#nba japan games
zikbitume · 2 years
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@NBA FINAL SCORE FROM TOKYO The @warriors come from behind to win Game 2 of the #NBAJapanGames and start Preseason 2-0!
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jungkookiexxx · 2 years
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pc: @/taebokkiii
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94erz · 2 years
I can’t believe Yoongi flew all the way out to Japan for basketball. And by “can’t believe” I mean completely believe because that’s a very Min Yoongi thing to do.
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gme-news · 1 year
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luzhair · 2 years
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皆さんこんにちは。Luz hairの伊藤です🍁
やっと本来のLuz hairをお見せできます!!
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sugajimin · 1 year
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you can also call it, yoongi’s hair evolution 
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(cr: ptd on stage/yet to come in busan: 0613data,nba japan games: @/jung-koook)
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kingofthering · 2 years
some notes from Pierre’s World of Warcraft stream with Zoltan today (12th of October 2022):
he will have a new helmet in Austin, said it was his fave helmet of the season
he had to stay quiet the last couple of weeks (about the Alpine deal) and it’s great to no longer have to
when asked about gamers among the drivers, he said that he used to play FIFA with Max and he talked about how he used to play with Lewis too (didn’t say which game)
the guy who trained the people who did the GP Explorer is a good friend of his dad and he actually trained Pierre for his first times in a single seater
he explained that usually, they can’t breathe during corners so they have to do it in the straights but this year it hasn’t been easy to rest during the straights because of porpoising
about an hour before the race, he takes an espresso and then naps for about 20 minutes (yeah, in that order)
he needs to sleep about 8 hours per night to feel great
he can kind of eat what he wants with how much weight he’s losing every race but he eat healthy because between the travels and everything, it’s important to stay strong
he lost 2.5 kgs in Singapore
he would like to do the 24h of Le Mans at one point
someone asked about his relationship with Daniel and he had so most adorable answer where he said he was really good friend with Daniel, said that Daniel is a great guy, humble, a good racer, and Pierre said that he was sad about Daniel’s situation and that it would suck to not have him on the grid
he likes to go to the US during winter break for training
he’s a good friend of Fabio Quartararo
he loves watching a lot of sports but mostly football, tennis, the NBA
he went to the Milan-Chelsea Champions League game yesterday and is going to Paris-OM on Sunday
he lives for competition, has been banned from playing some card games with his friends and his friends rally against him (make strategies together to make him lose) sometimes, jokingly said that no one wants to play cards with him anymore
Monaco is his favourite GP
about what happened in Japan, he said he’s been having talks with the president of the FIA and he mentionned that on Sunday night, he had nightmares about what happened
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txttletale · 8 months
i'll actually in a limited capacity defend the overwatch league's regional teams gimmick but the execution was bad. having regional teams could have been hype. like--during astralis' 2018-2019 csgo run, danish esports fans went fucking insane for them. and like of course they did. there's inherently something exciting about having a team you can in some way 'identify' with. and geography does create natural sports rivalries and pre-writes your stories.
there were two glaring bad problems in the dumb way blizzard did this though. one is forcing teams to come up with brand new branding. this was a horrible idea. it forced well-established esports organizations with strong fanbases across different games like cloud9 and optic to try and build new brands up from scratch. they realized this with their call of duty leage where they let teams play as 'atlanta faze' and 'optic texas' but yknow. kind of too little too late
the other one (and this is also the glaring fatal flaw in the overwatch league's entire silly, silly business plan) is the idea of a global league. now if you don't know much about esports you might think 'wait whats wrong with that. its gaming you can do it online players can be anywhere'. however that's not true! first of all, esports--well esports doesn't make money, esports when managed correctly is essentially a loss leader for the game it's an esport for--but esports makes a lot of its money on live events. yeah, people go to see esports games:
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much more importantly, ping is a huge factor in esports. the higher the level you're playing at, especially in a game like overwatch that's full of twitchy hitscan aiming, the more a 10ms latency difference can make or break a game. you need to be running in-person events in order to have a competitive esports league and to make a good chunk of your revenue.
and that means that a global esports league runs into the exact same problem a global normal sports league would run into and the reason why that doesn't exist, which is travel logistics. the overwatch league has a london team, a san francisco team, and a chengdu team. these cities are very far away from each other [citation needed] and although overwatch league people will often blame covid for ruining their plans, i honestly think it actually saved them by preventing the horrible idea they had for how the league would work from actually happening. imagine all the problems that travel causes in a league like the NBA--jet lag, exhaustion, the obvious budgetary expenditure. now imagine that the travel itinerary also includes flights across the atlantic and/or pacific.
that's not even all! the thing about esports is that, because practicing for ten hours a day doesn't physically destroy your body like it would for regular sports, esports players and teams... do that. if you spend seventeen hours on a plane from paris to hangzhou for a match that's seventeen hours where you're not practicing. when you arrive, you can't just stay at a hotel--you need to be able to practice in the days leading up to the match too, especially because it's esports, which means the game can change. if you miss some practice as a sports team, you're gonna be rusty--if you miss some practice as an esports team, the rules of the game might have literally changed since your last practice session.
the result of this, by the way, is that the london and paris teams have never been actually based in europe--and that right now the dallas team is based in korea. it is very silly. every other multinational esport ever invented has created regional leagues--league of legends has a league for korea, china, europe, north america, pacific, vietnam, brazil, japan, and latin america. but blizzard entertainment are god's special little gamers and they weren't going to let something like 'the ocean' get in the way of their global league dream.
and ultimately this means that the entire local team concept was pointless. most of the teams aren't locally based. and even if they were -- the madcap way they play against each other mean that those city affiliations don't matter. when manchester united play liverpool f.c., even if you are not a big football fan, if you're from manchester you presumably have an opinion of liverpool and liverpudlians, and vice versa. there is an emotional hook to latch on to. if manchester united were to play khon khaen united, you would probably say 'where the fuck is khon khaen'. for the localisation to work, the overwatch league's london team needed a manchester or glasgow or dublin or amsterdam or brussels team (etc.) to play against. if you're invested in the esport itself and the players, you can get invested in a philadelphia-london or chengdu-houston rivalry--but the localisation aspect of it isn't doing the work it should there.
tldr: the overwatch league was a bad idea ever since the moment it was announced. people are too harsh on the team localization idea but the way it was executed was hot garbage and it's no wonder this entire venture failed badly
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zikbitume · 2 years
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@NBA The @warriors take Game 1 of the #NBAJapanGames
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jungkookiexxx · 2 years
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Suga at the NBA Japan Games 2022 and meeting the Golden State Warriors🏀
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eurydicees · 1 year
currently thinking about oikawa in vaguellyyyyy the place of jokić (NBA player who just won the finals). i promise i’m going somewhere with this just stick with me for a sec.
oikawa, who everyone knows lives and breathes volleyball, who cares about nothing more than volleyball. who moved to argentina and left his home country and citizenship to play more volleyball and be able to stand on the court longer. to be stronger on his own.
and then there’s a month that he disappears and takes his excused absences from a few games. it’s known that he goes back to japan, but no one has details. there are plenty of theories, but he confirms none of them.
when he comes back, there’s something just a little different about him. he’s just as determined and passionate and ambitious and just as willing to do anything to climb to the top as he was before, yes. but there’s a different glow to him. a different tired but happy. a different satisfied.
san juan wins the league championship that year. he’s clearly excited about it, vibrating with pride and happiness and celebration. he also goes to the post-game conference and says things no one ever thought they would hear from THE tooru oikawa.
“how does it feel to break the record for service aces in one game and be called one of the best setters in the league?” “is that really the record? that’s it? hm.”
“are you excited for the celebrations back in san juan?” “when are those?” “next week.” “oh. i kind of just wanted to go home to japan. damn.”
it causes a burst of speculation on social media again. the greatest setter in the league treating his biggest accomplishment to date as just another day at work? had he lost his love for it?
it’s only two weeks later, when oikawa gets back to japan that people understand. he hasn’t lost his love at all, and he’s just as ready to take down everything in his path to be able to stand on the court longer. to keep winning. the volleyball nations league. the world cup. the olympics. he still wants to beat japan and everyone who has ever stood in his way.
(it’s just that he also now has something as bright as a medal to come home to.
he posts a picture of himself, iwaizumi, and a beautiful baby girl all grinning at the camera. the baby has his medal around her neck and oikawa is holding her tenderly as iwaizumi takes the picture.
this win is for my family, the caption reads, because coming home to these two is the best reward i’ve ever won.)
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splashinkling · 4 months
Another Get to Know Me
thanks @sleepy-night-child for the tag!
a band that you don't like that many others do:
I'm pretty amicable for music. it'd take a song I really hate for me to not like a band. on the other hand, I will like any song that will get me to sing along with it
least favourite animal and why:
bees. when I was a kid, someone told me to not move around bees so that they wouldn't bother you. outside during recess, I froze still cause a couple of bees landed on my shoulders/neck. the bell rang for us to go inside and I had to make a mad dash for the doors despite the fear I'd get stung. hindsight and common sense now tell me bees are generally harmless and wasps are the enemy, but I'm traumatized now and treat them the same
hot fandom take:
head empty, I don't really have any takes, especially ones that aren't already out there. also not really in fandom land, I'm just on my own island.
do you wear any jewellery, if so, what's your favourite piece:
not super devout, but I've got this necklace from elementary school that's a cross with a dove on it that I still wear. otherwise, the owl ring I got a couple years back that I wear as a necklace is the one
a movie others liked but you didn't:
honestly I watch so many movies with my friends nowadays and a lot of them are really bad lmao. I think a recent movie we watched was The Killer and I didn't like it, but it's rated highly for who-knows-why. like it's not even a comedic mess-up, the assassin was just bad at his job and it's not entertaining
three things you love about yourself:
I'm a relatively positive person, or more like I don't have that much hate in my soul. will try to be the best supportive friend you've ever had. and I've got a lot of creative outlets to use!
a place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Japan! I wanna see so many gamer things there. plus the tourist-y landmarks/activities. life-sized gundam is also on the list, if that's still around. and the food! (that I've been seeing because I follow this one guy on YouTube)
an actor that gets on your nerves and why:
the first name that came to mind was Dwayne Johnson for whatever reason, but he's doesn't actually get on my nerves that much
things you're excited about in the near future:
(slowly and surely) getting back to writing!! reviewing some of these games that I've been playing recently, because I've got Opinions on some of them. and getting used to this fancy new limited edition 8BitDo controller that I got. if this was a week ago, I could've said watching my friend finish the main story of Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, but that's already happened
least favourite ship in a fandom you're in:
again, not really in fandom land so I have no idea about what ships go around.
what's the most toxic fandom you've been in:
as a gamer and basketball fan, those are wildly toxic fanbases. gamers are so mean to the devs (sometimes rightfully so, other times not so much) and to other players. like literal death threats sometimes, it's insane. and then fans of basketball would literally boo their own players at times, like what.
list three things you find beautiful about life:
Space science (thanks Kurzgesagt)! Other people's works (art, writing, games, or otherwise)! Family, friends, and pets!
any dreams for the future:
finishing and publishing any of my works so that people can (hopefully) enjoy the experience I made for them
how are you feeling today?
another day of writing, gaming, etc. but it's grey and gloomy outside and it's sucking like half of my energy away, especially because I need to walk the dog later. and the NBA Trade Deadline is at 3pm so I might be spending more time than usual paying attention to player movement/trades between teams, especially because my team is Not Good and I'm expecting them to make moves this deadline.
no pressure tagging @talesfromaurea, @moonluringfrost, @ettawritesnstudies, and sleepy friend already tagged @oh-no-another-idea and @drippingmoon, but I'll tag as well if you'd like :)
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gme-news · 1 year
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Basic Instinct Chapter 12
A/N: Warnings of abuse mentions (per usual), as well as bullying and racism- this is the Jabberwock chapter after all. Masterpost
"Are you really sure about that Jabberwock game?" You questioned softly, as you couldn't help but feel concern. "Of course I am. Why are you so worried love?" "Because their racist bullies! They're so tall and muscular, obviously, I am concerned about letting you play against them. Especially with the weight of the entirety of Japan's basketball players resting on your shoulders. They're already at NBA level, so doesn't it makes more sense to recruit the younger members of the Japanese national basketball team rather then some high schoolers with the potential for nationals?!" Your passionate, concerned rant made Akashi melt. 'She's so sweet and cute. When she looks like she's about to panic her eyes get so large I feel like I can see myself in them.' "Whilst I understand your concerns perfectly my love, this is a fight I cannot walk away from." Akashi kissed you on the top of your head as you sighed. There was no arguing in this, and you knew he wouldn't listen to you anyway. With a wry smile, you looked up at him. "Just don't let them hurt you okay. " "I won't. Don't worry, please." You let out another sigh, and watched as he went for the practise game with Vorpal Swords. All you could do was hope he'll be alright. You could just feel the presence of his father lurking in the shadows. He might not be really there, but you could feel his words and expectations pressuring Akashi to be glorious, victorious and above everyone. Urging him to go inside, and achieve victory on behalf of the entire nation. This might actually be a match big enough his father would compliment him for winning. With your own mother, you definitely knew what it was like to give it your all because you knew you'd be thrown a bone of affection if you did so, hope pounding in your chest because this might actually be enough to make them proud. You feared for the painful disappointment if his father didn't do anything, or worse, the consequences of Akashi failing everyone. You just wanted to keep him safe. Sometimes you thought of suggesting he'd drain some of his father's money and to just run away together. Both of you were turning 18 soon enough- you could elope together and never look back. It was an offer that tempted you ever so often, an offer you were still too afraid to make. Yet, every passing day, your fear seemed to melt bit by bit. This wasn't an okay situation, neither his homelife or yours. You needed to get out, and so did he. But that was a convesation for the future, right now, all you could do was show him the support he so very much needed.
You were in the stands with the Uncrowned Generals from Rakuzan, as the teams were introduced. 'They're all so really tall compared to Akashi… Are he and Kuroko really going to hold it out against a team that has such a height advantage in comparison?' You couldn't even sit down, it was as if every viber in your being was screaming at you to run into the court and break off the match. Overprotective girlfriend mode being fully activated. Reo put his hand on your shoulder and whispered in your ear, "It's okay y/n-chan. Relax, he won't be able to either when he sees you in this state." His words and gentle pulling, led you down on the seat next to him.
Akashi spotted you sitting down, and felt relieved. Of course, he could trust Reo to calm you down. 'Though I always pick the most dependable as my Vice Captain, after all,' was what he thought to himself as he turnt around to Midorima at his side. "We got this." Akashi muttered to his old friend, who pushed up his glasses. "Naturally." "You sure are talking cocky, for a bunch of monkeys!" Jason Silver's voice was a booming one, but the guy who was even taller then Murasakibara and at least as muscular as Nebuya could not intimidate Akashi. "Everyone always calls me cocky, but I am simply absolute." Akashi corrected, as the referee prepared for the tip-off. Zack huffed with distaste, and the rest of Jabberwock seemed as equally prepared to eat him and the Vorpal Swords alive. At least, that was their intention, but it did not reflect reality. Because no Jabberwock would go undefeated by the Vorpal Sword, not the Alice one, nor these ones. "Prepare your diapers, you little whiney babies! Call the hospital too, because you shorties aren't making it out of this match in one piece!" Jason continued to brag, and Nash Gold Jr at his side had a mocking smile playing on his face. As the ball was thrown into the air, he felt your eyes glued on him, and he smiled. Not with the cruelty of Nash Gold Jr, but genuinely and filled with warmth. He always played better when you were watching him. How he improved even beyond his already amazing skillset, was beyond everyone, but perhaps there was no better motivator then love. It made up for the lack of his father's presence, certainly. As he sprinted across the court, filled with your love and the memory of his mom's, this was all he needed right now. So as his 2nd persona disappeared and stitched itself together to his original one, he did not feel any worry for any potential effects it would have on his mental health. He had you now, and you were exactly what he had always needed. On the court and beyond. (Are Reader-Chan and Akashi ever going to run away? Who knows... But me, LMAO)
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crispy-ghee · 8 months
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Thank you!
I'm glad that some people have shown kindness and enthusiasm about it, tbh! I reckon most of my followers are probably not into sports (if not downright having an aversion to them), so I imagined people being immediately put off when they saw it was a story about basketball players haha
Lots of great sports comics and stuff exist, but imo most of it comes out of Japan, and ugh, my biggest inspiration for doing this comes from how they tell those stories. You get decent shows and movies here and there from other countries, but Sports Manga is something else. You want sports stories that zoom into the human qualities and emotions behind each move in the game, they'll give it to you. And Magic and Larry are perfect for it.
I don't wanna just draw Magic and Larry doing no-look passes to each other, I want you to glimpse Magic realizing he loves playing with the guy and sensing a kinship with him. I don't wanna just draw Larry fouling Magic hard in their first NBA game against each other, I want you to see the humiliation that Larry can't let go of and Magic finally recognizing that this guy who he wanted a friendship with really doesn't want anything to do with him and the feelings that evokes.
Idk, I'm hoping some folks out there who might not be into sports might see that it's all really a story about people. The stuff Imma be writing about Larry and Magic doesn't even really focus on Winning The Big Game like most stories, but the dynamic between them forged through basketball and rivalry and competition. Those two and their entire deal is storybook. Prolly gonna be drawing them talking and thinking about each other more than them playing basketball tbh
Anyway, I'm glad you're here for it! I'm doing this for myself, but I'll always be happy when other people enjoy it too.
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
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– ig.Stevegaudin
Latest work for NBA — BTS’s AgustD and Stephen Curry meetup before the 2022 Japan Games.
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