#nandor wants Guillermo
flash-bastardd · 6 months
Finished fic out now!
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raggedy-spaceman · 9 months
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Show us the photos Silvia
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kaykoko · 11 months
There's something about Guillermo holding the "Gay Guy" sign and gradually getting more into the parade that is SO healing. King is letting himself have that joy💖
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barren-heart · 7 months
The year is 2024. It’s election night. Nandermo becomes canon, but only in Spanish.
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bottombaron · 7 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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fictionproblem · 2 months
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we’ll meet again
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gerandor · 9 months
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Nandor babygirl you were so unhinged for this
gifs by the ever awesome @deliciousnecks
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sharkbath · 10 months
The Baron calling The Sire just a roommate was thoroughly devastating to me as someone who completely believes they are ancient husbands but it got saved by this line at the end.
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ineffably-human · 9 months
The day Guillermo slaughtered a theatre of vampires, Nandor looked up and actually saw him. 'My name is Guillermo de la Cruz' burned like a silver knife in his brain. And that's the day Nandor started rooting for him.
Making him a bodyguard, insistent that's what he was. Watching him so carefully. 'Push back. Break the rules. Talk about yourself. I can't do it for you. If I do it for you then you've already lost.' Guillermo slapped him and his eyes lit up. Guillermo fought him, and he only wanted more. Guillermo said 'I can kill you whenever I want, I choose not to,' and it's what he was waiting for.
Nandor stands at the train station, feeling awake for the first time in months as he considers all the variables. The normal bite won't be enough, not for a Van Helsing. He'll have to drink someone right away, just to be sure. Will it feel the same for him, to hunt a human the way Nandor's watched him hunt a vampire? Maybe if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot that Guillermo can do very easily, if they do it together. Maybe there's a lot Nandor can do, very easily, if-
(...he's not coming. Well, familiars have balked at less.)
It's such a genuine surprise when he reappears. Why everything happened doesn't matter, exactly; Guillermo doesn't fight to get any of it back. He's so angry, so ready to leave, and by all rights Nandor should let him. But all he can feel is the instinct to stop him. Perhaps if he has actual love in this house, something to fill the void... Maybe there's one more thing Guillermo can do for him before his exit.
It's a strange year. Guillermo is not in his service, so much as he's a friend charged with service. His mind is so pulled in different directions - raising the Colin-creature, helping at the club, buying his gaudy new clothes that aren't vampire-like at all. Talking on the phone, sometimes in the other language he speaks, sometimes in secret whispers Nandor doesn't try to figure out.
If Guillermo doesn't want him to know, then he doesn't. He can't begrudge him a life outside this house anymore. It's like Guillermo has remembered how to be human.
Maybe he has. Nandor takes him to fight, wants to see that fire in his eyes again, but Guillermo only wants peace. They never talk about him becoming a vampire. Guillermo doesn't ask once. At the wedding, Guillermo promises to always be there when Nandor is afraid. Nandor wonders what 'always' means to him.
When he meets Freddie, things click into place a bit. Nandor is happy for him, truly. Suspicious, of course - this is a stranger in their home, one who clearly doesn't know their secrets. But such a kind and engaging stranger. And intriguing, like a little secret corner of Guillermo Nandor has never been able to reach. Nandor has been so lonely lately, he keeps getting everything he wants and yet he's lonelier than ever -
Nandor fucks up. Nandor fixes. Or does his best, anyway.
Guillermo goes to London one day, comes home with a look in his eyes like something broken. They don't talk about it.
Guillermo is back to dusting. He sits beside Nandor and smiles, placid and friendly. 'So, what's next?' But he doesn't ask. And Nandor can't ask it for him. That's not how this works.
And suddenly, Guillermo is a million miles away. Suddenly, Guillermo would rather be anywhere than with Nandor.
He talks about being a vampire for the first time in a year, but there's a strangeness to it. A wariness. When they laugh at the idea, he doesn't push back. There's no fire.
Something is wrong, honestly wrong, but Nandor can't bring himself to think about it seriously. Guillermo still runs from even the thought of their orgies. (So it can't be what he's thinking of, can it?) Their first big crisis as a household in a while, their bodyguard is nowhere to be found. (Is he a bodyguard anymore? A familiar? A lot more like Laszlo's familiar, these days...)
'I'm not going to be around forever.' Well, fine. He can survive that. He's survived far worse, and so has Guillermo.
And Guillermo is not just here right now, but is alive right now - wonderfully, blessedly alive - and Nandor won't be forced to think about his death for a while yet.
The one thing he knows for sure is that Guillermo would never do anything to hurt him, to hurt any of them. And maybe that's why it never worked out. You have to do so much more than survive, to be a vampire.
-- When everything that happened becomes clear, when his rage fades to anger fades to acceptance, there's still responsibility. Responsibility to his familiar, responsibility to his friend.
And when Guillermo's heart is too full, and spills over whatever bloodlust he had, Nandor wishes he were surprised. Guillermo has iron in him but it's been forged into a shield, after all this time. There are no little leftover bits Nandor might have helped him shape into a pair of fangs.
Guillermo can feed a family, or defend one, or defend himself. But he won't kill unless he has to, and his own survival - or his own happiness - is not a 'has to'. Fine. Guillermo has fought for him. Nandor can fight, too.
His own anger still needs a more constructive place to go. So he looks at Guillermo's wretched sire - who never even wanted to be a vampire, and then made a vampire so thoughtlessly. Who hasn't come to see Guillermo, who couldn't figure out how to help him, who doesn't even know that he's in pain.
Nandor drives a stake into the heart of a vampire. And it feels good.
Maybe now, he can also be angry at himself a little less.
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anney-baker · 2 months
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Nandor about his favorite wife
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flash-bastardd · 7 months
Guillermo always did look good enough to eat.
I have written smut! First time ever!
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Nandermo & signs that are just coincidentally there and have absolutely no hidden meaning behind them
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pretty--in--purple · 2 years
let's be real, being guillermo's friend/partner irl would suck ass. he's a manipulative serial killing embezzler who is having an emotional affair, plus he's constantly busy with his kid/creature that crawled out of the chest cavity of his dead friend + his undead three stooges.
being his cousin would slap so fuckin hard man. every few weeks: "cousin memo's here and he's brought the five most attractive people you've ever met, an autistic child, and 50 grand cash." he barely comes to any family events but when he does you get to share gay judgemental looks w/ him. he keeps making you garlic bread and he bought you nunchucks. his trunk has a corpse in it.
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densewentz · 2 years
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pundromeda · 2 years
Imagine this scene:
Guillermo comes back to the house as a vampire. This throws his usual dynamic with Nandor off, because now they are two vampires, instead of a vampire and a human. So, Nandor goes to wish things back to the way they were!
"I wish that Guillermo and I would go back to being one vampire and one human! Not two vampires."
"This is your wish?" The Djinn says, trying not to visibly show his glee at the ambiguous wording.
Nandor becomes the human.
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fleshadept · 2 years
no you don’t get it this is revolutionary. guillermo has been tied to nandor for so long because he wanted nandor to be the one to change him. he’s been his familiar and his bodyguard and taken care of him with everything he has. but nandor refused to change him because he thinks guillermo would leave after, that that’s all guillermo has stayed for. so guillermo is now reasserting his autonomy and his desires above nandor’s insecurities, and if derek does change him and guillermo returns to the house (which he implied he’d do by saying “nothing ever changes in this house unless i change it) then that will confirm to nandor that guillermo wants to be there. even if derek doesn’t change him, this is a huge moment for guillermo because he’s recognizing that he doesn’t need nandor to get what he wants.
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