#nickit is also so cute
bleaksqueak · 9 months
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my partner sent me this so I poked around at it while eating lunch and... you can't say I don't have a type. Not a pokemontype exactly, but a type nonetheless.
Moon phase lycanroc either wasn't in the dataset and was represented by sun phase or I imssed it, bc if it was there it would be in my top row. There's some others I must have either missed or were absent as well... it kept giving me sword dog too and even tho I don't care much one awy or the other about sword dog, I guess I cannot turn a puppy away.
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First of all, I love this blog! Second, would Purrloin (one of my favorite Pokemon) make a good pet? I imagine it wouldn't be too different from keeping a real-world cat, but you never know.
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Well would you look at that: it’s yet another pokémon that is, really, pretty much just like a real-world cat. However, as all cat aficionados know, cats have a lot of very varied personalities. Purrloins are very much like real-world cats, yes: but a very particular kind of real-world cat. The more naughty, mischevous, ill-behaved sort of cat. These kinds of cats are not for everyone, but us cat-lovers blinded by our adoration of the little critters can’t help but see them as lovable in their own way!
Purrloins are the perfect size to be a house pet, naturally, and this lends towards them not being the biggest physical threats. At risk of getting ahead of myself, this is another cat-like pokémon that isn’t capable of doing that much harm besides biting and scratching. In this way, they’d be model pets for anyone who’s willing to put up with the odd scratch (something many cat owners are very familiar with).
Their behavior is where purrloins get a little bit more off the tracks as far as the whole “model pet” thing goes. Don’t be deceived by their adorable looks, as many people are: purrloins love to steal for fun (Black)! And we’re not just talking food or toys; purrloins love to take people’s personal valuables, just to see the shock on their faces (Black2/White2). It seems that they’re good at it too, so unless your items are very carefully locked away, you can expect them to go missing whenever you let your guard down (White). As added salt in the wound, purrloins can and will laugh at you (Shield). It’s unclear if this behavior can be dealt with through training, but any cat owner could tell you that if it can be it’d be an uphill battle. Wild purrloins get in intense rivalries with other species that are known for being thieves, like nickits (Sword), so I wouldn’t recommend keeping these species (or even more than one purrloin) at the same time, or else they may keep one-upping each other, stealing more and more outrageous things. But c’mon, they’re so cute! The severity of how annoying this behavior is will really depend on the owner and what they’re willing to put up with.
As mentioned earlier, purrloins aren’t very dangerous. They aren’t slow to scratch when frustrated, playing, or simply bored (Sword, Shield). I’d also warn against adopting a purrloin to anyone with pet allergies: if they’re as similar to real-world cats as they seem, they may be big shedders.
Overall, however, there isn’t anything that drags purrloins’ score down from an A. Whether or not you’d get along well with one depends on the person, but when it comes down to it these pokémon are just cats. Naughty cats, but cats. Do you like cats? You’d probably like a purrloin.
[Special thanks to @glacecakes for the recommendation to introduce a “just a cat” rank! Will there ever be a “just a dog” rank? Probably.]
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korumimi · 6 months
Just sharing what teams the little cubitos would have because why not.
Starting with q!Pac !
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✨ Explanation ✨
Piplup: I just get water vibes from Pac and I think it suits him well. I like to imagine his piplup would help him with water trauma (from when he got kidnapped). Also like to imagine he would evolve to empoleon eventually.
Nickit: Ok so, "p a s s a t u d o" vibes yk. I see it evolving too but imagine just a little fella stealing things here and there.
Pachirisu: So, nerdge time ☝️🤓. There was a championship where the guy won using a Pachirisu with a simple move, 'follow me', to focus all the attacks on him and the other pokémon just wiped the rest of the opposing team (it was a double battle) and I think that's a very Pac thing to do. Also PAChirisu. And the color scheme too.
Sudowoodo: It's just a funny guy. Like, he looks like a plant, but he's a rock type. Just-
Tauros: Because of bulls in favela and also the colors.
Noibat: It's the badass one. Some people draw Pac bat hybrid so this is for you guys. Really like to think it evolves and people would be like "hey pac where's your little cute bat?" And then Pac would call him and appear a giant noivern and people would go "OMG" and Pac would go "isn't he the cutest???".
So, yeah, idk who I'm gonna do next but probably q!Mike or q!Fit (because the worms in my brain commanded me to)
Also want to know your guys opinion! Feel free to discuss about it and tell what others pokémon you guys think he would use.
Art of Pac and Pachirisu I made some time ago.
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whichuniverseisthis · 10 months
Sooo... I did a thing. Here's the list of Pokémon I think would fit the td reboot cast. Choices are based on either esthetic, personality, certain characteristics or a mix of everything. I'm planning on doing the other casts as well, btw.
Axel: Scizor - I thought about an "axe" Pokémon, and the only thing that came to mind was Kleavor, but since I didn't want to give her a Pokémon from 200 years ago (no, I don't count the fact that you can have it on SV), I thought about the closest thing to it, and that was Scizor, which is still pretty fitting, if you ask me.
Bowie: Meowscarada - I decided to have Bowie and Priya foil each other. I haven't played SV, but from the Pokédex entries I've read, it seems like Meowscarada uses deceit to hit it's enemies. Plus, I think Dark type fits Bowie pretty well, and it also has his color palette (green and purple, though in reverse quantity).
Caleb: Dragonair - At first I wanted to go for a pink Pokémon since it's his main color, but I already headcanoned Milotic with Alejandro, so I went with the next closest thing. Plus, if in season 2 his own description ends up being true (strong and kind) Dragonite could be pretty fitting too.
Chase: Impidimp - A reddish little trickster gremlin who likes to cause chaos. I don't think I need to explain more.
Damien: Kecleon - Decided to go with his "biology nerd" side. A Kecleon seems like a species he would be really interested in, while also being a not-too-strong Pokémon.
Emma: Morpeko - I couldn't help thinking about the "Bad Emma" during the pole challenge. Plus, an overall cute Pokémon who gets angry because of a specific reason seems pretty on point.
Julia: Zweilous - Two-faced Dark type Pokémon, violent and strong. The colors are actually the opposite of hers (white, yellow and light blue vs black, blue and red). She probably wouldn't use it too often, but it does fit.
Millie: Gothita - I started thinking Psychic types would fit her well, so I started looking into it, and Gothita's Dex description is funnily on point. Observes other Pokémon and Humans to watch things only it seems to see (self-explanatory), and it apparently talks alone (which could represente her notebook).
MK: Nickit - Didn't know whether to go with the technology side or the thieving side, but in the end I chose the more obvious one.
Nichelle: Mime Jr. - A pink little Fairy, who becomes a full fledged performer (both as Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime), is the closest thing to an actor I could think about for her.
Priya: Quaquaval - Foiling Bowie, a Fighting type fitting of her, with her same blue palette and oriental elements in the design. Meowscarada and Quaquaval also have a weakness and a resistance to each other. Also a callback to when she acted as a bird to save Millie from the cassowary.
Raj: Alolan Vulpix - Ice type who become a Fairy type, the more trickster type (he was the one who came up with the idea to stop the raptor). Funnily enough both Ice and Fairy are super effective against Bowie's Meowscarada.
Ripper: Stunky - Do I really need to explain this? At some point he even does the same pose.
Scary Girl: Mimikyu - I could have gone with any Ghost type, but I thought about when Zee said she dressed like a doll, so I decided it was either Mimikyu or Banette.
Wayne: Alolan Sandshrew - Ice type who's also a Steel type, more strong willed and super effective against Raj's fairy (the leader and more competitive).
Zee: Slowpoke - I thought Water types fit Zee pretty well, and Slowpoke is probably the laxest and dumbest Pokémon I could have chosen. Psyduck was also an option at some point, but Golduck was too cool-looking for him.
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yagurlhere · 3 months
ASH'S 1ST TEAM! (Pokemon Journeys Rewrite)
(All of the genders are simply headcanons or genders I think they would have, unless they are confirmed, like Pikachu for example.)
PURRLOIN♀️-Guys I know it's weird and makes no sense but hear me out-I got the idea thinking about Purrloin and Pokemon Journeys Rewrite stuff I think and I was like "Imagine if Ash caught a Purrloin that was a little brat and yada yada ohmygosh" and so this happened...so, when Ash, Goh, (and Chloe,) head to the Galar region (to visit Sonia and Prof. Magnolia) instead of their food getting stolen by Scorbunny and the Nickits it's instead PURRLOIN and the Nickits! (Pure irony.) Like Scorbunny in the OG ep, Purrloin is covered in soot, except instead it's like, big spots, so Ash kind of gives her the cute nickname "Spots" and may I remind you in the manga he named Pikachu Jean Luc Pikachu so yeah, um, so, same as the original episode, they chase Purrloin and the Nickits, eventually find them, Ash tries to get their food back but Purrloin tries to attack him so the Nickits can get away with their food, but Pikachu comes in and defeats her, and after that like Scorbunny she's butthurt about it, and also like Scorbunny when she's mad she claws at legs or something, (a new version of ankle biter?) and Pikachu makes sure she keeps her attitude in check, (it's ELECTRIC,) but Ash notices how scrawny she is and is all like "Aw, poor guy or gal 😰" and then the food shopkeeper guy comes in, and Purrloin tries to protect the Nickits but gets in trouble, so Ash pulls what Goh did and lies about how Purrloin is his Pokemon to get her out of trouble, and like the OG the shopkeeper explains the backstory of Purrloin, how she's most likely from the Wild Area, and despite the irony, befriended the Nickits and became their leader, and he knew Ash was lying, and then Ash talks to Purrloin about how there's more to stealing, and uhhhhh...they can help....? (I need to rewatch that episode and get ideas) and Purrloin is inspired cause for once someone seemed to understand her, then they leave for the train, and the Nickits help her get to the train like in the OG episode, and clean her up, but instead they come with her, and instead of getting split up, she finds Ash and the crew and gets his attention by the great way she knows how...clawing legs. And then she joins them! Or something. (The Nickits also tag along and come home with them, and get cute little nicknames and accessories to tell them apart, I'm still thinking about them though.) It's kind of an episode to also delve in more on Goh and Chloe starting to realize the bond of Pokemon and how Ash sees it or something, IDK.
SOBBLE♂️-So, uhhhhh, when they go meet Sonia and Prof. Magnolia they also get to meet Leon and his little brother Hop and it's amazing and stuff and don't wanna spoil too much, but anyways, the Pokemon Leon is taking care of (not gonna spoil either) escape and run off, so they split up to find them, and Ash finds Sobble, who keeps on hiding and turning invisible, so Ash tries to talk to Sobble, and realizes to be patient, so he acts calmly and waits for Sobble, who is finally able to come out, and despite their bashful nature, feels reassured by how understanding he was, and uhhhhhhhh yada yada Sobble decides to come with Ash and Leon allows it (how do I not spoil this?)
ROOKIDEE♂️-So, not gonna try to spoil too much, but Goh and this Pokemon he befriended get attacked by this Rookidee, so Ash comes in with Pikachu, Purrloin, and Sobble ready to battle...but Rookidee is easily able to intimidate Sobble, slams into Purrloin before she can claw him, and flies away before Pikachu can zap him into oblivion. Sobble feels bad for getting scared so easily and letting Purrloin get beat up and the Rookidee, and Ash and his team try to reassure him...Purrloin's way of reassuring him BTW is encouraging him to beat Rookidee to a pulp next time he sees them. So, Rookidee comes back, cause they're...kind of a show-off and bully sort of...and they toy around with Pikachu and then proceed to scare Sobble yet again, but Purrloin yet again comes in and tries to get back at Rookidee and to protect Sobble, (she kinda has a bit of a soft spot for him, but still kinda teasing towards him at times, she's like...a big sister towards Sobble,) but Rookidee flies around with her on him, (like Pikachu and Latios,) gets her dizzy, and then shakes her easily off, (+fall damage) and while Ash and Pikachu check on her, Sobble has enough and steps in, although realistically he's still scared, but Pikachu and Ash cheer him on, so Sobble is a bit more encouraged, and tries to be brave for them, and so, he blasts Rookidee with a bug Water Gun, slowing Rookidee down, soaking their feathers, and driving them to the ground. Rookidee takes it personal and in a drive of anger, tries to finish off Sobble right there, but Sobble smacks him with their tail, and blasts yet another powerful Water Gun, slamming them into the tree. Weakened, Ash is proud of Sobble, and the team congratulates him, but is also genuinley impressed by Rookidee, and catches him.
SCORBUNNY (SHINY)♂️-LOOK I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING BUT DON'T WORRY GOH STILL HAS HIS SCORBUNNY AND I KNOW IT'S A SHINY but there's an important storyline following this capture and I don't want to spoil it but let's just say it's sad and similar to Litten and Stoutland
EGG--->TOXEL♀️-Like the games, Ash gets an egg from the nursery that hatches into this little gal. A joke is that after Toxel hatches, Prof. Cerise is like "This Toxel's a girl! 🙂" and Ash is all like "WHAAAAATTTT" along with the rest of the team. So, Toxel is basically the most calm on the team. Like, the whole team will be fighting and she'll be napping off. However, this can also lead to her seeming lazy most of time, but thanks to her training, she can actually be a really helpful member.
Please gimme your opinions and like, constructive criticism, perhaps.
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love-is-a-pearl · 22 days
What are some post gen-4 mons you'd put on Dawn's team?
I've answered similar questions here and here. And this is roughly what my team updates look like for Dawn in my AU:
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I think a rule of thumb is that animalistic pokemon go better with Dawn. She has this pet-owner and sometimes big sister-young sibling relationship with her pokemon that just don't think really work with fully evolved humanoid mons, you get me?
Like, I considered Hisuian Lilligant for her but had to scrap it because of that and other reasons.
And while I TOTALLY understand the choice of the likes of Froslass, Hatterene and Gardevoir for her, I feel like pokemon that Dawn can cuddle are the BEST options for her.
But like, let's go for a full on detailed answer this time!
I think Woobat (not the evo) could work nicely for her. It's super fluffy but also weird. The only issue is that Jess has one too.
Scolipede line could work with Dawn! Honestly I feel like out of the girls, Dawn is the one that you can just bury in bugs and it will work out.
Zorua (but not zoroark). Any form. But at the same time is such an overused pokemon that anything else would be better with Dawn (if possible).
I gave her Galvantula (as a spinarak reference and extra electric type) and like.. Just think of a tiny Joltik sleeping under her beanie???? that's just so cute i love the thought of Dawn with a Joltik
Litwick line is one i considered for her too! I seem to really like ghost types with Dawn.
Ngl Furfrou could be fun with Dawn.
Espurr and any of its evos could be interesting.
Kalosian Goomy is absolutely PERFECT for Dawn but Ash stole that from her -3- (wait, what if I make them trade again? )
Popplio line is perfect for Dawn! In an alternate universe that's totally her starter.
Oricorio is like, mandatory for Dawn at this point lmao
Ribombee could be nice but it feels too delicate for Dawn personally (more like a Lillie mon).
Any of the Lycanrocs could work with her (I specially love the idea of her having a shiny one since it matches her hair color aosihdiosada)
Dawn with Stufful would make me the happiest person in the universe QAQ
Jangmo-o is a pseudo legend i like with her but not really its evolutions. Dawn pokemon should look sleekier in design I think.
Alolan Vulpix would be absolutely PERFECT for Dawn. But alas, Lillie has one..
Scorbunny-Raboot would also look good with Dawn. Not a fan of Cinderace and her tho.
Nickit could be fun with her too.
I gave her a Sizzlipede and I think that was a genius move of me. Imagine it curling on her neck and replacing her scarf. baby.
Hattena and Hattrem do work for her but I'm not sure about Hatterene.
Give her a Cursola so she can have stolen another of Misty's mons saiodhsuidsaudai
I admit that I dont think Alcreamie is a 100% match for her, but it works
Dreepy is nice, but I'm not sure about the evos.
Spectrier just looks like a Dawn mon, idk why.
I think any of the starters base form from Paldea could work with Dawn. Specially Quaxly!
Other than that, uh... wow i dont think any of the gen 9 mons work with her geez...
And in general, I think for Dawn specifically any pokemon can work if you put effort into its personality and relationship with her other mons. I mean just look at Mamoswine, who would look at Dawn in 2006 and guess that would go in her team?
And like, she is not bound to a type or aesthetics like other companions, so just go crazy with her (in fact I think that the general idea for choosing mons for her is: "if it could work with Ash it could work with Dawn" ioshdoias)
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
Noelle would definitely have a bunch of dark types I think idk they just have the dark type trainer vibes. They'd be perfect for the Asshole Rival role. Or maybe kinda like N's deal where they are a rival but also a major antagonist and one of the big bad guys.
Very long post under the cut
The first pokemon I thought for Noelle to have was Nickit/Thievul because I love Nickit and also it steals things much like Noelle does. Also it's a first route pokemon so if you were to have a hypothetical rival battle with them since most early fights with your rival they catch a route one pokemon that could be Noelle's. I'm just gonna put Noelle in the rival/antagonist role for this one
But also nickits a galar pokemon and I don't really want Noelle to be from galar? It'd be really funny if he was British but I don't feel like he'd be from galar. I don't really know actually where he lives tbh I'll have to ask my friend about where Noelle's killing game thing would have taken place would it have been Japan or America or what. So if not galar probably either unova or one of the regions inspired by japan
All the pokemon I'm thinking of are form galarjsjdndbd
Also I think Noelle would have some kind of cat pokemon and some kind of mouse pikemon because Noelle has a cat named Ferb. And Noelle also steals cheese very frequently it's like a major deal to them for reasons. So mosque. Because nice supposedly like cheese. Also it makes me think of the phrase like cat and mouse like cats hunting mice and toying with them which fits Noelle alot
The first pokemon I thought of that's a dark type cat was purrloin/liepard but I don't really want to give Noelle a lot of galar pokemon. Maybe Umbreon? That's kind of cat like idk it feels more like a dog or fox to me. And for the mouse I don't want. To use morpeko. It'd make perfect sense bc mouse, dark type and it's whole full mode hangry mode thing but I don't really like morpeko that much. it's cute but it's just kinda there? it never really stood out to me. The mkr ei type about why I don't want to do specootc things the more I feel like placing Noelle in galar and giving him a morpeko
I mean the most eveil thing we have in galar is team yell and chairman rose. I mean the worst things Noelle would do are probably not safe for pokemon games (ex: threatening people with guns only to reveal it was just a prank it was a fake gun get trolled. Actually that also feels a bit like something theyf do In the early episodes of the anime) so I guess if Noelle has to stay g rated then he'd be like Bedr. The little fucking asshole rival who bullies you and tries get lthe rpeoples attention. But otherwise if neolel was like Evil Team Member Guy for whatever reason then I think they'dso a lot more bad things
Noelle would probably be like "Hi Player! Fight me. Fight me. Fight me. No? Ok. Thievul use Beat Up. That's what I thought. pokemon battle time! "
Noelle is in a plot relevantconfrotnation wow! Threaten violence toget what he wants and to progress the plot.
Noelle is evil the entire time sorry guys they're just kind of a little shit . Theyre mostly evil for shits and giggles
actually my brain stopped working were at risk of me saying something extremely out of character and I'm also out of ideas I am going to stop this for now
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thatoneskullgrunt · 8 months
aside from the ones you own, what's your favorite pokemon of each type?
Oh arc. Off the top of my head? I gotta think. Um.
Bug- Surskits are cute lil guys. Shoutouts to Weedle and Snom tho.
Electric- I like Raichu and the Pawmi line. They look so squishy and huggable.
Flying- uhhhhhh probably the Pidgey line? Theyre pretty cool.
Dragon- DRATINI LINE! But I also really like the Trapinch line.
Fire- Rapidash are pretty but also I've also wanted a Cyndaquil. Theyre so frickin cute.
Water- Squirtle line, especially Wartortle. Gotta love turbles.
Psychic- Abra, BUT Chimecho are cute too.
Ghost- Gengar! Funky mischievous fellas, and so round.
Fairy- Cant go wrong with Mimikyu, but i also like Togepi.
Grass- um. I guess. Sawsbuck, maybe?
Poison- Toxtricity and Obstagoon.
Dark- ZORUA. But if my fursona doesnt count I also really like Nickit and Thievul.
Rock- That Nacli thing that was discovered in Paldea is pretty funky. Before that tho, probably Rockruff.
Normal- Delcatty and Purugly. Love me some catmons.
Fighting- if Stufful doesnt count since i have experience with it, Jangmo-o. Theyre just so cool. (I would say Pawmi line but ive already mentioned them on here).
Ice- Call me basic but Alolan Vulpix. Theyre too damn cute. I also like Lapras, very pretty mons.
Steel- Bisharp line! Swords :)
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chrysallaire · 2 years
Pokémon Teams
Since I’m playing Light Platinum rn, I couldn’t help but think what Pokémon teams c!Wilbur, c!George, and c!Fundy will have + notes of other characters’ Pokémons but I don’t have that full of an idea to really write them down and quite frankly my mind can really only focus on dads!wiggy + sondy.
Teddiursa - First Pokémon. He got this one as a gift from Wilbur. If you’re wondering why I gave him this one in particular, well it’s an inside joke (because I love the idea of Wilbur being Wilbear—) and it’s a cute Pokémon and I feel Wilbur would give Fundy a cute Pokémon instead of something cooler or stronger.
Nickit - Second Pokémon. He shares this one with Niki. This one is in reference to Fungi, who was Niki and Fundy’s pet fox who Sapnap killed. Hopefully the Pokémon fairs better lmao.
Litten - Third Pokémon. Litten’s a cat Pokémon which is a reference to cc!Fundy’s actual cat, Boots. Plus, Litten is a Fire Type and I think Fundy should have a fire type because he has to burn the L’Manburg flag down.
Honedge - Fourth Pokémon. This one isn’t really Fundy’s Pokémon, this is actually Schlatt’s Pokémon that Fundy decided to take after Schlatt’s death, as a reference to the Shclatt Sword. Ignore the Pokedex entry...
Darkrai - Fifth Pokémon. Well... not exactly Fundy’s Pokémon, but it more or less decides to stay near Fundy. This is in reference to Fundy’s reoccurring nightmares and Darkrai is known to cause nightmares.
Alolan Vulpix - Sixth Pokémon. This one is a reference to Yogurt.
Murkrow - First Pokémon. He got this one as a gift from Phil because crow. Wilbur also uses his Murkrow to send letters to Phil.
Toxtricity - Second Pokémon. A reference to cc!Wilbur being a musician because the Gigantamax form has an electric guitar.
Ursaring - Third Pokémon. The second part to the inside joke in giving Fundy Teddiursa, because Wilbur being a Papa Bear type of guy... at first.
Golem - Fourth Pokémon. So there are other Pokémon that have the move Self-Destruct, but most of them didn’t really vibe with Pogtopiabur other than Golem. It’s also known to be immune to dynamite explosions and Wilbur did blow up Manburg... and he survived the explosion. So, I feel Golem fits more with his character.
Wooloo - Fifth Pokémon. Not really Wilbur’s Pokémon since this is supposed to be Ghostbur’s Pokémon, as a reference to Friend.
Ho-Oh - Sixth Pokémon. I know it’s a Legendary Pokémon, but it’s the only Pokémon that canonically can resurrect the dead.
Shroomish - First Pokémon. I guess this is also an inside joke, though not by that much since I’m sure everyone already knows Mushroomgy or Mushroom Hybrid! George because of the house he made.
Abra - Second Pokémon. This guy sleeps a lot, so I think he should have Pokémon that sleep a lot or having sleep-inducing abilities.
Jigglypuff - Third Pokémon. A gift from Wilbur, because Wiggy and you can pry this ship out of my cold dead hands. Jigglypuff because it makes you sleep when it sings, so it helps connect to Wil being a musician too.
Hypno - Fourth Pokémon. Another sleep-inducing Pokémon and it eats dreams... the joke is there haha do with that what you will.
Shiinotic - Fifth Pokémon. A mushroom Pokémon but I mostly chose it because of the way it looks... yeah I feel like it fits George’s vibe.
Arceus - Sixth Pokémon. Listen. If god (Dream XD) canonically likes George and considers him a friend, then I think the Pokémon equivalent of god would also like George.
Additional Notes
Ranboo and Fundy having a shared Pokémon, Vanilluxe, but it was left abandoned just like the Ice Cream Shop :)
Phil having a Honchkrow and having a ton of Murkrow that he sometimes gives to other people. He has given Murkrows to Wilbur, Techno, Niki, and Ranboo.
Dream and Tommy also having a Ho-Oh, mostly because Tommy also got revived and Dream technically can revive people so...
Other people that I think would have Legendary Pokémon is Techno, Phil, Foolish, and Tubbo... except Tubbo lost his Legendary Pokémon and no one knows where it is (in reference to the missing nuke).
I thought about Slimecicle, and I am torn from him having a Legendary Pokémon because I think it would be funny... or if he’s just a Ditto.
Only because I find it funny, Dream has a Yamask.
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galaxysodapopdraws · 1 year
I know y’all didn’t follow me for my nights time rambles about my ocs/sonic au stuff but HERE WE GO AGAIN
I’ve been playing Pokémon scarlet a lot lately so here’s what Pokémon my sonic au characters would have. Why? Idk just indulge with me for a sec. Im only really doing the main characters in this au so no shadow, rouge, cream etc. yet. Also I’m only doing two Pokémon each they would have, saying what team they would have will take me all night so LETS GO.
Sonic: shaymin and pikachu (of course sonic would find a mythical Pokémon by chance and pikachu is because of the smash bros ultimate trailer when he tries and save pikachu!)
Tails: vulpix and yanmega (vulpix is obvious but yanmega is a cool helicopter bug!)
Amy: tinkaton and shiny ribombee (tinkaton is Amy as a Pokémon lmao and she’d be the one in the group to find a shiny Pokémon that’s cute to)
Knuckles: falinks and sandslash (the falinks are actually based on knuckles story in frontiers with the lil soldiers! And sandslash cause they dig)
Shard: todegemaru and rotom (a steel type pikaclone to counterpart sonics pikachu and a rotom to mess with machines and chucks metagross)
Silver: espurr and hisuian braviary (silver deserves a cute Pokémon and a cool ancient Pokémon)
Elias: gallade and sirfetch’d (SWORD TIME BABY)
Blaze: espeon and ceruledge (…espeon just looks like blaze lol and ceruledge is a cool fire knight!)
Aleena: audino and bewear (audino is a musical healer like aleena and bewear is mama bear)
Sonia: plusle and purrloin (plusle to match manic’s minun and purrloin to cause mischief with)
Manic: minun and nickit (minun to match with Sonia’s plusle and nickit to steal stuff with)
Chuck: herdier and metagross (chuck needs a little lap dog for stress relief and a giant flying super computer to look cool)
Nigel: aegislash and drampa (Nigel needs a sword Pokémon lmao and drampa is just sweet and kind but extremely powerful when someone harms people he loves. Like Nigel!)
Ellidy: porygon and shiny rowlet (a Pokémon that can enter the cyberspace with you and a little green owl for gardening company)
Paulie: dragonite and togekiss (flying gentle giants!)
Brenda: grafaiai and joltik (she likes art and has electric powers she needs a cute spider and painter)
Tania: pichu and flittle (little Pokémon that can somewhat do no harm)
I’ll get back to drawing very soon! If you have any questions or ideas about this au or questions about my regular au: Sonic Genesis, feel free to ask!
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gender-snatched · 1 year
Rank the various dog Pokémon
Arcanine - 10/10 just a little guy!!!
Boltund - 10/10 stripey!
Electrike - 10/10 cute but im not 100% sure its a dog
Furfrou - 8/10 cute but only unstyled
Granbull - 3/10 ugly and scary
Growlithe - 10/10 kinda tiger esque if it was a real dog id name it tiger
Herdier - 10/10 looks like an old man and thats good
Houndoom - 10/10 scary dog!!!!!
Houndour - also 10/10 but less so
Lillipup - 10/10 i cannot explain my love of its face
Lucario - 5/10 this is not a dog. also ugly. i do like the movie tho
Lycanroc - 10/10 lets go wolf!!!
Manectric - 9/10 very blue and yellow. looks like a college mascot
Mightyena - 10/10 but this is a hyena? its in the name?
Nickit - 1/10 this is a fox and its trying to be sexy
Ninetails - 10/10 also a fox and a kitsune and i love it. alsoi saw a drag performance about this pokemon
Poochyena - 10/10 awwww babey
Rockruff - 10/10 picking it up and kissing it
Shaymin - 5/10 meh
Silvally - 5/10 kinda ugly
Smeargle - 1/10 this is NOT a dog
Snubble - 3/10 no.
Stoutland - 10/10 so regal
Theivul - 10/10 still a fox but i love it
Vulpix - 10/10 again, a fox but its so so cute
Yamper - 10/10 whos a good puppy?
Zacian - 10/10 hes got a SWORD
Zamazenta - 6/10 cool but not cute enough
Zoroark - 10/10 that thing can commit crimes
Zorua - 10/10 i am hugging it so hard
Greavard - 10/10 yeah id die for it
Fidough - 10/10 would not eat but would be tempted
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gooeygoldies · 4 months
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Accepting fate and doing the girl's teams first actually,, continuing on the poke-mgs! Og metal gear solid girls and their buddies! I love mei ling also I had to do her!! More under cut 🫶
Mei ling!! Two for now, but I feel she would limit herself to few Pokemon. Her job is not directly on the field, so it makes sense to me.
Emolga serves mostly because of the cute factor, a nod to her wanting snake to catch Pikachu for her in brawl 😭 considered a Pikachu for the same reasons but Emolga could be air support in missions! Meanwhile Growlithe is a nod to her heritage, the Hisuian form being much more fitting bcs of that. Also loyal little things!! She is a loyal one too after all 💕
For MGS4 she'd have a water type, perhaps a Vaporeon? Though thinking of her having a Gyarados she can't quite fully control, due to her new assignment to her role.
Her first one is pretty self explanatory,, shiny Nickit named Frankie ,,A gray fox,,
Then would be Gorebyss and Gloom; first one is a very beautiful but vicious pokemon! Having a needle-like mouth too. And the second one both because being a pokemon the 'beauty' class tends to carry and the poison type aspect, relating to her development of FOXDIE!!
I feel that for MGS4 she'd simply evolve her current team,, I don't like her character much there so I can't get many more ideas to develop 😭 so a Thievul and Vileplume it is!
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aisforinterval · 1 year
A) Do you make Pokémon teams inspired by OCs? and B) If ya do, is each Mon representative of An OC or does each Character get a few mons each?
i actually had some mons planned out for them! not full teams, between 1-3 each, and i started drawing it but i never finished :') (story of my life lol)
they all serve a specific purpose to the OC's personality/job of course
Yukure had Riolu, Sylveon, and Meganium (since he's a therapist)
Riolu to help gage his client's emotions, Meganium to help relax the patient, and Sylveon for worst case intervention.
His Riolu hasn't evolved yet, because Yukure usually works nights and hasn't gotten around to training him in the day. (rip lol... incidentally, if you were to draw Yukure as a Pokemon, Riolu or Lucario would be the go)
Ranzatsu focuses on being gaudy and beautiful since he deliberately stands out so as not to be forgotten.
Going with the dragon theme, he has Milotic, Gyarados (Shiny), Dragonair (Shiny), and maybe a Spritzee just to be obnoxious. (Yukure won't let him keep it in the house)
(If you were to draw Ran as a pokemon, the Shiny Dragonair would be the best match to his powers)
April obviously has a Meowth (Kantonian), front and center. Maybe even a Persian. (if drawing her as a pokemon, Meowth would be the pick)
She also has a Nickit (helps steal stuff with Meowth), and Carbink (One of their prizes). She really wants a Gholdengo, but hasn't gotten enough coins yet, so her Gimmighoul stays home in her attic.
Lyle and Arcelia specifically are tricky, because they are kind of inseparable, I honestly need to work on them more to know what mons they'd have.
Arc herself has a lot in common with Gardevoir, but idk if that means it would represent her, or if she would have one. The logical conclusion then would be that Lyle would have/be represented by Gallade, which isn't a bad idea, but hey.
I could see Lyle having a Jolteon and Arc having an Arcanine though, cuz Lyle borrows Arc's needle powers/under the cool facade he's an emotional wreck, and Arcanine for Arc because Arc is also a fluffy doggy that can eat u :) (Also maybe a Houndoom for Arc, but that's spoilers)
Falke has a Magnemite (holding his tools), Cubone (serves as a ground when working with electiricity + they're both lonely af), and Cinccino (resistant to static electricity, helps keep things clean)
Mirale has a female Pyroar (always kinda associated her with Pumas in general), Haxorus (she primarily uses axes), Galarian Farfetch'd (Mirale is a fighter and can use any weapon in a pinch!), and Aegislash (spoilers).
Also at some point a Golurk given to her by Freya
Tomasso is the chef, so he has Delibird (food storage), a male Combee (sweetener + somewhat reflects Tomasso's backstory), and Slurpuff (to smell and see if ingredients are still good)
Freya is mostly spoiler reasons, but she has a Reuniclus (could use powers, but instead just smashes if forced to fight), Mawile (looks cute, can annihilate you), and either a Shaymin or an Enamorous (maybe both)
ty for the ask! 💖
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Dark pulse?
I'm a sucker for any dog/wolf/fox pokemon. >_> This is very apparent in the Dark Type.
Houndour and Houndoom have nostalgia points, because Gold/Silver was my first pokemon game. Plus they're a dual typing with fire and I've always had pretty good luck with them.
Poochyena and Mightyena are also favorites, due to nostalgia and my love for wolf-types. But they're pure Dark-type, so I wouldn't choose them for battle.
Alolan Muk and Alolan Meowth for the aesthetics, but I think Alolan Muck battled alright for me in Sword/Shield. (I could be wrong.)
Nickit is also a favorite, because it has a cute design, but it's another pure Dark-type.
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opaleyedprince · 2 years
niche doodle idea for future me: mash pokemon teams
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((How was everyone’s Christmas? Our family got Link’s Awakening and the Spyro Trilogy!
A friend of mine ended up taking me by surprise though- they gave me a code to put into the Nintendo eShop for the Switch and... it was Pokemon Shield ; A ;
If any of you guys have a switch friend code, hmu and I’ll add you! The more pals I can play splat with and trade ‘mons the better!))
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