#no I have never seen supernatural
mylittleredgirl · 1 year
even if you're not a supernatural fan, if you've been on tumblr long enough you are, like, culturally. like cultural christianity in america except it's the cw's supernatural. you may never have watched an episode or set foot inside the tag but your regular life shuts down on their holidays and all of your world news is delivered through that point of view. something to think about
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It is with a heavy heart that I must admit defeat. For Five glorious years I have been apart of the Supernatural fandom without having seen an entire episode. I have seen the edits, the meta, the fanfic and fanart. I was there when Destiel went canon and almost made Putin resign. And yet I’ve held onto my sanity, I committed to the bit— never watch that hell spawn of a show. But, good comrades of Tumblr, I must now declare the bit to be over. It was a good run, but I will be venturing into the dangerous world of Supernatural once and for all. May god save my soul.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
Someone should show Sephiroth Supernatural
Lazard: I don't mean to incite panic, but the recent paranormal activity on the 49th floor leads me to believe there is a demon present.
Zack: I know who to call!
*Zack whistles, Angeal, Sephiroth and Genesis show up dressed as Sam, Dean and Castiel*
Sephiroth: Where's the paranormal?
Lazard: I'm looking at it right now.
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sweetpapercroissant · 8 months
“dean winchester is a misogynist because he lies to women to get them to sleep with him and therefore clearly doesn’t respect them”
then you actually watch the show and every time dean sleeps with a woman he’s soft and there’s a gentleness even in his passion and he always makes sure his partner’s satisfied/comfortable and he does form genuine connections with the women he sleeps with even if he lies about his name and job (which is completely understandable and actually the sane thing to do considering most of america knows him as a serial killer and there’s not a lot of people around who’d bother talking to a guy who claims he hunts monsters for a living) (or for fun ig since there’s not a lot of ‘living’ in this profession) and he spends time getting to know them and offers the little bits of himself that he can and most of the time that dean has sex with a woman he sleeps over and they see him off in the morning with a goodbye kiss and genuine affection for him and if they ever run into him again they’re clearly fond and look back on their shared memories with satisfaction if nothing else and. this is the guy who doesn’t respect women? how? by believing they are adults who can want and enjoy a night of sex with no strings attached (something he’s always straightforward about btw)?? and more importantly it’s always consensual and they like him as a person and they’re clearly both enthusiastic about it (in fact there’s actually instances where dean isn’t completely enthusiastic but never the other way around).
also any time he’s been in a serious relationship where he was going to be a part of the other person’s life he tells them the whole truth, about hunting and monsters and his role in it and what being with him would entail. so i’d say he respects women just fine but maybe you need to seriously evaluate why you feel having casual sex with women is inherently disrespectful of them.
not to mention that the sex does mean something to him. even if he didn’t it wouldn’t be “wrong” or “misogynistic” to want to have sex with a woman without a relationship BUT. the sex does mean something to him. because he craves intimacy and human contact and affection and being liked and wanted and so often when he’s going through something he’ll open up to these women (jaime, anna) and they’re willing to listen to him without judgment and they’re gentle with him, with his grief, his trauma and the sex is a way for him to connect on a deeper level with them and it helps him and he’s spent almost his entire life isolated from society and can’t form long lasting relationships for much of his childhood and youth but he actually cares about them as human beings and he feels affection for them and it fulfills his desire for tenderness that he can’t expect from anyone else. and there’s nothing wrong with any of that.
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ifwebefriends · 28 days
Man, Doctor Who fans really won in the SuperWhoLock trifecta. Supernatural fans had an ending where Castiel went to SuperHell and a car went to heaven with some drama about the Spanish dub and Destiel being written out, Sherlock fans had a queerbaited ending and had a fucking conspiracy theory about extra episodes that would make Johnlock canon but Doctor Who fans seem relatively happy and satisfied with little fandom drama that’s breached containment and there was even that Van Gogh episode that everyone likes
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disinhume · 2 months
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He made the whole show incredibly iconic
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brsb4hls · 3 months
Ok, about the soulmate subject:
It doesn't have to be contrary to free will though.
Sam and Dean were mainly created to become Lucifer's and Michael's vessel (which they did eventually, still bitter about the Michael! Dean storyline, such a shitty retcon ruining 'point of no return' in hindsight, but nvm, Jensen wanted to wear pretty clothes so, shrugs).
But they did not fight each other/ overcame the fight eventually.
They chose free will and chose not to follow the angel's apocalypse plan.
But they're still tied to each other by fate.
One doesn't cancel out the other.
A show can have multiple themes.
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shedontlovehuhself · 6 months
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lyxchen · 7 months
All right on this special Destiel day I am asking you all: should I finally start watching Supernatural?
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painted-doe · 2 months
Being a Falcon & Winter Soldier fan who sees a lot of Supernatural content come across my dash from my mutuals is amazingly disorienting. Someone will start a multi-paragraph vent about how "Sam deserves to go to hell" or some such, and I'll be putting on my Sam Wilson Defense League hat and getting ready to FIGHT by the time I've realized they're talking about a very different Sam.
Please carry on, Supernatural moots, it's hilarious every time.
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peachcitt · 2 years
actually if goncharov were real it would never live up to the standards the insane tumblrinas have built it up to be. there is a triangle of homoeroticism, political commentary, and inevitably tragic in which any live, real adaptation would only conceivably be able to achieve two of to their fullest extent. added on to the fact that this is a film that supposedly is filmed and takes place in the seventies makes the possibility of it truly containing all aspects of what we have made it out to be even more far fetched. however, tumblr has been able to spin gold on far more real and disappointing media than goncharov through its analyses of media such as supernatural, sherlock, and a secret third piece of media that the subsequent creation and analyses of the ‘greatest mafia movie of all time’ goncharov is simply a natural step that tumblr as an ecosystem is willing to take. in this essay i will,
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jenanigans1207 · 21 days
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uh-ohspaghettio · 11 months
As much as I love the Sam ships it headcanons, nothing is funnier to me than the idea of Sam being completely oblivious to it cause neither of them had stable long term friendships before Cas so he just shrugs his shoulders at Dean and Cas making intense prolonged eye contact and is like seems normal
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tmmyhug · 2 years
girls will spend four hours reading fanfiction for a fandom they know nothing about and have never been involved in. i’m girls
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mocatii · 1 month
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mens-rights-activia · 9 months
suspicious amount (2)of pjo on ur blog lately 🤨
I have no idea what this means, sometimes I reblog things that are funny to me but I don’t even consume or know the piece of media it comes from
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