#not that i think he'll have much success solo NOW but in the past i think he could have done it
hillerska-official · 1 year
Glad he finally decided to stop brutally beating that beloved dead horse
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I agree that the harkles are already leading separate lives bts but I think they will only divorce if/when one of them finds a soft landing and can afford to discard the other. She doesn't have the ability and the work ethic to be successful at the level that can support the lifestyle that she thinks she deserves so her only option is to find a rich guy who can do so. As for him, imo he'll leave her in a heartbeat if his family is willing to take him back in a way that saves his face, restore his status and privileges, rehab his image and act like the past years never happened. IOW for his family to come to his rescue without any consequences to what he's done, which is exactly what had happened countless times before whenever he fucked up. His manifesting for a residence etc was partly to see if he could get back in thru the back door imo.
As things stand now, if they divorce she'll lose her clout, and thus ability to mooch, and also her relevance once the divorce drama is over and he moves on to someone else. As for him, he'll lose his shield and his excuse for what he's been doing, which in actuality is a failed attempt at coup d'etat against his brother. Without her, he'll no longer be able to hide behind the 'enlightened prince protecting his biracial wife from a racist and oppressive institution' narrative on one side, and the 'gullible prince being manipulated and led astray by his wicked older American wife' narrative on the other. This guy is absolutely allergic to accountability so he can't afford losing these narratives as covers without being back under the palace's protection and having them spinning things in his favor as they'd always done in the past.
I don't see either scenario (a rich enough new guy for her or back in the fold on his terms for him) happening anytime soon so for the time being, these two horrible and despicable people are miserably stuck with each other and will continue to grift and mooch on others with less and less success. IOW the Duke and Duchess of Windsor existence but lesser.
I have to agree. I don’t think their solo brands were anywhere near as successful as their couple brand. However, I suspect this only delays the final collapse. The joint brand is also eroding fast and I don’t expect much from the “new” focus on charities and documentaries.
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sageistrii · 14 days
I think a lot of armys are going to use the fandom doesn't care about this music genre excuse again when rpwp doesn't do great the same way they've been using that excuse for rapline about hiphop and also for Tae about blues / jazz. That might be true to some extent but I'm going to say though, I'm an alt girl. I love Tyler the creator, Mitski, Gnarls Barkley, Blue Scholars and many more amazing artists. I don't like this album. It's ok - it's not awful but it's nothing special. Armys are a huge fandom - a lot of people (like me) check out these releases when we normally wouldn't just because it's from someone in BTS. You're telling me that in this global fandom whose numbers they keep bragging about, nobody likes alt hip hop or jazz? Armys don't care for rap but they bring up ugh and ddaeng every other week.
Armys will make excuses as they will but if any of the members are going to grow from this, I hope they don't reach these kinds of conclusions. They're young guys and being a part of BTS gives them the privilege of continuing to be able to put out solo releases even if they actually totally tank (which none of them have done even if some of their numbers are less impressive compared to other groups). The reason RM sometimes rubs me the wrong way is because he'll say something like I see other people achieving that and I want it too or something like that but the intention of self growth is unsaid. Maybe it's implied but it's also unseen. Yoongi too has an ego the size of a hot air balloon. Of course they should hold pride in being a part of a band as path breaking as BTS, but RM and Yoongi have both put themselves on a pedestal in their own minds in my opinion. Just because you've done good work doesn't mean every idea or song you make is genius. Just because you have a fanbase of sychophants doesn't mean you've achieved the pinnacle of artistry and now you only have to wait for the accolades for your work to come rushing in.
I might be projecting - I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into what the two of them say in the past. I just feel like their ego from all the success they've achieved as BTS is really holding them back from breaking down why their solo releases may not be charting as they want it to. And again this might be a projection because of what armys say all the time but rapline does seem treated like they're more "responsible" for being the architects of BTS compared to vocal line. Yeah vocal line is handsome and popular and the dance line means we can take it easy in the back but in terms of music - of the thing that really matters in our legacy - it's us rapline and esp us RM and Yoongi that have built it.
I think if that's the kind of mentality they have then growth as solo artists is going to be very difficult. I'm not sure if this is an astute analysis or some fanfiction I just wrote but I hope my points made sense
But at the same time, we all have different artists we go to for different genres of music. Armys do not have to like namjoons version of alt music if he doesn't do it as well as the other artists they listen.
Also the question about rapline not doing as well as vocal line or maknae line is pretty simple. Il
First of all rapline just arent as popular as vocal line, and Armys are first and foremost lovers of singing before rap, and even if rapline attempts to sing, it's not going to work because they are not singers. Not even hobi, doesn't matter how much armys try to push the "hobi vocalist" schtick because he can sing only in small doses and he can't sing a full vocal heavy song.
At this point they just need to wait for a time when they finally release a song that the fandom and the GP resonates with. Because not even taehyung as popular as he is has found any worthwhile solo success that isn't pushed by Thai fans streaming.
And they are capable of it, they just need to find that one song. I think some members of BTS have almost gotten huge solo songs but they/the company fumbled.
Daechwita, it would have been a hit especially on kcharts if it was promoted and available on kcharts at the time of release.
Super tuna as silly as it was would have probably gotten Jin something close to a pak and good Spotify numbers if it wasn't just released on YouTube.
Filter would have been way bigger than it was and would probably have gotten Jimin a pak if it wasn't just a bside on a BTS album, if Jimin had been allowed to promote it.
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fallingsunflower · 11 months
My thoughts on Harry's break part 2/2
I want to share some of my thoughts that I've kept bottled up over the past couple of years but it seems pertinent to share them now.
For those who don't know - hi, I'm Sunny. I run this blog but I also have a background in psychology. I have 2 degrees, have worked in several schools and a psychiatric hospital, and have done extensive research in multiple areas of psychology that overlap with what I'm about to outline.
Celebrities aren't my area of expertise. This is just an educated opinion.
You can read my opinion on what Harry's been up to here. I outlined it like that because I wanted to show that Harry's been on the move for a reallllly long time. He keeps busy and busy and while although I think a break is necessary, I don't think it's as simple as that.
Love On Tour consisted of 2 eras - Fine Line and Harry's House - mashed into about 5 years. I think the emotional ending to Love On Tour was partially due to Harry finally saying goodbye to these eras. It was probably mentally exhausting for him to cope with that. In my opinion, the song he composed for the last show wasn't a goodbye song but rather a thank you song to express what words cannot (I often say Harry isn't very good at words). So I think he wanted to express himself via song to end a very good and emotional time in his life.
This was also only Harry's SECOND world tour. I know it felt like a lifetime but he only did Love On Tour and Live On Tour. So when he says it was the time of his life and he'll never forget it, that's because it was LITERALLY HIS SECOND SOLO TOUR. Both his tours were great but I'm sure this one was probably more enjoyable for him. He seemed to fall into a groove and grew in popularity and success. He was selling out stadiums and I think he realized he was creating something incredibly good - such as the good part of the fandom that came together like a family. I think he felt loved and appreciated.
Piggy-backing off of that into more of a psychological route, there's a lot that happens when an artist is on tour. They're surrounded by people 24/7. They have people telling them every day how much they love them. They are also doing something that they love to do. Harry specifically said performing is his favorite thing in the world to do.
So when the lights go down and the tour ends and the artist goes home, it's probably quiet. It's something we struggle to relate to. There are no more people around. There's no more of that extreme love. There's a pause in doing something really enjoyable.
I suspect it's depressing and maybe even a little bit scary. I don't think Harry likes being alone. I think he likes to be busy, even though I think a break will do him good. I just hope he has a good support system. A lot of artists struggle with the in-between time. I won't go into details but I've always worried a little bit about it.
With all that being said, I think it was just plain old emotionally hard for Harry to leave that stage. I think he longs to go back even though it was tiring because sometimes staying busy is better than being left alone to your own thoughts. So I think we're seeing a lot of that aftermath.
Now idk if Harry is going to be taking an extended break. He COULD be but I really just think it was an emotional end for him. I don't think he's retiring or will be gone for a suuuuper long time. I'm also not sure what his Marvel plans look like but I just can't see him putting music on the back burner. He said over and over on LOT that music is his favorite part of his job. Rumors of his retirement have been circulating for months.
This was a pretty long post to explain something but I think it's a complicated subject and people are taking it in multiple extremes. It's also hard to have a convo on Tumblr lmao I prefer in-person but obviously that's not possible (how fun would that be though LMAO)
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Certain member knows how to keep his fans engaged but jm is barely active😭 idk but I feel like he's not ambitious or passionate about the solo era since it started. ik he's working hard on his album I'm not belittling that; that is something every member will release when their time comes. So many of us(his fans) were waiting for his album since 2018 but now it's only happening because they have to enlist. I actually had lot of expectations of him being brand ambassador or collabs with western artists when solo thing was announced but it's all buried now. He definitely have potential for all that but he chooses not to. We wouldn't even get that ost if it's not for hsw request he wasn't even interested in that. Now idk want his interest is or what he wants to do.
"You shouldn't wait for opportunities you should create it" as others are doing.
[ Ps: you might feel like I'm projecting but I just wanted to share my opinion also I don't want this to reach bird app who kw how it is]
I do find it interesting though how there is a specific focus on Jimin's "lack of activities" and a complete disregard or barely any complaining about other members who are just as "inactive" on a social/media presence as well.
Jimin did an OST before the solo chapter began and then we only heard of him working on his album, including going to LA and stopping for Hobi's concert. He also went to see Sungwoon's musical and we know of that because someone took a photo. In that same vein, Yoongi did a collab as well, participated in one performance and then went off the grid and the only thing we get from him are some updates of his hairstyle. Jungkook indeed has this large scale project and a collab with Puth, but other than that, he went off the grid as well. All we know is he visited a bunch of restaurants, recently met with a producer and went to a film premiere of his friend. No red carpet.
In opposition to that, we have the other members. We see so much of Jin because he released a single and did his promotional work for it. That's it. All the media appearances were connected to that, except 2 movie premieres. And then we have the other three who indeed are taking another route, either participating to events, interviews, media projects, photoshoots, radio events. Because that's what they are interested in.
So, looking at all this, how can anyone say Jimin has no ambition and he's not creating opportunities for himself? Even if he purposefully does that, it's his choice. And once again, I do want to remind you and everyone with the same concerns, that we don't know his plans. Maybe he'll do a lot more after finishing his album. Maybe he won't and he will choose to not be in the spotlight, unless required. That's for him to know.
Not having a group schedule like before offers everyone the opportunity to choose what they want to participate in. Being often in the public eye is not for everyone and it shouldn't be seen as absolutely essential for someone to stay relevant. After 10 years of constant work, I think that being able to have some flexibility is a good thing. What we want as fans is not what the artist may want (as much as Jin believing that that's how it should go).
Jimin is aware of what his job is and what being an idol means to him and how he should present himself. He talked about it in a Weverse interview. For someone with his accomplishments and capabilities, I wouldn't worry about him for one second. Because it's not worth it. He has established himself, just as the other members did thanks to their success as a group as well. Jimin is not some insignificant member of a group with a small fandom that should try hard to make himself seen in order to be noticed. He's way past that.
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actualbird · 2 years
Oh my god help I tried to submit this ask before and I got told a tumblrbeast ate it was it that long kjsfhjdshf. I'm so sorry if this is the second time you got this ask from me.
Me & my friend actually came up with a not-so-insane sounding theory: Marius is not from the in-game timeline. (This has basis in Marius third solo SSR, but I won't say anything you don't already know. You've seen that illustration, I can tell you it's seriously related to that!)
I'm thinking Madoka Magica here. Due to various events, Marius loses both Giann and Rosa. Unable to take the loss of both of them, he builds a time travel machine (only able to go to another timeline, not the past in his timeline), and sets out to save them both.
I'd like to imagine Marius at the start, so optimistic and eager, so helpful and open. He practically wore his heart on his sleeve around the first few Rosa, then gradually forced himself to close it off because he kept on failing. (As my friend pointed out, he feels like he doesnt deserve the love a Rosa in a timeline gives him because he's failed her too many times)
Also as my friend pointed out, this is why Marius doesn't open up as much to Rosa. He doesn't really like dumping so much about himself on her because he doesn't wanna get too attached to that Rosa in THAT timeline. Cause if he does, and he fails to save her- he'll be more broken than before.
The reason he seems emotionally detached while talking about the bad memories is because he experienced this in the first timeline, as the original Marius. The one that fell in love with Rosa and didn't know about the tragedy that would happen and didn't see the need to save her and Giann.
And can I add another layer of angst on top. He's stuck in a choose one situation. He can't save both, and he doesn't know that. Even if he does know that, he'd keep going to different timelines, in hopes of success, even if it's impossible.
omg jshdvfkj im glad this ask got through!! it's the only one that i got that looks like it, so hurray! u were successful!
that being said, u were successful in making me very emotional whHHHYYYYYYYY
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im personally not too big on theorizing about canon (my go-to is just to make an au HAHKJSHVFKJS), but it's interesting cuz i have played around with like, a madoka magica-esque au in terms of timeline jumping and immense angst, but it's always luke who im casting as the pseudo role of homura, since hes so very much intertwined with the concept of time and self destruction through self sacrifice
however, hearing ur rationale for marius is SO GOOD cuz i can see the connections and motivations, especially with how guarded and detached he is and oh god why wHY HE'LL BE SO DESTROYED, HE ALREADY IS, WHATS THE WAY OUUUUTTT
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overuse of crying memes aside, thank u for sharing this! if anything, im now immensely interested in applying some of the time-narrative concepts i usually apply to luke to marius too, cuz it fits him as well, what with how heavy his past is and also how he brings up the concept of memory a lot (like, his memories of giann, how he wants to be remembered always by mc, past anecdotes, etc). it fits, just in a different way and different angle
ah, subjecting faves to the Horrors <3 jhvVKJSHDF
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louisshomesharry · 2 years
so i'm new to the fandom and i see you guys commenting on louis' stance but i'm confused, shouldn't harry as a partner be more supportive? like i understand he has his own shit with jeff but i don't know.... there's such a discrepancy between the two, like one is a hit machine and the other is ignored it doesn't sit well with me, i agree that louis needs supportive people on his side, but what does harry do in that role?
it's a question that comes back very often bc people assume harry is free to do what he wants or that he has more power than sony (lol).
harry is a pawn as much as other artists are. He can barely be himself too so I don't see why people would believe he could make things better for louis. also we don't know what he has done or not. If harry had all the power some fans seem to think he has, his career would look much different: he would be out, he wouldn't have beards after beards, he wouldn't have a career that caters to fans who keep disrespecting and sexualising him... Harry is sony's cash cow and he has all the pressure that comes with it.
I think what is more likely to be happening is that sony kept louis' career and reputation as a threat to keep harry in line with what they wanted.
"if you don't agree with this strategy then we will do this to louis"
"if you don't agree to have a beard for tour then louis will have to be seen with f again"
"if you don't agree to have this womanizer image then we'll blacklist louis in the US too"
Those could have happened too.
I'm sure harry has negociation power, a lot more than at the beginning of his solo career but still look at him now: he got cancelled, people think he's a sell-out, his own fans are starting to say him having the friends he has is a red flag, he's has a beard for two years who has brought him back to the image he had back in 2013, queer folks believe he queerbaits (stupid but still must be alienating). Commercial success is not everything.
It was decided in 2012 that harry would be the break out star and louis would be the one to break. Sony knows that the more harry succeed the more fans will think there's no way he's with louis and I'm nearly sure they thought louis would get jealous or frustrated by harry's success which would lead to them breaking up.
There's a reason all the things that happened in the past seven years happened. They still try very hard to get them to break up. They tried and were successful in making their solo fans believe they are polar opposite when it couldn't be further from the truth.
I don't know what more I can say and I'm aware this answer isn't very structured but to me it's obvious with the way things turned out that harry doesn't have as much agency as people believe. The more successful he'll be the more limited he'll be too. Like I said we have no way of knowing what harry did or didn't do for louis. it's not because we don't see much result that bts nothing was done. Also harry /is/ supportive of louis or they wouldn't be together anymore.
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narrie · 2 years
ready for resal’s analysis on this article uwu
first of all, incredibly grateful rolling stone/rob sheffield didn't get the exclusive but secondly, it's so funny to me how much he's playing up the home/house aspect when the album has barely anything to do with it. it's def interesting to read this article AFTER i already heard the album when they assume i haven't bc it's like? are we listening to the same album??? i always felt that with the rolling stone articles too, those always made me feel so anxious about the albums bc i was like "not sure i want to listen to THAT album" and then it was just completely different lmao he talked sm about quarantine and self-reflection etc when i can barely find any of that in this album. "He is at his best, he said, when he pulls away from what is formal or expected and does something playful, collaborative, instinctive, fun" - this is what i could probably most agree on in terms of what hs3 is like (except for 'at his best' and 'collaborative') although it's not smth that ISN'T expected, like it's not a shocker or really out there or anything like that. funny that he said "I've always made my worst, most generic work when I'm just desperate to get a single" bc that's what i thought about aiw lmao especially bc he said that's the last song they made for the album. so the whole music part of the interview i'm very iffy about. he did give a new insight into some of the personal feelings and experiences from the past years that still have an impact on him now tho that were refreshing to read and know about, like him saying that he has the urge to be so likable bc of what was drilled into them when they started their career. these kinda reflections are sm more personal/intimate to me than his sex life - which...that quote about it is so ? 😭 he has made sm of his solo career about sex, it feels very contradicting lmao also interesting that he admitted to wanting commercial success with fine line and wanting to make "really big songs" - where are the harries that always think he's SO above all that now? it'll be intriguing to read the first cover article for the next era bc then he'll be actually honest about THIS era
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
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Expanded for my circus AU! Xiao and Venti backstory below the cut!
I think Xiao would've started as part of a rhythmic gymnastics team with the other yakshas. Things Go Down and the yakshas split up. Xiao's always been a part of this whole that they had, so Zhongli encourages him to go solo, which he does. His performances are technically flawless. He'll pull off moves no one else dares to attempt as a gymnast. But like. He doesn't care about it. Doesn't care for much of anything anymore.
On the other end, Venti retired early from performing. His nameless bard friend died and never really coped with it properly, so there was one performance he wasn't really focused on due to this weighing on him and Things Go Wrong. Thus, Venti is injured and retires. He recovers from the injury but fell into this hole where he feels like he doesn't deserve to get back up there and be happy and successful while his friend is dead and he (to himself) messed up so terribly.
Enter Aether and Lumine.
Aether sees how Xiao's face immediately drops when he finishes a performance, how his injuries are... not untended but he definitely rests for less time than he's supposed to and the strain on his muscles and joints is now chronic pain. He communicates this to Lumine.
Lumine knows of Venti from the time she and Aether spent apart and one of the circuses she was at did a couple clinics with him. She's witnessed his performances and knows about why he retired. She finds him with a bottle in his hand and despair on his face outside of the theatre they're performing at one night. He'd come to see a show bc he missed the whole scene and couldn't stay away.
They end up having a talk and Lumine gets an idea. She tells him that they have a performer who's lost the passion and maybe he can say something to inspire them. As a mentor.
Venti's hesitant about it but ends up agreeing after telling her that he has no intention of coming out of retirement. Maybe it'll make him feel useful.
So she takes Venti backstage, Aether whispers an "is that who I think it is" and so they find Xiao.
The conversation is... a trainwreck to say the least. Venti's all fake smiles and empty words about flowery passion and Xiao sees straight through it so he shows no sign of interest in the conversation, which ends with Xiao leaving with a half-assed comment on having to go stretch and cool down.
Lumine had a feeling it'd go down like this, but wanted to try anyway. Aether subtly slips into their farewell conversation that the twins work late today so the rehearsal space will be open until super duper late.
So Venti leaves with plans to go to a bar and wander until someone kicks him out, but before he leaves, curiosity gets the better of him. He goes to the rehearsal space just to see what he's been missing out on and maybe breathe in the worn ropes again. He gets there and What A Coincidence! Some aerial silks are set up. Warm-ups for other gymnast-type performers or the like.
Even through the blur of the tears he finds himself in front of the silks, sobered up a little by now.
With one quick peek around and probs zero regard for his safety, he gets on and performs one of his routines. The movements are still ingrained into his muscles and carved into his bones. He feels his heart start to beat again. Like this is the first time he's breathed in years.
He finishes the performance and the colours around him start to dim again. He breaks down crying and What A Day For Coincidences This Is!! Xiao caught the back half of his performance, and for a moment he forgot about everything weighing him down. For those few minutes, the pain in his muscles became a dull ache, his joints felt good as new, and he felt like he'd soar were his feet to leave the ground in that instant. Like someone injected purpose into his veins again. At the breakdown he understood that this was someone like him. Someone who was being cut apart by the jagged pieces of an identity in disarray.
So Xiao comes out once Venti's calmed down and they have a heart to heart along the lines of "it hurts doesn't it?" And they talk about feeling like something that was once like breathing feels unreachable now and lost purposes.
Venti ends up suggesting that Xiao try aerial performance, thinking that he may be past his prime but that maybe he can help someone fly again.
Xiao agrees but only after a lot of pushing, and still dazed from feeling that sense of purpose again.
They end up spending all night in that rehearsal space and by the time the sun's coming up, Aether and Lumine are in there watching them cooperate and exchange a little high-five.
Venti joins the circus exclusively as Xiao's coach. He makes Xiao stretch more and forces him to take care of himself (insert team bonding shenanigans here to get him away from the workplace) but there's still something missing in his performances. His technique in anything Venti choreographs for him is as flawless as it can be at his level, and the transitions are smooth and tasteful, but there's still something lacklustre.
It's that trust in someone else. As antisocial as he may be, Xiao was cultivated in a team setting, so Venti suggests that he keep training with the silks (which he's picking up surprisingly fast bc it's Xiao) as he gets back into shape. Xiao notices this and helps him without knowing what Venti has planned. By "help" I mean throw a bucket of water on him at 6am like "rise and shine we're going on a run".
After a while of this, Venti has a team exercise in mind. They choreograph a routine and perform it together. Something about strengthening your own skills in trusting someone else. By then Xiao's proficient, and Venti is back in shape.
When they perform their routine, it's rusty, uncoordinated, and needs a lot of polishing, but Xiao's smiling and Venti can't hold the giggle that escapes him.
Venti calls Aether and Lumine over to see Xiao's progress with his other solo routine (which is now a lot better than before), Venti offhandedly mentions that they've been doing practice pair routines and it's really helped his energy and why are you two looking at me like that.
The twins are curious about the training exercise, obviously only to make sure they're safe and they aren't straining the silks too much (Venti assures them they aren't bc he would know) and to see if they can apply this method to some of their other solo performers.
Before Xiao and Venti know it, they're being told to polish the routine bc next show they're opening with that.
They're terrified and convince them to at least hold off bc there's so much to polish (and to emotionally prepare themselves), but overall they come to the agreement that they don't mind the arrangement.
At which point the two realize that Aether and Lumine's names may as well have been Coincidence 1 and Coincidence 2 from the very first night.
They help each other process their respective traumas. Xiao helps Venti on those days he feels like he can't process the day without alcohol, and Venti drags Xiao out of the rehearsal space on the days he feels cripplingly alone, and slowly, they become part of something amazing.
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dojae-huh · 3 years
Not to fuel the fire in your ask box. I just want to add some comments and hopefully everyone can calm down a bit.
I agree with the side that wants Do's solo career plan and style to be respected and also agree with the side that wants Do to improve his dancing. user dojae-huh and other readers also agreed before that artists don't have to dance well to have a successful solo career. No one's forcing Do to become a performance-based artist nor forcing him to become the main dancer or even lead dancer level. It's just a healthy discussion on what he should improve and that's dancing. Everyone also talked about his strong points in dancing, his stage presence, no one's using offensive language when pointing out the flaws either. At the end I'm sure everyone wants Do to find his own style and have a successful solo career. But if he decides not to become a performance-based solo artist, I'm sure no one here is going to be angry. We're all Do fans, Do and Jae fans or Jae fans who also adore Do. Just treat this discussion like a mix of speculation, recommendation, analysis and simply expressing fan wishes like we all do on twt.
Yeah, it's true artists with different styles can do well. Being popular with GP and having a solid fanbase each has its pros and cons tho. Some artists may be both? Taeyeon and IU? Kyuhyun seems to rely more on GP and his KOMS perf were legendary for sure but like user nouratan said, merch might not sell as well as some artists. I'm sure he has loyal fans and if he's happy with this, that's totally ok. Baekhyun and Taemin seem to be more on the fan's side esp Taemin. But then again I think Baekhyun draws GP attention too.
Do's solo is yet to come so we're all only assuming from his past covers and performance. I want to see him improve his dancing a bit (nothing extreme, just thinking it can help him overall) but I don't think he'll go the performance-based way (for now). I'll respect his decision.
This is not only related to the solo issues but I want to share sth about the asks about toxic parent fans. It's Do's very own quote from Ennana in 2018 (the first line).
For full context and audio: https://twitter.com/neorasuh/status/1028687272227401728?s=19
We should protect our faves from malicious fans and comments but don't be so overprotective you're putting them above constructive criticisms. We respect who they are and want them to stay true to themselves above all but healthy talks about their flaws are fine. Thb I appreciate fans love for Do but some fans rely on him too much for happiness and I agree with another anon who said they tend to become overprotective as a result. Sorry to say but I unfollow accs that show signs of being too overprotective, too reliant or too obsessed because it's not healthy and makes my stan life uncomfortable.
I'm very happy whenever Do performs and chats with us too and appreciate him a lot. At the same time I'm aware some fans want mental support and have different conditions. Sorry if parts of my ask come off insensitive but please consider Do's very own words and wish that I linked above. Take one step at a time and reduce your reliance and overprotectiveness. It's good for yourself as well as Do, Jae, NCT/Wayv, all your other faves.
Link1, link2
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wernerherzogs · 7 years
your tags!!! yes! i also think harry really listens to criticism and tries to get better. so i'm already excited about the next album lmao he will have more experience, it will probably be clearer what he wants, there will be enough time to write some kickass songs, there won't be that pressure of people saying his debut album shouldn't be less than perfect and he proved he can produce a successful album, so maybe he'll have even more cretive freedom. i'm excited and very proud!
the thing is, harry IS surrounded by clear eyed reptile men, and his team /had/ been quite obviously going for that grammy from the very start. and i think harry wanted it, too, and that’s why he’d been willing to compromise on Some Stuff at this point in his career. i want to reiterate that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting things like grammys! some parts of this fandom can be stupidly childish about it. there’s nothing wrong with wanting either money, or critical success, or commercial success, or ALL OF THE ABOVE in the field you work in. especially because harry is 10000% driven mostly by PASSION, there’s no doubt about it for me. he was just born to be on stage, man, and it’s evident how much he loves being a performer. it’s evident how much he wants to excel at what he does, to be the best he can be, and that THAT is his Main Goal. and he’s made IMMENSE progress musically/technically -- he plays instruments, he writes music and lyrics, he doesn’t struggle vocally almost at all anymore (and the note changes he does at practically every gig! he’s always experimenting! having fun! amazing!!!). he’s just SUCH A HARD WORKER, MAN. he works SO HARD. and some ppl think that you can’t be a Genuine Artist if you’re not trying to be an indie singer songwriter whose record features guitars only, and who struggles to pay bills every month. like... harry would never be authentic if he tried to be someone he’s not. and what he is, IS a rich post-boyband member. he needs to find his voice while not trying to pretend this isn’t what he’s experienced, not trying to dismiss his past, and it’s HARD. he’s been in the industry literally since he was 16 -- he’s missed out on some crucial stuff in life, even if a lot of that stuff is somewhat ordinary. then again, he’s got to experience other things (some of it is what most of us won’t get to do... probably ever in their lives), and that’s important, too. that’s still experience, albeit different than mine or yours.
i think in general it’s dumb to expect people to sing about their own lives only. look at adele -- she got some flack after trying to be “relatable” on her last record, because what IS THERE to sing about once you’ve made so much money, won so many awards, once you’re a mother in a stable relationship, once you’re not that hometown girl anymore, right? again, bullshit. artists should be allowed to just tell stories, like artists in other fields.
but i digress. the thing with harry is that he’s a REALLY fucking empathetic person, and imho it’s evident that he just works some shit through via his art. he FEELS a lot, and i’m not surprised that he's had a penchant for angst (as a genre, in a way) for a while now. that’s why i do believe his work can be personal, or even autobiographical in that aspect. he just takes all that pain/struggles/etc., and works around it, builds on it. he just needs stories to go with it. and some of them will feel more genuine coming from him now, others -- on the contrary. because he IS just a 23 yo person who’s still discovering who they are, but he’s also been alluding at Certain Things for a few years now. so some things don’t necessarily add up at the moment, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! he doesn’t really owe anyone shit! it’s really just the issue of HOW you work with things you want to share, and not share. it’s okay to include details that aren’t really your story, but in that case, it shouldn’t be sold as your story. and it HAS been a part of the marketing for the pink album -- that’s why it’s okay to be disappointent about some choices he’d made on it.
i think harry’s particular advantage as An Artist Signed To A Big Label is that the clear eyed reptile men that surround him genuinely love him -- at least those working most closely with him. i doubt their goals re: harry’s career will change, but i’m hopeful they won’t try to push him more firmly into a direction (heh) that might not be sitting quite right with him. i hope from now on, they’ll try to support him by allowing him to be even more /HARRY/. he’s been in the industry in a long time, but he’d lacked experience as a solo artist, so it’s not like it wasn’t beneficial for him to try to listen to the advice from ppl who’ve been in this game for a long time. especially if those ppl do have his best interests in mind.
tl;dr the pink album was uneven. sott is a fucking DIAMOND that shines most brightly on it. ftdt and mmith are super beautiful, too. he does het content well on songs like woman and ftdt, and the tired tropes WORK well on kiwi, bc kiwi is just BONKERS, not a serious song. but then you’ve got carolina and only angel (although i do like only angel musically), and they’re like... making the whole album feel less genuine (along with making all of the stuff harry does OFF stage less genuine). he’s extremelly spoken out&respectful about his female fanbase, so that’s why those mentions of good girls and short skirts and etc. just felt eye roll worthy to me. he needs to find his footing, and he needs to be allowed to NOT try to be a stereotypical rock star. it’s better to leave some stuff in the 70s, ya know?
THE REAL TL;DR I JUST LOVE HARRY A LOT, MAN. A WHOLE GODDAMN LOT. and i believe in him, because he’s given me plenty of reasons to believe in him. he CAN do better, and i’m sure he will. i’m SUPER excited for hs2. (i’d love him to jump right into it, tbh. i don’t really want a deluxe version of the pink album first, but then again... harry REALLY needs more content for his arena tour, rip. D: i’m a bit worried about the arena tour.)
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