#my sister will be like wow that’s so sad what happened and I’ll be like omg that is sad
coffeeandcalligraphy · 4 months
autism is crazyyyyy because I went years having zero empathy for harrison & now I think about him & burst into a million pieces
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ist4rgirlo · 11 months
─── 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Being Belly & Steven’s older sibling has it’s pros and cons. protecting them and taking care of them is a must, but do you really have to put their feelings first instead of your own?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warning: angst, fluff, swearing(?), smoking, conrad being a two timer. (lmk if i missed anything!)
It was the night after me and Conrad talked. We were now in the dining room, eating the food Susannah prepared for us.
“So, I want to continue on your guys’ portraits tomorrow. Are you guys free?” Susannah smiled at us.
Susannah was almost done with our portraits. She just needed to put a little bit of touches, more color to it. We’d love to stay home and let her continue it but it was almost the end of summer, we all had our own plans.
Steven looked around the table, waiting for our answer. “Well I am free tomorrow, you can continue mine” he smiled.
I smiled at Steven and started to look around the table too. “Anyone else that’s free? it’s okay if you guys are not, it’s summer, you guys are supposed to have fun not be stuck here” Susannah reached for my hand and smiled.
“I don’t think i’ll be free tomorrow” Belly said, stopping herself from smiling. Trying to cover her mouth with her hand. That smile, I knew there was something going on. I just knew it.
Susannah and Laurel looked at her, confused while Steven looked at me like asking me if I knew what was going on. I shook my head no even though I knew.
“Wow! Belly is finally going out!” Steven teased Belly. I laughed “Shut up, Steve! Don’t tease her like that” I nudged him with my elbow and looked at Belly winking at her.
Belly smiled big, “Well whether you believe it or not, I am going on a date” she bit her lip — trying to contain her giggle.
I knew it. I knew Conrad was going to ask her anytime soon. This is what I wanted right? but why am I hurting? am I sad about it? I don’t think so.
I smiled, “So who’s the lucky guy? huh?” I asked — acting like I didn’t know, I definitely knew and Susannah knew that I knew.
Susannah who was still holding my hand, started to caress my hand. I looked at her, I nodded and smiled, as a way of saying that it was okay, that I was okay.
“Well, It’s Conrad” Belly said, trying not to giggle. My mom smiled, she looked excited, “Oh really? that’s nice!” finally, what she wanted was happening.
Steven looked at me, confused — trying to comprehend what was happening. He was confused with how Belly and Conrad happened, how it started, when it started.
“What the fuck, Conrad! Really? my sister?” Steven teased. “Hey! Don’t be like that!” my mom said glaring at Steven. Of course she’d defend them, this was something that she always saw back when we were little.
“Well, what about you Y/N? are you busy tomorrow? Jere?” Susannah said looking at us with a gentle smile.
I looked at Jeremiah, he was looking at me too, “I think i’m-“
“Me and Y/N actually got something tomorrow, Mom” Jeremiah said, cutting me off — smiling at Susannah.
I looked at Jeremiah — raising my brows at him. He just smiled and shrugged.
“What?! where are you guys going now? why am I not included in whatever this is?” Steven yelled while pointing fingers at us. I laughed at him along with Jeremiah and Belly.
“Oh come on, Steven. Let your sisters have fun without you!” my mom laughed, looking at me and Belly. Steven groaned and slumped on the chair he was sitting at, “This is not fair!!”
It was funny how he always acted like he knew everything, like he was the shit but when it comes to things like this, he acts like a child. He doesn’t like it when he feels left out.
“Well I guess it’s just you and me, Steven” Susannah smiled gently. I looked at Conrad, noticing that he was already looking at me, I looked away and turned my attention to Belly.
Belly looked back at me and smiled, I smiled back. She wanted this, this was her dream, to be with Conrad. She deserves this, she deserves to be happy. She is happy and I am happy too. That’s what matters.
After the dinner, I went up to my room and changed into my swimsuit. I decided to go for a swim, since it was something that always eased my mind.
It was such a nice night to swim, not that cold and not that hot. It was just the right temperature.
I went in and swam for a while. As I returned to the surface, I saw Conrad, smoking.
“Hey, there. Didn’t know you smoked” I tilted my head, smiling a little bit. It was the first time I saw him smoke, he never smoked.
Conrad smirked, taking a drag of his cigarette before answering me. “Well it just helps me sleep well” he shrugged.
“Yeah sure, It’ll kill you too.” I rolled my eyes and swam away from him.
This was different. Conrad was acting different, this wasn’t normal. I wanted to act like I didn’t care but I did. He’s my bestfriend too, I can’t afford to lose him.
As I returned again to the surface Conrad asked me, “Are you happy?” he titled his head, taking another drag of his cigarette.
“All of a sudden?” I asked him. I ask myself the same question, am I really happy? am I putting up a front? is whatever i’m doing right?
Conrad shrugged, “Yeah? Just wanted to ask, you seemed kinda off earlier” he looked at me in my eyes, trying to read my emotions. He always said I was an easy read, but he wondered why he can’t read me now.
I remained silent for a while — I didn’t know what the answer was because even I ask myself that. “Well we’re all complete. It’s summer, no school, no problems. I guess i’m not fully happy because of what Susannah’s going through right now but we’re all together so somehow I am happy.” I smiled gently, Conrad smiled back.
“Well I am glad you are happy because me too. I feel the same way” Conrad said, smiling at me — taking another drag of his cigarette. Looking at me while he blew the smoke out of his mouth.
I can see that he was happy but there was a glint in his eyes, I knew he wasn’t fully happy, how can he be happy when Susannah’s sick? — he made it so hard not to care for him but I knew I needed to stop this feeling, I needed to do it even if it hurts me.
I looked away from him, “So… where are you taking Belly?” I asked as I swam away from him, turning my back on him, trying to change the topic.
There was silence, I guess he didn’t want this conversation. He never expected to jump into this topic. He didn’t want to talk about this with me.
“Uhm, I’ll be taking her to her favorite restaurant and probably go to the arcade too or something” Conrad shrugged throwing his cigarette away, not really sure with his answer.
I turned, “That’s nice, Belly will absolutely love it” I smiled at him. He just looked at me with his brow furrowed,that look like I was crazy — like I was someone he didn’t know — all because he couldn’t figure it out, he couldn’t read me — it was so hard for him.
It was silent again not until Jeremiah came out of the door.
“Y/N! Go inside, it’s getting cold!” Jeremiah walked towards me with a towel in his hands. I swam all the way to the end of the pool where Jeremiah was, he lend a hand out and he helped me get out of the pool.
“Thank’s Jere” I took the towel and smiled at him gently. I wiped my face and rubbed it on my head then wrapped it around my shoulder.
I look back to check if Conrad was still there but he already stood up and started to walk inside the house.
Jeremiah looked at Conrad then looked back at me, I looked back at him, his brows furrowed, “You okay, Y/N/N?” I smiled at him and nodded, “Come on, let’s get back inside” I said — Jeremiah nodded and guided me back inside the house since I didn’t have any slippers on, we went inside the house and watched a movie with the moms.
There was a lot of things that happened today, my talk with Conrad, Conrad asking Belly out, and me and Jeremiah going out which I didn’t even know that we were, I am honestly glad that Jeremiah was there to save me. As of right now, if my sister is happy then I am happy too. As I said, that’s what matters.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak
if you want to get tagged for the next part just let me know !! enjoy :))
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patchver-mel · 4 days
Saw aromantic trending so I wanna rant share about my experience being aroace :D
It never really occurred to me as a kid that I was different when it came to romance and stuff. Whenever my friends talk about crushes, I often think about an entirely different topic cause I could never relate. It never interested me since I never felt it. People would have crushes on others in school, celebrities, or something else. But it never occurred to me that having no attraction wasn’t the norm since I always thought I’ll find the “right person” someday. I was just like “everyone gets a romantic partner eventually, why should I rush it?” Which is why I didn’t feel out of place for my lack of attraction. I was never rushed by my peers, but I was taught that love eventually happens.
Figuring out and accepting I was aroace was definitely a slow burn for me. I knew what the label was and I think I kinda identified with it but it felt like a label I tacked on cause I was always thinking in the back of my mind that I’ll like someone someday. Overtime, I realized that the present is what matters when identifying as something, and right now, I can confidently say I’ll never feel sexual and romantic attraction. I’ve come to accept that I’m aroace and I’m very proud to be.
Upon this realization though, I’ve seen how much this world and a lot of people in it values romance. So. Much. Amatonormativity. There were multiple times where I would hang out with a friend of a different gender and friends of that person would be like “oh wow u finally got a partner” or something. Like, we were just talking, which is something that, literally, everyone does. Sometimes I feel like everyone expects me to marry when I don’t want to. One time my sister was talking about her celebrity crush and my mom said “everyone has a celebrity crush” and when I replied with “I don’t,” she said “aww” like it was sad or something. And I don’t understand why?? It’s not a bad thing to not have a crush on a popular person. Also, I’m glad the internet lets me see other people are also aroace cause a lot of the time, I feel lonely. Literally all the people in my life have either had a crush and/or been in a relationship. I’m not sad I don’t feel that same attraction, but I would like someone in my real life to talk to about this, someone who’s able to understand the lack of feelings I have, someone who has the same ideas about amatonormativity. Yeah I’m good with being alone, but it can get lonely when it feels like I’m the only one who doesn’t feel romantic and sexual attraction in a 100 mile radius. I don’t got a desire to partner up in any kind of relationship, so I have to accept that I’m most likely not the first priority for anyone due to me not being their lover.
Despite those struggles, I’m still very glad to be aroace. It feels so nice to know that I can live a life that’s not pictured for me already. I don’t want a partner, I don’t want kids, I don’t want to marry, and other stuff. Anyone can do that, but I love not feeling crushes. I don’t hate romance or sex, but I don’t really care about it when it comes to real life. I never felt like I had to conform when it came to romantic relationships and I’m gonna keep doing that. If someone had a button that could give me romantic and sexual feelings, I would take the batteries out and shatter it into a million pieces, cause I’m damn glad to be aroace.
This thing turned out way longer than I expected and I know I’m a little late for aromantic visibility day but I just wanted to pour all this out. Thanks for reading all the way if u did and happy pride month y’all :>
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spooky-circuits · 4 months
can we get clay and viva reaction to the whole kids appeared at the putt putt course
Viva starts talking about how excited she is that Poppy is finally safe here with her and how all her friends will be safe too now that they’re here. In her excitement she doesn’t notice the looks they give each other behind Poppy.
Clay is surprised his baby brother managed to find him with just a group of teenagers he’s as impressed as he is concerned. They tell him about how excited their families will be to know more trolls survived and he realizes that “Oh they aren’t random orphans these kids have a home to go home too.” He knows Viva won’t want to let them risk going home. Especially now that Poppy is in the picture. He understands how she feels all too well now that Branch is here in front of him for the first time since the fight and getting separated in the escape. He doesn’t regret going with Viva that night but there are days where he can’t help but think about the family he’s lost.
Clay doesn’t stop Viva when she tells the snack pack they aren’t leaving and feels guilty when Branch gives him that look of betrayal when he doesn’t speak up.
Viva is scared of loosing her sister and would hate if these kids got eaten just because they want to play action hero. She has to be the responsible one even when these kids look scared of her when she tells them they can’t leave the safety of the golf course. She knows they’ll understand once they see how safe it is here.
Branch says something to Clay from behind the door of the room the kids have been put into. “You know you aren’t going to be able to keep us here right? I don’t know if you noticed but my friends are really good at sneaking out.” Clay still feels guilty but Viva had made some good points Branch just needed to see how great this place was. “Come on Branch I know it doesn’t seem great but you’ll like it here!” The room is quiet behind him. “Branch?… Bitty B?” He opens the door to find a hole in the floor. “Wow he wasn’t kidding about their escape skills… Oh Shit!”
Viva is heartbroken that her sister would just leave she had really thought Poppy would understand but she hadn’t and her sister was gone all over again. Worse than that Clay was grabbing supplies like he was planning to leave too. “Clay what are you doing?” Her voice sounds so small Clay can’t remember the last time he heard her sound like that. She was usually so full of life and energy he hates that he made her sound like that. “I have to go after them Viva. I know you’re scared but I won’t be able to rest until I know Branch is okay. You understand that don’t you.” And she does understand. She hates that she doesn’t have the courage to go out and find Poppy. “I’ll bring Poppy back for you too. So you can stay here and look after everyone.” She hates how he’s making excuses for her but she can’t bring herself to disagree. “Just… just be safe. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you too.” Clay smiles at her. “Did you forget who put all the fire exits in Viv? Safety is my middle name!” She smiles but her face goes serious again quickly. “I mean it Clay I don’t want to loose any more people.” He smiles at her with sad eyes. “I know… Don’t worry I’ll bring them back soon.”
The snack pack was already a good distance from the golf course before they feel comfortable slowing down and Guy goes “I’m sorry your siblings ended up being uh…” he doesn’t want to say anything hurtful since Poppy was clearly torn up about having to leave Viva. Branch just looks at him like “Uh yeah thanks Guy.” Creek speaks up “At least 1 out of 3 secret siblings turned out alright.” It’s poorly timed but it manages to actually get a laugh out of everyone with how absurd their day has been. Branch especially can’t stop laughing. “Oh that’s horrible Creek why would you even say that!”
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
omg the jamal x phonzy's sister reader imagine is so good!! i can't wait for part two
pt. II
well, tomorrow did arrive faster than you’d thought, but you really weren’t sure whether the situation got better or not.
your brother behaved like he normally did, never mentioning yesterday’s talk. just joking around with his friends, talking about today’s match and what not. him and jamal were as comfortable as usual, phonzy even included you into the conversation.
though, you felt the tension between you and jamal grow, as you didn’t reply to the text messages he has had sent you last night, also you haven’t talked to him as much. you knew that it was unfair, that it wasn’t his fault and that talking it out would be better than just to ignore the situation, but you were scared.
what would you even say?
‘oh, yeah my brother found out that i have a crush on you and told me to back off kinda and i’m also pretty sure that you don’t feel the same and that’s why i’m ignoring you, but good luck today!”
yeah, no. you couldn’t do that. so, not talking to him was the safer option, to you at least.
however, it seems like jamal has other plans, catching you off guard as he pulls you into an empty room a few minutes before the warm up session started.
“did something happen?” he cut straight to the point, his warm hand never leaving you wrist. his grip was gentle, sending butterflies to your stomach.
“huh?” you didn’t know what to stay, clearing your throat while searching for the right words to explain what had happened.
“you know what i mean, du kannst es mir sagen, i’ll help wherever i can.” he continues, melting your sorrows away with his kind words.
you really don’t deserve him, do you?
“let’s talk after the game?” you try to get out of this situation, though the look on jamals face tells you that he wouldn’t budge until you answered him.
“i won’t be able to concentrate, bitte.” his voice is laced with desperation, he even steps closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours.
your breath hitches in your throat, telling him would put an end to all of this. you really didn’t have a choice.
“i like you.” you tell him straightforward, face stern.
there, you said it. you confessed. you felt like jumping around, giggling and kicking your feet. but, jamal stood in front of you, so you’d have to do that after he left.
“like, do you mean, like for real?” his eyes resembled the ones of bambi, another reason why his nickname suited him perfectly. his hand moved from your wrist to you hand, enclosing it and squeezing it ever so lightly, as if to check whether this was real or not.
“yeah, i really like you, apparently phonzy knew. he told me that he doesn’t want this and, i guess, just, i think i was just really sad, you know?” you try to explain, sighing as your eyes now shift to your hands, squeezing his hand back.
jamal stood still for a fee seconds, making you regret confessing to him. did you ruin your friendship?
“i, wow, i also really like you, i just, i thought you didn’t like me like that.” he replied, a smile adoring his lips, his eyes shining like stars.
hearing his words made you really happy, they made you feel giddy, mushy and warm inside.
you shake your head lightly and pull your hand out of his, facing reality, “phonzy would never approve and i don’t want to hide anything from him, that wouldn’t end well.”
“can i be your boyfriend?” was all jamal said, not paying attention to your words.
“jamal, did you hear what i just said? we cant-“
he interrupted you, repeating his words. “please, let me be your boyfriend, i’ll talk to phonzy, trust me.”
“but,” you begin, inhaling deeply. you also want to be with him. this is your life, your decision to make only, “okay.” you agree, nodding as a small smile dances on your lips.
jamal giggled ever so cutely, kissing your cheek, “i have to go now, don’t worry, ‘kay? and cheer for me.”
“i’ll cheer louder than anyone.” you nodded, tilting your head.
“i bet you will.”
after kissing your cheek for the last time, jamal quickly walked to the field, warming up with the others as you moved to your seat, right next to the bench the players would sit at.
throughout the entire game you cheered for your brother and your boyfriend, eyes never leaving his figure as he runs across the field. yes, you were still overthinking everything that happened, praying that it would end well, but you also couldn’t help but feel happy and relieved, even.
jamal also liked you, he asked you to be your boyfriend, he believed in your relationship.
after the game, with bayern winning of course, phonzy, jamal and you drove back to your place, wanting to celebrate the win together with a nice movie night. the entire time, whether it was in the car or in the living room, whenever jamal was somehow close to you, you felt like giggling and wrapping yourself around his figure. yet, with your brother also being present, you had to hold yourself back, while also behaving like you just didn’t go behind his back and officially got together with his best friend.
apparently jamals patience ran thin, as he spoke up about it as soon as you guys sat down with snacks.
“phonzy.” he begins, voice serious and eyebrows furrowed. “we’re together. i really like her and she also likes me, and i know you don’t want us to, but, just give us the chance to prove-“
“i knew that it would happen.” your brother interrupts your boyfriend, sitting up and putting down his bowl of chips. “even though i told you not to, i also knew that i couldn’t stand between you forever. just promise me that you’ll be mature, or whatever.”
tears filled up your eyes, as you jump out of your place to hug your brother tightly.
“thank you.” you whispered into his ear, mirroring the smile on his face.
“no funny business, though.” he looks at your boyfriend, finger pointed at him.
jamal only puts up his hands, kind of defending himself. though, his smile also reached his eyes that met yours, happy to have your brothers blessings.
today actually got better.
i rushed it, but i genuinely didn’t know how to end everything and so on. hope you still like it!!!
(didn’t proofread)
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mrmissmrsrandom · 2 months
Sumeragi Subaru
Ohhh excellent yes my boy.
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Just how kind he is. Despite everything, even later under all his trauma and depression, he is still kind.
favorite line: I don't have my darkhorse volumes with me (gathering the new Yen Press Release but only have the first 2 volumes, so this is from volume 2)-- "No one can change the past. No matter how hard we try, time won't reverse. But the future? Only you, Mitsuki-san, can change your future." The "Dream" chapter had a big impact on me when I read it, even if I don't 'agree' with all of the points Subaru makes in that discussion, having him try to center someone on the here and now and reassuring them that they have a choice is powerful. Most of my favorite lines from him are in Tokyo Babylon because I haven't read Tsubasa, and he is more quiet in X.
brOTP: Hokuto-chan. His twin, his sister. ;; Maybe catching up in a what if scenario with him catching up with Hashimoto (the girl who loses her eye, wow the theming!) post-series or even post-X if you imagine all of humanity doesn't die.
OTP: I think at this point its him and Kamui. I'm not saying in that its "better" than him with Seishirou, just that the concept of them interacting based on how they interact in X is more compelling now to me. We never get to see/fully imagine (unless you write fic, which yay! Love that!) Subaru and Seishirou interacting with the full knowledge of who the other is/on an even playing field without The End of Tokyo Babylon. I like everything that is built up and in the end, Subaru did not fall in love with the facade Seishirou put up, but him for him (and then Seishirou never QUITE gets there, so we get -points at X- bozo was too focused on winning The Bet he made with a fucking third grader). SO, back to him and Kamui: they just feel like they get each other in a way no one else seems to, and that adding into the sadness of their bond (understanding but being unable/deciding not to convince the other away from a destructive path). How Subaru tries to be there for Kamui once he officially joins the other Dragons, from speaking with him or helping with homework. Their relationship, if/when we ever get a finale to the manga X (or if you just think about it), feels like the most likely to grow and build into something by the end for me. And hey, both of them have Seishirou and Fuuma as foils/'twin stars', but guess which out of the four get reincarnated as VAMPIRE TWINS in Tsubasa? Subaru and Kamui! Something something soulmates getting reborn together/commentary on Hokuto escaping the wheel of fate but these two boys are still thoroughly In It: but imagining them together makes it feel hopeful. :)
nOTP: Uh, I do not necessarily see him ever being romantically interested in women. So I guess him in a romantic relationship with a woman.
random headcanon: Post-Tokyo Babylon Subaru ends up calling every number in Hokuto's phone book to give away her clothes to friends, but months down the line he gets an unlisted call from the friend she makes in "Smile." They meet up, and Subaru has to tell her what happened, and her trying to smile for him and comfort him, causing him to break down from it, but it also somewhat brings him out of the haze of vengeance he had been in and return to like, eating regularly. Though, after that meeting he also picks up his first pack of cigarettes.
unpopular opinion: Subaru does not naturally come by fashion. He's cute and let Hokuto dress him up. I don't think that's "unpopular," but also by X if the only thing he could wear was something "embarrassing" but not risque, like a mascot uniform or something along those lines--- he would wear it and think nothing of it. Also let my mans be a rope bunny and get to exist in subspace for a bit. Maybe Karen knows an escort from Soapland that can get him into contact with the local BDSM community so he can get out of his head.
song i associate with them: Moon by Rebecca IS from the character soundtrack, but it just works so well for him.
favorite picture of them: This one from Annex: Start, I think? It's just always filled me with so many different emotions despite how subdued it is.
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theredcapeofk · 7 months
20 Questions
Thank you @silv3reyedstranger  for tagging me! Sorry for the delay, I needed to finish my Halloween fic first
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 with 4 still ongoing. This also includes 9 artworks (aside from the 6 in my illustrated fic)
2. What’s you total AO3 count?
177,544 words. Wow! I didn’t expect this much. Cool 🙂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My Eyes are up Here
Change my Direction
Gifts (My first posted Supergirl fic <3 )
It’s a Super Life
The Five Senses of Affection (I plan to update this one soon ;) )
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Always. Sometimes it’s hard to not spoil the rest of the fic when I answer questions, but I love it when you guys ask questions. I respond to comments because I like to exchange thoughts with people who comment, or simply thank people who took the time to write something.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
@silv3reyedstranger I don’t like to copy but your answer is exactly what I think, so I’m mostly gonna keep what you said.
I'm really not the biggest fan of angsty endings (because it makes me sad), so I don't write them. I'd much prefer piling on the angst throughout and giving them a happy ending. There's too much sadness and grief in the world already, I feel like everyone should get a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don’t know, they all end well, but since I need to choose one I'd say Don’t Leave Me because of what happens in the fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did, on Change my Direction a few chapters ago (which is basically a year and a half ago.). People(who had never commented before on this fic) had a lot to say about how I handled a specific chapter.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I do (I think most of my stuff is rated E on Ao3 lol). I’d say mostly fluff. And…what would you call Kara and Lena have been longing for each other for years and finally decide to…? 
I wrote more kinky stuff I haven’t posted yet. There’s angry sex in a fic I’m working on
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I did. Harry Potter and Charmed, City Hunter and Cat’s eyes (1980s and early 1990s mangas by the same author). I used to draw crossovers a lot which was a lot easier than trying to figure out how some characters could meet. I don’t think any of my written crossovers were too far-fetched, but my art on the other hand…I had the Golden trio from Harry Potter meet Naruto characters, and Outfit exchanges(with Naruto and other mangas) a few times in my art.
“Recently” I had Kate Kane and her step-sister visit Kara and Lena in Suddenly I’m in too deep. And I will write crossovers again with other characters from the Arrowverse
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No one’s ever asked, so not that I know of. I’ve tried translating my own fics once upon a time, but what a hassle lol. Although that was back when I was writing in French so translating to English was harder (and my English was not what it is today), maybe it would be easier to translate my current fics in French, but I don’t really see the point lol
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes 2 with @lenaralanvers. One is Let’s let go of our Broken Hearts (she did the actual writing but we took decisions together) and the second we haven’t posted yet.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
My OTP? I don’t know. I’ve loved all my ships with passion, still do. I think RonMione, Linzin, Korrasami and of course Supercorp will always hold a very special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hope I’ll be able to finish all of my Supercorp ones in any shape or form. Sometimes I just write down a short idea and it turns into a multi chapter fic. Or sometimes I write something I think could be huge, but it turns out to be a few paragraphs and it’s just as finished as the fics I post online. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m not good at knowing what I’m good at lol. I think I’m good with fluff scenes and how people react with their senses (sight, touch etc)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Which is all the more frustrating because I usually get a very precise picture in my head but I can rarely show it with words.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don’t write entire dialogues in another language, just a few foreign sentences or words here and there. I like to keep it organic for the reader and this method is easier when it comes to including translation
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I was desperately waiting for Book 5, and after theorizing for a while about serious plot points, one day I sat down to write goofy interviews given by the Golden trio to the Daily Prophet. The funny thing is, fanfiction came naturally to me, and I’m not sure I even knew the name of what I was writing then.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh that’s a tough one, because favorites tend to change. I can list a few that I love in chronological order (each one of these marked a milestone of some kind in my writing journey): 
Il était une fois à Shinjuku (the City Hunter and Cat’s eye crossover), 
A post Book 1 Korrasami and Borra fic (that I never posted anywhere so I never bothered to properly name it XD), 
My eyes are up Here 
The Five Senses of Affection 
and Don’t Leave me
tagging a couple of people if ya’ll wanna take part! @spaceman-earthgirl @lenaralanvers @chaotic-super @inkedroplets @guessimreallyhere
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beatallitas · 2 years
I want to talk about my last hyperfixation~ NENDOROIDS!
Today I just woke up and saw that nendoroids of Reki and Langa are finally colored AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Like...their faces, they’re so much prettier!! I’d so much hype for them and I’m so happy with this version! I can’t wait to buy them
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They released a nendoroid doll of Hanako-kun...my boy...so cute. I really like his face
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I already have his nendoroid which I’m really happy of because I saw a lot of comments begging GoodSmile to rerelease him. Yeah I think both are so cute but he’s not priority sadly ;;
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I’ve lost it jskdhnekiufhnikwuefherkf he’s my favourite in the series with Loid. I reserved Loid but not Anya because I haven’t enough money and now... I can’t let them be separate I’M UGLY CRYING. You know that I have the Eiji nendoroid but no Ash... and makes me so sad because now is around 200$ like WHAT please rerelease him GoodSmile. I just don’t want this to happen again. So discussing with myself if I need to buy Anya BWAHAHAHAHA
Now I’ll be talking abt my last post. It was in spanish so people wouldn’t read hahahaha. I talked about how random I feel when I walk in Alicante and suddently I see my sister’s drawings. Now I have proofs!!! because the day after I wrote that I walked down that street again 🤣
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RIP Alicante Otaku
And it’s incredible that her Snow Miku design won the contest and now it’s on the streets of Japan!! 
It’s in the public transport............. it’s crazy HAHAHAHAHJHSAJSHS
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This is a really cute train wow.
Last year I told Isa that one of my favourite Miku’s was the crabby one...and won, and this year the design that I liked most from her was this dawn Miku and WON!! yeah I’m a visionary. I don’t really like Miku Hatsune, like I like her but not a big fan but I like so much this Snow Miku nendoroid.
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sO I hope you enjoyed reading this If something is wrong in english sorrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :P
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sirnavergi · 6 months
Just discovered your blog and
Second of, if it isn't a bother would you mind telling me more about your pjsk OCs? Cuz they look so cool and I love their group energy on the group drawing. I wanna know more about them
I actually have 2 groups!!! One of them is called SILamENT_ and the other is called ChromaChronicles
ChromaChronicles is a group I share with my friend @starbiistruck on instagram!!! :3 The redhead Ryoichi Yoshino and Mion Nakabayashi are from this group! They’re fairly new characters and we haven’t gotten the chance to work on them much yet, but the idea is that they play shows with stories behind them, kind of like musicals but instead of it being like one story per show, ALL their shows and music are connected to some story? With characters and stuff. 2 of them sing as narrators while the other 2 sing as characters.
Their sekai is like an 80s mall,,, and the genre of music they focus is synthpop/new wave!!
SILamENT_ is a bit more developed as I’ve had them for longer! The group consists of Eihi Mizano (red-black hair), Machi Mizano (light grey-red/grey streaks), Michika Neji (Blue), and the unit leader, Yuika Fujita!!(purple)
Eihi and Machi are twin siblings and go to Miyamasuzaka as second years! The other two go to Kamiyama. Yuika is a first year while Michika is a second year!
Eihi, Machi and Michika knew each other as kids, because they all used to attend ballet classes together! Unfortunately after a while, Michika decides that she no longer has fun doing ballet and it’s becoming too stressful for her, and stops coming.
While this is happening, Eihi gets scouted to be a model, and after a while she finds it hard to attend to everything and also drops the lesson.
Machi attends by herself for a while before also dropping it as she’s left all by herself now.
I think they keep in touch,, but they’re definitely more distant after they stop seeing each other frequently.
Yuika transfers to Kamiyama a little late than the beginning of the school year!
Yuika composes music and also wants to make short films !
She has a run in with Michika, they end up talking about their interests n stuff and Michika offers to help Yuika make a movie!!
Michika now makes,, scrapbooks and cool journals to set the vibes for their movies I think.. But yeah, she mostly wants to help with the direction but not act herself at this point. So they’re kind of stuck with no actors.
A lot of details r actually rlly fuzzy bc I barely work on these guys n im actually making up some stuff as I go… Michika sees SOMETHING with Eihi on it, as she’s still working as a model right now. And is like, hey. We used to be friends (we still are?? Kind of. I think) I’ll call her (Machi too) up n see what she thinks about helping with the movie.
Turns out, Eihi doesn’t really want to do modeling all that much from the beginning. But got pressured too much from people all around her who were “worried about her future” and decided to stick with it because she understood that sometimes in these industries you had to take the option that works, even if its not what you want truly.
Anyways, these all meet up n they discuss how the movie will be. Yuika actually doesn’t want to make movies with dialogue! Just movement and music. (So I don’t think they actually sing too much in in-universe content they produce, but I do still have voice hcs for them all obv.)
Anyways machi also,, I think she’s kind of shut in now bc she feels betrayed by her sister? They grew up doing everything together and one day she just starts doing her own thing n now they barely see each other or do anything together. N she resorts to some kinda I dont need you anyway🙄🙄 mentality to get over it but she is kind of sad about it inside😞
So the whole making movies together yippee thing gets her an opportunity to do something with her sister again like in the good old days so shes . happy (tho she tries to hide it)
yuikas just happy she found people who are willing to help make her passions reality!
and michika is happy her friends r reconnected after a few years of very awkward,, are we still friends or was it just a casual-we only spoke bc we existed at the same place at the same time and now that we dont we aren’t friends anymore- kind of thing.
Their sekai is a kind of minimalist modern art museum !!! And the main genre of music they make is,,, idk what to call it tbh? It’s atmospheric.. but its also inspired by those beep bops that u get from hooking plants to those machines that convert the waves into sounds ???? this is definitely not the right terminology for it but my main interest is maths n physics idk this stuff much
i have a very makeshift not SUPER accurate but accurate enough spotify playlist for them..
i havent designed any virtual singers yet…
other small things i can add are,,,
yuika is casual with Michika but speaks more formally with the twins in the beginning (which gets confusing sometimes bc they have the same surname obviously) after a while she does start using their names to save everyone the confusion.
yuika also looks up to the twins ! But is a bit more intimidated by Machi at first, but they end up becoming close friends!!
Machi skates! Skateboard and rollerskates i think! After yuika and her become closer, yuika helps her record cool videos of herself doing tricks LMAOO
Machi hangs out in vivid street a lot also! Because Yuika moved from outside the city, it’s likely Machi introduces Yuika to vivid street.
AHHH i cant think of anything else right now thank u so much for the kind words n reading :33
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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My RL Sims-Story (18+)
CW: addiction
After my dad kicked me out, I went with Daniel. This is gonna be my new home for a while. But I will also go to Sandra tomorrow and clarify some things with her. Even Philip, I’ll see very soon! Tomorrow he will call me and so we’ll see each other..
Daniel was so sweet to me! I was sad! I didn’t want to leave my sister!! I knew how difficult it was for her. But also my mom! I didn’t want to hurt her! I knew what a big concern she had for me and that I made her sick with it. Actually, only my dad was the problem! About him, I was not sorry at all! 😒 I knew, he loved me and only wanted to protect me, but my dad has that.... dark side that makes him obnoxious and even scared me. He didn’t have those outbursts of rage often, fortunately, but often enough to traumatize me. Especially when Ana and I were very young and he and our mom had so much fighting. I mean, he never got violent, but I was afraid it might happen, The older we got, the less he had this, but when I started doing drugs, it happened more often again. Today he’s much calmer! We can finally talk to each other normally. I think my little son changed my dad but alos my mom a lot. What exactly I mean by that, will explain itself, as soon as they become grandparents. Daniel comforted me and told me, I could stay with him as long as I wanted. He reminded me of what he and I promised each other during our therapy, that we will stick together!
Me: Thank you for letting me staying here! Without you I would be lost! 😢 ...I want the two of us to make it, even if our therapist wants to separate us.
Daniel: She can’t separate us! She just wants to teach us how it could work.
Me: Yeah, but she also said, it would be better for us if we were not together! She will explain to us why & that this way, is the right one for both of us. But I don’t want this! I don’t want to leave you! 😟
Daniel: That’s not gonna happen! We just go to our sessions and pretend to listen to her, or you won’t get your prescription.
Me: I know you’re only doing this for me, because I need my pills! So I’ll do what you say.
Daniel: We’re a team! And we decide together what we will do, okay?
Me: Deal! 🙂
A bit later, Dominick came. He wanted to apologize to me, for stealing my drugs. I was going to argue with Dominick about But I decided to drop it go, he didn’t seem well. And Daniel’s kitten 💗 finally woke up, he’s so sweet!
Dominick: How long will you stay here A.?I can drive you home later.
Me: Thanks, but no! I’ll stay with Daniel for a while.
Dominick: Umm..... Did you two move in together? 🤔 ... I got it! You’re pregnant, right?
Daniel: 🤨.....🤦‍♂️
Me: Wow!.... I think Sonja was right! You have a thing for... pregnant women? 😏 😉 Huh? ....🤭
Dominick: What?... Before Sandra, I had never been with a pregnant woman! And so far, I haven’t noticed any difference. S. didn’t really look pregnant to me. But the last time I saw her, a week ago, you could already see, that she will soon have a baby. And....we’re just friends again. I don’t want to drag Sandra into the shit I’m in rn. I don’t want to waste her time! She deserves someone better, someone who’s not as mentally broken as I am. 😕
Me: Hm.... Did you talk to her about this? 🤨
Dominick: Sure! And she was aware of all this weeks ago! We talked a lot. You know? Just like Daniel and you.
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Me: Anyway! I’m NOT pregnant! But actually, Daniel and I already have a little baby. THIS ONE! 🐱 Aww...he’s so cute! I will make him the happiest cat in the world.
Dominick: That’s...great! 🤷‍♂️ But don’t forget Daniel! 😉
Me: Never! 🙂.....But this little kitten makes me so happy! I can’t help it, I just love him.
Dominick: You love D., too?
Me: 😦... What's with all the questioning? 🤷‍♀️ This isn't any of your business!! Daniel knows what-......what I feel for him! 😳
Daniel: Don't be such a pain, man!.... I know, she loves me. 😏😉
Then Daniel’s sister came. Her Name is Tatiana. I met T., 2 weeks ago when I also met Daniel’s weird mother. But Tatiana is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She and I liked each other from the beginning. And what I didn’t know at that time is, that Daniel’s sister will become someone very important for my little son in the future. She is a pedagogical child educator and my little one will go to her kids group/day care. But this was no coincidence, I wanted this!! T. was my last hope! Why, I’ll tell sometime later! ...That day, she came to pick up D.’s cat, to take him to a vet because he was vaccinated. I didn’t want her to take our cute kitten! 🙁 But it had to be! She will bring him back to us the next day and even find out, who abandoned the 2 kittens.
When she said goodbye to me, I told her I was gonna stay here with her brother because my dad kicked me out. She said, she’ll always help us if wee need something. 😳 🤍 I really wonder, how Daniel & his sister became such nice and kind people with their crazy mother??
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jinkicake · 2 years
👀👀 I can def sneak you this Xiao x reader x zhongli fic that has been rent free in my head all month and albedo is so😭like calling him cute is not enough!! I need to suck his dick till he starts crying 😔 also same w sucrose too she’s literally so adorable and I need to kiss her cheeks like there is no other option. Almost every character in this game has a grip on me and I’m just living like this @ this point? Like I’ll see hot fanart if scaramouche and I’m like,,, maybe I can fix him… and I’m not regretting I choose aether bc he’s my boy and I will never turn my back on him! But abyss Prince aether,,,, like idk men who are evil and mean are hot and I’m not going to pretend they’re not!! Like something about him seducing lumine’s friend into helping him achieve his goal is💦 like also same w lumine like aether I’m sorry but I’m sleeping w your hot unhinged evil sister😔 and like zhongli in his morax era where he was some evil blood thirsty god who was just fucking people up( SHDJS IN INEOF THE ARTIFACT DESCRIPTIONS IT SSYS HE WAS THROWING MOUNTAINS @ VENTI LIKE DAMN THE ELDERLY ARE FIGHTING!!) And his statue is literally naked w like a sheet on it….. now not saying my theory about fucking his people are true buuuut🤔 like he knows a lot about the herbs hat grow in Liyue and tea n shit so he def knows what plants increase fertility. People weren’t sad that morax died bc he was their good they were sad bc they wouldn’t get to fuck that good again like yanfei is half adepti and we never even hear about her parents sooooo.👀 and her horn things kinda do look dragon like…. Anyway barbatos was doing the same bc IK he just takes his lil 590 year naps so people don’t recognize the bard around town isn’t aging but he definitely was doing stuff. Bc there are SO many NPC kids without parents are dead parents, like Venti sees a cute passerby and he’s like hmmm Lemme get my dick wet. Like when the milk lady suddenly pregnant w triplets… they don’t say it’s “ a blessing from barbatos for no reason”
PLEASE LEMME SEE i wanna read it,,, I have to!!!
OH, SCARA CANT BE FIXED! But, if you manage it then dont fix him too much bc I want him to stay crazy and psycho! That's my favorite type of character, let him be evil!!! My little puppet!!!!
NO, I LOVE ABYSS PRINCE AETHER!!! Don't get me wrong like I love an evil woman as much as the next but I am a Lumine traveler 4 ever!!!! Something about Aether as the prince is so..... so good!!!
I never heard about venti and zhonglis fights involving the mountain WTFFFFF DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN?! PLEASEEEEE,, why are they so funny T T
Oh, yeah, I adore the statues in Liyue... it was the one I maxed up all the way first bc only the best for shirtless zhongli!
EEEK not the blessing from barbatos T T .... i can't get over how he's called barbatos bc every time i hear it i always picture obey me barbatos..... wow
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thisisdes · 1 year
I’m supossed to be doing homework, but instead I’m watching season 2 of Shadow and Bone. Since my dear sister hasn’t started it yet (and I have no one else to talk about it) I’m gonna put my reactions here :) hope you enjoy it
*this will contain spoilers*
Resume of episode 1, 2 and 3 because i decided to do this way too late
- Alina really looks like she needs weeks of sleep
- No matter in what episode, all of Kaz’s memories break me a little more
- I’m happy that Tantee is dead but... Inej deserved to make her pay
- Something that I adore that the show does its when Inej is being quite and you can only hear the movement of the knifes
- I’ve only read SoC and CK and I don’t want to read the main trilogy just because I’m loving Mal SO MUCH and all I’ve heard about book Mal is ugh
- The zemeni people it’s incredible, how they perceived grisha’s power and how they protect Alina *cheff kiss*
- Also Mal going back to pay for what the soldier broke... he’s amazing
- I understand Kaz’s point about telling the truth to Sturmhund... but i was hoping he would’ve keep his word
- Inej and Nina ARE the best duo
- The whole thing about Jesper not remembering Wylan it’s something I didn’t know I needed. Like... the potential??? That’s fanfic material right there
- And also then he remering him in the middle of a gunfire???
- The taxidermist (if that was his name... sorry if not) gave me vibes of that creepy guy in the Charlie’s angels movie
- Alina: don’t kill the amplifier
- Also Alina: *kills the amplifier*
- Yeah... I would’ve also punch Nikolai in that case...
- Genya and David are part of my world and they should not suffer
- And yes, Genya had her face desfigured and thats enough pain for her already (without counting everything in the past)
- Mathias in hellgate was sad more than painfull
- But the look when he saw Nina...
- And the dreams he had before!!!
- Honestly i don’t remeber in what order all happened, i just know that things happened
Now E4. Let’s begin
- Wow, Alina and Nikolai look so in love *sarcastic*
- I swear, if anything happen to my dear precious boy Mal...
- Why does Kaz looks so good while is all blody?? It’s not fair
- Inej helping the women scape ❤️ I just know this is where she finds her purpose
- Wylan and Jesper. I just love them. They’re cute and deserve all the happiness.
- Also Nina. I love her. She almost caught me.
- “I didn’t know if you were-” “I’m fine” akhdajskja I’m weak
- Back to the main trama (is it the main trama? there are too much tramas), i only know Vasily for... 5 minutes has he been in the show? I don’t know, hate him.
- On the other hand, I love Nikolai
- I kinda shipp Nikolai and Alina??? but at the same time i love their dinamic as platonic friendship???
- Oh, good. He’s dead.
- Kaz telling Pekka that his mistake was to love someone... and then being rude with Inej so she leaves him... there’s only one way I can read that
- that end ... without words
Ok, its 2 am in Chile, I haven’t finish my homework due tomorrow, so maybe I’ll finish later??? Or maybe I’ll delete this later, who knows.
Btw, I’m not a native english speaker, so if there’s any mistake please tell me and I’ll fix it
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Road trip
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Fluff=🌸 Sad=💧 Smut=✨
> This is my first writing. I will be taking requests. I will try my best. 💜
💧 🌸 little ✨
Word count: 1,246
Summary: You and Jj are good friends. When your on a small road trip with the pouges the “friends” thing changes.
Warning: Cat calling, underage drinking
Rape, making out, (Jj being a sweetheart)
You and Jj Maybank have always beenFriends, sense you came to the Obx when you were 14 and found out that John b is your brother. Everyone says that you and Jj are a lot alike like a LOT. And it’s kinda true but, this is saying a lot, your more of a lose canon than Jj. Wow! You and Jj Both have feelings for each other. And it’s clear for every one to see but, ofc y’all are to blind to see it for yourself. If only you knew it would be a lot easier.
“Come on, get in the car.“ exclaimed John B
As he tried to get everyone in the Twinkie.
“I’ll go if you tell me where we’re going.” You Said to your brother, “I don’t know we’re just going for a ride.” He said. “Wow you don’t even know where we’re going.” Kie exclaimed
“Pope, JJ help me out here?” “Oh no I’m with the girls” Jj said crossing over to you who propped his elbow of the top of your head. John b rolled his eyes. “ they don’t listen to me.” Pope said “Fine, y’all can get high after the road trip.” “I’m in!” You and Jj say at the same time then look at each other a smile.
You both walk to the car and Jj let’s you in first. “After you m’lady.” “Thanks.” The others get in after, who knows how John b got them in. John b is driving with Pope In the passenger seat, leaving the back to you, kie Jj.
After about 10 minutes of you and John b fighting over what music to play he pulls into a gas station. You and jj go in and get snacks and drinks.
Your walking down an aisle alone while Jj is on the other side of the store. A guy walks into the aisle that your in, and casualty walk past. You hear a whistle, you turn your head. The guy who was in the aisle was looking at you but quickly looked away.
You knew it was him so you walked over.“Do you really think it’s okay to do that?”You asked but not really as a question.“ I mean how can I not that ass was-“ He got cut off but you punching him in the nose leaving it broken.
The store Manager walked up to you and took you out store. JJ quickly paid for everything and for you and the manager out of the store. ” hey I can walk myself out.” You told the manager “ I don’t care what you can do, you punched a random customer.” “He cat-called me! What did you want me to do just stand there and take it?” You yelled
Jj ran up to you both. “Hey sir, she’s with me I got her and the moneys on the counter.”“okay take your girlfriend but I don’t wanna see little miss in my store again.” You both blushed, neither of you bothered to correct him. “got it sorry.” You said quietly
You and jj walk back to the Twinkie. “y/n what happened?” Kie asked with a concerned voice. “nothing it’s all fine.” You lie with a fake smile. “Then why were you-“ Pope gets cut off by you, “I said it was nothing!” You walk to the Twinkie and sit in the very back.
“Jj what happened to y/n? I need to know she’s my little sister.” Asked John b
Jj started “she got cat-called but this guy,”He took a pause “and she clearly didn’t like that she she punched him and here we are.” John b didn’t say anything and went inside the car the where your at.
“Hey, you ok.” You looked up at your brother with tears in your eyes. “ He cat-called me John b, all of the horrible memories of a few years ago are coming back and… I don’t wanna go back there.” You cried. Your brother came over to you can just pulled you in for a hug. You sit there for a Few minutes. little did y’all know Jj was listening and his heart broke.
“Ok we’re going to drive now you good?”Asked John b before getting“ya I’m fine.” You said with a little smile.The rest of the pouges were outside to give you some space. They come back in. And Jj come and sits by you. “you ok cupcake?” He asked while putting an arm around you “ya I’m ok now.” You say looking up at the blue eyed blonde.
“Jj can I tell you something?” You asked“Ofc y/n/n “ he said “Well it’s about what happened a few years ago-“ you got cut off but Jj “y/n are you sure you don’t have to tell me.” You nod and go on
“So when I wasn’t in Obx I was in Ohio with my aunt, and one day I was just taking a walk in the park cuz I just got off from school. I was walking a this guy stopped me and pick me up and… put me in a area of the park that was where no one could see us and no one was there. And he, um he r-“
“please don’t finish. Y/n I’m so sorry that happened” Jj said and pulled you in for a hug. You cried into his chest as kissed you on the head multiple times. You and Jj are now in your own little world.
You look up at Jj and he looks down at you, y’all look in each other’s eyes. You finally end the silents between you two. “Jj I need to tell you one more thing.” You say quietly “and that is?” “ I think I’m in love with you.”You say. “ wait really, because you better not be joking, cus I’m in love with you too.”
You lean up a kiss him real quick. He chuckles. And sets you in his lap. “Can I kiss you?” He asks because he’s like that, Especially Sense what you just told him. You nod with a huge smile on you face which makes him smile more. He leans in and kiss you, after a minute the tip of his tongue touches your bottom lip asking for an entrance. You slow open your mouth allowing for his tongue to slip in. You hear some one clear their throat and you brake the kiss looking behind you. Pope, John b, and kie are all looking at you.
You and Jj give an awkward smile as you slide off his lap. “Well then, are you dating?”Pope asked, you and Jj look at each other.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Jj asked “yes I will.” John b, kie and pope “ Yes! “ Jj hugs you, you whisper “as long as you keep kissing me like that.” You giggle. Jj laughs “will do cupcake, love you” “ love you most”You say “that’s not how it works.” Y’all brake out into a bunch of giggles and the others are like 😕.
A/n: hope you like it. I will be doing requests.
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sakuramoussy · 2 years
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The Search
It had been around a month since Luis visited the Chamber of Souls to search for his baby’s soul. Every day since then, when Luis went to collect or deposit demonkin souls into the chamber, he glanced over to where Angel souls supposedly would end up when they arrived at the chamber. Just like the first time, that soul was never there. Luis felt frustrated. He just wants to see her. If the soul isn’t here, it's a bit worrying. What if there was a mistake and the baby wasn’t dead? Luis’ first thought goes to the idea of ‘what if the hospital buried her alive’ then quickly realizes that wasn’t possible. He held her. He held that lifeless baby, she wasn’t breathing and Luis didn’t feel a heartbeat. What if there was some sort of mix up? What if that wasn’t her? But the girl in the picture looks so much like him.. 
Luis resorted to discreetly asking Icor about souls, gradually building up to the topic of human babies and their souls. How long do regular human souls live after death? What about baby souls? Do stillborn babies or miscarried children have souls, or do they simply fade into light upon death with no soul to speak of? Icor had a lot of useful information, even referencing Angel children he knew about that were miscarried or stillborn.
“You know that baby that your sister miscarried many years back?” 
“Of course I remember.”
“Though Melody didn’t wish to see that baby’s soul, she did ask me to keep an eye on it until it eventually lost its light and perished. That soul.. Her son’s soul survived for nearly five years before it died.”
“Wait.. Really? But it was a miscarried child.. He had a soul?”
“Indeed he did. A tiny soul at that, but very bright and lively. I’ve noticed a few things about infant souls. The souls of miscarried children, stillborn children, and children who died of SIDS all have one thing in common; they’re bright and glowing.. Beaming with the love their mothers had for them. They don’t typically last long, most human and Angel souls last for decades, but the souls of children have so much life to them. It’s a bit sad to think about, knowing that these poor babies longed for a life they never had the luxury of living. I also heard an old tale that once a soul dies.. They get to be reborn into a new life. Perhaps these infants ended up in their families after all, with a lovely life to lead. I like to think of it that way, anyways.”
“Wow.. That’s.. I didn't even know Melody’s son.. I mean of course he had a soul, but it never occurred to me back then that it would end up in the Chamber of Souls.”
“The more you know, kid. I take it you’re interested because of Vin’s talk about one day having a large family? You worried about something?”
“He’s my best friend.. If something happens.. Well. You probably already get it, don’t you?”
“Heh. How’s the divorce going then? Is he finally able to tie the knot with you instead?”
“Ah.. Sin won’t give up.. He’s been pressuring Vin to at least try to make things work.. But why should he? Vin deserves to be happy, and as his friend.. I’ll do my part to make him happy, you know that.”
“I do. Well.. Best of luck. I’ve never seen a pair quite like you two. In fact, seeing you two together really makes me wonder if soulmates truly exist after all.”
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𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: taking 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 home (flashback)
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: child! jinx/powder 𝐱 child! ekko w/ an child! oc who roller skates 🛼
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧/𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 🆂🅴🆁🅸🅴🆂
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Kara meets powder.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⚠️: 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡
Recap of ‘meeting them’
Vander’s POV:
There were fire everywhere, surrounding the bridge after the enforcers took everything, the sound of a little girl singing the girl sung…
“ Dear friend across the River “
Her voice was really sad but a little happy in it.
“ My hands are cold and bare “
What is this song I’ve never heard of it?
“ We should go see who it is Kara. “ i whispered as she walked up to me while I punched the enforcer who was cling to my leg
She nodded he walked over to the singing girl.
[unknown] I’ll take what you can spare
What does she mean? I said in my head
Then I realized ’bloody hell she’s talking about the bloody enforcers!’
End of recap
3rd person’s POV: flashback
Violet fell down sobbing, looking at her mother’s dead body. Powder hugging her, breaking down with her sister, everyone is sobbing expect Kara and Vander.
Vander picked up the sobbing girls Kara clinging to Vander’s leg,everything felt like it was in slow motion. Violet looks down at Kara who was on her side and Kara looks up at her Kara just looked at and smiled Violet smiled at the little girl.
Violet looked back at the ground with tears in her eyes obviously thinking of something, Violet looked up at the top side.
𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔨𝔦𝔭
Kara’s POV:
Me and milo, Clangor, V and Powder are on the top side of town to steal some things for us I mean how bad can it be...
“We're almost there“ V yelled at the others
“No shit“ I exclaimed
V looked down at me and rolled her eyes, Vi made it to the top of the building.
“Hey Powder Kara!“ V said
“Come take a look“ V said after exhaling
I grunt annoyed
“yeah?“ I said to V
“wow!“ I said breathe - takingly
“whoa“ powder exclaimed in the same tone as me
“It’s nice getting above it all, huh?“ Violet said smiling
“ I know right!“ I yelled happily but not to loud
A ship looking thing flew above us
“what’s that?!“ I yelled so they can hear me
“One day, I’m gonna ride in one of those things, Powder said to me
“ I know you will one day I Promise “ I said smiling at her
She smiled back I didn’t Notice she had a pretty smile
“ And one day I'm gonna shoot em down!“ milo said putting a hand gun up
I roll my eyes at milo as vi slapped his hand
“Vi, are you sure about this?“ claggor said scared
I looked at vi to hear her answer
“Look, if we get caught, we’re-“ claggor said nervously but got cut off by V
“ we’re not gonna get caught.” V assured him
Powder looked at me I shrugged lightly and followed V I jumped down since i was wearing skates I almost fell but powder grabbed my arm
“Thanks” I said out of breathe because of what happened
She nodded smiling a little
‘Aw’ I said in my head
“We’ll be in and out before anyone notices.” V said
I skated over to them
“Whoa this is high you sure we should do this V?” I said scared because how high it was
Powder grabbed my hand to calm me down I mouthed a ‘thank you’
She smiled
“ All right, everybody follow me… just don’t look down.” V told everyone
Violet jumped down and swings side to side and jumped down to a balcony she jumped out to a roof she looked back at us.
Milo looked surprised at what had happened. Milo cracked his knuckles jumped down and almost fell. I chuckled a little he glared at me i just keep laughing with powder Milo rolled his eyes, I smiled.
He jumped off the balcony to the roof he made it then Claggor came and got some stuff on his face
“Couldn’t have we have at least just walked there?” Claggor exclaimed
“No we would of got caught!” I yelled at him
“Gotta stay out of sight for this one.” V said after me
She looked up at powder and me
I looked at powder and grabbed her hand and smiled lightly meaning ‘it’s okay’ she looked at me and took a deep breath
“Hey get on my back I got ya!” I said to her
“A-are you sure I mean I’m kinda heavy and-“ I cut her off
“ Come on your not that heavy!” I said assuring her
“B- o-okay” she said stumbling over her words as she got on my back
“Okay hang on tight!” I said looking down
She held tightly around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist, but not too tight I jumped down to the balcony held on to the rails powder tightened her arms and legs. As I jumped to the roof I almost fell but I grabbed to the side of the building and climbed up Vi exhaled that we made it.
“Thank you!” She said
“We’re here pow!” I said happily that were alive after all that
She opened her eyes powder started to smile
“No problem love!” I said uh-oh she looked at me Surprised at what I said then this is when the stuttering Happens.
“I-I-I m-mean n-no p-problem!” I said stuttering over my words
“You guys gonna come or just stand there” Milo said annoyed
I looked at powder and…
“We’ll off we go!” I said
She smiled
She walked away with me following behind Milo huffed as powder walked by I just roll my eyes
𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔨𝔦𝔭: 𝔯𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔢𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔰.
“HOLD ON!” V shouted because something blow up
It was smoke everywhere, I couldn’t see the middle part of the apartment blow up
“Watch out!” I heard someone say down there say maybe an enforcer
There blue things flying in the air from that blue crystal thing
“Hey!” The two enforcers said as they looked up
Me and
vi looked at each other and looked back an said…
“Shit!” We both said at the same time
A honks went off I look over
“Holy-“ i Said but the honks cut me off
They ran as I skated after them we heard indistinct shouting i skated faster to catch up
“Stop right there!” An enforcer yelled they throw something at us
I heard Claggor gasp as it almost hit him
I push though the crowd
[enforcer 1] Get them off!
[Vi] Faster!
I heard powder scream
[Me] Powder you okay!
[Powder] Yeah I’m okay!
I jumped down to stairs
[Man] Hey! Hey!
[Woman] Look out!
They throw another of those things at powder almost hitting her but she moved out the way
I looked up saw some enforcers which made me skate faster
[enforcer 1] Down there!
[everyone] You can’t get away!
The bridge was going up for a boat can come through
I jumped over the bridge
[enforcer 1] Hey!
[enforcer 2] Come on!
[Vi] This way!
All of us we’re panting
[enforcer 1] Keep going!
I make sure I don’t hit the wall I grinded to the side
[Milo] Go, go, go!
I grunt
[Me] i think we lost them
I said slowing down
[milo] Oh, man not again.
[milo] I just got this shirt—
Vi kicked him down and powder went down now it’s time for me to go I went down
Claggor went down too then vi
I fell down I heard powder scream and I didn’t move so she doesn’t get hurt
[Me] oof
[powder] sorry!
[Milo] Thought last time was the last time we we’re gonna do this.
[Vi] well, this time’s the last time.
[Claggor] Guys, what was that?
[Claggor] What the hell happened back there
Uh-oh I should speak
[Me] I don’t know
welp I lied
They look at powder
[Powder] I don’t know, I didn’t do anything!
[Milo] You could fill a damn library with all the things you didn’t do.
Oh that’s it
[Me] Shut it Milo!
[Milo] And you, your name should literally be karma, because every bad thing you do it
comes back to you.
I looked down
[Vi] Guys, we just emptied a piltover penthouse right under enforcer’s noses.
[Vi] So, if you’re done beating yourselves up.
I guess that’s true
[Vi] Let’s get this home.
Vi pulled me up since I have skates on
I saw deckard yeah Um remember when I said how bad can it be yeah Um this is really bad
[Deckard] Nice haul?
[Milo] You could say that.
[Deckard] I heard there was some action across the river.
[Me] Yeah, no shit I’m pretty sure everyone heard about it even vander so please leave us alone.
Deckard chuckled at my comment to him
[Deckard] No your on my streets.
[V] Your streets? What makes you think—
I cut her off
[Me] Listen, we don’t want any trouble, okay?
[guy 1] Hear that, Deckard? They don’t want any trouble.
[Deckard] You know, in my experience, trouble finds you.
[Deckard] There’s no reason this has to get ugly.
Ugh I hate him
[Deckard] How about you share a little taste of your treasure there.
[Me] No way!
[Deckard] What you say princess?
[V] Just a taste?
[D] Just a—
Deckard yelps after getting hit in the face with the bag well this is when the fight/chase started
𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔰𝔨𝔦𝔭: 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱/𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔰𝔢
[Me] run!
powder ran as I followed skating after her I grabbed powders hand putting her on my back I skated off
[Guy 1] Oh, you little
[Me] Hang on P!
I turned a corner but it was blocked
[Me] Damnit, okay Um P do you got a mouser bomb
[P] Yeah I think
[M] okay give to me
I put her down she gives me the bomb
[M] Let’s hope this works
[M] Come on, come on, come on work, please
[P] No!
[M] No!
[M] Powder throw the bag!
[P] Are you sure?!
[M] Yes!
She throws the bag in to the water
[M] Get on my back while he’s distracted
She’s nods
[G1] Hey!
I skated off before he can see us
[Milo] You did what?!
[Powder] I’m sorry!
[Kara] hey! She said sorry
[Powder] I tried to fight him off with Mouser, but… she didn’t work.
[Milo] Who saw that coming?
[Kara] I told her to!
They all looked at me
[Kara] Hey! I’m telling the truth!
[Milo] You did this!
I looked down with powder
[Violet] Doesn’t matter. The stuff’s gone.
[Violet] It’s all right, Powder and Kara. At least your okay.
Me and Powder smile at Violet sadly
[Mylo] Okay? What about us? I get my face bashed in, and they gets a pass?
[Vi] Yup.
We all got in the elevator to the underground’s
[Mylo] Every time. Every time they come, something goes wrong. they jinx every job.
I looked up at him with a glare of hatred and put my arm around Powders shoulders and side hugged her she put her head on my shoulder I put mines on top of hers
[Vi] Just drop it Mylo.
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐤
[Kara] You okay powder?
𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
[Powder] Yeah
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞
[Kara] wanna talk about it when we get back
[Powder] No
[Kara] Okay
I look at vi who pulled their Hood over their head well... We made it
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞?
Vi jumped out as I grabbed Powders hand so we don’t get lost I skate out
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞
𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬
I hold Powders hand tighter as it got more crowded
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡...
It is kinda scary over here sometimes a lot of things happen here everyday
[Man] sit still!
[woman] Come on, get out of here!
I gasp as I saw a weird looking hooker
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
I Remember when me and Ekko walked the streets over here to go to some big tree that we love going to go to, we don’t take Pow because we don’t really know that place we only found it like 5 months ago.
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞?
𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔤
We finally made it to ‘the last drop’ where our dad works and lives at. It’s lots of fights here so we’re not here a lot when there’s a fight.
We went inside of the bar and saw Vander I waved a little he just looked at me and smiled a little bit and then looked at the people he talking to.
And… we’re fucked
[V] Vander learns none of this.
[Mylo] No worries there. Powder and Kara took care of the evidence. I looked at Powder she had her head down
[Powder] We tried, okay? You don’t get it. You’re older, you’re bigger. It, it isn’t fair.
I sat down by ekko and put my head in his lap (no weird stuff)
[Milo] So, stick with us! Take a punch or two.
I just blocked out what they were saying and closed my eyes as ekko ran his hands in my white hair just like him but I’m not related to him.
Then Vander came in as soon as I was falling in a deep sleep.
[Vander] Everyone all right?
[Milo] Never better.
[Vander] Good, I don’t suppose you can explain why it is that I’m hearing about and explosion
My eyes snapped open when he said ‘EXPLOSION’
[Vander] Five children fleeing the scene. What we’re you thinking?
[V] That we can handle a real job.
[Vander] A real Job?
[Violet] We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw.
[Vander] You blew up a building.
[V] That wasn’t—
[Vander] Did you even stop to think about, what could have happened to you? Eh? To them?
[Kara] W— We didn’t know that was going to um happen.
They all looked at me, but looked back at Vander
[Vander] What even gave you that tip?
[Powder & Kara] We just heard it at Benzo’s shop
I got up to skate to powder to sit right by her so ekko can do something
[Vander] From?
[Powder & Kara] Little Man.
[Vi] I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me. But your the one who always says, we have to earn our place in this world.
[Vander] I also told you time and time again, the Northside’s off-limits. We stay out of Piltover’s business.
[Violet] Why? They’ve got plenty, while we’re down here scraping together coins. When did you get so comfortable living in someone’s shadow?
[Vander] Everyone out.
I grabbed Powders hand and skated out of there Mylo and Claggor we’re first to leave.
Me & Powder was looking for something for me and her bombs we make they don’t work but um I know they will work one day. She found a pieces of thrash metal for it. She pulled an orb, that blew up the penthouse.
[Kara] You still have that?
She nodded
[Kara] Oh, we’ll we should put it to use maybe it will help the bombs.
We ran to the door, Powder closed it in a hurry we rush down the stairs our room but Mylo said something, this made my blood boil.
[Mylo] their a problem.
[Violet] Mylo, I’m really not….
[Mylo] Do you remember what was in that bag? They biggest payout we’re ever seen and they just lost it.
[V] They made a mistake.
[Mylo] name one thing they hasn’t done.
Me and Powder looked at each other and we we’re both crying
[Violet] They’re young.
[Mylo] Don’t bullshit me. You were twice the person at half their age.
I grabbed powders hand giving it a light squeeze and smiled a little too make her feel okay but it didn’t work. I looked down I feel bad
[Vi] You know what, Mylo? You’re right. There’s a bunch of thing Powder and Kara just can’t do.
I tear started to stream down my face like a waterfall voices we’re in my head so I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.
[Mylo] You don’t have to tell me twice.
Me and Powder ran away before they can say something else because we couldn’t take it.
Music was playing from upstairs I guess but me and Powder are making another bomb Vi came in but we didn’t hear.
[V] So, what are you gonna call this one.
[Kara & Powder] Whisker.
[Vi] You wanna talk about today?
[Powder & Kara] What’s the point? We messed up everything. We always do.
[Violet] Nobody said that.
[Kara & Powder] You did. No. Just that you we’re “twice the person” at half our age. You heard them. We’re not a fighter.
[V] You don’t have to be. Look, I’ve got these and you’ve got those.
[Powder & Kara] They don’t work. They never work.
[Vi] They will. Come on.
Me and Powder followed her up to the rooftop. We sat down on the edge of the building everyone lights we’re on it was so…. PRETTY
[Powder] What are we doing here?
[Violet] See that gutter running along the canal?
[Kara] Yeah?
Vi gave Powder Pole from a fence.
[V] That’s where Claggor got his foot stuck running from enforcers. They thought it was funny, so they left him there. He was out all night before we found him. That sign, You see it
[Powder & Kara] Uh-Huh.
[Violet] Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket and nearly fell off trying to Draw a giant middle finger.
[Kara laughing] I can see him doing that!
[Vi] his ass made that splotch.
[Powder laughing] That’s funny
[Vi] And that? When I was a kid, some guy took my favorite toy and threw it up there. I used to come out here at night and stare at it, hoping maybe the wind or a bird might knock it down.
[V] we all had bad days. But we learn, and we stick together.
Vi put an arm around powder and me looking at us when saying the last sentence.
[Powder] Oh, I forgot. These we’re in my pocket, they’re from the apartment.
[Violet] What are they?
[Kara] I don’t know it’s just some orb.
[Powder] we don’t know.
[Powder & Kara] Should we show Vander?
[Vi] No, Let’s keep this our little secret?
When she said that me and powder smiled at her
[Vi] Mylo’s wrong, Kara and Powder you guys are stronger than you think.
[Violet] And one day, this city is gonna respect us.
I stand up and look at the moon.
3rd person POV: Silco’s Place
[unknown] You we’re supposed to follow them and not interfere.
[Deckard] I’m sorry. They just caught us by surprise.
Deckard grunts out
[unknown] Now his accomplice is asking questions about you, that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.
Deckard grunts
[Deckard] The kids. It was their fault, the explosion in the upper city.
[unknown] That was them?
[Deckard] Yeah. The topsiders are up in arms looking for ‘em.
[unknown] Vander’s in trouble, Smartest thing ever said boy.
The people who works for the man takes Deckard.
[unknown] But keep him off the streets. Our timeline has moved up.
[man 1] It’s almost ready.
[Unknown] Show me, and side effects
They man puts the cat in the cage where something is there it’s an rat.
[man 1] stabilizing
The rat squeaks trying too get away from the hairless cat. The cat purrs the rat squeaks in pain as if what he was drinking was something dangerous?
The rat lunged out to the cat killing it
[Man 1] do you have a subject in mind?
[unknown] someone just volunteered.
you have reached the end of the chapter
Thank you so much for reading part 3 will come out to day, I hope you liked it we’re almost there when we introduce Jinx aka Powder and Karma aka Kara.
Fun fact: I wrote this while watching arcane
Bye have a great day/night
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The meeting (poe’s pov)
Poe Dameron x Fem!OC
Note: it would be a part  of my second series which its a concept how Elena Cass/ Jaina Solo met poe but this is through Poe’s eyes 
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 “Dank farrik BB-8 we’re losing them!” I told my droid while destroying the oncoming TIES in this section of the galaxy , my squadron and Ivory Squadron are trying to hold off,”Ivory Squadron , where’s Ivory leader?, I can’t see Charlie’s X-wing anywhere”  Zax , Ivory three answer my question “He got shot down back on Naboo Black Leader , he was allowing us to escape and  well I guess they fallow us “ Kriff this is bad , Charlie Cass was suppose to be Ivory squadron’s commander and he’s either stranded or worst killed. My thoughts were interrupted when BB-8 made series of frantic Beeps telling me that a TIE  is at my tail “Kark, hold on “ I shouted through the comms trying to shoot that eyeball of a ship but it seems to know my next move “Happy beeps , we got out of worst situation before “ I told him , bb 8 deeps are suddenly caught me off guard as the TIE suddenly exploded and see that a certain x-wing zoom fast past me ‘Holy shit that charlie X-Wing ‘ I thought but something tells me that isn’t Charlie because, Charlie doesn’t fly that swifty, Snap asked the  “Hey , Charlie welcome back Commander Cass of Ivory Squadron what took you so long ? I see the suppliers with you” I heard a the responds and I froze at the voice which is of a young woman “Wait? My baby brother is a commander of the kriffing Resistance?!?” she said in surprise which made me chuckle a bit, but what made me surprise was the just did the most complicated memover making two TIE crash into each other “I did it, oh my star  I DID IT!” they had said hearing her cheers “Alright everyone jump into lightspeed we’re heading back to base” I told everyone as we all headed back to D’qar .
 Once we landed on the base , I want to see General Organa , and tell her what just happen about Ivory squadrons sudden new leader  because her sounded familiar though “hey Poe” Theo came up to me and patted my back “Thats was some best piloting out there man” I laugh and replied “Well I am the Best pilot in the galaxy ys know” he just roll his eyes “Are you sure about that? from what I saw it’s seems whoever was piloting Charlie X-Wing gave quite a show of their flying skills , so I think your “Best pilot of the galaxy” title goes to this new flyer.” just like he left leaving me confuse, I shook my head and look down to see BB8 but he wasn’t there. Walked by a heard a crash and saw all the creates have fallen when hear beeps from bb8 ‘shit’ I groan apparently he gotten trap in one of the crate as I was about to but-  i saw a girl I seemly recognizes, , she saw the crate that had been knocked over, moving. She kneeled next to it and pushed it back on its feet-Only to hear loud beeps again and see bb8 zoom forward. She was knocked off balance and fell on her butt."Wow, easy there, little buddy!" She laughed , I smile ."It's okay, sweetheart, I've got you."I watch as BB-8 stopped and tilted its head back to stare at her, l."Come here, honey; I'll take a look at you. You were trapped under that crate, huh? How did that even happen?"As she came to her knees, inspecting the little ball of joy with keen attention, the droid beeped enthusiastically."Slow down, sweetheart, your antennas bent , here let me fix that."The poor orange ball had its antenna bent and the woman gently straightened it up. She then wiped off a smudge of grease from his  little head and he beeped thankfully, before going back to narrating how it had ended up trapped in the first place. It bumped into the crate and it fell on his head, effectively trapping him. made a sad face."Oh, honey. I'm sorry. Here, you're all fixed up. What's your name?"He beeped his name and then I heard her name “my names Elena Cass.” that hit me, that girl was Charlie’s sister that he always talks about. 
A Few Days Ago.....
   I walked through the halls to head back to my room to charge up BB- and rest from a long mission with black squadron, when I heard Charlie’s voice in his room , too be honest I thought it was either RO-GR  or his old BB unit BB-7c, I was about to ignore it when I heard a woman's laugh ‘holy shit he has girl in his room , wait wasn’t he like into That supplier whatever their name was? ‘ I thought , to be fair I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I sneak in and hear “It’s the usual Charlie boring old stuff, but I did sneak out and fly one of the ships” woman voice said as I watch from after and.... wow she looks like an angel, even though it’s a holo projector call but she also look like she what 16 or 17 which is not creepy at all “Well good thing your term as Queen will be up soon and heck you’ll get your chance to be part of the Resistance soon  Elena “ Charlie told her suppressing a chuckle  making her eyes roll , so that’s her name “ Charlie I swear you sometime a man child at times”  she laughs a bit but then frowns “i have to go now , they are nagging me  to deal with their political crap.” she told him causing charlie to says his goodbyes to her. “So you must’ve heard everything Poe?” Charlie asked causing me to jump a bit, “ Not much” I told him and asked “who’s that girl your talking to?because she’s a bit young to be your girlfriend” Charlie made a disgust face ‘First of all ew Poe that’s disgusting   you already know i’m into the supplier, and two that girl is Elena Cass she’s my older sister you creep” He told me and I stumble a little ‘that girl is charlie sister ?’ “that’s your sister? Your pilot sister ”  Charlie laughs “yep that’s her alright , she 25 years old and I bet she’ll beat your ass in flying” I laugh at his comment there is no way that that girl can beat me in flying. “so does she have a boyfriend or something?” I asked lifting an eyebrow , earning a zap from BB-7c ow , “No she doesn’t have time .....I think” charlie shrug “Poe can I ask you something?”  I nod “ Of course Charlie” He sigh “My sis has some.... issue after our parents death but she getting better mostly and all.” that wasn’t a question though “ What I am asking is that If something ever happens to me ,please keep an good eye on her as in keep her safe  and i’m letting her to take my place as commander of my squadron incase I die ?” he asked, now that’s the question, I thought about it and answer “yeah... yeah I can do that “ He smile and told me to leave his room.
I walked up to Elena and bb-8 “That was nice piloting out there “ I said to her , she look up at me and she stare at me like she seen an angel with those different shade of blue eyes and there was a small smile on her lips. “Thank you.....” she said softy , which  I kinda find it cute and it was different ,there was a hint of shyness in her . She blink couple of times “is this your droid ?” she asked , which I replied a  yes,  and then I introduce my self “I’m Poe , Poe Dameron”  I said offering a hand to shake  which she took my hand which it was small and soft and then replied “ I’m Elena “ “I know”I told her 
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