and knelt in front of him. "It's been two years, sweetie. Your dad's not coming back to us. He's got a whole new family and he doesn't want to be with us anymore."
"Just tell him you still love him," Dylan said teary-eyed. "He'll come back if you tell him you still love him."
Dylan turned and ran off to his room. Chloe sighed and stood to face Beca.
"I'm sorry," Chloe said.
"It's okay," Beca said pulling Chloe into a hug. "I kind of know what he's going through. My dad left me and my mom when I was eight. He had a whole new life and forgot all about me."
"I should go talk to him," Chloe said.
"That's a good idea," Beca said. "I'm going to go so you two can be alone to talk. I'll call you later."
"Thank you," Chloe said. "For understanding. I know we've been dating a few months but I think he just needs some time to get used to me dating someone. I really haven't dated anyone else since my divorce."
"No worries," Beca said and kissed Chloe. "Call me if you need me for anything."
"I will," Chloe said and walked Beca to the door. They kissed one more time before Beca left.
Chloe closed the door and leaned against it. She ran a hand through her hair and went to talk to her son.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
It was a week before Christmas and things still weren't going well between Beca and Dylan. Dylan would yell through the door for her to go away when she came to pick Chloe up for their dates. He would stare daggers at her whenever she held hands with Chloe or hugged her. He made gagging sounds whenever she would kiss Chloe.
It was to the point that anytime Dylan was around she refused to touch Chloe in any way. It was putting a real strain on their relationship.
That night, Beca brought Chloe home from an album release party that Beca's studio held for one of their new artists. They were both dressed to kill and Chloe couldn't keep her eyes off Beca. She looked hot.
Beca looked around when they got into the house. "Where's Stacie?"
"She probably went to bed," Chloe said. "I told her we would be really late and that she should just spend the night."
"Oh," Beca said.
"Would you like some wine?," Chloe asked as she led Beca into the kitchen. "Or maybe some water."
Chloe stopped short when she entered the kitchen. Dylan was standing by the counter with his back to the door.
"Dylan? What are you doing still up?"
Dylan was startled when he heard Chloe's voice. He went around the back of the counter toward the other side and dropped something in the trash can, and said, "I was, um, just getting some water."
Beca watched him closely. Something told her he was up to no good, especially since he knew she had taken his mother out.
Chloe walked over and opened the refrigerator. She grabbed a bottle of water and turned to hand it to Dylan when Beca said, "I'd like some water, too, please."
"Dylan, please give this one to Beca," Chloe said and turned to retrieve two more bottles of water.
Dylan walked over to the counter and set the bottle down. "Why don't you have a seat so you can drink your water?"
"Um, okay," Beca said warily. She sat on the stool at the counter. She got even more nervous when Dylan smiled at her.
"Dylan," Chloe said as she handed him a bottle of water. "It's late. You should go back to bed."
She reached down for a hug and kissed him on top of his head. He yelled a quick 'goodnight' as he ran out of the kitchen. Chloe laughed and shook her head at him.
Chloe walked over and set her water on the counter next to Beca's. Beca tried to shift in her seat and she couldn't. Beca furrowed her brow as Chloe put her arms around her neck and moved to stand between Beca's legs. Chloe laughed when Beca didn't move to allow her in.
"Playing hard to get," Chloe said with a smirk.
"I think I'm stuck," she said with a laugh. She tried to turn and then tried to stand up. The stool came up with her. "What the fuck? I am stuck."
Beca started twisting and turning and Chloe had to grab her to stop.
"Sit back down," Chloe said.
"I don't want to," Beca said. "I can tell it's only my dress that is stuck right now. If I sit back down I'm afraid my ass will be stuck along with my dress."
Beca leaned her torso on the counter. She knew she must look preposterous with a stool sticking out from her ass. She could also feel the stool pulling her dress down, making it tighter around her shoulders. She was surprised it hadn't ripped.
Beca shook her head at the absurdity of it all. And in the back of mind, she knew she would probably be laughing if it were anyone else.
"Would you unzip my dress, please?"
Chloe reached up and did as Beca asked. "There. It's all the way down."
"Could you lift the stool just a bit?"
Chloe took hold of the legs and held the stool up. She saw Beca's dress slacken and told her to try and get it off.
Beca lifted her torso off the counter and managed to slide the sleeves of her dress down her arms. She could feel the dress slacken and she took a half a step back and stood so she could slide the dress down her body. Chloe tilted the top of the stool slightly so Beca was able to push the dress down far enough so she could step out of it.
Once she was free, Chloe set the stool upright onto the floor. Beca couldn't stop looking at her dress still attached to the stool. Chloe was biting her lip as she stared at Beca standing in her bra and underwear.
Beca walked around the counter and looked into the trash can. She reached down and pulled up a small tube of crazy glue.
"I told you Dylan hated me," Beca said holding up the crazy glue.
Chloe was a bit taken aback that Dylan would actually do something like this.
Beca threw the glue back into the trash can. She noticed Chloe was just staring at her and cleared her throat. "Could I, uh, borrow something to wear?"
Chloe snapped out of it and mumbled, "Um, yeah. I'll, uh, be right back."
Chloe didn't say anything more and hurried out of the kitchen to get something for Beca to wear. When she got upstairs she went into the guest room and woke Stacie and explained what happened. She handed Stacie some clothes and asked her to take them to Beca while she went to talk to Dylan.
Beca remained standing as she waited for Chloe to come back. It was a couple of minutes before Stacie came into the kitchen carrying some clothes.
"Where's Chloe?"
"She's with Dylan," Stacie said.
"This is fucked up," Beca ranted. "I know the kid doesn't like me dating Chloe, but this is ridiculous."
"Chloe gave me some clothes for you," Stacie said just holding them in her hands. "Although, I don't mind if you want to walk around like that."
Beca wasn't in the mood for Stacie's playful flirting and snapped at her. "May I just have the clothes, please?"
Stacie handed Beca a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Just then Chloe walked in with Dylan. She immediately put her hand over Dylan's eyes when she saw Beca still standing in just her bra and panties.
"Thanks for the clothes," Beca said as she turned her back on them and quickly got dressed.
Beca heard Dylan giggle as she was pulled on the sweatpants. She jerked her head around to look at him.
"Dylan, stop," Chloe admonished him. "You owe Beca an apology."
"Save it," Beca said as she turned to face Chloe. "He won't mean it and I don't want to hear it."
Beca grabbed the stool in one hand and her dress in the other and tried to rip the dress off the stool; it didn't budge.
"Fuck it," Beca said. "You can have it."
Beca looked at Chloe and opened her mouth to say something more but snapped it shut. She then walked past Chloe and Dylan and stormed out of the kitchen.
"Beca, please, don't go," Chloe said going after her. Tears were running down her face now. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
"Don't, Chloe," Beca said with tears in her eyes. She looked to see Dylan smiling at her. "I can't do this anymore." Beca left without another word.
"Guess we won't be seeing her again," Dylan said with a smug smile on his face.
Chloe turned on him but before she could say or do anything, Stacie got between them. She pushed Dyland toward the stairs and told him to go to his room. Seeing his mother's face, Dylan did as he was told.
Chloe let out a small sob and sat on the sofa.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
It had been three days since the incident with the crazy glue. Dylan was still walking around with a smile on his face because Beca hadn't been around. But, he continued to tread lightly where his mother was concerned because she was still upset with him. Although he didn't know why; he got rid of Beca and now all his mother and father had to do was talk and say I love you to each other and things would be normal again.
Chloe spent countless hours texting and calling Beca during those three days. She left countless voicemails apologizing for Dylan, and begging and crying to try and get Beca to call her.
On the fourth day, a courier had come to the door with a box addressed to her from Beca. Chloe was a bit confused but smiled a little as she opened the box. Inside she found the hoodie and sweatpants that Beca had been wearing when she left Chloe's house that night. She also found a note written in Beca's handwriting.
Chloe lost the smile and the tears came again as she read the note.
It hurts me to do this because I really do care about you and Dylan. The fact is, Dylan doesn't like me and, honestly, I'm not too thrilled with him right now either. But, he is your kid and I would never want to be the one that comes between a mother and her son.
I'm really sorry things didn't work out. I do wish you and Dylan the best.
Beca Mitchell
PS - Thank you for letting me borrow the clothes. They've been washed.
This made it real. There was no longer any hope; Beca broke up with her. Chloe dropped the note on the floor and went up to her room. She threw herself on her bed and began sobbing.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
Dylan heard his mother crying in her room and didn't know what to do. He went downstairs to get her some juice because that's what she always did when he was feeling sad.
Dylan saw a box sitting on the coffee table and went to see what it was. He found the note that his mother had dropped on the floor and read it. Beca had really broken up with this mother because of him.
"That must be why she's crying," Dylan thought and frowned. "But, she should be happy. Now she can tell my dad she loves him and we can be a family again."
So, why doesn't he feel better now that he knows Beca is really gone?
Dylan chewed on his bottom lip as he thought about how much his mom smiled and laughed when Beca was around. Dylan looked at the letter again and made a phone call.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
Two days later, Stacie called to check on Chloe. She could hear how sad the redhead was through the phone.
"How about I take Dylan shopping," Stacie told Chloe. "He told me he wanted to get you something special for Christmas. It will also give you some time for yourself."
"That sounds good, Stacie," Chloe said. "Thank you."
"Great," Stacie said. "Tell him I'll be there in an hour."
"I will," Chloe said.
Chloe told Dylan that Stacie was coming to take him shopping. Dylan thanked her and went to get ready.
Stacie showed up and Dylan hugged his mother and she told him to be a good boy. Stacie led the young boy out to her car and stopped him before he got in.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Dyl?"
"Of course, I'm sure, Aunt Stacie," Dylan said. "My mommy is sad now. But, she's happy with Beca. Beca doesn't like me so if I go live with my dad, Beca and my mom will get back together, and we'll all be happy. Everybody wins."
"Dylan," Stacie said kneeling down in front of the boy. "Your dad hasn't seen you since the divorce. Are you sure you're ready for whatever he has to say?"
"I'm eight years old," Dylan said puffing out his little chest. "I can handle big boy stuff."
"Okay," Stacie said. "Your mother is going to kill me but I'm only doing this because I think you need to know the truth."
Stacie makes sure Dylan is safely belted in and gets behind the wheel. She drives off and about thirty minutes later they reach their destination. Stacie parks across the street from a modest looking two story home. Stacie and Dylan look over to see Chicago in the yard with two young boys playing catch with a football. Dylan frowns. His dad never played football with him.
Chicago is laughing as he chases one of the boys around the yard. He catches the boy and lifts him in the air before pulling him into a hug, smiling the whole time. Dylan tried to remember the last time his dad hugged him or smiled like that.
Chicago notices the car and Stacie and Dylan staring at them. He said something to the two boys and they went running into the house. Chicago then stands at the gate and looks at the car. Dylan is just staring at him.
Chicago turns and picks up the football. He takes one last look over his shoulder before turning his back and walking into the house.
Stacie is disappointed but was expecting something like this. She looks in the rearview mirror at Dylan and he is sitting in his seat with his head down.
"What do you want to do, Dyl?"
"Can we just go see Beca now?"
Stacie started the car and drove away. She felt bad for Dylan but was also glad he got to see what Chloe had been hiding from him for so long. Stacie never would understand how a man could walk away from his own child and step into the role of father to someone else's children, and not look back.
Stacie pulled up to Beca's place about forty minutes later. Stacie and Dylan get out of the car and slowly walk up to Beca's door.
"You ready for this?," Stacie asked and Dylan nodded.
Stacie rang the doorbell. The door opens and Beca looks shocked to see them.
"Stacie? Dylan?" Beca looks from one to the other. "Is everything okay? Is Chloe okay?"
"Chloe's fine," Stacie said. "I'm sorry if we're disturbing you, but Dylan wanted to talk to you."
Beca looks down at Dylan and he is staring down at the ground. Beca knelt in front of him and when he looks up at her she sees tears falling down his face.
Beca pulls Dylan into a hug and the young boy lets out a sob and buries his head in her neck.
"I'm sorry." The words are mumbled into Beca's neck but she hears them.
"Hey, it's okay," Beca said. "It's okay."
Beca can't help it as tears spring to her eyes as well. Beca holds Dylan for about five minutes and just lets him cry. She finally pulled him back from her and looked at him. She wiped the tears from his face.
"Come on in," Beca said and stood. "Let's talk inside."
Dylan takes Beca's hand and lets her lead him inside. Stacie follows and closes the door behind her.
~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~ ~25 Days~
Christmas morning found Stacie and Aubrey at Chloe's watching Dylan open his presents. Chloe was smiling but her friends could see she was still hurting.
"That's the last of them," Chloe said as Aubrey thanked her for the sweater. "How about breakfast?"
Stacie and Dylan were whispering together and Stacie pulled out her phone. She sent a text and told Dylan everything was ready. Chloe looked at them.
"What are you two conspiring over there?"
"Wait," Dylan said. "There's one more present."
"Sweetie, there are no more presents under the tree," Chloe said. "We got them all."
"This one's not under the tree." The doorbell rang and Dylan smiled. "There it is. Go open the door, mom. It's for you."
Chloe furrowed her brow and looked around at everyone. She got up and made her way to the door.
"What did you do?" Chloe was looking back at Dylan when she opened the door. She was shocked to turn around and see Beca standing there with a big bow stuck to the front of her and two bags of gifts sitting on the ground by her legs.
"Sorry," Beca said as she pulled the bow off. "It was Dylan's idea."
Chloe just stared at Beca and Beca stood there rocking back and forth. "Um, Merry Christmas?"
"Beca, come in," Dylan said from behind his mother.
"Oh, right, um, yeah," Chloe stuttered out. "Please come in."
Beca picked up the two bags and entered the house. She saw Stacie and Aubrey and smiled at them.
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Beca," Stacie said while Aubrey just glared at her.
"Not that I'm not glad to see you," Chloe said. "But, um, why are you here?"
"Well, Dylan and I talked," Beca said. "We've come to an understanding and he promised that he wouldn't glue any more of my clothes to the furniture and I promised him that I would try and win you back."
Chloe turned to look at Dylan who smiled at her and nodded his head.
"I'm really sorry about that note," Beca said. "I was still upset and I knew if Dylan didn't like me, we'd never make it so-"
Chloe shut Beca up by crashing their lips together. Beca dropped the two bags at her side and pulled Chloe closer.
"I've missed you," Chloe said against Beca's lips.
"I've missed you, too," Beca said as she pulled back from the kiss. "I even missed the little brat, too."
"Hey," Chloe said and smacked at Beca's arm.
Beca smiled and kissed Chloe again. "So, does this mean you'll give us another chance? Because I'm all in if you are."
"I'm all in, too," Chloe said quietly and kissed Beca again.
"YES!" Dylan yelled and high-fived Stacie.
"You two did all this?," Aubrey asked.
"Yes, we did," Dylan said and ran over to hug Beca.
"I'm glad you came," Dylan whispered.
"Me, too," Beca whispered back.
108 notes · View notes
quiet-onset · 6 years
Real Life (4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,363 (this was supposed be a drabble idk lol)
Tag List: @girlwhoisfearless, @lordemjay, @skeletoresinthebasement, @givemeanorigami
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A Cold Front
“You look like death.”
“You flatter me, James.”
It had been about two months since you moved into your new Brooklyn home, with Bucky’s help, of course. You’d been dreading the day you had to move those boxes, but having a certain gorgeous super soldier help made your day extremely better.
However, that same day, you noticed you lived next to a family with two kids. They’d immediately taken a liking to you and Bucky.
The girl, Kenzie, asked Bucky all kinds of peculiar questions about his metal arm. Could he lift an elephant with it? How many magnets did he think it would take before it was weighed down? Did it come in purple? Bucky answered them all with a smile.
The boy, Dylan, was a bit older and wanted to know if he could join SHIELD. You had to explain to him that he had to be a bit older, but he said it was okay. “I’m gonna help people anyway.” He had told you.
They were sweet kids. And it was those same sweet kids that had gotten you sick.
You hadn’t bothered getting properly dressed for work; no one was going to see you. You just needed something comfortable and functional enough for you to finish your current project; Steve’s new shield. Shuri’s shield had gotten a little beat up over time. Those days, she was so busy in Wakanda, she didn’t have time to fix it. So you assured her that you were okay to make him a new one.
However, with your puffy eyes, stuffy nose, and sore throat, you weren’t sure how much longer you could last.
“You’re sick. Why are you here?” Bucky asked. He stepped into your workshop, kicking aside a few stray tissues that missed the trash can.
You blew your nose, “I work here.” You crumpled it and tossed it to the trash can, watching as it just tipped onto the floor from the rim.
“Not so good at basketball, huh?”
“I’ll have you know, I am great at basketball.” You sassed. “Take away the court, the hoop, and the ball, and I’m a natural Michael Jordan.”
“I’ll pretend I know who that is.”
You laughed as best you could under your sickness and pushed a stray hair from your face. “So what’s up?”
“Well, I came to ask about Steve’s shield, but you obviously can’t finish it right now.”
“Pfft, yeah, I can. That’s what I’m doing. See?” You pointed to the prototype that was still being worked on. It was a combination of his old shield and Shuri’s design. You’d talked to Steve about what he wanted, and he assured you that the Captain America he was when he joined the Avengers was not the same man he was now. “We decided to keep the circular shape of his old shield, as it provides more spacial protection, and add in Shuri’s tech. Ya know, retractable claws, retaining kinetic energy, that sorta stuff.”
“Sounds like you’re all done then.” Bucky nodded.
“Nope. See, the electromagnetic force from the—“
“Y/N, you know I’m not gonna understand a word you say.” He chuckled, making you make a noise akin to a snort. “Just take a break. You’re sick, and you need to rest.”
“I’ll rest when I’m done.” You said, holding back a sneeze. When you finally let it out, Bucky snorted. You turned your head, “What?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked down at his feet with a tiny smile on his lips. “‘S just cute, is all.”
You turned back around to hide your grin, the heat creeping up your neck in a wave. You picked up your mug and took a long drink as you finally turned around to face him. The scent of coffee filled your nostrils as Bucky looked at you in amusement. “Is that coffee?” He asked.
You nodded.
Playfully rolling his eyes, he reached down into your mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Ignoring your curious gaze, he tossed you the bottle, “Heads up.”
“Water?” You chuckled.
“Drink it.” He said, heading for the door. “I’ll be back.”
You bit your lower lip as you watched him walk away. The floating feeling in your stomach only became more erratic as you thought about how he thought your sneeze was cute. It was a simple thing, really, but to you, it meant everything. This opened up a whole world of possibility. What else about you did he think was cute, if anything?
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so worked up over a man. You’d dated a few guys, but they all proved themselves to be the wrong one for you. Whether it was due to work or family, there was always something wrong. With Bucky, you found yourself praying there was nothing wrong even though you two weren’t officially together.
An hour later, as you connected another two wires together, causing sparks to fly, you heard a knock at your door. When you looked up, you saw Bucky, his hair pulled back in a bun at the nape of his neck, allowing all of his prominent features to shine, even from a distance. He held a tray in his hands with a bowl of soup and a cup of tea atop it. He nodded to the couch across from your workspace. “C’mon.”
“Bucky, what is this?” You asked, fidgeting with your fingers as you followed him.
“If I can’t convince you to go home, then I’m gonna make sure you take a break.”
You sat down next to him as he set the try on the coffee table. You noticed there was no medicine, which Bucky had quickly picked up on. “You won’t need medicine after this soup. It’ll clear up your system in a day, two tops.” He assured you. “Try some.”
You slowly picked up the spoon, sniffing it as best you could. The steam helped clear your nose a bit, a plus. And the soup smelled pretty good. Finally pushing the spoon past your lips, the hot soup soothed your sore throat, but tasted like a dirty sweatshirt. Your face scrunched up immediately, and you turned to Bucky. “It’s… good.”
Bucky laughed at your disgusted face and shook his head, “No, it’s not. It’s helps though. I used to make for Steve all the time back in the day.”
“Back in the day.” You muttered with a smirk, causing him to nudge you with his elbow. “I can’t finish that. It’s gross.”
“Okay, it’s gross, but it’s not that gross.”
“I’d like to see you try it.”
He shrugged and took the spoon from your hand, surprising you as he quickly downed three spoonfuls of the disgusting soup. “There.”
“Bucky! You’re gonna get sick!”
“I’m fine.” He waved you off. “I’m a super soldier. Super soldiers don’t get colds.”
“That’s not how genetics work, James.”
“C’mon, just eat the soup.” He said, scooping up a spoonful. “Here.”
Your heart began to beat at the speed of light as he brought the spoon up to your lips. Bucky hadn’t even thought anything of it until he looked at your lips. He forgot how kissable they always looked (even when you were sick, apparently). Even with your hair a mess, your eyes puffy, and your nose just lightly tinted red from the stuffiness, you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
Your eyes locked, he slowly fed you the soup, pulling the spoon from between your lips just as you swallowed the putrid soup. You tried your best to keep your face from scrunching up again, but the taste of the soup prevailed. Bucky let out a nervous chuckle and cleared his throat, his gaze finally breaking from yours as he set the spoon on the tray. “So just, um, just finish the soup and the tea, alright? I just want you to get better.”
He began to walking towards the door when you called out to him, “Buck!” He turned back toward you as you fiddled with the spoon, the metal still warm. “Stay with me? Ya know, to keep me company.”
He smiled, “Of course, doll.”
Forever Tags:
@kimmy-h-life, @ben-platt-deserves-the-world , @thewordofthenerd, @wishuponastarlana, @yumel21, @here-for-your-bullshit, @bethbat, @iamafangirlofeverything, @loveisloveandmorepeopleneedit
75 notes · View notes
2018chicagoteentour · 6 years
Today was very productive from our WeCCann group. We visited some colleges and helped clean up the streets of Chicago. We went to a church and learned some new things about that specific church. After that we went to the united center and saw the Michael Jordan statue. My experience today with WeCCaan was very humbling. Seeing what certain parts of Chicago is like was much different from what Georgia is like. It made me feel better about myself knowing that my team and I tried to help clean up the community a little bit. It might not have been a huge impact but every little things counts. -Jaydeen
I had a great time so far. I went to a Cuban restaurant and the food was good. I don’t know if I am going to sleep good tonight but I will try and make it work. -
Today was an interesting day. While I was awake during the morning time, I was glad to pass through the area where the Jacksons live and were raised. Today’s volunteer work was very interesting. I got to see and learn about the people in that area and how they have access to help and support from the pastor at Progressive Beulah Pentecostal Church. It was very informative and I am glad I was able to learn something new! -Kristen
We woke up on the bus this morning to a beautiful sunrise and a "Good Morning Vietnam!" from Dr. Mike. I prefer Robin Williams, but Dr. Mike had the desired effect. Coming up from Indiana, we hit right into Chicago from the south. Riding into South Chicago was the humbling experience I expected during this trip. Decadent and painfully impoverished, it was a sea of brown in many ways. However, upon arrival of our location for community service, Progressive Beulah Pentecostal Church, we met Pastor Barclay, a character of charisma, integrity, and I'm sure of much hope to his community. With his and Dr. Mike's leadership, we met our objective with full force, to clean and beautify the adjacent houses of filth and excess vegetation. -Warren
I loved working with the church today and meeting great people that like to help in the community. It was a great experience to work with everyone and having the same goal to make Chicago better then the way we found it. -Kaitny
Today we got to help a community. It was great being able to have that experience and help someone out for a change. We also got to visit the Michael Jordan statue (which I've never been to before) at United. -Bobby
My day was good. From what we did it inspired me to strive for greatness and no one stop you from doing what you want to do. Then I learned from the community service that it’s always good to give back to the community. I enjoyed the bus rides and going to the United center and seen one of my favorite players statue in the middle of the place. Now I’m just ready for tomorrow. -Iterrius
Today we went to 2 colleges and I discovered were micheal Jordan and the bulls played and I saw micheal Jordan statue. This was fun and it inspired me to change with community service I will help start keeping where I live cleaner. -Zion
Dr. Weaver’s generous stops to see famous landmarks has allowed me to see a lot in person. First and foremost I believe that the work we did around the three homes by church was a phenomenal job and an excellent example of how teamwork makes the dream work. Today I was able to visit two HBCU campuses, and famous landmarks, we visited Chicago State University, and the Malcolm X College, and in addition we also went to the Millennium Park which is home to the famous Cloud Gate. Finally for dinner we got to dine in a Cuban restaurant and I was able to experience some exotic foods that I would not have been able to have back home in Martinez, GA. -Daniel M
Today we got to help a community. It was great being able to have that experience and help someone out for a change. We also got to visit the Michael Jordan statue (which I've never been to before) at United. –
Today was a really great day. I learned a lot about the city of Chicago and was able to participate in a great volunteer opportunity. We took lots of great pictures and made a lot of good memories. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store!! -Daniel A
Today I toured Chicago State University and seen many other Chicago landmarks. Our main question yesterday was what was something that we expected to see and do in Chicago. In one day I was able to fulfill both of the things I wanted to do which were go to Millennium Park and see the cloud and also give back to the community. I enjoyed everything I learnt and seen today and it’s all because of Dr. Mike. -Roderick T
Today was an incredible experience throughout Chicago. I had such an amazing time at the community service event this morning. I had an interesting conversation with a person who was previously in prison, in a gang and was homeless. The conversation was very eye-opening and thought provoking. The rest of the day touring Chicago was even more awesome. I’m incredibly excited for tomorrow! -Giovan
I really enjoyed talking to Pastor Barclay about his experiences and how he has given and been given everything that he needs or needed. This year’s volunteer task was so peaceful and humbling. Everyone worked hard and worked together and no one complained. We all had a willing spirit and knew what we were there to do. -TeShania
My experience today was interesting. I learned a lot. Mainly, the difference between a Baptist and Pentecostal church or congregation. I also had a breathtaking experience seeing the United Center and the interior of it. Lastly, the most important thing was I made lots of new friends and had fun doing service learning. -Bascia
My experience today was great, I got the opportunity to visit many breathtaking cites. I learned the difference between a baptist and Pentecostal church. I also enjoyed visiting the United Center and taking pictures in front of the statue inside. All together I got the opportunity to bond with new people and I enjoyed giving back. -Destynei
Today was a very good day and we got a lot accomplished. We visiting a college, and helped the community and church by doing lawn work and helping pick up trash. We went touched down in Chicago, and we started giving back to the community. Giving back to people that were a little less fortunate than us was a good humbling experience. It showed that in some communities it’s not as nice as some places and there is trash, animals, etc everywhere. To be able to help those people out that need it most was a feeling, and I hope to be able to do it again. It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait for tomorrow. -Dylan
Today was a great experience. We went to do community service for and local church in Southside Chicago we got our hands dirty in the soil and pulled some weeds up.  We first went to the church and talked to the preacher and he gave us great advice and knowledge. The thing that stuck with me was that money didn't matter and it didn't define you. Also I had an ok experience at the Malcolm x College because we didn't go in or even talk about just like we did at Chicago university. Then at the Michele Jordan statue I had fun because we took pictures and walked around. And the statue showed me that you can work hard to do great things no matter where you come from cause that was Michael Jordan’s life. -Marcus
Today was very eye opening and humbled me as a young teenager growing up in a world like this. Seeing that people are not as fortunate lets me know that there are always people that need help. I’m am very grateful that I could help out the church today. -Joshua
We had a chance to tour Chicago  it's a very busy town! I enjoyed the volunteering event at the Progressive Buelah Pentecostal church cleaning and beautifying the community.  My favorite part was the church members working together to pick up the weed, dead grass and cleaning of the area. A visit to Greektown was an interesting place, reminded me of our New York city,  so busy and never sleeps. I am grateful for very minute today thank you Dr. Mike. -Rania
I had a fun experience help out the pastor with cutting weeds down also I love doing community service. I got to see the Michael Jordan’s statue and that was fun as well. -Jaylen
My volunteer service experience gave me a great feeling. I felt so welcomed by the Pastor and his members. I was able to have my “before and after” experience and I felt accomplished by the work I/we provided. The places we visited were nice too. It’s always fun to visit new places and to see other people just wanting to have a nice time with their family and/or friends like I am.  I appreciate the opportunity to have this experience with an awesome group and leader. -Bridgett
When doing community I realized how much it meant to give back to the community. In order to receive a blessing you must give one. The change that you put into a community is all dependent on you and how you do it. I enjoyed also seeing the attractions and the scenery was amazing. This showed me that Atlanta isn’t the only city with amazing artwork and monuments. -Roderick M
The beginning of yesterday started as a test of grit and perseverance. We split into three groups and helped the lovely and welcoming Progressive Beulah Pentecostal Church with cleaning of the community and home. Then we had spare time to venture off, I took some pictures of the graffiti and we also took group pictures with the sculptures. We finally arrived back to the YMCA and freshened up. We ended the night by splitting into groups to find something to eat. -Linda
Yesterday I experienced helping doing yard work and that’s something that I’ve never done before .I got to see the side of Chicago I’ve never seen and it changed my view of Chicago .Sleeping in the yoga room humbled me and made me realize how underprivileged people live. -Jaden
The Progressive Beulah Pentecostal Church was not only a amazing experience, it was a motivational one. The congregation is a mixture of individuals that have overcame drug addiction, prostitution as well as individuals seeking help and recovery from those struggles. I appreciated the hospitality from everyone but most importantly after the volunteering work was complete - there was a clear before and after difference so a job well done. -Diego
Today, I visited Chicago State University and Malcom X College. Also, we briefly visited United Arena and saw the Michael Jordan statue. In conclusion, I was able to see numerous stunning sites around the city of Chicago. I enjoyed my self today and would recommend my experience to others. -Dean
When doing community service I realized how much it meant to give back to the community. In order to receive a blessing you must give one. The change that you put into a community depends on you and how you do it. It made me happy when I saw the work that the other teens and I completed in the neighborhood . Helping a community can always go a long way because you never know who’s life you could be impacting or who you could meet. I also enjoyed seeing the attractions and the scenery in Chicago. This showed me that Atlanta isn’t the only city with amazing artwork and monuments. -Rodney T
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thelittlestkitsune · 7 years
hello again.
So, if the title is no indication, I am back. 
If you are slightly confused as to why I’m saying I’m back then let me lay it down. About a month ago I made a post called much deserved. I needed a break from always being plugged in online, I needed time to work on my imagines at my own speed; not just the speed you guys wanted. So I went on hiatus. I did this for so many reasons, but I will explain myself. Just let me compose myself and we can get into it. Sit down, grab a drink and let’s do this. 
When I took my hiatus I was going through a really tough time, I still am in fact, but I know I can handle it now. I have unfortunately been unemployed since April of this year, this means that for most of the year I have been unbelievably poor. This isn’t a sob story; this is a fact. I was under so much stress from my personal life that I couldn’t find it within me to write anything. It began to feel like a burden and not a joy. 
So I took a step back to evaluate my life from the outside. I applied for jobs, I’m trying to decorate my flat and I want to improve my relationship with my partner. It’s going well, I finally have interviews, I can actually somewhat bare my home and Stewart and I are in a really good place right now. 
But something was still holding me back from returning. I wasn’t happy with my blog at all. It was a mess, something that caused me more unnecessary stress. So I changed it. I’m still the same person I was, nothing has changed there, but this is no longer the blog you used to visit. It’s better. 
I have an updates tab, my themes are sleek once more, I have an imagine ready to post as per the schedule in my bio. My master-list is completely redone, there is nothing that isn’t in order. Plus now it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. Not to be a shameless plugger but I spent a lot of time and effort on it. Stewart has spent countless hours with me fixing everything so you all have him to thank. Without him, I wouldn’t be back. 
Thank you for waiting for me to be ready, I love you guys so much. It feels good to be coming back. 
You’re not ready for what I have coming. 
love lau xox
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@thisrandombitch @honeymoonmuke @cctaviasblake @sammyrenae68 @fillthevoid-stilinski @5sospoplikerock @lovefilledtragedy @ellie-bee242 @cobrienkai1972 @dumbass-stilinski @maddie110201 @rememberstilinski @sweetmisseddreams2002 @random-fandom-fangirl2112 @obrosey-af @sammwhiches @parislight @mf-despair-queen @7e6205 @stilinski-stydia-obrien @disagreetoagree @dylan-trash-tbh @minhosmeanhoe @redstringlovers @werewolfmutant @itsall-inmy-head @susybird @hirafth @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @wydobrien @sokkasbae255 @we-are-like-a-timebomb @girlwiththerubyslippers @fan-child @fuckwhateverfuck @itsbilescallmebiles @relentlessgame @ninja-stiles @cuillere @cathobs @sarcasticallystilinski @sumcp
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mummybear · 7 years
Damon and Stefan Part 3!
A/N: Okay guys so here’s part 3 I really hope you guys enjoy this! So sorry it’s taken so long! R&R Please my lovelies!
Words: 7042
Warnings: Smut! Swearing! Daddy kink! Sir kink! probably more but i can’t think!
Part 1  Part 2
Tags of course! @artsyicon and @minhosmeanhoe and @dylan-trash-tbh think I tagged you guys in the last parts so I hope you like it!
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Damon smirked at you those plump lips of his taunting you like nothing you'd ever known, "Someone found their confidence then princess" he spoke huskily, his pink tongue running across his slightly kiss-swollen lips.
"That she did" Stefan chuckled as he pressed himself tightly up against your back. His hands slipping around and onto your hips, his fingers digging into your soft skin as he rutted against your ass cheeks as his lips and tongue worked on your neck, causing you to whimper. Just as you felt Damon's member twitch between your folds, Stefan's teeth occasionally scraping over your delicate skin, it was clear that he was holding himself back considerably, which was made all the more obvious by the grip he had on your hips.
Damon growled low in his throat as you rolled your hips over him, his hands were on your thighs slowly but roughly sliding up your legs, "Fuck! I can't wait anymore baby girl" Damon growled desperately, Stefan helped you lift off of his brother just slightly, you watched as Damon sat up so now he was both in front of you and underneath you.
You bit your lip as you looked him in the eye, his eyes were much darker than their usual gorgeous light blue as he looked you over, but holy hell was this man hot, he was like heaven and hell at the same time.
His eyes narrowed on you "So pretty" he purred, his thumb brushing over your lip. Right before he gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger and he pulled your face toward his own. Those soft plump lips brushing across yours just ever so slightly before he slowly pulled back from you, causing a whimper to leave your mouth at the loss of his lips, Damon, of course, had a devious smirk on his face the next time you looked at him, which only to served to make you all but growl at him and because of your reaction that damn smirk somehow grew across his face.
Clearly he was amused by your more than agitated reaction, he just chuckled watching you and Stefan, "Just you wait and see what my big brothers got for you princess" Stefan chuckled huskily in your ear, one of his hands slipping down between your folds as he held you tightly against him, all of you breathing heavily, your body twitched in Stefan's arms, your body reacting to his touch, as his fingers found your sensitive clit.
"Ahh yes, Sir please" You whimpered, pushing against his talented fingers, your body falling back into him at the same time your head fell back against his broad shoulder. However, you were shocked into silence as Stefan removed his fingers from you completely and Damon quickly pushed inside of you with a deep hard thrust inside of you, a tight grip on your thighs.
"Holy fucking shit" you squeaked as his thick member entered you and stretched you roughly, causing your head to leave Stefan's shoulder at speed meaning that you almost headbutted Damon, instead you rested your forehead on his, he smirked at you a little, but as you rolled your hips experimentally, you were the one left smirking as Damon's breath caught in his throat. A groan leaving his lips and his mouth dropping open just slightly, you were just breathing each other in for a moment until he thought you were ready for him to move, what with you finding it a little hard to catch your breath as well as the slight burn as he stretched you deliciously.
Your hands quickly went to his shoulders feeling him pulse a little inside of you, his eyes flicking up to meet yours, licking your lips as you found his eyes seeing the lust there just as evident as before. Damon's eyes followed your tongue, just as Stefan released your hips, meaning that you were now fully seated in Damon's lap, you watched as Damon bit down on his lip, trying to hold himself back from fucking you into oblivion which you were thankful for, because it had been a little while since you'd even had sex let alone with anyone as big as these two, but what with him finally, fully and deeply inside of your tight soaking wet pussy, you hadn't expected him to be able to hold himself back.
You could feel your body shaking with pleasure, in Damon's hold you briefly wondered where Stefan had disappeared to until you felt Damon's hands move. He locked eyes with you again as he slipped his strong hands up your back, he continued up until his hands were wound tightly in your hair and he pulled you into a sudden but strong demanding kiss, his soft but firm lips slanting over yours perfectly. The kiss was slow and hard, you felt your entire body tingle and you moaned into his mouth, making noises you weren't sure you'd ever made kissing someone before.
You pulled back from Damon regretfully, but you really needed him to move, your body felt about ready to explode. Something was for sure you were almost certain that he was doing this on purpose now, the way that he was holding you right now was seriously not helping matters.
He had one of his large hands still wrapped up tightly in your hair, with your hair wrapped around his fist, while his other hand had a tight grip on your ass, his blunt nails digging into your skin with the tightness of the grip he had.
Both of these things just so happened to be holding you in just the right position so you couldn't move an inch, you were still in the same position as you had been when you were helped into his lap, the vamp strength didn't hurt for his side either.
"Damon so help me god if you don't move soon I am going to stake you!" you growled in utter frustration.
Damon smirked down at you, "That's more like it baby! Such a feisty little girl for daddy" he groaned, pushing you down onto your back and quickly following you, so that he was chest to chest with you again, still firmly inside you.
You gulped looking up at him as he took your hands off of his body and took hold of them in both of his own instead, sliding your linked hands up above both of your heads, you quietly whimpered as Damon shifted his hips just slight, pushing himself deeper inside of you. You quickly wrapped your legs tightly around his body, "You sure you're ready for this beautiful?" Damon asked you sincerity clear in his eyes.
You bit your lip unsure words would cut how ready you were in that moment, you nodded at him with your lip still caught between your teeth, practically begging him with your eyes.
"Uh uh uh baby use those pretty words of yours" he chuckled sensing your annoyance, which only served to make you groan in desperation, seeing that cocky look on his face. Part of you was close to rolling your eyes, but there was the other part which knew he was still thinking of you even when you were all this worked up and turned on, because honestly, you couldn't say you'd of expected this much care from him not that he was a bad person, he'd been nothing but a sweetheart to you since you'd met the brothers.
"Please daddy, I really wanna come all over that big dick of yours" you purred your voice soaked in lust.
Damon growled hearing your words, him making that noise had almost killed you every time so far, now was certainly no different. A smile you were trying to hold back slipped onto your lips, but only very briefly, because the next thing you knew Damon pulled out almost the whole way out before he quickly slammed back inside of you again, filling you up perfectly pushing your hands into the bed as he looked down at you.
"Yes, daddy" you squeaked, squeezing his hands in yours tightly and rolling your hips up towards him, watching him bite his plump lips.
"So fucking sexy baby girl" Damon growled repeating his hard slow thrust again, your heels digging hard into his toned back.
"I couldn't agree more big brother" you heard Stefan growled from above you both on the bed.
You tilted your head back and flicked your eyes up to look at the younger Salvatore, whimpers, and moans still effortlessly falling from your lips with every one of Damon's hard deep thrusts and each roll of those talented hips of his.
You could feel your nails sinking into the back of Damon's hands as you gripped at him tightly, he was holding himself back but you could feel his blunt nails digging into the backs of your hands too. Though at least his would heal, yours, on the other hand, wouldn't for quite some time, then again you were sure you wanted them too, them or any other mark you would receive from tonight.
You bit your bottom lip harshly, just short of piercing the skin, effectively silencing yourself your moans for more and your desperate whimpers. However, it hadn't worked as you would have liked after the first attempt.
"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare!" Damon growled, burying his face into your now exposed neck, accentuating every word with an extra harsh deep thrust of his hips, while he began sucking a mark into your neck.
"Mmm daddy" you moaned, looking up into Stefan's eyes while he smirked down at you, while his own hand was wrapped around his hard member, stroking it softly in his large hand, as he watched your body writhe beneath his brothers.
Your legs tightened considerably around Damon's toned back, "God, please daddy I need more!" you begged desperately, attempting to roll your hips into his, which he clearly didn't approve too highly of in that moment. Damon didn't speak, instead, he quickly released both of your hands from his hold and instead he took both of your wrists in one of his strong hands, those long talented fingers tightly curling around your considerably smaller wrists.
Turning your head you did your best to look at Damon, but when you finally managed it you found him smirking at Stefan just over your body where you knew the younger Salvatore had been sitting. The next thing you knew the bed dipped and shifted and two strong hands were gripping your ankles and pulling your legs from Damon's back.
Damon rose up off of your body ever so slightly, releasing your hands as he did so Stefan pushed your legs onto Damon's shoulders, creating a whole new angle for you both. You could see Stefan's head just over Damon's shoulder, biting his lip as he watched your entire face and body change as the pleasure rushed up your body to the top of your spine causing your entire body to arch underneath Damon's.
"Oh, that's more like it brother" Damon half growled and half chuckled. You flicked your eyes over to Stefan again seeing the same look on his face as the one that was on his brothers moments ago.
"Holy fuck" you whimpered, just as Damon's chest pressed your legs between the two of you. Your hands practically flew to his biceps, you gripped them tightly as Damon shifted his hips thrusting himself further inside of you.
Your moans and whimpers were filling the room much louder than they had been before, the sound of your skin slapping against Damon's. You were beginning to get that familiar feeling in your lower stomach again, the one which seemed to set your entire body practically on fire, Damon sped up his pace his hands on the bed either side of your head, his hands fisted in the sheets beneath you. As he felt your body stiffen beneath his, one of his hands gripped your hips tightly pushing you into the bed to stop you from rolling your hips into his.
Which you were desperately trying to do, so desperate for everything that they could give you, Stefan's mouth latched onto one of your nipples, switching between small nips of his blunt teeth and the laps of his soft demanding tongue. You fought against Damon's tight hold on your body, as he wrapped his other hand in your hair.
"Daddy, I'm so close" you squeaked from under him, watching him this time as he sank inside you causing a shiver to run up your back, you wrapped one hand in Stefan's hair feeling him moan into your breast.
One of his hands was occupied with slowly stroking himself, while the other had moved to your other breast, he gently rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger, causing so many different feelings to course through your entire body, his mouth still deliciously working you into a frenzy along with Damon, who hadn't taken his eyes from your body.
Your hands let go of everything as you sat up on your elbows to look down at where the two of you joined, Damon's hand Still wrapped tightly in your hair, "You like watching daddy fuck that tight little pussy baby girl" Damon grunted, his hips pistoning in a way that was bringing you so close to the edge but never pushing you over.
"Does this look like it's gonna suck itself princess" Stefan chuckled, you whimpered as he gripped hold of your hair taking you from Damon and guided his rock hard length into your mouth, you eagerly parted your lips for him, tasting the saltiness of his precome on your tongue you moaned around him, hearing Stefan growl, he pulled you off of him by your hair and looked you in the eye.
"Sir, fuck my mouth, please" you moaned biting your lip as his grip tightened in your hair.
"How can I possibly say no when you ask so nicely" Stefan smirked pushing you back onto his thick member by the grip he had on your hair, Damon bent down and buried his face between your breasts, nipping and sucking everywhere he could get access to, slipping his hands under your body his nails began to dig into your waist from behind.
Stefan's free hand slipped down your body slowly until he reached your throbbing clit, as he began to rub hard circles into it.
Until you were practically screaming their names around Stefan's throbbing member. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, as your body shuddered, as Damon struck your sweet spot over and over again, as your orgasm swept over your body which was currently on fire.
You heard both men swearing loudly, as they came almost at the same time, Damon was first having been holding himself back for quite some time, his hips stuttered as he came hard inside you, you felt his member pulse inside you as his thick come coated your walls. Damon bit into your breast harshly, your sweet blood hitting his tongue made it stronger for both of you as he pushed you both through your orgasms.
Stefan came a little after the both of you when you were coming down from your high, you flicked your eyes up to him, giving him your most innocent look. Both of hands wrapped tightly in your hair and pushed himself into your throat slightly as he came hard, you felt your lungs begin to burn.
You pulled your nails from Damon's biceps and tapped Damon's arm, he got the message lifting his face from your swollen breasts, he groaned Stefan's name, a little half-heartedly, Stefan flicked his eyes down to you and immediately pulled out and stepped back from you.
"Shit Y/N, I'm so sorry, I guess got a little carried away," he said sheepishly.
"Don't be I loved it, just couldn't breathe you giggled.
Stefan pulled you into a mind-blowing kiss, his hands still in your hair but it was somehow soft and hard at the same time. As he released you, you both smiled at each other before you looked down at Damon again.
You smiled down at him, "You Y/N are something else baby" he smiled back, he dropped your legs from his shoulders before crawling up your body and kissing you hard, demanding and full of passion as you wrapped your arms around each other.
You reluctantly pulled away from him feeling your body ache everywhere in the best ways possible, "Mind if we rest for a little while?" you asked them both as Stefan settled in front of you.
"No sounds good" Stefan smiled, tucking your loose hair behind your ear.
"Mmm hmm baby, but we are not done yet" Damon moaned into your shoulder wrapping your legs together as he wrapped his body around yours behind yours, resting his face in the crook of your neck, you smiled happily as you rested your head on Stefan's chest. you fell asleep quite quickly, exhausted from the day you'd had so far.
You woke up with a groan stretching your aching body on the bed the best you could, releasing your legs were still tangled with Damon's you sighed contentedly, feeling the hard body under your head.
"Mmm, hey baby girl, you sleep well?" Stefan said his voice still husky with sleep, you untangled yourself from Damon with a little struggle, from him you giggled as he grumbled something in his sleepy state and rolled over.
"Morning Sir" you smiled, sitting up and straddling his waist, Stefan smiled up at you, his hands going to your hips.
"Not wasting any time then princess" he chuckled, rubbing small circles into your hips with his thumbs. You simply shook your head at him, your lip caught between your lip trying to hide your beaming smile from him, as you ran your hands up his gorgeous body, feeling the way both he and his muscles reacted to your touch.
You felt something else stiffen between your folds, you whimpered rolling your hips over him, Stefan gripped your hips tightly stopping your movements, "Up here first, we are not rushing this" Stefan growled licking his lips.
"Yes sir" you winked down at him, shuffling up his body until you were straddling his face, your pussy hovering above those perfect pouty lips, you wrapped your fingers tightly around the headboard of the bed, to keep you steady and upright just before you lowered yourself onto his waiting mouth.
You moaned a little louder than you had intended, just as you felt Stefan's hands slowly and softly slide up your trembling thighs. Sliding them up your legs until his thumbs were pressing into your hips, he started to rub small circles into your skin just as his tongue slipped between your soft folds, you could feel the vibrations of his groans against the most sensitive parts of your tingling pussy.
Stefan's tongue slipped easily through your folds tasting you like you were his favorite ice cream, on a hot day when he finally slipped his tongue into your tight wet pussy you almost lost your grip on the headboard. You looked down at him locking your eyes with those gorgeous green ones on his, you practically see the smirk in his eyes, you released the death grip you had on the bed with one of your hands, while the other remained tightly wrapped around it.
You slowly ran your free hand down your body, keeping your eyes locked with Stefan's with every move you made down your body until you reached your perky breast, you massaged it harshly moaning as Stefan's nose rubbed against your clit briefly. You bit your lip as you released your breast slowly sliding your hand even further down your body, until you left your body and your hand ran through Stefan's hair where you gripped it tightly, hearing him growl, feeling it vibrate through your entire body.
Rolling and grinding your hips you lifted up slightly to give Stefan better access to you, as you practically fucked yourself on his talented tongue. Until his lips latched onto your swollen clit and he sucked harshly, massaging it with his tongue, his hands still tightly gripping your hips helping to keep you upright.
His eyes were all but daring you to come, you whimpered as Stefan's teeth lightly scraped over your swollen bundle of nerves, before he latched back onto it with his lips sucked harder than he had been previously. Lapping at it with his tongue, he practically rubbed his face into you, he was moaning as he felt you shiver on top of him, quickly pulling you into your first orgasm since you'd woken up.
"S-shit sir, I can't" you squeaked, trying to hold back a little bit because you were enjoying it so much, but you didn't think you could even last another minute.
Stefan momentarily released your clit and lifted you off of him slightly so he could speak, "Then don't, just come on my face" Stefan growled pushing two fingers easily inside of your soaking wet pussy, quickly latching his lips back onto your sensitive clit.
"So c-close sir" you whimpered, your words a whisper as practically all of the air left your lungs at once, as you came hard, the grip you had on his hair squeezing at what felt like nothing, as your body went rigid in his hold. Stefan's grip tightened on the leg he was still holding, his fingers practically leaving bruises in your legs straight away, the pain from his tight grip only helped to lengthen the orgasm that was currently and violently tearing through your body, as you threw your head back the pleasure practically destroyed you.
Stefan clutched at your waist with his powerful hands stopping you from falling back, you straightened up in his reliable grip as the orgasm melted away. Stefan lifted you and put you back down resting you onto his sculpted abs, you rested your hands on his firm chest and looked down at him with a lazy smile on your lips.
"Well, that was intense!" you giggled breathlessly. As Stefan ran his hands up and down your back, as you calmed down a little catching your breath.
"You're so fucking beautiful, especially when you come," Stefan said huskily licking your juices from his lips.
You groaned unable to take your eyes off of him, your eyes fixed on that long talented tongue of his as it swept across his plump lips, your nails were beginning to dig into his chest where you had rested them. Resisting the urge you had to grind down onto practically nothing, you bit your lip watching him, Stefan growled at the mere sight of you all worked up over him.
Stefan slowly pushed you down his body until you felt his hardened length slip easily through your soaking wet folds, "Fuck, you're so wet princess" Stefan groaned, tightening his already tight grip further on your ribs.
You smirked down at him cheekily as you ran your hands down his strong powerful arms, both men were like walls of muscle, you started rolling your hips over him. Feeling as he slipped back and forth through your folds, Stefan grunted throwing his head back into the pillows behind him.
You were beginning to feel very confident, as you watched Stefan beneath you, you loved the effect that you were having on him in that moment and he clearly wasn't complaining.
However, your breath caught in your throat because you started to feel someone breathing on the back of your neck. Well, good morning sunshine" Damon's husky voice spoke from behind you suddenly, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin.
"Daddy" you moaned breathlessly, no other words seemed to want to leave your lips. Your grip on Stefan's arms became so much stronger.
Stefan lifted his head from the pillow it had just been buried in, a smirk on his lips as he looked at you and Damon, just as Damon gripped your hair harshly yanking it back until you were looking him in the eyes.
"Have you been a naughty little girl?" Damon asked you his tone dominating your entire body.
"Yes, daddy" you whimpered, your teeth pulling at your bottom lip, feeling your dripping pussy clenching around nothing, begging to be filled.
Damon just hummed more to himself, pulling your hair harder as Stefan released his grip of your body. Damon quickly forced you to get off of Stefan, until you were kneeling beside Stefan. Damon released his tight grip on your hair but not letting go, instead, he just loosened it.
Before Damon pulled you into a passionate and dominating kiss, his tongue rolling around with yours as you moaned into the kiss. He pulled you from his lips by your hair, you whimpered at the loss of those soft lips on yours, pulling his bottom lips between your teeth as he pulled from you, Damon growled low in his throat causing you to gulp and release it, you rubbed your thighs together as the heat from his gaze burned across your body.
Damon pushed his lips to your ear as he spoke his next words, "Hands and knees princess, get that ass nice and high and arch that back for us baby" Damon said with his voice like liquid honey.
"Yes, daddy" you whimpered submissively as he released his grip on you fully. You quickly got into position bending over slowly, making a show of it you arched your back burying your face into the pillow in front of you.
"Oh yeah, just like that baby" Damon purred, his hand running gently over the soft skin of your ass.
"How about you sir, do you like it?" you moaned, turning your head to look at Stefan, as he was now kneeling beside you.
"Oh yeah baby, I'm gonna fuck that little pussy so hard" Stefan growled, the bed shifting as he moved to kneel behind you, you pushed back into Damon's hand and Stefan's cock which was currently pushing between your ass cheeks.
"Shit daddy!" you squeaked as his hand connected hard with your ass cheek.
"Such pretty noises brother don't you agree?" Damon asked turning to look at his brother, his voice as smooth as ever.
"You're not wrong there brother, but I just bet she'll look even better when I bury myself deep inside that little pussy and make her scream my name. What do you think princess?" Stefan asked you, practically purring the last part as he spoke to you.
"Yes sir, fuck me, please! I need you inside me!" you moaned pushing back into Stefan again, he groaned and gripped your ass tightly in one hand, you watched as Damon moved aside for him. Stefan's other hand went to his rock hard cock, gripping it he guided himself inside of your welcoming heat.
He bottomed out almost right away, pushing your head further into the soft pillow in front of you. his now free hand wasn't free for long as he gripped another handful of your other ass cheek, watching as he pulled almost all of the way out and pushed back in again groaning at the sight in front of him.
Using your ass to pull and push you over his cock with the help of his powerful hips, you couldn't help even if you wanted to in that moment because of his tight unyielding grip on you it felt incredible, both men held such power, they would probably consume you if you weren't careful the three of you would never leave this room.
Luckily the screams of his name were almost completely muffled and hidden slightly by his own noises as well, this was lucky because you would definitely be in for a spanking if you were caught saying anything but sir to him.
Now that being said you did enjoy a good hard spanking but you needed to come so bad, you couldn't wait anymore you were so worked up.
You turned your head on the pillow the only thing falling from your lips in that moment were loud moans, but your vision was a little spotty because you were starting to find it hard to breathe, Stefan continued his rough and brutal pace, his speed slowly increasing.
Then suddenly you felt Stefan bend over you and grip your hair roughly in his fist, before he pulled the hair sharply, forcing you onto your knees pressing your back to his rock hard chest, creating a whole new amazing angle.
"Shit, shit, shit!" you practically squeaked, breathless and the pleasure shooting up your spine, one of his hands went to loosely wrap around your throat, mainly to keep you in the right position for him than anything else.
Stefan's other hand was soon occupied again, with squeezing one of your bouncing breasts roughly, his hands felt like they were everywhere as he fucked up into your tight pussy, which was starting to squeeze around his length. You screwed your eyes shut feeling that familiar feeling back in the pit of your stomach again, your body practically jumped forward when you felt long skilled fingers quickly and precisely playing with your clit.
Your eyes snapped open and you were met with those gorgeous blue orbs, you bit your lip again trying in vain to hold back your screams of pleasure, failing miserably. Damon quirked an eyebrow at you, a smirk on his lips pushing his body closer to you.
Until your chests were pressed together, your sweaty chest heaving against his hard practically cold one. Damon continued to attack your clit skillfully, as Stefan kept his pace behind you, his gorgeous grunts and growls loud in your ear.
"G-gonna come!" you gasped, feeling your breath come out short and fast.
"Come on that thick cock baby! Come on just for us" Damon purred, his lips pressed just under your ear, you could briefly feel Damon's cock brush over your inner thigh every now and then. You felt so dirty but in the best way possible.
"Bite me! P-please!" you stuttered breathlessly, Damon pulled back and looked into your eyes, you licked your lips and his eyes followed your tongue, you heard him groan low in his throat, you knew what he was waiting for, so you nodded eagerly, Damon growled going back to your neck, you had a feeling that you were on the edge of no return now.
Damon began to kiss and suck his way down your throat eagerly, both of them pulling so many noises you'd never heard leave your lips before. Damon started making his way back up your neck to the point where it met your shoulder, he was breathing hard as he sucked a mark into the spot before you felt his fangs sink into your skin.
You threw your head back onto Stefan's shoulder, Damon's fingers never slowing down let along stopping as they moved over you.
"Oh fuck! I'm coming!" you screamed, feeling hands all over you gripping at your body. Your body went completely rigid as you came hard, both Salvatore's helping to push you through your incredible orgasm.
As Stefan found his own release, both of them withdrew from you at the same time, you collapsed forward onto Damon's chest, two strong arms catching you easily, Damon's smile was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes, your breathing hard and heavy against his skin.
Your hands were clinging tightly to his broad shoulders, "I want you, daddy, more please" you moaned in a whisper, digging your nails into his shoulder blades.
Catching your lip between your teeth as you saw the lust in his eyes, Stefan came back behind you, kissing along your neck his hands slowly running all over your body. Caressing your skin gently, with his barely-there touches, you leaned back into him loving the way he felt against your back.
Your stomach growled as if from nowhere, causing both Salvatore's to chuckle, "How about you help Damon out with his problem princess, then I'll jump in the shower and go make us some dinner" Stefan said softly against your skin.
"Mmm, sounds good" you moaned not sure where to arch your body first.
"Okay, I'm gonna go now before I change my mind" Stefan chuckled, causing a giggle to slip past your lips.
"Okay sir, see you down there" you winked as he left the room, hearing him groan as he left the room.
You turned your attention back to Damon, who was currently beckoning you toward him with his fingers, you smiled seductively crawling towards him slowly on the bed.
Before you reached him however he pounced on you, pinning you to the bed, bending down he kissed you hard and demanding on the lips, you moaned into the kiss arching your body into his. Damon pulled away, pressing his lips to your collarbone, slowly kissing down your body his hands following slowly behind his lips.
You arched into his touch, "Ass on the bed baby, don't make me tie you down" Damon growled, you gulped pinning your ass to the bed, resisting every urge in your being to keep your body on the mattress, but you wanted to please him.
"Such a good girl for daddy" Damon groaned pressing his long fingers inside you.
"Let's get you nice and wet for me," Damon said his voice husky, something you'd ever be able to get out of your head.
You whimpered as his fingers slipped all the way inside you, his thumb pressing hard into your sensitive clit, despite yourself, you pushed down into his hand spreading your legs wider for him.
"Fucking beautiful" Damon growled, picking up the speed of his fingers, you could hear just how wet you were which was an even bigger turn on.
"Daddy, fuck me please" you whimpered desperately.
"I will fuck you when I'm ready, first you need to come on daddies fingers, do you understand?" Damon growled his voice harsher than usual, sending shivers up your spine.
"Yes, daddy I understand" you cried out desperately.
"Good girl" Damon praised.
You couldn't stop you hips arching as the burning feeling filled your stomach again, "So close aren't you baby, now come!" Damon snapped.
"Fuck, yes I'm co...." your voice cut out as you came the hardest you ever had on someone's fingers, you weren't sure if it had something to do with the domination and the dirty talk, but you were pretty sure it was a big part of it.
"There you go, princess!" Damon praised, groaning as he watched and felt you come.
You opened your eyes somehow feeling hornier than ever, "Please fuck me now, I need your cock daddy" you whined.
"No, but you can fuck me" Damon smirked pulling you on top of him, so you were facing away from his face, he slipped inside of you almost immediately.
"God yes" you cried. As his cock hit places you hadn't felt before, "Shit this is new" you half giggled half moaned as Damon pushed his hips up, pushing himself further up into you.
You felt his cool hands as him they slipped onto your hips, "Not done this position before huh?" Damon chuckled smirking to himself.
"No daddy" you spoke quietly.
"Guess we better do this right then" Damon groaned, feeling as you started to roll your hips over him, resting your hands on his knees, you cried out as this angle pushed him even further inside of you, you began to rise and fall on him, hearing him curse and growl at you.
"So good" Damon moaned, beginning to push himself up into your, meeting your actions easily.
"God that ass looks good like this" Damon groaned sending a few sharp short slaps across your ass cheeks, you were a moaning mess and your hips began to slow, "Want me to take this baby?" Damon asked from behind you.
Please daddy" you whimpered.
Damon chuckled surprising you as he pulled you off of him and vamped to stand by your bed, he held his hand out to you, "Where are we going?" you asked a little confused. Damon just smiled raising his eyebrow at you. You got the message taking his hand with a smile and a small shake of his head.
You stood in front of him, then suddenly he spun you in his arms, so your back was pressed against his chest, "You know I've been dreaming of fucking you like this for years" Damon confessed, walking you both forward until your chest was pressed to the cold wall.
"Y-years?" you questioned slightly stuttering, this man made you so nervous.
"Years" he confirmed, "This time I want you screaming my name, think you can handle that?" he asked pressing himself tightly to your back.
"Yes, I can" you whispered, pushing your ass back into his thick rock hard cock.
"Good girl" he replied his lips pressed to your ear.
Pushing himself past your folds he slipped inside you, so tight and warm as you wrapped around him, the slap of your ass against his hips filled the room as he started his fast brutal pace, "Fuck, Damon so good!" you screamed as he gripped your wrists in his hands he pushed them against the wall, you arched your hips back so he could push into you easier.
"My name sounds so good when it comes from those juicy lips of yours" Damon growled, your fingers curling against the wall.
"So tight and warm Y/N baby, love your little pussy" Damon moaned against your neck.
"Damon, I'm so close" you screamed, he pulled out from you and spun you around, you didn't have time to ask him what the hell he was doing, because he quickly picked you up, wrapping his hands around your legs and sinking back inside you, you wrapped your legs around his waist and he captured your lips, pushing you into the wall as he fucked you hard, demanding your full attention.
You were moaning his name repeatedly into his mouth, he linked his fingers with yours and held them against the wall. "Say it again" Damon growled, pulling back from your lips.
"More Damon" you moaned a little too quietly, for his liking.
"Louder, I want everyone to know who's fucking your tight little pussy, Who's making you come? Who's making you scream?" Damon demanded sternly.
"Damon! Damon!" you screamed as you came, your eyes rolling in the back of your head, your body going limp in his arms, except your legs which clung to him for dear life, the heels of your feet digging into that perfect ass of his, as he found his own release seconds after, seeing you come just finished him off.
Your entire body was shaking as you rested your head on his shoulder breathing him in, panting hard, Damon was kissing your neck softly, waiting for you to come down from you intense high.
"Damn baby, that was possibly the sexiest thing i've ever seen" Damon smirked into your neck.
"Well that was possibly the strongest orgasm of my life" you giggled.
"Here to serve" he chuckled, placing you back on the ground but keeping his hold on your waist until you were steady on your feet.
You pulled away from him only to pull him down into a soft gentle kiss, "Quick shower then food?" you smiled as you released him.
"One more" he smirked.
"Damon, I will probably die if I don't rest for a bit you know, we're not all vampires" you chuckled.
"Fair point princess" Damon smiled, picking you up bridal style and carrying you through your room to your own on-suite.
You both showered, helping each other Damon massaged the suds through your hair, and helped you to rinse them out, you couldn't reach his head which made you both giggle, instead you softly washed his body, feeling every curve of it under your hands again, you both rinsed off before you got to carried away and stepped from the shower, Damon wrapped you in a towel before wrapping his own around his waist.
"Damn" you moaned appreciatively as you both slipped out of the bathroom back into your room.
"What?" he questioned with a chuckle.
"How do you look so damn good in a towel Mr. Salvatore?" you smirked.
"Question is when don't I?" he winked.
You rolled your eyes but the smile wouldn't leave your lips. "Not looking too bad yourself as it happens Miss Y/L/N" he winked at you as you both got dressed, with some trouble not ripping each other's clothes off again the second they were on.
"Hey Stef" you smiled walking down the stairs Damon following closely behind, you were surprised when you saw Stefan plating up dinner with the Scooby gang in the parlor. Your eyes asked the question you wanted to know as you looked at Stefan.
He smirked at you as you both walked up beside him, "Don't worry they just got here" Stefan whispered, you sighed in relief, turning to look at Damon who was looking rather pleased with himself.
"Hey Bon" you smiled walking over to your best friend, hugging her,
"Hey you, I just heard what happened with that douche bag ex of yours" she smiled comfortingly,
"Don't worry about it Bon, I'm over it" you smiled as you pulled back to look at her.
"How? So fast?" she asked confused.
"Thanks to Stef and daddy" you smiled until you realized what you had said, you heard Damon choaking on his drink behind you all.
"I. I mean D-Damon" you stuttered, her eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline.
"Okay we need to talk," She said unable to hide the teasing smile on her lips. As you turned everyone was still chatting you just hoped they hadn't heard.
You looked across the room to Damon and Stefan who were both smiling at you, you were never gonna get over that slip-up but who cares this is still the happiest you'd been in years and who knows what the future holds.
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nibsthebravelostboy · 6 years
The Plan Pt 2 [Nibs & Misty & Mark]
@itslostgirlmisty @markthesiren
[Random Dude]
The leader pushed Misty harshly face down onto the table and kept her arms stretched out. He nodded to the younger male to keep the baby’s head straight so she could watch everything the men were doing to their mother that they would shortly do to the princess, despite telling Misty otherwise. The Queen’s blood spilled onto the table and a euphoric aroma filled the air and the leader watched as his son licked the blood from Misty’s arms. “She taste so good dad...can I have more?” He asked looking at his father. The older man just nodded as he lifted the Queen’s gown and ripped her underwear off. “Go ahead...she offered herself to us anyway. All so that bastard of a child and have a happy life...” Leaning down in to be in level with Misty he made sure she was looking at her daughter. “Do you really think we will agree with having a hybrid as our King? Let alone as next in line. When all of my men are done using your body like the trash can it is, we will kill you and then we will do unimaginable things to your daughter.” He said before gesturing for his son to take position. “Go ahead son. The Queen is all yours.”
Mark dragged Nibs all the way to the castle ignoring whatever the male was saying as he knew they had to get back before something really bad happened. When he made it to the castle he noted how eerily quiet the place was with nobody in it working. Making it to the dining room the siren kicked down the door and shoved Nibs into the room. He would stay back for as long as he felt he needed to but was ready to spring into action if needed as well.
Nibs didn’t know why he was being dragged to the castle seeming as he really didn’t care to be there. He figured that Mark was trying to say anything to save his ass but once they got to the castle, Nibs could see the bodies lying everywhere and he could hear how dead silent it was except for a few voices which he picked up with his hearing.
As his ears perked up to hear what they were saying, he could hear something along the lines of someone threatening Misty and their baby girl. The way that they were talking about using and doing horrible things to a newborn was something that just made him angry.
As he was thrusted into the dining room, he saw the scene before him and his eyes flashed black before turning into a mix of blood red with black pupils. His body shifted to be part wolf and part pureblood siren as he saw the scene that unfolded before him.
Without any other thought, Nibs picked up the son and threw him against the wall with a resounding crack, knowing that the son would not be able to move anytime soon before turning his attention to the father who had his daughter in their arms.
He was quick to remove his daughter from the older man carefully so as not to harm her but in a way that would cause the man immense pain. “You think that you could touch my wife and daughter and get away with it?” His voice echoes through the halls enough to shake them as his tail slaps the older man with enough force to cause them to hit the wall with a loud crack which indicated that the male now had a broken spine and was probably paralyzed from the neck down.
“You think you were going to have my daughter watch as your son did the unthinkable to my wife and now you are going to come with me and watch me do the unthinkable to your son.” He growls before turning his attention to Mark. Very gently, Nibs hands his baby girl over to Mark. “Make sure that Misty and the baby get cleaned up. I will take care of the rest of the prisoners and these two.” He responds before going back over and dragging both the father and the son out of the room by their ankles.
Misty tried to shift again but failed as she pulled at the restraints her arms were in. She kept pulling on them and trying to shift because she refused to give up and let them touch her child. Hearing his voice in her ear tell her what they planned on doing to her and her child, she tried harder to pull her arms out but stopped as she heard the door falling to the ground. She watched Mark push Nibs into the room and the siren didn’t really know what to expect from the emotionless alpha.
But she watched as Nibs shifted into something Misty had never seen before and the strength he was demonstrating was something that frightened the girl a little. Seeing him hand their daughter to Mark she relaxed a little as she just looked at Mark waiting for him to free her.
Mark took the baby in his hands and watched as Nibs walked away before he whistled for the guards to come out. Rushing into the room the guards began cleaning up the mess and getting Misty untied and covered. Walking over to the siren he looked at all the cuts and bruises she had. “Misty I need to take you to your room. We need to get some medicine in you so you’re powers will start working again and you can heal yourself.” He explained before looking over her again, “Are you okay?”
Nibs dragged the son and father down the hallway past the carasses that laid on the floor before bringing them to the dungeon. He tied them both up before stripping their clothes off them as they stayed suspended in the air. Then he hit them both hard enough to knock them out for a few hours before locking the cell and searching the castle for any other rebels that might have been allies with the father and son.
When he found them, he would knock them out before bringing them to the dungeon and stringing them up as he did the previous two and he continued to do this until everyone was detained in the cells before heading up to check up on Misty and the baby. Shifting back to normal, his eyes faded back to their normal shade of brown before he knocked on the door. “Misty, can I come in?” He asks before wiping his mouth of the blood that was currently on them since he ate a few people on the way to the room, unable to help himself.
Misty rubbed her wrists as she was freed and flinched away from all of the touching from the guards trying to check on her. She didn’t understand how it was so easy for Mark to get the guards to show up when they were nowhere to be found earlier and she didn’t know how the siren knew her powers weren’t working, but all that was the last thing on her mind. “I’m fine. I want you to take the princess to her room. I want every guard at her room...I will clean myself up and then I’ll see her but I don’t want her to see anymore of this. Please Mark just focus on her.”
Standing up Misty headed to her room where she headed straight for the bathroom as she couldn’t stop herself from throwing up as she remembered all the horrid things the guys said they would do to her child. She stayed on the bathroom floor leaning against a wall when she heard Nibs knocking on the door. “The doors unlocked...come in.” She called from the bathroom.
Mark nodded his head. “Yes your majesty.” He replied as all the guards bowed when Misty left the room. He followed after her just to make she got there with no issues before taking the princess to her room. He Istocked the room with twelve of the best soldiers he had and put back in her crib. He stayed with her until he saw her falling asleep.
When Nibs heard Misty telling him that he could come in, he opened the door and made his way over to where she was. Seeing the condition that she was left in, caused guilt to flood over his body as he scooped her off of the bathroom floor and put her on his lap after he carried her to the bedroom. “I am so sorry princess, I don’t know what came over me. I don’t know what happened but I feel like this is all my fault.I should have been there for you, I shouldn’t have let this happen.” He holds her close as he buries his face against her neck trying to hold back the tears as he realizes that because of his actions, he could have lost not just his wife but his daughter too. It brought back memories of when he first lost his daughter and he couldn’t bare the thought of what would have happened had he not come when Mark brought him.
“Nibs this isn’t your fault. I did this...this is a consequence of me turning off my emotions. I did something I should have never done and I don’t blame you for turning yours off and I don’t blame you for this.” She replied returning the hug. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t protect our daughter...I was trying but I can’t use my magic and so I just offered them everything I thought they wanted but it was never enough. If you hadn’t come I would have let both of you down, I’m supposed to be able to protect this family too. I can’t.”
Nibs shakes his head, “I should have told you everything instead of letting you question everything. Had I told you, you wouldn’t have gone to Finn looking for answers and you wouldn’t have felt the need to turn off your emotions. You did the best you could princess. I don’t know how they all got out or why your powers weren’t working, but I will come to the bottom of all of this. They will pay for what they have done to you and to our family. All those on death row, are dying tonight. I will not risk any of them getting out to hurt you ever again.” He declares while running his fingers through her hair affectionately before using some magic to clean her up.
Mark made sure the princess was fast asleep and heavily guarded before making his way to Misty and Nibs room. As he looked around the castle was back to how it normally was, everyone was working like nothing traumatic happened just a few minutes before. Knocking on the door he waited for the okay to come in, “Your highnesses it’s Mark may I come in?”
“If I hadn’t of slept with Dylan then you would have never turned your emotions off and you would have been here. Our little girl would have never saw her mother…” She trailed off as she shook her head. “Please don’t do it tonight. Trust me I want them dead too but I need you more than I want that.” Misty said before hearing the knock on the door. “Yes Mark you can come in.”
“I knocked them out for a few hours so I am sure they will be out for a few more since I was very mad when I did that. I shall stay here with you then and I will tend to them in the morning with Mark.” He responds before hearing Mark’s voice. Nibs waits for the other to enter and to hear what Mark had to say.
Mark entered and bowed at the two before standing straight again, “The princess is asleep and guarded by twelve of the best men and women I know, she will safe tonight. I also had one of our nurses with the power to alter dreams make it so the young princess would believe the whole thing was a dream, of course things were changed to make it more child friendly. But she will have no memory of this ever being real.”
Misty stood up knowing Mark was going to bring news about their daughter and she crossed her fingers hoping their little girl was fine. Hearing all he had to say, she hugged Mark after tightly. “Thank you so much for that. She’s going to be okay. My baby is going to be alright.” She said feeling tears falling down her face before pulling out of the hug. “Seriously Mark...thank you, but I have to know how those men got out. They were on death row, they had nothing to lose and they….I want to know how they got passed you.”
Hearing that the other was able to alter the dreams of his daughter made him feel a tiny bit better. He was curious however, how the prisoners got past Mark and how after he arrived there was suddenly an influx of guards waiting to assist them. “How did they get past you and why was it that after I arrived you suddenly had found multiple guards but yet when we got here it was deserted?”
“They didn’t get past me. I let them out.” Mark replied honestly. “I freed them and let them come upstairs to do as they wished. I told the everyone in the castle to leave for awhile and the guards are highly trained at hiding and making sure their presence can’t be sensed. We were watching the whole time and if Nibs didn’t do anything to save the Queen and the princess we would have. The boy’s were just a little caught off guard by how fast the prisoners had demanded things from Misty, they didn’t know whether to save her or not. So I will apologize Misty for all the beatings you took...that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Wait what? Why...why would you do that?” She asked trying to think of what Mark got out of all that or what would possess him to do it. However, the longer she thought about it she soon realized that he did it for Misty to help her turn Nibs emotions back on like she had asked. “Oh Mark that was for me right? Because I asked you for help?”
As he heard that Mark had let the prisoners out, Nibs eyes flashed red not understanding why Mark would put Misty and the baby at so much risk. “What if your men weren’t able to overpower them? What if you weren’t able to overpower them? You would have let her go through even more pain and suffering, for fucks sake Mark you better be fucking glad that your timing was perfect because if that prisoner had gotten as far as he almost did then you wouldn’t even be standing here right now.”
When he heard that Misty had asked for Mark’s help, that he could understand but by willingly putting the royal family in danger just for him to get his emotions back on was something he wasn’t willing to comprehend. His eyes flashed different colors as he was trying to figure out what he was feeling. “To purposely make it so that she couldn’t use her powers and for our baby girl to witness all that just to bring me back...you could have found some other way to get me to believe it without causing her actual harm.” His eyes narrow at the smaller, “You should be glad I will be taking all this anger out on those prisoners in the morning and not yourself.” The alpha growls while trying to keep his temper under control.
“The prisoners were on death row, they didn’t even have magic. We take it away as soon they are arrested, anyone could have overpowered them if they needed to. I wouldn’t put your daughter or Misty in any situation where they would die or be badly injured. As I stated before the only reason it got so bad was because the men didn’t know if they were supposed to stop them or not. Your daughter is fine and Misty’s powers will eventually come back and she will be able to heal herself.”
He just shook his head looking at Misty. “It wasn’t for you. The kingdom needs to see that the royal family is strong enough to endure whatever they are put through I did this because we can’t let our King run around with no emotions. I get it, you went through something that made you upset but you two have responsibilities now and you can’t just push them off when someone makes you upset. I don’t care if you two break up or get a divorce or whatever, my job is to make sure that the royals are safe and I did that by bringing the King back. All those royals in that room wanted to kill you anyway Misty, so really, whether I had freed the prisoners or not you would have probably gone through worse had it just been those royals that overpowered you.”
“The only thing I’m sorry about is using your daughter, but maybe next time you both should think about her and the fact she is a hybrid that people can’t stand instead of your lovers quarrel. She shouldn’t have to be used to bring her parents back together.”
Misty listened to Mark’s words and guilt flowed through her as she agreed with what the other had said. Looking down she nodded, “You’re right you shouldn’t have had to use her and I’m sorry. But this isn’t just because Nibs turned his emotions off. I turned mine off first and it’s just been a ripple effect ever since. I really wish we could have avoided all of this.”
“I didn’t turn them off because of what Misty did while her emotions were off. I mean yeah I was upset about it but that wasn’t the main reason they ended up turning off, which I also had no idea how I did by the way.” Nibs responds while not looking at Misty as he spoke, not wanting to see how she would look at him when he revealed his real reason.
Mark shook his head again. “There’s nothing to be sorry about Misty, I’m not saying you can’t do it. We’ve all turned them off sooner or later, all I’m saying is you guys have more consequences when you do.” Hearing Nibs words caused Mark to look at him in confusion. “Then why the fuck did you do it?”
Misty stayed silent upon hearing Nibs words wanting to hear the reasoning as well.
“I thought I had things under control but I don’t. After that time were I ended up killing all those girls...I knew something was wrong. When I found out about the Dylan and Misty thing….I lost control again….a side of me I never wanted to resurface keeps coming back and I can’t stop it. I thought that maybe it would pass but it won’t seem to stop. I wanted to stop killing, I wanted to stop the bloodlust from taking over but I can’t. All those prisoners saw that side of me when I went down there before. They acted the way they did because they wanted to get back at me for things I have done. They saw what I am capable of...a monster can’t rule the kingdom with a sound mind.” He responds. “I have been planning on going to Peter to ask him if there is anything that I can do but I haven’t gotten around to doing so…” The male admits.
Mark wanted to be a friend to Nibs in that moment but he couldn’t, he couldn’t be either of their friends when it came to ruling the kingdom. “You’re right Nibs, a monster can’t rule. And I’m sorry for what I have to do.” He said before whistling causing the door to be opened by the other guards. “Until you can control it you can’t rule. People already want you and your whole family dead because of what species you are. If you keep killing people they’ll stop at nothing to destroy you all.” Looking at guards then at Misty he apologized, “We have to take Nibs Misty.”
Misty listened to Nibs and her heart broke as she knew that wasn’t the type of person he was. She didn’t have time to process everything before she saw the guards coming into the room. Hearing Mark’s words she looked at with a mix of confusion and worry, “Take him where? Why?”
Nibs knew that this was something that needed to be done and he didn’t fight it at all. “Misty, you are in charge now. I will be back once I get things under control. Take care of our princess okay? I will be back soon.” He responds before kissing Misty and then handing himself over to Mark and the guards.
Mark looked at Misty with an apologetic look. “Jail your majesty. He’s committed crimes against the crown and we have to put him there.” He explained. “We can give you two a second to say goodbye before we leave.”
“Wait no.” She said grabbing Nibs hand and pulling him back to her. “You can’t leave, we can get through this together. Please don’t leave me...I can’t do this without you. Don’t go.”
“As much as I would like to stay, I know that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Not until I get this under control, I am sure that you will be able to come and visit me. I don’t know if they created a suppressant or not but until then, I think that the safest place to be is under Mark’s care in the jail. You and him are the only ones that I trust. You are Queen Misty, you can do this, I believe in you.” Nibs reassures her while hugging her one last time.
Mark watched in silence as they talked before hearing something that made him speak up, “She probably won’t be allowed to but I will make sure that I sneak her in every now and again. Her jobs will take up most of her day. I’m sorry I don’t want to do this but I have to, for the safety of all of you.”
Misty hugged Nibs back tightly not wanting to let go as she shook her head. “I don’t want to be Queen if it means you won’t be here with me. What do I tell our daughter? She won’t understand why you aren’t here with us.” She said as her eyes flashed blue. “We promised we do things together and this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have turned my emotions off, if I had just come to you none of this would have happened. You would have told me and we could have worked on this. I’m just so sorry.”
Nibs shakes his head, “None of this is your fault Misty.” He responds while looking down at her. Hearing about how he would be absent from his daughter’s life made him sad, “I will work very hard at getting everything under control, you can’t think that I would let you be alone for too long do you?” He asks while trying to lighten up the mood. “I shall be back before she can even notice that I am gone.” Nibs tries to reassure her even though he had no idea how long he would really be gone for but he also knew that he wouldn’t let his daughter grow up not knowing him.
Knowing it would be harder to separate the two the longer Nibs stayed Mark coughed softly. “We should go now Nibs. Before morning, so we can keep everything between us and none of the royals find out.”
Misty smiled softly at his words. “No I know you won’t.” She replied looking at him. “We’ll get through this, I know we will. I love you so much Nibs and I don’t care how long it takes we’ll wait for you.” The siren said before kissing him.
Nibs couldn’t help but to smile at Misty’s words, “I love you too Misty. Of course we will get through this, we always do.” He kisses her back passionately before letting Mark tell him to the jail.
Mark bowed to Misty as the guards took Nibs into custody. “Goodnight your majesty, I’m sorry for everything.” He said standing up and leading everyone out.
Her body started to glow after Nibs pulled away as it started to heal itself. She was glad her magic was back but she knew it wouldn’t be able to heal the empty feeling she got as she watched Nibs start to leave. Nodding her head at Mark she dismissed his apology, “You don’t have to be sorry, just look after him.” She said.
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suzanneshannon · 4 years
A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment
Sarcasm disclaimer: This article is mostly sarcasm. I do not think that I actually speak for Dylan Thomas and I would never encourage you to foist a light theme on people who don’t want it. No matter how wrong they may be.
When Dylan Thomas penned the words, “Do not go gentle into that good night,” he was talking about death. But if he were alive today, he might be talking about Linux containers. There is no way to know for sure because he passed away in 1953, but this is the internet, so I feel extremely confident speaking authoritatively on his behalf.
My confidence comes from a complete overestimation of my skills and intelligence coupled with the fact that I recently tried to configure a Docker container as my development environment. And I found myself raging against the dying of the light as Docker rejected every single attempt I made like I was me and it was King James screaming, “NOT IN MY HOUSE!”
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Pain is an excellent teacher. And because I care about you and have no other ulterior motives, I want to use that experience to give you a “gentle” introduction to using a Docker container as a development environment. But first, let’s talk about whyyyyyyyyyyy you would ever want to do that.
Close your eyes and picture this: a grown man dressed up like a fox.
Wait. No. Wrong scenario.
Instead, picture a project that contains not just your source code, but your entire development environment and all the dependencies and runtimes your app needs. You could then give that project to anyone anywhere (like the fox guy) and they could run your project without having to make a lick of configuration changes to their own environment.
This is exactly what Docker containers do. A Dockerfile defines an entire runtime environment with a single file. All you would need is a way to develop inside of that container.
Wait for it…
VS Code and Remote – Containers
VS Code has an extension called Remote – Containers that lets you load a project inside a Docker container and connect to it with VS Code. That’s some Inception-level stuff right there. (Did he make it out?! THE TALISMAN NEVER ACTUALLY STOPS SPINNING.) It’s easier to understand if we (and by “we” I mean you) look at it in action.
Adding a container to a project
Let’s say for a moment that you are on a high-end gaming PC that you built for your kids and then decided to keep if for yourself. I mean, why exactly do they deserve a new computer again? Oh, that’s right. They don’t. They can’t even take out the trash on Sundays even though you TELL THEM EVERY WEEK.
This is a fresh Windows machine with WSL2 and Docker installed, but that’s all. Were you to try and run a Node.js project on this machine, Powershell would tell you that it has absolutely no idea what you are reffering to and maybe you mispelled something. Which, in all fairness, you do suck at spelling. Remember that time in 4ᵗʰ grade when you got knocked out of the first round of the spelling bee because you couldn’t spell “fried.” FRYED? There’s no “Y” in there!
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Now this is not a huge problem — you could always skip off and install Node.js. But let’s say for a second that you can’t be bothered to do that and you’re pretty sure that skipping is not something adults do.
Instead, we can configure this project to run in a container that already has Node.js installed. Now, as I’ve already discussed, I have no idea how to use Docker. I can barely use the microwave. Fortunately, VS Code will configure your project for you — to an extent.
From the Command Palette, there is an “Add Development Container Configuration Files…” command. This command looks at your project and tries to add the proper container definition.
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In this case, VS Code knows I’ve got a Node project here, so I’ll just pick Node.js 14. Yes, I am aware that 12 is LTS right now, but it’s gonna be 14 in [checks watch] one month and I’m an early adopter, as is evidenced by my interest in container technology just now in 2020.
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This will add a .devcontainer folder with some assets inside. One is a Dockerfile that contains the Node.js image that we’re going to use, and the other is a devcontainer.json that has some project level configuration going on.
Now, before we touch anything and break it all (we’ll get to that, trust me), we can select “Rebuild and Reopen in Container” from the Command Palette. This will restart VS Code and set about building the container. Once it completes (which can take a while the first time if you’re not on a high-end gaming PC that your kids will never know the joys of), the project will open inside of the container. VS Code is connected to the container, and you know that because it says so in the lower left-hand corner.
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Now if we open the terminal in VS Code, Powershell is conspicously absent because we are not on Windows anymore, Dorthy. We are now in a Linux container. And we can both npm install and npm start in this magical land.
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This is an Express App, so it should be running on port 3000. But if you try and visit that port, it won’t load. This is because we need to map a port in the container to 3000 on our localhost. As one does.
Fortunately, there is a UI for this.
The Remote Containers extension puts a “Remote Explorer” icon in the Action Bar. Which is on the left-hand side for you, but the right-hand side for me. Because I moved it and you should too.
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There are three sections here, but look at the bottom one which says “Port Forwarding,” I’m not the sandwich with the most lettuce, but I’m pretty sure that’s what we want here. You can click on the “Forward a Port” and type “3000,” Now if we try and hit the app from the browser…
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Mostly things, “just worked.” But the configuration is also quite simple. Let’s look at how we can start to customize this setup by automating some of the aspects of the project itself. Project specific configuration is done in the devcontainer.json file.
Automating project configuration
First off, we can automate the port forwarding by adding a forwardPorts variable and specifying 3000 as the value. We can also automate the npm install command by specifying the postCreateCommand property. And let’s face it, we could all stand to run AT LEAST one less npm install.
{   // ...   // Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.   "forwardPorts": [3000],   // Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created.   "postCreateCommand": "npm install",   // ... }
Additionally, we can include VS Code extensions. The VS Code that runs in the Docker container does not automatically get every extension you have installed. You have to install them in the container, or just include them like we’re doing here.
Extensions like Prettier and ESLint are perfect for this kind of scenario. We can also take this opportunity to foist a light theme on everyone because it turns out that dark themes are worse for reading and comprehension. I feel like a prophet.
// For format details, see https://aka.ms/vscode-remote/devcontainer.json or this file's README at: // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.128.0/containers/javascript-node-14 {   // ...   // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created.   "extensions": [     "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint",     "esbenp.prettier-vscode",     "GitHub.github-vscode-theme"   ]   // ... }
If you’re wondering where to find those extension ID’s, they come up in intellisense (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift) if you have them installed. If not, search the extension marketplace, right-click the extension and say “Copy extension ID.” Or even better, just select “Add to devcontainer.json.”
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By default, the Node.js container that VS Code gives you has things like git and cURL already installed. What it doesn’t have, is “cowsay,” And we can’t have a Linux environment without cowsay. That’s in the Linux bi-laws (it’s not). I don’t make the rules. We need to customize this container to add that.
Automating environment configuration
This is where things went off the rails for me. In order to add software to a development container, you have to edit the Dockerfile. And Linux has no tolerance for your shenanigans or mistakes.
The base Docker container that you get with the container configurations in VS Code is Debian Linux. Debian Linux uses the apt-get dependency manager.
apt-get install cowsay
We can add this to the end of the Dockerfile. Whenever you install something from apt-get, run an apt-get update first. This command updates the list of packages and package repos so that you have the most current list cached. If you don’t do this, the container build will fail and tell you that it can’t find “cowsay.”
# To fully customize the contents of this image, use the following Dockerfile instead: # https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/tree/v0.128.0/containers/javascript-node-14/.devcontainer/Dockerfile FROM mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/javascript-node:0-14 # ** Install additional packages ** RUN apt-get update \   && apt-get -y install cowsay
A few things to note here…
That RUN command is a Docker thing and it creates a new “layer.” Layers are how the container knows what has changed and what in the container needs to be updated when you rebuild it. They’re kind of like cake layers except that you don’t want a lot of them because enormous cakes are awesome. Enormous containers are not. You should try and keep related logic together in the same RUN command so that you don’t create unnecessary layers.
That \ denotes a line break at the end of a line. You need it for multi-line commands. Leave it off and you will know the pain of many failed Docker builds.
The && is how you add an additional command to the RUN line. For the love of god, don’t forget that \ on the previous line.
The -y flag is important because by default, apt-get is going to prompt you to ensure you really want to install what you just tried to install. This will cause the container build to fail because there is nobody there to say Y or N. The -y flag is shorthand for “don’t bother me with your silly confirmation prompts”. Apparently everyone is supposed to know this already. I didn’t know it until about four hours ago. 
Use the command prompt to select “Rebuild Container”…
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And, just like that…
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It doesn’t work.
This the first lesson in what I like to call, “Linux Vertigo.” There are so many distributions of Linux and they don’t all handle things the same way. It can be difficult to figure out why things work in one place (Mac, WSL2) and don’t work in others. The reason why “cowsay” isn’t available, is that Debian puts “cowsay” in /usr/games, which is not included in the PATH environment variable.
One solution would be to add it to the PATH in the Dockerfile. Like this…
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/vscode/devcontainers/javascript-node:0-14 RUN apt-get update \   && apt-get -y install cowsay ENV PATH="/usr/games:${PATH}"
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EXCELLENT. We’re solving real problems here, folks. People like cow one-liners. I bullieve I herd that somewhere.
To summarize, project configuration (forwarding ports, installing project depedencies, ect) is done in the “devcontainer.json” and enviornment configuration (installing software) is done in the “Dockerfile.” Now let’s get brave and try something a little more edgy.
Advanced configuration
Let’s say for a moment that you have a gorgeous, glammed out terminal setup that you really want to put in the container as well. I mean, just because you are developing in a container doesn’t mean that your terminal has to be boring. But you also wouldn’t want to reconfigure your pretentious zsh setup for every project that you open. Can we automate that too? Let’s find out.
Fortunately, zsh is already installed in the image that you get. The only trouble is that it’s not the default shell when the container opens. There are a lot of ways that you can make zsh the default shell in a normal Docker scenario, but none of them will work here. This is because you have no control over the way the container is built.
Instead, look again to the trusty devcontainer.json file. In it, there is a "settings" block. In fact, there is a line already there showing you that the default terminal is set to "/bin/bash". Change that to "/bin/zsh".
// Set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create. "settings": {   "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/zsh" }
By the way, you can set ANY VS Code setting there. Like, you know, moving the sidebar to the right-hand side. There – I fixed it for you.
// Set default container specific settings.json values on container create. "settings": { "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/zsh", "workbench.sideBar.location": "right" },
And how about those pretentious plugins that make you better than everyone else? For those you are going to need your .zshrc file. The container already has oh-my-zsh in it, and it’s in the “root” folder. You just need to make sure you set the path to ZSH at the top of the .zshrc so that it points to root. Like this…
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. export ZSH="/root/.oh-my-zsh" 
 # Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will # load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case, # to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME # See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Themes ZSH_THEME="cloud" 
 # Which plugins would you like to load? plugins=(zsh-autosuggestions nvm git) 
 source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh
Then you can copy in that sexy .zshrc file to the root folder in the Dockerfile. I put that .zshrc file in the .devcontainer folder in my project.
COPY .zshrc /root/.zshrc
And if you need to download a plugin before you install it, do that in the Dockerfile with a RUN command. Just remember to group all of these into one command since each RUN is a new layer. You are nearly a container expert now. Next step is to write a blog post about it and instruct people on the ways of Docker like you invented the thing.
RUN git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
Look at the beautiful terminal! Behold the colors! The git plugin which tells you the branch and adds a lightning emoji! Nothing says, “I know what I’m doing” like a customized terminal. I like to take mine to Starbucks and just let people see it in action and wonder if I’m a celebrity.
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Go gently
Hopefully you made it to this point and thought, “Geez, this guy is seriously overreacting. This is not that hard.” If so, I have successfully saved you. You are welcome. No need to thank me. Yes, I do have an Amazon wish list.
For more information on Remote Containers, including how to do things like add a database or use Docker Compose, check out the official Remote Container docs, which provide much more clarity with 100% less neurotic commentary.
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A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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dylanradio · 4 years
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Now Playing on DylanRadio.com: Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan from The Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3
When yer head gets twisted and yer mind grows numb When you think you're too old, too young, too smart or too dumb When yer laggin' behind an' losin' yer pace In a slow-motion crawl of life's busy race No matter what yer doing if you start givin' up If the wine don't come to the top of yer cup If the wind's got you sideways with with one hand holdin' on And the other starts slipping and the feeling is gone And yer train engine fire needs a new spark to catch it And the wood's easy findin' but yer lazy to fetch it And yer sidewalk starts curlin' and the street gets too long And you start walkin' backwards though you know its wrong And lonesome comes up as down goes the day And tomorrow's mornin' seems so far away And you feel the reins from yer pony are slippin' And yer rope is a-slidin' 'cause yer hands are a-drippin' And yer sun-decked desert and evergreen valleys Turn to broken down slums and trash-can alleys And yer sky cries water and yer drain pipe's a-pourin' And the lightnin's a-flashing and the thunder's a-crashin' And the windows are rattlin' and breakin' and the roof tops a-shakin' And yer whole world's a-slammin' and bangin' And yer minutes of sun turn to hours of storm And to yourself you sometimes say "I never knew it was gonna be this way Why didn't they tell me the day I was born" And you start gettin' chills and yer jumping from sweat And you're lookin' for somethin' you ain't quite found yet And yer knee-deep in the dark water with yer hands in the air And the whole world's a-watchin' with a window peek stare And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin' And yer jackhammer falls from yer hand to yer feet And you need it badly but it lays on the street And yer bell's bangin' loudly but you can't hear its beat And you think yer ears might a been hurt Or yer eyes've turned filthy from the sight-blindin' dirt And you figured you failed in yesterdays rush When you were faked out an' fooled white facing a four flush And all the time you were holdin' three queens And it's makin you mad, it's makin' you mean Like in the middle of Life magazine Bouncin' around a pinball machine And there's something on yer mind you wanna be saying That somebody someplace oughta be hearin' But it's trapped on yer tongue and sealed in yer head And it bothers you badly when your layin' in bed And no matter how you try you just can't say it And yer scared to yer soul you just might forget it And yer eyes get swimmy from the tears in yer head And yer pillows of feathers turn to blankets of lead And the lion's mouth opens and yer staring at his teeth And his jaws start closin with you underneath And yer flat on your belly with yer hands tied behind And you wish you'd never taken that last detour sign And you say to yourself just what am I doin' On this road I'm walkin', on this trail I'm turnin' On this curve I'm hanging On this pathway I'm strolling, in the space I'm taking In this air I'm inhaling Am I mixed up too much, am I mixed up too hard Why am I walking, where am I running What am I saying, what am I knowing On this guitar I'm playing, on this banjo I'm frailin' On this mandolin I'm strummin', in the song I'm singin' In the tune I'm hummin', in the words I'm writin' In the words that I'm thinkin' In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinkin' Who am I helping, what am I breaking What am I giving, what am I taking But you try with your whole soul best Never to think these thoughts and never to let Them kind of thoughts gain ground Or make yer heart pound But then again you know why they're around Just waiting for a chance to slip and drop down "Cause sometimes you hear'em when the night times comes creeping And you fear that they might catch you a-sleeping And you jump from yer bed, from yer last chapter of dreamin' And you can't remember for the best of yer thinking If that was you in the dream that was screaming And you know that it's something special you're needin' And you know that there's no drug that'll do for the healin' And no liquor in the land to stop yer brain from bleeding And you need something special Yeah, you need something special all right You need a fast flyin' train on a tornado track To shoot you someplace and shoot you back You need a cyclone wind on a stream engine howler That's been banging and booming and blowing forever That knows yer troubles a hundred times over You need a Greyhound bus that don't bar no race That won't laugh at yer looks Your voice or your face And by any number of bets in the book Will be rollin' long after the bubblegum craze You need something to open up a new door To show you something you seen before But overlooked a hundred times or more You need something to open your eyes You need something to make it known That it's you and no one else that owns That spot that yer standing, that space that you're sitting That the world ain't got you beat That it ain't got you licked It can't get you crazy no matter how many Times you might get kicked You need something special all right You need something special to give you hope But hope's just a word That maybe you said or maybe you heard On some windy corner 'round a wide-angled curve But that's what you need man, and you need it bad And yer trouble is you know it too good "Cause you look an' you start getting the chills "Cause you can't find it on a dollar bill And it ain't on Macy's window sill And it ain't on no rich kid's road map And it ain't in no fat kid's fraternity house And it ain't made in no Hollywood wheat germ And it ain't on that dimlit stage With that half-wit comedian on it Ranting and raving and taking yer money And you thinks it's funny No you can't find it in no night club or no yacht club And it ain't in the seats of a supper club And sure as hell you're bound to tell That no matter how hard you rub You just ain't a-gonna find it on yer ticket stub No, and it ain't in the rumors people're tellin' you And it ain't in the pimple-lotion people are sellin' you And it ain't in no cardboard-box house Or down any movie star's blouse And you can't find it on the golf course And Uncle Remus can't tell you and neither can Santa Claus And it ain't in the cream puff hair-do or cotton candy clothes And it ain't in the dime store dummies or bubblegum goons And it ain't in the marshmallow noises of the chocolate cake voices That come knockin' and tappin' in Christmas wrappin' Sayin' ain't I pretty and ain't I cute and look at my skin Look at my skin shine, look at my skin glow Look at my skin laugh, look at my skin cry When you can't even sense if they got any insides These people so pretty in their ribbons and bows No you'll not now or no other day Find it on the doorsteps made out-a paper mache« And inside it the people made of molasses That every other day buy a new pair of sunglasses And it ain't in the fifty-star generals and flipped-out phonies Who'd turn yuh in for a tenth of a penny Who breathe and burp and bend and crack And before you can count from one to ten Do it all over again but this time behind yer back My friend The ones that wheel and deal and whirl and twirl And play games with each other in their sand-box world And you can't find it either in the no-talent fools That run around gallant And make all rules for the ones that got talent And it ain't in the ones that ain't got any talent but think they do And think they're foolin' you The ones who jump on the wagon Just for a while 'cause they know it's in style To get their kicks, get out of it quick And make all kinds of money and chicks And you yell to yourself and you throw down yer hat Sayin', "Christ do I gotta be like that Ain't there no one here that knows where I'm at Ain't there no one here that knows how I feel Good God Almighty THAT STUFF AIN'T REAL" No but that ain't yer game, it ain't even yer race You can't hear yer name, you can't see yer face You gotta look some other place And where do you look for this hope that yer seekin' Where do you look for this lamp that's a-burnin' Where do you look for this oil well gushin' Where do you look for this candle that's glowin' Where do you look for this hope that you know is there And out there somewhere And your feet can only walk down two kinds of roads Your eyes can only look through two kinds of windows Your nose can only smell two kinds of hallways You can touch and twist And turn two kinds of doorknobs You can either go to the church of your choice Or you can go to Brooklyn State Hospital You'll find God in the church of your choice You'll find Woody Guthrie in Brooklyn State Hospital And though it's only my opinion I may be right or wrong You'll find them both In the Grand Canyon At sundown
0 notes
mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Hard to Get - Thomas
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Thomas/Reader
Word Count: 9,016
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Kinky Thomas, Multiple Orgasms, Oral (both receiving), Bondage, Hair Pulling, Public Oral Sex, Masturbation, Thomas’s giant dick pressing into his jeans (cause hot damn we all know it does)
Notes: Some cute lil nonnie said they wanted me to write another Thomas smut. So kinky Thomas it is. Thanks @stilinski-jpeg @minhosmeanhoe and @dylan-trash-tbh for yelling at me to write this so much. Otherwise I would have kept procrastinating. I hope this is worth yelling at me so much. 
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You leaned on the shovel, watching Thomas and Minho job by, heading towards the map room to finish their day. Your eyes lingered on Thomas, admiring his beauty from afar. Even from this distance, you could make out the freckles on his perfect cheeks. You saw the sweat dripping down his brow and defined cheekbones from his run. His blue shirt clung to his toned chest and broad arms, accentuating his biceps and abs. His flat, chocolate brown hair shone in the sunlight. You were trying not to drool as the man ran by, essentially ignoring your presence until they disappeared into the map room.
A sigh left your lips, putting your entire weight on the shovel. You couldn’t help being attracted to the runner. Yes, he was a physically perfect, and you wished you could spend hours wrapped in his strong arms. But his personality, the little bit you knew about it, brought him full circle. He cared about everyone in the glade, trying his damnedest to find a way to get everyone out. He always was bright, though maybe not the biggest optimist in the word. Everything about him sent the butterflies in your stomach fluttering.
You were enamored the second he arrived in the box, your eyes locking with him the second the box opened, getting lost his deep, hazel orbs. The moment your gaze locked with his, you felt your heart beating wildly in your chest. You just fell for him harder every day, learning everything you could about it. He was a god, a gift from the creators.
However, he barely knew you existed. He barely spoke two words to you the entire time he’s been in the glade. He never noticed you were present, nearly running you over more than once. And he never apologized for doing so. You felt like he was far away, and no matter how hard you tried, he was not getting any closer. He slipped through your fingers every second of the day.
Newt glanced at your slouching figure, rolling his eyes with a laugh. “You’re eye-fucking him again.”
Nonsensical jabber spilled from your lips in a flash, almost falling over the shovel when your head whipped around to Newt. Your cheeks turned a bright red, your eyes wide. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! I-I was just…thinking about what slop Fry made for dinner tonight! Yeah, that’s it!”
You let out a nervous laugh, Newt’s head shaking in disbelief. “You’re not very good at lying you know,” he told you, laughing louder.
You glared at him and shoved his shoulder. “I’m not lying! Besides, why would I be eye-fucking Thomas? There is nothing to eye-fuck about him. He’s just a stinky boy with nice arms and a hot body and…” You trailed off, your mind wandering back to the runner that plagued your mind. Newt was rolling with laughter, earning a glare.
“OK, Y/N. Let me tell you a lil something. One, how did you even know I was talking about Tommy? I never mentioned his name. You did.” Your face paled, realizing that he was right. “Two, I know you have a crush on him. You have since we pulled him from the box. You are always watching him, and get depressed when he doesn’t notice you.”
You pouted at him, sitting on a stump nearby. “Am I really that obvious?” Newt nodded. “Then why doesn’t he notice that? Am I just invisible to him? I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know I exist, Newtie.”
Newt ran his hand through his hair, groaning. “I don’t know. I’m not him. Maybe you just need to try harder to get him to notice you.”
You stared at the blonde, unsure what to say. “How the hell would I even do that? He can literally run over me while he is running and doesn’t even mutter an apology. Yet, you want me to try harder to get his attention? Please, Newt. Enlighten me on how to do this.”
Newt gave you a blank stare, one that said “are you serious right now?” He stopped what he was doing, turning his full attention to you. “Seriously? Y/N, need I remind you of one little fact?” You stared at him confused. He let out a frustrated groan. “You’re a girl, Y/N! A hot one at that! Maybe you haven’t been eye-catching enough for him since you dress in guy clothes all the time.”
“They’re comfortable to work in. It’s not my fault,” You muttered stubbornly.
Newt rolled his once again, leaning towards you. “All I’m saying is, maybe you should put on a little bit of feminine charm. Use your features to catch him off guard. Give him a reason to look.”
You sighed, nodding. “I guess so. But what do I do after that? Wouldn’t I seem…easy if I do that?”
Newt backed away, a grin on his face. “Then don’t be easy, love. Play hard to get.” He straightened his clothes, turning to head towards the tool shed to put away his shovel. “Think about it while you get cleaned up for dinner. Fry should be ringing the bell soon.”
You watched Newt walk off, contemplating what he said.
“Play hard to get…”
You adjusted your shirt for the millionth time that day, glancing down at the cleavage that normally was hidden under a baggy shirt. You, regrettably at this point, took Newt’s advice and put on clothes that showed your curves.
The tank top was tight, hugging your upper body perfectly. You found the sexiest bra you owned, surprised it wasn’t ruined from your days in the glade. It made your breasts look perkier than normal, pushing them up to the point that the tops nearly slipped out. Your jean shorts were shorter than you remember them being, and you knew your ass hung out every time you bent down to gather plants.
You partially wished that you didn’t listen to Newt. You knew the guys around the glade were distracted, feeling their eyes lingering on your form all day. It was like they had never seen a girl before or something. You knew this was an abnormal look for you, but the stares were getting ridiculous.
Your eyes locked on the distant figures emerging from the gaps in the walls, Thomas and Minho making their normal trek towards the map room. You stood up straighter, tugging the shirt down to let your breasts show more, releasing a nervous sigh. You hoped that Thomas would at least glance in your direction on his way by.
The two boys jogged by, Minho passing a small wave on his way by. Thomas turned to see who he was waving at, his eyes immediately scanning your body. You fought to hide the blush, waving back at them. You saw Thomas’s mouth fall open, his eyes fixated on you. He obviously lost focus, because he tripped over his own feet, crashing hard in the grass.
You dropped your shovel, rushing to the aid of your crush. “Thomas! Are you okay? Do we need to take you to the medjacks?” You leaned over him, your ass sticking out and your breasts spilling over the edge of your tank top. Thomas let out a groan, rolling onto his back. His eyes slowly opened, meeting yours momentarily before they drifted down your body. A pink hue dusted his cheeks as his eyes locked on your tits. “Thomas? Answer me, please.”
He stuttered, trying to find the right words, still staring at your chest. “U-um yeah. I could probably use a medjack.”
You grinned down at him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “No problem!” You turned away, glancing around the glade until you found the boy you wanted. You purposefully stuck your ass out for Thomas to see, hunching forward to call out to the boy. “Hey Chuck! Come help Thomas to the medjacks!”
Thomas was flabbergasted. “What? Y-you’re not going to take me yourself?”
You glanced at him over your shoulder and smiled. “Of course not. I have a job to do still.” You didn’t give him a chance to respond, skipping your way back to Newt. Newt shook his head, seeing the grin on your face.
“Savage, love. Savage. Didn’t think you had it in you,” Newt said, giving you a wink. You flipped your hair over your shoulder, cocking your hip to the side, a hand placed upon it.
“Ye of so little faith, Newtie. Thomas will never know what is coming to him.”
Newt laughed. “Well, whatever works. Anything to get you to stop drooling over him whenever he is running by. Now, do us a favor,” he paused, tossing a basket at you. “Go fetch us more fertilizer.”
You groaned at your friend. “Why me? Why can’t Zart do it?” Newt gave you a look, no words necessary as you turned to leave. “Fine. I guess I will be a good girl for once.”
You headed off into the deadheads, grumbling about the job at hand. You didn’t know why Newt ever made you do this. This was obviously not a job for a girl.
A twig snapped behind you, turning towards the sound instantly. You couldn’t make out anyone in the trees, the only noise in your ear being your rapid heartbeat from the scare.
“Hello?” You hollered, glancing around more. “Is anyone there?” When you received no response, you spun on your heel to head towards the fertilizer. You didn’t expect to come face to face with Thomas, the basket falling from your hands to the ground. “Holy shit, Thomas! You scared me! What are you doing here? I thought Chuck took you to the medjacks.”
Thomas ran a hand through his hair. “They dismissed me pretty quick. No damage done. I saw you heading here as I left. It’s dangerous in the deadheads, so I thought I would come protect you.”
You smiled, bouncing on your toes in delight. “Aw, you’re so sweet Thomas! You didn’t have to do that.”
Thomas blushed slightly at your happy form. “W-well, I know I didn’t. But I wanted to.”
Your mind was reeling, trying to figure out exactly how to approach him. You didn’t want to seem willing to have him around, but you didn’t want to tell him to go away and give him the wrong idea. What was a good balance to show you were thankful he was here, but would leave him wanting more?
It clicked in your mind, your feelings a mix of joy, excitement and nervousness. You twirled some hair on your finger, strutting forward towards him. Thomas took a step with each step you took, his back colliding with a tree. You put your hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes.
“Well, how can I ever make It up to you, Thomas?” You bat your eyelashes at him, watching his honey eyes darken slightly. He licked his lips, arousal pooling between your legs as you watched his tongue pass over them. Running your fingers along his chest and biting your lip, you pushed yourself against him harder. “Please tell me, Thomas.”
“Well um…” he paused, clearing his throat. “What did you have in mind?”
You grinned at him, trailing your fingers down his chest towards his jeans. “Well, I have a few things in mind that I might be able to do.” You let your fingers trace the outline of his cock that was pressing hard into his jeans, giving it gentle squeezes through the material. He fought to hold back his moans, failing miserably every time he felt the pressure you applied. “You don’t have any objections, do you?”
He shook his head vigorously, his breathing increasing. A large smile grew on your lips, your fingers popping the button on his pants. Leaning up to his ear, you nibbled on his ear lobe, whispering in a seductive tone, “Good. Try to keep it down, or the rest of the guys might hear you.”
You disappeared from his line of sight, carefully getting on our knees in front of him. One quick tug was all it took to pull his jeans and boxers down, his cock springing free from its confines. You gaped at the sight, realizing how big his cock was. You briefly wondered how he was able to hide it all the time.
You gave his cock a few gentle strokes, feeling it harden in response. You grasp it in your hand, brushing your fingers over the swollen tip. Precum oozed from it, a layer of the salty sweet liquid coating your fingers. Thomas leaned his head against the tree, his fingers twisting in your hair. “Please, Y/N. Do something.”
You silently cheered at his begging, knowing you had succeeded in something with this plan. Your tongue wet your lips, lightly brushing against him as it made its rounds. Thomas didn’t stifle his moan, the noise drifting through the endless trees of the deadheads. You cast your eyes up at it, giving him a pointed look.
“Thomas, what did I tell you about being quiet?”
He sucked in air quickly, trying to straighten his stance against the tree. “It’s a little hard when you’re down there.”
You laughed, his eyes glancing down to meet yours. “Tommy, I have barely started with you.”
You didn’t wait for a response, your mouth closing around his entire length. You had to resist the urge to gag, his cock twitching spontaneously against your cheeks.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled, his hand gripping your hair tighter. He felt your tongue running over the length of his cock, licking along the underside. His teeth bit into his lip to muffle his moans, waves of heat coursing through his entire body. “Shit, Y/N. You feel so good. Keep going.”
You obliged, hollowing your cheeks as your tongue focused on swirling around his tip. Your hand gripped what wasn’t between your lips, fluidly pumping the enter length. Thomas’s moans occasionally passed through his lips, curses muttered between each breath he took.
His nails scraped at your scalp, guiding your head to pump his cock in your mouth. Your moans vibrated along his dick, sending every nerve into a frenzy. Your tongue flicked over a throbbing vein, his hips thrusting forward with a grunt. You smiled to yourself, knowing this was the sensitive spot on his dick.
You continued to run your tongue along the vein, letting one hand cup his balls. You fondled them gently, softly rolling them between your fingers. The combination of your tongue stroking his cock and your hand caressing his balls was overwhelming, his mind going blank aside from the fireworks he felt exploding throughout his body. His body ached with desire, his limbs shaking with excitement. These little reactions fueled you, your speed increasing, your grip tightening around him.
You gave one giant suck, tugging on his giant, twitching cock with your lips. You pressed it deeper inside, letting the tip hit the back of your throat. A deep groan ripped through your throat, sending Thomas sailing. He let out a loud moan of your name, his body jerking forward. A wave of pleasure swelled inside him for a single second before he released into your mouth, relief overcoming his body. His hot seed shot down your throat, the salty liquid sliding down your throat easily. You happily lapped up the juices, savoring every last drop he had.
Thomas slowly relaxed against the tree, his eyes slowly dropping down to watch you pull from his cock, licking your lips clean of any of his juices that escaped. You smile up at him, helping him fix his pants before standing up. You brushed the dirt and leaves off you, Thomas straightening his clothes out.
He looked at you, a smirk placed on his lips. “So, how about we head back to your room? You have a room to yourself since you are the only girl, right?”
You blinked, shocked that he even knew that. Until today, you were sure he didn’t know you existed. He didn’t have enough time to find that out between his fall earlier and stalking you into the deadheads. So, how did he know about your room?
“Um…yeah I do. But maybe another time? I still have to get the fertilizer for Newt. But this was fun Tommy. See you around.” You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a wink before running off quickly, leaving Thomas standing alone with his jaw wide open in disbelief.
Within the week, you knew he was getting desperate for you. You continued playing hard to get after that day in the deadheads, enacting something new every day.
On the first day, which happened to be Thomas’s day off, you purposefully ignored his hollers. You finally approached him before dinner, telling him how sorry you were that you weren’t able to answer him all day. You gave some bullshit excuse that Newt was on your ass about getting work done because he was mad about how long it took to get the fertilizer. Thomas said he understood, causing you to smile and kissing his cheek before skipping away. You didn’t see the bright red hue the covered his cheeks.
On the second day, when he returned from his run, he asked if you wanted to hang out during dinner. You gave him a sad smile, telling him that you already planned to hang out with Minho and would have to reschedule. Lucky for you, you had inadvertently told Minho what you were doing to Thomas when he trapped you behind the map room, asking why Thomas was constantly talking about you on their run. Minho was a good friend, however, and promised not to tell him. Though, he also said to “hit that”, whatever that meant.
You indulged him on the third day, spending all of time with him after dinner was finished. The time you spent with him in this time just solidified how much you liked this boy. The sexual tension was almost palpable the entire time, but you both ignored it for the most part, focusing your efforts on learning things about the other that you didn’t know already. Yes, you didn’t have many, if any, memories from before the glade, but you talked for hours about random things.
You finished this night by giving him a light kiss on the lips. It caught Thomas off guard, but he wasn’t arguing with the action. You had let him kiss back gently, his lips molding against yours perfectly. His hand was placed on the small of your back, pulling you against him in a tight hold. His lips were soft, but you had to fight your own urges to continue kissing him. Pulling away, you gave a tiny apology, trying to reason that you both had to be up early, before rushing away from him. He watched you run off, staring at your ass while he did, touching his lips that remained tingling from your encounter.
You grew worried going into the fourth day after how things ended the night before. You were worried you had gone too far when you pulled away from the kiss and feared Thomas would hate you. To make amends, you stole some paper from Minho, writing a note for Thomas that you could hide in his lunch. It was a simple message: Thank you for being an amazing guy. You just wanted him to know that he was on your mind and you cared. You hid away before he returned that evening, not wanting to see his reaction.
On day five, you dared to glance at him before he left in the morning, catching his eye and seeing him wink at you before he took off. The gesture boosted your confidence, trusting that he wasn’t angry about the other night. You decided to sit next to him at dinner that night, occasionally tracing your fingers along his thigh and over the bulge that continued to grow throughout the meal. He kept sparing glances at you, a glint of lust hidden deep in his orbs. When no one was looking you would whisper naughty things in his ear, feeling his cock twitching in his pants. Before he could attempt to drag you off, you placed a kiss to his cheek, telling him you were tired and heading to bed.
Day six was an easy-going day, just some casual flirting with Thomas, trying not to push the boundaries after you disappeared on him the night before. You didn’t want to overly tease him, afraid that he was growing weary of your tactics. He seemed to respond favorably, at least, when he was flirting back.
Today was day seven, and you spent all day doubting what you were doing. It was already sunset, growing dark quickly, which meant the runners would be back soon. You sat atop the watch tower, sneaking glances at the doors occasionally to see when Thomas was getting back. He ran through just before they closed, Minho by his side. Your eyes focused on Thomas’s sweaty form, licking your lips as your watched him pant for air. His shirt clung to his body like always, the butterflies in your stomach going wild with just the little glances.
The two disappeared into the map room, leaving you along with your thoughts once more. You were confused, unsure how far this could really take you. You felt like Thomas liked you back, recalling how he has reacted every day this week. But maybe you had rushed things when you gave him that blow job in the deadheads and he just wanted some action.
The thoughts were swirling out of control, clouding your thoughts and senses. You missed Frypan ringing the dinner bell, remaining frozen in your spot on the tower. Your eyes were glued to the starless sky, contemplating everything you could in this short time.
You didn’t register the sounds of someone climbing the ladder, nor the thump of the wood when they sat next to you. You only snapped from your thoughts when their hand brushed through your hair, leaving a warm feeling in their path.
Your eyes locked with Thomas’s honey brown ones, a sad smile present on his lips. You gave him a smile back, leaning your head on his shoulder. He didn’t question the action, choosing to just wrap his arm around your shoulder instead. Silence formed between you, neither wanting to break it for fear of what the other would want to say.
Thomas swallowed, feeling how dry his mouth was. He was afraid to ask what had been on his mind all day, but he knew he had to. He chalked up the courage, turning his eyes to you. “Y/N. What exactly are we?”
You sat up, looking fully at him. Your mind buzzed, trying to figure out how best to answer him. “Well,” you started, messing with the bottom of your shorts, “I would hope we are friends, right?”
Thomas furrowed his eyebrows, clenching his hands into fists in mind frustration. “Of course we are friends. Maybe I didn’t ask the right question.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “Why are you doing this? Why did you change so much? Why are you acting the way you are?”
Your mouth went slack, appalled by the questions. He wasn’t oblivious to your act, and had noticed your change in attitude. Maybe you truly had fucked up. “I-I…What are you t-talking about? I-I’m not-“
He sent you a harsh glare, cutting you off. “Bullshit you aren’t. Did you think I didn’t notice when you changed your outfit to…this.” He motioned to your outfit, biting the inside of his cheek to suppress a moan he wanted to let slip. “You don’t think I noticed your change in behavior? The flirting? The kisses? Rubbing my dick through my jeans during dinner?”
“I-I mean I-“
He continued his rant, not allowing you to speak. “At then you cast me off. I want to spend time with you but you run off with some fucking excuse. You would rather hang out with Minho and Newt than with me. You have kissed me, then pull away and leave me there, alone. You lead me on then run away before I can do anything. So please, tell me the truth. Do you actually like me, or is this some sick joke?”
You finally broke from the trance he put you in and returned his glare. You didn’t mean too, but you snapped. “Well it’s your fault Tommy! You’re the one that never gave me attention until I did this!”
He seemed taken aback by your outburst, stunned by what you told him. You could see the gears turning in his head, a smirk slowly forming on his features. “Oh? So that’s what you think, Y/N? I didn’t pay enough attention to you? Is that why you played hard to get?” You gulped, eyes wide, nodding your head at him. “Well, let me repay you now. You have my undivided attention.”
He pulled you into a sensual kiss, your eyes closing at the intense feeling he was giving you. His fingers tangled in your hair, tugging you close as his lips moved against yours. His head tilted to the side slightly, fully enveloping your lips with his, his tongue skimming across them slowly. Your moan was muffled, adjusting how you sat to be closer to Thomas.
His tongue skillfully bypassed your lips into your mouth, massaging your tongue thoroughly. More moans escapes, getting lost in the intensity of the kiss.
Amidst all the kissing, Thomas slipped his hand down your chest, kneading your breasts through your tank top. Even through the fabric, he could tell they were soft and that your nipples were already hard. You pressed your body closer to his again, your hand finding his to help him rub harder.
He broke the kiss, a deep groan escaping his mouth. “God, you are beautiful. The creators were dumb when they sent you here because you are just too perfect to be here.” You buried your head into his neck, moaning and placing sweet kisses along it. “You’re gonna have to do something for me, ok princess?”
You shuddered at the nickname, arousal pooling in your abdomen already. The way he said it had you reeling, eager to feel his hands pleasing you. “Of course, Tommy. Just tell me what to do. Anything.” Your words came out in short breathes, but Thomas got what you were saying.
“You’re gonna have to stay quiet for me. The guys might hear you if you get too loud.” It was like déjà vu, thinking back to when you told him to be quiet in the deadheads. You weren’t sure if he did this on purpose or not, but you weren’t arguing.
You mumbled a quiet yes into his ear, his hand instantly traveling down your body and popping the button on your shorts. He pulled them down to your knees, spreading your legs to get a good view of your pussy. His eyes lingered, his tongue wetting his lips at the sight in front of him.
“Fuck me, princess. You are soaked. Is this what I do to you?” He slipped his fingers along your folds, gathering the sticky fluid on the tips. You had to bite your lip to keep from moaning, your head falling back against the wooden rails of the watch tower. “I’ll take that as a yes, considering you are still spilling more for me. Now what do you want? Fingers? Or tongue?”
You whined at him, failing to process everything he was saying. “T-Tongue.” He grinned, pulling your shorts completely off your body. The air was beginning to get cold, sending a chill through your body as it drifted over your exposed pussy. Thomas saw you shiver, the grin widening.
“Let me warm you up, princess.” He dived between your legs, his tongue running along your folds. Your nails dug into the flooring, your head banging against the rail harder. He licked a few more times, pausing once or twice to probe your wet entrance with the tip before it finally burrowed its way inside of you.
“Oh fuck!” You let out, instantly covering your mouth. You knew someone would have heard you and you could only hope that no one would actually make their way up to check on you. Thomas gave you a leer, silently telling you to keep it down. Returning to his task, his tongue found its way back into your pussy, caressing your inner walls.
“Hey Y/N!” You heard Newt holler, mumbling a quick ‘fuck’ at his voice. “Are you ok up there? We heard you shout from the kitchen and wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Thomas didn’t stop. On the contrary, his licking sped up, thrusting his tongue deep inside you. You could barely breath properly, so you weren’t sure how answering Newt was going to go. You struggled to open your mouth, afraid that more moans would slip out with the increase in speed. Your body was hot, the knot in your stomach pulled tight, making it hard to find the right words for Newt.
The words barely left your mouth in one piece. “Y-Yeah I’m fine! Just a splinter! Don’t worry about it!”
You threaded your fingers in Thomas’s hair, tugging at it when tongue brushed against a sensitive spot inside your pussy. You huffed, clenching your eyes shut tightly in an attempt to concentrate on not making noise.
“Oh, alright. Don’t stay up there too long! It’s getting late!” You faintly heard Newt’s uneven footsteps fading underneath you, signaling he had walked away.
“Shit, Tommy. You’re going to get us caught.” He pulled his tongue from inside you, licking his lips clean of your juices as he caught you eye. “Don’t give me that look. You’re the one with the magic tongue.”
He laughed, abruptly plunging two fingers inside you. You got lucky to cover your mouth, a loud scream caught by your fingers. “Magic tongue, eh? What about these fingers? What do you think these fingers can do to you? Can they make you cum?”
You nodded hastily at him, whimpering while he started thrusting his fingers slowly. The movements were gentle, brushing against your walls and g-spot and occasionally scissoring your entrance and licking his tongue along the opening. The heat was building inside you again, but you were already growing tired of his slow pace.
“Please, Tommy. Go faster.”
“Whatever you say, princess.” You could tell without looking that he was smirking, his fingers pumping faster. The tips prodded your g-spot, sending waves of pleasure and desire through your body. You panted his name, tugging furiously at his hair, silently demanding more stimulation.
He understood your plea, wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking and licking at it in tandem with his pumping. He could feel your body shaking with pleasure and your walls convulsing around his fingers, signaling that you were approaching your peak.
His tongue swirled around your sensitive nub, tugging at it with his teeth. His fingers circled inside your pussy, trying to reach every inch he could within your tightened walls. The knot in your stomach was twisting with his combined actions, short breaths and whines muffled by your hand.
With one final suck of your clit, you felt the knot unravel inside you. Your head fell back against the railing, black spots clouding your eyesight. Your grip on his hair was taut and your toes curled in your shoes. Your juices flowed out in streams, coating his fingers, soaking into his skin. Your walls clenched around him, his name rolling off your tongue happily. He carefully pumped his fingers, riding out your orgasm with you.
When your body finally relaxed, he pulled out, sucking his fingers clean. You watched while he did, your chest heaving. He helped you put back on your shorts, kissing you tenderly on the lips. You felt the spark as they came in contact, and the tingle that remained when he pulled away. Your body was still hot, and you knew you weren’t finished.
“Tommy.” He locked eyes with you, trying to read your expression. “Meet me in my room in fifteen minutes.”
His mouth fell open, watching you crawl towards the ladder. He blinked once, afraid he was overthinking it. “Why? Are we…?”
You giggled at him. “Yes. I’m not done with you yet.” With that, you descended the ladder, being extra careful because of your shaky, post-orgasm limbs. You had to hurry off to your room and get ready.
You threw your dirty clothes into a corner, trying to clean up before Thomas arrived. You had changed into just a baggy shirt, discarding your bra and ruined panties with the rest of your clothes. The shirt came to the middle of your thighs, so you couldn’t see anything underneath without looking.
You were growing anxious with each passing second. You couldn’t believe you were actually going to do this with him. You still weren’t sure if he cared for you the same way you did, but you were willing to risk it at this point.
From how he talked, it appeared that he had noticed you before the start of the week. Maybe he was just shy about approaching you like you were with him. You kept your fingers crossed that that was the case.
You paced the room, time going slower than you wished. Your body ached for him. You weren’t sure how much longer you could wait for him. You occasionally glanced at the door, hoping that he would walk through it any second. When it remained shut, your hopes dwindled more and more.
You collapsed on your bed, pouting at the ceiling. You rubbed your thighs together, your mind wandering to Thomas like always. You recalled your activities on the tower, the feels that his fingers and tongue provided. Arousal pooled between your legs, starting to drip down your legs.
Pulling up the hem of the shirt, your fingers ran over your slit, feeling how wet you were just at the thought of him. You were already impatient, so why not please yourself in the meantime? The tips traced over your clit, a small gasp sneaking out with the rush of pleasure. You moved your fingers further down, prodding at your dripping pussy. You dipped them inside, soft moans flying from your lips.
You imagined it was Thomas fingering you again, picturing his dark eyes staring into yours as he teased you with sexy noises. You pictured the muscles in his arm and the way they would flex while he did anything, especially while he was fingering you. You thought back to the deadheads, and how big his cock was. You could only fantasize about what the rest of his body looked like under his clothes. Thomas was the only thing floating around your mind while you let pleasure run through your body.
“Damn, princess. Couldn’t wait for me, eh? As much as I love watching you, you should let me help.”
Your eyes snapped open at the sound, rolling off the bed in haste. Thomas stood there, leaning against your door, arms crossed over his chest. A smirk was present on his face, the lust raging in his orbs. You could see the outline of his cock in his pants, hard already for you.
“Tommy,” you whined, relaxing on the floor where you fell. “You scared the shit out of me.” You paused, taking a moment to think. “How long have you been here exactly?”
Thomas walked over, picking you up bridal style from the ground and fixing you atop your bed. “Oh you know. Just like…” He glanced at the watch on his wrist. “8 minutes?”
“WHAT?!” You screamed, covering you mouth when he cast you a stern look. “Sorry. 8 minutes Tommy? You watched me finger myself that entire time?”
Thomas sat down next to you, pulling his shirt over his head. “Yup. I have to say, princess. That was incredibly sexy to watch. But like I said before, you should let me help.”
He dropped his shirt on the floor, your eyes transfixed on his toned upper body. His perfect pecs, his six pack abs, his bulging biceps. You even saw the happy trail that disappeared into his jeans to the giant cock you wanted so desperately. You were nearly drooling at the sight of him.
He picked you up from the bed, placing you on his lap. His cock pressed against your wet cunt, letting you feel how rock hard he was and how he was throbbing for you. You shifted your weight, grinding against him and pressing into him more.
You both let out moans at the feeling. He pulled you into a messy kiss, sloppier than any of the precious ones. Thomas pressed his against yours intensely, your tongues rubbing against each other. He was tugging at the bottom of your shirt, running his fingers along your waist as he did. Pulling from the kiss, you ripped the shirt over your head, dropping it behind you without reserve.
He stood from the bed with you still in his arms, turning to drop you on it. He admired your body from where he stood, adjusting the front of his pants. “Fuck princess. You’re perfect. There are so many things I could do to you. But you know, I think you have some explaining to do first. Why were you fingering yourself before I got here?”
You blinked, a faint blush spreading across your cheeks. You swallowed, trying to remain confident in front of him. “Well, you were taking too long to get here. What do you want me to do, apologize?”
You watched him remove the belt he was wearing today, a mischievous look on his face. “Maybe I do. I should be the only one pleasing you. I am sorry I took longer to get here. I got stopped by Newt and Minho. But that’s no excuse for you. Because you know I should be the one fucking you to the point it is hard to work tomorrow.”
Your body shook with delight, the ache between your legs amplified. “Well, excuse me daddy.”
He groaned, shuffling closer to your side. “Why do you have to say and do the sexiest things? You just made me harder. I didn’t even know that was possible.” He hovered over you, pulling both your wrists into his veiny hands. “This is punishment for not waiting for me. Now, be good for daddy.”
He tied your wrists together with his belt, tightening it so you couldn’t shake them loose. Your body was hot, getting turned on by the idea of calling him daddy. You said it as a joke, but he liked it. You licked your lips, Thomas moving your arms above your head. “Daddy, are you gonna fuck me now?”
He groaned, kicking off his pants and boxers quickly. “Fuck. Yes. Oh my god yes.” You giggled at how eager he was, a pout forming on his face at your reaction. “It’s not nice to laugh at daddy, princess. Maybe I should teach you a lesson right now.”
He crawled on top of you, his pulsating cock pressing against your warm cunt. He kissed down your face, sucking your neck to leave bright purple bruises in along it. He trailed down between your breasts, leaving red marks along the way. “I think this will be your punishment for playing hard to get all week. Sound fair, princess?” You whined as a response, fidgeting underneath him. “Sounds like a deal then.”
Your breathing increasing feeling his breath fanning over your breasts, crazing his touch. “Please, daddy. Touch me.” He twitched at your words, his lips wrapping around your nipple in a moment’s notice. A small scream left your mouth, reveling in the pleasure that he gave you.
His tongue flicked over your nipple, rolling it around inside his mouth. His hand groped the other breast between his fingers, roughly fondling it. Your bound hands moved from over your head, sliding through Thomas’s dark, chocolate hair. Your moans bounced off the walls, your body shaking in delight.
He would alternate between breasts, repeating his actions on the other breast. One planted firmly in his hand, receiving squeezes and tugs of the nipples from his fingers. The other was littered in red marks from his kisses before the nipple was between his lips, his tongue toying with the bug and his teeth tugging at it occasionally. The simultaneous action sent your body into overdrive, eagerness eating away at your insides.
You felt the growing discomfort between your legs calling out for him, your legs wrapping around his waist. He groaned against your breast, feeling the wet warmth spreading over the length of his cock. Both of you were throbbing, need and desire your top priority.
“Daddy, I need you.”
He pulled from your nipple with an audible pop, moving up to smother your face in wet kisses. He stopped above your lips, brushing them slightly as he talked. “What do you want, princess?”
You blushed, feeling kind of self-conscious about the answer. “You. Inside of me.”
He nodded, carefully adjusting his cock to press at your opening. He looked at you, his eyes reading the worried expression that was present. “I will be careful. It’s going to hurt. Just let me know when you are ready and I will continue.”
You nodded, Thomas slowly pushing inside of you. To say it hurt would be an understatement. Stray tears slid down your cheeks, Thomas wiping them away. He peppered kisses everywhere on your face, whispering soothing words in your ear.
The pain began to ease, your walls clenching around his cock. It was different than his fingers, but it felt good. You bucked your hips into his, signaling to him that you were ready for him to move.
He rolled his hips into yours, slowly beginning to thrust inside of you. The feeling of his cock pushing against your walls sent chills through your body, shivering under his touch. Your quiet moans filled his ears, causing him to moan in response.
“Can I go faster, princess?” Thomas asked, placing a kiss to your lips.
You nodded at him, feeling his hips snap against yours promptly. He wasted no time digging you into the bed with hard, rapid thrusts. His head buried deep into your neck, biting at your soft skin. Your body jerked with each thrust, your moans getting louder each time.
Kissing the bite mark he left, he leaned back on his knees, pulling your thighs up around his waist tighter. His cock would pull out, the tip left inside slightly, before he slammed back in every time. Each of these thrusts were deep, his cock being buried inside your cunt.
You struggled to grip something, your hands still bound by the belt. “Tommy. Can you please undo this?”
He shook his head, continuing his restless pounding. “No way, babe. Not yet. You’re mine. Let me have my way with you.”
You whimpered when you felt his cock rub your g-spot, every snap of his hips causing him to rub against it furiously. His speed was ungodly, his fingers pressing hard into your thighs. He held your legs closer, hitting the deepest reaches of your pussy.
He slowed his movements so he could lift one of your legs over his shoulder. He resumed his assault on your cunt, pounding away at it mercilessly. The new angle allowed him to hit different parts of your pussy, ultimately causing your body to spasm under him.
“Fuck, baby,” He mumbled, feeling your walls clinging to his cock. “You’re so tight. It feels so good.” He pulled out of you, ignoring your whine from the emptiness, and flipped you over, your ass sticking proudly in the air. “Let’s see how tight you are from back here.”
A loud slap broke the air, his hand meeting your skin. You mewled at the contact, your ass stinging from the smack. He grinned, slipping his cock inside you quickly before smacking it again.
“You like that, baby? You like when I smack your ass?” You mewled every time he smacked it, your hands attempting to grip at the blanket you were on. “You love it. My, my. Such a dirty girl.”
His cock pulled from you, slamming its way back in repeatedly. The sound of slapping skin pierced your ears, your moans being drowned by the repeated thrusts and wet clapping of skin on skin. He leaned over your back, his hand twisting in your hair. He would tug it harshly, causing your back to arch under him. There was something about it that was oddly stimulating. Every action drove you closer to your orgasm, your body quivering.
“Tommy. Please let me go. I want to be on top of you. Can I please you just this once before you cum, daddy?” You whined, biting at your pillow. It was hard to get the words out, but once you did, Thomas faltered in his thrusts, slowly ceasing his endless attack.
He pulled from you once more, flipping you over and removing the belt from your wrists. You rubbed them carefully, seeing the red marks that had formed from struggling. You slipped out from under him, pushing him back onto the bed. His cock stood upright in all its glory, slick from your juices. You took a deep breath, straddling him, his cock slipping into your pussy easily.
He let out a moan, his hands gripping your waist carefully. You pressed yourself close to him, your breasts pushed against his chest. You placed your lips on him, feeling him twitch inside you as a response. You kissed along his jaw to his neck, leaving a purple mark just as he had done to you.
Sitting back up, you hands rested on his chest, your eyes locking with his. Your nails dug into his chest, supporting yourself as your rolled your hips into his, feeling the length of his cock entered and exiting your sex. He mumbled incoherent words, guiding your movements with a delicate touch. He allowed you to move yourself, helping only to lead you along his length.
You propped up on the balls of your feet, your nails raking down his chest once you starting bouncing on his cock. His moans got louder and more frequent, his cock pulsing inside you. “Damn, Y/N. Keep going. I want to cum from this. Once I am there, you need to get off. Got it?”
You nodded, barely processing his words. He grinned, jerking his hips to meet yours. The contact left you screaming his name, the combination of his cock thrusting up into you and your pussy closing around him as you bounced was becoming too much, your body shaking regularly and your nails digging deeper into Thomas’s skin, drawing small bits of blood.
One of his hands let go of your waist, finding your clit and rubbing his furiously. Pure bliss fell upon you, quickly becoming undone on top of him. Your bouncing slowed, halting entirely when your walls completely closed around him, making it hard to continue his own thrusts up. Your juices splattered your walls, coating his cock. Your toes curled into the blankets, your legs barely keeping you upright. Your eyes rolled back at the intensity of your orgasm, your entire body shuttering from the impact. Your back arched, your pussy pressing down on him.
Thomas groaned, feeling the increased moisture of your inner walls. A layer of your juices covered his cock, allowing his dick to slip inside of you easily. The tight walls of your pussy clenched around him, pressing at the pulsing, throbbing veins along his length.
Your body calmed from your orgasm, finally becoming aware of how sloppy Thomas’s thrusts had become. You knew he was getting close. His chest muscles flexed under your fingers, red marks lining his fair skin. His face was tight, concentrating on the orgasm that was fast approaching. It was now or never, you pulling off his cock before he could say anything. His hand reacted quickly, his fingers closing around his cock, fisting it rapidly. You fondled his balls, gently massaging them between your fingers.
“Holy fuck, Y/N.” He nearly screamed, the white strings of his seed spurting from the tip, covering his chest and stomach in white globs. His body quivered, shaking every time another string would shoot out of him.
The final bits dribbled into the curly hairs on his crotch, the only noise in the room being your synced pants. You grabbed a towel that was hanging at the end of your bed, helping to clean you both up. You dropped it on the side of your bed, collapsing onto Thomas’s chest.
“That,” he exhaled a loud breath, a smile on his face, “was beyond amazing. Who knew you were so crazy in bed.” You stayed silent, fear that he only cared about the sex consuming your thoughts. He noticed your silence, running his fingers through your hair. “Babe?”
“Do you like me, Thomas?” You asked without thinking, regretting it instantly. His eyebrows knit together, confused. “Never mind. Don’t answer that. That was stupid.”
“Of course I like you. I thought I made that obvious already.” He stated.
“No. Not just like. Like-like. Like the…you would want to date me kind of like.”
He chuckled. “My answer is still the same. I thought I was obvious when I was flirting with you all week.”
You pouted, burying your face in his chest. “But that could have just been because I gave you that blowjob last week.”
Thomas sighed, tilting your head up to look at him. “Y/N. Let me tell you this then. I have liked you since the moment I came up in that box. I thought you didn’t know I existed though. I was afraid to approach you and making a fool of myself, so I always avoided talking to you, even when I did come in contact eith you. When you changed your look, it caught me off guard that you would do that. But it made me want to approach you, hoping it was, in some way, for me.”
You gaped at him, your mouth dry. “Tommy, everything I did was for you. I always thought you didn’t know I existed. So, Newt told me to get you to notice me, play hard to get to show I wasn’t easy and get you wanting more. I was always afraid it was too much or that you would get this far and cast me aside.”
He pulled you up, nuzzling his nose with yours. “I could never cast you aside. Because I love you too much to do that.”
Your face lit up, a sweet kiss placed to his lips. “I love you too Tommy.”
He smiled back, pulling you into a tight hug. “Good. Now we can tell all of the guys you are mine and they can stop eye fucking you from across the glade.”
You giggled, remembering how Newt said you eye fucked Thomas. “Well, we can just eye fuck each other then.” You snuggled into his chest, your eyes drooping as your listened to his heartbeat.
“Sounds like a deal, babe. Now, get some sleep.” He kissed your forehead before you both fell into a dreamless sleep.
You struggled to get out of bed due to a combination of a sore body and lack of sleep. You didn’t sleep much, having woken up twice throughout the night and fucking him once again.
You awoke once when he was kissing your forehead, tilting your head to kiss him on his lips. Simple kisses turned frisky to the point that his cock was buried into you pussy from behind while you laid on your side, one of his hands holding your leg up while he pounded away at you. Your moans were louder than ever, your orgasm more intense.
The second time, you were woken up by his fingers pressed to your clit, rubbing circles on in until you came, Thomas slipping down to clean you up with his tongue. You repaid him by wrapping your tits around his cock, licking over the tip as he thrust himself in your cleavage. You swallowed every drop of his cum that landed on your tongue, the rest dripping down your face and tits.
Your body ached, but you had to fight it because you had work to do. You walked with Thomas to the doors, seeing him off on his run. He gave you a chaste kiss to your lips, you both murmuring ‘I love you’ to each other.
Thomas took off into the maze with Minho, who had fake gagged at your romantic notions. You limped towards the gardens, Newt already working on harvesting some vegetables. He locked on your form, glancing over it.
“You’re glowing today.” You cocked your head at him. “You look different. You seem…brighter I guess. Must be because you got laid last night.” You tripped over a rock in shock, stumbling at his words.
“H-how did you know?”
Newt laughed, helping you stand up straight and handing you a shovel. “I know all, Y/N. Plus, I’m not dumb. I saw Tommy’s feet dangling over the side of the watch tower last night. You both have hickeys all over your necks. You can barely walk straight.” You blushed, covering your face with your hands. “It’s fine. Just be safe.”
You groaned. “Thanks Newt.”
Newt pat your back, enjoying you being flustered. “Good thing you took my advice. Now, never play hard to get again. You suck at it honestly.”
You smacked his side. “You suck.” You grinned at him, ignoring his glare. “But, trust me when I say this. It won’t happen again. I have my man, and he’s not leaving anytime soon.”
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