#no one on here it’s been an ALARMING amount of irl’s
idsb · 7 months
People b like hOw cOuLd yOu pOsSiBLy mOVe tO AuStRaLiA?!? lol I’d do it but THUH BUGZZZS THEY KILL U NO THANKS!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!1! TERRIFYING!!!!!!!!
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keefechambers · 3 months
I wanna be blunt about this ongoing James somerton suicide threat issue but I don't want to connect it to my IRL Twitter to comment on the dogshit takes I'm seeing there or the good and well meaning but maybe too kind takes I'm seeing here.
Obviously, I hope that this is a false alarm cry for help fake threat. Yes, it would reinforce that Somerton is a self-centered egomaniac who can't handle consequences but that's preferable to dead.
But I work in local news and let me tell you something. I've covered half a dozen family annihilating murder suicides and heard hundreds of men making suicide threats over police scanners and a huge swath of these don't happen because they're depressed or because people are mean to them on the Internet. They're punishment. A person with an enormous amount of entitlement towards people around them gets backed into a corner and they punish the people closest to them by killing themselves or threatening to kill themselves.
No one wants to talk about this feature of suicide because...you want to help people who are struggling and guide them away from this path and being blunt about the fact that sometimes people die of suicide as a consequence of their own shittiness towards the world does not really help actively suicidal people. But suicide rates are higher in men not just because they have higher rates of untreated mental illness (a societal issue we must address for the sake of all) but because some people, often men, use suicide (but more often the threat of suicide) as a tool of abuse and control.
I'm not saying somerton is like, an icky abuser bad guy, he's just a run of the mill grifter scumbag, but his actions in the past show a clear pattern of escalating behavior that aligns with this.
Somerton gets called out -> somerton alleges physical threats of violence against himself and his fans rally around him supportively -> Harry calls somerton out in a bigger way -> Somerton says he's hospitalized but there are inconsistencies with the story but no one wants to talk about that because you wanna be nice-ish about a guy who just tried to kill himself and now he's trying to be framed as tragic but it doesn't really stick -> somerton apologizes again but his apology is rightly called out for lies and manipulative framing as well as his continuing attempts to profit off the community he betrayed -> James posts a suicide note publicly putting the onus of his own suicide on the loss of his friend Nick who he repeatedly threw under the bus and now everyone is rallying to say nice-ish shit and wring their hands in concern over poor james -> indefinitely repeat this vicious cycle forever until he actually does die or finally gives up and gets real, intensive therapy and a day job.
Thats not to say anyone's concern is misplaced, it's 100% better for him to be a living scumbag than a dead one. He deserves the chance to grow and learn and have a life outside of youtube.
But you don't have to portray this as the action of a sad depressed man who got bullied off the Internet. It's manipulation, whether he intended to go through with it or not and whether someone intervened or not. Not denying that internet bullying is a thing, I'm sure there were some people who were shitty directly to James but he made the choice to not unplug from this and to try and keep being a public figure rather than taking care of himself. He could have deleted Twitter, blocked anyone who was an asshole, gone to therapy and tried to move on with his life but if he'd deleted his channel he'd have lost monetization... Can't have that, right? So he posts some apology videos so his channel stays active and then complains about how ruinous this is while never trying to take real accountability.
But the reality is that people would have forgotten about him so quickly and maybe his job prospects would've been impacted but...that's on him, and that's for him to figure out but it's not actually life ruining. He chose to continue to engage knowing he'd get backlash and hate and he'd feel worse and worse and things would never get better without the time and space for people to forget.
He made the choice to make a public spectacle of his own alleged suicide. That is the action of someone who wants to put the weight of their suicide on someone else's shoulders and is morally wrong. He can be held to account for that, alive or dead.
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Transitus Should Be Set In New England (Northeastern United States) - A List
By: A Midwestern American
It’s on my to-do list to spruce up the album’s wikipedia page and I’ll probably ask Arjen about location directly at some point for it. But for now, for fanfiction’s sake: 
It is never explicitly stated where in the world the real-world portion of Transitus takes place. You can glean from basic context that it’s somewhere in the Global West but no real locations are stated by the lyrics, narration or liner notes.
I think the default is to assume it’s set in Great Britain, which is totally reasonable. Daniel’s family is consistently referred to as a “house,” hinting at noble status. The plot and setting are heavily inspired by that of Downton Abbey, right down to the uptown girl character dying horrifically and their racially discriminated servant spouse having a five-alarm crisis about it after the two were cut off financially from the uptown girl’s family. 
That’s how I initially thought of it. Easy (not really), inconsequential Victorian setting. 
But now, after a lot of research and writing and just sitting around and thinking about it, I have an alternate suggestion.
I think the story fits and would actually be more effective if it were set in New England, aka the farthest Northeast region of the United States. Specifically Connecticut but that’s not as relevant as it taking place in this region/country overall. I’ll go through the major arguments for this one by one, getting more plot-relevant as they go. Hopefully, given historical context and narrative themes, you’ll see my point here. 
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New England highlighted on a map of the U.S., comprising the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The entire west side of the region borders New York State.
Enjoy. 🔥🇺🇸
1. Nationalities of Main Cast
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The weakest point, but worth mentioning. Three of the six human characters in Transitus, a majority and the most of any Ayreon album, are played by American singers: Amanda Somerville, Cammie Beverly, and Dee Snider. Dee Snider being the most notable because his character is this staunch, traditionalist patriarch guy who’s on Daniel’s back about the Old Ways, and from there I think it’s safe to assume this guy’s family has been in the spot they’re in for more than a few generations.
I personally really like integrating certain non-personality-related traits from irl singers into their characters, and I think nationality applies to that nicely in this context. 19th century New England aristocrats were usually one of two categories: generationally wealthy European wannabes that take an insane amount of pride in their colonial ancestry, or “self-made” business tycoons that made ungodly amounts of money during the Second Industrial Revolution.
More on that second category in a second, but given the very, very limited information we get on Dee’s character, he gives me more of that high-and-mighty old money vibe.
Also, with almost zero canon evidence: I am completely glued to the idea that The Soprano, played by a very Dutch Dianne van Giersbergen, is the ghost of Daniel and Henry’s mother. Like I will die on this hill. Coincidentally, Connecticut, a state I picked from New England almost entirely at random, was first colonized by Dutch settlers, setting it apart from a few other Northeast states. If we’re keeping with the Nationality of the Parent Characters Carrying Through From Real Life theme, then that would create a very strong tie between Daniel’s family and their home state, further emphasizing the father's prioritizing of retaining status and “proper breeding.”
2. Weirdly Specific Combo of Architectural Styles
I genuinely cannot think of any other place where these three buildings could possibly exist in close proximity to each other, like-
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Daniel’s family’s house (bottom right) is by far the strongest visual argument you can make for Transitus being set in Britain, like that is an 18th century English manor house through and through. Fair enough, but:
The East Coast US is a bunch of former colonies that were under British rule in the Georgian period (1714-1837), hence the name “New England.” A lot of the architecture from that time is reflective of this, especially in the older Northern colonies. Southern ones tend to follow the Greek Revival/Neoclassical styles more.
I’d believe the Britain argument here if it wasn’t for the other two houses’ whole situation. Too much US-adjacent design present in this specific region for you to go “yea but the mansion, though” at the mansion that could also exist in said specific region.
As much as I don’t like this as a design choice in the comic: Abby’s parent’s house (bottom left) is a frontier log cabin. These became very, very common during Westward expansion, fueled by the Homestead Act in 1862, the Manifest Destiny Doctrine present throughout the 19th century, the California Gold Rush in 1848, etc… The style wasn’t exclusive to the West though, and a bunch are still standing in the rural East Coast.
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Cabins in Blue Ridge, Virginia and Hampton, Connecticut, respectively
As I said, I think it’s just a very odd choice. Among other reasons, the only part of this house that’s plot-essential is that it has a set of stairs for Lavinia to snap her neck on, and these things are pretty much always single floor structures.
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Girl, where do those even lead to???
I dunno. I just don't like it, even if it supports my point. It should have been a little two-story rowhouse. Moving on.
These houses existed outside the US. It’s a plain, utilitarian style that shows up all over the place in Europe, even if they’re more synonymous and symbolic to America.
The main house, though, Daniel and Abby’s, narrows it down a bit more. It really reminds me of the Second Empire style, popular in the Northeast and Midwest regions at the time.
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The John M. Davies house (Connecticut) and Terrace Hill (Iowa), both built in the mid-late 1860s.
Blocky base, mansard roof, giant statement piece (i.e. a tower) tacked on there somewhere. 
The only issue with that guess is that it would make the house, at best, 25-30 years old. Second Empire was only a thing in the post-Civil War period, and the house is meant to be this ancient, haunted thing. 
I had this idea for working around it a few months ago that it’s like…an older style that’s been updated in recent years? Say it’s originally a colonial era home (also plausible for New England) belonging to Daniel’s family. Makes sense, the base is still symmetrical and flat with two stories, steep roof, all that jazz. 
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Washington, Connecticut (ca. 1750) and Hingham, Massachusetts (1721)
They clearly don’t use it themselves so maybe they rent it out? Maybe that’s part of where their money comes from; tenant properties and such. Maybe, understandably, nobody wants to pay to live in it because it’s old and run down and has a cemetery for a front yard, so they gut it and renovate, slapping some new age architecture over the top to make it more appealing.
 It doesn’t work but the house finds a use eventually. It’s still old as hell, still American, plus you get the bonus representations of traditionalist vs progressive styles being combined, like the two people that live there. 
...get it
Anyways, again: these all exist within sprinting distance of each other.  I’d love some other suggestions but the Northeast is the only spot I know all three of them can comfortably exist in.
3. Historical Implications - The American Civil War (1861-1865)
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In January I finished this sort of…show bible for any and all Transitus HCs I had as an alternative to sending someone like 300 maxxed out rant-y text messages about it. Congratulations to @ay-miphae for somehow reading all of it.
Since it’s important to certain story elements, a section of the text is dedicated to a consolidated explanation of the American Civil War.
Kindly, a PDF of that section:
It’s deliberately written so someone with no prior knowledge of US history can follow it. That said, even if you are American and have the general gist of the war, I still think you should read it so you can really get where I’m coming from. It’s not something to be incorporated into a story lightly.
If you're not up for it, I at least think the intro paragraph speaks for itself in relation to my point:
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The war ended about 20 years before the album takes place and you’d be hard pressed to say it fits with its story’s themes, far beyond the surface level of its very real effect on American race relations (that were much more intense than those of England at the time):
The hypocrisy of the Union, as if the majority of the North wasn’t still segregated and racist as hell long after slavery was abolished.
The tension not just regarding race but socioeconomic class in the war years. Of particular interest was the fact that wealthy men could pay their way out of conscription, often viewing the war as a mere inconvenience rather than the system-altering mess that it was for everyone else. 
Death. Just completely unprecedented amounts of it and unnecessarily so. 
Your pick of the million and one ways it could have affected Daniel and Abby’s parents, and even Henry depending on how old you picture him. 
Et cetera. You want a way to push the “Two Worlds” motif? Set the story in a Northern state two decades after a war fought over whether millions of people got to be treated like human beings or not, so impactful that the two sides of it are still so clearly, ridiculously discernible and will stay this way for another century and a half after.
As far as the possibility of setting Transitus in the South goes, fascinating as that could be, the plot of Act II makes it impossible. Interracial marriage was either void or outright criminalized in every single Southern state, until the ruling of Loving v. Virginia deemed the policies unconstitutional in 1967. There is no room for conflict over Abby receiving inheritance money - she and Daniel would have been straight-up arrested once Henry found out about them.
In the North, laws like this were repealed during or before the 1880s, if a state had them at all. In Connecticut’s case there were no laws ever prohibiting interracial marriage, but starting in the 1840s you were required to disclose your race in order to obtain a marriage license, which could create its own conflict with the risk of Daniel and Abby being exposed. Regardless of legal allowance, the practice was heavily frowned upon wherever you went, and the majority of them are recorded as being ordained in black churches, since white ones would turn them away and be well within their rights to.
A helpful reminder. 🔗
4. Main Setting - The American Gilded Age (1877-1900)
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This was the point in my amateur "research" for this setting that I completely dug my heels in.
I mentioned the two sides of the 19th Century New England aristocracy - The dynastic, nobility-adjacent old money crowd, and the new money industrialists that rose to power during and after the Civil War.
Hey look, another (shorter) helpful PDF summary of a historical period:
Emphasis on "the wealthy elite using underhanded, exploitative practices to get what they want with no real consequences for it."
Henry fits...so perfectly into the category of these "robber barons" for me. Even if he's from a traditional, generationally wealthy family, he seems like enough of a greedy little cheat that he would force his way into this new crowd even if he didn't need to. It adds a few extra layers to a fairly archetypal 19th-century douchebag.
Henry being one of these Gilded Age industrialists sets him up as his family's main provider, allowing him to exert even more control over Daniel's life. Old money families had a severe distaste for these people, matching with Henry's extreme desperation to uphold his status. Even outside of higher social circles, these guys were hated by the general public and that was a 100% valid opinion. If Henry is this much more elevated above other characters in terms of wealth and the way he amassed it, it might make the insane jump from "jealous, nosy prick" to "murders an entire lower-class family for personal profit" a little more believable.
And, the most obvious point, the whole idea of this era, that "cartoonishly evil class divide" supporting the Two Worlds narrative.
The difference between Daniel and Abby's situations made all the more drastic, given that Henry may very well be one of (if not the) wealthiest men in the world in this prospective version of the story.
The nature of their wealth puts Henry, and by proximity Daniel, far more in the public eye than any British aristocrat would be. Daniel feels even more pressured and uncertain about his choices, even outside his family's expectations of him. Henry isn't just threatened by monetary loss after Daniel's death but cutthroat social humiliation, given who Daniel's inheritance is being released to.
Daniel is divided even further between his father's quiet, "safe" traditionalist lifestyle and his brother's much more forthright and totalitarian approach to everything. Maybe even tension created between Henry and his father for it.
Again, the stark difference between the post-War North and South, not exactly plot relevant but present in the setting.
The fact that the prosperity of Daniel's family is much more directly a result of the suppression of the poor and working class, the very difficult-to-navigate, set-in-stone power dynamic it creates in Daniel and Abby's relationship and how they come to terms with it.
And a little more on the Making-Shit-Up side: I have a troubling amount of extra characters I've used to fill plot holes that bother me, most of them servants, and trust me. The whole mass immigration aspect of this period makes character-building way more exciting. This is when the US Melting Pot idea really started, and it allows for a lot of different types of people to believably exist in a relatively limited setting. Christ, I even kept Abraham as an Englishman like his respective singer and it still makes sense within the world.
It's just...perfect. Arjen really picked the absolute perfect decade to set this story in for the sake of a throwaway 2084 joke.
5. The American Dream and the Tragic Fantasy of the Middle Class
This one is purely thematic, related to a more general national ideal than any one era or location (though I think the Gilded Age's presence boosts its effect). Oversimplified to all hell:
America is a very individualist society. It was founded on the idea of personal freedom and making your own way in the world with minimal resistance (or support) from an executive power, say, the British Empire. If you work hard and persevere, you can carve out the life you want and enjoy it. On paper, anybody can be anything, free from the restrictions of a tyrannical government or lineage-obsessed nobles. It's the ideal system, that benefits everyone who really wants it to.
Except it's just...not.
This isn't some groundbreaking concept. The American Dream is hypocritical as fuck and most people have figured this out by now. Sure, you can be anything you want in this country, no mountain is too high. So long as you are white, male, Christian, able-bodied and minded, not an immigrant, etc., etc.
Surely it's equal. Surely there are no unfair headstarts for people born into wealth and privilege, just like in Britain, and surely they will not use that advantage to lord power over the less fortunate with minimal consequences because they *earned* it and the government has no right to take it away. And surely, the people who really did work independently for what they have are not in a far more precarious position, as just a little bad luck can send them spiraling with nothing to fall back on.
And now, a small summary:
Daniel and Abby come from complete opposite sides of the social ladder, but are able to look past those differences because they care about each other as people. They are ridiculed and ostracized but they persist in the name of the life they chose (bada bing bada boom direct album quote 💃), and after enough time (and some pure luck), they get the house and make it their own. A quiet and steady spot, a safe middle ground between their two worlds.
One bad day and all of it is gone. Literally burned to the ground, and with it the character that all but stood for prosperity, change for the better and genuine human kindness.
The situation is then made exponentially worse when Henry, rich white jackass incarnate, steps onto the scene and twists the horror of it all into something that will benefit him. Doing so, mind you, by stepping on the backs of some select members of the lower class and tricking one through false promises of a shared reward to turn against her own. He fiddles with and fuels that fire while all previously mentioned genuine-human-kindness character can do is watch, and only after death does he get his comeuppance for it.
I figured it all fit together pretty well.
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bitwynn · 2 years
weird kind-of-kind-of-not sagau fic idea that i might make myself LOL
isekaied reader/guide introduces them to Among Us. Specifically to the Mondstat Vision Holders. Everyone goes fUCKING FERAL for the duration of the game-- maybe even AFTER the game AHAHAHA
and like-- god im just imagining this specific scenario where you recreate the amongus maps in ur teapot so you guys could play irl and albedo or tubby develops a teapot leisure device specifically for it so you guys could ACTUALLY FOR REAL PLAY AMONG US IRL IN THE TEAPOT
everyones wearing the suits and they got the tablets with the report button and emergency meeting buttons and everything, and albedo figures out how to stream it to the rest of Teyvat-- with everyones different povs and things and everyones just rooting for everyone and ISERHLgFSLERHJkG
okay wow-- i got sO OFF WHAT I ORIGINALLY WANTED TO SAY AHAHAH but hey at least i set some ground rules first AHAHA
but yeah. so, imagine this--
this game of among us is composed of the knights and also Venti. So thats Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, Amber, Lisa, Albedo, Sucrose, Eula, Noelle, and of course Venti. The map here in this scenario is irrelevant but, I do have to say that the "additional roles" of Scientist, Engineer, Shapeshifter, and Guardian Angel have also been added and are all implemented into this game.
the first round? rotation? whatever you call it is actually pretty eventful with Albedo, Noelle and Venti already dead. Its actually really alarming since even if its just a game, Albedo actually takes this game REALLY SERIOUSLY and shows off his skill as the captain of the investigation team. hes the actually legit detective player-- one of his greatest plays actually being how he immediately figured out who the imps are bEFORE the game even started and bEFORE ANYONE DIED. The imps that game were very annoyed (playful) to say the least.
Noelle getting got is also like-- really serious since, as everyone knows, shes very helpful. a little too helpful. when she fully trusts someone, she will do everything she can to keep them alive and safe. and if that someone is sus abt someone, she is determined to help them figure out whether or not that person is an impostor or not. ultimate crewmate basically. one of her more "scary" plays is when she unwittingly became third impostor and LITERALLY BROUGHT EVERYONE TO THEIR DEATHS. THATS HOW HELPFUL SHE IS. god she felt SO BAD afterwards but it was a good name nonetheless.
The imps killing Venti off early meant that they werent playing around anymore, because that man has the GREATEST SOUL READ OUT OF EVERYONE. helps that hes also god but we dont talk abt that and also he cant use his archon powers to cheat LOLLL. One of his most memorable moments is how before they even started the game, he cORRECTLY PREDICTED WHO THE IMPS WOULD BE THAT ROUND. when the imps received their roles, they were definitely a bit more than shocked. in that same game, he just voted the two imps to break the tie for shit and giggles. and thats how they won the game. crack energy was strong in that one LOL.
The fear and distrust is rampant the whole discussion time, with Amber and Sucrose lowkey and highkey respectively panicking, Eula making hasty assumptions, Lisa challenging those assumptions, Diluc and Kaeya at each others throats, and Jean trying and failing to get things under control. They did nOT get anywhere during that and all begrudgingly voted to skip despite being at everyones throats. everyones suspecting everyone and the only people there who are FOR SURE innocents are Amber or Sucrose.
this is because, while they both may be lousy at being imps, they still act mostly the same both as imps and crews-- aka trying their best to be helpful and win. they're both usually kinda bad at lying. not that theyre bad, its just that theyre not good and you can usually tell if theyre truthing or not by the amount of information they provide and how eager and confident they are abt it. using that knowledge, they all simultaneously agree to shadow those two everywhere since they can tell that yes, they are crewmates, yes amber did watch sucrose fumble the id card 15 times because she keeps dropping it or doing it too fast or slow, yes sucrose did the vials first before walking around the map a bit to find her next task.
so thats what happens-- they split up into group amber and sucrose and go on opposite sides of the map. and then the sabotage happens. the lights die. the amber group, consisting of, of course, amber, jean and diluc, is closer and they rush to lights where team sucrose hadnt reached yet. they all pile up into a group and pull up the lights interface. and as they set it down, theyre immediately greeted by eula reporting a dead body and amber screaming.
after jean manages to get everyone down to a respectable volume, she asks for everyone to give their testimony since she had the interface up. amber nervously says that since there were so many people at lights already, she decided to not fix it but instead watch out for any impostors that might make a move. but when she saw the blood splatter, she couldnt see who did it clearly since they were at the edge of her visibility which is when she immediately rushed forward and spammed the report button.
eula backs her up and them immediately accuses lisa of killing sucrose, off the bar that the second the lights went off she had lagged behind. lisa is greatly offended, talking about how shes targeting her since the first round with no solid basis and eula strikes back with her saying something that lisa did in the first round that made her look sus. and then diluc and kaeya start rilling it up by backing the side that they were with the most, diluc backing lisa and kaeya backing eula even if they only saw the other in passing. it gets real petty REAL fast. literally the only reason diluc is backing lisa is because while jean is trying her best to be fair, she obviously favors lisa a bit more while kaeya siding with eula is more reasonable because they actually spent time together.
it ends with amber tying the votes since despite trusting jeans judgement, all eula had done was back her up and let her voice be heard in the two times theyve had discussions and proven herself to be innocent-- lisa got voted out by kaeya and eula and amber, and eula got voted out by jean and diluc and lisa. the second their screens fade back to the table they all realize that theres gonna be no rounds left since they havent figured out who one of the imps are and theres only six of them left. all it takes is for them to kill two and its over.
they all decide to separate and spread themselves as far as they can throughout the ship to get their tasks done as fast as they can. and as amber and jean start to walk out of medbay and are greeted by kaeya and diluc suddenly appearing in the back of the room, they know that the brothers have won.
everyone is screaming when the impostor win screen pops up, featuring diluc and kaeyas beans. literally NOONE expected them to win, considering the fact that they have been at each others throats the whole time both ingame and irl. fucking NOONE expected them to just-- quietly team up to MASSACRE the entire ship. because really-- who WOULD expect it??
their entire among us game history is just them bickering with each other, it gets like-- really kind of emotional and concerning sometimes-- theyve gotten banned from playing multiple times since the whole "being an impostor" thing has very similar connotations with being a spy from another country and we aLL KNOW HOW THAT WENTTTT
the synergy between the two-- ugh--
eula is just mad she accidentally became the third impostor. AGAIN.
oh yeah, kaeya was the shapeshifter. the first kill in the first round was a double kill with venti and noelle. diluc vented out of the scene but popped up in a room where albedo was but his cooldown was still going so he just did his best to try and herd him away from the button and hope that he runs into kaeya. and fortunately kaeya does run into them, and a bit of hope blooms in albedos heart which was then promptly crushed by kaeya murdering his ass. he then watches as he turns into venti and they both leave the scene. from the second he knew they were working together, he knew they were screwed. but he does respect using the quiet expectation that they would never get along to their advantage.
the bickering did have some actual heat behind it though since diluc obviously almost fucked them in the ass when he vented infront of bedo AHAHA
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peachie-o · 2 years
Your posting more mcyt stuff than usually, what happened over there??
can’t tell if ur asking this in a “what happened to you you used to be normal” way or a “i dont go here but i can see you guys are all freaking out what’s going on” way but
1) i was worried before abt spamming my mutuals that i’ve had for years with content a lot of people think is cringe or annoying but i’ve realized that this is my blog my rules and it doesn’t rly matter that much. im trying to work on embracing my cringe
2) im not sure how to explain this in a way that makes me sound the least amount insane as possible but dream face revealed on saturday (if you didnt know abt this i rly admire your ability to avoid things on the internet) so we saw his face for the first time ever and also georgenotfound (dream’s best friend of like 7+ years who he’s never met irl before) moved from england to the US to live with dream & their other best friend sapnap. this may not seem like a big deal to an outsider but we’ve been waiting for this to happen FOREVER. like in dream’s literal first ever twitch stream he was talking abt george coming to america. and it’s been almost 3 yrs since then. it’s one of those things that’s been like “it’ll happen so soon!!!” for the last 2+ years and we’ve had so many false alarms over the years and it FINALLY happened. it’s just really cool to see them finally meet in person. like we get to watch them experience the feeling of meeting ur online best friend for the first time which is one of the best feelings ever imo. idk i just really like them, they make me happy and i like seeing them happy. they’ve been waiting for this for a long time.
it’s hard to explain exactly why this is so exciting to everyone but think of it like a dog being promised a steak but being told to wait for like 2 years. and the person giving the dog the steak is like “bro i PROMISE you can eat this steak and it’s gonna be so delicious but you just have to wait for the us bureaucratic system to approve you to eat this steak” and everyone around the dog is like “this steak isn’t even real you’re never going to be able to eat it” and we were FINALLY fed 😩🙌
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wait, does the 'no hate' mean you're okay with proshippers?
Hey anon!
I believe you can disagree with someone without hating them.
For example, I don't agree with racist behavior but I won't send death threats to that person. I will block them. I will report them. I am open to having a discussion with them about why their behavior and treatment of other people is not acceptable.
But just because I choose not to hate someone does not mean "I'm okay" with any harmful behavior.
I choose to run this blog with a no hate policy because that is the world I want to live in. That's the energy I want to put into the world and the environment I want to create.
That does not mean I support harmful behavior.
I will take necessary measures against weeding out harmful behavior and protecting myself - and others. But that does not include sending aggressive messages to users of any kind.
For some members of the self-ship community, my decision to run my blog this way has been a point of contention and they've sent me some pretty angry messages that I'm wrong and it's my "duty" to hunt down harmful accounts on this website, call them out, harass them, turn other users against them, etc.
I will not do that for several reasons.
1. I have a life outside of this website. I don't have time for that. I come here to hang out and decompress.
2. I have a very limited amount of energy. I strive to create a calm atmosphere in order to protect that limited energy so I don't feel completely exhausted 24/7.
3. The culture on social media is not the same IRL and I find it more than a little alarming when I see how rabid some people can get on here for...fairly insignificant things. Especially when there are much bigger problems in the world to be concerned about.
When I've just spent 12 hours straight at the hospital with my father because he nearly severed his thumb with a power saw, and because of blood loss and his age, a simple accident could be fatal, the last thing I'm really worried about is going through my list of followers to see if they label themselves as a proshipper or not.
When I've spent 6 hours trying to talk my black coworker down from a panic attack because her mother was pulled over by the police and nearly shot because the police thought she stole her own car, the last thing I'm worried about is checking every reblog by every user to make sure a proshipper isn't following me.
When I've spent God-only-knows how many hours looking after my family because they've ALL tested positive for Covid, including my parents who are both high risk due to their age, and my father who is asthmatic, and I'm the only one who is well enough to do anything as everyone is sick around me as I pray that no one ends up in the hospital...the existence of proshippers is not even a blip on my radar to be honest.
The fact that - to some people - this makes me a horrible person, is completely baffling and bizarre to me.
If anyone feels that because I won't hunt down other bloggers that I don't agree with and run them off of this website, then you are welcome to block me.
But please don't send me aggressive messages about how I'm encouraging and promoting offensive behavior and sexual predators because I'm really not.
If you want to have a private discussion about proshippers - or any other topic - you are always welcome to DM me! But I will prefer to keep responses to this topic to a minimum because it gets out of hand really, really fast.
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I'm Onigiri (for as long as I'm uncertain about revealing my actual name) and I intend this to be a studyblr. I'm a Japanese major in my final year, and I've come home for the holidays to an alarming amount of revision + work on my dissertation and preparation for next term. Covid has been less than great for both my motivation and my irl social life (and there's now loads of Omicron cases in my country, yay 😔) so I thought I'd make this account to keep a record of the work I've done and hopefully connect with some like-minded people. I'll also try to share updates on what study/time management methods I'm using/have used and how useful they seem to be. I will try to post and upload pictures regularly, although I make no promises or pretensions about the aesthetic quality. I thought I could at least write nice kanji, but then I copied out all these ones I need to revise, and had to revise that opinion. Anyway, I look forward to finding my way around here and most importantly making progress with my final year studies.
よろしくお願いします 🍙
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morgana-ren · 2 years
why do u keep writing if u hve no passion then? not trying to be hostile btw sorry if it comes across tht way. im just curious bc an alarming amount of writers reblogged tht post so im just wondering why u keep doing smth tht makes u feel miserable? esp when ur not getting paid for it. u post all ur writing on here for free but if it doesn’t make u happy why continue? /gen
I mean, it's a valid question. I get you. There's a few reasons, and I guess you can judge for yourself whether or not they're valid. (Sorry it's long, I'm a little torqued right now and I'm just word vomiting personal shit no one cares about lmao)
Firstly, I do technically get paid sometimes. I do take commissions and I once again would like to apologize to all my commissioners for shit taking so long. Been a long year already and last year was just as bad. I swear I'm on it lmao.
Now that that's outta the way:
Truthfully, I'm a lonely person. I'm lonely by choice. I don't get close to people, I dislike being touched immensely, and I dodge and weave relationships like a professional despite having people that I get along with and are interested. I distance myself on purpose so don't get me wrong, it's my own decision, but unfortunately, I'm human which means that's not exactly healthy to isolate socially the way I do. The closest I get to intimacy-- physical and mental-- are these stories. It's a weird form of happiness I don't expect to ever have irl.
I kinda live vicariously through them without all the anxiety of not having control over the other person. I know exactly what Tomura/Astarion/Strade/Vulpes/etc are thinking and feeling at any time because I control them. If I say they love me, by the Gods, they do lmao. I can write out whatever scenario would soothe me, and bam, now it's there and I post it so other people can enjoy or relate if they want.
Sounds pathetic but ayyye, that's me.
My writing developed from my maladaptive daydreaming when I was younger. I've always lived in my head and go through life watching my own actions through a secondary screen, kinda like I'm watching someone else live it. Never been invested in it. I've been writing since I was literally old enough to reach the computer. It's just a part of me at this point. I drift away from it but always end up right back here, fingers on my keyboard with googledocs open staring at a blank slate cause I got shit I gotta work out and it's how I find happiness and peace in a world where I otherwise don't have those things.
When I say I write for me, I mean it. I write things that I would want and that I like to think about. Putting words on the page is somehow soothing, and it feels like I've actually done something productive for once in my sad little life. Most of what I do consists of video games and reading and other 'second lives', so I'm not exactly out here grinding and hustling and accomplishing goals and developing myself (I actually fucking despise that mindset but to each their own.)
I've stopped taking this blog as seriously as I did a few years ago. I treated it like a job back then, and it just wasn't good. Now I write when I feel like it and what I feel like and if other people dig it, dope. If not, well, move along. (Part of why requests and commissions take so long because I refuse to force myself to write them and have them come out half assed when I'm not feeling it.) It's all under my control, and if writing makes me unhappy, I can simply walk away and come back when I want to.
I guess to say writing makes me miserable is hyperbolic and dramatic. It doesn't. I enjoy it or I wouldn't do it. But I will say I can't relate to anything I write at all. I don't share those parts of myself with people. So when I write/read these slutty smut scenes, I do it with a straight face and no arousal at all because I guess I just don't quite click with it irl. I can read or write the filthiest shit and there's just a disconnect there. I can't honestly say I've ever felt genuine passion for anyone or anything at all so even if I wanted to, I don't get excited or anything because my head just doesn't know what to do with it. The closest I get to it are these fictional characters. It's pure fantasy, and a fantasy I can never ever have. It's miserable for a different reason-- cause even if I wanted something like this or to have someone want me like that, I'm my own worst enemy. I won't allow it.
(Also clearly my idea of what I find hot is extremely dangerous and any man or woman or enby that would go along with my insanity is a red flag unless SERIOUSLY and EXTENSIVELY talked through and consented to and I just can’t be assed to do it. That’s a lot of mental intimacy and I ain’t about that life at all. I’ll take a rapey OC daydream over all the work of actually getting this shit into place irl. All the benefits and none of the drawbacks, you feel me?)
Writing is a safe space for me to explore the places in myself I'm uncomfortable with and refuse to share. I can have my characters do the most disgusting and deplorable shit and wholly control how they feel and what happens. I'm a control freak. It's an outlet for me, and one I have total hold over. No variables. No eventual and inevitable abandonment. No questioning.
Don't get me wrong, I could give a fuck less if people know about them and are aware of what I'm thinking or what I want. I'm not secretive about my work. I just don't indulge in it in real life because I've never once trusted someone enough to ever do anything or act on it. The stories are a weird catharsis and how I bridge the gaps in my head that my heart craves but my mind denies.
It's bittersweet I guess is what I'm getting at. I do love writing and creating things and seeing as my shitty writing is the closest thing I have to any semblance of talent, that's what I do. It sucks in some ways because it's a constant teaser of what I want but can't have, but I suppose if it made me miserable, I wouldn't do it.
I'm sure all authors have their reasons for reblogging it (lack of engagement and loss of enthusiasm, habit, humor, etc) but there's a less-than-short version of mine.
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utilitycaster · 3 years
If you were in the mood to expand on any of the locked and loaded rants mentioned in your quiz, I would be interested in reading more on any of them!
Oh I am always in the mood. I am but several thousand strongly held loud opinions in a trenchcoat held back only by such things as "a general awareness that constantly screaming opinions decreases the impact when one wishes to make a really strong statement" and "having a finite amount of free time" and so thank you very much for opening those floodgates.
I'm going to hold off on the one about angst because someone else asked about that and I actually have been trying to write that up in a smart way since it's currently at the top of my list. Here's the two that are not specific to fandom although they both have their place there; I'll write up the rest elsewhere over time or something (especially the one about angst, which actually bleeds into half the others anyway).
Spaces that claim to be full of nothing but love and positivity tend to be the most toxic, missing-stair, passive-aggressive places on earth
Okay so in a rare non-TTRPG/fantasy-related analogy, even though this is also a huge problem in fandom: the gym franchise Planet Fitness claims to be a judgment free-zone. They also have a reputation for FREQUENTLY policing people's clothing (particularly women wearing crop tops or tank tops) despite no such statements in the dress code, and they have a "lunk alarm" that goes off if someone slams weights too hard or grunts too loudly, and they ban deadlifting, all on the grounds of being disruptive and intimidating.
First off if someone's intimidated because someone else is deadlifting, a thing that is extremely fun and good for you and I love doing, that's a them problem. Second, how is this not extremely judgmental.
I mean, obviously it's impossible to have a wholly nonjudgmental zone for paradox of tolerance reasons but I can say, as a person who is very judgmental, people who are insistent on "keepin' it positive :)" are some of the most hostile, lazy, and creatively stagnant bastards on earth. It's all about everyone's welcome and keeping it positive until heaven forbid you bring up a problem - even if it is a legitimate problem. "Keep things positive" is not in itself a bad philosophy but it's very often unfortunately code for "we are ostriches and everything is always fine and how DARE you disrupt the sand into which we've stuck our heads."
(I should note this is for general public fandom spaces, not personal blogs on which you can do what you want although like, I tend to be more likely to follow blogs that include a moderate serving of salt).
2. The saying should actually be "if you don't have anything to say, don't say anything"; I don't care if it's nice but I do care that you're not just talking to hear your voice
I mean this is kind of an expansion of the above. I'd rather people have constructive criticism than just say something vapid and empty. (this is more of a problem IRL though where I can't just like, avoid someone who is talking for 20 minutes about absolutely nothing).
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thenervousmedic · 3 years
I had a minecraft dream last night...
This is going to be a long post, but bear eith me, and take the time to read it.
I don't dream about minecraft very often. In fact this might be a first. I'm still in bed while writing this, as im afraid if I wait I'll lose a bunch of the memories.
It involved myself and a few members of the Dream SMP getting sucked into MC. Ironic, I know. Dream, George, Badboyhalo, Tecnoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and myself. We all looked like our avatars... mostly, and even had some special skills i'll get into later.
To be clear, they were as they are in real life in terms of personality.
I've not watched the dream smp yet... maybe I should start soon. Anyway, side tracked...
The world worked differently than normal MC. It was more realistic, especially the combat and movement. Anything you can do irl you can do here. The drawback was that it made everything harder and more exhausting.
I was dragged in a month before the others, where over the next four weeks, I'd figure out how the lives system works; how difficult movement was; that crafting was nearly the same as normal mc; and how to build.
Five lives. There was a little tracker on the back of your hand, five squares for five lives. Each life you lost, a square would disappear. But it wasnt that simple. Every tine you died you'd feel the affects of the world more. Eating took longer, everything cost more and more realistic amounts of effort, and most importantly... taking damage would actually hurt.
On your first life damage was less of a danger and more of a 'stat' to just be aware of. Getting attacked, shot, exploded next to, ect wasn't too bad. But the more you died the more these things started to get scary. Arrows would tear their way in and ve painful to remove. You'd bleed and have actual wounds that needed care.
By the time the smp members were spawning in, I'd already been reduced to my last life. I was never good at minecraft, though im alright irl with a bow it didnt help much.
You spawn in unconcious. I'd lost my first life that way. I spawned above water. A painless drowning. I hadn't gone back to the ocean since, it scared the fuck out of me.
The first to arrive was Techno. I went back to spawn for the good sheep spawns there. Found him asleep in the grass. He was lucky no creepers had spawned.
Nearly everyone was bigger than me, I'm pretty small, so hauling this guys limp piglin ass all the way to my little safety shack was really hard.
Then Dream and George one after another. Badboy. Tommy... and finally Wilbur.
Wilbur was... a special case. He was a ghost. Just like his ghostbur skin had been. Fully awake, really freaking out. I was near collapsing from taking everyone else to my home, wasnt really much of a comfort, but I at least managed to convince him to come with me after the sun started to dip.
When we got back Wilbur helped me make beds. Couldn't have everyone sleeping propped up against the walls... Wilbur couldn't grab anything, but he could open and close chests. He also found out he could manafest things like his guitar, and a plushie orca. Things that made him a little less anxious. It was nice to hear music again.
I didnt get to talk to him long. We finished the beds, put everyone on one, then I immediatly konked the fuck out over the crafting table.
By the time I woke up, everyone was already awake and talking. The typical suspects. Why are we here, how, what happened, is this even real. You get the picture. I guess usually social anxiety, especially in the presence of people I admire so much, would've been a big stressor but after a month alone in this world I damn near started bawling at the thought of someone else even existing.
I told them all I know. We are stuck here, we have lives, dont fucking lose them it makes the game harder. The physics are just as janky as regular minecraft, mobs are much more articulated, armour actually has weight and at this point I wasnt aware of the little buffs everyone had to a particular skill.
Dream was incredibly good at exploiting the game's wonky system and parkouring, even of he couldnt nessesarily do it irl.
Techno was suddenly extremely knowledgeable about combat and could handle most weapons effectively. He was also a piglin-type guy which made him immune to fire.
George's coding skills translated directly into redstone knowledge, letting him build ridiculous machines with enough respources.
Tommy had incredible luck with loot and generally got good enchants.
And Bad was, thanks to his skin, some form of demonic entity and would be completely ignored by most hostile mobs.
Wilbur, as you know, was a ghost who could phase through anything and summon ghostly items.
We didn't find out everyone's special trait immediatly, of course. It happened over many days of trail and error trying to collect resources, build, and have fun.
Turns out my skill was useless by myself, hence why I never found it before they arrived. Anything I gave to another person was twice as effective. Healing items helped more, food would fill them on smaller portions, armour would get a free temporary enchant depending on what they needed.
I'd never liked playing minecraft alone.
I'm losing some of the dream, I shoukd wtite some bullet points down or this post will be miles long.
Tommy accidently befriended a wolf, he named it Wilbur to mess with Wilbur. We had two Wilburs.
Bad was constantly driven up the wall by peoples language but truly was using it as a coping mechanism early on because he was afraid of being stuck here forever. We made sure to swear occasionally so he'd get the oportunity to yell at us.
Techno lost his first life when a creeper blast threw him directly into Dream's sword.
Dream never got over it.
Wilbur started making more songs and even made a few targetted at the groups adventures.
Wilbur descovered if he goes into the floor he cant tell which was is up, this terrified him, he never went underground again.
George made automatic farms and eventually even non-minecraft typical things like a morning alarm clock, a compass that pointed to the nearest village, and invented new armour that was more lightweight but still protective.
Wilbur the wolf regularly barked at and mauled giant spiders before they got anywhere near the house, much to literally everyone's relief.
Bad learned how to read and write enchanting table symbols.
I taught Dream how to repair his clothes and in return he showed me how to build traps.
Techno learned he could talk hoglin, piglin, and villager.
Bad learned he could stare at endermen and mistakingly assumed everyone could so he told everyone else its ok to do so.
Tommy lost his first life to an enderman.
Wilbur worked with george for a whole week on special gloves that would let him touch stuff.
I took an arrow dangerously close to the lungs after Tomny's first respawn trying to bring him home.
Dream realised he couldn't take off his mask and wished he could see the world normally again, nobody knew what his vision was like.
Bad descovered a joy for cooking.
Bad also tamed a cat and named it Muffin.
Muffin the cat would ride Wilbur the wolf around.
Dream lost his first life to hunger after pushing himself for too long.
Techno took a wrong step in the neather and lost his second life to a seriously long fall.
I never knew what I looked like...
Tommy lost his second life being overrun by zombies without a weapon. We made a rule to never leave the house alone after this many deaths.
Bad descovered pretty late that milk is poisonous to him and thus cakes will kill him. He lost a life to cake. He was devastated.
Tommy built a cute campfire. He and Wilbur would mess around singing at it. Wolf Wilbur thoroughly enjoyed this.
I would stay up most of the night watching everyone sleep because I worried the house could get invaded or surrounded. They found out after Phantoms started spawning and made a rule that at least one of then would stay awake at night to make me feel better.
George built Dream an obstacle course with lots of moving parts and such. He ran it every morning.
I learned how to play guitar from Wilbur at the campfire.
Torches never burnt out after they arrived. No idea why.
That's all I can remember...
It was a hard dream, I was sad and angry sometimes... but the happy moments made it worth it.
I hope I return to that dream someday.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Somehow the amount of memories I have about my IRL life and about the dreams I got is almost the same. At this point I'm just living my 2nd life except it's just a tangent of various different stories, and the world's shade will always be greyish dark. A lot of times it's also about other people I don't know about as I'm just following where the dream's story is leading me to.
Once around 5 years ago on one part of my dream, I was in a POV of some kingdom's prince. His age was somewhere around but less than 13 years old.
He got stuck and cursed inside a small dirt cave for 2 years when he was trying to find his lost toy ball. The cave's size was less than a meter, with its walls full of big tree roots, and it closed the way out when we (he) tried to get out after we found the ball. The roots closed in on us (him) and tied us there in darkness.
Fast forward said 2 years in the prince's POV (there was only darkness in that 2 years in the dream), the roots that blocked the way out moved and opened the way. The sun was high up in the sky, it was noon. We (He) went out in a slow daze, stopping on the entrance while gripping the side wall. He (we) felt really really hungry, our (his) vision red on the corners.
Suddenly, the King and the Queen, the Prince's parents, came into our (my) peripheral view in a hurried move. They sounded really worried and stricken. Finding him (us) after so long, telling him how they've been searching for him all this time, relieved that they finally found him.
We (He) tuned them out. The feeling of hunger became even more worse and deep. Our (His) vision became pale red.
As him, I can't 100% feel it, but I know his (our) feeling of hunger was unimaginable that time. He (we) have no control of his (our) movements. It was all a slow daze of numbness in his (our) bones and pure inhuman instinct.
We (He) bite down wholly on the King and the Queen, one then the other.
The Prince's first curse, was that he became a monster.
(Now that I'm reciting this I actually vaguely remember just opening my mouth wide and biting down on them. I can't see it since I was in the Prince's POV, but it feels like the form (that he transform into in a second right before biting them) or at least the head part, was a giant wolf head/mouth.)
I remember as we (he) slowly went into blackout, right before we move to bite them- in a slow daze of our (his) movement, and in the numbness of our (his) mind. Thinking "I'm really sorry... I'm really really sorry..." before it just fading into black.
Moments later, the King and the Queen gone, we finally blinked back to light.
Just a few seconds right after that the palace guards found us where we stand and shouted. Panicked, red hazed, we (he) ran. The guards followed suit to chase us (him)
Away from the dirt cave nub by the mountain road where we were, through the forest. Through the village road. (weirdly like any others of my dreams, the village part was like a game obstacle road. The dirt road was wide, long, and straight in the middle, but there were a lot of random obstacles in the way like stones, logs, and just random village people avoiding the way as we (he) ran)
The bright sky ever so slowly dimmed as the sun slowly moved its way. It was at least close to 5 P.M.
At some points as we (he) run through the forest village road, we found a crystal on the ground that was meant to be used as some sort of portal activator. We (He) grabbed it and run again, this time with the goal to find a portal plate ground to activate it. Long part shortened we (he) found it, smash the crystal to the portal plate ground, and went through it. Except I know something was different than it's supposed to be, something was off, but I don't know what it is exactly. Neither does the Prince, and we (us) / he didn't stay for it as the guards were on our tail. The sky was dark behind our (his) back.
We (He), The young Prince, went back right where it started.
Right after the beginning. After the 2 years of darkness, when the roots finally opened the way out of the small dirt cave. Time reverted in the most cruelest way.
This time my dream soul was inside him but untied, seeing outside but through his POV.
The same hunger, inhuman daze and numb instinct was back there inside the Prince's mortal form just like the first time. Out of his control, his mind hanging on on his fingertips. The sun was high on the sky, it was noon. Visions pale red.
This story of the dream ended here.
I don't think the 13- year old Prince have his "future" memory with him when he came back. And even if he did, the monster curse he have wouldn't be easy to quell to not eat his parents on sight when they came.
The Prince's second curse would be an endless time loop of killing his parents, running away from the kingdom he loved as the labeled monster drilled on his own mind, all suffering and repeat.
He was only a 13 year old... Why? It made me really sad for him back then, and still do... Actually, at some part of the dream I remembered seeing an old witch with dirty black cape, but I can't tell when exactly except that it's near the cave.
So! That's one of my old dreams I had I guess... I hope it can entertain you somehow, Mother and comrades. If you actually read this very long page here to the end, here have a "You're Very Cool" badge and some cookies!! Remember to hydrate! And I hope you have a nice sleep when you do- ly'all and I'm sorry to put this long box of ask in your screen-
Holy crap okay *cleaning eyeglasses* First of all the pronouns hurt my eyes ahahah
But but my goodness that is a very good short grimm's fairytales-like story and I enjoyed every part of it besides the parentheses hahaha short yet consistent and awwww,,, I actually do feel really sad for the prince, I feel like that witch really had something to do with it but dreams do rarely continue. Thank you for sharing it with us anon! Grim as it may it was really entertaining and laid out well
Now let's hope the people who read this won't be alarmed by the gore and shit since the warning is only in the tags,,,
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things ive already established r on this post
besties this got so fucking long but heres a giant ramble about cherri
okay so. there are huge differences betwn cherri as a hyperviolent drac hunter and cherri as a friend of the four and cherri as the girls mentor. with the first one he was 17 and desperate to distance himself from his upbringing so he went all in on Being A Killjoy. he was always one of the first ppl to rush into a fight and he fought hard. he blew up his fuckin hand with that attitude. and all the while he was just racking up more unaddressed trauma and eventually he ran away from that, too. giving himself radiation poisoning was more appealing than facing his problems.
so as a teenager/young adult hes kind of constantly in a panicked state. hes scared the people from his past are going to find him and drag him back with them. so he lashes out and he runs away over and over again.
i said in another post that he has some past life shit goin on which usually would give him a connection to the witch that manifests early in life, but with all the stuff hes gone through he has been Preoccupied. he can become oblivious to almost anything that doesnt apply to whatever hes focused on. not in a hyperfocus way its likeeeeee. when u live on survival mode during prolonged periods of stress. hes immune to magic bullshit bc hes too tired and scared.
anyways around his mid-20s he finally has a little more stability (as much as the average person living in the zones can have, that is) and he finally notices that Weird Stuff happens around him. basically: out of my list of Powers People Connected To The Witch Have he has the prophetic dreams/enhanced intuition as well as a form of sensing ghosts where he can see auras and kind of like, echoes of past events in ppls lives. that look like auras. itz complicated and not of utmost importance so im leaving it at that.
anyways thats what makes him start writing poetry. just 4 funsies he'll describe his weird experiences and embellish them to make em pretty. just as a casual hobby n all that.
he would forget fun ghoul in between the times they ran into each other but its pretty easy to be reminded of who fun ghoul is. the most insane 10 year old cherri has ever met. cherri isnt a brother figure to ghoul. hes just. his friend that happens to be more than twice his age. its whatever lmao
to cherri, ghoul is kinda like a stray animal he keeps seeing. which is hilarious. ghoul actually goes and finds him to introduce him to jet when they start running together, and cherri meets party and kobra (spark and birdie at the time) when he drives the four of them to a party. because he has a truck hell yeah. so now instead of one stray animal he has, like, a feral cat colony that he drives around occasionally. i have no real-life human relationship equivalent to them because irl if some guy that is not related to any of you and isnt even a childhood or family friend and theyre hanging out with you? they are usually not a safe person lmao. but this is my fantasy land and im too stubborn to change anyones birth years even though ghoul being born in 2004 makes everything really hard to make not creepy.
so yeah hes a casual somewhat friend of the fab four. hed probably get more and more concerned as they got famous. the beginnings of any sort of protective feelings, awww :) that sets him up for becoming the girls mentor.
OH FUCK. THE GIRL..... i think if i was in my late 20s and i heard that the gang of 13-17 year olds had adopted a 5 year old kid i would go bananas. what the fuck. it is a LONG while before cherri meets her. but he has the strongest affection for ghoul (if you could even call it that) and ghoul absolutely adores the girl and swings her around under her arms like a cat to show her off to cherri and its very endearing and the girl is sweet and funny so its easy to be around her. and (unfortunately) she is somewhat used to interacting with weird easily agitated people so she kinda gives him space. cherri isnt quite the uncle figure the fandom usually makes him (i luv uncle cherri sm but he simply cannot exist in the universe ive created, f), but hes a little similar.
and then the four had to go and pretend to die. lol.
when the girl was kidnapped, fucking everyone who knew her was ready to storm the city then and there. like regardless of how little you knew her, if you had ever met her you would fucking die for her. she is pure childish charisma and shes precious. i love the girl. so cherris immediately on board with whatever plan the four make to get her back. ive already talked abt how it fucked up the girl tho; there was no way to tell her that the four werent actually dead, she sees the building collapse and she shuts down. and cherri has to fight against his instinct to leave the radio station and never come back when he sees an eight year old girl sitting dissociated on the couch. that fucks everyone up.
i just realized i havent talked about literally anyone else at the radio station. i think cherri started lingering around the station bc it was safe and sheltered while also not being a popular spot. there are less kids there (people pass through but its not a hangout spot). he was kind of just hanging around to get away from the heat and noise and dr d took notice. because that man can see ur soul and no one knows if thats literal or not. so theyd chat a few times a day and show pony was the one 2 get him out of his shell a little and also was the first one he mentioned his poetry hobby to. im making this all up right now as im writing bc i dont know anything about LITERALLY any of the ppl associated w the radio like im not even going 2 try with chimp n newsie i do not have the willpower to tackle all that. justttt. cherri pony n D become bros and live 2gether there.
back 2 the regular timeline. the rescue mission happens in 2019. the girl lives at the station until 2023. during that time she is very much depressed and withdrawn and is only happy when the four come to visit. none of the Adults know how to help her so they just keep her safe and cared for and hope she'll open up to them.
she does not. she takes the weird cat thats been hanging around and she runs away.
cherri does not see her for three years. shes still worse for wear in the mental health department and he can see all kinds of visions of what shes been through since the last time he saw her and he fucking hates the ultra vs bc they remind him of his past. he does not want her going down that path but its obvious that she isnt crazy abt the ultraviolence thing either so thats a relief.
they have a kind of tense relationship throughout the comics. he feels like he failed her and that spirals into feeling like he failed the four for not being a good adult to them and fun ghoul for not helping enough when his commune was bombed and all kinds of shit and that irrational thinking mixed with plain old, yknow, caring about the girl, is what makes him take a bullet (laser. whatever) for her.
i was trying to figure out the timing of each of their ghost experiences, but i want both of them to talk to the witch and im just gonna make it like dreams where a whole buncha stuff happens but irl its been like seconds. so its like barely a second while the girl has her Witch Convo and cherri FINALLY gets a straight answer, yes there is weird shit going on with him having powers. he doesnt have any story-significant past lives because im lazy, hes just an old soul. like really fuckin old. the amount of latent life experience and stuff his soul/energy/whatever has picked up along the way makes him VERY noticeable to gods n stuff. he fuckin lights up all the alarms like what the FUCK is that over there. she wasnt rly able to get to him or even properly notice him while he was a kid and a young adult so shes happy to finally see him again. he has a STRONG sense of familiarity with her. they know each other on a wild ass level that he cant really comprehend.
welp thats some more lore I'll have 2 think abt. anywayz
post canon is when he and val get to have the most awkward spiderman meme moment of realizing that they have the same trauma SOOOOO thatz fun lol /s sorry kings i thought it would be fun to give u something fucked up to bond over <3
not much changes in his personality. he has a better understanding of Weird Magic and delights in freaking out the ultra vs but for the most part he returns to his life at the radio station. i love him
THIS GOT SO CRAZY LONG I DID NOT MEAN 2 GO THROUGH EVERY PART OF HIS LIFE LIKE SOME WEIRD CHARACTER STUDY but here we are. this is basically a first draft like almost all of this is subject to change but u gotta start somewhere. so heres my start i love this guy. its probably obvious but i have not read ANY twitterverse killjoys stuff </3 maybe i will someday idk
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celestial-archer · 4 years
A Lady’s Tail Chapter 1
First part of the adventures of my oc, Kelpie!
Zoba is from the wonderful @reallifeonthetheseventhfloor (a 10/10 person), check out her writing if you haven’t. Its really good!
The rustling glide of scales on smooth stone echoed through a long cavern. There were several small indents along the wall, leading to adjacent rooms. They were near impossible to find, unless someone knew what to look for. There were trap rooms randomly spread throughout the hall. The remaining rooms each had a different specific purpose, such as being a lab, bedroom, smithery, mine, etc. At the entrance of every room had a hidden alarm system made of a crystal that activated an alarm spell when an unknown entity walked through. 
The rustling stopped as a naga stopped moving and caressed a hand down the nearest wall. Her name was Kelpie. She had short pixie cut black hair, purple eyes with square glasses, and sharp venomous fangs. Her black tail was incredibly long with splatters of purple all over. She wore a  dark grey pinstripe corset. 
This was her base. It wasn’t as grandiose as some she had seen, such as The Great Tomb of Nazarick. Her friend Zoba was in the guild and had shown her around it one day. It was basically a masterpiece that anyone would be in awe of. Hers...was not. It wasn’t flashy nor extravagant, but it was useful. She was incredibly proud of it.
She had first discovered it when she was exploring a small mountainous area of the map. Not many people came there because it was rumored to be barren. Her objective was to see if the rumors had actually been true, afterall, Yggdrasil had so many niche secrets that something appearing to be empty could be a possible treasure trove. She roamed around for several hours that day, not finding anything until she stumbled onto the cave. It was a tiny, barely noticeable cave that couldn’t even fit her tail inside. The possibility of it being a secret entrance to a hidden dungeon was 90% in her head, but 0% in actuality. Her first thought was to just cut her loses and leave to find a real dungeon, but something made her stay. Even now she couldn’t say what it was that made her spend weeks carving out the beginning of the cave. It just felt right.
She never really stopped carving it out either. Every time she logged in and had available time, she would spend 30 minutes to an hour expanding it. As of now it spanned throughout the entire mountain area. She first began expanding it because she had wanted extra space, but continued it due to the mountain range being rich with precious stones and metals. Expanding it every day would give her a profit of over 100 metals or gems. 
She sighed deeply and turned to look at her NPC, Goren. He was near identical to an Archangel of Flame, except for some key differences. Being at level 80, he had way more power than them.  His halo was a swirling mass of molten gems. A good amount of her gems went into decorating him. His angelic metal body was almost completely covered with gems and stones of different composition and color. Technically he wasn’t supposed to exist since she was only a solo player, but through the use of a world item she had stumbled upon he was able to come into existence. While not necessarily a handsome NPC, he was very pretty to look at with the rainbow of colors on his body. 
Flicking her hand in the air, the screen of the menu popped up. The clock counting down the seconds mocked her. In less than 3 minutes Yggdrasil and everything from it would be gone forever. Her avatar, NPC, and base, gone like a piece of paper going up in flames. Pulling up her friends list, the green font of two players rested at the top, Momonga and Zoba. Seems they were online too. She quirked a smile, happy that she wasn’t the only one seeing Yggdrasil off.  She was, at most, a step above acquaintances with Momonga, but he was a fun guy that cared deeply about the game. She couldn’t imagine him not being here for the shutdown. 
Zoba was one of her one of her closest friends in the game. They had first met while they both were dungeon crawling and ended up partying together to beat the final boss. Even though she was not an official member of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild, Zoba would still go farming and dungeon crawling with her. 
Kelpie hovered her hand over the message option, but let it drop down. She wanted to talk one last time, but didn’t want to interrupt anything either of them were wrapping up. These last moments felt too sacred to do so. There was a tension in the air that said she needed to be alone in these final moments.
Less than two minutes remaining now. She felt the seconds ticking by like an execution and in a way, it was. She slid her hand into one of the indents in the wall and a section of the wall scraped silently across the floor. Slithering through, she glanced around the room. Shelves filled with items ranging from magic books to limited time drops lined three of the walls. The fourth had a drawered desk with a simple wooden chair in front against it and an anvil to the left. The center had a huge bundle of furs from several different high leveled beasts. This was her bedroom in all its glory. 
One minute remaining. There was nothing she could do to stop the horrible march of time, but wait for the inevitable. Wiggling her tail under the top layer of fur, she settled down on the top of her coiled tail. She imagined the softness of the fur and the warmth that radiated from it. Her eyes drifted shut and she counted down.
The forced consciousness of her IRL body never came. She peeked an eye open, expecting to see the white ceiling of her dorm bedroom, but instead, her vision was filled with the dark grey of stone. 
What...was going on? She pushed her hand down to get up, but paused.
A plush warmth pushed against her hand. Almost the same feeling she had imagined a few seconds earlier. Her eyes drifted down and confirmed, yes that was indeed her fur bed. 
Huh, different possibilities popped inside her head. Am I hallucinating? Am I in a coma? Am I dead? Am I trapped in the game? She lazily flicked her hand up and-
Nothing appeared.
“The fuck?”
She flicked her hand again and again, but still nothing appeared.
“Ok, the menu doesn’t seem to work. Great.” 
Kelpie ran her hand through her hair and propped herself up. Immediately, she fell forward and slammed her face against the floor. Her tail stayed passively coiled on the bed. Shit, she had forgotten about that. Note to herself, trying to move her feet would not move her tail. 
Putting a hand on her chin, she stared at it. 
The color was even more vibrant now than it was before. The black was so sheek while the purple glowed brilliantly. With a light hand, she tentatively touched them and shivered. That was a new experience. Her hand felt the cool, smooth texture of the scales, while her tail felt a muted pressure against it. Almost like a cloth between her hand and tail. It wasn’t unpleasant, just unfamiliar.  
She shifted her hand and lifted the middle section of her tail. It wasn’t as heavy as it looked. She didn’t think her tail should be this easy to lift. 
Was it possible that she became stronger? She gave it a second of thought, but she shook her head to dispel the thoughts, no time to think about that right now. 
She placed her other hand on the opposite side of her tail and shook it back and forth to imitate the side to side movement of snakes. The feeling certainly was different from legs. Her tail had a lot more flexibility and there wasn’t the feeling that it should be one certain way. With legs, it's not possible to bend it in any way other than forward, unless the bone was broken. She could move and twist her tail in almost any direction. It was kind of freeing to not have any movement restrictions.
Committing the sensation of her tail moving to memory, she took a deep breath and tried to stand up. Well stand up as much as one could with a tail. It was a different balance than she was used to, more unstable. She no longer had two rigid foundations, but one long fluid foundation. She wobbled unsteadily side to side and immediately face planted.
One more time. She could do this! 
She pushed herself back up, rubbing her face lightly with one hand. She wobbled horribly, but, by extending her arms to the side, didn’t fall over right away.
She inhaled and tried to stabilize her center of mass. She shook slightly, but had enough balance to try moving forward. She visualized the image of a snake moving. Its entire body would swerve left and right, so maybe she should try that. It didn’t seem right for her to move all of her upper body though. That would disrupt her delicate balance.
She lightly swung her hips back and forth. It felt absolutely ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny it gave her results. She successfully slithered out from the fur pile. 
With the basics down, she spent the next ten minutes practicing how to move. She fell a lot the first half but was able to gradually work up from a slow crawl to a fast slither. The longer she practiced, the more her tail felt right. Like this was the way she was supposed to exist.
Well, one thing done. Now to figure out what was going on here. First step, exit her bedroom. She slipped her hand back into the indent and the door slid open. A warm and pleasant breeze brushed against her, causing her arms to erupt in goosebumps. It felt like she was outside in the middle of winter and the breeze was the little bit of sun shining down. Why was it so cold? 
Pulling a small fur from her bed and wrapping it around her shoulders, she slithered out of the room.
The wind blew from the direction of the entrance, so she decided to head that way. The walls passing by her were enchanting. She had never paid much attention to them before, being just a simple background to her, but now she wondered if she just never looked hard enough. The walls shimmered with rainbow particles in a nice contrast with the dark grey of the stone. She lightly brushed her hand down it. The texture was very smooth like a polished stone and warm to the touch. 
Why was everything so much more vivid? What was the cause behind it? The scientific part of her was desperate for the answer. 
She absently ran her finger tips along the wall. The smooth surface paired with the warmth was a calming tactile stimulation. Texture was a coping technique that worked decently well for her. 
Breath in and out, in and out, in and out. 
So much happening in so little time was overwhelming. 
Deep breath in and out, in and out, in and out.
She dropped her shoulders, releasing the tension in them. 
Ok, she was ok. She could get through this.
She wrapped the fur tighter around herself and continued onward, still dragging her hand across the wall. The cave got brighter and brighter until the light shining from the outside was visible. She could see the… greenery… of the outside?
She rushed forward, the fur slipping off her shoulders and onto the floor, forgotten. The sun beat down on her still body. She glanced around, twisting around to take in all of her surroundings. 
A forest.
She was in a fucking forest! 
Trees so densely packed together that she couldn’t even see past them. Shrubbery with berries and thorns at the bases. She was supposed to be in the mountains!
What the fuck! Whatthefuck! Whatthefuck!
Her heart pounded in her chest and her breath quickened into hyperventilation. 
Fuck! Fuck!
She clutched her head tightly as her vision swirled. She tried to force air into her lungs, but it wasn’t working. Her body swayed haphazardly and she collapsed against the bark of one of the trees. 
Oh god, she couldn’t breathe!
Calm down, calm down, calm down. 
She put two fingers against the pulse point on her neck and took deep breaths. One, two, three, she counted up to ten and started over, letting her heart rate settle. 
She inhaled, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled, repeating it until her heartbeat and breathing returned to normal. 
Ok, good. She was calmer. 
She pushed her weak arms against the tree and righted herself. Hopefully her nausea would subside in a few minutes. 
Shutting her eyes and tilting her head back, she took in the sounds of the world around her. It was strangely quiet, not a single bird chirping or any rustling of small animals scavenging for food. It should have sent warning bells through her mind, but the silence was too nice for her high nerves. 
Seriously, what was going on? She knew her dreams weren’t this vivid, so she couldn’t be sleeping. The coma theory was still a possibility but very low. 
Maybe this actually was her new reality somehow, but it just didn’t make any sense! It had to be an error of some kind in the game. 
A breeze blew through her and she shivered again. Scouring the ground around her revealed that nothing was there. Shit, where was her fur? Did she drop it in her panic?
Her teeth clattered and she wrapped her arms around herself. She made a plan in her head to find a permanent solution for the cold to replace the fur. She turned around and glided towards the cave. 
A branch behind her broke in half. Shit, it really had been too quiet. Of course something had been wrong!
Instinct took a hold of her. She spun around and hissed, the sound echoing through the forest. Her fangs elongated and venom pooled at the tips. Distortion took over her voice, slurring the S as she shouted.
“Who are you?! Ssshow yourself now!”
The green brush parted and out stepped a shiny silver angel with multi-colored stones all over his body. His arms were raised as he spoke carefully, his voice a quiet baritone.
“My lady, it's just me. I apologize for leaving your side. I should have asked permission to do so.  I will take any punishment you wish to impose.”
He kneeled in front of her, waiting patiently and radiating shame. Her body slouched back, resting against her coiled tail. She relaxed her face, allowing her fangs to shrink back to their normal size, no longer producing venom.
Holy shit.
“Goren, is that you?”
“I assure you, my lady, I am no mimic. If needed, I can show proof of my identity”
He remained completely motionless, his head bowed in submission. It was so surreal that she doubted that he was actually there. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. The panic was bubbling back up into her chest, but she took deep breaths to stave it off.
“My lady, are you ok?! Give me the order and I'll do whatever it takes to aid you!” 
She opened her eyes and peered at him. Yep, he was still there, but now his head was raised, staring at her. There was no change in his facial expression, but from the heavy concern lacing his voice, she knew he was deeply worried about her.  
“Ah, yeah. I’m uh… I’m ok, just give me a second to contemplate.”
He continued staring at her and it felt like he was staring into her soul. 
“Actually, would you go retrieve my fur? I dropped it somewhere inside.”
“Of course! It would be an honor!” He exclaimed, his voice full of happiness.
Swiftly standing up, he gave Kelpie a deep bow and rushed into the cave. 
With a heavy sigh, she rolled her shoulders and rubbed the back of her neck with one hand. It was nice to not have the heavy weight of his stare on her, but she was a little sad at the absence of his company. His eagerness to help was really cute, like an excited puppy. It lifted her spirits and reminded her of how she interacted with her own friends, extremely loyal and excited just to be with them. Some of her IRL friends would even call her a golden retriever with how excitable she was. 
It was possible that it would come back to bite her, but she decided to trust him completely. He seemed too earnest to betray her. Plus trusting him would save her more hardship for the meantime.
His hurried footsteps clanked from behind her. She turned to him and gave a small smile. The fur was clutched in his arms as if it was a sacred object. It was impossible for his facial expressions to change, but he still managed to radiate happiness as he reverently held the fur out to her.
“Here is your fur, my lady! Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Thank you Goren. I’ll let you know in a moment.” 
She grabbed the fur and gently wrapped it around herself. That was so much nicer. The cocoon of warmth banished the cold. No longer feeling trapped in the middle of a blizzard, she could think more clearly. The cold and large amount of new information had given her sensory overload. 
She observed Goren. He was intensely watching her again, probably waiting for her response. He had been acting very interestingly. He was so subservient and worshipful, like she was some kind of goddess. Was this part of a scenario the developers had set up? If so, she wished she had been given some kind of warning. She clicked her tongue and addressed Goren.
“So I assume you went exploring. Did you discover anything?”
“Yes! It seems that we are between a mountain range and a forest. I found no signs of the mountain we were in previously. There appears to be a city and small village in the distance. The village is closer than the city. If you wish, I can lead you there.”
She tilted her head and hummed.
“Yes, that would be good. Thank you.”
Visiting the village would be very advantageous. It was likely where she could get more information about this new scenario and how to complete it. She didn’t really need Goren to lead her to it. With her ranger skills, she could easily find it herself, but having Goren with her would be comforting.
“Understood, please follow me, My Lady.” 
Goren turned and led her through the forest. Trees passed by quickly and she easily maneuvered over the roots and uneven ground. It was a normal forest except for the missing ambience of life. She slithered her way up to Goren, matching his walking pace.
“Goren, do you know why there are no animals around?”
Goren tilted his head to look at her.
“Of course. While you were resting, I took the opportunity to establish our territory. There were many species that had territory near the cave, so I defeated all of them. The other animals are likely avoiding us out of fear. Any who dare to challenge you will be struck down.”
His voice dripped with malice as he spoke the last sentence. Anyone with a sane mind would be filled with unease from hearing the deadly tone, but it just filled her heart with happiness, causing her tail to slap the ground repeatedly. 
“Good job! That will save us so much trouble! If we don’t need to worry about animals tripping them, we could install several traps and extend the alarm system outside the cave. Possibly even making dummy caves.” 
She paced back and forth muttering to herself about what traps would be good to put down, but  was interrupted by Goren gurgling and dropping down to one knee.
“My Lady! I am undeserving of your praise! It is my duty to fulfill your wishes and protect you. Everything I am belongs to you and if you commanded it, I would happily die for you!”
Her mouth fell open and she stared at him. She was just giving him a compliment, how had the conversation turned so serious?? She rushed forward and pulled his arm up. He gave no resistance and rose to his feet.
“No, no, no, there is no need to die! I gave you a compliment because you deserved it! It would make me very happy if you were to accept.”
“I...Yes, of course. I humbly accept your words.”
He tried to kneel again, but Kelpie held his arm tighter and gave him a stern look.
“Enough kneeling. You were showing me to the village, right? Let’s continue with that.”
He gave a simple nod and turned to continue through the forest. Kelpie sighed in relief and followed after him. His personality was different from what she expected. She hadn’t given him the worshipping trait, so where had it come from? She would ask him why he was so reverent but she was worried that he’d do something extreme again. 
She shrugged her shoulders back and focused her attention to the forest. They were getting closer to the edge of the forest. The trees were thinning out and she could start to make out the image of a village. The first thing she should do upon arrival would be to gather information. Knowing where they were currently was priority number one, but it would also be good to discover the main quest. Finishing it was probably the key to getting her menu and ability to log out back. 
Now that she thought about it, the immersion was incredible. The devs must have worked really hard on this, especially the npcs. She always imagined the personal npcs having a monotone voice, but Goren’s was incredibly expressive. She was interested to see more of his personality as well. She had originally programmed him to be shy and blunt.The blunt trait was intact, but the shyness was nowhere to be seen. In the future, would she see it through his interactions with other people, maybe even other players? 
There had to be more players spawned into random locations like her. It couldn’t be just her, right? Yeah, it couldn’t be just her. Meeting another in the village would make her day. They could share information and figure everything out faster. 
“My Lady, we’ve arrived.”
Goren’s quiet voice cut through her thoughts.
The village was just beyond the edge of the forest where they stood. There were several stone houses surrounding a wooden watchtower. Several villagers were wandering around doing menial chores, such as wood chopping and tending the fields. Kelpie scanned the area, searching for anyone that looked important. They would be the one most likely to be the quest giver.
“I don’t see the chief, what about you?”
“I apologize, My Lady, but I am also unable to.”
She clicked her tongue in annoyance. She would just have to go searching for them then. Hopefully they’d be outside, she didn’t really want to search through all of the houses for them.
“Goren, use your skill “Hide Shadow”. We don’t know if the village is safe or not. They look harmless, but you can never be too careful. Stay in my shadow until danger appears or I give the order, understood?”
“Of course!”
He crossed his arm over his chest with a bow and melted into darkness that tunneled down into her shadow. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Ok, time for answers. She set her shoulders and crept towards the village.
The field workers in front of her were hard at work, weeding and harvesting the wheat. They remained oblivious to her existence until she started crossing across the field, trying to avoid crushing any crops. The first to see her was a young male villager around the age of 18. His scythe slashed through the wheat stalk and he pulled the bundle away cleanly. He was laying the bundle into his basket when his eyes met with Kelpie’s. For a moment, nothing happened. They stared at each other, neither making a single movement. She lifted her hand to wave and all hell broke out.
The villager opened his mouth and let out the loudest scream she had ever heard. He turned tail and sprinted towards the houses. The others lifted their own heads to investigate and gave their own screams of terror. They retreated the same way as the young man, shoving and trampling the ones in their way. One was unfortunate enough to trip. He fell pathetically to the ground and whimpered in pain as he was slowly trampled to death. His lifeless body laid there, blood pouring out from under it.
The screams flowed through the air like an orchestra symphony and euphoria welled up in her chest. 
This was exciting! 
A breeze blew across the field and carried the metallic scent to her. She slowly inhaled then exhaled, enjoying the scent. It was enticing, like the smell of thanksgiving dinner on an empty stomach. 
Her pupils dilated into slits as saliva pooled in her mouth. Her fangs elongated, venom dripping down them. The sounds and smell were amazing and she wanted, no, needed more! A long hiss reverberated from deep in her chest. The sound traveled through the village and wails erupted from just beyond the houses.
Yessss, she liked that! More, more!
She flew across the field and entered the village. A mob of villagers were waiting for her with torches and pitchforks in hand. They shook where they stood and she could hear the loud pounding of their hearts. The fear was thick enough that she could smell it and it was as delicious as the bloody scent. 
Good, they should fear her! A forked tongue flicked out as she licked her lips. She could practically taste their flesh already. A hunting horn boomed out and like a flash, the mob charged her. 
The world slowed down to a crawl as adrenaline shot through her body. She could clearly see the terror on the front line’s faces. They knew their chances of survival was low, but they still had the smallest amount of hope inside of themselves. She would enjoy crushing that~
She crouched her body down and shot forward with explosive force. Slashing her hand in an arc, the heads of all the frontliners flew from their shoulders. Blood erupted out like a volcano and the bodies collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. It happened in an instant, leaving no time to react before they were dead. The mob collectively shuddered in fear. Many of the back liners dropped their weapons and ran for their lives, crying pitifully and letting prayers fall from their lips. She gave them a glance but didn’t chase after them. She had enough of a feast before her to ignore the stragglers. Kelpie brought the back of her blood covered hand to her mouth and dragged her tongue across it. The blood was sweet like a piece of candy. 
Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!
A feral grin overtook her face and drool dripped out the corner of her mouth. How nice would it taste right from the source? 
A muscular elder stepped forward with an axe, staring defiantly. Yes, he would do nicely as an example. Let them see what happens to those who defy her! He rushed forward and swung the axe at her head. 
Slow! Slow! Slow!
She thrust her arm at his neck, her fingers wrapped tightly around his neck and she lifted him off the ground. The axe clattered to the ground.
“Let thisss be a warning to you all. Those who defy me, die painfully.”
She unhinged her jaw and bit down on his shoulder. His agonized scream intensified as she pumped venom into his bloodstream. Releasing her hand, he slammed into the ground and convulsed wildly. He would die slowly and painfully. She brushed her thumb across the corner of her mouth. 
Laughing maniacally, she asked,
“Who'sss next?”
She woke up from her trance several hours later, the taste of blood thick on her tongue and piles of bodies surrounding her. Her fur was drenched enough that there was no sign of its original color. In just one day, she had completely obliterated a village. 
The slickness of the blood covering her cooled her body uncomfortably. Yet, it still wasn’t a horrible feeling. 
Oh god, what had happened? Memories overwhelmed her mind with perfect clarity. The revulsion she should have felt was completely missing. In fact, just thinking about it was enough to make her happy. She touched her hands to her face and felt the smile she had.
She dry heaved. Why wasn’t she horrified by her actions?? What had happened to her?? 
Oh god, this couldn’t be the game! It couldn’t be! The game couldn’t affect her thinking and feelings!
Hyperventilation took her over and she clawed at the invisible pressure squeezing her neck. 
This was real! She had just murdered whole families and enjoyed it! Worse was that she wanted to do it again!
Her vision became hazy and black spots appeared all over. She fell forward, the sensation muted to the point of nonexistence. She dug her fingers into the ground and tried to drag her body away from the glassy eyed bodies. She raspily called out in desperation.
The sight of Goren rematerializing and reaching for her was the last thing she saw before everything went black.
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slaapkat · 4 years
Green Lantern + ISA - MR. BIG - "When Larry said his biggest enemy was Green Lantern, they didn't think he meant literally..." [Where rest of the ISA are floored at how GIGANTIC he is irl. Except Brainwave. He is jelly he ain't the tallest no more]
(set very early ISA)
We’re going to die, aren’t we?
It’s hard not to react at the thought that gets pushed into his head, courtesy of Henry. Impossibly, Jordan manages to keep a straight face throughout it all, even as Larry continues excitedly chattering away as though this were the first time he’s had a captive audience in ages. Though, given Larry’s entire demeanor, maybe just the first time it’s been a willing one. 
They’ve all gathered in Larry’s apartment, for once. The drive from New York City to Gotham had been nothing short of arduous, with Henry’s insistence on the radio being permanently set to NPR, and the frankly indecipherable directions Larry had sent them to navigate the labyrinthian streets of inner-city Gotham.  
All for a heist Larry had promised was going to be well worth it. The city was full of easy marks, he said. Barely anyone around to stop you, he said. Half the time the cops will even help, he said. 
Henry still wasn’t buying it, sat on the sidelines on the edge of a very beat-up couch, arms crossed with a deepening frown, openly projecting his disapproval at having been talked into this every chance he got. Larry, for his part, is completely oblivious, grinning brightly as he eagerly shows off his proudly curated wall of weapons-- by all accounts just a fancy collection of sports equipment. The key difference, however, being Larry’s showing off amounting to pointing out every piece and explaining in graphic detail exactly how he got kicked out of that particular sport for killing or otherwise maiming someone without sparing a single gorey thing. 
Jordan, sure to Henry’s extreme displeasure, is unfortunately fascinated with it all, eyes wide and bright and listening intently, utterly absorbed. He remembers researching Sportsmaster for weeks before finally seeking him out, carefully nurturing the idea of the new ISA all the while in the hopes that he’d finally get a bite. It must mean something that Larry had invited them all the way back to his home turf to share on a score, surly.
Because he’s going to kill us.
It’s now Jordan finally frowns, turning to face Henry with a stern, “He’s not.”
“Hah?” Larry’s looking at him, confused, brows furrowed and head tilted, grin still plastered on but for a second seeming vaguely threatening instead of manically excited.
Jordan startles, scrambling for a distraction and pointing at the first thing he sees, a long-handled wooden mallet with a narrow-tipped head still hanging on the wall. “I-- I mean, what’s that?”
It’s a sufficient enough distraction, apparently. Larry’s eyes light up in an instant when he sees, grinning brightly as he pulls the object down and looks down at it with a dreamy sigh. 
“My polo mallet,” he declares proudly. “I’ll be taking this baby with me, tonight.” 
“That?” Henry scoffs, finally taking a stand and gesturing disbelievingly at the mallet. “What use could that possibly be to us? And since when do you play polo?”
“Not since I caved a man’s head in on the field with this ol’ beauty here,” Larry states much too casually, his tone taking on an oddly wistful note as he strokes the head of it. If there’s a threat carried in there, it’s buried deep enough not to be obvious, though the suspicious stains that Jordan notices in the wood of the mallet certainly make Larry’s point well enough known. Henry’s eyes narrow, and Jordan feels a pressure on his temples usually indicative of Henry flexing his powers without strict care of a specific target, but whatever Henry sees is apparent enough not to make him press further. His lips press into a thin line and he relinquishes the point, however reluctantly. Jordan inserts himself more obviously in between the two of them and attempts an encouraging smile.
“Henry, it’s made of wood,” Jordan points out helpfully, like it’s supposed to explain everything-- because, well, it is. It evidently doesn’t. Henry’s frown only deepens and Jordan finds himself struggling for an explanation that didn’t sound completely ridiculous, all the while Larry whistles uncaringly and picks various other wooden implements off the wall in preparation for that night. “Because-- Because. Gotham has a superhero who is… weak to wood.”
Jordan sighs and cringes as soon as he says it, cringing again when Larry chirps “It’s true!” over his shoulder. It does not help his case in the slightest. Henry sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, as though staving off a fast-rising headache. “Okay,” he says. “Okay. Fine. Do we even have a plan to deal with him if he shows up?”
“Don’t get your snuggie in a twist, Brainy,” Larry says brightly, laughing as he hefts a cricket bat of all things onto his shoulder and wrangles Jordan in close with an arm thrown around his. “Of course we have a plan! Classic smash and grab! We get in and get out before the Big Guy ever knows what’s up!” 
Wrong answer, apparently, as evidenced by Henry running a hand down his face in exasperation and groaning, with an added little oh, so we are going to die projected mentally for Jordan’s benefit. Jordan smiles rather terribly. Larry seems to take it all as signs of encouragement. 
“Alright then, bud, alright!” Larry lets out with a whoop, and plants a sloppy wet kiss on Jordan’s cheek with an audible smack; subsequently, the temperature of the room drops ten degrees in an instant. Nobody seems to notice. “It’s game time, baby!”
Heists in Gotham apparently don’t amount to much. Larry’s big score turns out to be a slightly upscale jewelry store right on the edge of the Diamond District. Henry’s car is stashed in a nearby alleyway in case of a quick getaway after several earnest promises (by Jordan) that it won’t get stolen and easy assurances (by Larry) that the job will be quick enough that they’ll be back before that even happens. 
“Is it always this easy in Gotham?” Jordan asks, having dutifully frozen solid all the alarms and cameras to allow for Larry to go to town on the window with his bat and an excited hyena-like cackle; Henry stands watch, having been designated as the lookout due to his adamant refusal to partake in any actual smashing until it came time for the grabbing, though Jordan can sense him rolling his eyes even while turned away. 
“Sure is!” Larry replies, vaulting through the destroyed window and wasting no time in driving his fist through the nearest glass display case and grabbing a fistful of jeweled necklaces, stuffing them in his pack and immediately moving on to the next one. “Do you know how many other places are being robbed at this exact moment? They can’t catch all of us!”
Jordan makes a face, but nonetheless climbs in and joins Larry in gathering as many priceless jewels as he could get his hands on; Henry lingers just outside, watching them with shrewd disapproval until his face screws up in confusion, nose wrinkling. 
“Is something… burning?”
That’s enough to give Jordan pause, halfway through driving an ice spike into a safe. The entire store had been dusted with a coating of frost, logically nothing should be getting hot enough to even make a spark. Sure enough, he smells it too-- that unmistakable scent of something on fire, intermixed with the distinct smell of ozone. That couldn’t be right--
Jordan has just enough time to hear Larry’s little ruh-oh before the wall to the side of them suddenly erupts in stunningly bright, green flames. Henry swears aloud, and Jordan feels inclined to join him when the flames unfurl to reveal an outright giant of a man, eyes alight in burning fury and nearly outright snarling at the lot of them. Green Lantern, Jordan knows immediately, remembers him from his first meeting with Larry, but seeing someone in flight is leagues different from seeing it right in front of you, a brick wall of a man emerging like a demon from Hell. Jordan feels himself sweating, actually sweating-- or was he melting? All he knows is that this man is terrifyingly huge, and Larry seemed the only one utterly unconcerned by it. 
“Greenie!” Larry greets enthusiastically, arms spread wide as though expecting a hug, and though his mask hides his face Jordan can hear his exuberant and manic grin loud and clear though his voice. “Where ya been, huh? How’s it going?”
“I’LL SEE YOU IN HELL!” comes the roared reply, a shot of flaming green energy launched in his direction, swiftly deflected with a swing of Larry’s bat and an excited laugh.
“Aww, I missed you too!”
Jordan finds himself slowly backing away as Larry barks out another laugh and launches himself, bat swinging, at Green Lantern with seemingly little care to himself or others, and even less care to just how much Green Lantern seems to dwarf all of them combined. 
“That’s Green Lantern?” Henry hisses through clenched teeth when Jordan returns to his side. “That’s Green Lantern, and we let Larry bring a polo mallet and a baseball bat?”
“He’s weak to wood!”
A plume of emerald flame explodes out the store window, ejecting an airborne Larry along with it, signed Sportsmaster mask and all. He skids and rolls along the street until he comes to a stop and jumps up, wild-eyed.
“Start the car!” He shouts, then unsheathes the mallet and dives right back in without hesitation. Another roar is heard and the foundation quakes faintly beneath their feet. Jordan wilts just slightly. Henry turns with an annoyed hmph and Jordan finds himself trailing after, not quite trusting his powers in the face of the broiling heat inside.
“That’s Green Lantern,” Henry repeats, seemingly to himself, scoffing. “Good lord. Even his presence gives me a headache. And he’s taller than me. Remind me never to set foot in Gotham again.”
Jordan, despite everything, finds himself agreeing.
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
FFXIVWrite2020 Prompt #11 - Ultracrepidarian
Character(s): Amosis Setting: The Sons of Saint Coinach Camp in Mor Dhona; after the events of the Calamity, but before A Realm Reborn -- Helix, Azys Lla, just before the events of Stormblood. What: Apparently clones don’t have rights, Amosis disagrees. To a degree. Content Warnings: None! Author Notes: Knowing that there’s a word for this type of person is fucking hilarious to me. I mean, there had to be, but also it never really occurred to me. Amosis seemed best suited as the subject for this one, as being someone who’s lived and experienced like in Allag, there was probably a lot of incorrect assumptions being taken as fact. (I mean, it happens in history all the time irl). He really did want to help, and was almost excited to have the chance to teach others about his culture.... though claims of being a clone from Allag prooooobably didn’t end up being taken very well. --
“What a laughable notion! You really think we would believe such claims?” “Need I truly waste a body to prove it?” Amosis shook his head, folding his arms over his chest. Irritation, that’s what this emotion was, faint though it was. “I could tell you the basic uses of these parts you have found as well. Translate tomestones, offer insight to our grandest technologies.” “From our current evidence, autonomous clones did not exist in Allag; they only existed for war.” “Incorrect.” Arguing with these fools would have him tear his hair out, had his emotions been any stronger. Perhaps he would have been more willing to kill this body in front of them and return a few hours later, just to prove his point. “Clones had many uses; from storing information, to allowing those of royalty to live forever. War was just one function of clones, they were used for both research and population as well - not that many clones had rights, mind you.” The Sons of Saint Coinach were a stubborn lot. Amosis couldn’t do much without hard evidence, but the amount of clones he had at the moment were lacking. He let out a heavy sigh when he was brushed aside yet again. “Very well. Suit yourselves. When you find that I was correct, I will be long gone from here. Ah, by the way, you will need the royal line’s blood to access the tower - there is no other way in.” He prodded at their current research, then offered a sweeping bow before turning away.
He let out another heavy sigh, one filled with both exasperation and disappointment. Not this again. Amosis had kept himself a secret since then, when the idea of clones had been “laughable”. He made no mention of being a clone to these people, but he was about to give himself away trying to help them. Ironworks had set up in Azys Lla upon its discovery, and with some persuasion and a menial lie about being an “avid researcher of Allag”, he had finally arrived back… home. His eyes trailed at its current ruined state; still functional in a way, but a desolate ghost of what it used to be. “So these things were used to assess issues that arised?” “Something of the sort, yes. They were fashioned with alarms and offensive defense mechanisms, should the issue at hand prove to be detrimental; otherwise, they were simply used to keep track of the work that was being done and that no one was slacking off on the job.” He was at least thankful that this group was more receptive towards his information, though their questions became repetitive, as if no one was truly listening to what he had to say. At the next question, his eyes were elsewhere. He couldn’t see what was left of it from here, but he knew where it was and where he’d be going next.
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beehivemind200 · 4 years
this is Drago
Tickle spots and there ratings (ma ratings are 100% accurate)
Ribs: 100/10 (best tickled with teasing and pokes)
Hips: 10/10
Armpits: 8/10
Belly:20/10 (squeak spot)
Belly button: 50/10
Feet: 2/10
Thighs: a/n
Knees: 5/10
Neck:5/10 (giggle spot)
Wings: to high to be calculated. (Squeaky laughter/giggles if touched)
Tail:4/10 (mostly one would tickle there if they want to start a tickle fight)
Horns: 8/10
Back: 7/10 (found this out not that long ago irl)
Backstory: Drago was a “normal” girl living in a nice house and several siblings. She aways thought that she didn’t belong to that family, like she wasn’t supposed to be there. She aways felt different and out of place. She was born with horns wings and a tail. And no one in her family did. So one day she went out to explore the woods with a friend of hers. After a good amount of walking they came across something that was different from the world around them. It was a mirror world. This new world was fascinating to Drago but her friend was suspicious of it. Drago went to touch what seemed to be a border between her world and this one. When she touched it she felt a tingle run up her spine. It wasn’t alarming to her just different. She stuck her hand in and pulled back giggling. A tickly sensation ran up her arm. This made her more curious wanting to know what was on the other side of the border. She slowly walked in to the wall not expecting what she saw before her. It was a world of dragons! All kinds or dragons. Small ones, big ones, bright ones, dark ones. All the Dragons you can imagine! They were all here. Calm and playful. Drago was so happy when she saw them she jumped happily and squealed. Now most people would be terrified of just seeing dragons because of the stories told about them in the human world, but Drago loved them. She wanted to pet them ride them and maybe have one as a pet. So you remember the tickly sensation she felt? Well that was a baby Dragon sniffing her hand out of curiosity. That same baby golden dragon was still there. Sitting there with a confused look on its face. Drago saw the small dragon and slowly walked over to it. The little dragon sat there calmly as the human walked over to him. He was just as curious as drago was. She stuck out her hand as she would a puppy. She waited for the dragon to sniff before petting him. His head feeling silky and soft. The dragon walked closed to the pats as if he liked them. Drago was overjoyed by that. She moved her hand down the the dragons neck. It was fluffy and smooth. Almost like a feather. She giggled at the thought. The little dragon wanted to give back the pets that he received so he nuzzled his head under her neck causing her to giggle and flinch away. The dragon looked up at her confused. “It tickled thats all im not hurt.” She said smiling. The gold boi still confused laid on her belly sleepily. She squeaked and continued petting him as she watched the other dragons play. About an hour later Drago saw a bigger more feminine version on the dragon she had been petting she seemed worried about something but what? Drago slowly stood trying not to wake the little friend that she made. And walked over to the bigger dragon. The closer she got the more concerned she became, almost as if she could understand why she was upset but not quite. When she got to the dragon she was hesitant to touch her. When she did the dragon flinched and looked down at the tini being. Drago pointed and the now awake baby dragon running over to them. “Hey there buddy nice nap?” Drago said while picking up the baby. She gigged at the happy reaction the came from him. She gave the baby to what she guessed was his mother. She nodded and started walking the other but the mom gad other plans. The dragon picked up drago by the hem of her shirt. She squeaked at the sudden difference in hight. When she was put back down she was in a different environment. It looks like a den of some sort. When she turned around she was knocked over by the little dragon. He started to give her kisses on her cheeks. She immediately started giggling and tried pushing him off but he wouldn’t move. Instead he crawled under her shirt and started sniffing around there. When he booped a sensitive spot on her side she snorted and covered her mouth in embarrassment. He booped her side again wondering what the sound was. This time she squealed and bursted into giggles. The little dragon remembered the sound and kept going this time his blunt claws scratched her ribs causing her to snort yet again. At this point the mother went over to them and stuck her head under her shirt to get the smaller one, but this only caused more tickle for drago as the baby wouldn’t leave her shirt. Eventually he came out and drago was relieved. She continued to giggle from the ghost tickles. When she calmed down she realized just how at home she felt here. She felt like she belonged here. Now every once in a while she would visit her family back in the other world but she lived here with the dragons. She then named the baby gold dragon Oliver since he reminded her of a boy that she knew. They formed an unbreakable relationship from then on. There were more tickles over the years and Drago was fine with that. She felt at home.
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