#no t*ts no ass
spicyraeman · 4 months
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no explanation, just thirsting
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delimeful · 2 years
a still-glowing ember (1)
warnings: g/t, injury, mild blood, fear of death, threats, jerkass behavior typical of pre-aa virgil, hopeless thoughts, fearplay, misunderstandings, hypothermia/cold, enemy to caretaker, i sucker punch a character into unconsciousness at the end of a chapter again, exhaustion/pain
It was only thanks to sheer dumb luck that Roman had found the tree hollow in time.
One moment, he’d been diving under the canopy and twisting through narrow gaps in branches, calling out taunts and laughing, the wind cool against his face and buoyant under his wings as he raced Remus to the other end of the valley.
The next, there was the cacophonous roar of thousands of raindrops pelting down, and he was abruptly losing altitude, his feathers growing soaked and dulling to a burnt-out black.
He’d glided towards the nearest tree, wobbling all the way, and just barely managed to grab onto a branch before a howling gale tore past, nearly dragging him right off his makeshift perch.
Roman’s face probably still had the imprint from how hard he clung to the bark, waiting for the winds to die down before scrambling down the branch to the trunk of the tree, only doing a cursory scan for owls before throwing himself into the relative safety of the abandoned hollow.
Once he wasn’t about to plummet to the dangerous forest floor below, he immediately started panicking about Remus. He wasn’t sure exactly when they’d been separated, just that he’d called some stupid nickname over his shoulder and received nothing but silence in return.
He tried to call for him, but his voice didn’t carry far in the first place, and amidst the shrieking of the wind and creaking of the trees, it felt like his words vanished into thin air the moment they left his mouth.
Roman tried not to imagine Remus’s words out there somewhere, a cry for help dragged far away with the dead leaves and the topsoil.
His throat was aching by the time he gave up, collapsing against the furthest corner of the hollow and wrapping his wings around himself to try and avoid the worst of the biting winds.
They should never have come out here, not even for something as harmless as a race. Every sprite knew it: in Fulmo Valley, storms hit hard, and they hit fast.
It was easy to dismiss the dangers when they were looking down at the valley from a bird’s eye view, content in the knowledge that even if one of the Big Folk that denned down there saw them, they could dart away in a blink.
It was a lot harder when he was flightless, only one wrong move away from being completely grounded, down on the forest floor where nearly any wild creature would have no trouble tearing him to shreds.
He shuddered, only half from fear.
The other half was from how utterly soaked he was. The temperature drop would have been a minor annoyance in other circumstances, but now? While he was drenched? He couldn’t create a spark in these conditions, let alone a flame big enough to bring him any warmth.
Roman attempted to wring his shirt out miserably, his hands already growing stiff with the chill. He didn’t even want to think about how cold it would get once the sun fell past the horizon.
He’d have to get out before then, or else he really would be in trouble. The storm wouldn’t last forever; once it cleared up, he could climb out of this damp hole and let the last few hours of sunlight dry his wings, and then find Remus and get home!
That was doable. Easy, even!
Roman shuffled his limbs in tighter, watching the rain continue to fall outside. All he had to do was watch the storm and wait. All he had to do… was…
When he next jolted awake, Roman was greeted with the undeniable purple-pinks of dusk falling.
“No!” he cried out pointlessly, struggling to his feet on half-asleep limbs.
Approaching the opening to his hollow only confirmed the truth: he’d slept past all but the final fleeting moments of sunlight.
His face scrunched up in pre-emptive dread, Roman flared his wings out and found that half of his feathers were still damp and the other half had dried stiffly into the smushed-up position he’d fallen asleep in.
He’d be hard-pressed to even reach the ground in such a state, let alone fly home.
For a moment, he entertained the idea of waiting til morning, using the hollow as a refuge and hoping that he could survive the night’s cold embrace.
But his magic was already sapped from keeping him alive during his last nap. It was only going to get colder from here, and his inner spark had barely sustained him this far. It would gutter easily in this kind of weather, and then his body would be all that was left of him, cold and curled up in a corner. The only ones to ever know what had happened to him would be the next owls to nest here.
Besides, Remus was still out there. No matter how recently they’d become un-estranged, he wasn’t going to abandon his brother!
The determination that flared up in him at the thought was almost like warmth, and he rode that high all the way to the edge of a branch, spread his wings wide, and attempted to glide to the next tree over.
Key word: Attempted.
There weren’t exactly thermals all the way down here, and without perfectly preened primaries, his flight pattern resembled less a smooth arrow reaching its target and more a propeller seed wildly spiraling down to the dirt below.
Roman crashed into the ground shoulder-first with a sickening pop, his wings held aloft to keep them from buffering his fall.
A broken arm was bad, but a broken wing was lethal, especially if it set wrong.
Once he’d thoroughly familiarized his face with the dirt, he finally stopped groaning long enough to push himself back upright, delicately avoiding putting any pressure on his limply-hanging left arm. It seemed like his shoulder was dislocated, not broken, going by how manageable the pain was when he wasn’t moving it directly.
Still, even the relief of his bones all being intact couldn’t take the sting off of the fact that he was now solidly on the ground, more exposed than he’d ever been in his life.
Roman swallowed thickly, tilting his head back and following the lines of the trees up, up, up until he nearly lost his balance and fell back over.
That was where he belonged. Not down here, scurrying about underfoot like some common field mouse.
Something rustled in the distance, and Roman snapped his gaze back to floor-level so quickly his shoulder twinged in protest.
Belonging or not, he’d be worse off than a mouse if he didn’t get moving. He clearly had a long way to go.
Time passed in a blur, marked only by the sky darkening and the world around him growing somehow even colder than it already had been. His pace slowed, bit by bit, right along with it. In the corner of his vision, he swore he spotted ice crystals forming on his soggier feathers.
When he spotted the flickering light ahead, his brain felt frozen-over, mind churning slowly enough that he didn’t think twice before staggering towards it. Fire sprites weren’t meant to be cold, certainly not for this long, and his spark was urging him towards the flickering shadows regardless of the source.
It could have been the beginnings of a forest fire, and Roman wouldn’t have cared so long as he could find a nice, well-stoked flame to curl up in.
When he got closer, the source became evident. An eerie light was radiating from a small ball of glowing purple flames, bobbing a few inches off the ground.
Roman couldn’t resist the urge to practically glue himself to it, letting the flames flicker around his wings and ease the sharp, icy pain that had been shooting through them with every step.
The flames weren’t particularly hot, more wispy and ephemeral than a natural fire, but they were built off of raw magical energy. Simply standing there and soaking in the ambient magic was enough to provide some energy to his inner spark.
For a few long moments, he clung to the flame, shivering and debating with himself the merits of trying to siphon from the magic directly. This much was enough to stabilize him and keep him from growing any weaker, but the moment he left it, he would be right back down to banked embers.
If he tried to drain the magic in it, though…
Other than being extremely impolite to steal others’ magic, constructs like these were usually used to mark something, and if he consumed it, whoever set it might be pissed. Especially since the caster was sure to notice the sensation of a construct flickering out.
But he was so cold. Surely, if he took it and then left, they wouldn’t go to all the trouble of tracking him down? Once they saw that the culprit had booked it, they would simply create a new one rather than waste any energy on hunting him down? Most fire-magic users were on the smaller, less territorial side, so his odds of getting away clean were good.
Once he found Remus and got them both home, he could recover his own magic stores and even come back to offer penance! Sure, it was rude, but it was a matter of life or death. Namely, his.
Decided, he dipped his fingers into the small bubble of magic at the core of the flames and began to siphon it into himself.
It always felt a bit strange to borrow someone else’s magic, the feel of it foreign for the few moments it took to convert into his own flint-strike energy. He wouldn’t be able to use it to iron out his wings until it did, but he figured he could keep hurrying along the ground until then.
That was fine. It would take the caster some time to reach this spot, so he wouldn’t be caught.
Though the wind had died down, the sound of rustling was still audible.
He wouldn’t be caught, he repeated to himself, his shoulders beginning to rise up apprehensively. He was just imagining it. There was plenty of time before anyone got here–
Behind him, there was a low, eerie cackle.
–unless the caster happened to be nearby already.
With dread already running icy fingertips down his spine, Roman slowly turned his head to look over his shoulder.
And then looked up.
There was an exception to the rule with fire types, he remembered as he craned his head back to meet two eerie glowing eyes and a pair of pointed ears.
Shifters were big folk, and fox shifters were just as territorial as their infamous lupine kin. In fact, they were known for frequently marking their territory borders out in foxfire.
What little color Roman had managed to regain abruptly drained from his face.
The shifter’s eyes narrowed with either glee or fury, both of which would make sense, since he had basically just caught a defenseless idiot stealing the magical equivalent of a big glowing ‘keep out’ sign.
With the reputation foxes had for trickery and playing with their food, neither emotion was particularly promising. Roman took a step back, his heart racing.
“Not so bold, suddenly?” the fox asked, dark amusement practically dripping from each syllable. “You seemed to feel right at home just a minute ago, little bird.”
The moniker made a shiver run through him; he’d almost prefer to have been called a thief outright. At least that would indicate that the shifter recognized some semblance of personhood in him. Birds, on the other hand– foxes ate birds.
Another step back, the temporary warmth of the foxfire already fading as he desperately tried to channel what little magic he’d stolen to dry his wings.
“You think you can just run away now?” the fox asked, a little bit of ire leaking into his tone. “Actions have consequences, you know. Did you really believe you could come into my home and steal from me again without paying the price?”
Roman opened his mouth, intending to put some of his earlier promises– he’d come back, he’d return it, he just needed the warmth for a little bit, please– to words, or even to ask what he was talking about, ‘again’, but he could only force a handful of nonsense syllables between his chattering teeth before the shifter cut him off.
“Or maybe you just thought I wouldn’t be close enough to stop you. Typical.” Now he was the one to move, a single step forward erasing any distance Roman had managed to put between them. “Looks like it’s your unlucky day, huh?”
Roman’s wings flared out as though they were in any shape for a takeoff, and he jerked back, nearly stumbling over his own feet as he automatically tried to retreat from the threat.
Those luminescent eyes seemed to catch the motion, every bit a predator sighting prey, and a sharp-edged grin slowly spread across the shifter’s face, the light of the foxfire glinting off fangs that looked as long as Roman’s forearm.
“Why don’t you try your little plan out anyhow?” he mused, dropping into a crouch fast enough that Roman had to muffle a yelp of fear. “Go on, then. You get five minutes before I come looking.”
The guy was toying with him. Roman wasn’t stupid, and he could literally see the fluffy grey tail twitching with anticipation behind the shifter. In his current state, it would be almost impossible for him to get away. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if it wasn’t better to try and talk his way out of this–
“Go,” the shifter loomed over him, lips pulling back to transform the smile into something mean, and when he slammed both hands on either side of Roman, it was with enough force to snap bones.
The last bits of his self-restraint snapped, and he gave into the screeching instincts in the back of his mind, twisting on his heel and bolting away. His wings fluttered indecisively between tucking flat so he could run faster and rising up into a defensive mantle, half-expecting to be struck from behind before he’d even made it more than a few feet.
No blow came, though, only another cackle, this one higher-pitched and less human than before.
When Roman dared to steal a glance over his shoulder, there was no trace of the giant. All he saw was the tail end of a sleek, animal shape vanishing into the shadows of the trees around them.
Despite his best efforts, his pace began to slow after what felt like only moments, the icy air seeming twice as painful after that brief moment of warm respite.
Fight or flight could only get him so far, especially when his version of flight was a lot more pathetic than usual.
His wings were dried enough to fluff out, but the feathers were still heavily misaligned, and he certainly didn’t have the time for a preening session. As he was, he could only hop and glide for short, wavering distances. It was quicker than running, but barely.
For every step he took between glides, his shoulder was jarred painfully. Roman had taken to biting the inside of his cheek to keep from crying out at the harsher jolts. The fox could almost certainly track him down by scent alone, but he wasn’t about to make it easier by whimpering like a newly-hatched.
He barely noticed when his mouth started tasting like blood, too busy watching every shadowed cranny and rustling branch for any sign of those glittering eyes. He’d thought of trying to find another hollow, but they were all far above him now, and the shifter could simply reach in and snatch him up besides.
He kept moving, gritting his teeth against the temptation to drop to his knees and huddle against the cold. Almost impossible meant still possible, and there was no way he was going to give up when there was even a chance of success.
That chance was growing slimmer and slimmer, though.
By the time the low chittering laughter of the fox began to echo from what felt like every direction, Roman’s hope had grown thin, worn away by the cold and the pain and the futility of it all. He botched the latest glide, missing the landing and just barely avoiding toppling over by letting his knees hit the dirt hard.
His wings slumped, the edges of them gone completely numb alongside his hands and ears. The effort it would take to get to his feet just didn’t seem worth it. Not when he could hear the fox’s amusement fade into something like an agitated yowl.
The sound made the hairs on the back of Roman’s neck stand up, and he pulled his limbs in tight, wondering if the shifter was irritated that he hadn’t put up a good chase. He’d tried, alright? If he’d been caught on anything other than what was shaping up to be the worst– and last– night of his life, he would have left this cursed valley in the dust.
The near-silent taps of fox paws circled around him for a long moment, the shifter shaking his head agitatedly before shifting smoothly to the big, bulky steps of his more humanoid form.
“Do you have a death wish or something?” he bit out, as though Roman wasn’t screwed either way. “If this is a trap, it’s failed miserably.”
Roman squinted up at him, turning the words around in his head and trying to fit them together in a way that made any sort of sense.
“I knew sprites were birdbrains, but I didn’t expect you would forget how to fly,” the shifter continued, his nose wrinkling in frustration as he leaned closer and then reached out with one big, claw-tipped hand.
Wings drawing up like some paltry shield, Roman curled over on himself, his breath hitching in fearful anticipation, but there was no crushing pain. Even as calloused fingers wrapped around him, those sharp nails didn’t graze him, not even when his wings automatically gave a few struggling flaps.
Being plucked off the ground and lifted unwillingly into the air like a songbird in the talons of a hawk should have made his body stiffen up with fear, but all he could focus on was the sudden warmth of the grip. Despite himself, the tension began to seep from him, his limbs going heavy and lax.
The shifter sucked a breath in through his teeth, his brow furrowing as he lifted Roman closer to his face with ease. “You’re freezing,” he grumbled, as though he didn’t know, as though that wasn’t the whole reason Roman had ended up in this situation in the first place. “Aren’t you a fire sprite? What…?”
A fingertip carded through his feathers with surprising gentleness before moving to tuck his drooping wings against his back, making it easier to shift his grip up slightly. His hand opened up slightly to form more of a loose cradle than a fist, and Roman felt his head start to loll back.
He was exhausted in every sense of the word, his mind too fogged-up with encroaching sleep to dwell on the fact that he hadn’t been viciously murdered yet. Really, if he couldn’t stop it from happening, he at least didn’t want to be awake for it.
“Woah, hey,” the shifter said, and now that his voice wasn’t seething, he sounded shockingly normal. Most of the tales he’d heard about shifters painted them with a more feral brush, Roman mused as his eyelids began to droop. “Hey, don’t fall asleep. Are you listening? Don’t– hey, come on–,”
The grip around him tensed slightly in a delicate warning squeeze, one that was completely harmless to every part of his body except the dislocated shoulder that had, at some point, settled back against the giant’s hand. Even the slightest pressure sent spikes of agony through the injury.
He tried to twist forward, jerk away from the pain before the hold could grow any harsher, but the shifter’s thumb drew in closer as though to bar him from falling, and his shoulder smacked into it with enough force to make a sickening popping sound.
Roman let out a short, strangled scream, his vision whiting out with pain as he grabbed at the other arm as though to hold it still or claw away the stabbing pain in his flesh.
The shifter was swearing above him, voice low and panicked, and Roman was distantly aware of the palm under him flattening out and shallow breaths growing louder. He caught glimpses of a huge face far too close, wide eyes flickering over him, but he couldn’t even balk away without risking sending more of that agony shooting through his nerves.
“Okay, okay,” the shifter tried, voice too unsteady to be soothing, “I’m gonna fix this, alright? Just hold on.”
A familiar purple flame sprang to life around him, the magic open and unbound, and some insistent part of Roman shied away, trying to remind him of something important about the last foxfire he’d encountered.
“It’s okay, just take it. You definitely need it, it feels like I’m holding a feathery icicle. You can’t fall asleep until you’re warm, got it?”
The magic was staticky against his skin, a cure for the cold dangled in front of him like a will’o’wisp ahead of a lost traveler, and there was still a part of him that was shrieking about accepting, but there didn’t seem to be another option.
Every time he tried to let his eyes fall closed and succumb to sleep, he was jostled just slightly, enough to add a new twinge of pain to the aching waves radiating from his shoulder. The voice kept coaxing him, sounding all concerned but refusing to let him rest, and eventually Roman gave in and reached out for the magic.
It chased away the lingering chill like the sun’s rays banishing shadows, the strength of the heat borderline painful for a moment, before easing into a steady comfort. He turned his head against the warm surface beneath him, and this time, there was no objection as he sank into unconsciousness.
He’d deal with the consequences later, so long as he just… got to… sleep.
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dragynkeep · 1 year
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anon saying this as if the rwby nsfw reddit doesn’t flatten the main rwby reddit in how many followers it has & a major thing the fndm is known for is it’s porn, even to the creatives behind it.
lol. lmao even.
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prettyfemmething · 2 years
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Felt cute this morning~
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eugeniedanglars · 11 months
i love a gin&tonic on a hot day because my mom (not much of a cocktail drinker until i got into mixology in my early 20s) always says that she loves a gin&tonic on a hot day and now i project that relationship onto every fictional character i think might like gin and have a good relationship with their mother
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pepprs · 2 years
was not expecting to go apartment hunting until like later this year but i think i may actually have to move out in the next month or two besties. my stomach is in knots
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Live Footage: JOVM Mainstays LohArano Performs "Mangina" at Le Club Rodez
Live Footage: JOVM Mainstays LohArano Performs "Mangina" at Le Club Rodez @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron @KAIGUANCULTURE @LeClubRodez
Antananarivo, Madagascar-based JOVM mainstays LohArano — Mahalia Ravoajanahary (vocals, guitar), Michael Raveloson (bass, vocals) and Natiana Randrianasoloson (drums, vocals) — formed over seven years ago. And since their formation they’ve developed a unique, boundary pushing sound that sees the band pairing elements of popular and beloved Malagasy musical styles like Tsapiky  and Salegy with…
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dragonbreakers07 · 2 years
I love and adore you and im genuinely tearing up so badly my therapy dog is trying to comfort me at the thought of you dying
aw w…. yh anka:))
that mea nds a l ot
give p upper a pa y for mc
and he y, d ont cry… ive killed wh ole dra gons before… th is is nothijf
i’ll po wer throu gh, a lright? <3
-Scylla Dragonbreaj er Rion
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adifags · 2 years
Ngl being into bara and being positively groomed for being skinny as a teen has led to some wild body dysmorphia
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privitivium · 1 month
would you do a pathetic loser character x yandere jock reader?
fuck yeah bro. ts got me all excited KEKEKRK.. this is one of my favorites. thanks anon.
pathetic loser darling x yandere jock reader
both amab, cw;; creepy, perverted reader - dubcon, stalking, disturbing reader
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dude... you just couldnt help yourself. youre serious! you had no control of your thoughts. it was so awful at first... forming a little crush on some guy you have no business having a crush on-? as a jock type, youre automatically to fall for some girlㅡsome cheerleader, or even some loser - but not some loser ass introvert... yet there you were... jerking off to polaroids of him in the comfort of your huge bed - moaning n groaning out his name and imagining his smaller hands wrapped around your dick instead of your ownㅡhe's so cute, so pretty, so lovely -
you cant wait to see him tomorrow... following from afar from his home that was so conveniently close to yours... you wonder why you havent made your move yet - but it takes time, alright ?!!! you want him to be comfortable around you first... brushing against him in the halls and offering small apologies - grinning wildly as he squeaks n runs off blushing with an apology of his own... so cute. so fucking cute... you,,,youjust cant stop imagining those lips wrapped around your cock... hes soprettyy... soon, you'll be friends... then best friends... then l-loversㅡ
thinking about this fucking nerd in all sorts of disgusting ways - merely passing him in the halls and never communicating or anything! it hurt so bad... it was just so painful to be away from this little freak... this fucking outcast. one of those loser nerd types, fitting right into the teen movie archetype of a nerd with those fucking glasses ( of course ) and nose length hair tucked behind his ears - he was just so pretty... so dainty, almost. those lips - thick and full and just great makeout material... sucking on them til they were dark n bruised and even bloodied-!! fuck he'd look so good with blood dribbling down his chin... there you were, there you would be, lapping it up and peppering kisses around his mouth all teasingly - dont-! don't. get distracted. dont... fucking get hard... think... gross things...
b-but... your cock argues with your thought process, prick bulging from your jeans and you feel so embarrassed... this always happens ! you get distracted while observing your little freak in his equally little place of comfort - back of the campus, where a forest resided, you were watching him from afar; as always... observing is allㅡyou were his secret protector. shoving away the notorious little groups of friends known for fucking with those weaker - making sure to beat the piss out of them and tell them sternly to keep away from your little crush... you didnt want someone to harm him - but it was okay if that someone was you. fantasizing and jerking your cock to the thought of restraining him and verbally destroying his smart lil mind - but obviously, making sure to cheer him right up afterwards. you were big on aftercare in your daydreams...
oh, god... and finally having him in your grasp,,, making him vulnerable and him having to rely on you as you keep him in your huge place... it was out of no where and you clearly couldnt stick to the plan of friends, best friends, and lovers - that theres your boyfriend and you were sick of him not acknowledging that-! "hey, hey, it's okay..." you coo gently, snickering to yourself at the mess your boyfriend makes of himself - sobbing in your thick burly arms and squirming so much that you involuntarily get hard - "you're alright, silly... i have you."
ㅡbut yes, that was the problem... you had him. he couldnt think on whether or not to be actually scared out of his wits or nuzzle into the warmth your chest emanated, he did have a crush on you but he thinks youre taking this t-too farㅡ "it's huge, isn't it? you'll be okay, i promise..." nuzzling into the side of his head after guiding his hand to your weeping cock, the euphoric feeling of his hand shakily wrapping around the base - he was still sniffling... whispering to him, "you be okay, hnn? don't grab too hard, i'll have to do something to you..." not elaborating on your last sentence... the thought of having to hurt him just because he hurt you first made your heart clench,,,
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shotoh · 11 months
❝ SO... ASS, T!TS, OR THIGHS? ❞ feat. nagi seishiro
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— what’s his preference?
cw + tw. smut, 18+, minors dni, fem!reader, aged-up!characters, extensive amounts of foreplay, titplay, nipple sucking, nagi is a spoiled boy but we love him 
notes. i think about this cutie patootie often and how he must be so nice to cuddle with... then i remember he’s huge and i just want him to ruin me <3
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if you were to ask him this question straight up, he’d likely say something along the lines of, “eh… i like all of you.” which is pretty typical, but not inherently wrong.
in nagi’s case, he believes that if he can lay his head on it, then that’s more than enough for him.
your ass? a cushion for when he’s lazily slumped over your bed, phone in hand as you’re busy cramming your assignments and writing essays, propped up on your elbows in front of your laptop.
your thighs? his well-deserved reprieve after a long day at practice. he loves arriving home and finding you on the couch, patting your lap and inviting him to alleviate stress. as your fingers tousle through his white fluffy locks, a sleepy yawn escapes his lips, cheek pressed against your soft pillowy thighs as he waits for his dreams to take him.
your tits, however, make him rethink his entire outlook on life. i mean, how could he ever forget the sensation of being squished between your soft mounds as you’re going through your usual ministrations—absentmindedly massaging the nape of his neck and playing with tufts of his messy hair, making him hum in content. he doesn’t even think before using them as his personal stress balls, always subconsciously running a hand to cup a breast through your shirt no matter what he’s doing while laid against you.
whether intending to arouse you or not, this always leads to a breathy whimper escaping in the air, gray eyes looking up to see your lips slightly parted and gaze half-lidded. to nagi’s benefit, your tits are also extra sensitive, especially in his big ol’ hands which cover your chest perfectly no matter the size. they make you shiver as his thumbs press your nipples through the fabric, quickly pebbling at his touch. seeing them harden and poke through the sheer material of your top makes the striker’s mouth water.
“just a taste…” is what he tells you as he lifts your shirt above your chest, but nagi’s greedy. he never takes just what he needs, only caring about wanting more. he spends a good hour simply running his tongue around the stiff peaks, alternating breasts by laving at the valley between them before returning the same attention to the other one. his hands like to knead the tender flesh, even clamp them in his hold and push them together for easier access for his tongue to flick the aroused tips of your nipples.
“your tits are so perfect, angel, i wanna suffocate in them…”
it’s constantly a struggle to sit still when he’s adamantly fondling you. you shudder every time he flattens the wet muscle over your areola before wrapping his lips around the bud. your body clings to his, gripping his shoulders and occasionally pulling on the roots of his hair when he suckles on them like a baby. except unlike a baby, you feel the whole weight of him on top of you, heavy and desiring to sink you deeper in the sheets. the hard mast in his sweats ruts against your thigh.
with the drawn out foreplay, you’re nearly on the end of your rope. you need him to plunge his thick cock in your gooey insides already. you’re surely wet enough for him to slide right in—he’s made sure of that from his languid ministrations.
“sei, please, fuck me already…” you drawl prettily, hiking your knee to coax the hard throb in his pants. he bucks his hips on top of you, groaning low and hoarse, and teetering on the tightrope of self-control.
nagi, whether he realizes it or not, is cruel as he is greedy. he savors your reactions, enamored by the glassy look on your soft features that crinkle every time his mouth meets your beautiful skin. he’s practically on cloud nine, and you must be following him since you’re on the verge of falling apart, and he hasn’t even touched the aching, slick spot sticking to your panties yet.
“c’mon, beautiful, just a lil longer,” he coos, his words all wispy that you’re starting to grow lightheaded. he blows on the shiny trail of his spit along the sensitive expanse of your skin, feeling you squirm under him. lazily resting his cheek on your tits, innocent silver eyes find your teary ones.
“i still need to mark you all up for me, angel. stay still and i’ll make sure you feel so good later when you’re sitting on my cock, okay?” his lips tenderly press the swell of your breasts one last time before branding those dreamy promises into your skin.
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copyright 2023 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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diorsluv · 15 days
casual , part 5
“ i thought you thought of me better ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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vivianliu she was better off without you 😘
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username44 ethan slander goes crazy
yourusername WE LOOK SO HOT 🤭🤭
yourusername also idk about that caption..
→ vivianliu oh girl noooo
→ yourusername 😔
→ vivianliu HE CAN’T BE STRAIGHT UP WITH U BABE he’s always beating around the bush
→ edwards.73 that’s subjective
→ vivianliu “tHAtS sUbJEctiVe” stfu
→ yourusername VIVI STOP BE NICE
→ markestapa it is pretty subjective
→ mackie.samo i think the bush is just a decorative piece to further brighten up the room
→ dylanduke25 he is not a bush beater ❌
username27 MARRY ME PLEASE
username10 IDK WHO I WANT MORE
→ username67 BOAF!!!!
→ username78 BOAF?
→ username96 BOAFFFF.
colecaufield i second that
→ lhughes_06 i third that
→ _quinnhughes i fourth that
→ trevorzegras i fifth that
→ rutgermcgroarty i sixth that
→ mackie.samo i seventh that
→ jackhughes i eighth that
→ _alexturcotte i ninth that
→ markestapa i tenth that
→ luca.fantilli i eleventh that
→ dylanduke25 i twelfth that
→ adamfantilli i thirteenth that
→ yourusername i disagree
→ edwards.73 guys you’re supposed to be on my side??????
→ luca.fantilli we just wanted to fit in 💔
username72 so ethan and rosie confirmed????
→ vivianliu 🤐
→ username99 pretty much
rutgermcgroarty yeah bc she already had me 🙄
→ vivianliu she had me first
→ yourusername LADIESSSSS stop fighting there’s enough to go around 😈😈
→ edwards.73 but i’m better though
→ rutgermcgroarty hell no you’re not edwards.73
lhughes_06 i hope she knows plan b is called plan b for a reason
→ vivianliu LMAOOO
→ yourusername bro WHAT????
username49 yall r so hot
edwards.73 didn’t sound that way last night
→ vivianliu is sex all you think about with her 😐
→ edwards.73 no????
→ yourusername damn
→ edwards.73 I SAID IT’S NOT
→ lhughes_06 i swear to god ethan i’m going to beat your ass
_alexturcotte she’s too pretty for him
→ edwards.73 ????
trevorzegras i could treat her better fr
→ vivianliu ion know about that one..
mackie.samo stop dogging on my boy
→ vivianliu “your boy” is gonna get my wife all hurt and shit
→ dylanduke25 TRUST IN HIM DUDE
→ vivianliu hell no
username12 please she’s so happy thooo
username80 i mean as long as he doesn’t break her heart idc fr 🤷‍♀️
_quinnhughes that’s what i’ve been saying but she won’t listen to me 😒
→ vivianliu she’s delusional
→ yourusername NO IM NOTTT
→ _quinnhughes yes you are stop lying to yourself
luca.fantilli who said he needed her??
→ vivianliu everyone
→ yourusername ☹️
→ edwards.73 i did
→ luca.fantilli oh
→ markestapa OH????
→ mackie.samo look at our eddy he’s so confident
→ edwards.73 i am after last night mackie.samo
→ jackhughes oh god please never say that again
dylanduke25 i can smell the pizza from the other room and you won’t share shit 😒
→ vivianliu she bought it to eat with the boy that just stood her up so no we aren’t gonna share
→ yourusername ‼️‼️
→ colecaufield why did she buy the food and not him 😭😭
→ vivianliu THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING colecaufield
→ lhughes_06 HE DID WHAT????
→ _quinnhughes he let her pay for the food then stood her up. that’s great, that’s real fucking great.
→ jackhughes i’m gonna fight him
→ yourusername GUYS ITS FINE
jackhughes our dad’s gonna be livid when he finds out what that asshole did to her
→ vivianliu AS HE SHOULD
→ yourusername oh my god it’s not that big of a deal it doesn’t even matter
→ lhughes_06 ???? OF COURSE IT MATTERS
→ _quinnhughes don’t undermine ts it’s not gonna help you rosie
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liked by yourusername, rutgermcgroarty, and 99,312 others
edwards.73 then she said you make me happier than ever
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username77 is this him clapping back????
username46 there’s no way he and vivian are beefing rn
markestapa go bag your girl 🙏🙏
→ edwards.73 bagging my girl 🫡
→ yourusername “my girl” ?
→ mackie.samo LMAOOO
→ dylanduke25 this is definitely going in the gc
→ luca.fantilli ethan it’s over for u
vivianliu no don’t be pulling this shit
username80 is it just me who’s getting the tiiiiiniest ick
→ username51 i am too babe dw
jackhughes uh huh..
_quinnhughes ok i don’t know bout all that
username31 kissing in the rain oh my god i’m melting
username27 rosie’s so lucky
→ username12 ethan’s the lucky one here 🙄
lhughes_06 what if i bashed your face in
→ edwards.73 but why
→ lhughes_06 i told you and everyone else NOT to touch my sister and you quite literally did the complete opposite
→ edwards.73 hey i didn’t even pay attention to her at first man
→ lhughes_06 😒
username54 i want a relationship like theirs so badly
→ yourusername no babe find yourself a healthy relationship 🫶
→ username81 EXPLAIN?? yourusername
→ username20 UMM WHAT?
yourusername i don’t remember that one
→ edwards.73 i got the receipts baby don’t fight it
→ yourusername 😳
yourusername also wow she’s pretty
→ edwards.73 mhm she’s my gorgeous girl
→ yourusername oh is that her name?
→ edwards.73 yea got her saved as mine ❤️ in my contacts it’s nbd
username10 the candlelit dinner ☹️
colecaufield as much as it pains me to say it you guys look cute together
liked by edwards.73
_alexturcotte maybe i was wrong about you two and as long as you keep making her happy idc
→ edwards.73 i’ll keep her happy for the rest of our lives 🫡🫡
→ yourusername wow that’s a pretty long time!
trevorzegras oh ethan you crack me up
→ edwards.73 this one was a knee slapper wasn’t it
→ trevorzegras got me laughing and shit
→ yourusername oh so this post was a joke 😐
→ edwards.73 NO IT WASN’T I SWEAR ON MY LIFE yourusername
rutgermcgroarty why do i feel sick to my stomach rn
→ edwards.73 i think it’s called jealousy lil bro
→ rutgermcgroarty no i think it’s because you aren’t treating her right buddy
username55 even rut doesn’t like the relationship 😭😭
→ username79 99% positive he secretly likes her
mackie.samo did you hard-ish soft launch simply because you were being scrutinized 😭
→ edwards.73 perhaps i did and what about it??
→ mackie.samo ok im usually on your side but bro..
username46 what happened to the “no labels”
username25 is this not lowkey toxic 💀💀
username98 whew lord save my girl please
adamfantilli you guys are so gross and icky
→ edwards.73 keep hating 🤬🤬
→ vivianliu i wholeheartedly agree
→ lhughes_06 that’s what i’ve been saying but no one listens 🙄
→ jackhughes CORRECT
username47 why are we all divided over this i thought we liked the relationship???
→ username53 but they’re kinda toxic af 😭
username9 this shakes me to my core
luca.fantilli is that the after sex pic
→ edwards.73 🤫
→ dylanduke25 oh god ew
→ colecaufield that did not have to be a question
username22 this is so cute it hurts
username28 SO ADORABLEEE
username91 new fav couple alert
dylanduke25 aw that’s cute
→ edwards.73 good to know ur not a hater
→ mackie.samo DUDE i was just stating facts
→ edwards.73 uh huh we’re kicking u out the gc
→ mackie.samo BROOOO
next chapter notes ) hey loves guess who didn’t proofread!!! I FEEL LIKE THIS IS LESS AND LESS ENTERTAINING IDKKK
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust@alwaysclassyeagle@love4ldr@inhoodmood@bunting58@crazycat-ladys-blog@smoooore@bunbunbl0gs
195 notes · View notes
hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Birthday boy
*little Trevor Zegras x best friend (👀) reader insta edit for his birthday**
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liked by jamie.drysdale, _quinnhughes & others
Yourusername happy birthday Fucker  
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📌 Yourusername I’m just joking, happy birthday to the best friend a girl could ask for!! 🫶
TrevorZegras wow, really feeling the love
jamie.drysdale you know what you did 
TrevorZegras no I dont?! 
jamie.drysdale right, it’s what you didn’t do
Yourusername ☝️
Jackhughes happy birthday Z
TrevorZegras at least someone appreciates me
Yourusername did he feed post for you?
TrevorZegras now that you say that…..
Yourusername Doesn't even use your full name
Youusername not even a story post either smh 
JackHughes I’m busy!!
Yourusername this is why I’m the supreme best friend not you
JackHughes Trevor!! Tell her she’s wrong
TrevorZegras I can’t
Jackhughes what does she have over you?
Jamie.drysdale too much lol
Anaheimducks our favourite swiftie finally hit his TS birthday 
Yourusername that he did
ColeCaufield Feeling 22
Yourusername wow Cole, so original
ColeCaufield we were all thinking it!!!
Yourusername but only you said it
TaylorSwift happy birthday Trevor!!
Jamie.drysdale what the hell?
Yourusername did I not tell you we’re friends
TTerry19 He’s sat in his stall gaping like a fish. You’ve shut him up for once
Yourusername Thanks for the update Troy
_alexturcotte That won’t last long
TrevorZegras 5 years we’ve been friends 
MasonMctavish23 oh Jesus, here we go
jackHughes The betrayal speech?
Masonmctavish23 yes sir
Yourusername is he monologuing yet?
Masonmctavish23 unfortunately 
Shattdeuces hes recording it because he's too worked up to type it for you rn
yourusername 😂 I've heard it before
_quinnhughes Happy birthday annoying brother #6
Yourusername Quinn I love you for that
lhughes_06 Happy birthday Zeegs, can we circle back to this? Who the hell are #3-5
Yourusername I’m assume Turcs is in there somewhere 
_quinnhughes yep, Alex & Cole & Dylan
lhughes_06 what?
Dylanduke.25 I’m honoured 
User16 Trevors in best friend jail 🤣
User72 wonder what he did
User12 the comment section correction
User22 no one seems to have noticed it😂
Yourusername They saw it, they’re just choosing not to acknowledge it
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liked by JackHughes, anaheimducks & others
TrevorZegras best birthday present I could’ve asked for #upgrades #shesmygfnow 
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Yoruusername that has to be the lamest hashtag ever. Are you 12?
Masonmctavish23 mentally yes
Yourusername true
Jamie.drysdale can’t believe it
_alexturcotte FINALLY!!
Jackhughes the gc is going wild rn
Jamie.drysdale so ours!!
Colecaufield he actually did it?
jamie.drysdale 30 minutes ago, I’ll send you the video
Jackhughes me too!
_quinnhughes just add him to the GC 
Yourusername that’s why youre the smart one Quinn
_quinnhughes thanks. Good luck with him 
Yoruusername oh hes a handful 😏
Jamie.drysdale yuck
mattboldy couldn’t have waited 2 fucking weeks Trev?
_alexturcotte oh shit, I won!!
Cam.York damnit!
ColeCaufield I was off by two days😭
TrevorZegras You were betting on us? 😦
Jackhughes duh
Anaheimducks obviously 
Colecaufield dude you’ve been in love with her since high school
Yourusername it gets reevaluated every 4 months for new dates
_johnbeecher we're on the 10th round I think
TrevorZegras yourusername YOURE IN ON IT?
Yourusername to quote one Jack Hughes “duh”
TrevorZegras dont bring him into this!! 
Yourusername You wouldn’t get your head out of your ass! I could’ve at least made some money from it
TrevorZegras you could’ve made a move!!
Yourusername nah why would I do that
jamie.drysdale you could just have this conversation. You’re sitting across from each other
Yourusername shut it Jim
TrevorZegras yeah, zip it
User24 the Ducks admin betting on Trevors love life wasn’t on my bingo card 
Anaheimducks Its the whole team!! 
TrevorZegras Jesus how many people are actually involved?
Yourusername Secretary Alex?
_alexturcotte at this date, 65
TrevorZegras WHAT!!
Yoruusername yep, you’ve just made Lex a very rich man
Tterry19 atta boy!!
Masonmctavish23 be honest, its just so you can meet TSwizzle
TrevorZegras shhhh 
Yourusername 🤨
TrevorZegras I’m joking, I love you very much 
Yourusername 😌
User727 always thought they’d be a good couple
User71 best friends to lovers? Elite trope
User02 FINALLY!!! I’ve been waiting for this!
User542 Bestie we all have!!
User98 65 people betting 😮
User62 I’m just wondering how much Turcotte will actually make
Yourusername it’s at least 4 figures! Everyone had different amounts
594 notes · View notes
ohbabydollie · 3 months
Don't normally do asks but wtvr, Jschlatt and Transmasc reader headcannons? And Jschlatt obsessing over him, correcting people when they say the wrong name or use the wrong pronouns! 😩😍
a lil anxious abt this bc im cis afab but ill try, don’t be afraid to dm me if i wrote anything wrong since i don’t know many trans people nor have i experienced anything like this first hand. i did however get some help from a transmasc moot of mine
tws- misgendering, mentions of needles once
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Schlatt will be on EVERYONES ass especially if you have recently started using different pronouns or a different name
corrects everyone from your family to fans
“[deadna-” “you mean Y/N”
“yeah so she-” “he” “that’s what i said” “no, you called him a girl, he’s a man”
will get into it with anyone and by anyone i mean ANYONE if they show the least amount of disrespect
will be pissed if people misgender you and you don’t correct them out of anxiety or whatever
if you’re having chest dysphoria bc u forgot your binder he’ll immediately give you his sweater or hoodie
shows you off to chat, 100% and has anyone who’s acting disrespectful banned
“yeah this is my lovely boyfriend chat” he says giving you a kiss on the cheek
if you’re on t he’ll help you take your shots especially if ur scared of needles
“relax, jus’ look at me”
will make the occasional joke saying that your driving stats went up, you switched to the right team, etc. it’s schlatt after all
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i’ll probably stick to fem or gender neutral readers in the future unless i can get better at writing a trans reader
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