#neteyam x reader x ao’nung
theblueflower05 · 9 months
need to be converted back to Neteyam as my number one😭 He was my first love from the movie. I've been held captive by Ao'nung.
Okay but like hear me out.
Neteyam’s always gonna be my main squeeze- buttttt,
Why choose?
When Neteyam & Ao’nung are like the perfect men to be in a throuple with? They compliment each other so well- they’re like two sides of the same coin. They’d literally fulfill all of your needs.
Imagine getting to be in the middle. Their baby. Their girl.
Ughhhh I get all shivery just thinking about it. And I think about it often😂
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
Anyway, while we wait for the main Ice!Na’vi series send in requests for Ice!Na’vi!Reader and the following pairings.
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Neteyam Sully
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Kiri Sully
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Tsireya
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Aonung
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Poly!Neteyam & Aonung
Ice!Na’vi!Reader x Poly!Kiri & Tsireya
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nyctophicbtch · 1 year
Outsiders - Neteyam
[ Neteyam x Metkayina!reader ]
Summary: Despite your uninterests in getting to know the Omatikaya guests, you’d somehow managed to capture the attention of the eldest brother and Neteyam messed up by doing the one thing your brother told him not to. Plus Lo’ak being the captain of the ship.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2,033
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Just as expected, there were no particular signs of interest your siblings found in you when Omatikayas showed up on the shore, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t curious upon their arrival.
“She will show up.” You faintly heard Rotxo quietly say to Ao’nung as you approached the commotion.
A glimpse of your father and mother speaking to an Olo'eyktan had you pushing through the crowd to get a better view. You could see your sister already examining the outsiders alongside your brother, being fairly kinder than he was.
“See,” remarked Rotxo as he spotted you making your way over to them.
Their banter over you was not uncommon. It never bothered you and you could care less with what they were whispering about now when you knew they had no ill intentions. Instead, you shifted your attention to the family standing before you and eyed each of them individually.
The littlest one was hiding behind her mother’s leg, the other girl looked exhausted and the younger boy had his eyes glancing at your sister too often to your annoyance.
You glanced at the eldest just as he did too, noticing you for the first time. The corners of his lips curved upwards to form a subtle smile in an attempt to seem friendly, which others might have missed but your brothers didn’t.
It wasn’t the smartest friendly attempt, considering how it only deepened the distaste of your brother into sneers and scowls.
“If he hasn’t already, he’s going to take interest in you,” whispered Ao’nung, though he didn’t seem pleased to know that. “You’re alluring. Stay away.”
“I won’t even do anything!”
“Shh,” interrupted Tsireya.
You shot a glare towards your brother in annoyance. He knew you wouldn’t even be interested in seeing them, let alone talking to them, yet somehow he was so sure that they’d approach you on their own
“They won’t even care, Ao’nung.” You had been so busy furiously thinking of arguments against your brother that the call of your name spooked you.
“They will teach you our ways,” your father said, earning immediate complaints from your brother whilst Tsireya obliged and wasted no time in leading the guests.
There was no doubt that your sister could handle them, and your siblings wouldn’t expect you to be interested in teaching them either. And they weren’t wrong. You’d prefer entertaining the kids running around the sand than guiding them.
“Where’s your other sister?” asked Kiri when she noticed your absence.
Neteyam hung back with Lo’ak as their parents busied themselves gazing at the village. The place still felt foreign to them, and even more so when they knew they’d be staying here.
“Doing something else. She’s not used to outsiders.” Tsireya did not stop to reply, the words coming off her tongue as if she had practiced it a thousand times.
Lo’ak raised his brows at the mention of another sister. He was too caught up fuming at Rotxo and Ao’nung to even notice you, but he doubted any of them were used to outsiders either.
“The quiet one.” Neteyam replied to his unspoken question. “The interesting one.”
“Go anywhere near her and we’ll tie you up with your baby tail.”
“Relax, she’s all yours.” Neteyam held his hands up in defense. He didn’t understand why they were getting so defensive over you although he barely even looked your way. Lo’ak was ogling at Tsireya and they didn’t seem too bothered.
Something was off about you, especially when you’d so rarely make yourself visible to any of them for days. He would’ve expected the daughter of the Olo'eyktan to be difficult to miss, especially when they all expected you to help teach them the Metkayina ways. And to be truthful, you just enjoyed doing your own thing that does not involve the outsiders.
“Father’s expecting all of us to join them.” Your annoyance was clearly visible. You weren’t even needed. They could handle this on their own without you, and your father knew that.
You left them alone for two minutes and somehow they were already taunting each other when you came back. Your sister was called to help mother, much to your dismay, and you were putting back the saddles of the ilu.
“Lo’ak,” you heard Neteyam warn as you returned to the group behind Ao’nung, giving some distance.
When Lo’ak approached and flexed his fingers around, you knew what was coming before the punch actually landed on your brother’s face.
“Rotxo, stop!” you yelled, pulling him back by his hand. He shook you off easily, dismissing your warnings.
You looked to Neteyam who sighed, as if he’d witness this too many times. The older brother easily beat up Ao’nung and his friends in Lo’ak’s defense, scolding Lo’ak afterwards.
“Come on,” Ao’nung waited expectantly for you to follow them. He sensed your hesitance and saw the way your eyes roamed back and forth between them and the Omatikayas, and finally decided to leave without you.
“In my defense, you got to show off in front of her,” said Lo’ak groggily, nodding to you.
“Excuse my brother and his unrefined mouth.” Neteyam received a weak punch for that and the tiniest smile from you. He didn’t comprehend why, but Neteyam smiled at your amusement and from then, the annoyance you felt from having to teach them disappeared. Just slightly.
“Do I have to face dad?”
“Yes. Until then keep out of trouble. I mean it Lo’ak.”
It was safe to say Neteyam was impressed that his brother managed to not utter a single provoking word until he had to face their father.
“Hey.” Neteyam spun to the sound of your voice. It was nearly sundown and you were standing outside his room. “Sorry about my brother and his friends. I can still teach you how to control your breathing if you’d like.”
The mindful part of him knew he should go find his brother who hadn’t been visible for a long while, but the selfish part of him allowed his interests to take over. And this time, he allowed something for himself for once. Besides, Lo’ak should stay out of trouble after his last encounter with dad.
“Yeah. Sure.”
You nodded towards the shore and Neteyam jumped off his marui to follow you. It took great effort to avoid bumping into any of the children running around and splashing water.
“The secret to increasing your lungs’ limit is to slow your breathing and allow them to slowly adapt,” you said, pushing him back by the chest with both hands so that he sat down.
“Breathe from here.” You were only showing him parts of his chest and abdomen, but he couldn’t help the increasing pace of his heart as your hands felt around his chest. His eyes locked on your face the entire time in an attempt to focus on what you were saying, but the words that came out from your mouth sounded foreign to his brain.
“Your heart is beating really fast.” You frowned. “Slow down.”
Neteyam nodded, but when you felt his heart keep its frantic pace, you sighed and removed your hands from his chest.
“We’ll try this again tomorrow with my sister.”
Neteyam did the one thing Ao’nung told him not to do. He found himself coming up with excuses to see you and he was just about subtle enough that even Tuk noticed.
“I just made peace. This time I think you’re going to be the one to mess things up.”
“I’m not doing anything.” They both knew it was a lie and Neteyam was fully aware of that.
“Can you show the way to our marui? They all look the same,” Lo’ak mockingly mimicked the conversation he overheard between you and his brother yesterday. Lo’ak was basking in his enjoyment.
It was something unlikely of Neteyam and something expected of Lo’ak, which made the whole situation even more amusing to the younger brother.
“Ow.” Lo’ak swatted away the hand that hit him in the back of his head.
“You’re being annoying. Stop.”
“Stop being a wuss and make a move. It’s her birthday.” The look Neteyam gave was out of pure disbelief.
“I’m not you who falls in love with every pretty girl you see.”
“I do not do that.”
“Yes you do. Now go annoy someone else. I’m going to see if mom found our gift.” Neteyam pushed the weight of Lo’ak’s arm away from his shoulder, distancing himself before walking the other direction.
“Actually, you already gave her one.” The words from his brother’s mouth caused Neteyam to freeze in place and turn his head to look at him.
“You gave her a pretty sea bouquet with a sweet little note.” If he could, Neteyam would tear the smug look off of his brother’s face.
“Kurkung.” Asshole. “What did the note say?”
“You’re going to have to ask her yourself. She actually shows up when you’re around.”
Happy birthday, tanhì
- Neteyam
You somehow doubted that this was actually from Neteyam. He didn’t seem like the type to show romantic gestures to someone he met only a few weeks ago. You were surprised that he was even interested in you at all and it had you flushing like an idiot.
“What’s got you so smiley?” asked Rotxo, snatching the note from your hand before you could reply.
“That bastard. I thought mom got you that.” Your brother gestured to the bouquet with a glare. You had no idea why your brother and his friends were so against you and Neteyam. It wasn’t like either of you showed any interest in each other. Well, not until now.
“Lay off, Rotxo. It’s her birthday,” you heard Ao’nung’s voice before he entered the marui and stole the note from Rotxo’s hands. Your brother’s hand ruffled your hair in a way he knew you hated. “Happy birthday, hì’i kxetse.”
Happy birthday, small tail.
You shoved his hand away in annoyance, the glare you sent looking more playful than menacing. The pushes turned into fights and a full race to the waters.
“Guys-“ Rotxo never got to finish what he was saying since the two of you were already running through the poor villagers that minded their own business, occasionally bumping into some of them.
Ao’nung was grinning at his expected victory when you tackled him from behind. The rest of the way was filled with tripping, pulling, and your attempts at kicking him away from you.
You were nearly there. Aonung would often beat you most of the time, but on lucky days, you claimed the victory.
“Woah!” Before you could stop yourself, you slammed into Neteyam, knocking the both of you over to the waters.
Water filled your lungs quicker than you could comprehend and it seemed like Neteyam did the same since he was coughing a fit once the two of you resurfaced.
“Sorry,” you mumbled an apology in between coughs.
“Looks like lover boy helped you win, little sis.” Ao’nung appeared from behind you. Your brother did nothing, but you hit him on his forehead - which felt like a weak nudge to him - for his mere existence. “I’m gonna fetch Rotxo. I’m still keeping my eye on you, forest boy.”
Once Ao’nung was out of earshot you were quick to approach him and apologize for your brother’s hostility. “Sorry for him. I liked your gift, though. It was lovely.”
Neteyam knew it wasn’t really his gift, but he couldn’t help but play along. Lo’ak was never going to let this go and he knew it. He was “forever in Lo’ak’s debt”.
“It’s alright. Happy birthday again.”
You smiled at Neteyam, leaning in to put a hand on his jaw and he hoped you couldn’t feel the speed of his heartbeat increasing as you gave a peck to his cheek. It was supposed to be him, yet you were the one whose face flushed and quickly swam away to find your ilu.
Lo’ak just found the entire thing amusing.
He raised a brow suggestively as Neteyam spotted him standing by the shoreline, blowing a kiss his way, which was responded with water splashed to his face.
“You’re welcome.”
kurkung [ˈkuɾ.kuŋ] n. asshole (vulgar)
tanhì [tan.ˈhɪ] n. star, bioluminescent freckle
hì’i [ˈhɪ.ʔi] adj. small, little (in size)
kxetse [ˈk’ɛ.t͡sɛ] n. tail
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pandoraslxna · 7 months
Too close to the sun
adult Ao’nung x female metkayina reader x adult Neteyam
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Words: 10.6k
Summary: Ao’nung loved you as Icarus loved the sun- too close, too much.
Warnings: explicit smut, mmf threesome, ooc Neteyam, biting, p in v, oral, toxic behavior, jealousy, possessive behavior, best friends with benefits, fake dating, angst, one sided love, double penetration, anal
Adult Neteyam / Ao‘nung art by the amazing @cinetrix 🩵
Notes: I was aiming for porn and it got emotional my bad
Tsawke = sun
Sevin = pretty
Paskalin = honey
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"Everyone knows the story of Icarus, who Daedalus warned not to fly too near to the sea, nor too close to the sun.
Have caution, they are saying, because when they tell you this story they are Daedalus.
Have caution, I am saying, because when I tell you this story, you are Ikarus and I am the sun."
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Ao’nung wasn’t always in love with you. And there’s nothing he wishes more, than for the time to come back where he wasn’t. That time, before that dumb arrangement.
It was a double edged sword.
It wasn't so much a friends with benefits arrangement as it was a assured destruction. Because Ao’nung hadn’t known what he was agreeing to.
“Nungy, would you do me a favour?”

You see, spending every possible second with you has taught Ao’nung to be cautious, to pick up on those minuscule changes in your voice, in your eyes. And the way you called him by this silly little nickname made goosebumps break out over his skin, because whenever you blinked up at him with those big doe eyes and that innocent little smile and then called him nungy, he knew that there was something that you wanted and he also knew that there was no way he could ever deny you.

“I’ll do you one too,” you promised, tilting your head, a mischievous smile tugging on the corner of your lips. Oh, you little…

“…alright. What do you want now, hm?”

Looking back, Ao’nung realizes that this was his first mistake. His next mistake was not getting up and running when you grinned at him like he was some prey that just walked into your trap. His biggest mistake, however, was not saying no when you proposed this strange arrangement.
"Please pretend that you… that you want me. That there’s something between us. Just for a while nungy, please. Maybe that would make him jealous, would make him realize that he wants me too."

Or maybe he made the first mistake long before that. Maybe his biggest mistake was to befriend that little girl he made fun of, twenty years ago. Or maybe it was making fun of you in the first place. Maybe he should’ve never picked on you, should’ve never made you cry, maybe he should’ve never went to you and apologize, because he has never apologized to anyone else ever before. Maybe he shouldn’t have blushed like an idiot when you accepted his apology, swung your little arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, told him it was okay. Maybe, just maybe, he should’ve never made the girl cry that then accepted his apology so unconditionally that Ao’nung swore he would never let anything bad happen to you ever again, because you were the first person to accept him as he is, that could see through his façade and saw something good. Something worth to be loved.
He hadn’t known that he was agreeing to losing himself and becoming inseparable from you. Or maybe he had, he’d already known he needed you like his lungs needed air to breathe when it was just friendship between the two of you. He just hadn’t counted on how much his own helplessness to the whole situation would drive him crazy. How it would only be a matter of time before you sunk beneath his bones and nurtured this deep seated familiarity into a love so fierce that he would question if he had ever truly been in love before you came along.
But your love was directed to someone else.
Every single nerve-ending burned with the desire to haul a fist over and slam it into his face. It was on the verge of painful just to hold his muscles tightly still whenever he was around. If he did anything to this piece of shit, Ao’nung knew he would be the one to get punished for it.
Neteyam. He’s the one his tsawke was so head over heels for. The omatikaya prince that grew roots on his island a couple of years ago when his family sought otulu within his clan.
Ao’nung knew you had your eyes on him ever since you took part in training him for his second iknimaya with the metkayina. But he didn’t deserve your kindness. Neteyam didn’t deserve any of the things you did for him, the things you still do. Not with the way he had that filthy grin on his face when his eyes roamed your body. Not with the way he acted all innocent and kind in front of others, but his true nature made Ao’nung scrunch his nose in disgust.
Neteyam just wasn’t a good guy. Sure, he had this special talent in making others believe that he was, but he certainly wasn’t.
You’ve spent years trying to get his attention with courting gifts, fleeting touches and seductive words. But while Neteyam seemingly tried to leave his filthy fingertips on every women in the village, he barely paid you any mind. Just enough though, once in a while, to keep you wanting him, keep you on edge. Like this was all just a fun little game to him.
But what shocked Ao’nung most was, that you knew. You knew that he was a flirt, knew that he slept around, knew that he was playing with you, kept your hopes up for years on end but never returned any of these feelings or kind gestures to you and yet you still couldn’t peel your eyes away from him. It made his blood boil, because how could a smart little thing like you be so blind, so dumb to fall for him, of all people?
Truth be told, Ao’nung wasn’t even sure if part of the reason he agreed to any of this was that he was hoping it would work. Ao’nung was hoping this would get Neteyam jealous, he was hoping this would hurt him as much as it hurt you to find him flirting with another woman yet again, to find him wearing the bracelet you made while his hand was buried between another woman’s thighs. Yes, Ao’nung hoped it would hurt him. Even if he was hurting himself on the way.
But by eywa, could hurting himself feel any better?
The first time he gave in to you was intense. It left you with a noticeable, unplaceable stiffness in your walk the next morning, but aching to have him again. Ao’nung found himself unable to lean his weight fully against anything for three days, his muscles sore, feeling thicker than usual. There were gouges from your nails in his back, bruises from his hands on your body, marks from his teeth everywhere they could possibly cover. Marks that were normally meant for no one to see, yet you displayed them like they were art, meant to be noticed, to be seen.
"Louder, tsawke. Let him hear you."
He doesn’t know what drives him more insane. The feeling of your walls clamping down around his cock, squeezing him so painfully tight it felt like he might come undone at any second. Or the knowledge that you were doing this only now that he had mentioned him. Not that it actually mattered.
A wet rhythmic smack of flesh against flesh filled the air in your marui. Ao’nungs hands were at your hips in a tight grasp, your cheek shoved against the ground, ass high in the air as he pounded into you.
"Let him hear how good I’m making you feel", he whispered against the shell of your ear. "Moan my name."
Selfish, yes.
But you just sound so sweet when you gasp his name like that, with that whiny tone in your voice that’s halfway muffled into the sheets, little punched out moans garnishing the whole thing before his cock started throbbing inside you.
He made sure Neteyam heard every little noise you made, every moan, every whimper and every filthy squelch of his cock drilling into your wet heat. Ao’nung made sure he heard all of it. You were his, he let himself believe. Even if it was just for now, just for this.
"Ao’nung!" The name rolled off your tongue as a whimper, a gasp, followed by a choked-off moan as he gripped your hips and pressed himself closer against you, buried his face into the crook of your neck and lapped at the bite marks that he only recently put there.
Anyone could claim their mate with a courting gift, he thought proudly, sucking yet another hickey into your throat as he simultaneously trusted into you. But these bites and hickeys, they were an art that required precise observation from their presenter and the complete trust from their acceptor.
These weren’t cold, lifeless symbols of affection, no. You couldn’t just take them off. But they had short lifespans, often only a few days, a week if he was lucky. And this gave him the opportunity to continue to give you new ones over and over, of different sizes, shapes and colors; and if he didn't feel like putting them on your throat, then he could put them on your breasts, your hips, on your wrists, your shoulders or your thighs.
Your entire body was an available canvas for these markings and he took great advantage of this.
Ao’nung liked having the ability to move them and create new ones as the old faded and disappeared. He liked having the opportunity to accept and receive his own markings when your old ones had once again retreated from sight.
They were profoundly intimate, a powerful symbol that was physically felt each and every time it was given to an extent that any other courting gift never would be.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Yesterday night’s memories were still pretty much livid in front of his minds eye as Ao’nung not so subtle failed to listen to his so called friends about whatever they were talking about.
Nothing they weren’t used to. It’s not like he had ever actively participated in a conversation that wasn’t about him, anyways. And it’s not like he cares much about what that says about him. Ao’nung knows these guys aren’t really his friends. At least not like you are. They’re more like his goons, brainless little minions that have been following him around and would listen to every one of his orders since the day they found out he will be the next olo’eyktan. He’s almost certain that they wouldn’t stick to him if it weren’t for this fact.
Gentle waves rock him back and forth on his tsurak, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the vast ocean, his spear-gun strapped to his back as they wait for the rest of the hunting party to join them.
Ao’nung doesn’t need a mirror to know that he must’ve looked like he was ready to commit a crime when some of the younger hunters were accompanied by the Sully brothers, and he wonders which of these skxawngs had invited them so he knew which of them to exile from any hunts for the next month or so.
Neteyam greets the others first as he approches, polite as ever, but there’s a knowing, dirty little grin reserved just for him as he turns in his direction to reach a hand out for him to shake, like they’re friends. Ao’nung fights the urge to scoff and roll his eyes at that.
Reaching their chosen spot, he then signals the other hunters to prepare their fishing spears and nets. Each of them take their position, their eyes keenly scanning the water's surface for any sign of movement, while some others submerge into the deeper water.
However, Ao’nungs own eyes are unfocused. He has a hard time concentrating on anything other than that insufferable forest boy swimming only mere inches away from him. Like letting his five fingered freak of a brother participate wasn’t already enough of an insult to his warriors pride. No, now there were two of these demon spawns here with him. He knew Neteyam wasn’t even doing anything particular annoying, yet it felt like he was taunting him with every breath he took.
It was as if he could sense his thoughts, because a shadow suddenly casts over the spot Ao’nung had aimed his spear to, making it impossible for him to see through the waters surface. Looking up, Ao‘nung is then met with a pair of golden eyes and sharp teeth grinning back at him.
Any complain about Neteyam blocking out the sun so the man would hopefully move and bother someone else dies on his tongue, the moment his gaze lands on the shiny pearl that’s dangling over his shoulder, tidily braided into a strand of ink-black hair.
Ao’nung would probably recognize this white pearl everywhere. He was with you the day you had found the shell, had watched you crave and polish it for hours. He had wordlessly sat besides you, pondering if you even realized that a similar pearl garnished his songcord as a reminder of the day he had met you. That he had once sat where you sat, spent hours working in concentration to crave the pearl from such a filigree shell that his hands were hurting for days, hoping you would return the gesture to him one day.
"Neat, huh?" The omatikaya smiles, but it’s not a genuine one, before he brushes through his braids and twirls the pearl between his fingertips. It makes Ao’nung snap out of his thoughts, and he’s quick to advert his gaze to the sun, secretly hoping it will burn his eyes so he would never have to look at it on him again.
He just hums, barely a coherent response. While he wants to agree, simply for the fact that you had made it, he would also rather die than compliment the demons son. And he knows Neteyam just want to force a reaction out of him, so he chose to end the conversation right here and wordlessly swims a little further, where he then aims his spear to the waters surface, targeting a fish with precision and—
"Almost as pretty as the little thing that made it for me." Neteyam squints his eyes at him as he chuckles, and this time his amusement is sincere. Aimed to hit a nerve.
With a swift motion, Ao'nung hurles his spear into the water, but it completely misses the shimmery fish that had caught his eyes.
He turns to glare at the man that’s practically begging to be the next target. His Tsurak growls, making the water around him vibrate as it feels the anger radiating off his rider through the bond.
"I didn’t mean to insult you", Neteyam laughs and shakes his head, holding his hands up in surrender. "You two are awfully close, no?"
With a sigh, he regains his composure, takes a deep breath and, afraid that whatever might come out of his mouth would only start something that wouldn’t do him good, simply choose to nod instead, his eyebrows still drawn together tightly. Neteyams grin still hasn’t vanished, yet he seems to mimic the way Ao’nungs spine had straightened, which in return made him feel like he was under interrogation.
"How come I still haven’t seen any courting gifts on her then? Whatever it is called that you have with her, is that some kind of arrangement or…?"
"Nothing that should concern you, forest boy", he cuts him off.
"Hmh, right." Neteyam nods and Ao’nung can’t help but pray to eywa that this would finally be the end of this uncomfortable conversation. Unfortunately, it is not, as the forest boy then swims a little closer, his voice low as he says, "Well, by the sound of the moans you knock out of her", a look comes over Neteyams face, and it sickens him to realize it was arousal. "I may have to try my hand at her sometime too, just to see what all the fuss is about. Seems like she loves to spread her thighs for just anyone."
Ao’nung balled his fists, and ground his teeth together so hard, he was almost certain he could hear a crack. It took every last ounce of energy not to lunge at him.
Neteyams words whispered over and over and over in his head, a rolling loop that he thought might actually drive him insane.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Never had left him a hunting trip so tense before, Ao’nung realized, sighing as he lowered himself into the water. It was warm and relaxing, soothing his tense muscles and the ache he felt.
He seemed to get like this a lot lately, feeling stressed and tense and trying harder than ever to will himself to sleep, to concentrate and to stop thinking about this. But it was impossible. Ao’nung found his mind going back to the same problem over and over again and he found worry and jealousy rising in the pit of his gut more and more.
It had been some time since his last visit to the hot springs in the center of the island, and at least the waters were soothing on his overworked body. Not to mention the way your hands were gently running over his shoulders, as you positioned yourself to straddle his lap.
The hot spring was large, a natural pool that sat surrounded by smooth stones, leaving the air here steamy and considerably warmer than the rest of the forest. A popular spot to bath for the metkayina, but tonight it was calm and empty.
Long, ropy vines hung low and mingled with purple leafy plants above him. Bountiful beds of marigold, azure, blazing red, and creamy orange blossoms lined the space that the pool inhabited. Small particles of pollen danced in the steam that rose to the sky. Blue-green moss coated the rocks where their surface was wet and slick from the humidity.
You had both stripped out of your clothes, long past being uncomfortable with each other's nudity. Your warm, soft breasts now pressed against his chest, thighs framing his waist and his body finally relaxes as he deeply inhales the swirling aromas of both, the hot spring, filled with oils and herbs, and also your sweet natural scent.
Ao’nung rests his back against a rock that had been weathered smooth, his hands gliding over the soft skin of your back, up and down, as you continue to knead the tight muscles of his shoulders and neck. Through the upper canopy of the trees he could see night draw in and a soft rumble filled his chest as he pulled you closer.
"Still not going to talk to me about what happened today?"
Your playful voice is what makes him pry his eyes open and unfortunately return his mind to the moment and todays memories.
"Nothing happened today, tsawke. I already told you", he grumbles.
"You know I can tell when you’re lying", you push and Ao‘nung wants to roll his eyes, but he misses the strength to do so. Instead, he just buries his face into the crock of neck and makes a sound of annoyance. "And you’re never like this after a hunt. Normally, I can’t even get you to shut up about how you made the biggest catch and how you’re oh so much better than everyone else, how they’re all just a bunch of skxawngs and– ", you begin to mock him, but can’t finish the sentence as a teasing little giggle bursts out of you.
"That does not sound like me at all", he protests, yet can’t hide the lazy grin forming on his lips.
It’s moments like these that Ao’nung values most about your friendship. It feels so intimate and natural, the way you so playfully interact with him. How close you are, physically and mentally. You take care of each other, even if the ways in which you do, go beyond any normal friendship. It just feels so good to be in your presence, it makes him forget about the world around him for a while. Makes him forget why he was even so tense, what exactly had plagued his mind in the first place. There was just you now.
Ao’nung doesn’t even try to wipe the woozy smile from his face as he listens to your soft giggles and the joy it brings you to tease him, to know that you’re the only one allowed to do this and continue unharmed. Oh, how you loved to take advantage of the soft spot he had for you.
Your chest was still pressed firmly against his own, droplets of water running down your collarbone and collecting in a small puddle where your breasts are squished together. You wear your hair up in a bun, a few messy strands sticking to the sweaty skin of neck and forehead and Ao’nung thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes upon.
Between soft laughs as you mimic his cocky way of presenting himself, he catches you off guard as he suddenly presses his lips against yours.
He knows there’s no reason to do this. You’re all alone out here, so there’s no point in trying to make someone jealous that wasn’t even there to witness it. But from time to time, both of you had sought the other out just to get some sort of relief, so this wasn’t really something new to either of you. This agreement had long become more than a means to make Neteyam jealous. Besides, if he had to pick something he would get out of this agreement, it was this. After all, you promised him a favor if he would agree.
Your lips are soft and your tongue tastes warm and sweet as he deepens the kiss, tilting his head and cradling the back of your head to get better access. It doesn’t even take a heartbeat for you to relax into the kiss, exhaling a soft sigh as your arms encircle his neck and pull him closer.
The gentle sway of the water fuses you tighter together, and soon you’re rubbing and grinding against each others wet bodies. His hands are everywhere on you, pushing and pulling and kneading every inch of skin until your cheeks are flushed red and you’re panting against his lips.
"Please", you whisper softly, and he feels your thighs squeeze around his middle. Your hands roam over the muscles of his chest, then down over his abs, between your bodies, until they reach the base of his cock. "Please, can you…"
"Can I what?", Ao’nung breathes against your lips. He plants open mouthed kisses from the corner of your lips to your jaw, down to your throat. "Talk to me, tsawke. Tell me what you want."
"Touch me", you say, and it’s so whiny it almost sounds like a complain. Meanwhile your hands begin to stroke and squeeze up and down the length of his cock. It makes him chuckle as he licks a wet stripe from your collarbone down to your breast, "But I am touching you."
You make a frustrated sort of noise and Ao’nung smiles, softly, fondly, and then he carefully closes his teeth around a nipple and tugs.
"Fu– Fuck, c-come…on", you pant, "You know what I mean! Just— please!"
His tongue traces from your breast back up to your throat, where he buries his face into your skin to inhale more of that natural sweet scent you release. Ao’nung let’s out a deep groan once you stroke him a little faster and it almost makes him forget what he was supposed to do with his own hands.
"Please, Ao’nung", you whine again, but what snaps him out of his aroused trance isn’t your pleading voice. It’s the sound of someone else approaching the hot spring with a low chuckle.
"It’s not nice to make a woman beg like this."
You inhale a sharp gasp, pressing yourself tighter against Ao’nungs chest in an attempt to shield your naked front from any unwanted viewers. His tattooed arms hold you close, encircled around your back and covering your skin as much as possible. With his eyebrows knit together, he glances over the top of your head to see who was stupid enough to interrupt his alone time with you.
"Oh, please don’t stop on my account. I was enjoying the show."
Neteyam. Oh isn’t this just great, Ao’nung thinks to himself, grinding his teeth as he watches toruk maktos eldest step into his direct view.
There’s a sharp grin plastered on his entirely too perfect face. And this man dares to call himself a warrior? There’s not a hint of a scar on his skin, not one tattoo adorning his body that could tell of his victories, his hunts. He might as well be a nobody.
"What are you doing here?" The grip Ao’nung has on you is possessively tight and for a moments he thinks he’s the reason for your breath has stopped.
"Well, what do you think?", Neteyam chuckles and the golden color of his eyes seems to glint in the moonlight as they rake over your exposed back. "I came here to bath, just didn’t know this spot was already… occupied."
It’s a reasonable response. But not even close to a good enough reason for him to stay.
"You can leave then."
Neteyam did not seem to share the same thought.
"Hm, I don’t think I will. Besides, that gives us the chance to continue our nice conversation from earlier, don’t you think?"
Ao’nungs growl rumbles from deep within his chest as he watches him step closer to the hot spring. Briefly, he remembers that he had very clearly warned the brat to stay away from you this morning, even if it was through gritted teeth and words that were generally much nicer than the ones he would’ve preferred to use.
Neteyams hands were already working to untie the knot that held his loincloth together, before he paused for a moment. A quick glance to your face and Ao’nung was met with the sight of your widened eyes, lips slightly parted as you were obviously trying and failing to proceed what was even happening. Neteyam then pauses.
"Unless you…", with a tilt of his head his eyes meet yours, a sly smile pulling at the corner of his lips, "want me to leave?"
Taken aback, your breath hitches in your throat. There’s a look of uncertainty on your face, as if you were struggling to express what you wanted. If you even knew what you wanted, Ao’nung thought. Your eyes then skipped between both men for a moment, a blush spreading over your cheeks so deep, they were almost turning purple now.
Ao’nung feels his chest tighten as you glanced from Neteyam to him, and then back to Neteyam. For a moment he’s scared you would tell him to leave, now that what must’ve been a dream to you finally seemed to come true. But you don’t. You just say nothing.
"That’s what I thought. You don’t mind if I do, right?" A soft rumble filled the man’s chest, almost a purr, as he untied his loincloth and then stepped into the water.
Your breathing had picked up rapidly, Ao’nung realized, feeling the way your chest pushed against his own as you inhaled quick, shallow pants of air. There’s a moment of very uncomfortable silence, made worse only by the tension that filled the air as Neteyam let out a content sigh after making himself comfortable, sitting with his back against a rock, arms sprawled out over the edge of the hot spring like he owned the place.
His abs tense just above the waters surface as he stifles a laugh, and he brushes a loose braid behind his ear while his eyes seem to be glued to yours.
"By the look on her face I assume you haven’t told her about our conversation from this morning?" He asks, his gaze moving for just a split second to look at him. You seem to follow his example and crane your neck up to look at him questioningly, your brows raised high.
Ao’nung can't think about what he's supposed to say now. If he thinks too much about it, he'll end up punching him in the face and it probably won't end there. It’s like Neteyam can read his mind, or maybe he’s just good at reading facial expressions, because he’s quick to give an answer to the confused look on your face before Ao’nung even has the chance to open his mouth.
"Sevin", Neteyam says and Ao’nung wants to vomit, "why don’t you turn and face me, hm? It’s rude not to look at the person that is talking to you, don’t you think?"
Ao’nungs arms tighten around you, so hard it’s like he’s afraid you‘ll float away if he won’t hold you close enough.
But then you whisper a soft, "It’s okay", and uncontrolled jealousy punched right at his gut as you wriggled yourself free.
It’s almost like he had forgotten for a moment that this was kinda part of the deal. That he’s not the one that’s supposed to be jealous. That if he were a good friend, he would’ve gotten up and left ten minutes ago, give the two of you some space, help you achieve the goal you’ve been working so hard for the past year or so.
Usually, Ao’nung could camouflage all and any feelings from anyone very well behind angry glares and scornful smiles. He was an impenetrable wall for those around him. Except for you, of course, who could normally read him like an open book. But now that your attention was entirely directed to someone else, you couldn’t even see the way a flash of hurt and jealousy came over his face for just a heartbeat.
Your hands trembled as he helped maneuver you to sit on his lap, facing Neteyam that sat opposite of you.
"That’s much better, isn’t it?" He grins and you give him a sheepish little nod, blushing even deeper as he purrs a whispered praise. Ao’nungs arms encircle your waist, pulling you flush against him. He feels the soft of your bottom pressed against his crotch, and if it weren’t for the current situation, he would’ve loved nothing more than to slide into you and take you just like this. Unfortunately, the omatikaya sitting right in front him then continues to talk and sets every single nerve inside him on fire with the urge to get up and push his head under the waters surface until he stops mov—
"I meant what I said, by the way." He says and all of those murderous thoughts inside his head come to an halt. "There’s no need to stop doing what you’re doing just because I’m here."
He wants to laugh in the forest boy’s face, but decides to shove it back down and manages to keep his expression impassive.
"On the contrary. I‘m very content with watching." A seductive little wink is send your way and Ao’nungs whole body tenses. Neteyams gaze then lands on him and Ao’nung suddenly knows that he wants him to try something.
Ao’nung has a temper. He‘s always had a temper, everyone knows, and Neteyam is just trying to be provocative, Ao’nung tries to remind himself. But now his temper already flares, bright and white-hot, and he almost doesn't care about a response, doesn’t care about what he could answer to this as long as it hurts, so he bites his tongue hard enough to taste copper.
It’s unfortunate for both of them, that Neteyam can’t seem to shut up, despite the fact that neither him nor you had said anything yet. He‘s confident in every word that leaves his mouth, not even caring about what the two of you would think of him as he goes on, "Oh, right, I almost forgot. Since your dear friend hasn’t told you yet, I guess it’s my duty to enlighten you."
One of his hands curls into a fist and he can't seem to relax it, before he realizes it’s your hip that he’s squeezing. Not hard enough to hurt, but he lingers for a long moment before he can force himself to loosen up. He apologizes with a fleeting kiss to your shoulder, making sure to hold eye contact with the man in front of him, like it’s two Pxazang‘s battling for territory.
"Ao’nung and I had a very nice conversation this morning, and he actually made the proposal to…", his lip curls into a dangerous smile, "share you."
Ao’nungs mind goes blank. He wasn’t prepared for this.
Share you? But he did not…
His mouth opens to object, but all words seem to fail him, his brain struggling to keep up with what was happening, while he simultaneously tried to understand what Neteyam wanted to achieve with this lie.
"If that is something you would want, of course."
There it is again, that act of fake innocence, pretending to be oh, such a good and caring guy. It breaks his heart to see it working so well on you.
You glance up at him with those nantang puppy eyes full of hope and anticipation, "You… You did?"
But there’s silence and Ao’nung just looks at you. He listens once Neteyam opens his mouth again, he has to listen because his throat feels too dry to speak.
"Oh, yeah", he responds for him. A white lie, like everything else he had told you so far. "He told me how good of a friend you are and that this would be something you would truly enjoy. And I know for a fact that you really deserve this."
No. No, you don’t deserve this, don’t deserve him. And sharing you like this was never part of the deal, it wasn’t part of the agreement to take a part in any of this, to watch his filthy hands touch you. Ao’nung was never one to share his possessions– he never talked about his feelings, he just acted, knowing what he wanted and going for it. That was how he did everything; with quick deliberation leading to a fast resolve, quite the opposite of Neteyams tendency to manipulate.
"You’re such a sweet girl, aren’t you? Letting your friend arrange this for you", Neteyam chuckles and Ao’nung realizes just now, how much you’re squirming on his lap. "Why don’t you show me just how sweet your are, hm sevin?"
He’s only playing a role, Ao’nung has to remind himself. As much as he prayed for it to become reality, you weren’t his. He was just your friend. But if being a good friend meant to participate in whatever this was, so be it. At least he could be here for you, take care of you even when you were in another man’s arms.
It was comforting, in a way. Comforting like rays of sun soaking into his skin, so much so, that he‘ll forget what damage they can do if he stays to long under her comfortable shine. He‘ll burn, sooner or later, feel the pain when it’s already too late. But it feels good now, so he tries to stop worrying about everything else.
The feeling of your slick rubbing against his thighs reached a point where it was impossible for him to ignore, even though it hurt to know he wasn’t the main reason for this.
His gaze never leaves its target sitting across from him, not even as he dips his hands below the waters surface and hooks the back of your knees over his forearms. The surprised little squeak you emit was kind of cute, he thought, as he lifted you out of the hot spring.
Your soft hands cling to him as Ao’nung makes himself comfortable, sitting down onto the flat rocks that enclose the pool of water, while he holds yourself up and open for Neteyam to see. Your legs are spread as far as they can go, and said omatikaya can be seen swallowing the salvia that pools in his mouth at the sight.
You were a piece of art; gorgeous, pretty and wet, droplets of water running down your curves, mixing with arousal that ran down your thighs. But you were also pretentious, greedy, and entirely spoiled and that was entirely his fault. And he knew how to play that card all too well.
Ao’nung nuzzled his nose against your cheek, up to your ear where he whispered, "You want him? Then show him", before licking the shell of your ear, making you shudder in his hold.
Even he felt the flush of dark embarrassment tickle up your spine, before you wriggled a hand free and lowered it between your spread thighs. A fingertip slid between your folds, teasing your slippery entrance with a quiet whimper.
"Don’t be shy", Ao’nung murmured, nipping on your throat. "C‘mon, tsawke. Be a good girl and put a finger in."
Nodding, you pressed your index finger against your slippery entrance, slowly pushing in to the last knuckle. Then, you wriggle a second finger in beside the first one, and start to ease them out together, then back in; a slow, slick push.
The moans that tumble from your parted lips are like the sweetest most familiar melody to him. To Neteyam, they are the reason one of his hands has disappeared below the surface, casting ripples in the water.
You curve your finger a little more and pick up the pace, thrusting them faster. The squelching sounds they coax out from between your thighs filled his ears, growing louder by the second. It was only overturned by the sound of his own ragged breathing, his heart thumping against his chest in the same rhythm his cock throbbed heavily, yearning for friction, for your hands to touch him, your tight cunt to wrap around his length and swallow him whole.
"Just like that, you’re doing so good", Ao’nung coos softly against the shell of your ear, "Look how much he’s enjoying the show. See what you do to him?" He tips his chin up and your eyes flutter open to get a glance of Neteyam. His ears are pinned back, eyes half lidded, with lips slightly parted and chest heaving as he strokes himself under the water. Ao’nung has to swallow back his own pride in order to play this role, yet he enjoys being the one that can touch you so freely while all Neteyam can do is watch as it happens. "He wants to touch you so bad", he chuckles lowly into your ear and your body decides to respond for you, hips canting forward to push your own fingers in deeper. "I bet he wants to know what you feel like, warm and wet around him. How tight you are. Fuck, if only he knew how good it feels whenever you come around my cock, the way you squeeze me. See his eyes? He’s hungry for you, tsawke. He wants to know how you taste like, too."
A helpless little whimper escapes you from his words and Ao’nung grins, the tip of his fangs sparking with mischief. "Should we make him watch, hm? Or do you want to invite him?"
"Nung", you mewl, plead with your eyes as you glance over your shoulder to meet his.
"I won’t do it for you", he whispers, tilting his head towards the other man with a sigh, "Use your words if you want him."
Your eyes follow his line of sight. Neteyam groans, then closes his eyes for a brief second and throws his head back in bliss, before he looks back at you with a dirty smile.
"What is it, hm?", Neteyam asks, "What do you want, paskalin?"
Your toes curl at the sound of his voice, raspy and laced with a certain type of hunger that could only be satisfied by one thing alone. And that thing is you. Breath hitching, you make a whiny little noise that almost sounds like a plea for the forest boy’s name, but that seems to be all you manage.
"Can’t get the words out, huh?", he chuckles, "That’s okay. Fuck, just look at that pretty pussy, doing all the talking for you. Look how she’s dripping, so eager to be filled, but your hands aren’t enough, are they? You need my help, pretty girl?"
Ao’nungs own fingers itch to help you out, to show him just how perfectly he can fill you with them. That there’s no need for this demons spawn here, that he’s the only one you need to satisfy you.
You seem to think otherwise, because you’re nodding quick and desperate, and Neteyam groans at the sight of your clenching hole once you had pulled your fingers out. A wordless inventions for him to take their place. So Ao’nung continues to hold your legs open wide as Neteyam pushes himself off the rocks and approaches slowly, gracefully walking through the waist deep water to stand before you.
With the way Ao’nung had hoisted you up and held you spread open as he sat on the flat rocks surrounding the hot spring, Neteyam didn’t even had to kneel or crouch to be eye level with what he craved most and the realization made him lick his lips in anticipation.
His hands find the soft of your thighs, caressing your skin before he placed soft kisses here and there, making you shiver in Ao’nungs hold. With his eyes entirely fixed on yours, Neteyam then runs the tip of his tongue through your wet folds and groans at the taste.
"Eywa, woman", he curses under his breath, then attaches his lips to where your slick oozes out in a clear, honey-like stream. "You’re so sweet, paskalin", it’s muffled against your cunt, before he withdraws and glances up at Ao’nung. "Does she always get this wet?"
You let out an impatient whimper and Ao’nung places a soothing kiss to your shoulder.
"For me?", he chuckles, the sound low and dangerous and he feels the goosebumps rise on your body. "Every single time, yes."
Neteyam grins. "Must be my lucky day then. Look how she’s dripping for me."
He takes his sweet time returning to you then, kissing and stroking everywhere but where you need him, but when he finally does, you gasp and moan as he nibbles at your clit, arches when he cups your ass and, with the soft sucking noises he makes, it felt he was drinking you in.
You moaned again, breathlessly, bonelessly, and your back arched away from Ao’nungs chest, or at least you tried to. Feeling so good, so stupidly happy, Neteyam then ran his tongue up and down your slit again and your moans turned into a wail.
He returned to lick and suck at your clit, alternating with a smooth up-and-down stroke with two of his fingers, teasing and circling your clit, then gently prodding them at your entrance.
"Mnnh– Fuck, ah, please, please", you whimpered breathlessly, hips bucking helplessly to get his fingers to slip inside, your head falling fully back against Ao’nungs chest. "Neteyam, p-please!"
But Neteyam only sped up, his tongue wet and rough and steady against your clit, groaning into you at the sound of his name from your lips, and pressing his face against your pussy like you actually taste of nectar or honey or any of those tooth rotting sweet fruit the Sullys enjoyed to eat.
Meanwhile, Ao’nung placed several open mouthed kisses from your throat to your jaw, enough of an hint to make you turn your head and claim your lips in a deep, hungry kiss. It was wet and filthy, just tongues and teeth as he devoured you, as Neteyam devoured your other set of lips.
You were moaning into the kiss, wanton and desperate, before finally, a set of fingers were pushed past your entrance and curled just right, while Neteyam kissed and sucked on your clit so passionately, Ao’nung felt the way your whole body tensed.
And then, then you were coming, bucking, crying out weakly even though it seemed you had no breath left in you. Shuddering and shuddering all through your body, shuddering between two hot bodies who worshipped you, who were holding you, staring at you like prey- beautiful, delicious prey, both of them so very hungry for you.
"Good girl", was murmured lowly into your ear, "Keep coming for us, c’mon let it all out. Let him taste how delicious you are."
Neteyams tongue continued to lap at your flowing arousal, groaning against your folds between filthy slurping noises. "Hmm, fuck. Is that all for me? So good, paskalin, you taste so good."
You kept your eyes closed and let the little tremors and aftershocks go through you, just breathing in tiny happy hums, because, eywa bless them to whatever heaven existed, they were both still touching you, gently and slowly. Neteyam kissing you softly, Ao’nung nuzzling his face into the crock of your neck, sucking on your throat, until eventually your breathing slowed, and you swallowed, opening your eyes.
Immediately, you were met with two golden eyes, looking up at you from between your thighs.
"Neteyam", you pant, "m-more. I want more. Please."
"Oh, do you?", he chuckles as he rises to stand on his full height, towering over you. "You’re such a cute little thing, so needy." He tips your chin up with a finger, then tilts his head as he grins down at you. "Think you can take both of us?"
There’s the sound of an audible gulp and neither Neteyam nor Ao‘nung himself can stifle a chuckle at this. You squirm in his arms for that one, grinding down against his cock that’s been trapped between his stomach and your lower back, making him grunt.
"I‘ll take that as a yes", Neteyam smiles wickedly, exchanging a look with Ao‘nung. He then stepped just a little closer, truly sandwiching you between them both before he hooked an arm under your thigh so Ao’nung could trace his hand down your spine and dip it down lower. Goosebumps run up your neck as his hand kneads one of your ass cheeks and then slides between them. Ao’nung expertly locates your dripping entrance from behind, fingers swirling in your arousal, dipping inside for good measure and he hums lowly at the sound of your weak little moans.
You’re always wet, always wet for him, beautiful and perfect, eywa, the way you just fit, it's like you plug into everything, everything that makes him high, incoherent, hard.
"You want this?", Ao’nung whispers into your ear, his tongue teasing your lobe. You clench around his fingers and give him a quick, desperate nod, so eager to be filled. He grins at that. His fingers retreat, covered in arousal he lets them glide between your cheeks to feel for your puckered hole.
"You want me in here, hm?"
Your whiny whimper of "Yes, please!" is completely satisfying to his ears. Your lack of surprise makes Neteyam realize you’ve done this before, and that mental image is a delicious one. One finger then eases into your tight hole slowly, fluidly. Neteyam watches with hungry, half lidded eyes as Ao’nung spreads you open on one and then two of his thick fingers, watches how expertly you take him in as he spreads your legs a little further to give the other man more space to work with. More slick is running down your pretty cunt, like a silent plea for him to fill it.
It's not long, though, before you’re squirming, the position you’re in making it impossible to push back against his fingers but they both know you’re trying to. It’s also not long until your moans turn louder, back arching, and you make a sound of protest when Ao’nung finally pulls his fingers out and deems you as loose enough. His cock is so painfully hard, leaking more pre-cum than he thought was even possible. He had to get inside you now, had to have you because in the back of his mind there still lingered this thought that after this, it could’ve been the last time he would get to feel you, to hold you, to fuck you, ever again.
So he wraps an arm around you, the other hand securing your thigh, while both of Neteyams hands hold onto the underside of your knees to spread your legs for them.
"Together then", Neteyam grins and Ao’nung can’t help but glare at him over your shoulder. Not even this situation could change anything about the grudge he’s holding against that forest boy.
A quick glance down your front reveals the sight of Neteyam pushing the length of his cock between your slippery folds, lubing himself with your slick.
The tremor that passes through your body seems more intense than usual, once you feel Ao’nung get into position too.
"Breathe, tsawke", he says, the tip of his cock nudging against your backside. You nod, inhale, exhale, and then they both push into you slowly, spreading you apart. Another whimper tumbles from your lips, your eyes squeezing shut and Ao’nung places a tender kiss to your temple as he slides further in.
"Good girl, just relax for me", he coos, "you’re doing so good."
For a moment it's too much, you’re way too tight and he thinks your body just can't reach that far, but then Neteyam seems to be fully inside while he slowly pushes deeper with minimal resistance. Neteyam groans, his grip on your legs tightening as he feels Ao‘nung move into place alongside him. You’re stretching around them both like you were made for this, and then Ao’nung glances at the space between your legs where you’re all joined, and there isn't a slither of space.
"Fuuck, look at that", the forest boy pants, smiling almost proudly. He gives the first languid thrust that makes you mewl. "That feel good, hm? You like being stuffed full of us, don’t you sevin?"
A whiny "Y-Yes", comes as a response, followed by a string of incoherent pleas for them to finally move.
"You sound so pretty when you beg, paskalin", Ao’nung says, granting your wishes with slow thrusts, making you feel every inch of him as he slides himself into you. Better adjusted now, your body welcomes him with every snap of his hips. Neteyam sets up a quicker rhythm, pistoning in and out of your body roughly, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot at just the right angle.
You flex your inner walls, squeezing his cock, until you feel him throb inside you with the change, moaning, and his gaze entirely fixed on where you are joined.
"Eywa, that little pussy is gripping me so tight. No wonder you kept her all to yourself. I wouldn’t share her with anyone, not even if she begged me to."
Their eyes meet for a second and Ao’nung’s breath is hot on your neck as he whispers, "you’re mine, aren’t you? He’s just lucky I can’t deny you any of your filthy wishes." Reaching to cup one of your breasts in his hands, he tweaks a nipple and earns a dirty little moan in response, your soft, velvety-like walls pulsating around their cocks.
"Oh f-fuck, make her do that again!"
Ao’nung was rubbing your nipples more roughly now, and your voice goes hoarse when Neteyam simultaneously thumbs at your throbbing clit. "Yeah, good girl", he praises you, thrusting into you faster, "so good, sevin. Shit, you feel so fucking good around me."
You’re close, Ao’nung can tell by the way you’re writhing, by the way your breath hitches when the tip of Neteyams cock brushes against your cervix, by the way your face twists with ecstasy when he fucks you harder, deeper.
He removes his hand from your nipple and slips it between your bodies, fingertips fighting for their place to rub against that swollen bundle of nerves alongside Neteyams, until your whole body is arching and your jaw drops.
"Nung", you moan like a prayer, "you’re– so big. M‘so full, gonna come!" It’s like you’re trying to finish him just with your words, and fuck, you might manage it if you carry on. His head falls to your shoulder and he presses his lips against your skin, then up your neck until your mouths are crushed together, a desperate thrashing of tongues and lips.
Words were entirely washed out of your system, your mind completely overtaken by the fullness of two cock sliding in and in and then all the way out just to slip back in, harder, tight body gripping and squeezing them.
It was all heat and pleasure. All those sensations, thoughts and emotions. Everything so close, but you just couldn’t reach it. Not yet. You felt like a puppet on a string, waiting for any of them to pull the right thread and help you to your release.
You’re right on the edge, right there.
The moment he breaks the kiss, Neteyam catches your lips in another, his tongue swirling around yours and a bitter part of Ao’nung hopes you still taste like him. If that is the case, Neteyam doesn’t seem to mind. His hips continue to snap hard against yours as he exchanges moans and spit through the kiss. It’s a filthy rhythm the both of them had set, various body fluids smearing between three tangled bodies.
Every time one thrusts in they brush over your pleasure spot, leaving you sobbing and writhing on their cocks, clutching on their arms so hard it hurts, chanting their names in between moans, hardly able to catch your breath.
"Let go, c‘mon I know you need it so bad", Ao’nung groans lowly into your ear, thrusting in just as the other man pulls out, which leaves you in a constant state of fullness, never empty for even a second. "Be a good girl and come for us."
It's a buildup of tension that arches your back and curls your toes and just when you think you can't take it anymore, something snaps. Your entire body tightens as you cry out their names, nails sinking so deep he’d be surprised if they haven’t drawn blood.
"There it is, pretty girl. Great mother, look at you creaming around my cock, gonna make me cum too", Neteyam groans, throwing his head back in bliss. He was thrusting into you so hard now, it knocked the very air out of your lungs, leaving you gasping for breath.
The little breath left in you was then stolen by a deep kiss, Ao’nung sucking on your tongue as he continued to pound into you, unable to think of anything else besides the way your walls tighten around his throbbing cock.
"Gonna cum inside you", he groans into the kiss, "Can’t hold back, I just need to fill you up, gonna fuck my cum into you and— hngh– shit!" He plunges into you, one, two, three more times and then comes with a grunt of your name.
Your legs were already shaking with the aftershocks of your own orgasms, twitching from overstimulation while Neteyam gave one last thrust, hips pausing, and then you felt it flowing— hot shots of cum pumped into you, filling you up nice and warm as he lost himself inside you with a low moan.
Ao‘nung wasn’t entirely sure if you could even hear him at this point, but he still kept the reassurance up anyway as they both gently lowered you back into the hot spring.
"Can't say that was a bad time, fish lips," Neteyam grinned, glancing at your relaxed face resting against Ao’nungs shoulder. Your eyes had fluttered closed a few minutes ago, as the metkayina man was carefully cleaning the sweat and other body fluids from your skin, holding you tight against his chest.
"Don't get used to it." Ao’nung warns in a hushed whisper, "I doubt I'll share her again."
"Wouldn't expect it. Worried I'll steal her away?"
"No. But I keep close tabs on what's mine," he counters, blue eyes cold as he watches the other man rearrange his loincloth.
Neteyams grin widens at this, and he shoots him a playful wink, "We‘ll see about that", before he leaves off to the village.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Ao‘nungs hammock might as well be carved from stone.
He hadn’t been able to get much, if not any sleep at all these past couple of days. Shifting restlessly, he’s forcing his eyes to close once more every time they inevitably drift open, but it’s not working. So he’s staring at the ceiling of his marui, at the woven walls, and out into the dark blue sky. It only makes his frustration worse. Days have gone by and now half the night has already passed, by the time he finally comes to terms with the fact that jealousy truly is an ugly emotion. But it somehow always reveals the truth. And it’s not like he didn’t already know the truth before. No, he knew.
He could joke about it all he wanted, whenever Tsireya made her teasing little comments about it. Could laugh it off and roll his eyes at his younger sister, tell her she’s just imagining things and that this is all just a means to get another man jealous. He’s just being a good friend. He turned these comments into jokes, because he‘s afraid to take anything seriously. Because if he takes things seriously, they matter. But it does matter. It matters so much, that it hurts now. Truth is, Ao’nung held his love for you so horrible discreet, that it was as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound. And now he was bleeding out. Painful and slow and irreversible.
Sharing you was a bad idea. Probably the worst he’s ever had, there was no doubt in it.
Ao‘nung tosses and turns in his hammock, unable to rest for any moment longer as his thoughts dared to consume him whole. Willing his body to get up before the sun was even beginning to rise, he found solace in the rhythmic crashing of waves down at the beach.
Ao’nung wishes that he could just have some kind of treatment to fix this problem. If only the tsahìk could cut his chest open and take his heart out to make it stop. Maybe eywa would bless him with a new one, one that wasn’t stained and stabbed and torn apart. Maybe it would take away the sick, knife-twisting pain he felt in his chest whenever he did as much as look at you. But in its own way, it was a good kind of pain. Like a constant reminder of just how much he was in love with you. How good it felt to love you. It was good, except for how it made him feel sick whenever you laced your fingers up together and squeezed his hand as though Ao’nung was something precious, something to be loved, and once again he catches himself wishing that you might ever look at him in the ways that Ao’nung looks at you.
It pisses him off to be reminded that he's supposed to be good at keeping his head, at keeping his distance, at not letting his lies consume him, the way that they're doing now. The way that they've done since this whole thing started. That this is all just a game of play pretend and you’re not really his.
Besides everything else he's doing that's completely unhelpful to this dilemma, Ao’nung’s overlooking one crucial detail: how can he stop pretending, when this is probably the closest he'll ever get to actually being yours, to you being his? How can he stop pretending when he's already made you this stupid, shiny little bracelet, because it would scandalize Neteyam in the entire, to think that Ao’nung and you are so into each other that you’re trading what could be mistaken as a courting gifts. And because it's the closest thing that Ao’nung will ever get to actually giving you a courting gift. He just has to take what little gifts he can from the world, right? So he can’t end it. He can’t end this arrangement. Not yet.
"Become my mate."
A simple statement. A straightforward question with a straightforward answer. But he would never actually ask that, would never receive an answer to this that wouldn’t hurt him, so he might as well continue to live in this perfect world that he lets himself envision.
Ao’nung turns the bracelet in his hands, thumb swiping over the carefully polished pearls. One of them sort of looks like the color of your eyes, as much as a simple blue pearl can emulate the deep ocean blue of yours and the way they sparkle when you look at him. The whole thing doesn't really capture your essence, it just made him think about you, and that's why he picked it out. He would give it to you today, he thought. He knows you would wear it for him, and maybe the thought of you wearing this for him, wearing something that would always mark you as his would make it enough for a little while longer. Maybe one day he would get his ass up and just ask you, would ruin your friendship just for the teeny tiny chance of you not turning his offer down. Maybe you would be his, one day. Truly his.
It’s when the first rays of sun begin to shine over the ocean, that he’s greeted by the sight of his own, personal warm solace. Sometimes that shines brighter and warmer than the sun herself. His ears perk up at the sound of you calling his name, waving your arms at him and a smile tugs on his lips. Always up early, he thinks, rising to his feet.
"It worked!" You squeak happily, jumping into his arms and Ao’nung continues to smile at you, albeit a little confused. You break away from the hug first, jumping excitedly and pointing to a piece of jewelry dangling from your wrist. He stares at it blankly, each breath making his lungs feel like they were filled to the brim with shards of glass.
His palm closed tightly around the bracelet in his own hand, tight enough he could feel the little shells cutting into his palm.
He knew this would eventually happen.
He could feel it in the back of his mind, lingering like a muscle he's held tensed so long that he can no longer remember what it felt like to be otherwise.
What Ao’nung didn't expect was, that it would be this soon. He really thought he still had time. More time. More time with you, before he would loose you to another man. Time to change his fate, time to–
"It worked! Neteyam courted for me, look!"
Ao’nung felt something in him shatter, breaking to the point of no repair. Breaking so violently that he wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it. He felt it burn his skin, his eyes, the inside of his chest. Felt it burn like the sun burns, like it would burn if he tried to touch it. Ao’nung felt himself melt away and burn, and that’s when he reminds himself of the reason for the nickname he had chosen for you.
Tsawke. Because you are his sun.
And nothing feels as good and hurts as much as loving the sun. Because as well as she can make you feel good, as fast she can burn you.
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2K notes · View notes
aoyum · 1 year
neteyam x gn!metkayina reader, lo’ak x gn!metkayina reader, aonung x gn!metkayina reader, roxto x gn!omaticaya reader
fluff, a PINCH of jealousy, lips on lips, mentions of blood, fighting
how their feelings for you come to the surface
2.4k words
im aware that aonungs is way shorter than the rest.. 😞 #FREEAONUNG. LO’AK AND ROTXO ARE A PAIN TO WRITE, ESPECIALLY ROTXO. JESUS
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You intricately weaved one string through another, licking your lips in deep focus. Your hand searched the ground for a bead, sliding it onto the two strings once you found one.
You failed to realize that someone had been approaching from behind, flinching hard when you felt the feather-light touch on the small of your back. Snapping your head around you were met with the familiar sight of Neteyam, pulse quickening with nerves instantly.
“Skxawng,” you hissed, gripping onto the necklace like a vice, “you scared me Neteyam.”
He laughed, the sound resonating through one ear and out of the other. It was a sound you could never tire of. “I am sorry,” he whispered, shifting his body to move in front of you, “what are you making?” he asked when he noticed the object in your hands.
“A necklace,” you said coolly.
“For who?” you sensed hesitation in his voice, flicking your gaze up at him without adjusting your head.
“Well, I can’t say. it was supposed to be a surprise,” you mumbled, hinting to him subtly.
His lips formed a tight line, uncertainty etched over his face. A hand reached out and planted itself over yours firmly. At this you froze your ministrations and looked back up to him slowly.
“Who is it for?”
“Oh, come on,” he urged. You sighed and looked down.
Crawling around him, you stopped behind him and he twisted his head to watch you. “Za’u, move your hair.”
He wasted no time in doing so.
You wrapped it around his neck and tied gently, beads clinking against each other while doing so. You moved again and examined the jewelry on his neck.
It was a perfect fit.
Smiling proudly, you drawled closer, locking eyes with him. “Luckily, you arrived just as I was finishing,” you smiled, gaze wandering all over his face.
Neteyam looked at you intensely, an indecipherable expression on his face. Butterflies swarmed the pit of your belly, your heart beating erratically. Opening your mouth to speak again, his golden eyes dropped to your lips.
“Made for you. Only you.” you whispered, fingers still looped around the string of the necklace.
“Yeah?” he grinned, gaze never leaving its place on your lips. You nodded and Neteyam leaned in close, too close. Nerves were attacking your better judgment and you were failing to think of anything other than the close proximity between the two of you.
His eyes darted to yours for some kind of approval, and approval was all he found.
Connecting his lips with yours, a warm hand found solace on your mid-thigh, his free one tugging you in by the waist.
The two of you remained like that until both were quietly gasping for breath.
“Come on bro, it’s now or never,” Neteyam said in a hushed tone, shaking his younger brother by the shoulders.
The pair was staring at you from afar, watching the way you splashed and played around in the water with their sisters and Tsireya. “You’ve been holding out for forever,” he insisted, giving Lo’ak an encouraging push.
He groaned, rolling his shoulders in exasperation. Lo’ak began making shallow, hesitant steps towards the water, insides churning with trepidation. As he neared the water, you took notice and paused, smiling at him.
“Lo’ak! Come! We were just about to swim,” you waved him over, turning on your heel and venturing deeper into the water. He quickly rushed over and ducked his head underwater.
You were already several feet under, but you stopped to look up at him.
“Hurry,” you signed, remaining still while waiting for him to catch up.
He swam as quickly as he could, when he reached you, you intertwined your hand with his and swam toward the rest of the group.
As you did so, Lo’ak had to refrain from pulling you back. He wanted to take you somewhere you could be alone to tell you, but he silently followed alongsuit.
You stopped at the large rock that everyone typically practiced breathing at and hoisted yourself onto it, followed by Kiri and the others. The group sat around in a circle and began to engage in conversation. Lo’ak, of course, choosing a spot next to you.
After a while of chatter you found yourself growing bored, so you wordlessly slipped away and into the water. No one paid much mind, other than a certain someone.
As you dove deeper, you really took into account just how much beauty the reef held, reaching out to touch the beautiful scenery and animals. Spinning around, to say that you were surprised to see Lo’ak, so close into your vicinity of space, would be a major understatement.
His eyes widened and he moved back immediately, signing a quick apology before moving closer cautiously.
“Come to the surface? I want to tell you something.” you watched his hands, meeting his eyes and nodding slowly before resurfacing.
You pushed the hair out of your face as soon as you breached the water, Lo’aks head popping up not too long after you. “What’s up?” you asked, brows furrowing slightly. You watched as he looked back to everyone, turning back to you and grabbing your arm gently before guiding you behind a larger rock.
You were confused, but played along without complaint.
“Listen, I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time,” he mumbled, avoiding your eyes. Nervousness slowly began to trickle into your system as you grabbed his shoulder, brows furrowed deeper this time. “What’s this about Lo’ak?”
“I like you,” he spat abruptly, “I like you so much.”
You froze, hand slowly slipping from his shoulder. His own hand burst out of the water and held it, searching your eyes for any twinge of rejection or disgust.
Your bottom lip quivered a bit as you registered his words, face flushing and heart racing. “You like me? You’re sure of this?” your voice sounded nothing like you as you spoke.
“I’ve never been more sure— not of anything—” he whispered hastily, eyes glowing with desperation.
When you’d returned to the others stuck to each other like moth to a flame, you would have expected some reaction out of them. But not an ounce of shock came from them— any of them.
You were told with utmost smugness that you ‘showed hardly any restraint when the other was around’, and that the attraction between you two was palpable to anyone who had eyes.
Sheepishly, you lowered your head and leaned further into Lo’ak, who greedily took in the feeling of your touch and returned it with enamored words and embraces.
The last thing you’d probably ever expected to see was the eldest son of the Olo’eyktan stumbling into your marui.
“What?” you blinked, taken off guard. It wasn’t quite a question, but then again, you wanted answers.
Ao’nung stood wordlessly, eyes boring into yours. The awkwardness of the encounter had the temperature feeling hotter than it really was.
You stood and took a few steps, stopping right in front of him. Still, he was quiet. He grabbed onto your forearm and dragged you outside, pressing your backside into the soft material of the marui.
“Everything oka—” you wanted to ask, but this had Ao’nung sighing loudly and dropping his head, as if he was getting ready to say something he really, really didn’t want to say.
“Ao’nung!” you heard the familiar voice of Rotxo. It sounded extremely close.
Almost as if it was coming from the opposite side of your—
His head lifted with quick speed, bringing his body impossibly close to yours. You were utterly trapped between the exterior of your home and the warmth of the boy you were head over heels in love with.
“Let me kiss you,” he pleaded, breath fanning over your lips. The request alone left you breathless and took all words from your mouth. Sounds of multiple hurried footsteps were heard from around the marui, hinting that Rotxo was approaching quickly. Too quickly for Ao’nungs liking.
He hissed in frustration, meeting your gaze.
“Okay. Yes.” you whispered, in a matter of seconds his soft lips were on yours.
“Ao’nung you wuss!” Rotxo’s laughter resonated through the air, “I knew you wouldn’t—” his sentence quieted and never finished. You pried one eye open, not so much that it was noticeable, but just enough to see the look of astonishment on their faces.
The sight alone had you smiling into the kiss, bringing your hands to his chest while his fingers gently caressed the skin of your outer thigh.
Their footsteps could be heard walking away, yet you wanted nothing more than to continue feeling his touches.
He was first to break the kiss, leaving you chasing his lips for more. He gazed at you through hooded lids.
A smug grin broke out onto your face.
“Did you wanna tell me just what that was, Ao’nung?” you queried, voice full of amusement.
He clicked his tongue and lifted himself off of you, walking away.
Your jaw fell slack and you took off after him, yanking his tail playfully, “Oh no! We are not done here!”
Rotxo had a genuine staring problem.
From the day you and your family arrived at the Awa’atlu village, seeking a safe sanctuary, he would eye you up and down until you had to move yourself away from him.
Furthermore, whenever his friends would hurl insults at you, he would take to defending you and your siblings against their harsh words.
Apparently, it was extremely uncharacteristic of him, as you’ve caught him and Ao’nung quarreling about it once or twice.
“Seriously, what’s gotten into you?” Ao’nung grumbled, throwing a fish to an ilu. “I’m starting to think those freaks have really gotten into your head.”
Rotxo stood in silence beside him, glowering at his side profile. When Ao’nung turned to look at him, a wide grin broke out onto his face “Don’t tell me they already have?” he scoffed, chest rising and falling with laughter.
“Cut it out, Ao’nung.”
The teasing smile faded slowly, with him now staring at Rotxo with a hardened jaw. “Or what? Gonna get your freak friends on me? They’re not even real Na’vi, Skxawng.”
Rotxo hissed, fangs gleaming as he flaunted them.
Ao’nung mirrored his actions.
It was obvious what was next to come, and just as you were about to step in, the sound of a horn sounded out.
Many Metkayinas rushed out of their homes, jumping onto their ilu’s hastily.
In the distance, long and heavy fins could be seen lifting up in the water.
The Tulkun had returned.
Ao’nung glared at Rotxo for a moment longer, before turning and running to join the others.
You were too busy watching him to realize that Rotxo had spotted you, staring at you with an intensity that had goosebumps rising on your arms. You crossed your arms and tentatively held his eyes, slowly backing away to join the others as quickly as you could.
Now, you were put in the same position, watching as he and Ao’nung began to argue over how defensive he was over you and your siblings.
Ao’nung was first to lunge at Rotxo, knocking him onto the ground. He growled, standing quickly and whirling around, slapping Ao’nung clean across the face with his tail.
He was grabbed by the ankle and knocked down once more, the left side of his face making a collision with the ground.
You cringed, knowing it would more than likely leave a nasty mark.
He lifted himself and climbed on top of Ao’nung, bringing his fist down to his face several times before he was pushed off, now being Ao’nungs turn to land a few.
While the situation was beyond humorous to you, you figured it would be best to put a stop to it before it got any worse.
Quickly moving on the sand, you mustered up all of your strength and shoved Ao’nung away, defensively standing in front of Rotxo.
At first, he wore an expression of anger, and then realization.
“So this is why you’ve been acting like this, huh? Over some five-fingered dreamwalker,” he chuckled dryly, wiping some blood from his split open lip.
You hissed, eyes darkening. “I am no such thing. Leave now.”
He circled around you, eyes never leaving your form. Stopping for a moment, he tilted his head, examining you thoroughly.
Rotxo had stood ages ago, only now taking the spot next to you.
“Are you so stupid that you cannot understand what I said? Leave. Now.” you seethed, glaring daggers onto him.
Scoffing, Ao’nung slowly backed away and left, never bothering to look back.
After a stretched moment of silence, you turned to look at Rotxo, only to find that he had already been looking at you.
There it was— that same stare with the intensity that had you feeling like he was burning lasers into your skin with just his eyes.
“Za’u,” you grabbed his hand and led him to your marui.
You had gathered all your medical supplies and was now kneeled in front of Rotxo, gently taking care of his wounds.
Lightly dabbing his open gashes with a disinfectant, he sharply exhaled at the sting and grasped your wrist without realizing it. When he did though, he was quick to snatch his hand back, at this you smiled softly.
“All done.” you reassured him, packing up whatever leftover material you had and throwing away used items. You failed to realize that Rotxo watched your every move, eyes never daring to leave you.
When you turned your attention back to him, you took notice of the newfound glint in his eyes.
“Why do you stare at me all the time?” you asked while sitting yourself in front of him. His ears perked up and he looked away instantly.
“I do not,” he said, defiant.
You scoffed, moving your head so that you could meet his eyes. He refused to look at you, standing abruptly. “Thanks for the help,” he grumbled, making an attempt at stomping away, but you were quick to grab hold of his hand.
“Rotxo, do not leave. I am truly curious.”
He paused, internally battling himself. It wasn’t long until he gave in and fell to the ground before you.
“I don’t think you are a freak.” he whispered so quiet, you almost didn’t catch it.
You blinked, a smile pulling at your lips. “Ah. How reassuring.”
“No! …No.” he seethed, tugging at your wrist firmly. “You don’t understand what I’m saying.”
You traced patterns into the back of his palm, searching his eyes with furrowed brows.
“So tell me what you’re saying.”
A few beats of silence passed as Rotxo averted his eyes, nervously pulling at his bottom lip with his teeth. It took ages before he finally mustered up the courage to look at you.
“Oel ngati kameie.”
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©olangi 2023
za’u = come
oel ngati kameie = i see you
skxawng = idiot, moron
7K notes · View notes
tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Behind the Façade
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Ao’nung (20) x Fem Metkayina Reader y/n (20)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, rut cycle, no foreplay, mostly sub ao’nung, mostly dom reader, slight power struggle, creampie/breeding kink, knotting, smidge of fluff, spitting mouth (kinda), awkward moment during sex, profanity
Word Count: 2.6k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: As requested. Bestie, this is for you @jiafeimagic
Synopsis: Ao’nung unexpectedly goes into rut in the middle of the night. You calm your mate. Simple dimple. Enjoy
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You and Ao’nung have been mated since the sully family sought uturu in your village. He likes to put on a brave face – a façade that he’s this big, bad bully, when really he’s softer than the flesh between your legs. His rut is more like a heat, similar to what you experience monthly - lasting for 3 days. You allow him to keep up his façade in public, being his little bitch that follows his every order. But behind closed doors, he’s yours to do whatever you want with.
“Y/n.” Ao’nung pants.
“Hmm?” You croak, trying to open your eyes.
All you can see is the luminescence of your own skin. Feeling around with your hand, you find that the space next to you in the bed is empty. You sit up and rub your eyes, hoping to figure out where your mate’s voice is coming from.
“Y/n.” He repeats, this time in a more frantic manner.
“What is it? you ask, worried that something is wrong with him. “Where are you?”
You squint your eyes, and scan the marui pod, looking for your mate. Two heavy lidded, purple eyes float in the corner of your room, watching you intently. They're dazed and full of lust. A sinking sensation plagues your stomach when you realize what’s happening.
Ao’nung’s rut came early.
You squint your eyes, trying to make out the figure in front of you. He's sitting in the corner, with his knees to his chest and his head in his hands.
“Sorry to wake you.” He grits his teeth. “I just... I can’t take it anymore.” He huffs, dropping his head between his knees.
You get out of bed and approach him slowly. “It’s alright, I know how intense your ruts are, my love.” You hum, kneeling to his level to stroke the length of his queue. “You should have woken me earlier.”
He’s trembling, shaking his head from side to side in his knees and panting heavily – he must have been enduring this all night long. Leaning into your touch, he rubs his face into your bosom, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent. You shush him, rubbing circles into his back.
“Shh. Shh, baby boy. You’ll be alright, I’m here now.” You reassure him, laying his legs flat on the floor as you mount him.
His legs are now between your knees as you tower over him, shortening the distance between your hot bodies.
“I want this.” Ao’nung whines, cupping the soft flesh between your legs. “...please.” He whimpers, looking up at you through the dip of your breasts, with inebriated, glowing eyes - begging for some relief.
“How could I ever say no to these eyes?” You whisper, moving his hands to your waist.
Using a single finger to lift his chin, you kiss him fervently, swirling your tongue around his. You shuffle even closer to him, lowering your pelvis onto his crotch – sticky from his own slick. He’s already rock-hard, writhing his pelvis into the softness between your thighs. You share each other’s hot breaths between wet kisses as your hands explore every inch of your bodies.
He’s whimpering quietly into your mouth, succumbing to the urges of his rut, trying to fuck you through your loincloth. His movements are impatient – full of desperation and desire for his mate. Unable to form a coherent thought, he allows his body to speak to you, begging to be inside of you. His hands slide down to your hips, gripping it tightly, using it as leverage to grind even harder against you.
You move your sloppy kisses down his face, planting bruise-like marks on his jawline and neck. You linger there, filling your lungs with his potent pheromones, intoxicating your body with his scent. His pheromones remind you of the salty ocean, mixed with the scent of the sap of a mangrove. You know that you wouldn’t be able to satiate him if you weren’t high, too – his rut is just too intense for that.
“Tsheylu, Ao’nung.” You mumble into his neck, moving your hand to the base of his queue.
His movements are eager, tugging at your queue to bring it closer to his. It sends small shocks down your spine as he makes the bond eagerly. In an instant, the heat and fogginess of his rut transfers to you, putting you in a trance, too. Your hips pick up speed, whining and grinding against his member whilst he kisses your shoulders.
“...please, y/n.” He lets out a lengthy mewl, squeezing his eyes shut. “...f-fuck me.”
His eyes fly open, glossy and glowing in the dim light. You witness his pupils morph into slits. He’s now at the height of it, and if you didn’t give it to him soon – he would just take it for himself. This part of his rut always frightened you a bit, he would go from begging on his knees to forcefully-taking-what’s-his in a split second. You slip the thin cloth covering your breasts over your head, and fiddle with the knot of your loincloth with trembling fingers.
“Hurry. I need you now.” He grunts urgently, untying his own loincloth in a hurry.
“I’m trying, I’m trying” you pant, struggling with the knot due to the darkness of the room.
In frustration, Ao’nung rips your loincloth down the middle and throws it aside. He’s fighting with himself, trying his hardest to be gentle with you, but he just wants to shove his knot inside of you already. He’s rubbing his veiny cock against your sticky cunt, getting off from the feeling of your clit rolling against his tip.
“Stretching. Do you need it?” he mumbles, as his fingers burrow their way between your hips, frantically searching for your hole.
“No.” You yank his hand out by his wrist.
“What I need is...” you line up his tip with your slippery hole, “...this huge cock.” You moan loudly in his ear as you slowly slide his entire length inside of you.
He lets loose a lengthy, guttural groan, finally getting the attention his cock has been begging for. He softens under your touch, burying his face into your chest, hiding his expression from you as he hums into your breasts. Gripping him by the neck, you push him away, and stare at his erotic expression.
“I like seeing your face when I ride, understood?” You purr.
Your taken aback when you realize why he hid his face. You can feel his cock throbbing in your cunt, already emptying it’s seed inside you. He’s gritting his teeth, trying to bite back his lewd noises as he rocks into you, ensuring that your womb gets every drop of his sticky cum. The pure bliss – the ecstasy that he’s feeling from the gummy, hot walls that clench around his cock is unbearable.
“Are you cumming? Already?" You ask quickly, trying to hold back your laugh.
"All from me putting it in? Fucking pathetic.” You spit, watching his face contort from overstimulation as you start moving your hips.  
“Haah.. ah... Fuck.” He lets out choked pants, glaring at you through his slits. His cheeks redden even more, he's clearly embarrassed by his quick release. He buries his face back into your breasts.
“I’m sorry, you just feel so fucking good.” He huffs, pushing himself even deeper into you, ensuring his cum makes its way into your womb.
“Shit. Still going? Was that not enough for you?" You grab a fist full of hair at the back of his head and pull him from your chest, looking directly into his eyes.
"Fuck... trying to drill yourself into my womb like that.” You drop your gaze to your sticky pelvises.
“Such a pitiful sight...” You moan, looking back up into his drunk, pleading eyes. “Now, beg.” You whine your hips on him ever so slightly, massaging his cockhead with your cervix.
He clenches his jaw and swallows his spit. “Please.” He growls begrudgingly.
You start lifting your hips off him. “Oh? That didn’t sound very genuine. I see I am not needed anymore.”   
“Wait. Fuck. P-please y/n.” he grabs your hips, pulling them back down onto his cock. “Please... I need you. I can’t live without you. Please, I can’t take this anymore.” He sobs, looking up at you with watery eyes.  
A grin plasters your face as you start riding his cock, firmly gripping his throat for support.
“I love when you listen to me.” You grind onto his cock, already feeling a little bulge growing at the base of it. “Whoa... I can feel your knot already, Ao’nung.” You whisper, feeling your face heat up.
You glance at him to see that his eyes are closed – face contorted from how good your pussy feels around his cock. He really looks like he might cum inside of you again, all from just a few thrusts of your hips.  
“Woman, you feel too good.” He groans, dipping his head back.
“I know. I know, baby boy.” You moan, feeling his tip poking against your sweet spot. “You feel good too... I can feel you heating up inside of me. Gonna cum for me again?” You chuckle under your breath.
Ao’nung’s body is taking control, thrusting his hips upwards as they chase the warmth of the slick that coats the walls of your cunt. He’s whimpering from the overstimulation – but he can’t stop rutting into you. His sweet, little moans are becoming louder in your ears as he buries his face into your shoulder. You can feel his cock jumping inside you, ready to burst and fill you to the brim with his seed.
“Talk to me, Ao’nung. What do you want?” you breathe, picking up speed.
“Haa.. ah. I want... Ngh – I want to get you pregnant...” he whines, looking back up into your eyes. “Please... bear my child, y/n...” his head slumps forward, back into your chest. “Please...” his pleads are muffled from the plump flesh of your breasts. “...I’ll do anything”
“Good boy.” You moan, chasing your own climax now.
“Ugh... it is coming, y/n. L-let me cum inside of you... Please.” he whines loudly, manhandling your hips.
Through the bond, you can feel the heat pooling in his chest as he wills himself not to cum until you give him permission. Not only that, but you can feel his enormous, veiny knot poking at your entrance, begging to rip you into two. Knowing that this is only the beginning of his 3-day-long rut, you want to start slow – so not to tire yourself out.
“No knotting yet, my love.” You pant, trying to lift your hips off him. He drives his fingernails into your hips and shoves you back down onto his knot. “Fuck. Control yourself, Ao’nung.” You whimper, feeling it stretch you out.
“Please...my love.” he begs.
He’s pushing his cock even deeper into you, trying to break through the walls that prevent his knot from popping inside of you. He’s completely consumed by his urges to turn you into a vessel to carry the heir to Olo’eyktan – to carry his son. You see his thoughts, as he imagines you heavily pregnant with his child. Soon, you feel this urge too, wanting to be his little breeding bitch.
“Oh, fuck it.” You huff, going over the edge from the mere image flashing through your head. “Fill me up, Ao’nung. Give me your fat knot.”
He rams his knot into you in one quick thrust, forcefully holding you down onto his pelvis as he cums deep inside you yet again. His tip is drilling through your cervix, directly into your womb – spurting thick ropes of his hot seed inside of you. It sends you over the edge, finally allowing yourself to release your own orgasm, pulsing around his cock as your walls milk him dry.
You slump into your mate, who’s finally feeling some sort of relief. You look down into his face as the room is becoming brighter from the suns emergence, and see that his heavy lids are finally closing – covering his dark blue eyes. He rocks into you every so often, putting you into a state of comatose, too. You’re both breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath and calm down from your high.
Only an hour passes until he’s tugging at your entrance, trying to pull his knot out of you – pinching himself and you in the process. This is what you didn’t want from the get-go, but it’s too late now and his rut has only just started. He’s nipping at your neck, tracing your jugular with his pointed fangs, silently asking to mark his mate. You too are deep in the thick of his pheromones, feeling woozy and jaded.
“Yes... do it, ma’ nung.” You hum, feeling the bite of his sharp teeth, piercing your skin as he marks you as his.
His urges take the forefront, as he thrusts in and out of you causing his partially deflated knot to pop in and out of you. This continues for the rest of the day, in the same position. You’re completely numb now, unsure of how many times he’s knotted you, as your abused hole is just dripping with his cum.
“Ao’nung...” you croak, trying to get off him for the fifth time. “I’m hungry... and thirsty.”
“Mmnn... come” he kisses you sloppily, spitting in your mouth as a poor attempt at quenching your thirst. “...better?” he moans, still deep in a trance.
“No... skxwang. I need real water.” you groan, pushing him off you and crawling away.
He pounces on you, knocking you on your stomach as he mounts you again. He slides himself inside of you and starts bucking his hips, desperate to breed you once more - despite the extreme overstimulation. Both of you were fucked out raw, but he couldn’t help it – he couldn’t stop himself. You lay there and take it, just grateful to finally be in a new position.
You open your eyes to see a bright room. The sun was out and shining vibrantly. The dead weight on top of you makes you winded, knocking all the air out of your lungs. You look behind you to see Ao’nung slumped over your shoulder, sleeping soundly. You groan from the soreness, reaching down to your pelvis to feel if he’s still inside of you.
The answer is simple – yes. He is. You feel a little more, to find that his knot has finally gone down enough to pull him out of you. You shove him off your back, and crawl towards the bucket of water in the corner of the pod – breaking tsaheylu.
Gulping loudly, you chug the water, quenching your extreme thirst at last. You pull away and finally take a deep breath, looking back at your mate. You're met with his delirious gaze. You sympathize with him, feeling awful that it took three full days of this to calm down.
“Oh, baby boy.” You mumble, shuffling back over to him with a cup of water. You stroke his hair – wet from sweat. “It’s over now.” You pull his limp body into your lap, supporting his head with your breast.
“Drink.” He laps up the water greedily, not realizing how thirsty he was until it wet his dry lips.
“Y/n. I love you. Only you truly see me.” He stares longingly at you, with his light blue, teary eyes.
“I love you, too ma’ nung.” You lean down to kiss his wet lips.
He pulls away from you, panting heavily. “No. I mean it. I will stay by your side for the rest of my life.”
You smile at him, feeling the warmth in your heart, and kiss him gently.  
After cleaning, feeding and watering one another you both walk out of your marui pod to be met with the bewildered eyes of no one other than Lo’ak, Neteyam and Roxto. Ao’nung slips back into his usual self, walking towards the na’vi with an aggressive demeanor. You follow closely behind him, with your eyes locked onto your feet. It was obvious that you two were loud enough for them to hear you.
“What is wrong with you freaks?” Ao’nung spits, puffing out his chest.
Lo’ak laughs, mocking Ao’nung. “Oooh, y/n. ‘only you truly see me’.”
“Lo’ak! Come on brother. I thought the ‘I will stay by your side for the rest of -” Neteyam taunts, being cut off by Ao’nung shoving him in the chest. Roxto tries to keep his smile to himself, finding the whole ordeal amusing.
“Agh.” Ao’nung spit, rolling his eyes before turning around and walking away.
Tags:@jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @bl-lover-yaoi @sooebear @vanillawhale @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @itssiaaax @qweq-6802 @rodeosayu @girlpostingsposts @jakesullysbabygirl @rinloversworld @agelsully @zetey @boooogieman @jiafeimagic @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r @bby-bo @neteyamsmate4life @wheniseeyouigogonutz @sullymenrhot @jakescumdump
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ghoul-bonez · 1 year
~I Love You, I Trust You, I See You~
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(Ao’nung x Fem! Deaf! Sully! Reader)
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Summary: When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was it’s because you couldn’t hear him.
Word count: 4.4k
Author’s note: This is the longest oneshot I’ve written at 4.4k words and 9 1/2 google docs pages… Sign language will be normal font, and bold & italics will be spoken, although I try my best to show which is going on.
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I Love You, I Trust You, I See You
When people thought of the Sully family many thought of your siblings. They thought of Lo’ak who was always a troublemaker, causing chaos everywhere he went. They thought of Kiri who seemed so in tune with her surroundings that she might as well be Eywa herself. They thought of Tuk who was the youngest, still enamored by everyday life. They thought of Neteyam, a strong leader who would someday take on the role of Olo’eyktan after your father.
They never thought of you.
You who always seemed to be in your own little world. You who never had any friends. You who never talked. You who always seemed so attentive to the world around you, yet had no desire to join it.
When you were born after your twin Neteyam, a spike of fear had run through everyone in the room when you began to cry, but no sound came out. They feared you may not be breathing right, you may need your airways cleared. They feared something was wrong, and that was true.
When your parents or siblings thought about your family, they thought about you. They thought about how funny you were, always cracking jokes when there was a chance. They thought about how kind you were, taking a moment to check on everyone daily. They thought about how different you were than most.
They thought about you. You who couldn’t hear.
You always seemed to be in your own world, and that drew many away from you, they didn’t want to be friends with someone who they didn’t think was paying attention to them, and to be fair you weren’t paying attention to people most of the time. You preferred to direct your attention to the world around you, always keeping an eye out as you couldn’t hear danger coming.
When you had been caught by Quaritch and his men you had panicked, more than everyone else at least. You didn’t know what was going on, you didn’t know what they were saying, your lip reading was not dependable, and definitely not in english.
When your siblings arms were bound you couldn’t keep yourself calm, now you had no way of communicating, they couldn’t translate for you. Tears streamed down your face, eyes closed as tight as possible to try to calm yourself by blocking out the outside world.
When you felt your captor’s grip on your release your eyes shot open, looking around at the damage around you, multiple avatars dead on the ground. Then you ran, you ran faster than ever before in the first direction you saw.
You ran and ran, eyes trained on everything around you, and when you ran into someone and they grabbed you again it was like a shock. You let out a scream, the first noise anyone had ever heard you make. A noise nobody was aware you could make.
You turned to dead weight in an attempt to get out of their grasp, panic coursing through you again as your eyes couldn’t come into focus. However, the person dropped to the ground with you, pulling your face towards them and holding it still as you tried to thrash. Then they blew air into your face, and you realized you were safe.
When you were younger you would throw temper tantrums, as children do, where you would close your eyes to refuse to listen to your parents. Not being able to see them meant no sign language, which meant no having to listen to them. However your father found one thing always worked, blowing air on your face. Your eyes would shoot open, highly offended with your mouth dropped open, before you would sign at him, “Your breath is gross.” in retaliation.
You had never been more relieved for your dad’s stupid way of getting you to listen. Your eyes finally came into focus and you calmed down seeing his face, but that calm quickly turned into crying, sobbing. You couldn’t help but let out all of the pent up emotion inside of you, but eventually you calmed down and were able to stand back up, staggering your way home with the rest of your family.
Some time later when your parents had been arguing in your family kelku you hadn’t been paying attention as your siblings were, all huddled against the wall. You had been lost in your own world once again, not wanting to know what was being said as you were still processing what had happened earlier. You didn’t need anything on top of that as you feared it would make your careful stack of emotions you had constructed come tumbling down.
They had come tumbling down though as your parents announced you were moving, leaving. Leaving everything you had ever known, your home, your grandmother, the forest you loved so much. You couldn’t help it as you cried again, being held by your mother this time.
However as you thought about it you weren’t that sad. You had always liked the water, everyone not having to hear underwater made you feel more included, more like you belonged, and you had heard the Metkayina used sign language. Maybe this would be a chance to make friends for the first time in your life. Maybe you would be able to talk to people for once, nobody at home taking the time to learn American Sign Language, as your father had called it, like your family had.
One thing you hadn't taken into account was that they used a different version of sign language, but that had become very apparent when you first jumped into the water with Tsireya, Ao’nung, and Rotxo. They used signs you had never seen before, ones you didn’t recognize. You couldn’t help but feel a little beaten down at dinner, staying quieter than usual, not signing as much.
Afterwards your dad had asked you to step outside, waving a hand towards you as he exited the marui.
He sat down on the pathway, and you knew he expected you to join him, so you did. You sat next to him with your feet dangling in the water, looking out towards the horizon, refusing to look at him so you didn't have to have a conversation.
That didn’t last long though as he poked you in the arm, causing you to look at him offended, mouth open and eyebrows raised. He took this as his chance to speak, “You okay, kid?” He signed.
You sighed deeply, fidgeting with your hands before signing, “I’m okay, dad.”
You could tell he didn’t believe you, lips pressed together in a thin line and eyebrows furrowed, “You’re less talkative. What’s wrong?” He signed, proving he didn’t think you were telling the truth.
A frown came to your face, feeling like it was permanently there after the past few days or so, but you continued, “I’m disappointed.”
He raised his eyebrows, surprise and confusion on his face, “About what?”
You looked away from his face, instead choosing to watch his hands, you didn’t want to see the pity on his face, “We don’t speak the same language. I can’t communicate. Everyone else can at least talk to each other.”
His face softened, but you didn’t see it, “It’ll be okay. You’re a fast learner, so you will learn their language quickly, then you can make friends. If anyone actually wants to be your friend.” He meant it playfully, and you saw him laugh, so jammed your elbow in his ribs.
Then the conversation was over, your mom poking her head out of the doorway and saying something to your dad. He just stood up and gave you a look like he was asking, “You good?” and you nodded, “Yes.” back in return.
After your father’s words of encouragement you decided to work harder, learn faster, determined to be able to communicate with the people around you, and a few weeks later you were excelling whereas your siblings were still struggling. They were caught up on the differences of Metkayina sign language versus ASL but you had grasped that there weren’t differences, or similarities, and you would just be learning from scratch.
Even though you were doing well at it, working your way towards being fluent, you were worried about talking to the people, mostly because of one person in particular, Ao’nung. It was as if Ao'nung was determined to ruin your siblings' lives, and yours, but you didn’t know that.
You had seen Ao’nung’s attempts to cause hell for your siblings, nagging at them, laughing at them, and even trying to start fights, with Lo’ak in particular. Him messing with your siblings made you frustrated, but you weren’t aware of the taunts meant to make you upset, and laughing that was meant to make you feel like a target coming towards you from a distance.
The bullying towards your siblings had become more and more frustrating and you had begun showing your anger at home, being rougher with things than usual, and not wanting to go outside of the shared family marui.
It had been peaceful while you and your mom had been working on dinner, but she noticed you seemed to be far off, handling the food with rougher hands, “Are you okay, (Y/n).” Neytiri signed as you placed another fish over the fire.
You rolled your eyes at her, upset she was even insinuating something was wrong. In reality there was, but you didn’t want to admit that, “Yes mama, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” She had asked back, concern on her face as she looked at you closely.
You signed, “Yes.” Trying to end the conversation, but you knew she would just keep pushing.
You saw your mom think for a moment, her face scrunching up in concentration, “Well I am not.”
You frowned more, once again feeling like it had always been there since you left the forest, “Not what?”
She was frowning too now, “I’m not sure you’re fine. I see you isolating yourself. Even from me and your father.” She grabbed your hands, squeezing them gently to show her love in a little way.
Tears welled in your eyes, frustrated tears, tears that came because with all the stress recently they were the only way your brain knew how to process, to cope.
You pulled your hands from hers to wipe at them, “I’m sorry.” was all you could say.
She wiped the tears falling down your face before saying, “Why?”
You sniffled, running your hands down your face before signing, “I see Lo’ak, Kiri, and Neteyam being picked on, and there is nothing I can do. I can’t stand up to the bullies. I can’t say anything.”
“Okay, well soon you will be able to say something. You are learning their sign language, yes? I’ve heard from your siblings you are out working them.” She smiled at you and you could really see how proud of you she was.
You couldn’t help but crack a little smile although tears still threatened to fall, “Yes, mama. I’m getting better, but I’m worried it will be too late though.”
“I’m sure you will do your best, my ‘ite.” She thought for a second, “Why don’t you go try to talk to these kids tomorrow?”
You sighed, you didn’t want to, but you knew your mom would nag you until you agreed, “Okay. Love you.”
She smiled lovingly at you, “Love you too.” before pulling you into a hug.
When tomorrow came you didn’t even want to leave your marui, but you found the strength to do so. You did some of the breathing exercises Tsireya had taught you to try to calm your nerves, and they worked for the most part, steadying you and clearing your head.
However as soon as you stepped outside your marui you regretted it, not wanting to do what you had promised to your mother, but you knew you had to eventually. Eventually, which meant you could fool around as long as you wanted beforehand, and so you decided to settle down for a quick nap on the beach.
When you laid down and closed your eyes you quickly and easily fell asleep. You were still tired from last night when you struggled to sleep from your anxious thoughts.
When the Sullys moved to Awa’atlu Ao’nung thought they were weird, knew they were weird. He took a particular hatred towards the older Sully kids, Neteyam was the perfect little follower, Lo’ak was constantly in trouble, Kiri was always off in her own world, and you. Just you. You seemed to always ignore him and never talk, but what he didn’t know was that it's because you couldn’t hear him.
Ao’nung tried to not let anything get to him, especially when it came to people he didn’t like, like the Sullys, but for some reason you, (Y/n) Sully, had peeved him more than anyone or anything else. He had grown tired of you ignoring him when he shouted or laughed at you, like you didn’t even notice he was there, tired of you flat out avoiding him sometimes as you scurried away when he tried to approach you.
Of course he knew why, he had the same intentions to bully you and make you feel unwanted in Awa’atlu as your siblings. Of course you didn’t want this so you spent most of your time avoiding him, but for some reason instead of him not caring about it, it made him want to get under your skin even more.
When the sun rose today he decided today was the day to act. Today he would confront you head on, face to face. He would make you notice him, and he would make you feel awful in the process. So he gathered his friends, his goons, and they set off to find you.
They first checked with Tsireya who was with the rest of your siblings, but you were nowhere to be found, they all insisted they hadn’t seen you. Then they combed the beach, going from one end to the other, and on the far end they found you peacefully asleep on the soft sand.
He couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked asleep and peaceful, but he quickly shook it off, shouting at you, “Wake up, freak!”
He was targeting your extra finger and the hair above your eyebrows, like he had your siblings because he knew that got to them, and hoped it would do the same to you.
When you didn’t stir he tried shouting again, assuming you were awake, but trying to act asleep to avoid him, “What is wrong with you? Do you not care or are you stupid avoiding me?”
His friends laughed at you when you still didn’t move, eyes not cracking open and your breathing staying the same, so he took the next step, trying something physical. He kicked sand up and over you and finally you stirred, sitting straight up and looking around for the source of the sand, and when you saw him your heart dropped, a lump forming in your throat.
“There we go, now you are paying attention.” He snickered.
You tried to read his lips, but he spoke too fast, and you just stayed silent. You cocked your head to the side, eyebrows drawn together in a look of confusion.
You hesitated for a second, but were about to sign something when he spoke again. “Do you not speak? A silent freak, interesting.” You still didn’t understand exactly what he was saying, but his friends all laughed at you, and although you couldn’t hear it it made you feel small.
“I’m sorry. I can not hear you.” You signed, using Metkayina sign language this time.
He scoffed, “I do not believe that. I think you just don’t want us to bother you, but here we are.” He laughed in your face.
“Please use your hands.” You tried to communicate, but they just wouldn’t listen to you.
“No.” He sneered, this you understood, one single word.
Your mouth dropped open, offense written all over it. You knew he was disrespectful, didn’t care about others feelings, but you would make him care, “I can not hear. I am deaf.”
He was about to retort against you again, but when he had been searching for you earlier that day Neteyam knew he meant trouble, so when he found you he stayed in the shadows, watching, but now Ao’nung had taken it too far.
He surged forwards, anger consuming him, “Step off bro. She can’t hear you.”
“Yeah that is what she just said.” He rolled his eyes, “I do not care though, it is better if she can not hear me. Means I can make fun of her without her knowing.” He signed the last part so you could understand.
You shrunk back, standing to hide behind Neteyam. You tugged on his arm, “It’s okay.” You signed.
“It’s not okay, (Y/n).” He rubbed a hand down his face, turning to Ao’nung, “You need to leave her alone.”
“Whatever.” Ao’nung scoffed before turning and walking away.
Now he knew why you seemed to ignore him, you just didn’t know he was talking to you. You were probably avoiding him because you didn’t know their sign language yet. He felt bad for some reason. He usually wouldn’t feel bad about his bullying but with you it felt different now knowing this.
He couldn’t show his feelings though, worried about his little group making fun of him, but he slowly started to back off of you, and your siblings some as well. Whenever one of his “friends” would ask why, he would reply something like “We can not make fun of a cripple.” and roll his eyes, still a jab at you, but less so.
At some point you became all that consumed his thoughts, on his mind at all times, and whenever he would see you with his sister, or your siblings, he would feel the need to insert himself into the conversation, but he always refrained. He wanted to talk to you, to apologize, but he feared judgment from his “friends” who are just as nasty as he was.
Eventually he couldn’t hold it in anymore, heading to your marui to ask to talk with you, in the way you would understand. When he knocked on the doorway of the family home Lo’ak was the first to notice him, glaring at him and nudging Neteyam in the side, directing his attention towards Ao’nung.
Neteyam stood before either of his parents even noticed the boy in the doorway, stalking over to him and dragging him down the pathway so they could talk, “What do you want?” He hissed out.
Ao’nung cleared his throat, but the words still came out small, nervous, “I came to apologize to (Y/n)...”
“No.” Was all Neteyam said before turning away and starting to walk back into the Sully family’s home.
Ao’nung grabbed his arm before he got too far away, “Please. Please let me talk to her.” He begged, something he didn’t like to do, but it was necessary.
Neteyam sighed, “Fine, but if you do anything I will chop your head off myself.” He threatened the boy, “I’ll go get her.”
It wasn’t long before you stepped out of the marui, a frown on your face and hands he could see shaking, “What do you want?” You signed, hands shaking with nerves.
“I came to say sorry.” He started off, “I’m sorry for bullying you, and your siblings. I promise I won’t do it any more.”
“And?” You asked, knowing there was more.
He looked nervous now, hands shaking as he signed, “I wanted to extend the offer of friendship.”
You looked shocked now, “You want to be friends with me?”
He nodded his head, smiling shyly, “Yes. Absolutely.”
You smiled this time, relieved he would be leaving your siblings alone, and excited to learn more about him, about what he was really like under the bad boy shell, “Okay, friend.”
He just nodded at you, “I have to go now. See you at lessons with Tsireya tomorrow?”
“Of course.” You responded.
When you entered the marui again everyone's eyes were on you, a light blush on your face, “I made a friend.” You smiled.
You could see your parents cheering and clapping for you, but your siblings' faces were unsure, you would have to reassure them later but for now you were all having a family night, playing games and handing out things you had made for each other with the new resources you were getting used to using. They were clunky and awkward, but you would get better, it reminded you of something, of someone.
As days passed into weeks you and Ao’nung had grown closer, him pretty much taking over your lessons, stealing you away from Tsireya who was sad to see you go, but happy for her brother for making a friend, a real friend, not one of his goons that tended to hover around him at all times. You had seemingly broken down his bad boy aesthetic and his goons had since left him, moving onto another leader to follow, still as nasty as ever.
You were grateful for him letting his walls down around you, allowing you to see him, and soon you did. You saw him as more than you ever had before. You couldn’t help but think about courting him, of trading little handmade gifts, and sharing little intimate moments of happiness throughout the day.
It seemed as if he wanted the same as he began bringing you gifts, starting as a little armband he made from you out of hard to find shells he had spent many hours trying to find, then it moved onto necklaces and bracelets. Each was more intricate than the last.
When this started you began to bring him things too, poorly made things because using dried seaweed and palm leaves were different from the materials of the jungle, but you managed. Even though they weren’t the best quality he proudly wore them, gladly accepting every gift you would give.
Everyone had noticed by now, the traded jewelry, the touches that lingered a little too long, and the longing looks when you weren’t together. What baffled people most however was not Ao’nung’s seemingly peaceful side coming out, but the fact that neither of you had officially come out and asked if you were courting.
You were courting, you both knew that, but Ao’nung wanted to put it into words, he wanted to make it official, but he felt the need to fix a couple things first, to get a couple blessings.
So he went to the person he thought would be easiest first, your mom. She had seen you two from afar and already had talked to you about it, encouraging you to pursue him and get what you wanted. She had said she was not Tsahík, but Eywa had shown her signs. So when Ao’nung asked she immediately gave him her blessing, knowing this was something not just he wanted, but something you wanted too.
Then he went to your dad. He was a fierce warrior who commanded respect, and Ao’nung tried his best to be respectful, carefully wording his proposal of courting his daughter. Of course Jake had been hesitant at first, but eventually he caved after Ao’nung had mentioned he already had Neytiri’s blessing.
Finally he went to Neteyam, your twin brother, your best friend since birth. Neteyam was adamantly against it, wanting nothing to do with Ao’nung, and wanting his sister to have nothing to do with him either. He was still on the edge of forgiving Ao’nung, swaying over a cliff where falling meant forgiving Ao’nung for his wrong doings, and when Ao’nung explained his love for you, his intentions to never hurt you and treat you with the respect you deserve Neteyam fell over the cliff, giving the Metkayina boy his blessing.
Once he had gotten their blessings he had invited you to the beach where he had first intentionally seeked you out. You were hesitant to go back there with him, but you gave in, trusting him wholeheartedly.
You love him. You trust him. You see him.
When you got there he pulled you to sit down with him, you both facing each other, and he signed, letting his heart out, letting his feelings show, “I am sorry for any times I have hurt you. I was an ass and a fool, and I wish I had never caused you upset or harm. I am sorry for bullying your siblings too, they did not deserve it, but I was scared by the new people and what they would bring. I now see I should have helped like my sister. I should have been making you feel at home here, not doing the opposite.”
“It’s okay. We’re past that.” You reassured him.
He nodded, continuing, “Now I see how special you are. I see how much you’ve changed me and my views on life. I am grateful for the person you have shaped me into. I am grateful I got the chance to make it up to you. I want to court you. Officially.”
You felt your heart swell, butterflies in your stomach, and you were sure it was showing on your face, “I would love that.”
You moved your hands carefully to cup his face, holding it there as you looked into his eyes, hoping he understood how grateful you were for him too, then you pulled him in, lips brushing against each other before they fully made contact. It was magical, unlike anything you had felt before, and you were happy it was him making you feel this way. So happy, so loved.
When you pulled apart he smiled widely at you, grabbing your hands and giving them a gentle but tight squeeze before using them to say, “I see you. I see you.”
You sign your thoughts from earlier, “I love you, I trust you, I see you.”
He doesn’t say anything else, just smiles, and pulls you back in for another kiss, and you feel at peace. You know he is yours, and you are his. You know he will never leave you, and you will never leave him. You know he loves you, and you love him. You know he sees you, and you see him.
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Word Bank:
Olo’eyktan (Clan leader)
Kelku (Omatikaya homes)
Metkayina (Ocean Na’vi)
Marui (Metkayina homes)
‘Ite (Daughter)
Awa’atlu (Metkayina village)
Tsahík (Spiritual leader)
Eywa (Na’vi Goddess)
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3K notes · View notes
moonchildxoxx · 11 months
So there's this thing for couples where a husband will gently lift their pregnant wife's stomach to make them comfortable and take the weight off them. If you're ok with it a Neteyam x reader where they're adults he finds this trick out and tries it and she loves it, she'll just come up to him all time and nudge him to hold her like that. His family thinks it funny how she paws at him almost like a cat to held. If you don't want to write this that's ok❤️
A/N: okay so I it’s not a full fic but I hope you enjoy the Drabble
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Those Moments
- Neteyam is 20 and the reader is 19
-this happens after twow and they’re back in high camp and Neteyam lives because I say so
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem! pregnant! Reader
Word count: 400
[ Request are open ]
Master List
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Neteyam watched from the entrance of your corner of the tent as you stretched in different ways trying to relieve some of your pain. He walked up beside you waiting for you to finish. You gave up with a defeated sigh. He reached out putting one hand on your back and the other one on the swelling of your stomach. “ what’s wrong syulang “ he asks you softly . You let out a soft whine “ everything hurts teyam, but my back is the worst with the pulling pressure “ he hummed listening to you gently rubbing your bump when he suddenly remembered something he had read a while ago when you had first told him he’d be a father in a few cycles time.
He looked into your eyes “ I think I have the thing t help with ma syulang , but you must trust me “ you huffed softly “ I’ll always trust you yawntu “.
He moved to stand behind you, he grabbed you pulling you to his chest. He moved his hand underneath your bump and slowly lifted it . You immediately felt relieved you moaned gently as you no longer felt like your back was about to snap with the weight of your child. Neteyam helped you as long as he could before slowly letting go. You sighed gently turning around again laying your head on his shoulder “ thank you Yawntu “ you mumbled into his neck. He smiled at this rubbing your bump” you don’t have to thank you syulang, I will do anything to help you.”
You both stayed holding each other for a few more moments before joining the rest of the family for evening meal.
Over the next few days this was your routine when he came home from his duties of that day he’d come over and help you with the weight. Today he arrived later with the rest of the sully men . Neteyam walked over to where you were sitting on the ground , helping you stand before bringing you into his arms. You quietly greeted each other afterwards you gently pushed his hands downward to the bottom of your bump . Neteyam tried to hide his smile before moving behind you and gently lifting your bump.
Jake lowly chuckled as he watched you paw at Neteyam, he nudged Neytiri gesturing towards you both. She looked up gently smiling at the once familiar sight that was once them over the years.
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© Moonchildxoxx 2023 | all rights reserved. do not republish, repost, steal, modify, translate or claim my work as your own.
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bubblebaththoughts · 5 months
Sensory Deprivation
Lo’ak&Ao’nung&Neteyam x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI!, p in v, oral!fem receiving, teasing, blindfolded
It was just a dare.
More like, you opened your big mouth and Ao’nung took you way too seriously.
You now had a cloth wrapped around your head as one of them pounded into you.
It seemed like all of their voices morphed together.
“Who is it? Who’s fucking you?” Ao’nung whispered to you
“I don’t know!” You cry out trying to reach forward but one string hand holds your arms back
“Yes you do.” Neteyam groaned
“Just say a name.” Lo’ak chimed in
“Fuck- Neteyam?!” You whine
Suddenly the deep thrusts stopped and you’re pulled into a quick, sloppy kiss.
He pulls away with a huff. “Good girl, you know my cock, don’t you baby?”
“Get off.” Lo’ak grumbled
Neteyam pulls out completely, moving away from you.
You feel and hear them all move around, your ears desperately trying to track their movements.
“Gonna try something else,” Ao’nung announced
“Wanna see if you know whose tongue is whose.” Lo’ak explained
“Did so well before.” Neteyam praised
“Okay…” You timidly answered
You feel two warm hands spread your thighs. Without even beginning to taste you, he rubs his nose against your pussy.
And that immediately told you who it was.
Neteyam. He always did that.
His tongue went right for your clit, making purposefully slow circles around it.
After a second he pulls away.
Another set of hands grabs your thighs, these ones significantly cooler than Neteyam’s.
His cold fingers separated your folds, allowing him direct access to your clit. The hard tip of his tongue began to lick at your sensitive nerves, making you moan out for him.
You whine, bucking away from him. But he aggressively pulls you back by your hips and thighs.
His tongue runs down to your needy hole that was desperately clenched around nothing.
There was nothing you could go off of that would tell you who this was, so you didn’t know.
He pulls away and after a second, you feel another head between your legs.
Using the flat of his tongue, he licks a single stripe from bottom to top. Then, very sloppily and messy, he began to lap at your clit. You could hear the lewd sounds of his mouth.
Lo’ak. Always a messy eater. It had to be him.
Which made the second one Ao’nung.
He pulls away, and you feel the three of them looming over you.
“Who was the first one?” Ao’nung asked
“Teyam.” You meekly whispered
You feel his warm hand cup your cheek.
“Told you, she knows me best.” You could practically hear the smile in his voice
“Shut up bro.” Lo’ak elbowed him, making Neteyam hiss in annoyance. “Which one was I?” He asked
“Third.” You answered simply
Lo’ak laughed, hitting Neteyam’s arm. “Or maybe she’s just a slut.”
“I’m not a slut!” You dramatically whine
“Then what are you doing here? Pressed between your three boys?” Ao’nung taunted
“Leave her alone. She’s always a good girl for me.” Neteyam shoved Ao’nung lightly
“A good girl? With me she’s a nasty little slut.” Lo’ak scoffed
“Always a brat for me.” Ao’nung agreed
“Is that right?” Neteyam asked
You shrug, a cheeky smile overtaking your face.
“Well you two obviously don’t know how to handle her.” Neteyam shrugged “It might help that I’m clearly her favorite.”
“Oh yeah? Who told you that, her?” Lo’ak laughed
“Whatever.” Neteyam scoffed
Someone’s hand grabs yours, maneuvering it so your palm was facing out. It’s placed against skin, rippled skin… a stomach.
“What am I doing?” You asked
“Figure out who you’re touching.” Neteyam stated simply
You feel his muscles flex under your fingers as you grazed them over his skin. You couldn’t tell. So you decided to guess.
“Ao’nung.” You almost whispered
“Nope.” Ao’nung scoffed
“Lo’ak.” You corrected
“Good job.” Lo’ak praised
“Enough of this, it’s clear that I’m her favorite.” Neteyam smugly said
The rest of your time together seemed to go like that, them arguing over who was the favorite. Neteyam. And you laughing, refusing to tell them the truth.
taglist: @danniackerman @loaksslut
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blue-slxt · 6 months
Kinkmas 1
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: Merry Kinkmas! I'm so excited to participate in another event like this! Just as a heads up, a lot of my pieces this time around are shorter than my Kinktober ones. I still hope that you enjoy them though! All characters are aged up!
Kinkmas Masterlist
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Na'vi!Reader x Ao'nung
Warnings: Cockwarming, Poly Relationship, Anal Penetration, Teasing
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You were so incredibly full. It was one thing to have a mate that always wanted to be near you, but your situation was a bit unique with your two mates. It wasn’t unusual, but the two of them always wanted to be up under you at all times. Even when you slept at night, neither of them were satisfied with simply holding you. It wasn’t close enough for their liking. They opted instead to sleep with both their cocks buried to the hilt inside the welcoming squeeze of both of your holes. 
Ao'nung stayed nestled behind you, one hand resting lazily on your thigh. His light, steady breathing is only interrupted by the occasional kiss he gave you on the nape of your neck. Neteyam rested in front of you keeping you lovingly pressed into his chest. He kept a hand on your waist while his hips were angled upwards to press further into your gummy walls. 
Being pressed between both of them left you in a tangled mess of limbs thrown messily over each other.
It was hard for you to even think about sleep with both of them keeping you filled like this. Every little move let you feel both of them rubbing inside of you. 
You knew Ao'nung was a deep sleeper. There was no way you would be able to wake him with how content he was right now. 
“Teyam” you whisper.
Luckily, Neteyam was a much lighter sleeper than your other mate. He hums a response lightly to you, still keeping his eyes closed. 
“Teyam…’m so full”, you whine trying to grind your hips on him, but all that does is push you back on Ao'nung’s cock and stretch you open more. A staggered breath escapes your lips feeling the increasing pressure. 
“I know, yawne. But we need sleep tonight.” he coos gently at you. Despite you being able to feel how his dick is twitching inside of your fluttering cunt, his face is still calm as ever. 
“But Nete…need you to move…please”
“I’ll tell you what, if you sleep tonight, I’ll make sure to take extra good care of you in the morning.” he slowly drags himself out of you to just the tip only to push inch after inch back into your waiting walls. 
You bite your lip trying to stifle a moan.
“Can you do that for me, tìyawn?” He says cupping your face with his hand and rubbing his thumb along your cheek. He finally opens his eyes half way to look down at your desperate, blushing face. 
You are nothing short of gorgeous. If he weren’t so exhausted right now, Neteyam would absolutely have his way with you just like this. But he hopes that his promise of morning relief will be enough to satiate you for now. Luckily for him, you nod your head in agreement, making a small smile settle on his lips. 
“That’s my good girl”, he kisses your forehead and settles himself to try and go to sleep. 
Even though you agreed to wait until the morning, you still know sleep won’t come so soon. So you resign yourself to a long night of staring at the wooden posts of your marui until your body gives out, but Ao'nung’s voice quietly whispers in your ear, “Want me to help you out, paskalin?”
Taglist: @minnory @sussybaka10 @celess0 @funkyflamingo01 @itchaboi-itchyboy @loaksulluyswife @myloveforyouisforever @neteyams-wh0re @the-mourning-moon @wakanda-forever-andotherfandoms @zafrinaxyz @neteyamsyawntu @pandoraslxna @xylianasblog @hotdsworld @teyamsatan @sulieykte @neteyamsoare @neteyamswillow @cryinginthemoonpool @plooto @eywaite @quaritchsluts @jakexneytiri @luvv4j4ybe11 @eywascall
706 notes · View notes
werelosingdaylight · 1 year
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nyctophicbtch · 1 year
Heartfelt - Ao’nung
[ Ao’nung x Sully!reader ]
Request: COULD YOU DO AONUNG X SULLY! READER?? Maybe she’s a Lo’ak’s twin or something and somehow Aonung starts to really like her and he shows it by not letting the metkayina tease her, or treating her siblings with respect when she’s close [read the second request here]
Warnings: a little angst ig? has a happy ending though
Word Count: 2,659
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Not a moment in your life felt more tiring than right now. It had been so long since you were able to properly walk on solid ground when you had to stay on the Ikran for your entire journey, and when you slowly opened your eyes to see the mangrove island in the distance as Lo’ak shook you awake, relief flooded your entire body.
The view surrounding you was like a breath of fresh air. After spending your entire life in the forests, the waters were a new sight you could get used to.
Though the welcome you got didn’t feel so welcoming. The dislike you felt towards the Olo’eyktan’s sons grew more and more each day they picked on your siblings.
And then you noticed the tingling feeling. Maybe he thought he had been discreet enough, but you weren’t daft. You could feel the eldest brother’s stare at your back when you weren’t looking, and the lingering gaze he’d have on you when you were doing the most casual things.
Ao’nung had always picked on you the least from the beginning, and he’d make sure not to pick on any of your siblings whilst you were around.
Which was why Lo’ak often brought you with him and insisted he clung to you when he had to meet them, just like right now.
“Would you stop that,” you snapped, shoving your twin’s hand away.
“Come on. That prick likes you and it’s disgusting.”
“So what if he likes me? He’s not that bad.”
“Yeah,” Lo’ak scoffed. “Only because he doesn’t pick on you.”
You ignored Lo’ak, skipping your way through the Maruis’ pathway with your siblings behind you. Although Lo’ak and Kiri would tell you of the terrible things Ao’nung and his friends would do when you weren’t around, you couldn’t seem to understand how terrible they actually were.
“Hey, careful.” You were too busy looking back at your siblings to pay attention to where you were going. A pair of hands gently gripped at your arms, steadying you when you bumped into their chest.
“Hey,” you greeted Ao’nung softly as he pushed some distance between the two of you. Rotxo was snickering behind him and Lo’ak just looked purely agitated at your exchange.
Your twin grumbled as he went around you and Ao’nung, Tsireya and Rotxo following behind him. Neteyam lightly flicked the back of your head as he and Kiri passed by. When you glared behind you, you saw the teasing smile on his face as he looked at you before refocusing his gaze to the front.
“Come on, let’s go,” Ao’nung said, nodding to your siblings.
It wasn’t as if you were bad at this. You’d just been here for a few days and water was not your area of expertise, that’s all. At least, that’s what you tried to believe when you and your siblings lagged behind the Metkayinas again for the fifth hundredth time.
“Here. Let me help.” You turned around to see Ao’nung behind you, his hand outstretched towards you.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Lo’ak giving a silent look of protest to Neteyam who just shrugged in response when you hesitantly took the Metkayina’s hand.
“Deep breath,” he instructed.
When you dove under, you could feel yourself being pulled, making you move faster than usual with Ao’nung’s help.
The corner of his lips curved upwards when he saw you still in awe at the sight surrounding you, even after seeing it plenty of times. It was what had attracted him to you in the first place; the way your eyes would shine when you’d so easily fall in love with your surroundings.
‘It feels better when you look around’ Ao’nung was careful to make sure he used words you had already learned from them. ‘Not worrying about swimming faster’
‘You swim too fast’ you protested. At this point, you were getting more confident that you knew plenty enough words with the hand signs.
Ao’nung shook his head before swimming closer to you. You were about to back away when you felt the rock that was against you, causing your heart to speed up.
‘Is this okay?’
‘Can I…’ Your brows furrowed in confusion at his last hand movement. Maybe there were words you had missed after all.
Ao’nung took notice of your confusion and brought a finger to your lips in answer. You felt your pulse quicken and every sober thought dissipated from your mind.
You could barely think, let alone remember how to move your hands to say yes, so you just nodded.
At your approval, Ao’nung cupped your jaw, bringing you forward as his lips connected with yours. His other hand pulled you closer by your waist as yours rested on the nearest part of his body it could find.
You felt lightheaded, and you couldn’t form a single thought when his thumb was gently stroking your waist while his lips moved against yours in a way that made your stomach turn.
It was only when you pulled away, you realized your mistake. Ao’nung might’ve been adapted with the water his entire life, but you weren’t, and you came to realize that as you felt the lack of oxygen from the surrounding water.
Luckily, Ao’nung was quick to react, pulling you upwards with him towards the surface. You gasped once your head was out of the water and Ao’nung wrapped his arms around you as you leaned on him for support.
“You okay?”
The kisses happened more frequently than you’d thought it would. When you were swimming, he’d lead you behind a huge rock or coral to steal a kiss underwater. When you were separated from your siblings, he’d lead you somewhere enclosed to kiss you.
You were walking alone back to your Marui at night when you felt hands pulling you into a secluded corner. Your first thought was to scream, but you felt a hand over your mouth, muffling whatever terrified noise you were about to let out.
There was no room to see who had you in their hold when it was dark and you were constantly hitting and kicking in an attempt to escape.
“Relax, it’s me.” Your movements faltered and your breathing steadied when you heard Ao’nung’s familiar laugh.
“Skxawng,” you scowled and hit him in the chest. “I thought I was going to die.”
“Sorry,” he apologized, prying your hand away from his chest and bringing it up to his lips.
Ao’nung took a step closer and pulled you forward by your hand as he leaned down to meet your lips with his.
It wasn’t the usual quick and chaste kiss he’d steal from you. This time, Ao’nung took his time, making sure to leave you breathless afterwards from the stroke of his thumb on your thigh, and the low groans he’d let out.
“I need to go check on the ilus,” Ao’nung whispered against your lips as he pulled away.
Your disappointment was fully on display for Ao’nung to see, and you hoped it was enough to make him stay a little longer.
“You owe me for scaring me,” you argued as he distanced himself even further.
“Next time.” He kissed the corner of your mouth. “Promise.”
Before you could let out any more protests, Ao’nung was already gone and you were left leaning against the mangrove wall with your mind still partially stumped.
You quickly shook off the daze you had and resumed your walk back to your Marui. Dad and Kiri were outside, their feet dipped in the water when you passed by, and you could hear Neteyam speaking to your mother inside.
“Have you seen Lo’ak?” Neteyam asked the second you entered the Marui. Your brother looked like he had just ran laps around the village.
“What no. Why?”
“I can’t find him. I saw him last with Ao’nung.”
“I was just with Ao’nung.”
Neteyam groaned in frustration before running out through the entrance.
“Hey! Wait up!” you called out, tagging along behind your brother.
“Where is he?”
“Near the ilus,” you answered, trying to keep up with Neteyam’s fast pace.
There weren’t that many people around, but still enough to slow you down and you wondered why they couldn’t have made the pathways much wider.
You walked around the people lingering in your way, occasionally muttering apologies when you’d bump into some of them by accident.
“Ao’nung.” You heard Neteyam call out as you finally caught up to him. Ao’nung turned to face your brother and then he noticed you.
“Do you know where Lo’ak went?” You spoke before your brother could.
“I haven’t seen him since the sun was still up,” your brother interjected. “I saw him last with you. Do you know where he is?”
Neteyam noticed the way Ao’nung’s eyes would constantly shift to you. He wasn’t oblivious. Neteyam knew and although he wanted to shove a fish up Ao’nung’s mouth whenever he’d flirt with you, he could also tell how much you liked the Skxawng.
Your brother sighed and grabbed the Metkayina’s shoulders with his hands, leading him away and out of sight from you.
He left no room for you to complain when he glanced back to give you a look, just as you opened your mouth to say your arguments.
It certainly felt terrible being kept in the dark, especially when you saw your brother dragging Ao’nung to your dad and ignoring your questions.
“Tell him what you told me,” Neteyam ordered, slightly shoving the Metkayina forward. Your dad looked just as confused as you were.
Ao’nung’s eyes shifted to you before he let out a defeated breath and faced your dad. “I told Lo’ak we were going hunting outside the reef. We led him to a spot and then left him there.”
“But,” continued Neteyam when he saw Ao’nung’s hesitance. “The area’s home to dangerous hostile creatures.”
“What?” your dad asked in disbelief, the same time as you did. Though yours sounded more like a genuine question; baffled that Ao’nung would pull such a thing.
Your father wasted no time and got up, already heading towards Tonowari, with Kiri left trailing behind him.
“What? How could you? He could be dead by now.” your words sounded more pleading than angry, and Ao’nung felt his heart sank even more when he finally realized how hurt and betrayed you looked.
“Don’t touch me,” you hissed, backing away when he tried reaching for you.
“Listen I-“
“You heard what she said,” Neteyam warned, stepping in between the two of you. “Back off.”
If Ao’nung hadn’t looked devastated before, he definitely did now. The Metkayina stepped back and watched as your brother put an arm around you and guided you past him.
“You okay?” Neteyam asked, glancing down to look at you.
If you had listened to your siblings when they’d told you how terrible Ao’nung had been treating them, maybe you wouldn’t have to feel so betrayed by his actions. It wasn’t as if Lo’ak hadn’t tried to warn you in the first place.
“You know he apologized right?”
“Mhm,” you hummed in response without looking at your brother. “You’ve told me five times.”
“Don’t you think you should talk to him? He sulks when nobody’s paying attention, especially when his friends flirt with you,” Lo’ak reasoned from the opposite side of the room.
You hated to admit that you also did the same and it was probably obvious. There were times where Ao’nung would try apologizing, but you easily dismissed him and kept conversations short. You’d speak with him as if you were to speak with any other Metkayina, but you still had that barrier of tension in your friendship.
“I did.”
“You barely said a sentence.”
“What am I supposed to say?” Meeting Ao’nung was the last thing you wanted to do, but you didn’t want to seem like you were completely avoiding him by declining his request.
All you could do was walk in silence beside the Metkayina as he led you away from the village and closer to the shore.
It should’ve felt apprehensive following him alone at night, yet all you felt was curiosity as Ao’nung leaned down by a small rock to fetch something.
“What are you doing?” you asked. It was probably the first full sentence you’ve said to him ever since you met up tonight.
“Taking some food for the little guy.” Just as you were about to question him further, you heard the tiny chirping coming from the water.
Ao’nung walked deeper into the water as a tiny ilu emerged, its bioluminescent freckles glowing in the night. He threw the fish slightly above the air for it to catch in its mouth.
If there was anything that tugged on your heartstrings more than seeing the view underwater, it was the creatures that swam in it. You’ve never actually seen a baby ilu, only a full grown adult, and Ao’nung knew the path leading straight into your heart.
“Don’t you want to say hello?”
Skxawng. He knew you wouldn’t be able to resist and he wasn’t wrong.
“Here,” Ao’nung said, offering the small fish in his palm.
He watched as your fingers lightly brushed his as you took it and you couldn’t hold back the smile that came to you when the tiny creature chirped happily as you threw the fish at it.
Ao’nung mimicked your smile at the sight of the heartfelt interaction. He felt like he could finally breathe again. He’d always loved the smile you had whenever you were in awe with the environment and its creatures.
“She was born a few days ago,” Ao’nung informed, gently petting her head with the back of his fingers. “Wasn’t allowed to separate from her mother until this morning.”
The ilu turned to you, flapping its tiny flippers in the water before approaching you. As you reached out to pet her, the ilu swam away, leaving you confused at what you did wrong.
“That’s her mother,” Ao’nung answered your silent question and you turned around to see the full grown ilu freely swimming in the distant.
Now that your source of comfort swam away, you suddenly realized the situation you were in. Ao’nung was nearing you and you still had no idea what to say to him.
It wasn’t as if you wanted to give him the silent treatment on purpose. You just had no idea how to fix things when Ao’nung purposely left your brother to fend off for himself in a death trap.
“You already know what I’m going to say, but I just want to fix things between us,” he started. “I’m sorry for what I did and I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. Can we just- start over?”
Instead of forming any sort of answer in your head, you did the most impulsive thing you could have possibly responded with.
You could feel Ao’nung’s heartbeat under your palms when you placed your hands on his chest and leaned forward to give him a soft kiss.
“I already forgave you.”
To say the adults were surprised was an understatement. Ronal was bewildered at the news. Though you rendered your parents a tiny bit speechless, they didn’t seem to show any negative reactions towards your relationship with the chief’s son. Kiri and Neteyam had been betting amongst themselves on how long it would take for you to man up and finally not deny whatever was going on between you and Ao’nung.
It took a while for the news to sink in, but once it did, the two of you became more annoyingly endearing to watch than anything.
“Would you stop that? My eyes are going to explode if I have to witness this any longer,” Lo’ak protested as Ao’nung kept annoying you, which only looked like flirting in everyone else’s eyes.
“No, no. I want to see what she does to him.”
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pandoraslxna · 8 months
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⋆。° ✮ minors dni 🔞
⋆。° ✮ Kinktober masterlist
⋆。° ✮ Warnings: foursome, praise kink, blindfolded, teasing, dirty talk
⋆。° ✮ Translation: sevin = pretty
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"Guess who."
You certainly don’t need sight to tell them apart, in fact, one of the things you love about being with them is how different they are. How lucky could you possibly get, you think, as strong hands grip your jaw lightly until you open up and a thumb swipes over your tongue, dips inside your mouth for you to suck on, before slowly pulling out with a wet pop.
"A-Ao’nung", you whisper, "it’s Ao‘nung."
The cloth covering your eyes is well-woven by skilled fingers you’re very much familiar with, soft, strong, and dyed a dark enough blue that it's nearly black and you’re unable to see. It sits comfortable, despite the tight knot behind your head.
Anticipation flutters through your stomach and chest and your heart beats just a little faster, your breath comes a little quicker as you wait for an answer.
Neteyam chuckles, you know it’s him because the sound of it always sends a chill down your spine.
"Good job, sevin", he praises.
You can feel him circling you even with your eyes closed. The heat from his body radiates out, crossing the space between your bodies to seep into your bare skin. Someone shifts, most likely Ao’nung tracing his place with Neteyam.
It’s hard, not being able to reach out towards him as he stands right in front of you, to thread your fingers through Neteyams hair or tug his mouth down to yours.
Thankfully, he’s the one reaching out to you first. You know it’s him, the hand that cups one of your breasts and caresses your skin with his thumb, running over your nipple until it hardens. You know it’s him, because he’s gentle. His palm is warm and soft and he kneads your breast in a way that’s so lovingly, like he’s worshiping your body in a tender way.
"I know it’s you, Neteyam", you breathe out, your tail swaying a little overly excited behind your back.
But the very moment said hand suddenly pinches your nipple, causing you to gasp as he teases and tugs on the sensitive little nub, you already know that your answer was wrong.
"N-No it’s, it’s Lo‘ak", you blurt out with reddened cheeks, obviously embarrassed that you had fallen into his trap. So typical of him.
All three of them chuckle in unison at this, before Neteyam hums lowly, "Hmh, good girl."
You’re certain that the hand that now runs over the inside of your thigh, gently squeezing your flesh, belonged to him. But you decide to keep your mouth shut this time, afraid this could just be another trap to tease you further.
The sudden brush of his mouth against yours makes you gasp into the kiss and you lean into it, just as Neteyam breaks away, letting a whiny noice of frustration escape your parted lips.
"Neteyam…", you complain softly, pouting a little. And even though you couldn’t see him like this, you knew by the tone of his voice and the quiet clicking of the beads in his braids that he was tilting his head as he asks, "What is it, hm?"
"Don’t you enjoy our little game?", comes from beside him. This has to be Ao’nung, you think to yourself, and right on cue, what must be Lo‘ak chimes in, "She’s so cute like this, bro."
"Stop teasing me…", you whine, barely above a whisper, "please."
"Yeah, she can be adorable if she really wants to." It’s said over your head with a low chuckle, and then a hand reaches out to cup your jaw again. Ao’nungs thumb traces the outline of your bottom lip, and you can’t help the way your tongue immediately darts out to give him a little kitten lick.
"Fine", Neteyam sighs, "We‘ll stop teasing you, sevin. But the blindfold will stay on."
"Huh, w-what? Why?"
"Because we love how flustered you get like this", Lo‘ak chirps gleefully, and the grin on his face can be heard in his voice.
Another hand, this time you really struggle to figure out who it belongs to, then dips between your thighs, cupping your bare cunt to feel for your arousal. You’re hyperaware of the fingers swiping through your folds and you whimper softly when they tease your entrance with fleeting touches.
"Look how wet you already are. This is going to be so much fun..."
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shkudss · 1 year
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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nelissecrectplace · 1 year
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previous | part 2 | next
word count: 4.3k
language: Tsahík- spiritual leader
description: Confused by your avoidance Ao’nung frustration only seemed to build. Convinced he wanted to play you push him away. Backed into a corner the na’vi has to make some bold decisions.
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Ao’nung did not understand why you were still angry with him. He had apologized to your sibling and even bit back his words, not teasing them as much, but your cold shoulder did not waver in the slightest. His sister sensing the tension had not paired you with him at all for the past week and it was starting too eat away at him. He did not know why he craved your attention so, but it was driving him insane. Barging into his family’s mauri his annoyance was evident. Placing himself onto his mat he sharpened his weapon body language full of agitation.
“You are frustrated brother?” Tsireyas voice was soft as she turned her body too face her older brother. She had an idea why he was angry but the she needed to hear it from him. “Why?”
“That woman she is unbearable! She will not even glance my way! You would have thought I killed her mother.” Casting his knife aside a sigh breached Ao’nungs lips as he turned too his littler sister. “You have been no help always stealing her from me.”
“I have done no such thing, I just thought you did not wish too teach her because..” Puffing her cheeks Tsireya looked for the right words. “The obvious tension.”
“Yet you pare me with the man I literally fought with.” A giggle left Tsireya as she looked at her brothers deadpan look. “Maybe that is the reason she will not speak too you. You did fight her brother after teasing Kiri because your day was bad.”
“No, I am fine with everyone but y/n! I gave the family a gift and all the Sullys talk with me freely.”
“So you have done all this so she will forgive you?” A purple hue cascaded over Ao’nungs cheeks as he looked away from his sister. The man’s pride would not allow him to admit the efforts he went to for something as simple as your attention. “Oh my Eywa you like Y/n!” Tsireya shrill voice filled the mauri as she squealed.
Running to her big brother she pinched his cheek with a smile so big her cheeks began too hurt. “Mother and father will be so happy you found your tsahík!” Swatting Tsireya hand away Ao’nung scoffed at her words. “It does not matter if she will not even look my way.”
“It could have been something you said. You have my tendency too talk…offensively without knowing the impact of your words.” Suddenly entering the conversation Ronal entered the mauri focusing her attention on her eldest son. “Have you been ease dropping?” Ao’nung asked an unamused look on his face. “Does not matter now who is too be my successor I must start training her!”
“She does not wish to have anything to do with me it is no use.” Rolling her eyes at her sons words Ronal sat in front of her two children. “You are to be the chief everyone desires you. If they do not make them, show her your intensions.” Smacking her eldest on his head Ronal rose too her feet once more. “Now grow some balls and court this na’vi! A confrontation is not that hard son.” Placing her hands on her mouth Tsireya attempted too muffled her laughter. Gathering herself the young na’vi followed her mother avoiding Ao’nungs death glare. He could not wait too get out of his family’s Mauri.
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“Why do you still ignore Ao’nung?” Looking over too your sister confusion covered your features. The two of you were sitting on the very shore line the incident had happened. A broken sapling the only proof of the altercation between Ao’nung and your family.
“You know what he did too us, too Lo’ak.” Almost as if you were stating the obvious you crudely answered Kiris questions. Humming in response kiri placed her hands behind her, resting her body weight on them. “We have made peace y/n, why do you hold this grudge, it is unlike you.” Looking away from Kiri you hug your knees too your chest. You were at a loss for words, you did not wish too tell your sister about your feelings. It was already embarrassing enough that Ao’nung had played with your heart for so long. It was degrading knowing how desperate he perceived you, you did not wish for anyone else too form the same view.
“So sorry we are late! Are mother kept us.”
“It is fine.” Responding too Tsireya you mentally thanked Eywa. She had saved you from the pressure of answering Kiris questions. Rising too your feet you were quick to walk over too the girl, shooting kiri a sheepish smile. Rolling her eyes at your avoidance Kiri followed your lead as the two of you met the Siblings half way. Focusing all your attention on Tsireya you purposefully avoided Ao’nungs gaze, hoping that the man would disappear if you focused hard enough.
“I was thinking we could split up even more today. Since y/n is still struggling with Ilus she can stay here with my brother. He is one of the na’vi with the best knowledge of the sea animals.” With a smile decorating her face Tsireya looked between the two of you. She was obviously looking for approval and that was one thing you were not about to give.
“That would be perfect!” Speaking over you kiri loudly agreed. Face morphing into a glare you looked at your sister. Kiri only wore a smug face as she peered at you. “Let’s head too the healing hut Tsireya.” Nodding enthusiastically, the na’vi waved goodbye, than motioned for kiri too follow. Watching your sister walk past you a wave of nerves washed over you. “Kiri-” As her name breached your lips her yellow eyes turned too yours. The look on her face was enough too shut you up as your ears pinned too your head. Tail drooping and ears down turned, you turned too face the na’vi in front of you, his form standing tall.
He seemed too be nothing but pleased at this arrangement as he looked down at you. It was a visible change in his attitude from the first day he was stuck with you, if anything he looked excited. Confusion clouded your brains as you examined the na’vi not sure why he seemed so please. “Don’t worry forest girl, I don’t bite.” Smirk plastered on his face he placed a hand on your back, guiding you too the water. Shying away from his touch you did not speak a word as you walked into the water, waiting for him to call an ilu. You pretended too not notice how his playful demeanor slightly shifted. Ao’nungs face twisting in dissatisfaction? You did not know. The only thing you knew was today was going too be a long day.
A hefty  sigh left Ao’nung lips as he rested his hands on his hips. “You can not ride the ilu as if you are bear back your legs must make adjustment.” Piercing your lips together you attempted adjust your body correctly. The instructions that seemed to have been said hundreds of time repeating in your head. Looking at your new adjusted form Ao’nung couldn’t help but pinch his nose bridge in frustration. It did not help that you had not uttered a word this whole time, simply humming in acknowledgment. “You know a word or two would help me understand why you are struggling.” Ao’nungs eyes seemed too pierce yours as he walked through the water over too you. It did not take long for the warrior to be inches away. His ocean orbs seeming to be waiting for a response as he stared with an expectant look.
Avoiding his gaze you turned your eyes too where your hand held the ilu. Adjusting your grip you attempted too ignore his obvious request for you too speak. As a response an annoyed groan left the na’vi lips, making your stomach slightly drop. “Than we will do this the hard way.” The words left his lips in a hiss. The questions filling with his intensions soon answered as you felt a strong grip on your thigh. A slight yelp left your lips at the contact, head wiping towards the na’vi. He wore a slight smirk as he peered at you moving your legs into his desired position. It only took moments for all the blood too rush too your face a purple hue decorating your cheeks. In your mind you attempted to remind yourself that he felt nothing but you failed to stop the butterflies from invading your stomach.
Reaching over too adjust your other half you felt your heart race. His face was inches away from your stomach. His hands quickly positioning your leg the way he wanted. His salty yet musky scent entering your nose. You did not realize how much you enjoyed his smell until he pulled away, admiring his work. “Scoot up a little for me.” Attempting to follow his instructions you slid your hips up too the end of saddle. A small laugh left the na’vi mouth as you did. “Here.” Ao’nungs hands finding their way too your hips slid you back slightly. “Perfect”
“Ao’nung” Ears perking up at the sound of his name the male quickly focused his attention on you. A slight smile decorating his face. Heart beating rapidly against your rib cage you couldn’t seem too get your words out as you admired his features. It seemed that all your thoughts were scrambled as his hands rested themselves on you. It was amazing what a simple touch seemed to do. Mouth opened like an idiot you only seemed to be able to stare as the hue on your cheeks darkened.
Gaining slight composure you brung your hands too rest on his. Seeming too get the message Ao’nungs ears lit up. Quickly removing his palms from your hips, he tucked them under his arms. Awkwardly cleaning his throat the na’vi looked the other way, avoiding your gaze. “Well, let see how you do go ahead and ride under.” Expertly covering up his embarrassment he ushered for you too continue. Humming in response you were quick too obligue. It seemed as if this was your hundredth time under the water as the familiar feeling engulfed you.
Although, this time it felt as if you were gliding through the currents. The struggle of fighting to stay on the ilu gone as the water glided around you. The pull of the water running through your hairs as if it was apart of the ocean. Breaching the water a rush of adrenaline filled your body. Your joyful laughter filling the area. Whipping your head around you were quick to find Ao’nung. Smiling brightly you swam your ilu over too his, happiness radiating off of you. “Did you see that! I have done it!” Overcome by excitement you launched your body into Ao’nungs. Arms wrapping around his neck you broke your bond. Your ilu swimming out from under you.
Looking up a smile mirroring yours adored the na’vis features. Ao’nungs arms quick too find your body. Wrapping an arm around your waist he quickly used the other too bring your body over his ilu. “Should of stayed with me, you would have had it down day one.” Stomach sinking at his words you suddenly remembered why you have not been with him. Smile dropping you unlatched your hands from around the male. An embarrassment like no other flooding in as regret settled in. You had literally just thrown yourself at him. Ears pinned too your head you avoided the na’vis now confused gaze. Ao’nung did not understand why your mood had done a full one-eighty.
“I am sorry, I got too excited.” Clasping your hands over your legs you starred down at the waves lapping over your thighs. Suddenly a light hand was placed over yours. His touch was gentle but it could not stop the whispers of doubts from entering your mind. “You are fine Y/n, your achievement was worth celebration.” You could only hum a response as you tried too calm the thumping of your heart. You hated how Ao’nungs presence only seemed to make so many doubts and feeling swirl. Your body and brain not knowing which one too display.
“I will swim back.” Awkwardly shifting your body off his ilu you submerged yourself into the sea. You felt a slight emptiness without his touch as you sank into the water, but that was just another feeling too add too the confusing mix. It seemed Ao’nung was not wiling too give you a break from the conflict he created in you as he was quick too dive in after you. ‘I will swim with you’ signing from above a slight smirk decorated his face. Motioning for him too follow you began to make your way back too shore. Being in the ocean always brought a feeling of peace yet you could not seem to admire the ocean life. Eyes constantly peering at the na’vi next too you. His curls flowing with the currents around him, his body moving effortlessly. It made your heart pang with a familiar pain. He was so beautiful yet that seemed to be the exact reason why he could toy with you as he pleased.
Finally breaching the water you gasped for air. Hoping to inhale as much as possible before making your way too the shore. Ao’nung who breached soon after seemed fine as his breathing settled quickly. You heard the water splash as his form followed. It was obvious he had no intension of letting you escape him. Feet finally touching the dry sand you turned too face the na’vi. Eclipse settling around the both of you. Ao’nung bioluminescent freckles shined with pride as he looked down at you. Taking a deep breath you met his ocean eyes. Ears perked up he waited for you too speak, hopeful for a positive exchange.
“What do you get out of this.” Gaze hardening you looked into him. Eyes furrowing at the question he slightly cocked his head too the side. “What do you mean?” Confusion evident in his tone he questioned you. A heft sigh left your lips as you ran your fingers through your braids. “I do not understand why you continue too play with me. My heart can not handle this, why don’t you leave in peace.”
“I am not playing with you.” Attempting too grab your hands you harshly jerk your body away. “Cut the shit Ao’nung go play with a Metkayinas heart.” Harshly rejecting his action you pull away from his touch. Confusion warped his features at the foreign word leaving your lips but he did not back down. “Why are you so resistant! I have done everything, yet you still deny me!”
“You know you have no real intension with me. You enjoy playing with my feeling taunting me and my brothers with the fact that I admire you. I am tired I cannot live like this! I will stop myself from wanting you so please let me move on.” Eyes glossing over you turn away from na’vi. “Goodnight Ao’nung.” The goodbye left your lips harshly as you sped away from him. Standing there like and Idiot Ao’nung watched your form retreat. He could not seem too process the words you had dumped on him. Too stunned by the fact that you wanted him.
Despite the fact that you had stormed away with the intension too not speak too the male again he couldn’t help the smile that played at his lips. Bringing his hand too his face he covered his growing grin as his stomach swirled with butterflies. The indirect confession had the na’vi swooning. Tail swaying in excitement he rushed back too his mauri. He knew exactly what he must do.
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It had been a day since your interaction with Ao’nung yet your melancholy mood did not leave you. Lo’ak, taking notice too this, attempted too drag you out the mauri but too no avail. You refused your brothers attempt to cheer you up insisting you must stay too help kiri and your mother. You were thankful too Neteyam for dragging your twin away understanding you needed time. Your eldest brother was always intuitive, never pushing you too speak before you felt comfortable. Shooting him a half smile you thanked him, waving goodbye too the two males. You felt a relief like no other knowing the pestering would finally come too an end. Thanking Eywa Tuk’s instructor wanted to take her this evening. There was no doubt your mother and sister had noticed your low mood as well. The both of them treading around you as if the slightest mistake would make you snap.
Currently the three of you were preparing dinner. Wrapping fish and herbs into the seaweed for your mother too cook later. Conversation flowing fluidly between the woman to your left as you worked in silence. Thoughts consuming your brain as your hands worked slowly. It seemed that all your thoughts reverted too him. It made you want to scream in frustration. No matter how hard you tried to think of something else Ao’nung dominated your mind. It was torture. No matter how many harsh facts you reminded yourself of, your heart still called his name. Fingers struggling too seal the seaweed together you slammed the food down on the mat. Hands running through your braids in frustration. Silence filled the Mauri, both woman looking too you with concerned eyes.
“How about we take a break.” Breaking the silence your mother spoke. Placing the food too the side. “How about a new style on Y/n? Your braids have been in for quite a while.” Kiri suggested. Nodding in agreement you accepted her suggestion silently. You knew your braids were fine, but braiding each others hair has always been a way for the woman in your family comfort each other. Occasionally getting the person too open up. Placing themselves behind you the two of them began too unbraid. Helping with the ones you could you attempted too unbraid the front.
Soon your mother’s humming filled the mauri. Immediately recognizing it as your song cord song you felt the tension leave your body. Water running through your now unbraided hair you allowed a tears too flow down your cheeks. No longer being able too hold in your emotions. A vulnerability usually only your family had the luxury of seeing. Continuing too prepare your hair no words were spoken, yet you were given the best comfort you could receive. Your mothers songs resonating in the mauri. Kiris soft touch as she combed out your hair. The gentle yet firm tugs at your hair as they corn rowed it back. A calming feeling filling your soul as the ocean waves could be heard in the background of it all.
Before you knew it Eclipse has fallen. Their hands leaving your scalp as they admired their work. The top of your hair corn rowed back, connecting at the top too your queue to make one huge braid. Your mother left one small braid in the front too shape your face. Admiring their work you couldn’t help but allow a smile too form on your lips. “You are beautiful daughter.” Watching your admire yourself Neytiri wore a soft smile. The two woman proud too have lightened up your mood. Walking into the mauri your brothers were the first to return, their eyes finding you with the mirror.
“Woah look who got a make over.” Announcing their presence Neteyam was the first to speak. “Woah you actully don’t look like shit.” Of course, Lo’ak had to make a backhanded joke. Hissing at her second oldest son Neytiri lightly hit the back of his head. You and kiri could only laugh at Lo’ak scolding. Although the young na’vi showed no remorse. Neteyam could only shake his head at his brother stupidly, a small smile appearing on his lips. A soft mood filled the space around you as you felt your heart lighten. Basking in the presence of your family. Your father was soon to join the rest of you strutting into the mauri. A series of greetings followed as your mother embraced her mate.
“Where is Tuk Ma’Jake?” Peering behind him your little sister presence was missing. The mood in your home slightly dampened as you all shot your father questioning looks. “We have been invited to eat with Tonowaris family. It was implied that only adults should come so Tuk is having a sleep over with her instructors daughter. ” Looking into each of his children eyes he spoke too the whole family. “Ao’nung invited me this evening. I hope none of you have caused any more trouble?” All responding in sync you quickly denied your fathers accusation. A visible sigh of relief left him as his worries seemed to lift off him. A slight guilt pierced your heart, knowing you had slightly lied. But, you did not intend to come clean about the conflict, especially after seeing your fathers relief. “Go put something nice on.” Glancing at Neteyam and Lo’ak Jake slight cringed. “Especially you two.”
Smiling sheepishly the two looked down at their dirty loincloths. It was obvious they had been rough housing throughout the day. Moving too the girl side of the Mauri your mother undid your woven separator. You quickly began too pick out an outfit that was suitable, subconsciously wanting to look your best. “Here sister, wear this.” Pulling you away from your thoughts you peered at the outfit Kiri held in front of you. A light gasp leaving your lips. It was a beautiful top. Small pearls covered every inch of the string. The chest having seashell hanging in the oval shaped gaps too cover your breast. Along side it was a white loincloth with pearl straps on the side connecting the two pieces. “Do you not think it is too much.” voice dripping with doubt you admire the outfit with awe. “Of course not put it on. I’ll wear what you picked out.” Pushing the outfit into your hands kiri snatched your outfit from behind you. Looking too your mother she only shot you an approving smile.
Neytiri knew why kiri wanted you too look your best, knowing the theory Kiri had built around yours and Ao’nungs relationship. The two had even spoke about how he was possible the cause for your saddened mood. “Come on girls we don’t have all night!” Jakes booming voice filled the mauri, impatiences prominent in his tone. A series of grunts was all he got in return as the three of you shuffled into your clothes. Finally Walking out of the mauri the crisp night air greeted your skin. With your nerves building the six of you began your walk too the chiefs mauri.
Apon entering the mauri you were immediately greeted by Tonowari. The warm air of their home welcoming you in. Eyes wandering you took in your surroundings. There was set up of food around a small fire. All kinds of fruits, meats and beverages lined up perfectly. Ronal who seemed to be placing the last dish around the fire took her seat around the arrangement. Tsireya was already in a conversation with Lo’ak and Neteyam, her bubbly personality radiating from her very being, Mother and Kiri placed to the side of the Tsahík, and Ao’nung who seemed to be arranging something in the corner. Blood running hot you allowed your eyes too scan his crouched body. Admiring the sight you had not seen since the other night.
You felt your heart skip a beat as he turned your way. Ocean eyes scanning you from top too bottom as you had just done too him. Casting your gaze away you placed yourself next to your father, who was still conversing with Tonowari. Much too your displeasure, that seemed too be Ao’nungs next stop. The na’vi stood tall next to his father. Ao’nungs blue eyes peering down at the two of you. “Hello Jake Sully.” Turning his gaze too the young na’vi a friendly smile covered your fathers face. “Hello Ao’nung, thank you for inviting us here. I’m guessing for a special ocassion?” Following your fathers gaze you looked too the direction the na’vi had come from. Looking at the assortment it was clear no ordinary na’vi could have put this together. There were fish bones, Jewerly, necklaces, spices, furniture, and even meat! Which was extremely rare in the Metkayina clan as they usually only ate aquatic life.
Mouth slightly agape you couldn’t help but stare at the pile, your shock displayed on your expression. “Yes,, you could say that.” A light smile played at Ao’nungs lips as he responded, eyes glued too you. Feeling his stare you tore your eyes from the corner. “Oh yes, thank you for inviting us.” Eyes only meeting his for a second you couldn’t help but tear your gaze away. After the last meeting it was simply too embarrassing, your assumed rejection fresh. “Of course. You are beautiful tonight Y/n.” Eyes widening you look up too the na’vi. A dark hue casting over your face as you pierced your lips together. Looking too the ground you went back too avoiding his gaze, feeling like an idiot for reacting. Of course he still wanted to play with your feeling.
“Well why don’t we eat!” Tonowaris voice boomed through out the mauri, indirectly telling his guests too sit. Getting the message you all gathered around. You sitting next to your father with Tsireya too your left. Of course the na’vi in front of you had too be Ao’nung. Eyes casted down you avoided his eyes, feeling your stomach sink. If it was possible you felt as if his gaze would have burned through you. Your appetite lessening bye the second. “I am sorry we must excuse your youngest today. It is just we did not need her approval for our discussion tonight.” Ronald voice was the first too speak. Her blue eyes casted on your father. Eyebrows furrowing in confusion he met her icy orbs. “Approval for what exactly?” Motioning her hands too Ao’nung all eyes shifted too the na’vi. He sat confidently as he looked at your father. A determination on his face you had not seen before. Inhaling slightly the na’vi spoke words you never expect too hear.
“I seek the family’s approval too court Y/n”
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a/n: Sorry if this is not up too your expectations. Tbh I wasn’t expecting my 1st one too get sm attention but im so grateful 😭🙏🏽. I will fr take any writing advice too improve.
tags: @yeosxxx @atwow69 @misscaller06 @lynbubble @heart-an0n @jarofer @lovethefruitman @elegantkidfansoul @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @neteyamssbaby
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Fire Drill
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Dad!Ao’nung x Sully!reader
IN WHICH yours and Ao’nung’s son is killed during Quaritch’s attack, but your family is here to help you pick up the pieces.
WC: 3.3k
warnings: ANGST, grief of a son and a brother, death, violence and gory injuries.
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2 years. The little amount of time that you had been given before Quaritch and his team came to wreak havoc amongst your family once more. It seemed like your parents killing him once had not been enough, because his appearance made him look hungry for another death. Though you were all happy now, far away from the menace of his heavy ammo and the menacing gun that was slung upon his shoulder. 
The first few weeks of living within the Metkayina had been so hard for you and your family. Between Lo’ak and Kiri being treated far worse for having human features, and the hard time you and your mother were having with fitting in with their traditions. The Tsahik had not been any softer on you despite the mistreatment that your family already faced. She despised your family of ‘demons’ and probably your mother too because she was affiliated and had children with one. 
Your siblings and you had found comfort within the presence of the sweet Tsireya and Rotxo. Neteyam and yourself often found yourselves laughing quietly at your obviously in-love brother. Though you couldn’t make fun of him for too long, because you too had started developing something for the local Metkayina bully. 
Something about his arrogance just made him so annoying yet attractive. Maybe it was his confidence, or the way he would tease you unrelentingly. Nevertheless, you just couldn't let anyone know of your silly crush for now, because if it fell upon the ears of the future olo’eyktan, you knew that he’d never let you live it down. Weeks had passed and your interest towards the boy could only grow more and more as the days passed by.
Though now, only with the teasing remarks of your family. Neteyam was always known for the keen eye that your mother had passed down to him, and it didn’t take long for him to notice the longing stares that you would send the rude boy. Long story short, he told Lo’ak and your little brother and his humongous mouth just couldn’t keep shut. To say that your mother was disappointed in your choice of men was an understatement, but she had allowed herself to fall in love with the person that she had wanted, so why couldn’t you? 
Jake was…shocked to say the least. You had never audibly expressed your interest in any boy back at home, and here you were now. Though he knew that there was nothing that he could do to stop his 18 year old daughter from pursuing her heart's desires, because he had done so with Neytiri. 
Your sisters had a calmer approach about the subject, rather asking you about it during some private gossip session that you had with them. 
So after many months of hidden admiration spent, you still wondered how you had managed to end up under him in the middle of the forest behind their homes. Far from reach of everyone else, in the middle of the Metkayina mating grounds. His chests heaved up and down as he regained his breath, staring down at you with his stern lustful gaze. 
An accidental confession and two young adults on the run from prying eyes was all it took for the both of you to run off and bond before eywa, queues intertwined with the feeling of love running thick through both of your veins. You’d laugh at yourself months ago if you had told yourself that you even had a chance with Ao’nung, but here you were now, mated for the rest of your lives. 
The walk of shame felt rewarding in some way the next day, you had proved to Ronal and Tonowari that you feared them not, even if it meant being bonded to their son. Now you were all family, if they wanted it or not. Ao’nung and you had moved into your own private marui, and you were shoved into your mother’s loving embrace one last time as you packed your things and moved into your new home. Everything was perfect at first, a feast was soon established for the news of your mateship, and soon came another for the news of your bearing. 
A baby, conceived through the love that you both shared. The endless nights that you both spent hidden away from the rest of the world, tightly squeezed in each other’s embrace as you slept the night off. Many were unaccepting at first, a demon hybrid and their future olo’eyktan? How absurd. But soon everyone calmed down, and time passed faster than you would’ve liked it to. 
Fires spread throughout the whole village, heavy flames engulfing the beautiful village in its soaring arms. When you arrived back at shore, your heart was already void of all emotions. You felt as though it was bleeding, and the death of your brother felt like the knife that poked through the midst of it. You wanted it to burn with anger towards the sky people for taking your younger brother’s life, but you just couldn’t feel anything. 
The brother that you had watched being birthed, cleaned and placed wailing into your young arms had been violently taken before you. It was unfair, but he was in a better place now, away from the cruelty of this world. You couldn’t imagine how your parents felt, losing their first son before their very own eyes. How guilty your little brother must've felt for everything. Though you forced your sorrows away because you had a family of your own to attend to. 
Your son was still with his caretaker, and your mate probably had wounds that needed tending. Suddenly, the acrid scent of burning hit your nostrils, making you scrunch your nose in disgust. The fumes entered through your lungs like the much wanted air, and exited like the carbon that you would need to exhale. 
Your yellow eyes shone a warm amber colour as your eyes were strained amongst the fiery scene before you. The flames engulfed the stretching material of the maruis, spreading at an undying pace. You were frozen in your spot as you watched the fire turn your homes into remainders of what once was. Your mind raced as you imagined the worst of all scenarios. 
You flinched upon contact, elbowing hardly whoever had just grabbed you by the elbows. You turned around to meet their eyes, distress swirling in your very own. Ao’nung nearly fell back at your unwanted assault, huffing as you elbow left quite the fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Not the good kind of feeling. He looked at you before reaching for you once more, though you were unresponsive to his touch. 
Once the smell of burning reached his nose, his attention was completely retracted from your frozen form. He suddenly urged forwards, grabbing your hand harshly into his as he ran towards the maruis. He ran faster than he had ever done, because there was a nagging feeling of fear lodged deep inside his heart. 
You could feel your heart physically stop as you arrived in front of your shared marui, the stretchy material of your home now falling apart under effect of the burning. What scared you the most was the silence. As much as it pains you to say, you would’ve rather heard the painful yells of your baby than the wavering silence. 
Without hesitation, Ao’nung entered the marui first. He had little to no reaction as a piece of burning material from the roof fell ungracefully over his arm, leaving a small and ugly mark behind. Him halting in his steps was enough to bring you back to life and rushing to the scene besides him.
Though the sight before you was what no mother would ever wish to see. The woman that was once protecting your son now laid lifeless besides the weaved crib that was made from dried sea plants. The smell of death was atrocious, and you had immediately known that she had not died due to the unfortunate fires. She had been murdered by those sky demons. 
You had no care nor time to turn her around to investigate her cause of death. Though you were happy that you didn’t see the violent wound that ran down her back, a long cut that passed from the top to the bottom of her spine. Her blood seeped to the floor and tainted the material, and you could only wish then that it wasn’t Aytan’s, your son. 
She was bare and open from the back for anyone to see if they dared to flip her around. You were glad that you didn’t need to, because the sight of her guts spilling all over your feet would’ve surely made you regurgitate your meal all over her mutilated body. 
Instead your eyes panned for painfully long on your son that laid still in his crib. Void of any movement or life, you felt as though now you would puke. 
His skin was cursed with burn marks that overtook nearly half of his body. He looked so miserable and even if he was still alive at the moment, you would wonder if saving him would do him any good. The once soft baby skin now looked roughy and flaky. 
He was still so small that he could barely fit into the two palms of his father’s hands, but he was big enough to fit perfectly in your smaller ones. 
Perfectly safe and healthy in his mothers embrace is where he should’ve been right now, not like this. 
You looked over to Ao’nung for some unreasoned confirmation that your son was truly dead, but he wasn’t even looking at you. Instead, his lifeless eyes hovered over the charred child that laid innocently in his crib. He couldn’t even make a move to grab the baby, because he was frozen in anguish.
You couldn’t even remember when you had started crying, or when your cries had turned into desperate sobs and prayers towards Eywa. You couldn’t even remember when Ao’nung’s family had found the both of you safe and sound into the marui that once called a home, now in shambles beneath your feet. All you remembered was grasping your son with all force that you had left and praying to the Great-Mother down on your knees, and the painful tears that rolled down your husband’s cheeks.
Though there weren’t more than 3 tears that he had shed, it was 3 too much. He wouldn’t have cried if those damned demons didn’t follow your family here, but yet there he was. He too couldn’t even remember when his mother had embraced him, but she had done so. 
There were so many things that the both of you had regretted not doing on that night. Like staying back to protect your son by yourselves. You both resented yourselves for the fact that the last time the both of you would ever hold him this way would be at his funeral, followed by your brother’s. 
Everything was quiet since that night, at least for you. It was too much loss for your fragile heart to comprehend all at once. Was your brother’s death not enough, have they had to take your innocent son’s life as well. Your poor son that had just been presented to the clan
You were scared. Scared of so many things that you could not control. You feared what Ao’nung thought of you, did he hate you for not being there with you son? Maybe if you were, you could’ve protected him unlike the incompetent babysitter that you had left him with. No, you shook your head from those nasty thoughts. It was wrong of you to think ill of that woman, she had been present with your son until her unfortunate death. 
Your fears turned into trepidation as your husband made his way towards you, a plate of fish in his wobbly hands. 
Ao’nung was so angry at many things. He was angry at himself for not being there with his son. He felt mad at the poor woman for not having the ability to protect his innocent son. Though most of all, he felt vexed at you for freezing up on that day. He told himself that perhaps if you had not taken so much time to snap back to your senses, your son would somehow still be here.
He knew that it was wrong of him to think like this, he knew that even if you had acted faster, his son would still be laying unresponsive at his return. He knew that feeling angry at his innocent wife was wrong, that none of this had to do with you being at fault. He hates himself for having these unwanted feelings and thoughts, and at times Ao’nung truly wishes that he could silence his subconscious. 
He hated himself for internally blaming you even after watching you drown in remorse. Even after watching you sob over your dead son’s frail body. And even though it had been hours since the funeral of your brother and son, your tears still ran freely on your delicate cheeks.
They stained your dark skin and they strained your eyes that could do nothing to stop the flow. Ao’nung felt his guilt triple in size as he sat next to you, your body instinctively shaking as he engulfed you in his warm embrace. For he had always been your pillar of reconfort and the person that you allowed yourself to feel vulnerable within. 
He hushed you gently as you sobbed into his arms, his heart shattering once more as you cried to him. You were unsoothable but he hadn’t complained once, instead he gave you the comfort that you seeked so much. You felt guilty too, because you were not the only person going through grief. Who would be there to comfort Ao’nung when you were crying in his embrace?
Though when you made your worries audible, he was quick to shut them down. He wanted to be strong for you, for his family and mostly for himself. He told you not to worry, that he was okay as long as you were and soon your insecurities of him hating you vanished through the soft breeze. Ao’nung didn’t hesitate to remind you of how strong your love was and that you’d both get through it.
You both slept with heavy hearts at night, unable to close your aching eyelids until they fell on their own with exhaustion. His arms never left your form and you slept with your head on his chest, finding comfort in the sound of his beating heart.
You felt jealous at first, heart black and full of envy as you watched young mothers with their children. Hell, even the older mothers made your heart clench with resentment. And though you knew it was selfish of you to despise mothers for simply existing, there was little that you could do to make the feeling go away. 
You couldn’t face the sight of the young children that trudged behind their mothers and soon it began affecting your Tsahik performances. How could you heal children and mothers and assist labourers when you couldn’t even stand the sight of them anymore. 
It was unfair, so unfair for everyone but you knew that it was the way that life went. You knew that you couldn’t keep on closing yourself off like this, that you had to be accepting of what had happened and face reality. 
So accepting was what you had done. Slowly by slowly, you have started rebuilding your life with the help of people around you. Your mother was the most understanding person, because she had lost so much already. She had lost her son just as you had, but she had never once reprimanded you for grieving. She had never forced you to speak up to her, she had never resented you for feeling the way you did.
You had learnt that it was not the end of the world, and that one day you’d be better, you’d all be better. Neteyam and Aytan’s death were not in vain, for the Great-Mother always had a plan for everyone. If it was her will, then so be it, there was nothing that you could do to undo what was done anyways. 
Tuk had been the sweetest girl during that moment, and it never failed to bring tears in your eyes at how understanding she was. She was so young and you were sad that a part of her youth was taken away from her because of this ongoing war. 
You could never thank your brother and father enough for being there for you despite the guilt that weighed them down, pushing so hard that they could only bear to stand on their knees.
Though solace could only work in both ways, and you were just as there for them as they were there for you. Aytan was just as much their family member as Neteyam was, and they were allowed to grieve the loss of your son as well. It took time for you all to find peace within this feeling of forfeiture, but you all knew that one day, things would be okay. 
You watched as Ao’nung made his way towards his people, a prideful smile adorning his face as his gaze turned to you. His eyes were full of adoration as he stared at you, then to the little bundle of joy and baby fat that was lying comfortably in his arms. 
He stood before his people clad in his traditional clothes that were used during feasts and announcements of this type. 
The child in his arms stirred awake at the disturbance, whining slightly for her mother. The sound reached your ears and for a second you worried for your daughter, but you knew that nothing bad could happen to her as long as she was in her father’s arms. 
The child's stomachs growled loudly for a second and you had to bring your hand in front of your mouth to stifle your laughter. She had just been fed a few minutes before this and yet her hunger caught up to her once more. A trait that she had acquired from his father, you had to cook 3 times your own fish portion to properly feed his warrior’s stomach. 
Ura was a child that would soon grow to walk on clumsy legs, a child that was yours. Though a part of yourself was gone forever, tearing a piece of your heart along with it. You knew that the pain of losing your first child would never really go away, but you'd always have your family to help you get through it. You had a wonderful mate, that you relied your entire life within his hands, and a family that knows the ways past your heart. 
You watched as Ao’nung raised your 3 weeks old daughter into the air, her chubby little arms raising in amusement. The sound of her name pierced through your ears and soon the chants began to fill your heart with joy and pride. You couldn’t help the warm smile that overtook your features as you watched your daughter being presented to the entire clan, your family close behind you. 
Your mother held a hand over her chest, where her heart was. Her smile mirrored yours and the pride on her face could compete versus the one that she felt when you were the one being shown to her clan. Your father and siblings were close to her. Lo’ak now shone with new tribal tattoos, ones similar to yours as they dipped from his chin and all the way down his leg. 
His mateship with Tsireya was soon made public, and you felt a pang in your heart when you knew that you couldn’t tease him about it with Neteyam anymore. Though you swallowed your sorrows, feeling happy for your baby brother. Your sister in law stood besides your brother, her eyes glued to her newborn niece. A child that she knew that she just absolutely would spoil when she would learn to stand on her own feet. 
Perhaps things would get hard at times, and the reminiscences of your son would be permanent, but you had a loving family that would always help you fill the void. 
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