#nat??? 😮
scarefox · 23 days
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reidslibrarybook · 4 months
coming back here is literally a fever dream
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18catsreading · 4 months
Charity: amazing. I'm going to excuse myself and go see that your paperwork is being collected.
Antiope: I can work with Preston on it. You don't have to bother.
Brennan: she gets up and walks out of the room and gets on her phone and you can kind of see, like -- actually give me a perception check real quick.
Aabria! Yeah! *Rolls a nat 20*
Brennan: 😮
Aabria: let's go
Becca: don't offer it if you don't want it!
Aabria: let's goo!
Sephie: come on Brennan, what are you gonna do?
Brennan: so there was a thing I wanted to give you and then I'm gonna give you the thing I didn't want to give you
All: yay!
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wandasaura · 3 months
Thinking about duckling seeing Nat lift Wanda one time and Wanda got flustered and duckling is like ‘😮’ so she starts going to the gym, determined to be able to lift Wanda and make her flustered
no no, wanda sees how flustered r gets and so she makes it a point to mention how she's been hitting arms in the gym and when r's least expecting it she lifts r up and fucks her against the wall. "daddy's not the only who with surprises, utenok. you like when mommy throws you around like my own little rag doll?"
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akitasimblr · 10 months
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each other's sims!💞
leafbatraccoon i am so late in this reply, forgive me!!
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i choose my gloomy and distant vampire - nathalia harper!
nat may act distant, but careful, she'll defend her family against everything, everyone, everywhere, no matter the consequences. and i stress 'no matter the consequences' 😮
nat does not believe in romance, but she wouldn't mind to find a kindred spirit 🤗
nat is considering being the next star for a second harper bachelor(ette) challenge 👀
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antvnger · 10 months
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- ((this answer is omitting tumblr interactions so he can actually give an answer)) Hhmmm. Well, that’s a good question, Iron Mun. So I’ve heard about the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, and he sounds pretty badass. I’ve heard from Clint he’s got some kind of Hawkeye protégé, and from her description of her, I think she would be fun to meet. And after hearing Nat talk about her baby sister, I think I’d like to meet her too.
((I would also love for him to meet Jeff the Landshark. I think Scott would go all 😮🫨😍))
- Someone I want to avoid like the plague but can’t…well…if I’m being really really really honest here…Janet.
I’ve got a lot of complicated thoughts and feelings towards her since the whole mess in the Quantum Realm, and I don’t really know how to deal with it all right now.
- Okay, full disclosure here, I really can’t believe Hawkeye is that good. Like seriously. C’mon. He can’t miss. I think it’s impossible. Robin Hood and Legolas have poster of him in their rooms, I know it. He fought aliens with like 2 dozen trick arrows. What? Don’t get me wrong, I respect the hell out of that guy, but he’s bow and arrow guy.
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Ask Me a Thing
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jollyreginaldrancher · 10 months
Yellowjackets S1 E7 thoughts
Oh no, I'm getting attached to them. This is no longer teen slasher vibes.
If Van and Taissa don't get that soft pretzel together I am going to die
I'm sure he's trying to let her down gently so she doesn't stab him but the coach X Misty thing still feels super wrong
She really used Randy as a cover though? I'd sooner tell Jackie it was her dad that knocked me up
Did they really have to make us sit through that whole scene with Travis and Nat though?
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Jackie has better timeline awareness than the entire pretty little liars writing team. She is a walking, talking, Shauna historian. She caught her out immediately. I'm not saying it's cause they're in love but...
Are the girls about to get attacked by wild animals?
That Sandra Bullock movie is good btw. It's called "while you were sleeping" and it's about a woman who manifests a relationship with her crush while he's in a comma.
If the reporter is tied up in Misty's basement then either she has a partner or she's not part of the blackmail plot. It could be one of the girls we haven't seen yet. Like maybe adult Lottie or Van...though I still think Lottie dies.
Reporter really overestimated how much Misty actually cares about Travis
Why is Shauna so secretive with that diary? Tell me she wasn't dumb enough to write who her baby's father is in that.
The blackmailer is definitely a guy. At least from the back it looks like a guy. Is it Jeff? It feels like everyone they know is trying to get the truth out of them.
How did they keep going after the red river?
Genuinely asking cause that can't be a good sign.
How did they see a whole red river and think that's not enough of a sign and decide to keep going until maybe they encounter the red smoke?
Is Shauna doing that at home or in some motel room or whatever? Cause I'm worried about her getting caught. Also by not checking if her husband is covered in glitter we can't confirm or deny his involvement, so I'm not convinced he's innocent.
Misty continues to carry the group.
Also considering there's no mention of his brother, and since they didn't immediately go looking for him after he died, I'm gonna assume he died out there too.
He should have hid under the bed. What if her husband wanted to change clothes?
Also Jeff is sooo shady. Like I feel like they want us to believe he's out sleeping around and that's why they showed him rent a hotel room with another woman, so we wouldn't suspect he's in on the blackmailing thing, but if I've learned anything from pretty little liars, itf someone has an alibi; no they don't. He could be in England and still be A somehow.
Do they have another hamper in the bathroom or does Jeff just wear his undies in the shower? Cause he was taking everything else off.. I bet he was hiding glitter in his undies. I bet that's why he left them on. That or some sex thing. He's definitely hiding something.
Natalie is probably self-sabotaging here. I'm guessing it's to show she really does like whatshisname. I'm still rooting for her to get with Misty anyway though so I'm glad if that thing is ending.
Those were definitely wolf sounds
Oh, I get it. Red smoke = flare
Oh shit oh fuck oh no her face!
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Wait, is she fucking dead? Did they just kill her? She can't be! She can't be dead right? Oh god, why isn't she moving? I can't even go to sleep now, I need to watch more
I mean, on the upside: they have some food now. But at what cost?
Misty's there. Misty can save Van. Misty could bring her back from the jaws of death. House has nothing on Misty. In Misty we trust. Please Misty don't let me down.
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sunskate · 1 year
VM won Junior Worlds in 2006 when their FD was Malaguena- it was their first season in Canton. Unfortunately these are the only videos i can find from this event-- no OD or CD and only these low res FDs
i can see why this is the FD music they liked the least, but they really bring the energy and pull it off here. watching an earlier performance from 4CC you can see how much they progressed to worlds
they have so much flair, especially him at this young age - the effortless sense of temperament and performance ability is 😳😮. it seems like lifts back then required fewer changes of position?
Meryl and Charlie FD from the same event- they grew a lot too during this season (compare Nats from the same year - their footwork looks herky jerky). they have speed, but less extension, and you notice how much they're propelling themselves by taking smaller fast steps like they became infamous for. VM have lines, open carriage and more continuous flow and look clean.
so Scott is really impressive here - like who at 18 has all these elements to their skating and presentation. seeing how Christina has grown in 2 seasons at a school where she's nurtured and believed in after being with Igor for years, you have to wonder how much Tessa could have thrived at this age under different coaching🥺 she's great here, but she got herself to here somewhat in spite of their training environment that season
here's Anna and Luca from the same event- with a Flashdance/Total Eclipse of the Heart FD - the 80s-ness is very 2023-24😅 - their fall put them behind DW. i always liked them, never saw them this young before either
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adi06lena · 2 years
y/n stark and natasha cuddling while their kid watch tv
steve walks into the room notices they all only wear black
steve: maybe you should wear less black
kid: maybe you should breath less
y/n: thats my kid
nat smirks
steve: i swear you 2 are perfect for each other
bro i went from 🤨 to 😮 lmao
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Dark Nat is sl hot, but i feel bad to be on Dkylars side 😭😭😭😭😭
You're on Skyler's side? 😮I think you're the first person that's told me that lol. the only point Sky has is the divorce thing. other than that, she's being toxic and manipulative just like Nat. she even provoked her in the kitchen knowing Natasha would blow up, but it backfired on her. 😂
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carsonian · 1 year
oh my gosh!!! carsonian, hi! my name is earl!! 👋
you’re on tumblr now! this is so great. i was just looking you up on tumblr the other day and came to the conclusion that you didn’t have one. BUT NOW YOU DO!!! 🥳🎉
anyway, i just wanted you know. i was going to leave you a comment on ao3, but since you’re here now, i just figured i’d send this as a tumblr ask instead. i recently read your fic “i can talk to anyone”. i was (and still am 🤒) sick when i read it, so i was feeling awful and i just needed smth cute and lighthearted and ohhhmygosh. you really delivered! i was giggling and laughing to myself, kicking my legs like a teenager in love. that fic is so so so funny and so cute. like that thanos ad-break? had me scream-laughing like a lunatic!! it was so unexpected and so funny and amazing!!
i just thought everyone was so in character and that the stevetony getting together moments were so so so heart-fluttering. the juxtaposition between steve’s first “that’s what he said?” moment and his second was soooo cute and funny and clever!! there were just so so so many bits that made me laugh, like nat checking the dino’s sex, the narrator complaining abt the mic drops, the sambucky personal space bit, and steve’s “you got footage of what?”
i just adore that fic so much. it’s such a feel-good read. thank you so so so much for writing that fic. you’re such a brilliant writer!! you managed to pull off so many things that i personally find challenging when it comes to writing, like being funny but also making sure that everybody is in character (especially when you have so many characters in one fic!) ahhh thank you so much for helping me feel better!! and welcome to tumblr!!! 🥰🫶
(p.s. the timing of you joining tumblr feels a bit serendipitous to me bcs i literally JUST gushed about your fic the other day over on the bird app!)
IT WAS 🫵YOU🫵!!!!!! I received a sudden influx of kudos for I Can Talk to Anyone and was scratching my head over where they could possibly have come from. But it was from 🫵YOUR🫵 tweets! The "bird app" had me confused for a second, haha, but--gee Whiz I made it to Twittah! 😆😆 No but truly, your tweets were so goddamn wonderful. It truly & fully made my day 💗💗 You're a sweetheart just for that, but then to leave such a kind message in my inbox. . .Earl, I'm TOTALLY hugging you right now!
The Tumblr thing is totally fortuitous omg. Typa timing to make me wanna get into tarot reading or something 😮🤨 I'll admit that I followed people on Tumblr who I recognised from fics I've enjoyed and fic rec posts but the timing of you reading the fic and me following you is like. . .eerily spot-on. . . 👀👀
I'm sorry to hear that you're still sick and hope you make a full, seamless recovery very, very soon.❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Thank you for being so generous even while sick--leaving this message for me when you had absolutely no obligation to do so. It speaks to what a great person you are to have in this fandom that you choose to uplift others even when you're not feeling your best! 🫂🤩 That my fic was able to brighten up your day is such a heartwarming compliment; I'm genuinely not exaggerating when I say this made my day. Hell, I'm sure I'll still be pumping my fist over this tomorrow so you've at least made two days of mine. Go 🤘YOU🤘!!!
And your compliments of the actual fic are so, so kind. I'm sure every person looks back on all they've made with a bit of regret and well-I-coulda-done-this-better and oh-that-didn't-develop-too-neatly etcetera etcetera--you know how it goes. But receiving your message made me feel just that little bit more content with what I wrote; the validation that comes from knowing that even though it's imperfect, the good in it is still resolute enough to make someone laugh. Particularly the parts you pulled out--gawsh! Thank you for giving me the gift of seeing what resonated with you! It is very much a gift and I don't take it lightly. I'm not a brilliant writer by any means but messages like these definitely push me to do even better. You're a true superstar!💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Just a million, bajillion thank-yous to you for being such a darling. I could not have asked for a better welcome to Tumblr. 🥺😘🥺😘
(P.S. I have had plans to write a sequel to I Can Talk to Anyone since the beginning of this year. I've just got an EG event 👀🤫 and 🥴WIP🥴 to get through before I can sit down and have a proper go at it. Just wanted to let you know because your message has definitely renewed the fire in me to get that done!)
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rosenallies · 1 year
It’s me! Hi! Nat and Jane enthusiast who writes you little fics 🙋🏽‍♀️ I need to start using a specific emojis or something so that you know that its me but anyway I’m back with a story but for teacher au 🤭 This is very long and I’m so sorry but it’s too funny not to share. So bear with me 😭 im going to explain this situation that happened with me and my younger brother but instead of me and him, I’m going to insert emerald and jasper (even though our age gap is 10 years instead of 3 so this situation was even dumber for us 😭 but hopefully this story makes sense)
So it’s a Saturday which for kids that’s turn up day. And on this particular Saturday, their parents aren’t home and at this point the kids are like 11 and 14. Jasper comes knocking on his sisters door and telling her that nonny asked both of them to do the dishes while they’re all gone. So he says, to make an equal workload, he’ll unload the dishwasher and she can load the dirty dishes. But he wants her to come in the kitchen with him because he’s bored. She’s like okay whatever and she brings her phone to play music so that they’re no bored. And they’re kind of talking when emeralds playlist starts playing Break Free by Ariana Grande (this is important as this is the exact song that me and my brother were acting like complete fools to🥲). When Jasper and Emerald get together they act so silly, so when this song comes on they stop what they’re doing and just start break dancing and shit. Keep in mind, Jasper is a gangly child with poor control of his limbs 😭 While they’re dancing and just being stupid, he FALLS. And not like a regular fall it’s like a cartoon character that slipped on a banana type fall. Feet completely left the floor and everything 😭😭 And somehow (I don’t even know how this happened in real life) he hits a lower cabinet and dents the fuck out of it 😭 first Em makes sure he’s okay and she’s really freaked out but he’s fine. Once he says that he’s okay, his butt just hurts she loses it 😂 So now she’s hysterically laughing at him. Like bent over, stomach hurting, crying laughing. But then they notice the dent and they’re both like 😮 they don’t even finish the dishes because Em has to help him to the couch and while she was bringing him an ice pack, their parents get home 💀 so they’re like what do we say about the dent?? Parents saying hello and before they can even ask them anything the kids start frantically explaining what happened and the parents are just like “huh?” “You feel and broke our cabinet dancing??” They ofc gets laughed at by their parents and told they aren’t allowed to break dance in the kitchen 😭
Hope you enjoyed that because I’m crying reliving this in my head 😅
snsbsbsb pls 😭😭 first of all, was ur brother ok bc 🫣🫣🫣 how tf did he dent a whole ass cabinet 😭😭 that is so cute tho I can imagine them doing chores together all the time just bc they like the company and it makes it go by quicker when theyre having fun 🥰🥰
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euroadventure · 1 year
Col de la Faucille - Cascades du Flumen - Cascade des Combes/Gorges de l'Abîme
Zondag 7 mei
Deze vroege ochtend ziet het er nog prima uit om te gaan wandelen. Het is wel enorm bewolkt, maar de zon laat zich ook regelmatig een beetje zien. Vanaf mijn camperplaats heb ik een korte wandeling van een kleine zes kilometer gevonden naar het uitzichtpunt 'Turet' en weer terug.
De route is ook nu gemakkelijk, wel erg glad door de regenval van gisteren en nog een beetje vanacht. De stenen, maar zeker de modder worden hierdoor soms lastig begaanbaar.
Via een bospad kom ik uiteindelijk bij het uitzichtpunt aan. Wederom een mooi plaatje van Genève en het meer van Genève. Ook zie ik de bergtoppen waar ik gisteren nog heb gewandeld. Nice!
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Ik keer weer om en rond 11 uur ben ik weer terug bij het beginpunt. Ik drink nog een kopje thee voor ik mijn campertje weer in stap. Ik ben van plan om naar de wandelroute richting Cascade des Combes te rijden.
Halverwege mijn reis begint het te miezeren..wat nu? Ik zie een bord met 'Ouvert' bij een bar/restaurant staan. Onder het genot van een goede cafe au lait maak ik een nieuw plan (of hoop ik dat het ophoudt met regenen 😉).
De oude eigenaar geeft mij nog als tip om hier in het dal de 9 kilometer lange route te gaan wandelen. Het klinkt verleidelijk maar nu regent het in plaats van minder, steeds harder...🙈.
Ik ga toch richting de waterval, want de route daar naartoe is wandelend heen en terug slechts een klein uurtje lopen. Dan wordt ik misschien wel nat, maar een klein uurtje is wel vol te houden. Tot mijn verbazing is het bijna droog wanneer ik aan kom hobbelen op de parkeerplaats. Het laatste stukje weg doet mij vooral denken aan de slechte wegen in Portugal 🙃.
Ik trek voor de zekerheid mijn regenjas en regenbroek aan. De wandeling is rechttoe rechtaan, maar ik sta regelmatig even stil bij de bomen die onder het mos bedekt zijn, prachtig. En de kleuren, zo felgroen!
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Aangekomen bij de watervallen, het zijn er twee, doen zij mij even denken aan een soort paradijs 😍...ik ben onder de indruk!
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En niemand is hier, behalve ik. Wat een mazzel!
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Vervolgens loop ik weer terug. Nu begint het wel door te regenen. Voor ik bij mijn campertje ben, ben ik goed natgeregend.
Mijn idee is om naar het plaatsje Saint-Claude te rijden, vier minuten verderop. Het plaatsje schijnt niet alleen leuk te zijn, ik kan er ook vast ergens wat eten of drinken. Helaas..alles is zo ongeveer dicht. Het is zondag...dat was ik vergeten. Mogelijj dat daarom alles gesloten is.
Net aan de rand van het dorp vind ik een camperplaats naast de Casades des Combes. Daar wilde ik ook nog een kijkje nemen, dus top!
Ik blijf nog even een paar uurtjes in mijn campertje zitten, lees wat, luister radio en maak mijn avondeten klaar. Het gaat inmiddels steeds zachter regenen om uiteindelijk rond half zeven te stoppen.
Mooi! Nu kan ik ook hier nog even een kijkje nemen bij de waterval! Slechts twee minuten lopen en ik ben er al 😂. Ook deze waterval is weer een toppertje 👌🏻.
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Ik volg het pad nog een stukje verder, ik maak weer een eigen route, en loop van de ene in de andere verbazing 😮. Eerst kom ik langs een soort mangrove.
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Vervolgens loop ik via een boerenland weer naar de andere kant van de kloof, Gorges de L'Abîme. Ook hier overal mos op de bomen en kleine watervallen.
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Opeens kom ik langs een deel van het pad waar een ijzeren pad en brug aangelegd is.
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Het is adembenemend mooi, zo groen! En het geluid van het water is haast rustgevend.
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Wat een cadeautje! En dat om de hoek van mijn camperplaats.
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In een half uur ben ik namelijk weer terug waar ik begon. Ik ga een heerlijke nacht tegemoet, met op de achtergrond enkel het ruisen van het water 😴
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jollyreginaldrancher · 10 months
Yellowjackets S1 e9
The bodies are just piling up now
Why would he not just google her though? Why would he go out of his way to buy a book about it all? His excuses are pretty flimsy.
For a second I thought they were gonna bury Laura and i was wondering if there even was enough of her to bury and if they bothered to swim all that way to look for parts.
Turns out they were just resorting to eating bugs.
Poor Van
Jeff was definitely sparkledong! I knew it!
At first I thought "what could the possibly decorate with?" Then i saw all the bits and bobs from their hunts and yeah. I guess that's setting up whatever was going on in the first episode with the weird outfits and the cultish vibes.
Shauna definitely wants Jackie and vice versa. There is no other explanation. Okay there are other explanations but this is the narrative I'm going with. If they won't show us the lesbians I'll make my own lesbians, damn it!
My guy, you met another woman at a hotel and expect us to believe it wasn't an affair? Is he that naive?
Jackie is being nice to Misty with no conditions and calling her beautiful and I think I'm gonna cry 🥹
Jeff tried to take the fall for the murder. Bless him, he really is a himbo 🥹 everyone is showing their best side today.
That montage was so great. We have Misty out there doing the work. Lottie missing Laura Lee and hugging her shirt 🥹. Shauna's growing baby bump 😮. Jackie curling her hair with ribbons -their haircare being something I wondered about but these girls found a way- and Van and Taissa 🥹🥹🥹 addressing Van's self-consciousness with a sweet gesture of solidarity and these girls are working their way into my heart 😭 I just know shit is too good to last.
Those mushrooms are gonna be a lot of trouble aren't they?
Why is Jackie not eating? She's giving suicidal vibes, is she going to kill herself?
The dance is adorable
Nat had alcohol and held out while Van was getting her face stitched up? Like she didn't even share a swig with her or nothing? I shouldn't hold this against her but I do.
Jackie's behaviour is a very unsettling cry for help.
It's funny how aware everyone suddenly got when they were high.
Oh this isn't a funny/haha high, this is an *eat somebody's face off* kind of high.
Yeah, Javi, RUN!
But we know Tyler survives though cause he dies in the future. I just wish the scene followed Van and Taissa more instead 🤣 we had to sit through so many straight sex scenes, why can't they give us ONE gay one? 😭
I spoke too soon. That was beautiful. Really freaking short but beautiful. 🥹
Poor Misty 😅 maybe next time you'll crush on a straight guy
Dang, Nat stopped Trevor becoming a Mcthottie meal.
I will say I didn't expect Lottie to become the ringleader. Then again they were super fucked up.
I feel so bad for Van though. She deserves all the head she can get 😭
A bunch of (presumably) cannibals are in a room with a dead body and they can't think of a single way to get rid of it?
Misty is gonna kill the reporter, huh? There's no way she would be spilling that much if she wasn't. Or is she really that naive? She's been easily led before, that's why I wonder.
I gotta say, it's smart they hired Juliette Lewis as the one with substance abuse issues cause she visibly looks older but she's also very energetic so it feels believable that she would be their age while looking a bit older, but still being as vibrant as the rest of them.
Look what the cat dragged in. Part of me wishes for Misty to disentangle from this mess and not give in to the shitty friends who only call when they need her but another part is shipping her with Nat.
It's been a forgone conclusion that there was cannibalism and Misty more or less admitted to it this episode. I wonder if it's going to happen in the next episode or if they're saving it for later. It would make sense for one of them to die; it is after all a season finale. And not doing it feels anticlimactic. But this show has pleasantly surprised me before. Waiting 9 episodes to finally get a lesbian sex scene wasn't a pleasant surprise though, it was agony.
My guesses for the unhappy meal are:
Shauna's baby
The coach?
Or one of those girls that barely gets a line like Mari.
It could be one, it could be all. Hell, it could be Natalie and she could be a ghost. I doubt it though. I wonder if they'll ever show why they're all being such assholes to Misty though. Cause they don't know about the black box so far, and even if they did it's not like they could figure out she broke it. So we'll have to see if that's addressed next episode or further down the line.
That said it's not a given they don't eat Vanessa but I don't think they would do all this work to set her and Taissa as the main romantic couple in this show if they were going to kill one of them off so soon. I still have hope. We might not have seen her in the present yet but that doesn't mean that she's not there though.
I think it's gonna be Jackie though. It feels like they're setting her up as a horror movie victim. I don't know, that's just the vibe in getting. Like they're trying too hard to make her likeable now that it's near the end so we feel bad when she dies.
Also on rewatch, it's interesting that we've seen two necklaces, one of gold and one of bone, and they each seem to be for protection and keep making the rounds between girlfriends. I noticed the bone one around Taissas's throat during the wolf attack for example. I feel like it definitely worked there. I wonder if that's gonna be a thing later on.
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Hey bubs!! Here’s some asks :)
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hey my lovee!! thank you for these!
🥳 I think it was the Christmas collab where I pushed myself to do a fic every two days. It definitely kept my creativity levels up and I really enjoyed doing it!
📈 I'm not sure but subconsciously, I know I use certain phrases quite a lot.
😮 I think I was quite surprised about how much love secret santa got 😅
🤯 ooh i’m not too sure - i don’t do much research haha
💥 I had writer's block for so long, especially for Jumping Universes.
🙌 I loved writing for Chris and Bucky, and also starting writing for Nat!
👹 I actually haven't!
🏆 All the people, especially my moots on here! I love you all so much! I think, also, writing
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
I've always thought about Nat having a private detective firm 😮
Ooo yes! I think this would work so well!!
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