#my writing/fanfic thingy?
shivroy · 3 months
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needed to soothe myself with some tomshiv
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avisisisis · 6 months
Shihou and Mihou are laying in the grass and looking at the sky. They are holding hands (and tails). Shihou hasn't received the name Sun Wukong yet. None of them are immortal.
This is nice
It is.
The stars look pretty.
They do.
...What's going on?
Shihou giggles.
What do you mean?
You're acting weird. You're never this quiet.
Oh, so I can't lay down to rest with my best pal every once in a while?
Mihou punches his softly. Shihou cackles and Mihou shushes him
Shut- up! You'll attract a predator with your loudness.
Okay, okay– don't hit me. ...I totally could fight a predator, though.
Mihou scoffs. Sure you could.
Are you doubting me? I am the great Monkey King, no predator can beat me!
Mihou chuckles. An idiot is what you are.
They stay like that for a while. Shihou is smiling and staring at Mihou.
What are you looking at?
Shihou snorts. Oh, nothing. You're just very beautiful, bud.
Mihou blushes and sits up, turning his body to face Shihou. He looks angry. You did not just ‘bud’ me.
Oh, c'mon, when did you start disliking that nickname?
...Never. It's just not appropriate for this moment.
Oh, this moment? And what's that supposed to mean, hmm?
You're infuriating.
But you love me.
Maybe a little.
Maybe a lot.
Mihou laughs. You just– bud. You can't call me bud when you're saying stuff like that.
Why not?
Because— because!
Well, then how do I say it without sounding corny?
What do you mean?
Shihou touches Mihou's cheek with his hand.
Well. I mean that I think you're beautiful.
Shihou grins mischievously.
Mihou jumps on top of Shihou and they start play fighting. After a while, Mihou lays his head on Shihou's chest and breathes.
Shihou is asleep. Mihou listens to his heartbeat and smiles, closing his eyes.
...I think you're beautiful too. Buddy.
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brooklynisher · 13 days
The Spine had done nothing to deserve it
He was not performing exceptionally well
He was not any more useful than he usually is
He didn’t achieve anything new
But Peter Walter VI loved him
He loved him like a father would love his son
And The Spine couldn’t help but feel like his son
He always thought it, but one day it came out
The Spine callee him “papa”
Rabbit overheard The Spine calling Peter “papa”, and now she calls him “papa”
Rabbit called Upgrade. She called Peter “papa” during the call. Now Upgrade calls him “papa”
Upgrade went to visit The Jon. She told him that “papa” was doing well. Now The Jon calls him “papa”
The Jon sent a letter to Zer0. In the letter, The Jon asks Zer0 to update him on “papa”. Now Zer0 calls him “papa”
Zer0 invites Hatchworth to the manor. They have a nice chat. They talk about “papa”. Now Hatchworth calls him “papa”.
The next Father’s Day was a celebration to be remembered
We love you papa
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vivantesopvles · 13 days
Tom seems determined to apply extra Muggle precautions on top of all those spells. Ropes, mainly, but then Harry spots the roll of duct tape just as Tom casts the Silencing Charm –
‘Wait!’ he manages to yell before the spell takes hold, locking his voicebox.
‘Thought you’ve got nothing to say to me,’ Tom says softly, but he cancels the spell all the same. ‘Well? We haven’t got much time.’
‘We, is it now?’ Harry tries to summon his anger. Anger would be appropriate in this situation. And it used to be so easy, but all he feels is lost. Hurt. Confused as to why they’ve come to this, after everything.
‘Yes, we.’ Tom’s tone is sardonic. ‘You know too much already. If you think we can part on good terms once your little conscience becomes too much to handle … then darling you are a fool.’
‘You’re going to run away, aren’t you?’ Harry says slowly, ‘But why not just kill me, if you’re worried I might dob you in? Why this? Why take me with you?’
Tom assesses him, dark eyes unreadable. There’s something twisted about the blankness of his expression. And then –
Harry’s eyes widen in shock. He wants to yell at Tom, curse him, throw a tantrum so horrible Tom has to go get his eardrums repaired. But his throat strains in vain. Nothing but silent air passes through his lips.
‘I’m terribly sorry,’ Tom murmurs. ‘We’ve really got little time. As for why I made this choice …’
He smooths out the duct tape sealing Harry’s mouth, places a kiss over it.
‘Humility,’ he says finally. ‘There are some things you cannot kill. Not with a knife, not with a heart-stopping curse. I’ve finally come to acknowledge that.’
14052024 | @microficmay | humility
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xraiyax · 8 months
“Luffy is taking a bath.”
“Out of free will?”
Usopp looked surprised at Robin who was looking at the sun setting on the far horizon while smiling.
“Yes. I was surprised seeing him asking Bartholomeo about it but then I noticed he has a reason.”
“A reason?”
Robin smiled and nodded her head to something behind them.
Usopp turned his head in the direction she had looked and saw Luffy and Law follow a very excited talking Bartolomeo. Usopp could hear bits of Bartolomeo talking about their bath that was surely nothing against the great bathe the strawhats had but that for them it was enough.
Wondering about it, Usopp remembered Law’s head accidentally being met by some sticky gravy during dinner and remembered him grumpy mumbling that he ‘couldn’t yet lift his arm well enough for that shit.’
“I thought Luffy was busy eating and didn’t even notice.”
Despite him randomly speaking out his thoughts Robin knew what he was referring to.
“He filters out the things important to him.”
“What do you mean?”
Confused Usopp turned to Robin who was smiling an even more amused smile than before.
He turned back to where Luffy just had been but only saw Bartolomeo coming back.
Suddenly something in his mind clicked.
Robin chuckled next to him and Usopp spent the rest of the way to Zou watching his captain with a new added set of eyes.
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lenievi · 1 month
First TOS thingie written this year \o/ It was written as mckirk.
prompt: signal
Could be longer, but I really wanted to make it only one hundred words.
The signal isn’t coming.
Jim grips the fabric of his pants. “Come on, Bones.”
The planet visible on the viewscreen is blue like home. Even now, Jim feels the wave of longing, but it’s quickly drowned by dread and worry.
“Two minutes to the eruption,” Spock says, and Jim holds himself back from snapping.
McCoy’s still on the surface! Doesn’t Spock care?
Uhura’s urgent calls for “Doctor McCoy” are the only sound on the bridge.
“One minute.”
Jim stands, fists clenched, seeing nothing but blue.
A noise in the intercom. “Enterprise?” McCoy. “Three to beam up.”
Jim exhales in relief.
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traumainpyjamas · 9 months
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"Why does it matter to you so much?" Jeno asked. He was leaning back in his chair. Bare arms clasped behind his head, flexing his muscles, expression full of youthful cockiness. One strand of midnight black hair fell across his forehead, swooping down to his raised eyebrow.
"It matters because it wasn't what the deal was", Johnny answered back, throwing the clipboard which he had been lazily brandishing in his hand onto the table. The metallic clash of the board hitting the steel table didn't even make Jeno flinch. He just licked the corner of his mouth and answered, "So what? I got what we wanted. Isn't that what's important?"
One of their hideout’s cold halogen lights kept flickering overhead as if sensing the rising tensions and buckling under it. 
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"What is important is our integrity and our reputation on the streets." The older man's words seemed to hit home. Jeno's expression soured a little, losing humor and exchanging it to simmering temper. He let his hands drop down to his sides.
"They were a group of punks anyway. You even said it yourself. Street scum with illusions of grandeur. So Hendery, Jisung, and I taught them a little humility”, Jeno started to say but Johnny spoke over him,
"And I told you I had a plan for that."
“Your plan was too slow!” Jeno exploded in turn and stood up – his bare shoulders flexing when he leant over the steel table to speak directly to his leader’s face. “If you don’t take action when people are plainly playing with us, I will.”
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Johnny snapped and in a flash got up close to the younger’s face and without a shred of hesitation forcefully said, “Last I checked this was still my crew and you will sit your ass down.”
For a moment both men were locked in a fierce stare down. The broken light kept flickering on the ceiling. Its flashes being the only moment in the silent room.
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Jeno clenched his jaw and breathed through his nose, the breath morphing into a low chuckle. The younger man turned his head and let his face split into a cynical grin. Jeno relaxed his shoulders and leaned back, shaking his head slightly. Then he looked back at Johnny who was still predatorily hunched over the table, observing the younger man’s every move intently.
Jeno straighted his posture and stepped back. He started idly fixing the black leather straps on his left arm, “Relax, old man. Nobody is after your position, too much paperwork.”
Johnny sat back down but didn’t relax his wolfish grace. His gaze though wasn’t as burning as before when he replied, “Paperwork which you just added immensely with your foolish actions.”
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fafnirhumgy · 3 months
a loud hum fills the air, heralding the presence of an ancient force unbeknownst to this land. unconscious bodies lay strewn across the melting ground, red static encroaching upon them yet not completely consuming them. its hesitation is mirrored by the beast it flows from, a huge dire wolf with many sword-tipped hands, all in empty embrace. though cloaked by the static of the other world, its eyes glow bright yellow. train tracks wench its mouth open, revealing the body that had replaced its tongue, a replica of a beloved man.
one still stands to face the beast, the one whose heart had made it. those who are still conscious but still weak call to him, but their cries go unanswered. in his hands, gripped as tightly as a throat, was a gun that would shoot no bullet. sheer noise crashes and riots as its stock is forced towards the falsehood in the beast's mouth. suddenly, the replica knows desperation. it holds out its arms, hands open to welcome the man's embrace. "please, my love, what are you doing? you should be pointing that weapon at the monster that swallowed me! save me, please. i love you. then we can forget about all of this, and leave. somewhere nice and quiet, somewhere peaceful."
the man's face softens, his aim lowering to the ground. his grip loosens on the gun, almost letting go. with a smile, the fake continues to hold its open embrace. "come into my arms. everything will be alright."
silence. fear overtakes those who can still muster strength. some even close their eyes in acceptance, or look away in cold frustration that they could not act, as the man opens his mouth.
"the monster said something before. i am him, and he is me. at first, i wanted to disagree. how could i hurt my friends like he did? push them away like a hysteric madman? but the more i walked around this place, it got harder to ignore. all my anger, my loneliness, my desire for everything to just go back to how it was before. and then, there's you, and i..."
he pauses to regain his thoughts.
"more than anything, i wanted just the two of us, together, with nothing to break us apart again. it was always for the sake of that dream. even if it was only shadows of our past, i wanted to cling to what was left and never let go. even if it meant everyone else would be hurt by it. but of course, it's more complicated than that."
pace. pace. pace. his grip tightens anew, and without forcing he trains the gun's sights on the fake's head. the creature's hairs stand on end, whispering "no, no, no" like a broken record. its voice breaks down, lost to the noise, but the man continues to speak with tears in his eyes.
"it's strange. before, even after we left that place, i just wanted to keep all the good times. but now, i find myself clinging to the now, with all the good and bad. and pretend all i might, my love isn't perfect. sometimes-" he closes his eyes and mirthlessly chuckles at memories both distant and near "-he can give me a run for my money in stubbornness. neither of us were perfect, and i'll admit. sometimes, we learn things about the other i wish i never got to see."
his finger tugs at the trigger. the fake discards all pretense, its fingers elongating into claws, its mouth widening into an abyss of static and noise and unknowing, eyes erased and leaving behind naught but shadows. but it flinches still. the man's eyes now glow yellow. and just above his head, a blue card idly rotates on its point.
"but there is one thing i know for sure."
for the first time since he entered this world, the man's face contorted into a snarl at the thing bearing his beloved's face.
"Chase would never want to kill his friends. And neither do I."
His finger depresses on the gun's trigger. The sound of gunfire rings from its glowing blue barrel, followed by shattering glass as it opens a hole of azure light through the static of the fake. It slithers out of the wolf beast's mouth, leaping away as if possessed while wailing in pain. Taking his place beside the beast, the man now drops the gun. The card, now floating in front of his face, is taken in his hands and torn in two with the self-same crack and lights. And for the first time, perhaps since his childhood, two aspects spoke as one.
"So give him back."
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thehistoriangirl · 2 years
When You Warmed Up My Heart
Listen, I was trying to make something fluffly but I... quite didn’t get it (?)
Viktor x AFAB!Reader----- 1.2K-----SFW but it’s suggestive
Synopsis (tho this is very much plotless): When the cold season comes, you two learn a thing or two to warm up each other :)
Tags: no pronous for Reader but AFAB for reasons| I think that’s all lel| Sorry this isn’t really smut, but I’ll get to that soon enough
Autumn and winter days meant a lot of things. Sun setting earlier, walking home with a hue of cold blues, streetlamps flicking on, illuminating the cobblestone you walked slowly, arm tucked under Viktor’s. Layers of extra clothes, coats, sweaters, even scarfs; extra minutes buttoning each piece—fingers lingering a little longer, perhaps a quick stolen kiss.
Sometimes more than that.
Cold mornings that would slide between the closed windows and drawn curtains, a pair more of fluffy blankets, limbs tangled into a cozy cocoon. Viktor used to loathe cold days—sure they didn't become his favorites, but something changed.
He met you.
Days didn’t grow heated magically in the peak of winter, but it seemed so when you were around. Hot coffee and hot cocoa packed inside a thermos bottle; some days he was lucky enough to have packed soups that sent steam up when he took off the lid, the smell of spices filling the lab which made Jayce peek for over his partner’s shoulder to see what you brought him for lunch.
The only downside was that Viktor's limbs were always cold. He tinkered with metal most of the time, and such surface didn't warm up quickly enough, instead stealing his body's heat. Viktor refused to wear gloves, saying his usually deft fingers turned clumsy.
But contrary to his cold digits, he discovered that your hands retain warmth despite the chilly temperatures outside. It was a day like any other inside the lab, Jayce was out having lunch with Mel, and you were eating quietly. It was a rather cold day, drizzle falling in the witching hour got the streets covered in fog in the morning, the mist that was lazily climbing up the buildings into the grey sky.
You were helping him clean his worktable, putting notebooks back on their shelves, and throwing out scribbled papers. That day your coat was hung beside Viktor's chair, a knitted sweater and a long-sleeved shirt kept you cushy enough with all the movement and the hot soup you two ate earlier. You could feel his golden eyes following you even if he pretended to be revising some papers stacked in his working area.
Viktor sure saw the sweater coming up from your hips to your waist, so he had to help with that. You shivered, jumping away from his cold fingers swooping the cotton fabric down your skin.
You looked at him with wide eyes. "You're freezing!" you shouted but left him to drag you against the desk.
“And you’re so warm, love—endearingly so, I might add.” Skilled touches started inside your sweater, pulling the sleeved shirt apart until he could brush your bare skin, hands grasping your waist. You squealed, the little sound stopping when Viktor rest his head against your stomach, humming pleasantly while the cold sticking into his digits melt away.
You couldn’t retort anything, even if you wanted to. He looked like a cat randomly snuggling up at unexpected times. Because it wasn't the last time—oh no, he was just testing.
From that day on, you could feel Viktor tugging the hem of your clothes for some seconds before his palms went up your waist, hide inside your coat's pockets, and even snuck up to your shoulders and down your collarbone. It was supposed to be a hug, you thought every time. A weird one, but it was cozy—after some minutes when Viktor's hands reheated.
You noticed his fingers became more skillful, running circles on your bare skin, knuckles brushing sensible spots. Then, goosebumps arise in your skin, but this time wasn't because of the cold. At least he contained himself to the moments you two were alone.
For that sole reason, his preferred moment became to arrive home at night. After taking off his boots or shoes he went to pile up his coat, scarf, and sweater in the racks hung next to the door. The living room was dimmed, only a lamp lit from the tiny wood table in the middle of the two couches. When Viktor glimpsed towards the bedroom, he didn’t catch any light filtering from under the door, which meant you were already sleeping.
Even after a boiling bath, he didn't get rid of the cold. Viktor sat at the edge of the bed, finishing to dry up his hair—he should cut it shorter one of these days, it took so much time to dry now. The only sound besides the rug against his head was your steady breathing, hair scattered around the pillow. Carefully, Viktor put aside those that were getting into your face.
You snuggled your cheek deep into the pillow, his cold touch startling you.
“Very well,” he muttered, putting the towel away and getting inside the blankets you already tucked to him. In cold seasons, you two got a separate couple of blankets for each other because you knew from previous experiences that Viktor liked to steal blankets in his sleep. With more blankets, he just kicked out a few before curling up against you.
He laid against the pillows, shifting into a comfortable position before approaching you. His legs got tangled between yours, and you grumbled something because his feet were always colder than his hands, but you didn’t push away. Viktor understood from the first occasions that you grow used to his body pretty quickly—and it was delightful every time.
Perhaps his limbs were cold, but you always reached to his chest where you liked to lay your head, lulled by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. He always hid his palms under your pajamas, the soft fabric wasn't a match to your velveltlike skin. Besides, he liked the sounds you make, between moans and sighs, Viktor couldn’t really pinpoint them, but they made him happy.
They meant you were happy being with him, too.
“Viktor?” you muttered, still half asleep, but he could hear the smile in your voice. “You’re back.”
He hummed. “Yes. We bargained not late working hours at the lab, do you remember?”
You gave him a sleepy smile, your palms running from his stomach up to his shoulders, one of them leaning his face closer to you. “We did.” Your noses brushed fleetingly.
Viktor used to leave light bruises behind when he grasped you like that. Not that you mind. You squealed when his cold fingers brushed the sensitive skin of one of your breasts, an innocent kiss on your brow, his other hand wandering over the hem of your panties, aiming to go where you were melting hot. Not so innocent, then.
"Do you remember the terms of the agreement, love?” his breath, low whispers against the shell of your ear. You were beginning to shake, your fists clasping the soft material of his worn-out shirt. He seemed no notice, chuckling slightly and rolling nearer your body. “Are you cold too, hmm?”
Viktor kissed you before you could answer, first like a mere brush of your lips, but quickly enough he tilted your head to deepen the kiss, his teeth nibbling at your bottom lip, stealing a whimper out of you.
You missed him the moment he pulled away, even if it was only to position on top of you, eager, lingering touches ready to take the clothes off his way. The bedroom was half-illuminated by a streetlamp, and at that moment, his eyes shone like stars, molten gold outlined with dense, dark lust that made your toes curl when he caressed your cheek, putting hair out your eyes so you could see him clearly.
“Not worry, love. I know exactly what to do to keep you warm.”
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lonely--seeker · 1 month
I think I'm going insane. Lately my dreams have been so mundane, it wouldn't be weird if I wasn't just a person that has nightmares 80% of the time, so I now my dreams are so hard to distinguish from reality.
I wouldn't be able tell what was real from what not if it wasn't because last night I went to my doctor's appointment and I was handed new glasses by Harvey just to go back home and find out Laois was cooking something in my backyard.
#to be fair. in my dream i was back at my old house. so the horrors where there still#also i've been dreaming about my dog. but sometimes it's not him. it's other dog trying to replace him. but it's not him. i miss him dearly#but it's... weird. i never actually dream with characters either. something strange is going on#I've been telling my brother i wake up and i have to remember who i am#for the totally normal dreams. it's like my soul is divided and it's living somewhere else for the night#who is the person i am when i dream. because it's not me. it's a whole different live. whole different people around me. I'm going insane#there's such a strange feeling about it. it's familiar? it's comfortable?#which only makes it even more weird. why is a life so different to mine feel so comfortable...#to the point i wake up and i don't remember who i am for at least ten minutes#but then i forget what i had dreamt about. and then i go around my day randomly reminding things. then that's when i realize those memories#were actual dreams#i should write a fanfic about this lmao#it was a nice dream though. i remember vividly i was sitting in one of those chairs thingies that hang in the air?#and i was swinging happily. i think Laios was talking about where he got whatever the fuck he was cooking. i couldn't understand him really.#he wasn't speaking in spanish but it wasn't english either. i think it was a made up gibberish... I'm still baffled by how comfortable i was#i think there were friends around too. maybe a hangout was going on? everything was nice. it reminds me of the times#i would go eat at a friend's house. but things felt a lot nicer. it was like if time had stopped and nothing wrong could ever happen.#and even then. i was still there. which i think that's why i started to feel dizzy in my little swing. i ended up waking up from that.#i still get dizzy remembering it.#welp. I hope i don't lose myself tonight...#I don't actually know what's worse. the nightmares are common. they are familiar. there's comfort in knowing what to expect.#but “good” dreams like that... i end up thinking about them too much. the residual feeling is weirder#and i have to deal with the whole different layer that is.. there's was a fucking anime guy there. kill me. kill me. get him OUT of my brain#I'm not lying when I say I can physically feel Laios rearranging my brain in ways i will not share publicly#kill me.
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shivroy · 9 months
few days late but would looove to hear abt ur succession oc!! i also have 1 (evil twunk bf for roman) and ws afraid that nobody else was making ocs and i would be sent to cringe jail SO i love seeing other ppl also doin the same thing!!!!
evil twunk male lover = speaking my language + important
my personal Guy i have posted about only like once is hibernian roy-wambsgans (hibs, named after the soccer team roman didn't buy, logan's team), tomshiv fan child (and an only child) who in this universe siobhan does not abort. he's taller than his dad and wishes his mom would ever look him in the eye. he's a hipster for the 2020s when he was born, and he loves his parents
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his middle name is logan (like kendall) and kendall is not allowed to see him. tom privately can't stand the sound of hibernian's voice
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hcdragonwrites · 9 months
I wrote something original and inspired by JTTW
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This however is too big to post to tumblr so I will link my Ao3
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kratosnaturals · 29 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls), Female Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls), Gelebor (Elder Scrolls) Additional Tags: Short Stories, Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship, Established Relationship, (including platonic), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change Series: Part 1 of The memoires of a Dragonborn Summary:
After countless of mortal lifetimes, Lleana has equally as many stories and tales to tell about her life and those she has met; an ocean of knowledge and memories. Often she remembers, often she dreams. Like gilded manuscrips she holds these in her heart; only few are privy to them.
It was unusual to see the Knight-Paladin dressed so casually, his pale armour replaced with a modest, loose hanging robe and a fur cloak. He looked so strangely frail without the metal protecting him, it made her heart ache for the older man. Gelebor was standing at the very peak of the great balcony, resting his body against the stone railing as he watched the setting sun. It gave his silhouette a gentle white glow, a bit like the bright star was embracing him with its heat. The elf didn‘t even turn around when he heard his friend approach, probably recognizing the sound of her footsteps. Hesitantly, Lleana stepped closer, walking up the stairs slowly to join him. 
"Lleana. You‘ve returned quickly," Gelebor said in his native tongue, face still turned away from her. "I promised, did I not?" Lleana answered after a moment, slotting the Falmer words together in her head with some difficulty, her accent rolling the words on her tongue, "I managed to find more clues in my... archive." Gelebor hummed in acknowledgement before speaking again, "Is Serana not with you?" "No, she had... urgent... matters to attend to with the..." Lleana paused; there was no word for ‘Dawnguard‘ in Falmer. She decided against combining words and used Common instead, "Dawnguard." Gelebor sighed, "I see." 
The sorrow in his voice could not be missed. Dreams of fire and ash were haunting him again, Lleana knew. Lonely beyond comprehension even to her must his fate be, like the last spring flower to bloom while its contemporaries have already turned to seed and straw. Not even family was left to keep him company. His brothers blood still felt cold against her skin.
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asjjohnson · 5 months
I froze, horrified, as the bus kept coming, squeezing my eyes shut and tensing at the last second.
...And then I was dreaming about words on a page, editing the same paragraph of a fic over and over and over and over and over.
Well, that's what I got for frantically working on a fic all day long to try making the upload date.
I didn't remember publishing the chapter.
I snapped my eyes open and sat up.
How far did I get before drifting off?!
...I was in a forest?
I now felt the hard ground beneath me, as I looked uncomprehendingly at the scenery around me, drawing an extended blank of where I was.
...Where had I been working on my fic? I didn't remember where this place was at all.
...I remembered thinking of going to the wooded park near my house after leaving the cafe...
I'd brought my new mini clipboard with me, with some blank paper and what I had of the chapter printed out half-sized. I'd made a lot of revisions in pencil and had gotten a little stuck on how to continue the chapter, before deciding to give myself a change of scenery.
But I didn't remember actually arriving at B ———.
I did remember leaving J———, though, with my latte in my right hand and the clipboard tucked under that arm as I worked on putting my change away, left arm fumbling with the chained billfold I always wear on my right side, as I walked.
I'd glanced up as I reached the street, and, not seeing any movement on the road for once, ran across.
Though my clipboard fell, so I spun around to hurry and get it before a car were to come.
And that's when I heard the motor of a large vehicle. I looked up from where I was squatting to see the front of the Redline.
I inhaled sharply. Before tucking my head between my shoulders and tensing for impact.
I searched my current surroundings with new focus.
Where was the bus?!
And why wasn't I in the hospital or something?
And... I felt metal against my wrist as my hand flinched along with my panicked thoughts.
I looked down to see my clothes faintly glowing. And there was a glove on my hand..?
I unconsciously moved my arm as I focused on it, pulling a chain along with it.
A stumbled footstep in the leaves snapped my eyes to the side. The handcuff chain was connected to a complete stranger? An annoyed-looking black girl?
She was wearing a strange outfit. Almost costume-like with the matching gloves and boots and skin-tight fabric and metal pieces, but it was made in such a realistic way that it looked perfectly normal. But it also looked familiar somehow, like I almost remembered seeing it before but couldn't place it. Where would I have been in order to see an outfit like that?
"If you're done with your beauty sleep, we should get moving." She raised an eyebrow. "If you still want me to fix my tracker?"
That voice! I looked the girl over closely, head to booted toe. "...Valerie?" I flinched at the sound of my voice.
"Don't get any ideas, spook. This is strictly business. I'd never be interested in some ghost who thinks it's fun to ruin everyone's lives."
I opened and closed my mouth, stunned.
That's my words. (Which still felt too contrived.)
This was...
I turned away from her to again scan the scenery.
An average-looking forest. Though with a little fire damage from what appeared to be a recent explosion.
...This was my fic.
I looked down at myself again, pulling my chin up against the base of my neck (did I feel bristly hair on my chin?) to get a view of the white logo on my chest; turning to find and dislodge the cape I was sitting on. Playing with the edge of the cape as I stared ahead of me, unfocusing my eyes.
...What do I do about this?
"Why're you acting so goofy? You hit your head too hard or something?"
I drifted my eyes toward her, still unfocused, staring at two of her.
...Should I say yes? It seemed like a good opening. Maybe the only good opening.
Otherwise I might never find a way to tell her and would just keep it hidden throughout the whole story.
But... how did I phrase it, even with the opening?
She needed to know Phantom lost his memory.
But what could he say that would make her figure it out?
...It had been easier in the fic.
"Phantom, come on. I've been here waiting over an hour for you to wake up. Now—"
"I–" I flinched again at the voice. That was going to be so weird. "I think I have amnesia."
"...Maybe?" My voice cracked on the high note.
based on this fic: Deadly Evasions
and this post by @tozettastone: you are personally and directly hit by a bus
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nymfettamines · 28 days
i wear eyeshadow the color of his eyes
he wears his dreams the color of mine
all across his face like i'm something that shines
and my shrine to him is incomplete
but so is our hunter's drug so
i forever grieve
i've killed before and i'll kill for him
i'll kill him for
he never wished so but I am already his
i act like he doesn't care but
I'm unreal 'cause he loves me more than i do me
I know blue suits me but I prefer pink
I know the blues suit me but I prefer your eyes
you're dreaming and refuse to tell me
as if you're cold blooded and bleeding
it's in my blood that he eats
for me to be so his I cannot breathe
my lungs are overcome with fire that we breathe
but I thought I was water, what have you done to me?
this body of mine is a shrine to him
I'll wear his eyes on mine
i wear the bruises he leaves on me like a scene and i
i wear swells like it's meant to be
as if it's meant to be
karmic debt
the bluer flames are always more scorching
but the water still never fails
what have you done to me?
i'm hollow except for your fractions inside me
swallow me whole
make me someone
i've killed before and i'll kill for him
i'll kill him for
he never wished so but I am already his
i act like he doesn't care but
I'm unreal 'cause he loves me more than i do me
there's this dichotomy of loving a narcissist
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0-g-i · 2 months
Tumblr media
Haven't finish my fic, so made a meme. asdfg
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