#no faces because i still need to bleach my hair again and it doesn't look as good as it should BUT! very excited for this cosplay
wvrlock · 9 months
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair
another request from the bestie!! this one was for aizawa, fatgum, twice, mirio, kirishima, and shinsou x reader who dyes their hair a lot, like every month kinda stuff!! hope u like it!! this is my first time writing for a few of them so i hope it's okay!
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shouta aizawa:
•literally doesn't care. might actually deadass not notice you dyed it again. he seems like the type to always look his s/o in the eye/face, you might have to point out things like your hair and clothes to get him to pay attention to them, but he always compliments your makeup if you wear any (bc that's where he's staring) so he makes up for it <3
•don't ask him to help you pick a color ever. it will not end the way you want it to he will literally just pick at random, you're better off asking someone else or picking yourself
•not so secretly skilled with doing hair, he's besties with nemuri and i'm so sure he's had to help out kiri w dying his hair too!! so aizawa is the person to go to if you need help with it!! will only grumble a little but that's normal
•will covertly bitch about protecting your hair. sees you with another box of bleach too soon and just. grabs it from you. doesn't say shit. takes it and goes. gives it back to you in like a month?
•might actually knock you out if you try to buy another after he took one from you
taishiro toyomitsu:
•notices immediately and compliments the color(s) on you!!! calls you a different pet name with each color too, like pink would be sweetie, blue would be darling, smth like that, he just likes giving you new ones.
•amazing decision maker. for everyone out there who struggles to make basics choices? this is ur man. will help you pick a color and will argue his point when ur still indecisive. king.
•don't ask him to help you dye it tho. i'm sorry he just seems. i don't want to be mean to him but i think if he tried to help you dye your hair it'd be all over the both of you. more on you two than your hair. sorry tai </3
•WILL let you dye his hair to match yours!!! he wears a hoodie during work anyway so it wouldn't mess with anything!! he actually loves the matching too
•helps you take care of it, looks up tips on his phone to show you later, recommends products for you to use (also buys all the shit for u thank god)
jin bubaigawara:
•stumbles trips over the air cries screams throws up every time you dye your hair. he is so ridiculous in his enthusiasm. every time you dye it it's like he's never seen anyone with brightly colored hair before even tho he lives with spinner
•probably also a pretty good person to go to when you can't decide on a color, he's had to wise up on what goes with what since becoming a big brother to toga who WILL stab him if he chooses wrong. so he might be able to give good advice
•i also don't think he should be allowed anywhere near your head. like think 10x as messy as with taishiro because jin is also super clumsy and will get it everywhere. on you two on the floor on the sink on the bathtubs somehow? on the ceiling? idk how he did it
•probably would also let you dye his hair to match yours since he does wear his mask. i think during the meta liberation army arc when he starts doubling himself again, him having his hair dyed and his clones having blonde hair would really help him with the trauma as well
•doesn't give you tips, doesn't help you, takes care of your hair For you. he can't dye hair but he can moisturize and comb it out for you 🥺 maybe even braid it if you want
togata mirio
•he doesn't notice when you do your hair, no. he was watching you with his face on the wall out of your line of sight watching you do it. (i think he's kinda just Always Watching, not in a creepy way but like he'll pop up to watch you do your makeup/your hair, pops up to walk you to and from places when he can, etc.)
•gives you tons and tons of compliments whenever you dye it a different color. he's probably mid at picking between colors tho, idk if i trust his style sometimes..
•could Probably be trusted to dye your hair, he would be REALLY focused on making sure it's perfect and that he doesn't fuck it up, watched TONS of videos beforehand
•he doesn't have a hood or mask but would still be willing to let you dye his hair to match, it's honestly really his style
•probably likes to leave hair products around for you. idk how he does it considering he can't go through things with items but whatever
eijirou kirishima
•would absolutely LOVE being w someone who also dyes their hair!! it's probably how y'all bonded in the first place!
•very good at choosing between colors. even super similar colors. he's Very particular about the shade of his hair so he knows what's up!!
•will absolutely want to do each other's hair together!! you dye his hair and he dyes yours !! very fun to do but you guys also get pretty messy. worth it tho
•he would be super super excited if you also want to dye your hair red, Might dye his hair a different color for a month or so if you have a specific signature color as well but that's as good as you're gonna get.
•you guys both totally share hair care tips together like true relationship goals
hitoshi shinsou
•waits in anticipation for whatever color you're doing next. literally no matter what color you dyed your hair, no matter how patchy or uneven it is, he will compliment it
•don't ask him to help pick between colors. he will say yes to every color and when you go "that's not how it works" he's just like "okay but they all look good on you i can't decide" WHICH IS THE ISSUE IN THE FIRST OLACE BECAUSE YOU ALSO CANT PICK THATS WHY YOU CAME TO HIM!!!! grr
•oh my god he's been watching youtube tutorials on dying hair since he found out you dye yours, he's SO ready to dye your hair when you finally ask him. does an amazing job chefs kiss
•will bite you if you try to over bleach your hair, i'm so serious. he's like nooooo idc how excited u are for a new color no more bleach 👿
•another one who personally wants to apply products to your hair and knows so many hairstyles u can't convince me otherwise. he learned more so he can play in ur hair <3
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it’s 2am and i need my daily dose of angst
what are the most angstiest hcs you have for the choi twins? like genuinely heartbreaking ones
TW; Eating Problems, Emetophobia, Body Insecurity, Survivor's Guilt, Life Attempt / The Explosion, and the expected past-abuse warning for the Choi twins.
Ray physically recoils and sobs whenever his red roots start to come back in. A part of him is happy to see it because he thinks he may be able to have his original hair back someday, someday when all of the things his Savior told him are in the past and it's revealed that all of it had been a misunderstanding. He wants to believe that he'll be happy with Saeyoung again.
It's an overwhelming moment, but it's over just as soon as his fingers touch the vibrant red.
It burns.
It burns like he's been sent to Hell, and he screams. "Not fair, not fair, not fair, not fair!" Images of lies burn through his mind as the worst of the worst begins to settle in. Every vicious lie Rika told him tangled in with the images he's seen of his brother in the RFA, laughing, having fun, and living a life without him that he promised he'd never lead on his own.
Ray was abandoned, forgotten, and left behind.
This red is wrong.
This face is wrong.
These eyes are wrong.
This body is wrong, wrong, wrong—
The bleach burns his scalp before he has time to process what he's doing. He doesn't care how he removes the color, just that the color is removed as soon as possible, and that's why there's traces of pink in his hair... it's not intentional. It's what he misses every time he tries to stripe the color from his head. He always misses a few spots, and it's a damn wonder his hair doesn't look more patchy, but frying the color out of his scalp makes the bad feeling go away.
Until it comes back, of course.
Suit Saeran makes the sweetest of desserts. He makes them so he can stare at them just like he did in his childhood memories. The cake you saw in the dead of night when he mocked you? That cake is what his Mother used to make a mockery of him when he was hungry and all he had to eat was old slices of white bread. He hates white bread... he hates it so much because it tastes like the driest crumbs he had to eat to survive alongside Saeyoung.
You want to know the worst thing about salivating at a treat you're not allowed to have? You want it. You still want it even though you've been told you'll never be able to have what you want. You want it so bad that you'll run over every scenario in your mind to find a way to eat the smallest dollop and not get in trouble for it.
If you've spent a long time staring at something, you've imagined every scenario in the book to get into your clutches... and do you want to know the worst thing about those treats Saeran made to "taunt" you? He didn't eat them, either. He didn't eat the sweetest strawberry cake... he couldn't. Because, he remembers what it felt like to have food after denied for a few days after being brought to Mint Eye.
...And when he stopped screaming, they brought him food... and in that variety of food was a meal that anyone who was starving out of their mind could only dream of. You know what happened the exact second he took a bite of the sweetest thing on the place? It... tasted wrong. Every time he makes this particular treat, it tastes like poison. So, not only was he tormenting you, he was tormenting himself, that cake ended up on the floor because it tasted WRONG.
VAE Ray spent a few days in the rubble. It's a wonder he was able to survive in the first place. Jihyun had an operation to save his life from the elixir AND the stab wound. He was in the hospital for at least two to three days, and the only person who could've found him happens to be the same person who brings him out of the country to heal and recuperate for two and half years.
Can you imagine what it felt like to be in the rubble of a building you intentionally destroyed? To lay there for hours as the ash, soot, and God knows what else floated in the air all around you? To know that you can't do anything right, that you can't DIE RIGHT, and all of the people who promised they'd never leave you—left you?
To be unable to scream out for help because your lungs feel charred, to be unable to move because your entire body has been scorched from one side to the other? What was the meaning of your life? All you can do is lay there in the rubble, sobbing, because you can't get up, and every time you fade in and out of consciousness, you think it might be for the last time and maybe you'll be at peace next time and not wake up.
Or, maybe you are dead and this is just the hell you deserve to be in because you were never good enough for heaven, that's what you feel the longer you stay there... and you know the worst part? When Ray is found by Jihyun, it's not relief he feels, it's anger and fear, because he thinks Jihyun was sent there to mock him, bringing him false hope to believe he wasn't abandoned, but also fear, because part of him really didn't want to die but he saw no other option.
And underneath all of that?
Relief that feels like delusion because someone came back for him but it feels like it's too late to save his life.
SE Saeran doesn't sleep well at night. He lashes out, he kicks, and he screams. He has night terrors about Mint Eye. He has nightmares all about that place no matter how far away he is from that building and what it did to him. He has episodes where he wakes up and thinks he is back in his office, trembling, shaking, and his body pushes him to look for his desk to start working as soon as possible because he isn't in the mood to be punished again.
Nothing can stop these episodes, and while he is getting therapy and doing better during the daytime, nothing stops his nightmares, and it does keep him from sleeping with his possible partner. He has to stay in his own bed, possibly even his own room, while you video call each other from other sides of the house, and as painful as that is, it helps him feel safer than he would if he were to hurt you during one of the episodes.
God, you want to know the worst ones?
It's when he wakes up, screaming, and he has no choice but to sprint into the bathroom his brother built into his room to help him feel way more in control over his environment. He's sick, and once he's able to pull himself away from the toilet, he spends the next half-hour trying to burn his hands to remove the sticky feeling of V's blood from both of his hands.
He's trying to remove the feeling of Saeyoung's blood away from his hands, too. He has flashbacks about that day all the time, thinking his brother is dead and V is dead and it's all his fault and he needs to get rid of the blood because it feels wrong, and he's wrong, and he's just a PAWN WHO NEVER MATTERED BECAUSE—
Saeyoung can't stop looking over his shoulders no matter where he is. He can't stop looking. It doesn't matte where he is. He has to have a full view of the room he's in, and that means he spends his time on his phone looking for camera feeds and other means to control what he can in his environment. It's nice when he's in his bunker because he has a defense system and cameras all over the place. He's ready for war if it comes to that.
But, it's a horrible way to live your life, isn't it?
To be afraid and know that this paranoia you experience isn't just some fear you have that has nothing to warrant. His paranoia has a reason to exist and it doesn't matter when the party's over and his Father is out of the picture. He pissed off a lot of people during his years in the agency, and until all of those people are out of the way, he can't stop being afraid of losing his life, or being the reason why his loved ones lose their.
He has nightmares, too.
He wakes up in the dead of night, searching for the modified tablet on his bedside table, and he can't breathe until he checks the feed to make sure that nobody's come in or out of the house. Saeran doesn't mess with the system. In fact, SE Saeran doesn't want to touch any technology anymore, so Saeyoung never has to worry about his baby brother sneaking out or tampering with the system to leave.
But, still, he has to CHECK EVERYTHING.
God forbid his MC left the room to get water and didn't leave him something to show they would be right now before he could check his system. I think you have to help him implement a system for his fears. He knows it can be overwhelming, he knows that most of his requests or fears come across as controlling, and God knows he is trying his best to be better about this, but... for his peace of mind, it's nice to know you left a plush or an object on your bed to say, "I'm just in the other room. Don't worry."
...He can't stop thinking about the damn near week he spent in that humid, agent-infested warehouse. His paranoia got that much worse after that experience. That's the nightmare he wakes up from most of the time if it's not about his childhood. That's what sets him off to be paranoid for the rest of the night. The fear of being cornered with not a single weapon to protect himself.
God forbid it happen to you or Saeran, too.
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girlylukehughes · 11 months
part three of the folklore hockey fic!
warnings: implied smut(no real smut)
part one, part two. part three, part four
y/nhughes just posted!
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liked by markestapa and 334,635 others
y/nhughes: But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm, if your cascade, ocean wave blues come."
tagged: markestapa
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_quinnhughes: i feel like i missed something.
—y/nhughes: quinn when he doesn't use instagram or read the family groupchat
——_quinnhughes: …
_quinnhughes: anyways... happy for you ig!
—y/nhughes: thanks quinnifer😁
markestapa: we’re so cute
—y/nhughes: the cutest
——lhughes06: im gonna vomit
———y/nhughes: vomit butterflies and rainbows right? because we are sooooo cute
————lhughes06: no.
user1: the way he looks at her i'm on the floor
edwards.73: still no photo creds i see how it is. next time i'm posting incriminating evidence.
—y/nhughes: markestapa should we be scared?
——markestapa: i don't think so????
———edwards.73: y/nhughes markestapa yes.
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markestapa just posted!
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liked by y/nhughes and 446,728 others
markestapa: And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches, give you my wild, give you a child — give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other.
tagged: y/nhughes
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dylanduke25: luke is sitting with his head between his knees and is pulling his hair out
—y/nhughes: send pics
———markestapa: please do
—y/nhughes: go away
y/nhughes: when he listens to folklore and gets it >>>>
—markestapa: only for you
——y/nhughes: mwah mwah mwah mwah
_quinnhughes: jackhughes never send me this shit again i need to go bleach my eyes and call my therapist.
_quinnhughes: also y/hughes i will call mom.
—y/nhughes: mom follows both of us she's already seen it. ur threat = empty
——_quinnhughes: i hate you.
edwards.73: my final straw. incriminating evidence being posted in 5 minutes.
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edwards.73 just posted!
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liked by dylanduke25 and 346,879 others
edwards.73: here's an explanation for each photo:
pic 1: y/nhughes and markestapa fucked up by not giving me photo creds
pic 2: video footage from the ring doorbell after their first date(luke learn to check the cameras) y/n actually ended up kicking mark in the face on accident. mark told the team he got jumped.
pic 3: y/n stole these from lhughes06 closet at the lake house and made us break into the park.
pic 4: me and y/nbff helping y/n break into marks room at the soph house. once again, luke learn how to check the cameras.
pic 5: y/n asked mark if she could do his make up. he happily obliged and got mad when i didn't say he was pretty.
pic 6: y/n and mark plotting how mark is going to get out of the lake house before me and luke got back because he wasn't supposed to be there for another day. luke i swear to god look at your surroundings.
pic 7: this one i'll probs get in trouble for, but, this how i found out about y/n and mark. he came back from their "tutoring session" like this. y/n girl, cut your nails.
pic 8: peace out bitches. give me photo creds next time there's more where this came from.
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y/nhughes: what the actual fuck
—y/nhughes: markestapa i think we have a stalker
——markestapa: jesus christ ethan
y/nhughes: also no i will not cut my nails mark likes them
lhughes06: this is MY last straw. how long have they been together for fucks sake.
dylanduke25: holy shit he actually did it
rutgermcgroarty: ethan i think you have a problem
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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Twinning: part 2.
Part 1
Info: Human AU, Lucifer's Mc, Mammon & GN!Mc.
Summary: Mammon helps out with preparations for the party.
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Every day you make up at 3am sharp to start baking. Nonstop measuring, mixing, pipping, and decorating until it's opening time. Mondays are the only day off, the only day a week you close down the café and take time for yourself.
Yet today you're awake at 3am on a Monday, bending over a DIY starlight curtain. And for what? Some kids you barely know the name of? Pity for a man who probably makes three times more than you? You didn't even know this family two weeks ago. And still, you keep gluing strips of LED lights together. It takes about two hours to be done, but it's beautiful and completely worth it. It takes another three hours until you've finished hot gluing starts into constellations on a navy blue banner. You would hang it up behind the glittery letters that spelled out their names.
You needed to prep just one last thing before the day. You know two things about these kids, one likes constellations, and the other will finish a cupcake in a single bite. So, a space cake it is. You would make it with leftover sheets, fondant, and cream to reduce cost. Making all the decorations for free was a lot on your wallet already. You got ready to have breakfast before starting when the doorbell rang. You make your way down the stairs, expecting maybe a delivery or a neighbor asking for a cup of sugar.
Instead, you find a man with messily bleached locks and the biggest yellow-tinted sunglasses you've ever seen. You wondered how he managed to see on a cloudy day.
"Hey! What's up with the door? It won't open!" He asks, before looking you up and down. Probably surveying the glue and glitter covering your old clothes.
"We're closed today..." You say, ready to close the door on his face, until you remember where you knew him from. The one very loud teenager following Lucifer around. "Are you Lucifer's brother?"
"Ya, Mammon, remember my name next time, I'm not just someone's brother." He says, indignant. "What even happened to you anyways?"
You would feel offended if you had any energy left for that. "Your brother."
"What?" He lifts an eyebrow, and you barely see it through his glasses.
"I'm making decorations for the twins's birthday," you explain, asking yourself why you are even entraining him.
"Ah, Lucifer did say something about that. But it's like a week away, why are you doing it now?"
"Because today is my only free day," you answer, patience wearing thin. "And I still have stuff to do, so..."
"Wait, but isn't that part of your job? Decoration and shit." He looked at you with a confused face. You felt a headache building up.
"No, I just rented him the place," you said sharply and opened your mouth again to say goodbye, before he interrupted.
"Since you're already working on your free day, can I have a caramel late? With soy milk, please." He smiles.
You close the door on his face.
"Hey, wait! I'll pay for it! Don't leave me out!" You hear him scream, but you just turn around and start going upstairs. He doesn't stop at all, just screaming louder with every step you take. "I'LL HELP WITH THE DECORATIONS!" He tries again, and you stop to think about it for a moment. "COME ON! I KNOW THEM BETTER!" He did make a good point.
After some more consideration (and some more screaming), you turn back and open the door for him.
"You're unbearable." You say when he finally stops screaming.
"Unforgettable, you mean." He runs his hand through his hair.
"Does this usually work for you?"
He does a weighting motion with his hands. "Fifty-fifty."
You let out a deep sigh, starting to understand Lucifer. "I can offer café con leche and leftover cat croissants," you tell him.
"Can it be soy milk? Please," he asks, tilting his head on what you think is an attempt to look cute.
He sighs this time, with fake exasperation. He looks at you pleading. You start to close the door again.
"Okay, I'll take it!" He says, launching himself inside before you can close the door.
He, in fact, didn't have a single problem gulping down the coffee with whole milk. Nor eating three whole croissants before even speaking.
"You got a nice place, how much do you pay on rent?" Of course he started with that. No thanks, no sorry for screaming my lungs off in front of your house.
"I own it." That was your only answer.
"Shit, really? You must be loaded!"
"I'm not, I just inherited it from my grandma. I had to pour all of my life savings and get a loan to open up the café. So I'm less than wealthy, I'm in crippling debt." You take a sip of your black coffee, washing your worries down your throat.
"Damn," he said, mouth half full of croissant. "That sucks."
You nod in response.
"You looking for a roommate? I can pay rent when I get a job."
"So, you can't pay rent now?…" He shakes his head. "So you would live here for free until you get a job?" He nods. "I'll pass for now."
"That sucks too..." He doesn't stop eating to feel bad tho.
"You don't like living with your brother?" You question, taking away the empty plate of croissants.
"It's not that, I'm just tired of depending on him."
"So your plan was to depend on a total stranger instead."
"I didn't think about it like that, okay?" He leans on his hands over the table.
You laugh and his cheeks grow red.
"Whatever, let's make festoons or something." He says, trying to change the subject.
"Ah, I'm already done with decorations," you admit.
He immediately stands up from his chair. "Oh well, then I should get going so I don't mess up your schedule anymore." He said, leaning down to grab his jacket, you stop his hand mid-air, holding his wrist.
"I do need help making the party hats, though."
He lets out an exhausted moan, letting himself fall backward. You're both sitting down on the floor, surrounded by cardboard paper and glitter stars. You had a system where you cut out the hats and decorations, and then passed them to him to assemble. In an hour, he has managed to finish a total of three hats. You had nothing else to cut, so you scooted closer and started assembling yourself.
"Come on, only six to go," you encouraged him.
He begrudgingly sat up again and grabbed one of the paper sheets to roll it into a cone. "This is so boooring. And your music is all old and sad."
You refrained from answering, instead opting to make conversation.
"How are you guys liking the new neighborhood?" You ask. You really wanted to inquire more about their family dynamic, but figured you weren't close enough yet.
"It's... nicer than our last place," he says. "It's safer, you know. There's kids playing outside and shit."
You nod.
"And you have some pretty nice neighbors." He looks at you confused. "I hear they will make you coffee even if you're annoying."
He scoffs. "In exchange for physical labor!"
"Oh, come on, it's putting double-sided tape on paper stars."
"It's abusive," he retorts, yet keeps on taping the stars on.
"It's for your brothers, don't you want to give them a cute birthday?" You ask with a playful tone.
"Of course I do! What I don't understand is why YOU are so invested in this if Lucifer isn't even paying for it."
He looks at you expectantly. After a few seconds pass by and it doesn't seem like he will relent, you stop to think. He is right, you have no stakes in this. So what if the kids don't have a nice cake and personalized decorations, it doesn't affect you. And it's not like they would have nothing. A lukewarm birthday party has never killed anyone. So why even bother? You would like to pretend you didn't know the answer.
"Heeeey!" He snaps his fingers a few times. "I'm serious, why are you so invested in this?"
"Because of your brother."
"Belphegor or Beel?" He asks, looking confused.
"Lucifer..." You admit.
"What? Why? It's not his birthday."
"It's not but this matters to him," you drop the finished Ursa Minor party hat into the box with the rest.
"How do you know that?" He insists.
"Because he looks so fucking sad!" You explode on his face. He backs up a little. "Sorry..."
"What do you mean sad?..." He asks in a smaller voice than before.
You take a deep breath.
"He looks so sad whenever he can't give you guys something you want, I can tell he feels bad," you say, putting into words a thought you've had since the day you met. "I know this is important for him, so I want to help him out."
Mammon stays silent, staring holes into you. After a few moments, he grabs the hat he was working on and keeps going. You both work in silence until they are all done.
"Well, you probably should get going now that we're done," you said, standing up.
He nods and follows you downstairs to the door.
"Thanks for the help, you can come back for your late tomorrow when the café is open." You hold the door open for him.
He nods again, but stays still, thinking. Finally, he turns to you.
"Thank you…" he says. You tilt your head, confused. "For caring for him, I mean. I try to, we all try to care for each other but, you know. He's the oldest and I guess we all expect him to care for us, so it's nice to know someone cares for him."
He quickly walks away, leaving you speechless at the doorway.
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Feeling decent now. I tried something new with the writing in this one. Let me know if you like it.
Thanks for reading!
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heich0e · 2 years
"What if he's ghosting me?"
Kenma snorts, not even deigning to answer your question with any further response. His attention stays fixed to the screen of his switch as he taps away at the controls, intermittent chimes of triumph ringing through the spacious living room of the house he bought himself at only twenty three.
"Kenma, I'm serious," you whine, flopping across the seat of the couch behind where he sits huddled at the kotatsu. "I really liked this one."
"You really like every guy you go out with," he replies, thumbs still flicking against the device. "Until you decide they're too loud, or too quiet, or talk too much about their jobs, or don't talk about themselves enough, or they're too short, or too tall--"
"He was 197 centimetres! That's abnormal!" you interject to defend yourself, knowing exactly which previous fling Kenma is referring to even without naming him.
Kenma sets his console down with a sigh, glancing at you over his shoulder. His hair is falling into his eyes, still damp from the shower he'd taken just before your arrival.
"You look for reasons to break up with them.”
The two of you stay locked in prolonged eye contact for longer than is needed.
"Want me to comb your hair for you?" you ask quietly, avoiding his accusation.
Kenma's brow quirks but then he nods, and you quickly pull yourself upright on the sofa so he can settle back between your legs, handing you the comb that has been waiting for your attention on the table in front of him for as long as the two of you had been sitting together.
You work quietly to undo the tangles in Kenma's hair as he once more resumes his game, being mindful of the ends where his hair is bleached and more delicate. You always do this with Kenma, though you’re unsure just when the tradition started. It was probably back in high school when his hair was fried from the boxed bleach he’d dumped into it, and you had to beg him to let you put a hair mask on his brittle strands. But now it’s just become a familiar, comfortable routine for you to slot yourself behind him and work through his hair with a wide-toothed comb, and Kenma doesn't so much as wince as you go about combing his hair into a neat, slicked back style.
"I just wish I had some way of knowing what I did wrong," you murmur quietly, returning to the topic that has been eating away at you, dragging the comb back from his temple.
"Did you two hook up?" Kenma asks blankly, and you watch as he clears a level on whatever game he's playing.
He doesn't click ahead to start the next level, waiting for your response.
"A bit," you admit reluctantly, swallowing hard over the knot of trepidation that has wound itself into your throat.
"What, so you sucked him off and now you're insecure because he hasn't called you?" Kenma peers at you over his shoulder forcing your hands to withdraw slightly, resting against his nape.
"Kenma!" you shriek in response to his question, reaching forward and forcibly turning his head away from you again if only to hide the mortified look on your face. You're shocked by his blunt question as though you haven't known him for the better part of a decade.
Kenma snorts. ”If it helps: when you gave Kuroo head in high school, he said it was great."
You curl forward miserably, your forehead pressing into the divot between Kenma's shoulder blades--flustered and horrified all at once.
"We were teenagers and I was the first person to ever put his dick in my mouth; of course he thought it was great," you mumble into Kenma's back, gripping the soft material of his sweatshirt between your fingers. "What if my skills haven't improved, Ken? What if I'm only giving mediocre high school quality blowjobs?"
He laughs.
"I highly doubt that."
Suddenly an idea comes to you. One that you wouldn't consider plausible with any other person on earth save for the boy whose hair you just combed. The boy whose front door passcode you have memorized as certainly as your own.
"Would you tell me if I did?" you say quietly, your hands slowly unfurling from the tight fists you have curled into his hoodie so they rest flat against the planes of his shoulders.
Kenma freezes.
He still hasn't hit play on that next level.
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gingerylangylang1979 · 8 months
The representation debate.. yes, this is all over the place.
I don't even know if I'm the most intelligent person to start this discussion nor do I have answers. What I do know is there is a debate brewing surrounding Bottoms and queer representation that got me thinking about representation in entertainment in general. I'm not queer but I am a black woman, so that is my frame of reference. I will also preface by saying I haven't seen the film.
Apparently some people are mad that Rachel isn't a lesbian or Jewish but has played multiple characters with those identities. In a plot twist, Emma, a Jewish lesbian cast Rachel in Jewish lesbian roles twice, so she's unbothered. Ayo has played a few queer roles and has been consistently vague about her identity but one could assume from her interviews that she is possibly bi or pansexual. Anyways, it came out that Rachel has/had? a boyfriend and Ayo has/had (maybe they broke up?) a boyfriend and people have been up and arms. Like Ayo's dude/ex-dude? was getting harassed to the point a mutual friend stepped in. I think part of this is people just mad because these women maybe are taken and they can't date them but also mad because they feel the roles should have gone to women who are 100% lesbians. I've read some people mad that they think it's a cop out for the actresses to not be transparent because they are in possibly the biggest lesbian movie for this generation. So I guess the question is what do they owe that community, if anything? Not my community, so I dunno but fascinating to think about what this means culturally.
I get that a community can feel that actors who get roles representing them should be cast with people from that marginalized group being prioritized. It took years for things like black, brown, and yellow face to become taboo, for queer characters to even be a thing, and actors allowed to be out. So it does seem like that work should be graciously granted to people who fit those demographics. Like, all of this is still new and messy in Hollywood so I do feel like some reparations as far as opportunity are due. And Hollywood has failed hard even recently. We've just a few years ago had cases of white actors being greenlit to play Asian characters. And I don't care if the characters were bi-racial, most mixed race Asian people look identifiable as being of Asian ancestry and are viewed as non-white. Like, I don't want to see a white person play a bi-racial black woman. Nope. And don't even get me started on how colorist the industry still is. In 2023 black entertainers still feel the need to bleach their skin, only wear European looking hair, and get nose jobs to get ahead. And the sad thing is, it often works. Even Erykah Badu gave in. So we need more black women who look straight up black to not be sidelined... STILL.
So my next thought is people who would say, but, but POC are playing traditionally white characters. To me it doesn't make a difference if the OG character is white if their specific heritage had nothing to do with the character. And even then, exceptions can be made. British, doesn't have to mean white, for instance, etc., etc. And Hamilton subversively cast POC as American founding fathers.
But anyways, back to Bottoms. Again, I don't have a true dog in this fight except to say I'll just focus on Ayo, because she's a black woman. Honestly, I'm just happy to see her get good roles. I don't care if she is personally queer, if she personally isn't queer as long as she is representing an interesting black woman. I do have stakes in her being into men on The Bear because that's the romance I see brewing regardless of what people think representation wise. Her character could be bi or pan and I would be fine with that but sorry, I can't dismiss what I see as her into Carmy. Not to derail this with my shipper goggles but there is a strong contingent of people deeply invested in seeing Syd be a lesbian and I get it but I think if that's not what is written, it isn't what's written regardless of what representation people want to see.
I dunno, my opinions aren't coherent nor do I think I've figured anything out and am not trying to speak for other communities. I'm just sharing passing thoughts and wanted to get other people's opinions in hopefully a civil discussion.
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𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙿𝚃. 1
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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓(s): Jeff The Killer, Homicidal Liu/Sully, Jane Richardson, Nina The Killer, Clockwork
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: Tbh there aren't many mentions of anything happening, but here's a warning for very brief mentions of human experimentation and demonic presences.
These are all HEADCANON and I do not intend for any of these interpretations to be entirely canon. These are how I see the characters and some rules of the world.
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚜
Aging in my Creepypasta universe works like this– unless you don’t completely have a physical form and died early, your body can only age until 25 years old. This is in place to make sure that the body is useful enough but also so that it’s easier for the pastas to get around. For those over this age, they stay at the age they currently are.
The mysterious haunted woods and the Slendermansion therein exist, but not many actually reside there permanently. If the pasta needs technology, is a proxy of Slender, or is willing to meet the requirements to stay, mainly being serving Slender, then they reside there. Other pastas visit but they either live in their own settlements in the woods, or they look and behave in a certain way that allows them to live among society.
Anybody listed as “Nonconforming Humanoid Entity” in regards to species just means that either they are/were human and  we don’t know what they are or that they were never human and… we still don’t know what they are.
Slender isn’t fatherly to anyone that he doesn’t need to be and is not afraid to take away privileges he has given the people who live under him. He is manipulative and crueler than hell itself. 
Creepypasta fans do exist in this universe. They can see you. :)
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𝙹𝚎𝚏𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
Name: Jeffrey Allen Woods ("Allen", not "Alan") Age: He was 15 at the time of the original incident, but is about 18-19 Species: Nonconforming Humanoid Entity (Because he was human but sure as shit isn't now) Sex/Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Aromantic-Heterosexual Race/Ethnicity: European-American Nationality: American, from a small town in Alabama Religious Alignment: Atheist, family used to be Roman Catholic Body Build: William Afton from "Silver Eyes" type beat (Jeff doesn't have a strong-looking body and I'm sick of us thinking he does) Features: (often tangled/super messy) ivory, shoulder length hair, leathery skin bleached white with some more severe visible burn scars throughout his body (including part of his head), skin is also scarred by the various lacerations he has obtained, dark circles and no eyelids, icy blue (almost white looking) eyes, the infamous cut smile (that never heals because he constantly strains it) Aesthetic: Pretty much just grunge style for this guy
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𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚕 𝙻𝚒𝚞/𝚂𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢
Name: Liu Vicki Woods Age: He was 17 at the time of the original incident, but is about 20-21 Species: Human (Liu) + Inner Demon (Sully) Sex/Gender: Cis Male Sexuality: Demisexual-Heterosexual (Sully less than happily abides by his demisexuality) Race/Ethnicity: European-American Nationality: American, from a small town in Alabama Religious Alignment: Roman Catholic (Semi-Practicing) Body Build: Looks lanky or barely built from afar and isn't jacked, but he has some muscle Features: Liu got the pretty genes, I'll start with that. Slightly tanned ivory skin, Fluffy brown hair on the shorter side, 47 stitched-up scars all throughout his body (including one that goes down his face, splits at his nose onto his upper cheeks, and the infamous smile again), pale green eyes, dark circles from sleep deprivation. Aesthetic: I once saw someone say that he dresses like it's "Christian Girl Autumn" all year and I cannot find a better descriptor.
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𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜𝚘𝚗/𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
Name: Jane Tod Richardson-Vaughn Age: 26 Species: Enhanced Human (as a result of gov't. experimentation)(Liquid Hate) Sex/Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Lesbian and happily married to her wife Mary Race/Ethnicity: Chilean-American Nationality: American, from Los Angeles, CA Religious Alignment: Christian (Practicing, though many in other Christian communities question or talk down on her regardless) Body Build: Muscle Mommy. 6ar6ie6 body type. Hands down. Features: Black mid-back length raven hair, fully black eyes (sclera and all), pale white skin, slight darkening under eyes, various types or scars as a result of experimentation. Aesthetic: Classy and casual, but she also really likes black.
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𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
Name: Nina Hopkins Age: 17 Species: Superhuman Sex/Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Bisexual, male lean Race/Ethnicity: European-American Nationality: American, from Gulf Shore, Alabama Religious Alignment: Atheist Body Build: Skinny young woman, but healthy skinny. Features: Long black hair with a hot pink coon-tail side bang, sewn open eyelids, signature smile, icy blue eyes (slightly brighter than Jeff's), white leathery skin and minor scars all over her body. Aesthetic: Scene girl style. I like this version of Nina so I keep her.
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Name: Natalie Oulette Age: 24 Species: Superhuman Sex/Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Bisexual, female lean Race/Ethnicity: French-Canadian Nationality: Canadian, from Victoria, British Columbia Religious Alignment: Atheist Body Build: Lanky-looking but has hella muscle built up Features: Almost ginger-looking, shoulder-length auburn hair, one green eye while the other socket has a clock inside (which she is constantly bleeding from), sewn-up chelsea-grin, pale ivory skin with barely visible scars all over Aesthetic: Simple, sometimes grunge style preference.
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Some Bleach characters reaction to receiving a bouquet of flowers from their s/o? Thanks!
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is of your liking!
Tsuki's note: sorry it took a little a while!
I chose a few characters again… I am trying to pick different characters XD
I wanted to use a very specific Brazilian saying. But it sounds so weird in English T^T for my fellow Brazilians, it was " cavalo dado não se olha os dentes" something akin to " you don't judge something that was given"
Tsuki's note 2: Nel's is platonic. Purely and cutely platonic.
• She is so happy!
• I have a feeling she would rather a bouquet with warm colored flowers. Like red, orange, yellow.
• She will hug you tight!!
• While she puts the flowers in a vase, she will be smiling at the bouquet the whole time.
• She has a very tender and loving look too!
• But you bet she will tease you.
• 10/10 will say something cheesy like " aaaw! What's the special occasion? Did you just miss me?"
• She is not very good with plants but will try her best to keep them alive for as long as possible.
• You can see she is more radiant than ever.
• When the flowers withers away she will be sad and kinda pouty.
• Shamelessly asks for another bouquet from you.
• From now on every time you are not looking, she will have a soft expression towards you!
• Ok, man is super happy.
• I feel he would love those bouquets with mixes of flowers and leaves.
• He is so surprised that it makes it very easy for you to see so many emotions go through his face!
• It goes like: a small smile and hum from the moment you call him to surprise to realization to happiness to ecstatic!
• He pats your head and ruffles your hair.
• He thanks you a lot!!
• He takes very good care of his bouquet.
• It lasts for a really long time! He also places the flowers on his desk.
• Whenever he has a break he stares at the plants and smiles happily.
• He is 10/10 giving you something back. Be a bouquet, some sweet you like or even an accessory!
• Lowkey looks forward to the next gift from you!
• When he is alone putting them in a vase he wonders why you gave them to him in the first place.
• He doesn't push you though.
• Be ready to have two shinigamis following you around indefinitely!
• Surprised to see him here? Why not give some love to the arrancars too.
• Not gonna lie, he will just stare at the bouquet for a while.
• He doesn't know what to do?
• Should he keep it? But they need water, right? Should he refuse it? Who knows?
• He takes so long thinking about it, that he makes you a little upset, as you pull the bouquet away asking if he didn't like it.
• He just " eh?" To you. He is undoubtedly confused.
• But as he sees you pulling the flowers back and looking sad, he snatches them out of your hands: " cannot refuse a gift given"
• That being said, he doesn't care what kind of bouquet it is.
• That doesn't quite help your mood but at least he took it.
• He actually tries hard to keep them alive.
• He may fail miserably, but he did try.
• Whenever he looked at them he felt so weird? It's called affection, you dummy.
• You don't see a direct change in him right away.
• The only thing that happens is that he becomes more protective of you.
• Lowkey is anxious for a possible next gift - in a good way.
• He doesn't know how to give you something back.
• Especially because you still seem a little upset from his previous reaction.
• So to make it up he occasionally just drops himself on you.
• You might notice, right? Right?
Child! Nel:
• You must be wondering why you chose baby Nel?
• Well, picture this:
• You give this little snotty bean flowers. The most colorful ones you can find.
• She will be mesmerized.
• So happy that you got her pretty things!
• She loves flowers!
• You can teach her to care for them and she will do her best!
• He will giggle and show it to Ichigo " itsugo! Look! What y/n gave meee!"
• She will be utterly sad when they whiter.
• But nothing that a warm hug can't fix!
• She will be thrilled if you give her more flowers or even a potted one.
• Claiming that it will live longer ( as long as she cares for it)
• She will take care of the little plant diligently.
• Will give you updates about them. How much they grew, if they bloomed and what not.
• Adorable no?
• Her cute smile has no price! The happiness she shows with such a simple gift is the most precious thing!
This is it! I hope you have enjoyed what I had to offer!
Forgive if they were short!
I was thrilled to write this, but I felt like I would write a freaking essay again lol
Thanks for reading!
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lixenn · 22 days
I have some questions for Dave this time hehe
What was his first meeting with Chief like?
What was his original hair color?
I wonder if he gets along with Bel?
*crawls out of trenches, bloodied and covered in mud*
"I-" *huff* "I have fought in war and it was close but! I HAVE WON! The evil snippet has not defeated me!"
So now, I can finally answer this!! I'm sorry that it took so long Ein 🫠🥺🥺please forgive my tardiness 😣
Let me satisfy your curiosity!
Original hair color
Dave's hair used to be this really mousy brown and it just wouldn't do! No! He refuses! It was boring and common and absolutly clashed with his vibe so it needed to be adressed immediately. He bleached his hair the first time when he was 14 and it turned out horrible but he was still happy with his shitty dyejob because at least it was unique!
Dave and Bel
Do they get along? Ohhh boy, honey they get along like a house on fire! Dave and Bel often team up for pranks and mischief (Levi is one of their regular victims lol). Surprisingly Chief doesn't actually mind this relationship mostly because Dave tends to curb Bel's more ... homicidal tendencies. Dave prefers leaving his victims alive (though there's no guarentee for their sanity) mostly because killing them would limit his options for pranks. So when Dave and Bel plan mischief Dave puts his foot down about murder.
First meeting
As for that question....
Have a snippet!
The world is undoubtedly cruel. Criminally unjust. Life is filled with hurdles and hardships, with unimaginable challenges and dreadful chores.
Dan has been kicked out of his own office by an overly worried Lussuria.
(Honestly, the audacity of his doctor, the inhumanity. He is seriously considering a lawsuit.)
Apparently working for ten months straight without a break is “unhealthy” and “terrible for the skin, just look at those wrinkles Dani-boy”. Which is ridiculous in his humble opinion, he doesn’t have wrinkles. His skin simply has more character, more definition, that’s all. No wrinkles here, just a well-developed background story edged into his outer shell.
Nevertheless, Dan is left with no other choice than take the day off since he doesn’t want to deal with Lussuria drugging his tea again. One time was more than enough.
Well, at least he can use this opportunity to finally get some shopping done. His sister Is going to skin him alive if he shows up empty handed to her birthday again. Finding the perfect jewellery set to make up for his blunder took him some time but now he can at least cross that off his list.
He is slandering down the empty streets, enjoying the sunshine on his face, when his peaceful musings are interrupted by a body landing right in his path.
Dan must have committed war crimes in his past life, it’s the only explanation. His former self probably kicked puppies for fun and slaughtered babies in their sleep because he can’t even take a stroll in the city without someone throwing bodies at his feet.
Puzzled and slightly annoyed Dan takes a closer look at the young man sprawled in front of him.
The first thing that catches his eye is the absolutely garish shade of neon green decorating the top of his head. Whoever did that dye job needs to be fired. His hair isn't the only thing that needed fixing though. He’s covered in bruises and dirt, blood is dripping from his nose and - Dan squints - is that a tooth on the pavement? Yes, it is. … Gross. Hopefully the guy knows a good a dentist.
The sound of footsteps alerts him to the arrival of even more people. Dan inspects the newcomers in irritation. There are three of them, all clad in ill-fitted suits, hair slicked back and fake gold rings on their fingers, making them look like stereotypical comic mafia goons brought to life. It would have been funny and something to laugh over with Squalo over coffee if said goons hadn’t interrupted his quiet afternoon with their petty disputes.
What a drag.
“You have five seconds.”
“Hah?” Goon #1 sneers at him, somehow turning even uglier in the process. “What do ya want, shrimp? Don’t ya see we’re a little busy here.”
Only sheer willpower prevents Dan from inspecting his nails in disinterest. Instead, he crooks an eyebrow, giving the idiotic trio his best deadpan fish stare.
“Three seconds.”
Goon #2 spots the Varia emblem on his hoodie and the Cloud clocks the moment he recognises what it stands for. He shakily points at Dan’s chest. “U-uhm… boss?”
“What?” Goon #1 snaps, but his gaze follows his friend’s finger and all colour leaves his face. “V-v-varia?”
Dan puts his hands in his hoodie pocket and smiles. “You rang?”
The way they freeze like a deer in the headlights. How they start quaking in their knock off designer shoes when realisations dawns upon them. The fear in their eyes.
Ah… making grown men piss their pants with a single look never gets old.
“By the way,” Dan drops his smile, his voice turning ice cold. “Your time is up. Better start running, boys.”
One would think that the Vendice are on their heels with how fast they scrammed.
Now, with that sorted.
Dan looks back the stranger who’s still lazing on the street. “You okay?”
“U-uhm yes…” he stutters with wide eyes that are filled with something uncomfortably close to awe. “Thank you so much.”
Feeling slightly awkward now, Dan avoids his shining gaze. “Don't mention it.”
“Seriously don’t,” Dan interrupts him, combing a hand through his hair. He wishes this interaction was over already. He’s no good with shows of gratitude. “You should let a doctor check you over.” That should be enough polite concern, right? “I will be on my way then.”
Dan tries to speedwalk away to avoid further socialising but is hindered by a surprisingly strong grip on his hoodie.
Only his ingrained manners (thanks Mom) prevent him from breaking a hand and escaping anyways, which is probably for the best, the poor guy has enough injuries, no need to add broken bones to the list.
Dan turns around and sighs. “What is it?”
The young man gives him a solid try at puppy eyes. “What’s your name? I’m Dave by the way! You can’t just rescue me like a knight in shining armour and then disappear off into the sunset. That’s not fair at all.” He adds a pout to his pleading expression, which – in Dan’s humble opinion – just makes him look even more pathetic.
“Have you suffered head trauma recently?”
Dave cocks his head, confused. “I mean, one of them kicked my face for a bit but that was nothing, I’m good! They mostly focused on my upper body and limbs.” He lets go of Dan’s hoodie and lifts his shirt up to point at his battered torso in demonstration. “See?”
“Then, why are you spouting nonsense?” Dan takes a step back after he is freed from Dave’s clutches. “Run along and try to avoid getting beat up by shady men in the future.”
The puppy eyes start to fill with fake tears. “But they keep on finding me.”
Dan is suddenly overcome with a desperate need for coffee.
“And that’s my problem, how exactly?”
The responding grin sends shivers down his spine. It reminds him of Bel’s smug smile after he caught another one of his employees in his wire traps.
“Well, all your hard work would go to waste if they came back, wouldn’t it? So, how about you help a buddy out?” Dave winks and it would have been charming if his face wasn’t covered in dried blood. “You can start with your name and we will go from there.”
Dan barely lifted a finger, is this guy on crack? In fact… Is he trying to con him? This feels like a con.
Why did I even bother leaving my room today?
“Look, Dave,” he begins trying to salvage the situation, “if I tell you that Varia Housekeeping is always looking for new members, will you go away and let me enjoy the rest of my day off in peace?”
The other man’s jaw drops like Dan got on his knees and proposed instead of throwing in a job offer as distraction tactic.
Dan takes his surprise as an opportunity to exit the premises once again. This time he isn’t stopped physically but a broken “W-wait” still gives him pause and he reluctantly glimpses back. Dave has dropped his cocky façade leaving behind only shattered pieces and a tiny fragment of hope.
“Please. Tell me your name?”
His voice sounds fragile compared his confident tone before.
Dan has always been a sucker for the broken ones, hasn’t he?
Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound.
“You can call me Chief.”
Hope you liked the little sneak peak into Dave's mysterious past 😊! Honestly the delay was mostly because that meeting was fighting me with tooth and nail but I managed to get it done!
I feel like I wanted to add something else but I forgot because goldfish brain lol
Anyways keep being awesome like the legend you are Ein!! Hopefully I could brighten your dim days in study hell 💕✨😊
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groovebunker · 2 months
wait please share what you think future cc would look like
OK so i've been ruminating on this a lot bc i've been writing future fic and also looking at pictures of lauren as she's got older and like....as g-d damn fine as lauren is now, that's not what cc looks like in my head.
i think she's let herself age differently in la to the way she would have in new york bc while she's working on higher profile things, she's actually more anonymous bc she's removed herself from that high society expectation.
i always loved her with longer hair, so i think she keeps it a bit longer. i've never cared much for canon, so while i know she technically bleaches her hair, i refuse to believe it, and i think there are streaks of silver coming through as she gets older. less makeup, for sure - i think there's a real contrast in how fran finds aging in la to how cc finds it and i think it helps cc be a lot softer on herself. older fran fine is just....fran drescher to me - she's still very vain (affectionate) and (in the fic) this is compounded by max being an asshole. older cc doesn't need the armour of her looks as much anymore - she wields real power now and her face doesn't matter so much. her eyesight is definitely getting worse, so she definitely wears glasses more (this is just bc cc is hot in glasses) and feels less self conscious about that. which is not to say she doesn't feel it at all - she's still a woman of a certain age, in los angeles, and there are still pressures. i feel like she definitely works out to keep herself a certain size/shape and like, obvs, she's still tall as hell. but (this whole thing is so informed by my fic, i'm sorry) she knows fran likes the way she looks and she doesn't necessarily care as much about what other people think now she's made herself a new life.
i don't think her work wardrobe changes much - lots of suits, maybe a bit more colour (less bc of the area, more just bc the fashions change). mom outfits confound her for sure - what do you mean she needs clothes that let her get in the sandpit or save ellie when she's climbed too high on the jungle gym? eventually, she settles into very well tailored jeans and button up shirts and loafers on the weekends - think old money east coast chic - because it's easier to run after a toddler (fran is relatively feral about this, for obvious reasons). she never gets to a point where she's truly relaxed about her clothes bc they've always been a shield for her, but she does find a good balance.
the long and short of it is that i think an older cc in la is far more relaxed than she was in new york and that shows in the way she looks. there's still a raw power there, but she's almost cultivating that from not giving as much of a fuck about what people think, and she's still tall and imposing and absolutely fucking gorgeous, but there's also a softness to her that we didn't see in the show, because she's slowly letting her walls down as (a) she grows into being a parent and (b) falls deeper and deeper in love with a woman who loves her back (there's something important about it being a woman). i recognise that this is more headcanoning again - i wish i could draw and also, i cannot think of famous women who (in my head) look like my older cc but i hope this gives at least a vibe.
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sortvaniliekrans · 1 year
I just wanted to ramble a little and say I really love your writing! I ramble, this ask may seem a little long, but it's all adoration I promise! Please don't be unnerved by the length!
I just found your fic "Pisces Caelestis" today and I caught up to your latest chapter. Honestly I was minutes away from being late to leaving for work, because I was that absorbed in your story and at that point I was only on chapter 8. If it wasn't for my work ethic, honest to the stars above, I would have called out to keep reading uninterrupted 😅 Of course, I couldn't put it down even when I got to work. (Night time security guard here lol) Between taking care of people and reading, the last few chapters took me about two and a half hours to get through. But honestly, I think I've been grinning like a doofus just about 90% of the time. I think the only ten percent left was when you tossed my heart to the fishies when the reader or boys became upset. Veeery good at giving my heart the good ol' squeeze like my heart is being strangled out of me. Very tasteful ✨👌
I love how you've been able to include the other FNAF characters in your story. And like I commented on AO3 the few chapters back, I loved the touch again to hinting at Chica's Latino heritage with the mention of her hair. Again, so many people I think. Play her off as occasion that the idea of it being different is just a stunner, and honestly I think she would look very cute with bleached blonde hair. And again, no way and heck did I expect her to be the crazy dog lady. How you incorporated "Cupcake" with her is just ✨golden✨ I haven't read many DCA fics, but I think this is the first one I've seen with Chica and her cupcake and I loved that touch. Also, I'm with the townspeople in shipping her with Roxy, they sound like an adorable pair together.
You've given our Superstar favorite dad Freddy his little boy which made me smile. I love to be exasperation from the readers playful jab/ threat to helping the boy get a hamster for class. He's a real sweetheart and his words of wisdom are much more appreciated than what YN was given as a child. I get the whole "why worry about it?" motif, but to a child they need better ways to cope. To understand their feelings and when young (especially when young actually) I think it's important for someone to be heard. YN getting that now from Freddy is heartwarming. He really shows attentiveness and makes me wonder if he knew YN when they were younger. Maybe not knowing the full picture of what their life was like as a child. But when you see a child neglected or misbehaved, I know people could probably wish that they could give words of advice. But not wanting to step on a parent's toes just, can't. To think he's wanting to give YN what they couldn't have when younger is really heartwarming, you really show he gives the best advice and hugs. And sometimes a hug or just a willingness to listen as all a person needs. You did really great showing that ❤️
Hearing Roxy have scars and a partial disability was appreciated. You didn't play down her blindness or scars, in actuality you showed that people could be proud for what they've lived through. She doesn't let people minimize her experience and doesn't let her past make up her current personality. And no way are her feelings for Chica just a crush If she's willing to face her trauma of being around six dogs just to see (her crush/girlfriend/ future wife-y) Chica. But dang is that some intense exposure therapy, that's gotta be a bit emotionally taxing. I hope if/when she has the courage to tell Chica about it that it goes well. She doesn't wanna jar Chica or maybe make her feel guilty, and she's obviously doing great if they're spending time together. Unless, when reader had reached out to Chica to get Roxy's number, she was at Roxy's house instead of Chica's. Either way, I hope both girls figure it out.
And Monty? Being a rebel? Who is surprised, but it still makes me smile. I'm curious if he kept the sea glass YN found to trade. Like in a drawer or something. Even when someone seems like a rebel, I feel like for most people if a child gets attached to you and gives you items even if for trade, you still try and hold on to them because I think it would make someone smile when they look back on it. I wouldn't blame him if he got rid of the sea glass, but at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in his house or around his house he had it. And it makes me smile at the thought of it. I'm curious about when he'll pop up again in the story. Would he'll have a bigger frame like security breach Monty, or if he would be more on the linky side. I could see him riding dirt bikes, yet can still find a way to make it rebellious. Even if the town turns a blind eye, it still made me laugh.
I relate to your YN greatly~ When are chores ever fun? Their independence is evident and I think a lotta people can relate to ✨emotional constipation✨ As YN was getting gifts and feeling bad a little bad at the idea that the boys were feeling pressured to give. I was already thinking just give them something in return like an exchange. When they finally did it, it made me laugh and say "Finally! So glad they figured that out!" aloud, and it made me glad I live alone because that would have been embarrassing for someone else to overhear. Only to hear that frustrated Moon, I felt bad, But how are we to know if they didn't tell? I'm glad Sun continued because he was happy seeing YN smile. YN also did better with the shirt slashing in the latest chapter. I think I'd still be deep/close to a PTSD that if he slashed his claws at me I'd probably be fighting emotional/mental barriers that would have gone up in feeling further unwanted. They really do need time to recover. I'm glad they know instinctually their reactions are valid, but their fortitude to press on to keep from stunting themselves or losing precious new seafriends is admirable.
It was rude of Moon to try and (kinda) traumatize Sun for what they had done. I mean, valid, in a way they care for YN enough to where he feels the only logical reaction would be to give them space/ keep them safe from them. But I'm glad/hopeful YN's reaction to Moon literally in a way wagging his finger in their face, showed they can stand on their own/aren't made of glass. His lisp is adorable and I think it would be hard to not just want to hear him talk to hear it again. Being scolded by Sun for emotionally hurting YN was needed. But still a hilarious mental image of Sun wrangling Moon if it meant helping clear up the misunderstanding and help YN be happy again.
And Sun, stars above, Sun. Can he get any more precious (not meant to be a challenge! Cause the stars above know how many times you made my heart melt into a puddle from him)? He's playful, he teases, he understood exaggerating expressions and his delight knowing that playfulness got YN to laugh was just too precious to read. I think I had to reread those chapters about three or four times before I could will myself to move on and keep reading. Sweetest fish, I think I was rolling on my couch a few times when he was just being a sweetpea. He shared his blueberries with YN, he grasped what coins/money was in hopes it would help YN. Also wondering if he understands the value of gold? He didn't just give a single coin, and Having already discussed the value of gold corns with my mom a couple months back. He has an older currency, probably more pure and just being older is something. No kidding that he literally helped provide. His pet names are precious and he just seems so stupidly sweet that repeatedly I wanted to hug him. You made a precious boy and each time there has been fluff you've made my heart melt. I'm so glad YN and the boys are starting to interact, You probably have an idea about it, but I'm still going to say it is such a relief when they finally got to speak to each other/ start to interact. Rocky star with Moon, but I'm glad Sun took things in stride when YN opened up to explaining their insecurities involving Moon. To help mediate and translate, to grasp when YN needed help being grounded and helped give emotional support from the physical contact. So so so so stupidly precious that I was repeatedly at a loss for words.
I loves all of this. My dejected exclamation in finding out I got caught up felt/ was to be expected. Your writing was so great, I really really loved all of this. I'm so glad I found your work and I look forward to how it progresses. You just moved into your own home (CONGRATS! 🎊) So I hope you give yourself a break, take things and stride. Try not to face burnout, It's okay if you have days where you don't do anything. Sometimes just getting to tomorrow is enough. Thank you again for your time (sorry for rambling a bit) and I hope you have a good rest of your day. May creativity and inspiration stay by your side ❤️
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AAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you this is so nice I wanna print it out and eat it 💜💜💜
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
Stack The Deck - Wellness check
CW: stalking, obsessive behavior, intimidation, Morris hating on bald people
CF3 46E, CF3 46E, CF3 46E...
Morris needed to find that car again, right now, before the trace got cold and slipped through his fingers like sand. Frantically shoving the clothes he had borrowed back into the boxes, he was unsure about how to act next. Go back to the apartment and hope for the mother to come back again? Maybe drive around the city and look for the familiar code of the license plate, that too would travel to a new home.
Upstate... Nothing more than forests and rivers there, and to do what exactly? Live in a log cabin and siphon off tree sap till his parents grew old?
CF3 46E
Morris couldn't let that happen, staying back and remaining nothing more than a ghost story Elliot could tell his family: the tale of the pathetic fuck that didn't realize he had everything right under his nose until-
A forceful knock on the door ripped him from his thoughts.
CF3 46B
He didn't expect company, much less had the nerve for it right now. Everyone could go to hell for all he cared. With one exception, of course.
The booming against the wood became more vigorous; impatient rhythms meeting quickly thinning patience.
"Miss Roberts, I don't know where your cats are, I'm not stealing them. We've been over this."
No grace in sight, just more assault on Morris' poor ears, like the noises all throughout his head: crying, screaming, rough bristles against tile. The sting of apple-fresh bleach still burned at the back of his sinuses, even after weeks of mind-numbing distraction.
I need to explain everything, and he will accept my apology, and we can finally start over-
Before another hit could let the hinges vibrate with force, the door swung open to reveal a bright red face of anger to the unwelcomed guest.
"I SAID-" Morris growled, and stopped when he recognized the utterly unimpressed man. One he really didn't want to deal with right now.
"Belanger, for fuck's sake, now is not the time-"
"You don't answer my calls." Because I'm tired of being your postie.
"I'm busy, and you give me a job like what, once a week? Of course I'll keep myself occupied otherwise."
Caught in a gloomy expression, no man dared to back down so quickly. 
"You need to answer when I call."
Biting his tongue, the only thing Morris could retort was an annoyed huff; he knew about the duty towards his employer. It was nothing he could just push along as he pleased, but the information he'd worked hard for wasn't worth being thrown out so suddenly. The window he had created for himself was quickly shutting down. 
"So you are busy and under-worked at the moment? Doesn't sound convincing..." Belanger's lusterless fish eyes kept focus on the target of his worry, even as he pressed himself past the door frame. 
Remaining face-to-face with the always discreetly clothed partner, one could only wonder why a few missed job opportunities would rub him the wrong way. Thinking of it, Morris guessed that he would be just as sensitive, provided he'd also lose all his hair minutes after turning thirty. On angry nights, he often asked himself if he could take on Mr. Clean's dipshit cousin.
"Please, make yourself at home," Morris sighed, not sure how well-thought-out it had been to let the mass of a man into his quarters.
The tired proxy carefully eyed the mess littered throughout the room; photos, piano booklets and obviously strange clothing only affirmed what he had already suspected:
"Are you getting distracted again?"
Yes, actually, by the nagging little middleman he was supposed to stand by for.
That exact man painfully remembered the last one that stole Morris' focus: some bony princess from new money; he caught him scrolling through an ocean of pictures when they should have been occupied with handling the daily charge. Belanger wasn't ready to put up with this whole act once again, not so soon. The only thing worse than the fawning, and god did he hate that, will be the moment it all inevitably crashes and burns to the ground. The phase where Morris got especially difficult to handle...
"What is it this time? I'll see if I can make some space for you," he answered instead, paying no mind to Belanger's interrogation.
"You better do that quickly, Dutch wants to see you."
Shit. He really should have taken that call.
"Now?" Morris desperately tried to squeeze his voice past the lump blocking his throat. It was better to know when he would be led to slaughter, saves a lot of time on scheduling.
"Don't piss yourself yet, he was impressed with whatever you did back at the den," the proxy said, letting his monotone drawl hide how much he enjoyed seeing him all antsy, "Fucking massacre, if you ask me, though." 
"I cleaned up after, if you need it..."
"At least you got that right. Congrats, I guess, nobody found the body yet." Yeah, me neither.
"Wasn't that bad, just so you know, uh-"
"I would stay in line if I were you, with the cops still on my ass and all," Belanger let his voice drop low, having neither interest nor patience for cheap horror stories, "Let's go!"
Morris was close, so much closer than the last few weeks. There had to be another way, one that didn't involve Dutch, of all people.
"Listen, I'll call you back soon and-"
"Wasn't a question, Morris."
He thought of Elliot and the festering itch that burned up when remembering these hazel eyes, looking up at him just one more time... I forgive you. God, he would give everything to hear these words.
He thought of Dutch, and his bad knee let a cautionary twitch rock his body.
So Morris budged. Some people you can't let wait.
CS3 46B would still be there for him, a few miles further northwest, more or less. It wouldn't take that long, right? He could let the itch heal down and hope the lingering antipathy would fade away, give them all some time to breathe. A fear started to nest deep already, hidden behind Morris' own self-preservation: the silent terror that Elliot wouldn't stop to look out for him.
Belanger would, though, keeping Morris on track until their boss was satisfied.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Masterlist]
Taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername, @canislycaon24
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Hi. First of all, I wanted to apologize for my rant. I was not angry at your or anyone, but the just the constant whitewashing that's been happening recently in the fandom, like a recent whitewashed art of Yrene. Anyway, my anger was directed towards artists in the SJM fandom who for some reason choose to make male characters brown but when it comes to female characters they whitewash them. I'm brown btw and I read so many diverse books from diverse authors with POC as the lead like The City of Brass for example and that series still gets whitewashed btw and it's all just so frustrating. The author will explicitly describe a character with brown skin and she will still be drawn paler. The golden tan characters in SJM's books like Bryce for instance is constantly drawn paler and it's just like why?? I don't understand it. Also, my anger and rant was not directed toward you I just needed to vent I guess. I honestly really apologize for that lengthy rant, i didn't mean for it to be hurtful or anything.
Like The City of Brass is one of my favorite series, the way the main character is described is exactly how I look like. Brown skin, curly black hair, but the countless whitewashed art I've seen of her is really triggering. They make her paler, give her straight silky hair instead of curly. It frustrates me to no end. I've had this pent up for a while and I wanted to rant (not at you though) at the whole whitewashing thing. I promise I won't flood your inbox again, I know it was uncalled for. I think your blog is great and really enlightening so I apologize.
Thank you for clarifying. I don't mind long asks or anything, I just assumed you were angry at me, so I'm sorry if I came off as rude or curt. You are welcome to flood my inbox 💜 And I appreciate that you took the time to further explain how you feel, and that the root issue isn't Bryce/SJM, but is the fandom's depiction of darker skinned characters, exemplified in how Bryce is depicted.
It's good that you read many diverse books by diverse authors, but you're right--if fandom doesn't step up to properly support these authors and do justice to the characters, then the impact those diverse series have is minimal.
Whitewashing is a huge problem, and for that artists are 100% responsible for choosing to ignore canon and for choosing to depict characters of color as Eurocentric as possible. Skin bleaching to lighten our skin and relaxers to straighten our hair and colored contacts to give us light eyes and nose jobs to give us European noses--these all exist, and are popular, because society and the media constantly tell us that only whiteness is beautiful. That only whiteness is valuable. That only whiteness is human. So people who stray farther from whiteness are dehumanized, and are treated worse by society.
And that's why representation and why diverse works are so important, because they challenge that idea. Representation allows for people of color to be seen as beautiful, and valuable, and human, when we historically haven't been seen as such. It shows that we deserve to lead our own stories, and that we deserve escapism too, because we're human and we deserve breaks from the real world like everyone else. So when diverse characters are whitewashed, it's like a slap in the face. These characters are meant to challenge Eurocentricity, and whitewashing them simply adheres to it. Your feelings are perfectly valid, and it hurts whenever a character is whitewashed because it's simply perpetuating the message that's been shoved down our throat since we were children--that only whiteness is beautiful, that only whiteness is valuable, that only whiteness is human, and therefore, characters can't look too non-white, much less be non-white.
I do have a lot more thoughts on whitewashing and how it differs from racebending in response to some discourse™ in the Little Mermaid tag, and I do want to make a longer post about it, but I will leave you with this:
a) Your feelings are very valid. Whitewashing diverse characters perpetuates Eurocentricity, and fandom has a racism problem.
b) Representation matters. Now and forever.
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mofffun · 10 months
Kingohger 25 misc theories / reaction to Big Announcement
EDIT: Erica IG live confrimed Kingoh S2 is happening together with Gotchard i.e. ep27/Sept 3
wait a minute... they have not confirmed 27 would immediately be the time skip, but if so, God's fury is still unsolved. Takamina said he wrote 25 "as if" the series finale, but that does not contradict 30 being a chapter finale. but if time skip only happens in 31 it's a bit early?? why else would they need to announce it at the mid-way point?
Yeah no, "September" is 27. Yuzuki cut her hair ~1/8 which fits with the broadcast schedule.
Racules is dead for 2 years????? He's not coming back the same day Yano-san host a baseball opening?
Then again, we never knew what Racules and Deathnarok discussed in their "negotiations" in ep16 🤔
but pessimistically what if 26 is Racules last appearance!? Yuzuki mentioned Yano-san is on set in the madigi trio interview, so that's, by the latest, late July. 🤔
the latest TTFC extras call is for an original Sakamoto work. I didn't think it was KO because usually they are more specific with costume details. Now the "Big Announcement" is out is more for sure this is not kingohger-related. still praying for kagu spinpff ToT
my first thought was, they simplified everyone's costume so it's easier to move around in ?? but that's not quite true. Himeno and Rita's skirts are, but Kagu is still in that getup and Gira heavier costume so ease for action is not the priority here.
Does "Space" means there'll be more on-location filming? Not that I'm against it of course, just that it doesn't make sense for Toei to spend the time and money they saved by using virtual production, and when the CG is a selling point of the show. For now, the door is open, the question is whether new planets would be shown in CG or kyu-style locations. I lean towards the former in consistence with the fantasy style of the show, but at least they left a backdoor for interacting with previous teams.
To think they'd travel planet-to-planet kyuranger style is probably not what's happening, it's more a general term for the second season phase's boss coming from space and being who caused the divide between humans and buganroks 2000 years ago.
But I'm so down for a kyuranger crossover though 🤣 if this is Sakamoto's new work...
I didn't notice Gira wearing Racules's clothes the forth, the fifth time. Gotta admit I was very distracted by his hair that makes him look even more like a local comedian XD I like his braids and was waiting for Taisei to cut his hair lol. conspriacy zenkai with that Racules charm being long hair too/jk
Blond Yanma needs some time getting used to. I couldn't be sure at the beginning of the week but I rationalize it as Aoto himself turning blond for a day or two, but that color is really saturate on Yanma haha. I think in general Aoto's hair look darker on-screen? oh wait... that's why his hair on 24/7 is brown instad of black... he's already bleaching it... anyway, 金髪ヤンマ総長めっちゃヤンキーぽい!looks older too. kinda want to throw an ikura-loving daughter with superpowers onto him haha.
Himeno-sama!! I love Himeno's look??! I LOOOOVE the new shoes! I love her dress. You can see her dress more clearly on Erica's twitter. The new dress compensated for where I felt v1 is under-designed/too Belle like. the construction looks like it can do better but it's unfair to say so from just one pic :p the poster ver. looks like a petticost is still included so maybe that was just an offshot. Hair: i wonder if it's Erica's own. It'd be less hot to wear a wig (circles back to location filming speculation). The colour matches and the volume sure is more tamed than before.
Ah. Rita-sama. what can i say. they barely changed. i mean toei wouldn't show us a proper angle of their face huh (or be grateful for their mercy because the fandom would collectively become the avatar foaming mouth guy - wait we already were with the ritamoru scene). i'll tell you what, my knees were on the floor and i was hammeraing it murmuring 'GENDER' at 10 in the morning when i saw they had the guts to cut Rita's hair AND SKIRT short. 💔RIP Rita's coat.
Then I asked if Rita's having a lighter oufit becaus they go out too much/don't stay in Gokkan as often anymore lol.
Kaguragi 😳 I said Kaku-san isn't my type but I appreciate him as a specimen. The long hair startled me. Just when I thought everyone is going in the 'simplified' direction he looks 'more'?, which, very Kaguragi style. He looks like a chinese period drama character!! He looks like the kings in MY history books??!?
Jera... I didn't noticed what happened with Jera before and frankly there's not much visible. He got short sleeves/more exposed forearm + sideswept hair. (and that bug arm glove is looks kinda bare upper the arm) I would be more curious if more of his age is showing…
If Gira is sticking with the crown is it the first sentai without a "red"...
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missjaceofalltrades · 2 years
Made another Ayakoi tier list again cuz it's fun 😆
This time it's based solely on physical appearance i.e. how hot they are (≧▽≦)🔥
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For fairness, this is mostly based on what I thought of their looks when I saw them for the first time, because once I got to know some of them more in their books, I became biased. 😆 Take Kuya for example, he's only on the middle tier in terms of appearance but because he's my bias now, I would most likely put him on the highest tier because I fell in love with him and that automatically makes me think he's the hottest. (≧▽≦)
I guess sometimes, we'll just suddenly realize how hot a person is the more we get to know them. Either that or love is blind 😂 jk jk
Koga - He's the face of the app, of course he's so dang hot! I mean seriously, whenever I see his card illustrations, I just swoon 😍
Oji - Similar to Koga, his card illustrations are just so dang swoon-worthy! ♡ Also, he reminds me of Kisuke Urehara, one of my top favorite characters in Bleach who I also think is hot XD
Toichiro - It's obviously because he always looks dapper and dresses to impress. Him being a kemonomimi also adds to his handsomeness 🦊
Shizuki - I always think butlers are handsome, I mean it's such a handsome job! He also reminds me of Vishnal, the butler from Rune Factory 4 who is also my chosen bachelor 😆
Gin - I swear it's because of his eyes. They're so friggin captivating! It doesn't help that my favorite eye color is blue. 💙 I also like his scales/tattoos? in his ayakashi form. And his past self! omg 😍 If Gin looked more like his past self, he would be on the highest tier.
Gaku - I already thought his younger self was handsome but his adult form, my gosh! Especially in his awakened Love's Floral Embrace card! *sighs* (⁄ ⁄>⁄⩊⁄<⁄ ⁄)♡
Yakumo - I LOVE his outfit. And look at his awakened Voyage on the High Seas card! 😍 Maybe I just like formal/semi-formal western/european outfits in general (≧▽≦)
Kage - Ngl, he knows how to rock a killer look (both figuratively and literally) as a guy AND as a girl. Best of both worlds (≧▽≦)♡
Aoi - HE LIKES CUTE STUFF 😍 Like his clip, his pink braided hair, and his pink outfit. I love that! I need more representation of guys who are feminine yet can still be just as handsome as those who are more masculine or have that boyish charm like Nachi & Kuro. Tbh, just because a guy is feminine doesn't make him any less of man. I mean, malewives exist (≧▽≦)♡
Yura - He's prince-like, especially with the way he speaks. Or should I say princess-like? cuz he's like a disney princess with all the animals liking him. 😆 Also, I automatically think someone is cute if they like animals. They get bonus points if the animals like them back (꒪꒳꒪)♡
Tatsu - Looks average in his regimentals but is rather cute in his casual wear. (=´ ꒳ `=)♡ Same with Aki & Kyo, they're more handsome in their casuals.
Also, everyone is automatically hot if they're wearing a tuxedo just cuz I said so (≧▽≦)♡
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