#kuro kiryuu
kureialka · 3 months
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happy akatsuki album release day
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ensemblesongs · 3 months
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reisakumaproducer · 5 months
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I hope Enstars game MVs can improve on their expressions someday because one of Rock Roar anime mv’s strengths is its expressions. Not because they are cool to look at, but because they communicate how the characters are feeling towards the songs and eachother
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Take for instance Keito. In the anime, he sings the song with a angry expression. It’s because he is desperate. He needs his Deadmanz plan to work. He needs to use the great Rei Sakuma to succeed. He has a lot of stakes singing this and that’s why he looks so desperate. In contrast, Rei is more laidback. He has probably already figured out a loophole to Keito’s plan. He is performing like the talented idol everyone views him as
The in game mv softens Keito’s expressions. He looks more calm, similar to Rei
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Both Koga and Rei have moments where they have a wide-eyed grinning expression that fit the song they are performing. It makes it seem like Koga is mimicking Rei, the guy he looks up to. It also suggests that Koga and Rei are more inclined to perform rock songs like this given how their facial expressions work naturally with this song
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Also while not necessarily an example of facial expressions, I wish the in game MV had kept these moments in. Rei and Koga compliment each other in this performance. One of the few times Keito doesn’t have a tense expression in this mv is when he looks at Kuro. It makes sense given the future of the characters, but we actually get to see which set of characters work well with eachother before Deadmanz splits off. It’s a cool detail that I appreciate
Overall, Rock Roar in game MV could be improved upon if it kept the intense expressions the original had. They’re not just visually appealing, but they add a lot to the story of Crossroad as a whole
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ruikasas · 5 months
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The Grand Stage of the Rumbling Heavens and Earth
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
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mitsuru and the ryusei juniors for the magic school au! with that, the character introductions are pretty much over and we'll move on to plot things :)
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forsythi-amitie · 8 months
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"Kuro-chin, you come off as so intimidating that some of my university friends are really worried about me..."
"What do I do if one day someone shouts something like "You're hanging out with a Yankee!"
(Yankee in this case referring to a delinquent sort of guy, ....aka Kuro)
I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad.... The fact that Kuro is so much bigger than Nazuna does not help in the slightest....
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aohydrangeas · 1 year
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Favorite Ensemble Stars Character Pt. 5
Im using these polls for character involvement in my main story.
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clockworkspider · 1 year
B, E, or N for Keito, Rei and Kuro?
Sharing a drink... Okay... Vampire AU, Kuro discovers an injured Rei and offers his blood.
"It's fine, I'll live. I'm more powerful than you think, you know? A little scratch like this won't kill me."
"You don't look fine. Your coven would worry if you don't take care of yourself, ah? If Hasumi is here right now he'd be lecturing you. You need blood, right? I'm a big guy. I have a lot of it."
"You're Hasumi-kun's partner. Amongst our kind, that means something. I'd never allow another vampire to drink from Kaoru-kun, you know? Not to mention that as his sire I technically have a claim to what's his, but I wouldn't want to just take you from him, he'd never forgive me if that happens."
Kuro made a face like he's just bit into a lemon. "I don't know what the rules are with vampires, but Dana and I... Well... Hasumi still think of himself as human, at least in terms of custom, so between the two of us we've been figuring out our own thing. He needs blood, and refuse to enthrall people to take it, and I'm willing to offer. He can get really possessive sometimes, but I'm not... his, he established that himself at the beginning, tho I guess things are a bit different now. Anyway, I think he would be angrier if I leave you to suffer."
"Oya? Does Kiryu-kun not want to be his?"
"Oi, do you really have the energy to worry about us right now? You're fading."
"It's fine, I can just sleep until Puppy come pick me up... Oh? What's this? Am I getting a ride from Kiryu-kun? Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere safe. If you're not going to drink from me, that's fine, but I'm not going to leave you to bleed out in the cold where others can find you. You can tell Oogami to come pick you up at Akatsuki's."
Rei studied him for a bit, before curling in and resting his head against Kuro's chest. Kuro privately thought that vampires are surprisingly cat-like when they're docile. It was kind of cute. Is that the thrall? No, it can't be.
"You're so nice, Kiryu-kun. I can see why Hasumi-kun like you so much."
"He doesn't hate you for turning him, you know?"
"I know," Rei said, then paused. "Hasumi-kun needed space to figure things out on his own. I'm glad he have you, at least."
"Yeah," Kuro said, "me too."
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maidenofthecloud · 9 months
So I'll start publishing headcanon of zero kiryu's parents, but as they have no names to make it less confusing decided to give them fan names
kuro and shiro kiryuu
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kureialka · 2 years
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hope everyone is enjoying engstars
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reisakumaproducer · 5 months
Colours in Akatsuki’s New Mv
I want to talk about the colours in Akatsuki’s new mv because I find it fascinating how the MV uses colours. I love the how the MV starts out in black and white, emphasising the golden leaves that are falling down and telling the viewer that gold is an important colour in the mv
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There is so much GOLD in this MV. From the trees, to the stage, to the outfits etc. it’s all subtle incorporations of gold that appears as accent colours at first. The gold compliments the blue waterfall background, but then the final verse makes gold the main colour of the mv. The stage becomes showered in gold
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Gold is a colour that symbolizes success and first place. Akastuki was canonically the second best unit at Yumenosaki, right behind fine. Now they are being showered in a colour signifying first place
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I like this shot in particular because it features all three member’s colours: red, green and purple. The Akatsuki red lights dye the dark blue sky purple. The water has a green light. Yet there is a fourth colour present, which is gold. It’s a very cool shot and I like how they incorporate the colours here
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I also want to point out that Keito’s QuarrelFes card also has gold leaves. QuarrelFes is a story that touches upon Akatsuki being second place at Yumenosaki. I wonder if these two stories are connected?
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ruikasas · 8 months
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Valkyrie Unit Song Event -> Remplacer* The Speaking Doll and Raison D'être
w/o bg under the cut
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goldenorchd · 1 year
Nazuna fs2 Story - Pump it up!/Bagian 1 
Nazuna: "Solo konser mini untuk idola ES, "feature live", ya ...." 
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Nazuna: "Tunggu sebentar, aku akan memeriksa data yang dikirim Anzu di "Holdhands"." 
Nazuna: ""feature live", adalah mini konser dimana idola tampil sebagai solo, bukan sebagai unit. Akan ada kostum yang dibuat khusus bagi idola yang akan tampil, benar begitu?" 
Nazuna: "Aku mengerti. Kamu datang untuk memintaku tampil, 'kan, Anzu? Tanggapannya? Sudah pasti aku mau, proyek yang kamu buat sudah pasti bagus." 
Nazuna: "Ahaha ... maaf, maaf, harusnya aku mengatakan 'aku akan tampil' dengan benar, 'kan? Yah, itu bukan sesuatu yang harus dikhawatirkan, lagipula, aku memang sedang luang." 
Nazuna: "Sejak comeback, aku sudah beberapa kali tampil sebagai Ra*bits, mereka semua tumbuh dengan luar biasa, aku merasa ditarik oleh energi mereka." 
Nazuna: "Aku tidak bisa menunjukkan penampilan yang setengah-setengah di hadapan Tomo-chin, Mitsuru-chin, dan Hajime-chin, jadi aku selalu melakukan yang terbaik. Bersama mereka, aku merasa bisa mencapai tingkat pro idol." 
Nazuna: "Tapi proyek kali ini konser solo, ya .... kita akan berdiri di panggung sendirian, dari awal hingga akhir. Aku jadi memikirkan banyak hal, seperti "Aku tidak boleh menunjukkan performa yang membosankan.", atau "Haruskah aku melatih fisik untuk proyek ini?"." 
Kuro: "Kalau mau melatih fisik, mau kutemani latihan?" 
Nazuna: "Kuro-chin." 
Kuro: "Maaf, aku mendengar pembicaraan kalian." 
Kuro: "Aku suka nyanyianmu, jadi aku akan pergi menonton konsernya, Nito." 
Nazuna: "Duh, Kuro-chin, kalau kamu bilang mau datang, itu malah memberi tekanan padaku, lho." 
Kuro: "Meski begitu, jika kau benar-benar ingin melatih fisik, akan kutemani. Mengapa tidak datang ke circle-ku saja?" 
Nazuna: "Bicara soal circle untuk melatih fisik, yang kamu maksud itu Shin, ya? Tapi rasanya terlalu berlebihan kalau aku berlatih bersama para ahli bela diri." 
Kuro: "Kegiatan kami bukan cuma bertarung sepanjang waktu, lho? Kami juga berlatih untuk membentuk tubuh. Kami juga melakukan pertandingan dan adu gulat ... tidak, sepertinya belakangan ini lebih banyak adu gulat? 
Nazuna: "Tuh, 'kan, aku akan senang mendengar saran mengenai latihan fisik, tapi tubuhku, 'kan, tidak kekar seperti kalian ... hmm? Kamu memikirkan sesuatu, Anzu?" 
Nazuna: "Sebagai bagian dari persiapan konser, kamu mau mengambil fotoku saat sedang latihan otot?" 
Kuro: "Foto?" 
Nazuna: "Iya, foto untuk dipasang di pamflet "feature live". Kamu betulan mau pakai foto begitu, Anzu?" 
Kuro: "Hee ... pamflet, ya ... foto untuk keperluan konser, bukankah biasanya menggunakan tata rias? Tapi foto yang menunjukkan bagaimana persiapan kita menghadapi konser itu juga bagus." 
Nazuna: "Memang bagus. Tapi ... sebenarnya aku hanya ingin menunjukkan image sebagai seorang idola di atas panggung. Tampil sempurna, bernyanyi dengan bebas, menari dengan ringan, aku ingin menunjukkan diriku yang bersinar." 
Nazuna: "Uugh ... bukannya aku tidak suka, rasanya memalukan kalau fans melihatku waktu bekerja keras di belakang panggung. Lagipula, seandainya kamu memotret waktu aku sedang latihan otot, tubuhku tidak akan terlihat bagus." 
Kuro: "Latihan otot sudah jadi hal biasa, kok. Misalnya, memamerkan satu tinju atau tendangan mungkin bisa jadi foto yang bagus?" 
Kuro: "Baru-baru ini, kickboxing menjadi cara populer untuk melatih otot. Selain itu, ada banyak cara lain juga ...." 
Nazuna: "Boxing, ya ... sebenarnya aku tidak keberatan pada foto yang menunjukkan banyak gerakan tubuh." 
Kuro: "Kickboxing hanya contoh, tapi kupikir akan menarik jika kau menunjukkan sesuatu yang berbeda dari dirimu yang biasanya." 
Nazuna: "Ahaha ... makasih, Kuro-chin, saran darimu akan kujadikan referensi." 
Kuro: "Ou, sekali lagi maaf sudah menyela pembicaraanmu, Nona Anzu. Aku juga akan mendukung pembuatan pamflet dan "feature live" ini, Nito." 
Beberapa saat kemudian .... 
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Nazuna: (Hari ini makan siang di dekat jendela, ah. Enaknya duduk di sebelah mana, ya.) 
???: "Oooi ... Abang!" 
Nazuna: "Yang melambai dari meja di sana itu ...." 
Tomoya: "Sini, sini." 
Nazuna: "Tomo-chin! Aku akan kesana setelah mengambil air dingin, tunggu, ya!" 
Nazuna: "Maaf sudah menunggu, kamu makan siang sendiri?" 
Tomoya: "Iya, aku ke agensi untuk mengambil naskah. Karena sudah di sini, sekalian saja makan siang di kantin karyawan. Tadi Abang bersama Mbak Anzu dan Kak Kiryuu, 'kan?" 
Nazuna: "Benarkah? Jika Tomo-chin juga berada di agensi pada waktu yang sama, mengapa kamu tidak memanggilku?" 
Tomoya: "Aku tidak ingin mengganggu pembicaraan kalian. Jadi, apa yang kalian bicarakan?" 
Nazuna: "Hmm ... Anzu memintaku tampil dalam konser solo "feature live". Tadi kami membicarakan rancangan pamflet untuk konsernya." 
Tomoya: "Konser solo-nya Abang!?" 
Tomoya: "Jadwalnya sudah ditentukan? Bagaimana dengan tiketnya? Kapan merch-nya bakal dijual?" 
Nazuna: "Awawa ... walaupun kamu tanyakan, aku juga belum tahu detailnya, lho? Lagipula, Tomo-chin, apa kamu tidak berdiri terlalu dekat?" 
Tomoyo: "Apapun yang terjadi, aku pasti bakal menontonnya! Kalau Hajime dan Mitsuru dengar, mereka pasti akan mengatakan hal yang sama. Aku ingin menontonnya!" 
Tomoya: Pokoknya, harus beritahu Hajime dan Mitsuru secepatnya! "Feature live" Abang, pasti menyenangkan!" 
Nazuna: (Mata Tomo-chin berbinar-binar. Sebagai Abang semua orang, aku tidak boleh mengecewakan ekspektasi mereka. "Feature live", pasti bakal sukses!) 
End of Pump it up!/Bagian 1
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nightskylark · 2 years
Forget to mention that I got Koga too and Natsume spook me before in this banner too. I need that green card :))
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