#neteyam x sibling reader
blue-sadie · 6 months
Would u do an update to bully as a brother where neteyam is much better to his siblings and the reader
A Caring Brother
Neteyam x Sibling Reader
Summary: neteyam has a lot to make up for and he'll do his best to make it work
Warning: platonic
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3rd person pov
Neteyam had changed and everyone had noticed, you noticed, your parents and siblings even some village people had noticed the change he started becoming the brother you always wanted always dreamed of having.
Neteyam and yn walked through the woods silently following a bit behind their other siblings, Lo'ak and spider bickering sounded like dying crows their voices echoing through the forest probably scaring away the wild life.
"They never know how to shut up" neteyams voice dwindled as he glanced at yn who nodded silently, he noticed yn was still a bit distant from him even though he tried everything to make her forgive him.
He thought in silence as his eyes looked ahead he's tried a few things, getting and making her favorite meal, taking her around showing her everything he's found on his ikran and even making her a new bow but she'd rather use the one she made.
The guilt of the things he's done to her tugged at her heart all the things he said to her weren't true and he's realized that now, he finally sees her and all the heart ache she suffers through daily, he sees the way the village treats her differently to the rest he sees how his own mother is somewhat cut off from her.
He's only realized now that it wasn't her fault she was born this way, yn was just there and she did nothing to deserve this she was nothing but kind, neteyam glanced at yn one last time to see her looking off into the distance the plants that glowed illuminating her face.
He smiled slightly and turned walking away from the group further into the forest looking for materials he could use to make a gift and he'll make it a very special one.
He grabbed vines, gem stones and brightly colored plants and hurried home to get to work.
He weaved the vines into a beautiful dress adding the gem stones and plants to make a decorative design, you guys hadn't returned yet and he was actually thankful for once he sighed out and stood back to admire his work the colors would complement your skin perfectly.
He placed the dress in your favorite corner and waited for your return he waited and waited and with each passing hour he grew anxious "dad...." he heard your wavering voice from the coms and he saw his dad's fultering hands to press the button to respond.
"Yes yn what's wrong my girl" he could see jakes eyebrows frown with concern "I I don't know where they went I was right behind them I promise" yn rumbled and neteyam grimaced you do it when your nervous or afraid "your not back" jake asked standing from his seat "hello my family" all of they eyes snapped to lo'ak and the others and jakes hand flew to his mouth shushing him.
"Yn where are you tell me where you are" jake muttered hurriedly as he exited their tent neteyam flew to his feet following him closely "I-I don't really know the only place I recognize is by the old home tree" neteyam frowned "why are you there" neteyam asked as he spoke on his intercoms "I fell and I guess they didn't hear me and left but I'm really starting to get cold" neteyam could hear you shiver through the coms and he honestly felt bad he shouldn't have left you.
"Anything else you could tell us about your where abouts" jake asked as they climbed onto their ikrans and were quick to fly out "by a stream theirs lots of those old helicopter thingies around here dad" neteyam thought for a second and then it clicked "I know where she is" he called to his dad who nodded and started following him, they found yn in a matter of 25 minutes and once neteyam landed he felt more guilt.
Jake and neteyam hurried to yns shivering for a few scratches and cuts littered yns legs little droplets of blood running down yns leg, yn looked up at them with guilt.
They could see dried tear stains running down your cheeks and neteyam was quick to help you to your feet and brought you over to his ikran helping you on and settled behind you, he felt you relax back into him "sleep, you look tired" he murmured and you hummed but didn't fall into the temptation of slumber.
"Sleep I'll look after you, like I always should have and I'm sorry I haven't but I'll make up for it I promise"
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nelissecrectplace · 1 year
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part 1 | next
aonung x !Sully! reader.
Word count: 4.7k
Language: Tsahík- spiritual leader of the clan, Skxáwng - idiot
description: Your family seeks refuge with the Metkayina clan. You are met with a boy that takes your breath away but you did not know the sadist that lived under those eyes. He was cruel and mean too your sibling and you so why did your heart still beat for him? Why is he more gentle when it comes too you?
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Exhaustion, the only word to describe how you felt after the days of traveling to the reefs clans home. You payed no mind to the na’vi’s gathering around as you landed your ikran. Hopping off all you felt was a overwhelming uncomfortable feeling as the sand seemed to burn your feet and the suns fire danced across your body. There were no trees to hide yourself no soft grass to calm the ache of your feet as the grains of sand seemed to be on fire. The heat was unbearable and it only seemed to get more suffocating as the crowd around you thickened.
Your father approached with his hands up showing you meant no hard as he approached the people. You lazily followed behind him feeling discouraged and weak from your travels. Kiri seeming to notice your state took your hand in hers giving it a comfortable squeeze. She led you to stand behind your parents, being a good big sister and guiding you. Lo’ak and Neteyam were right next to them allowing the strange Na’vi to examine them. You could not understand how your older brothers were always so bold never lacking confidence. It was funny because Lo’ak was born just a few minutes ahead of you but the two of you could not be anymore different.
Suddenly the crowd parted as a clearly entitled na’vi made his was to the front. His eyes seemed to burn into your family as he scanned you all. You did not miss how he ignored your brothers greeting simply staring through them as if they were not even there. Normally you would feel offended but you could not seem to process the boys disrespect as you eyes scanned his body. He was not like the Omaticaya warriors you were use too seeing, he had a strong large build with a tatoo from his neck to bicep. A feeling of desire swirled in your belly as you took him , Eywa he was beautiful.
Seeming to notice your state his menacing ocean eyes met yours. He scanned your body as if he was taking in every detail. You had not realized you were holding your breath until his gaze tore away from you as he turned to talk to a shorter na’vi. A snickers left his lips as he turned back to you and your sister motioning to your tails. Suddenly your stomach dropped as embarrassment took over, hiding next to kiri you attempted to shield yourself from their gazes. Their laughing did not last long though as a beautiful na’vi hit them both as she whispered a scolding you could not hear.
Looking to your brother you saw him take her in with a awestruck gaze. You could not help but giggle at Lo’ak obviousness as you watch him, god your twin was such an skxáwng. The Amused feeling soon vanished as the chief made a grand display announcing his arrival. Nerves took over as your father conversed with the chief and your mother and the Tsahík butted heads. Suddenly the intimidating woman was making strides towards you and kiri and every bone in your body told you too flee as you tensed.
“Look at these tails they will be useless in the water!” Grabbing your tail harshly she examined it with her hands almost as if making a point. Letting out a faint cry of pain you were quick to take your tail back an annoyed expression painted on your face. The woman paid no mind as she continue to rudely take your sisters and Lo’aks hand and lift them in the air.
“They have demon blood!” Voice accusatory she embarrassed your sibling. You felt your blood boil as you watched her, how dare she! A hiss escaped your lips as you stared at the woman fury in your eyes but your father was quick to take the attention away from your act of disrespect. He displayed his hand countering her point and leaving her silent. The woman made her way back to her husbands side and as if they were communicating with their eyes they looked to each-other. You wished they did not grant you uturu after that dehumanizing display but your father seemed please with the outcome. All you felt was sadness weigh down your heart, wishing you were home.
“My daughter Tsireya and my son Ao’nung will teach your kids the way of are people.” At the news the young girl seemed to light up her smile lightning your mood slightly. Her excitement was contagious you could not deny that. The boy with the ocean eyes did not seem as please as words of defilement left his lips but he was quickly shut down. You could not deny that you were slightly exited to have such an attractive teacher, especially if you had to go through an iknimaya again. It felt foolish going through a rite of passage at 18 but you must learn the way of these people.
Tsireya was full of joy as she helped you take your stuff to your pod. You felt a slight comfort watching her prance along. Though your amusement did not last long as your arms seemed to scream at the weight of your load, arms slightly shaking. You moved slower than the others with similar loads to you but you were the only one who seems to struggle. Strength had never been your fortes, you became a warrior because of your speed definitely not raw strength, unlike your brothers.
“Your flimsy arms can’t even hold such a small load.” You felt a blush cascade over your face as his ocean eyes pierced yours. The boy you knew as Ao’nung had a smirk plastered across his face as he looked back at you clearly amused by your struggling.
“I-I am fine” The lie left your lips in a tone filled with struggle. You felt embarrassed that his first impression of you was a weak na’vi who could not even haul her load. The man only shot you an unimpressed look as he walked towards you. Ao’nung only shot you a glare that made your stomach flip nervously as he lightened your load, taking a few things from your grasp. A sigh of relief left your lips as you slightly jogged to catch up the na’vi already a few strides ahead of you.
“Thank you!” A smile threatened to breach your lips as you looked at the boy.
“Don’t think much of it forest girl, I do not like you freaks in my village.” As his words hit your ears you felt your ears droop. The temporary happiness quickly vanished as you were at a lost for words gaze casted away. What a great start to your life in the clan….
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It had been 2 days since your arrival and today was to be the first training in the Metkayina way. You were suppose to meet Roxto Tsireya and Ao’nung near the ilu saddles. You were filled with excitement as you walked next to Lo’ak to the locations as Kiri and Neteyam led, Tuk had her own personal tutor due to being 12 years she would not need to learn some of the things her older siblings were. You had no fears for your little sister as you anticipated your own lessons, hoping to feel a little less useless in these foreign lands.
“God, your excitement is gonna make me puke.” Slightly pushing you Lo’ak rolled his eyes playfully.
“Don’t act as if you are not filled with joy to see the chiefs daughter!” Teasing your twin you pinched his cheek as he hissed.
“As if I have not seen you eyeing the future chief.”
“I am your twin y/n we are different but I know you as if you are myself.”
A blushed painted your cheeks as you avoided your brothers knowing gaze. You knew twin telepathy was a myth but moments like these you felt as if the boy could read your mind.
“Whatever.” Quickening your pase you caught up with Neteyam and Kiri hoping to join their conversation to avoid Lo’aks teasing. Your twin only laughed at your actions jogging to catch up too the three of you. Kiri and Neteyam shot the both of you a questioning look but payed no mind as they approached a waiting Tsireya.
“Oh, good morning! I have been waiting, the boys are already in the water.” After a short sweet greeting the girl ushered the 4 of you into the water. She dived in so gracefully it left you slightly taken aback. How could someone be so effortlessly perfect?
Lo’ak who wore a similar expression wasted no time to jump in with Neteyam. The two boys made whoops as they splashed in the water, it was an ungraceful sight compared to Tsireyas display. Slightly hesitant you looked to kiri for reassurance and your older sister gave you just that. Taking your hand in hers you both walked to the edge launching yourself into the water.
As the water calmed around you your eyes prided opened taking in your surrounding. If you were not underwater the sight itself would have taken your breath away, it was beautiful. Kiri, who also seemed entranced by the beauty shared your look of awe. You did not bother to stop your sister as she wandered away knowing the girls entrancement with wild life, you simply followed your brothers in front of you. You took the chance they went up for air to call too then allowing them to stop and wait for you.
“Hurry y/n these guys are fast as hell!” Lo’aks voice called out as he grabbed your arm pulling you towards them. Neteyam had his face in the water watching the na’vi below you.
“They are doing weird signs but I think they want us to follow.” Neteyam informed you as he took a deep breath and dove back in. You felt a wave of dread as he did so feeling your lungs already burn. Resentfully you took a deep breath and followed the boys, but it was no hope as the Metkayina were far too fast and could hold their breath for much longer. Before you knew it the three of you were back at the surface gasping for breath.
“I-I can not” You spat out between breath as you looked at you brother. They shot you a sympathetic look before the other breached the water next to you.
“You are not good divers, maybe good at swinging through trees-” Interrupting her brothers rude comment Tsireya smacked him on his head. You could not help but let a weak giggle out in between your struggle to catch your breath.
“We do not understand this finger talk.” Said Neteyam.
“We will teach you.” Tsireya said in a calm voice as she looked at each one of you. You caught Ao’nung rolling his eyes in the back, it was no doubt that he was not happy to be lumped in.
“Where is kiri?” Suddenly the boy Roxto asked as he looked around the group.
“She is near where we dove in.”
“We’ll then let’s head there, you guys need breathing practice” With a giggle Tsireya dove back into the water leading the way. A full body sigh left you lips, knowing you would have to go under again.
“Don’t drown on the way back forest girl.” You felt hot breath on your neck as the familiar voice of Ao’nung spoke so close to you. Goosebumps seemed to rise on your skin where his breath touched. You had no words to say as you turned to look at the ocean blue eyes that were soon torn away from your gaze as he dove under.
After what seemed like hours of swimming you made it back too shore. Your stamina was far from small yet you felt a slight drowsiness overtake you as you walked onto the beach. It was almost as if your lungs were tired, a feeling you had not felt before. You were most grateful that your new activity did not include holding your breath but learning to breath. You would be lying if you said you did not find Tsireyas explanation confusing, weren’t you breathing right now?
It seemed as though Lo’ak shared your confusion because as the lesson progressed the two of you seemed to be the only ones not getting it. It did not help that Tsireya flirtatiously placed her hand on Lo’aks stomach sending the poor na’vi even more off course than before. A slight laugh left your lips at your twins reaction finding his flustered state amusing.
“Do not laugh when you are not doing any better” Cutting your amusement short that annoyingly smooth voice entered your ears. His tone was laced with annoyance as he poked at you.
“Yet I do not see you being of any help.” a sarcastic smile painted your face as you turned too meet his eyes.
“Do not blame me for your lack of skill.”Suddenly Ao’nung’s voice darken in a way as his eyes scanned your form. This caught the attention of Neteyam, offended for a reason you could not understand.
“Watch how you talk too my sister.” Neteyam was quick too jump in his voice stern as Lo’ak was peering from behind him.
“Woah, woah, woah let’s calm down a bit.” Tsireya jumped between the two males with a nervous smile on her face.
“Let’s separate into small groups, keep things peaceful and help the ones struggling!” Clapping her hands together the girl looked around with a hopeful look. The group muttered an agreement as Tsireya was quick to separate na’vi into groups of three. Of course you were stuck with Ao’nung while the others were spread between Rotxo and Tsireya.
“We shall separate for more focus, teach some signs too them as well!” Scoffing Ao’nung turned away from his sister and began to walk away. Tsireya motioned for you to follow the grouchy man and you did just that. Dragging your feet behind the taller na’vi you felt your mood sour at his obvious attitude.
No words left his lips as you were left staring at his back. In your opinion he was blessed with a very nice back. You could see bits off his tattoo from his neck at the top of his shoulder and it was obvious that he was a warrior. His frame was strong and hard most likely the result of his training and endless hours of swimming. It was almost as if you were in a trance as you admired him from behind caught up in the way his muscles slightly moved as his defined arms swayed at his sides.
Abruptly stopping your brain did not have any time to process until you slammed into the na’vi, a slight gasp left your lips at the impact. In attempt to back up you stumbled on your own feet landing swiftly on the ground. A slight groan left your lips as you made contact with the sand. You had no time to catch your breath before ao’nung was turned around, wearing an amused expression as he looked at you.
“Try too pay some attention forest girl.” It was now Ao’nungs turn to wear a sarcastic smile as his eyes looked over your fallen form. Embarrassed, you quickly rose dusting the sand off your backside. You avoided his judging eyes as you placed yourself on the rock you assumed was going too be the place he would teach you.
“Hmm no words now?” Cocking his head too the side he worn his signature smirk, placing himself in front of you. You felt your heart best against your ribs as his eyes bore into you.
“I am sorry.” Avoiding his gaze you whispered a response. A purple hue painted across your face. A light chuckle met your ears as his eyes stayed glued too your face.
“Let’s start with signing than, if you even can with… those fingers.”
Casting your gaze too your four finger hands you subconsciously laced them together. Tucking your pinky finger in you felt slight shame. Your gaze did not move from your lap.
Slightly annoyed by your unmoving eyes Ao’nung reached for your face. His finger rested under your chin bringing your eyes too his. He wore a satisfied expression as his eyes bore into yours.
“Eyes on me forest girl.”
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Your efforts too push down the rising feelings for the ocean boy seemed fruitless. Every attempt to gaslight yourself seemed futile because as soon as his eyes met yours the butterflies ragged in your stomach. It did not seem to matter how much insults he threw at you, if anything it got you even more hooked. He would say mean words but his actions did not match his tone as he would gently guide you into the correct position or take you away from the group too help you out.
Although his sweet behaviors did not extend too your siblings. Ao’nung was often cut throat and mean too them. It made you conflicted and sad. You did not wish too feel these things for someone who was cruel too your twin, too your older siblings. Thank Eywa Tsireya was there to intervene most of the time. She was even the one too teach you how to stay on an ilu. She had insisted on teaching you and Kiri hoping that her brother would warm up too the sully boys after teaching them too ride.
Her hopes did not get her very far as Ao’nung was a stubborn man, his high rank did not help his attitude. He taught your brother too ride masterfully but he was not gentle in his teachings. He argued that it was obviously effective as you could only ride bear back, helpless in a saddled ilu. It made you embarrassed that he brought up your lack of skill in front of the others.
You were quick to shy away from their gazes picking at your hands. Kiri had been a natural at almost everything they had throw at her while you were the opposite. Even Lo’ak caught onto things faster than you! It was clear that your skills did not lie in the water. On the other hand Ao’nungs mood over the weeks only seemed to get worse as he was always stuck with your brothers.
After what Ao’nung would describe as a horrid day he was preparing too hunt with his friend. Tsireya had released you and kiri early as the lesson on healing was rather short due too your guys prior knowledge. You had gone too pick the two of you some fruit, and on the way back you were met with a dreadful sight. Ao’nung was obviously harassing your sister as his friend surrounded her, snickering at Ao’nungs action and words. It made your blood boil as he grabbed for her hands, Kiri obviously uncomfortable and trying too get away.
You had never been the confrontational type but your normal timid personality seemed thrown out the window as you rushed towards you sister. The basket of fruit was long forgotten as your legs carried you too her at record speed. Throwing the fruit in your hand at the taller na’vi a hiss breached your lips as you shoved him with your momentum. The force made Ao’nung and you stumble back slightly.
“Do not touch my sister!”
Ao’nung ears perked up as a smirk plastered on his face at your tone. He was use too a relatively quite y/n. Sometimes you would insult him back but other than that you were quite and flustered during your interactions with him. He had never seemed too be able to hit a nerve like he did with your other siblings and he felt a foreign feeling as you looked at him with fury in your yellow eyes.
“Another four fingered freak enters the scene!”
A series of chuckles were heard as his freakish looking friends giggle around you. Kiri only glared at the boy as she stood beside you. Pushing down the slight fear you felt you hissed at the taller na’vi slowly getting into a defensive position.
“Y/n do not do anything stupid.” Kiri whispered her worried tone filling your ears.
“The only freaks I see here are you and your mutated friends!”
A flash of an emotion you could not decipher ran through Ao’nungs eyes as he was quick to grab your hand holding it up so high you had to rise too your tipi toes. A slight groan left your lips as your body stretched out. Threatened kiri was quick too bite Ao’nung. Using his moment of surprise you planted your feet on the ground flipping the much bigger na’vi over your body.
A laugh left the girl lips as you positioned yourself on the na’vi trying your best to keep his arms down. His little friends were now quite, shocked that two forest girls could bring such a big na’vi down.
“I love a woman who can take control.”
Ao’nungs eyes looked into yours. He seemed exited by your new aggression as he fought you for dominance. Feeling oddly uncomfortable by the scene Kiri was quick too usher Ao’nungs lackeys away flashing them her red teeth. Although she would usually stay and aid you in anyway possible she knew it was not her place as a woodspirte danced around the two of you. Of course that jackass has to be the one Eywa chose for you. Slipping away she allowed the scene too unfold as she went too search for her brother, intending too inform them of the recent events.
You did not even notice Kiri slipping away as Ao’nungs hands broke free. He now had you in control grabbing your wrist and placing them together in one of his hands. There was no doubt that he was much bigger than most Omaticaya men as both your wrist could be held in one hand of his. His grip was firm but not painful as he waited for your struggle too stop, than soon let go. Suddenly you felt flushed at your position, legs straddling his waist as his now free hands made its way too your hips.
Ao’nung lifted his torso up easily as if there was not a whole na’vi on top of him. Sliding down into his lap you felt your breath catch in your throat. A purr of satisfaction ran through Ao’nungs chest as he dropped his hands too your legs seeming too admire you.
“You freaks are quite light.” As the words were processed in your brain it was almost as if you were knocked out of a trance. Your body flinched away from his touch. Seeming to get the message Ao’nung was quick to remove his hands from you. You felt a storm of mixed feelings as you looked at the man not knowing how too react. You felt anger at his action yet your heart felt light as the ghost of his touch still lingered.
“Yet you seem quite comfortable at this freaks proximity.” The words came out in a sneer as you glared at Ao’nung. You had decided you would be angry at him, he was wrong to gang up on Kiri and what type of sister what kind of sister would you be too just forgive him because he was gentle with you.
“It was nice to finally get a rise out of you.” His signature smirk plastered across his face made you hiss in dissatisfaction. Shoving his chest you glared at the man about to rise too your feet before firm hands held you down.
“I meant no serious harm.”
“Your a dick! Let me go!” Raising your voice Ao’nungs eyes seemed too soften but before he could make any moves your arm was grabbed as his upper body was pushed into the ground. A hiss left the Metkayina throat as he was quick too rise too his feet.
“Don’t you ever touch my sister again fish lips!” Lo’aks aggressive voice rang through your ears as you looked at your twin. His grip on your arm was firm as his tail whipped in aggression. Ao’nung seemed to mirror his body language not willing too back down.
“Lo’ak it’s ok I had it under control!” Placing a hand on your brothers chest you attempted to calm him down. His cat like eyes pierced your as his gaze softened.
“Yeah your sister loves throwing herself at me.”
Shocked you looked at Ao’nung who’s eyes were not on you. He was obviously trying to get Lo’ak too snap and just that happened. Tearing himself away from you he stomped over too the boy.
The thoughts of the day crashed over you in waves as you sat on a rock. The waves were not far from your figure as you were lost in thought. An immense guilt filled you at the fact that Lo’ak had been punished for something you considered your fault. You hated seeing your brother scolded it filled you with an unbearable sadness, but that was not the only thing that troubled your mind. Ao’nungs words did not seem to leave you as you rethought all of your interaction. Did he see you as a desperate? Were you just another one of his sick twisted games? Did the light touches, extra attention, and looks mean nothing?
You felt like a idiot. Such a stupid, stupid girl. Brining your knees too your chest you couldn’t help the hot tears from breaching your eyes. You were such a fool, for even thinking there was something there. You felt so stupid for allowing yourself too fall for the boy. For the way the water dripped from his curls, his stupid laughs, his dumb smug smirk that seemed to always be plastered in his face. You hated the way he touched you as if you were a delicate flower, how he would tease you and make your stomach swirl, and how your heart would jump every time your eyes met.
Feeling cold water against your feet you tore your head away from your knees. Looking up ocean eyes stared down at you with an unreadable look. Shock filled your features as you were quick to wipe away your tears trying too hide the evidence of your sorrows.
“Y/n” Your name rolled off his tongue smoothly. Ao’nung eyes softened as he scanned your form. Placing himself next too you eyes never leaving your body.
“Why are you here Ao’nung.” Your voice came out raspy as you stared at the ocean, gaze unwavering. It was obvious that you had been crying.
“I just wanted to check on you, didn’t see you at the dinner.”
You almost scoffed as the words left his mouth. Worrying after harassing you and your family all day? Could someone be anymore bipolar. “I have no words for you. I would not wish for anyone too think i’m throwing myself at you.” Although you intended for the words to come out in a harsh tone they left your lips laced in a pain Ao’nung could not decipher.
“I said I meant no harm-” Aggressively rising too your feet you cut the boy off. Your eyes filled with pain and anger as you stared at the Metkayina. “It does not matter what you intended it matters what it did too my family, to me!” Vision blurring from your tears you did not even know the Metkayina stood in front of you until his rough hands were placed on your cheeks. You felt his course thumb rub under your eyes wiping the tears away. You hated the way your heart leaped at the action, craving more of his touch.
Forcing his hands away from your face you shoved them away. “I will not be one of your games Ao’nung! Leave my family alone.” The last part came out barley above a whisper as you turned away from the man. Ignoring the ache of your heart and yearning of your body you stomped away from him tears running down your face in waves.
Watching you retreating from with his ears back and heart sunk Ao’nung thought over his actions. A slight guilt built up at the sight of your tears, tears he had caused. As your form disappeared from his sight Ao’nung knew he fucked up bad. He had lost his favorite forest girl.
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a/n: I love love love Ao’nung🤭
this will probably be a 2 shot thing but let’s see where it goes
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Ok so
We know the typical reader being hated by the sullys, and in this request she's neteyam's twin sister but looks sky people or whatever, Jake cares more about her siblings more than her and neytiri is basically blind to all the hate reader gets from the clan and neglect from her dad and siblings, and her dad making go on missions even though she's scared of sky people, buuuuttt.......plot twist, reader gets tired do she trains in the forest alone, spying on sky people way of fighting to play fire with fire, she becomes buff and tall with scars since she decided to live in the middle of the forest in the most forbidden place of it, where no na'vi survived except her apparently, and because of that she deals and hunts bigger, stronger and faster predators than the normal ones, and sooo, she has better reflex and hates the family except neytiri cause she's her mama and tuk because she's too young to comprehend what's going on. She does visit spider once in a while but never reveals where she lives, appearing as an unknown warrior only when the raids are happening and then disappearing in the shadows, hell not even Kiri with her Pandora Jesus powers can track her
You can take something off if you want and the rest you can choose what you want to do
sully family x daughter/sister reader
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Ewya blessed child
part 2
When neytiri and Jake had found out they were going to be parents they were overjoyed with the new, it had been one of the many good news to come since the end of the war between the navi and RDA. Twins will soon enter this world and join the omatacayia clan, their son neteyam was born first his birth had brought everyone great joy then there was his sister you. Your birth was seen as a bad omen to many has you had inherited your father human DNA born with five finger and toes and different shade of blue and different markings then everyone else. Even your hair was seen as something horrible it was white color very know to the navi, you were seen as demon child. She was also seen as the failure as well she was no like other navi child, and never seem to fit in with her clan or even her own family.
Y/n " dad I'm ......"
Jake " young lady I'm not going over this again with you" once again you are in trouble with you dad, training classes had happened and your had completely failed tsu'tey the mentor had brought you to Jake. As all the other mentor had competely giving up on your and deemed your a failure.
netyeam " dad she getting good it not easy for everyone"
Jake " stay out of this son I'm speaking to your sister she need to take accountability"
lo'ak " well dad if you most know there are others to blame for this, the blame is not all her"
Jake " I said enough you two now stop"
y/n " dad I have been trying my best to get better in class but I don't think I'm the warrior type"
Jake " don't pull this stunt on me young lady all the other kids can do combat but you, even te children younger then you can do better"
y/n " dad I'm sorry but I don't think I have it in me for war or to hurt others, I'm scared of going to battle I'm scared dad" you are scared of going to battle as you didn't wish to kill anyone. You wish to study some of these new humans which was not liked by anyone. You always seem to do things in a way that your understood but was not the navi way.
tsu'tey " brother she can't keep up with the other trainees if this keeps up she will be holding back everyone"
y/n " I didn't mean for that to happen I can get better"
Jake " you always say that you don't mean it or to now look what is happing no one else will wish to teach you"
Jake " that times I'm cleaning up your mess and speaking to others because you means we lost more of our people and home, all of this because you are scared ... stop being childish and selfish y/n and act your age because you selfish ways are causing this all"
y/n " I'm sorry dad I not mean anything of this I don't wish to be selfish"
Jake " I don't have the this I'm the leader I have our people and your brothers training to deal with neteyam has to be ready you are wasting my time and his"
y/n " what about mom I can help her maybe I can prove my self there and maybe grandma as well"
Jake " she busy with your baby sister tuk still a child and needs all her attention, and she has her stuff to deal with and your other siblings"
Jake " leave mo'at out of this matter she has your sisters to take after you she doesn't need you"
y/n " well maybe I can help your or the humans I can be helpful dad, give me a chance I know I have mess up but maybe if you hear me out"
Jake " I don't have time for now just go elsewhere and stay away from the warriors and everyone until future notice once again, I will be apologizing for you mistakes"
y/n " I can go say sorry to the class and my mentors"
Jake " just stopp y/n you have done enough today just go else" you said nothing else everyone knew your dad loves your sibling more, then you because when they messed up it was okay but when you messed up it was bad. He will defend them more than he will defend you and that was true.
y/n " yes sir" you soon walked away it seems like everyone was listening to the conversation, you soon reached your mom and sister as they sat outside of the home with, some other mother and children by them having a good time.
y/n " hey"
tuk " sis you are home"
y/n " yes lesson got done early"
kiri " did they or did you mess up again come on sister you have to start thinking more, before you act"
y/n " I did my best"
y/n " umm can I help you all with the weaving I got better" neytiri and kiri looked at each other and soon looked at you.
kiri " sister I and mom have been working on this for months and we have to make sure the style stays good, and it and project me and mom have been trying to keep a secret for dad"
y/n " oh what is it for"
neytiri " a gift for you father is has all the families ikran on it"
tuk " all but mine"
kiri " hush once you get your ikran we will add it" you were looking over the project it had everything special about everyone, in the family well expect you.
y/n "I think you are all missing something"
kiri " no we are not everything on there"
y/n " no you are missing...." you had taken a step not trying to ruin anything but there was soon a loud rip sound.
kiri " no y/n " you soon looked down to see the image of your parents and family had been ripped in half.
y/n " I'm sorry I was making sure I didn't step on anything wrong, here I can help" you had moved out of the way trying to clean up the mess you had made accidentally, but tuk and some other kids were running around not paying attention and trip over you bow that you placed away safely, but one kid had tossed it down hoping to win the game but it was seen like you had done it. sending them falling into the ground, hurting themselves as cries let out.
neytiri " tuk"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry I didn't see you"
neytiri " enough"
y/n " here let me help I can take tuk and take care of her"
kiri " enough sister please move ... move I need to attend to our sister you had hurt while not looking where you are going"
y/n " umm sure is there anything I can do"
kiri " no juts stop"
y/n " tuk I'm sorry so sorry"
tuk " it hurts"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry when you are better I will make it up to you, hey hey don't we go for flight or you can have my desert at dinner"
tuk " can a hug help"
y/n " oh tuk"
neytiri " just leave you sister alone just go away for a bit, we can deal with her"
y/n " okay mom is there anything I can do while I'm gone I can get dinner or collect new materials for the project anything name it"
neytiri " become a better daughter and sister, and one of the people" you looked at you mom hurt and it seems like your sister heard it as well, but soon went back to attend to tuk who was still hurt because of you.
navi mother " you have no shame ruining your mom and sister work and not hurting children even your own sister"
y/n " I didn't mean to if there anything I can do"
neytiri " just go away y/n please just leave and don't come back" neytiri was now looking at you in the eyes and she was mad, it seems like she didn't see you as her daughter anymore. You didn't say anything else as you soon left, feeling all eyes on you getting dirty looks from the mothers and their kids. Once you were out of the view of the clan you soon started running as fast and far you legs can take you. You kept on running until you could no longer run anymore feeling the pain in your legs and feet.
y/n " I'm even a failure to my family" you didn't know where you ran to but you just wish to sit down and relax.
y/n " I can't be a warrior like the rest of my family and I will never be a healer like kiri ... I always mess up and can never do everything everyone else wants me to do it like .... I'm no true navi I'm a demon in false body"
y/n " even I'm bring my sibling into this when it not their problem"
y/n " now because of me we are losing this warrior and more lives will be lost, and now I rude dad gift he would of like so much I rude everything .... I'm selfish and childlish as well" tears were falling down your face as your felt like a complete failure as daughter, sister, and navi altogether. You even thought the human hate you as well as they will rush away and cover stuff when you came by, you were unwanted by everyone. expect your sibling, your grandmother, and spider they always love you and wanted to spend time with you.
y/n " I just wanted to be helpful and keep everyone alive and well" you soon felt something touch your forehead. You soon open your eyes to see a wood spirt you had gotten up and look at it.
y/n " hello little one are you lost" you reach out your hand as the spirt start floating over it making you laugh and smile, soon more spirts had shown up getting your attention.
y/n " well it look like you are not alone" the wood spirt had float down towards your feet and start making it way up, soon followed by other doing the same as well as the other float around you. A smile had grown on your face as this happen it was so beautiful and wonderful.
y/n " huh" it seems like the woods spirt were leading you towards something so you decide to follow them, going deep and deeper into the forest until you reached a grand spitter tree.
y/n " wow' you follow the spirts towards the grains tree as all the other trees started to glowing brighter and brighter. you soon reach the tree truck.
y/n " I have never been here what is here anyways where I'm" the spirt from earlier was floating near you, as one the tree branch was hanging low.
y/n " I'm going with you want me to grab and see what happens right, well I'm trusting you spirt and all your friends ... oh please great mother given me strength to be strong and helpful ... I just want to be there for my family and people as I feel lost and useless" you had closed your eyes and made the connection, soon open your eyes.
y/n " huh" you soon saw Thanator was trapped one of rda traps, you remember this day as you soon saw a child version of you. Who was walking slowing towards the creatures holding your blade as you walked towards the creature. the Thanator was looking at young you made and growling, as you raised up your blade looking like you were making a hunter blow when you cut off the trap from the creatures and removed and tracking device.
younger you " there you go see I mean you no harm" younger you had broken the tracking device in many piece and soon tossed it over a cliff.
young you " see all good now you are all better they will not find you" the Thanator soon looked at you and soon bowed towards you and your bow back, the creatures soon ran off into the woods. The Thanator was not the last creatures you saved from hunter traps.
y/n " I remember that day I was so proud of myself" soon another memory started playing it was other version of you from years ago . You had come across some rda scientists and one solider .
Scientist " leave us alone we mean you no harm"
younger you " I mean no harm as well"
Scientist 2 " then why are you here anyways"
younger you " I saw your fire and came to see if you need help ... you r friend is sick" you had seen the other humans laying down sweating badly and sick.
Scientist 3 " no please don't him he our friend he mean no harm, he has a family"
younger you " I'm here to help no cause anymore harm" you soon saw flower that could help and some herbs, you grabbed them and soon of metal cups starting cursing them.
solider "what going one ... she one of them what is is doing"
Scientist 3 " don't worry she her to help you"
younger you " the hot water can I use it"
Scientist " yes give her what she said" the forth scientist had grabbed the water and gave it to you, and you soon poured the water into the cup and soon walked to the man.
younger you " drink it and you will feel better" You were kneeling down towards the man as he looked at you, he soon took the cup his friend.
solider " it ever sweet"
Scientist " what did you give him"
younger you " a herbal tea that will help heal you friend he will feel better soon"
solider ' thank you"
younger you " you are welcome now you all most head back to your home, before the scouting party see you"
Scientist 2 " why are you helping us"
younger you " because I care and you all seem like you mean no harm"
scientist " are you well enough to move"
solider " yes ready to go"
younger you " here some advice the rda higher up are using you all I know you all came here for some reason, but once the rda has had it use with you they will leave you all behind"
Scientist " thank you child we will always remember this"
younger you " if you use this way you will be home befroe dark and avoid any hunters out there, the warriors and brave and will defend our homes ... I have show your kindness today where other wouldn't dont make me regret my choices" the human had looked at you soon clearing thier stuff and soon leave the area, you made sure their tracks were not followed.
y/n " I still wonder whatever happen to them after that day" you had shown kindness and help your so called enemies will others would not. You even shown kindness toward you clan members and humans even due they didn't like it most of the time. soon the memories ended and you back in the real world.
???? " you are not selfish or childish" you soon got scared when you heard a deep voice speaking to you, making you looked around to see tshaik standing near you but she seemed different.
y/n " hello have you called me here"
????? " yes I have called you here today as I have been sneaking you out since the day you open your eyes"
y/n " huh"
????? " you think you are useless, selfish, and childlish, failure I'm right" the women was walking around you as you following her every movement.
y/n " yes"
???? " that is false I have seen what you have done in the past showing kindness towards the creatures here and face the most dangerous ones, and being there for enemies you wish to understand verse hate them"
y/n " yes"
????? " you are not useless, selfish, childlish, and failure you are perfect my child as I have a dynasty made for you and you will discover more as you grow"
y/n " huh what do you mean"
???? " you have come to place that thsaik once they are in elders years can come and you are still young, that speak volumes you will be great tshaik one day"
y/n " no that is for my sister I can't take that away"
????" still caring for your family that why you will be perfect my child, you will be good tshaik and show everyone what you can do" the women was soon standing in front of you and soon tapped your forehead as wood spirts soon started circle around you, as the women disappeared as the tree starting glowing bright and brighter. The wind was blowing as well and you could hear this sweet song and soon everything had felt like it stopped.
???? " now go live your life with wonder and beauty it will not be easy, but you will do great things my child great things" soon it felt like everything had ended.
y/n " thank you" It was night time and you realized it was far to late to be away from home, your family might be worried for you. You soon raced home with a smile one your face as the spirts followed you, as the ground glowing under your feet as your feet hit the ground. While everything else glowed when you fingers touched them, you felt some happy once you reached home you were alone.
y/n " I'm home but it seems like no came looking for me ... it okay at least they are all okay that all the matters" you soon reached your home to hear and see you family having a good time eating dinner and talking, you wish to join them but you didn't after today you felt it was wrong.
y/n " I should leave it will be bad if they see me" you soon went to place you had made with your siblings and spider, you soon climbed all the way up there it was tree house that what Jake called it. You had picked some fruit while eating it, watching some the light turn. You looked out onto pandora wondering what will happen next and what was your dynasty. You had fallen asleep that night not feeling alone like past nights you felt like you were not alone. anymore and just maybe there was some others here and with the great mother that are on your side.
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mymelodymia · 2 months
golden locks // Neteyam x twin sister reader
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Summery: born blonde in a dark haired world
Warnings: bullying, insecurities,
Age: 15
Place/area: pandora, metkeyina clan
Pairings: Slight jake sully x daughter reader // neteyam x twin reader // loak x older sister reader
A/N: idk just thought this would be cool. And this is probably so crap I'm literally writing this half asleep
💀˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.⋆◇🦢+*°♡+
You emit a sigh as you sat on a dock with your legs dangling off the edge. Your ears perking up as they heard footsteps approaching you.
Jake sat down beside you, dipping his feet into the water as well.
You flashed him a smile and spoke "hi dad"
"Hey babygirl" he replied with a slight chuckle "how are you sweetheart?"
"Fine" you replied sweetly. He patted your back and rose to his feet. He walked you to your marui so you and your family could sleep.
You awoke to your younger brother loak roughly shaking you awake
"Y/n! Y/n! Come on!" He groaned while smaking you with a pillow. You whined and put the pillow over your head, and loak just tore it off.
"Bro what?!" You shouted at him sleepily while he dragged you up by your hand
"Nothing i just wanted to annoy you" loak replied, running off so you wouldn't murder him
"brat!" You yelled in the direction he ran in. You started your morning after sulking for a moment
As you finally finished your chores, duties, ect, you plopped down on the sand to allow your body to rest
But this moment of peace didn't last long. You began to hear snickering behind you. You turned toward the sound to find aonung and a few other boys standing there
Aonung still had a bruise from the fight with your brothers last week
"Guess you do fit in here" aonung spoke with a chuckle "with the sand"
you sighed and stood. Spinning on your heel to walk away from these bullys.
Though, they kept teasing you.
Usually you didn't let it get to you. But this time felt...off
You felt tears sting your eyes when one of them pulled your hair. They let go soon after
You spun around and hissed at the boy. "Ooh im so scared" said the boy
You looked around to see if anyone you knew was around, which there was not.
One of the boys mothers called out for him and they all snarled. You let out a sigh of relief when they sprinted away from you
You walked toward a tree, your back pressing up against the rough bark. You slid down to sit on your knees.
You lightly played with the sand beneath you. You heard more footsteps behind you the moment your soft hands cluched a fistfull of sand. Instead of a bully, it was only your twin.
"Hey teyam..." you spoke to him in a dull tone
"What is it, sister?" He sat beside you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Nothing."
"Dont give me that. I wont hesitate to get dad into this." He hissed. "Jeez i sound like loak..."
You chuckled sadly at his amusing realization. You looked back down at your knees, the Bioluminescent freckles dotted carefully along your legs in a wavy path from your hips, all the way to your ankles.
Neteyam placed two fingers under your chin, his thumb in a light grip just above. He lifted your head and gently turned you to him
"Aonung..." you whisper while nodding your head in small movements. Your twin pulled you to his chest in a tight embrace.
"Dont worry, its ok. Loak will handle them" you giggled at the image of your baby bro beating another guy to a pulp for you. Again.
Neteyam brushed some of your hair behind your ear. Running his delicate fingers through it gently.
He pulled you back toward him, with your eyes closed you felt the soft skin of his forehead meet yours.
You let out a small sigh before completely melting in your best friends arms. Your own arms wrapping around his waist and your head resting against his chest.
With every beat of his heart, with every breath he took, every stroke of his fingers running through your beautiful hair, you felt loved. Special. And that your bullys didn't matter.
💀˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.⋆◇🦢+*°♡+
A/N: guys please read this I spent so long on it 😭
(I dont have anyone on my avatar taglist yet)
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
summary: fali gets to meet the sully family, and he has never been more terrified.
a/n: now how can i possibly start this? thank you so much. seriously. this is actually insane !! the support received on the last [y/n] sully x fali fic has provided me with enough motivation to pull this little thing together in two days ( i also decided, if you haven't seen my last post, that the general public would prefer small short imagines rather than a story-like series !! ) it’s much shorter than the last one (1.5k), but it’s very sweet. i hope you all enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. NOTE: to those who have sent requests in, thank you so much !! i am working through them slowly but surely, and i’ve already planned out the majority of them. thank you all again, hope you enjoy !! feedback, reblogs, and reqs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen @325575 @inutheangel @bonnibuckets @silkenthusiasts @inarihl @marvelwweprinxessesworld @perseny @wxnderingthoughts @mashiromochi ( quick note: a majority of these are based on comments from part one, but if you have interest in being added to the official taglist, please check out and comment on my tag guide !! )
warnings: none except for major fluff, maybe some happy lil tears, the cutest little relationship ever, jake and neytiri being scary, relationship goals ( could possibly make you feel extremely lonely—that is how i am currently feeling !! )
part i
meet the family
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fali liked to consider himself to be brave. he was born as the only child to his parents, vi’ieo and fpai, two extremely well respected warriors of the metkayina. thanks to his mother’s childhood connection with ronal, he was raised alongside tsireya and ao’nung, almost like he was their older brother.
to say that he’d encountered a scary parent before would be an understatement. not only did he have fpai and vi’ieo’s wrath underneath his belt, but he also had experienced that of ronal and tonowari.
so, why was fali so freaked out when he saw jake sully stomping towards him, lo’ak and neteyam trailing right behind him. a few steps later walked [y/n], her arms crossed in front of her chest and shoulders hunched sheepishly.
before he could even see [y/n]’s face, he knew exactly what was happening, flashbacks to the day before coming to mind. he should’ve known that their facade would be up as soon as tuk walked in on the two of them, immediately questioning “what the heck they were doing.” the two, desperate and dumb, answered by claiming they were playing shark. that’s why fali was biting her neck!
fali froze as he saw the sully males walk closer and closer, nearly letting the net full of fish that he’d grabbed from the reef trap slip out of his grip. he was lucky that his reflexes were more than equipped, immediately adjusting his grip so he could continue pulling the net onto the dock.
as he heaved the net upwards, flipping it over his shoulder to land on the wooden boards beside his feet, jake sully and his sons took their first steps onto the dock, tracking bits of sand off of the shore into the cracks and crannies of the worn down grain.
fali swallowed, stepping overtop the net so it didn’t awkwardly sit between him and the sully boys, inhaling sharply as he could finally read the expression of [y/n].
“lo’ak, neteyam,” he greeted with a smile, not letting his nerves get to the surface. he then nodded at jake, “sir.” fali brought his hand up, gesturing oel ngati kameie to the omaticayans.
“fali,” jake sully returned, his expression flat and grim. the man sure knows how to intimidate, fali thought, swallowing a nervous wad of spit.
“how can i help you?” fali asked, smile bright and voice kind.
jake chuckled at that, although he didn’t seem all that amused. “skip the formalities, fali,” he commanded, leading fali to nod immediately. at that, jake hid an impressed expression. he’s clearly grown up alongside warrior parents.
“so,” jake continued slowly, allowing [y/n] to finally catch up, stopping next to the youngest brother. the father’s eyes drifted from his daughter back to fali. “you’re the one she chose?”
“i suppose if that’s how you want to put it,” fali chuckled nervously, his hands growing clammy as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
jake nodded slowly at that. fali cursed himself. “how would you put it?”
“dad!” [y/n] hissed, but her words went ignored.
“uh,” he trailed, head ducking as he scratched the back of his neck, not missing the amused expressions that rested on both neteyam and lo’ak’s faces.
“look,” jake saved him from answering, knowing that fali was far too clueless. “all that we’re here to say is the simple rundown.”
fali felt himself straightening his shoulders, forcing himself to hold eye contact. he did not need his girlfriend’s father disliking him.
“in the most basic form, if you hurt her,” jake trailed, his eyes flickering to his oldest who held her head in her hands, indigo washing out her face due to the embarrassment. “we—” his hand raised, gesturing to the three males—”hurt you.”
“dad!” [y/n] scolded again, voice much louder as she clasped a hand overtop her mouth, jaw dropped in the slightest bit.
fali swallowed, the two younger boys stifling laughs from behind their father.
immediately, the metkayina boy nodded. “yes, sir.”
and then, it was almost as if the tension from seconds earlier dissipated. “good,” jake affirmed, a smile gracing his lips. he offered his forearm to the boy. “it is good to finally meet you.”
fali returned his grin, grasping jake’s arm. “and me, you.”
fali thought that he was safe. he finally got the talk done with his girlfriend’s ( extremely scary ) father! what else was there to worry about?
well, fali was in for a pleasant surprise!
later that afternoon, after debriefing with [y/n]—a conversation that’d been full of laughter, mainly because [y/n] was poking fun at him—the pair decided that, since the word was out and had spread very quickly ( news didn’t take long in the metkayina villages ), they would spend the day together.
at one point, after they managed to finish all of their duties for the day, they seemed to wander back to the sully’s marui.
“you should meet my mother,” [y/n] begged, her eyes bright.
he laughed at her desperation. “i have already met your mother through ronal.”
“officially meet her. and you know what i mean!”
fali hummed, using to hand that he wasn’t using to hold [y/n]’s to tap against his chin, miming a deep state of thinking. “well, i suppose.”
and that’s how the two found themselves bounding across the sand, [y/n]’s face bright with joy as she held his hand. the exuberant girl practically dragged him, willing him to walk faster.
it was so weird to [y/n]. having something—someone—of her own. someone that she could bring home to show off to her family, someone that she could finally claim as someone that she loved. she’d never been able to do that before.
fali couldn’t help but feel immense joy every time he looked at her. every time she wore that brilliant smile, that gorgeous way that the skin around her eyes wrinkled. fali’d experienced… a lot. he was an impressive and very attractive warrior, after all, but despite whatever experimenting had been done all those years ago, nothing compared to this.
as the two finally found themselves in a close proximity to the sully’s marui, it was as if fali finally remembered that, while jake was scary, neytiri was terrifying.
once they entered, they immediately saw neytiri who sat behind tuk. the mother was busy threading beads into the youngest child’s hair, a desire that the baby of the family had been requesting for months.
at the sight, [y/n] laughed, causing neytiri to look up with her eyebrow muscles raised. “you finally did it?” she questioned, quickly leaping over top the junk that was scattered in the entrance and crossing her legs besides her baby sister.
“yes!��� tuk cried triumphantly. “i even got to pick the beads.”
“this one’s pretty,” [y/n] mused, analyzing a clay bead that’d been stained a deep blue color.
neytiri cleared her throat before she shoved the bowl of beads into her eldest’s hands. “take these,” she demanded, pushing herself onto her feet.
at the action, fali swallowed. the sully family sure was protective.
he fixed his posture as the mother walked over, carefully avoiding the messy obstacles thanks to her childrens’ inability to clean up after themselves. she stopped directly in front of the boy.
“ma’am,” he greeted, gesturing for the second time that day.
“fali.” neytiri’s smile was warm, comforting. and yet, he still felt a bit nervous. with neytiri, she did not vocalize her threats or warnings, but they didn’t need to be vocalized. oh no, with neytiri, you just knew.
“i’m sorry that we could not have a formal introduction to you and my daughter’s relationship,” neytiri offered, her eyes staring straight into his soul.
at that, fali chuckled. “me too, but i’m afraid the only people at fault for how it played out was, well, us.” he caught the gaze of [y/n], her stare soft and smile gentle.
neytiri’s amused grin only grew at those words. “next time you decide to do that, i suggest making sure you’re not in the same proximity as my youngest child.”
fali blushed at that, a deep indigo spreading throughout his entire face. “whoops.” he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
luckily for him, the small voice of tuk had both him an neytiri looking back at the sully girls. “fali!” she cried. “come help! it is taking too long.”
at that, [y/n] gasped in mock offense. “i’m trying, tuk.”
“try harder.”
fali laughed, and once he got a soft nod from the mother, he made his way over to the pair of siblings sitting on the floor. “i’m not sure i’ll be of much use. i’ve never done this before!”
“come here.” [y/n] patted the ground beside her. “i will teach you.”
“please do not ruin my hair, fali. if you make me look ugly, you aren’t allowed to date my big sister.”
“noted,” fali trailed, sitting down behind the baby sully. his eyes tracked over to [y/n]’s hands, watching how her fingers moved in order to get the beads on successfully.
“like this—do you see?”
“and then you take this.”
“yes i see that.”
“no, dumbie, like this.”
from the entrance of the marui, two pairs of eyes watched the young couple, their gazes soft.
“he is good,” neytiri whispered to jake, leaning her head on his shoulder.
jake hummed in agreement. “they are good.”
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the-atlas-sister · 11 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔸𝕥𝕝𝕒𝕤 (Sully Siblings x Sister!Navi!Fem!Reader)
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Warnings!: Blood, explicit language, sassy reader
Being the eldest sister was no easy feat, any of them could tell you that, but you weren’t just any older sister. You were the eldest sister of five. 
If that wasn’t hard enough, you were also the older sister of none other then the Sully siblings.
Ever since you could remember, it had been your job to keep your siblings safe and out of trouble. It had become your main job. Kiri was there to assist your grandmother in the healing and you were there to make sure none of them needed healing. 
“They’re back! The war party is back!” Your ears perked at Tuk’s proclamation. You temporarily looked up from the human book Norm had lent you. “Kiri, y/n, come on!” the younger girl said, running to you. She grabbed your arm and yanked on it. “Come on!” 
You chuckled at her antics but obliged, jumping to your feet and allowing your sister to pull you along. You smiled brightly as your eyes landed on your parents and brothers. “Lo’ak! Neteyam!” you cheered, running towards them. Your smile quickly dropped although at the sight of a bloodied Neteyam. “What the hell happened?” 
“Y/n, language,” your father scolded, watching as you fussed over your brother. “But you know, I’m wondering the same thing,” he continued as you rounded Neteyam and Lo’ak, examining every inch of them. “You two were supposed to be scouting! Staying out of the danger!” 
“Dad,” you said, sending your father a harsh look. 
“Dad, I’m sorry, it’s my fault,” Neteyam said, hanging his head. You glared at him as you examined Lo’ak, ignoring his dismissive hands. 
“Hell yeah it is,” Jake scolded. “You’re supposed to keep this knucklehead out of trouble.” He nodded at Lo’ak, making him frown. 
“Ma Jake, you’re son is actually bleeding,” Neytiri said, pulling you into a gentle hug as you grew closer to her. 
“It’s fine,” Neteyam mumbled, waving off her statement. 
Jake sighed, his eyes flashing to you. “Alright, go get cleaned up,” he said. “Kiri, help your brother.” Kiri nodded before leading Neteyam away from the group. “And you,” As soon as your other siblings left, Jake turned his attention to Lo’ak. “You almost got your brother killed. Do you understand that?” 
“Yes sir,” he mumbled. 
“Dad,” you said quietly, placing a hand on your youngest brother’s shoulder. 
Jake clenched his jaw but you noticed his eyes soften at your words. “You’re grounded. No flying for a month,” he stated sternly. 
“Yes sir,” Lo’ak repeated. 
“Now get out of here you two. And get that shit off your face.”
You chuckled slightly before pulling Lo’ak towards the healing hut with you. “You okay?” you asked as you walked. 
“I’m fine,” Lo’ak grumbled. You had always been closer to your brothers than your other siblings. Lo’ak you had specifically grown closer with as you grew up. Why? Maybe because you felt the same pressure from your shared father that they did. You loved your sisters but they were often favored by your parents, especially your father. 
“I like the warrior’s paint,” you said, falling into step in front of Lo’ak. “It’s like Dad’s.” 
Lo’ak’s frown deepened. 
“So that’s it,” you mumbled quietly. “Lo’ak the mighty warrior. Great son of Toruk Mato!” you cheered, doing an odd little dance that made Lo’ak crack a very small smile. 
“Stop doing that,” he said, speeding up as to walk ahead of you. 
“Doing what?” 
“Reading my mind and that stupid dance,” the boy scoffed as you entered the hut. 
“My dance is not stupid!” you exclaimed. “As for the mind reading, that just comes with being your elder sister.” 
“Lo’ak’s right, the dance is quite stupid,” your grandmother said, sending you a small smirk as she and Kiri tended to Neteyam’s wounds. 
“Wow, thank you, Gran,” you said sarcastically, making your siblings laugh gently. 
“How is our mighty warrior?” you asked, crouching in front of Neteyam. You ruffled his hair gently, causing him to wave his hand at you. 
“He’s fine, believe it or not,” Kiri answered, standing up with your grandmother. 
“Your brother is strong,” she said, returning the healing supplies to their rightful places. “He now has the wounds of a warrior.” 
“Our mighty warrior,” you chuckled. You looked at Kiri, nodding at the entrance of the hut. She rolled her eyes but begrudgingly exited, your grandmother following close behind. “What the hell were you two thinking!” you scolded as soon as it was you three left in the hut. “You know Dad’s rules!” Lo’ak rolled his eyes. “Lo’ak, you’re already on thin ice with Dad.” 
“Y/n, really it was-” 
“No, Neteyam, it was not your fault,” you interrupted. “You’re his older brother, not his father or his keeper.” 
Neteyam stared at you before nodding. 
You sighed gently, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’re both okay though?” 
Both boys nodded, avoiding your gaze. 
“How was it?” They now stared at you with a bewildered look. They were often surprised when you went from scolding to quick intrest in their mischief. “Being in the battle field? How was it?” 
You sat down, eyes filled with curiosity. Your father had never allowed you to go into battle, despite your age and training. You often found yourself frustrated seeing your mother go into battle, but not being able to do so yourself. 
“Kind of scary,” Neteyam admitted. 
“We were hardly in battle,” Lo’ak scoffed. 
“I imagine it was still scary,” you said, sending Lo’ak a stern look. “Soon, though, you will fight by our fathers side.” 
“Maybe when I’m eventually not grounded,” Lo’ak joked. You smiled, feeling the tension in the hut drift away.
A/n if you’d like to be tagged in future posts lmk.
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/mooskey/724247343162114048/%F0%9D%95%8B%F0%9D%95%99%F0%9D%95%96-%F0%9D%95%8A%F0%9D%95%9A%F0%9D%95%A4%F0%9D%95%A5%F0%9D%95%96%F0%9D%95%A3-%F0%9D%94%B8%F0%9D%95%A5%F0%9D%95%9D%F0%9D%95%92%F0%9D%95%A4-%F0%9D%95%84%F0%9D%95%92%F0%9D%95%A4%F0%9D%95%A5%F0%9D%95%96%F0%9D%95%A3%F0%9D%95%9D%F0%9D%95%9A%F0%9D%95%A4%F0%9D%95%A5
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fleursbending · 7 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : sully!gn sibling x neteyam/sully family
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : grief is bittersweet and you can only hope your deceased brother can see how far you've all come.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : UHMMM... who would have saw this coming HELP. in my avatar renaissance?!?! based on this gut-wrenching tiktok yup. readers gender is not specified, it just implies you are a sibling of neteyam and the rest of em. i didn't know whether or not to add my old taglist due to how long it's been but enjoy this rusty writing ig...not proofread btw!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : talks of the effects of grief / battling it and overcoming it, neteyam RAHH, angst with a little hurt comfort at the end.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 600 words
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there were things you wished neteyam could have witnessed, while others…not so much. 
you're eternally grateful that he wasn't physically here to witness the darkness consume your dear brother, lo'ak. or to see tuk deflate at the mere mention of him, cowering away in the comfort of your home. her boisterous self simmering away in the wake of grief. 
he wouldn't have approved of how you were coming to terms with things either. he'd scowl at you, whacking the back of your head - only to get a hiss in return. 
you could hear the echoes of his laughter being cloaked around you, it was like he was still here.
he indeed was. 
in the pull of the tides, the crystal cerulean waters that engufed at your lungs whenever you remembered him. and the oceans that surrounded you, that too. 
the very few trees that were littered around awa'atlu. even the colour green made your heart waver, a pain that you've grown to abhor simmering in the depths of your soul. the forest was all that shimmered in your gaze instead, a younger you and neteyam playing at peace.
peace, what a sought out yet fickle thing. that wasn't something you really believed in anymore. that evaded your beliefs the moment neteyam took his last breath and was handed over to eywa.
you were even angry at her too. eywa this, eywa that. what sort of great mother was she really if she couldn't use her force of life and grant it towards the people who deserve it the most.
neteyam deserved to live. he deserved to bask in their victory. to feel the safety and tranquility of finally getting away from the wrath of the sky people. instead all that's left of him is memories in objects and stupid little things around them. 
a sigh escaped you as you watched over your siblings cheer and run around each other from beneath where you hid up in a tree. 
this is what i wish you could see, neteyam. that's what you wished to say to him now. yet you hope he does see how far you've all evolved and come, from wherever he is now. 
if only he knew how proud you were of him, you didn't say that enough while he was still alive. it is still sheltered in your mind as one of your biggest requests. 
a stick suddenly invaded your vision, smacking you right in the forehead as you subsequently lost your footing and fell down from the tree. 
"tuk!" you growled at her antics as lo'ak howled in laughter. 
"got ya, i knew you were up there!" she only smiled in return, grasping your hand and tugging you along with them. 
a sudden gust of wind blew through your hair, making you look up at the tree where you once were. warmth filled you all the way through. a soft smile graced your face as you turned and followed your family.
neteyam's legs swung back and forth as he sat down by the spot you once occupied. a reminiscent action that would occur back when they were dwellers of a certain forest. he could see it now, little versions of his siblings reigning havoc and creating mishaps. 
content washes over him, acceptance.
he bites back tears then, bottom lip wobbling as he sees your figures move further away from him. he speaks out then, something that no-one but the souls who also similarly lost their lives would hear if they really wished too. 
"i knew they'd be okay! ah, i feel so proud. thank you, eywa…"
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
⤷ feedback and reblogs are always much appreciated ! feel free to ask through my inbox if you would like to join my taglist. ♡
(i can't believe i actually wrote something.. outta nowhere too)
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avkima · 8 months
𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐦
𝙽𝚎𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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Family album: Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo’ak, Tuk, Spider
🌿you’re a definite mamas girl
🌿when your sad, mad, feeling antisocial, bored, excited, or tired you’re glued to her side.
🌿your mama is your comfort and though you like being around lots of people at the end of the day and about 65% of the time you just want to be with Neytiri
🌿18 but you still call her “mama”
🌿Neytiri loves talking about her ancestors and being the one to teach you about Navi things.
🌿more when you were younger but Neytiri will get super protective of you . She didn’t like when anyone else held you as a baby which is the reason you now constantly want to be around her. Neytiri just wanted to hold you all the time.
🌿strict with her discipline with you especially. And especially if you’ve done something against your siblings (in a dangerous context) this is because she trusts you so much that it’s upsetting when you let them down. She sees herself in you and wants you to live up to your potential.
🌿Neytiri does your hair and is slightly offended when she sees you have done it yourself or someone else has done it (let’s it slide if Jake does it). She often sings to you when doing it. Doing your hair is her way of showing you, your still her little baby.
🌿your fierce nature is from your mother as well as your emotional and tender side
🌿you definitely find yourself trying to be like Neytiri as much as possible
🌿you can talk to her about most everything, probably more than your father but he’s trying. She’s great at breaking up squabbles with you and your siblings
🌿always wanted a little girl so when you were born she was so happy
🌿you love to help her cook and you guys will talk about the happenings of the village
🌿like Jake, she calls you yuey’ite or Ma’
🌿I see you Yuey’ite
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Neyeams is next!! Requests are open I’ll also do some romantic interest imagines of course!🌺🌺 xoxoxo
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s3xiel4ss · 1 year
My Daddy
Pairing: Sully Family x Sully!Reader, Jake Sully x Daughter!Reader
Requested: no
Summary: After a run in with Avatar’s, your dad says somethings he probably shouldn’t have said and you respond to those things in an unhealthy way
Warnings: Knife mention, talks about slitting throat, 
A/N: it was so hard not putting “y’all”. Also tell me why i got butterflies making Jake say “babygirl”/srs.
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You had to be the parent when Neteyam or your parents weren’t there. So when Lo’ak runs off with most the family, you’re the one responsible for anything that happens. So despite you’re protests you have to follow everyone, everyone being: Lo’ak, Kiri, Spider, and of course, Tuk. You had Tuk stay closest with you practically the whole time. 
“Bro,” Spider said, “It’s the place where my dad and your dad fought” while they all ran over there.
“No, don’t go ove-” you were cut off by female and male voices from around. 
They were walking up to the tiny building, they looked like Omaticaya, but they were in full camo. 
“Lo’ak contact dad” you said, “Everyone else, Don’t. Move.” 
Lo’ak nodded then after he finished speaking he told us dad said to get out of there. 
So we started going back the way we came. 
“Mom and Dad are going to kill you when we go back you know that right?” Kiri said while we walked. 
“Kiri, not now” you replied Sternly. 
“Guys come on it’s almost Eclipse!” Tuk exclaimed while going far ahead, too far ahead. 
A high-pitched scream is all that's heard before your senses kick back in, those avatar were holding you all. 
You gave the guy with a buzz cut and camo a dirty stare, you knew he was Quaritch. The way he smirked, remembering how your dad described his looks, he was identical. He was just your race now, or at least looked the part. 
He looked at you than your hands. He said with a horrific smirk, “You’re one of his aren’t ya?” 
He then demanded you all to show your hands while each Avatar was holding all of you tight. When he went to Lo’ak and demanded him, you prayed to Eywa he wouldn’t do anything remotely stupid, but of course he did. He flipped the Avatar off. 
“You’re definitely one of his” he mumbled with an annoying chuckle. 
He goes over to Spider, the one that looked human. They had a conversation but you could not concentrate on it. You instead multi-tasked. 
You prayed to Eywa your parents were here and that everyone would get out of here safely, and you watched your siblings. Their body language, what they were saying or doing. Tuk was terrified and upset, most definitely tired as well. Kiri had her eyes closed whispering something, guessing she was praying to Eywa as well. While Lo’ak was giving the Avatar on him absolute attitude, which if your parents didn’t come in that moment you’re sure he would’ve had his throat slit. 
Once you all got “home”, you were prepared to get yelled at. 
Tuk still terrified, walked with your mother to go to sleep. You and Lo’ak standing there ready for your dad to scream at you two. He decided to let Kiri off the hook, knowing she wouldn't have ‘wanted’ to do this, also knowing about what happened to Spider.
“What were you two thinking?! You know that the old battlegrounds are specifically off limit for a reason! Not only that but you brought Tuk?!” He screeched at the both of you. 
“Sir, I take full responsibility of what happened. It was irresponsible of me to do so.” you calmly responded. 
“Yes! It is most of your fault what happened out there! it is your responsibility to watch your younger siblings when no one else is there! Not only that but allowing them to bring Tuk as well?! As well as your siblings put under a knife under your watch?! I’m disappointed in you Y/n. You’re grounded from flying for three months. Go to bed” He yelled at you. 
You headed to bed, repeating what he said in your mind, during this though you heard less angry muffled yelling at Lo’ak. You fell asleep repeating what he said in your mind over and over. 
In the morning you didn’t remember everything he said. The only thing repeating was “I’m disappointed in you”. You couldn’t get it out of your head. You know what you did was wrong, but you’re father has never said that to you before. It made you feel horrible. You weren’t hungry in the morning. You didn’t sit at the table, not wanting to face your dad again after the events of last night. 
You were lying in bed when you heard footsteps.
 “Go away, I want to be alone.” you groaned.
“Sister, you did the best you could at protecting them. Kiri told me the full story” He calmy told you. 
You turned to face him, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Neteyam, I put my siblings, Tuk especially, at risk! It is my fault they were held under a blade.” You replied with a shaky voice, “Could you please leave me brother..? I would like to be alone”
And he did just that. A couple hours later, you heard footsteps again.
“Neteyam. I still would like to be left alone.” You said slightly annoyed.
“Will you talk to me, baby girl?” Jake responded. 
Your eyes widened, before turning over to your dad, you wiped your leaked tears from your face. You then face your father. 
He takes that as an invitation to come over, “You wanna talk?” 
Your eyes start to well again. “I’m sorry that I’m such a disappointment to you dad” you say apologetically to him. Your tears starting to escape you. 
“oh baby girl, no your not a disappointment. Yesterday, I had some said things I probably shouldn’t have to you and your brother. I was just scared and angry and took out on you.” He explained, “I could never be disappointed in you baby.”
“I love you daddy” you said while hugging him. 
He hugged you back,  “I love you too sweetheart, now come on let’s get you something to eat”. 
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plzfeedmebread · 1 year
What Do I Tell My Friends Family? Pt. 6
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word count: 4003
Pairing: Recom! Miles! Quaritch x Female! Sully! Na'vi! Reader Tags/Warnings: hurt, comfort, feels, lots of crying
Author's Note: Apologies in advance for any grammatical errors! Hope you enjoy this next installment :)))
<previous chapter> | 6 | <next chapter>
The weeks that followed could only be described as uncomfortable. Those of the clan gave you and Quaritch a wide berth. You did not miss their obvious sneers, nor the harsh whispers under their breath. Yet you cannot find it in yourself to fault them; such a reaction was more than understandable, perhaps even warranted.
The humans were far more courteous, even those with Avatars; but they too kept it to what was minimal etiquette. You noticed though, that they were far more cordial with the other recoms. You watched them converse with each other, animatedly talking about something or rather. It made you envious, a feeling you knew all too well.
Quaritch tells you not to worry; says it doesn’t bother him. But you wondered how much weight such words truly held. You’re thankful he and the recoms at least have each other, as bittersweet as it was. On the nights where you would eat dinner with your family, he and his squad ate together in one of their dwellings; the night filled with reminiscing of lives past and wishes for the future. Their revelry is downright infectious, and you often excuse yourself early to join them. It fills your heart with unbridled warmth to see Spider with them too. More often than not he would also join when it was just you and Quaritch alone.
At one point you had gathered all your siblings together, sitting them down and giving them a less graphic (for Tuk���s benefit) retelling of you and your mate’s meeting and eventual courtship. Your brothers, bless them, treated you no different, told you that they didn’t care and were happy for you. When you cornered them afterwards to speak privately, you wept and wept, thanks spilling from your lips over and over again.
They reiterated once more that they were just happy you came back alive and well. Regardless of the less-than-ideal circumstances surrounding your introduction to one another, and his sordid history, they were simply happy you had found your one true mate. Moreover, as far as they were concerned, if Eywa herself deemed it necessary to get this involved in your lives, then she must see something in him. If she could forgive him for his sins, then who were they to hold it against him? He paid his price in blood.
Sweet little Tuk; everything that had happened was perhaps a little too big for such a young mind, but you tried to explain yourself as best as you can to such a young one. She hummed in thought, called you and your mate weird, but if he made you happy like dad makes mum happy, then he must be okay. She was also the only one of your siblings that wanted to actually speak with Quaritch face to face.
You were reluctant, afraid of how mother might react. But little Tuk is rambunctious in nature. She barged in one night when you and Quaritch were having dinner with Spider. Hands on her hips she proclaimed with unwavering authority,
“If you wanna be in my family, then first you gotta apologize!” Her eyes were fixated on Quaritch, who stared back at her with shock all over his face. When he didn’t immediately say anything she elaborated further.
“That time…When you took my big sister…You and those scary people hurt us, and that wasn’t very nice…” She frowned at him, eyes glistening.
When you looked to your mate you saw the guilt in his eyes, how his ears flattened and tail wrapped around his waist. He got to his knees, tried to make himself as small possible in an attempt to be closer to her eye level. And he apologized. He apologized for scaring her, for hurting her. But most of all, he was so sorry he took you. He doesn’t give her any excuses; simply admits he did something wrong and was sorry.
She nods at him, but says nothing else; though you see the tightness of her expression loosen. Spider walks over to her and ruffles her hair which makes her giggle.
“Here kid, I got a little somethin’ for ya,” Quaritch says and reaches into his pants pocket. He pulls out a small wooden carving of a pa'li. He holds out the tiny figurine balanced in the palm of his hand. Tuk’s eyes widen and she grabs it with a loud thank you. She holds it up to her face, turning it around to admire it.
“You made this?” She asks, looking up at him expectantly.
“Yes. Your sister here helped me too. Made sure it looked right.” And it was true; you had spent many nights by his side, carefully instructing him on pa'li anatomy. You were surprised when he approached you and spoke of his intention to carve her the small figurine. He explained he felt inspired when you had offhandedly mentioned her fondness for the animal.
Tuk looks between him and figure a few times, then gives him one final once over before nodding her head.
“Hmm. I guess you can stay. [Y/N] likes you, so…And you’re Spider’s dad, and I like big brother Spider.” She smiles up at the aforementioned boy, who ruffles her hair once again affectionately.
“Okay bye I wanna show this to Lo’ak!” And with that she’s sprinted off before any of you can say anything more.
It was disheartening to come to the realization that Kiri was avoiding you. She didn’t outright ignore you per say, but she was always too busy or had other pressing matters to attend to; never was she free to sit and talk to you.
You broke down crying one night, alone with Quaritch. Immediately you were pulled into his embrace. His strong arms held you tight as he whispered comforting words into your hair.
You hadn’t noticed Spider just outside. He had come with the intent to eat with you two as usual, but stopped himself when he heard your cries. He listened to the words you spoke, laden with heartache for your sister.
You didn’t hear him leave either.
“You’ve gotta talk to her.” Spider finds Kiri inside watching her mother’s video logs.
“I’m sorry, what?” She turns to him alarmed.
“[Y/N]. You have to talk to her.” He pleads.
Kiri shakes her head at him and turns back to the video.
“I don’t have to do anything. Besides, what’s there to even talk about…” her voice travels off at the end, as if she was unsure of her own words.
“Are you being serious right now? Kiri…” He grabs her by the shoulders and turns her around to face him. She’s at his eye level from kneeling in front of the console.
“What do you want from me Spider? You know as well as I do what he’s done in the past. And she does too; but I guess that doesn’t matter anymore…”
“That’s not fair, Kiri—”
“You wanna know what’s NOT fair, Spider?! The fact that I have wake up every day knowing that the man who shot and killed my mother, is alive and well! And not only that, he’s mated to my sister!” There’s tears in her eyes as her voice rises; the frustration of it all bubbling over.
Spider can feel the anger radiating off of her, white hot and unravelling; a crescendo of emotion bottled up for who knows how long. The dam breaks and she sobs, fists clenched tight.
“So now, he gets to play house with my family, [Y/N] gets her Eywa-given mate, and you get your dad back! And what do I get? NOTHING!”
Spider flinches when she screams.
“What happened to ‘us orphans have to stick together’…? Am I going to lose you too…?” Spider’s eyes grow wide at her admission. Her fears laid out before him; she felt as though she was losing her family to Quaritch? Was she blind? He hates that she’s feeling like this, wishing he knew how to make it all go away. But at the same time, he can’t help but feel his own bout of anger and frustration.
“Kiri…You never were an orphan; not really…You know that, right?”
He looks at her with a serious expression. Her lips press into a thin line at his words.
“You had Jake and Neytiri. You literally call them mum and dad. Me? Who did I have? Yea Norm and the others raised me; but no one was really my parent…Norm was more like a big brother. And I’m not blind or stupid Kiri; your folks never considered me part of the family. Only you guys did…”
She knows all too well what her parents think of Spider. Mother was not as subtle as she thought she was. Father at least treated him well, but there was still this disconnection from Spider being human.
As they stared at one another, it became clear to both of them that there was perhaps a lot of hurt left yet to heal.
Despite the passage of time, you have yet to properly speak with your mother. Words left unspoken causing a rift to form between you two. Small at first, you feel the cracks forming as it has been left to sit and fester. She treats you with the same love and care you have always known, but something has undoubtedly changed. It’s there, behind a lingering gaze, the hesitance of touch, the near imperceivable sharp intake of breath, but with no words that follow.
The tension at dinner time is thick, near palpable. Your brothers try their best to fill the awkward silence with pleasant conversation, driving it as far from the topic of your mate as possible. Kiri obviously says nothing, much to your disappointment. Mother smiles but it does not reach her eyes.
When you eventually muster up the courage to speak with Mo’at, you are surprised; you had expected her to be just as, if not more, against it all as mother. But she is pragmatic, understanding that this providence cannot be ignored. Her unique spiritual bond with Eywa allowed a deeper understanding into the intricacies of the Great Mother’s Will. Though she would not forgive him any time soon, she would at least accept his place among her family and her People; if this was Her Way, the so it must Be. She didn’t have to like it, but she did have to respect it.
You asked her how best to approach your own mother. She tells you that you must speak from the heart, but be open to the idea that Neytiri may never accept things as they are. She is not Tsahik and never will be. Though she has great love for Eywa, this hurt cuts far deeper than you may yet understand. She says that Neytiri perhaps needs to commune with her father’s spirit and seek out his guidance. Perhaps even from Eywa herself.
You nod and thank her for speaking with you. You turn to leave but she stops you with a hand on your shoulder. When you turn back around she pulls you into a warm hug. She tells you everything will be okay; Eywa has deigned it so. That she is sorry you have suffered such hardship, but she knows you are strong and capable, and will get through this one way or another.
You cry shamelessly into her embrace for a long while.
When next to happen to find yourself alone in the company of your father, you fix him with a question that has been plaguing your mind.
“You know…I’m surprised you’re not as, angry, as mother is about all this.” You watch his face trying to gauge his reaction. His countenance is thoughtful though a scowl does form. He schools his expression quickly.
“Trust me kid; I am.” There is an underlying bitterness in his words that leaves you with an uncomfortable clench in your stomach.
“But…Eywa accepted me and forgave me for my part in the destruction of Home Tree and everything after that. She came to our aid when shit hit the fan, helping us drive back the RDA. She’s done a lot for me and our family. And if what Quaritch says is true, that our Avatar bodies only work because she allows them to? Then I got a helluva lot more to be grateful for. I wouldn’t have Neytiri, Mo’at, your siblings, the clan, or you for that matter.”
Your lips quiver with the strain to not cry. It becomes nigh impossible with the way father is smiling down at you. He places both hands on your shoulders.
“I took a lot from Pandora…But you and your siblings? You guys are the one good thing I put in.” You heart swells and you lose your battle to not cry. When Jake sees your tears he pulls you in, rubbing your back soothingly as you weep.
“No matter how grown up you get, you’ll always be my baby girl…It’s gonna be okay, I promise.”
You sniffle as you try to calm yourself. You are a little fed up with all the crying you’ve been doing lately.
“How can you be so sure?” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Call it a father’s intuition.” This time, you return his smile.
Tonight finds you in the arms of your husband. The two of you are deep within the forest, somewhere far from High Camp and Bridgehead. You found a secluded perch on which to lay and watch Eywa paint the sky in brilliant starlight. Your snuggled into his side, head resting on his broad chest. You listen to calm rhythmic beating of his heart. It comforts you.
His arm encloses you, pressing you tightly to him. Your hands, fingers entwined, rest atop where his heart is.
“What’s going on through that pretty little head of yours?” His voice draws you in, pulling your lazy gaze from the sky and to his face. There is a warmth in his eyes, a kind curiosity. He brings your hand up and presses a kiss to your knuckles. You loved it when he was soft and gentle. Though you were, of course, eager and willing for his rougher ministrations when the mood struck.
You smile softly and hum in response.
“Hmmm. Just thinking about how much I love you.”
You are rewarded with the goofiest smile you’ve ever seen adorn his handsome face. Sometimes it feels as though he could never get used to your declarations of love and affection. You wonder if he was starved of such a thing. The thought baffles you, as your people loved freely and were not ashamed to express such feelings to friends and family.
You don’t dwell on it though; resolving to smother him with everything he may or may not have been denied all his life.
You move yourself off his chest but don’t untangle your hand from his. Instead, you lay on your back and pull him as you do. Miles follows, moving himself above you; caging you in between his arms, his face mere inches from yours.
You stare at him; studying. You take note of every luminous freckle, the strength of his cheek bones, the grooves of his nose, the breadth of his jaw. Your hand moves to his face and cups his cheek. His skin is warm to the touch. Your thumb traces the lines of his lips. He closes his eyes and leans into your hand.
When he looks at you once more with a half-lidden gaze, lovesick and smiling, it stirs something deep within you. The flicker of a flame comes to life, its warmth all encompassing. That look of reverence on his face; you never want to stop. Not in this lifetime or the next.
You resolve to protect that smile by any means necessary.
The two of you weren’t in your tent this morning, and Neytiri huffs in frustration. After much talks with Jake, communing with Eywa, she had finally decided to try talking with you once more. The next morning of course. But much to her dismay, no one was at the tent when she called. She saw no one inside when she quickly looked inside, but did not linger as it smelt far too much like The Demon.
She cusses under her breath. She knows she’s going to have to get out of the habit of calling him that. Start addressing him by his name.
Unsure of where the two of you might be, she makes her way back to her own dwelling. Jake is there, cleaning one of his guns. He looks up when he hears her familiar footfalls.
“That was quick,” he says, a confused look on his face.
“They weren’t there.”
“Oh. Maybe one of the kids saw em’.”
She nods and sets out to find her other children.
Alas, it would prove futile; none of the others had seen either of you since the night before, when you had told Spider you and Quaritch were going out to watch the stars.
Speaking of Spider, where was he? If anyone was going to know where you two were, it’d be him.
Neytiri makes her way over to the scientist buildings; if he wasn’t with her children, he more than likely would be here.
She enters the one housing Grace’s Avatar, and finds Norm up and about, not yet in his Avatar. He turns and is surprised to see her of all people, rather than her kids, enter. Still, he is happy to see her all the same.
“Neytiri? Oel ngati kameie! What brings you here?”
“Oel ngati kameie, Norm. Have you seen Spider? Or [Y/N]?” She smiles and greets him with equal enthusiasm. His expression becomes perturbed at the question though.
“No sorry, haven’t seen Spider since…Huh. Actually the day before yesterday? Thought he was staying with [Y/N] and Quaritch.”
Neytiri’s stomach drops at the notion. Has no one really seen either of you three for the passed two days? And no one said anything? What kind of mother was she then, to not notice?? Her mind starts racing, but she takes a deep breath; calming herself before she spiraled out of control. There was no need to overthink; you may have simply been too busy.
“Have you tried asking the other recoms? I’m sure one of them must’ve seen em’ at some point.” She nods at him; it was a good place to continue.
“I have not. Thank you Norm. I shall go see them.”
Briskly she leaves, not another word said; far too eager to find you as soon as possible.
She eventually finds the three of them conversing with some of the other Avatars. She cares not for their topic of conversation, walking up and interrupting them without a second thought.
“You three.” She addresses them coldly; the others sense the rising tension and quickly make their escape.
“Mrs. Sully! What can we do for you?” The bald one, Lyle if she remembers correctly, asks her.
“My daughter. Have you seen her? What of your, leader, or his son?”
Instead of answering, the three of them simply share a look amongst themselves, before they all look back to her. The uncomfortable feeling is back tenfold. There is something in their gaze, an almost apologetic look in their eyes. She hates it, nor does she understand why they look upon her so.
“What? What is wrong?” She demands, the agitation ever growing.
Mansk clears his throat and steps forward.
“Come with us Mrs. Sully…And bring your husband too.”
Her stomach clenches something awful; her mother’s intuition stings.
The 5 of them congregate in Mansk’s private dwelling. He gestures for everyone to sit down, get comfortable. Jake too can’t help but notice the sullen looks adorning the others’ faces. Nor his he miss the nervous twitch of his wife’s tail. He grabs her hand and squeezes it reassuring. She looks to him, taking a deep breath as she nods.
Mansk re-emerges from wherever he went, brandishing a tablet in hand. He sits himself in front of everyone, holding the tablet for them to see.
“Here…A message was given to us, to give to you when you came.” He moves his hand and hits play.
Instantly you are on the screen. You are nervously rubbing the back of your neck. Quaritch is sitting next to you; he is leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees and fingers loosely threaded in front of him.
“Hello mother, father, precious siblings…” Neytiri squeezes Jake’s hand harder. She does not like how your voice sounds as you speak.
“If you’re seeing this, then you’re all probably wondering where we—I am…” You pause, hand on your heart and you take a deep breath to calm yourself. Neytiri notices then, Spider mulling around in the background. Back and forth he moves, as if in a hurry.
“I don’t know how else to word this, so I’m just going to come out and say it. I’ve left. WE, have left. Me, Spider, and Miles.” You glance over to Quaritch and smile, grabbing his hand in yours, threading fingers together. Your face returns to that awful tired expression when you look back to the camera.
“I’m sorry I did this without saying goodbye…But this was for the best. If there was even a chance, no matter how small, that any of you would try to stop us…Well, I didn’t want to take that chance. I’m so sorry, I really mean that. For everything…Father? Thank you for taking care of me. I love you, to Earth and back. Please remember to take care of yourself too, not just the family or the clan…
Kids? I know you’re probably gonna hate me for a while, leaving like this and all—but like I said. My mind is made up and I don’t want any of you trying to stop us. I love each and every one of you so much. No one could ask for better siblings. Please be good to each other. And boys? Start actually listening to dad once in a while, yea?”
You pause to wipe a few stray tears. Neytiri is sobbing quietly as she clenches Jake’s hand painfully. She doesn’t see him swallow hard the lump in his throat.
“Mama?” Neytiri sits up straight when you address her directly.
“I don’t think I could every forgive myself for hurting you. I am so sorry, more than words could ever express…You took good care of me, took good care of this family. I am proud to call you my mother, and no matter how far the wind takes me, I will always love you. I hope you can forgive me one day…” You gently place a hand on your stomach.
“I do not want to cause dissent amongst my family, or the clan, any longer…And one day when I start my own family, with the man I love… I don’t want them to feel like they don’t belong. So here we go, somewhere far beyond the horizon, to find a place we can truly call our own…” Your smile is bright and unwavering, even when the tears don’t stop.
“Please keep taking such good care of each other. Promise me you will. Sullys stick together, our family is our fortress, right? Well, these two? They are my family now, they are my fortress, and I will do what I must to keep them safe, happy, accepted...Whether or not the clan or some of you can accept it, know that I love each and every one of you, forever and ever…So until I see you again, May Eywa keep you all safe…Goodbye...”
You wave at the camera before leaning forward to touch something unseen, and the video ends.
Neytiri breaks down then and there. She falls into Jake’s arms, clutching at him desperately. Her wails crack her voice as she calls for you. Jake sheds silent tears as he holds her tight. He fights every instinct in him demanding he grab his ikran and blindly fly after you.
The other recoms sit and silence, heads lowered, as they take in the sight before them.
A mother’s heartache was truly one of the saddest things to bare witness to.
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @lvangel98, @rsclopez, @onlyreadz @manymaria111, @kristeen31xxx @mechformers @olivia-the-weirdo @essenceinpink @villirios @rededfoxy @brutecuteness @perseny @fandom-garbage @ttreader @hihhasotherfixations @angel-of-silver369 @royallaufeyson @saltedcoffeescotch @the-hufflebird-girl @ding-dong-big-schlong @netherklutz @moneyoverl0v3 @@episodic8peace @touchedflowers @sarcasticrandy
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multiplefandoms15 · 1 year
Listen to me
Summary: you teach lo'ak and the others how to get dad(jake) to listen to them
Warnings: angst(at first), fluff, sibling talk, comfort, sibling love, tying to a tree, flashbacks, memories from childhood, y/n is 25, neteyam is 18, lo'ak is 17, kiri is 16 and tuk is 10(she has her own ikran)
Lo'ak x older sister reader, neteyam x older sister reader, jake x reader, Neytiri x reader, sully family x reader, sully family x daughter/sister reader, kiri x older sister reader, tuk x older sister reader
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Jake was yelling at lo'ak to protect his brother and himself because lo'ak couldn't do it again.
"You need to protect your brother and yourself lo'ak. What if something happened to both of you or you or neteyam what would you do then lo'ak what? You couldn't do nothing then you hear me!" Jake said "yes sir"
"Ma jake your son is actually bleeding"
"Mom it's fine"
"Go see grandmother, go"
Neteyam went to grandma while lo'ak stayed and y/n just watched to make sure lo'ak didn't get into more trouble "your dismissed, grounded and no flying for a month you understand?"
Jake said "yes sir"
After a fight between lo'ak and neteyam, lo'ak went on his ikran and they flown away.
"Neteyam why would you say that"
"Because it's kind of true"
"You know what I'm going after them and when we come back, your in big trouble mister"
Y/n was flying with her ikran while looking for lo'ak. Lo’ak sitting at the edge of a cliff, looking out of the beautiful scenery of pandora jungle, of his home.
Y/N came flying on their Ikran, landing on the open space behind Lo’ak.
“You know that you can’t stay here forever right?” y/n said as she was approaching her little brother
“It’s been bothering you for days now, baby brother…”
Y/N sitting beside their little brother but Lo’ak didn’t speak to them and still watching the horizon.
“Do you… wanna talk about it? I’ve got all day.” y/n said as she looked at lo'ak.
“It’s nothing.”
“You reminded him too much of himself… Reckless, stubborn… not to mention stupid.”
“But with a strong heart.”
“He is scared for us, little brother. Still it doesn’t justify the things he had done.”
“I just- i just want him to listen to me.”
“Then make him listen. Make him see.”
Lo’ak look at Y/N who smile softly at him, they put their hand on Lo’aks head and gently stroke his hair.
Lo’ak shakes his head with a smile and watched them fly to the sky but suddenly he called out for his own ikran.
When all the siblings were there y/n being to talk.
"So dad was given me the whole talk about how to fly an ikran"
"What did you say"
"Well i as a 10 year old was bored as hell and had enough of dad talking that i just knocked him out and tied him to a tree."
All the siblings were amazed by there older sister.
"What did you do after he woke up?!"
Tuk asked excited.
"So i give him the talk my way"
*flash back*
"There now that daddy is all tied up just have to wait for him to wake up"
Little 10 year old y/n said.
*a while later*
Jake slowly started to wake up.
"Oww my head, y/n what did you do? Why am i tied to a tree?" Jake said as he looked at y/n.
"Well daddy, I'm sorry but i already know how to fly an ikran mommy already explained to me how to fly an ikran." Y/n said as she looked at jake.
"So...... your not mad at me, daddy?"
"Of course, not baby girl, it's just that you growing up and I'm just sad."
"Well, even when I'm 15 years old I'm still you baby daddy."
"Of course, you are little ladybug now please untie me."
"Sure daddy."
*end of flash back*
"That's crazy"
"What can i say I'm good at that stuff"
When the siblings returned back home neytiri and jake were waiting for them.
"Where were you guys?"
"Just chatting"
And that is how the next day jake found himself tied to a tree with all his kids talking to him.
A/n: hey guys so this is my first avatar fic at credits to @missroro for the idea
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authoreetea · 1 year
how i think the sullys would be as your family
sully hcs!!
note: been feeling rly down about my own family rn lol so i thought maybe this could help. probs ooc but this is just how i see it in my mind. im on a roll today, these characters comfort me way too much its probably unhealthy at this point
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jake sully
he's such a dad. he'll probably make dad jokes after you say you've had a bad day, just to make you laugh. he loves his girls, he loves the boys too but let's be honest he has a soft spot for his girls.
every time you succeed in something he'll probably praise you by saying "good job sweetheart!" or "that's my girl!" (tearing up rn)
gives the best dad hugs:( if you feel like shit he will stroke your head and whisper calming words to you
he definitely teaches english curse words to his kids. where else would lo'ak get it?
he loves his kids despite not being so expressive of it.
i love neytiri. will definitely teach her kids how to be independent and stuff like that. she'll teach you how to use a bow, how to defend yourself.
like jake, of course neytiri loves her kids. she couldn't dare not to, she held you guys in her womb.
she's very over protective. will go crazy if anyone ever tries to harm any of you.
she'll be the type to stroke your hair as she sings a lullaby to help ease your anxieties.
i bet she's an encouraging mother. always telling her kids that they can be who they want to be and reach whatever dreams they want.
i think she'd be someone you can speak to about whatever
he's made for the big brother role. very protective, anyone who's ever courted you will have to meet him and if they do something he doesn't like he will disapprove.
he's probably a mediator, always calm and whatever.
but he loves playing with you, will tease and joke with you.
he's always worried though, as usual. he feels as though his siblings are also his responsibility and if anything were to happen to any of you he'd blame himself.
you were born a year after neteyam, so you've been attached by the hip ever since.
when hunting and he finds something adorable, like a flower, he'd take a few and keep it to give it to his sisters.
she loves having a sister that's near her age. don't get me wrong, she loves tuk, but tuk is too young for kiri to talk about deep shit.
especially since tuk is probably still in her snitch phase.
you two would be so close. you understood her and accepted her whole heartedly, despite some people thinking she's weird. to you, she was magic.
she loves you, she'd ask you to braid her hair sometimes and it was always a fun bonding time with her as you two would share stories and gossip as her hair was being braided.
lo'ak is often called a troublemaker, yet he loves that you see him as an adventurer.
you supported him in stupid shit he wanted to do and that drove nete crazy, but he also knew that you wouldn't put him to harm and will address it if you thought it was too dangerous to do.
he's not as expressive with his emotions but to you he did it with ease. he tells you how he sometimes feels disregarded by jake and you console him.
when the family went to awa'atlu, you were the first person he told about tsireya and how he felt about her. you gave him advice and talked him out of his insecurity about asking her out.
lo'ak might be impulsive but you were his impulse control.
tuk adores you. she adores all of her siblings, let's be real. she has such a pure heart.
she always tries to take up all your time, whether its making jewelry, asking you to do her hair, tell her a story, or sing to her.
she looks up to you and neteyam. whenever you neteyam, and lo'ak would be out in duty, she would be at home making you three some bracelets.
would run up to you first after getting back from whatever duty jake had assigned to you.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
Odd socks | Neteyam’s twin
There is now a full fic available to read. If you’re interested, here is the link to the masterlist. 
Reader as Neteyam’s twin sister. 
I was showering when I had this idea come in my head, followed by many others about how this twin would fit in with the story. Not proofread!!
When Neytiri was first pregnant with you both, she had obviously began to show her baby bump quicker since there was the two of you inside her. As months went by, she and her mother began to wonder why her stomach was so big when there was only meant to be one child in there. It was only when Mo’at felt Neytiri’s stomach and felt 2 pairs of feet kick.
It was very rare among the Navi for twins to be born. In the few cases were twins where born, either one child was born weaker and passes away or the mother passes away herself. This worried everyone. For the remainder of her pregnancy, she would pray to Ewya, pray for both of her babies to be born healthy and let her live to see them grow. At night, Jake would come and lay down with her, they both would talk about who the two babies would take after, the challenges they would face in parenthood with two babies at once. 
However, they soon discovered that Grace’s avatar was also pregnant, how it was possible was a mystery but both Jake and Neytiri agreed to adopt her child. They already had 2 on the way, another one couldn’t hurt. (I believe kiri is slightly younger than Neteyam right? pls tell me if I am wrong-) 
Once Neytiri had given birth, Mo’at was the first to realise that you had 3 fingers on your left hand and 4 on your right. While you brother only had 3 fingers on both of his hands. When both you and Neteyam were put side by side, nobody could tell you both apart had it not been for your right hand with 4 fingers. Jake gave you the nickname ‘odd socks’ for it, you would laugh with him whenever he would call you that until you were old enough to know what ‘odd socks’ were. 
Raising three babies at once was difficult at times. Especially after the three of you learn’t how to crawl. You in particular had to always had to be under supervision as you had developed a tendency to crawl away a lot. You would take any chance you could get to run away. Jake found it amusing to see you dash away on all fours as fast as your tiny hands and feet could take you. Of course, you never actually got very far before you would be picked up by either your father or mother. You would coo at them with a tiny frown on your face afterwards. 
“I’m sorry but you’re not old enough to go off on your own yet odd socks.” Your father would say to you as he carries you back to your mother and siblings. Once put down again on the floor to play with your sister and brother you would try to crawl away again. “Do I have to tie you up or something?” Jake would joke. 
You began to walk first out of you, Neteyam and Kiri. It happened when Jake and Neytiri went out hunting together one day and your grandmother was taking care of the three of you. She had managed to keep you three seated still by telling you all small simple stories but you soon lost interest in her story as you heard something fall behind you. You turned around and saw a wooden carving of a navi man, a toy you and your siblings play with. You were about to crawl away but you heard your grandmother call out to you. 
Turning back around you waited for some chance for when you could crawl away. You got that chance when Mo’at turned around to get something she wanted to show you three. You giggled to yourself as you began to quickly crawl away. Neteyam watched you crawl away and smiled as he also joined you in escaping and Kiri followed him. 
The wooden doll kept rolling and you kept crawling after it. The doll the rolled down some stairs. You remember how adults would go down the stairs on their 2 feet and then tried to do the same. Using the wall beside you as support you tried to stand up. Each time you would fall down, both Kiri and Neteyam would giggle. Mo’at soon found the three of you and saw you standing up. She clapped and laughed, cheering you on. 
Jake and Neytiri had arrived back home after another successful hunt, the two of them made their way to Mo’at’s place to get the three of you back. Once they did find the four of you, Neytiri gasped as you walked towards them, sure you were quite wobbly and fell down once while on your way but both her and Jake were so happy. 
Once the three of you could walk and run, there was no stopping the three of you. Neytiri got pregnant again, this time with lo’ak. This meant that most of the time it was Jake trying to catch the three of you running away. You were quick on your little feet, eager to experience the world and put anything that looks interesting into your mouth. 
The first time you three saw lo’ak, he was sleeping soundly in your mothers arms. You three looked at him in awe of how tiny he was. Which all newborns tend to be. Neteyam slowly reached out to hold lo’ak’s hand, you watched his hand take the tiny baby’s fist in his palm. “Tiny”, you told your dad who chuckled and nodded while ruffling your hair, “You were once that tiny too, though you really aren’t much bigger than him anyway.”  
There were times when you and Neteyam would pretend to be each other, You would undo your braids and try to messily recreate each other’s hair style. You both would walk up to your parents and hide your hands behind your back since you had an extra finger and they could easily tell you apart by just looking at your hands. However, you mother always managed to know who was who and then would tell you off for making your hair so messy. You’re dad on the other hand would pretend not to know just to amuse you both because he remembered how when him and his twin brother would do the same when they were younger.  
While growing up, out of the four children Jake and Neytiri have, you had grown to be the social butterfly. You were friends with practically all of the the children in the clan. You were even friends with some of the children that were older than you by a few years. Neteyam was a but more reserved than you but he still was open to being friends with anyone that approached him. Kiri was only friends with others who kept to themselves like she did, she had not taken a liking to those who were very loud. Lo’ak would stick with either you or Neteyam and hang out with whoever you were with at the time. Neither you or Neteyam mind whether Lo’ak hung out with you or not but he did soon find a friend for himself. 
It was the four of you, and after just a few years it was five. Tuktirey, your youngest sister or Tuk as your family mostly call her. As she grew, your parents noticed how much she acted like you, lively and bouncy, eager to see everything. There would be times when you and Neteyam would take Tuk out exploring in the forest, though you three never really went too far from home, to her it seemed as if you guys were miles away. 
You liked it when you could take your siblings out to the forest with Neteyam, it was fun. All of you would challenge each other to see who could climb the highest, it always came down to you and Neteyam and it varied each time who would win out of the two of you. Sometimes it would be races and little Tuk would get frustrated being last each time so you and your siblings would purposely slow down so she could win one time. Other times, you would find places to sit down and talk about how your father came from a star and the battles him and your mother fought. 
Soon you and Neteyam had to choose an Ikran. Neteyam went first, he had made it seem so easy as he managed to make the bond with his Ikran rather quickly. However, as you were watching him, you noticed another Ikran behind his, one that looked identical to his. Just by looking at how similar the patters and colours were, you wondered if that Ikran would choose you. You had made eye contact with the other Ikran and it opened its mouth to let out a screech at you. “Quick, looks like that once chose you.” Your father whispered to you, he was only standing right behind you, gently pushing you forward to win that Ikran over. “ Go get her odd socks.” You gave him a quick ‘really dad?’ look for the nickname but walked up to the ikran. 
Now you were much closer to the Ikran, up close you could see just how identical the Ikran was to Neteyam’s, only difference being that it’s colours were ever so slightly darker. You struggles a bit longer than Neteyam did but you were soon able to make the bond. You could feel the adrenaline run through your veins as you told your Ikran to fly. Naturally, it flew straight down, you panicked and quickly told your Ikran to fly back up. As you flew back up you could hear your parents cheering you and your brother on. Once your Ikran levelled out, you caught up to Neteyam and the two of you flew together for a bit before being joined by Kiri who also got her Ikran a couple minutes later.  Soon, Lo’ak and your parents caught up to you three and your whole family flew together back home. 
While growing up, you guys were often visited by Spider, a human boy who was left here since he was too small to go back. He would play with you guys as kids but once you grew up, you weren’t as close since you didn’t really get the time to spend much time playing, as did Neteyam. This meant that your younger siblings got closer to Spider much more than you and your twin brother did. This only was because both you and Neteyam were the Olo’eyktan’s eldest children, it could be either one of you that become the next clan leader. Not only that, but your father was Toruk Makto. This meant that the two of you had much more to live up to. 
However, just to escape all the responsibilities, sometimes you would go flying on your ikran on the rare day off, often joined by your twin brother. The two of you would go flying and fly for a few hours, always being back home before eclipse. There was this one time lo’ak joined you two and the three of you tried showing off all the cool tricks you could do with your ikran while flying, your younger brother nearly fell off trying to do a flip. Once you and Neteyam made sure he was safe, you both couldn’t help but laugh. Lo’ak felt embarrassed but a small smile was ghosting his face as he heard the two of you laugh, he knew you both were stressed the past few days and was happy to hear you both enjoy yourselves. Even though he often acts like a headache, he does care about his older brother and sister.  
Though both you and Tuk were similar it often led to small arguments where you get told off in the end because you were significantly older than her. For example, Tuk looked up to Neteyam a lot while growing up and saw him as another father figure. This meant that if she could she would spend time with him whenever. This included stealing him away when he was spending time with his other siblings. “Tuk I know he is your favourite but you can’t steal him whenever you want you know.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes I can! Come on Neteyam!” She tugged on his arm. 
“No you can’t” You held onto his other arm, the two of you had been pretty busy the last two days and you had decided on going out to fly. You already were pretty annoyed to start with and Tuk was just fuelling your annoyance right now. 
“Guys, how about you don’t pull my arms off-”
“I am his little sister, he has to come with me.” Tuk argued with you.
“I was his sister before you were!” You argued back.  
Unfortunately, even though Neteyam promised to spend time with her later, Tuk threatened to tell your mother that you were leaving her out You were even more annoyed and Neteyam did give you an apologetic smile before he was dragged away by your little sister. You sighed to yourself and went off to go do whatever Lo’ak and his friends were doing. (Tuk did apologise later though, Neteyam probably talked her into doing it.)
You remember this one time you found a particularly pretty rock when heading back home from training one day. You thought that you could turn it into a necklace. So then for the next few days, just before you are meant to go to sleep you would dedicate some of your time to work on that necklace. You added some coloured beads to it too. Once you had finished it you held it up in your hands to admire it. The sunlight shined through the opaque rock and let out a orange pool of light to spill out from it. “That looks beautiful. Did you make that?” You heard your sister speak behind you. You turn around to look at Kiri. You smile and nod. She sits down besides you, getting a closer look at the necklace you made. You smile and go to put the necklace on her. “Here, I want to see how it would look on you.” You tell her. She smiles back at you and watches you put the necklace around her neck. It shines around her neck. “You look pretty.” You compliment her. She smiles again and thanks you for it, moving her hands up to remove it and give it back to you. You stop her and tell her that she can keep it. You don’t wear necklaces anyway. She thanks you again. giving you a tight hug before going to continue on with her day. You always saw her wearing the necklace and never saw her without it. You would smile each time you saw it around her neck. 
Like you when you were younger, Tuk would often disappear while exploring on her own. This meant you and your siblings would have create a little search party amongst yourselves to quickly find her before your parents find out and give you an earful of how irresponsible you are. One time you found her looking at a baby ikran from afar. You put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at you. “When can I get my own ikran?” She asked you. “When you are ready and being ready doesn’t mean disappearing whenever you feel like it.” You gently scold her. She gives you a sheepish grin and looks back at the baby ikran wobble over to its mother who busies herself eating. “Come on, lets go back and tomorrow I’ll take you flying on my ikran.” She gasps in excitement and the two of you go back home, talking about the future and how she will beat you at flying with her future ikran.  
While Neteyam and Lo’ak would go with your parents with the war party as spotters, you would go with a group of hunters who would hunt food for the whole clan. Though you weren’t with your siblings or parents while hunting, you had plenty of friends so you never felt lonely. In fact, you quite liked hunting and your aim with the arrow got far better each time, being able to hit your target from much father distances and even with a few objects in the way, you still managed to hit your prey. You ever learnt a few new tricks with your ikran. Over time, you became one of the best hunters among your age of Navi. There was something about flying in with your ikran, pulling out your bow and arrow to hit your target, watching your arrow hit your prey fight where it kills them that makes you start to breath a little harder. You get an adrenaline rush each time but you always wanted more. You wanted an actual fight. Though you never told anyone this, you did try to convince your father to allow you to join your brothers as spotters. He agreed and the first time you joined them you gave in to lo’ak’s idea of joining the fight while Neteyam would roll his eyes at the two of you. You and lo’ak got told off by Jake later that day. Since that day, you were only allowed to join your brothers as spotters if absolutely necessary. 
Over dinner, you would talk with your siblings about your day, Neteyam and Lo’ak going over what they saw at spotters, you talking about how hunting went and what new hunting tack ticks you discovered, Kiri complaining how your grandmother wouldn’t listen to her when she kept saying how one type of medicine is much better than the current one they use and Tuk would talk about how she found a baby bird in the forest. 
You liked how everything was. Each day was exciting, there was always so much to do. You prayed to Ewya that everything would stay the same. Though there was that uncertainty in the future about who would take over your father, you or Neteyam and you were sure that when the time comes, it won’t be so easy to decide but that is for the future you to worry about. Right now, you decided to enjoy what you have. 
It was often your two brothers that would come back wounded from being spotters, even though they aren’t meant to actually be involved in the fighting but there were times when the hunt would be particularly rough, causing you to injure yourself. Whenever this would happen you would walk over to wherever Kiri happened to be, which was usually by your family tent. She would patch you up while teasingly scolding you. Sometimes Neteyam or Lo’ak would be there with you and she would actually scold them. You would lightly laugh at the sight, joining Kiri in telling your brothers off. “Hey, you’re injured too. Kiri why don’t you tell her off for a change.” Lo’ak would complain. You would stick your tongue out at him, telling him that you aren’t in here for medical attention as much as he is. You do worry about your brothers coming back hurt more than you but at the end of the day, you can’t do much since you aren’t always there with them. You are told to go hunting while they go to other places where violence is always a threat. 
(Jake doesn’t let you go bc he knows you’d be worse than Lo’ak when it comes to resisting the urge to join the fight. So he makes you go hunting instead. Though those one off times where you do join them, he has to keep an eye out for you and Lo’ak and Neteyam, the poor boy, has twice the amount of idiots to look out for.)  
(Also if Jake ever wants to talk to you through the throat microphone he would say your code name is ‘odd socks’) 
(You roll your eyes each time he says that.)
(I’m gonna have to make a pt.2)
(bye bye)
You can read pt.2 here
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
neglected sully (4)
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After years of making your new life within a new clan and people, you had thought life will be good for you. That all had changed when the ones from the past, the ones who love you and others who hate you had finally come back into your life. Seeking uturu from a new war that had started as enemies from the past had returned, and driven your family from their homes. The new life you have made here with the ocean, was now about to change even more as you will be welcome the past into your new life.
y/n " ummm" you had woken up to a reached our for the children to see they were gone, you had got up quickly and soon saw they were gone. You had gotten out from bed fast and looked for them in the room and they ere gone, making you rush into the common area of the home.
kawwney " see we have to watch the cooking fire closely when we cook" the triplets and kawwney were near the cooking fire, kawwney was making sure the kids were far away from the fire.
y/n " good morning"
kawwney " good morning my love is everything okay"
y/n " well I thought the kids went miss there for a minute"
kawwney " oh yes I had taken them so you can sleep in a bit more and we can make breakfast"
?????? " mommy" you soon looked down to see Kewia walking towards you.
y/n " good morning baby boy how have you been doing for your baba"
kaewia " good"
kawwney " he been good they all have been good"
roili " mama" roili soon walked towards you as well you had smiled down at him.
aeyla " beauty mama" aeyla was the last one to make her way towards you, once all your kids weee by you they had been given a warm and loving hug. The kids had laughed and smile soon sitting down and playing with the toys.
kawwney " breakfast is ready"
y/n " thank you for making breakfast"
kawwney " anytime so how are you feeling about yesterday"
y/n " well they are here and have been given uturu we just have to wait and see if they, extra changed over the years of stayed the same since the last time I saw them"
kawwney " lets hope as well or we are going to have some problems with them" the couple conversations had been interrupted when they heard a clay bowl break, they soon looked at the triplets as ayela still had her bowl. she was looking at her brother who were pointing at each other.
kawwney " I rather deal with my kids acting like children verse Jake childish actions"
y/n " come one boys let clean up this mess" you had cleaned up the mess that had been made, once breakfast was eaten and over with soon it had reach the time for the lessons.
tsireya " good morning" tsireya had came by the home with her brother behind her.
aonung " good morning brother, y/n and the kiddos" Kewia had almsot dash out of the home, he was ready to go explore today and leave the home.
rotxo " not so fast there kewia" rotxo had caught the boy and was now holding him in his arms.
y/n " thank you rotox" rotxo soon put his nephew back into the home as kewia went to play with his siblings.
y/n " I need to have some words with all four of you"
kawwney " ma y/n"
y/n " listen to what I have to say kawwney ... look I know we will be starting lessons with my family and clan as they been given refugee here after losing their home ... I know you all might have your own feelings about the matter but I need to make sure no harm comes to my siblings and spider and other as well"
tsireya " I will make sure they are safe and well take care of"
y/n " thank you tsireya I know you will do that boys"
rotxo " I will be good and make sure to help them and that no harm comes to anyone of them"
aonung and kawwney " ........"
y/n " you two have something to say or going to stay silent"
aonung " I have respect for you y/n and will do anything you ask me to do and make sure to complete it to the fullest, but why are you being nice to them those foolish treated your horrible"
y/n " aonung"
aonung " no why even mother asked why they let them stay for the harm, they done to you and might do to the tripelts"
y/n " aonung clam down and breath in and out" the boy had done what he was told, and soon breathed in and out looking at you.
aonung " I'm sorry y/n I was rude of me and now I have draw attention of others" there were some people watching but they had soon shushed away by kawwney.
y/n " it okay and I can see you are all worried but it will be okay, I'm no longer the same girl I have changed over the years"
rotxo " we understand and we will make sure that the triplets stay safe"
y/n " thank you" you and hugged the three teens in a group hug make them smile, they really enjoy your hugs.
kawwney " I would say it childish for me to be like this but everyone getting attention but me" the group soon laughs at kawwney words, you soon ended the hug and kissed kawwney on the left check.
y/n " happy now"
kawwney " yes"
y/n " now I'm going to do you be nice to my father to your best ability, or don't cause him to much harm when he with you and your father"
kawwney " I promise for now but one wrong move or word, we are going to have even trouble then we already have"
aonung " I have to agree with my brother there might be some embarrassing moments or pranks coming here and there"
y/n " oh eywa give me strength you are being bad influence on the kids"
tsireya " well it already agree upon by everyone that kewia and roili are like kawwney"
y/n " yes there not lying there" the group had looked back to see the boys were play fighting a bit while, their sister walked towards you and tsireya.
kawwney " wait what about our mother and father"
y/n " ronal and tonowari are their own people and there no way I can control them, are do you all their children wish to tell them what to do"
tonowari kids " no"
y/n " good as I might be helping with the lesson with my siblings or my parents, meaning the kids will be attend to by caretaker for some part of the day"
kawwney " good but how long can we keep them hidden from your family and clan the boys don't look that much like you, but Aeyla look just like you"
y/n " we will tell them the truth and they will have to understand it and maybe accept it and if not then that on them"
kawwney " as you wish my love now come on everyone lets get going, I will see you later by love"
y/n " bye" The group soon left the home leaving you with the children.
The group
Tisreya " today we are going for a swim"
rotxo " follow after us"
neteyam " are you sure"
aonung " don't it will be okay just come along" the tiro had soon dove into the water, as soon enough the sully siblings and spider had followed. Your siblings and spider were swimming around and looking at all the creatures around them, they are amazed by the ocean beauty. They couldn't stay under water for long as they soon made their way to the surface.
tsireya " what wrong"
tuk " you swimming to fast wait for us"
neteyam " we don't understand what you are saying with your hands"
tsireya " I can teach you don't worry"
kiri " this places is so beautiful"
spider " I have to agree with kiri"
lo'ak " you are all amazing swimmers"
aonung " thank you"
tuk " wait where is y/n will she be teaching us as well" the sully kids and spider were looking at three teens.
rotxo " she will be around later on today maybe be might be busy"
tuk " aww but I wanted to see her I miss her"
tsireya " she has missed you all as well she spoke highly of you all" the sully kids and spider smiled hearing towards words but, they really wish to see you.
aonung " now lets try something else out" The group had taken off try out something new, and that something new is IIu riding. The riding session was going well and bad at the same time.
lo'ak " ahhh"
?????? " are you okay there baby brother" lo'ak soon looked and saw you riding one of the IIu a smile had grown on his face, you soon dismounted off your iii and dove into the water. You had swam away a bit and soon came to the surface.
lo'ak " y/n"
y/n " hey lo'ak" lo'ak had soon heard laughing coming from the boy behind him.
lo'ak " that was embarrassing and I wipeout in front of tsireya"
y/n " it okay I had a hard time as well you will master the skill soon"
tuk " y/n you came"
y/n " be careful tuk"
tuk " i wil make sure of that y/n" soon your siblings and spider had made their way towards you, happy to see you again.
kiri " sister you look so beautiful there seem to be a new glow to you"
y/n " thank you"
spider " it seems like we have yet to master the ways"
y/n " don't worry you will master the way soon but it will take time, just like I told lo'ak"
neteyam " so do you know tsireya, rotxo, and aonung very well"
y/n " yes I do"
aonung " when she arrived her she had been brought into our family care, well mostly our brother had brought her home when she landed here ... she had been given refuge here and learned the ways"
neteyam " that all happened on the night you ..."
y/n " yes on the night I was banished from home it has been many years since that day"
neteyam " we are sorry if we could of done something that night, you would still been at home with us and we would of not missed so much in your life"
y/n " I know but what has happened has happened I have missed you all growing up as well"
tuk " well you might still get to see me get an ikrna as I dont have one yet and might never"
y/n " don't speak like that in time you will gain one"
spider " hey why don't you have tattoos like all the other women, your age around here"
y/n " well I have decided to wait a bit longer to get my tattoos"
lo'ak " you will look amazing with them"
y/n " thank you"
tsireya " y/n will you like to join us and help us teach your siblings if you are free"
y/n " I will love too" The group had went back to their lesson and everything was going well, some mess up here and there but the lesson were going good. The group had enjoyed your company as you had made the whole lesson fun, and you are very nice teacher as well.
Later on that day
y/n " I should go get the children I don't wish the care takers to be overwhelmed by all the little ones"
????? " are you sure this a good idea you might not be ready" you had heard kawwney voice, you soon had your IIu go to where his voice had been coming from and it lead you towards the location.
y/n " ......" you eyes had soon laid on Jake and tsu'tey as they are with tonowari and kawwney along with the other warriors. As the Jake and tsu'tey seem to be training to tame and ride the strimwings.
y/n " it seems like lesson here are going well" you had soon spoke up getting the group attention.
kawwney " y/n you have graced as with your appearance"
y/n " well I had gotten done helping my siblings and cousins with their lessons, along with your sibling and was heading back to the village as they were taking a break" you had gotten off your IIu and looked at the group.
tonowari " were the lesson good"
y/n " yes your children are good teachers"
kawwney " that good to hear"
Jake " hello y/n"
y/n " hello Jake tsutey I see you both wish ti ride one of the clans fearsome creatures"
Jake " yes it will be good and hey we need to learn right away"
tsu'tey " I have to agree with your father as warriors we most defend our families and clan"
y/n " are you sure about this the both of you these creatures are not lie ikran or dire horse"
Jake " I got this don't worry I will be okay" there was no talking Jake out of his decision, he soon got onto the strimwing as the other males held the creature in place.
y/n " keep a good form when you dive in and out"
Jake " got it there no need to worry" you just shake your head it seems like Jake, was allowing his ego to get the best of him. There was nothing you could do as his soon mounted onto the creature and made the bond.
tonowari " your daughter words are good advice take them to heart"
Jake " let do this" Jake soon took off but it didn't go well he soon lost control of the creature, just like lo'ak but a bit more embarrassing as some of the other warriors and kawwney were laughing. You had sighed watching Jake hiss in pain. The rest of the time Jake and tsu'tey seem not be being so well and were always falling off.
y/n " it will be good to end lesson for the day as you both seem tried and need rest, you and try tomorrow there no point on wearing yourself out"
Jake " sure"
y/n " good it will take time but soon enough you both will learn the ways"
Jake " thanks hey we should head back the village together the family home not that far from here"
y/n " I will love to but ...."
kawwney " y/n are you coming we promised to head back to the village together, as we have plans tonight and responsibilities as well"
y/n " oh yes goodbye for now take care" you soon had left with kawwney, he had a smile on his face as you and your IIu swam pasted him. Kaweney could feeling someone looking at him it was Jake and tsu'tey. Jake seem to have mixed emotions about everything going on, but there hadn't been a chance for words to be exchanged as all three males had parted ways.
y/n " you are tested the waters you know my husband"
kawwney " oh yes I know but what can he do about it, unless he wishes to start trouble"
y/n " oh eywa"
kawwney ": now if you excuse me I'm going to get our children" kawwney soon raced off and you laugh, calling him a cheater in the race to get home and see the kids. He did win in the end and you were fine with it, as you did get the time to be with the kids.
The sully family
lo'ak " we got to hangout with our sister today"
neytiri " that good we should have her over for dinner soon, as it been so long since we saw her"
tuk " we should invited kawwney over as well"
mo'at " oh yes he the eldest son of tonowari I have heard many good things about him"
Jake " ......"
mo'at " Jake what the matter"
Jake " I don't like him around my daughter"
lo'ak " well dad I have some bad news for you it seems like they are very close, as tsireya was telling as when she arrived here kawwnye had found here and brought here home attending to her when she was hurt helping her learning" mo'at knew there was more to the story but she was not saying anything, she was happy for her granddaughter and kawwney bond and she sense something as well.
neteyam " yes it seems like they have a good relationship we didn't ask if they are mates yet or not"
kiri " that might explain that glow she has"
mo'at " what glow"
kiri " I don't know but she has this glow that makes her even more beautiful and she happy, looking well too when she was with us she seem so natural in this environment"
tuk " she well liked by tsireya and her brothers the clan as well"
Jake " well I and your mother have a say in your sister relationship, and we have had some young man say they have taken an interest in her and we think one of them will be perfect for her and then she can come home with us when the time comes"
lo'ak " dad she has a life here and she happy"
neytiri " we know what best for your sister we have always know" mo'at sighed hearing towards words as she was drinking some water.
mo'at " I have a feeling y/n life here is wonderful and you two interrupting that will be rude, towards her and clan who been helping us"
Jake " I know mo'at but I will not having my daughter living the rest of her life here, and without here family we all will be leaving and there nothing kawwney can do about it ... or if he able to prove himself as worthy mate to my daughter we will be make sure she finds a good mate"
neytiri " same goes for you older ones as well find a good mate while we are here, as we will need to make a clan stronger and big"
older kids " yes mom" there more words had been spoken but mo'at had felt something was calling her and feeling. that was all leading towards you. Tomorrow she will have some words with you and telling you about what has been spoken about you, she wanted to help she and caught up for lost time. There are surprises coming for you family and clan, when they see your life was not living alone as they thought as you had a family here already and new life as well.
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neqeyam · 1 year
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part one ig ??, once again pretend those texts aren’t in light mode LOL
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stomach-bugg09 · 1 year
hi omg i love your oldest sister fics!!!! Maybe another where she is one of the most feared warriors in the clan ? and when they leave rhe forest she meets someone (romantic) at the new clan ? the sully family is probably not accustom to seeing her be romantic and in love.;)
summary: [y/n] sully is in love, and everyone is scared.
a/n: I LOVE THIS IDEA. LIKE SO VERY MUCH. thank you so much anon for this beautiful experience, it was so fun to write. i actually am really proud of this, given it's pretty long ( 4.6k words, oml !! ) and i put a good ( insane ) amount of effort in. i also kept using this as a way to take a break from studying, so thanks for keeping me from burning out anon! feedback, reblogs, and reqs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir @historygeekqueen
warnings: literally none, maybe some language, a bit of angst at first ( just sad — i made myself very unhappy ), emotionally hurt + comfort, a sickening amount of fluff, really long, [y/n] x oc but this oc is actually such a sweetie pie i love him, [y/n] being the cutest little patootie of all time
change is scary
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every omaticayan knew of [y/n] sully. they knew she was a fierce warrior, a strong warrior. they knew she took after her mother, the archery gene running strong through her veins right next to her urge to protect.
they all knew that, being the oldest child of their olo’eyktan, she was expected to fill the position of the tsahik one day in the far future, and her training reflected just that. not only was she deeply connected with eywa thanks to the teachings of both her mother and grandmother, but she was intelligent when it came to war. she sat in at every single war meeting with her father, silently taking note of everything that was exchanged.
after seventeen long years of listening and learning, [y/n] was considered one of the strongest warriors in their clan. she was well respected, more respected than even some of the elder warriors.
part of her soul felt pride. pride in herself, in her abilities. but, another part of her soul felt empty. almost like she’d missed a third of her childhood because she’d been busy shaking the hands of generals from other clans.
but now… now all of that, all of that time wasted as she straightened her shoulders and stood tall in front of clan leaders, time wasted as she stared at raid maps, time wasted as she trained with the most skilled warriors of the omaticaya… it was all going down the drain.
“we must leave. it is unsafe here.”
she fought tears, told herself she was far too mature for them. she swallowed screams, told herself she needed to set an example for her siblings. the only time she broke was the night before they left, leaving her on her knees before the tree of souls, begging eywa, “why? why must you do this to me? just when i was this close?”
[y/n] was not sad. no, she was angry. but she had nobody to be angry at. it wasn’t like her parents were wrong for wanting to keep her family safe.
maybe if i’d killed that avatar when i had the chance, she cursed herself, remembering when her arrow’d been pointed directly at the heart of quaritch, only being interrupted by the other avatar that shot at her. thanks to the will of eywa, he was a terrible shot and she came out unscathed.
she held a stoic look upon her face during the ceremony in which her father passed along the title of olo’eyktan to tarsem. it wasn’t that she had anything against tarsem and his mate—in fact, she thought they were considerably good choices. but that was supposed to be her. that was supposed to be her ceremony.
by the time they had to leave, [y/n] had nothing left, no energy left to try and hold it down. so, instead she remained silent, because if she decided to say a farewell to even one person… she knew herself well enough to not trust the floodgates.
as they flew, her butt growing sorer and sorer by the second, she remained distant. the air was calming, the breeze allowing her a moment to breath.
she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts she didn’t notice her family exchange glances, all silently deciding to leave [y/n] to work through it herself. they knew her, and they knew she would not let them help. i’m fine, she would say, and she would keep saying it until they finally gave up.
it was only when they reached their new home in the metkayina clan that she began to show herself again, but even that was the tiniest peek.
as ronal circled the group of foreigners, her hands trailing over them as to check out what features they offered, [y/n] immediately felt on alert. her ears perked, eyes narrowing at the tsahik, a growl growing at the back of her throat.
when she held up lo’ak’s hand for the entire clan to see, as if shaming him for his lineage—a lineage that he was born into without a choice, [y/n] stepped forward, teeth bared. immediately, neteyam pulled her backwards, just as jake did with neytiri.
her action pulled ronal’s attention, their eyes locking. the tsahik circled her, watching as [y/n]’s tail swished, lip curled in disgust.
ronal did not miss as her eyes flared for even a split second as she stopped in front of the girl, grabbing [y/n]’s face with one hand. the air immediately got tenser, tonowari and jake sharing very similar expressions of concern, the latter grabbing his mate before she could make any dumb decisions.
[y/n]’s tail fell to a pause, her air stuck in her chest as she stared directly into the metkayina woman’s eyes.
“if you are seeking refuge, i suggest that you don’t threaten anyone.”
[y/n] bared her teeth at that, fangs making a show just for her. “if you are seeking to make enemies with the toruk makto, then why don’t you just say that?”
now, in this moment, most members of the metkayina clan were justifiably upset. speaking to their tsahik like that? well, of course they would be angry. but, in the crowd of metkayina stood one boy, his eyes unable to leave that girl. that girl who was full of anger, of spite, of bitterness for the world. she was captivating.
as the rest of the crowd gasped at the seventeen year old’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh, immediately covering his mouth as his friends sent him a look and an elbow in the ribs.
the only other person to smile at her words was, shockingly, ronal. the tsahik felt the smallest grin rise to her lips, taking her hand off of the girl’s face and taking a step back. as soon as she was back with tonowari, it was like the look of amusement had never been there.
once she’d stepped back, silence seemed to settle in the air. it was heavy, weighing on [y/n]’s shoulders just as much as the look her father sent her. behave, remember? he seemed to be telling her.
her mother’s look of pride made her feel a bit better, though.
as a way to regain the attention of the crowd, tonowari cleared his throat. “toruk makto is a great war leader. all na’vi people know his story.” he then locked eyes with jake. “but we metkayina are not at war.” [y/n]’s eyes followed tuk, watching as the small girl walked over to her father, allowing for the father to pick her up and hold her in his arms. “we cannot let you bring your war here.”
jake nodded in agreement. “i’m done with war, okay. i just.. want to keep my family safe.” at that, they seemed to pull closer together, neytiri grabbing the hands of her two eldest daughters.
“uturu has been asked,” the mother added, her eyes meeting those of tonowari.
the silence was deadly. [y/n] could feel pins of anxiety, her breath getting shallower. and what if they send us away? where else would we go? just keep trying and trying to find someone to take us?
after what seemed like forever, tonowari turned away from them and towards the people. “toruk makto and his family will stay with us.” immediately, relief flooded her body, her head dropping in appreciation. “treat them as your brothers and sisters. they do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath.” at that, [y/n] felt her mother cringe beside her. and, as a wonderful way to finish their introduction to the metkayina people, he added, “teach them our ways so they not suffer the shame of being useless.”
she felt neteyam’s grab her tail at that, tugging it to keep her from saying anything stupid.
“okay,” jake sighed, relieved. he turned to his family. “what do we say?”
“thank you,” they all mumbled except for tuk whose tone was very genuine.
[y/n], however, remained silent. at a sharp look from her father, she swallowed. “thank you,” she added, exhaling a deep breath.
beside tonowari stood two kids, a boy and a girl. “my son ao’nung and my daughter tsireya will show your children what do,” he informed the family. [y/n] stifled a chuckle as the boy, ao’nung, tried to argue his way out of it. “it has been decided,” tonowari shut him down.
tsireya, however, looked more than happy to do it, and based on the way her baby brother was staring at the metkayina girl, lo’ak didn’t seem to mind either. “come, i will show you our village.”
if there was one thing that shocked [y/n] during her time in awa’atluI, it was that she horridly terrible. terrible at everything. from riding an ilu to being a quick swimmer. it was awful. and maybe the whole brink of the problem was the fact that she could barely hold her breath for a time, making it nearly impossible to learn to do anything else.
it’d been a few weeks of relearning the ways of life, and it felt as if she was making absolutely no progress. the simple things, such as food and even dancing, came easy to her. but learning to make food and dance was not going to make her a successful warrior, and even tonowari knew they needed to train her to fight with them based on the stories that her father told of her. ( he also recognized her the moment that ronal faced her off—how could tonowari forget the face of one of most mature eight year olds that he’d ever met way back in the day when he visited the omaticaya for a war meeting. )
but, for the love of eywa, [y/n] was useless. completely and utterly! and the fact of it made her sick to her stomach.
ao’nung was her first teacher, and he was a complete imbecile. tsireya was patient with her, but her optimism made me feel even guiltier by the day. eventually, one day out of the blue, the two children of ronal and tonowari brought forth a male.
this male was around [y/n]’s age. he was tall, muscular, and based on his tattoos, he was an announced warrior of the metkayina. tsireya introduced him as fali.
it turned out, based on further conversation between [y/n] and tsireya, that fali had grown up with the two kids. he was the son of respected warrior, a warrior that was considered ronal’s best friend. in a way, fali was like their big brother.
at that, [y/n] thought that… maybe they could be friends. maybe they had more in common!
she was wrong, and after a days of knowing him, she came to the conclusion that their older sibling roles happened to be the only thing in common.
while [y/n] was smart, responsible, respectful… fali was stupid, annoying, and careless. it was driving [y/n] up the wall! if he was the “older sibling,” why did he egg ao’nung on? if he was the “older sibling,” why did he dare the younger boys to go beyond the reef? if he was the “older sibling,” why was he so… reckless?
so, to say that [y/n] was exhausted with both him and the entirety of trying to rewire her brain, well… that would be a major understatement.
but, alas, she was still expected to learn. unfortunately for her, she took the role as the older sibling quite seriously, and she tried to set a good example out of herself!
now she treaded water in the middle of the reef, the sun beaming down on her face and shoulders. in front of her floated fali, the boy drifting stomach up with his hands rested behind his head.
[y/n] did not look amused, as unfortunate as fali found it. he was letting the sun practically burn his face off, and she wouldn’t even smile!
after an excruciating amount of time, fali let out a yelp of surprise when he felt her hand grab his tail, yanking him downwards. when he resurfaced, she had the faintest shadow of a grin. she nearly drowns me and she still can’t smile fully. what is wrong with her?
while [y/n] thought fali to be reckless and far too carefree, fali found her to be way too uptight. i mean, sure, old habits die hard after being raised as the future tsahik, but couldn’t she let loose once in a while?
“can we please start?” the girl asked, tone exasperated.
he rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips. “well, i apologize. i didn’t realize you were so eager to learn. i mean, you usually just complain.”
[y/n] sighed, sending him a look of annoyance. he does not shut up, does he? but, he wasn’t wrong… however, she didn’t let him know that her heart dropped once he decided to actually start teaching her for the day.
it was an unusually long lesson, but it was filled with the same issues as every other day. fali telling her what to do, [y/n] being unable to do it, [y/n] getting mad at herself, fali trying to help her fix it, [y/n] telling him that she’s fine, fali stepping back and watching her battle herself… it was always a pleasant time.
this time, however, things just seemed to be a little more on edge. she seemed to be a little more annoyed. at him, at herself. she was a balloon ready to burst, and fali was bracing himself for the moment that she did.
it was after the sixth time in which she failed to breath correctly that he knew it was going down. he watched her face flush, eyes narrowing as she continued to try and fix it.
“no, [y/n],” he offered, voice soft. she always made him feel guilty, guilty of ever getting annoyed. he knew that she was trying her best. “just… breathe from here. pretend as if there’s a flame within your belly, offering your lungs support and warmth.”
“i’m trying!” she snapped, eyes brimming with tears before she quickly turned away, eyes avoiding his eyes.
the two faded to silence, simply sitting on a rock in the middle of the reef, staring at the setting sun ahead of them. the horizon was gorgeous, a beautiful orange contrasting the blue of the sea.
they sat there, in silence, until just before eclipse.
as they neared curfew, [y/n] inhaled deeply, preparing herself to get up and leave. but, a gentle hand on her knee stopped her. she turned to fali.
“do you know what i think?” he began, voice gentle. “i think that you are more than capable to do this.”
[y/n] scoffed. “if that were true, i would be out there, not stuck with… with you!”
at that, he huffed a laugh, running his fangs over his bottom lip. “i’m going to ignore that comment and continue getting to my point,” he jokes, his eyes widening at the smallest flicker of a smile on her lips. “i believe that something, whether you realize it or not, is keeping you from being successful—my guess being that it’s subconscious—but i digress. i believe that you are scared, [y/n]. scared of doing it right, scared of becoming one of the metkayina because once you are one of our people, you feel like you are betraying your home.”
the girl beside him shook her head in disbelief. “you believe? or you know? because you sure said that—that soliloquy—as if you know me.” [y/n] stood up, taking a few steps backwards. “i have known you for seven days, fali. seven days! and suddenly you decide that you can analyze me?”
fali laughed at that. “seven days is enough for you to decide that you hate me!” he pointed out, a disbelieving smile playing on his lips.
“well, you wear everything on the outside. every bit of stupidity, recklessness, carelessness.” she grit her teeth. “you are an open book, and i am closed. that is the truth.”
“i wear what i want to wear,” fali argued, standing up to face her, the two getting closer by the second. they got closer by the insult thrown. “you think i am dumb, but i am not. i am smart enough to make it so that people like you—people who do not care to look past their own bubble—cannot see my vulnerabilities.”
[y/n] bared her teeth. “you think me ignorant? blind, even? i have seen more of the world than you, i have fought dream-walkers, watched as my baby siblings had death looming above their heads. you are clueless to what is beyond awa’atlu.” a growl built in the back of her throat, their faces extremely close together. “i build my—my ‘bubble,’ as you called it—because i know what is beyond your dimwitted understanding!”
the two were silent, the tension electric between them. behind them the sun was set beyond the horizon, eclipse having already passed. waves lapped at the rock, the incoming high tide making it so their feet were splashed with the salty water.
as they stared at each other, a sense of understanding seemed to bless both of them. fali’s eyes never left those of [y/n]... her ( beautiful ) narrowed eyes. and [y/n] didn’t miss the way that the moons reflected on fali’s aquamarine skin, his bioluminescent freckles splattering the sides of his face.
[y/n] could have sworn she felt herself lean in, towards him, until the familiar call of her mother brought her back to reality.
“[y/n]?” neytiri called from their marui.
the girl swallowed, stepping back quickly. she cleared her throat before yelling back, “coming!” and with one last look at fali, she dove into the waters.
the next few days were odd, to put it simply. suddenly, there was no aggravation towards each other, but it was much more tense in an… awkward way.
a part of [y/n] was filled with spite, and by the time they got to working again, she was doing better than she had been for weeks. she was actually making progress! and it was all to shove it in fali’s face.
unfortunately for her, fali was much more hesitant when it came to helping her. he refused to touch her stomach as to help her breathing, his movements stiff and scared, resembling that of a baby hexapede.
but, [y/n] didn’t need him…? the others found it extremely peculiar. one day, she’s out past curfew, and right after she suddenly fixed nearly all her mistakes. very odd indeed…
it did not take long for her first free dive. her breathing improved astoundingly, her swimming technique also getting better from watching tsireya when she showed kiri and tuk around the reef.
“do you see this shell?” fali held it up, the sunlight reflecting off of its shiny exterior.
she rolled her eyes. “yes, i see the shell.”
“that’s good.” he blinked, eyes shifting away from her’s with a sheepish grin. “uh, anyway,” he continued, clearing his throat. “i assume you understand the drill? i drop it, you find it.”
“yes, fali,” she sighed. “i am fully aware of how this works. now, i would rather get it done with soon so i don’t have to live in anxiety anymore.” [y/n] locked eyes with fali. “please just drop the shell.”
and he did. she swallowed as she watched it float down, the depths looking much more abyssal-like than they normally did.
“remember,” fali’s soft tone grabbed her attention, “there is nothing to fear. you are stronger than you know, and if you begin to doubt yourself… think of you returning with the shell and rubbing it in my face.” at that, [y/n]’s face flushed, embarrassed. he smiled at her expression. “yes, i know that’s the only reason you’ve suddenly been trying, but… if it works, it works.”
and for once, she smiled. actually smiled. and fali felt himself burst with pride. somehow, it felt better that it wasn’t one of his stupid jokes, or his silly slip-ups. no, he made her smile just by talking to her. by being fali.
stunned, fali only remembered that he was supposed to be helpful when she stared at him expectantly with those bright [e/c] eyes of her’s. he lifted his hands, miming lungs filling with air as he reminded, “deep breath. this is all yours. nothing to fear, only to look forward to.”
with that, the girl dove in.
underneath the surface, she felt at peace. for the first time ever, [y/n] wasn’t freaking out while submerged in the salty water. instead, her jaw seemed to gape in awe at the scenery around her.
the deeper she went, the more starstruck that she was. there were layers to this reef that she hadn’t even been aware of. layers that she’d only heard from tales of her siblings, not truly understanding how magical they actually were.
as she kicked her feet towards the ocean floor, she heard fali’s voice in her head. “the way of water has no beginning and end.” she caught sight of the shell. “the sea is around you and in you. the sea is your home, before your birth and after your death.” she stifled a cry of joy as a school of fish swam around her, tickling her sides with their soft touches. “our hearts beat in the womb of the world. our breath burns in the shadows of the deep.” she was nearly there, her hand outstretched to grab the small artifact. “the sea gives and the sea takes.” she got it! oh, eywa, she got it! it was in her hand! oh, how proud fali will be! “water connects all things.” she began to swim up, a smile stuck on her face. “life to death,” she resurfaced, “darkness to light.”
“fali!” she cried, spinning around in a circle to catch the eyes of the boy. “fali, look!” she held it up, her expression beaming with pride.
and fali couldn’t help it either, his own smile taking over his features. “[y/n]!” he exclaimed, jumping off of the rock and swimming to her. “you did it! oh, eywa, you actually did it!” he stared at the shell as they tread water. “oh, how proud i am!”
her silence caused him to turn, staring her in the eyes. “[y/n]?”
she swallowed, her eyes locked on the shell in her hands. “fali,” she began, voice quiet. “i have a wallowing fear that you were right.”
at those words, fali gaped silently. instead of answering right away, he began to tug her towards the rock, allowing for them to get out of the water so her could properly comfort her.
once she was settled on the rock, she carefully placed the shell down, pulling her knees close to her chest. she felt like a child again, helpless against her emotions. “i was scared. not of the ocean, not of swimming, not of drowning.” she looked up, locking eyes with fali. “i was scared of abandoning my people.”
a tear dropped from her eye, and fali immediately had her hands resting on [y/n]’s biceps. “hey,” he called softly, forcing her to look him in the eyes again. “you are not abandoning them. you are… learning. you are learning how to adapt, how to survive. in fact, i think that is more in touch with your culture and ancestors! you are just like them, trying to adapt and survive in a world that is trying to kill you.” she smiled a little at that. maybe he wasn’t so stupid. “you are not weak for fearing change… you are normal. it is okay to be normal every once in a while, as much as you enjoy being the big sister that is oh-so mature and oh-so strong.” his finger lifted her chin up, a soft smile on his lips. “because people who love you do not mind how mature, or strong, or stupid, or careless, or responsible, or up-tight you are. because you, [y/n], are what you are.”
once he was finished, he noticed that [y/n]’s tears were dried, a smile on her face. a look in her eyes had him floored… oh, she was so beautiful, wasn’t she?
luckily for fali, she seemed to think the same of him, raising her arm, grabbing the back of his head, and bringing his smiling lips against her’s.
the sully family knew and loved [y/n]. of course they did! she was their’s, afterall. but, they also knew that she was never this easy-going or even this happy.
both jake and neytiri knew they’d seared little moments of trauma into the brain of their eldest daughter, and they hated knowing that, but parenting is never easy. especially when she was expected to become the tsahik way back when.
but, ever since a few weeks ago, ever since she finally overcame her own issues regarding leaving the omaticaya, ever since she finally found someone that she loved as much as she loved her family ( and he seemed to love her even more ), she was a new person. a better person. a person who actually seemed to enjoy life.
neteyam and lo’ak were the first to become skeptical. ever since her successful free-dive, she’d been so.. giddy. it was not their big sister.
kiri started to catch on when she noticed [y/n] disappearing four hours at a time, and when she came back, she was ten times happier.
neytiri and jake were so wrapped up in the fact that their eldest was finally living a happy life, they didn’t once question, “hm, why could that be?”
it was only when [y/n] returned home a little late one night after the rest of the family, minus tuk since she was still quite young, had a busy day full of duties. she blamed it on finishing an errand with her new best friend, fali, but neytiri scanned her daughter’s body for any sign of injury. neytiri was just that type of mama bear!
“[y/n],” she began, eyes narrowed at her neck. “did you get bitten today? are the bugs bad on that side of the island?”
[y/n]’s face flushed almost immediately. she swallowed, grabbing her hair to cover her neck. “yeah—” she attempted, before tuk interrupted. [y/n] immediately cursed herself, remembering the stupid excuse that fali and her’d made up to cover-up their “hang-out” when tuk had walked in unexpectedly.
“uh, no, mom,” the youngest said matter-of-factly. “she was playing shark with fali. obviously.”
immediately, the sully family burst into confusion.
“[y/n]!” neytiri scolded, although her eldest daughter didn’t miss the amused smile that played on her lips.
kiri burst into laughter. “that’s why you’ve been so happy? because a guy? who even are you?” she teased.
lo’ak was absolutely losing his mind, face flushed from the laughter he was overcome by at the reality of it all. his big sister, little-miss-uptight, getting her first kiss before him and neteyam? unbelievable!
neteyam was absolutely shocked, face frozen in disbelief. “you? fali?”
jake, of course, was on immediate protective dad mode. “fali? the son of vi’ieo and fpai?” he questioned, eyes squinted at [y/n].
all [y/n] could do was sit there, a hand covering her mouth. of all people, tuk had to expose her. it’s always the ones you least expect.
but, despite the surprise of it all, the sully family was extremely happy. [y/n], the one who entered the metkayina by trying to one-up the tsahik and also deal with her own absolute soul-crushing homesickness, was making a life here in awa’atlu. and they couldn’t be more proud.
someone was suckered into a part ii
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