#noir and nuit
slowandsweet · 1 year
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Elie Saab ‘Of Noir and Nuit’ Pre-Fall 2023
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semioticapocalypse · 5 months
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Burt Glinn. Seven Arts Coffee Gallery. NY. 1959
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 months
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Night and her Daughter Sleep
Artist : Mary Lizzie Macomber (1861-1916)
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vhscorp · 4 months
Gardons toujours espoir : c’est par les nuits les plus noires que l’on voit le mieux les étoiles…
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steph-photographie · 3 months
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Photo originale par Steph-Photo
Ambiance parisienne
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bizarreauhavre · 1 month
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sinniel · 1 month
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When a simple line makes me do a little watercolour painting that I really love. It was done during the drawtober, but with a list of mine, created by picking lines from my favorites songs.
This can translate as "And the black night will embrace us"
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grandboute · 10 months
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dollforaugustmoon · 1 year
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thifiell · 5 months
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pradaldi · 2 years
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Nuit Noire, a small zine about light pollution. In French only because to my knowledge only France have by switch boxes on the front of buildings to turn off neon signs. Available for free as a printable PDF on my website.
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semioticapocalypse · 5 months
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Martha Cooper. Times Square. New York. 1977
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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La Mort 👽
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Tu m’as broyé le cœur,
Infâme oiseau de malheur,
Immonde cruauté,
Sans âme ni clarté…
Tu es là à nous épier,
Pour ôter nos vies tant convoitées…
Tu aimes les larmes versées,
Mais qui es-tu donc toi pour oser nous briser ?
La Mort ! à n’en pas douter…
Hors de ma vue !
Sombre inconnue !
Sorcière de l’enfer !
Horrible vipère !
Je te hais !
Et je voudrais,
Que tu disparaisses à tout jamais de notre bel univers,
Notre terre bien aimée dont tu aimerais t’en emparer pour mieux nous manipuler, nous diviser…
Mais saches que tu n’y arriveras jamais,
Car nous ferons tout pour la protéger de tes vilaines griffes acérées…
Mais que vois-je à présent ?
Sombre damnation…
Ton teint devient livide, tes yeux vides, larmoyants…
Serais-tu en train de vouloir implorer mon pardon ?
Dans l'unique espoir de gagner ta rédemption ?
Mais c’est trop tard voyons !
Alors n’essayes plus jamais de me duper méprisante insolente,
En voulant te métamorphoser en bonne fée...
Car oui, ta comédie a assez duré...
Non mais ! Quel toupet de vouloir à tout prix te racheter,
Alors que tu m'as dépouillée des êtres que j'aimais...
Maudite inconnue mise à nue,
Retirée de ton masque de diablesse, traîtresse !
Retournes là d'où tu viens Vaurien !
Là où tu as vu le jour Vautour !
Dans les bas-fonds de ta prison,
Froide comme un glaçon,
Sans âme ni émotion…
Retournes y à l’infini Faucheuse haineuse,
Condamnée à perpétuité,
Pour tous ces crimes que tu as commis...
Laideur sans coeur,
Que je maudis avec ardeur...
Retournes y silhouette squelette,
Noirceur fantomatique,
Déguisement effrayant,
Arborant éternellement ce sourire sardonique,
Ta signature machiavélique...
Retournes donc dans ton manoir hanté,
Ce mouroir de l'ignominie, Saleté...
Retournes y Harpie,
T'y enterrer à vie,
Afin que je t'oublie...
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morrisxn02 · 10 months
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{HARRIS DICKINSON, 21, MALE, HE/HIM} Is that EDWARD MORRISON? A JUNIOR originally from MANHATTAN. They’re THE PROUD ELITE on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance. 
tl;dr: eddie responsible, pragmatic, methodic but he is also frustrated that he still hasn’t found his path in life and is too scared to live life the way he wants to without disappointing his family. i feel like, right now, he’s at this crossroads where he wants to be young and find his path and have fun, but he is too scared this will put all the great things he has in jeopardy.
-– the basics:
full name: edward rufus morrison nicknames: ed, eddie, rufus (if you want to annoy him) + whatever your muse desires age: 21 birthday: march 13th, 2002 birthplace: new york city, new york major: computer science + literature gender: cisgender male sexuality: bisexual
stats - pinterest board - playlist - wanted connections
multimedia character inspirations:
henry winter (the secret history), dickie greenleaf (ripley - 2024), julian fromme (these violent delights), art donaldson (challengers), declan lynch and richard gansey iii (the raven cycle/the dreamer trilogy), kendall and shiv roy (succession), logan dellos (westworld), nate archibald (gossip girl), mahdi (blocco 181)
middle child of the morrison family;
grew up as the family's perfect little golden boy;
his parents always deposited in him the expectations of one day taking on the family business;
was always sort of a conflict mediator at home, which is one of the reasons why his parents love him so much;
always enjoyed reading and studying;
didn't have any big issues growing up aside from sporadic ideological conflicts with his parents;
spent a year in france as a part of an exchange program in high school;
kind of nihilistic;
matured way too early so he kind of just wants to be young and dumb for a while but will not allow himself to be happy bc he feels like being his dad's ideal of a man is more important;
very creative and artistic;
on the outside he's a conformist, on the inside he's super liberal. he refrains from dabbling in politics, though bc as aware as he can be abt his privilege, he would never give up the nice things he has;
roy-siblings coded: he will do anything to impress an unloving parent because there's no drug more powerful than parental validation
can be very practical when he needs to be, but is usually very much the opposite
he is very VERY lost in life, very frustrated, very unhappy, thinks he's trowing his life away and regrets like 75% of his life choices;
he can be a bit selfish and narcissistic;
thinks he's smarter than everyone;
cannot muster up the courage to confront his family about anything so he can often be found looking forlornly at the horizon wondering abt everything his life could have been;
fatally allergic to hornets. he WILL die if he gets stung
loves videogames;
kind of an art/history nerd;
annoying film-bro that carries a mubi tote around and has a criterion channel subscription (also hit him up if you want to borrow any criterion collective exclusive releases);
would have been an actor in another life. LOVES shakespeare;
eddie is kind of closeted with his bisexuality, mostly bc he feels like his parents might start looking at him differently (a few ppl know and he doesn't make a point of hiding it but he won't openly label himself as queer, it's a weird thing but you know where i'm going with this right)
also LOVES winter sports like and is an amazing tennis player but doesn't care much about other sports;
mildly near-sighed
slightly allergic to polyester (as per a collective gc decision lmao)
other tropes: princely young man, gentleman snarker, byronic hero.
RELATIONSHIP TO GREER: Most of his life, Greer was like a best friend inside of their home. Someone with whom he shared most of his fondest memories, like summers in the Hamptons, Christmases in the Alps, and Halloweens at Disney World. Yet, when you grow up in a Succession-esque household, there are certain unspoken rules about loyalty and comradery. Siblinghood was always a game – fun, for the most part, but competitive and always marred by the inevitable awareness that there was always a great deal at stake and that one could end up finding himself on the losing side. Luckily, for most of their lives, the Unfavorite gracefully assumed that position – which neither he, nor Greer ever questioned. But Edward knew that there were always boundaries to his relationship with the golden girl, there were secrets to be kept from her, lies to be told to appease her, because he knew – as his twin did – that Greer would gladly throw any of them under a bus coming in at full speed if she knew that would expand her advantage in their parents’ rankings.
HOW THEY EMBODY THEIR SKELETON TROPE: The linen shirts, the tailored suits and the cashmere sweaters attest to his love of all things fine and luxurious. Edward is the stereotypical Barbie of northeastern rich men: his favorite sport is skiing; he loves a good glass of premium aged scotch; and his go-to Holiday getaway is quick trip to Europe. All this privilege makes him a little out of touch with reality. Sometimes he just doesn’t get the so-called “small pleasures of life”. And all this luxury at his full disposal might make him appear a little too self-assured. He doesn’t do it out of malice or hatred of the less privileged, though, he just loves his life too much not to be all-in in it… 
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: tennis, sailing, writing club, fencing club
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spilladabalia · 2 months
Opéra de Nuit - Amour Noir (Music Video) (Les Vampires 1915)
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bizarreauhavre · 2 months
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