#negan x elizabeth
theteasetwrites · 1 year
Merciless Beauty
Chapter 2: Me, Who Was Once Serene
❧ Pairing: Knight Daryl Dixon x Princess Reader ❧ Era: Medieval fantasy AU ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: mild swearing, mentions of a deceased parent, very mild angst/sadness ❧ Word Count: 6.6k
❧ Before You Read...
❧ Glossary
❧ In This Chapter: You work up the courage to ask the knight for his help in escaping the castle for a day outside the walls, but his response is not quite what you were hoping for. Just when it seems that all hope of freedom is lost, the knight surprises you, and you surprise the knight, too.
❧ A/N: Well I was not intending for this to become an enemies to lovers thing, but it kind of did lol. I mean, it's very mild enemies to lovers, but it still counts. I really loved writing this chapter because it's sort of the first interaction between the princess and the knight (aka Daryl). And I must say that I have so much fun writing Duke Richard. He is a total fuckboy in this series, which is not too far off from the actual character in the show considering Rick gets quite a bit of action and is kind of a manwhore. I love his relationship with Daryl too. Rickyl if you squint. Anyway, enjoy the second part! <3
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“I won’t do it, your highness!” said Elizabeth, shaking her head as she pulled back the covers of your bed. “It’s just wrong.”
“Please, Beth,” you said, turning her away from her duties to grab her hands in a pleading motion. “I beg of you, not as your princess, but as your friend.”
The tight-lipped young woman shook her head more fervently this time. Her cheeks were still red from the moment you’d asked her to do this favor, which you knew was, as she had said, wrong. 
Wrong, but you were desperate. Desperate to leave the castle, desperate to get away from these drab stone walls and these lonely, sorrowful nights. If you had to be lonely, at least you could be lonely out there, where surely there was some kind of happiness. If happiness wasn’t here, it was out there, and you needed to find it. It wasn’t going to come to you, it needed to be earned, you surmised. 
Sure, there was evil out there. There was pestilence and murder and lies and deceit, but there was beauty, too. There must’ve been something worthwhile, something to make all that pain in the world worth it. And now, knowing what you knew, you needed something to keep your mind off… Sir Negan. 
That very same morning, you’d overheard the man’s threat, his demand for your hand in marriage, otherwise he’d have his knights pillage Alexandria until there was nothing left of your home. The words of that filthy missive echoed all around you as your weak legs carried you away from the door, your dizzied head commanding you towards your bedchamber to fling your vulnerable body onto your featherbed, where you’d confined yourself as you prayed for today to be just a dream. A terrible, terrible dream.
Escape, escape, your mind’s voice repeated. Just for a day… The knight, Sir Daryl… He could help! He will help! Surely, he’ll help.
When the cover of night fell over the kingdom, you seized your opportunity. Elizabeth always came in at this time, and no one would suspect her. 
“I—I’m sorry, your highness,” she said. “But I can’t. I cannot bring a strange man to your bedchamber in the dead of night. It’s improper, unseemly, unbecoming… What on Earth would someone think if they saw him leaving your chamber? Nothing good! Besides… What do you want with him, anyway?”
“Nothing improper!” you replied quickly, eager to dispel any ideas Elizabeth might’ve had. “I assure you, it’s just to…” You had been reluctant to inform Elizabeth of your plans, but you supposed she was close to you, having had intimate knowledge of you and your every movement. She would need to know, but just her. Just her and the knight. “Well, I suppose I should tell you, Beth. I plan to ask him to escort me outside the kingdom.”
The young girl’s deep blue eyes widened like saucers, her lips parting as she let out a strangled gasp. “No, no your highness. You mustn’t go out there.” She tightened her hold of your hands as she held them up in a praying motion. “The Dead are out there.” She spoke with a whisper now, as if afraid of her own words, so much so that she didn’t even want to hear them. 
“That’s why I need him,” you assured her. “I need a guard, someone to protect me.”
“And… and you’d never return?”
“No, no! Of course I’d return. I just need to leave at least once, just to remember what it’s like out there. Even if it’s not like how it used to be, it’s what I want.” 
Elizabeth began to mutter and ramble in panicked, barely intelligible pleas. She nearly bent down on her knees, her hands still clasped with yours, begging for you not to leave. Though you understood her fear, you grew tired of her refusal. This was all you’d ever asked of her. Most days, you refused her servitude, offering her ample time to her studies and her friends at court, but tonight, you needed one thing. 
“Elizabeth,” you said, more sternly now. There weren’t many times you used your authority as a princess to demand something, and your heart hurt having to do it, but this was all you wanted—your freedom. “Fetch me the knight. I won’t have these histrionics.” You tugged your hands away from the girl, then turned to your vanity, upon which sat an ornate golden little casket, holding just a sampling of your finest jewelry. You’d caught Elizabeth eying the precious gems more than once, and you took note of how much she asked about the beautiful bejeweled accessories adorning your body.  
There was one in particular you knew she adored—a short beaded necklace of white diamonds surrounding a center pendant of emerald entwined with an intricate filigree of pure gold. It would no doubt sell for a pretty penny, or she could wear it herself. It was of no consequence to you. All you wanted was to see that knight.
“Beth,” you said, approaching the girl with the necklace laced around your fingers. Her already pale face blanched in awe of the sparkling jewels, those which she had seen so often but had never seen not around your neck. “I give you this, in exchange for bringing the knight here. I’ll even give it to you before, just please… Please do this for me.”
“But… what if I get caught?”
“I’ll take responsibility, Beth. Please.” Not waiting for her answer, you took her trembling hand to dangle the string of rare gems into her soft palm. You curled her fingers around it, assuring her that the jewels were, indeed, hers, with the hopes that she’d follow your orders. 
The girl shook her head, but you recognized that sigh—a sigh of acquiescence. 
She left the room in a hurry, her dainty feet almost tripping over each other in a nervous panic. You just hoped she didn’t trip over herself in front of the stoic knight, lest she embroil you in secondhand embarrassment.
But, in a way, you were already ashamed by your boldness, something that had never come naturally to you. Perhaps that’s why you couldn’t approach the knight yourself, but if you had done it yourself, you might’ve been more ashamed. As you waited, you paced restlessly around your bedchamber, twisting your hair so much that the movement only strengthened the scent of your hair, dusted with the powder of dried rose, nutmeg, and cloves. It was a brief respite from your unease, but as the door creaked open steadily, propped open by Elizabeth’s shaky hand, you seemed to forget how to breathe on your own. Each intake of air became purposeful and voluntary as you became aware of every pound of your racing heart. Why you reacted so potently, you couldn’t be quite sure, though it must’ve had to do with how the knight was scowling at you, entering your room with slow, heavy steps that would’ve shaken the gold chandelier overhead if he was just a bit bigger.
You’d never been so frightened in your own chamber, and you knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but there was still this intimidation that overcame you, leading you to hesitantly side-step around the knight before you began to close the door behind him with a careful, delicate touch. Elizabeth stood on the other side, wide-eyed and wordlessly communicating her own fear to you. Then, she muttered a weak, stuttering, “Y-your highness—”
“Go to your quarters,” you replied quietly. The girl stood still, staring blankly at the knight over your shoulder. You could only feel his presence now, and it was oppressive, warying. The man hadn’t spoken a word, and yet, you already knew his repulsion, his distaste for having been brought here. But… why would he come? Surely there was room in his heart to help you. “Now, Beth.”
You watched from the crack of the door as she left, her blue-eyed gaze turning back to you every now and then as she scurried away towards the servants’ quarters. Her worry for you was greatly appreciated, but also quite irritating, considering you were almost ten years older than her. At least she was loyal, you supposed. Now, the knight…
With a sigh, you turned to face him. Still as a statue, and cold as one, too. You hoped your smile would soften him, so you allowed your lips to curl into a gentle grin. “Good evening, Sir Daryl.”
In the warm flickering light of your bedroom, without the distraction of the duke and your father, you were able to more keenly study his features. He appeared to be more noble than you remembered, but with a certain… provincial charm. Indeed, he didn’t possess the sharp, narrow features you normally associated with knights. His face was wider than most, but with high cheekbones that weren’t severe, but rounded, and yet still defined somehow. He had a strong chin, but not as strong as the duke’s. It was subtle, wide, making his face a well-proportioned oval shape. Upon that chin were a smattering of ashy brown hairs that formed a very faint ring of wiry stubble around his lips of pale rosy pink. To match were his furrowed brows, indicating an expression of confused concentration as he studied your movements carefully.
He looked, if you were being honest, like a peasant, his warm-toned skin tanned from sun exposure and his eyes underscored by half-moons of tired, puffy skin. It was charming, though. Everything about him was quite charming, in his own little way. 
But he was cold and rigid, wound up tighter than a tourniquet. Even your friendly words of welcome seemed to do little to calm him. He didn’t respond, only narrowed his crystalline blue eyes as you walked towards him, your steps slow and careful, as if approaching a wild animal caught in a trap. 
“Well, you’re probably wondering why I sent for you,” you spoke, your attempts to remain dignified faltering slightly as your voice shook under his intense gaze. Few things had this effect on you, certainly not a knight. “I, um—ahem, I have a favor to ask of you.”
His eyes trailed for a moment down to your delicate fingers, almost completely covered by the long, flared sleeves of your gown, its color a rich violet that glimmered indigo when the light fell over the luxurious velvet fabric. It would’ve enchanted him, had he not been skeptical of you, your intentions still unclear. 
“What do you want?” he asked gruffly, not wanting to engage with you more than he needed to. 
The brusque response was foreign to you. You were so taken aback that you felt your feet begin to stagger backwards, as if the force of his indelicateness was physically strong enough to push you. It wasn’t what you had expected from the knight in the slightest. He seemed… irritated. No one spoke to you like that, not ever.
“Well, I—I…” Stuttering? Why are you stuttering? “I just wanted to ask if… I wanted to ask if you would…” 
The knight stepped forward, each heavy breath he drew making your heart beat faster. You felt small, weak. Again, this was foreign to you. Usually, you had complete control of your surroundings. Is this what the real world was like? Harsh and cold? That’s what the knight represented to you, after all—the real world. That’s what drew you to him. He was the embodiment of that, and who better to help you?
“What?” the knight insisted. “You bring me here in the dead of night to stutter at me?”
How dare you!
But alas, you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. That stare was haunting, and you were sure that you wouldn’t soon forget it. 
“Would you… escort me outside the kingdom?”
He stepped back. This time, your words had blown him away. “What?” he asked, his tone less questioning and more… accusing. 
It wasn’t the reaction you were hoping for. Yes, your highness was the expectation, and you hadn’t prepared yourself for rejection. At least, not adequately. 
“I—I haven’t been outside the castle in ten years,” you explained quickly, hoping not to lose the knight’s attention. “I want to go outside, just for a day, or—or a few days, not all at once, and only when my father is gone, and we’d be back before nightfall. You’ll be at court for a while, and you see, I couldn’t ask a guard because they’re so loyal to my father, they’d tell him. And you… Well, I hope you won’t tell him. You must know the outside world very well, since you live on the outskirts of Alexandria. And I already thought of a way out—there are tunnels that run under the castle and come out in the woods. Escape routes, in case of a siege…” 
Your long-winded, hurried speech trailed off as you stared blankly at his concentrated eyes. You couldn’t read his expression now, but it was cold. Just looking at him made you cold. God forbid you touch him—it would leave you with frostbite.
“Knight?” you questions shakily, tilting your head as if to find another angle to study his face. At every angle you tried, he still confounded you. “Please answer me, I beg of you. Spare me the embarrassment.”
Just as you didn’t know what to make of him, he didn’t know what to make of you. A princess, wanting to go outside? Wanting to see the pestilence that had overrun the world, turning it into some decrepit wasteland teeming with restless souls in the shape of rotting corpses that roamed the Earth in search of nothing but more flesh to feed upon? Who in their right mind would want to see such a thing? 
No, he couldn’t wrap his head around it, and in his irritable state, he couldn’t shake these spiteful thoughts from his mind. Spoiled brat, he thought. Spoon-fed and ignorant. 
When he didn’t answer, only stewing in his own thoughts of dismay, you circled around him to rummage through the drawer of your nightstand. In it was a secret velvet-lined compartment, holding your most prized jewels. A pair of genuine pearl earrings, dangling from gold encrusted amethysts. It had worked on Elizabeth, why wouldn’t it work on the knight? Of course, he didn’t look the sort to wear precious jewels, but he did look the sort to value money, and these were worth a great deal at any merchant or jeweler. 
“Here,” you said, turning to hold out your hand. The knight’s eyes glimmered with the reflection off the refined amethysts, but you were too afraid to touch him, to hand him the jewels by force the way you had with Elizabeth. He was much more intimidating, so much so that you feared he’d crush your hand in his large, strong ones if you dared to touch him. 
“These are worth at least three pounds. They should more than cover your expenses to help me, and there’s more where that came from.”
You held your hand out further, gesturing for him to take the jewelry from you, but he did nothing. In fact, his face seemed to tighten, his lips drawn in a severe line as his pupils became like pinpoints the way they were boring through you. 
But, finally, he spoke. “No way in Hell.”
There was more he wanted to say, of course. There was always more he wanted to say, but he’d already been less than chivalrous towards you, and if he said much else, he might end up with his head on a chopping block. 
He pushed past you, your hand trembling as you were left with the pair of earrings still resting in your palm. Before he could leave, you turned and hurried towards him, taking his hand to pull his body back to face you. In the process, your earrings clattered delicately to the ground. 
“Please!” you begged, just one step closer to getting on your knees and groveling. “You’re the only one who can help me! I—I can’t go out there alone, and I need to go out there.”
For a moment, he met your eyes. They were full and watery, your long lashes fluttering frantically as you tried to hide your sorrow for fear of embarrassment, but how could you embarrass yourself much more than you already had? Begging a knight. The behavior was unseemly. 
But his gaze soon ripped away, like a splinter being dislodged from flesh, only there was no relief, just pain. “You wanna go out there?” he retorted, his reddened, strained face jutting towards you. His voice was so loud, so guttural and rough. No one had ever spoken to you like that. “You wanna see the Dead up close, see what they do to people? They’d rip you to shreds, your highness. They’d leave you to rot in the dirt till your eyes open back up, but you won’t be alive, you’ll be a monster, just like them, and those shiny jewels won’t be able to help you then. No, there ain’t nothin’ out there. All there is for you is death.”
Rendered silent, you only stepped back, away from him. He left you stunned and hurt, but the only emotion at the forefront of your mind was anger, and it took control of your tongue before anything else could. 
“How dare you,” you muttered, voice slowly rising much higher than its natural softness. “To speak to a lady like that, much less a princess… Where did you take your oath of chivalry, a brothel?! You ought to have your title stripped, Sir! I ask you earnestly to assist me, to help bring me some kind of joy in this miserable place, and you speak to me like this?! You’re a sorry excuse for a knight!”
“And you don’t know how good you got it, princess.”
He left with a slam of the door, so hard that the flames of the sconces on either side shivered and nearly extinguished from the gust of wind. With less hope than you’d ever had before, you cried yourself to sleep again.
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The king’s garden was magnificent, the knight had to admit. It wasn’t overly manicured or pruned, but it wasn’t overgrown, either. It looked… healthy, lush and green. Ivy grew in large bushes and creeped up the stone walls that separated the castle from the outside world. Tall, colorful hollyhocks towered over the smaller foliage, namely rose bushes and Canterbury bells. Their unruly, yet delicate, leaves spilled over into one of the many ponds spread about the courtyard, where two graceful white swans swam languidly between lilypads, one following the other. 
Daryl recalled the king saying something earlier, how he always had the cooks serve swan meat at his annual banquet, but not these swans, no. These swans were special, their wings clipped to stay confined to the idyllic garden, safe from the jaws of the Dead. Still, the knight couldn’t shake the desperation in your voice last night, the tears that began to trickle down your soft, rouged cheek as you pleaded for him to help you. Like one of the king’s swans, you were trapped, he knew that.
He didn’t regret his response, though. Well, he regretted his harshness, his lack of chivalry, but he was never good at chivalry. Sorry excuse for a knight, you’d said. You weren’t entirely wrong, as far as he was concerned. 
He never wanted it. Knighthood was a universal boyhood dream, but few ever amounted to that status. Even the nobility who tried would have to prove themselves for many years, but for Daryl, the odds were stacked against him from the start. Somehow, he was given this title, without much of a choice. If one is presented with a title, one must take it. Who was he to deny the king’s judgment? He became a knight, took the oath, made a promise to a god he wasn’t sure he even believed in. Sorry excuse for a knight indeed. 
“This place is like a dream,” remarked Richard, walking ahead of Daryl on the cobbled path as he admired the marble statue of a woman nestled in the corner of the garden. She looked regal, with a bejeweled crown sitting gracefully atop the wimple that shrouded her noble features. Climbing up her gown were delicate vines of dark green ivy.
When the duke couldn’t feel the knight’s presence, he turned to see him focused on the white swans, the birds’ heads now touched together in a kind of embrace. “Daryl?” Richard called back. The nobleman walked back to the knight, who seemed entranced by the swans. “I know sulking is sort of your specialty, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you ponder so intently over waterfowl.” 
Daryl blinked his eyes away from the swans, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry, my liege. I was… distracted.”
The duke tilted his head and raised his brow. “You’ve been distracted all day. It’s not like you. You’ve tripped over your cloak twice… I beat you in archery this morning, and you’re usually always so good with the arbalest…. Plenty of beautiful women here. Is there a maiden that catches your eye?”
“No,” Daryl replied quickly, much more loudly than usual. “No, no, that’s not it. I’m just…”
The knight trailed off, his usually crystal clear eyes of blue turning a bit vague, as if clouded by his thoughts. “Daryl?”
“You’re just… what?”
He shook his head again, dismissing the subject. In his heart, though, he knew what it was—guilt. Exhausting, confounding, nauseating guilt. Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw your hand outstretched to give him those earrings, the likes of which he’d never seen before. He’d seen wealthy women before—Lady Lorraine, Richard’s late wife, was always dressed nicely, adorned in fine jewels, but nothing like this. And to think, the princess was willing to just give these precious items to a knight? 
It presented Daryl with two different explanations. One, you were so spoiled, so ungrateful for your wealth, that the worth and craftsmanship of these trinkets meant nothing to you, that you were ignorant of their value because you could have anything in the world that you wanted. Or two, you were so desperate to get out of this kingdom that you were willing to give a stranger your most valuable possessions. He wasn’t sure which explanation would’ve comforted him more, but he was sure of one thing—you knew not what you asked of him. 
And how was he to tell the duke the cause of his distraction? Of course, Richard was a trusted friend, but if he told the king that his knight entered the princess’s bedchamber, he was sure he’d be banished from court at best, drawn and quartered at worst. 
But Daryl never held anything secret from his lord. He might not have always abided by the knights’ code of conduct, but when it came to honesty, he held it above all else. 
The knight looked around anxiously for a moment, then grabbed a hold of the duke’s forearm to lead him towards the marble statue in the corner of the garden, where surely no guards or groundskeepers or molecatchers would hear their conversation. 
“Last night,” Daryl spoke, his voice hushed and low, “the princess… called for me. In her quarters.”
Richard raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a slight smirk. “Did you answer her call?”
The knight scoffed at the man’s suggestion. “Yes, but—”
“You knave!” Richard laughed. “I knew she was eying you the other night. Far more interested in you than me. I’d love to ask what it was like, but a gentleman never inquires about a lady’s… bedroom habits.”
The knight shook his head in vehement denial. “No, no, that’s not what happened. She called me to her chambers to… ask me if I’d escort her outside the walls.”
Richard’s smile drooped into a frown, his cheerful eyes turning from a happy squint to a concerned stare. “Oh, that’s quite serious, then, isn’t it?”
The knight nodded. “Yes, it’s serious. She offered me jewels… She even started to cry. Christ, I could’ve sworn she would’ve gotten down on her hands and knees and begged me.”
“What did you do?”
“I said no.” Well, he said more than that, but his honesty had its limits, even for the duke. “I couldn’t do that, not with the king’s law. No one leaves unless they have his word, and he’d never let that girl out, not even if she asked.”
“That’s why she asked you,” Richard pointed out. “Hasn’t been out in ten years… Not since the queen died.” He gestured towards the statue, the monument erected in honor of the late queen, your mother. 
It hadn’t even occurred to him, the reasons why you weren’t allowed to leave, even if you asked. He knew the queen had died, but he didn’t know how. 
“How did she die?” asked the knight.
Richard shot him a confused glance, almost of disbelief. “You don’t know?” Daryl responded with only a shake of his head and a brief grunt. “Well, I heard it was very bad. The Dead got her. When the Scourge first broke out, the Dead got in the walls somehow, overrun the castle. The keep was swarmed. All I know is, they ripped her to shreds.”
Those words nearly knocked the wind out of him—ripped her to shreds. He remembered uttering those same words to the princess last night, as a warning, but it came across almost as a threat. 
They’d rip you to shreds. 
What a horrible thing he’d said. He realized it now, and when he thought back to your face, he could see the same face in that solemn marble statue, staring down at him, castigating him.
“The king was devastated, of course,” Richard continued. “When the hoard was cleared, he shut the kingdom’s gates, writing the law that states only those with his permission can leave or enter. And the castle… That was closed off for good. He wouldn’t risk the gates even opening again, for fear that the Dead would somehow slip through, and his daughter would suffer that same fate.”
He pondered for a moment, having been pulverized by this new sense of guilt that completely eclipsed whatever shame he already suffered from. This was much worse. In his heart, he began to feel sympathy, something he’d never thought he’d feel for a royal. Why should he sympathize with those born with a silver spoon? 
But he knew what it felt like. He’d lost his mother at a much younger age, but the memory still chilled him to the bone. She died horribly, too, from a terrible sweating sickness. It must’ve been worse for you, he thought, having been much older, and much more likely that the memory would be potent. 
It struck him so deeply that he knew he wouldn’t be able to find peace with his decision. After several moments of chaotic thoughts, riddled with voices from all different directions inside his head, he came to a conclusion—help the princess. 
“Milord,” he began, his eyes not yet looking the duke in the eye, “what if I… did decide to help her?”
Richard tilted his head, as if to gauge whether or not the knight was serious. He was. “Well, I… think it’s pretty damn stupid.” Daryl couldn’t help but agree. “If you get caught, you’ll be hanged. My reputation will be destroyed. The princess will never see the light of day again.”
“So you’re saying I shouldn’t?”
The duke raised a brow, a hint of a smile forming in his lips. “I never said that.”
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The light, muffled patter at the door was hardly enough to awaken you, but when it became more rushed, heavier, you blinked open your tired eyes to look up at the familiar ornate wood carving of your canopy. It was a curious occurrence, since no one ever came to your bedchamber at night, not until last night, that is. But in that case, you’d invited him. Tonight, you weren’t expecting anyone. 
In fact, you hadn’t spoken to anyone all day, lost in your thoughts and dreading the reality of your situation. Not only were you trapped, you felt more worry than usual. The so-called Saviors and their leader, Sir Negan, were on your mind, to the point that you couldn’t even attend your tutoring session with Eugene. No, everything was so wrong, and the brief flame of hope that Sir Daryl’s presence had sparked in you was extinguished.
With the strike of a match, you lit up the candlestick upon your bedside table, and scooped up a bundle of your ivory silk nightgown to tread lightly across the cold wood planks of your bedroom floor. 
“Beth?” you whispered against the door. “Is that you?”
“It’s me,” a gruff, guttural voice replied. 
Your eyes grew dry as you stared blankly at the doorknob, your mouth hanging open as you registered the situation—the knight was at your door. 
A deep huff from the other side alerted you from your slight stupor. “C’mon, I don’t got all day.”
Wordlessly, you twisted the lock and unlatched the chain to open the door, through which the knight hurriedly pushed past you, entering your bedchamber with another huff. 
“Do you know how much trouble I’d get in if one of those guards out there caught me knockin’ on your door? I’d be a dead man.” he asked, his voice nearly loud enough to reach a perilous volume. Indeed, a man knocking on a maiden’s bedchamber door at the stroke of midnight was not becoming. It became punishable by death when the maiden in question was a princess.
You held your shaky finger to your lips, your other hand still holding the flickering candlestick, illuminating his serious face. “Shh!” you replied. “What are you doing here?”
He was asking himself that same question, but he mulled it over in his head enough times to know that he wasn’t going to change his mind now. Whatever compelled him, he chalked it up to pity. He knew, though, that there was more to it—empathy. 
No one hated being trapped more than him. He figured if he was in your situation, he would’ve tried to break out of here a long time ago. Not even the worldly comforts nor earthly delights of this castle could compare to the feeling of freedom, and that was something he valued above all else in this world. 
But, to answer your question, he skipped over a few of the sentences he had rehearsed in his head on the way here. “When am I taking you?”
You stepped back, almost so far that the glow of your candle nearly abandoned his face altogether. For a moment, his heart sank, thinking your expression of shock was indicative of some kind of fear. Did he frighten you? Were you offended by him? More importantly, why would he even care?
But you weren’t frightened. Well, maybe a little, as the reality of this situation kicked in. The dream was getting closer to becoming tangible, no longer just a vision that held your thoughts hostage at every waking hour, and every hour you slept, too. You had become so accustomed to the dream being just a dream, but now, that dream was, in a way, standing right in front of you. 
“Tak-taking… taking me where?” You knew, but you couldn’t believe it. 
“Outside…” He noticed your glimmering eyes drifting towards your feet like two falling stars, fizzling out as your eyelids prevented him from knowing whether or not there were tears forming. “I… I’m sorry. For what I said.”
Your eyes lifted in response to his words. Words that almost sounded foreign to him, but they were sincere. You could tell, somehow. And yet, his words from yesterday had been ingrained in you, crystal clear. They were sharp enough to cut through bone, loud enough to be heard from the heavens, sorrowful enough to drag through your gut like a funeral procession. But, with all the time you had to repeat those words back in your head, you’d come to the conclusion that he was right. 
“But what you said, it’s true. I shouldn’t have come to you with this. It was selfish, ignorant. I know that now. You shouldn’t risk your life for my whims.”
To that, he could only reply, “That’s bullshit.”
You blinked hard in disbelief. “I—I beg your pardon?”
“That’s ridiculous,” he reiterated. He wasn’t about to argue the logistics or morality of this agreement, he simply wanted this conversation to end as soon as it began. Otherwise, he was sure he’d get cold feet. “Now, you gonna tell me when I’m taking you out or not?”
It was a slow development, but soon, your plush lips began to upturn into a smile. It wasn’t like the one you’d shown for the duke. It was genuine, formed by true delight, with still just a glint of disbelief and slight fear in your eyes. 
“Well, I happen to know that a week from today, my father is leaving for some important meeting. That would be the perfect time.”
The knight of few words only nodded, his face that of stone. “A’right… A week from today, early morning. Be ready.” Your heart dropped as he turned to leave, his gloved hands lifting the dark hood of his cloak over his head. 
“Wait!” you called out in a whispered yell. Without hesitation, you retrieved from your nightstand that same pair of earrings he’d so brazenly rejected the night before. Though you were now quite frightened to approach him with the jewels, you simply had to repay him in some way for the joy he’d given you, and this was all you had. 
His eyes trailed to the sparkling gems cradled in your delicate, noticeably unsullied hands. Though the gesture had offended him at first, he looked up to see the genuine thanks in your face. You weren’t ungrateful, as he’d thought. You were kind, the type of thing so many people out in the world you so desperately wanted to see would take advantage of. He couldn’t be one of those people.
“I… I know these jewels are meaningless to you,” you said softly, “but they mean a great deal to me, and I want you to know that… this is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
This time, you did what you were too afraid to do last night—you unfurled his tight fist to lay open his palm, upon which you carefully placed the earrings. He could only inspect your face, as if searching for some kind of hidden agenda, but deep down, he knew it was useless. There wasn’t anything hidden—you wore your heart on your sleeve. You were true, and, above all else, Daryl knew your heart was full of virtue.
His eyes turned down in a flash, though, when your gaze met his. He instead admired the handiwork of the earrings, how much thought had gone into each minute detail. In some deep part of him, he wondered how they had looked on you, but that thought was quickly dissolved when you spoke again, with that voice of velvety honey.
“And if you find the monetary value not to your liking, you could always give them to your lady.”
He swallowed hard, his hand still laying flat and suspended in midair. “I have no lady, your highness.”
Your breath hitched. It was a dainty little breath, the kind only princess would make, of course. “Oh… Well, perhaps you could give them to a lady you admire, or anyone who would cherish them as much as I have.”
A swirl of some foreign feeling meandered in his stomach. Though he couldn’t quite identify the feeling, he could only describe it as sweet. 
“I cannot accept these,” he rasped, jutting his hand a little towards you. “Besides, knights shouldn’t take payment from ladies.”
You almost let out a chuckle at that, the knight who’d already broken just about every chivalric law in regards to women was now suddenly a paragon of virtue. But it appeared he was quite serious, and you weren’t about to ruin your chances of seeing the outside world by laughing in your escort’s face.
“Don’t see it as a payment,” you replied, “but a gift, to do with what you like. In any case, I command you to take them.”
A small chill ran up his spine, which astounded him. No woman, and hardly any men, had provoked such an intimidation within him. He closed his hand over the jewels, carefully tucking them into the pocket of his cloak.
“Now, go,” you ordered. “Till next we meet, knight.”
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That very same night, Sir Daryl retreated to his quarters with a lighter step than he had had on the way to your chamber. The relief he felt was enough to render him satisfied with his ultimate decision to assist you, though he knew the consequences of being found out were great.
In the dim light of a lone lantern sitting atop his chest of drawers, the knight stripped himself of his lightly padded gambeson, the knots of which descending vertically down his torso. His tired fingers unlaced each knot mindlessly, his thoughts occupied elsewhere, though he himself was uncertain of their exact whereabouts.
With his shirts removed, he turned back the blankets atop his modest bed, fit for a knight. Just as he was about to settle in, the shadow of his cloak hanging upon a hook behind the door reminded him of the glimmering treasures inside.
Her earrings.
Now, what on Earth was he going to do with earrings?
Well, he’d thought about selling them, as you said, but it truly was against his own code of honor. In any case, he didn’t need the money—he was well-off enough to live comfortably on his lord’s land. 
And he had no one to give them to, no maiden he wanted to woo or mother he wanted to impress. As he turned the crystalline objects around in his hand, he found himself entranced by their beauty. A part of him couldn’t believe he was holding in his hands such valuable items, but another part, a quieter, more subdued part, was just thinking about how those earrings had been worn by the most beautiful woman in Alexandria, perhaps beyond.
He wasn’t immune to your beauty. It was the kind of beauty that left no survivors. It didn’t carry a misericorde to slay a suffering victim and spare him the agony left in its wake. No, this kind of beauty was ruthless, vicious, merciless. While you yourself were none of those things, not in the slightest, your beauty was a worse torture than a Judas cradle or a Catherine wheel. That was how unrelenting it was.
That all being said, it wasn’t a terrible thing. In fact, thinking back to the smile that graced your soft, unblemished face was… pleasing. Not agonizing at all. And to think that his words, his promise to you, had invoked such joy. 
Him, a sorry excuse for a knight. 
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated!
Series Masterlist Next Chapter ➳
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aviradasa · 5 months
Welcome to my masterlist
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{Picture from Pinterest}
The umbrella Academy
The walking dead
Miraculous ladybug
How to train your dragon (all spin-off shows)
The dragon Prince mysterys of Aaravos
Once upon a time
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Van helsing 2004
Hellboy 1 and 2
Labyrinth 1986
The MCU as a whole (Marvel cinematic universe)
Same with the DC universe
Avatar 1 and 2
Pirates of the Caribbean (all movies)
Sally face
Call of duty
Legend of Zelda breath of the wild/ tears of the kingdom
Assassins creed 2
Stardew valley
(Work in progress I’m reading a lot more recently so give it time any book suggestions are welcome.I’m a huge fantasy fan!!!)
David Bowie
(I’ll add more here once my will to live dies again.)
Characters I will write for:
The umbrella academy:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
(I'm only on season 5 so if you want more characters let me know and I'll do my best!)
The walking dead:
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Miraculous ladybug:
Jagged stone
Meeting the kids jagged stone x fem!reader HC
How to train your dragon:
The dragon Prince, mystery of Aaravos:
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 1
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt 2
Love long lost Aaravos x Fem!reader pt3
The sight of two stars Aaravos x Startouched elf! Reader
Once upon a time:
Emma Swan
Regina Mills (the ‘Evil’ queen)
Mr.Gold ( Rumpelstiltskin )
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow white)
Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones ( Captain hook)
David Nolan (Prince charming)
(work in progress)
Hazbin hotel:
Angel dust
Helluva boss:
Blitzø x male!reader HC
Blitzø x Gn!Reader HC
Van Helsing (2004):
Gabriel Van helsing
Anna valerious
Velkan valerious
Hellboy 1 and 2 (live action 2004-2008 movies)
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Prince Nuada
Different characters react to you stoned/couch logged
Princess nuala
Labrynth 1986
Jareth the goblin king
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Dr, Stephan strange
Nick Fury
Bruce banner
Steven Rodger
Bruce Wayne
Barry allen
Oliver Queen
Clark kent
Poison Ivy
Avatar 1 and 2
Jake sulley
Miles Quaritch
Javier “spider”
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain jack sparrow
Captain Hector Barbossa
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
James Norrington
Bootstrap bill turner
Davey jones
Lord Cutler Beckett
Calypso ( Tia Dalma)
Sally face:
sal fisher
Larry johnson
Call of duty:
Ghost Mw2 and 2009
Balgruuf the greater
Legend of Zelda Botw/totk:
Assassins creed 2:
Stardew valley (Sdv):
The wizard
Papa Emeritus 1 (primo)
Papa Emeritus 2 (secondo
Papa emeritus 3 (terzo)
Papa emeritus 4/cardinal copia
Aurora (we have the same name irl lol)
David bowie(going by era and current stage persona):
Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
The thin white duke
Major tom
David bowie
My chemical romance
Gerard way
Party poison
Mikey way
Kobra kid
Frank iero
Fun ghoul
Ray toro
Jet star
I will add Other characters to any of these lists if you would like to request a character go on ahead!
What I will write/Rules:
No bullying or harrassment to anyone or groups of people in the comments. BE NICE TO OTHERS
No homophobia
No racism
No hatred
What I will write:
I don't write for Male readers anymore. Due to some uncomfortable and unnessasary comments and requests. I apologize for this. I will write for trans folks though
Info about Aviradasa!
I go by she/they
I have a cat named Nyx!
I am Demiaroace
I love horror movies with my whole life!
I have a tendency to obsess over shows/movies for undetermined periods of time 🤣
My favorite colors are Purple, red, pink, and black
My favorite singer is David bowie!
I can't choose a favorite band cause I love to many!
The movie Labyrinth by Jim Henson with David bowie and Jennifer Connelly Is my favorite.but Van helsing 2004 is a close second
PS. When requesting please be specific to what fandom/character you want(I will do crossovers.) just so I can make sure to get everything right for ya!
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findrppartners · 1 year
🕊️: hi, there! i'm a 21+ writer searching for 18+ writers ONLY. i'm looking to write a dominant older character against a younger character (for the most part). the plots would vary from dead dove themes such as dubcon, stalking, etc to more normal things. depends on the pairing. i have no preference for a gender of pairings or chars but bonus point for anyone wanting to write with an older female atm! i'm itching to write a MILF against a younger woman. professor x student esp. LOOKING FOR: - 2-4 paras length. i'm a novella writer. i enjoy detail. - patience is key and very important. my reply speed varies. - tupperbot and discord only for the time being. - no doubles. ocs only for certain pairings and i'm very FC driven. - willing to do around 3 ships per writer, but i don't wanna repeat ships once i find someone willing to do a specific pairings. - will require a writing sample of at least 1 para once i contact you. - must be comfortable with varying dark themes. ppl with no limits and few triggers would be ideal.
FANDOMS / PAIRINGS: (bolded and first character is the character i'm looking to play. dove symbol stands for toxic ships with possible do not eat themes.)
HARRY POTTER: - 🕊️ severus snape x hermione granger - 🕊️ sirius black x hermione granger - 🕊️ remus lupin x hermione granger - harry potter x hermione granger - 🕊️ draco malfoy (older, cursed child) x hermione granger
DOCTOR WHO: - 12th doctor x clara oswald - 13th doctor x clara oswald - 13th doctor x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
GOT & CROSSOVER LOTR: - jorah mormont x daenerys targaryen - thranduil x daenerys targaryen
SHERLOCK (BBC): - sherlock holmes x hermione granger - sherlock holmes x female oc (i'll help pick FC) - 🕊️ sherlock holmes x mycroft holmest
SUPERNATURAL: - 🕊️ sam winchester x lucifer (willing to play either) - 🕊️ sam winchester x john winchester - 🕊️ lucifer x sabrina morningstar (from caos) - 🕊️ amara x chuck
YOU: - 🕊️ peach x beck - 🕊️ joe x beck - 🕊️ joe x love - 🕊️ joe x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
MCU: - dr. strange x wanda - tony x wanda - tony x jessica jones (willing to play either) - 🕊️ jessica jones x kilgrave - loki x wanda / hermione granger / jane foster / female oc (i'll help pick FC ) - carol x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
DC: - 🕊️ joker x harley quinn (willing to play either) - 🕊️ bruce wayne x harley quinn (willing to play either) - diana prince x harley quinn / female oc (i'll help pick FC)
RANDOM / MOVIES: - 🕊️ katniss everdeen x alma coin - 🕊️ tris prior x jeanine matthews - 🕊️ rey x luke skywalker (willing to play either) - female oc x joel miller - 🕊️ ellie x joel miller - archie x betty / cheryl - 🕊️ hiram lodge x veronica / betty / cheryl - 🕊️ louis cypher (lucifer) x betty cooper - jughead x archie - bella cullen x carlisle cullen (willing to play either) - 🕊️ bella cullen x aro volturi (willing to play either) - 🕊️ negan x female oc / crossover female char - rick grimes x maggie greene - beth greene (diff FC) x dawn lerner - buffy x giles - 🕊️ homelander x female oc / crossover female - 🕊️ butcher x female oc / crossover female - jennifer check x female oc FCS FOR OCS I'D LIKE TO USE: - jeffrey dean morgan - brad pitt - pierce brosnan - johnny depp - jason isaacs - john stamos - idris elba - leo dicaprio - jude law - bill skarsgard - tom welling - john krasinski - kate winslet - megan fox - charlize theron - rachel mcadams - evangeline lily - gillian anderson - florence pugh - anna taylor joy - mia goth - a lot more tbh lol FCS I'D LIKE TO WRITE AGAINST: - ana de armas - sabrina carpenter - emma watson - emily blunt - lili reinhart - elizabeth olsen - megan fox - margot robbie - elle fanning - sadie sink - so many more this ad is getting long LOL.
i know this was a lot so i appreciate anyone who has read everything and is interested! please like this post and i will come to you to discuss further details! thank you.
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🕊️: hi, there! i'm a 21+ writer searching for 18+ writers ONLY. i'm looking to write a dominant older character against a younger character (for the most part). the plots would vary from dead dove themes such as dubcon, stalking, etc to more normal things. depends on the pairing. i have no preference for a gender of pairings or chars but bonus point for anyone wanting to write with an older female atm! i'm itching to write a MILF against a younger woman. professor x student esp. LOOKING FOR: - 2-4 paras length. i'm a novella writer. i enjoy detail. - patience is key and very important. my reply speed varies. - tupperbot and discord only for the time being. - no doubles. ocs only for certain pairings and i'm very FC driven. - willing to do around 3 ships per writer, but i don't wanna repeat ships once i find someone willing to do a specific pairings. - will require a writing sample of at least 1 para once i contact you. - must be comfortable with varying dark themes. ppl with no limits and few triggers would be ideal.
FANDOMS / PAIRINGS: (bolded and first character is the character i'm looking to play. dove symbol stands for toxic ships with possible do not eat themes.)
HARRY POTTER: - 🕊️ severus snape x hermione granger - 🕊️ sirius black x hermione granger - 🕊️ remus lupin x hermione granger - harry potter x hermione granger - 🕊️ draco malfoy (older, cursed child) x hermione granger
DOCTOR WHO: - 12th doctor x clara oswald - 13th doctor x clara oswald - 13th doctor x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
GOT & CROSSOVER LOTR: - jorah mormont x daenerys targaryen - thranduil x daenerys targaryen
SHERLOCK (BBC): - sherlock holmes x hermione granger - sherlock holmes x female oc (i'll help pick FC) - 🕊️ sherlock holmes x mycroft holmest
SUPERNATURAL: - 🕊️ sam winchester x lucifer (willing to play either) - 🕊️ sam winchester x john winchester - 🕊️ lucifer x sabrina morningstar (from caos) - 🕊️ amara x chuck
YOU: - 🕊️ peach x beck - 🕊️ joe x beck - 🕊️ joe x love - 🕊️ joe x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
MCU: - dr. strange x wanda - tony x wanda - tony x jessica jones (willing to play either) - 🕊️ jessica jones x kilgrave - loki x wanda / hermione granger / jane foster / female oc (i'll help pick FC ) - carol x female oc (i'll help pick FC)
DC: - 🕊️ joker x harley quinn (willing to play either) - 🕊️ bruce wayne x harley quinn (willing to play either) - diana prince x harley quinn / female oc (i'll help pick FC)
RANDOM / MOVIES: - 🕊️ katniss everdeen x alma coin - 🕊️ tris prior x jeanine matthews - 🕊️ rey x luke skywalker (willing to play either) - female oc x joel miller - 🕊️ ellie x joel miller - archie x betty / cheryl - 🕊️ hiram lodge x veronica / betty / cheryl - 🕊️ louis cypher (lucifer) x betty cooper - jughead x archie - bella cullen x carlisle cullen (willing to play either) - 🕊️ bella cullen x aro volturi (willing to play either) - 🕊️ negan x female oc / crossover female char - rick grimes x maggie greene - beth greene (diff FC) x dawn lerner - buffy x giles - 🕊️ homelander x female oc / crossover female - 🕊️ butcher x female oc / crossover female - jennifer check x female oc FCS FOR OCS I'D LIKE TO USE: - jeffrey dean morgan - brad pitt - pierce brosnan - johnny depp - jason isaacs - john stamos - idris elba - leo dicaprio - jude law - bill skarsgard - tom welling - john krasinski - kate winslet - megan fox - charlize theron - rachel mcadams - evangeline lily - gillian anderson - florence pugh - anna taylor joy - mia goth - a lot more lol FCS I'D LIKE TO WRITE AGAINST: - ana de armas - sabrina carpenter - emma watson - emily blunt - lili reinhart - elizabeth olsen - megan fox - margot robbie - elle fanning - sadie sink - so many more this ad is getting long LOL.
i know this was a lot so i appreciate anyone who has read everything and is interested! please like this post and i will come to you to discuss further details! thank you.
like if interested!
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Bad Things (Negan x OC) Chapter 4 - That’s Doctor Smart Ass to You
Summary:  Elizabeth is The Sanctuary’s doctor and Negan surprises her one evening when he gets injured and needs her help. She’s definitely attracted to the dark haired leader, but she was hurt by a man from her past. Will she let go of it and follow the dangerous man?
Pairings: Negan x Elizabeth (OC)
Warnings: Swear words, Some violence, Negan (He’s an automatic warning lmao), Talk of wounds, some fluff.
ff.net link
ao3 link
previous chapter
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“Morning El.” Tommy said as Elizabeth walked cheerfully into the infirmary, practically skipping. “No scrubs today, boss?”
“Nope. I'm going on a run today.” She had opted for dark blue jeans and a gray long-sleeved shirt. Elizabeth waltzed over to the cupboards and pulled out the supplies she would need to clean Negan’s injury.
“Is that why you’re so happy? You’re practically dancing, El. Would it have anything to do with the man in the leather jacket that should be here any minute?”
Elizabeth dropped the supplies on the tray beside the exam table, feeling a blush creep its way over her cheeks.
“What? Tommy no! I’m just excited to get out is all. Spend a few hours not being a doctor.”
“Mhmm, sure. Hey, what did he mean yesterday when he said he’d stop by your room for ‘another show’? Did you two do something?” He leaned against the sink smirking and raising an eyebrow.
“God no! I had just gotten out of the shower and the asshole wouldn’t leave so I could get dressed. He just stood there. So… I got dressed.” Elizabeth hopped up on the exam table as Tommy’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
“Elizabeth! You didn’t!”
“Well what else should I have done? It’s not that big of a deal.”
Tommy smirked, his eyes narrowing “You’re into him.”
“I am not!” she huffed.
Tommy walked over towards her, “You totally are, El!”
Just then the doors to the infirmary burst open and the man in question strolled in, wearing a white shirt, black cargo pants and his signature leather jacket, Lucille propped up on his shoulder. Realizing she was staring, Elizabeth cleared her throat, feeling herself blushing again.
She hopped off of the exam table and waved her arm, motioning for Negan to sit.
“Mornin’ doc.” He smiled at her, showing a line of straight white teeth. She smiled tightly walking back over to the cupboards to retrieve a pair of gloves. When she turned back to Negan her mouth went dry at the sight of him pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his tan, muscled torso. Her eyes wandered to the tattoo on his chest, then to the other tattoos on his arms. “You fuckin’ checkin’ me out, doc?”
Elizabeth ignored him, pulling the gloves on and walking towards him. She removed the white bandage on his shoulder and set about cleaning the wound.
“So, doc, you gonna tell me about these fuckin’ places my guys should be lookin’ for your fuckin’ medical shit?”
“I’ll know it when I see it.” she said with a smile. “Where are we going?”
“Town about an hour away. There’s a fuckin’ mall that doesn’t look like it's been cleaned out yet. It’s full of dead fuckers though, so I hope you have good fuckin’ aim.”
“I get a gun?” she smiled cutting pieces of tape.
“No. You get a fuckin’ knife.” Elizabeth dropped the scissors and gaped at him.
“What? Why not?” she picked up the white bandage and began taping it over the cut on his shoulder.
“Because were too fuckin’ excited at the thought of having a fuckin’ gun.”
“So?” she tosses soiled cotton pads into the trash bin. “Just because I'm excited to go out doesn’t mean I can’t handle a damn gun.” She pulls her gloves off, throwing them away, then walking over to the sink to wash her hands. “My father was a Marine. I had perfect aim by the time I was 17.” She dried her hands more aggressively than was necessary. She turns and leans back on the counter, crossing her arms and glaring at Negan.
“Christ, Doc. I was fuckin’ jokin’.” He stands and pulls his shirt on, then walks over to Elizabeth, until he’s a breath away from her “Yes, you get a fuckin’ gun.” He puts his hands on the counter on either side of her body, trapping her in place. Elizabeth’s brown eyes locked in on his hazel ones, her mouth going dry at the closeness of the man. He dipped his head so his mouth was close to her ear, his breath ghosting over her neck, cause goose bumps to rise on her skin. “You get to prove your fuckin’ worth by helping us clear out the living dead fuckers.” he whispers, his scruffy facial hair tickling her cheek. She took a deep breath inhaling his scent; leather, mint, and something spicy.
His words weren’t sexy in the least, but for some vapid reason, Elizabeth found herself aroused.
She brought her hand up and pressed it flat against his chest, feeling the warmth of his toned chest through his shirt. “When do we leave, Fearless Leader?” she whispered, clearing her throat and pushing Negan away from her, then stepping to the side to put some distance between herself and the man.
Negan walks back over to the exam table, pulling his leather jacket on and picking up Lucille. “We leave in thirty, doc. I hope you got your fuckin’ big girl panties on.” He strolls out of the small infirmary, whistling.
When the doors snap shut, Elizabeth lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“What the hell was that?” Tommy screeches from the cabinet next to the exam table where he was folding blankets.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Tommy.” She replies putting on her best poker face.
“Elizabeth!” He crosses his arms
“Thomas!” She retorts, mirroring his actions.
“I could taste the sexual tension, El. And the whispering, the leaning into each other... “
“Stop! There wasn’t any sexual tension!” she walked over to him, helping him fold the blankets. “And if you taste anything, it’s Simon’s dick.” she smirked, bumping his hip with hers.
“EL!” he looked down, his cheeks turning red. “I didn’t know that you knew!”
“Of course I know Tommy! He comes in here for you to bandage the most minor of cuts! I can taste the sexual tension!” He elbowed her in the ribs, making her laugh.
“Oh my god, El. Does anyone else know?”
“Arat does. But I don’t think anyone else does.” he dropped the blanket he was folding on the exam table, gaping at Elizabeth. “Relax Tommy! At least you’re getting some action.”
They continued folding the rest of the blankets, Elizabeth’s thoughts starting to drift to the leather-clad leader, when Tommy interrupted her thoughts; “You know, I think Arat is into you.” It was Elizabeth turn to gape at him, “No I’m serious! You two should get together. Not like a relationship or anything, ya know. Just… Some fun.” He smirked, winking at her.
“Right. I gotta go Tommy. Don’t want them to leave without me.”
A little while later Elizabeth found herself in the front seat of a rusty delivery truck, Arat on her left driving, and Negan on her right, whistling an unnecessarily happy tune. She had never been fond of car rides, longer than the 15 minutes it took her to get to work; they made her restless. But today she was absolutely giddy; excited to be going somewhere and helping people, so excited that she didn’t notice she was bouncing her legs until she felt a strong hand grip her knee.
“Will you cut that shit out? It’s worse than a damn five-year old going to a fuckin’ family fun center.” Negan sighed, not letting go of her knee.
“What? I’m just excited. I don’t get out much these days. I spend the majority of my time stitching up dumbasses who let some idiot get close enough to take a piece out of them.” She let out a small smile peering up at him through her lashes.
She was about to say more when a building caught her attention down the road. She squinted “There!” she chirped, placing her hand over Negan’s, still on her knee.
“What?” he said glancing down at their hands.
“Look!” She said, pointing at the building with her other hand. “Arat, pull over.”
When the truck came to a stop on the side of the road Negan looked at the building, then looked at Elizabeth like she’d grown a second head.
“You want a fuckin’ tattoo, doc? I thought you came along to look for your fuckin’ medical shit.”
She pulled her hand away from his and elbowed him in the ribs softly, “No. Just trust me.” he stared at her, one eyebrow raised, and opened the truck door, getting out and holding a hand out to help the blonde woman. “I can get out on my own, Fearless Leader. I’m wearing my fuckin’ big girl panties today.” she mimicked his words from earlier, hopping out of the truck and pulling up the waistband of her blue, lacy underwear. She flashed him a cheeky grin and started walking toward the tattoo shop but was cut short when Negan grabbed her wrist.
“Now hold the fuckin’ phone, doc.” he pulled a walkie-talkie from his belt and clicked the button, “Simon. You guys keep going. Start clearing out the dead fuckers. Doctor smart-ass and I are gonna visit this tattoo parlor here. If we aren't there in 45 she got us killed. Got it?” he looked down at Elizabeth, grinning and biting his lower lip.
‘Crystal, boss’ Came Simon’s reply a few seconds later, as four trucks drove past them.
Negan released Elizabeth’s hand and pulled the door of the truck open, then opened the glove box, pulling a gun out. He slammed the door shut and turned to her, slinging an arm over her shoulder and handing her the gun.
“Lead the fuckin’ way, Liz.”
“That’s Doctor Smartass to you.” She says striding away from the man, towards the tattoo shop.
“God damn, doc.” He said leaning back, watching her stroll towards the building. “Arat. Let’s go.”
Negan caught up to Elizabeth with long-legged strides. They peer into the dirty glass windows, not seein’ any signs of life, well, death.
“You sure about your fuckin’ hunch, Doctor Smart-Ass?” He lifted Lucille, banging the barbed end against the window. “Doesn’t look like there’s shit inside.”
“I’m sure.” she said, jiggling the door handle, finding it locked.
“Step aside, doc.” He stepped up to the door, lifting Lucille above his head. “Watch my form.”
He swings the bat down with a grunt, hitting the doorknob, knocking it out of place, falling to the ground with a thud. He kicked open the door with his boot. “After you, Liz.”
She stepped inside the dark and dusty tattoo shop, gun drawn. The shop looked completely untouched, a layer of dust covering everything. In the front of the shop there was a desk, random drawings strewn about, a display case filled with piercings and a tall table with bar stools around it. Elizabeth walked further into the building, down a dark, narrow hallway, finding two doors, one closed and one slightly ajar. The closed door was closest so she chose that one first, glancing back at Negan.
She turned the handle, glad to find the door unlocked, and pushed it open. Stepping into the room, she was startled by three staggering figures on the far side of the room, letting out a yelp, drawing their attention. Letting instinct take over, she drew her gun and fired three quick shots, taking down the walkers before Negan or Arat could react.
“God damn, doc.” Negan said grinning at her. “Remind me not to fuck with you when you have a gun in your hand.” Elizabeth smirked at him and tucked the gun into the waistband of her pants at her back, and walked over to a countertop with a set of cabinets below it.
“Do we have something to put stuff in?” She said raising an eyebrow at Negan.
“Arat. Go find Liz a fuckin’ box somewhere.”
Damn. Elizabeth thought to herself. I hadn't planned on being alone with him. She hoped Arat would find a box quickly.
On the countertop, there was a bottle of hand soap, always handy, a roll of paper towels, not vital, but they certainly could be used to pack a wound if necessary, A pair of scissors, and a box of latex gloves that was about half full. She set the items aside, and went about looking in the cabinets above, finding them mostly empty except for a few different tattoo magazines.
She realized that during her search, Negan hadn’t said a word to her, which was very odd for him. She turned to face him, and was startled to find him staring at her.
“Are you gonna help, or keep staring at my ass?”
“Do you have any tattoos, doc?” What?
“I don’t see why that’s an important question.”
“It’s not.” he said, crossing the room, standing a few inches away from her. She took a deep breath, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
“Then why did you ask?” she crossed her arms over her chest.
He stepped closer, and Elizabeth took a step back, but couldn’t go further because the counter was behind her. He took another step and placed his hands on the counter behind her, trapping her in place like he had just a short time ago in the infirmary.
“Cause I wanna know.” He said with a wolfish grin.
She felt her heartbeat quicken. What’s wrong with me?
“Yes.” Her breath caught in her throat when Negan, ever so slowly, moved closer to her. Shit. He’s gonna kiss me.
She wanted to want to move away. To turn her head. But she couldn’t. She simply did not want to. She wanted Negan to kiss her. But he has wives. Plural. Multiple.
She tilted her head up towards the taller man, silently asking him to kiss her.
Just then, the door to the small room opened, causing Negan to take a couple steps back to glare at whoever dared to interrupt them.
“I found a box, boss.” Said Arat, holding up a cardboard box.
“Great.” Negan said clearing his throat and taking the box from her. He set it on the counter and placed the items Elizabeth had found so far inside. I’m gonna go check out that other fuckin’ room.” Elizabeth nodded at him, turning to the counter, bending to look in the lower cabinets.
A grin spread across her face at the sight in front of her. 12 boxes of latex gloves, and 9 large bottles of rubbing alcohol as well as several rolls of paper towels. She put as much as she could fit in the cardboard box and turned to Arat smiling, “We can carry the rest.”
They pulled into the gates of The Sanctuary and Elizabeth let out a tired sigh. When the truck pulled to a stop, Negan swung open the truck door and hopped out, offering Elizabeth a hand to help her out of the truck. She took his hand and slid from the truck slowly, her joints sore from sitting in the truck for so long.
“I’ll help you get your shit up to the infirmary.” Negan said to Elizabeth before turning to Dwight and Simon, who had just walked up to them. “Get the rest of this shit inside.” The two men nodded and walked away towards the other trucks.
Negan placed a hand on Elizabeth's back and walked with her to the back of the truck they were in. He opened it up and handed Elizabeth a box, then took one himself. They walked into the building and to the infirmary in comfortable silence. She pushed the door to the small room open, finding it empty. She set the box she was carrying on the counter next to the sink, and Negan did the same.
“I’ll have Tommy take care of this stuff tomorrow.” she said tucking a strand of hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear. Negan nodded at her, but didn’t make a move to leave the infirmary. “You hungry?” She asked walking over to her small desk and opening a drawer. He nodded again and she pulled out two granola bars, two containers of applesauce and two plastic spoons.
She strolled back over to him and handed him one of each, then walked over to the exam table, sitting on top of it.
She peeled the foil cover off of the applesauce as Negan came over to join her on the table.
“You did pretty fuckin’ good today, Liz.” He opened his granola bar taking a bite. “Tattoo shop was a good fuckin’ idea.” Elizabeth let out a small smile and nodded.
They finished their food in silence, then Elizabeth stood, throwing their trash away.
“I’m gonna head to bed.” she said tugging on her shirt sleeve. She was startled when Negan grabbed her wrist and pulled her to stand between his legs, where he was still seated on the exam table.
She gulped and looked up to meet his eyes. He brought his hand up to her cheek, brushing his calloused thumb over her smooth skin, causing goosebumps to rise on her flesh. He brought his hand to her chin, his thumb tracing over her bottom lip, and tilted her head up to him.
Just kiss me already! She thought to herself.
He leaned in closer to her until their faces were only a couple centimeters apart.
“Do you want me to kiss you, Liz?” he whispered, his breath ghosting over her face. She licked her lips and nodded her head slightly.
He closed the space between them, their lips connecting in a gentle embrace. His tongue traced over her lips, and she parted them, granting him access. He slipped his hand between her lips as he brought the hand on her chin to the back of her head.
Elizabeth placed a hand on his firm chest, humming softly into his mouth.
They broke apart and Negan pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes still closed.
“Goodnight, doc. See ya in the mornin’ baby.” Baby? That’s a new one. She smiled and pulled away from him, taking a few steps back.
Negan stood up and placed another chaste kiss to her lips, then walked over to the counter with the boxes of medical supplies and picked up his beloved bat, then walked out of the infirmary.
Liz watched his tall form disappear down the corridor and touched her fingers to her lips. What did I just do? She sighed, smiling softly, and left the infirmary to go to her room.
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future updates!
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crowleyholic · 7 years
It’s What We Do To Survive - Chapter 1
It’s What We Do To Survive is my Walking Dead/Negan AU fic. This fic centers around a survivor named Elizabeth. She’s captured by a group of men and brought to The Sanctuary, having no idea it was run by someone she already knew.  It’s somewhat of a slow burn. I’m really excited to be sharing my fic with you, especially sharing it here on tumblr now. This is going to be a bit messy until I find a good rhythm for it, but I hope you all enjoy!  You can also read this fic on fanfiction.net
Chapter 1 - The Beginning 
"You stupid little bitch!" the man called out as he began to pace around the small house he had chased me into. I had managed to tuck myself into a closet, hiding behind a pile of clothes. My gun at the ready. I could hear the heavy thud of his boots on the hardwood floor. He sure wasn't trying to be stealthy about catching us. "You don't get to steal from my men and get away with it!" he called out again. I could hear him climbing the stairs now. I was part of a small group. We did well for ourselves, but their truck was sitting there full of supplies, with no one guarding it. It was their fault really. They were well kept, clean cut, they didn't appear to need it that bad. However, it had been about a week since we took the supplies and they were still hung up over it. So they must have wanted them pretty bad. I let out a sigh as I heard him rummaging around upstairs. I carefully pushed the clothes aside, trying my best to be quiet as I pushed the closet doors open slowly. The hinges of the door whined as I pushed them open. I paused, listening. I could still hear him tossing things around, which meant he didn't hear me. I crossed the floor quietly, holding my bag tightly as I made my way out of the bedroom. Once I was in the hall, I crept quietly around to the back door. I was free. I started to run, down the back yard and into the woods and I didn't look back. My friends knew where to meet me. I caught a glimpse of the blonde, Elaina. I veered off my path, running over to her. She was taking cover behind a tree. "You're not exactly out of sight" I said with a laugh as I got down beside her. I was trying to catch my breath. "Where is Marcus?" She asked worriedly. "I didn't see him in the house, I think he was cut off by some of the men. Don't worry, he can handle himself" I said reassuringly. Elaina and Marcus were my best friends. We were the scavengers for our little group. We were damn good at it too. "We shouldn't have come back out so soon. Not after they almost caught us last time" Elaina sighed, pushing herself up to peek around to see if she could see anything. "It's fine. Marcus knows exactly what to do" I was trying to comfort her. I knew she loved him. It was obvious. I did too. It was easy to love him. He was incredibly smart and brave, and handsome. But I knew he loved her. I tried to shake away those thoughts as I turned my attention back to the house. We had a limited view of it from where we were, but we could see the men coming out of it. Elaina let out a sigh. At least they didn't have Marcus. But as soon as we started to feel relieved, we heard a few gun shots. They seemed far, maybe on the other side of the house towards the road. Elaina started to get up, but I grabbed her arm. "No! Stay here. They might be trying to lure us out" I said as I held tightly to her. "It could be Marcus!" She snapped back. A few more shots rang out and she wiggled from my grip, taking off back towards the house. "Damn it, Elaina!" I called out as I stood, running after her. I managed to catch up with her just as she made it out of the tree line, but it was too late. The men had already spotted us. They pointed their guns at us, but the man in front held up his hand. "No, don't shoot. He wants them alive" He commanded. I took a hold of Elaina's hand, pulling her back towards the woods. We ran deeper into the trees and cut left, heading towards the creek. We heard the whistle that stopped us dead in our tracks. It was Marcus. He was standing on the other side of the creek "Come on" he urged us. We looked up and down the creek. It wasn't deep, but the water was moving and we didn't need to be weighted down by water logged boots. I could hear the men close behind us, barreling through the woods. I helped Elaina up onto a log to cross the creek, Marcus waiting on the other side for her. "I found them!" one of the men yelled as he made his way towards us. Elaina looked back to me, shaking her head. She knew exactly what I would do. "Go! Marcus just take her and go!" I urged them. He gave me a look, nodding. He understood and I was grateful of that. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back before they disappeared into the woods. The man caught up with me and soon I was surrounded by them. I had my gun drawn, pointing between each of them. It was useless really, I could maybe take one of them down, but not all of them. "Come on, little girl. Drop the gun" The tall man with grey hair laughed. I wasn't going to go easily. "Fuck you!" I snapped. He walked forward, and in a fluid motion, pulled the gun from my hand. But he was met with a solid punch. I whined a bit, grabbing my hand as it ached. "Fuck!" he stumbled back, holding his nose. "Little bitch" he growled and two other men circled me. They dug their boots into the back of my leg, making me stumble forward on my knees. They took a hold of my arms, holding me back. "Forget the other two. Let's focus on taking this one back to him" the corner of his lip twitched as he spoke, looking down at me. I was going to protest, to demand to know where we were going. But before I could, they placed something over my head where I couldn't see. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I was gone.
The sound of the heavy truck door closing jolted me awake. I went to sit up, but felt a hand tighten around my arm. "Oh no, you aren't going anywhere" the man said. I still couldn't see. I could hear the muffled sounds outside of the truck. I could recognize the voice belonged to the tall man with the grey hair. He was instructing someone on where to take me. The door opened and I was pulled out of the truck, tossed down on my knees again. The pavement beneath me was hot and made me wince. But then I heard it.  I could hear the clanking of something moving against a fence and the snarls of Walkers. Where the hell was I? The men got another hold of my arms and struggled to get me to my feet. "It's your lucky day, you get to meet the boss" the man who had been sitting in the truck with me teased. They began to tow me forward. But again, I wasn't going to go easy. I fought them the best I could, wiggling in their grip and kicking my legs. The heat of the sun left my skin and I felt a cool breeze hit. I heard a door close behind me. Okay, we were inside. Away from the Walkers.  We walked for a few minutes without turning. But then we stopped. I continued to wiggle in their grip, cursing them as they held on to me. They said nothing, they didn't move, just held on to me. "And what do we have here?" The deep voice cut through the silence, making me stop. Why was that voice so damn familiar? "Sir, this is one of the girls from the group that robbed your truck" the tall man spoke clearly. "Ah, well fucking shit. You managed to catch the sneaky little bitch." I could hear his footsteps get closer to me. "The others?" He asked. He was standing right in front of me now. "No, we couldn't find them. But she was the one who stole from you, Sir. We thought she might be priority. But she gave us one hell of a fight" his tone came out annoyed. "Yeah, I can see that by your bloody nose. No matter, extra points for the lot of you" he laughed and the men laughed as well. "Now, open my present. I wanna see what Grandma got me!" he teased. The man behind me jerked the bag off my head. I closed my eyes tightly as the bright lights hit. "Oh fucking hell..." the familiar voice said. I looked up, face to face with him. I blinked the spots away until my vision was clear. My eyes widened as I took in who was standing in front of me now. "Negan?" I asked in disbelief. I was taking in his appearance. He wore a black leather jacket with a red scarf tucked into it, sporting a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. But for the most part, he didn't look too much different from when I had seen him last, back before the world ended. "Well, well, Elizabeth fucking Lane. What the good God Damn are you doing here?" he smirked, looking me over. He was different. The man I remembered was gentle, caring. This wasn't the man I knew. He had the same features, but he was unrecognizable. "Negan, what the hell is going on?" I questioned. But the man to my right twisted my arm hard, making me cry out. "You'll watch your fucking manners" the man on my right snarled. But Negan raised his gloved hand, waving him off. "Now boys, we don't hurt pretty ladies like that. Loosen up" his tone was casual. "Negan I.." I started again, but he swung the bat in front of my face. "We have a lot to talk about, doll. But not right now" he smirked, giving the grey haired man a look. With out even saying a word, they towed me backwards down the hall. They stopped at the end of the hall to open a door to a small room. They pushed me inside. Negan popped his head in. "I'll be back to deal with you later. Sit tight, doll" he laughed and closed the door.
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you-a-southpaw-doll · 3 years
Hey, y’all! Stories Update!!
Hey, y’all. So, I know I haven’t exactly been posting much on here lately. I’ve, in a way, taken a small break from writing my Negan/JDM stories for a bit. But, that doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped writing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! I just wanted to let y’all know that I haven’t stopped writing. In fact, I’ve been working on stories with @mychemicalimagines and @supernaturalwritingbunker. I decided I would let you know what they were, in case y’all wanted to go check ‘em out! If you love my Negan writing, feel free to check out these other stories I’ve worked on/been working on! They’re listed in alphabetical order, based on the first name then by the first name of the fic, unless otherwise stated (i.e. the Jasper Hale “You’re My…” Series). Stories we haven’t posted yet don’t have links, but everything else does. I’m hoping that I’ll get some more inspiration to keep writing for Negan here soon. We’ll see! Stay safe. Stay negative of Corona. Have fun! And as always, feel free to reach out and talk. I’m here. I just might not always reply back right away. 
*For the stories listed below, I’ve separated based on which blog it’s from, and whether it’s a movie or show fic. Beyond that. I’ve separated them based on which show or movie it is, and if applicable, I’ve indicated if it’s a series or not. I’ve included the title of the story, what it’s status is (finished, in progress, or on hiatus), how many chapters there are, and the relationship pairings. If it’s on hiatus, the main reason for that, unless otherwise indicated, is that we just aren’t quite ready to finish that particular story. It’s like having a kid, watching it grow, and then them being all grown up. You wanna hold onto that innocence for as long as you can. XD Another reason that they might be on hiatus is we just haven’t had any mojo for writing it. Now, for the “in progress” stories, we are still writing those, but, some haven’t been updated in awhile because they aren’t getting enough love for us to want to continue. If you read one of them, and decide you love it, please leave feedback so we can continue it for you!
Taglist: @negans-network @prettyboynegan @mychemicalimagines @spnnnxangelsx @rockinkel21 @misskittycat02 @band--psycho@ofxallxwexlost @iron-halt @thamberlinawrites @ravenwings73 @lettherebepink @stoneyggirl @sebs-padawan @cladd716
Stories with @mychemicalimagines:
American History X: Derek Vinyard 1. Changed Forever - One Shot - Derek Vinyard x Reader
American Pie: Chris “Oz” Ostreicher  1. Slice of Pie - In Progress - 5 of 8 Chapters - Chris “Oz” Ostreicher x OFC (Jacqueline Levenstein)
The Breakfast Club: Andrew Clark 1. Fighting Brought Me to You - On Hiatus - 2 of ? Chapters - Andrew Clark x OFC (Emily Marksman)
Final Destination: Ian McKinley 1. Are We Friends? Nope...More - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 2. Together, We Can Survive Anything - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader 3. Together, We’ll Survive Anything (Part 2)  - One-Shot - Ian McKinley x Reader
Friday the 13th V: Roy:  1. Friday the 13th V: Roy’s P.O.V. 
Halloween:  Tommy Doyle Once A Month - One-Shot - Tommy Doyle x Reader
The Hangover: Phil Wenneck  1. Doctor’s Orders for a Hangover - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters & 1 bonus photos post) - Phil Wenneck x OFC (Emily Billings)
Harry Potter: Harry Potter 1. Loving the Boy-Who-Lived - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Harry Potter x OFC (Kelsey Weasley)
House of Wax: Nick Jones 1. Protected by Love - Finished - 17 of 17 Chapters - Nick Jones x OFC (Melissa Felton)
IT: Ben Hanscom  1. Ageless Love - Finished - 12 of 12 Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Reggie “Belch” Huggins 1. A Bets a Bet - One shot - Reggie “Belch” Higgins x Reader
Richie Tozier 1. Richie...Married? - One Shot - Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader 2. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - One Shot - Teenage!Richie Tozier x Reader
Stanley Uris 1. Best Friend...Forever - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 2. Shower Caps - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader 3. Our Fights Don’t Last Long - One Shot - Young!Stanley Uris x Reader
IT: Chapter Two: Ben Hanscom 1. Forever Love - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Ben Hanscom x OFC (Emily Tozier)
Jumanji: Anthony “Fridge” Johnson 1. Welcome to the Jungle - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Anthony “Fridge” Johnson x OFC (Emily Gilpin)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Will Turner Pillaged Love - In Progress - 2 of ? Chapters - Will Turner x OFC (Emily Swann)
Scream: Billy Loomis 1. All Just a Scary Movie - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Billy Loomis x OFC (Lindsey Prescott)
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Punished by the Big O - One Shot - Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher (Contains Smut)
Twilight: Carlisle Cullen 1. Love As Old As Time - In Progress - ? of ? Chapters - Carlisle Cullen x OFC (Elizabeth Clarke)
Edward Cullen  1. Lost In Silence - In Progress - 1 of ? Chapters - Edward Cullen x OFC (Gabriella Swan)
Embry Call 1. Everything Changed - On Hiatus - 5 of ? Chapters - Embry Call x OFC (Hayley Uley) 2. Holly or Jolly? - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Embry Call x Reader 
Emmett Cullen 1. Girl Almighty - On Hiatus - 3 of ? Chapters - Emmett Cullen x OFC (Jade Stanley)
Jasper Hale: 1. She’s The Original - One-Shot - Jasper Hale x Reader 2. You’re My...Series (In Order) (MOST POPULAR) 2a. You’re My Monster - Finished - 8 of 8 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)  2b. You’re My Love - Finished - 7 of 7 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2c. You’re My Major - Finished - 6 of 6 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC) 2d. You’re My Forever - Finished - 11 of 11 Chapters - Jasper Hale x OFC (Alexia Swan) & Alice Cullen x Kevin Hale (OMC)
Paul Lahote Imprinting Changes a Man - On Hiatus - 6 of ? Chapters - Paul Lahote x OFC (Melissa Black)
T.V. Shows:
Criminal Minds Derek Morgan 1. Stealing Hearts - In Progress - 3 of ? Chapters - Derek Morgan x OFC (Dr. Lily Sanderson)
Spencer Reid 1. Eggnog - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Spencer Reid x Reader
FRIENDS  Chandler Bing  1. Coal - Christmas Drabble - One-Shot - Chandler Bing x Reader
NCIS Tony DiNozzo  1. Scared, But Safe - One-Shot - Tony DiNozzo x Reader
The Office: Jim Halpert 1. Happens Like That - On Hiatus - 9 of ? Chapters - Jim Halpert x OFC (Melissa Ford)
Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller 1. Patched...But Not Broken - Finished - 5 of 5 Chapters - Jax Teller x OFC (Melissa Winston)
The Walking Dead: Negan “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” - One-Shot - Modern Santa!Negan AU - Negan x Reader (I know this is already in my masterlist, but it is a story I worked on with @mychemicalimagines, so I felt it only right to include it here!)
Rick Grimes 1. Always My World- In Progress - 7 of ? Chapter - Rick Grimes x OFC (Emily Walsh) 2. I Found You - One-Shot - RickGrimes x Daughter!Reader (non-romantic, paternal relationship ONLY)
Jeffrey Dean Morgan: 1. Baby Negan In The Making - One-Shot - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x OFC (Unnamed wife) 
Johnny Knoxville  1. In Sickness and In Health  - One-Shot - Johnny Knoxville x Reader
Stories with @supernaturalwritingbunker:
T.V. Shows:
Supernatural Dean Winchester 1. Apple Pie Life - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 2. Dinner Date with the Winchesters - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader 3. Self-Esteem - One-Shot - Dean Winchester x Reader  4. Published Before Editing - In Hiatus - 1 of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Emily Morgan) 5. Can’t Stop Loving You - ? of ? Chapters - Dean Winchester x OFC (Michaela “Mickey” Storm)
Sam Winchester 1. Take Back Home Girl - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader 2. Repeated Words - One-Shot - Sam Winchester x Reader
Jensen Ackles 1. Social Media Love - Social Media!AU - 1 of 1 Chapters (18 Photos) - Jensen Ackles x OFC (Hazel Armstrong)
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samdeancass · 4 years
Fandom List
These are the fandoms and characters that I write for. Fandoms and characters with a line through means I am currently watching the show or movie and I will be writing for them shortly.
I will be adding to this list overtime so it will get bigger as I watch more shows and movies.
If you want to make a request, please write the full name as some fandoms have characters with similar names.
Prompt List
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Benny LaFitte
Adam Milligan
Kevin Tran
Arthur Ketch
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Alexander Calvert
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Lorenzo St.John
Kai Parker
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Paul Wesley
Iam Sommerhalder
Michael Malarkey 
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall-Kenner
Joseph Morgan
Daniel Gillies
Alaric Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Lydia Martin
Peter Hale
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Tyler Posey
Dylan O’Brian
Tyler Hoechlin
Holland Roden
Crystal Reed
Daniel Sharman
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Marvel /MCU
Tony Stark/ Iron Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Clint Barton/ Hawkeye
Thor Odinson
Bruce Banner/ The Hulk
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Bucky Barnes/ The Winter Soldier
Loki Laufeyson
Stephen Strange/ Doctor Strange
T’Challa/ Black Panther
Peter Parker/ Spider-Man
Peter Quill/ Star Lord
Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Sam Wilson/ Falcon
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Robert Downey. Jr
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Jeremy Renner
Scarlett Johansson
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Sebastian Stan
X-Men Universe
Charles Xavier (Younger)/ Professor X
Erik Lensherr (Younger)/ Magneto
Jean Grey/ Phoenix
Scott Summers/ Cyclops
Logan/ Wolverine
DC Cinematic
Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne
Arthur Curry
Harley Quinn
Oliver Queen
Tommy Merlyn
John Diggle
Roy Harper
Felicity Smoake
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
Hermione Granger
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Joe Keery
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Elizabeth Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Once Upon A Time
Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Lucifer Morningstar
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Phil Coulson
Leo Fitz
Grant Ward
Deke Shaw
Melinda May
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Cordell Walker
Liam Walker
Pretty Little Liars
Caleb Rivers
Toby Cavanaugh
Ezra Fitz
Mike Montgomery
F. R. I. E. N. D. S
Joey Tribbiani
Chandler Bing
Ross Geller
Friday Night Dinner
Adam Goodman
Johnathan Goodman
Ben 10
Ben Tennyson
Kevin Levin
Gwen Tennyson
The Maze Runner
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm
Reed Richards
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Eggsy Unwin
One Direction
Harry Styles
Liam Payne
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik
Wanda Maximoff
Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Baron Zemo
Loki Laufeyson
Black Widow
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Love And Monsters
Joel Dawson
Fast and Furious 
Dominic Toretto
Brian O’Connor
Deckard Shaw
Luke Hobbs
Han Lue
Roman Pearce
Tej Parker
That 70′s Show
Eric Forman
Jackie Burkhart
Michael Kelso
Steven Hyde
Donna Pinciotti 
Sherlock Holmes (Movies)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Scream (TV Series)
Emma Duval
Brooke Maddox
Audrey Jensen
Kieran Wilcox
Noah Foster
Free Guy
Walter ‘Keys’ McKeys
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
William Turner
The Flash
Barry Allen
Iris West-Allen
Caitlyn Snow
Cisco Ramone
HR Wells
Wally West
Harry Wells
Ralph Dibney
Harrison ‘Nash’ Wells
Chester P. Runk
The Boys
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
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elhiyaa · 4 years
Tag 8 people you want to know better
I was tagged by @solemnitydreamer 😘
Favorite Color:  Black and Emerald green 
Last song: Devil Devil - MILCK
Favorite musicians: RY X, Ruelle, Twenty One Pilots, Abel Korzeniowski, Ramin Djawadi, 2WEI, Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, Tamino, Why Mona, BTS, Dean, EXO, Fleurie, Sam Tinnesz, MISSIO, Ursine Vulpine, Arctic Monkeys, Melanie Martinez, Lana Del Rey, The Neighbourhood, Girl In Red, Hozier, Zayde Wølf, James Horner... I have way too many I can't list them all          
Last movie: Corpse Bride 
Last TV show: Vikings & The Haunting of Bly Manor
Favorite Characters: DAENERYS TARGARYEN, Alfie Solomons, Thranduil, Ragnar Lothbrok, Tommy Shelby, Will Graham, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Tony Stark, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Loki, Negan, Dean WInchester, Castiel, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Lexa, Anne Shirley Cuthbert... Am I allowed to say Sachiel ? 😇
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweet 
Bubbly water, coffee, or tea: Tea 
Pets: 3 cats : Orion, Gaïa and Padfoot, and 2 dogs : Helios and Raya 
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luna-jaden-shadow · 5 years
Requests are open for any of the fandoms ( Click ) (feel free to suggest one and I’ll let you know if I can) and if you want smut here’s what the limits are ( Click )
Festive Prompt List (Christmas) -> CLICK Prompt List (Spooky) -> TBA Prompt List (General) -> TBA
Key - 
(S) - Smut
(F) - Fluff
(P) - Preference 
(I) - Imagine
(H) Headcannon
(A) Angst
Never Along - Tony Stark X Avenger!Reader (F)
Only You - Tony Stark X Reader (F)
Where Did Everybody Go? - Tony Stark X Ex-Hydra!Reader (A)
My Speedster - Pietro Maximoff X Reader (S)
Progress - Wanda Maximoff X Reader (F)
Natasha Romanoff taking care of you when you’re sick would include (H)
Sign Me Up - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Family First - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Her Habits - Trish Walker X Reader (F)
Trouble Find Me - Bucky Barnes X Hydra!Reader (F)
Bottom Of The River - Peter Parker X Reader (A)
Fix You - Peter Parker X Male!Reader (A) (F)
Peter Parker Fluff Alphabet (F)
X-gene - Logan Howlett X Reader (A)
Rock The Bed - Logan Howlett X Reader (S)
Psych 101 - Thor Odinson X Reader (F)
Running Out Of Time - Stephen Strange X Avenger!Reader (A)
The Walking Dead
Ambushed - Negan X Reader (F)
Defensive - Negan X Reader (S)
Moving On - Negan X Reader (F)
Pleading Innocent - Negan X Reader (F)
Under My Protection - Negan X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
Dandelion - Negan X Reader  (pt. 2)  (pt. 3) (F) (A)
Freezing Storm - Negan X Reader (F)
Hunter Down - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Panicked Love - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Reality - Daryl Dixon X Reader (A)
Saved You First - Daryl Dixon X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
My Way Or The Highway - Daryl DIxon X Reader (A)
Unbelievable - Rick Grimes X Reader (A)
Trust Issues - Aaron X Fem!Teen!Reader (F)
Friend On The Other Side - Aaron X Teen!Whisperer!Reader (F) (A)
Fall For Me  - Dean Winchester X Angel!Reader (F)
Creep - Dean Winchester X Reader (A)
Paper Crown - Sam Winchester X Male! Reader (F)
Sleeping Grace - Castiel X Hunter!Reader (F) (A)
I’ve Got You - Gabriel X Hunter!Reader (F)
DC Comics
My Drug - Arthur Fleck/Joker X Crazy!Reader (F)
I Don’t Know You - Red Hood X Male!Reader (A) (F)
I’m Serious - Red Hood X Trans!Oc (Nova) (F)
Harley Quinn Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
My Hero Academia
In The Hands Of The Enemy - Dabi X Fem!Reader (F)
Let’s Hang Out Sometime - Tomura Shigaraki X Reader (F) (A)
Swapped - Shota Aizawa X Hero!Fem!Reader (F)
Please. . . - Shota Aizawa X Hizashi Yamada X Hero!Reader (A) (F)
Is Something Burning? - Shoto Todoroki X Reader (F) (A)
Jerome Valeska Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Harvey Bullock Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Flirty Mood - Harvey Bullock X Reader (F)
My Queen - Barbara Kean X Female!Reader (F)
One In A Million - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Always - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Not Next - Jonathan Crane X OC (F)
Breathe In, Breathe Out - Jonathan Crane X Villain!Reader (F) (A)
Run Away - Jim Gordon X Teen!Reader (F)
Unhealthy Obsession - Edward Nygma X Reader (A)
I Think I Broke Something - Oswald Cobblepot X Reader (A) (F)
Criminal Minds
Meant To Be - JJ X Reader (F)
My Life For Yours - Spencer Ried X Reader (A)
Sinnerman - Lucifer X Reader (F)
Law & Order SVU
Gamble Your Heart Away - Amanda Rollins X Reader (F)
Buried In Work - Dominick “Sonny” Carisi X Reader (F)
Big Brother
Our Little Secret - Nicole Franzel X Reader (F)
The 100
I Promise You - Clarke Griffin X Reader (A) (F)
Fight For You - Lexa X Reader (F)
Grey’s Anatomy
Meredith Grey Fluff Alphabet  (F)
Date Me - Mark Sloan X Reader (F)
Friends With Benefits - Lexie Grey X Shepherd!Reader (S)
School Girl Crush - Lexie Grey X Fem!Shepherd!Reader (F)
His Eyes - Derek Shepherd X Reader (A)
A Little Bit Of Luck - Derek Shepherd X Sloan!Reader (A) (F)
Scream To The Heavens - Izzie Stevens X Sloan!Reader (F)
Love Bug - Izzie Stevens X Reader (F)
Love to - Arizona Robbins X Field!Reader (F)
Stand By You - Lucy Fields X Reader (F)
They Look So Pretty When The Bleed - Alex Karev X Reader (A) (F)
Soul Eater
Drunk Words Sober Intent - Older!Deathscythe!Soul X Fem!Reader (F)
Seven Deadly Sins
For The Greater Good - Ban X Sin!Reader (F) (A)
Dead To Me
Cuddling With Judy Hale Would Includ. . . (H)
Team Osiris Cuddles (P)
Vale Trying To Make You Feel Better Would Include (H)
Perfect Week - Olympia Vale X Reader (F)
Lazy Day - Human!Cortana X Reader (F)
Orange Is The New Black
Love Doctors - Lorna Morello X Reader (F)
Apple Pie Life - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (F)
Found Me - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (A) (F) 
American Horror Story
Go Bite In The Night - James March X Reader (S)
Saying “I love you” to Mary Eunice first would include (H)
Jealousy Got The Best Of Me - Nora Montgomery X Reader (F)
My Light House - Misty Day X Reader (F)
Noodle - Courtney Miller (Smosh) X Reader (F)
This Is War - Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) X Reader (F)
Markiplier (Egos)
Evermore - Darkiplier X Reader (A)
Requiem - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Twilight (Pt. 2) - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Holiday Season - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
All I Want - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
In Your Head - Wilford Warfstache X Reader (A)
Adventure’s Call - Illinois X Reader (F)
Dead On Arrival - Illinois X Reader (F) (A)
Musical Friend - Yancy X Reader (F)
Parole - Yancy X Reader (F)
Meant To Be Yous’ - Yandere!Yancy X Reader (A)
Poking The Bear - The Host X Reader (F)
The Perfect Gift - The Host X Reader (F)
Panic Room - The Host X Reader (F)
In All Of The Seven Seas - Captain Magnum X Fem!Reader (F)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Beautiful As The Sea - Elizabeth Swann X Reader (F)
Aphmau Series’
Anger - Zane Ro’meave X Reader (F)
Missing You - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S) (F)
Who Do You Belong To? - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S)
Set Sex - Lauren Cohan X Reader (S)
Sleeping Beauty - Evan Peters X Reader (F)
Promise - Patrick Stump X Reader (F)
Snoopin’ Around - Jennifer Aniston X Reader (A)
Video Games
Fallout 4 Casefile - Nick Valentine X Reader (A)
Until Dawn Session 3 - Chris Heartley X Reader (A)
Santa’s List - Samantha Giddings X Reader (F)
Alien Isolation Where Do You Think You’re Going? - Amanda Ripley X Reader (F)
Movie Night - Jade West X Reader (F)
Run Along - Jade West X Reader (F)
Confidence - Jade West X Reader (F)
Good Looking Mess - Jade West X Reader (F)
Under The Mistletoe - Elsa X Reader (F)
Secret Love - Elsa X Fem!Reader (F)
The Office
Halloween Mishap - Pam X Reader (F)
Injured On The Job - Ziva David X Reader (F)
495 notes · View notes
fallencrackships · 5 years
Requests Update
Alycia Debnam-Carey and Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, father and daughter - Anon
Alexis Bledel as Rory and Tom Holland as Peter Parker (siblings) - mystic-scripture
Anna Kendrick and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - hawaiianohana31
Ana De Armas and Timothée Chalament - Anon
Ana De Armas and Andy Samberg - Anon
Ana De Armas and Penn Badgley - Anon
Ana De Armas and Danneel Ackles - Anon
Ana De Armas and Sebastian Stan - Anon
Ana De Armas and Ryan Gosling as Holland March (The Nice Guys) - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Alex O'Loughlin, married - martyredmotheraesthetics
Adelaide Kane as Mary (Lyah) and Bradley James as Arthur - lyah-malik
Adelaide Kane and Joel Kinnaman - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Summer Fontana with Jacob Tremblay - hope-andrea-marhall
Amber Heard and James McAvoy - Anon
Amber Heard (30 Days to Kill or Drive Angry) x James McAvoy (Wanted) - Anon
Amber Heard and Luke Evans- Anon
Anna Diop and Eddie Cibrian - Anon
Bailee Madison and David Mazouz, couple - Anon
Bailee Madison and Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, father and daughter - Anon
Blanca Suárez as Alba Romero (Cable Girls) and Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) - Anon
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers and Odette Anable - clary--jackson
Brie Larson and Jake Gyllenhal (not as superheroes) - Anon
Brit Marling and Pablo Schreiber - curlykoalas
Bella Thorne and Scarlett Byrne - Anon
Cody Christian and Colin O'Donoghue - Anon
Courtney Eaton and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Chelsey Reist and Robbie Amell - Anon
Cara Delevinge (long hair) and Matthew Daddario - Anon
Crystal Reed and Charlie Rowe (older) as Partners - Anon
Crystal Reed (Not Gotham) , Dylan Bruce and Ben Affleck (Not Batman), love Triangle - Anon
Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus Lopez Arguello - multixxfandomxx
Chloe Bennet as daisy Johnson x Justin H. Min as ben hargreeves - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Mark Rufflo as spouses - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Sam Claflin - vweasley15
Chandler Riggs as Billy Kaplan/Wiccan and Issac Hempstead as Tommy Shepard/Speed, the sons of Wanda Maximoff. - Anon
Claire Holt and Sasha Pieterse - Anon
Danielle Campbell and Claire Holt as friends - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas (OUAT) - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as a SHIELD Agent - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Ksenia Solo as sisters - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Chris Pratt and Angela Sarafyan - lxvelikelegends
Danielle Rose Russell and Marvels Cloak and Dagger cast - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Isaac Hempstead Wright - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and The Guardians of the Galaxy - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Erika Linder - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Herman Tommeraas - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell and Hero Fiennes-Tiffen - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, happy couple - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, training - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Tom Holland - liebleu
Dianna Agron and Avan Jogia - Anon
Dove Cameron as Ruby Hale and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - Anon
Emma Mackey and Gregg Sulkin - Anon
Emmy Rossum and Stephen James - littlemisshiddleston
Emmy Rossum as Bilba Baggins (female Bilbo) and Richard Armitage as Thorin - Anon
Emilia Clarke as Dany and Luke Goss as Nuada - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Margot Robbie as friends/roommates - anewchapterlove
Emeraude Toubia and James McAvoy - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Jake Gyllenhal - Anon
Emma Watson and Joe Mazzello - Anon
Eliza Taylor as Clarke and Keith Allan as Murphy - Anon
Gender bent - Ellen Hollman (Saxa) as Hercules and either Ben Barnes or Avan Jogia as Meg - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Haley Lu Richardson as lovers - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Mark McKenna - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies (undercover) and Eric Dane (stalker) - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Skeet Ulrich- Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Tyler Hoechlin - Anon
Freya Mavor and Alfred Enoch - Anon
Felicity Jones and Jeremy Sumpter (Adult) - justcalldibs
Gabrielle Wilde as Constance and Santiago Cabrera as Aramis - atinkerbellstuff
Gal Gadot and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Anon
Giorgia Whigham and Callum Turner - Anon
Gemma Arterton and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Dracula or modern) - Anon
Holliday Grainger and Moon Ga Young - Anon
Hayley Atwell and Tom Ellis - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Hayley Atwell and Henry Cavill - songbirdsfallenembersandgolddust
Halsey and Andre Hamann - happyhostforsymbiotes
Hayden Panettiere and Jude Law - Anon
Holland Roden and Hunter Parrish - themaravismari
Imogen Poots and Jake Gyllenhal - danielcvmbell
Ivana Baquero and TWD Cast (Rick, Carl, Glenn, Negan, Daryl, Maggie) - Anon
India Eisley and Sky Ferreira as enemies - ask-little-red-wolf
Jaimie Alexander and Rosario Dawson married - Anon
Jaimie Alexander as Jane and Norman Reedus as Daryl - Anon
Jessica Stroup and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Jenny Boyd (blonde) as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts - Anon
Jenny Boyd as Lizzie and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - scrumptiousponyghostpeach
Jenny Boyd (Vikings Quest) and Aaron Jakubenko (Roman Empire or Shannara Chronicles) - elenacarinandherfandoms
Jenna Coleman and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy (Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows) - Anon
Jenna Coleman and Chris Wood - Anon
Kat Denning and Matt Bomer with Colin Ford as their son - Anon
Kiernan Shipka (Sabrina) and Jessica Lange (AHS Coven) - Anon
Kristen Stewart and Lee Pace - Anon
Kristen Stewart (Personal Shopper/Still Alice) and Michael Trevino - Anon
Kaylee Bryant as the daughter of Chris Wood - the-selfless-bash
Kaylee Bryant as Josie, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers her mentor and Tom Holland as Peter Parker as her best friend - Anon
Katie McGrath and Tom Hiddleston (medieval) - lady-crowned-with-stars
Katie McGrath and Grant Gustin with Bruce and Selina from Gotham as their twin children - Anon
Katie McGrath and Michael Fassbender? 1940-50s era (He was a soldier). - lady-crowned-with-stars
Kristine Froseth and Benjamin Wadsworth - Anon
Letitia Wright as Shuri and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, best friends au - Anon
Lily Collins as Clary Fray and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy - Anon
Lily Collins and Grant Gustin - Either lovers or stalker au - Anon
Lily Collins and Charles Melton "If we'd never met, I think I would have known my life wasn't complete, and I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn't know who I was looking for" - meaniebeaniecrackshipper
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - Anon
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - thesound-of-myvoice
Lili Reinhart and Daniel Sharman - Anon
Lili Reinhart and Tom Holland - youweremyworstx
Lili Reinhart and Tyler Posey - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Keanu Reeves as John Wick - katrena7
Lyndsy Fonseca and criminal minds cast finding out she's Spencers sister not including Derek - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Luke Mitchell - lyah-malek x2
Lyndsy Fonseca and Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Emilie Ullerup - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Katherine McNamara as Clary Fray - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Scott Caan as Danny Williams - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Alex O'Loughlin as Steve Mcgarrett - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matthew Gray Gubler as Spencer Reid - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Matt Bomer as siblings - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Wilson Bethel - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Robert Downey Jr as siblings - lyah-malek
Madelaine Petsch and Aaron Taylor Johnson - bambifatale
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom and Kat Barrell as Nicole Haught as sisters - cherylishaught
Maisie Williams and Aaron Taylor Johnson as Pietro - strawberrycake-z
Maria Avgeropoulos and Harry Treadaway - novaleecarter
Margot Robbie as Annie and Ryan Gosling as K - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as a couple - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds - nixiestyx
Maisie Richardson Sellers as Charlie and Paul Wesley - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Anna Diop as sisters/friends - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Jesse Lee Soffer - wicked-laugh
Marina Laswick and Brenton Thwaites - Anon
Melissa Benoist and Keanu Reeves - Anon
Melissa O'Neil as Lucy Chen and Samuel Caleb Hunt as Mouse - Anon
Melissa O'Neil from Dark Matters and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes - Anon
Melisa Asil Pamuk and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - Anon
Natalie Dormer and Richard Armitage - Anon
Nina Dobrev as Rose Hathaway and Blair Redford as Dimitri Belikov - posterofamyth
Olivia Wilde and Hugh Dancy - Anon
Olivia Wilde and Michael Fassbender, friends with benefits - Anon
Olivia Wilde and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Odette Annable and Sebastian Stan - alexwit1325
Odette Annable and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - alexwit1325
Phoebe Tonkin and Tom Ellis - beforewewerehopeless
Phoebe Tonkin and Keanu Reeves as Constantine - katrena7
Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley Marshal and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock - Anon
Rachel Weisz and Alyssa Milano - Anon
Rachel Weisz (The Mummy movies) and Tom Hiddleston - Anon
Rowan Blanchard as Cleo and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus - Anon
Sasha Pieterse and Rachel Taylor - Anon
Scarlett Johansson (blonde) and Eric Dane - Anon
Shelley Hennig and Richard Armitage - Anon
Sophie Turner and Gavin leatherwood as Nicholas scratch - Anon
Sophie Turner and Hayden Christensen - feniah-394
Sophie Skelton and RJ King - Anon
Willa Fitzgerald and Lucas Till, couple - Anon
Phew! I'm hoping that's everyone.... If I've missed your request then just shoot me a message or if you want to stay anonymous then just shoot me another message Friday when I open 😊😊 as always thank you for your patience and support. I might get one or two done today but not sure. My muse tends to come and go, he's a fiesty little fucker who likes to come and go as he pleases!
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siancore · 6 years
TWD Salty Ask: 19,22,23,26,27
Thank you, @emilymcdaniels!
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Other fans! I know, I know; but I am being salty here LOL I love my corner of the fandom and my fellow shippers, but overall, other fans (and general viewers) are shite. Need proof? Go on FB and see the awful shit they spew. Racist, sexist, homophobic little dick wanks.  
22. Popular character you hate?
Negan. I despise him. *staring at him and bobbing my head to a beat* I hope it’s five degrees hotter for your ass in Hell; Broke DC villain bastard, you worse than trash. I hope when Rick get a chance he murder your ass, so you burn in Hell ‘till you turn white ash.I wish you nothing but pain and bad health; I hope luck run away from you and wealth. No honor in life, no honor in death; Fuck you Negan; you should kill yourself.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Arat from the Sanctuary. I know, she’s on the wrong team and she killed Olivia, but she’s bloody interesting. I want to know more about her instead of having to watch a full episode explaining that Eugene can’t effing sleep *gags* Oh, and Elizabeth Ludlow is hot!
I also love, and would die for, Nabila from the Kingdom. Plus Nadine Marissa is fuckin’ gorgeous! I would watch an entire episode of Nabila pottering around the garden wearing the hell out of those overalls *sighs* while the rest of the episode she would be kicking the shit out of random Saviors *sighs dreamily*
26. Most shippable character?
Rick Grimes AKA Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes AKA Michonne’s Man. Mainly because Andy Lincoln and his A+ eye-fucking has so much chemistry with a lot of other actors. Honestly, if Morgan or Father Gabriel were played by White Guys™ those ships would be a thing. Why aren’t they a thing, again? Morgan and Rick have a history together; ‘Clear’ is a Richonne-heavy episode, but Rick and Morgan had some really compelling scenes, too. Rick literally went to rescue Father G like a damsel in distress; Father G stared into his eyes and said, “I believe in you.”  Where’s there fanfiction, damn it? Everyone out here creating content for Rick x Some Other White Guy, but we can’t get a Rick x Morgan fluffy one-shot?
27. Least shippable character?
Daryl. He is too emotionally immature.
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evansrogerskitten · 7 years
You beautiful followers!
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I never would’ve believed 2,004 people would give a shit about my blog. Thank you so much to old and new!! Here’s some exciting things:
My Firsts Writing Challenge will be finished soon. Yay! 
I’ll be posting Yes Sir Part 11 this week and a Dean x Elizabeth fic next week. 
If you’re going to Vegascon or Seacon next year we need to meet up! 
Fic recs list coming soon! 
I’m going to do some blog promos to celebrate! I follow so many amazing peeps, I want to share the love!
Thank yous below the cut to some peeps who’ve made me laugh, sent me gifs, made me lust after said gif, give me consistent amazing feedback on my fics, and are the reason “internet friends are real friends.” You should follow them!
Now can you do me a favor? Go send someone a message of love- on here, via text, in the next room. Sometimes you don’t have to say more than “Hey, I think you’re cool and I’m glad to know you” to make a world of difference in someone’s day. 
Lots of love, Ash
My Twitter babes- @marvelmom, @ek823, and @pearljamkaren. We’ve been talking online every day for so long that I can’t remember not. You’re wonderful friends. And @thewife101 - I wouldn’t be here without you ;) All hail the erotica queen.
@roxy-davenport my first good friend in the SPN Tumblr world, and the most delicious bad influence ever ;) Diana Prince fics will happen because of you. Also forever love because of “How much do you want girl?” Also you're the one person that always gives me feedback, every fic, no matter the character. I adore you!
@jml509 my secret squirrel gif detective ;) Bringing me John ideas and letting me talk about the story when he’s driving me crazy mid-draft. Best gif detective ever! Also JDM fangirling is always more fun with someone else who gets it! ;)
@myheart4ever47 Also a big encourager of Yes Sir who’s given me some ideas over our convos. Also the queen of Man Crush Mondays, Negan posts, and general sexiness. Your blog is so sexy and fun! Plus you’re the sweetest. I love redheads ;) 
@abbessolute who tags me in many awesome SPN and Marvel posts, always gives feedback, and discusses new ideas. Also science is important ;) Lots of hugs to this strong survivor!
@smalltowndivaj Can I call you my John Winchester DJ? LOL Sends me songs, ideas, and awesome feedback. Plus I love dragging her down into the JDM trash bin with me ;)
Some more wonderful friends/blogs I love that you should be following: @avenger-nerd-mom @devikafernando @letsby @2glassesofchianti@winchesterswoonathon @wheresthekillswitch @aquivercactus(I can tag you!) @myloveforyouxx @docharleythegeekqueen @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @saxxxology @mamaredd123 @emilywritesaboutdean @mistressjenbradlee @deangirlsince07  @winchester-negan-one-shots @raspberrymama @prettyepiic  @topkay @elizlyn @catlady25me @50shadesofyes @topkay @kellyn1604 @winchester-negan-one-shots @rhapsody-in-flannel @tchitchou26
Thanks all!! Time for me to write more smut! xoxo
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49 notes · View notes
impala-dreamer · 5 years
Got A Present For You
The Walking Dead FanFic
~Negan wakes you up on your special day, but it's not to help you celebrate.~
Negan x Reader
552 Words
Warnings: NSFW!ish...
A/N: This is a BIRTHDAY SURPRISE for @crashdevlin!
Feedback is Gold ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon
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Morning light tugged at your eyes just as forcefully as the hand tugging on your shorts. Thick fingers wrapped around the band of the oversized boxers you wore and gave a good yank, pulling the elastic away and letting it go with a snap. The fabric dug into the flesh at your hip and you startled awake, forced out of a dream of cheeseburgers and date nights, happy times not covered in dust and blood.
"What the fuck!" you yelped, turning onto your side as a hot web of pain spread across your side.
Negan pushed against your back, already firm cock pushing into the globe of your ass. "Wakey wakey," he teased gruffly, big hand returning to rub your hip. "Time for cakey."
You hummed happily, still half in your dream and pushed back against him, shivering as his scruffy lips nuzzled into your neck.
“You remembered,” you said with a smile, reaching up and around to push your hands through his hair.
Negan breathed you in, hands sliding firmly up your body, nose rooting through your hair. “Remembered what?” His huge palm cupped your breast and you took a deep breath, arching into him.
“My birthday,” you laughed. “You said time for cakey.”
Negan laughed but not as sweetly as you did. He squeezed your tit and gave your nipple a hard pinch as his hips bucked into your backside. “Darlin’, do I seem like I have time to remember who the fuck’s birthday is when?”
Disappointment and a little hurt swirled in your gut. “But…”
“It’s just an expression,” he said coldly, hand leaving your chest to rub down your stomach. “I didn’t remember shit.” He smiled against the nape of your neck and shoved his hand roughly down your boxers. “Except how fucking hard I am first thing in the morning.” To prove his point, Negan shifted behind you, sliding down a few inches to shove his erection into the gap of your thighs.
Arousal was quickly overturning the disappointment inside of you as Negan leisurely slid his cock back and forth, warming himself with your ass. “I...I told you last week,” you said with a pout, heart beginning to race as your cunt ran with slick.
Negan let out a sigh that curled into a growl. “I don’t have time for your school girl, sweet sixteen, happy birthday bullshit, OK?”  He grabbed you hard, arm around your waist, and spun you onto your back. “Birthday or not, you are my wife and therefore, have a job to do.” He pushed up on one elbow and then onto his knees, throwing one over your hips. He straddled you like a bull and fisted his cock, stroking it swiftly as he looked down on you.
“Negan…” Your brow creased with sadness but your mouth watered at the sight of his beautiful cock glistening in the morning light as tiny beads of precum spread across the tip.
He cocked his head and mocked your pout. “Is Princess sad because she’s not getting any presents?”
You nodded, wide eyes batting, playing the innocent child for him.
Negan smirked and crawled up your body, hovering over your tits. “Don’t worry, I got a real nice present for you.” He thrust into his fist once more and gripped the base. “Open wide.”
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2019 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278 @amanda-teaches @arses21434 @because-imma-lady-assface @burningcoffeetimetravel @colagirl5 @cosicas-cuquis @cosmicfire72 @courtney-elizabeth-winchester @covered-byroses @crashdevlin @dean-winchesters-bacon @deansenwackles @deansgirl215 @dolphincliffs @dubuforeveralone @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008 @eternal-elir @feelmyroarrrr @flamencodiva @focusonspn @gayspacenerd @herbologystudent252 @hobby27 @ilsawasanacrobat @justcallmeasmodeus​ @katymacsupernatural @lastactiontricia @maddiepants @mariekoukie6661 @meganwinchester1999 @missjenniferb @mrswhozeewhatsis @our-jensen-ackles-love  @peridot-rose @pisces-cutie @risingphoenix761 @roonyxx @roxyspearing @sandlee44 @shadowkat-83 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnficgirl  @supernaturaldean67 @supernatural-took-me-over @thehardcoveraddict @tmiships4life @wegoddessofhell @winchesterprincessbride
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hoodie-two-shoes · 7 years
Tagged by  @daqueenbeyonce and @mctiddiezo (whose post I originally saw first) ! Because i need somewhere to gush about them all :3
 Rules: Tell me your favo(u)rite character from 10 fictional works (Shows, Movies, Novels, Etc.) & tag 10 people! 
 1.) Reinhardt Wilhelm [Overwatch] (badass backstory+foxy grandpa +bara beef+amazing voice?? Pfft what’s not to love)
2.) Elizabeth Comstock [Bioshock Infinite] (god i love her so much. The way she talks, her laugh during the dance at Battleship Bay, her backstory. Its heartbreaking to finish the game because i just wanna spend more time with Liz.)
3.) Logan [X-Men films] (this one goes without saying. The ultimate tragic badass.)
4.) Nick Wilde [Zootopia] (yep totally not a furry after this film)
5.) Caesar [Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes] (yeah this one is weird but listen. His character arc is mesmerizing and Andy’s acting brings him to LIFE. No leader role comes close to this.)
6.) Negan [The Walking Dead TV] (ok i admit this is totally Jeffrey Dean Morgan at work. Largest reason im still following TWD. Goddammit stop bringing my crushes into antagonistic roles) 
7.) Todd Hewitt [Chaos Walking trilogy] (one of the best YA character arcs ive read and how the books end broke me apart)
8.) Dipper & Mabel Pines [Gravity Falls] (pls don’t make me choose between the two i cant i love them both too much)
 9.) Tormund Giantsbane [Game Of Thrones TV] (perhaps again is my type but he’s the one I cannot stand watching die. Tarthbane also brought me into fanfiction sooooo)
10.) Malcolm Graves [League Of Legends] (because COWBOY OUTLAW AESTHETICS YOOOO) 
Honorable mentions(from repeating fandoms or almost made it) : 
-McCree & Hanzo [Overwatch]
-Andrew Ryan & Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
-Stan & Ford Pines, Wendy, Soos [Gravity Falls]
-Abraham [The Walking Dead]
-Khaleesi, Arya & Tyrion [Game Of Thrones]
-Yasuo & Braum [LoL]
-Eleven [Stranger Things]
-Robert Ford [Westworld]
-Toothless & Hiccup [How To Train Your Dragon]
-Moana & Maui [Moana]
 …aaand yeah i should stop. 
So every name on this list means that you are MORE than welcome to drop a message and gush about them anytime! :D Tagging (of course don’t have to do it if you dont want to): @bigchungii @nintenerd64 @jacko-moria and everyone else who sees this!
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moltenwrites-blog · 7 years
hello! i basically just made this blog, but i’m so excited to get back into writing again.  i put together a 1x1 wishlist under the cut that has some plots, pairings, canon characters, etc. if you want to plot something with me, then please like this or send me a message! 
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 bolded is who i would prefer to write, but i’m open to either.
morena baccarin x armie hammer 
lindsey morgan x andrew lincoln
jai courtney x margot robbie  
madelaine petsch x emeraude toubia
norman reedus x amber heard
chris wood x eiza gonzalez 
lili reinhart x tyler hoechlin 
bob morley x richard harmon
harry shum jr x jack falahee
charlie cox x elizabeth olsen
shelley hennig x shay mitchell 
 marie avgeropoulos x jon bernthal
madison davenport x dominic sherwood
bolded is who i would prefer to write, but i’m open to either.
rosita espinosa x tara chambler
rick grimes x negan
negan x harley quinn
bonnie bennett x  klaus mikaelson
kol mikaelson x anyone
bigby wolf x snow white
ginny weasley x luna lovegood
hermione granger x pansy parkinson 
prince adam x belle 
annie cresta x finnick odair 
the walking dead mumu with both canon’s and oc’s of all the communities ( alexandria, hilltop, etc. ). i just have so much muse for walking dead things after that finale!! 
this ,  we can definitely add more to it. maybe muse b has been having visions of muse a for awhile now and that’s why they stood in front of their car. maybe their a witch or just a psychic or maybe they’re connected to muse a in a supernatural way. 
!!!  i am trash 
modern hades and persephone
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