#not to mention a lot of ppl hate him for no reason like leave him alone he did nothing to u
blkwag · 1 year
whether or not people have a reason to not like argentina, the fans are still going to be upset. whatever reason someone has (ex: they don’t like x player, the racism from their fans, the country’s history, etc.) it’s going to trigger their fans. whether someone just simply doesn’t like the team, that’s an issue too. and then the fans wonder why people don’t like the team or them (the fans) like you guys get triggered regardless
and then (on this hellsite), you jump into people’s inbox (anonymously btw) and write a thesis to someone who doesn’t like the team or the “dios” of the team. just leave people alone
#take this post how you want#please don’t play captain save a team in my inbox. because i don’t care#im not doing that again with you guys#and im not speaking from my experience im seeing it on other blogs as well#idk if it’s just me but i don’t think i’ve seen a fanbase care sm about why people don’t like their (national) team#again it’s probably just me but i just don’t…#like i mentioned before if someone doesn’t like the usmnt on here i simply. scroll past whatever post they make#if i did end up being that type of fan it’s because ppl were talking shit about some of the players (like weston)#and even w that i sometimes just mind my business#bc with christian. i KNOW there are a lot of people don’t like him and i completely understand why#im not going bend backwards making posts and sending anonymous messages to ppl in defense of him#that man doesn’t know me wtf#ANYWAYS. at the end of the day just leave people alone#if someone doesn’t like your team for whatever reason just leave them alone#i can get if people are like straight lying on the team or country but in this case…#like unless there’s a statistic saying that they are the most hated national team then im not understanding the reasoning for the questions#also we don’t need to pull the um… what about x country like okay we get it#and honestly no one owes anyone an explanation as to why they support one team over the other#im just tired of seeing people being questioned about this like.#leave people alone#this is the last thing imma say about this hopefully i don’t see someone on here getting bugged about this#but this pretty much is my overall…. opinion on this discussion#again. MY OPINION
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prosciuttoon · 1 month
Anyway, Shuro isn't the only character with problems, he isn't even the only Japanese/ Eastern Archipelago character, so not the only one with that specific background. And yet, he sure is the only one who acted out the way he did.
If you like him for .. whatever reason (narcissism? Based on your posts, I guess), that's fine, but like. There's extremely valid reasons for not liking him that aren't just "ur racist" or "you just don't understand!!!!"
hes the only one that acted out bc he was the only one that laios was interacting with that was the reason they fought?? laios wasnt talking to hien or benchidori or maizuru like that he didnt even meet them until he reunited w shuro in the dungeon
and when did i ever say “you’re racist if you hate him” all i did was talk abt the cultural context of his upbringing that would make him a terrible communicator. also, narcissism is such a weird word for liking a character a lot? and its not like im making him look innocent and flawless bc im literally explaining his flaws and where they come from. if someone doesnt like him bc he reminds them of someone that hurt them im not gonna try to change their mind, wouldnt hurt to know Why he acts like that but if theyre informed and still dont like him thats perfectly fine!!!
since i think u sent 2 asks ill just put the first one here and answer it too:
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in the post abt him leaving izutsumi in the dungeon to come back “if she wants to” the “nuance” i was talking abt was the fact that he said “if she wants to” i.e giving her a choice to return (which she didnt do because she hated that place obv). also sorry hes not powerful enough to abolish slavery in his country, hes not even the heir to the family. dont think the eastern archipelago is strictly based on a specific time or reality in japan, probably just inspired by reality but not based on it, so shuros family is likely one of many families serving their “feudal lord” who rules a province of the country. in history, feudal lords were also under shogun and the emperor, but neither are mentioned in the manga iirc so i will guess that wasnt the case.
my aim w my posts isnt to force ppl to change their minds on whether or not they like a fictional character. im just giving an extra perspective w stuff from extra content plus my own experience (i.e being asian too) that some people may not know about. what they do w the info is up to them im not trying to tell people how to think. if they learn smth that changes their opinion fine if they dont also fine its not that serious. im just talking about my interpretations of the character.
if i see a critique i may think “wait but do they know about [insert notable info]”. if they dont know, would maybe be good to know bc its important to the character, if they do know and thats the conclusion they came to, thats it! i dont do any more than that n ur acting like im forcing everyone to like him.
tldr; just cuz i am explaining the root of his flaws doesnt mean im ignoring them. i still call him what he is! a loner who cant set boundaries and it only makes problems for himself and people around him, but i also happen to be interested in Where the behaviour comes from! (which happens to be heavily due to culture). doesnt mean im calling u racist if u dont like him wut
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ecstacy-appleofmyeye · 3 months
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cabin 12//dionysus children headcanons
a/n: the hcs will be edited and updated as i come up with more of them
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking weed
dionysus kids get the least elegant and most humiliating claiming ever.
they show up at camp and mr d's already claimed them, before trying to trick them into bringing him wine. when chiron comes in and stops them, mr d sends them away to their cabin.
it definitely feels weird knowing that their dad is a few meters away from them, when all their friends complain that they've never even seen their godly parents.
their hair is a burgundy/bronge colour, usually curly. for some their eyes seem purple in certain lighting, but they're most green or brown.
not very athletic. they prefer ditching training and just laying around, either at the strawberry fields or in the woods with the satyrs.
they like collecting grape vines and making ropes with them. for no particular reason, they just do it to keep their hands busy when they're bored.
a lot of dionysus kids have bipolar or bpd.
these kids can use mania better than others, tho it came with the expense of their own health.
they like hanging out with the demeter cabin at the strawberry fields.
they love junk food.
they also can't keep their cabin clean to save their lives. on inspection days they just shove everything under or in their closet and call it a day. the next day it's worse.
dionysus kids either love or hate drinking wine. some find it the best alcoholic beverage and others think it's disgusting (but they drink other stuff).
a common misconception is that dionysus kids are irresponsible alcoholics when in reality they rarely drink. but when they do drink, they consume gallons of alcohol.
some get easily drunk and the rest of their siblings tease them for it.
some of the older siblings smoke weed with demeter kids.
they all have weird hobbies or small collections (one of the reasons why their cabin is always so clustered)
(another reason is that they're lazy as fuck and can't bother cleaning up if it's gonna get dirty again anyway)
at the back of their cabin is a watermelon garden. it's been there for decades, though no one knows who started it, and they keep it for the sake of keeping it.
dionysus kids are very good with woodworking and some with carpentry. im sure there's at least one shelf dedicated to their works.
they are very proud ppl. not like ares kids, or to the point of being arrogant and self-centred.
they're the second cabin with the most queer kids (I think that dionysus was said to be the protector of trans and intersex kids).
dionysus kids are those weird kids at the playground that would look at you straight into your soul and eat dirt or sand without breaking eye contact.
they often get compared to foxes and crows.
their motto is (along with apollo kids) go big or go home.
they never go home (i dont even think they have one)
always prepared for every holiday. and i mean every holiday.
they had a pet snake they named Snoodle but they got found out and they had to leave it out in wild 😔
it's still roaming in the forest and it became a (sort of) cryptid.
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
Heyyy I love ur writings smm!!
I was wondering if u can do a Kai smut where the reader is completely opposite of Kai like she’s happy and bright and sometimes she feels like he doesn’t really love her anymore and she just gets insecure bc of what the ppl in the cult say about there relationship but Kai shows her how much he really loves her (but yk make it rough and a lil sweet or whatevaaaa ;) ) thank u sm bye I love you
Pink Blazers & World Domination
I hope you enjoy this!
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You had decided to sneaked into the basement a few minutes after Kai had wrapped up the Cult meeting, wanting to run your hands through his vivid blue hair and ride him like your life depended on it. But what you had found as you lightly descended the stairs made your blood boil through your veins. 
Kai had his hand on Ivy’s knee as they talked on the couch. You cringed as you heard him call her ‘special’ and confess to her that she was important. You knew he told people what they liked to hear, but you were shocked to see that his speech was eerily similar between all of his cult followers. You pressed your lips together and cast a nasty glance towards the view on the couch before slipping back up the stairs, ready to go home. 
Speedwagon was guarding the door as you approached and quietly asked to leave. He scoffed at you, clearly he knew that you had seen Kai with Ivy in the basement. Another reason for him and Kai’s devoted men to look at you in pity. 
“One day you’ll learn,” He sighed and opened the door for you.
“What does that even mean?” You cocked your head, waiting for his response. He looked to the basement door and back into your fiery eyes. 
“Nobody means more to Kai than Kai. We’re all just here to help his plan. You’re not the only special one y/n.” Speedwagon flashed you his crooked grin and you just looked at him in disgust and rolling your eyes walking out the door to your vehicle. You wondered if your involvement with city council and your career in economic development played a part in how important you were to ‘Kai’s plans’. You slammed the door to your car and sticking the key in the ignition before driving to the liquor store. Tonight’s events called for a tall glass of red wine. You didn’t find yourself insecure about your relationship with Kai most days, but when you did Wine usually helped. 
Walking softly to your apartment building from the parking lot you scrolled through your phone messages with Kai. The sexual messages between the two of you made the warmth in your gut spread south. You bit your lip as you thought about Kai’s words to Ivy, and what SpeedWagon had said to you. It was certainly not the first time someone had laughed at your relationship between our one and only Devine ruler. Meadow clearly felt special too before her weak demise. You knew Kai’s plans from the start when he had started fucking that pathetic dumb blonde. You also knew that when you wore a high pony and bubblegum pink blazers to work it made his followers question Kai’s intentions with you- you were smart, but also clearly easily manipulated, right? You hated when the group would giggle and call you Mrs. Woods from Legally Blonde. They didn’t know much about you other than what they saw on the outside, but it didn’t stop them for constantly wondering what the hell Kai saw in you other than a piece of ass. 
You walked down the long hallway towards your apartment, clutching the fancy top shelf wine tightly in your grip as you dug into your Calypso bag for your keys. 
“Hello beautiful.” You gasped, almost dropping your wine bottle as you twisted around to see Kai standing a few feet in front of you.
“Don’t ever do that again, you almost made me drop the wine,” You put a hand to your chest and turned back around walking towards your door. 
“SpeedWagon mentioned you had seen the conversation I had with Ivy tonight,” Kai leaned next to   you, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed as you fumbled with your keys. You looked over at him before unlocking the apartment- taking in his appearance. His hair was down, greasy, and unkept and his all black outfit was topped with a black trench coat. You noticed his eye twitch, and realized he had probably a ridiculous amount of Adderall coursing through his body. 
“You’re getting sloppy. Don’t tell them all the same thing Kai, they’ll catch on.” You pushed open your door and walked into your apartment and turning on the light. Kai followed you as you placed the wine on the counter. You felt his hands slip around your waist and his face nuzzled not the crook of your neck, placing delicate kisses onto it. You closed your eyes, enjoying his closeness. 
“You’re right, I need to get more creative.” Kai whispered in your ear.
“They all think I’m weak. I hear it in everything they say to me,” You twisted around to face him and he reached his hand up to stroke your cheek. 
“You can’t trust anyone but me,” He kissed you feverishly, hands roaming around until they cupped your ass. He always loved when you wore those white dress pants. 
Pulling away you walked over to the other side of your kitchen Island to retrieve a wine opener. 
“Remember that one time in middle school when you gave that kid a swirly for calling me a ‘princess’?” You opened the wine and poured two glasses, handing one to Kai who laughed quietly at your memory. “That’s because you’re not a princess,” Kai took a small sip of his wine, “You’re a queen.” 
“Ive always believed in you Kai, and I know it’s your turn to be a King. Your little followers have no idea how much we’ve seen.” You licked your lips, slowly unbuttoning your shirt to expose the white fishnet and lace Teddy that drove him Kai wild. He took in a deep breath as he soaked in the view of you. 
He always had told you that your spirit animal was a butterfly. You were a magical creature that just floated around in beauty and everyone admired your outer shell. They all saw you and your bubbly angelic personality, but they didn’t see how deep inside that butterfly there was the soul of a hungry, ruthless caterpillar who had twisted its inside to mush in order to fool the word of its ugly truth - presenting itself as a colorful ray of sunshine flying through fresh garden beds. 
Kai on the other hand was like a Goliath spider, using his fangs to capture and inject venom into their prey. He was darkly charismatic, and that charisma is what drew you to him in the first place. He knew just the right words to say and just how gentle or rough to fuck you that you always came back for more. 
“I don’t want anyone to know the real you, I want her all to myself.” Kai walked over to you and grabbed the meat on your hips and pulled you to him. The two of you connected your foreheads, closing your eyes and enjoying the intimate embrace. Kai loved that you appeared weak and fragile to the others, because he knew that mask protected you from things he didn’t dare think of. Nobody would hurt his queen.
“Promise me you don’t think I’m special or important? Your voice was low and Kai could smell the wine on your tongue.
“You’re much too good for such ordinary vocabulary my love,” He responded, grabbing your cheeks and bringing your forehead to his lips for a sweet kiss.
You looked up at him, your face curled into a sweet but sinful grin, “Will you show me how different I am?”
“Get to the bedroom,” Kai growled between kisses. He smashed his chapped lips into your smooth strawberry scented ones. He felt the sticky gloss coat his own lips before he felt you pull always and walk towards your apartment bedroom. You flipped on the light over the bed, giving the all white room a nice golden hue. Kai loved how clean the room always looked and how sterile it felt, devilishly knowing the dirty and sinister things that you two did together inside of it. 
You both undressed as music swirled around them. You had demanded Alexa to play your favorite’s playlist. They were your favorite because each song represented a time the two of you fucked with music on. It turned you on to retrieve memories of your sexual endeavors together in order to make new ones.
Kai walked towards you as you stood there, naked. He loved when you wore that high pony tail, it reminded him of the times in high school when he would sulk behind the bleachers at football games. He would watch as you lead the cheer team in dance. Your skirt too short for his liking, and  when it was halftime he would drag you somewhere secluded, lift your skirt up and fucking you from behind, pulling your ponytail as he thrusted. 
“Show me that you’ll always love me the most, Kai?” Your sweet voice made Kai’s blood travel to his dick. “How could I ever love anyone as much as you?” Kai ran both his hands slowly down your shoulders than grasped your hands as he brought you over to the bed. You laid back, enjoying the feeling of Kai sliding your legs apart and his warm breath hit your clit and you felt the goosebumps run wild on your extremities.
You groaned in pleasure as Kai’s tongue moved in ways that drove you insane, in ways a toy could never satisfy you. The technique in which he sucked your clit while having his arms wrapped around your thighs- fingertips marking the skin made your legs tremble in gratification. 
You felt Kai remove his mouth from your pussy and he started licking you from your navel to your neck.
When you think of Kai you always think of sex-the chemistry between you was so powerful it made your body ache with the need to have him inside you, always. When Kai would fuck you, the part of your brain that had any doubt he loved you was completely destroyed. 
“Are you going to be a good girl or a bad girl tonight?” Kai breathed into your ear, making your body practically scream for him.
“Oh, I think tonight I’ll be your bad girl,” You pressed a kiss to his lips once more before he forcefully entered you. You gasped, taking his cock and digging your hot pink nails into his back making small marks. He growled with pleasure while throwing his head back. 
Kai continued to pump himself in you as you gently placed your legs onto his shoulders so he could go deeper inside of you. You watched him enjoy all of you as he pushed himself in and out of you, his eyes opening to stare at you moments before pulling out and yanking you off the bed. Kai pushed you towards the wall mounted full length mirror and your hands collided firmly onto the glass as Kai bent you over, re-entering you from behind. You watched him fuck you through the mirror and it created that fantastic feeling that built inside of you ready to explode. His lips were pressed together and his eyebrows deepened the stare he had with you as he watched your orgasm build. 
“Im going to cum, Kai,” You managed to squeak out, and before you did he grabbed your pony tail and yanked your head back. You felt your body surge with your sexual completion, screaming in pleasure. Kai also released himself inside of you, his silky load filling you with warmth and that tingly sensation you had craved all night. He ran his hands down your back and lightly squeezed your ass cheeks before exiting your body. 
Kai grabbed both white robes from the bathroom door. He came over to your sweating body and slid the robe onto you. You felt his kiss hit the side of your head quickly before he slipped his own robe onto his naked skin. You felt the vulnerability that always comes after sex, and you watched Kai slip from the bedroom and return with both glasses of wine, handing you your glass. 
“Remember that time I came to visit you at college, and your boyfriend walked in on me fingering you on the kitchen counter?” Kai sat down on the edge of the bed, sipping his wine before watching you relive the memory.
“How could I forget. It’s when I knew that no man would ever show their love to me like you do.” You walked over and sat on the bed next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for showing me that it’s me and nobody else.”
Kai’s smirk made your heart jump. He reached up and brushed back a piece of hair that had made its way out of your pony and into your face.
“Anything for my Queen.”
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theoryandahalf · 26 days
as much as I love ash gtlive will not work if it’s not at least 2 ppl on it as the conversational and theorizing craziness is what makes it gtlive. so if matpat leaves i wonder if the theorists will take turns on gtlive? or even just space out uploads? ppl talk about forgotten middle child film theory but gtlive is just the skeleton on the bottom of the ocean flor lmao
OMG. Do I get to talk about my Theorist conspiracy theories now?! YESS!! STRAP IN FRIENDS.
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So I agree with you anon, I think its very tricky to replace Matt on GT Live, that's why they didn't transition him off at the same time as the other channels. Personally, I think Matt's still on GT Live for three main reasons.
1.Failsafe. If they misjudged the transition and watch time dropped off dramatically, they had Matt still existing in the Theorist ecosystem and could use GT Live footage more frequently (see Tom's Kintopet episode for an example). I don't think they'd ever bring him back as host, but they're not stupid and they probably wanted to keep him around just in case.
2. Nostalgia. GT Live is special for Matt as its really the livestream that catapulted him into his big Youtuber status. I think Youtuber Kamermoon says it really nicely in their video "How Game Theory Survived the Hate"; the live channel was Matt's way of rehabilitating his reputation (and the reputation of gamers in the wake of Gamergate) by showing everyone he's a normal-ish likable dude. So he might be loathed to leave it because it has a lot of his emotions tied to it, and because it also requires slightly less work from him (by slightly i mean its still a huge commitment, Matthew please take a nap).
3. Profitability. I think a lot of older brands or brands that are frequent on the channel are reassured by Matt being the one to represent their products. I did wonder going in if the ad reads would be changed with the new hosts and overall there hasn't been as much #spon on the other channels. But you know which channel has had the uptick in sponsors? GT Live. So far we got at least three recently sponsored episodes on a channel that used to rarely get them. I think its because its Matt and the advertisers want him. He's well known in the industry, popular and safe. They don't know the new hosts. Thus I think Matt's kinda stuck on GT Live for a little while just until the advertisers adjust to the new normal and they have proof that the channels aren't tanking with Matt's departure.
So what does that mean going forward? Food Theory and Style Theory have lower views with Santi and Amy right now, and I think that's understandable. Those are the channels where Matt did the most live action so its the most jarring to have him missing.
(Sidenote thats also probably why there's more ads on gt live, sorry guys we have to live with them for a while)
What I think is going to happen is that over the summer you're going to see Santi and Amy on the couch with Matt much more frequently. Lee as well, but mostly because he lives down the street and he's an easy pull. I think they're going to try to slowly transition the audience to them so that they will share the live channel (Amy mentioned Theorist is looking to buy a studio space and I think that will allow Santi and Amy to film "Live" content from the west coast). I think its going to be much slower than the fast(ish) transition we had before for the above three reasons. But I'm fairly positive Matt will leave at the end of the summer (its rare that this man does not do what he says he will) and we will have a steady rotation of the various channels doing livestreams or lets plays, with Ash either running or organizing their schedules (basically serving as a mini Jason).
I also think there was always a plan for Tom to move to North Carolina because he has hinted many, many times that he wants to move to the United States and likes NC. It makes logical sense to move to where Matt lives since he's running the flagship channel and has to take over his boss' many industry contacts. The only thing that would stop him is that immigration is a bit of a mess right now in the US. I guess they stopped issuing as many work visas during the Trump administration and they haven't really recovered? Honestly I'm not 100% sure the exact story there, I just know its hard to move out here so they might have to wait a while before Tom could take over for Matt. If he eventually makes it stateside, then he can film live content with Lee as the "east coast" branch of Theorist, probably in Matt and Steph's house, until they truly give up and kick everyone out.
TL;DR...I agree that Ash will not be the solo host for GT Live for fiscal reasons (I'm also not 100% sure they want the role? Hard to say) and it might take a while for Theorist to get everyone in place for Matt's last departure. It will happen, just not right now.
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jester-lover · 1 year
SLENDERVERSE CHARACTERS: giving you a hug!! (Marble Hornets ver.)
Warnings: fluff, comfy, lore spoilers, mentions of violence, the author is new to this, not proofread, some can be taken as platonic, others not
Characters featured: Alex, Brian, Tim, Jessica, hoodie, masky, skully, the operator
Alex Kralie
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Alex isn’t a big fan of touching anyone
He often avoids being close to anyone he doesn’t know
Even after the two of you are together for a while, Alex tends to share his feelings in a verbal way
Words of affirmation!!!
But if he sees that you are under stress or breaking down, and you ask nicely, he will give you a hug
It’s very brief, and a little awkward, but since he’s so thoughtful about physical affection, you are really thankful
“I hope you feel better.”
Brian Thomas
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Will give you a hug before leaving the house
Will give you a hug after coming home
This man is so sweet it hurts
He’s so warm too
his head is on your shoulder
He smells like the woods, 🧐 I wonder why?
Will sigh every time he hugs you bc he literally melts into you
Tim Wright
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Whenever one of you is tired, you tend to collapse onto the other person
He’s so dramatic
Tim, I love you but you smell like death rn
Lots of hugs from behind, but if you try it on him he will screech
Smells like cigarettes and musk
He’s also very awkward with affection, unless he’s disoriented, he’ll want to know if you’re real
He tends to hold you closer if he’s paranoid
“I don’t want you to end up like me.”
Jessica Locke
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She is so good at giving hugs
Like, patting your back, head on your shoulder, legs slightly tangled
Loves hugs in the morning, before you venture off on your way
Absolutely gives forehead kisses, canon in my heart
A hug and a lil smooch on the forehead!
If you do makeup, she will hug you from behind to startle you
“Hey sweetheart.”
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Lil freak
How can a hug be so terrifying
Probably runs away after the hug
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Hates touching ppl
If he’s hugging you, it’s probably for a reason
(He enjoys your company but he would die before he’ll let you figure it out)
It’s probably you who breaks off the hug
Cigarettes, blood and no showering doesn’t make a good scent
*heavy breathing*
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(I know very little about this character)
Probably doesn’t ever want to hug you
But, hey it’s been a long day, and even creepy forest people need loving
It’s a very shaky hug, and leads to a lot of weird hair stroking
The Operator
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Honestly you have to have some kind of god level sweet talking to get an eldrich abomination to hug you
Long, long arms
This is ideal for hugging because he literally can wrap around you like a snake
His skin is cold like ice, and you swear you can hear some muttering
It’s all cool until you pass out and wake up in a whole different town
He got shy!!:(
Thank you for reading! I will be doing a emh version!!
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
A lot of adults women behave like incels but less violent and more manipulative. They usually love the cringe romance movies where the main girl is average looking and not like the other girls and manage to make the badboy soft. Generally they hate hot girls bc they are jealous (see the way Skr stans talk abt Ino and feel victorious bc they "won" against her, the hot girl). Those women are full of insecurities, thats why Skr is so relatable.
The way Skr tries to not think about the fact Sske dont wanna spend time with her is the same way some irl women ignore that their husbands are cheating, and if they cant ignore it they will attack the other women but they will NEVER leave the guy. All their self worth is based on having a bf/husband.
Then there are some lesbian/bi women who stan her as an act of feminism. She is a female character who got what she wanted so its a win apparently. Fortunatly those ppl are minority bc as a queer woman and feminist, it is very embarrassing to read those takes. I'm all for uplifting women and for them to get everything they desire but not at the expense of non sexist men. Plus, Skr dont even look so happy at the end of the day. So is it really a win for her and women?
Yeah that makes sense. But it's sad isn't it? Because even trying to have a dialogue with them isn't helpful. There's no point having it if they aren't ready to be receptive to it.
Sakura really sees no contradiction between what she says and what she does.
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And yet...
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Lol. Till only two days ago, she was found styling her hair in the middle of chuunin exams, all skinned knees and having suffered minor injuries, while her team mates were working. She let her hair grow in the first place because she thought Sasuke liked it. Lol.
What impression can it possibly give to the reader? Kishi had to stress on it too, with another character this time.
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Why would Kishi stress so much on Sakura and her obsession with her hair, just to make her say something totally hypocritical five chapters down? Lol. Kishi is very clever about writing his characters act according to the character traits given to them. Like for example, the panel below, Kakashi acts according to his character (where he has a blindspot for Sakura's negative shades) thinks Sakura is not the type to brag when she is actually exactly the type to brag.
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Lol, Sakura's whole personality is about being obsessive for Sasuke which in turn makes her violently jealous of Naruto and Ino. She beats Naruto up regularly for no apparent reason and harasses Ino, even though that girl did nothing but try to help her. And she brags, it's the only thing she does properly. Lol.
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And yet, she is always bragging, showing off. From start to end.
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And I am positive I am missing some panels here lol. She is always looking for external validation. She revels in it. While external validation itself is not a bad thing, since humans need some amount of external validation to measure their abilities, and Naruto does it too, but for him, it's rooted in his quest for acknowledgement and acceptance, so he could make friends and not be ostracized from community. Sakura does it because of her ego. While Naruto has his principles rooted in his belief systems, his emotions and his dream that egg him on to do better, Sakura finds her motivation in the desire to show off and impress people, mostly Sasuke.
She disrespects Ino, Tsunade, and she fights Kaguya while she says this?
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Girl, why are you so embarrassing? If you wanna attack her, just do it. Why even mention her being a woman? She wasn't mocking you, she barely even noticed you. You aren't worthy enough for her to notice.
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Lol. And things she says about being a woman are just so cringe lol.
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No one underestimates her because she is a girl, in fact Kakashi coddles her because she is a girl. She is underestimated because despite training, she is just weak and unskilled, as compared to her cohorts. And if she is skillful, we don't see it in the same proportion measured against the way she talks about herself. Tsunade never had to sing about her being a woman and yet people are bloody scared of her strength. Temari never had to mention it, neither did Kushina. Chiyo certainly briefly talks about how women always get the short end of the stick in their male driven society, but she not only belongs to a much older generation that has seen a hell lot, she is a master puppeteer and a superior warrior in her own right, she has earned it.
It would have been fine if only Sakura had actually consistently kept her word, proven herself through actions and not just empty words. Because when she doesn't, it reduces the value of those words. I don't know if she really meant it when she said women were fickle. Who? Tsunade? Kushina? Chiyo? Temari? Nope, they didn't give any such impression.
She constantly condescends to Naruto despite him having proved himself to be skillful, strong, the one who wins team seven several battles while she stands in a corner shaking and sweating. Thing is, she realises she makes mistakes. She acknowledges Naruto's strength as well, but she doesn't do anything to change. The whole point of a realization is to work on it and correct your behaviour. She is condescending towards Naruto till the end. Konohamaru takes her down a peg when she is being disparaging towards him and Naruto when they are doing the oiroke jutsu contest. She even hits Konohamaru, and he gets pissed off. So he makes a reverse oiroke jutsu just to show her true face, and that face has a streak of blood trickling down her nose lol. But when Naruto uses it against Kaguya, she again condescends to him. Narusakus are kinda embarrassing tbh, Sakura doesn't get Naruto. She thinks she does but she doesn't. She thinks she gets Sasuke but she obviously doesn't. And yet, she makes her 'strategies' in kage arc around her knowledge of Naruto and fake confesses to him. Naruto rejects her. Lol. She goes to Sasuke and tries to kill him (with a kunai...) by tricking him, only to be attacked, twice. Even when she drugs her cohorts before going to Sasuke, they clock her real plan. Lol.
She overestimates herself, even though it's clear that if she only thought things through, she would be much more successful. She is really blind to her own shortcomings even though she tries but remains unsuccessful, which is even sadder.
She does know Sasuke doesn't wanna spend time with her, she also gets a sense that she will always be much lesser than Naruto in Sasuke's eyes, she knows but she doesn't care. Even if it means long term misery for everyone involved.
Yes, I am sure some women find her character relatable. But relatable doesn't mean everything. I relate to Sasuke and I am very wary of establishing emotional connections but I know it's not something ideal or healthy. Connection is what people thrive on. If I ever started to relate with Sakura, I would really be compelled to take a hard look at myself. Lol.
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delululand · 6 months
who send that txt’s red and green flags? u r a godsent! id like to add something on red flags since we all know the members are waving green flags 🤭
sb - i think one of his red flags would be fickleness? idk if i would be able to explain it well but he mentioned before that he hates being adult because of responsibilities. based on that, i can see him expressing his feelings toward the other person but then suddenly backing out because he suddenly feels overwhelmed with the thought of responsibilities that comes with relationship. he likes the person but he might be indecisive on whether he is ready to commit or not. (Not saying this is really him but just a possibility based on what ive observed with those type of ppl)
yj - fixer. sometimes he might be too focused on fixing whatever he thinks need fixing on his partner and that can be really annoying. while his moon in libra and mars in sagittarius might help him be ‘chill’.. that leo and virgo combination is no joke.
bg -u’ve said it right. it is his pettiness that can be a red flag. also the lack of communication with manipulative tendencies! if he’s the wrong one, he will have no trouble apologizing. he’s nice that way. but if his partner is the wrong one? yea good luck. he’d disappear and will make sure to make them feel guilty for it until they’re on their knees— 😶
tyun - im inlove with him so much im willing to ignore 🚩.. kidding! look, i’ve seen his chart and a lot of his personal planets r making aspect to his sun which made me think that his ego (sun) plays a huge role in his life and will definitely be one of his red flag. rn we see tyun mature side right? but i feel like anything that will hit his ego so hard can make the vicious side of him come out. his aries mars makes him easily reactive to those things. when he’s triggered, the only way to calm him down is to leave him alone.
hyuka - low self-esteem. among the members, he’s the one with a really low self esteem (all of them have but his goes deeper) im not gonna explain much other than it’s not really pleasant with these type of ppl. u gotta be strong or else they’ll drag u down with them. he’s a leo.. a leo with a healthy self esteem r the best and i know that hyuka will eventually get there.
that’s all. i dont think im able to explain my thoughts well😭 but lemme know what u think?
+ anyways i truly miss reading ur posts! and saw that enhypen’s post too! i love it!! would it possible to request one for txt too? thank u 😄
- ur fellow intp 💙
first i love your mind soooo much, second you’re so good in astrology
i absolutely agree with your opinion about soobin, this is one of the things that I thought about but couldn’t articulate it. in my opinion he is quite mature and he is the leader of the group which makes him mature even more, but it seems like that is enough for him? like, on the one hand, it’s not that he’s not mature for a relationship, but rather he’s just not ready to take responsibility yet. + he said that he is not the kind of person who would lead a relationship or plan something and therefore would just agree with everything that his girlfriend wants, but this is also literally an abdication of responsibility to some extent. so, in my opinion, he either doesn’t want to take on extra responsibility because he’s tired of responsibility at work, or he’s not ready for it due to his young age, or he’s just that kind of person (but actually i think it affects everything together and may change with age, like i don’t think that he will be a person who will become a super leader in a relationship, but at least he will be okay with the responsibility that comes with the appearance of a relationship)
yeonjun yes and beomgyu absolutely yes. if he has a fight with his partner and the partner says something offensive to him, they won’t get away with just an apology, and for some reason i think that if it really hurt him, he would remember it every time in all next fights. and also sometimes he likes to do something like checks? like that time when he blocked taehyun to see if he would come to wish him a happy birthday
taehyun yes too and + soobin said that taehyun often gets offended that he doesn’t share his feelings and this can also be in some ways a red flag for people who have difficulty sharing feelings or who just don’t like it
speaking of kai, i understood what you mean and this is really true, but it is in him that it manifests itself as not being so burdensome for other people? like i mean my work in korea was partly related to this area and i could see and sometimes communicate with different musicians/actors/dancers and other media personas and one of the most surprising things is when you look at them you think “wow this person is so cool, they are beautiful, they are smart, they are interesting personas, they have good singing/dancing/whatever skills” but when communicating with these people, most of them have very low self-esteem but they don’t seem to focus on it. i don’t know how to explain this more correctly, but it’s like the difference between people who due to low self-esteem really pull people around them to the bottom and people for whom it’s like something background that you might not even recognize right away. but idk whatever i hope kai can handle with this and it seems he has already changed for the better
and thank you so much for writing this!!! if you don’t mind i’ll leave a link to this in main post, people should see this too!
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
I'm the anon who brought up the Jake's Take interview with Z, and here are my personal thoughts. I think the reason why Z is being asked about kissing her costars is because she is dating Tom. I know fans may disagree, but I believe the public interest on them has become so much of their brand, and I can understand why solo fans of each other are frustrated because they just want to support an actor they admire without the stanwars and public obsession. Again, I don't have an issue with them sharing stories of each other, I have issues if it takes away from their work. I feel it more on Tom more so than on Z cause she is in a higher position as she's been working with great visionaries longer.
Tom for the past few yrs has become very polarising for filmbros, critics, and antis because he is dating the it girl of our generation and because his career isn't on par as his peers. The think pieces OK this blog, the hate he gets on socials whether it be that he isn't a filmbro, he doesn't denounce marvel, hes dating Z and was getting mocked due to the challengers trailer and the hate he got from TCR, the controversies he's in has to deal with R+J is partly his own contrinution because he didnt post against the hate for Fran but it's exacerbated with the fact that because he's with Z and the expectations of him is so higher than other actors. It's so much because even when he met a fan in Scotland, they weren't happy to meet him they were happy to meet Z's bf, which is disrespectful. Like that sucks because even his career is nothing outside of his relationship.
It's also hard on Z because she even admitted post NWH and Euphoria 2 how hard it was for her to even leave the house with her costars because she thought she would make their evenings worse and that is so hard to hear. She has been accommodating her life in fear of being judged by her fans who refude to evolve like her, and that's not healthy for her or her fans. These are the same fans last yr who, during Christmas on that bird app, were going viral for bringing up her ex JE and blaming Tom for visiting her on set for Euphoria as if that was the reason they aren't together like he hasn't been dating Olivia for like 3 yrs. Those are the fans she's dealing with.
That besties narrative was pushed hard in promo for Dune 1 and 2, and as many fans dislike Timothee, I have to give him credit for not being a weirdo and allowing that narrative to be pushed. Most male actors in his position would love to push a showmance for the promotion for those films and he didn't, he even mentioned Tom on both press tours because of how ppl ship, he didn't even stop fans shipping him with Taylor or any of his costars but with Z he did. He didn't have to do that, but it kinda sucks he knew he had to.
It's a lot. Like there isn't any promo for R+J and Rachel and Kit are having photoshoots and tiktoks for their Romeo and Juliet, and that's unfair because if Tom did that with Fran, locals/incels will create a narrative and its exhausting. Popularity is important for an actor, but what costs?
Those are my thoughts, and thank you for allowing me to express them Destiny💖
Thanks Anon ☺️
Like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I do feel like people would be curious about Tom and Z's private lives no matter who they date, simply because they're so famous.
I'm not sure though that I feel like Z would not get those same kissing questions if she were dating another actor that is NOT Tom. I honestly feel like she would get those questions regardless.
Sadly, for most women (actresses), they usually get the brunt of the relationship type questions. 😕 It seems, that's all anyone is interested in when it comes to women.
Plus, if you're attractive, that also makes people more curious...especially if your costar is also equally attractive as well. For some reason, ppl tend to think that acting translates into real life.
Re: Tom, career, etc....
I honestly don't know why fans keep repeating this mantra about Tom's career as if he's not doing well in his career or smthg. Have Twitter folks made you all brain washed or smthg? 🥴 Serious question.
Tom's R&J play sold out in 2 HOURS. How is his career "bad"? 🥴
I'm not understanding the logic.
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And btw, just because ONE fan in Scotland was just excited to meet "Zendaya's boyfriend", it doesn't mean that MOST people feel that way.
MOST fans who get to meet Tom are there to meet HIM.... Not Zendaya.
Also, I know Z is usually a homebody most of the time, but where did she say that she was afraid to go out with costars because she was worried that she would ruin their evening out? 🤔
Re: Rachel....
Okay, if they are doing photos for R&J..... so what? 🤷🏾‍♀️
There are PLENTY of R&J adaptations going on and there will be for years to come.
They must have been planning this for a while if they're announcing it so close to Tom's production. Theirs will be on Broadway though, so it's a totally different production in a totally different country. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not even sure Tom's production even planned to do photo shoots to promote the play..... but it would be sad to think that IF they did, that some people would be so hateful about it. 😕
But I'm not going to worry about smthg that hasn't even happened yet. 👀
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
i was going to ask you to do something, anything, with the bad batch but you HATE them, smh :/
anyways possessive rex???
think of all of those commander wolffe fics you've been reading and deliver me, my love rex <333
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Also I don’t hate the bad batch, I just think they’re a little ugly ;)
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➜ Pairing: Captain Rex x reader
➜ Synopsis: It was beyond Rex why he was letting this poisonous feeling that had dripped over his body and leaked into his soul affect him so deeply. You weren't even dating for Maker's sake, but the lie that you two had webbed so intricately to lure others into its falsity had ensnared him within its grasp and there was no escaping, no lie or justification adequate enough to hide the extent of his feelings that had sprung him into action at the sight of you with one of his brothers.
➜ Warnings: Fake dating, possessive!rex, alcohol, not properly proofread
➜ Word Count: 1.2k
➜ Notes: I feel iffy abt this one tbh. I also hate the header so I’m probably going to re do it
Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“Are you two together?”  
You couldn’t count on both hands how many times that question had been directed towards you and Rex. Generals, soldiers, and even strangers, had asked you both that question numerous times. The answer was always, ‘no we’re not’ and an uncomfortable laugh from either of you. No one ever believed you though and on that night something in you finally snapped and instead of your usual denial leaving your lips your response was,  
“Yes, we are,” and shooting the captain such a sickeningly sweet smile that honey might as well have been coating your lips and dripping from your teeth. The waitress had clapped her hands against her notepad and complimented how cute of a ‘couple’ you two were while Rex choked on his water from across the table. He had shot you a confused look that you ignored until she had left, before presenting your little last-minute idea to him.  
“Everyone always thinks were together,” you had explained, “why not give them what they want. I mean what feels like half the base asks us if we’re together yet almost every week, it would be nice to finally get a break.” Rex hesitantly agreed, but only after you had mentioned that since he claimed he had no way to pay you back for treating him to dinner so often – even after the numerous times you had told him it was alright – that this could be the way he paid you back instead. 
Just like that, with one honey sweet smile, the two of you decided that you would be a couple in public and friends in private. 
Like anything new though, the kisses, pet names, and acts of fake romantic affection had been uncomfortable at first. You both had pushed through it and now they felt almost natural. The two of you fell into a new pattern of life, one that didn’t consist of people pestering you about your relationship with Rex at every turn you took on the base and nothing had really changed between the two of you behind closed doors. 
 That was if you didn’t count the small touches of affection that had originally started for a more convincing act, but had slowly become a normal part of your friendship now, or the way Rex found himself thinking about you a lot more then he had used to, or the way you’d catch yourself looking at him a little – a lot – bit longer than necessary. None of that mattered though, because the neither of you were planning on acknowledging those things. No, definitely not, you both quite liked the way life was going for the both of you and it would do neither of you any good to acknowledge your feelings.  
After all your relationship was fake, something to get everyone off your backs about being a couple all the time, it was just fun and jokes, nothing more.  
That’s what Rex repeated in his head, trying to reason with himself as he watched one of his brothers order you a drink from across 79’s. His jaw was clenched tightly and his knuckles were turning white under his gloved hand at how tightly he was grabbing his own empty cup. 
The two of you had decided to go to 79’s for your ‘anniversary’, and he was quickly realizing that it hadn't been the best idea, as he watched the countless number of male eyes on you whilst his judgment was being thoroughly affected by alcohol, the scene was bringing up all the feeling he had buried so deep within himself, with a tinge of possessiveness coming with them.  
You had met Rex there when you had used to work at the cantina, so you both figured that it was only fitting to go for your fake one-year anniversary. It wasn’t the most ideal idea of an anniversary date, but the two of you weren’t exactly the idea of an ideal couple either.  
Rex repeated it to himself again, unable to tear his eyes away as the other man reached out to touch your arm.   
Your relationship was fake, you weren't actually dating, he should turn back around and get back to the conversation he was having with his men instead of unreasonably fuming over who you were letting close to you. You could do whatever you wanted, with whoever you wanted.  
Bullshit, all those things meant nothing to him as he watched the trooper take a step towards you, getting too close to for his liking, and leaning down. You were his. No one got to touch you like that but him. No one got to look at you like that or even think about you like that but him. No one.  
All sense of ration went out the window as the feeling of possessiveness took hold of him. He growled out a ‘excuse me’ to his men and slamming the empty liqueur cup on the nearest table that was thankfully empty, and stalking towards you.  
Rex didn’t waste a second once he got to you, wordlessly wrapping one arm around your waist, using his other hand to turn your face towards him. You opened your mouth to greet him, grateful for his timing, but you didn’t have the chance as his lips locked on yours, and he kissed you heatedly. You let out a surprised yelp, but eagerly kissed him back after a moment.  
You had shared many kisses with Rex over the last year, but none like this one. This kiss held a hunger and passion that you had never experienced from Rex. This kiss made your heart flutter as your eyes slid shut and your stomach do flips excitedly. This kiss felt genuine, in a way none of the other kisses had ever felt, that scared you a bit. Most of all though, this kiss felt like a claim and it made you melt, kissing him back and leaning into him. 
Finally, Rex pulled away, leaving you breathless as you looked up at him with half lidded eyes, the trooper long gone by now. You took your time looking up from his lips to meet his gaze. When your eyes finally locked onto his, he was already looking at you with the same hunger you he had kissed you with. Hunger for you, and the realization made your body feel hot under him, desire blooming in the pit of your stomach as you blushed.  
“We should go somewhere more private, don’t you think,” Rex whispered, and it sounded more like a statement then a question. Your eyes widened and you just nodded, letting him guide you out of the cantina and back to your place, dropping short kisses to your lips, and allowing you time to collect yourself, you were still trying to completely process what had just happened inside the clone bar.  
Rex kept you close to him the whole way there, his arm around your waist tucking you into him to shield you from the prying eyes of other men. Only he got see you. And the feeling of possessiveness hadn't left him as he locked the door to your apartment behind the both of you and pressed you against it so he could kiss you properly. He was going to rid every trace of himself that that man had left on your body. 
 And as your lips pressed against his, that same honey that had seemed to coat your lips a year now coated his and bound the two of you together with a sweet kiss.  
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
should I send again I still have it
I hate how so many people deny that jikook hang around in the background of each others lives and I don’t think it’s a matter of believing that they were present in each others lives but a matter of acknowledging. in that specific live
I’m certain jimin was there and I don’t think there’s much to explain bc frankly that was straight up Jimins voice and he was given subtitles unless I’m absolutely delusional and hearing things 😭 which I hope I’m not since I have very sensitive hearing. but I personally think he wasn’t trying to hide jimin bc they were doing something sneaky or he didn’t want ppl to know but they just wanted to spend more time with eo. The live in question is jks 7/30/2021 live where he does karaoke and takes requests from army’s, my reasoning for believing jimin was there is because I think they just like to spend that much time together as jm told us in a vminkook live where he tells us that jk visits his room three times a day and just sits there and does nothing so I’m assuming that applies in their everyday life including just the time they were in the hotels. I’m the 7.30.2021 live Jungkook asks around 1.15 “is this it?” to which jimin replies “I think this is it”. That’s all it was and it’s easy to just acknowledge that and not making it some crazy shipping fantasy because why are ppl hell bent on disproving two members hanging out even when they clearly heard their voice?? Like people kept saying “no he wasn’t there why would he be there” “he was filming in the soop with the others because jk went late” but like isn’t it like jikook to arrive somewhere together and they even arrive late together too so why’s it bad to assume he was there (plus the fact they literally shared a car then) but he obviously fkn didn’t wasn’t filming in the soop since u heard his voice right there AND THROUGHOUT MOST THE LIVE JUNGKOOK LOOKED AT THAT CORNER WHERE JM WAS SITTING AND EVEN SMILED AT HIM. And we almost always see jikook gravitating towards eo and just sitting and basking in each others presence in bangtan bombs and memories and all contents while doing nth so i didn’t assume it’d be a big deal if jm just accompanied him while he spent time w army during a solo live.
but there was also the matter of where jm would sit, in Jimins birthday live in 2021 we see a sort of stool/chair in the corner of Jimins live which i assume is the one jk used when he joins him in the live but it also seems like a good place for somebody to sit on as well esp if the phone is turned away from that direction and is portrait like we had in that live of jks that I’ve been referencing and also to mention that jimins phone angle at the time was landscape so we would be able to see more
And we also have in jimins live after he topped the billboard charts where he says he was alone that night but at the beginning of the live he says in Korean “hurry leave” and there’s breathing from smn else and what lots of jikooks assume a kiss sound and a sort of scoff (could be a stretch but idk)(and around 17.23 of the live smn says iloveyou in Korean as he talks ab charging his phone) I had also asked my sister to listen to both of those and she told me she heard it too and im definitely not saying he’s lying but he absolutely doesn’t have to say that he was w anyone and he owns the right to keep that to himself but I’m just using this to say that he didn’t have to outright make jms presence known in that 7/30 live for us to recognise that he was there. also around 1.07 someone brings him water and jimin had also mentioned that he was sick around that time and had vomited so why is it a far stretch to assume that they were together that night and not to mention his comment about jungkook being asleep after an army said “I’m jungkooks wife” hence why he assumed he was asleep while he did the live. and the only person I can think who’d probably be with jimin at 3am (something very common of them to be up around that time) as he is awaiting the news of his billboard announcement is jungkook as they did in 2020 when dynamite topped the charts.
But I think my biggest reasoning for believing jimin was there was bc he was and that was his voice, i don’t think it was jk mumbling at all bc jk and jm have never sounded alike especially when comparing their two voices and not just that but the audio was given subtitles so there definitely was a voice coming from smn that wasn’t jk bc jks lips didn’t even move and if they did it wasn’t enough to illicit a sentence that was understandable. THAT ABSOLUTELY SOUNDS LIKE JIMIN i lowkey can’t believe it’s even a question that’s him😭😭 I’m not obsessed isw (w them maybe but not this specific topic)
I'm very passionate about this because barely anyone acknowledges bc
1. they're not tryna seem delusional but this isn't delusion it's literally just acknowledging
2. they hate anything to do with jikook
3. they think it's shipping but I promise you you can view them hanging around in the background of each others lives as something friends do (not everything Jikookers/ people acknowledge about Jikook is shipping, it's not anyone's fault that u can't see them as just friends stop blaming jikookers for the way u see jikook omg)
but like them being in each others lives is nth and it's sweet that they don't want to take the attention off the other but still wanna spend time with them w out being infront or the camera, there's logical ways to see these things and I wish people knew that.
Just coz u really needed my opinion on this I'll answer this with no receipts. Yes, I agree with everything you have to say. You didn't leave time stamps on these lives and I can't watch them atm but there is SO MANY instances that prove Jikook share hotel rooms or are in each other's lives.
When I can link my posts again I will answer your OG ask with links to all the times we've suspected Jikook were behind each other's cameras.
I would also advice not to get too frustrated by antis. They get to us because Jikook are loud and in our faces and the denial can be frustrating. But u don't gotta convince us Jikookers. We know it happened and its only our opinions u should care about. And we do talk about all these moments anon.
Personally I'm a big fan.
Jikook is real.
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enlighten3d · 2 months
CARMELA LORE!!! I don’t know if she’s interesting to you but uhm mitski started playing so i must share her loreee (abuse is mentioned btw just letting you know just in case!)
So she grew up with her mum Carmela and her dad Daniel and she took both of their last names (carmela is Venezuelan)! And fun fact!! Her parents are teen parents, both of them being 16-17 (maria was turning 17). So the two had an ok relationship, what do you really expect from two teens who had to get married the moment they could thanks to their parents (having kids out of wedlock and stuff)/lh. Daniel definitely didn’t do much, since he’d been told by his dad (and mum) that it wasn’t his job to take care of his kid, like in the actual taking care not just the socialising and talking to the kid if that makes sense. BUT AS THE TWO GROW UP!! They start to get a relationship that I could only describe as Me and My Husband by Mitski (with hands thrown- if that also makes sense sjdgsj)
So over time, Maria ended up leaving to go the city since she wanted to study medicine! And she planned to take Carmela with her but stuff got in the way! (Daniel. He got in the way) So she ended up leaving anyways (OMG WAIT PARALLELS WITH JANETTE ok don’t mind me finding parallels with my oc lore) without Carmela- which Carmela did not understand at 11 years old so she thought her mum was just leaving. And then speeding forward to when Carmela is 16 (the time during her mum leaving and now was not good especially with her dad- she has a bruise across her neck if that indicates anything- uhm SORRY I JUST REALISED HOW DARK THAT IS UH)
In short her mum comes back to the town, her guilt also catching up to her, makes friends with Janette since they find they have a lot in common, Maria ends up in the cult even though Janette tries to stop her from joining. Maria becomes very heavily devoted (?) to the cult meaning when Janette needs to find someone that isn’t Oliver to do the cult ritual, she happily offers up her daughter Carmela! (who is reeling from her mum showing up and her mum trying to apologise) Also the reason Maria is so devoted to the cult is because they are very good at catering to the person’s needs (maria’s being somewhere to stay)
also the last time maria saw carmela, she was presenting as a boy (transssss) so thats another box for her (carmela) to unpack
YEAH. THATS THE RIVERA LUZARDO FAMILY!!! (carmela’s last name) SORRY THAT WAS A LOT AND A BUT HEAVIER THAN USUAL.again as always any questions are welcomeee
OOO CARMELA !!! trust me, shes interesting to me... and beyond that id be glad to hear the lore of ANY of you have, whether ive heard of them before or not
oo this is a long ask /pos... so much food. om nom nom
okay. woah. what do i even say to that
i would like to throw hands with daniel. hes next in line in the timmies parking lot right after adele. i would also lose this fight but id be trying a lot harder cause i hate him more (adele is objectively worse cause shes like.... committed at least one murder, but... adele is gay so its alright, she gets a pass /j).. fuck him. motherfucker..
carmelas mum is... i just feel bad for her, honestly. just really really bad. she ended up in a Situation, make the best decisions she thought she could, tried her best, is literally just Trying. i just feel bad for her man. shes just a person. she is quite literally the most normal person in this entire thing i think. shes just Trying, man. yes, trying ends her up in a cult, but she is Doing Her Best. like... how to put this... shes Real. adding her to the list of ppl who need a shock blanket
unless shes transphobic, in which case INTO THE PARKING LOT SHE GOESSSSSS
i love carmela, did you know that...
does she get no choice in being the next cult leader...
i hope shes alright... (shes not, is she)
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Interview From Norman About the Spinoff
I'm trying to get the ET interview of Norman from last night at AMC Up Front event. He talked about the spinoff a lots of things he's already said but he did say this was kind of a reset. He also said it was romantic and use words to describe it like poetic and beautiful. Norman, also Jeffrey and Lauren about their spinoff.
Just watched the interview w Norman. I love how he keeps calling it romantic. I think he means sort of like aesthetically romantic but he says it twice.
He also posted a shot of the Eiffel Tower today on Insta, maybe he’s back in France now?
Yeah, I noticed that, too.
He starts out with talking about remember the last scene Daryl gets on the bike and rides off and everything goes terrible. I know this is probably silly and maybe just me but I felt like it was a decoy. You guys know that I am hung up on the missing year and I just felt like it was a "don't look over there at that missing year look at what you last see and let me tell you what it is."
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I'm just hung up with something that was said by someone high up a few months ago that we would see a surprising twist at the beginning of the spin-off and I don't think us seeing him being kidnapped is the surprise twist because they keep telling us about it.
His talk of romantic and poetic a course everyone's going to assume that it's going to be romance between him and (sorry cannot think of her name the French actress) which if anything to me that the absolute sign that it will not be between him and her. Why would you give that away.
I love absolutely love when he says it's a reset.
I feel like he says in the interview that the series ends with him “taking off on his bike to look for someone.” Does he say that? I thought that’s what I heard but I didn’t understand like, did we already know that? I will recheck as soon as I can.
I also love the word reset because it implies a dc al coda.
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I think you’re probably onto something with the missing year. It’s an arbitrary amount of time, and it’s weird that he comes back but then he is leaving AGAIN and this time to go find his happy ending, and per his goodbyes to Carol, there seems to be this implication that he might not be back for a long long time. He tells Judith if he finds Rick while he’s gone, he’ll bring him back, right? Implying he’s not looking for Rick. So why is this trip so singular? And where was he before this. Why does he keep leaving.
I had forgotten the mention of the twist. I think it’s interesting how Norman focuses on the aesthetics of the show in his interview to avoid talking about the content or the story, even as we do have a hint from gimple that foreshadowing for the spin-off lies in the WB coda.
I wanted to mention too that amc posted that same throwback with Daryl and Leah on Twitter. Most of the comments are about how they hated the arc because it went nowhere and felt unfinished.
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Just reminded me of what ppl once said about Grady. I know we believe that these arcs feel u finished for a reason. But a lot of ppl do just think tptb likes to drop things for no reason.
I fully believe that if and when they pick back up those unfinished arcs all these same haters will be back in the audience in two seconds.
So it really doesn’t matter what ppl say. It’s like Lori’s actress said, if the writing is good, anything can work, and it will.
In answer to your questions Norman does say he's taking off to look for someone. I believe that is another decoy because most people think he's going to go look for Rick even though he tells Judith that if he finds everything about Rick/ Michonne he'll bring them back which means that isn't his main mission.
Maggie said that they should look (not sure of the wording) for other communities but the scene ends with that so are we to believe that Daryl is leaving everyone plus the kids again after just returning from the "frontier." Judith is totally OK with him leaving after we saw her in s10&11 not telling about why her mother has not returned because she was afraid that Daryl would leave her. Now she ties his leaving with Daryl finding happiness.
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I'm just having a hard time with so few people not questioning Daryl gap year. That we're told repeatedly that Daryl will be kidnapped and wake up in France not knowing where he is and what happened a verrry strong recall to the title of the episode after Coda, What's Happening What's Going On.
Gimple gave us that strange coda at the end of TWB and tied it to Daryl's spin-off and yet tptb doesn't spend much time in reminding us of that fact.
Interesting. Okay I actually took it as a weird (probably planned) slip-up. Anyone actually watching this closely will notice he said that and will also know he’s not actually going out and looking for Rick. Immediately I was confused because I don’t think anyone has ever said before that in the spin-off Daryl is going to look for someone.
To me this would support the theory that while he’s gone during the “lost year,” he discovers something and then he radios back to Judith about it. He talks to her about it and warns her he’s coming home but he’s going to have to leave again because he has to go and try and find THIS PERSON, that he couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t follow up at least, and that it could be the thing that finally brings him peace. Judith would be sad but would ofc understand. She would have some time to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to leave again.
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Maggie’s attitude is weird after the time jump, too. That weird line about like, discovering the outside world or whatever. Maybe Daryl lied to her about where he’s going, because it’s already happened once that somebody told Maggie Beth was alive and then she wasn’t alive. Daryl would never do that to her again. He would lie, and he would tell Judith that she can tell Maggie the truth if she wants to, like he would never ask her to lie, but not until he’s already gone. Because he knows Maggie would insist on coming, and he wants to go alone, and he also has no idea if what he heard or saw will even lead to anything.
I was thinking like maybe he’s lying to everyone. Like Connie thinks he’s just out navigating the wild frontier but in reality he just went back to Atlanta, and he ended up at Grady, and he found something.
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Daryl would totally be the man to keep all that a secret, or to only tell Judith. Maybe he’d tell Carol but Carol can keep a secret. And Carol would understand if Daryl wants to go alone.
I also agree that the use of the word romantic is a decoy to make ppl think he’s going to have a love story with Isabelle. But if you’re paying attn then you know this is unlikely, not only because we know that tptb knows how much another random new love interest would irritate the fan base, but because we have seen “leaked” photos of her that imply she is a nun.
Ofc casual viewers and people who only care about ship wars and what not will get pissed at this and rage share the information just to complain, and this is free PR and exactly what tptb wants.
Because there’s a HUGE fan base that just wants Daryl to be happy. They’re not ride or die Carylers or whatever. They will tune in just to see if there’s a chance Daryl could finally bs happy.
I am suddenly remembering that Morgan will be heading back to Atlanta in the final season of Fear. I would not be surprised if they’re driving the entire narrative back in that direction, ie: going back to the beginning to unlock new information and blaze a new trail forward.
I hope so! Love all the discussion today!
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dearweirdme · 10 months
Hi i'm the same anon that talked to you about jk not seeming like a good bf.
Thank you for your answer but I think i may not explained my idea well, I didn't mean it like he should try to look a certain way in his relationship with tae bc I understand the closeting, what I say it's that based in some of his actions he in a personal level to me, doesn't look like a good bf and not even as a good friend (for the ones who don't want to believe that they are together) and that's bc he chooses to do things that at large harm tae and I know some of you don't think he 'feeds' jokers , that may not have been the correct word for what I want to say but he must know how the fandom reacts to anything jkook and how they twist it for their fantasies (and yes sometimes they themselves do feed the fantasy but lately not as much as some ppl think)
And I know they know bc tae definitely knows, we all have see him react to jkookery before and I suspect that tae even knows that he is massively hated by these shippers and that might be some of the reasons he doesn't mention jk like before and it's very careful and if tae knows there's no way that jk who very clearly shares a life with him and it's constantly in soc media doesn't know too, they all know and yet he is still does things that will have the same ppl who hate on his partner or friend content and happy.
So tae has to limit himself when it's about him and be hyperaware bc he will be hated and harassed but the others can do whatever they want even when it will result in the same ppl who hate on his bandmate feeling braver and affirmed, why does tae have to be aware of repercussions of such a simple thing like him talking about jk and the others don't?
I even suspect that jk isn't saying anything about tae's release rn even though he is in social media commenting stuff and liking things bc it will attract the negative attention of #those fans to tae when this is such an important moment of his career but in this scenario it means that jk is aware of the hate tae receives and that a lot of it come from these shippers and he still isn't being careful of the repercussions.
I also don't think is casual that the jkookery ramped up during Jm's debut where jjks were targeting jm harshly and during jk's were it was expected as they did that they would retaliate, even jokers were leaving jk... and pjms were instigating the hate towards jk even getting hit tweets talking bad about him of up to 5k likes, even before his debut they were harassing scooter Braun on Instagram, my guess it's that jkook are wanting to show their closeness to their fans to try to attenuate the insane hatred and competition their fans have and that is potentially dangerous for them. I mean jjks really made a mess during jm's debut and pjms were doing hashtags, trying to get blinks on their side and even planning something for jk's ikingayo and jokers were leaving jk and shading him all along. If not for that shirtless live a lot would have left and it happened just before his ikingayo so my opinion is that jkook are protecting themselves but where does this leave tae? For them to protect themselves they choose to make happy and brave the same ppl who harass his bandmate? Knowing they will twist every little thing for their fantasies? Idk I just find a lot of things unfair, and if that's the case I think is very dangerous to allow a group of very sick delusional ppl to fester without any measure to shut down their delusions, they are already rabid and next time that they have to acknowledge Tk's intimacy they will have a meltdown that will harm tae and spike the hate towards him as it usually happens but worse bc they are feeling in heaven rn and when reality hits they will be mad and we know who will be the target, i mean nothing has happened with tk and they won't stop targeting
This turned so long sorry if it's all over the place I hope you understand
Hi again anon!
No, I did understand you the first time. I was trying to convey that we cannot really say anything about what kind of boyfriend/friend Jk is, because we don't see that part of his/their lives. We don't know if Jk makes a bath for Tae every night, or if he brings him breakfast in bed, or how he supports him during hard times (though I think we've seen hints of it, that you might not have picked up on). You are basing your thoughts on Jk as a boyfriend on what you do see, and that is just not representative of their private lives imo. If he can't show his relationship in public, and if we don't see much of their private lives... then how are we able to qualify his boyfriendyness?
You think Jk feeds shippers, I don't. I think he does engage in fanservice, and maybe that is what makes you think he feeds shippers. But, Jk engages in fanservice with all members, even Tae. His close bond with Jimin does make the lines blurry, I agree... but I don't think it is Jk's intention to make Jkkrs hold on to their believes. Think of what the alternative would be. For instance, you probably look at the Jimin live he did and the instance of him asking Jimin to do a live together a week or so ago as feeding shippers. I think Jk just loves Jimin (platonically) and therefore wants to do these things. It's not premeditated, he sees Jimin online... and thinks "there's my friend, I want to react." . He does not think, 'yes, this is a moment Jkkrs will like". He's allowed to freely interact with his friend the way he chooses. Their friendship should not be under the influence of shippers. If he were to consider shippers in everything he does, all spontaneity will be lost.
I think you presume that vminkook haven't talked about these things. Those three men are in a weird position. Neither ship can be denied (assuming Tae and Jk are in fact together). Tae and Jimin get strong hate from the other ship's side, while being close friends. Jk is always in the middle and is being seen as a bad boyfriend by both sides. It's not a nice situation. But, you are forgetting that these men have known each other closely, as best friends, for more than ten years. Jimin has seen Jk and Tae fall in love. He has seen how hard it has been. He has supported them through it. Tae and Jk have seen what this meant for Jimin as well. I am sure they have talked about how to deal with this. I think they have decided to let their friendship come first, which means that Jk and Jimin do not have to hold back on their interactions. Tae knows what fanservice is and he knows that Jimin is not actually a risk to him. Jimin isn't going to steal Jk. Did Tae have trouble dealing with Jikook interactions, yes.. at times he did. We have seen jealousy and moments that made it clear Tae did not like what he saw. I think the problem in those moments was that he was unable to just tell them in the moment "hey, that's my man". And probably some times his tolerance for Jkk interactions was high, and sometimes it was low.
From our side things look very different than they do from members' side. We only see what it's shown. And since the company has favoured Jkk moments over Tkk moments, that is what we see a lot. It feels unbalanced. But for the members, this is probably completely different. They have seen each other every day for hours at a time. They know what the real balance is like. So they don't judge situations the same as we do. I have talked about the Taekook stare from the vminkook live recently. That to me is very telling about how fandom and members differ in judging situations.
It's a tricky situation anon and there's really no easy way out of it for them. I think that's why Jk said recently it's better not to adress these sensitive topics, because it will be mayhem if they ever do. It's not great for any of them, including Jk, because he get's hate himself and he has to stand by and watch his bf and his best friend get hate because of it.
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minniepetals · 1 year
Hello I hope this does not come off as rude or overly harsh which unsolicited criticism often tends to be but there are just a few pet peeves I have with cmar.
Y/N has literally been hurt by so many people which is kind of odd considering she is "pretty" and the daughter of a mafia leader tho one who doesn't care about her. Still there is no way it wouldn't have given her privilege even if it was hidden that she was her daughter ppl definitely will be hesitant to hurt to hurt her.
Also the reasons why she hates these people are all the same that they hurt her and/or harrassed her which is fine but it gets so repetitive.
Also earlier in the story its very unbelievable how a sweet girl like yn so insecure of her emotions would end up as this weird emo like no emotions gal. Like ik the whole point is that she has been hurt so much that she became this way but even when oneself is trying to survive by blocking out emotions they preserve a bit of their past selves not intentionally but just naturally. I just feel that yn is so bland now, the "oh i don't show emotions unless I am having a mental breakdown" just seems overplayed because if she is having so many panic attacks on the regular she is DEFINITELY an emotional person and one who shows it too since she's kinda bad at hiding them from anyone who looks at all more than 2 sec at her.
The healing arc should definitely be here yet cuz yn is not dumb and since pointless revenge is not giving her peace she should try something else? Like it honestly feels like Tumblr teens who post edgy things about mental illness but don't wanna heal from it cuz that's their only personality trait.
Again, I did thoroughly enjoy the first half of cmar and I send this with no ill intent. I just wonder if you can elaborate a bit of your thought process for the above so that I can read the rest of the chapters without being annoyed by these things.
first of all, thanks for your input because obviously i'm not the greatest writer out there and getting to know this part of my writing helps me out a lot! and of course, i can definitely walk you through my thought process without spoiling too much. it's gonna be long so i'll leave it under the cut
the thing with being pretty in this context, and it's kinda a theme with the mafia world in cmar, is that the pretty ones (i say pretty ones because seokjin and jimin are also considered pretty and went through some similar harassment) are taken advantage of by their beauty. like attracting creepy old men for example and sure there's that privilege of turning people over to your side but that comes with the issue of trusting whether their intentions are good or not -- and y/n is always on the edge. she also hates the spotlight and attention and only uses her pretty privilege to an advantage if she needs to for a mission. not to mention the men in the mafia world are pretty much psychopaths who gets upset easily. you can only do so much with a pretty face. a pretty face may attract easily but being pretty isn't the reason people stay with you or will always take your side. and at the end of the day, these men live off power and control.
y/n hates a lot of people but the whole thing with her revenge arc isn't her going after people that have only harassed her. her first man was her father and you know the story with that. the second was daejung, who had kidnapped her when she was only fourteen and that traumatized her. jummy, though was abusive, wasn't her target, it was his brother ying, who trafficked children and the reason why she went after him was to save those children. leehyun was a predator who got her to fear the touch of men. nari wasn't even a part of the list because yeah she harassed y/n but that was all. y/n doesn't only care entirely about the people that only harassed her, it goes a little deeper than that. and now our next target is karl who (spoiler alert) is behind the reason to y/n's first and only reaper who died (aka nakyum), and the other ones i can't explain cuz they're not revealed yet lmao. but all in all, her hit list are individual people that have done her wrong through different reasons.
i guess it's fair for you to say that our y/n has gotten bland. that is of course your view and i can't change your perspective on her personality. it's a bit harder to explain since not a lot has been revealed about what went on during that mysterious ten year gap (with her shift of personality), but i guess a good reason i can give is the fact that most of the storytelling is in y/n's perspective, which means whatever she says or think may or may not actually be accurate information. aka her outtake on not wanting to be an emotional person but her actions contradicts her thoughts. like if you were to read things through mingyu's perspective, he'd definitely agree with you saying she's an emotional person because he's there to witness her breakdowns, etc. y/n on the other hand likes to pretend she doesn't care about anything and tries to shut her emotions off but, again, her actions contradicts her wants and beliefs. and the same goes with her emotional thoughts, her panicked thoughts, etc. for example on the inside, we can read through her thoughts and the things she's saying like when nari's guys went to touch her and she's internally panicking, along with when karl touched her. we can read her thoughts because, again, the story's mostly in her pov, but from an outsider's perspective, she looks calm and cool and aloof but you may or may not see or understand that because you, as readers, are deep into her thoughts so it's easy to understand her from within because we've gotten to know her a lot, but again, a lot of her panicked state (when in front of people she doesn't trust) occurs internally. jungkook and the boys have come to know and understand her a bit more so they can identify it better now but previously they only thought of her as an emotionless dickhead.
the healing arc is dragged on but i would say for good reason because, well, i guess there's some important points that i haven't touched on yet that i feel should be addressed before we head for her healing. there's this quote that two anons sent me that could sum up a good explanation to your criticism here and that's: "Sometimes we don't want to heal because the pain is the last link to what we've lost." as well as: "I am destroying myself so other people can't , and it's the worst kind of control, but it's the only form I know" and maybe this might not be a good enough explanation but i feel like when it comes to people who's dealt with lots of things, it's not easy to just "give up" on what they're doing and head to healing. it's easier said than done. i wouldn't say she's similar to an angsty teen but she's definitely immature in her own ways and that's partly because, in a way, she's still grappling with her lost childhood. her revenge is pointless, yes, and she knows it's not giving her the peace she wants but maybe she's hurting herself on purpose, maybe she can't just "heal" because hurt is all she's known her entire life, because it's the only thing she's used to.
idk if i've elaborated enough but that's a bit of my thought process. if i went on any longer, i'd probably accidentally spoil major stuff lmao and i think this is long enough oop- but i hope that even if none of this changes your mind, you can understand a bit of my perspective (as best as i tried to explain it haha) 💗
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wulvert · 1 year
THE QUESTIONS (sory they r all paperteeth. if u want tho u can relate them 2 triptrack 2,,,):
-is avery a "five-in-one mens body wash" user. she gives the vibes 4 some reason,,,mayb scarlet wil finaly convince her 2 use regular shampoo n conditioner
-do full moons have any impact on vampires like they do werewolves, like increased bloodthirst?
-possible spoiler territory!! avoid answering this one if u gotta!! were trisha nd her sister close with their mom before she left 4 america,,,was their mom like. just as bad as their father is?
-this one also might be spoiler territory so feel free 2 toss this one 2,,,why does avery live in an (shabby?? restrictive nd bleak??) apartment? in my fanfiction writing i related it back 2 like. avery having a concerning amount of. self hatred i guess? and refusing to have anything nice for herself bc she feels she doesnt deserve it. nd she just feels like she doesnt need anything more. but im curious if theres like,,,an actual canon reason behind it since we've seen that scarlet can like. afford a pretty nice house with the vampire hunter pay (assuming she gets paid either the same amount as avery or less)
-um. anyways a lighter question: do u have any heights 4 the paperteeth cast,,,if theres no concrete numbers a "who's taller than who' woudl still be pretty cool :]
probably yeah. she does wash thoroughly, she smells nice but just also probably of 5 in one. scarlet probably smells rly strongly of like vanilla perfume or something.
i wouldnt say so! theyre different curses from different times so i dont think there'd be much overlap
towards fish yeah, to other ppl no. their dad is more terrible to other people than his own family- aside from trisha who its a little sus. (ig its like, no u shouldnt move out, live with ur parents the rest of ur life bc what if u eat everyone, we have a basement. ( he could finance suitable housing 4 trisha with pocket money if he wanted to, he's obscenely rich- which its not like he wants her to finance that on her own, trisha is financially completely reliant on her family bc they dont think she should have a job & she's been like this since her tweens so she's pretty conditioned into listening to them- but she could probably handle a job fine she's very good at keeping composure. she was pretty stressed at tht bbq but she didnt even mildly turn. sorry if i explained this badly- her parents have pretty much just raised her to be terrified of herself, she rarely goes outside on her own unless its for annual bbq prep))
so while fish despairs at being doomed to live in her childhood bedroom the rest of her life, the rest of his family think he's pretty normal and fine- ppl outside his family r the ppl who get got by him.
ig rly rly mild spoilers
avery probably could afford a nicer apartment (her apartment isnt that bad structurally, its just undecorated and ugly because she has no idea what she's doing and doesnt have a life outside of her job. like at all. whatsoever. & yeah averys a sopping wet creature she absolutely hates herself) but she doesn't see the point. she saves a lot, & when she buys stuff she buys stuff that'll last a long time so usually a little more expensive. she doesnt want to buy a house bc she doesnt want to deal with selling a house. imagine being able to afford a house. vampire hunters usually get paid rly well- they get paid per pair of fangs they turn in (vampires leave them behind when they die lol i forgot to mention that) so avery being pretty skilled gets paid pretty well- kelly being pretty shit doesnt get paid much (avery gives him some of the fangs she gets) scarlet used to be decent so she also got paid well but now she just. turns her own fangs in all the time and that's gathering a lot of money. for her projects. and she bought a funny little house with no upstairs but a downstairs that looks like an upstairs. so. ig scarlets the richest of the three rn bc of her little infinite money hack- avery could do it too but she doesnt rly wanna rip her teeth out all the time, and she hasnt quit killing vampires so whats the point.
so kinda- i figure averys 5'4 ish, and kellys an itty bit taller, then i figured scarlets maybe 5'8 but then. i put them in this height comparision thingy and. it says scarlets 6'2 which was NOT my intention, but when u look how much taller she is in the comic. like. damn maybe??? i wouldnt take that as 100% canon tho bc the way i draw proportions is obvs different to this chart
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accident. oh well. trisha might be a bit smaller idk.
and i made one of these for triptrack last year, cant say how accurate it is tho but here
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toad is probably 210 cm but slouches
anyway averys hands are probably smaller unless you count the knives at the ends of her fingers but you probably shouldnt
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