#none of these are shippy.
basofy · 8 months
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jack and friends
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terry giving life hintz!!!!
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stardoopy · 6 months
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Miscellaneous hajime/izurus cause im obsessed
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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meruz · 1 year
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waiting for the train arguing abt vending machine drinks
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helianss · 2 months
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hes just a silly guy covered in blood :3
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graahhh doodle dump !!!!
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mahoushojoe · 5 months
haven't hungergamesposted in quite some time but i've noticed that the "you could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy" line is being used as a misogynistic trend on tiktok for shitty het YA ships and i just want to point out that the quote's original context was that it was being said by haymitch, who was drunk and deeply bitter at the time, to katniss, as a form of projection of his own self-loathing because of his manipulation of both katniss and peeta for the sake of the rebellion and his helplessness in preventing peeta, the boy in question, from re-entering a dystopian televised death match
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girletho · 28 days
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trying to tie down my designs for hermits this is harder than being a marine
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
I have seen so many people posting the tickets conversation between Shadow and Amy, and my heart just goes 🖤💖🖤💖. There are two other significantly smaller moments, though, that I love.
Shadow and Amy talking about the Conductor's mug.
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And Amy and Shadow being happy for the Conductor and his wife, wishing them well.
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I love these moments. I adore them. I wanna put them on my shelf to keep.
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ahappydnp · 6 months
it's interesting i think i have such a visceral reaction to them calling out the demon phannie tHeYre tOucHiNg!! memes is because during those years i was in my early 20s moral superiority complex era and iiiii never said anything weird or creepy to them and i was sooo resentful of dnp thinking we were all 12 year olds in love with them? and them joking about it activates that like defensive memory even though it's so wildly different now and they're laughing With us and like everything is okay now??? and like i'm having a good time and enjoy the videos but the dormant 21 year old version of me in my brain wants to be like ummm actually i didn't do anything wrong so please don't be mad at me
cringe 2013 comment under the cut
like girl you put that IN THE PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION to virtue signal (even though i was devouring the all the demon phannie shit in private by myself) also the subtle sexism like stfu me
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mokutone · 2 years
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page 1 | page 2 | page 3 | page 4 | page 5 (you are here) | page 6 | page 7 | page 8 | page 9 | page 10 | page 11 | page 12
image desc below readmore
Where the majority of pages before were in red hues, this is all green and blue and teal, cool colors.
Over the entirety of the page, there is a drawing of Tenzō, naked and loosely coiled in black cords, just as he was in canon flashbacks to his time in Orochimaru's lab. His hair rises from his head as if floating. His expression is neutral. He appears to be the same age as he was in the red pages.
Tenzō's head dominate's panel one. His hair obscures a lot of the panel behind him, but we see a close image of ninja sandals on a tree branch. "The mission went impossibly smoothly," Tenzō recounts. "I only got injured because we were accosted during our return journey."
Tenzō's torsō rests over panel two. Behind him, to the left, his mokuton branches bind an enemy shinobi to a tree. To the right, Rabbit-Taichō is crouched on a branch and hand-signals at a different Tenzō, one which is fully dressed in his Anbu kit. Tenzō watches, his own hands poised in a seal. The Tenzō whose body stretches over the page continues, "They were rogue shinobi from the Hidden Rivers. But the mission itself was just gathering intel with Rabit-Taichō, from a lab just east of the border." Much like the black cords, the tails of the speech balloons weave and wrap around Tenzō's body.
The third panel is split by Tenzō's body. On the left, there's a single panel in the red hues of Kakashi's room. On the right, there are rows of lit, fluid-filled tanks. "A Lab?" Kakashi asks, looking uneasy, on his guard. "Yes," Tenzō's speech balloons reply. "An old one. Former hideout, but now truly civilian."
Tenzō's legs dangle over the fourth panel. Behind his legs, Tenzō and Rabbit-Taichō observe a fish as it swims in a tank. "The lab was conducting experiments on the chakra natures of non-summoned fish," Tenzō says.
"We deemed it safe after ten days of study, and several infiltrations."
/end ID
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hahnsplatinum · 1 year
Knives kills the spider to save the butterfly but Vash gets angry because he wanted to save both of them somehow and Rem is the one to point out how logically the butterfly has to die in order for the spider to survive because of the circle of life scenario.—designed by god, by fate, by evolution. But Knives still views himself and Vash and the other Plants as the butterflies and humanity as the spiders so he causes the fall in attempt to eliminate humanity’s perceived threat to them. Vash, arguably, views Knives as a threat (spider) to humanity (and himself) who he trapped on Noman’s land (in a web), but to some extend humanity does fufill the roll of the spider because they need to use (“consume”) Plants for their own survival. But Knives also fulfills that role of a predator by the end of things after all his destructive efforts.
And then we see Knives encounter a human, Legato, with the honest to god ability to kill him with ease but Legato chooses not. Despite being given the option. Despite it being in Legato’s best interest to do so because the expected consequence of not killing Knives is that he will kill him. And Legato in that moment exists simultaneously as both the butterfly (trapped, “consumed” by others) and the spider (human, “threads” able to kill/control others). It’s in letting him live and become his servant that Knives solidifies Legato’s schrodinger’s existence by consciously turning him into the spider.
But Vash has his own ambiguous not-spider, not-butterfly in Wolfwood—and Wolfwood as well in Livio/Razlo. Also used as the butterfly (indoctrination by EoM, abilities “consumed” by others) but exists presently as the spider (violent, kills). Vash tries so hard to keep Wolfwood safe (fed, domesticated, a jar with holes in the lid for a pet spider to live in) with his optimism. He could still save everyone without killing if he just loves the world hard enough. But that’s not how things work and Wolfwood still dies—but he does so because it’s what needs to happen. For Livio/Razlo to live. For Vash to live. Circle of life scenario. God, fate, evolution.
And it’s VASH who ultimately has to choose to kill Legato to save his friends. He chooses to kill the spider to save the butterfly. And it’s KNIVES who allows himself to die and willingly becomes something humanity can consume (the apple tree). He chooses to allow himself to be the butterfly consumed by the spider to live. ARE YOU LISTENING?? ARE YOU SEEING THE METAPHORS AND MOTIFS?? EVERYONE IS THE SPIDER AND BUTTERFLY! NO ONE IS THE SPIDER AND BUTTERFLY! AM I MAKING SENSE?? DO YOU SEE IT
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
I absolutely LOVE your art of swatch and queen :> I barely see content of them together thank you for feeding the swatchqueen fandom (which has about 3 members). also ur art in general is just so pretty. pls draw more /nf
more people should appreciate swatch and queen, platonic or otherwise. she is dangerously sillygoofy and they enable her completely. they will Further her sillygoofy, actually. they might be tired of writing and bitcrushing rap anthems for her and smashing fruit for her amusement but will they stop? haha naww. they think the fruit barrels should have glitter in them actually-
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rosapexa · 8 months
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"I'm not your type, hm?"
"Good. You're also not my type."
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Full disclaimer: No this is not ship hate. I used to ship this when I was much younger when TFP was still airing! So not ship hate, just stating my own exp!
I had the opposite thing happen to me with StarOp and say Megastar! When I was younger, I was a big fan MegaStar. I am not sure why I shipped it? I think something in my brain just registered them as a couple? I am blaming the scene in space where Starscream leans down, places his hand tenderly on Megatron's chest and whispers Master in his..where his ear should be lol. It was the fanon/fandom that ended up making me very wary of the ship to the point of being uncomfortable with it. The main example that comes to mind is this fanmade manga on DeviantArt, where it felt it was romanticizing the abuse Starscream went through? Honestly it felt like so much in the early TFP fandom romanticized the hell that Starscream went through under Megs that is just turned me off completely from the ship. While for StarOP I had better experiences with it, and it at least with the media I have consume of it, most of it portrays Starscream as more cunning and snarky and Optimus enjoying this side of him. Sometimes yes it does tackle Starscream's trauma/abuse, but at least with the fics I have read it's handled well and sometimes not even the vocal point of the fic. Although maybe I'm just spoiled in the fact I got into the ship WAAAAY later thanks to Stop Me.
That all said, I still do kind of like the idea of Megastar, more so in a platonic case than romantic. Something about them being tragic friends with tension is funny to me.
Anyway! Feel free to ignore or delete, up to you, just wanted to share this ramble since it actually caught me off guard someone had a similar experience to me with a ship in the TFP fandom ghjhjk.
And that's all fair! We all have our experiences and preferences, and we evolve as people as we grow up
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silverskye13 · 9 months
So, I just started reading Casting Rain and if you don't mind me asking, are Grillby and Gaster dating in the later chapters? I haven't gotten to those parts yet, but from what I'm seeing, it's heavily implied.
No, in Casting Rain they remain friends. At most you could say they're in a QPR, but it's not something that's ever established in the plot. I was really big on them being in a loving relationship that wasn't dating/romantic when I wrote the story.
There is definitely subtext there if you want to read them as in a relationship/dating, and they hit some of the hallmarks [hand holding, saying they love each other, risking life and limb for each other, etc.] but they never get shipped in the plot.
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chocochipbiscuit · 4 months
New niche rare pair of the day:
Marie Lambeau/Diana Stanley because I just want the pretty shiny lady to kiss the pretty goth lady!!!!
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