#nobody like a tory
kinsey3furry300 · 1 year
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vordemtodgefeit · 8 months
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‘nobody wants a general election, obviously’, says second PM in a row that wasn’t voted in by the general public, wasn’t even voted in by members of the party let alone the people he claims to represent, and whose party is predicted to lose said general election
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chronic-cynic · 6 months
"'You're so different,' he says, shaking his head and squinting at me.
'I may have grown a few centimetres since I was eleven.'
'No, it's—' He stops himself.
I put down my phone. 'What? It's what?'
'You're more serious.'
I don't remember not being serious. As far as I'm concerened, I came out of the womb spouting cynicism and wishing for rain." (Oseman 73)
This is an analysis of Tori Spring and her unreliability as a narrator. It will be incredibly long, so I hope I do not bore anyone.
Lucas, as we know, had been Tori's best friend throughout elementary school. He had a dream, to chase after his childhood best friend and start a beautiful romance—which was nicely foreshadowed by the line: "'[The Great Gatsby is] about...' He pauses to think. 'It's about someone who's in love with a dream'" (72). However, he realizes that she wasn't the person he thought she was. Or rather, she isn't the person she used to be.
Alongside Lucas, there are two other characters that hint at the fact that Tori was never this pessimistic: Mr. Kent and Becky.
Near the beginning of the novel, Tori mentions how she and Kent know each other quite well because he has been her teacher for over five years. And, throughout the novel, Kent continuously shows his concern for Tori and her attitude towards life. It would make a lot of sense for him to be this concerned if he had actually seen life in Tori to begin with. Along with that, it is very clear that Tori is liked by the teachers, as stated by Becky on page 79. Again, it would make more sense for this to be the case if she was a different person when she was younger.
Finally: Becky. Throughout the novel, Tori feels incredibly jealous towards her best friend, and she feels the gap between them comes from the fact that Becky moved on while she stayed exactly where she was. However, during their argument after the Solitaire party, Becky says, "you've changed. I might have changed too, but you definitely have. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's true" (310). This completely contradicts everything Tori has told the reader.
The scene in which Tori reads her old diary illustrates my point perfectly.
"Up at the crack of 10:30am. Becky et moi went to the cinema today and saw Pirates of the Carribean (is that how you spell it???) 2 and OMG it was SO GOOD. Becky thinks Orlando Bloom is the fittest. Then we went to get pizza in the high street she had Hawaiian but obviously mine was plain cheese. YUM! She's coming round next week for a sleepover too. She says she needs to tell me about a boy that she likes!! And we're going to eat so much food and stay up all night and watch films!!!!!" (274)
It's very clear with the exclamation marks and enthusiasm in her tone that no, she was not born serious. Unlike now, Tori used to be genuinely happy to listen to Becky's relationships with boys. And—my favourite detail—the use of French in the second sentence. The word "moi" was almost always used by tweens as a quirky replacement for "me" (source: me. I used to use that word all of the time because I thought it was cute and silly. Gross). This is my favourite detail because of an earlier scene with Oliver when Tori says, "Are you suggesting that Charlie is better at Mario Kart than moi?" (63). Now, this could just be a coincidence, but I like to think that this is Tori's inner child being revealed to her little brother, especially because she would never speak to anyone else in that way. But, I digress.
So, I have now established how Tori has been unreliable with the way she describes herself, but what else has she been lying about? I think the most obvious answer is her hatred and lack of knowledge about literature.
Unlike everything I explained above, Tori does admit to lying near the end of the book, saying that books scare her because of how personal they feel. However, there are many things that contradicted her prior to this reveal. For example, her grades in her previous English class—as mentioned by Kent—and the way she used to read with Lucas.
After Lucas speaks about the books he is currently reading, Tori tells the reader, "I nod as if I understand. I don't. I don't know a single thing about literature despite studying it for A level" (72). Yet when Michael tests her on famous literary works, she is able to answer every question correctly, once again contradicting everything she has said.
Her unreliability is not deliberate, it comes from lies she tells herself. However, it seems like she knows the truth deep down. But I guess she is justified. After all, it feels better to say you were born serious than to admit to the damage the world has done to you.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
aiura def has a photo wall with hundreds of pics of her and her friends..
everyone is in a few but its mostly the psychickers and chiyo...
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misschinablue · 11 days
welcome to the UK, where world leading healthcare is free at the point of use! hopefully you don't need it though. underfunding and shitty management of the public health sector by non clinicians mean you could wait up to six months for an urgent referral. hope all your organs are in good working order because you could die waiting if they're not :) and god forbid you should need to see a GP or a practice nurse for something more minor - the demand highly outweighs the supply and you'll be engaging in the hunger games to maybe get a 10 minute telephone appointment in September 2026 :) mental health suffering? well you are shit out of luck my friend - again, demand far outweighs supply - everything has been cut down to less than the absolute bare minimum - and the criteria for services is sky high now. make a cup of tea and take the crisis line number. you'll be fine right?
welcome to the UK, one of the richest economies in the world! how is it then that living standards are as low as they were in the 1970s, what with the old cossie lives and wages that were already laughably meagre now completely out of sync with how fucking expensive everything is?? i know you worked hard to get your education and onto your graduate scheme and did everything society asked of you to make it in life, but things are different now so here's your mouldy room in a shared house where the rent is a million pounds a month and lol what disposable income aren't you just happy to have a roof of your head?? stop going to Costa every morning for your soy triple shot vanilla latte you entitled little shit! it's not like we've had 14 years of complete mismanagement of the economy or anything! ps. aren't you so tired of hearing that it's all your fault?
welcome to the UK, where we have a welfare system designed to help people.in need, I.e. those out of work and those too sick to work! but good luck accessing that too. and if you want to try - LMFAO! oh honey no one LIKES working. but all this pretending to be too unwell to work ain't fooling anyone! come on mate drop that defeatist attitude and get on indeed.com. none of your conditions are even real. stop using your multiple sclerosis/depression/long covid/terminal cancer as an excuse. fucking sickness culture in this country. the high rates of mental illness especially have no obvious cause at all do they?
welcome to the UK, a tiny country that prides itself on tolerance and has historically seen great benefits to the economy and culturally from immigration! but god forbid we make this an easy place to live for trans people! this Woke has gone too far! and oh my GOD aren't all these refugees SO annoying?! they clearly just want to come here for the free healthcare (you know that non existent thing) and to get welfare benefits (you know asylum seekers aren't entitled to benefits apart from a pittance allowance from the home office right?) and they're absolutely not braving a life threatening journey to escape horrific conditions and persecution in their own country. but whatever. not our problem. off to Rwanda with you. human rights are stupid lmao. empathy? compassion? never heard of her.
welcome to the UK, where we support genocide and saying certain things in opposition of it is actually fucking illegal. i wish i was kidding.
welcome to the UK, where nothing works and everyone is sad.
welcome to the UK. god i fucking hate it here.
british tumblr - even if you don't think it will make a difference, even if you recognise there is just a lesser of two evils here, even if you don't trust any of them, even if you're fucked off and burnt out, i am BEGGING you to vote to get these absolute cretins out of power. we cannot have another five years under tory rule. there will be nothing left.
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bisexualnonsense · 2 years
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is this anything
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palehottubchild · 6 months
OK just saw the official pictures of michael holden and ALL my previous reservations are immediately gone that man is a DORK and i love him and his stupid little glasses
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
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mitsuru and the ryusei juniors for the magic school au! with that, the character introductions are pretty much over and we'll move on to plot things :)
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chr0nic--pessimist · 4 months
What is the purpose of our existence?
to die.
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torchickentacos · 10 months
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 days
Naruto cosplayers just got on the bus incredible
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 7 months
Who else looking forward to the Tories getting their dick smashed into a incoming train when the 2024 election rolls around
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theclosetedskeleton · 6 months
off topic WHAT was all of the hype for victorious a decent time ago
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“While I do largely sit on the side of ignoring them in general and letting the government take the fall for some things ('advising' them not to come to the Coronation, for example) if they are going to directly attack the Palace and how it operates, BP will find that it will need to reply.”
Due to the fact that Netflix edited the speech her late majesty gave on her 21st birthday, editing out her pledge of service, I think there has to be a reply.
It would also be fabulous if everyone in the Sussex survivors group were to be interviewed by Low for this Sunday’s Times magazine. 🇬🇧
I agree. I think there has to be an official response somewhere, but I guess I'm wondering who will be delivering it. MPs are making a lot of noise, and I'm beginning to wonder if we will see some political intervention at some point. It might be too late this side of Christmas but I wouldn't be surprised if some go gung-ho in 2023.
I'd also love to see their survivors be interviewed, but that would require them to be released from their NDAs, and I think that's as unlikely as my daydreaming that the government will step in LMAO
I mean, Haz and Meg are already suing the Home Office, so the govt may as well be the bad guys and amend legislation to take their titles. What's one more lawsuit at this point hahaha
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Need a copy of that ‘One Fear’ t-shirt for the concept of Penny Mordaunt winning the Tory leadership bid
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orlandospride · 2 years
Why are you a beth mead hater? Loving that energy fyi
babe i’m just a massive hater tbh
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