#not to get on tumblr once per day to blog about how much I enjoy my job but apparently that’s where I am rn
Bro tell me why I didn’t know there was tea at my work. I’ve been there for like 2 months. Didn’t know we had tea. Only knew we had tea because someone brought up that we have tea and that single comment changed my entire course of every day from here on out. I have tea at work now
#of course it was my favorite server who told me. there’s a reason why she’s my favorite lol#no but literally I was like. what. bc we have what. and she’s like yeah we’ve got all sorts of tea look at all this#life changing information#like not to be dramatic but tea and I are very good friends#i was sitting down with my tea so happy and she’s like what’d you get green tea? and I’m like happier than I’ve ever been like yeah :)#I don’t know how she guessed that but also apparently at one point she was a professional fortune teller so like. as far as I’m concerned#she’s like the coolest person ever and also I’m allotting every accurate prediction to that lol#and I finally got to work with my friend today!! and then promptly got stuck in a different station#it was only for like 2 hours so that’s ok but I do think it’s funny how that happened#i love her so much like things keep happening with my mother and I’m texting her like omg ur not gonna believe what she just said#also Ive now worked in all 3 areas I can as a host at work and I can say with certainty that I love assigning tables and seating people best#like please let me do fun math to see who can take tables and go run around the restaurant finding servers#everyone Hates that job. so I’m always stuck there. turns out if you put me anywhere else I’m like I miss my board :(#not to get on tumblr once per day to blog about how much I enjoy my job but apparently that’s where I am rn#oh sorry and of course to complain about my mother#who is apparently ‘staying’ now. whatever that means#it better not be moving back in bc she and I r about to have some serious words if that’s the case#sorry but you don’t get to walk out like that and apologize ur way back in. get out stay out#but I like my job :)#u know what the entire population of that restaurant is my new mother#soup talks
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putschki1969 · 2 months
Kaji Fes.2023 Day 1 FULL Video [Reupload]
Find the original post from last night HERE. It doesn't show up on the Tumblr dashboard so only people who actively check my blog have seen it. I exchanged the video with an official one so I guess it might have been a copyright issue. Don't think I've ever had one, very interesting.
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I was quite excited to watch this since I only attended Day 2 last December. I didn’t necessarily regret not going for Day 1 but there were a couple of really neat songs in the setlist that I kinda wished I had been able to see performed live. The audio seems a bit dull but maybe it’s just me… Anyway, it’s still a pretty epic live. Please note that they decided to cut a handful of songs from the broadcast (probably to keep the whole thing at roughly 2 hours). The following songs are not included: fake garden, canta per me, she has to overcome her fear, I beg you and 砂塵の彼方へ.
Here are some random thoughts┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→
fake garden
canta per me
the world: Nothing much to say here. Decent performance but I liked the song more when it was led by Keiko.
Liminality: Loved, loved, loved this version with the amazingly talented Yuri Kasahara, Keiko and Kaori. The bridge here might be my favourite of all time.
in the land of twilight, under the moon: Never been a fan.
swordland: Another highlight for me. I think it’s easy to tell that I am a real sucker for YK’s guest vocalists that use a more operatic singing style.
she has to overcome her fear
luminous sword: Always been a big fan of Yuki’s SAO soundtrack. I understand why it gets performed a lot.
星屑: Even though this is a Keiko-centric song, I’ve never really liked it all that much so I don’t have much to say about it.
花守の丘: Solid.
we’re gonna groove: Those who have followed me for a while know how I feel about the accordion. I dislike this instrument with a passion and it’s just featured way too heavily here. Fun fact, when Day 2 started with the accordion, I got really scared and wondered whether or not I would enjoy myself.
Obsession: Can’t say I’ve ever heard this song before. Sadly, it’s nothing that leaves a lasting impression. Also, that accordion…(¬_¬) Weird choice for LINO LEIA. It was fun hearing Keiko sing a bit of English though.
千夜一夜: Once again, not familiar with the song. Like this one a bit more though. Generally, I think I prefer rito’s vocals over LINO’s even though I don’t really know why.
Point Zero: This is one of my all-time favourite YK songs and one of the few tracks I really regret not seeing live on Day 1. Another epic performance by Yuri Kasahara. God, I love her so much.
salva nos: Speaking of regrets, yup, I’ll admit it, I am pretty bummed that I missed this one. “salva nos” and “a song of storm and fire” were the very first YK songs I ever listened to and they quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. Without those two songs, I wouldn’t have looked into more of YK’s stuff and I certainly wouldn’t have discovered Kalafina. One day, I wanna be there for a live performance. At least I got to hear “a song of storm and fire” on Day 2. So grateful for that!! Anyway, super epic.
花の唄: No thoughts.
I beg you
櫂: Ahh, I almost forgot about Aimer’s Mizu no Akashi 2.0. It’s so funny to me that this is literally copy/paste. Lovely melody, I don’t even mind the vocals all that much but damn, it’s not even coming close to Wakana’s Mizu no Akashi.
朝が来る: Decent but nothing to write home about.
My Story: Ohhh, another score track from “Hanako to Anne”. I was actually blown away by Day 2’s “希望の光”. This is not as good but still quite nice. Weirdly enough I am obsessed with the uilleann pipes. How come I can’t stand the accordion but I absolutely love this instrument? Probably because I am really into the celtic sound?
Parallel Hearts: Ugh, never liked this song, not even when Wakana was still around.
stone cold: This on the other hand is a song I’ve always enjoyed but with Wakana no longer in the picture, it’s just not the same. Will never get used to the Kaori chorus. Sorry T_T Still like this though.
the image theme of Xenosaga II: Good stuff.
蒼穹のファンファーレ: Love that this is focusing on the FJ regulars. My favourite performance of the song so far.
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ryuichirou · 3 days
We’re back with more replies! Long ones today…
Anonymous asked:
Can you recommend us any tumblrs to follow?
Unfortunately, I can’t recommend any tumblrs either… we don’t even have a feed here, we just drop posts and leave; I am sorry. 😔 It’s easier to check my tl when it’s only my art there lol Once again, read this as an invitation to share your favourite blogs in the comments.
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I'm the anon from the headcanon ask about TreyRidChe and wanted to thank you for answering! I had to dig because for some reason the tag system wasn't working and I was never sure if it got answered until today! Again though as someone who likes TreyRiddle first and foremost (so the bias was perfectly acceptable) I do agree Che'nya would be more a provoker especially from what I've seen in the manga. (It's really in the way Trey was so much more enthralled by Riddle from certain pages.)
I am happy to hear from you again, Anon! And I am very glad that you found the post despite all the issues with the tags… it’s very difficult to find posts on this site sometimes, especially when there are so many of them, and the notifications don’t work all the time either. 😔 (By the way, here is the post that Anon is talking about!)
Also, I completely agree with you, I still think that their dynamic is basically like this. Like I’ve said in the initial post, Che’nya loves Riddle, but doesn’t mind sharing and ultimately wants his friends to be happy, and he knows how hopelessly in love Trey is with Riddle. The manga panels with these three are so pretty and filled with emotions…
Anonymous asked:
Omg I just saw your other reply about not liking ship kids, I'm so sorry if my previous ask made you uncomfortable or something ;;;
-Idia's womb tattoo anon
Anon! No worries whatsoever, this isn’t related to it and you didn’t make us uncomfortable at all. Like I said, there are certain scenarios in which we enjoy the theme, and if it’s dark and/or kinky, the chances of us being on board are always higher. Moreover, your ask is related to a comic that we posted ourselves, so it’s all good – we started it >:3c
What we don’t like is the 100% wholesome and genuine “our baby is kicking, can you feel it?”, “passing out because he’s just found out he’ll be a father” thing. Nothing against it, it’s just not our thing. I’m also just taking my time with a lot of asks because I want to reply properly, but my brain is small and my limit is a couple of replies per day 😔 This is why I am slow…
Thank you for your concern though! And I’ll reply to you in a moment 👀
Anonymous asked:
Random, but since you imagined you don't like pregnancy tropes, does that also count for MPreg? (which stands for male pregnancy)
tbh, MPreg is not my thing, but suddenly remembered that, that’s a thing. This brings me back to the good old days of hetalia cuz this fandom had a LOT of Mpreg going around, lol.
But in a world of magic and such is not impossible? I mean, Malleus did come from an egg, so like, yeah.
Just like I said in a previous reply: it depends on how it’s used. If it’s just a happy family, and the purpose of mpreg in the story is simply to put characters in the scenario in which they are expecting, it’s absolutely not for us; it could even get triggering at times. Even in terms of kinks, sometimes it works well, but sometimes it turns into a massive squick. I can’t even describe it in a way that would be 100% conclusive; it’s a delicate topic, I guess. If it’s more messed up or if there are darker themes involved, it’s much more likely to work, and with mpreg it has a lot of potential to be messed up by definition.
When it comes to possibility and magic, yeah, twst universe gives a lot of opportunities to make mpreg happen! Be it convenient magic, unique reproductive systems of certain species, or even something that simply exists in-universe. It’s funny that you mentioned Malleus because the idea of him being able to lay eggs certainly pops up in our conversations from time to time… the mechanics of that, the implications, the complicated relationship Malleus would have with it and stuff; there is a lot to talk about. (We actually have a kinky comic where he lays an egg and Lilia crushes it, but completely forgot about it... it’s been a while.)
And Azul too, I think we talked about him making Idia carry his eggs at some point. When it’s animalistic like that, it’s much more fun because it’s less real, more weird and a bit gross <3 which automatically makes it hot because Idia would be freaked out the entire time.
So yeah, it all depends, and honestly goes from -100 to 1000 at times lol, so it shouldn’t stop you from sending asks. If the theme is something that we don’t like or have nothing to say about, we’ll just skip it.
(oh god, good ol’ hetalia days! I guess we missed all the mpreg- or just erased it from our memories lol)
Anonymous asked:
have you ever considered Sebek/Leona?.
(you view Sebek as a top and Leona as a bottom so it doesn’t break your no switching rule right?)
Leona would get a kick out of “stealing” Malleus’s little boytoy form him and setting out to do so.
while Sebek the poor naive gullible croc has no idea how even ended up fucking Leona in the first place let alone that it was happening to get under his liege’s skin…
who knows if it even work to piss Malleus off though.
You know Anon, miraculously we did talk about these two in a couple of posts!
What’s interesting about this ship is that Sebek has no idea where to put Leona in his mental scale of important people: he really doesn’t like him, he hates how Leona treats Malleus, but he is also supposed to respect Leona nonetheless (Lilia and Malleus both remind him of that) + doesn’t like being dismissed by Leona for some reason. So if Leona wants to provoke Sebek into sleeping with him somehow, it’d be easier than one might think: Sebek really is gullible… but if he learns about Leona’s motive behind seducing him, he would get so angry and also disappointed in himself that he might actually attack Leona and get in trouble for that lol
Although the thing is, there is a big problem with Leona’s plan: if Sebek is having an active affair with Malleus (= being his little boytoy), it won’t be easy to seduce him. And if Sebek isn’t having an affair with Malleus, Malleus probably wouldn’t care much. So was the croc dick even worth it, Leona?
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artikgato · 9 months
7 days into the 8th month of the year probably isn't the best time to try starting a bunch of new things to try to turn my life around, but hey, at least I started on a Monday.
Back in May I spent about two weeks waking up at 5am every day (mostly) in order to get work done while the apartment was otherwise empty (my roommate has a very early morning job). I was pretty amazed at how productive I was for those two weeks. Animazement, and then moving to the new apartment, pretty much derailed that. And after the move a lot of things happened and so on and so forth, and I never got back around to trying to wake up at 5am every day, until last week. I had a couple of successful 5ams and a few failures, but then on Friday I decided that even if all I do is sit down with my coffee and scroll Tumblr or watch dumb Youtube videos or stare into space, I was going to wake up at 5am every day no matter what. I was getting too in my head about it, lamenting that waking up at 5am and not wanting to be productive was somehow a waste of time. Hopefully it sticks this time because let me tell you, yes waking up that early does suck but the world is so peaceful at 5am. Nobody else is awake both IRL and online. I can get so much done if I feel like it, and even if I can't I still get to enjoy the peace and quiet! And it's not 1000 degrees yet!
I'm also trying super hard to start writing at least 1000 words per day. I was doing that for a long time back during 2020 but things (surprisingly unrelated to the pandemic) happened and I fell out of the habit. Again, I was getting too in my head about it, because there were days, a lot of days, where I'd sit down to write whatever WIP I was struggling with and would fail to write. This is counting towards my 1000 words for today, even though it's just a silly blog post about nothing. It's still words. Hopefully this will stick, too.
And finally, I made myself put on clothing I could sweat in and left the house a little after 7am to go for a quick mental health walk. I've been in this new apartment for nearly two months now and I somehow hadn't bothered to explore the new neighborhood yet, which is weird because that's usually one of the first things I do! And even weirder, I knew there were three Pokéstops and a gym within easy walking distance and yet I had no interest in going to them.
When I tell you my depression has been bad for these last two months, I mean bad.
But anyway, the area is pretty nice as far as these things go. It's suburban sprawl, but there are some houses with cute gardens and there is a dog park. I also saw a cat! And yes, there are the three aforementioned Pokéstops and 1 gym. I left the gym red today, but tomorrow I intend to take it for Team Mystic. I also need to figure out how Routes work, because if I can set up a route between these stops and gym I will be 100% more likely to drag myself out of the house even on days where I don't want to.
It was nice out this morning. Well, there was 100% humidity because it rained last night, BUT there was a nice breeze and it was maybe 73 degrees at most, which is just downright chilly for this time of the year. I might have to start dragging my ass out of the house at 6am instead of 7am on days where it's going to be hot, though. And once winter sets in, I might be out jogging before dawn. I never ever thought I'd be the kind of person that goes out jogging before dawn.
Anyway, if for some reason you read to the end of this post, congratulations, I guess? And in the much more likely scenario that you are me from the future in, say, December... well, I hope you kept these up, future me. And even added more things to improve my stupid failing health and dumb broken brain!
Word count: 743
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bloomingsalma · 9 months
how do i get into poetry? i see your posts as in those collages of pictures are some of the most beautiful pieces of texts i’ve ever seen. do you have any website recommendations? or, maybe even books you recommend? thank you so much, i wish you good health.
oooh, so I've actually once sent in an ask to @firstfullmoon asking about this, since she posts and discusses some of the most beautiful poetry I've read, and I admire how well-versed she is in poetry too. if I am remembering correctly, some of the advice I remember her giving was: once you find a poet(s) whose work you really enjoy, looking into more of their work and finding more poetry through that. another tip she gave me was that through Poets.org, you can subscribe for their Poem-a-Day function, where everyday, you receive a new poem in your email!
in regards to my own advice, I don't read as much poetry as I wish I did :( however, other tips I could think of include reflecting on what areas, topics or subjects you'd enjoy to read poetry on, and maybe searching for compilations or books on those online. in addition to this, you can also follow Tumblr blogs and Instagram accounts that regularly post poetry, which will allow you to consistently see it. also, maybe reading with a friend/loved one helps too! whether it be forming a book club together, where you both read the same amount of poems per day/week/month, and discuss them together, or maybe just joining together to hang out, read poetry and discuss it. the other day, my girlfriend, who is currently in a creative writing class, and I were reading poems that were required for his class, and together, we discussed our interpretations of the poems, reread them, and noted things we picked up on to each other, whether it be certain wording or details. and it was honestly so much fun, since we got to piece the meanings of the poems together.
also, thank you so much for your compliments on my posts and collages!! 🥺💓 that is incredibly kind and sweet of you to say, and I appreciate it so much that you trusted me enough to give advice on this. also, I am incredibly sorry for the late reply, I've been looking through my inbox the past few days, and found asks that I didn't realize I hadn't responded to. I hope you have a good day!! <3 <3
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
2022/2023 Fandom Goals!
At the end of last year I set out to accomplish what then appeared to be achievable fandom goals for 2022. 
Let’s see:
2022 Goals (Review)
1. be more shameless on Tumblr - I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten at least a little better about this, though I guess it depends on the day. Posting things on the Internet causes me anguish, and I consider doing so an intentional conditioning process. All the same, I would still like to feel less anguish. But I also don’t want to be actively annoying or boring and simply be *unanguished* about it, LOL, and therein lies my hangup.
2. stop damning reblogs to Draft Purgatory - I have been very good about this this year! Browser tabs purgatory, on the other hand…
3. prioritize accessible joy - This one was about not abandoning Tumblr for months at a time, and I feel like I’ve actually improved here and merely abandoning Tumblr for 1-2 weeks at a time. One thing that was way more helpful than it had any business being was making a special "mini dash" that just has blogs that primarily post original Bleach content and/or mutuals who are friends, so that if I get overwhelmed I can jump ship and use that dash for a while instead, and still get to see a lot of my favorite things. I say this like my normal dash isn’t mostly Bleach and like I follow a zillion active blogs. I do not. That’s why it’s ridiculous that my mini dash is as great for me as it is. XD 
4. finish reading the Soul Society arc - I am on… Chapter 68 LOL, and Ichigo has not yet so much as entered Soul Society. Making progress on this re-read is challenging because there are a lot of ways to enjoy Bleach and this reread is the only one that’s not a moving target—the manga’s not going anywhere; I’m not going to 'fall behind' if I don’t read it—and I have a regrettably limited amount of Bleach time. But I think I’ve become more confident in my reading/ability to search stackexchange and read about grammar, so I am still enjoying this!
5. write my fanfic - I wish I had done more of this, but this was a Year—a huge number of moving pieces IRL. I think last year I had written like… 10k of this fanfic? And now I have probably 20-30k, and most of that original 10k got scrapped. This fic has done a lot of shape-taking this year, which is very good. I had these grand plans of finishing two full chapters (Akon and Matsumoto 5) by the end of the year, which I have modified to finishing one chapter. I have *one scene left* but I think it’s probably in the Top 5 of Scenes in This Fic That I Already Know Are Going to be Hard to Write, and I’ve already written and deleted it once. There were so many bugs in the deleted version, so many bugs for absolutely no reason. I don’t know what the scene will ultimately look like, but I can assure you you’d never guess what scene used to Have Bugs, because there is so little reason there should have been bugs.
2023 Goals
1. Write my fanfic! For the sake of SMART goals, let’s say at least 1 line per day, every single day. Come March I will have been writing this for two years and WHAT do I have to show for it.
2. No more tabs purgatory! I don’t know how obvious B3’s posting habits are to others—but for my part of the equation, I tend to be That Person who reblogs 15 long textposts and adds 90 tags to everything, all the span of the same 2-hour block. I don’t think this is actually a good way of using Tumblr and I’d prefer to… not do that. XP And to find ways of being more with the flow of the dash. 
This is mostly me needing to carve out better interstitial space for fun time, because I want this for my own pleasure and I also because I want the OP to know how VERY EXCITED I AM TO SEE IT and tabs purgatory feels like the opposite of being able to do that. SMART goal? Uhhh don’t let tabs languish for more than a week?
3. Make space for fandom, and for fandom things that give me most joy. Again, this is part of a broader life assessment that in a better world would boil down to "working less" but in this world is not accessible if I want to continue being employed. So I’ll settle for being extremely intentional about how I spend my free time, and by consciously thinking about ways to create the kinds of interactions I most enjoy. That sounds very cerebral but I promise I just mean things like "that meme where I asked people to send in random stuff they loved about their Bleach faves was super fun I should do that again sometime" and "try to make friends" and "talk about fanfic with people” and “make progress on that bleach reread occasionally.”
4. Be more shameless on Tumblr. YEAH I have no strategies here, but I’m gonna keep this one on the list.
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 years
Less people know me on tumblr than they do on twitter so I feel a bit safer using this as, like, yknow, a blog that is personal, and something that’s been eating at me for a while is that the pencils to the first two pages of the next IKROAH have been done for a while but when I tried to ink them I fucked it up so bad that I’ll probably just have to completely redraw them, and I don’t think anything that discouraging has happened to me before since I started drawing back in 2020. It’s just been really hard to motivate myself for the mulligan when I’m already worried about messing the inks up again, and also I’ve been under a heat advisory for the past week and change so I’m already too hot and sweaty to be motivated to do much of anything lmfao
I remember when IKROAH first started I would put out issues every two weeks or so, and then once per month, and treated that as almost like a schedule or a deadline, which was insane! All while working the same full-time job that I do now! Admittedly that pace was only achievable because frankly my art was worse and sloppier and while impatience is definitely still my biggest weakness as an artist, I have undoubtedly improved over time but at a certain point making art better means taking more time on it. It’s created this weird conflicting feeling where art and comic pages aren’t something that I can just bang out in a day or a few days anymore, and even relatively small projects are pretty big time and attention investments. Obviously I could revert this by just embracing drawing more shittily but, like, come on, I have my own standards. And this isn’t insurmountable and doesn’t mean that I hate drawing now, not at all, but this change in my relationship to my art and my art-making has definitely been on my mind a lot, especially as I’m aware of how much I’d rather just play video games or hang out with my husband whenever I’m not at my job. Because that’s a big part of it, the increase in how much art feels like “work” means I don’t want to do it as much in my leisure time. It’s good work, it’s work that I love doing (much more than my actual job lmao), but it’s still work and lately I haven’t wanted to work!
It’s another funny balance. A wise friend of mine once said, bluntly, that you do it or it doesn’t get done. This applies to making and finishing art of any kind, reading books, cleaning house, developing skills, etc., and applies even if you’re sick or busy or distracted by myriad other things. If the only people who ever made and finished art were the idle people with the luxury of all the time in the world, we’d only have pretty shitty and boring art. So unfortunately the only way to get good art or to make it is to power through feelings of overwork or sickness or exhaustion or whatever is ailing you and make it anyway. Intellectually, I know this, but emotionally(?) I’m just dealing with a real lack of steam ever since I finished a zine at the start of May. It’s not like I depend on commissions or print sales for income or anything, anyway, so it’s not like I have an urgent need to be drawing, either, the way some other artists might be.
These thoughts don’t really have a point. I suppose I’m just self-conscious about falling off such a meaningful hobby to me for so long, about not Making Things, especially as someone who generally figured that she Makes Things? But it doesn’t feel like burnout or loss of interest, it just feels like I’m doing what I want to do and enjoying it and I just don’t want to make art as much as I used to. Maybe if I got paid my current salary to work on comics eight hours a day instead of doing data entry I’d get a lot more art done but that just goes back to the previous paragraph lol. I don’t really need any kind of “chin up lou, i’m sure you’ll be able to draw again soon” or “it’s okay take all the time you need” kinds of comments because I feel like I know these things already and I’m just Posting Through It
Anyway how’s your summer going
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petrichoraline · 8 months
oh god i feel so much anxiety when i have to rush to watch an episode live i just can't do it! so then when i'm mentally prepared everyone has talked about everything and i get overwhelmed by how many posts there are on the tag... it's a whole thing wish i could be normal about these things but alas
i'm sorry you feel that way too :') it's a very common experience whether you create content, so to say, or not - trying to enjoy things with everyone else but the everyone else in question seems to always be there first. everything that could be said already said and everything that could be created - shared and done with. sometimes it's like going to a party an hour late and realising everyone present had actually been camping in front of the house and entered the second the clock struck 7:00. by the time you arrive everyone has danced to all the best songs, eaten all the good snacks, discussed all the fun gossip and is just chilling while you are standing in the middle of the room bursting with energy.
or something.
other times it feels like a race where you were taking a sip of water and suddenly all the other runners are nowhere to be seen - you start running but they teleport right behind you as they're already on their second lap - then disappear just as quickly. alternatively, you're supposed to be doing a marathon for fun together with the same goal in mind but suddenly you're on the ground. you try to ask for them to wait but all you're doing is breathing in dust.
something along those lines.
the good thing is the content is there for you to enjoy and people are always happy to discuss the things they are passionate about!! i'd recommend focusing on a few blogs whose stuff you like, maybe asking them to tag you when they post if they do this sort of thing or asking for their thoughts on certain things you're curious about. as for the tag, honestly considering most shows release an episode per week, i think going through the tag and scrolling for a bit every day is the easiest way to get as much content in as possible, maybe keep a tab open and scroll from the bottom upwards and open new ones occassionally?
i know it's overwhelming and it's a bit tough to deal with but at the end of the day we consume as much content as we can and with popular shows it's often going to be more than we can take in, especially when following multiple ongoing series at once. don't take it to heart and don't give in to the feeling of missing out - it's not something to stress over, it's supposed to be fun and when you take fandom too seriously to the point it mkes you nervous you should take a step back. i'm currently on tumblr way less, not because i've gotten a life but because the site feels like it's sucking the remaining life out of me. don't rush, watch things when you want to, enjoy however much content you can whenever you feel like it and just fuck it! have fun!!! nobody is paying us, no one is threatening us, prioritize FUN above all else when it comes to fandom, okay? it's not that serious, it never was <3 sending sm love and many hugs 💖
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Hey girl! Love your blog btw, I'm new to all things Tomdaya. Wanted to ask about finding balance. Lately I've been so addicted to the Internet and just want to spend hours searching things relating to Z instead of doing my own homework or work :( It's not good at all and Im struggling lool I was wondering how you manage your time (if you do) and if you have any tips. Thanks :)
Thanks Anon! 😊
Good question!
I know for me personally, I like to have a balance in my life. I made a conscious effort at the start of this year to try to stop procrastinating so much in my life, and tbh I feel like I'm doing pretty well! 😁👍🏾 I'm getting more done, and I'm a LOT less stressed because I'm not procrastinating as much.
I've done MUCH better than I was doing last year. I honestly didn't feel all that good being online and on social media that much. It was starting to consume my life and I didn't like the feeling. 😩 Plus, I wasn't getting some of the things done that I needed to get done in my personal life. 😔
That's when I knew that I needed to make a change.
The easiest way to get rid of a habit is to just STOP cold turkey. It's a lot easier said than done, and the first couple of weeks are really TOUGH, but once you get on a roll, you find that it's really easy to continue with it, and you actually stop craving whatever it was that you were addicted to.
Now days, I just give myself breaks from tumblr or social media every now and then. It's REALLY refreshing. 😊
I also actually have a very active life lol, so I can't be consumed with Tomdaya 24/7. 😂 Honestly, ever since July 2nd happened, I've been SO CHILL about their relationship.....I don't worry about them at all, because they look sooo happy, and there's nothing to worry about, nothing to prove anymore, and nothing to have to think about. Lol 😆
Tomdaya 2.0 is waaaay more FUN (imo), chill and relaxed than Tomdaya 1.0 ever was lol 😆 🤣 And I'm talking about the shipping side as well! Now days I just wait for whatever tea comes out, and even if I'm late with seeing it, I'm not worried at all. I just smile and love to see my two favorite people happy together while they're out and about spotted together ❤
Honestly y'all, I have not worried not one bit about Tomdaya since the cat got out of the bag with that kiss last year lol 😆 😂 😅
Maybe you can put a timer on your phone for certain apps and only allow yourself an alloted time per day to be on it?
I had to do that with my phone earlier this year when I was getting into better habits.
Now days I don't even get close to the timer ending anymore because I don't spend half as much time on here as I did in the past.
Now that school has started back up again for me today, I'm going to be on here even LESS in the weeks to come lol. 😊😄
Try to find a hobby outside of Tomdaya/the internet/social media Anon. 🥰 I'm fortunate that I have a lot of really good friends and do a lot with them. This past weekend I went to a play with friends, went out to dinner with another friend, and this weekend I'm going to a graduation party and also the movies, etc.
Find some things to do outside of being online, on social media, or Tomdaya. You will feel MUCH happier, I promise you lol.
Like, don't get me wrong, it's fun to discuss Tomdaya and all, but Tomdaya isn't my LIFE. I don't suggest any celebrity being anybody's life. It's not healthy imo. 😔 They're out there enjoying each other and their lives, and you should do the same! 😊👍🏾
Just start limiting how much you go online/searching Tomdaya stuff. Start TODAY!! 😃Maybe tell yourself you're only going to devote an hour to them a day or smthg. You can start and stop your timer on your phone throughout the day.
That helped me a lot when I was finding that I was spending way too much time on the internet when I should have been doing other more important things. 😄
I hope that helps Anon! Feel free to send in another ask or dm me privately if you want more tips 😉👍🏾
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Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎉 - First of all I want to say how happy I am having found your blog relatively recently 😊 I really enjoy your style and look forward to your work every day. Be it in a post, or in the tags. I also want to thank you for being so supportive of mine! So, thanks! 💙 I hope you'll have a wonderful birthday.
1) truth: when I read your words about MCU it immediately had me thinking about its signal function in a broader social context, so what are your insights on that?
2) dare: I woke up one night and wrote this half sleeping, haven't used it yet, so this is a prompt: "Rhythm. Everything in existence logic pattern path of least resistance repetitive. Human = chaos. Repetition is boredom. The rhythm the pulse is distorted. Life! Life is chaos. The rest geometry."
3) we'll skip three 😋
4) I'd love a prompt!
5) and a flower, of course!
But because it's your birthday, I have a flower for you as well 😊 - enjoy your day!! 🎉
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Hello and thank you for such a nice message - I thought about ways and words to convey how happy I am to have you enjoy my posts because I sure do enjoy yours, but got nowhere beyond a simple thank you. Rest assured I'll definitely keep on supporting your work as there is something enchanting in the way you write that got me transfixed - maybe it is the perspective from which you see things, maybe it is the way you use words to compose what reads like a piece of music, maybe it's everything at once or nothing at all - I can't quite name one specific aspect that makes it so alluring and beautiful, alloting your poems into my personal "resplendence" category along with nice landscape views, stained glass, flowers and 19th century piano compositions. I find myself gravitating to your words over and over again, and I sure am grateful for the serendipity that allowed me to find your blog. So, thank YOU!💙
And now that I had my fan-girl moment (please don't be scared, it's just me riding out the thrill of someone whose work I admire saying they enjoy my work too 😁), let's get onto the asks. I'm going to leave it under "read more."
(note: I think I'm going to scream, no wait, I'm already screaming - I wrote an approx. 5000 characters essay about MCU and tumblr glitched, leaving me with absolutely nothing. Yeah, I know, it was stupid of me not to save the draft after I finished or write it in an actual text editor, alas, here we are. Lessons learned. So just you know why I am answering so late. And why it is brief.)
1 - Ah, the MCU. First of all, the idea of kalokagathos is, unlike God, very much alive in the western society of today. As much as people enjoy heroic stories, they want to see beautiful people in tight costumes even more (when did we as a civilisation decide it is better to cover the body in neoprene rather than observe it nude? It would make more sense to wear a mask and some kind of briefs but nothing else given the unshakeable uniformity of the hero body shape.) The need for perfection is so great we are allowing Marvel heroes to be void of anything resembling a real human personality. This is nicely illustrated in Endgame, where Thor's depression is something we are supposed to laugh at. He is no longer perfect, and we are allowed to laugh at him displaying emotions and putting on some weight, and I hate this with a burning passion. Instead of giving the audience the story of Thor overcoming what more than fifty per cent of all people worldwide suffer from with help of friends and making positive changes, he is a laughing stock. And then there is the problem with heroes coming to existence through a quick process, usually some kind of exposure to radioactivity or a different substance that "mutates their DNA" (which in itself is laughable, but let's leave that aside for today.) There is no instance of people working hard to become strong, they simply get bitten by a rabid spider and get their code changed to wake up as a beefcake in the morning. I think this is a very common symptom of our western lifestyles where fast is not fast enough anymore.
Second of all, the films are void of any profound message because everything else is oversaturated with deep messages. The target group (which is huge judging by the money Disney makes off Marvel) wants to leave their dystopian lives outside the theatre, and watch morally flat characters fight other morally flat characters. We want to engage in an escapist fever dream full of stunning visual effects simply because it is better than anything we could do for those two hours.
Another reason for so many people to love it might be their feeling of having no power over their lives whatsoever. The idea of a hero coming and saving them, however improbable and illogical it is, might bring a certain level of comfort. Films such as MCU ones know this very well and are used as a tool to steer the masses where the government wants them. That is why heroes need to fight aliens to protect the earth - Hollywood past 9/11 is nothing but a tool for pro-war propaganda, and when we look at the parallel of good heroes fighting bad aliens, we don't have to look anymore.
Now, I also want to mention comedic interjections in MCU movies. Watching a film is not unlike travelling by submarine. Where captains like Bergmann immediately drop into the depths of the Marinara trench and stay there for as long as possible, Marvel regularly resurfaces to keep people alert and ready for another part. The comedic break not only serves as a way to divide the story into more digestible chunks, but it is also an attempt to make heroes more human-like and overtakes the comedy market. I have already mentioned that 9/11 has steered Hollywood into propaganda and as such, the comedy genre took a blow. But then, in 2008, Marvel came and gave people something they can laugh about, and voila, people wanted to see more of the silly jokes.
To conclude, the popularity of the MCU stems from the disillusion a large number of people are going through in relation to the dystopian nightmare they live in. All they seek is a visually appealing epic with likeable characters that would allow them not to think about the real world for a moment.
2 - I'm going to post the prompt as a separate post :)
3 - oh thank you :D it wasn't the best idea to list this so I'm happy you left it out
4 - and I am more than happy to provide: being a sanded down shard of glass is not the end of my journey, it is merely a beginning. Where others see nothing but void I walk with a prism in my eye and birdsong in my heart.
5 - thank you so much for the flower, it's so beautiful!!! I love that it looks like a little star - and maybe it really is a star that fell from the night sky for you to find it. By the way, is that your hand in the background holding it upwards? That's so very sweet of you - you managed to position it right in the middle of the picture, so it looks very aesthetically pleasing - thank you so much 💛
I thought about what flower to give you, and picked out three:
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this rose because you seem to like yellow flowers. Also, their scent is amazing and maybe the sweet fragrance would be nice and soothing to fall asleep to.
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Another flower would be this beautiful peony - and as a fellow bee enthusiast, I thought you would like to see these two ladies grinding hard to get that pollen.
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and the last flower I wanted to give you was these chives flowers, simply because they are a lovely shade of lilac and look like fluffy pop candy, but my cat had a different idea and didn't quite approve of me taking pictures in his garden :) so here's the little fiend instead.
thank you again for the birthday wishes - they made me very happy 🤗 and before posting, here are the encouraging words I promised: your sense of humour is amazing! I haven't stopped laughing about Nostramarkus ever since you posted about him - and what I wanted to emphasize is, even if it doesn't feel like it, you are making difference, even if it is only as simple as brightening up someone's day. So keep pushing forward, it's worth it!
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nonsensemonkey · 3 months
A Fresh Start
i decided to open this account because in truth, i stopped enjoying myself on my other blog at least a year ago. i kept holding on to it thinking that it would get better, that time was all that i needed but alas, here i am. no one bothered me. there was no drama (to my knowledge, if there was it was one sided hahaha). i just got too in my head after a while worried that the people that were following me hated me, hated seeing me on their dashboards and wished that i would go away.. nothing really happened to give me that impression but when you have a brain like mine, it doesn't take much coaxing tbh.
if im honest, i think i started to feel sort of trapped, like i couldn't breath once there was a certain number in my follower count. i didn't have a big blog by any stretch of the imagination. i didn't even have a MEDIUM blog lmao but more people were following me than i think i was mentally prepared for when i started. and it took me back to those days of when i actually did have thousands of people following me, the eggshells i had to walk on all the time to not tick off and offend people. it was really all in my head this time, 100,000%, but what i dealt with back then with that bigger blog i guess sorta traumatized me.
after a while, i didn't even wanna post in the tags anymore because i didn't want anyone else finding me. i wanted people to just stop coming.
don't get me wrong! i have met some ABSOLUTELY amazing and beautiful people since i rejoined tumblr with that account. and alot of them, i'm sure i won't interact with again once this move is complete. so i will miss them. but, i think my paranoia got the better of me and i couldn't shake the feeling that so many people were mad at me all the time. i know i'd go on my rants and stuff and i'm not sure how offensive they were in terms of hurting feelings per individual but i just... even when i wasn't posting rants, when i was just posting about my day, i was scared i'd pissed someone off or made them uncomfortable. even with tags and a read more.
i think when it came down to it, the reason was because i told myself that people were only following me for yakuza stuff or aizawa stuff. yet, there i was yapping about my personal life or posting about other interests that no one signed up for. like i said, i stopped enjoying that blog a long time ago. the space stopped feeling like mine, a loooong time ago. i thought maybe if people unfollowed me in droves, things would get better? but when i encouraged people to unfollow, no one really ever did. and then it hit me, i have lots of anxiety about unfollowing people myself. so maybe, the ones that have wanted to unfollow just couldn't bring themselves to? especially if we were mutuals!
since i'd been feeling like i needed a breath of fresh air anyway, i decided, instead of placing the burden of leaving onto others, i would do the hard part for them. and so, i decided to open this new account. i don't want to do away with kulemi for good because so much of my hard work is there- my writing, project sideblogs and whatnot. but this will be my main blog and i'll sign into that account when i need to post my fics or side project stuff.
for clarification: the issue isn't exactly that i don't want people following me. if that were the case, i'd have just left and not said anything. it was more so that i was worried that people felt trapped into following someone that they didn't like. if people are following this blog after following me at kulemii, i want it to be because they WANT to be. not out of obligation. i hope i'm making sense.
but yeah! moving forward, kulemii is now the nonsensemonkey! for non-jjk fans, this is not the time to be racist, okay? that's a jjk reference 💀
if you read all of that, you're returning from my other blog and following anyway, i'm happy to see you again! if you're new to me and reading this, confused as hell- it's cool if you split 😭 i get it. i confuse myself too.
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billconrad · 1 year
Bill’s Guide to Writing a Book
    I have written six books and have three more in the outline stage. However, my sales are dismal. You probably ask, “Why should I read your guide?” Good question. In my experience, it is essential to look at several sources when attempting to understand something. Then, once you know what is going on, jump into the project. So there could be value in my words because I have made many mistakes. Or this could be useless junk. This is a three-part blog; the next two will cover publishing and marketing.
    So… You have never written a book and want to write one. Where to start? Before we get into writing, there are some crucial tasks.
    1) Get a Goodreads account, an Amazon account, and an Amazon author’s account. Then post book reviews for every book you ever read on both sites. Your goal will be two per day and at least 200 reviews. Important tip. Review only the books you liked. Why? Carma and getting into the mindset of being successful. In addition, this effort will prepare you for a critical task—the book blurb. Your goal will be to get into the mindset that people will read and comment on your work. Also, it would help if you got into the philosophy of creating something people want. And finally, get into the mindset about books getting excellent reviews.
    2) Join Facebook/Twitter/popular online sites and write a short bio about yourself. If you already have an account, create a new page dedicated to your author’s activities. Post stuff about your writing, books, stories, and book-related interests. Important tip, post only light-hearted stuff. If you like/hate famous person X, keep it to yourself. Many potential book buyers love X. You want to make many book-buying contacts. Your goal will be to build hype. “Hey, just about to release my book.” “Wow! I will have to buy it!”
    3) Join a writer’s forum like the Facebook group Writers Helping Writers. Important tip. Start by reading lots of posts before posting. I recommend at least two weeks. Then post as often as you can, even if it is just a “thumbs up” to somebody else’s comments. Another excellent post is, “That makes sense.” Your goal is to get yourself out there and gain writing tips.
    4) READ A LOT. At least two hours a day. Try to read in the same area (like romance) you are thinking of publishing. This will improve your writing ability and develop style/ideas. It will also get you into the mindset you are writing for others. Read a variety of authors, including non-famous authors. Look for mistakes and think about how YOU would fix the problem.
    5) Start a blog. I have one on Goodreads, Facebook, Tumblr, and Medium. Talk about how your writing is going, what books you enjoy, and what it means to be a writer. Keep it high level. No politics or other controversial topics unless it is your thing to offend people. If so, tread lightly.
    6) Start thinking about marketing and do research in this area. This is a long, laborious, and expensive journey. “Writing a book is 99% self-marketing and 1% other.” -Me
    7) Get a computer with Internet access and Microsoft Word. You can pick up an old copy of Microsoft Word (like 2016) for $30 on eBay. Do not use OpenOffice! Despite all the evil that Microsoft is, they make a great product. This choice avoids issues like, “It looks good on the screen, but when I print, the margins do not line up.” All professional writers use Word, which is what editors, print/ebook formatters, and publishers expect. If you do not consider yourself a professional writer (or are at least trying to be one), you must ask yourself why you are undertaking this journey. Trust me, much hard work is ahead of you, and you need the right tools. In addition, you can find the answer if you have a Microsoft Word question.
    8) I strongly recommend paying for Grammarly and ProWritingAid. (Ensure you only use the Grammarly Word plug-in, not the Windows application.) These two programs will save you time, money, and adverse publicity. In addition, your blogs and book reviews should all pass through these programs. Side note. These programs may not work at all for non-Microsoft Word.
    9) BACK UP YOUR WORK EVERY DAY!! The number of times I read, “My computer got stolen, and I lost five years of work.” Get a memory stick, back up (a distinct copy) ONCE A WEEK, and put the stick in a fire-proof safe. NO EXCUSES! Install a virus checker and keep your computer updated.
    Let’s begin the writing process.
    First off, you have a BIG decision. Is this for fun or profit? If it is for fun, the pressure is off, and you can write anything you want without consequence. Who cares if you ever make a buck? Who cares about a grammar, plot, or character mistake?! However, once you go down this path, there is no turning back because you will have a trail of shoddy work. On the other hand, if you want to write for profit and fail, you can continue writing for fun with a solid foundation.
    If you intend to write for profit, you need to consider yourself a professional with a serious attitude. Also, you will need to spend big for a professional editor, copy editor, cover designer, and formatter. Stop and ask yourself if you have it inside of you.
    How much and how long will it take? At least six months and $5K+ (per book). Yes, that is a lot of money. But if you are resourceful, you can find helpers, intelligent tips, and people you can beg, but there are no shortcuts.
    Now, let’s say you use a shortcut like not having your work professionally edited. Trust me, the readers will tear you apart no matter how hard you try or how good your grammar/spelling/punctuation (or the friend you asked to check out your work). You will get 1-star reviews and harsh comments like, “A 5-year-old wrote this book.” A 1-star review is CRUSHING to an author. PAYING readers expect polished works. “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing correctly.” -Some famous person.
    What topic should you write about? Unfortunately, I cannot help in this area. Your story has to come from within you, and you need to be 150% passionate about it. This will be a long road, and you are wasting your time if you have no deep passion.
    Now that you have a concept write a brief paragraph about it. Go over this paragraph several times to polish it. Important tip. Keep this paragraph; you will need it later.
    Next step, show your paragraph to people and ask them what they think. If people seem apprehensive, ponder the concept. People are good at identifying a lousy concept.
    Poor children’s book example, “Wilber the farting bulldozer,” Your friends should say, “I’m not sure about this.” “Parents might not want their kids reading about a farting bulldozer.” “Not a good idea.”
    Now, do some research. If somebody has done the concept, start over. Copy concepts only get 1-star reviews, even if they are excellent. “This is just a poor Harry Potter re-write. What a rip-off! Don’t bother reading!”
    Remember, your work needs to stand out. How much? 40%. (I have discovered that 40% is an important estimate for books and life.) Another part of your concept must have a solid story foundation that is not too far away from other books you have read. Look at the various categories on Amazon.com and ask yourself, “Which category would my work be in? What books are already there? How does my idea stand up to these books? Would readers of book X like my work?” Readers will have difficulty understanding your work if your idea is too difficult to put into a standard category.
    What is your hook? What magic will make people want to “buy it now?” I often read bad book idea posts in Writers Helping Writers. “I had a messed-up life and want to write my story.” I typically reply, “What is your hook?” “My life was so bad that people will naturally want to read about me.” Writers seem to think their lives are unique. Why would I ever want to read about a nobody who had a messed-up life? Where is the hero? Why should I feel sorry for you? Where is the spunk? What did I learn? HOW DOES THIS HELP ME?!
    Here is a simple book with a great hook, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. It is an exciting account of a funeral home worker and her life. Lots of info and insight. Did the author have a terrible childhood? Yes, but that was not the focus. Remember, your book must stand out. Side note. I gave the book a positive review on Goodreads and Amazon. More on that later.
    Now, you have a hook, and people like your summary paragraph. Next step. Does this concept have marketing potential? My advice for answering this is to post your idea to a writer’s group and ask for their marketing opinion. Even better, pay for the opinion of a professional book person who knows the publishing industry. How do you find such a person? Ask a writer’s group for advice. If your feedback is negative, tweak the concept or start over.
    Side note. The book market has radically changed. For example, in the 50-70s, western books were all the rage; now, that market is almost nonexistent. So look up your area of interest and make sure readers are interested.
    You are ready to begin when you are at least 40% sure that you have a marketable concept. Start with some basic questions. How do you see the story unfolding? When are you going to introduce your main character? How is the book structured? Get the entire plot clear in your head before picking up a pen.
    This next step is my most important piece of advice. When you have the entire plot, write an outline. This outline is for you, so do not get too wrapped up in making it look great. The goal is to develop a simple guide visually showing how the story flows. There are many book outline formats, including the flower method. You can also use post-its, a whiteboard, or 3x5 cards. I have found Visio to be an excellent method of organizing my thoughts.
    Another outlining method is a basic description like this bulky example:
They travel around Italy. [Research towns in Italy. Find one near the coast.] X find evil man H, he is in a bad way, not good at making money, confront him, argument, X feels the evil for the first time. [chapter break] Learns H has been killing many people to steal their money. X captured by evil army W, escape. H reveals he did not find the secret and said, “Damn. What would Jake do?”
    That mess was AWFUL! However, I wrote it for ME, and now I know the exact plot. And you do, too, which is the point. Notice the sample dialog, notes, and use of X, H, and W for names. Remember, the idea is to get the story’s essence and show flow. When you have completed your outline, go over it several times. Take a high-level view and pay attention to how the plot unfolds. LOOK FOR PLOT ERRORS! How did the killer get the gun? Why didn’t people hear the shot? The killer could have simply taken the subway to escape. Where was the mother during all of this?
    At this outline stage, it is easy to make VAST changes, move chapters and alter the whole plot. How about we change the main character’s gender? Should I introduce the main character later? What would happen if there were two main characters? Can a reader follow this? How big is the hook? What will improve the story? What does the reader care about? What distracts the reader? Do I have too many subplots? Is this a fun story? Is this interesting? What is the side plot?
    When you are confident, show the outline to somebody. It should be written barely well enough to get feedback. Stand firm, but do not be afraid to make bold changes.
    Once you finish your work, a significant change is complex and will have consequences. For example, change the main character from a man to a woman. You can then make a he/she mistake, and readers do not tolerate basic errors. A subtler issue occurs with the character’s mindset. “She drove her pickup truck like a bad-ass boss!!” This sentence is valid dialog, but readers would think, “A woman would not say it that way.” Readers are great at picking up flaws, and their 1-star comments will be brutal.
    Next, start a list of the characters and make a simple biography. Add notes and details.
Smith Family
Mom=Karen, Father=Joe, Son=James. Cat=Mr. Tumbles. Live at 1010 East Street. Joe looks like an angry Darth Vader.
    As you write, add facts to the biography and periodically check facts. Also, you can copy parts of your book here, like a character description, for later reference. Then, check the fact sheet while writing. Making a mistake like calling the father Joey instead of Joe. Readers HATE basic errors. Important tip, do not have two characters with the same first name. Super confusing for the reader and editor.
    To help you with this character effort, use a random name generator (available online) to develop character names. They have them for different countries, medieval times, and science fiction. My advice is to keep hitting the generate button until something pops. “Joey Potter sounds like a good name for my villain.” Do not use your family/friend names. Too confusing and can lead to issues with actual people.
    This is my dialog integration format:
Tim was happy and said, “That’s good.”
“Wow, what a great day,” Tim commented. “I will have to go to the market.”
“Wow, what a great day,” he commented. “I will have to go to the market” (Did you see the lowercase “he”)
“Big dialog paragraph ending without a quote.
“Next dialog paragraph begins with a quote.”
Small paragraph. Tim was happy and said, “That’s good.” (Only integrate small amounts of dialog into a paragraph.)
Big paragraph.
Tim was happy and said, “That’s good.” (Start with a new line after a big paragraph.)
Tim was happy and said, “That’s good.”
“Sounds great,” Sally replied.”
“I will work on that.” (No need to mention who is speaking for the following three lines. My rule is one identifier per three lines of dialog.)
    For thoughts, use italics instead of quotes, but treat them the same as above. (Except use “thought” in place of “said.”) Do not overuse the word “said.” Instead, use a variety of words. Commented, believed, inferred, questioned, or wondered. English experts may disagree with my format, but if you use this format, you will please 95% of your readers. This format will also make it much easier for editors to polish.
    Keep in mind that your dialog has to keep the story moving. Also, remember that the reader is not a mind reader, so the dialog has to make sense in the context of non-dialog. Do not get too caught up in slang, obscure words, made-up words, or inside jokes. Dialog is critical for the story, and this is where the emotions come out. “I’m sad,” Bill said in a hurt voice.
    My overall “dialog management” method is to visualize the character and imagine them speaking. Then, assign a personality in your description. For example, Bob is like Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway. Think about this movie when you write. “That’s a superb idea,” Bob said in an uplifting voice. However, in the film, Tom Hanks’s character would never say, “Golly gee, that’s goody-goody.”
    If you get stuck, exercise (I get my best ideas during bike rides), talk to people, post on writing groups, and take time off. A moderate amount of red wine also helps. Top tip. Other alcohol choices do not help. Guess how I know? Another tip is to force yourself to write for a fixed time, say, two hours daily. Big tip, learn to understand when you cannot write because forcing yourself to write leads to terrible results. Also, have some other work ready (like investigating your next book), so you can switch between the two.
    Yay, you finished your first draft!
    Read over your work and edit. Do this at least five times with no specific goal. Then make a pass for consistency, dialog, punctuation, spelling, flow, and CHECK FACTS. Now, make two read/edit passes. Trust me. This effort will make better work and save heartache. Typically, I do 20-30 editing passes. Also, use Grammarly and ProWritingAid.
    What is flow? It is how one sentence leads to the next. It is how one paragraph integrates to the next. The reader should not struggle. They should never have to stop and think about what you are saying. “Which person is talking now?” “I’m confused. Where did the killer come from?” “What does this word mean?”
    One more step. You need a title. Start brainstorming and come up with at least 20. First, cross out all the titles that already exist. Then, with a friend’s help, narrow the list to one. It should be edgy, tight, and provocative.
    Now, you have the best possible work, so give it to somebody. This is a beta read. You want them to find significant issues and make comments. (You are not looking for grammar/spelling issues. That is the job of the editor.) “This makes little sense.” “I do not think X would do this.” “Seems unrealistic.” “More explanation.” Then another five edits. There should be no plot issues, logic errors, or critical facts at this stage, and the flow is excellent.
    Next, find an editor. How? Look for their reviews and ask for a sample document that they have edited. Look at their comments, questions, notes, encouragements, suggestions, (If you do not see these additional thoughts, DO NOT USE THIS EDITOR.) and how the document improved. See if you spot missed errors. Important tip. Do not treat your editor like a garbage collector. If you know your work has errors, fix them. (Like not capitalizing a state name.) You want to give the editor the absolute best possible work so they can concentrate on genuine issues. Otherwise, they will spend time fixing the simple stuff and feel they have accomplished an impressive accomplishment.
    After the edit, review their edits, evaluate each one, and then make five more passes. At this stage, you have a polished work, which is the absolute best it can be. But there will be subtle issues that you cannot spot.
    Next, find a copy editor. This is an $$ step, but essential. A copy editor looks for the little nitpick grammar mistakes, logic issues, and checks facts. This is the final polish; you need to check their work.
    But there is an issue. You must “trust the force” and let the copy editor take control. If they make an edit and you disagree, go with their edit. This hands-off final step is super difficult. Make five more passes, but they should be super light. (On average, one word per three pages.) If you want to improve something, remember that your improvement has not been copy edited. So tread carefully and know that the professional knows better than Grammarly and ProWritingAid.
    YAY, you are done! Now for the harder part, publishing your work. Then the impossible: marketing your work.
    You’re the best -Bill
     March 26, 2023
    Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
    Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and asking the FBI to investigate.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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bluemusickid · 3 years
That Blue-Eyed Boy
Pairing: Gym Trainer!Jake Jensen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, 18+, enemies to lovers (sorta), Jake being Jake, oral sex, masturbation, hot stuff, shameless PWP, purely self indulgent smut, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy), sexy talk (bad), MINORS DNI
A/N: Hiyaaaa. So smut has been long overdue on my blog and I'm gonna give it to you (excuse the pun lol). I wrote this for the amazing @sweeterthanthis 's 6K challenge. Lau, you are a gem and you deserve every follower, if not more, which you definitely have by the time this fic is out lol. Love ya, hope I'm not too late, heh. 😅 I based this on a story one of my friends told me about how she nearly hooked up with her trainer (i'm glad she didn't tho, he was...bad.) anyways, hope it doesn't seem too illogical. Shameless PWP here lol.
Follow my sideblog @lexiscyberlibrary and keep the notifications on for updates! Check out my masterlist for more!
18+ blog, Minors not welcome, you are responsible for your own media consumption. Not beta'ed, any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise are all mine. I post my stuff only on Tumblr and AO3, nowhere else. I do not give anyone permission to reproduce, copy or translate my work. Likes are welcome, reblogs are much appreciated! Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics
Prompt 44. “I’m gonna treat you so nice, you’re never gonna let me go.” - Pretty Woman
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Walking into the gym, you prepared yourself for another day of arduous exercises. This had been SUCH an oversight on your part. Turning 25 was bad enough without your brain telling you that it was time you slowed down on clubbing and paid more attention to your health.
So you took up that gym membership that your friends had gifted you. Like A FOOL. You remembered the first day you entered, the day of reckoning. You’d spent wayyy too much on a new workout wardrobe, and Lulu Lemon was a bad idea to visit when tipsy.
And on top of that, your trainer was an asshole.
Jake Jensen. Blond bastard. The sun had nothing on how bright he was everytime you saw him in the gym. The first time you’d met he’d been suuuper enthusiastic, taking you all around the gym, selling you all the features and “vibes” of it. You’d never forget his parting words to you, "I’m gonna treat you so nice, you’re never gonna let me go."
Fat chance. The first day was a disaster according to you, but as per his theory, "learners are winners!" Christ. His optimism would be the death of you. Or him, if he pissed you off enough. You were close to hating him, but his cheerful disposition couldn't bring you to commit to your hatred.
You surprised yourself when you completed 2 months of diligent exercising. Not that you would ever admit it to him, but you'd come to enjoy it as well. On the days you would feel especially lazy, you would get a "come on, trooper!" text from Jake, prompting you to groan yet reluctantly pull on your pants.
"You know, there's a word for people who work out all day and do nothing else." you'd grumbled once, after a particularly hard set.
"And what might that be?"
"I think, and please forgive my French, but it's Loser." you shot back, ignoring his chuckle as he added another plate to your bar.
"If helping people reach their goals and be fitter makes me a loser, then i'll gladly be the biggest loser, sweetheart." he drawled with a wink, lazily adjusting his pants.
And as much as you tried to ignore it, you couldn't deny, that Jake was kinda hot. He tried to be subtle, but you caught him checking you out once or twice, his cheeks reddening as he'd realised he'd been caught. You couldn't blame him; you'd done the same. He wore the tighest dri-fit t-shirts, accentuating all of his muscles. That man had the body of a Greek God. Not that THAT mattered, but dammit, you were only human. You'd seen him do squats and pushups, and fuck if that didn't make you horny. He was annoying, sure, but you didn't complain when you saw him workout. It wasn't just his physique, it was his passion. He was passionate about his job, which might've been weird to some, you included, but also a major turn on. Which is why it was extra tough when you were asked to bend forward more, or catch your legs, your mind ONLY choosing to focus on the innuendo.
You walked into the gym, preparing yourself for another day of crab walking and crying in pain everytime you had to move your body.
"Hey trooper, ready for our animal flow class?' you heard him, wincing as you could practically imagine him bouncing with energy. How the fuck was he so bubbly? Did he take some special kind of pills? Uhoh, better not ask that question, you mentally berated yourself.
"Yes. But go easy on me."
"That's not my style, trooper. Go big or go home." He said with a grin and a wink, sauntering off to get his gear ready. You groaned. An hour of him stretching and bending was not bound to end well for you. Oh well, might as well get it over with. You were bound to be drenched that day, one way or another.
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The class was hard. Every muscle of yours seemed to scream in agony as you tried to gracefully move into the different poses, failing to do so. And it didn't help when Jake would walk over to you to steady you, his hand touching you ever so softly. Every time you felt him, your breath hitched. His whispers of assurance, of him saying 'you can do it, sweetheart' went straight to your core. When he praised your form, you swore you could've seen his eyes darken just a little as he huskily whispered, "good girl."
The hour went by pretty quickly after that. Your panties were probably wetter than your gym attire. All you wanted to do was take a nice cold shower and go home and curl up with your trusty Wand. With that thought in mind, you walked back to the lockers. You passed by the sauna on your way, absentmindedly glancing through the door which was slightly cracked open. What you saw knocked the wind out of your lungs.
Jake was sitting there, legs wide apart, completely naked. It was unlike anything you'd seen before. It was a bit hard to see, but he was completely drenched, droplets of sweat and water dripping down his chiselled torso. His thighs, the most muscular thighs you'd ever seen were spread apart, showing you, oh-
Oh. My. GOD.
He was...big. Bigger than what you had ever seen. You nearly squeaked at the sight. It didn't help your current state of love-hate; where admittedly, you were leaning more towards love than hate. He shifted a bit, his thighs tightening and giving you a better view of the subject of many wet dreams of yours.
It was with great difficulty that you tore your eyes away from him, slowly making your way to the girls' locker room. How you managed to walk away from that was a feat in itself, and you were sure that you deserved a medal. But you knew it was wrong.
How would you even broach the subject? Hey, I know you're just my trainer but I accidentally saw your cock and now I can't stop thinking about it? UGHH.
You walked into the shower cubicle, looking forward to a nice, cold shower. You would not think about the menace and his perfect, thick, meaty...
You couldn't help your hand from sneaking down, towards your core. It was like you were an out-of-body spectator, and your body and libido were working in tandem. You circled your nub, gently at first, increasing the pressure ever so slightly. Your eyes were wrenched shut as you imagined Jake's hands in place of yours, moving in-and-out of few, slow at first, but then increasing in his speed. You were close, you could feel it; your climax dangerously close. You heard yourself moan Jake's name in the heat of the moment, wishing that he could've been the one filling you up.
The door opened at that moment, your eyes flying open as you saw a pair of gorgeous blue eyes stare back at you; the same blue eyes you had been fantasising about. Oh, FUCKETY-FUCK.
"What the HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" you screamed, struggling with your towel.
He had the decency to avert his eyes as he stumbled back, covering his eyes.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry, but I heard your shower running and presumed that someone had left it on by mistake. The gym was empty so I decided to do a last minute check before I left, and t-then I heard my name..." he trailed off, apologetically, his cheeks redder than a tomato.
You wanted the ground to swallow you up. He'd heard you. He'd heard you masturbate, and TO HIM. This had to be the worst day ever. Staring at the cubicle door, you figured it was best to clear the air.
"Could you turn around please? I'm coming out."
You tentatively opened the door, peering out to see his back. His gorgeous ba-
"Umm, I guess I should explain before it gets even more awkward." you chuckled, nervously. You couldn't see his reaction, and you were equal parts happy and weirded out about that.
"I..do have...certain feelings for you...and I kinda wish that you hadn't found out...this way..., but if you can please just forget about what you saw..uh, heard, I would be really grateful." you grimaced, the little speech sounding worse when you said it out loud.
For a moment, he said nothing. You were about to ask him to say something when he turned around, his eyes impassive, but darker.
"Forget about what, trooper?"
Walking towards you slowly, he stopped in front of you, his hot breath taking over your senses. He bent down, your lips close enough to touch, but not quite.
"Let's see if you want me to forget."
He closed the distance between the two of you, his lips on yours in an instant. You couldn't process what exactly was happening, your eyes the shape of saucers. But then your brain complied as you savoured the feel of his suspiciously soft lips, his tongue begging for entrance. You moaned, arms snaking around his neck, holding him to you; the towel the only barrier between your engorged nipples and his chest.
You lost all track of time, your tongues meshing together as your hands roamed, marvelling at his taut body, pulling up the tshirt slightly to properly feel him. He groaned, pulling back, panting as he asked you with a small grin,
"Still want me to forget, sweetheart?"
You growled as you pulled him back to you, fingers grabbing onto his hair for support as you attacked his lips with yours. The sudden action caused your towel to drop, baring you to his eyes. He pulled away from your kiss, dropping small kisses till he reached your breasts. He touched them softly, bending down to take a stiff nub in his mouth, the soft caress of his tongue causing your mind to go haywire. You tugged on his hair, wanting the same treatment for your other nipple. He complied, swirling his tongue around the fleshy mass, softly biting, and alternating between licking and biting.
You could swear that you had never been this turned on or wet before. This man was a wizard with his mouth. Popping off your boob, he looked at you as his hand ventured lower, softly swiping through your wet folds. You gasped as you hitched a leg on his waist, wanting more.
"Christ, babe, you're so wet." He breathed, his fingers gaining momentum as he watched your face contort in pleasure, slack-jawed.
You hung on for dear life as you felt yourself nearing your climax, yet again. You undulated against his hand, his palm bumping against your clit. This pushed you over the edge as you moaned loudly, clinging to him as your walls constricted around his fingers.
You dropped your head to his shoulder, leaving small kisses as you both caught your breath. In one quick movement, Jake backed you up against the wall, his hand moving to his pant button.
"I want to taste you, but I'm too horny, babe. Will make it up to you later, I promise." He grunted, hurriedly pulling his pants down, taking himself in his hand. You stared at his gorgeous thick cock. The tip was red and he was already leaking precum. You took him in your hand, swiping your thumb over his tip. He took a sharp breath, thrusting himself into your hand. Hitching your leg over his waist again, you guided him to your opening, before leaning over to whisper in his ear,
"Show me whatchya got, trooper."
With that, he began to move, like a man possessed. Gathering your wrists in his hand, he held them up, using it as leverage to push into you harder. You moaned, running your tongue lightly over his jaw, the soft beard prickly against your flesh. He groaned, looking at you before latching onto your lips for another mind numbing kiss. You were all heady sensations; no thoughts in your mind. All you could do was hold on as Jake fucked you into the wall. You felt the coil winding up, your legs shaking as you felt it building up again.
"Jake...i'm..cumming.." you sqeaked, winding your arms around him to hold yourself up.
Reaching down, he swirled his fingers around your swollen nub, slightly flicking the top. That pushed you over the edge as you screamed, running your fingernails across his back. He cried out, emptying himself inside you as he felt your walls engulf him tightly, pulling out every last drop from him. Your legs were shaking from the onslaught of your violent orgasm, thankful that he was holding you upright.
He put you down gently, a moment or two later, wiping you with your discarded towel. You were unsure of what to say to him, now that you were thinking clearly. You were sure he would probably terminate his coaching with you, transferring you to someone else.
Which is why you were pleasantly surprised when he left a passionate kiss after cleaning you up.
"You have no idea how much i've wanted this. Training you was a task. The only thing I wanted to do was bend you over every piece of equipment in the gym and fuck you senseless."
Your breath hitched at his honest words. Damn, all that worrying was for nothing, you realised.
"I wanted the same." You whispered. He raised his eyebrow, his eyes glinting mischievously.
"So what now?" You asked, getting dressed. It was weird, doing that in front of him but he seemed unfazed.
"I'll still be your trainer here, that is if you still want me to be."
"Of course."
"Then that settles that. Of course, we still need to figure out our situation outside the gym." He murmured, leaving a small peck on your lips.
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You sat on your couch, sipping your cool white wine. What a day it had been. You truly hadn't expected something like this to happen, and yet, it had, and it was one of the best sexual experiences you'd had, no lies. Even now, reliving it hours later, brought a smile to your face, your core tightening in response.
Your phone buzzed at that very moment, breaking you out of your delicious daydream. It was from Jake. You opened it, heart beating in anticipation.
I'm coming over with tequila and pizza. Hope you're ready, trooper.
You grinned, getting up to get ready for him. He was right, you realised. He treated you so nice, you were never gonna let him go.
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Lmao yesssss, this was shameless PWP, but oh well. I needed it. DESPERATELY. I apologize for any mistakes, I typed this on my phone.
Tagging: @donutloverxo @gotnofucks @the-soulofdevil @chrissquares @worksby-d @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @savior-adriana
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sidemari · 2 years
I'm dead inside because I think tumblr ate my ask with nsfw 4nemo in it..
It's been so long that I forgot what I wrote so I'll just throw this Inazuma instead
Itto would be the type to introduce you to his gang and to ushi only to get jealous when you put too much attention to his cow. While he's formerly joyful at how you smile seeing the cute animal, when it takes away from his cuddling time and attention he will pout and take you away to cuddle with him and complain about how much he needs affection from you.
Scaramouche is known for being harsh on his subordinates so imagine them seeing how he acts to his lover. While he still has a sharp tongue, you know he means well and no one can miss how his actions would betray his words anyways. If you show even 1 sign of unhappiness he will drop everything he is doing pulling a few tricks he knows of how to cheer you up. You want to play with his hat? Go for it. Kisses? Hugs? Attention? All yours. Granted that of course... His subordinates knows better than to speak anything about it.
Ayato (I don't have much information on him) I see him more of someone who takes a liking to taking care of you. Smiling as he sees you enjoying yourself in his company. Work does take a lot of his time and energy he always makes sure to see you at least once per day, even if it means just having you on his lap while working. He will make sure the days where he has time to focus on you and only you, that nothing will distract or come when he has that time with you. He orders his people to either give the workload to ayaka or another trusted companion.
I don't know what I just wrote... I'm kind of sleepy so it's mostly just, weird concepts sorry 😅
- 🌸
Ah, poor 🌸...
Sometimes Tumblr is complicated. One day I lost an entire draft of mine and I couldn't be sadder due the lost work. I'm sorry that happened to you, my dear.
But now, those headcanons are awesome! You do have talent with writing! Congrats and I'm so glad you often share your thoughts with me.
You have a special space on my heart, as well as some other anons of this blog (っ˶>ᗜ<˶)っ˚₊‧ꕤ‧₊˚
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darqx · 3 years
You gotta go straight down
Some more Rire answers for your thirsty souls! And a quick sketch of Demon!Strade if you get to the end lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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He would quite literally enjoy that
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No no, it exists lol: [here] :D
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Sunglasses XD
He has a small collection of sunglasses he acquired through the ages (each went from being a “necessity” to a keepsake of sorts as major shift in styles happened lol) 🕶
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I would say gambling yes but more so in the games that require skill more than luck. Either way “The Game” is the most extreme form of it haha i don’t know what else would top that XD
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He’s usually kinda neutral about it, but i think he does enjoy kissing if/when particularly used as a means for people to find out how sharp his teeth are. Like, surprise!
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Oh yes many people challenged him, esp in his first like...30 years it was chock a block lol. Sollicio demons aren’t designed to look threatening per say and he was a new King, so lots were trying their luck to overthrow him. Since he kept winning the Battle Royales’ though potential challengers have wisely backed off and he doesnt get as many of them now.
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For this exact kind of reaction
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If by “fall” you mean “fall in defeat during battle” then yes, that is quite possible.
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There are a few ways to take “play nice” XD He generally is “polite” to people (well, we know his version of it lol) so he would be as charming as ever. But no he wouldn’t need to, as Rire’s main enemies are potentially other Royals so the most effective way of hurting them would be politically. Any other people he has issue with he can pretty much hurt directly as they are not as strong as he is.
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Oh i remember that one! It was actually someone’s rendition of what they thought Rire might sound like, not necessarily what I think he does haha, but it was very fun and i enjoyed it ^^ Tumblr blog search function sucks balls but i managed to find it for you: [here]
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Of course you may! I can’t guarantee how everything will pan out though lol.
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I, unfortunately, cannot draw animals lol. But in keeping with his colour scheme he would be a black and yellow/gold one.
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No he would actually find it vastly more entertaining to see how they deal with the issue on their own. Maybe at some point he’d step in and offer a deal just to see how desperate they’ve gotten...and we all know about his asshole genie tendencies |D;
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Is this a good smile or a i’ll murder you smile? We’ll never know.
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FFFT realistically going by rock/paper/scissor ideals Angel!Rire would be the OTR (One True Rire) winner but if we go according to the og results of josh fight then the OTR would be...Baby Rire lol.
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I have once before in a Rire answer dump, actually! [here]
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I would absolutely love to do this some day! Like Gato’s cute little laser cut acrylic ones. Unfortunately at the moment it’s not very cost effective to have them made overseas and shipped to me for sending out, I’d either have to sell them at somewhat expensive prices or sell A LOT to break even |D But maybe one day (and with some BP characs perhaps)!
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Dying for it eh ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Seems like Patreon isn’t very NSFW friendly anymore though, from what i’ve been seeing on the sidelines.
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Have some “suggestions” for me probably.
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I dont know, why can you XD
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krabmeat · 3 years
𝟷𝟶𝟶 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜? 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢? 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔? 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛?
guys, i really dont think you see how insanely mental this is. like what?!?! i joined here cause a friend of mine was gushing about a writer here and eventually convinced me to get tumblr. they called me their "noob reading friend /affectionate" and now look at me!! not even a year in and ive gained a crowd? thats so damn cool to think about!! to think that this many people are willing to put aside time in their day to read some fics made by me, im floored man!! all in all though, i have no one to thank but my wonderful mutuals and followers who have helped floor and construct the fantastic beginnings of this blog. which is why im here to bring you all this event that i sincerely hope you guys enjoy!
only 2 people per prompt
despite me not writing romantic fics yet, all participants are absolutely welcome to!
no smut/nsfw, im not that kind of blog and i do plan on reading entries so please dont submit anything related!!
any and all fics glorifying and supporting bigoted or misogynistic ideals will not be tolerated or respected. this is non-negotioable but if the fic has any of this that results in the putting down of or generally recognizing these ideals as negative then that is completely fine!
you are to use the quote prompts in your fic (im gonna be loose on this though so dw!! :DD)
you can use as many different prompts as youd like!!
please keep submissions in mcyt territory as thats who i write for most. but this doesnt confine to just mcyts in the dsmp! go wild dudes, hermitcraft, third life, pop off!!
keep all fics for minors platonic and platonic ONLY
generally know and respect the boundaries for ccs
when asking for a prompt, please put who you will be writing for!!
you can use and interpret the prompts any way you want! doesnt matter if its in the angst section, you see fluff potential? go for it, vice versa!!
"I swear, if you make us late one more time I'll tape a clock to your wrist." "Isnt that a watch-?" "Shut it!"
"Look! I think it likes me!" (@ohworm-writes with cc!beeduo)
"Man, how did I catch such a good person?"
"Yknow, your parents really did something great when they made you."
"Take a picture, itll last longer~" "Okay!" "Wait you actually did that-?"
"That does NOT fit you." "Yeah it does! Just gotta roll it up a bit!"
"You aren't 'built different', you're just stupid." (@ohworm-writes with cc!tommy @jschllatt with cc!sapnap
"If it ever happens again, tell me. You know i adore you."
"Well..they dont even deserve you anyways! Just look at you- gorgeous!!"
"No, youre amazing!" "Then why arent i treated like it?"
"Do it again, see if i care."
"Put the damn drink down and talk to me!"
"Its about time you get whats due, you know."
"So not only do you think im stupid, but you also think im still naive?"
"Just take me seriously for once in your damn life!"
"You'd better start running in the next 5 seconds."
"What do you take me for, a joke?!" "Wasnt that obvious?"
now that thats done, heres the ask game part of the event!!! send me the corresponding emoji in my ask box and ill respond!
👽~ ill tell you a weird or memorable occurance that has happened on tumblr between friends and moots!
😳~ ill kin assign you and try to guess who you kin! (friends and moots only)
🍒~ ill rate your blog aesthetic on a scale of 1-10
🥀~ ill give you a bunch of emojis that remind me of you! (friends and moots only)
😎~ ill tell you obscure things i think are very neat!
🌺~ ill tell you a random interesting fact i know!
🦑~ if you send me a description of yourself, personality etc then ill write you a short ship fic with a mcyt!! specify if you want it to be platonic or romantic and if you want it to be c! or cc!(this is to work on my romantic writing!! friends and moots only)
💃~ ill tell you songs that remind me of you! (friends and moots only)
📕~ ill tell you something small or obscure i secretly think about you! (friends and moots only)
now...onto the final part- HONOURABLE MENTIONS!!!
@myceliummenace ~ these guys got me into tumblr, some of my closest friends and theyve been supporting me since day one. i couldnt be happier to breathe the same air as these guys, they all deserve a crown and if you disagree i will chomp your hand
@niceimafan ~ an absolute saint!! i came across inks former writing blog and fell in love with both them and their wonderful work /p!!!! theyve helped me through some hellish times and are all around so damn open and accepting
@jschllatt ~ istfg this lady is just-- SOOOO BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT??? nat is incredibly talented and has encouraged me throughout my time here and i couldnt be happier with how weve grown as friends!! and i know, despite how wholesome and soft nat seems to be i promise you she knows how to keep a bit going like no other. an amazing moot, stay funky :]
@im-an-ungodly-mess ~ okay look,, i know i havent interacted with these guys for a lot buttt...CAN YOU REALLY BLAME ME??!!? LIKE CMON THEYRE ALL JUST SO COOL!!! the moment i met them i knew our chaotic energies would merge and boy did they merge alright. also theyre just insanely nice and super willing to endulge with me in my random interest which is always a sexy trait to have. 10 out of 10, these guys are neato
@ohworm-writes ~ ahhh wormmm, delightful all around and just a sweetheart....BUT THEYVE GOT SHENANIGANS- as well as being extremely skilled as well like, dayummm!!! i live for our bond over fandoms outside of the mcyt fandom and i feel blessed to have you be a moot! much love, dear!
@marcooze ~ bro....whyd you have to do me like that dude? being so gosh damn kind and accepting like that like sheesh all the stuff you reblog is gold!!! it can be the most cracked out post or the most serious and informational one. idgaf that youre a reblog blog, you mean the world to me and i shall place a supple kiss on your hand as bros do <3
@ramzawrites ~ THE FIRST WRITERS BLOG IVE EVER FOLLOWED!!! ramza dear, if no one has ever told you how iconic you are then PLEASE LET ME BE THE FIRST!!! everything you do leaves me in awe and despite your talent, you still have miles and miles of kindness and generosity? you are one in a million, ramza. you deserve everything and please know how much you mean to me. thank you for supporting me so much for so long, and i hope your days are filled with really cool rocks :]]
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