#nomura please save us
goldensunset · 8 months
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most mentally healthy people in daybreak town
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milaisreading · 8 months
How about this one. a scenario where the manager goes out with her older step-brother on a siblings date. But the bllk 11 boys thought she was having a boyfriend and such and chaos start going everywhere:D? Love your writings btw!!💕
Author: I had this sitting in my drafts for abt 4 days, since smn else requested it too!! Hope u like it and thank you for the request 🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Nagi, put down the knife." Rin warned as his eyebrow twitched. The albino groaned and put the item on the table. Rin rolled his eyes and continued glaring at the scene in front of him, until he noticed something from the corner of his eyes.
"Reo, who are you texting?" The billionaire heir looked up from his phone and huffed.
"I am writing the others what had happened. They are on their way here."
"They are what? Are you insane?" Isagi asked, finally wrestling a fork out of Nagi's hands.
"Did you seriously plan on stabbing the guy's eyes out with that thing?" Chigiri asked, never once looking away from the horrific scene in front of them.
What was going on? Why were these 5 boys.... agitated to say the least? And why was Nagi asking people, in the restaurant, to give him their knives?
"I am sorry about him." Reo sighed, flushing from the embarrassment and pulled Nagi away from the guests.
"Why are they so close?" Chigiri bit on his napkin, glaring at the older looking boy sitting across from (Y/n). The 5 boys felt their hearts get pierced as the saw (Y/n) laughed at something the older looking boy said.
"What did he say?" Rin muttered, eyes narrowing.
"I don't know.... but they do look very cozy with how close they are. Do you think the dude is her... boyfriend?" Isagi said, gagging at the last word.
"No no no, absolutely not. He looks too old for her." Reo said, frowning as they observed them from their table. Luckily for them, they were far away from (Y/n)'s table for her to notice them... but that also meant they couldn't hear anything.
"Do you think (Y/n) is into older looking guys? What a hassle, now I have to grow a beard." Nagi groaned.
"Please don't, unless you want to scare off everyone... but I am curious as to what that dude is to (Y/n)." Rin said.
"We are here."
"Where is the asshole who took my manager away?"
"Our manager, Otoya."
The five looked up and saw Hiori, Karasu and Otoya approach their table, all three seething in anger.
"They are over there."Chigiri said, glaring at the table.
"That lame guy? I should feel insulted that she picked him over me."  Otoya blinked in disbelief as Hiori stuck his tongue out.
"He looks sleazy. How did (Y/n) fall for that guy?"
"There is literally 0 significance about him... what does he have that I don't?" Karasu wondered, nt believing she would settle for someone like him.
"Is the rest coming?" Chigiri questioned.
"Barou, Aryu, Bachira Tokimitsu, and Yukimiya said they are on their way. Kurona, Gagamaru, Niko, and Kunigami sadly can't make it. So I am keeping them updated on everything." Reo said simply.
"Eh." Isagi gasped, causing the rest to look at him in an alarmed manner.
"What?" Otoya asked, as the boy pointed at the table. The rest looked at the table, and their eyes either narrowed or widened in shock as they watched the unknown man pat their manager on the head. Karasu and Nagi kept quiet, not believing their eyes, meanwhile Chigiri and Rin tried to walk over to them, and save (Y/n) from the unknown man, but got held back by Isagi and Reo.
"What now? Can I kill him now?" Otoya asked, earning a nod from Rin.
"No... no listen. We can't cause a scene now, (Y/n) will be disappointed in us if we do." Reo started.
"Then what are we supposed to do? We can't let that guy steal (Y/n)." Nagi argued, earning a nod from Karasu.
"Besides, (Y/n) will-"
"She is leaving. They are both leaving." Isagi and Chigiri said, watching the duo keenly as the guy paid for the food and left the restaurant.
"Well, let's follow them." Rin told the group, earning a nod in agreement.
"At least he wasn't complete trash to let her pay for her own food." Otoya rolled his eyes, quickly following after the duo.
'I could have bought her better food.' Reo growled, texting the rest what was going on.
"Such a loser. An insect and nobody compared to me." Rin muttered in anger.
"I really want to kick a football into that ugly face." Nagi thought, an unfamiliar sense of anger taking over his body. Karasu rolled his eyes, just as mad as Nagi.
"I might assist you there."
"Isagi, do you really think (Y/n) likes that guy? They were pretty close." Chigiri said in worry, the blue-eyed ace giving his friend an unsure smile.
"No... I believe they are just close friends... there is no way (Y/n) will replace us with him." Isagi said, dread filling up his body.
Shortly after they started following the duo, the group of guys had walked into Bachira, Barou, and Yukimiya, who were less than pleased with the sight of (Y/n) laughing at something the taller said.
'I will crush him! I should be the only one to make her laugh! Not that loser.' Bachira clenched his fists as they followed them through Shibuya, trying to hold himself back from punching the guy.
'What does she even see in him? He can't even dress properly nor does he have the looks worthy of (Y/n)'s attention.' Yukimiya rolled his eyes, the familiar feeling of jealousy hitting him again.
"He probably smells like dogs." Otoya grumbled.
"And has the personality of a brick."
"And the looks of a poorly done pavement." Karasu and Chigiri added in.
"Barou, please don't cause a scene." Isagi begged quietly as the taller was held back by Reo and Nagi. Barou himself was the calmest among the group, but he was losing it rather quickly after they witnessed the unknown guy remove something from her hair.
'That bastard will eat dirt soon.' Barou's glare was scaring every unsuspecting person by now. But oddly enough, Rin was the calmest. His reason? Simple, it's because in his mind, nobody can beat him. He was a captain, after all!
'What sort of fashion nonsense does he have?! Those pants with that shirt?!' Aryu thought, watching as (Y/n) and the guy were looking through some clothes at the mall. (Y/n) was showing the guy a cute, pink top, very glamorous in Aryu's opinion, and the boy was smiling proudly at her taste. But the sweet moment of Aryu swooning over her was interrupted by the guy showing her some jeans she could pair it with. Aryu chocked on his spit as he saw it.
'He will ruin her outfit!! That should be me buying clothes with her!!'
Tokimitsu was meanwhile pouting as he was watching the duo. He didn't like how close they looked. He also didn't like how much that guy was more than him. The guy was way more talkative and more brave to say things that were on his mind.
'I can't even compare to him...' Tokimitsu thought as he was told by Aryu to go meet up with the rest, since they were waiting for the two at the food court.
Rin wasn't much worried about the guy taking hi-their manager away, after all, relationships change and Rin doesn't believe this guy will be able to hold (Y/n)'s attention for too long. Sure, he was jealous that he wasn't the one sitting across from her right now, talking and laughing over nonsense. But worried? No. Currently, Rin, Isagi, and Reo were sitting near the table (Y/n) was sat at, and kept an eye on the guy, just in case. The conversations were bland, to the trio, and nothing indicated that they were a couple.
"Maybe they are just close friends?" Reo suggested, looking at Isagi.
"Probably. We may have jumped to conclusions too fast." Isagi laughed nervously
"You did, lukewarms." Rin added in, earning glares from the two.
"You were jealous too." They said in unison.
"I remember that! That was while you played basketball." The three stopped talking and paid close attention to what (Y/n) was saying. The trio sat a few tables away, but were able to make out some things they were talking about.
"Ahh~ you remember that? It was so embarrassing, especially after we didn't qualify for the nationals." The guy chuckled.
'Loser.' Rin and Reo thought, while Isagi flinched a little. Remembering how he felt after Ichinan lost.
"Win, lose who cares? I really admired how well you took the loss and acted all gracefully over it during the interview. A real captain." At the last sentence, Rin stiffened and his heartbeat quicken. She never complimented anyone om their captain skill, other than him!!
'What was that?!' He thought, eyes narrowing.
"Uhm... Rin?" Isagi muttered, sharing a few worried glances with Reo.
"Earth to Rin?" The billionaire heir said, waving his hand in front of his eyes.
"You think so? I think I was a decent captain." The guy added in.
"You were the best."
That last part caused Rin to finally snap and he got out of his chair, he was ready to murder now.
"Who does that piece of trash think he is?" He muttered, sending warning glares at Reo and Isagi, who were trying to calm him down.
Without another word, the younger Itoshi walked up to the table, clearing his throat to get their attention.
"Huh?" The guy muttered, looking at Rin in confusion.
"Rin? What a surprise! I didn't take you for a mall guy." (Y/n) smiled, unaware what was going on the whole time. She looked past the taller boy, seeing Reo and Isagi approach them.
"And you are here with Isagi and Reo? An unlikely combination." She joked a little, causing the 3 to relax a little as she laughed.
"We were just walking around, and wanted to say hi. It's all." Isagi said, wearing his usual smile.
"Yeah, it was a surprise seeing you here, too." Reo added in. The trio talked, ignoring the glares Rin was sending the older guy, who grew more and more unnerved at the stare.
"And you are here with..." Isagi started, sending a suspicious look towards the guy.
"Oh! This is my older brother, (B/n) (L/n)." (Y/n) answered, pointing at the older boy excitedly.
The trio felt their glares soften and they blinked a few times.
"Brother?!" Reo exclaimed.
"Is there an issue?" (B/n) wondered, suspicious of the trio.
"N-not at all! It's just-"
"We couldn't tell you two were siblings." Rin interrupted Isagi rather bluntly. (Y/n) laughed at that as her brother rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, we are half siblings."
"We get that a lot, don't worry, Isagi." She said, seeing the embarrassed look on his face.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Reo Mikage." The purple-haired boy said kindly, trying hard to not make a bad impression on him.
"Isagi Yoichi, it's nice to meet you." The blue-eyed boy added in.
"Itoshi Rin." The now embarrassed Itoshi said, looking away with a huff.
'He is like a child.' Reo and Isagi facepalmed.
"So this is the team..." The older (L/n) muttered, eyeing the trio up and down, shrugging his shoulders right after. The three held their breaths, wondering what he meant by all of that.
"Aha! Told you they are great!"
"You... you talked about us?" Reo asked in shock.
"Constantly." The brother rolled his eyes, earning a pout from (Y/n).
"I am impressed, slightly." He added in monotonously.
"That's like the nicest thing you said about any of my friends." (Y/n) gasped. Hearing that, the three felt their spirits perk up a little. There was still hope for them!
"Do you guys want to sit and eat with us?" She asked, earning a no from Reo.
"Sorry, we have to...uhm..."
"We need to buy something and quickly go home! Sorry (Y/n), maybe next time!" Isagi quickly added in. The trio quickly after walked away, leaving the siblings a little confused.
"They are weird." (B/n) said.
"But a good kind of weird!" She defended them in return.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Riku-Kingdom Hearts
So Riku is neither canonically LGBTQ+ nor canonically disabled but there's quite a slew of subtextual evidence. And this subtext is considered basically canon due to the creator's (Tetsuya Nomura) stance on media, which is that he enjoys leaving clues for players to figure out. So while Riku is never explicitly said to be queer or disabled, there's clear evidence on both accounts.
So first: Riku is gay. There's no doubt about it (despite what the dudebros insist...) Riku is gay for Sora, his childhood best friend/former rival. Long story short, Riku was afraid of Sora's friendship with this girl Kairi, didn't realize those feelings were gay jealousy, and he got gaslighted by the Mistress of All Evil, MALEFICENT HERSELF, into believing that Sora didn't care for him anymore. He went Dark Mode, destroyed their home, and antagonized Sora for most of the first game. But then he gets trapped in the Realm of Darkness after Sora kicked his ass for the millionth time and he realized how *sora voice* stUpid he was being and helps Sora stop the apocalypse (saved the world counter: 1) Then Riku goes through a whole arc of "wow i was an idiot. sora will never forgive me and i have Darkness in my heart and i need to protect sora while he's in a year-long medically-induced coma to undo his amnesia" and. idk. theres a Lot of stuff. So much so that someone made a 6-HOUR video essay about it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll17V9DJr7g)
Riku is also likely suffering from chronic pain. Throughout the year that Sora is in a coma, he fights Sora's Nobody, Roxas, to get Sora's memories back. During the fight, Roxas breaks Riku's wrist, and it never heals correctly. Throughout the finale of Kingdom Hearts 2, the next game chronologically, Riku wears a wrist brace that goes largely unexplained. During the final boss fight, Riku throws himself in the way of Xemnas (the Big Bad) to protect Sora, getting hurt twice in the process; being struck so hard in the shoulder that he's flung halfway across the battlefield, and then hit in the side so badly that it causes him to collapse as soon as the adrenaline from the fight fades. It's likely that none of these injuries healed properly, as even in Kingdom Hearts 3 (which is like 5 games later. dont ask) he has some interesting tells; his walk is incredibly stiff and his battle stance changes, likely because of the strain put on his wrist for the old stance. (https://www.tumblr.com/nobodyriku/706960754548604929 shows this pretty well, though i can't find the other post i had in mind but whatever)
Anything Else?:
soriku endgame actually <3
Darth Maul-Star Wars
Maul is canonically disabled; he was bisected at the waist by one Obi-Wan Kenobi, but SOMEHOW did not die, and was in fact teleported into a garbage dump, where he proceeded to live as a spider cyborg for the next 12 years, when he was found and rescued by his long-lost brother. He has used prosthetic legs of one kind or another ever since, and in Rebels, he uses a cane. He is also definitely gay. In The Clone Wars cartoon, he is OBSESSED with Obi-Wan, to the point that Obi-Wan is his entire personality and the entirety of his life goals. All he wants is to kill him and cause him suffering in revenge for being cut in half and subsequently abandoned by his master. However, this obsession is. Definitely homoerotic. Dude fights Obi-Wan naked at one point (the animators forgot that people with prosthetic legs still have to wear pants). He literally builds a hate shrine to Obi-Wan's dead ex-girlfriend, who he killed, AFTER he kills her. In Rebels, once he is able to merge the two holocrons and ask any question he wants, he asks where Obi-Wan is. The answer is Tatooine, of course. He goes there, has one final fight with Obi-Wan, and is fatally wounded. HOWEVER. He dies in Obi-Wan's arms. He dies being HELD GENTLY by Obi-Wan. I cannot adequately explain how insane that is. Makes me froth at the mouth. Anyway.
I love this severely fucked-up dude so much. He dedicated almost 20 years of his life to a single-minded obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi, an obsession which literally kept him alive when he was chopped in half in a garbage pit, stuck in a hole on Planet Sith, and just generally attempting to live after being raised for nothing but violence as a child. He is missing half his bones, many vital organs, and got his two biggest blood vessels sliced right open, and yet REFUSED to die. He then became a spider cyborg. The first thing he did when coming onboard the Ghost was critique the interior design. He took over an entire planet just to get a guy to notice him. He was kidnapped as a child and tortured nonstop for the first 20 years of his life, resulting in an attachment style where he can only conceptualize relationships as a hierarchy (master/apprentice), so he searches constantly for an apprentice, and even treats his brother as one; despite how he very clearly just wanted a brother, he didn't know how to be in an equal relationship. He does absolutely nothing but cause problems for people-- be they Jedi or Sith. Ahsoka once released him from a magic strait-jacket as a "distraction" and he immediately began tearing panels off of the walls and decapitating people with them. He has a death grip on my brain.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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winter-leftovers · 2 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty seven: Eternal Night, Eternal Knights (27/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim learns about Y/n and Morgana. The last battle begins. What’s going to take to save Arcadia?
Word count: 8026
Warnings: canon violence.
(Season 3 Episodes 12)
Brother by Madds Buckley
I guess by Mitski
Daises by Chloe Ament
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The sun had come out but its light didn’t enter the Lake’s residence, not after the group hung thick fabrics in front of every window and filled every crack where the sunlight could threaten to touch.
The war consul met for its first and final meeting. Nervous faces plagued the Lake’s living room as the queakes grew closer like the worry in Arcadia’s defender’s chests.
“I’ve taken the liberty of constricting a rudimentary model of Arcadia” Blinky put the final piece on the table: a milk carton.
Y/n laid against the wall that was directly behind Blinky. From her place, she could see her father fuming, ready to jump at the troll’s face. She threw many warning glances to her father, trying to convey in one simple look “Please, for the love of god, let him finish before you scream”
“If we focus our defensive efforts here, then when the Gumm-Gumms attack…” Blinky stopped at Merlin’s mumbles, looking up at the wizard, his eyes twitching in irritation “Do you have something to say?” Blinky crossed his arms.
“This is a waste of time!” The wizard threw the model to the floor.
Y/n pulled herself from the wall and straightened her back.
“You broke the museum. You philistine!” Blinky screamed as he lifted the carton of milk from the floor.
“Our focus is not Arcadia, it is Trollmarket. If we destroy Morgana, we stop the Eternal Night” Merlin and Blinky walked around the table like two angry dogs waiting for the other to attack first “The trollhunter and I must venture into Trollmarket”
“While Gunmar and Angor Rot turn Arcadia into an all-you-can-eat buffet?” Screamed back Blinky.
“For having six eyes, you are very short sighted. Defeating Gunmar is pointless if Morgana is…”
“And defeating Morgana is still pointless if everyone in Arcadia is dead!” Blinky hit the table as a new queake started “I don’t know my own strength” he pulled back, convinced that the tremors were a consequence of his anger.
“That was the third tremor today” observed Strickler.
“At this rate, I fear the Eternal Night will be upon us within the hour” Merlin nervously scratched his beard.
“The battle of the bands is on. The square will be packed” warned Claire, the image of all her friends running through her head.
“Everyone in Arcadia is there” screamed Toby “Well, anyone who’s cool, at least” he lifted his brow.
“So not you?” Y/n smirked.
“On the bright side, with everyone clustered, we know where the Gumm-Gumms will strike first” Merlin pointed out, ignoring the teenagers spat.
“How is that the bright side?” Claire screamed.
“Trollmarket will be deserted and Morgana will be unprotected” Y/n explained her father’s logic.
“Gunmar and Angor Rot are my fight” Jim walked down the stairs “First, we’ll do what we can to clear Arcadia Square. So no one gets hurt” he sentenced.
“Actually, there’s no “we” until the night falls” Blinky put his hand on Jim’s shoulder, remembering his new disadvantage “In your current form, sunlight will burn you as much as any of us trolls”
“Maybe Merlin can whip up some SPF on million?” Toby looked at the wizard.
“Uh” Merlin looked at Y/n.
“We’ll go with the children and put a stop to this battle of the bands” Nomura stepped up.
“Then am I to fight Morgana alone?”
“I’ll go with you” Y/n grabbed her father’s arms, laying her head on his bicep “Just like last time” she looked up at him smiling.
“No” he looked down at her frowning “Do you think I don’t know what you've been doing?” he lifted his brow.
Y/n let go of him, slowly stepping back. She felt her lips shake but her eyes didn’t shift.
“I…I don’t know what are you talking about” her voice didn’t shake.
“I may have been asleep for a thousand years, Y/n but I haven’t slowed down” he looked down at his daughter and with a look he disarmed her “I want you far away from Morgana” his voice going deep enough to reach her bones.
Y/n nodded.
“I’ll go. Keep safe” Aaarrrgghh broke the silence.
“Thank you, oh, very, very, big one” Merlin thanked Aaarrrgghh the way he spoke to Y/n when she was child.
Y/n felt tears brewing at the bottom of her throat. She shook her head. This was not the time to fall down to an old wound.
“The moment of truth is upon us all. With fortitude and bravery, we can end the threat posed by Morgana, Gunmar and Angor Rot for all time!” Blinky said.
“Oh, yeah!” Toby screamed.
Y/n hung her bag in her closet with the steadiest hand she had in a while. An old practice found her after a thousand years, she never knew why but before something big she would clean up her room. Before the battle of Killahead exploded she cleaned her whole room leaving a small bouquet of wild flowers by her bed. Maybe, young Y/n thought it would make it easier on the grievers, maybe it relaxed her before facing death. She still didn’t know.
“Knock, knock” Jim knocked on the open door.
“Hey, Jim” Y/n closed the door of the closet and turned to her brother “What’s up?”
“Are you…are you okay?”
Y/n frowned
“Of course” she smiled “Are you?”
“Yeah. It’s just…” Jim followed Y/n through her room “What happened with your…is weird calling Merlin your father” he chuckled.
Y/n laughed.
“You can call him Merlin” she opened her night stand and pulled out a hunting knife.
“Woah. That’s bigger than the usual one” Jim looked closer at the knife.
“This one is from Camelot” she pulled out the knife out of the sheath revealing a shiny blade with an ‘A’ engraved at the top.
“Whoa” Jim got distracted by the old relic “It’s really old”
“Hey! It’s not older than me” Y/n put back the knife in the sheath and hid it away in the waist of her pants.
“Well…” Jim laughed.
“Shut up” she laughed back.
Their laughter died down, staying in silence, in each other's company like they did many times before: on the couch laying next to each other while some movie played in the background, while Y/n played piano and Jim laid on the floor listening to the music, sitting in the dining table doing homework until late hours of the night, while Jim cooked and he swatted her hand away from the ingredients, they stood there face to face for what could be the last time.
“Jim” Y/n whispered, scared that death may find them in the darkness of her room “I know we can’t promise to each other to survive” she looked up to his eyes. Since the transformation, her brother was taller than her. She put her hand in his cheek “Promise me that if something happened to me you’ll remember I had a long life and you’ll take care of mom”
Jim shook his head.
“You’ll be okay” he grabbed her hand “We’ll all be okay”
“Yeah” Y/n smiled. She envied her little brother’s optimism even before facing a war with the deadliest wizard and the angriest troll he actually believed they all would be okay “but in case you’re wrong…”
“I’m not” he insisted “Is this about what Merlin said? Is this about Morgana?”
Y/n blinked a tear away.
“No. No” She hugged him “Jim, my father just…likes to make a spectacle out of his anger”
Y/n pulled away. She saw the nervousness in his brother’s face. He was unconvinced.
“I guess this is the worst and the best time ever, huh?” She sighed, graving Jim’s hands, guiding him to the bed “Merlin is mad at me because…because I never forsake Morgana like the rest of the world did”
Jim frowned.
“I know…I know Morgana is evil, Jim, but I know her, she wasn’t always like this” she felt like she’s been repeating this explanation so much throughout the century that it’s been tattooed to her throat “When I was a kid she was the only other female sorcerer that I knew and she was kind and beautiful. She would play with me and braid my hair and she would make magic something fun and something to be proud of. Not a chore or something shameful” Y/n laughed remembering running in the forest hand in hand with Morgana, little golden lights surrounding them. She dried away the tears that fell without her permission “She was my older sister and I’ve been grieving that Morgana. Not the one that hurt Claire or the one that is about to do all this” Y/n squeezed Jim’s hand and looked deep into his eyes “I’m not going to betray you. Please, tell me you believe me”
“I know you’re not going to betray me” Jim nodded, a little offended that Y/n would think he would think that “You’re my sister”
A sob escaped from Y/n throat. She threw herself into Jim's arms one last time.
“And you’re my little brother. Always. Human, troll, gnome” she pulled back “ I don’t care. You can’t run from my love.
“I don’t know if I want to be a gnome” Jim chuckled.
“I’ll ask NotEnrique to teach me how to speak gnome just to talk with you” Y/n kissed his forehead.
Y/n phone vibrated it, distracting the siblings from their talk.
Errand boy 💙:
Where are you??
“Shit” whispered Y/n putting her phone back in her pocket “I guess our sappy time is up”
“I’ll see you later” Jim smiled.
“I’ll see you later” Y/n nodded.
Y/n walked alone to Arcana Square. Each step made her question the possibility of everyone’s survival. Last time, Douxie and her came out alive at the price of Morgana’s life and a century without her father. What would this war take?
The square was packed. Y/n found Douxie’s blue hair amongst the crowd like a ship finds a lighthouse in the night. She pushed between the sea of dancing sweaty teenagers to get to him.
“Doux” she grabbed his arm before the sea could separate them.
“There you are” He smiled, grabbing her hand.
“Here I am” she kissed his cheek.
Y/n chuckled when she saw Douxie’s blood rush to his cheeks. For a moment, they were two teenagers on a date and not two soldiers about to embark on their second war. The music stopped dropping the weight of reality back to her.
She got close to his ear and whispered:
“Doux, I…”
“Good job, whatever that was” Señol Uhl said to the microphone.
Y/n shook her head, distracted by the teacher’s words.
“What is it?” he turned, their noses almost touching.
“I came to warn you” she got closer, pressing their bodies together “Morgana is bringing the Eternal Night now” she took the knife out of her pants.
“What? What about M…”
“Doesn’t matter” she didn’t let him finish. If he didn’t ask, she couldn’t lie to him “Promise me you’ll be safe” she put the knife in his hands.
Douxie frowned:
“What?” He looked down “Why are you giving me Lancelot’s knife?”
“Because I’m scared, Hisirdoux” Y/n voice shook like the queakes that had been shaking Arcadia “Please”
“It’s okay” Douxie held her cheek “We’ll be okay” With his other hand he took the knife “I’ll take the knife and I’ll give it back to you in the daylight”
Y/n nodded, no words could escape out of the knot of her throat.
Douxie gave her a reassuring smile and softly kissed her lips. The warmth of his love reminded her of the home that always had existed inside him, the memories that were safe with him.
The feedback of the microphone made them pull apart. Claire stood on the stage, armor on, ready to announce to Arcadia that the world they know doesn’t exist anymore.
Douxie whistled, making Y/n and Claire turn. He gave the teenager two thumbs up, trying to give her the courage to sign her siren song.
“Great work” Douxie pointed to the armor.
Y/n bit her lip, looking down.
“Uhm, hello. Can I have your attention?” Claire asked the confused crowd. “Look, I’ve got something to say. Something about this town. Listen to me. Something dangerous is coming. Strange things happen in our town”
“You didn’t prepare a speech, didn’t you?” Douxie chuckled.
“Uh uh” Y/n smiled at Claire’s brave attempt of convincing Arcadia of the unbelievable.
“Tonight, when night falls, you need to run”
“You need to run” Mary sang, starting to play their instruments.
“Oh god” Y/n whispered, covering her face when she saw Claire keep begging the audience while her friends innocently made it part of the show.
An explosion was heard from behind the audience. Y/n didn’t need her magic to know it came from the canal. She turned and saw a tornado of black fire musicalised by the terrified screams and incredulous gasps of the people of Arcadia. The torch had been lit. The war had begun.
Y/n couldn’t take her eyes away from the smoke. The amount of power used for the spell sent a chill up her spine. She felt like her ship had sunk at sea and was only capable of observing the fire from underneath the water. Her feet were glued to the floor, her instinct was screaming to let herself drown, to run and hide under rock until everything cleared but her reason knew better.
She squeezed Douxie's hand, hoping his voice was able to pull her from the sea.
“Let’s get everyone to safety” he said.
Y/n turned. He was ready. Not a drop of nervousness or fear traveled through his eyes.
She nodded, saying a final prayer before letting go of his hand, running to opposite sides of the fight. In that moment, Y/n decided to not think about anything other than the danger she had in front of her because if she started to think about her friends with a Gumm-Gumms’ blade to their necks, she would lose her mind faster than the trolls blade could cut her in half.
Y/n stood next to her friends in front of a wall of Gumm-Gumms that double their size and number.
“Oh my gosh. This is happening” Toby tightened the grip on his war hammer. The Gumm-Gumms hit the spears rhythmically against the floor announcing their strike “Not another flying truck!” The boy screamed when he saw the truck appear from behind the impenetrable wall of Gumm-Gumms.
With a quick movement of her wrist, Y/n, prepared her staff to return the truck to the troll that sent it.
“Jim!!” Claire’s scream made Y/n look up, never lowering her staff.
In the middle of the air, Jim cut the truck in half with ease before it could reach his friends in the ground.
The Gumm-Gumms lowered their spears, pointing them towards the trollhunter, slowly pushing forward, cornering the team against the empty stands.
“For glory!” Blinky’s battle cry brought forward the trolls from TrollMarket that were ready to fight for their home, giving the team the opportunity to escape the death trap the Gumm-Gumms had put them in and Y/n the opportunity to fight in Douxie’s direction.
She cutted and stabbed with the sharpest part of her staff, making a mental note to remind herself to sharp it back after the battle as she avoided the rain of stones that fell each time a Gumm-Gumm died.
Y/n’s eyes scanned the square until she found Douxie trying to catch his breath about to be speared by a Gumm-Gumm. She felt the adrenaline in her veins multiple, she could feel her brain work overtime as she jumped to the troll’s elbow and pushed the whole length of the staff until her hand touched the throat of the Gumm-Gumm. She stayed there as she felt the tremors of the creature collapsing under her, she wanted to observe the complete destruction of the one who dared to try to hurt Hisirdoux Casperan.
“Y/n?�� Douxie catched her before the Gumm-Gumm completely collapsed on the ground “are you okay?”
She turned around, a frown on her face.
“Are you okay? He almost impales you” she pointed to the pile of rocks with the red gemstone of her staff.
Douxie flushed. He didn’t hear him coming.
“Thank goodness you were here, love” he pointed to another pile of rocks “That one punch me in the stomach”
“I swear they are bigger than last time” Y/n threw a rock to the Gumm-Gumm fighting one of the trolls from TrollMarket in the distance turning it into a pile of rocks instantly.
“Maybe” Douxie said, taking a Gumm-Gumm out with his guitar “Oh, fuzz..”
Y/n turned to Douxie. Claire’s friends were being cornered by a Gumm-Gumm. She started running but Douxie was faster, he jumped on top of the Gumm-Gumm throwing it to the ground and finally knocking it out with his guitar.
“I’ve always hated those twits” he grunted.
“Wow” Mary blushed.
“You all right, lovelies?” Douxie turned around, smiling.
The teenagers giggled.
Y/n rolled her eyes at Douxie’s charms with a small smile on her face. She moved her hand, hiding away her staff before climbing to the stage.
“Hey, girls” she turned to Douxie with a smirk on her face “Romeo. Let’s get out of here before more of these things find us” she jumped down.
Douxie tried to catch Y/n's eyes while they helped Darci and Mary climb down but he couldn’t. She was too on edge, or at least that’s what he told himself.
The four of them walked close to the stage when Douxie saw a part of the curtain laying on the ground making a tent.
“Here” he pointed out as he pulled away the fabric.
The four of them crouched down and sat on the floor.
“Where should we go?” Darci grabbed Y/n’s arm.
Y/n looked around the city. Everything was dark, infested by Gumm-Gumms. Running without a place in mind implied fighting and she couldn’t ask that of the girls.
“What about the library?” Y/n turned to Douxie.
“Is too far and I’m not sure how secure” Douxie pointed with his eyes to their new addition.
Y/n nodded, understanding both messages.
“Is too far and I can’t activate the barrier with them there”
“Aren’t you Jim’s sister? You should know what to do!” Mary screamed, grabbing Douxie’s bicep “Do you workout?” She asked, the terror long gone.
Douxie looked up to Y/n and lifted up his brow.
Y/n rolled her eyes and focused on keeping guard.
“This is not the time, Mary!” Darci almost screamed at her friend.
“Sorry…all I’m saying…”
At that moment, Y/n thought that the sound of Strickler’s wings were god’s trumpets as he opened the sky to receive her.
“Stay here” she ordered, running out of that tent of madness before Douxie could stop her. She took her two pinkies into her mouth and whistled to catch the attention of the flying changeling:
“What are you doing?! Are you mad?!” Strickler screamed back.
“Meh!” She lifted her shoulders “Where do we take the civilians?”
“Careful, love!” Douxie warned, pointing to the Gumm-Gumm charging at her.
Y/n looked down and found the remains of another Gumm-Gumm. She lifted a rock and threw it to the head of the dead Gumm-Gumm’s friend. The Gumm-Gumm fell, hitting its head against a fire hydrant.
“You were saying?” She screamed back at the changeling.
Strickler blinked, impressed at the fighting abilities of Barbara’s older child.
“The school” he pointed.
“See you there” she ran back to the hiding spot before more Gumm-Gumms could singled her out.
Y/n crouched down to face two impressed faces and a proud one.
“C’mon. Let’s go to the school”
“That was impressive! How did you do that?” Mary screamed.
“Yeah! That was so cool! I mean your aim?” Daci screamed.
Y/n turned to Douxie for help.
He nodded, agreeing with the teenagers.
“Let’s go!” Y/n stood up.
“But school is the last place I wanna be” Mary winned.
“Let’s. Go” Y/n sentenced before starting to run on the ruins of Arcadia Oaks.
Y/n ran like a horse with blinders on. The only thing that mattered was getting Mary and Darci to school. She wanted to be useful, to help get down the amount of Gumm-Gumms running around but getting sidetracked wouldn’t help either.
“Y/n!” She heard Douxie’s scream.
She ripped her blinders, stopping in place and turning back to see Douxie fighting with a pack of shadow memphit half a block away.
“Shit” Y/n mumbled.
“Ew! What are those?” Mary stepped back even farther away.
“I’ll be alright! Keep going!” He screamed back, stepping on the creatures.
“Are you sure?” Y/n was ready to whip out her staff and be over with the situation.
“Yes!” Douxie screamed ever louder when he saw her wrist twitch “Go”
“Let’s go” Y/n nodded and resumed her running not before giving him a last reminder “Doux, burn them!”
The three of them kept running through the guttural growls of the Gumm-Gumms. Among those awful sounds, they heard two friendly voices:
“Darci! Mary! Y/n!” They heard Claire and Toby screams.
“Claire! Toby!” The teenagers ran to her friends. Seeing them gave them extra strength needed.
Y/n smiled. She could hear them talking but couldn’t understand them. Her heart was beating in her ears reminding her that she left Douxie behind.
A burst of wind pushed Y/n forward, pulling her out of her mind. She looked up confirming her fear. Stalklings were hunting around them.
“Stalklings!” Y/n warned but it was too late. Before she could finish her warning, the creature flew down, its claws open, ready to grab Darci and fly away into the night.
“Toby!” The girl cried.
“Darci” Toby ran behind the creature, using his war hammer to follow them into the sky.
Y/n, Claire and Mary stood there, looking at the sky, waiting for their friends to come back down, listening to the struggle beyond the sky. They stood there, hearing the creature screeching with no sight from them.
Toby’s giggles made the girls turn around, taking out the grief from their chest. Darci and Toby had escaped the stalkling without a scratch.
The group kept running, avoiding more Gumm-Gumms and monsters in their last lapse than in their whole journey to the school.
Y/n watched Mary and Darci being escorted by Toby to the safety of the walls of the school.
“Do you think they’ll be safe here?” Claire asked.
“I hope so” Y/n smiled “But I think your teachers have it covered” she chuckled at the teachers running around threatening creatures they didn’t understand how dangerous they were.
“Have you got everyone to safety?” Blinky ran to the trollhunters.
“Yep. The ones who couldn’t make it home are hiding at school” explained Claire.
“Why is the eclipse still here?” Toby looked up at the sky “Wasn’t Merlin supposed to have his magic back by now?” He turned back.
“I don’t feel his magic yet” Y/n looked in direction of the canal “Something must’ve happened”
“Where is that wizard?” Claire complained.
“Morgana probably had a million tricks ready for him. We…” Y/n turned back. In the distance she heard her brother’s screams “Jim!” she followed the painful screams. Her legs tired of running the length of the city, of avoiding death multiple times but not stopping once until they saw him.
“Jim!” Claire screamed.
On the roof of the museum, Gunmar stood on top of Jim’s chest, he had him under his blade, using his power to try to convert him into his first human Gumm-Gumm.
“We’re too late!” Toby screamed.
Y/n felt her heart skip a beat, her hand slowly losing grip of her staff. For a moment, she imagined a world where Gunmar won, where she lost another sibling, where she couldn’t save her brother.
“In their darkest hour, I burn brightest!” A crimson light illuminated Jim, gaining back his strength, pushing Gunmar back by his sword.
Gunmar grunted, anger dripping out of his nostrils. He shook his head, trying to focus his strike through the rage. He repositioned his sword and changed once last time. Jim easily avoided Gunmar’s angry strike, hitting him while he was distracted.
“No” the troll looked down to the gash that went from his waist to his shoulder “It cannot be!”
“It is”
Blinky took a step forward. His eyes couldn’t believe what was happening. The long awaited end had finally come. His people could finally live in peace without having to fear another war coming. It was finally over.
Gunmar screamed, his body exploding into an expansive ball of light, destroying all the Gumm-Gumms that were still standing before finally becoming stone.
Jim looked into his dead eyes:
“For Draal” he kicked his corpse off the roof, finalizing the battle.
Jim observed the pile of rocks for a moment before jumping off the roof.
“Jim!” Claire jumped the pile of rocks that used to be Gunmar to jump into Jim’s arms.
“Ow! Careful. Sunburn” Jim hugged her back.
“You did it, Jimbo!” Toby screamed “Daylight went supernova”
“At long last, after centuries, Gunmar’s war is at an end” Blinky looked down at Gunmar’s remains, at the nightmare’s remains.
Y/n patted Blinky’s shoulder. She may not be a troll but she lived in Camelot, Gunmar had occupied enough time in her nightmares.
“And you, my dear boy, have ended it” Blinky shook Jim by the shoulders with a smile on his face.
“Um, not to be a total buzzkill, but why is the night still all eclipsey?” Toby interrupted.
Y/n pulled her eyes from the black sky towards the heavy footsteps coming their way. The grip on her staff tightened making her knuckles go white, her body still in high alert.
“Wingman!” Toby started to run towards the troll.
“Where’s my father?” Y/n walked closer to Aaarrrgghh.
“In trouble” he pointed to the sky “Morgana”
Y/n followed his finger. From the tornado of fire she saw Morgana flying down in her golden armor and green cape, just like the last time she saw her. Her laughter echoed around them, like a song trapped inside Y/n’s mind. She felt dizzy. She had to be dreaming, this has to be a nightmare but the world wouldn’t be so cruel? Right?
“But Merlin’s plan…” Blinky turned to Aaarrrgghh.
“Not work”
The trollhunter team stood there, observing the sorcerer descending from the sky. Not knowing how to react.
“Don’t despair, weak ones. Your lives will soon be over” Morgana laughed, her palms charging with magic.
“She’s beautiful” Toby sighed.
Claire turned to Toby, giving him a nasty look.
“But totally evil” he frowned “Yeah, yeah, we have to stop her”
“Without Merlin, how can we?” Blinky asked.
Y/n felt the side eyes of the troll burning her cheek but she couldn’t do more than what she was doing: observing the impossible before her. She imagined talking to her dead sister through vessels but she never thought she would see her again.
“I…” no words escaped her.
“Merlin’s champion” with an elegant movement of her arms she moved the rocks that Gunmar’s body left behind, leaving the path to Jim clear “I have so looked forward to meeting you” she chuckled.
Y/n tried to move but her body didn’t seem to answer her. She wanted to run and protect Jim but her will was in shock just like her heart.
“And then killing you” she moved her hands again this time pushing everyone out the way except Jim and Y/n.
Jim pulled daylight, jumping to strike Morgana before she could do more harm. The wizard smiled at the trollhunter’s boldness. She barely moved her hand, tying him with a golden rope.
Jim fought against the trap that lifted him into the air and close to the wizard’s face but it was in vain.
“Good morning and…good night” she moved her finger, throwing Jim miles away where the eye couldn’t see.
Morgana sighed, turning her sight onto Y/n.
“I was hoping that this time we would be in the same side, sister”
“You’re alive” was all that Y/n could muster.
The wizard cocked her face, examining the confused girl in the ground.
“After all this time…” Y/n shook her head “You’re alive”
“Well, of course” Morgana got closer, her voice full of something Y/n couldn’t decode “Where did you think I was all those years?”
Y/n looked up, her eyes burning with all the tears that she had been spilling for a century:
“You help him imprison me” Morgana didn’t believe her.
“He said we were going to help you!” Y/n tried to clean the tears as they fell but she wasn’t fooling anyone “I thought I was getting my sister back after the battle”
Morgana laughed, pulling back.
“Morgana” Y/n said, her voice soft.
The wizard disappeared into the distance, where the eye couldn’t see.
Y/n shook her head, trying to not lose the hurt she was feeling. She lifted her staff and used the dagger that Morgana had left on her heart to make a portal to find Jim. Her first attempt failed. Her hand was too shaky to mold the shadows.
“Fuzzbucket” she cursed, throwing a car a couple blocks away “Focus, Y/n, these are your friends”
Y/n took a deep breath, carefully lifting her staff back up. Her mind replayed her conversation with Morgana, her father treating her like a child in front of everyone, the hurt the curse did to Douxie, the amount of pressure that was put on Jim.
This time, the shadow bended at her will. Y/n crossed the portal but it was late. Morgana had everyone tied up with her magic.
“I showed your friends mercy, trollhunter, so they can watch you die” Morgana threw Jim around the pavement as his friends helplessly watched.
“Morgana!” Y/n grabbed the golden rope that tied the wizard and Jim together and cut it with her staff “he is just a boy!”
Morgana lifted her brows as she watched the younger wizard kneel next to the trollhunter.
“For the love I have for you, I won’t hurt you, Y/n but do not intervene” Morgana frowned. She moved her fingers returning the trollhunter to a painful tie and gently pushed Y/n to the side, immobilizing her hands.
“Morgana, please don’t” Y/n screamed, fighting with the rope.
“Pale lady!” Angor Rot scream stopped all pleas.
Morgana turned:
“My champion! On time for the grand finale” she moved to the side to reveal what she had accomplish “Here. For your efforts” she pointed to Jim “I give you the honor of finishing him”
Angor Rot ran, dagger in hand, ready to strike but when the moment came, he didn’t stab Jim, he punched Morgana, almost throwing her out the bridge.
“Witch! I am no one’s pawn!”
“You! What did you tell him?” She stood up, throwing Jim against one of the pillars.
“The boy reminded me who I fight for”
“You fight for me!” Morgana screamed, attacking him with her magic.
“This is the end” Angor Rot growled, avoiding Morgana’s attack.
Everything happened so fast. One moment, Y/n was still processing Morgana’s rebirth, the next, she’s standing in front of her strike, wishing that heaven looks like the forests in Camelot.
Morgana’s ties had always burned. Y/n had always been too weak to break them when her sister didn't want her to break them but when she saw the movement of her hands, when she heard the serious proportion of death, Morgana’s rope broke like cotton.
“Y/n!” She heard her friend’s desperate calls as her body hit the cold cement. She left her eyes closed, her body was too tired to keep fighting.
“Y/n?” A soft voice called.
Y/n slowly opened her eyes. The sunlight coming through the tree caressed her body, nurturing it from the outside in. Here, there was no pain, no tiredness, no war.
She smiled at the familiar tree filled sky. She turned her head and saw the familiar purple flowers that she knew so much. Maybe her wish was granted. She sat up, picking up a flower and taking it to her nose, the smell pulling her into a hug like a greeting from an old friend.
“Little Y/n, you are far away from home”
Y/n stood up, her hand calling for her staff that wasn’t there. She turned back to the place where the voice was calling. Y/n blinked a couple times thinking her eyes were deceiving her. Standing just a couple steps away from her was someone she thought long gone.
“Queen Guinevere?” Y/n frowned.
“It’s been a long time” Guinevere walked up to Y/n.
Y/n gasped, her knees buckling into bow when she saw the Queen’s unmistakable green eyes.
“There is no need for that here” Guinevere lifted Y/n from the ground, pulling a leaf out of the girl’s hair.
“What?” Y/n looked around “Aren’t we in Camelot?”
Guinevere chuckled:
“Yes, but I’m no Queen here. I’m just…Gwen” she smiled.
“Gwen” Y/n repeated, the name foreign in her mouth “Am I…?”
“Not yet” Guinevere locked their arms together and started walking “You were injured”
The memories of the battle came back in flashes: the fight with Morgana, Angor Rot helping them, Angor Rot dying, Jim jumping in front of Morgana’s strike but Y/n being faster and then, the trees.
“I remember… Morgana…” Y/n stopped “I have to save them”
“From what?” Guinevere had no urgency in her voice.
“From Morgana. I have to help her too”
Guinevere shook her head.
“You can’t help everyone, Y/n” Guinevere smiled “Sometimes, people have to grow on their own”
“But they are kids and Morgana…Morgana is hurting” Y/n frowned “I thought you would understand”
“Is their destiny. You can’t fight with destiny” Guinevere explained, her voice soft like velvet.
“I don’t accept it!” Y/n closed her fists.
“Destiny does not need or want your permission”
Y/n let the tears fall freely. She knew this but she couldn’t accept it. Not for her family. Not this cruel destiny.
“I can help my brother and his friends survive. I can help Morgana change” she pleaded.
Guinevere shook her head.
“You can help your friends but you cannot change Morgana, you can only love her”
“Why?” She cried “She deserves better”
Guinevere smiled, looking at a butterfly passing by.
“Yes, she did” the woman cleaned the tears from the girl’s eyes “but, sometimes, life isn’t about deserving”
Y/n looked up at Guinevere, she looked so young. In her eyes, she could see all the unlived life shining through. If someone could understand fairness maybe it was her.
“So, I should let her rot in her anger?” Y/n wasn’t angry at Guinevere, she was mad at the world.
“No. You keep loving the person you knew” Guinevere turned to the side.
Y/n noticed the creek flowing next to them. The creek where Douxie and her would tempt luck one too many times, the creek where they decided to abandon Camelot before the kingdom fell years later. Across it, amongst the darkness of the trees she saw a figure walking towards them and this time, she didn’t call her staff.
“Morgana” Y/n whispered when the woman put her feet in the creek. She walked through the creek, the violent current of the water did not disturb her.
“Birdie!” Morgana engulfed her in a hug, no shadow in her voice.
“Sister” Y/n cried, her nails digging in Morgana’s corset “I’m sorry…I’m sorry”
“No…no” Morgana pulled back with a smile, the smile that Y/n remembered, grabbing Y/n’s cheeks “Don’t apologize”
“They want to kill you” Y/n sobbed “Maybe I can save you”
Morgana shook her head.
“Let them”
“No” Y/n hid her face in Morgana’s neck “I don’t want to lose you”
“I’m not gone just because you cannot see me” Morgana brushed Y/n’s hair with her fingers “I will be in the other side of the creek”
Y/n pulled back, her puffy eyes full of confusion.
“It’s time for me to go, Birdie” Morgana tiredly sighed “I haven’t been myself in awhile”
Y/n looked to the other side of the creek. The forest grew thicker, darker but the longer she saw it, the more she wanted to go.
“Y/n?! What happened?!” She heard the echoes of her father’s desperate screams.
“You have to go back” Guinevere put her hand on Y/n’s back “Your friends still need you”
Y/n nodded.
“Thank you for your words, Gwen. It was nice seeing you again” Y/n hugged the woman.
“You have grown into a beautiful woman, Y/n” Guinevere hugged back.
Y/n turned to Morgana, her heart turning into itself knowing it was the last time it was going to see her again.
“I’ll miss you all my life, sister” Y/n wanted to disappear in Morgana’s arms but she knew she couldn’t.
“Then, I hope you’ll miss me for a long time” Morgana chuckled, squeezing Y/n tight “I wish that Hisirdoux and you live a long and happy life. After that, you can come back to me. We have all eternity to be together”
Y/n chuckled.
“I love you, sister” Morgana said into Y/n’s hair.
“I love you too” Y/n pulled back.
Guinevere stretched her hand and Morgana took it. The ground started to shake, throwing Y/n to the ground but it didn’t seem to bother the older women. Morgana stopped in the middle of the creek and observed Guinevere disappearing into the forest. The ground shook once more, throwing the trees around Y/n to ground.
“Morgana!” Y/n screamed, stretching her hand, trying to reach the woman in the creek.
Y/n woke up, gasping for air. Her chest felt like one of the trees had fallen on it.
“Birdie, are you alright?” Y/n felt the familiar callous hand that had brought her to life brushing away the hair from her face.
She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the new bright light. Between the blurriness she recognised the crystalline blue eyes watching her, the eyes that had followed her all her life.
“Mmmh” she lifted her heavy hand and grabbed her father’s wrist, pushing his hand against her cheek
“You’re alive” Merlin sighed in relief.
Y/n wasn’t sure but she thought she saw a tear fall from her father’s eye.
“I think so” she looked down at her chest with a teasing smile.
“Y/n!” Jim crawled closer.
“Jim” Y/n sat up, pulling her brother into a hug.
“You scared me” Jim pulled back.
“I told you I’ll see you later, didn’t I?” Y/n stood up.
“Don’t ever pass out again, okay?” Toby hugged her back.
“I don’t think I can promise that” she chuckled.
“Just do it” Toby insisted.
Claire rolled her eyes in complicity.
“Fine” she smiled.
The boy let go of her.
“I promise”
“The eternal night is finally over” Blinky watched the ruins of the entrance of TrollMarket.
“Heartstone gone” Aaarrrgghh closed his eyes.
“In Deya’s name…” they prayed for the place they once called home.
“Then we’ll need to find a new heartstone out there” Jim walked up to them, putting a hand on their shoulders.
“I’ve heard tell of a heartstone in a place called New Jersey” Merlin said.
The trolls turned at the news of a new home.
“Well make preparations and gather what we can from TrollMarket” Blinky nodded.
“We live at nightfall” Jim said.
The night came faster than everyone expected. There wasn’t enough time to say goodbye. There never will be. Y/n spent the afternoon reminding her soul that nobody died, that this goodbye was not permanent, a new concept for the inmortal. When the sun started to fall down and her soul started to relax, a new thought crawled her way up to the top in her lists of anxieties: staying behind.
She paced her room, the nail on her thumb almost gone as she thought about how she would tell her father she wanted to stay.
“You seem nervous” Merlin entered Y/n’s room.
“I’m not going with you” Y/n stopped, the thought escaping her mouth before she could think of an excuse “I…I didn’t mean it like that” she turned to the door where her father was standing “I’m sorry…I…”
“It’s alright” Merlin chuckled.
“What?” Y/n frowned. She was sure her father would want her by his side like he always did.
“Y/n, you’re a woman now” Merlin walked around Y/n’s room observing the pieces of a life he wished he could have shared with his daughter “I should've realized that before. It’s time for you to grow on your own”
Y/n swallow the confusion from her throat.
Merlin stopped in front of Y/n and grabbed her shoulders
“Whatever you choose would be alright with me”
“You must be spending a lot of time with Barbara” she smiled, burying herself in her father’s arms “Don’t disappear for too long”
“I won’t” Merlin kissed his daughter’s head, pulling back to see her eyes.
“Besides, someone has to make sure Douxie gets his staff” Y/n joked, unable to hold her father’s gaze for too long.
Merlin rolled his eyes.
“Make sure that boy doesn’t burn the city” he walked away, stopping at the door “and, Y/n?”
“Not a word of this to Hisirdoux”
She nodded, the secret now weighing heavy on her chest.
Merlin watched as Y/n hugged her mother at the edge of a shattered Arcadia Oaks. Barbara had made her part by staying in the safety of the hospital, aiding the wounded.
The clanking of metal made them turn back.
“Hey!” Jim walked out of the woods with a smile, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh walking alongside him.
Barbara walked to Jim, tears filling her eyes.
“I promised I’d never leave you” Jim looked down.
“Honey” Barbara grabbed his cheeks, lifting up his face “I knew this day would come. I just…never knew when” she smiled.
Jim pulled his mother into a hug.
“I hope you find what you’re looking for” Barbara let the silent tears fall “Just call often. Every day. Twice. Text. Now and then?”
“Of course, mom. I love you” Jim chuckled
“Not more than I love you, kiddo” Barbara squeezed tighter.
Jim looked up, seeing her sister observing the scene teary eyed. He lifted his hand knowing that Y/n would run to take it, pulling her into the hug.
“I’ll miss you, Jim” she said “Please don’t get an accent”
“I’ll miss you too” Jim laughed.
“Are you ready, Master Jim?” Blinky walked up to them.
“Ready as I’ll ever be” Jim answered, dissolving the hug.
“I don’t know what tomorrow brings but with our trollhunter by our side, I don't fear it either” Blinky looked at Barbara.
“I really appreciate that, Mr. Blinky” Barbara smiled.
The grass rustled making Jim turn, relaxed as he was sure, the worst was behind them.
“Claire,” he frowned “I can’t ask you to…”
“You didn’t ask” Claire walked up to him.
“She has enough credits to graduate early” Claire’s mom explained “We’re treating this like some time abroad”
“As long as she comes back soon” Claire’s father frowned, pointing at Jim with his finger as if after all the darkness Jim has seen he could be a danger to him.
Jim laughed, relieved that he could have Claire by his side.
Y/n heard the familiar flutter announcing the changeling’s presence. Strickler flew down with NotEnrique in his arms.
“Good luck, young Atlas” he nodded.
Jim smiled before starting his pilgrimage to New Jersey.
“Wait! Wait for me!” Toby’s screams made everyone stop in their tracks. The boy ran until he got to his best friend's side “Whew!”
“I thought that one was staying with you” Merlin whispered in Y/n’s ear.
“Dunno” Y/n shook her head in confusion.
Toby kneeled down trying to recover his breath “Boy, these goodbyes are tough, you know. Nana wanted me to take Mr. Meow Meow P.I., but he does not travel well” his smile dying when he noticed no one was following his enthusiasm “What?”
“Tobes…”Jim sighed “You have to stay”
“What?! You’re going on a quest. I love quests. We go everywhere together”
Jim grabbed Toby’s shoulder:
“I’m hurt. Claire lost her shadow staff. You are the only one who can protect Arcadia”
“Did you tell everyone that Doux and I are bad at our jobs?” Y/n whispered, a smile cutting across her tired face.
“I think they can realize it for themselves” Merlin chuckled.
“No, Wingman” Aaarrrgghh took a step forward “I help. I stay”
“So, you’re staying with me…and you’re leaving?” Toby cocked his head.
“But we’ll be back. Someday”
“You better” Toby engulfed Jim and Claire into a hug.
“And then, we'll get tacos” Jim said into the hug.
“And enchiladas” Claire added.
Y/n turned to Merlin
“Hmmm” Merlin looked down at her daughter.
“I wanted to give you this…before you leave” Y/n pulled an old cell phone from her pants “It’s my backup phone. Jim said he’ll help you to text and call” she smiled at the idea of her father having to text “It’s faster than letters”
Merlin smiled
“Thank you” he picked up the device, unsure how to grab it.
“Be careful they’re weirdly fragile, well nowadays” she shook her head, trying not to enter in a weird rant about phones “I put my number in. When you get a “letter” from me it’ll say Birdie”
“I’ll wait for your letters” Merlin patted Y/n’s head.
“Keep Arcadia safe” Jim said “You’re its only trollhunters now” he got closer and whispered “and keep an eye on Y/n. She wanted to stay here and I think something is going on”
Toby nodded.
“I heard that!” Y/n walked to Toby, jokingly punching his arm.
Y/n sat in the quietness of her room and waited for her mother to fall asleep. She slowly opened the window so the rail wouldn’t squeak, she jumped out her room into a small pile of dirt that would soften the blow. A routine that she had done before in a world where Merlin was just a legend and trolls was something you would see on tv.
She walked the destroyed streets of Arcadia. Tonight, not even the moon dared to leave the safety of her house, only Y/n.
She climbed the stairs thinking of one thing: Hisirdoux. Douxie’s apartment was dark like Arcadia’s streets. Y/n took off her jacket and hung it by the door along with Douxie’s coats, she kicked off her shoes and walked to the bedroom in her snoopy socks.
“Hey, kids” She petted the cats cuddling on top of the dresser as she walked to the bed.
Y/n pulled the covers away, sitting on Douxie’s bed. Douxie getting pulled by the movement on the bed, his sleeping mind knowing the routine by heart.
She finally laid down, her lungs breathing normally once her head hit the pillow.
“Hhhm…Y/n?” Douxie's arms surrounded her, pulling closer to him.
“Goodnight, Doux” she turned to him, hugging him back.
“I’m glad you’re alright” he whispered into her head.
“War is over, Doux” she kissed his collarbone “Let’s sleep”
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A/n: and that was the last chapter of Trollhunters!! I’ll see you in Wizards!!
The amount of times I read this beast is unholy
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 @wickedlovely121 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 years
So. I rewatched RoTT yesterday evening.
I know. How on earth did I cope with that? Why would I torture myself like that? It was because the first time I watched it I was purely feeling emotions of betrayal disappointment and anger. So I'm going to give a quick summary of points in the movie, both bad and good, and debunk common issues fans have with that ending. (Surprisingly it was not as bad as I remembered. Strickler sounded a little croaky but not so much and his design was in need of improving on his hair and eyes, but not much else.)
The kill count was insane. Me and my sister estimated that thousands of people, perhaps more, died. And Archie and Charlemagne are pretty much dead. The whole bridge collapsed.
Animation was mostly perfect. The fight scenes were beautiful. The expressions were subtle and more realistic.
Voice acting was faultless almost.
It DID have good character interactions, as well as emotional scenes. And the music was pretty amazing too.
The fight scenes were monotonous after a while. There were too many and I felt a emotional disconnect after a while. It was a little boring compared to the series.
The only death they put significance on was Toby’s. The others were completely brushed over. And of course largely unnecessary. (writers were cruel to poor Strickler especially).
The script let it down. Some lines were good. But not many.
Okay. Onto the common complaints. Bare in mind I don't like RoTT, and do not consider it Canon.
Jim's decision was selfish. He should have dealt with his grief and not used the kronosphere.
No. It was the opposite. It was selfless. Jim loved Toby like a brother. He loved Strickler like a dad. Douxie lost the only remaining people in his life he loved literally. Nomura was a close friend. Sacrifice comes in different forms. Yes the deaths were stupid. But it showed what a strong drive love is. If it was always meant to be, it will be. Jim made a decision collectively, it was not his decision only. Blinky, Aja, so many agreed it was the correct decision. To save their loved ones.
Jim should not have given the amulet to Toby. Unbecoming showed what would happen if Jim wasn't the Trollhunter.
It was foreshadowed a LOT in Trollhunters. I'm in the middle of rewatching, and twice Toby has been first mistaken as the Trollhunter then called for the glory of Merlin. Toby was the one with the most compassion. He was the one who spared Chomsky he was the only one who called Angor’s name when he died the second time. And Jim is right there. He knows the future, he will not leave Toby. Unbecoming was a vision from Merlin. One that was pretty manipulating. Plus, Draal was the one who shouldn't be chosen.
RoTT makes the other series pointless. It undoes everything.
This is what I'm most pissed about. My mum said it would have made way more sense if the movie events happened before the series, so it didn't feel as much like a gut punch. But I've got a way around this. When Jim tells Strickler he'd like to introduce him to his mom, his expression goes from surprise to a warm smile. That's a weird reaction. It suggests Strickler might have an echo of remembrance. Which is how I think retrieving memories is an almost certain possibility. It happens with Claire too. Even Toby’s reaction to the amulet comes across as glee rather than surprise. This is the dude who thought it was a gaudy bauble in Trollhunters and dismissed it pretty quickly.
So yeah. I'm done. It was bad but not world ending. Please don't kill me. I was looking at it with zero emotion, pure logic. I still don't believe it's Canon. Not true to the characters. There's no feeling of timelessness I get with rewatching Trollhunters, no awe. It was a meh movie that had the potential to be great but fell flat on its face.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 99, Replies Part 2
1) “He’s used to being used to cushion falls, it’s part of his powerset Aizawa.”- Knuckle taught him how to become the trash cushion on the sidewalk. 2) “Oh nevermind then, it was just McBee realizing that his plans continue to go down the drain in the most expected ways because he’s a dumbass. Meanwhile his tulpa continue to give moral support.”- Koichi: “Does something nice, supportive and heroic.” Nomura: And that makes me Angry.
3) “I’m sorry, the guy who can nullify quirks by looking at people can’t do anything to stop you? You sure about that McBee? The only way I can see that being true is if you brought a bomb to Naruhata.”- Aizawa can only be in one place at one time, and as long as Nomura keeps his distance from him and ensures he’s nowhere near the hospital, he’ll have assassinated Pop long  before Aizawa ever appears on the scene. It helps that with the low-lighting, it’s harder for Aizawa to get a glimpse of the enemy- though, I’m not sure if his Quirk works properly if it’s too dark to see the target even if they’re within 5 feet of you? Never really been established if that’s a limitation. 4) “Nevermind again, it was just the legion of civilians that know Koichi as a vigilante. Usual stuff of course. Meanwhile Aizawa is not pleased.”- He’s seeing Koichi in action as a hero without him actually being a hero. This is illogical, and thus irritates him. 5) “I forget sometimes that the general public doesn’t know Aizawa since he is more of an underground type that stays away from the spotlights. Even so, the fact that people know Koichi first as a hero and assume Aizawa must be one too since he’s around him is sending me”- Aizawa’s night is not going to get any better. First, he has to deal with an uncooperative punk who won’t learn the lesson he’s trying to beat into him, then he has to reassure nervous civilians on the ground floor, something he’s long established to be very bad at. 6) “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS EVEN ABOUT YOU KNOW HE’S A VIGILANTE EVERYBODY AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD KNOWS HE’S A VIGILANTE IT’S BEEN THREE FUCKING YEARS ALREADY HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM BUT DOESN’T KNOW HE’S NOT A PRO HERO”- Everybody assumed that him running around committing heroic acts without official hero intervention against him meant he was official. Tacit endorsement and all that. 7) “To be honest I’m surprised there’s that many people walking out considering it’s the middle of the night and the lights are out. I know there must be people coming from work and all that, but jesus at least hurry home, or take cover somewhere”- With the power out, they have no TV or internet to amuse themselves with, so they venture out into the streets to see what the hassle is that interrupting the late-night sports match.
8) “People are bullying Aizawa and it’s honestly one of the funniest things I saw so far. Rare W for furuhashi.”- The boot is on the other foot now. At least it’s funnier than the next time he has to take public criticism for the actions of a bunch of villains. 9) “OH GOD OH FUCK NOW IT’S SPIDERMAN HE IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY FOR REAL”- It’s spider-man’s Fashion designer! 10) “…
It’s jeanist and edge, isn’t it?
don’t tell me they took this long to find koichi”- I figured they were just hanging back and letting Aizawa handle things on his own, as a favour to him, especially since all of them don’t exactly want to hurt Koichi when stopping him, and Aizawa’s power is best suited for making Koichi run out of his Speed(tm).  11) “OH WHAT A FUCKING COINCIDENCE, THE WHOLE CREW IS HERE RIGHT NOW, RIGHT AS WE NEED TO PLAN A COUNTERATTACK
McBEE NEVER STOOD A CHANCE CONSIDERING HE HAD THE AUTHOR AGAINST HIM”- Honestly, he only seems to have been effective so far because of Furuhashi throwing him some major bones to help build him up into being the final major threat to Koichi. 12) “OH WAIT FUCK I DIDN’T NOTICED THAT WAS THE INTENTION OF THAT WEB HE THREW
GOD FUCKING DAMMIT”- I Think we’ve seen more applications of Jeanest’s fibre master Quirk in action in this series than we ever did in his showing in MHA.
(Vigilantes ch 97) 13) “But that’s not the reason why. Furuhashi wanted cool heroes we already knew about to face Koichi to show how awesome he is for outsmarting and defeating them, and I already said what I think about it.
And unfortunately I really want to see how this is gonna go down”- The actual reason was so that Koichi could have some competent crises-management heroes on the scene to help the populace whilst he’s dealing with Nomura’s direct attack on the Hospital. (Vigilantes ch 98) 14) “And definitely not because we had permission to use character from the main series and thus we wanted to shove as many recognizable faces as we could whenever we could”- Also because Koichi would be needing professional help in a wide area to handle civilian unrest, when that’s not really been part of his vigilante training so far.
  15) “Wait where is that light coming from? What the fuck, why are there shadows here? Is the moon that bright right now?”- Can’t be, it’s not the time of the month for the Full Moon yet, and we’ve only made it part-way through Tartarus so far- oh wait, got mixed up there.
AGAIN.”- Well, only if the plan falls into utter chaos and draws a big enough scene. But surely Nomura can’t fuck it up that badly, can he?
17) “No rush Phelps, it’s not like you could do something useful there anyway.”- Phelps would be a great asset as an official law enforcement officer if he could only get over his need to run things up the chain of command, rather than taking the initiative when the time comes. 
18) “Everything was kinda going fine, kinda, until those last few pages, because they pretty much spoiled the end of the story. All that “we did this so All Might won’t come here and ruin the day” is just so we can’t complain when All might come here and ruin the day.”- Well, he won’t actually, so long as Nomura keeps the actual attack quiet and swiftly done. All Might will absolutely deploy if the fight gets to a level beyond what Koichi can handle solo, but in a fight when both sides are using low-powered versions of their moves (Koichi on instinct, Nomura by necessity) in order to keep things from escalating beyond the scope of a scuffle in the darkness, All Might will never catch wind of it until there’s a new corpse in the hospital morgue.  @thelreads
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rikalovesrice · 2 years
The Eternal Day : Tales of Arcadia - Chapter 9
Previous Chapter
Whew chile. We’re in the home stretch y’all. I want to apologize so hard in advance for......everything :’) Also I’m really sorry if the formatting is off... (Tumblr and Ao3 confuse me x_x). I didn’t want to go through 50 pages worth of text (on BOTH websites) to manually fix it so please bear with me rip (If anyone knows a solution, let a girl know lol)
Without further ado, please enjoy the chapter!
The Call To Become
Barbara stood in the doorway. Walter had gone to a servant room with a single bed. He was sitting on the side closest to the window, faced away from her with his head in his hands. Without the mounted torches in the hallway, Barbara wouldn’t have been able to see him. Nightfall had turned the already overcast world pitch black, brightened only by flashes of lightning and the luminous form of the Forest Titan outside.
 For the last two hours, Walter hadn’t moved. At the sound of Barbara’s light footsteps and the bed dipping as she sat beside him, he didn’t stir. But the moment her arms folded around him, his body was seized with trembling. He doubled in on himself, hands becoming fists in his gray hair. The paralysis of shock melted away and his shoulders began to rise and fall with ragged breaths. Barbara pressed her lips to his temple and held on. There were no words. Only more tears.
“I’m sorry, Walter. I’m so, so sorry.”
 Walter managed his first words since they’d returned, voice clogged with grief. “I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t save her.”
 “It wasn’t your fault.”
 “She’s gone. And we failed.”
 “You did everything you could.”
 Walter’s hand found Barbara’s on his shoulder. He shook his head, his tears finally spilling forth. “My friend…She was my oldest friend.”
 The fragments of Barbara’s shattered heart dug deeper. “I know.”
 “It should’ve been me.”
 “It shouldn’t have been either of you.”
 Walter fell apart. “Nomura…!” 
 Melancholy hung in the air. Unbreathable as smog. Heavy as the rainfall.
 Claire had lost her ability to stand and couldn’t stop her tears. Jim hugged her close, his eyes raw from crying and staring at nothing. Toby was laying down with an arm over his face. Next to him was Aaarrrgghh, sitting against the wall and sniffling. Blinky tearfully approached each of them and offered embraces of comfort.
 “I just can’t believe she’s gone,” Claire said. 
 Toby sat up and furiously wiped his face. “Skrael’s gonna pay for this!” Aaarrrgghh scooted closer and Toby wept into his fur.
 Nomura’s scimitars had been set down on a bedside table. Jim’s eyes found and he went to them, skimming his fingers over their sunset blades. He noticed the webs and slashes of enchanted frost staining the edges.
 “She went down fighting,” Jim croaked. 
 “Undoubtedly,” Blinky said.
 Douxie, Zoe, Archie, and Nari joined them. Douxie brought Claire into a hug and Zoe did the same with Jim. Archie settled between Toby and Aaarrrgghh, bunting them both and purring in solace.
 Douxie pulled back and rubbed Claire’s shoulders. He wiped her tears with his thumb. “I’m so sorry. Truly I am.”
 “She was a very strong and courageous soul.” Nari took Jim’s hand. She looked up at him, an ache in her spirit. “She will never be forgotten.”
 “No, she won’t.” Jim held her hand back. “Glad you’re with us again, Nari. Having you back is the silver lining in all this.”
 Nari couldn’t fathom why. Her gaze went downcast. “I am so sorry. I have been an instrument in all of this pain. In your great loss…”
 “That’s not true.”
 “It is.” When Nari looked up again, it was right into Jim’s eyes. “Jim, you could not control yourself. But this whole time, before all of this, I could.” Everyone was listening now. “When the Great Eternity…When my father left this world, I felt so alone. So afraid. Bellroc and Skrael became so cruel, but I wanted us to stay together. No matter the cost.” Nari shut her eyes. “How high a cost it was. And I do not believe I have paid for it.”
 Douxie knelt before her, taking her hands. “Maybe you won’t have to.”
 “What makes you say that?” Nari asked.
 “I saw your memories. I saw the Great Eternity. Surely if he was so merciful to everyone, he’ll be just so with you, Nari. You’re his daughter after all. And you’re nothing like Bellroc or Skrael. I believe your father has always known that. I think…” Douxie breathed. “I think he’d be so proud of you.”
 Nari inhaled. Her heart caved and her eyes flooded with tears. “Proud…? How can that…No, that cannot be…”
 Nari nuzzled Douxie’s jacket when he brought her in. Douxie recalled those glimpses into Nari’s past, the snippets of the Great Eternity. Pictures of his wrath, the magnitude of his power, though momentary sent trembles of fear through Douxie’s body. Yet when he had seen the Great Eternity spare the world and felt his fatherly presence through Nari’s mind, Douxie couldn’t deny the compassion that radiated off of him, that incandesced within those indescribable eyes of his.
 But at the end of it, Douxie didn’t know for sure what would happen. He could only hope, as he always did. 
 “You’re here with us now,” Douxie said, hugging Nari closer. “That’s all that matters.”
 Nari clutched him back. Her tears slipped into the fabric of his hood. “I am so afraid. But I promise I will protect this world, all of you, until the end of days.”
 “And we’ll return the favor,” Archie said, landing on Douxie’s shoulder to touch her forehead with his nose.
 Across the room, Varvatos had been at least stabilized. A prism of Nari’s magic hovered over his chest, glowing strands of green ingrained into his wound, coupled with the shard of heartstone right beside him. Krel had brought whatever helpful contraptions he could think of from the study, creating a makeshift sort of cylindrical radiator device.
 “It should emit restorative energy waves like the ones in stasis chambers,” Krel had said. But despite that, Nari’s magic, and a heartstone piece, Varvatos still hadn’t so much as twitched. Aja sat fetal on the floor with her back against his bed. Krel eventually moved next to her and held her two right hands. Luug licked at her toes, whimpering when she didn’t respond.
 Others went over to check on Steve and Eli. The Creepslayerz were talking quietly, Eli sitting up in his bed and Steve’s hand on his back. Nari had done wonders on Eli’s burn, clearing blisters and reversing the damage done to skin and tissue, so that all his arm needed now were bandages, ointment, and maybe one more treatment spell. Steve’s broken arm had been pieced back together but he was told to keep movement to a minimum for at least an hour, lest he disrupt the magic’s healing work. 
 “You guys good?” Jim asked. 
 “I’m alright. It just feels like a really, really bad sunburn now,” Eli said. “And I’ve had a lot of those.”
 Douxie glanced at Aja, then looked at Steve. “Is she…?”
 Steve just shook his head, face gloomed and worried.
 Krel turned to fully face his sister. He kneaded her hands. Images of two Akiridion ships full of human civilians flashed painfully in his mind for the hundredth time. The ships had been damaged so severely by the Fire Titan that the kinetic shields had malfunctioned. Two full impact crashes from hundreds of feet. There had been so much screaming. Terrified, helpless screaming. A dreadful chorus still echoing in Krel’s head.
 “Aja…,” Krel said weakly. “Aja?”
 She didn’t move. She kept her face buried in one of her left arms while the other hugged her knees. She could see all their faces in the darkness. Faces that had gone still under the wreckage. Faces of survivors, what few of them they’d salvaged. The shellshock eyes, the flat voices, the broken bleeding bodies branded into Aja’s mind. Both Akiridion pilots had been lost, along with several others who’d traveled from Akiridion-5 to assist. And now Varvatos…
 Krel pulled Aja into his arms with a sob. Finally Aja reached up to clutch his arms and couldn’t hold it back anymore. She wheezed into Krel’s shoulder, hot tears starting to pour. Steve sat down in front of them. Eli, Jim, and Douxie stood close behind. Claire and the others quietly gathered around but remained at a distance.
 “What happened?” Jim asked softly.
 When Steve told them, Zoe covered her mouth with her hands and turned away. Claire shook her head at the ceiling, eyes flooding with more tears. Toby looked like he wanted to scream. Jim had to take a second to breathe, clenching and unclenching his hands. Douxie dropped to his knees. He looked at Nari, who stood silent with her face sunken with grief. Of course she’d known. 
 “What happened to the survivors?” Claire asked.
 Eli spoke this time. “We had to send for another ship.” He sniveled, swiping his arm under his nose. “We only found like sixty people. One man knew some English and he…” Eli shuddered. “He was asking where his ‘little boy’ was and we h-hadn’t found any k-kids…” 
 Eli cried into his hands. Everyone was too overwhelmed to say anything, the gravity of what Bellroc had done crushing, suffocating. Sorrow wrung their hearts and more tears came. Hundreds of casualties, human and troll, a number of Akiridions. Nomura dead. Varvatos unmoving and in critical condition. One Heartstone left. 
 Candles had been lit all around the room, drops of flame flickering mild in the inclement dusk. Yet the world seemed darker than ever before and none of them knew how much more they could take. 
 Jim, Claire, and Toby embraced, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh soon joining them. Aja and Krel hugged each other tight while Steve linked an arm around Eli’s shoulders, Eli reciprocating with a firm hand on Steve’s back. Ricky and Lucy held one another, the pair of them solemn with Luug whining at their feet. Douxie clutched Zoe’s hand, Nari leaning on his side and Archie pressing close on his other. 
 Outside the storm raged and Arcadia’s fiery Heartstone glinted like a warning. The Forest Titan turned its head to the town in response. 
 They all knew there was only more to come. 
 Krel took his place at the wall. “Ready?”
 Zoe went up in front of the stained glass windows. “Yeah. Go for it.”
 Krel locked on through the scope of the net gun he’d made. He sucked in a breath and fired, an electric blue capsule the size of a baseball blasting out of the barrel and across the room with the speed of a bullet. A second before impact the capsule spun open like a flowerbud, thin petals of electricity fanning out and weaving together. Zoe stumbled back into the windows as the arcane net flung tight around her.
 “Are you alright?” Krel asked, jogging over.
 “I-I’m good!” Zoe gasped. She watched sparks of energy flit off the net’s webbing. A twinge of panic pricked her. She breathed deep. Her magic wasn’t gone. It was compressed, no longer at her fingertips or buzzing beneath her skin, but she could still feel it in her aura. Her efforts to summon it were successfully nullified by the arcane net. It was a scary feeling but she had to get excited. “Krel…Krel, I think we did it—”
 Yet as soon as she said it, the net turned dark blue and loosened, falling off in a heap around her ankles. Zoe and Krel locked eyes, shock soon turning to dejection. This had been the sixth attempt, with hours of adjustments in between.
 Krel sank to the floor, burying his face in two of his hands. Zoe settled cross-legged beside him and placed a hand on his back.
 “Hey…,” she said.
 “I don’t understand why it’s not working,” Krel said, on the verge of tears. “Kleb! We’ve tried everything! If this doesn’t work…more lives will be lost…No, it will be the end…”
 Zoe bit her lip, slowly breathing through her nose. He wasn’t totally wrong or right. There was a chance they could still pull a victory out of all this. The Trollhunters had done it before. The aliens and the Creepslayerz had done it before. Douxie had done it before, against the Order no less. But that had cost him his life, and the fact that he hadn’t stayed dead was a literal miracle. And what they were dealing with now was the Arcane Order on the cusp of their full power, unstoppable ancient terrors.
 Zoe’s eyes wandered to the failed net. Removing the Order’s magic factor was their best bet for a guaranteed win and, maybe, a smaller death count. But that would still be too many. She tried to imagine what Aja and Krel had seen only hours earlier. She thought about Nomura and Varvatos, how she’d just started to get to know them. Zoe was no stranger to death. But for some reason, this was already taking its toll.
 “We have to keep trying,” Zoe said. She got up and made her way to a holographic panel that displayed the arcane net’s charts, studying them closely. “The net definitely worked that time, so we’ve got that down.”
 “But it won’t stay on,” Krel sighed. “For some reason the net’s power just won’t last. Electron stabilizers, trifurcate chargers, radiation adapters, static converters, current dividers, your own technological magic, nothing’s working!” Pain swam in his eyes. “What else can I do…? I have to make this work or…”
 “Krel, this isn’t all on you,” Zoe said softly. “I’m here to help, remember?”
 “I know…I know, I just…What else can I do?” He squeezed his eyes shut and choked. Zoe went back to his side and knelt.
 “You need a break. Why don’t you go back downstairs for a bit?”
 “No, I can’t! I need to—”
 “You need to ease up on yourself.” Zoe pulled at Krel’s arm until he got up then started nudging him toward the door, ignoring his protests. “Just take ten minutes. All the minutes. I’ll keep working up here so don’t worry.” She finally got him outside the study. Zoe stood in the doorway and met Krel’s gaze. The fear and sorrow in his eyes provoked a tenderness that she hadn’t felt in ages. Not since her little siblings moved on. “It’s gonna be alright. We’ll get through this.” 
 Zoe really, really hoped so.
 Krel was mum while returning Zoe’s stare. He let out a shaking breath after a moment and nodded, holding one of his arms as if wounded. Zoe didn’t miss the glimmer of gratitude in Krel’s eyes before he descended the escalator. She pushed the door closed and pressed her back to the wood, letting her head tip back. When she righted herself again her eyes caught the lime green gemstone set into Excalibur, the sword still lodged within a chunk of earth, waiting to be unsheathed. It made her think of Jim, which led to her pondering his armor recreated by Krel. A perfect, functional blend of Akiridion tech and magic. 
 “...to achieve the same power…”
 Zoe collected the net off the floor, using her magic to spin it back into its electric blue capsule. She placed it back next to its twin in a transparent case all hooked and wired up to more Akiridion machines. She faced the monitor that showed the nets’ power levels, insanely high from all the tweaks but still not enough, and started thinking maybe it had little to nothing to do with the batteries. In fact, Zoe had found that was rarely the case when it came to technomancy. It was all about the parts. If one had all the parts, if all the pieces were in place, the required magic would do its work and the cogs would turn without a problem. If they had plenty of magic, which Zoe did, then there was simply an element missing.
 Zoe leaned her elbows on the panel, head in her hands.
 “The same power…,” she whispered. “The same…” Her eyes flew open. She snapped her gaze back to Excalibur, chastising herself because did she not realize sooner?
 That’s what they needed.
 “James Lake.”
 Jim gasped awake and sat straight up in darkness. He was sitting at a desk. There were desks around him and a whiteboard ahead. Silver light poured into the classroom. His classroom.
 “What…What’s happening? H-How did I…” Jim looked down at his hands and immediately wanted to vomit. Blue skin. Only four fingers on one hand. Jim scraped his hands over his scalp, eyes burning with tears at the hardness of horns. “No…No, no, no, NO!!!” Jim knocked his desk and chair over as he stood, eschewing more desks as he stumbled for the door. His insides were being stabbed by iron hot needles. His brain was bloated with internal screaming and bad thoughts but it just wouldn’t explode. He dropped to his knees in the haunting school hallway and heaved violently. He dragged his nails over his skin. Banged his forehead against the ground to wake himself up. “No…No, I don’t want to be a monster…Please, please, please I don’t—”
 “James Lake.”
 The voice somehow cut right through the whirlwind in Jim’s mind. He brought his face up to see an iridescent glow at the very end of the hall. Wisps of light beckoned in the dark.
 “Jim!” It was Claire’s voice.
 “Claire?” Jim crawled forward, hand reaching out.
 “Master Jim.”
 “This way, Young Atlas.”
 “Come on, sweetie.”
 “Tobes? Blink?” He staggered to his feet and started after the light. “M-Mom! Walter, wait! Please…!”
 The light made a turn, taking the voices of Jim’s loved ones with it. Jim broke into a run, his tears flowing sideways. Shards of glass manifested all along the walls, and Jim could see the monster in his peripherals. Sprinting next to him, flashing its fangs in a sickening grin. Jim blinked. The hall was a bloodbath. He blinked again. The floors were clean. 
 Jim finally rounded the corner to see the cluster of light exiting the school through double doors. The voices kept calling.
 “I love you, Jim.”
 “We’re not leaving you.”
 “You’re not alone, Jimbo.”
 “No cheeks about it, Lake!”
 “You’re not a monster.”
 “I never blamed you for Merlin’s death. Not once.”
 “You do not have to hide anymore.”
 Jim’s foot made it outside and suddenly he was in the canal, in front of a pile of rocks. The light disappeared through the cracks and Jim fell to his knees, digging desperately through the rubble. Then the earth beneath him gave way and he was falling through pitch blackness. Voices continued to echo around him, but mixed in now were horrified yells and the deep raspy breathing of a beast above it all. Jim smushed his hands over his ears. In the darkness he just made out a pair of wooden bloodshot eyes ringed with fire, then a giant gray hand emerged. Jim screamed his throat sore and curled in on himself.
 Jim struck the ground hard, bones rattling. Suddenly there was blinding light and he covered his face with his arms. Spots of blistering pain seared his body. He couldn’t escape. He was burning alive. Then he couldn’t move at all but it still hurt. It was still burning. Jim wanted it all to stop. He just wanted this to end. He never wanted this. 
 I can’t do this anymore. Claire. Mom. Blinky. Someone, anyone…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m…
 “James Lake.”
 The white sunlight was wiped away to reveal a moonless night sky. Jim’s whole body relaxed into the grass, no longer petrified. He stared up at the billions of stars. Listened to the trilling of crickets. Traced with his eyes the silhouettes of leaves pinned to branches. Then, like a peaceful wraith, the cluster of iridescent light passed over him. 
 “Wait…!” Jim sat up and turned to not lose sight of it. But he wasn’t looking at a ball of light.
 There was a man sitting on a rock. He was dressed in a simple wine colored tunic and brown pants torn at the calves, revealing black claws on each of his toes. His nose wasn’t quite human, still bridged but more flat and heart-shaped like that of a sheep. Horns curled out of a wild, tousled golden mane. A magnificent pair of silver feathered wings tucked against his back. Most perplexing of all were the man’s eyes, two big pools of every color one could imagine, and many more that Jim couldn’t name. The man seemed to be made of light itself, his whole being glowing softly under the night, turning his hair to fire, his silver wings into folded blades, and his eyes into galaxies.
 “Who…,” was all Jim could say. Was he still dreaming?
 “Hello, James,” the man said with a smile. “Jim, rather.”
 Something about the man’s voice made Jim feel safe. It was deep but soft, strong yet mild. Jim twisted onto his knees then slowly stood, unable to look away.
 “Who are you?” he asked.
 The man raised a clawed finger. “Think for a moment. You have indeed seen me before. Albeit briefly.”
 So Jim thought, trying to match the shape of this man to his memories. His eyes roamed over the horns and wings and claws again. A single bright green firefly drifted into his vision, and then it clicked.
 “T-The Great Eternity!” Jim exclaimed. He jumped back and fell on his rear. The Great Eternity stood and started approaching. Jim didn’t know why but he was suddenly terrified. “O-Okay…Okay, whoa, this is…um…”
 “Peace,” the Great Eternity said. “And yes, this is still a dream.”
 “What? H-How did you—”
 “I know everything. But there’s nothing to fear. Rise.”
 Jim didn’t move. In this moment, this strange fabricated moment in his head, Jim knew without a doubt that the Great Eternity scared him more than every terror he’d ever faced. More than Gunmar. More than Bellroc. More than the Titans. It pulsed in his heart, in the depths of his soul. Power flowed from the Great Eternity like the light encompassing him, raw unimaginable power that could create entire worlds and snuff them out in a blink. The Great Eternity’s intimidating splendor had Jim flinching down. And then he saw his grotesque hands and remembered. He was a monster again. He was a filthy beast. He could only hurt, kill, destroy. Panic banged inside his skull, then the Great Eternity spoke.
 “Jim. It’s alright. Lift your head and rise.”
 His voice sliced right through the chaos, and Jim looked up. He timidly searched the Great Eternity’s face, the tension in his body easing when there was no trace of scorn or disgust to be found. Jim slowly stood and hugged himself. The Great Eternity towered over him and he didn’t know what to say.
 “Um…well…Great Eternity, sir—”
 “A bit impersonal, isn’t it?” the Great Eternity said. “You may call me by my name. Elyolam.”
 “Close enough.” Elyolam smiled.
 Jim felt the corners of his mouth twitch. He cleared his throat. “So…what’s this about? Why are you here?”
 “Why, I’m here for you, of course.”
 Jim shifted. “What do you mean?”
 Elyolam gazed at him. “Come with me.” He turned and started walking, his light illuminating a path through the darkness. Jim hesitated, but then quickly followed, a host of fireflies floating into the space left behind. They strolled into a forest, dark and ordinary. That is until Elyolam stepped through the entrance. Luminous flower buds miraculously ballooned and flourished along the path wherever he passed, residual light speckling leaves and fluttering away as moths. It reminded Jim of the Forest Titan’s flower beds. Soft white light tinted blue.
 Hope these won’t try to kill me… Jim thought. Although I’m dreaming so I guess it’s fine?
 Elyolam snickered.
 The trees eventually fanned out and formed a circle around a clearing. A small pond glimmered in the center of blooming candescent dandelions and hibiscuses. Elyolam reached the water’s edge and turned to Jim, waiting. Jim came closer but froze inches away from the pond, anxiety pushing up his throat at the thought of glancing into it.
 “There’s nothing to fear, Jim.”
 “No…No, there is.”
 “And what would that be?”
 Jim shook his head. “I don’t want to look at myself.”
 “What harm will that do?”
 “You ask a lot of questions for someone who knows everything.” It came out ruder than Jim meant it. “I-I’m sorry. I just can’t.”
 Elyolam glanced at the pond, then back at Jim. “A mirror never lies. It only displays the truth. So come and see the truth for yourself.” 
 “This is just a dream. This is all in my head,” Jim said, meeting Elyolam’s enigmatic eyes. “How do I know any of this is true? I mean you’re,” Jim gestured at him, “probably not the real Great Eternity and I don’t know why my brain’s brought you here.”
 “Mm. You feel so, yet you’re terrified of me.”
 “I know you can do some scary things.”
 “I’m not doing anything now, am I? Why are you so afraid?”
 Jim swallowed. “I don’t know. Dreams do that. They always make sense in the moment, right? I’m going to wake up and see how crazy this all was.”
 “Crazy, is it?” Elyolam chuckled. “James Lake Jr.. First and only human Trollhunter, chosen by the Amulet of Daylight itself. Defender of troll and humankind, of Magic and Man. Slayer of Bular the Butcher and his father Gunmar the Black. You’ve traversed through shadows and fought with wizards. When the Eternal Night fell, you were the sun. Goodness, aliens are real and you’re a time traveler!” He shook his head, expression fond. “And the world had known nothing. Pretty crazy, don’t you think?” 
 Jim opened his mouth but didn’t find words.
 “Is it so outlandish, then,” Elyolam said, “that I, the Great Eternity, can appear in your dreams with the power you know I possess?” 
 Not at all. But Jim really didn’t want to look into that pond.
 “You really saw everything, huh?” Jim said quietly.
 “There is nothing I haven’t seen,” Elyolam said. “That includes what goes unseen.” He stepped in front of Jim.
 Warmth folded over Jim’s shoulders, and with it came the feeling of his insides melting. Jim looked up, eyes watering and body trembling at the kindness on Elyolam’s face. It washed over him, filled his lungs, flowed through his veins, trickled over his skin.
 “You’ve suffered greatly, my boy,” Elyolam said, giving Jim’s shoulders a squeeze. “But to suffer for what is good, what is right, for the ones you hold dear, I assure you there’s nothing greater.”
 Jim turned his head down, blinking rapidly. He heaved a sigh. “Well it hasn’t felt all that great, if I’m being honest.”
 “I know. How odd it would be if it did. But those who endure hardship for what is good have truly lost nothing. In fact, there is only gain, and what you have gained will never be taken from you.”
 “I’ve lost nothing?” Jim shrugged Elyolam’s hands off and backed up, his own hands balling into fists. “Are you kidding me right now? What about my Amulet? What about being the Trollhunter?” He was getting louder, voice quavering. “What about my high school graduation? My ability to feel sunlight or eat regular food or sleep?” Jim took several ragged breaths. “What about Draal? What about Nomura? What about…” He shut his eyes. The phantom of monstrous rage emerged from the blackness. Douxie and Archie crushed beneath his weight. Merlin sent to his death through a window. Claire gasping for breath. Jim’s eyes tore open, loosing his tears. “You think you know everything? Just look at me!” He took two strides and thrust his face over the pond. “Just look—”
 It was Jim’s human face staring back at him in the crystal water. Jim’s human self breathing harshly with tears streaming. He touched his cheek, felt his absent fangs. Sure enough, his troll hand appeared human. He turned his face side to side. Felt his head with both hands, confirming his unkempt hair and horns. Yet every move he made, human Jim copied.
 “What? How…T-This isn’t right. I’m not—”
 “What’s not right about it?” Elyolam asked.
 “This isn’t me!”
 “Who is it then?”
 “It’s…It’s not…”
  Elyolam leaned forward and hovered his own face over the pond. He looked just as he was. “Hm. That’s me alright. And we’re both looking in the same mirror.”
 “How is this— I don’t…” Jim’s human reflection reached out as he dipped his fingers into the water. He choked back more tears. Jim hadn’t seen this face, his human face, for so long. Now it was right in front of him, moving with him, looking back at him, and the world wasn’t spinning or distorting or collapsing yet. “I don’t get it.”
 “It’s as I said. Mirrors never lie.” Elyolam crouched beside Jim and brought a hand to the back of his head. He coaxed Jim to look his way. “My meaning was not that you hadn’t suffered the pain of loss. It was as I said : You have truly lost nothing. Not your fallen friends, and not yourself.” Jim sucked a breath. Elyolam’s tone grew impossibly softer. 
 “Who you are, Jim. Your strong, caring, selfless, and courageous heart and soul. The reasons why you were chosen for such a destiny,” Elyolam turned back to the pond and Jim followed his gaze, “it’s still there, you see?” He looked back at Jim’s troll form. “You bear many scars. Far too many. But you have remained true, my boy. You remain, and so you can become.”
 Jim blinked and suddenly his troll self was rippling in the water. 
 “What?!” he gasped. And when he reached out to skim the reflection, it was with human hands. Jim held his human palms up to his eyes before patting down his scrawny human body. Jim dug his fingers into the damp earth and craned over the water, the troll mirroring him.  
 “It could have destroyed you. Then, it was made to destroy,” Elyolam said. “Still you have remained. Remain, Jim. Remain, and become. Become, and take hold. Take hold, and become.”
 “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”
 “When you awake, you will.” 
 “Wait…” White mist was creeping into Jim’s vision. His next words were slurred. “W-Wait, Great Eternity! Elyo…Elyolam!”
 “Become.” Elyolam was gone but his words resounded. 
 “Hang on…!” The mist thickened and rendered the clearing translucent. Jim could just make out a ball of iridescent light. He glimpsed his reflection one last time. His face was human on one side, troll on the other. Puffs of white shrouded the water.
 “How…will…I…” Jim tipped backwards. 
 “Jim. In darkness, in daylight, do what you were meant to do.”
 “Huh?!” Jim sprang up. Drowsiness fogged his brain and he swayed where he sat. He blinked several times, trying to make sense of everything in the dimly lit space he was in, and finally registered rows of wooden beds. Soft, even breaths reached his ears and looked beside him, the sight of Claire sleeping soundly melting his heart. Jim caressed her cheek while he scanned the rest of the room. Toby was dead asleep on the neighboring bed. Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Archie conversed quietly in a corner. On the opposite end, Douxie sat on the floor and strummed his guitar, Nari leaning against him with her eyes closed. Varvatos was still in a fragile, motionless state. Aja stood at the foot of his bed with her arms crossed, her eyes clouded and distant. The door creaked open and Krel wandered in, noticeably crestfallen. Lucy was going around offering refreshments on a tray. 
 Jim’s eyes rested back on Claire. He pressed his lips to her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open.
 “Jim?” she murmured.
 “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said. When she smiled at him, he kissed her on the lips. He pulled away and she gave him a kiss back. One more kiss and then she sat up with him, their fingers intertwined. Jim gazed into her beautiful brown eyes. “I love you, Claire.”
 Claire gaped. Her cheeks turned pink. Her heart did a cartwheel. “I love you, too.” She tilted her head, noticing that Jim’s eyes were a little clearer. “How’d you sleep?”
 “Fine, I think,” Jim said. 
 “You seem different.”
 “Yeah. I…I feel different somehow. I’m not sure why, though.” Jim rubbed his forehead with his knuckles. “I think I had a dream. But I can’t really remember.”
 Claire considered this. “They say dreams you can’t remember are usually good ones.”
 “Then this would be the first since…forever and ever.” His smile was a weary one. “It’d be nice to remember it.”
 “Maybe it’ll come back to you,” Claire said.
 Toby stirred beside them, stretching his arms and yawning loud. “Jimbo? Claire?”
 “Rise and shine, Tobes,” Jim said. 
 “Man, how long were we out?” Toby asked as Aaarrrgghh and Blinky came over.
 “Two hours,” Aaarrrgghh said.
 “Two hours?!” Claire said in a panic.
 “Thankfully there’s been no sign of the Order yet,” Blinky said. His eyes lingered on each of their faces. “You all certainly needed the rest. How do you feel, Master Jim?”
 “I’m alright, Blink. I…” Jim trailed off. Sitting here with Claire, Toby, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh sent a wave of odd nostalgia through him. Maybe it was because they were facing yet another global catastrophe together. But there was something else. Each of their voices whispered in his mind.
 I love you. We all love you, Jim.
 You’ll always be Jimbo to me.
 Jim friend.
 I can think of no one more becoming than you, Master Jim. 
 He listened to the rain outside, the sound of dripping water. A faint memory. Was it the dream?
 “Jim? You still with us?” Claire leaned into his line of sight.
 Jim gazed at her, then at each of them in turn. Claire, the love of his life. Toby, his best friend. Aaarrrgghh, their big lovable rock. Blinky, his fatherly mentor. Jim’s heart swelled to bursting with fondness and gratitude as it always did whenever he thought about everything they’d been through together. Whenever he thought of their unwavering love and support. Their willingness to carry Jim through. Their understanding. Their forgiveness. But in this moment, the words of comfort and encouragement they’d been speaking over him all this time were a little clearer, made a little more sense to him. 
 Jim shook away the strangeness and breathed a laugh. “Yeah. I’m still here.” He bunched the bedsheet in his hand. “I’m really sorry if I haven’t said this enough. Just…thank you. I love you guys.”
 Claire squeezed his hand. “We love you, Jim.”
 “Uno reverse, as they say!” Blinky said, all six eyes shimmering. He came around to fold his left arms around Jim. “The honor and pride as I look upon you now…there are truly no words.” Blinky looked Jim in the eyes. “I have no doubt, Master Jim, that of Destiny’s gifts, our paths crossing, the everlasting friendships we’ve forged,” Blinky gestured to all of them, “has been the greatest of all.”
 Toby and Aaarrrgghh looked at each other.
 “Agree,” Aaarrrgghh said with a tender smile. “Made many friends. Have Wingman.”
 “Copy that, Big Guy,” Toby said, trying not to cry and meeting Aaarrrgghh in a fist bump. 
 Jim got off the bed to give Blinky a proper hug. “I think so, too.” He hugged Aaarrrgghh next, then it was Toby’s turn. “C’mere, Tobes.”
 Toby sniffled hard and rushed into Jim’s arms. Claire joined in, and Blinky and Aaarrrgghh hugged the three of them.
 “Here’s to more adventures,” Jim said. If we make it past this one.
 A fleeting smile had made it onto Aja’s face at the sight. She directed her attention to Krel, sitting on the ground with his back against another bed’s footboard. He’d settled close to Douxie, his eyes tired and absent as he listened to the dulcet melodies being played. Aja went over and sat next to him. He looked at her. Aja brought him into her arms and he held her back. Neither said anything, sharing their weariness and despondency in silence. Luug snuggled up to them and whined. 
 After a while, Aja eased back from her brother and looked him in the eyes. She then wiped her tears and shakily stood, going back to Varvatos while tapping on a palm-sized communicating device.
 “What’re you doing?” Krel asked.
 “We can’t sit around anymore,” Aja said, hoarse and thick. “I need to contact Zadra. I have to get our troops ready. All of them.”
 Douxie stopped playing, and with that this fragile reprieve they’d all been clinging to evaporated. They’d given themselves time to rest, to think, to mourn, all the while being on edge and ready at the drop of a hat to suit up and go to war. Two hours wasn’t nearly enough. But two uneasy hours later, that time was up. Bellroc and Skrael were on their way. At any moment now, it would all be over. 
 “I’ll go fetch the others,” Archie said to Douxie, somber. When he returned, Steve and Eli followed along with Ricky, who was yammering on about tailored suits. Zoe trailed in behind them. 
 “Your mother is with Walter,” Archie said to Jim. His ears drooped. “She said he didn’t want to be disturbed. I left them be.”
 It was another stab in everyone’s hearts. 
 “That makes sense,” Jim said softly. “Thanks, Arch.”
 Steve went to Aja, taking her second pair of hands that weren’t occupied. His eyes flicked to Varvatos. 
 “How’s he doing?” he asked.
 “The same,” Aja said, not looking up. Her fingers tapped rapidly on her device but she kept messing up. She started shaking. “I can’t tell if he’s getting better or worse. But I know he wouldn’t want me to keep moping around. I need to— Ugh, why can’t I type this stupid transmission code!?” 
 “Aja, hey…Come on, just take it easy.”
 “I can’t take it easy, Steve!” She ripped her hands out of his, backing away. Luug yelped and scurried away to Nari. Guilt stung Aja’s core when she saw the hurt on Steve’s face but her frustration bowled over it. “Didn’t you see what happened? I made a promise as Queen to protect this planet and I failed! All of those people…Even the Akiridions on the ships were…A-And now Varvatos is like this. I couldn’t…” Aja shut her eyes and wheezed. “We have to act now! Bellroc has to be stopped or the universe will be destroyed!”  
 Aja’s wording took everyone aback.
 “What do you mean the universe?” Zoe asked. 
 “Bellroc said they wouldn’t stop with this planet,” Aja said. Her tears began to fall. “He wants to destroy other worlds and remake them the way he wants. The Arcane Order isn’t going to stop. I can’t let that happen. I won’t let them take more lives. I won’t fail again…!”
 “Aja—” Krel reached out to her but she was already out the door, worried gazes following her. Him and Steve were about to go after her, but Eli moved in front of them. 
 “I think she needs some space,” Eli said.
 “I’d sock you in the face for that lame pun but I’m too bummed,” Steve blubbered.
 Krel stared at the doorway, his core aching. He hung his head, briefly catching Zoe's gaze before going back to Varvatos’ side to check on the radiator, and to pray that it was actually working. Eli inspected with him.
 “Might need more help,” Aaarrrgghh said. “Titans can summon monsters. A lot.”
 “Aaarrrgghh’s right. The Ice Titan’s frosty ghost minions just kept coming no matter how many we took out,” Toby said.
 “Can your Titan do the same, Nari?” Douxie asked.
 Nari scratched Luug’s belly. “Our Titans are capable of spawning creatures to serve us, yes. But I must focus all of my power on Bellroc and Skrael. My carnifloras will not be as plentiful.” 
 “So we’ll need more backup then,” Jim said. 
 “Just as well. The trolls of Harmonia have offered their aid,” Blinky said. Jim and Claire’s eyes lit.
 “That’s Luma for you,” Claire said. “But will that be enough?” 
 “Luma send Stalkings to tell other trolls,” Aaarrrgghh said.
 Blinky thought. “Other troll clans won’t know what’s transpired since then. Perhaps we must depart on our own excursion, my friend. It must be known that the primordial Heartstones have fallen, aside from one. Here, in Arcadia, where our last battle must be fought.”
 His words hung in the air. Arcadia. Somehow it always came down to Arcadia Oaks.
 Aaarrrgghh held Blinky’s gaze for a moment, then nodded with a resolute grunt. 
 “We’re coming with you,” Toby said.
 “I’ll shadow us wherever we need to go,” Claire said.
 Blinky shook his head, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Preserve your strength, Fair Claire. The gyres will make do.” Aaarrrgghh sulked despite himself.
 “How about we take a portal to Harmonia first? We can take the gyres from there,” Jim said.
 “Very well, Master Jim,” Blinky said.
 Jim looked over at Douxie and Zoe. “What’re you guys going to do?”
 “Zoe and I have some associates of our own,” Douxie said.
 “I personally know entire communities of underground wizards, and not just the guys at Hex Tech,” Zoe said. “They might be willing to lend a hand. Or a wand, I guess.” 
 “I personally have many…uh, previous mates I may or may not have ticked off,” Douxie said. “B-But the end of the world should be enough to mend burned bridges, right?” Archie rolled his eyes.
 “Well that’s something,” Jim said with a small smile. He turned back to Claire and the others. “We should go right away.”
 “Stay safe,” Douxie said. He stepped closer and gripped Jim’s shoulder. He took a long look at each of their faces. “Please.” They all returned Douxie’s sentiment, eyes glistening, hoping for each other’s well being. The group nodded in earnest, then vanished. As soon as they were gone, Douxie swayed on his feet, pins and needles pricking his fingertips.
 “Doux…!” Zoe quickly supported him. “Hey, you good?”
 Douxie sniveled. “I just…I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
 “Me neither,” Zoe whispered. She’d been the newest to all of this and she wasn’t one to open up so easily. But Zoe knew that these were friends  she wanted to keep for a while. “It’s gonna be alright. We’ll get through this. Together.” 
 Douxie looked down at her and his heart clenched. If there was ever a time, it was now. 
 “Zoe,” he said.
 She looked up. “Yeah?”
 “There’s…” Oh no. “Um…T-There’s something I’ve been wanting to say to you. No…I need to say to you.” Douxie’s mind flailed and he already wanted to backpedal. 
 Her electric blue eyes widened. Her cheeks dusted pink and she berated herself because there was no way he was going to say what she wanted him to say.
 “Yes.” Yes? Douxie’s stomach flipped. Blasted buckets of fuzz, it’s all gone off the rails and I’m still at the bloody station! “Yes, I…You see, for a very, very, very long time now…I’ve…”
 Zoe’s heart thrashed. Calm yourself, woman!! “You’ve?”
 Just spit it out, Hisirdoux! He locked eyes with her so intensely she jumped. “The truth is, Zoe, I…I-I lo–”
 A mighty roar boomed through the castle. Douxie conjured his staff, bracelet coming alight and fear burning in his throat. Sparks zipped around Zoe’s fingertips. 
 “W-What was that?!” Krel cried, reaching for his serrator.
 Another roar reverberated, this time closer. Steve and Eli rushed out the room, weapons in hand. Douxie, Zoe, Nari, and Krel hurried after them. A third roar resounded as they all ran down the hall. It was coming from the foyer. They crossed the threshold out of the servants’ quarters and beelined toward the towering archway, weapons poised and magic churning.
 “Tenebris—” Douxie skid to a halt, as did the others and they all nearly barreled into each other. Aja was already here, serrator configured into a cannon but lowered. All of Douxie’s anxiety melted away as he watched Archie nuzzle against the familiar furry face of a leonine dragon. “Charlie!”
 Charlemagne the Devourer turned to Douxie and guffawed. “Hisirdoux, my boy! I’ve been roaring to see you! Bwahaha!”
 “Father, please…,” Archie mumbled, but didn’t lose his smile.
 Douxie ran to hug Charlemagne’s chest. “Charlie! It’s good to see you, mate!”
 “Have you gotten smaller?” Charlemagne held Douxie in his paws. He took note of Douxie’s sunken face and the bags under his eyes darker than ever. “You’re thin as a wurm’s whiskers.”
 “Seems I’ve lost my appetite a smidge,” Douxie sighed. “End of the world and all.”
 “A blood berry pie is in order! Where’s your kitchen?” Charlemagne noticed Aja and Krel staring up at him. The two jumped when he bent close to study them. “Hmmm…Or would these ones prefer blueberry?”
 “I-I’d prefer blue berries over bloody ones,” Krel said.
 Aja tentatively touched one of Charlie’s horns. For a moment, the weight in her eyes lifted and a small smile found its way onto her face.
 “You’re one lively creature, Charlie,” she said.
 “Lively? Ohohohoho, I like that one!” Charlemagne said. “What’s your name?”
 “Aja Tarron, Queen of Akiridion-5. This is my little brother, Krel. He’s the King In Waiting.”
 “Akiridions, you say? Mmhm! You must be the visitors from other worlds I’ve heard so much about.”
 “You’ve heard about us?” Krel asked.
 “Of course! I don’t live under a rock, you know.” 
 “You live in a den. Underground,” Archie said.
 “Hoho, I live under several rocks, you could say!” Charlemagne sniggered. “But yes, ancient tomes have written about beings such as yourselves. You’re closely connected to our world, according to myriads of texts. Or should I say, Akiriding to them! Wahahahahaaa!” 
 Archie groaned. “Father— Alright, alright that’s enough! Look, this here is Steve and Eli!” 
 “Nice to meet ya, Dragon Dad,” Steve said. 
 “Hello, Sir Dragon, sir,” Eli said.
 Archie flew to Zoe next. “A very dear friend of mine here. Zoe Ashildr. She’s accompanied Douxie and myself on countless adventures.”
 “Oho! I’m,” Charlemagne pointed at Zoe’s hair, “tickled pink to meet you!”
 Zoe made a face. “Aha…Yeah. Hey there, Archie’s dad who…I didn’t think I’d be meeting. Like ever.”
 “Archie’s never told you stories about old Charlemagne?” Charlemagne asked.
 Archie pressed a paw to his snout. “Please don’t—”
 “Wait, Charlemagne?” Zoe’s head snapped to Archie. “As in that Charlemagne?” She gaped for a second, then bit her bottom lip and snorted. “Archie…Seriously? No…This? This is the big bad draconic terror you’ve been telling me about for the past millennium? And he’s your dad?”
 “Archibald’s always been quite the storyteller! Or, or rather I should say,” Charlie wiggled his rump, “Storytailer? Bwahahahaha!”
 Nari giggled. “You are so funny.”
 Charlemagne’s hearty laughter fizzled. The humor on his face gradually transitioned into grave focus the longer he looked at her. He stalked forward and, like with the others, inched his nose close to examine her.
 “Funny…Very funny indeed,” he said lowly. Wariness sparked in his eyes, pupils turning to slits. His lip pulled back to flash the tip of a fang. “And what are you about, Arcane one?”
 “Father…,” Archie said, flying next to him. “There’s no need for that. Nari’s a friend.”
 Nari stared back. “I promise, I do not want to harm anyone. I am no longer of the Order. I am here to fight against them. To protect this world.”
 “It’s true, Charlie,” Douxie said, stepping beside her. 
 Charlemagne’s eyes flickered to Douxie, then back to Nari. He reared away then took a seat, his gaze softening just a tad. 
 “Very well then,” he said. 
 Archie settled utop his head. “Thanks, Dad.”
 “And thank you for coming,” Douxie said. “You’re here to help us…right?”
 “This dragon never sits on his claws,” Charlemagne said.
 “Yeah, I heard,” Zoe said, teasing Archie with a smirk before taking her phone out. “Speaking of help, we should start making calls, Doux.”
 “Right,” Douxie said. 
 They got to work sending text messages and leaving voicemails. Krel went back to the servants’ quarters while Aja, Steve, and Eli chatted with Charlemagne and Archie.
 “Oho, that’s right, I have a berry pie to make!” Charlemagne exclaimed.
 Nari slipped away to the halls, checking each window until she could see her Forest Titan. It’d been facing the Heartstone hovering over Arcadia, but now turned to, having sensed her acknowledgement. Nari climbed out the window and scaled the wet stone walls, lifting herself over parapets and onto a walkway. Remorse coursed through her when she skimmed the ruined portion of the castle, its shattered stone walls marred by char and frost. She hopped and padded on all fours up a watchtower, unbothered by the slickness brought about by the rain. It had also rained endlessly back then, when the Titans had first been unleashed. As much as Nari relished the coolness dripping over her skin, trickling through her hair, she missed the moon, the stars, the sun. She missed them even more now. Her Titan’s natural green glow. The fiery brilliance of the Heartstone in the distance. The soft blue Heart of Camelot keeping the castle aloft. It seemed those were the only lights left in the whole world. When she reached the top of the tower, Nari called her Titan closer.  
 “I am sorry,” she whispered when it came to stand below her. “This was never supposed to happen.”
 Whether it was the end or not, Nari feared she’d never see the light again. 
 Jim held Claire against him as she wept. They were sitting across Luma in her den, a warm nest of lustrous gems where they’d found much solace and had been given much counsel. To come back to this safe place in these circumstances, to just hear how many of their Harmonia friends they’d lost to the Ice Titan, was beyond devastating. 
 “They all fought with such valor, my dears,” Luma said quietly as she looked upon them. She held Claire’s hand across her crystal table, her grief equally palpable. “I know they would have done so again.”
 “I can’t do this,” Claire sobbed. “I can’t take this anymore. I can’t….!”
 All Jim could do was hold her tighter in silence, tears running down his face. He shut his eyes, his hand on his knee balling and shaking. It had been one sorrow after another the past several hours. But in this moment, boiling through his veins, a furious current in a haunted ocean, was rage like he’d never felt before.
 “Bellroc and Skrael are gonna get what’s coming to them,” Jim spat. “If it’s the last thing I do I’ll— I’m gonna—”
 “Jim. I understand your pain and anger,” Luma said. “But hatred must not be what drives you.”
 “Well I do hate them!” Jim rose off his seat and glared into Luma’s eyes. “I hate them because all this is their fault! All they’ve ever done is destroy and hurt people! Because of them there was an Eternal Night. Because of them now hundreds of people and so many of our friends here are dead! Nomura…!” He faced the wall and took a huge breath before locking back on Luma. “What Skrael did to her…What Bellroc did to those ships…! What both of them did to me—”  
 Jim gasped. The following silence was filled with his ragged breathing. Luma calmly stared back at him.
 “Jim…,” Claire said, reaching for him.
 “I hurt you.” Jim looked at her. “I hurt Douxie. I hurt all of my friends because of them.” He turned back to Luma. “So yeah I hate them. I hate them so much.”
 Luma folded her hands on the table, gaze lowering in thought. Claire got up and touched Jim’s arm. It was the first time he’d actually said it, that the Arcane Order was to blame. 
 “Your hatred is not misplaced,” Luma said. “Of course, we must hate the evil that has caused all of this. But your hatred must not consume you. Is that not how the Arcane Order has done its business? With their ruthless hatred?”
 Jim said nothing, but his eyes softened. 
 “Do not misunderstand me.” Luma stood and maneuvered around her table. Her gaze glowed with affection as she placed one hand on Jim’s shoulder and the other on Claire’s. But then her expression darkened, a dangerous glint in her eyes, and her tone became low and hushed with sincerity. “I’m very, very angry, my dears. And so I will wage war with these harbingers of darkness and destruction. But not with more bitterness. But with love for what is right.” Luma looked at Jim and Claire’s faces. “For what is good.”
 “‘For the good of all.’” Jim met her gaze. “That’s what you always say.”
 Luma smiled. “And for all that is good.”
 “Our friends won’t have died for nothing,” Claire said, wiping her cheek.
 Luma caressed her head. “No, my dear.” 
 They left the den just as Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky returned from their separate trips. The Wingmen had taken one gyre while Blinky had taken another. Jim and Claire had returned before them, having revisited Moonglow Hollow and one other troll clan.
 “How’d it go for you guys?” Jim asked.
 “Quagawumps did not hesitate,” Aaarrrgghh reported with a smile.
 “Good ol’ Queen W basically sent her whole crew to spread the word,” Toby said. “But the Kruberas said they’d have to think about it. They want to know for sure we’re serious about the whole going to war thing.”
 “We still couldn’t get through to Alabast,” Claire sighed. “But I mean, I get it. He’s scared. Who wouldn’t be?”
 “He did point us to some other trolls, the…Geowarts?” Jim said. “Anyway, they didn’t seem too keen on joining us, either. But at the very least they said they’d help get the message around. What about you, Blink?”
 “The trolls of Gobble’s Grotto and Diamarket displayed similar reservations,” Blinky said. “Uncertain but willing to inform others.”
 “Our Stalkings are also carrying the news,” Luma said. “We’ve created quite the ripple effect.” 
 “Let’s just hope they answer the call,” Jim said. 
 “Should they not,” Luma touched his shoulder, “we must hope still.”
 They all gazed at her and nodded.
 “I sincerely apologize for setting your shop on fire, really! Why don’t we bury the hatchet?” Douxie jerked his phone away from his ear when the sorcerer on the line started screaming some choice words. “No, not in my skull please…C-Come on, mate! The world’s ending for real this time and we could really use your—Hello? Hello? Fuzzbuckets…”
 Zoe shook her head, still on the phone. “Thanks, Regina. Tell everyone I said hey. Alright. Bye.” She hung up and sighed at Douxie. “What was that, the fifth one?”
 “Fourth one, thank you very much,” Douxie grumbled. “You know, half of these offenses were Archie’s idea!”
 “And you went along with all of them,” Zoe said. 
 Douxie crossed his arms. “Well you’re not entirely innocent. Don’t act like you never participated in some of our tomfoolery. And how many warlocks and fortune tellers have you stolen from for your,” he waved his fingers, “hedge witchy shenanigans, hm?”
 Zoe met his playful tone with a smirk. “First of all, my missions with you guys never ended in the accidental destruction of property or someone yelling, ‘You’re gonna pay for this, Casperan!.’ And second, I’m not buddies with people I’ve stolen from.”
 “Including me?” Douxie said, feigning hurt. “Because you’ve definitely stolen from me.”
 “What? I have not!”
 “I think you have.”
 Douxie grinned and started counting on his fingers. “Oh I don’t know, my little knife when we first met, my boots so I would stop following you around, my bracelet that one time…” My heart. “Just to name a few things.”
 Zoe rolled her eyes. “Okay, I didn’t keep any of it so technically I didn’t steal anything.”
 “Not true.” It came out quiet, and as soon as he said it, Douxie’s cheeks warmed. But he gave a little more. “There’s…something of mine you stole a long time ago. And I’m certain I’ll ever get it back from you.”
 Their eyes met and the teasing was over.
 “What are you talking about?” Zoe asked, but for some reason her heart started racing. When Douxie didn’t answer, just kept taking her in with his golden eyes, she took a breath. “By the way, what were you going to say earl—”
 A shadow portal manifested and out came the Trollhunters. Douxie hurried over to throw his arms around Jim. Zoe squeezed Claire in a hug. 
 “Glad you all made it back,” Douxie said. He ruffled Jim’s hair.
 “How’d it go?” Zoe asked.
 “Lot of heebie jeebies but news of the impending doom is getting around so there’s that?” Toby said. 
 “I suppose that’s not the worst report,” Douxie sighed. “All we can do now is hope.”
 They followed Douxie to the foyer to make Charlemagne’s acquaintance.
 “Welcome back guys!” Eli said while his serrator scraped against Steve’s axe.
 “Still no sign the of the Arcane Buttsnacks,” Steve added. “Get ready for the Palchuk Swing, Pepperjack!” He pushed Eli off and spun into another strike. The Creepslayerz continued their sparing while the others reconvened with Aja, who was engrossed in another one of Charlemagne’s stories.
 “Dragons are infamous for collecting treasures. But Troll Dragons are unusually bewitched by whatever sparkles,” Charlemagne said. “Which is why the late Troll Dragon King, Zong Shi, met his demise. It was his insatiable greed. Didn’t even care for his own flock!”
 “He let them all die to save his own scales,” Archie huffed.
 “He sounds like an awful king,” Aja said. “All he cared about was himself.” 
 Charlemagne smiled softly and poked Aja’s cheek. “And what do you care about, Your Majesty?”
 “Not just myself,” Aja said quickly, in earnest. “I care about my friends. I care about my planet and this planet and everything in it.” She stared at her hands in her lap, core aching. “I’d do anything, everything I could, to protect them.”
 “Now that’s the heart of a Queen!” Charlemagne laughed. “Oho, my apologies. Core, is it? That is the core-rect term!”
 At this point, Archie had stopped trying. But Aja couldn’t help but be tickled every time. She chuckled into her hands while her friends rolled their eyes and tried not to laugh. 
 “And I thought my jokes were bad,” Toby said.
 “Mmm they still are,” Jim said.
 Toby snapped his finger guns. “And you still love me!”
 Aja quieted. She had a sense of why Charlemagne had told her about a lousy king, a ruler who chose selfish ambition over caring for his citizens. Charlemagne said she had the heart of a Queen. Her core glowed with gratitude, yet continued to burn with shame. The memory was still there, a deep cut that was still fresh.
 “I couldn’t save those people,” Aja said quietly. 
 “You’re right. You could not,” Charlemagne said.
 Archie glared. “Father!”
 “Let me finish, Archibald. You couldn’t save them, but you made an effort! And while your efforts failed, you,” Charlemagne pointed over Aja’s core, “have not. Why, in this old dragon’s eyes is no failure, but what a Queen ought to be!”
 Claire settled next to Aja and touched her arm. “I gotta say I agree.”
 “Same here,” Jim said.
 “I’ve met some pretty heinous nitwits of rulers in my day,” Douxie said. “You’re not even close, darling.”
 “And you’re not alone.” Aja looked up to see Steve coming closer. He knelt and took two of her hands, looked into her eyes. “Not to quote some lame musical or whatever, but we’re in this together. We’re here for you, Aja.” He cradled her cheek. “I’m here for you.”
 Tears swamped her eyes in seconds and she threw her arms around him. “I’m so sorry I snapped at you.”
 “It’s cool, Aj,” Steve said, folding her into his embrace. “You’re still my Akiridion Ninja Queen Honey Muffin.”
 Aja giggled and pulled back, brushing tears away. “My adorable blond oaf.” Steve chuckled and booped her nose. She peppered kisses all over his face before landing on his lips. 
 Steve inhaled, enraptured by his bubbly bright blue angel, Aja Tarron. “I’m like the most biggest, highest percent sure that I’m in love with you.”
 Aja gasped, then melted into breathy laughter. “I love you, too, Steve!” They smooched again, both smiling ear to ear, the sound of someone coughing going right over their heads.
 “Awww!” Eli said.
 “That’s sweet,” Douxie said. 
 “Yeah,” Zoe whispered. Her eyes flickered to Douxie, and he just missed it.
 Steve and Aja broke apart, foreheads touching.
 “Thank you.” Aja looked around at her friends, affection and gratefulness flowering in her chest. “Thank you.”
 “Aja!!” Everyone turned to see Krel running into the foyer. He slowed to catch his breath.
 Aja hurried to him. “Krel? What is it? What’s the matter?” 
 When Krel looked up, his eyes were shimmering. “It’s Varvatos! He’s awake!”
 They all booked it to the servants’ quarters. Varvatos was sitting upright, Nari, the Blanks, and Luug with him. Aja sprinted to throw all four arms around him. The others gathered around the bed, relieved smiles on their faces.
 “Varvatos Vex is still recovering, Your Majesty,” Varvatos rasped, but he hugged her back tight.
 “Thank Seklos!” Aja cried into his shoulder. “I-I thought you were gone! I thought we’d lost you!” 
 Krel joined the embrace, weeping softly. “We’re so happy you came back, Varvatos.”
 “Varvatos Vex will always come back for his royals,” Varvatos said. “However…he does fear his core is permanently damaged.” 
 “What?” Aja looked at Krel, then at Nari. “What does he mean?”
 “My magic and your brother’s technology were able to restore your friend’s soul,” Nari said. “But it has been deeply scarred by Bellroc.” Her gaze went to Varvatos. “It has left his life core weakened and fragile.”
 “If his core gets hit again,” Krel’s voice broke, “he’s not going to make it.” He wiped his eyes with his arm. “But I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
 Aja gazed at Varvatos, her guardian and mentor. One more slip up, one more lapse in focus, one wrong move and he’d be gone. Another lost. She gripped Varvatos’ hand and cried, the very thought crushing her to the point of breaking.
 Varvatos kneaded her hands. “There is no need to shed tears. Varvatos Vex will be just fine.” 
 “I’m so sorry,” Aja sobbed. “I let this happen.”
 “M-Me, too,” Krel said. “I couldn’t help you.”
 “You need not blame yourselves,” Varvatos said, gruff but gentle. “It is simply the nature of fearsome, glorious battle. And Varvatos Vex doesn’t feel his royals have failed him.” He tucked away a strand of Aja’s hair, eyes going tender on her and Krel. “What a glorious Queen and King In Waiting you’ve become. There is no greater honor for Varvatos Vex…for me than to fight by your sides. Words cannot formulate how proud I am. How proud your parents would be.”
 Aja and Krel’s eyes flooded with more tears and they rushed back into Varvatos’ arms. Luug wiggled into the embrace, barking and slobbering all over their faces. Aja laughed, scooping the little purple alien up. Steve kissed the top of her head. Krel and Eli hooked arms around each other’s shoulders with a fist bump. Ricky and Lucy, being the Blanks, squeezed the daylights out of all of them.
 “I’m just glad Varvatos is with us again. Thanks to my amazing little brother and,” Aja looked over at a certain forest child, “Nari.” She went over to hold Nari close. “Thank you so much.”
 Nari hugged her back with a giggle. “It is my joy.”
 “You are a joy,” Aja said.
 “That she is!” Douxie hoisted Nari onto his back.
 “You are all my joy!” Nari said. Douxie spun her around and she squealed in delight.
 Smiles and laughter all around. Thunder boomed outside. Rain continued to lash against the castle. The darkness was ever present, drawing ever closer. But what had been rekindled in their hearts in this moment, the smallest flame of peace, filled the space with unmatched radiance. 
 Jim pondered that fateful day at the canal, as he’d done countless times. Aja and Krel thought on the siege of Akiridion-5, their crash landing on this speck in the universe called Earth. Centuries of hiding in shadows and keeping others at arm’s length came to Douxie’s mind. Everything that brought them all here. All the trials, all the loss, all the pain to follow. None of them would wish it upon anyone. But as they gazed around the room, their hearts were warm and thankful.
 Jim fell into conversation with Zoe, which was soon interrupted by the Blanks advertising toasters. Aja greeted Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, ever enthralled. Charlemagne dipped his head and she stroked his snout. Krel and Claire rescued Archie from a happy Luug’s mandibles. Nari sat with Eli and asked him about being so close to the stars. Douxie relaxed next to Steve and Toby as they listened to yet another Varvatos speech about pulverizing one’s enemies.
 Friendships they wouldn’t give up for the world.
 Trollmarket’s Heartstone glinted with every crash of lightning. The storm had gotten so turbulent at one point that they’d shuttered all the nearby windows. Douxie leaned on the windowsill, mind wandering as he looked out into the squalling night. Six hours since they’d all returned from facing the Titans, and the Order was still yet to be seen. Dawn was surely approaching, hidden behind the thick wall of black clouds. Douxie had been through his fair share of near apocalypses. But this time he truly wondered if the sun would ever come out again. Douxie frowned. No. They had Nari. They had one another, so anything was possible. They had hope. Despite the doubt, despite the fear of what was to come, there was always hope.
 “Great Eternity,” Douxie whispered. “I don’t know where you are or if you can hear me. But we could really use your help, mate.”
 “Talking to yourself?” Zoe had found him in the hallway. She smiled then joined him at the window. “Keep it together, Casperan.” Douxie rolled his eyes with a chuckle. They both gazed at the Heartstone for a silent moment. “Not that I’m complaining but…what’s taking the Order so long? Part of me wishes they’d just show up already.”
 “I’ve been wondering, too. Last time they took a while, it was because they were injured,” Douxie said. “Maybe Skrael had a number done on him.”
 Zoe saddened. “Wouldn’t rule that out, knowing Nomura.” She rested her head against Douxie’s shoulder when he brought her close. “Do you think we can win this one?”
 “Some say faith, hope, and love are the three things that never go away,” Douxie said. “I think I believe that. And I think that’ll be enough.”
 “You’re such a sap.”
 “You’re not disagreeing so I can’t be the only one.”
 Zoe’s eyes narrowed at the Heartstone. She softly asked, “How many times have we faced the end of the world, Douxie?”
 Douxie followed her gaze. “I’ve lost count. We’ve…” Him and her. From plagues to world wars, evil magicks to supernatural catastrophes, asteroids to right now, Zoe had always been right by his side. He looked at her next to him, at her cute nose and pretty lashes and soft lips. With this current apocalypse having the most dreadful prospects to date, Douxie feared it would be their last. No more distractions then. “Zoe.”
 “Yeah?” She turned to him, and her heart skipped. The way Douxie was looking at her, as if she was the only person in the whole world, made her flush. It wasn’t fair, when he looked at her like that. Her reasoning, her excuses, her satisfaction with remaining his closest friend forever, all of it came crumbling down. When Douxie looked at her like that, it made her think he felt the same way. It made her want to hear what he was going to say before.
 “What I was trying to say earlier, if you recall…” Douxie’s cheeks warmed and his insides caught the jiggles. He took Zoe’s hands, latching on firm before he got cold feet. He heard her gasp and he thought it was utterly ridiculous how, even now as he was doing this, he was denying that her red face and eager eyes meant anything. “Zoe, you’ve been my closest friend for centuries. You’re…” Douxie swallowed. “You’re the most brilliant and brave and big hearted person I’ve ever met. I’ve always wanted to tell you that I don’t know where I would be if…if you hadn’t been a part of my life. If you hadn’t put up with me. Zoe, you’ve given me so much courage. You’ve always inspired me as a person and—and a musician and of course as a wizard and I—”
 “I like you.”
 Douxie stared at her, mouth open, words lost. Zoe stared back, breathing deep. A second passes, then ten. After fifteen, all Douxie could manage was a feeble, “...What?”
 Zoe gulped. She was shaking. “I like you. When I first met you I thought you were, like, really annoying cause you wouldn’t leave me alone. But I liked that you did that. You…You were my first real friend. You didn’t give up on me. I like how you never give up on people. And how you stick up for them and take care of them. I like how you’re always so kind, even when you don’t have to be. I actually really like how reckless and dumb you can be. I like how you always do things your way, no matter what anyone thinks. You’re always unapologetically you. And I…I like everything about you. A lot.” Zoe squeezed Douxie’s hands. His big, warm, gentle hands. “I like you, Hisirdoux Casperan.”
 Her words were an enchantment, leaving Douxie speechless still. When the spell finally settled upon his heart, all he could do was breathe a laugh. When it took full effect, Douxie’s legs nearly failed him. He tilted forward, his forehead coming to rest on Zoe’s shoulder. His heart danced and his aura sang in his spirit. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy.
 “I love you,” Douxie said, voice thick with emotion. He gazed fully into her dazzling blue eyes. “I’m in love with you, Zoe Ashildr. I’ve always been in love with you.”
 Then her arms were around his neck and his hands were cradling the small of her back.
 “Is this for real?” Zoe whispered.
 Douxie hugged her against him. A perfect fit. His lips brushed hers, the lightest touch that sent electricity rippling through his body. 
 “Does that answer your question?” Douxie breathed.
 Zoe laughed, breathless with a single tear falling. “I love you, too.”
 Douxie pressed his lips against hers, sliding one hand up to cup her cheek. Zoe unwound her arms from his neck, clung to his jacket and kissed him back. They’d both convinced themselves this moment would never happen, sharing a kiss that was real. No sneaking into balls or playing pretend for a mission. Just the two of them finding their harbored feelings reciprocated. It was everything they’d imagined and more. Zoe loved Douxie’s lips, chapped and warm. She loved how he always smelled like soap, burnt cloves, and motorcycle oil. Douxie wanted to keep Zoe in his arms forever. She was soft and sweet and always had the faint perfume of bubblegum. They pressed closer, lost in each other. Nothing else mattered. But when their lips broke apart, regret flooded in.
 “I’m sorry I waited until now to tell you,” Douxie said. He touched his forehead to hers. “I was too afraid that I would lose your friendship. That I would lose you.”
 Zoe’s fingers stroked his cheek. “Same. I mean even though you were attempting to hit on me when we first met, I didn’t think you actually…you know. And when we kissed in the past to dupe people, I thought that was all it was. I just always thought you were being you. Mister Chivalry and all.”
 “I felt terrible whenever we had to do that,” Douxie said. “I was convinced you hated it.”
 Zoe gazed into his beautiful golden eyes. She took his face in her hands and stood on her toes to kiss him. She pulled away only for Douxie to chase her lips into another one. 
 “Mordrax’s miracles, it’s about bloody time!”
 They gasped out of their kiss and looked to see Archie and Nari peeking around the corridor entrance. Heat burgeoned in both their faces, but Douxie’s arm remained around Zoe’s waist as the pair approached. Nari bounded up to them, positively beaming.
 “Oh this is so wonderful!” she said. “Douxie, you have finally done it! You have shared your love!”
 “After nine hundred insufferable years,” Archie said as he hopped onto Douxie’s shoulder. “You both were driving me mad.”
 “You always knew, didn’t you,” Douxie said.
 “Merlin’s beard, everyone knew. Except the pair of you, evidently.”
 Zoe turned redder, thinking back on her talk with Claire. “That’s…a little embarrassing.” 
 “No, it is beautiful.” Nari held hands with them. “Your romance is a gift. Are you going to get married now?”
 A string of coughs seized Douxie while Zoe’s face went an even brighter scarlet. 
 “T-That’s a bit…Well I mean, that would be nice,” Douxie sputtered. He couldn’t look Zoe in the face. “I-I mean would that…be nice? It would be nice if you thought so, Zo, but you don’t have to think that would be nice if you don’t—”
 “It,” Zoe’s eyes flickered to his, “would be…nice. I mean we agreed a long time ago we’d be in each other’s lives forever.” She lifted her face to look at him properly. A soft smile. “I guess in that way we’re already an old married couple.”
 “Heavens knows you both act like one,” Archie sighed. He leapt off Douxie’s shoulder and rejoined Nari on the ground. “Might as well be official.” For all his snark, Archie’s eyes were nothing short of fond elation as he watched his Familiar and the love of his life.
 Douxie held Zoe’s coy gaze. The implications of her words brushed his heart and he couldn’t help smiling back, a breathless laugh leaving him. Yet he knew it wasn’t the time to fixate on it. The thought of that time never coming brooded in the back of his mind along with the regret of having waited a millennium. So Douxie just cradled Zoe’s cheek and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering long. She smiled and leaned into him, holding his arm around her waist.
 “Have you ever been in love, Nari?” Douxie asked. “Just wondering.”
 “Oh yes. I love you and all of my friends very much,” Nari said.
 He chuckled. “No, I meant romantically.”
 Nari cocked her head. “Mm, no. My father did not create us with such feelings.”
 “Righto. All the lads in the world are safe then,” Douxie muttered. Zoe elbowed him.
 “We love you, too, by the way,” she said, stroking Nari’s hair.
 Nari’s eyes glimmered. She was about to respond when footsteps echoed down the corridor. Jim and Claire turned the corner.
 “There you guys are,” Jim said. 
 “I was wondering where you disappeared to, Teach,” Claire said. “I had some questions about my magic…” She spotted Douxie’s arm around Zoe’s waist. Realization sparked in her eyes and a smile formed. “Wait…Are you guys…?”
 Zoe simpered with a slight nod.
 “Oh my gosh!” Claire squealed, hands on her cheeks. “I freaking knew it! I’m so happy for you guys! I’m so telling Aja and the others.”
 “Looks like we were all right,” Jim said.
 “Was it really that obvious?” Douxie asked, baffled.
 Jim smirked and crossed his arms. “Oh yeah.”
 Douxie and Zoe shared a look before sighing through smiles of defeat. His arm slipped from around her waist so he could take her hand, their fingers linking.
 “So what was your magical question, Claire?” Douxie asked.
 “Something feels…off. In my aura,” Claire said. She looked at her palms. “It’s like something’s pressing in on me and I’m pretty sure it’s not good.”
 Douxie examined himself and found he had no such inklings. As he pondered it, unease permeated his lungs. 
 “You’re naturally gifted with shadow magic,” Douxie said, “which makes you more sensitive to the presence of darkness. Which means…”
 “The Order. They must be getting closer,” Zoe said, squeezing Douxie’s hand.
 “We need to tell the others and get ready,” Jim said. In the corner of his eye, Nari moved to the window. “Nari?”
 Her palm touched the glass as she stared intently at the Heartstone. Then she bent her fingers, claws scratching the sinister night. 
 “It is time,” Nari uttered. She focused on her faint reflection. “This time, I will do what is right.” She turned back to her friends, eyes mournful and determined. “I did not fight against Bellroc and Skrael before. But now, I will make sure they do not win. I will use my Titan, all of my strength, against them. So that what was meant to destroy will instead be a weapon for goodness.”
 “Now that’s what I call a pep talk!” Douxie said. He noticed Jim go wide-eyed. “Uh, Jim? You alright?”
 Actually, Jim was having an epiphany. Nari’s words struck the back of his mind and similar words bursted forth.
 “It could have destroyed you. Then, it was made to destroy. Still you have remained.”
 Fragments of memories flashed, as though a gate had been flung wide open in his brain. His troll form. The school. The ball of light. The stars. His reflection in the pond. The voices.
 “I remember,” Jim gasped. He looked at Claire. “I remember my dream!”
 “Your dream?” Archie said.
 Something compelled Jim to walk right up to the window. For the first time in a year, he looked right at his reflection and took it in. The shape of his face. The color of his eyes.  The scar on his brow. He waited for the crippling anxiety to come, for the shame to wring his neck, for the monster to warp his features. His heart hammered and his breathing was rapid, but this time it was different. Now that Jim remembered it, the realness of the dream flooded through him. That moment of looking into the pond as a troll and seeing his human face shone clear in his mind.
 “Jim…!” Claire watched him, nervous and shocked. “A-Are you…okay?”
 “Yeah.” Jim looked at his friends. “Yeah…I think I am. Parts of it are still fuzzy but…In my dream, I was troll again. It started off as another nightmare. But then I heard your voices. And then there was this pond and all of you guys, all of my friends were there. Then things were okay. I looked into the pond and…” Jim touched his face. “I saw myself. My human self. And then this crazy thing happened where I was human again and my reflection turned into my troll self. It was…It felt so real.”
 The dreamy scene of every one of Jim’s friends and loved ones surrounding him around the pond overwhelmed him. Claire, Toby, his mom, Blinky, Aja, Steve, Douxie, Nari. Nomura. All of their voices, full of nothing but love and encouragement for him, soothed Jim’s mind like a melody.
 “I love you, Jim. We all do.” Claire.
 “There’s nothing to be afraid of, mate.” Douxie.
 “We’re all here for you no matter what.” Eli.
 “Best friends forever and ever.” Toby.
 “Nothing is lost.” Luma.
 “Not Jim’s fault.” Aaarrrgghh.
 “You’re the same to me.” Krel.
 “I see no beast within you.” Nari.
 “I’ve seen enough monsters in my day. You’re nowhere close.” Nomura.
 “Take a look, Young Atlas. It’s alright.” Walter.
 “You’ll always be my boy.” Mom.
 “A champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son. I see it still.” Blinky.
 Jim’s friends had been telling him these things over and over, constant reassurance. Not once did they ever relent in their support, even though he couldn’t believe it. But for some reason now, their words were clicking into place. He could hear them a little better, a little louder. Maybe the dream had felt so real because, Jim was beginning to consider, it was real. Perhaps that’s the reason he’d chased that ball of iridescent light like a lifeline. It’d been the truth all along.
 “Guys, I…” Jim blinked, expelling tears he hadn’t noticed gathering. He looked back at himself in the window. His gaze sharpened. “There’s something I have to do.”
 They found everyone in the foyer, Varvatos having regained the strength to stand. A modified breastplate was secured to his chest, electric blue lines of Akiridion influence making Vs down the steel. He was having a quick spar with Aja, putting the sturdiness of its protection to the test. 
 Walter and Barbara finally rejoined the group, Walter speaking quietly with Blinky while Barbara checked on everyone else. Aja took notice of Douxie and Zoe’s intertwined hands and let out a giddy cheer. Eli clapped his hands while Steve hooted and hollered. The Blanks belted a very flat and pitchy version of “The Wedding March.” Once everyone was done teasing and gushing over the new relationship, they had to break the news.
 “The Order’s on their way. Claire’s feeling their presence,” Douxie said. 
 “About time,” Walter said, low and quiet. The look in his eyes could melt steel.
 In the midst of all the nerves, Jim murmured a request to Krel. Surprise lit on Krel’s face, but at Jim’s certain gaze, he nodded and asked for Aaarrrgghh’s assistance. Minutes later the pair returned, and in Aaarrrgghh’s grasp was the slab of earth that sheathed Excalibur.
 Realization dawned on the group, and they all fixed their eyes on Jim with bated breath as he slowly approached the sword.
 “Master Jim, are you certain?” Blinky asked.
 Jim nodded, determined to keep his eyes forward. He dared to meet Excalibur’s green gem, braved stepping closer to the sword’s ethereal shine. But then it came. Whispers of doubt and fear. A burning sensation on his skin. It was too bright, searing right through him. But Jim didn’t stop. He climbed onto the rock and took hold of the sword’s hilt. 
 “You good, Lake?” Steve asked, noticing how hard Jim was breathing.
 “I-I’m fine. I can do this. I can…” He was trembling. His teeth chattered and he swallowed hard, closing his eyes, trying to concentrate. When Jim looked again, the brightness was painful. His knees wobbled. The green gems were starting to glare. “N-No…No, I—”
 A hand touched the rock, then several more, circling Jim’s feet and Excalibur’s hidden blade. Jim looked around to see all of his friends smiling back at him.
 “We’ve got you,” Aja said.
 “Together, mate!” Douxie said.
 “We believe you can pull it off!” Charlemagne laughed.
 The dream and all its empowerment beamed through Jim’s mind, filled his heart. So he clung to it as he refastened his grip on the sword and started pulling.
 Take hold.
 Jim furrowed his brows at a voice he didn’t quite recognize, yet it was giving him strength all the same. Excalibur wiggled.
 Remain and become. Become and talk hold. Take hold and become.
 Jim caught a hint of his reflection in the shining handle, and he recalled the pond, the troll in the water. Gasps and laughter sounded around as the mighty blade slid free inch by inch. Heat radiated in Jim’s torso, deep in his gut and chest. Excalibur’s surface flashed bright and everyone shielded their eyes as a beam of light shot towards the ceiling. A clap of thunder boomed, so boisterous the entire castle seemed to shudder. 
 Jim unsheathed Excalibur with a shout, raising its blade to the heavens. He was shrouded in blinding light and his body overflowed with blazing energy. It was power unlike any he’d ever felt. 
 Zipping down the halls of Camelot, rocketing into the foyer, came Jim’s reforged Amulet of Daylight. Toby ducked his head as it found its place over Jim’s heart, its gears spinning wildly as his brilliant armor clicked into place.
 In darkness. In daylight. Become!
 One more blast of light, and then the brightness finally dimmed. Everyone gradually lowered their arms away from their faces.
 “Oh my gosh,” Claire gasped, her eyes blown wide.
 “No way…,” Toby breathed.
 “Master Jim!” Blinky uttered. “You’re…!”
 Wild hair. Blue skin. Horns and fangs. Taller. Standing upon the rock, wielding Excalibur, was an armor-clad Jim in his troll form. Jim stared back at them, trying to catch his breath. He held Excalibur in front of his troll face, inhaling sharply at his transformed mirror image.
 “How?” Douxie whispered.
 Claire shook her head, her worry rising. “No…Jim—”
 “It’s okay.” Jim gazed at her, then back into the sword. He watched the troll blink as he did, breathe as he did. There was a twinge of horror pricking him. The fear was still there, brushing the back of his mind. But as Jim looked at his friends, their faces weren’t twisted in disgust. No one was running for the hills in terror. He looked at his mom, her undeniable love for him still intact. Despite the anxiety, Jim felt it. He knew. “I’m still me.”
 His body tingled. In a golden puff of light, he was human again, his armor shrinking with him.
 Toby nearly fell backwards. “W-Whoa!”
 “Great Gaylon!” Krel said. “How did you do that?”
 Jim went for it again. He closed his eyes, focusing on this new energy teeming in his veins. Another puff, and he was a troll again.
 “Impossible…,” Walter said. “Young Atlas, you’re…a changeling!”
 Jim stepped off the rock and reverted back to a human. He positioned Excalibur over his back, the sword fitting itself against his armor like a magnet. 
 “I-I…I guess so.” He looked at Douxie. “Could I always do that?”
 “I’m afraid I’m just as perplexed,” Douxie said. He breathed a laugh. “Magic never ceases to amaze me.”
 Charlemagne gave Jim a sniff. “Very curious. Even this old dragon’s never seen anything like this.”
 “I have not either,” Nari said. “Changelings have only been Morgana’s work.” She came closer, searching Jim’s eyes. “How do you feel?”
 Jim contemplated, wondered how in the world he’d even begin to comprehend this. But as his eyes roamed over each of his friends’ faces, it made more and more sense.
 “Obviously some kind of magic is at play here,” he said. “But…I think I can do this because of you guys. I felt so useless and I couldn’t stop hating myself. I felt like a monster. I felt so…broken.” Jim’s heart welled. “Claire. Tobes. Blink, Aaarrrgghh, Walter, M-Mom. You guys didn’t give up on me. You took care of me. And all of you guys. Doux, Aja, Krel…I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you.” His voice quivered. “Whatever magic this is, I think it’s because of you guys. It’s because I have such awesome friends. I love you guys.” The tears started spilling down Jim’s cheeks. “I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused. Thanks for being here for me.”
 He was wrapped in hugs from all sides.
 “Oh sweetie,” was all Barbara could say through her sobs. She kissed Jim’s forehead. “You haven’t been any trouble.”
 “I love you, Mom.” Jim sniffled into her shirt.
 “I love you so much, honey. I’m so proud of you. I’ve never not been proud of you.”
 “We’ll always be here for you, Jimbo,” Toby blubbered.
 “We love you,” Claire said.
 They all stepped back as Blinky came to grab Jim’s shoulders, all six of his eyes glowing. 
 “How you’ve become, Master Jim,” Blinky said. “Just as you have time and time again.” Jim rushed into his four arms. “Excalibur’s worthiest master.” 
 “Ugh…!” Claire clutched her chest and dropped to her knees. Jim and Douxie rushed to her side. “T-The feeling…! I-It’s getting worse…!”
 Jim looked at Douxie. “They’re close.”
 “Seems that way.” Douxie grabbed Claire’s arm. “You’re alright, lass. Deep breath, that’s it.” He closed his eyes, his bracelet lighting as he murmured a chant. Nari set her hands on Claire’s back and joined him. After a minute, the tension in Claire’s body loosened. “Better?”
 “A little bit. Thanks guys,” Claire said as Jim helped her up.
 “The hour is upon us,” Charlemagne said. “We best get to formulating.”
 “Right. Let’s all meet at the Round Table,” Douxie said. While everyone processed to the Hall, Douxie spotted Zoe and Krel heading elsewhere. “Where are you going?”
 Zoe and Krel looked at each other.
 “We need to grab something from the study to show everyone,” Zoe said. She took his hand. “It’s pretty important.”
 Douxie raised a brow, but didn’t question it. He gave her hand a squeeze. “Alright, love. See you in a bit.”
 Zoe blushed. “Right back at you…love.”
 Douxie smiled and kissed her knuckles, ignoring Krel’s deepset grimace.
 “Ai yi yi….”
 Aja was addressing the group when Douxie joined them. “All of my troops will be here in less than one horvath. We will have an entire planet of soldiers. Izita and Eli will command our aerial fighters. Varvatos and Zadra will lead our troops on the ground.”
 “Harmonia and the Quagawump trolls are with us,” Jim said. “Other than them, we’re not too sure. But it definitely ups our numbers. And these guys can dish it out and take it no problem. Doux?” 
 Douxie winced. “Zoe’s got plenty of magic-doers on our side. If I have convinced anyone, most of them might be after my neck as well, haha…Um, Nari! What’s your game plan?”
 “I will do my best to keep my siblings away from the Heartstone,” Nari said. “When they arrive, I will behave as though I am still under their spell. It will give me a chance to strike them first.” 
 “A surprise attack. Nice,” Jim said. 
 “Douxie, when I give my signal I will need you, Zoe, and Claire to join me,” Nari said. “Then we will perform the spell I taught you on them.”
 “But…I thought you said we didn’t need the spell to beat them,” Claire said.
 “We do not need the spell to kill them. But I do not want to kill them. The spell will only remove their physical forms—” 
 “You don’t want to kill them?” Walter snarled, slamming his fist on the table. His pupils were black slits. “After everything they’ve done, everything they’ve taken, you still want to play your little mercy game, nymph?”
 “Walter…!” Barbara pleaded.
 Nari looked upset. “No, no it is not a game. That is not at all what I—”   
 “You said it yourself. So many lives have been lost because you didn’t deal with the Order sooner. And here we thought you’d come to your senses—”
 “Hey!” Douxie stood behind Nari and glared Walter down across the room. “I think you’ve said enough, mate.”
 “Nomura would’ve said the same thing,” Walter hissed. Grief mingled with the rage in his eyes. He hung and shook his head. “I…I apologize, Nari. But they need to pay for what they’ve done.”
 “That doesn’t mean we have to take their lives,” Douxie said.
 “So then what? We let them have another chance at fulfilling the apocalypse?”
 “We shouldn’t let hate be our motivation, Walt,” Jim said.
 “Hatred has nothing to do with wanting to save the world, Young Atlas.”
 “Varvatos Vex is leaning more towards the winged green one’s reasoning,” Varvatos said.  
 “No surprises there,” Toby muttered.
 “Whether or not the Order dies, we’ll need to find an opening first,” Aja said. “These are ancient, powerful, and skilled fighters. We have to make them vulnerable, and that won’t be easy.”
 “I think we have a solution for that.” Zoe and Krel stood in the entrance way. In Krel’s hands was an Akiridion coded shotgun with a long, bell-shaped barrel. He placed it carefully on the Table.
 “That’s pretty brutal, dudes,” Steve said.
 “Not that kind of firearm, Steve,” Krel said. “Zoe and I have been working on something for the past couple of delsons.”
 “We didn’t want to say anything and get everyone’s hopes up, in case we couldn’t make it work,” Zoe said. “But I think we’ve done it.”
 She nodded at Krel. In his palm was a chip the size of a strip of gum. Krel glided his finger over it, activating the holographic blueprint of what looked to be a net, dots connected across its webbing like constellations. Upon further inspection, Douxie realized the lines and points created magic runes. Powerful ones.
 “Now what’s this all about?” Charlemagne asked.
 “The arcane nets. We built two of them,” Krel said. “One for Bellroc, one for Skrael. I’ve loaded them both into this net gun.” He held up two fingers. “Two shots. If we can trap them in these nets, their magic will be completely nullified.”
 “Come again?” Douxie said, sharing everyone’s bewilderment. “How’s that even possible?”
 “Well we were starting to think it wasn’t,” Zoe said. “Even though magic and Akiridion tech are compatible, the nets weren’t working. But…I had a friend of mine send me some of these.” She held up a bundle of cloth, pulling back layers to reveal a colorless transparent stone, smooth as marble with spinning threads of monochrome within. Bits of it had been chipped off.
 “What is that?” Eli asked.
 “A sealing stone!” Douxie met Zoe’s gaze. “So...you think these arcane nets will work now?”
 “They should,” Zoe said.
 “Should? Meaning you didn’t test them again?” Jim asked.
 “We didn’t want to risk it,” Krel said, glancing at Zoe. “I was able to replicate your original Amulet’s power. Our theory is that incorporating these stone fragments into the arcane nets will yield similar results. If that’s the case…Zoe would lose her magic abilities for one horvath. Maybe longer, depending on how the technology and magic have configurated. Which would not be good.” 
 Douxie sighed. “No arguments there.” 
 “I really do think we have something here,” Zoe said. “But regardless, we have to try. Removing the Order’s magic is our best shot.”
 “Literally,” Toby said.
 “Then let’s go for it,” Jim said. 
 Krel nodded. “Leave it to me.”
 “We’ll turn those Arcane Butt-klebs into magicless burritos!” Aja declared, punching her two left palms.
 Steve hooked her waist with his arm. “Right on, Queen babe!”
 “When that happens,” Walter glowered at Nari, “what will you do?”
 She met his gaze, pain and conflict within her own. “I am sorry. For all of this. I promise I will do everything in my power to stop them. But I will say again. I do not want to kill my siblings.” 
 More anger darkened Walter’s face. 
 “The Order won’t win, Walt,” Barbara said. She moved in front of him and touched his arm. “Isn’t that all that matters?”
 “No,” he said softly. “It isn’t.”
 “I know what it’s like to lose the ones I love,” Krel said. He shared a sad glance with Aja. “It’s unbearable. I was so angry. I almost did something I would regret.” He looked at a repentant Varvatos. “I miss my parents every delson. But vengeance isn’t the answer.”
 “I miss Nomura like crazy. We all do,” Claire said, blinking back tears. “But Nari still cares about them. And…I care about what she wants.” She smiled in Nari’s direction. “No matter what, she’ll do the right thing.”
 “We can still do right by Nomura, by everyone, without letting our anger control us,” Jim said.
 Uneasy silence fell over the Hall as Walter continued to pin Nari down with his stare. Several long seconds passed before he folded his arm and looked off to the side, having nothing else to say.  
 Douxie cleared his throat. “Right. That’s our plan then. Nari will handle the Fire and Ice Titans. Aja and Krel will focus on securing the arcane nets around Bellroc and Skrael. The rest of us will deal with whatever monstrosities emerge and wait for Nari’s signal. But take blows at the Titans whenever you can. We have to keep them away from the Heartstone or it’s game over.” His eyes swept over all their faces and his chest tightened. “Stay alive.”
 The rest was unspoken.
 Jim put his hand out. Claire and Toby joined him, then Aja and Krel, then Douxie and Zoe, Steve and Eli. Archie leaned in off Douxie’s shoulder, extending a wing towards the pile. Nari beamed and went up on the balls of her feet to reach. Barbara and Walter stood behind Jim with arms outstretched. The Blanks tried to squeeze in wherever they could, Luug wiggling in Lucy’s hold. Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, Varvatos, and Charlemagne formed a protective outer circle. The Guardians of Arcadia regarded one another. United in their resolve, and moved in their hearts by the friendships they’d made. 
 This family they’d become.
 Jim looked at himself in the window. His mom had boarded the last evacuation ship with the rest of Arcadia Oaks. But not before showing him a light blue diamond ring on her left hand. 
 “That’s awesome, Mom,” Jim had said, hugging her close. “I’m happy for you guys.”
 “Thanks, sweetie.” Barbara took her son’s face in her hands and just looked at him. “I want to say ‘Don’t be a hero.’ But I know that nothing can stop you. You’ve always been a hero. My hero. It’s just who you are.”
 “You were my hero first, Mom.” Jim sniffled. “I uh…I think NotEnrique would make a perfect flower girl.”
 Barbara laughed and hugged him. “All your friends are invited.”
 All Jim could do was hold her tight and let his tears fall.
 Now as he watched a deep crimson hue bleed across the black sky, Jim’s fears were tamed. He closed his eyes, feeling the fit of his armor and the weight of Excalibur on his back. His body burned, but it didn’t hurt.  
 Don’t think. Become.
 Jim opened his eyes to his troll self in the glass.
 “Many of you fought alongside my mother and father,” Aja said. She was broadcasted on every screen of the Akiridion fleets headed for Earth, her people listening intently. “Thank you for fighting by my side now, for this little mudball planet your King In Waiting and I have come to love. But this isn’t just a battle for Earth. This is a war for the universe itself. House Tarron and Akiridion-5 will always fight for what’s right!” 
 In the Hall of The Round Table, Krel ran his fingers over the net gun. He’d never been much of a warrior. At least, that’s what he’d come to believe. Maybe he couldn’t lead an army, or skillfully wield a serrator with three hands behind his back like his father could. Instead his greatest declarations, his statements in the face of adversity, had always been what he built with his mind and hands. It was how he protected what mattered most.
 Krel strapped the net gun to his back. 
 Maybe the core of who he was was enough.
 [It’s okay to be afraid. I’m quite terrified myself, if I’m being honest. I may be a Master Wizard now, but I’m the furthest thing from invincible.] 
 Douxie stilled his thumbs on his phone, thinking. He took a breath and kept typing.
 [Merlin used to tell me a wizard never makes mistakes. So I want to relay that to you, fellow magicians. And it doesn’t matter if we’re on top of the world or at the darkest, lowest points within ourselves. Unexpected possibilities await us. Isn’t it astounding, what a little bit of magic can do?]
 [I have my doubts. But it won’t stop me from trying. It won’t stop me from fighting for what’s right. I hope any fears you have won’t stop you either. Take heart. Be courageous. Stay true. Then nothing will be impossible. Not even today.]
 He sent it to the massive text group he’d compiled. 
 “That’s a good little speech,” Zoe said, peeking at the screen to skim.
 “Encouragement goes a long way,” Douxie said, pocketing his phone. “The current situation is a wee bit stressful.” 
 “Just another doomsday.” Zoe faced him as he took her hands. Douxie kissed her and warmth fluttered through her.
 “I can’t believe I can do that whenever I want to now,” Douxie said, grinning against her lips. “You’re adorable when you blush.”
 Zoe narrowed her eyes. “I think you’re really hot.”
 She had no idea a person’s face could go that red that fast. Douxie was rendered a flushed, sputtering statue of a man. Zoe snickered into her fist.
 “Do you…you really think…so?” Douxie murmured, barely above a whisper. The answer was yes but Zoe just kept laughing.
 Nari had mounted her Titan and moved deeper into the forest until Camelot was in the far distance. She watched the red stained darkness, scanning way beyond the town’s borders for further sign of her siblings. It came in the form of a screeching roar piercing through the thunder, and a thin layer of frost draping across the woodland. The Forest Titan reared its head towards the sound, lifted its front legs away from the cold. Nari faced the clouds as the Fire Titan descended from their depths, streams of red fire turning sheets of rain to mist. The landscape ruptured as giant icicles exploded from the horizon and rapidly overtook the forest. The Ice Titan smashed through an icy wall, stomping its way closer.
 The Forest Titan inched forward to meet its siblings. Nari steeled herself, hid her emotions away as Bellroc circled above before landing beside her, the earth trembling under the Fire Titan’s mass. Her eyes fell upon Skrael, and she had to grind her teeth to halt any outward reaction. His left arm had been severed. In its place was a new appendage of black ice, markings of fiery red and frosty blue wrapping the limb like tattered bandages. It remained stiff and unmoving at his side. Skrael’s eyes glinted with cold, lethal hatred. Nari had never seen him so angered.
 “How sentimental of you to wait for us, Nari.” Bellroc’s low reverberating voice grated Nari’s ears. “Would you look at what your disgusting ‘friends’ did to our brother. They deserve the agony we’re about to inflict, don’t you agree?”
 “Enough waiting!” Skrael spat. “I’ll kill them all. I want to watch them all writhe like worms and suffer! Nari!”
 Nari swallowed. She willed her Titan to stand by Skrael’s side. A sickening grin stretched across Bellroc’s face. The three Titans advanced towards the Heartstone’s light, ice and lava trailing behind. As they entered the town and neared the Heartstone, they were met with the Guardians of Arcadia already there, standing guard upon surrounding rooftops. 
 Douxie magicked up a megaphone. “You can stop right there, you elemental goliaths!”
 “So you survived,” Bellroc hissed, “only to prolong your death.”
 “We won’t let you do this,” Douxie said. His gaze flicked to Nari. “You’ve taken far too much, not only from us, but from the world you convinced yourselves you were protecting. When in reality, you’re nothing but heartless killers. You may have taken our friends. You may have taken Nari. But your campaign of terror ends today!”
 Jim drew Excalibur. Claire’s palms filled with shadows. Toby twirled his hammer, Aaarrrgghh slamming tiles with his fists. Blinky was manning one of the mech suits, having loaded its cannons with dwarkstones. Walter leapt into the air and drew two knives.
 The Creepslayerz struck their poses, Steve brandishing Toothache and Eli locking on with his serrator gun. Aja and Krel each had their own hoverboards now. Aja configured her serrator into a laser and took aim, Varvatos following suit. The Blanks smiled wide and flashed their cannons and torches. Luug growled with all four mandibles curled. 
 Charlemagne soared above and roared a battle cry. Pink electricity whipped between Zoe’s fingers. Smoke billowed from Archie’s jaws. Douxie poofed away the megaphone to replace it with his staff.
 “Nari was never yours,” Skrael snarled. With a swing of his staff, the Ice Titan summoned an enormous shroud of cold mist. From the haze came a countless host of frospecters.
 “You have our thanks for the entertainment,” Bellroc said. The Fire Titan belched a river of lava. Salamanders the size of crocodiles with igneous scales and feral six eyed hellhounds emerged from the infernal current by the thousands. 
 The Forest Titan bashed the ground with its front legs, hoards of carnifloras spewing forth from the earth. Gigantic venus flytraps, some with more than one head. Trees with multiple mouths crammed with razor teeth. Plants of every variety, sharp and pointy and drooling. A bloodthirsty jungle.
 “You really think you can stand against us?” Bellroc shouted with a crazed smile, their firestorm eyes flaring. 
 Aja brought her hoverboard higher and yelled, “Actually, we do!”
 On command, the entirety of the Akiridion fleets parted the black clouds, filling and illuminating the sky electric blue. Three hundred foot combat robots dropped from hatches, crushing buildings as they struck their landings. Hundreds of battle pods zipped alongside ships. One pod dove low. Izita opened the hatch for Zadra to leap out. She freefalled then flipped to land next to Varvatos, her double sided scythe drawn, not a single sweat broken. At that moment, Stuart’s taco truck came weaving down the road with its horn blaring.
 “Hello there, your Majesties!” the putrid green alien hollered out his window. “Lovely weather for a brawl!”
 Bellroc and Skrael glowered as more reinforcements came pouring into Arcadia Oaks from all sides. 
 Clans of trolls came rolling in. Quagawumps, flocks of Stalkings, the Geowarts with their gemstone blemishes, Gobble’s Grotto trolls, the diamond horned Diamarket trolls. Trolls with tiger stripes and polka dots, mohawks and walrus tusks, long necks and long limbs, blind trolls, deaf trolls. Trolls from far and wide. The Krubera came marching, wielding swords and spears. Gnome Chompsky rode in on NotEnrique’s back, hoards of gnomes flanking them.
 “Just in time for the party!” NotEnrique said. He waved at Claire. “Good ta see ya, sis!” 
 Chompsky cackled his gibberish, raising a tiny knife. Excited garble rose from his fellow gnomes.
 Luma strode forward with all of Harmonia. And, to everyone’s surprise, the Moonglow Hollow tribe had joined them.
 “Eeeek!” Alabaster squealed, his spear shaking in his hands. His trolls mirrored his fright. “B-B-Big scary— I want t-to go home, I want to go hooome!”
 “And you shall,” Luma said, drawing her dagger. 
 Last to arrive were armies of spell-casters hailing from all across the globe. Village healers and street performers. Shamans and psychics, alchemists and summoners, warrior mages and potioneers. The technomancers of Hex Tech. Vigilante warlocks and enchantresses. Even a few other shadowmancers. Wizards and witches who’d answered the call poofed, manifested, teleported, levitated into place alongside the heroes, magic at the ready. 
 Douxie jumped when an old stone-faced sorcerer glared his way. “C-Clancy Pendragon! Glad you could make it, old pal! Your turnips doing well?”
 “I’m not your pal, Casperan” he grumbled.
 “Hope that’s a yes…,” Douxie murmured.
 The Arcane Order seethed and summoned even more monstrosities. Volcanic behemoths and skeletal frostbitten wolves the size of horses.
 Cords of lightning lacerated the slate heavens. Thunder vibrated the atmosphere. The rainfall was cool and humid, relentless as both armies held in charged anticipation.
 Bellroc sneered. “How shameful. Our fellow creatures of magic, you’ve all condemned yourselves with the mortal vermin.” They raised their staff. “Come, my siblings. Let us slaughter them all and torture their spirits as we reclaim this world!” Their eyes fixated on the Heartstone. “Yes, this wretched world and the stars beyond…Mine…It shall all be m—”
 The Forest Titan rammed its sharpened antlers into the Fire Titan’s side, while its hind legs brutally smashed into the Ice Titan. Below, every single carniflora suddenly turned on the beasts of flame and frost, strangling and swallowing whole.
 Warrior shouts erupted, rivaling the thunderclaps.
 “For glory and Eternity!” Luma cried.
 “For Nomura!” Walter snarled. 
 “For the good of all!” Jim roared. His friends echoed him.
 The Guardians of Arcadia and their allies surged forward.
Previous Chapter
Author’s Notes : I’m so tired lol
Those of you who made it to the end of this insane chapter, thank you so much reading. Changeling!Jim wielding Excalibur has finally entered the ring >:D Also ZOUXIE!!!!!! >w<
Someone asked me who exactly the Great Eternity is. The best way I can explain it is by comparing him to the Arcane Order. Whereas the Arcane Order were the one pulling the strings throughout the series, I wanted Elyolam to be that but for the good guys. Hopefully it’ll make more sense by the end!
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Bless and thank you again for reading and for all your comments. I’m determined to have this fic completed by July 21st. In the meantime, onward to the final battle!
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bmaxwell · 11 months
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
I had a love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy for a long time. Outside of Final Fantasy Tactics, I’ve never connected with a game in the series despite being a self-proclaimed JRPG fan. I just never managed to find the fun with them. That includes Final Fantasy VII. I remember playing it. I think I made it a little bit into disc 2 before moving onto something else. 
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So, unlike a lot of folks, I was not anxiously awaiting the remake. Nor was I precious about preserving the sanctity of the original release. For me, it was just a major JRPG release. I usually play those. And so I plunged into my Final Fantasy 7 Remake experience.**
Right off the rip, I love the new combat system. You’re running around and attacking in real time, but when you go into a menu to use an ability or an item, the game slows to down to a crawl that might as well be a pause. This would have saved Final Fantasy X-2 for me. Please, please, PLEASE do not batter me about while I’m digging through menus. 
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You start off playing as just mopey, grumpy, emo-ass bitch boy Cloud Strife but soon you’ll have a small gang of outlaws and attractive young ladies joining you in combat. Swapping between characters is painless and makes combat feel more interactive than most in the genre.
The game gets into a lot of currently relevant topics such as class disparity, climate change, and the harm inflicted by unchecked, powerful corporations. Even if the game doesn’t always handle these things with the most serious tone* it feels more real and relatable than “The Big Evil is taking over and going to destroy the entire planet.” The story mostly takes place in a poor, working-class community living quite literally beneath the wealthy elites up above them who are killing to planet for their own gains.
Sound familiar?
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Anyhoo, Square Enix some way, somehow, announced this game too early, made everyone wait and wait for it, made considerable STORY changes to a beloved classic game...and pulled it off. They could have played it safe with this remake and stuck to the original script, but they bet on themselves and it paid off. It lets players old and new play a game with fresh eyes. Veterans don’t know with certainty where the story is going. Would I feel the same if I had the original release up on a pedestal? I’d like to think so.
I had some concerns with how some aspects of the story would hold up some 20 years later. Like a lot of 90′s media, there’s some casual homophobia going on with Final Fantasy 7. And Cloud’s whole brooding “I’m an asshole because I have a tortured past” along with Aerith and Tifa fawning over him because they can fix him...it all feels a little tired now. Still, the optimism of Tifa and Aerith are a refreshing counter to Cloud’s darkness, and the “Who is best girl?” debate is still alive and well. Tifa? Aerith? Maybe Jessie, who just wants to be Cloud’s fuck buddy? No wrong answers here.
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And the whole Honeybee Inn section with Cloud crossdressing was absolutely terrific. Less terrific was the whole Don Corneo section. Some pretty gross implications with Tifa and Aerith being gassed, then left to be gang raped by the dudes that work for Corneo. That made his whole over the top, bumbling persona play pretty poorly for me. Then again, maybe the developers wanted me to feel uncomfortable and to really hate that dude. Mission accomplished. 
The DLC centered around Yuffie was a blast as well. She’s fun to play, the Fort Condor minigame was more engaging than it had any right to be, and it got me ready to go for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth which should be out within the year. I do wish Yuffie would button her shorts all way up considering her age, but that’s a me problem. Playing Crisis Core sold me on Zack as a great foil to Cloud personality-wise. I’ll take oblivious and optimistic over mopey and brooding any day of the week. 
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I’m all in on whatever Square Enix wants to do with the franchise. Nomura take the wheel. 
*Nor is it trying to, and I don’t need my Final Fantasy games to be gravely serious **Final Fantasy 7 Remake will forever be entrenched in my mind as last game I played pre-pandemic.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
The Legend of Hana Chapter 140
Warnings: Once again, angst. Me, putting Oswald in this in cause Nomura decides to be a bitch and not include him (he better be in the next game, I swear to fucking god, if he isn’t I’m gonna be pissed!)
Rating: SFW
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Back at Master Yen Sid’s tower, Luna and the other Spirits explained to him their new powers and asked him for a way to find a way to find Sora and the girls. No one knew the best way to get to Sora or Hana’s location. Only Riku was able to do so. Until…
“I got it! Luna, do you remember when you saved me from Towa City?” Mukuro asked. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah! The sensory deprivation tank! But…are you sure it’ll take all of us to them?” Luna replied. Yen Sid gave a small hum and stroked his long, white beard. 
“It seems that is our only option. I will contact the others to let them know of your plan,” he said to the girls. They all nodded and then left the room to discuss the best way to use Mukuro’s idea.
Back in Quadratum, Sora and the other Spirits were discussing how each of them ended up here and how they knew about Kingdom Hearts. Sora’s heart broke after hearing each of their stories. They didn’t deserve to die like they did. 
“But why?” he asked. 
“Because, the Master of Masters wanted power and couldn’t let us get in his way,” Celina said, playing with her glass of water. 
“But what I find strange is how our powers are suddenly working again,” Kumiko commented. Before Sora could ask her what she meant, the door opened to reveal a black rabbit entered. He wore a pair of sky blue pants and to Sora, he reminded him of King Mickey. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but she’s awake,” the rabbit said. 
“Thank you, Oswald. We’ll be right over,” Diana said. Oswald nodded and headed out the room. Soon, Sora and the other Spirits followed him and found Lily in a bedroom, trying to gather her surroundings. 
“Sora..? Is that you…?” she asked as she spotted the young man.
“Yeah, it’s me,” Sora replied as he sat on the foot of the bed. 
“You look different.” 
“So do you.” Lily looked down and sure enough, she was still in that outfit she wore during her battle. She looked up and saw Celina approaching her with a bowl of water. 
“W-who are you?” she asked, a bit scared. 
“It’s alright. My name is Celina. I helped save you,” Celina replied sitting on the bed. She began to use her magic to make the water move and began to heal Lily’s remaining wounds. 
“You’re a…” Lily began.
“A Spirit? Yes. I am a Siren Spirit. Ruler of the seas.” After her wounds were healed, Lily listened to each of the Spirit’s stories, just like Sora did. As she listened to each of their deaths, she began to think of Hana and what the Master of Master’s is most likely doing to her. 
“Lily, please tell me all you know of what the Master of Masters is doing to your sister,” Kumiko said. Lily took a shaky breath and explained everything she knew. From the kidnapping to the constant screams of her sister. 
“I-I know it’s not much, but that’s all I know,” she said. As if his heart wasn’t broken enough, Sora’s heart practically shattered hearing what Hana was going through. He promised that he would never let anything happen to her, and yet he broke that promise. All because he made the stupid decision to sacrifice himself. His first goal of this world was to find a way back, but now it was to find a way to save his first and ever love. 
“So that’s what we’re feeling,” Morana commented. 
“We’re feeling her pain and fear,” Aki added. Sora soon gathered his thoughts and had a very serious face on. 
“Let’s go find Hana.” 
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strangefellows · 1 year
Oberon, Emet, Ardyn, and Luxu :)
favorite thing about them
Oberon: He's incredible. His writing is insanely good. He's a little known Arthurian figure who happens to be my favorite. He's bitter and angry and hateful but he cares so, so much.
Emet: I like tired old men, he's so snarky and obnoxious and dramatic but he's so devoted.
Ardyn: See above, like Emet I like dramatic obnoxious tired immortals, he's so messed up but the tragedy of him is incredibly good and painful.
Luxu: THREE TIRED DRAMATIC OLD MEN! I love them for the same reason.
least favorite thing about them
Oberon: He's not in NA yet. :|
Emet: I really am still somewhat unsatisfied with his ending in EW, but I'm coping.
Ardyn: How BADLY he was handled after the base game came out and until the saving throw of Ep Ardyn but EVEN THEN UGH, I hate his finale in DOTF.
Luxu: All of the questions we still have, how he almost ruined 10 years of Braig headcanons XD
favorite line
Oberon: "A bottomless sky. An empty life. Joy will have its value decreased tomorrow, and suffering will be forgotten together with yesterday. Beautiful things can be awful under certain conditions, and awful things can be beautiful under certain conditions. …Hah, what a laughingstock. Do you really believe there's any substance to life? …Hey, let me know, Blanca. Did your tale go satisfactorily?"
Emet: Either the line about boring him or his speech in Amaurot.
Ardyn: Oh it's been so LONG but his sass is always good.
Luxu: His fucking pre-fight cutscene in KH2 YES I'M COUNTING THAT lives in my head rent free years later.
Oberon: Him and Castoria, honestly.
Emet: Ooooh, that's hard. XD Lahabrea?
Ardyn: I have HC friends for him from before everything happened!
Luxu: Radiant Garden Squad!
Oberon: Him and my Master OC; ObeGuda hell yeah.
Emet: Hyth/Hades/Azem, of course!!!
Ardyn: I do have an OC I ship with him, but also Ardyn and Aera ;u;
Luxu: .....SS dinghy Braig/Even?
Oberon: I don't really ship him and Merlin, but also Please do not ship him romantically with Castoria
Emet: Him and Elidibus
Ardyn: Him and Noctis, gah!
Luxu: I...don't really ship him with the other Foretellers? IDK what's a NOTP-- OH WAIT XIGDEM PLEASE NO MORE.
random headcanon
Oberon: Despite all his flirting and playboy behavior if it came down to it he's pretty sex-repulsed.
Emet: He's the youngest of the Emet-Hyth-Azem trio, and he's a bit flustered about it.
Ardyn: He's a very, very good storyteller! He likes telling stories to children, or he used to.
Luxu: Ava was his favorite and he spoiled her rotten; he used to call her Ava-cado as a teasing joke.
unpopular opinion
Oberon: I want more people to play with the Vortigern aspect of him, not the Oberon aspect.
Emet: Like I said above, I'm not the biggest fan of his send-off.
Ardyn: He's nowhere near as sadistic as some people tend to paint him.
Luxu: The "Braig" we knew was ALWAYS Luxu.
song i associate with them
Oberon: This song has HUGE Oberon vibes to me, I love it.
Emet: Honestly? This song and this song were ones I blasted pretty hard when I'd rerun Dying Gasp back in SHB.
Ardyn: This one holy shit this is so very Ardyn.
Luxu: Quite frankly? This one hits.
favorite picture of them
Oberon: Nothing like his fourth ascension, honestly.
Emet: There's so little official art of him :(
Ardyn: This art simultaneously is my favorite and my beloathed because of how they never followed through on it.
Luxu: Nomura's art is always a classic.
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milaisreading · 7 months
Limited amount!!
🌱🩷: here is something for thr Crossdresser!Yn AU. I have been so depressed ever since I saw the leaks for the new JJK chapter... this is kind of helping me to get my mind off of it. Hope u like it🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Are you...are you sure about this?" Anri asked the striker in front of her while Ego sat on his chair, eating his noodles.
"I think it's for the best, Teieri-san. To not waste money on manufacturing something that won't sell well." (Y/n) argued, confused as to why the older woman was so reluctant with agreeing. After all, the JFU would probably embrace the idea of saving money.
"Yeah, but... just 15? (Y/n), you know you do have fans-"
"I think that's for the best. I definitely don't have Isagi or Rin's popularity,  so I don't think my figurine will sell well. Please spare me this humiliation, Teieri-san, Ego-san. " (Y/n) explained as she held the prototype of her figurine that Anri gave her. It was nothing special, just a smaller version of her smiling in the Blue Lock uniform. There was a short silence as the striker looked at the two for a moment, hoping they will do her this one favor.
"I can't just-"
"Fine." Ego interrupted Anri, both now looking at the man.
"You did prove to be a great player and so far hid your identity very well. So we will grant you this one wish." Ego said as he finished his food. (Y/n) looked at him in shock for a moment, but then smiled and bowed.
"Thank you. Thank you, Ego-san." She kept repeating to the man, who just nodded his head. Anri looked nervously between the duo, wondering how all of this will end up.
"It's so weird seeing merch of myself." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she walked to the bedroom she shared with Isagi, Rin, and Bachira. She chuckled a little, already knowing she will be greeted by Rin doing his usual yoga, and Isagi and Bachira messing around. And sure enough, when she opened the door she saw just that. Bachira and Isagi were telling jokes while Rin tried to hide his irritation while doing his normal yoga routine.
"(Y/n)! Where were you?! I need my hug buddy!" Bachira exclaimed as he saw the girl enter their room and lunged at her.
"Bachira, wait!" She shrieked as the boy ran to and engulfed her into a hug, nearly causing the girl to fall down. The girl stumbled back, but thankfully grabbed onto a wall to not injure himself or something.
'Bachira might not look like much, but God is he strong.'
"Hey, Bachira, could you maybe let go of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously.
"Nope~" The bicolored boy sang out, causing her the sigh and pat him on his back a few times. Meanwhile, Rin and Isagi were sending death glares at Bachira's back. Both were mad that he was the one to hug (Y/n) first, but also for causing her to nearly fall down.
"Bachira, let go of him." Isagi spoke up finally and went to grab Bachira's shirt, pulling the boy away from (Y/n).
"Hey!" The boy protested.
(Y/n) internally thanked Isagi for giving her the free space back.
"I will hug you later, Bachira. I am just really tired right now." She spoke up, trying to stop their argument, but neither was listening.
Rin, on the other hand, was staring at the trio in anger. Not only were they causing him a ruckus, but (Y/n) also said she will hug Bachira later.
'That mediocre player really doesn't deserve it.' He rolled his eyes, but then they landed on a small item on the floor. One he never saw before in his life.
Rin walked over and picked it up, only to discover that it was a small figurine of (Y/n).
When Bachira hugged her, she ended up losing her grip on the item, and neither her or the other two noticed it.
'What is this? And why does it look like (Y/n)?' Rin wondered, tapping the smiling figurines cheek.
'I basically touched his face now.' Rin thought with a blush, then looked over at the trio.
"Lukewarm, (Y/n)." He cleared his throat as the trio looked at him.
"Yes?" She asked as the other two sent Rin a glare for calling her a lukewarm.
"What is this?" He asked while showing them the figurine. Isagi and Bachira's eyes widened when they saw the item.
'A mini (Y/n)!' Bachira thought with stars in his eyes.
'So adorable!' Isagi's face turned redder.
"Oh... the JFU wants to test a first merch launch, and they picked me for it. It's just a prototype of what it will look like." (Y/n) explained, walking over to Rin and taking it our of his hand.
"Merch?! Of you?!" Bachira asked in excitement.
"Yeah... it's launching in two weeks." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders, walking over to her shelf to put the item on it.
"So we- I mean, your fans will have the chance to own a mini you?!" Isagi asked with a huge smile and blush as (Y/n) turned to look at him.
Rin kept quiet as he stared at the figurine with wide eyes, also excited over these news.
'I will definitely buy one.' The three thought in determination.
"Tho, I was honored to be the first one, it would have been better if they picked a more popular player. I don't think mine will sell well, so I asked them to make only 15 of these." (Y/n) finished explaining, and the last part definitely left them deflated. 'ONLY 15?! How can I get one even?!' Bachira thought, already panicking that be won't be able to get his hands on one of the figurines.
'(Y/n), why would you do that?! How will I get my hands on one, when I have to fight against both your fangirls and the other players?!' Isagi gulped as anxiety took over his body.
'This lukewarm needs to work on his confidence, now I will have to start a blood bath.' Rin groaned.
"A-are you 3 alright?" (Y/n)'s worried voice interrupted their thoughts, and all 3 quickly nodded their heads.
"Of course we are!"
"Only 15?!" Reo and Barou exclaimed in disbelief as the trio explained the whole story from last night.
"What sort of confidence does he even have? Nagi, Reo, this is your fault." Otoya grumbled, earning side-glares from the two.
"How is this our fault? We didn't do anything." Nagi protested.
"Exactly that!" Yukimiya said, fixing his glasses.
"If you were good friends to (Y/n), you would have noticed he was in distress with his self-worth. Now, with me he would have not had these issues. I would have told (Y/n) everyday how wonderful and talented he is." The model said proudly, earning a scowl from Reo.
"Please shut up, show off. You are just mad (Y/n) doesn't like you."
"But Yukimiya does have a point." Karasu chimed in, glaring at Reo.
"Didn't you two basically abandon him during the 1st selection? Even during the 2nd one, Nagi, you basically acted like he didn't exist."
Barou pointed it out, which irritated the duo.
"You know nothing." Nagi said, glaring at the red-eyed boy.
"This is not the point now." Aryu clapped his hands, causing the rest to look at him.
"Aryu is right, we should focus on what's important." Kunigami added in.
"And that is, how do we get one of those figurines when there is only 15?"
The room fell silent as neither really knew how to answer that.
"Maybe we could try convincing (Y/n) that he should go for more figurines? Isagi, Barou, you two are the closest to him. Maybe you should try it." Kurona suggested as everyone looked at the duo. Both of them looked at each other, and then shook their heads.
"I don't think we should do that. It's his decision and I don't want him to feel bad about it." Isagi answered, Barou for the first time agreeing with something.
"Yeah... forcing him or convincing him will do us all more harm than good." Hiori added in.
"Well then, it's every man for himself. I will get my hand on one of those figurines." Karasu declared with a smirk.
"Not if I do first!" Bachira challenged back.
"Logically thinking, it's more likely that only one of us gets one... (Y/n) has many fans, so we are not competing just among each other anymore." Niko reminded them.
"Well, then I will be the one to get it." Rin said after a short pause, causing the rest to look at him weirdly.
"Now, why would you be the to get it?!" Otoya questioned.
"Because, I am the best one in this facility, therefore I deserve it more."
"Just because you are the best one, doesn't mean you deserve a figurine, Rin-chan~" Bachira said cheerfully.
"What?" Rin asked, irritated by the boy's remark.
"Bachira is right, if anything, someone who is close to (Y/n) should get the figurine. And that someone is me!" Chigiri finally spoke up, shocking everyone.
"What?! How are you the closest one with him?" Yukimiya remarked.
"We both braid each other's hair and talk for hours about the most random things-"
"So do I with (Y/n)." Aryu chimed in, which caused Chigiri to glare at him instead.
"Shut it. (Y/n) and I have spent so many hours training, we are the closest." Otoya added in, which drew Tokimitsu and Kunigami's attention.
"H-He does the same thing with me! Wh-which means I am pretty close with him, too!" Tokimitsu exclaimed.
"He is always there to help me with his skills, and even trains with me in the gym." Kunigami chimed in, causing a whole separate argument between them.
"This is ridiculous!" Reo sighed loudly, then pointed at himself and Nagi.
"Nagi and u have known (Y/n) for way longer than any of you have. We know everything there is to know about him."
This caused Barou and Isagi to roll their eyes.
"Yeah, and he trust us the most. He would be probably more happy for us to have a figurine than you guys-"
"Nagi, you and Reo literally turned your backs on him back in the beginning of this project. You have no leg to stand on." Isagi interrupted the albino, which made the duo tense up a little.
"And we apologized! He would vouch for us now!" Reo added in.
"None of you really deserve the figurine." Barou finally spoke up.
"(Y/n) and I have been partners since the beginning, we are the closest here. Especially after all the late night trainings." The king explained.
"But, you forget that (Y/n) has been chasing after me the whole time. Even during the 3rd selection, he always asked to train with me." Isagi added in proudly, drawing Rin's attention on him.
"Oh please. (Y/n) is probably too nice to tell you that you got boring. Why would the literal #2 of this facility go and seek out your assistance. I am the perfect choice. We especially got close during the 2nd selection when we would have dinner together after practice." The younger Itoshi explained, obviously mad that Isagi reminded him that (Y/n) always chased after him, never after Rin. The #1 player in Blue Lock.
"This is stupid. (Y/n) and I are obviously closer, our humor and passion to become better obviously bonds us the best." Karasu snorted.
"Karasu, no offense, but it's obvious that (Y/n) and I are closer. After all, he would come to talk to me about fashion choices."
As they argued, Hiori, who was standing next to Niko, spoke up as well.
"Now, I would be worthy of the doll too. After all, (Y/n) and I share similar homes, and we talk for hours about different video games."
"(Y/n) likes talking to me a out different sea animals. Even helps me with my braid sometimes. It's very nice of him." Kurona added in with a slight blush.
"Well, (Y/n) and I share a love for anime and manga. We would sometimes go to the monitor room and watch different animes on our phones. We even fell asleep there a few times." Niko admitted.
"So you are the reason he sometimes isn't in bed?!" Bachira yelled with a menacing smile.
"Niko, do you know how many nights I couldn't cuddle up to him while he slept?!"
"Bachira, that's weird!"
"What even-"
Hiori and Kurona said, staring at the bicolored boy. While everyone wad busy arguing, Gagamaru blinked at them a few times before walking out of the dining hall, an idea already brewing in his brain.
2 weeks had passed, and the day of the merch launch finally happened. All the boys were anxiously waiting on their phones for the orders to start. They were all determined to get one of the figurines. They were so adorable, and captured the beauty of the striker perfectly. And finally, when the minute of the launch arrived, they quickly went to click on the 'order' option, only for them to be met with the most soul crushing sign.
'Sold out!' Read in big, red letters as if to mock the boys about their fail.
They expected something like this to happen, but it hurt the same.
Right now, they were all in the dining hall again, all depressed over losing the opportunity to get the (Y/n) figurine.
"I hate today." Reo said, resting his head on the table.
"I agree." Karasu and a few others nodded their heads as the door opened.
"Huh? Are you guys alright?" (Y/n)'s voice caused them to jump up and look at her.
"F-fine!" Isagi spoke up.
"We are great, just tired. And you? You seem pretty happy?" Karasu spoke up, noticing how less tense she was now.
"Oh? Ego-san just told me that the figurines of me sold out today, and they will do a relaunch in a month."
"Relaunch?! How many will it be this time?" Bachira asked as all eyes were on her.
"I don't know... maybe like 300 to 500, based on what Ego-san said." (Y/n)'s explanation caused them to sigh in relief a little. Finally they will have the chance to own one of those figurines.
"By the way, here, Gagamaru. As promised!" (Y/n) said, walking over to the goalkeeper, putting the prototype of her figurine on the table. The boy nodded quickly and slid his dinner to her as she sat across from him.
"Uhm... why are you giving Gagamaru that figurine?" Chigiri wondered.
"Oh? He promised to give me his dinner for a month in exchange for the figurine. His dinner happens to be my favorite dish!" (Y/n) explained cheerfully and went back to eating. She didn't register to cold looks and deathly glares Gagamaru was getting, but the boy didn't care. He just sat on his chair, smiling fondly at the figurine.
'That should have been me!!'
The group thought over and over, now hoping that the relaunch will happen as soon as possible.
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hauntedfoxinternet · 2 years
This is Chapter 4 to my Trollhunters Tales of Arcadia The Arcane's sister
Chapter 4 Calm before the storm, minus the calm part
“Let me get this straight. You want Gunmar to release Morgana?” Blinky gasped.
“Merlin, I thought you were here to save the world, not destroy it!” Toby cried.
“I’m not destroying the world, I’m risking it! The world harbors greater dangers, not just the ones in your little town.” Merlin retorted.
“What do you mean?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and a little edge to it.
“You could not hope to understand.” Merlin condescended.
“Jim? Jim. Jim!” Claire snapped the Trollhunter out of his daze.
“Want to weigh in here? Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose.” Toby exclaimed.
“Wait, he destroyed my vespa.” Jim murmured.
“He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!” Blinky rambled.
“Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we’ll slay Morgana before the eternal night starts.” Merlin stated.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m sorry you want Jim to go against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?” Toby gasped.
“Shouldn’t we at least let Jim decide?” I questioned.
“Now is the time to strike. She’s been imprisoned for centuries, and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance.” Merlin continued.
“Wait. if Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back.” Claire realized.
“That would be a pleasant bonus, yes.” Merlin sneered.
“Oh, you only want your magic back. AAARRRGGHH, my friend, put your fist through the old man’s face.” Blinky demanded.
“Old man make sense. Stop witch forever.” AAARRRGGHH replied.
“I’m with Blinky, sounds like Merlin just wants his magic back.” Toby retorted.
“What if Merlin’s right? He’s been right about everything else.” Claire reasoned.
“Thank you.” Merlin smiled.
“Claire, Gunmar and Morgana want to destroy the world. We live in this world!” Toby cried.
“What about you Isabella, what do you think?” Claire asked.
“Don’t drag me into this, it's Jim's decision to call the shots here.” I said with my arms crossed with my back against a post in Jim’s living room.
“I need to think.” Jim sighed.
“Then, I await your decision.” Merlin bowed half heartedly.
“Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we’ll need an army. AAARRRGGHH and I will see what we can do. As to whom, we are fighting, I’ll leave that to Master Jim.” Blinky glared at Merlin. I don’t blame him, I'm kinda mad at him too.
The rest of the day was tiring, but the worst part was that Dr. Lake, Jim’s mother, had gone missing. Nobody had seen her and she wouldn’t pick up her phone.
“This is Dr. Lake. I’m not available. Please leave a message…” The familiar voicemail sounded again.
“My mom hasn’t seen her either.” Claire whimpered.
“Not at the hospital.” Toby sighed.
“I’m trying to call Strickler but I’m worried he won’t pick up.” I stated, my voice full of worry.
“Asking for Mommy’s permission?” Merlin taunted.
“You’re asking us to wage a war. It’s only fair to have everyone weigh in.” Jim retorted.
“I’m feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?” Merlin completely ignored Jim and searched the fridge.
“What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep’s stomach?” Toby recoiled in disgust. “I’ll see if anyone at the school has seen her.”
The door flung open and Toby was shoved to the ground by Nomura, the changeling who previously worked at the museum.
“Usurna tried to capture me at the museum.” Nomura groaned as she heaved herself up.
“Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon.” Nomura guiltily mumbled. Cradling her injured arm.
"So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can spwak in a troll tongue. If they failed to take her, they'll look for others." Merlin explained in his monotone voice, uncaring and nonchalant as always.
"Strickler! Did he pick up, Bella?" Jim asked nervously.
"No. I kept trying but it just goes to voicemail." I shook my head.
"Do you think your mom is with him, Jim?" Claire asked.
Jim looked down in fear. "Split up and look everywhere, Find my mother!" Jim exclaimed.
"It's okay, Jim, we'll find them." Claire reassured before heading out the door. I was about to leave but I turned back to get a final look at the others.
"Uh, Nomura? Your shoulder, it looks… is it falling out?" Toby gulped, prompting Nomura to shove her arm back into it's socket with a disturbing pop noise.
"All right….I can never unhear that but that's fine….Bye!" I said as I ran out the door.
I walked in the opposite direction of Claire to cover more ground and ended up in a forest. I saw a few foot prints that looked like a struggle.
I kept walking until I ran into Claire and Toby who were on their bikes. We all searched together until we spotted Strickler and Barbara in the canals.
"Dr.L! Are you ok?" Toby cried as we rushed down there.
"We have to warn Jim." Barbara spoke in a trembling voice.
"Morgana, she's free." Strickler stated, holding onto Barbara's hand like a life line.
"Jim." Claire gasped, pulling out her phone to call him. He didn't pick up.
I glanced around at everyone, almost as if communicating through eye contact. We raced off back to Jim's house.
"Jim!" Toby cried, slamming the door open.
"Where's Jim?" I demanded, glaring down Merlin. (older sister mode has just been activated.)
"Finally becoming a true Trollhunter." Merlin announced, his grey eyes narrowing at us.
"You'd never!" Strickler stood aghast. Merlin simply turned away. That was all the proof I needed.
Following the thud from the bathroom, me, Toby, Claire, Barbara and Strickler ran up the stairs.
"Jim, are you in there?"Barbara shook with worry. "Jim! What's happening? Please let us in!"
"Jimbo?" Toby yelled.
"Jim!" Claire cried.
"Jim, come on! This isn't funny!" I slammed myself against the door, ignoring the tears forming in my eyes.
"Jim, they've freed Morgana!" Claire shouted, banging against the door with me.
"Young Atlas, you are not alone. Don't do this! Open the door!" Strickler boomed.
I finally opened the door with it being broken now with my hand bleeding a little and shoved the door open.
He wasn't there.
He was gone.
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telamons · 5 years
Lmao I was scrolling through the Kingdom Hearts tag on my Tumblr and i found tags I wrote on a post a few days before KH3's release saying "please God protect Sora, don't hurt him protect him" and hahahahahahahaha now that I've finished the game it hurts so much
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wizardouxie · 3 years
"The Kronisphere will make everything right," Nari had whispered gently, a soft smile on her lips.
Jim clutches the sphere tightly to his chest, neglecting the heat of the pavement scraping into his knees. Claire follows suit, dropping down to wrap an arm around him. He cries into her shoulder and she places her other hand on the ball with him. Slowly and quietly, the survivors huddle into a hug. They won, but they feel far from victorious.
"There has to be another way, there always have been," the Trollhunter chokes out. He stares at the magical object emanating a healthy green in his hands. It gleams with life, a stark contrast to the reality around him. But regardless, he's not going to give up. Not on Toby, not on the rest of his friends and family.
Suddenly a scene flashes, among the cracks that Aaarrrgghh had caused in his grief-stricken stupor. Claire brings a hand to her mouth.
"Wait a minute," Douxie starts, head tilting. A whispered "By Deya's Grace" escapes Blinky's lips. It's safe to say that the Akiridions, Stuart, Steve, and Eli are shocked as well.
It's them, with their hands on the ball, on top of each other's hands. Their eyes closed in momentary prayer.
And then, a miracle.
Several flurries of nature take place -- some circling around in columns, the others rushing to the debris around them. Edifices are rebuilt, while the trees uprooted find their footing back into the Earth. The roads are melded back to normal and Arcadia High stands tall in its glory. Jim's breath hitches when he sees a column of flowers spin around the silhouette of a familiar winged man with horns. He doesn't let the rest play out. He knows what they need to do.
"Everybody get up! If we're going to do this, we gotta do it together," he orders, disbelief and hope laced in his voice. He knows what he saw, and he's sure the others saw the same. He raises the Kronisphere in front of him and sees to it that everyone puts their best hand forward. A grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he watches the fire grow in the eyes of his friends.
The Kronisphere will make everything right.
And everything right it makes. They recreate the future in the Kronisphere with all the success one could ever hope for. The city of Arcadia is quickly restored to its homely self, as if a magma dripping titan hadn't just rampaged through. As if time had turned back before to reflect the location before disaster.
And maybe it's just a gut feeling, but Jim can tell that rest of the world has just experienced the same healing in its respective areas as Arcadia did.
It's a shame that the magical artifact shattered after usage, however. Must have been worthiness overload with all his friends involved, something along those lines. Or maybe the high demand they bargained. But honestly? He can't bring himself to care.
Instead he kicks the green, gold, and silver shards around across the road and looks back to check the earlier overturned vehicle which is now upright and... empty. Wait but-
"Hehe, that tickles!"
Jim turns around and as the white circulating flowers part, meets the eyes of his best friend, vibrant with life. With grimy hands, he rubs his own. He's alive. If this was a dream, he wouldn't mind sleeping for a bit longer. Maybe even forever.
Shaking, he glances at Claire. She gives him back a watery smile.
"Well? What are you waiting for?"
And that's enough to have him tackling the warhammer wielder to the ground.
"Jimbo! Hey, hey, it's alright I'm here. I'm alive," Toby laughs, patting the trollhunter's back. He shoots a thumbs up and a wink to a delighted Aaarrrgghh and Krel.
"And so are we," another voice rings out. Jim squeezes Toby once more before raising his head, the smile on his face ever increasing in size.
There stood Strickler, Nomura, Nari, even Archie and Charlemagne.
"I can't believe it actually worked," Aja remarks, taking a weak Steve from Eli's arms. Varvatos beams, and lets out a haughty laugh.
"Varvatos is most pleased with this outcome! However it came matters not to him."
"Well, it seems that the Kronisphere has the ability to not only show our futures, but reverse certain aspects of time, according to the beholder's desires. That is, if presented like it was to us. And in our case, we desired in union to reverse the deaths and destruction of the world, not necessarily an entire timeline," Douxie explains anyways. He beckons Archie and Nari into a much needed hug. He couldn't imagine a life without his familiar even if he tried. And Nari, oh Nari, she deserved to witness the joys of life she had heroically saved with all of them.
"Oooh, similar in manner to how Jim used the Kairosect to pause time!" Blinky adds, raising a finger. Claire snorts.
"Didn't you waste a turn back then, Blinky?" she teases. Blinky scratches the back of his head with a bashful smile.
"I was merely testing it out!"
"I dunno 'bout all of you, but I've had enough time travel change whatever for a lifetime," Steve groans.
"You can say that again," Stuart answers in agreement.
It's then Strickler kneels down and pats Jim's head. The trollhunter reaches out and pulls him into a crushing hug. The changeling hugs back with just as much strength.
"Young Atlas, how does it feel to not carry the burden alone anymore?" he muses. Jim chuckles.
"Feels good."
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 years
Hello! May I request 45 for Jim and Draal?
I just love their relationship, no matter if ship or not😊
45. “You’re acting weird.”
Have a changeling!Jim AU; this takes place a little after Hiss Hiss Bang Bang.
CW: Canon-typical anti-changeling racism, and references to past a toxic romantic relationship
(Also, please don't tag this as Jim/Draal)
Jim had a schedule for laundry, and so Draal knew when to wait for him. Out of all the things that had changed, this probably hadn't. And he was patient enough to wait; it wasn't like Bar-bu-rah would be coming down to the basement. She didn't normally before she found out about trolls, and now that she was no longer connected to the impure and still didn't remember, she had no reason to come down now.
"Trollhunter," Draal greeted as Jim walked down the stairs.
"Hey, Draal," Jim said. There were socks in the laundry basket. Socks that Jim immediately put into the washing machine. What a pity.
No, Draal couldn't allow himself to get distracted.
"You're acting weird," Draal said.
Jim flinched. He'd been doing that often. It was unfit for a warrior. "I've been out of the Darklands for only a few days, Draal. I'm still adjusting."
"You're acting normally around Toby and Claire again." Draal hadn't noticed Jim flinching around the two of them.
Jim hummed at that and focused on the laundry. "I kind of wish Nomura could've stuck around."
Ugh. Her.
"That time you saved me from her, after I beat you in the Heroes' Forge," Jim continued as he poured the detergent into the washing machine. "She mentioned rekindling an old flame. Did the two of you use to be together?"
"Unfortunately. I was rebellious at that age, but she turned out to be just like all other impure. A load of bushigall."
Jim loudly slammed the closed bottle of detergent back onto the floor. "Don't call her that."
"What? A load of bushigall?"
"That's what she is!"
"Draal, that's rude."
"No, calling her a load of bushigall is rude, even though she deserves it. An impure is what she is."
"She's a changeling; it's the exact same thing!"
Jim slammed the lid to the washing machine closed. "No, impure's a cruel term that's been forced on -" Jim inhaled sharply and started the machine. When he spoke again he was quieter. "It's a cruel term to force on changelings, not when they had any choice in what they are. I have a lot of homework from when I was in the Darklands."
And Jim ascended the stairs.
That was a beyond weird outburst for Jim. And Draal still had no idea why the Trollhunter was acting so strangely.
Angst/Fluff Prompt List
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douxie-casperan · 3 years
Rise of the Titans and the assassination Hisirdoux Casperan’s character development
I’ve been ranting so much since Wednesday morning that I finally condensed by thoughts of WHY this one subject keeps setting me off namely the utterly diabolical way they handled Douxie and Archie’s relationship in Rise of the Titans and how it wasn’t just enough to hit him with the nerf bat.
Please note I’m at the point where I literally cannot tell the difference between Aaron headcanons, Teny headcanons and my own they are all mixed together in the blender that does funky things. I also apologise for typo/weird wording it’s half 1 in the morning and I’d rather sleep than edit.
If asked to sum up Hisirdoux Casperan there are certainly several things that come to mind:
Sees the value in people as a whole and will find do anything if there is a chance of help someone out
Prefers tactics that disable/banish rather than kill an enemy yet willing and able to pull the trigger if circumstances become forced
While not academically inclined he is very capable of thinking on his feet and outside the box calling back to his time on the streets where a split-second decision making is the difference between being caught and not
Terrible at planning he’ll be in there figuring it out as he goes along which is what makes the previous point so vital to literally how he goes through life
A natural charmer that would let him talk his way out of trouble 9/10 providing a perfect cover for his distrustful nature and reluctance to be touched by random people
Very down to earth, humble and never one to brag unless outright sassing someone
Will bang out some hot tunes at the drop of a hat, his love of music has never wavered once since he caught the bug despite instrument hopping ironically becoming a jack of all trades much like his magic style
The earliest memories he can recall are him as a young boy lost in the woods where he was for an unknown amount of time before his soon to be familiar finds him amongst the roots covered in dirt and drying tears, there is nothing before that. Unbeknownst to him is the colour of his magic matches the blue of a lost mother’s eyes and the song that haunts his nightmares as much as fire could well be hers though there is no way to be sure. From that moment on Archibald, shortened to Archie, would become his entire world and their friendship only becoming closer during the years they prowled Camelot together trying to keep themselves in one piece until the fateful day Douxie tricks the wrong person leading him straight into the path of the famous wizard Merlin Ambrosius.
It's no real secret that Merlin is a very closed off person who keeps his emotions as well guarded as his secrets, prefers the style of negative reinforcement over positive encouragement and is a very strict perfectionist in his. At this point in his life he can be very easily described as a disaster that is genuinely doing his best with every little mistake held of his head and his future self when brought back to that time period is belittled by Lancelot (Errand boy) and Arthur (Boy) too meaning it’s hardly a wonder his confidence was very fragile revelling in the times where he could do things without being told off for it. With Morgana largely ignoring him too (Though personally I like to think as he got older she’d occasionally take an interest until the blistering arguments with their master started to talk over daily life) a certain disguised dragon would have remained a lifeline and give that physical affection he craved much like being told he’d done well never seemed able to earn.
With Killahead he’d lose that home and family he made leaving just the two of them behind struggling to figure out their place in the world that had abandoned them.
There wouldn’t have been the words for it back then but the way he had been treated prior was outright abusive instilling very bad habits into Douxie yet by irony he was always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and help those in trouble without thinking earning a reputation as the Shepard of Fire. He refused to become like him seeking to be better, perhaps not as a wizard (Even though he was learning new charms and spells along the way) but certainly as a person. Despite everything he suffers through or witnesses in the intervening years, the loss of friends and kindling of far newer ones he never loses his good heart 
That said is it any wonder that after rightfully sassing Merlin for resurfacing, ignoring his existence despite being in the same town and only visiting him to run a finding errand that all the confidence he’d managed to build completely from scratch after Camelot wavered causing him to fall back solely into trying impressing his old Master who was acting like his humble apprentice must have coasted the past few centuries who himself fell back into old habits of belittling? It’s only when Merlin started to truly listen and acknowledge that this was not the same Moppet he once knew after Excalibur was fixed that their relationship finally started to become more like equals. After the defeat of Janus the changeling that broke into the castle he touched Douxie’s shoulder with a genuine smile and for a second he simply didn’t know what to do because the old man never did this before his brain kicked into gear and realised he’d finally earned that one thing he’d been so desperate for his entire life: That in Merlin’s eyes he could be more than a failure who only caused problems for the closest thing to a father figure he’d ever had, never solved them.
A staff will be earned, history would be set back on trap by banishing Morgana tag teaming with Archie because they know one another inside and out, as promised he’d get the kids back to the present but soon after things would go badly wrong. They’d lose Jim and because of his very nature he’d make a gamble to try and get him back because that life is worth trying for just for in a moment of surprising selflessness Merlin would be sacrificed to save him. The only constant in his life apart from Archie would apologise, openly express pride and how the greatest thing he’d ever done was saving this orphan, call him son for the first and final time before turning into ash in his arms. There would be no time to grieve for things will barrel into the crescendo of Douxie sacrificing his own life to buy everyone time to escape because if they did that everything he’d ever done would be worth it with one last whispered goodbye.
(Zoe sees him fall, so does Archie – His heart would break if he was conscious just like theirs does when his body crumples into the ground)
On the very fringes of the Light Realm he is gifted one more conversation with Merlin in a truly heart-breaking sequence (THANKS TENY) where they can just talk without any fear of consequence or politics and just be completely honest. Douxie is allowed to stand equal to Merlin, to have the hug he’d needed since he was a child and be allowed to simply let go of every pretense and cry his heart out because this can never happen again. He’s allowed to say goodbye to both his master and Morgana who had both shaped so very much of his life but like the painting he’d always remained firmly in the long shadows of until that moment.
When Hisirdoux Casperan finally leaves Wizards if we just accidently deliberately put the shawarma back in along with checking in with Zoe before departure, it is with having learned to live during his wandering years but this is the point of true freedom because he can finally escape into his own light with Archie by his side to keep Nari out of the hands of those that would see the world harmed. It won’t be easy but it feels possible somehow even with the knowledge everything is simply running on borrowed time.
Then Rise of the Titans happens.
At first everything is genuinely fine! No more running, they engineer a solution shut the Order’s magic down to make them a lot less dangerous and potentially at least incapacitate them until they can come up with a longer-term solution but all the best laid plans and all that. Douxie’s quick thinking stops the train from crushing any of the people below and it’s a very him style move to switch places with Nari to stall for time because for some reason the plot disabled Claire from portaling her or any of the threatened people/heroes to safety. He openly sasses the Order despite knowing the consequences will be bad for him because once again he’s managed to trick them, buy time that at the other end isn’t even slightly utilised until he’s forced back into his own body in excruciating pain. Archie immediately mobs him with comfort just as he has done every single time the wizard is distressed or collapsed with exhaustion without thinking because that is what their bond is like, incredibly close and far more than the Soul Bond mark that connects them together. They’re very alike in that regard, you have to earn the right to touch while equally knowing exactly what form the other needs the most in that precise moment in a way very few others could.
Bar the moment of figuring out that an illusion is in place to hide where the Order is opening the Genesis Seals and the brief insistence on reconnecting with Nari somehow Douxie manages to forget everything that makes him who he is after this point choosing to stand in the background being very no thoughts head empty or can only use the most basic spells of his youthful days not the seasoned master wizard he should be. Nomura is treated like an innocent slip rather than an outright death he did absolutely nothing to prevent (Not to mention the stupid daytime thing) nor seems to care particularly about afterwards yet with Nari’s he’s allowed to openly grieve in a gorgeously animated visual showing how he’d failed to keep her safe despite everything. He did nothing to help here either mind despite allowing himself to be tortured in the same piece of media to keep her safe, just watched another loss happen right in front of his eyes in his conga long line of them.
Then there’s Archie, oh god then there was Archie.
The dragon who even here he’d been shown to have an incredibly close bond with him decides you know what sod that tell him goodbye I’m going to make a joke about having a kingdom now dad and me are trapped in here forever. Douxie on his part looked sad for all of three seconds saying that he hoped he’s happy like it's a pet that wandered out into the world one day and never came back instead of a lifelong companion that has been there for as long as he can remember. He was now completely alone in the world since Zoe was also written out entirely and because every bit of his background had been forgotten about it somehow meant nothing. This wasn’t “I know you miss him, I know you need to grieve but you are running out of time” moment like things had been with Charlie, this was “cool shapeshifting dragon cat is now stuck in a plot hole that’s a shame” with zero pay off or any of the genuine reaction that should have been there or hell even trying to Ohana him back that very second because it never should have happened in the first place. Then even this wasn’t enough somehow, they managed to de-power Douxie even further into uselessness bar the (Admittedly nifty!) sticky feet stunt, the one who fought Skrael and Bellroc to a stalemate was shunted aside with barely a thought and his head would somehow get even emptier.
The one person who knew the danger of time magic the most stood by and said nothing.
The one person who would suffer the most by a reset because the lynchpin to his issues would be asleep if you got it wrong and should have drilled it into Jim’s head the best time to aim for stood by and said nothing.
The one person who had just suffered the loss of his familiar, best friend and only family along with the almost sister like Nari stood by and said nothing.
Then to add further insult to injury the caption when Douxie and Archie is shown says Some go their entire lives living an existence of quiet desperation because every drop of his character growth, his ability to finally start addressing his trauma instilled back in the 12th century, the staff he longed for was instead openly mocked by going “Aww he got his cat friend back how nice!” Everything he’d rightfully earned and had now would be unable to progress until certain criteria are met because it hinges entirely on the Trollhunter going to Merlin’s tomb and there’s only so much your support network of two (One if she’s written out) can do, the root of the majority of his issues all stem from one man.
And this folks is why I’ve been going on multiple rants about Douxie in particular, everyone was hit with the out of character bat to some degree in this film but when they came for him they didn’t just stop after they took his legs out because they wanted him to suffer from something he’s never had any control over to begin with all over again. Abuse survivors deserve better, these characters deserve better and we as viewers deserve far far better writing than we were forced to endure.
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