#my siblings did not nearly turn out as fucked up as I am about that
aechii · 1 year
₍⁠₍ ONE OF US (2) ₎⁠₎
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{read part 1 here}
PAiRiNG ?! kylian x black!femreader
GENRE ?! romance, fluff (😞)
SYNOPSiS ?! it's kylian's wedding day, and he knows it never gets better than this
C/W ?! she/her pronouns used, just fluff and romance and a tad bit of swearing cos it's me writing?!?!?!?
A/N ?! the all anticipated sequel to one of us!! man, i've hit a writer's block and idk what's going on with my writing but i'm trying to get rid of it so that's that. i would like to dedicate this to @blubffsd (who has unfortunately left tumblr, but i will always hold them dear to my heart). they've asked for this many a time, and it sucks that i released it after they departed from this hellsite. wherever you are blub, i hope you're happy!
enjoy all my wonderful consumers readers :)
“are you ready?”
the voice comes from behind kylian, but his attention remains on the mirror before him. [y/n] had chosen the suit for him, said that the colour suited him, and as he scrutinises himself, he can’t help but wonder what she looks like in her dress. it elevates his heartbeat and he has to huff out a heavy sigh to wash away the light-headedness.
background noise seeps into his ears once again, and the loud seems to come with more clarity, and concern. his head turns, seeing his brother in the same style suit as him, but rather in a dark shade of blue. 
“you good?”
he faces the mirror, scans himself as his body begins to feel hot and the tie around his neck seems to tighten its hold. kylian slowly shakes his head, exhaling, “i’m so fucking nervous.”
ethan chuckles, landing a hand on his brother’s shoulder as he moves to stand beside him. kylian watches him and is succumbed by a thick wave of wistfulness; his brother succeeds his height, shoulders barely touching and his mind can’t fathom how time has flown past them. 
he still can’t believe he’s getting married today. 
“wedding nerves– it’s normal, bro,” ethan tells him, and kylian snickers in retort. 
“since when did you know so much about weddings?”
“well,” ethan slides his hands into his pockets, rocking on his feet, “when you have two siblings who are married- or getting married- you learn a lot of things.”
kylian nods understandingly, and trickles out a sigh for the umpteenth time.
“you’ll be fine, kylian,” ethan comforts, “[y/n] loves you more than i’ve ever seen anyone love someone- truth be told, you’re lucky.”
kylian can’t deny that. [y/n]’s presence in his life has changed him in a way that’s gratifying, and without her, it’s hard to visualise how he would cope. a love story that they would call, truthfully, unintentional, but undeniably destined. 
“i am, aren’t i?”
ethan doesn’t hesitate to nod profusely, “yeah, you are.”
their father calls them from the door as he enters. his forehead is sheened with sweat and sounds of bustling chatter from the living room bleeds inside then muffles again as he shuts himself in. 
wilfried smiles, finds it hard to withstand the unrelenting tears as he sees his son clad in the crisp, black suit. it wasn’t long ago, in his mind, that kylian played his first ever football match, reaching no more than his knees. and as much as his status quo gets now, he’s about to marry the girl who he could never have approved more of.
“you look- wow,” kylian’s father softly grips his son’s arms before smoothing out an odd crease drawn into his coat. 
“you’ll make me cry, papa, stop,” kylian humours out and wilfried joins him in laughter. 
“it’s just- i can’t believe you’re getting married already.”
“me too,” kylian adjusts his tie, but his father slaps his hand away. “i just cleaned up your shirt, don’t ruin it again.”
his son smiles, albeit wobbly, “sorry, papa.”
wilfried stretches out his arm, twisting it to check the watch circling his wrist.
“it’s nearly time. just about 10 minutes ‘til we have to leave.”
kylian feels a soft tremble oscillate through his skin and he fans himself as if it does anything. his father watches him as he does so, grinning.
“you remind me of how i was,” wilfried recounts, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “almost had a panic attack before we left.”
kylian looks at him, mildly intrigued, “really?”
“the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, kylian,” ethan jokes as he claps his brother on the shoulder, and it makes kylian shake his head, smiling. 
“it’s normal, ethan,” their father corrects, “it’ll be you soon.”
kylian turns to ethan, whose eyes trace elsewhere as he begins to blush. he chuckles at the sight, poking his brother’s cheek.
“don’t be shy now,” kylian says as he smirks and ethan fights back his own grin, nudging his brother’s touch away. 
wilfried watches on and his heart feels heavy in his chest. just one son left. he can’t believe it. 
he retains himself from getting overly emotional, ascending from his seat, “we should get going now. your mum will be angry if we don’t get there on time, you know her.”
kylian and ethan emit sounds of agreement, walking to the door. ethan exits first, and kylian stays behind trying to gather as much composure as he can.
“i’m proud of you, kylian,” his father voices, and it bleeds so much joy and pride that kylian begins to feel choked up. 
“thank you, papa,” kylian shakily expresses. he attempts to shake off the nerves, yet it proves to be fruitless, again. 
“god- i feel like i’m about to pass out.”
“it’s all normal, kylian. you’ll be fine, i can assure you.”
“i know, but,” he pauses, shutting his eyes for a few seconds, “i don’t think i’ll survive seeing [y/n] in her dress.”
wilfried grins so widely, he feels his cheek muscles ache. like father, like son.
“believe me, i know.”
he’s absolutely trembling. it’s so palpable that one of his groomsmen, brice, has checked on him at least twice now. he had responded with the usual, automated affirmative that he’s fine, but he truly is anything but. it’s been more than 5 minutes since the service was supposed to start, but the bride, his bride, was yet to arrive. 
he glances at his father who looks back at him, and his face doesn’t release his smile. it’s subtle reassurance, and he musters a small smile back just as the hall doors begin to glide open with an old rumble. 
and kylian swears his heart stops. he can’t hear the congregation stand and turn as she proceeds down the aisle. he can’t feel his mind frenzy, even though he knows it does, nor can he feel his hands that will, soon, bear the weight of the unifying ring. his eyes are stuck, stitched to the sight of his to-be wife completely encompassed in an ethereal cloud of white, and for a second, he thinks he’s being visited by an angel from heaven. 
before he knows it, he’s crying. tears of abundant happiness overflow as much as he tries to blink them away but he allows them to because he finds it almost prohibited to look away. ethan stands beside him, handing him a handkerchief, and he’s ever so grateful for his grounding presence right there and then. 
“she’s beautiful. so, so beautiful,” he mutters in tangent. his heart quickens the nearer she gets and he senses ethan bringing a hand to his back. 
then she stands right in front of him. and he stares. stares for what seems like centuries that pass until his brother whispers in his ear, “remove her veil, kylian. i have to go.”
it spurs his movement, shaking him from his reverie, and both hands, vibrating, pinch the sides of the lace, lifting and placing it behind her hair. 
he feels like he’s punched. again.
she smiles so gorgeously at him, and it’s like he’s fallen in love all over again. 
he breathes out slowly, gently interlocking their hands.
the priest begins his welcome and the usual protocol. when he asks the crowd if there were to be any objections, he holds his breath. he’s not aware of anyone being against them, but he knows that it happens more than one could think. silences engulfs the room and the priest, to his relief, breaks it as he proceeds with the service. 
his mind and ears block out everything after that and his gaze never leaves [y/n]’s otherworldly stature. every now and then, he squeezes her hands, just to make sure she’s really here, and she always returns the gesture, as if she reads his mind. 
he’s dazed when a hand comes up to touch his cheek, and his conscience zooms back into the present. 
“you with me, love?”
he nods absentmindedly and the congregation collectively chuckle at him. 
“i think you’ll have to say it again,” [y/n] jokingly tells the priest, and kylian, eyes wide, turns to him.
“i missed the vows?”
“it’s okay, kylian,” he smiles gently, “i’ll read them out again.”
kylian nods, this time, unmasking his ears to hear the words that he knows he’ll agree to wholeheartedly.
“kylian mbappe, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
his response is instantaneous, “i do.”
the priest tilts himself towards [y/n], “[y/n] [l/n] do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
“i do.”
kylian feels the tears gather as the priest utters the words he’s been waiting for, for the past 10 months. 
“i now pronounce you mr and mrs mbappe. kylian, you may kiss the bride.”
as their families cheer, holler and cry tears of utmost joy, his lips find his wife’s, both barely able to contain their grins. 
and at the back of kylian’s mind, he envisions a picture of this very moment, framed in gold and mounted upon the wall of his mother’s house.
just like [y/n] had wanted.
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Kuroo's right for once
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Word count: 2841
Summary: When an appointment comes up and you miss the chance to potentially meet your soulmate, your best friend makes it his mission to try and find them for you. He is successful but you refuse to believe him, but boy are you shocked when said potential soulmate comes to your school for a training camp and your friend was right.
Paring: Koshi Sugawara x Nonbinary reader
Warnings: Talk of doctors and hrt, Kuroo being cocky
A/n: Hey everyone, I decided to write a lovely little piece about everyone's favorite Volleyball mom. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, I really am a sucker for a good soulmate au. Once again, the reader is nonbinary, but I tried to make it so you could imagine either a transmasculine individual or transfeminine individual, but it kinda leans more masculine. Any ways enjoy and special shout out to @keigotakamiz who asked to be tagged. I hope you enjoy, remember to hydrate or diedrate, and have a good day. REQUEST ARE OPEN
    Being the manager of the Nekoma High Boy’s Volleyball team was great. I was surrounded by fun rambunctious guys who treated me like one of the guys. It’s rare for there to be any problems with the guys, because they all know that if they fuck with me Kuroo will likely beat their asses and Kenma will definitely hack their phones and/or computers to teach them a lesson. You see, I grew up with Kuroo and Kenma, we treated each other like siblings and they have been my number one supporters since I came out a few years ago. They always defended me when bigots tried to make fun of me or threaten me, though no one really took Kenma seriously till he gave some bully’s entire family a virus with just a simple text message. 
    They got even more protective when Kuroo and I turned 15 and our soulmarks started showing up. Soulmarks are strange, they reflect the passion and interest of your soulmate, and once you meet for the first time, or you both have your marks, your soulmate’s name appears somewhere in the mark. My mark contained a volleyball and some books, there were also a couple of food items that I assume are my soulmates favorite foods. Kuroo’s mark for the first few months was just some game consoles and not much else, until a volleyball also appeared on his mark. We had no clue who our soulmates were, but I had an assumption on who Kuroo’s was.
    A year later when Kenam got his mark, my assumption was proven correct. When Kenma got his mark his name appeared on Kuroo’s arm with his mark, while wrapped around Kenmas wrist was Kuroo’s name. I was glad my best friends realized they were made for eachother, but it just made me more desperate to find my nerdy volleyball playing other half. To be honest I mainly became the volleyball team’s manager to find my soulmate. I figured if this was one of their interests I could find them easier if I work with a team.
   Unfortunately after nearly three years of being the team's manager I have yet to meet my soulmate. I’ve met every player in the Fukurodani Academy Group, and while everyone is nice and fun to talk with, none of them are my soulmate. It felt like I was fighting a losing battle. That was until I found out that coach Nekomata agreed to hold a practice match with a school from Miyagi Prefecture. This would be my chance to meet other teams and potentially run into my soulmate.
    Two days before we were set to leave for Miyagi, I was hanging out with Kuroo and Kenma. We were just relaxing as over the next week the boys would be playing an endless number of practice matches, and I was daydreaming about finally meeting my other half. I was lost in thought while Kenma was going on about a character in his new video game, my phone started buzzing. Looking down at it, I saw that it was my doctor's office. I quickly shushed the boy’s before picking up the phone.
    “Hello” I was greeted by the person on the other end. “This is Kyoka from Dr. Ieiri’s office, I’m calling to speak to Y/n Y/l/n.” They asked.
    “This is Y/n, how can I help you?” I was confused as to why my doctor’s office would call me, my next appointment isn’t for another month.
    There was a small pause and the sound of typing before they responded. “I’m glad to have reached you. I’m calling because you were on a cancellation list for your next appointment, and it seems that someone has canceled and we are able to get you in sooner.” They typed some more presumably looking for the date and time. “Would you be able to come in this wednesday at 12pm?” 
   I paused for a second, I really had to think about it. Kuroo gave me a look that said what’s up. I quickly muted my end of the call after asking the person on the other end to give me a moment. “There’s an opening on Wednesday to see my doctor. I could go and get my questions answered about going on Hrt, but then I couldn’t go to Miyagi with the team.” I explained. There was a look of understanding that crossed both Kenma and Kuroo’s face. They both knew the internal debate I was having. “I know this is a great opportunity because I’ve been thinking about going on hrt for years. But this could be my only chance to meet my soulmate. I could always say I can't make it and wait for my appointment next month.” I said about to unmute the phone.
   “Wait Y/n/n, you should really take this earlier appointment. You are right, this might be your only chance to go to Miyagi for a while, but you will meet your soulmate one day. If it makes you feel better Kenma and I can keep an eye out for someone who fits your mark and has a mark that fits you, while we’re there. It may feel like you have to pick between the two, but think of it as if the appointment goes well you can be one step closer to your best self when you do meet them.” Kuroo said, making valid points. While I would love to finally meet my soulmate, it will happen when the time is right. In the meantime I can keep working to become the me I want to be. 
    I gave a quick thank you before unmuting the phone. “Sorry I had to check my schedule, I can make that appointment time.” I finally answered. I received a ‘great see you on Wednesday at noon’ and then hung up the phone. I smiled at Kuroo, “again thank you for the encouragement. I’m sure I will have another chance to meet my soulmate soon. And you guys really don’t have to spend your time looking for my soulmate, you should enjoy your time making new friends, and playing volleyball.” I told the two.
    “Whatever you say, but if I happen to find them I’m telling you right away.” Kuroo said. He then turned to the boy who had zoned out of the conversation. “Hey Kenma, you’ll help me look for Y/n’s soulmate right?” He asked his boyfriend. He just received an eye roll before the dual haired boy went back to his game. “He’ll totally help.” He said with a laugh. We then spent the next few hours chatting and then it was time for me to head home. I wished the boys goodnight before going home feeling excited that I could be one step closer to my dreamself by the end of the week.
    By the time Wednesday rolled around I was beyond anxious, I had gotten up early to bid the volleyball team goodbye before they left for Miyagi. Getting another round of Kuroo saying he was going to ‘subtly’ look for my soulmate, before they finally boarded the bus and left for the week. Once they were gone, I went back home to have breakfast and get ready for the day.
    After my appointment I couldn’t be happier, my doctor approved me going on hrt and sent out the prescription. It would take a few days before it was filled but I was so happy, I’m one step closer the best me I can be. I had messaged the team group chat telling everyone the good news, receiving a bunch of congratulations and memes of support from the team. I also noticed Kuroo saying he was happy for me but he hadn’t found my soulmate for me yet. That got the rest of the team going, most of them joining in saying they’d help. The others mostly Kenma and Yaku telling them that they’re dumb and not to try and mess with fate.
    I texted with the boys in between their practice matches, getting multiple updates on the mission to find my other half, as well as multiple requests for me to just get a train ticket and come to Miyagi to save Yaku from the tribe of idiots, his words not mine. I sadly had to decline as I didn’t have the money for the ticket and had to be here in Tokyo when my prescription was ready. Eventually I bid the team good night and went to bed. 
    It had been four days since the boys left, today was the day that they were going against Nekoma’s old rival school Karasuno High. I sent the chat a good luck message before going about my day. It was Sunday so I finished up some homework, and then did a few chores around the house. Around 1 o’clock I got a message from Kuroo. I checked my phone and couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
    From RoosterHead: I found him.
    To RoosterHead: Sure you did. What makes you so sure that this poor guy you’re probably harassing is my soulmate.
    From RoosterHead: First, what's with the sass. Second, I'm not harassing him. Third, his mark is the epitome of you.
    To RoosterHead: What if my mark isn’t the epitome of him, have you even asked if he’s met his soulmate yet. 
    From RoosterHead: Yes I have, He has yet to meet his soulmate, who loves drawing, video games and is very passionate about their gender identity.
    From RoosterHead: And before you say ‘that could be anyone in the LGBTQ’ one of the drawings on his arm is of Victor from Yuri on Ice.
    To RoosterHead: That proves nothing, lots of trans and queer people love Yuri on Ice.
    From RoosterHead: Fine don’t believe me. But I’m getting his number cause he’s actually a pretty chill dude, understands that school is important and does not slack off like someone I know.
    I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me, leaving him on read. I went back to working on cleaning up my art desk. Throughout the day I received texts from nearly the whole team telling me that this third year from Karasuno was definitely my soulmate. It got to the point that I just muted my notifications so I didn’t have to deal with their pestering. Eventually it got late enough that I finally went to bed, not completely ready to deal with Kuroo and his bullshit when the team gets back to Tokyo.
    It’s been two months since the trip to Miyagi that Kuroo swears he found my soulmate on and it’s the only thing he wants to talk about half the time. Even Kenma has started telling him to shut up about it. Kenma has even threatened to stop talking to him at all if he didn’t stop trying to convince me that some setter in a different prefecture was my soulmate. The only way to know for sure is for me to actually meet him face to face and the chances of that happening were slim to none. Or at least that’s what I thought until the other day at practice.
    “Hey Y/nnnn, I got great news.” I heard the sing-song voice of my best friend.
    I rolled my eyes, he was probably gonna either tell me he gives up trying to convince me or by some miracle I’ll be meeting this guy who is supposedly my soulmate. “I swear to Victor Nikiforov, if you pester me about this soulmate thing I will shove a volleyball so far up your ass it’ll look like you’re pregnant.” I said with a completely straight face, earning a chuckle from Yaku as he walked by.
    Kuroo gave a gasp of shock. “First it’s rude to assume things because it makes an ass out of you and me. Secondly I was just going to tell you that Karasuno is going to be coming to the training camp this weekend. I wasn’t going to bring up the soulmate thing, but now that you mention it. This will be a great opportunity for me to prove that I did in fact find your soulmate, and I will be expecting a full thank you and apology for doubting me, including chocolate.” He responded with a cocky smile.
     “For the last time Kuroo, I doubt this guy is my soulmate. But if it will shut you up I’ll keep an open mind, if you happen to be right you get a thank you that’s it.” I said getting up to help clean the gym as the team captain was now too busy praising himself for his so called ‘successful job of convincing me’.
     It was finally Saturday and the Karasuno team would be arriving shortly, and as much as I didn’t want Kuroo to be right, I couldn’t help but be nervous. There was a strong possibility that someone on the team was my soulmate. I waited with the rest of the team outside of the school as the bus pulled up in front of us. The first pair to climb off the bus was a bald kid and a shorter guy with two toned hair, their first response was to yell about the sky tree while looking at a completely normal steel tower. This had Kuroo doubled over cackling at their stupidity.
     Shortly after them more boys started to file off the bus. The one that caught my eye was a boy with gray hair wearing a white t-shirt with a bag over his shoulder. He was talking with a taller guy with a beard and long hair who I assumed was the ace I had briefly heard about after their trip to Miyagi. I noticed his soulmark as he got closer to us, it had the image of an open sketchbook showing a detailed drawing of Victor from Yuri on Ice, just like Kuroo had said. It also had color pencils laid out in a pattern that resembled the Transgender and Non-binary pride flags. I was starting to see why Kuroo thought this guy may be my soulmate. There was only one thing left to do.
     As the pair approached us Kuroo recovered from his laughing fit. He stood up straight and started to introduce me to boys. “Y/n this is Asahi Azumane, the ace of Karasuno. And this is Koshi Sugawara, Third year setter, and your soulmate.” He said so nonchalantly that I nearly punched him in his smug face. I watched as Sugawara blushed slightly. I assume Kuroo has been texting him with the same notion that he knew who his soulmate was. “Asahi why don’t we leave these two, and get you guys settled in.” He said, sending a sly smile my way before dragging the stuttering ace away from me and his friend.
     “I’m sorry about him, ever since he met you guys he’s been insistent that he met my soulmate. Anyway it’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” I said introducing myself.
     He smiled at me before raising his hand to shake mine. “It’s lovely to meet you, Y/l/n. As Kuroo said, I'm Koshi Sugawara, but you can call me Suga.” I returned the hand shake. 
     Everything seemed normal until I felt a small tingling sensation in my wrist. I looked at it and watched as his name appeared across one of the books on my arm. It seemed Sugawara was experiencing the same thing, as he watched his arm in amazement. After the shock wore off, we made eye contact. “Well shit, I guess I have to apologize to Kuroo for once in my life.” I said in a sarcastic tone. Suga responded with a laugh before we started talking about our respective marks. 
     We had been chatting about the meaning of the pride flags that were subtly placed throughout Suga’s mark when the door to the school opened again. “Hey Love birds, as happy as I am to have been right, we kinda have practice matches to get to and Karasuno need’s their setter.” Kuroo said, poking his head through the door. I quickly flipped him off, earning a chuckle and Kuroo slipping back into the building.
     “Sorry about him Suga, but he’s right we should get back inside, we can talk more at lunch.” I said as we made our way back inside.
     He just nodded, before speaking. “It’s fine. And we can definitely talk at lunch as long as the guys actually leave me alone, they’re all going to be so excited that I finally found you. Only a couple of the guys have found their soulmates, so they get really excited when one of us does.” He explained. As we were about to split up so he could get changed into something more suited for playing sports he said something that caught me off guard. “Oh and call me Koshi.” And with that he disappeared into the locker room.
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klaissance · 4 months
Do you have any dad klance headcannons?
Thank you so much for asking dear sweet asker I appreciate you so much. I actually,,, lowkey don't? Dad!Klance is not something I think about that much, I think bc as a teenage girl in my 20s I am not in a parent/family space that often BUT FOR YOU IMMA TRY HERE WE GO:
for starters I think they're really good at it let's get that straight from the jump
Lance always wanted to be a parent I think--comes from a big family, has watched his siblings become parents, is obsessed with his cool uncle status, has always seen parenthood ahead as something to look forward to
Keith is the opposite, never in a million bazillion years thought that was in the cards for him
he's gay so that came with its own list of things to be worried about that would be difficult in terms of, like, acquiring a child, plus he just sort of had a shitty time as a kid, has a funny relationship with the words "parent" and "dad" and hasn't had the time to hash that out with a therapist because he's been in space
really truly Keith is a feral desert child and when presented with the thought of turning a small being into an adult suitable for society his brain shorts out
...until they get together
actually, both of them flip on this while they're in space OKAY NOW WE'RE COOKING
Lance, my poor sweet darling prince, is a little less sold on children. He grows up hard and fast and violent in the intergalactic war they're thrust into, sees terrible things happen to good people all over the place, sees kids left parentless and parents lose a child, sees himself nearly die more times than he can count (oop that one time he did die lol), and suddenly the idea of kids in the future isn't tinted golden and sparkling with the memories of his childhood. He's an adult and anything could happen and it's terrifying and hard and he knows he loves what he does--loves helping people, loves interacting with children, wants to teach or something later for sure maybe--but the actual parenting is soured by the thought of his mom back home thinking her son is dead and not even having the closure of a burial or anything. He learns that nothing is certain in the way he used to think it was, and stops expecting specific things for his future
Klance gets together [how?? girls idk any infinite number of ways that is every post I'll ever make until the end of time but not this one--trust though it was juicy] and they stay together while they're fighting the space war, and slowly and then all at once Keith "Lone Wolf" "Not A Family Man" "Feral Desert Orphan" "Kids What Are Those" Kogane is, like,,,, thinking about his life and his future beyond like,,, the next hour,,, and is imagining kids in the picture??? trust it shocks him too
This actually is a version of their relationship that I really like thinking about! Lance pivots on all of his hopes and dreams that he'd had all his life about certain milestones for things--marriage, kids, the white picket fence and all that jazz--and throws it all out the window. Because piloting magical sentient lions in a space war is fucking crazy and life is nothing like what he thought and what is important to him reshapes; it isn't the milestones it is the feelings they represent, the security and companionship he is seeking, the fulfillment he can find from interacting with others in different ways. Keith is the opposite; he never thought any of the milestones were important because he assumed they were for other, non-broken people. People--not him--who could have nice things like spouses and houses and children to raise in their image or whatever. And to make a long and introspective story short he gets to hold Lance's hand and suddenly all of those nice things are back on the table and he gets to want them and finds out that he does
I guess this is where it gets fuzzy for me I've seen some things where they space adopt and that's really fun and fresh
Or they wait until they get back to Earth after having the Cool Uncle Era with Lance's nieces and nephews which is my shit i love cool uncle klance
I do think I subscribe to them adopting older children out of the foster system as opposed to however infant adoption works
but any way you slice it Keith is So Pressed About Getting It Right he's reading books he's asking Shiro and then wanting to die because Shiro is So Cringe about his caretaking advice UGH
and Lance is back in a comfy phase about it now that they've decided to do it, regaling Keith when he freaks out with tales of times he and his siblings totally almost died or that crazy shit happened or that his parents did x y z totally sideways--his point being: and look how well it turned out anyway
the important thing is that when they do have children they love them more than anything and demonstrate a positive healthy relationship for them and they try to meet them where they are and also give them opportunities to grow and be happy and therefore it all works out perfect :)
Also as an added bonus here are some of my favorite depictions of dad!Klance for your perusal:
deerstalkerdeathfrisbee's True Love or Something ok these were like my earliest favorite fics ever when I tell you this raised me and reset my brain chemistry I am being so serious. They aren't dadding until later in the series [THIS ONE] but actually the whole thing is so excellent
that,,, actually is the only one coming to mind right now but people SOUND OFF IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE PLS <3 i will return to this post with more if i find any
I hope this was good for you obviously I just stream-of-conscious dumped into the text box but it was super fun to do, if anybody has any other prompting thoughts I would love to ideate more I just,,,, love thinking about them so much,,,, ok everybody have a great day!!
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seasidefallenangel · 5 months
everything i wanted
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notes: anne faulkner x afab reader, implied gender dysphoria + self deprecation
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“You’ve been out here for a while.” You don’t bother turning around, knowing that Anne can already suspect something is up. The celebration of BAE’s win carries on inside the penthouse as the muffled music echoes outside on the balcony where you two are. You should humor your partner with some sort of response, maybe a joke, but can’t find it within your brain to even digest their words. The acid in your stomach claws its way up your throat as they sit next to you while you’re staring aimlessly into the night sky.
“What’s on your mind, honey?” Their voice asks, quieter than when they first came outside. As much as you love their voice, tonight it reverberates through your skull and becomes dangerously close to giving you a headache. It fills you with guilt - because you’ve been keeping something from the person who you can trust the most, who would understand this situation more than anyone. 
It started when VISTY had shown up after being invited by Anne themselves. The four of them had been relatively vocal about their admiration for BAE, the most prominent being Aoi’s adoration towards Anne. The two of them had spent what seemed like forever talking, with Aoi saying that Anne had inspired them to be their true self. Anne had nearly gotten teary-eyed at being such an inspirational role model for the teen and proceeded to nearly smother Aoi to death in a hug afterward. Something about it made you sick and you had silently dismissed yourself from the situation.
Which led to now.
Perceptive as ever, Anne begins to speak once more, “There’s nothing to be jealous of. Aoi is way too young for me - it was more of a sibling thing.” 
Your head quickly turns to them as you wave your hands to deny the accusation. It wasn’t a romantic thing ; Anne is loyal to a fault and there’s no chance you’d ever suspect them having feelings for Aoi other than purely platonic. 
“God, no. I didn’t even think of that. It’s more cute than anything else. Aoi’s a sweetheart,” you defend and sigh out after. “It’s moreso…” 
You trail off with a sinking feeling in your heart. Half the issue stems from the fact that you don’t even understand why your brain is in such turmoil to begin with. Your nails dig against the fabric of your pants and for a moment you swear you can feel blood bubbling from underneath them. Even with the hoarseness in your voice, you manage to say something else to Anne.
“... How did you know when you weren’t a boy?” You can see the way Anne stiffens from the corner of your eye and there’s a moment where you’re scared that you’ve fucked everything up again. Something in the air feels rancid and you have half a mind to just bolt from the balcony, but your fears are softened ever so slightly when Anne answers your question. 
“I sort of always knew - in my heart at least,” they say solemnly, looking out up at the moon shining. “I liked things I shouldn’t, and disliked the ones I was supposed to love. Every time I saw a girl I assumed I had a crush on her, but I didn’t understand that I wished I looked like her instead.”
Leaning back in their chair, Anne turns to you. “But I didn’t feel like a girl, and I didn’t feel like a boy. I barely even felt human sometimes, and it’s not like my mom helped at all. But I like myself the way I am now, and that’s what matters.” 
They smile softly when you turn your head to meet their gaze, and their hand reaches out to hold your own, squeezing gently. It’s comforting in one way and foreign in another, almost as if you don’t deserve to touch someone like Anne.
“I like you the way you are too,” you murmur with your own smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes, but you hope it reassures Anne regardless. As expected though, it doesn’t, and they shift ever so closer to you in hopes it’ll bring you comfort. “Why did you wanna know? I don’t mind telling you or anything, but it’s a little random for you to bring it up so suddenly,” they speak slowly. It reminds you of someone trying not to scare off an animal and it seems so fitting. You, something primal and feral, a beast chained down in your heart that you’re trying to suppress to the world in hopes it’ll be satiated on its own instead of ripping apart everything you hold dear.
“Every time I look in a mirror,” you start with a shaky voice, “I see a girl who shouldn’t be there. I hate her for being alive, but she’s so deeply tied to me that I could never let her go.” It’s exactly why you took the mirrors out of your room, and why you rush out of the bathroom after a shower ; so you don’t have to see the painfully female body you’re attached to. Anne nods along next to you, hesitant to say their next words, “... You don’t feel like a girl?” It hurts so badly to hear out loud even though you’ve known it forever. You know Anne is the last person on earth to judge you for something like this so you don’t know why it’s so hard to admit to them.
“I guess, yeah, but it doesn’t work that way. I can’t just stop being a girl, you know? It’s wrong,” you begin to explain, but quickly backtrack when you see the hurt flash across Anne’s eyes and their hand slip out of yours. The implication of your words is horrible and causes you to wince at yet another thing you’ve messed up. Your hand reaches for theirs again, hoping they won’t pull away, “Not you! You and Aoi - I’m happy you guys figured it out and that you have someone who sort of understands, you know? I mean me specifically, I can’t be trans.” “Why?” Anne’s jaw steels as they speak and part of you is terrified that they’ll just leave altogether at your messily squished together sentences. You wouldn’t blame them either, given how this is a core part of their trauma and identity.
“I, well,” there’s a heat on your face now - humiliation, most likely - while you stammer out an answer, “I’m just not allowed to be. I don’t deserve to be.” Confusion overtakes their face and you try to save face once more, “Just like, you’ve been through a lot to figure that out you know? And sometimes I do like a few girly things so maybe it’s just me and I shouldn’t be able to say I’m non-binary if I’m okay with that cause it’s insulting. I’m probably overreacting anyway cause I’m very obviously a girl so -” You’re cut off by Anne’s thumb wiping a tear that’s begun to slide down your cheek, one you didn’t even register being there at all. Their face looks pained, and you’d do anything in the world to never have to see that expression again. All you can offer is a whisper of, “Sorry,” and let the shame course through your body. 
Shaking their head, Anne pulls you into a hug, letting you rest your head on their shoulder while your tears drip onto their skin. You feel pathetic crying over something like this, because was it even that big of a deal? 
“Don’t be sorry, dear,” they hum into your ear, holding you tighter when you choke back a sob, “You’re allowed to feel how you want, and be what you want. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to this sort of thing. You ‘deserve’ what makes you happy. Why would you ever think otherwise?” 
But you don’t have an answer for them. You can’t explain the inherent guilt you have for simply being alive and the need to justify your existence to someone, to anyone who will listen. 
Even so, Anne provides a sense of stability even when it’s hard to grasp your own sense of self. You could know tomorrow, or you could never figure it out, and they would still be there just as they are now to walk by your side - and as long as you had them, surely the rest would come easy.
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very personal piece about my own issues with struggling with my gender for nearly 9 years, and the things i can't explain about it. thank you for reading.
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illfoandillfie · 6 months
Blurb Advent 2023: Day 24
This idea came to me after seeing about a hundred reels on insta about guys in grey sweatpants lmao, so i wrote it.
Warnings: minimal editing ofc, making out, mostly pretty cute but quite a lot of dick talk
Ben had stuck the heating on but it was still getting warmed up, a slight chill through the house. The two of you were rugged up on the couch with some mulled wine Ben had decided to make, a gingerbread scented candle burning in the kitchen making the whole place smell festive, and a Christmas variety show playing in the background. The tree was lit up, perhaps unnecessarily considering it wasn’t yet night but the sky outside was grey, threatening to snow. Almost a cliched holiday scene. There was a pile of presents underneath, opne you’d have to load into the car in the morning since they were mostly for parents and siblings, uncles and aunts. Tomorrow would be chaotic since you were intending to visit both his and your families – lunch with one dinner with another – but that wasn’t new. Since your very first holiday with Ben, Christmas had been like that. It only took a couple of years for the two of you to declare Christmas Eve your day. Just the two of you, getting into the holiday spirit and probably making out a little.  
Tradition dictated that you each got to open one present on Christmas Eve. Usually, the silliest thing you’d got each other. You’d save the bigger, more impressive stuff for opening with everyone else, but there was always something smaller, something goofier that you could exchange the day before. Ben sorted through the pile under the tree until he pulled out a smallish square box, wrapped up in paper with candy canes printed on it.   “Merry Christmas Eve, babe,” he said softly, handing it to you with a small kiss.   You tore into it excitedly, revealing the box which claimed to contain a galaxy projector, “Oh my god Ben! This is so cool!”  He gave you a pleased little grin, “I thought you’d like it.”  You fussed about getting it out of the box and plugging it in as Ben set to opening the package you’d given him.   “Oh score, babe! I needed new trackies” Ben said, holding up the grey sweatpants you’d bought him.  You giggled, “no problem honey.”  “Am I old? I just got ridiculously excited about what I definitely would have considered a boring present as a kid. Does that make me old?”  “Aww honey, no. They’re very hip and cool. All the hot young things are buying them for their guys. The internet tells me so.”  “What are you on about?”  “You haven’t seen those insta reels? The memes about how hot guys in grey trackies are?”  “Ummm no. Oh god maybe I really am old.”  You snorted, “If you put them on I can explain what the memes are. But no undies okay?”  “And that will make me young? Sounds crazy but okay, they look really fucking comfy.” 
In the time it took for Ben to go and change you managed to get the galaxy projector working. It wasn’t quite as good as the box implied but it was cute and you liked how it looked.  “Woah, hey, that’s pretty cool.” Ben said, stairing up at the stars on the ceiling, “I thought it was gonna be a bit shitter to be honest.”  You were placing the projector on the coffee table, laughing, but as you turned you nearly choked. The memes had been right, it was hot. You could see practically everything.   Ben was oblivious to your staring, “Babe you did so well, these are so comfy I love them.” He did a bit of a turn in them, letting you see his ass for a moment before the outline of his cock was back in front of your eyes.   “Honey why don’t you come sit,” you patted the couch beside you.  Ben seemed a little surprised but he obliged.  “In fact, why don’t you put your feet up,” you scooted off the couch so Ben had space to stretch out.  “Uhhh, yeah alright. Don’t you want to sit too though?”  “Oh I will,” you let Ben get settled before pouncing, straddling him and leaning in to kiss him.  Ben hummed into the kiss, his arms automatically wrapping around you and pulling you close.   “Not sure what that was about,” he said softly when you finally broke apart, “but I’m not complaining. Just tell me what I did to get you so horny, so I can do it again.”  “Did you not look at yourself in a mirror when you changed into these pants?”  “No,”  “So you didn’t realise how visible your dick is?”  “Is it?”  You laughed, “This isn’t helping make you seem less old. That’s what the memes are about and I can tell you they’re spot on. I’ve been staring at your cock since you changed.”  “Oh, wel-”  “Shh, don’t say anything else, it’ll only distract from making out.”  Ben groaned as you rocked forward, his cock pressed against your cunt, “Yeah okay, good plan. 
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imogenkol · 7 months
tagged by @kyber-infinitygems @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @adelaidedrubman thank you! 💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @v0idbuggy @statichvm @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
cheating a little bit again because I have writers block and I’m trying to remedy that by reworking old writing (and also trying to refresh my love for said old writing) so hopefully ya’ll enjoy my two favorite werewolf siblings
Jayde waited in the rain for as long as she could before the beckoning warmth of the twenty-four hour diner across the street became too tempting to resist. It was worth the risk of getting recognized. All she wanted was to not be soaked to the bone like a sad mutt chained to the doghouse. And some damn coffee.
The dark, clouded sky gradually turned gray with an oncoming sunrise. Jayde sipped on the bitter liquid from the warm mug in her hands and stared out of the window beside her, watching the endless streaks of raindrops as they raced down the lightly fogged glass. Finally, she spotted a familiar pickup truck pull into the parking lot. Something bulky lay strapped in the bed, a blue tarp shielding it from the weather.
Skye stepped out of the truck once she parked. She was a fair bit shorter than her older sister with mossy green eyes instead of dark blue, but besides that, the two were unmistakable as siblings. They shared the same blonde hair and facial structure, though Jayde always thought Skye resembled their mother more. Or perhaps she secretly favored the idea of inheriting their father’s features. While they were similar in base appearance, the sisters differed in personality. Skye walked lightly, almost with a skip in her step, to mirror her bubbly attitude. She almost always had a small, arrogant smirk on her face like she understood a joke that everybody else didn’t. Most of the time she did.
She wore that exact smirk as she slid into the booth across from Jayde. “So, spill.”
“I got my ass beat, alright?” Jayde recalled in annoyance. “Wound up on lockdown in the local hospital, but I got out.”
“On your own…?” Skye clearly sensed that she left out important information.
Jayde sighed. For whatever reason, she didn’t want her to know about Nadya. Maybe because she knew her little sister would mercilessly make fun of her for it. “No, I had help.”
A waitress came by to offer Skye a menu and some coffee, which she eagerly accepted with a sarcastic comment about a bear doing its business in the woods that went over the poor old woman’s head. Once the now slightly perturbed waitress left, a moment of silence lingered between them until Skye held up her hands. “Well? Don’t leave me hanging.”
“There was a resident at the hospital,” Jayde complied hesitantly. “I convinced her to help me and she took me in while I recovered.”
“There it is,” Skye said triumphantly with a massive grin. Jayde rolled her eyes. “Is that whose scent is all over you? She smells nice, is she pretty, too?”
“None of your business.” She fixed the younger wolf with a warning glare. “Now, can I have my shit?”
“Geez, you’re no fun,” Skye complained.
“Skye, I have had a long couple of weeks,” Jayde told her in a scolding tone. “All I want is enough supplies to be on my way.”
“And where is that this time?” the younger sibling retorted with a sudden seriousness. “Am I gonna get another call in a month asking for more ammo? Or to bail you out of the slammer? Or how about a mental hospital? You haven’t got yourself fucked in one of those yet.”
“For your information,” Jayde started, a snarl nearly escaping her throat. “I’m gonna linger around here for a little while longer.”
Skye’s mossy eyes went wide with shock. “Really. You? The Lodge isn’t good enough, but this city is?”
Jayde was in no mood to have this argument with her for the tenth time. Nothing she could say would make Skye understand her reasons for staying away as long as she has.
“It’s not like that, I have to.”
“Why?” Skye prodded. “I would think you’d want to put as much distance between yourself and here as soon as you can.”
Jayde grinded her teeth. Skye wouldn’t let her deflect. She would also see right through any excuses and become even more pushy for an explanation. “I have to make sure the girl that helped me won’t be in any danger once I’m gone. She broke me out of the hospital and saved my life when everyone was calling me a terrorist. And she did it to protect people, so it’s not gonna sit well with me if something happens to her.”
“She broke you out?” Skye marveled in bewilderment, clearly impressed.
Jayde nodded. “Yes. I’ve been lying low at her place for the past week.”
“Damn, she’s ballsy,” Skye chuckled. “Or just really stupid.”
“That’s what I thought,” Jayde agreed with a small smile. “Trust me, it’s the former.”
“How are you gonna know if she’s safe or not?”
“I had her get a burner phone to call me if she needs help. That’s why I have to stay in the area until this blows over, I don’t want to be too late. Which reminds me, I need your phone.” Jayde held out her hand.
She scowled at her suspiciously. “Why mine?”
“‘Cause yours is the number I put in hers.” She motioned for her to surrender it. “You haven’t gotten any other calls besides me, right?”
“Why’d you give her my number?” Skye asked incredulously.
“Because mine’s gone, genius.”
“Then buy a new one, dumbass.”
Jayde sighed in exasperation. “It was easier to give her your number, now cough it up.”
Skye groaned dramatically and fished her phone out of one of her pockets. “Here.”
Jayde deftly caught the bright pink cellphone as her menace of a sister suddenly tossed it at her head and snickered at her disappointment. Supernatural reflexes had very little to do with the save, she had years of practice anticipating Skye’s antics. When Jayde looked down and saw the cheap Hello Kitty sticker stuck on the back, she glanced back up quizzically. “Really?”
She shrugged. “I went to a couple hospitals looking for you. They don’t exactly keep the kid stickers locked up.”
Jayde made a noise of displeasure. “I would’ve preferred a Finding Nemo one.”
“Then get your own damn burner and steal whatever sticker you want the next time you inevitably end up in a hospital again,” Skye bit back.
“I owe you. Happy?”
“My favorite words to hear,” she replied with a bright smile and took a sip of coffee. “So what did you tell her?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, with everything the nurse did for you, she must’ve been curious. What did you come up with as a cover?”
That brought up another explanation Jayde dreaded. Might as well get this over with, she thought as she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment before shrugging. “I told her the truth.”
Another charged moment of silence fell over the two siblings as Skye completely froze with the mug to her lips. She blinked a couple of times, then shook her head like she came out of a trance. “I’m sorry, you told her the truth about what?”
“About me. What I am.” The admission made Jayde cringe.
Skye’s expression turned blank, and she slowly set the mug down. “I know you mean you told her you’re bisexual and not that you’re a werewolf, right? Because admitting that you’d be down to clown with a hot nurse is way more believable. Telling a random human that you’re a werewolf is a new level of crazy that you wouldn’t even dream of. Right? ”
“First, she’s not a nurse. Secondly, she deserved to know,” was all Jayde could think to say as a defense.
“So it is the mental hospital for you next.”
“Skye –”
“You are the last person I expected to be that stupid, Jayde.”
The older wolf leaned forward in her seat and poked the surface of the table. “I did not make that choice lightly. Nadya put her entire life on the line for me without any thought for repayment. It was only natural that she had questions, and she was too smart for my shitty excuses. She would’ve figured it out herself if I hadn’t told her.”
Skye didn’t look convinced. “And how do you know she won’t tell anyone?”
“She’s not like that,” Jayde insisted.
“You’re willing to bet everything on that. On a human you’ve known for a few days,” her sister stated more than asked.
Jayde patted a couple of her jacket pockets before she remembered which one she put the small polaroid in. She pulled it out and dropped it on the table in front of Skye. The younger wolf picked it up and studied it with disinterest until she flipped it around and saw the note Nadya wrote on the back. She glanced up at her sister curiously.
“She’s a photographer,” Jayde explained. “When I told her I liked that picture, she gave it to me.”
Skye sat in silent contemplation for about a minute as she stared at the photo in her hands with pursed lips. Eventually, she gave a nod, and Jayde felt relieved that her sister finally accepted what she was certain of. Her eyes met Jayde’s and brightened with that mischievous smirk again. “It’s not just the picture you like, is it?”
Jayde raised a brow. “Excuse me?”
“Hot nurse saves your life, offers you a roof, gives you a gift before you go,” she held up the polaroid, flipping it between her fingers like a coin, “and you tell her the truth, give her a phone to call you, and stay in the city you almost got gunned down in to make sure she’s safe. Sounds like you have a crush.”
At first, Jayde felt offended by her assumption, but then her face quickly flushed with embarrassment. Is it that obvious? she thought before anything else, which threw her for a loop. Jayde knew she felt attraction towards the human, but it hadn’t even occurred to her that what she experienced might be a crush. Children get crushes for fuck’s sake, but apparently so do full grown werewolves who have to fight for their lives every single day.
Just like always, her sister knew her too well.
“Even if you were right, it doesn’t matter.” Jayde shrugged in an effort to seem nonchalant. “I’ll never see her again.”
Skye wagged an eyebrow. “Or maybe she’ll call you.”
Jayde rolled her eyes at her for the millionth time that morning. “I didn’t give her the phone to keep in touch. It’s for an emergency only, and she knows that.”
“Maybe an ‘emergency’ will happen.” Jayde’s whole body tensed as she sensed one of her little sister’s bits coming. Skye continued, using a high-pitched voice as she dramatically fanned herself. “Oh, Jayde, some trenchcoated goons have been lurking outside my house trying to sell me a new vacuum cleaner! Please, save me! You’re my only hope!”
Jayde scowled at her. “You think you’re so funny.”
“Come on!” Skye urged. “There’s gotta be some small part of you that’s hoping she’ll call.”
“No,” she said firmly, though Skye was partially right. A huge part of Jayde hoped that she would see Nadya again one day, just not under dire circumstances. But another part of her knew that was the only way she’d get to see her again.
“Fine,” Skye said, clearly not convinced, and handed the polaroid back.
Jayde took a few moments to stare at the photo fondly. She flipped it over to look at the note on the back and ran her fingertips over the letters Nadya wrote. Then she carefully returned it to the pocket it came from.
“You want some breakfast?” she asked Skye, ignoring the knowing grin on her face.
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hannahhook7744 · 5 days
She’s a Motherfucking Killer Queen, a Psychopath at 13 (A Beauty in a Blood-Stained Dress)!;
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Summary: the day Hannah Hook snapped.
Trigger Warnings: Execution of teenagers mentioned, grief/mourning, trauma, fear and anger, swearing, villain origin story, etc.
Co-written with @igetthedisneybox .
This was… not how Zee had thought the world would end.
She had always thought the world would go out with a big bang or a quiet whimper. That it would end with ice or fire or an asteroid that no one saw coming. 
She never thought that her captain would be the cause.
“...you all good, H?”
13 year old, Hannah Hook—her captain, someone she'd even call her best friend–was standing on the deck of her ship still in her nightgown that had probably once been white (before they had fished it out of the barge) a letter printed with Auradon’s crest in her hand, crushed by the pressure of her fingers. Her eye twitched involuntarily.
And the isle was deathly quiet for once. 
The isle was never quiet.
“It isn't fair.”
“What’s…what's not fair?” She’d rather stab herself in the foot than admit this, but Zee was slightly scared.
“We're not going to Auradon.”
“Oh…” Zee trailed off, confused. “Why’s…why’s that a problem? You’ve never cared about Bouradon before?”
“—You're not understanding. None of us—no one in this crew—are going to Auradon. Ever.” 
“Oh.” Zee understood, with a sharp clarity.
Hannah laughed, lowly. Tightening her grip on the  already crumbled paper. “We've been banned. No, not banned. We've been blacklisted by Beast. And…. And…”
Hannah threw the paper at Zee, kicking a barrel across the deck. 
Zee just stared, feeling…well, not feeling much of anything, really. She should have been surprised at this, or angry, like Hannah was, but all she felt was a numb acceptance.
“The Lost Revenge crew, CJ Hook, Freddie Facilier, Zevon, and Ally of Wonderland have been executed.” The younger girl’s voice was unlike anything she'd ever heard from her before.
Cold. Deadly. 
The Lost Revenge was Harry Hook’s crew. Hannah’s brother. CJ Hook. Hannah’s sister. “Oh fuck, Hannah, I am so sorry.” There was that surprise she should be feeling.
“It's not fair. That Ben kid wasn't hurt! He wasn't even scared of them! And… and he told me he was sorry. In his lettter. He passed along a letter from Ally of Wonderland’s parents, too.”
Zee frowned at the crumpled up letter on the floor. “What did they have to say to you?”
“Turns out, Ally was adopted. From the isle. Did you know CJ was a twin?”
“Ally of Wonderland is your sister’s twin?”
“Small world… isn't it?”
Suddenly, the ship shook. Violently. So violently in fact it nearly knocked Zee to her feet. 
“What the actual fuck was that?!” Zee asked as she braced herself on a barrel.
Hannah took a deep breath and the ship rumbled. But… that wasn't… all. 
The barrier lit up. 
The captain stomped her foot. “IT'S NOT FAIR!”
“Uh…Hannah? Is that–” She shakily pointed at the barrier. “–are you doing that?”
“Beast needs to pay. They all do. They think they can just—what? Lock us away and forget about us?”
“I mean, fair. Totally fair. But–” Zee paused when she realized she didn’t really have a ‘but.’
“They want the children to die, Zee. They want your sister to die.” Hannah grit her teeth. “They… they killed my siblings for doing something that anyone on the isle would have done. Beast fucking overstepped and slaughtered my siblings!”
The barrier shook. 
But Hannah didn't seem to notice. She didn't even seem to hear what Zee was saying. 
Zee hesitantly put a hand on Hannah’s shoulder. “Hey. I’m with you. Just like when we were kids, right?”
Hannah looked at her with tears in her eyes. And nodded. “..Right….”
And the barrier shattered. 
Zee jumped. “Woah! Was that you?!”
Hannah looked up at the sky, dazed. “I .. I don't know.”
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ghostsprettymama · 1 year
Obsession for your love.
PAIRING: Miles Quaritch x Male! Na'vi ! Sully !Reader
WARNING: M x M,Angst,Enemies to Lovers,passionate sex,murder talk.
PLOT: After the recent war with your family ( the sully's) Ronal decided to have this man change his ways, or death, by you.
WORD COUNT: 3,224 words 16,870 characters
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You sighed, getting up in your own Marui pod, your head hitting Quaritch's, The crazy fuck was watching you sleep. "you should be dead." you hissed out.
"Well, im not dead Yet sugar." He said standing up, you rolled your eyes. "Spider should've let you drown. But you gave the boy Stockholm. " You left your Marui pod, Miles following behind.
"Did your cock get stuck up your ass or?" Quaritch said, you turned around looking him in the eyes barring your teeth. " you threaten to kill all of my family and me because of your WEIRD freak obsession with my dad and winning, you almost killed my younger brother neteyam, and you NEARLY blew us up on that shitty ship!" You shouted.
"Okay okay, I admit I had my moments. but aren't you the one that almost beat my ass on the ship with your father? I think I deserve an apology too" He said sarcastically
"YOU THREW ME INTO THE WATER AFTER HOLDING ME, HOSTAGE??" you said, "calm down little boy don't get your thin panties in a twist." Quaritch rolled his eyes. " I am 19, nothing about me is young" you corrected him.
"How old do you think I am," he asked "the age to fucking disintegrate," you replied. "51 when I was human. now? about 24 in this body." he said.
Tuktirey came out tugging your arm "Y/n! mama asked if you can make me new clothes, she's busy " Tuktirey asked. " Of course my Chikibaby," you said, giving her a light kiss on your forehead.
You went into the marui pod, sitting next to your father. Jake was rebraiding Tuk's hair, when Quaritch came in he looked at you "Did Ronal leave him to you" He said, his eyes not leaving Quaritch. " Our problem. I fix it"
"He has no intention of hurting anyone for now I believe, but I did not come to argue. Ronal said if he did anything involving murdering or harming us, I kill him immediately, and mother already agreed to let me do this" You said, making new clothes for your sibling, jake sighed and looked at Quaritch. "if I find you did anything to my son, or WITH him. I will kill you myself" Jake promised.
"Papa im grow- "No. not in my eyes" he said, his tone meant that this wasn't something to argue about. you sighed knowing your father was just trying to protect you. "I don't need to be protected" you finished the clothes handing them to Your Sister.
"Now I have to go collect herbs." you got up leaving, and qauritch followed but turned to jake. "Looks like someone's oldest son likes me already." He smiled at him.
Tuk hissed when he left, and neteyam stared at him, you collected herbs with neteyam and Lo'ak.
"So they just told you to solve the problem," Neteyam said, his nonexistent eyebrow raising "Since our father didn't finish it, and For some reason, The tsahik Trusts me more than any of you" you picked herbs putting them in your basket. "Why doesn't she trust me?" Said Lo'ak.
you gave him a face. "You went past the reef, almost died, brought back pakayan, the reason WHY I have to babysit him" you pointed at Quaritch towering above you. "and on top of that I almost died, and she had to clean the mess," Neteyam said.
"Hey, at least there's no funeral," Quaritchs Raspy voice said, your stomach had butterflies in it, and as his hands rested on your shoulders you gulped.
"Well..'m gonna go " you sighed, walking away from Quaritch as you went to aonung, you looked at Ronal to see if it was okay to treat him.
"What happened now little one?" you joked with him, he rolled his eyes, luckily he has a soft spot for you.
"Neteyam," he said. "aw boo. fight with your boyfriend?" you teased as you treated him rubbing the green mush around his eyes
"It stinks.” he said “ well, that's what medicine smells like when you get bruises like this.” you hummed
“What want a hug too? “ you said, Quaritch glared at him shaking his head, fear struck through Aonung, and he shook his head.
“Hm, well that's it Ms tsahik. Just re-apply it every hour" Ronal nodded shooting you out. you hummed walking along the shore. you picked up shells, and every time you bent down, you heard Quaritch grunt. this time you kept doing it purposely, he kicked water at you, and you laughed splashing him back
the water splashing turned into a water fight, soon you tackled him deep in the water, and he kicked you off of him as he sank.
you forgot he can't breathe underwater.
you swam down looking for him, hands grabbed you from behind and you forgot everything, you just screamed underwater, the noise being muffled as you choked.
The ex-general noticed pulling you up to the surface, you spat the water out as he pulled you to shore. you hyperventilated as he held you, you never were so afraid. "calm down. it's okay it was just me" he said getting a hit in his face, h e sighed" okay I deserved that but for the love of god BREATHEE." he said.
You listened calming down, then you began to go off on him "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS! you drive me nuts! I HAVE TO BABYSIT YOU! AND ALL YOU DO IS FLIRT, BE SARCASTIC AND SCOWL AT BOYS WHO TOUCH ME LIKE YOU HAVE A CRUSH ??" you threw up your arms in defeat. " and on top of that you threatened to kill us all but you refuse to do it! and you just play with me ?? you're just so- you got interrupted by Quaritch kissing you deeply, and you whimpered when your hair was grabbed by him his other hand on Your throat.
Jake interrupted by clearing his throat, you didn't budge, he did it louder as you jumped, and both of you stood.
"So you're disobeying orders? " your father said, jake was furious and so was your mother beside him." kissing someone that threatened our lives too..?" Jake said. you felt overwhelmed again
Quaritch got in front of you. "He's grown. he can do as he pleases." he folded his arms. "no Quaritch it's fine." you pulled him back and out of the way, gently.
"Im grown dad.. like he said, I completed the rites of passage and I have my bow.. from the tree too. " you said getting closer " I have my ikran. I have everything I need but I most definitely don't need a mate.. but yet even tho we're here for peace... you brought war and I HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOU. I have to take care of quaritch and yet both of you still boss me around hand me tasks and try to control my life! you already do this to neteyam and you know how that makes me feel. you are not Tsahik or Toruk makto anymore... why can't you just treat us like your kids and not soldiers. " you looked at him, balding your fists.
You got in his face as he looked down at you angered "Ma jake- "Neytiri pushed him back gently not wanting a fight to start. "your father is just concerned .." Neytiri said, She knew you couldn't handle Jake's words well.
"Im concerned. that skxwang - you snapped. Neytiri watched your fists connect to your dad's jaw. he moved slightly turning to you with a bloody nose, and he hit you back. you fell on your knees, your hair tie broke, you looked at him and all he could see is Neytiri.
"Maybe if he wasn't fucking hard-headed he'd known that I fear that this bastard would kill him," he said to Neytiri.
"Maybe if you showed you cared instead of working me to death and treating me like we're still back home and im the best warrior in the world that you only fucking have I would know. you treat me like tsu'tey treated you. and I don't deserve that" you said " maybe if you DID CARE you'd treat me,lo'ak and neteyam well." you teared up storming off.
Neytiri looked at Quaritch shaking her head"Why must you prey on my son and manipulate him? you're doing nothing but tearing us apart. I should rip you apart." She hissed at him.
Qauritch shook his head "Im sorry if you think what im doing is about you or trigger happy husband over there- actually im not. your Son has done more than therapy and rehab can so in the past weeks even if he got defensive thinking at any time I could kill him, which I could. but I don't want to because of how I feel. I don't know if it's love but. I have no tntent on harming him. i want to be with him and keep him safe." he declared
"You are not accepted into this family or as his mate. I don't approve" Neytiri Declared. "Good thing eywa decides" Quaritch smirked.
"he won't choose you, not after how you hurt us," Jake said, quaritch dropped all his weapons. he was serious.
jake and Neytiri stepped back. "Fine. if you wish to go ahead. but if you hurt him I will take your heart and eat it. in front of you." Neytiri hissed leaving.
"Are you serious about this?" Jake asked Qauritch nodded sitting down, and jake sat beside him. "I don't forgive you. neither will the kids but. if my son loves you then I can't fight that" Jake said.
"Sully. why do you sound so damn depressed" Quaritch looked at him confused " my son is literally kissing a War criminal," jake said
Blue = jake
orange = qauritch
"aren't you one too"
"not the point"
"But I can't be one"
"no? you want to be with my son right? so abandon your past for him."
Quaritch thought about it, he got up to go to find Y/n. he wanted to see if he felt this way.
Y/n was seen feeding ilu with his siblings. they didn't sense Him yet.
"So you claim not to like him but punched dad for calling him skxwang, stood up to BOTH of our parents and defended us, and almost brawled him for one man?" Lo'ak said mockingly. "Bro you're the oldest and give us romance advice yet you can't see your own" Neteyam said laughing.
"You got Lo'ak And reya together yet .. can't tell a man you like him?" Kiri asked "I care about what happened yeah but, you're just so distressed, we're hurt but care about you more ya ’know? " kiri said.
"you took care of us! let us help you" tuktirey said hugging Y/n's leg. " Tuk chikibaby.. thank you " Y/n crouched hugging her. "but sometimes you gotta do big girl stuff 'n do it on your own," Y/n said turning around to see Miles.
He tilted his head pretending he didn't understand. you blushed looking at your younger siblings who were giving you the thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes, you did not wanna deal with this today, but since it's happening, you might as well, just do it.
you took Miles to your marui pod, and he allowed it. He absolutely loved where this was going.
You made sure to close your entrance. “So about what they said Y/n. Was it true?” He tilted his head, the white patterns illuminating in the dark as he backed you into a wall.
You felt your stomach turn. “yes..” you said. “ and how do you feel about me.” Miles smiled, Damn his smile was attractive to you. He put his hand above you getting on your level.
“That I despise you so much that I like you. No, that I've grown to love your crazy ass. In 2 months and 8 weeks. I've grown to love how fucking stupid and bold you are.” you went on and on and on.
he picked you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him, his neck trapped between your arms. “god you talk too fuckin much.” he said kissing you so tender, your hands explored his back as his hand was on your throat.
you were at it for hours, fondling and foreplay. he placed you down kissing down your body while maintaining eye contact.
He watched your soft expressions and whimpers when he left bite marks and hickeys. "no fair .. my body always revealed everyone's gonna see" you gasped as your cock throbbed.
"good. You're Gonna belong to me. My mate." Quadritch said "you want me to be your mate?" you asked. "no shit. I want YOU only you." he said.
he went to your cloth, "Can i ?" He said he wanted this moment to be special. "Of course. anytime you want"
He said taking your cloth off, your Hard cock sprung into his face, throbbing, and you panted leaning your head back.
"This how much you love me baby?" he caressed your body kissing your cock, you bucked your hips up, thrusting into nothing.
"Have you not had a heat cycle? how are you this needy." He said teasing you.
An unknown fact about your species was that the rut and heat cycles are, vulnerable times for your kind.
"This is why you were so sensitive... YOURE IN ONE THIS WEEK?? .. boy am I gonna have fun with you" he was talking too much. "that's why you smelt so go-
your instincts took over as you shoved your cock in his mouth, full strength too. he gagged a bit as you huffed and whimpered. "im so sorryyy.. my body is acting on its own.." You said ruthlessly fucking his mouth.
Miles took control soon taking you nice and good as his tongue explored and licked you.
"Mmh im gonna cum soon fffuck. just stay at that ppaceee..." you said as you and he connected Queues.
It was so much better, you felt everything he felt, and knew what he knew. Qauritch bobbed his head up and down faster taking you whole, you moaned and whined, your ears pinning back.
"ffuck!" you came inside his throat, the crazy freaky fuck swallowed it all. every last drop.
"That was bold of you. Your scent is driving me crazy.” he sat up, you looked at his bulge with a smile. You were on all fours crawling over to him, unbuckling his belt, undoing the buttons as your hands slid into his pants. “I wanna make you feel good,” you said feeling his cock throb.
“mmh fuck. how could I say no to your precious soul.”He said. gladly you took it out, gentle kisses in his shaft and tip. “But do you deserve it?” you asked tilting your head. “I sure as hell do.” he groaned. “Mm nuh-uh,” you said.
You kissed and marked his body. Every last inch. Your hands gently stroked him, causing miles to fuck your hand from how good it felt, you went back
down, your tongue tasting every last inch of his shaft and tip.
Your mouth consumed him as your tongue explored him, you didn't know what to do but your body did. You sucked and sucked. You bobbed your head up and down going along with the rhythm, Quaritch loved that you did this.
as much as a tease he is he hates being teased. You began to deepthroat him, stroking him faster than you did before.
His moans turned into loud ones as he threw his head back gasping. “ fuck you doin’ so well y/n just f’me” he said.
He twitched in your mouth, he was gonna cum soon. you. Deepthroated him, just using your mouth and tongue.
The way you did it drove him crazy, he shoved your head down as he exploded in your throat, a little whimper following.
You released his cock from your mouth. “swallow. All of it.” he commanded, you swallowed, listening to your mate.
“Good boy. You listen well Ma Y/n.” he smiled “I should prep you..” he said turning you over, but you were already ready.
“Hah. You don't really know how you affect me Y/n,” he said slowly entering, you felt so nice and warm, he tilted his head back as he panted.
“Please. You're too big I don't think it's gonna fit-” Y/n said feeling doubts.
“Ah. So you wanna stop now?”
“Want me to move? I promise to be gentle” He coo’d.
“Mhm. Please”
He thrusted slowly, his hips moving ever so politely, he moaned in your ear, and your back arched ever so perfectly.
His pace sped up, the thrusts going deeper as your eyes, moaned loud enough for everyone to hear you.
“Quaritch! Please I wanna see yooOu~” he flipped you over giving you a deep kiss, the kiss was passionate yet so lustful.
you moaned into the kiss as he held your hair, every kiss, every thrust, bite, and scratch on his back meant love, care, and trust you had in the future.
You sniffled, tears falling. “Im so glad I don't have to kill you Ma miles. I couldn't do it. I love you so dearly. I see you. I hear you. I am part of you.” you said.
you heard his smile. “Im glad. I see you, I love you, id set the world a flame just to get revenge for those who wronged you. I'll protect you with my life and being. I hear you, I am with and a part of you” he embraced you as he marked you up.
he developed scars from the claw marks on his back he had from you, his thrusts got sloppy and deeper as you moaned louder and louder.
You both had tears of joy as he came inside of you.
you mated for hours on end. nonstop. more loving each time.
in the morning you were laying on each other with a cover made from soft material over you.
jake had been beside you when you woke up," Don't jump, it'll yank the queue and it's gonna hurt..." he said, he cleaned your stained face. watching you as you lay back on your mate.
"mmh.. papa.. why are you here," you asked. "because my son, the head healer was screaming his mate's name, your family thought you were being married but when we saw you two... asleep together," he said
"don't finish the sentence.. at least I have a mate now.." you said
Later, your family had a celebration for you finding a mate, everyone was happy, even you. spider came up to you.
Oh, fuck I just realized.
He hugged you, and you flinched since your body still ached, you'd pat his head in a confused manner. "does this mean me and kiri are related now?" he asked.
"yes...? I don't know what she is to you but yeah." you laughed, and miles chuckled. he looked into your eyes and you gazed into his.
"If you told me you'd be my mate when I was first taking care of you... id beat you senseless," you said
He laughed at that, shaking his head. "hit me however you want sugar. ill do it 10 times harder" he said smacking your ass as you jumped.
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quinloki · 5 months
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oh yeah no I've def read him & him & him and I kind of thought of it but I wasn't sure if you would have read it
I think that dynamic would work without having to figure out how to broach the like, pseudo-incest with what is essentially step/adopted siblings of them doing anything with eachother lmao they just share the girly they like bc they're both mature (and maybe recreate the shower scene I meannnnnnn… >>) and they're both SOOOO busy with their jobs and stuff and this way you're always taken care of
they def would be sly towards eachother sometimes tho it'd be hilarous
I also think pops would really like reader bc reader 'loves' ace (obvi platonic, brotherly love) and ace realizes and FEELS loved and that's something he doesn't get a lot of course pops is gonna favor someone who makes his boy feel loved (smol creature HAHAHAHA ITS LIKE A PET)
god I can just imagine a like competition in both boys heads about who can fluster you the most and you're like obvi so so so spoiled bc I think of them both as very attentive and buy you all the stuffs even tho you're like omg STOP
you're also spoiled by the fucking other brothers cause they think you're cute as a button and if there was any flirting from other brothers I think it'd be funny cause ace would be like….. dude I don't see the appeal and meanwhile you're oblivious to it
I saw you replied to this and I had to make sure I was fully awake before reading bc I knew it was gonna make my brain go brrr and it did if you write this I'll die in the best way you might even get me squealing at work seeing a chapter update (I am very subtle but it happens with birds of a feather sometimes xD)
my brain is all over the place rn but AHHHH fuck Sabo just snuck up on me goddamn this is very much like what happened with marco I just casually was like oh okay I like him and then it spiraled and then you started posting about him and I was like !!!! okay in my brain hardcore then thanks
Sorry to throw more in your brain <3 (I'm not HAHAH even your replies are killing me with the thoughts)
Yeah, I feel like I could dip my toes in a little. Marco and Ace are adopted brothers, and Sabo is Ace's honorary brother with Luffy, and Sabo and Luffy live with the other boys, and they're not like, outsiders, but the vibes/connection between Sabo and Marco isn't really brotherly.
Sabo's a little too independent and I feel like he has weird feelings about Siblings because of Stuffy, or Sterry or whatever the heck that guy's name is.
Sabo and Marco are both pretty open minded on top of it, so they're not likely to get physical with one another without the reader there, but they're not against adding to whatever pleasure is happening, even if it means interacting with one another. Not that it happens often, but I imagine the first time those two share a kiss the reader nearly dies from how hot it is. >.> ("awww, our little bird is all flustered about for being left out." and then you're just drown in kisses against your neck and lips and such.)
I feel like Sabo calls you his little dove, or songbird, and Marco calls you pretty bird, and they'll refer to you as their little bird or sweet dove when it's relating you to both of them.
There's gonna be at LEAST one time where the Reader gets a leg up on Marco and Sabo - and probably only because Thatch, Izou and Ace help her set everything up. XD Some kind of surprise or something and they both come home at the same time and are just agog by it and it's her victory until they pick their jaws up off the floor and turn the tables XD
Similar as they are, Sabo's a little meaner behind closed doors, enjoying teasing and overstimming and edging and please do cry oh so sweetly for him, but just for him, no one else is allowed to make you cry.
Marco's a little sweeter, he loves to hear you sing for him, struggling in whatever binds or sensory deprivations he's got going.
The two of them together are overwhelming, which is a reason why most of your forays with either are 1:1 and not 2:1.
One of the first real issues between the three of them is Shanks, who is just as sweet on you as he is on Marco, and that first little pang of jealously when he starts wooing Marco that the reader feels is the first "oh, I'm jealous." A little self-doubt like maybe you shouldn't try to get near Marco cause Shanks is closer to his age, and gorgeous (and maybe you shouldn't get near Sabo cause Koala is closer in age, and gorgeous)
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sunnylighter · 2 years
I think this is what counts as the fan mail. Since asks have a character limit… Ask Game!
With that, Master Wu turned to his older brother and said, “Garmadon, Brother, I’m sorry. I am really, truly sorry.”
They all stared at him. What did that mean?
“For what?” asked Lord Garmadon, eyeing him suspiciously.
“For my actions after your transformation,” said Master Wu, looking regretful. “You came to me lost, confused, and needing my help, and I failed you.”
“I didn’t n-ne-nee-NnnnNNNn” Lord Garmadon attempted to say. He was trying to deny it, but the words refused to come out. Finally, he threw up his hands and snapped, “Okay, fine! I needed you! I’d just been bitten, poisoned, nearly died, went through the most painful experience of my life, and just when I managed to drag myself over to you, you attacked me ‘cause I looked like an Oni!” He glowered at his brother with his burning red eyes. “You called me a monster!”
Master Wu bowed his head at his words. “I didn’t realize it was you,” he admitted. “I thought… some imposter had stolen you away and was making a poor attempt to take your place. I thought I was saving you. I did not see the truth until it was too late.” He looked at his brother square in the eyes. “I have never regretted anything more. I am sorry, Brother.”
Lord Garmadon was startled at his words and looked ready to deny them, but a glance at the teapot reminded him of their situation. So instead he just kept quiet and turned away, a contemplative look on his face.
Master Wu sighed again at this. “I do not expect you to forgive me,” he continued. “I merely wanted you to believe me that I wish I could take back my actions that day. That I had been a better brother.”
Lord Garmadon remained silent, but his expression wasn’t as angry, so there was that.
There was a moment of silence as the rest of them absorbed what the two had said.
“Is that why you said you felt responsible for Dad attacking the city?” Luh-Loyd asked, drawing his uncle’s attention to him.
“Yes,” said Master Wu. “Perhaps if I hadn’t rejected him, things might not have come to that.”
This is kind of my own head canon, but I talked about it a bunch with Kay Hau. 
We wanted to come up with why M!Wu and M!Garmadon are so against each other aside from just the sibling rivalry. Like, there’s so much vitriol from Lord G’s side. I’m pretty sure there had to be something more. I didn’t have the Movieverse have the Great Devourer, so him being poisoned with evil can’t be the reason. 
So I thought, what if Wu fucked up big time. What if when Lord G got bitten by his own snake and grew his four arms, Wu didn’t recognize him. 
What if Wu attacked him.
And then, with Lord G going through what is probably one of the worst days of his life, having Wu fight him instead of helping him might have been the final straw. If everyone, even his family, saw him as a monster then fine. He’d be the biggest monster of them all. 
And that is my imagining of Movie Lord Garmadon’s villain origin story. And Master Wu has regretted it ever since.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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i'm gonna say it: futaba is the character that can go toe-to-toe with the casts of P3 and P4. she is so well written, so expansive, just the way she talks feels more alive, like allusions to her broader self. she's the one character who feels like she exists when she's not being observed on the screen.
she is Reverie's little sister and I love her to death.
Also when Reverie gives her a head pat (which is a thing I do to my mother to say hello) it's adorable, and it's clearly been so long since it's happened that it takes her off guard and she leaps away.
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Baby steps, Futaba, you're getting there and I'm proud of you.
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oh man i love how this game keeps making it agonizing as i turn people down!!!!
tho tbh none was worse than Ann, my god the Ann scene was so good I almost dated her just because the set-up.
but no, Futaba, i really thought about it, and you are a little sister.
(also, I am morbidly curious how the obligatory Christmas date goes without a romance. in P4G it was fucking delightful, but P5R has proven to be a fucking bastard if you don't romance someone. I wanna see if it can be worse than the Hawaii trip somehow.)
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but jfc PERSONA! STOP THIS! LEMME SAY SOMETHING MORE PROFOUND! Lemme say "You're like a sibling to me" or "You're the best friend I could have hoped for," SOMETHING not just "Because we are teammates," it's so fucking cold!!!!!
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I love that they have an in-joke. Futaba is absolutely Reverie's key item too.
okay so that's Hermit nearly a wrap, rank 9.
Time for the latest Beige News.
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Akechi wants to go have a private conversation. Super private. No, even more private than that. He wants to have a chat in Mementos.
Morgana, I cannot BELIEVE you just let Reverie GO OFF TO MEMENTOS WITH AKECHI, who the fuck is gonna be around to drag Reverie's body back to the real world after? Someone needs to run up to Sojiro and meow like Lassie, okay.
But no, Morgana presumably is nervous about being an unwilling spectator to some hot makeouts so he's outie.
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Points to Akechi's VA because my god it sounds like Akechi is actually having an emotion for the first time in the game.
For the curious, his emotion is Barely Restrained Murder Boner.
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Unfortunately for you, bro, I just bribed Notigor with 60k yen to give me King Frost with Null Bless, so you are royally fucked. (Ba dum tish.)
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This is so fucking horny I just stopped and laughed to myself for a while.
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i'm fukcing cackling at this shit
Akechi would be like 50% more stable as a person if he just read Homestuck, honestly. The feeling that is burning in your chest/pants right now is called kismesissitude and it's totally fine, man. You are be max dramatic about your blackrom feels when you and Reverie could just be making out and leaving bruises on each other for fun.
But lets be real, if Akechi read Homestuck he'd unironically think Vriska did nothing wrong and then we'd have to kill him.
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He could be taking off a lot more than that if he stopped being weird about this blackrom thing but WHATEVER MAN, Y'ALL CAN HAVE HATE MAKEOUTS LATER I GUESS.
Pompous little windbag. I want to beat you up and make you wear something that isn't monochromatic to a hospital wall.
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stars-of-kyber · 2 years
[ THIRTY  ] :  “ you can’t act this way every time i fuck somebody that isn’t you ! ”
Please could you do this prompt, in the mood for some angst with a happy ending, thank you 🧡
Alright alright!
I am not very good at angsty but I try, so here is my modern AU and they were roommates!
Thanks to Frennie and @kateandanthonyaremyparents who were like queens while I powered my way through this like the mess that I am.
Anthony and Kate had been best friends for ages, inseparable since middle school, so it had just made sense when the time came to move away to college, that they’d share an apartment since they were going to the same place anyway. There was no need for Kate to stay in a shabby college-assigned dorm when Anthony had a perfectly comfortable two-bedroom flat just fifteen minutes away from Campus at his disposal and on his part, after leaving a house with seven siblings, he was desperate not to be alone. 
They bickered like an old married couple as they always did, they had a balanced list of chores, and Anthony was the best person to come home to after a shitty day. They knew each other probably better than they knew themselves. They could sit in silence for hours, studying or just brooding, and they could spend all night talking. He knew what takeout she wanted even before she did. They had movie nights, went clubbing together or visited museums or parks. And during the four years of Uni, it had worked fine. So fine that when they both got jobs in London, there was no reason for them to stop with their arrangement. And really, most of the time, it was perfect.  
There was only one problem with sharing a place with Anthony. It wasn’t his sometimes controlling demeanour or the fact that his siblings would flick in and out at leisure during all hours of the day. The only problem was that Anthony hated all her dates. All of them. And he liked to tell her that. Since her first boyfriend, he’d always have some picky flaw to point out, some comment to make about the guy she was seeing. This one was rude, and that one ugly, and that one didn’t have anything in common with her, and this other one would bore her to tears. And the worst part was, he was almost always right.
And Anthony did not date. He sometimes had casual flings, she knew, but they never were more than one-night stands and he’d never even take them to the flat. 
And to Kate, who had been in love with him since High School, that was turning out to be really goddamn annoying. Especially after they had slept together for the first time. 
They had gotten spectacularly drunk at home the night they finished their first term and Kate really couldn’t tell how she went from shoving him for some stupid joke he made to straddling him on the living room carpet with his lips pressing nearly bruising kisses to hers. She did remember every single moment after that. From the heavy making out on the floor to the desperate fumble of removing clothes and trying to reach his bed while he refused to allow her to unwrap her legs from his waist. From the heated kisses on his bed to the way his mouth trailed down until it reached its destination and left her shaking with the swirl of his tongue and the curl of his fingers. From the way he built her all the way up again afterwards until she was begging for him to just fuck her to the best sex she ever had in her life. 
And when she fell asleep in his bed as she’d innocently done plenty of times in the years they’d known each other, she foolishly imagined that finally, they could work themselves into something more. 
And yet, when morning came, he acted as if nothing out of ordinary had happened while her world was shattering around her. When she questioned him about it, he said it had been just sex. Mind-blowingly good sex, he told her, but casual sex nonetheless and stupidly, Kate had agreed that it was fine and it wouldn’t change their friendship in any way, because in the end she already had more of Anthony than anyone else. It was to her he came home after a hard day, and it was with her he shared his deepest worries and fears, as well as his joy.
It had happened a few more times than she’d care to admit. 
Since then, she had accepted that her feelings for Anthony would lead her nowhere, and she had started to date. They had made rules about it, like letting the other know if they were bringing someone home and no sex in the common areas, so she’d figure it was alright. 
And yet, the morning after Anthony always had some passive-aggressive comment or snippy judgment about her date. And every time he’d tell her that the guy wasn’t good enough for her. He had never been anything but polite, even if a bit cold, to any of the guys he’d happened to meet, yet when they were alone, there was always something to say. 
That didn’t stop her, though. She was good-looking and intelligent enough to have her pick. She had a couple of okayish serious relationships that ended up not really leading anywhere and a healthy number of one-night stands. The only exception to the rule was Anthony himself, which was neither a one-night stand nor a serious relationship and yet every once in a while, she’d find herself in his bed. Or on the kitchen counter. Or on the sofa. Or in the shower. He was the exception in more than one case, really. 
Her date the night before had been quite shit, honestly. His kisses had been nice at the club but the conversation had been terrible, he was a self-centred prick and the sex had been bad. She ended up faking it halfway through it and tried to get him out of her bed as fast as possible, claiming a prickly roommate and an early morning the following day. She had gone to bed tense and unsatisfied and woken up with a headache and a crappy mood. 
“You look like shit.” Anthony had remarked with a raised eyebrow when she found him sitting in the living room after her shower.  He pushed her already-filled, steaming mug of coffee and a bowl of blueberries to her. He was sitting at the table scrolling through his phone, wearing sweatpants and a dark navy shirt, his hair still messy from sleep.  
“Good morning to you too.” She rolled her eyes, dropping unceremoniously to the empty chair. 
“Bad date?” 
“That’s none of your business.” 
“That’s a yes, then.” Usually, his self-righteous smirk was usually amusing and an open invitation for friendly banter. Right at that moment, it just made her want to punch him so hard, she had to strain herself to hold back the urge. 
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” She mumbled, taking a large gulp of the perfectly sweetened drink with a shiver of pleasure.   
“I told you he looked like a prick last night.” He pointed out, his tone just arrogant enough to flare her bad mood into a red-hot bout of anger. 
“Don’t you always?” She grumbled into her mug and she could feel his eyes burning into her as he furrowed his brows. 
“What do you mean?”
“Can we not do this today, Anthony?” She sighed deeply, rubbing her eyes with her free hand. She wanted to spend what was left of her morning curled up on the couch, arguing with her best friend about what to watch on TV. She wanted to order some spicy take-out for lunch and to stay in her pyjamas all day. She did not want to hear Anthony’s self-righteous grumbling over her stupid date. 
“I don’t know what this is.” His words sounded so genuinely confused that they had her rolling her eyes. 
“This, where you shit-talk every single man I bring home from a date.” She dropped her mug to the table with more force than necessary. 
“It’s not my fault if you don’t listen to me, Kate.” He clicked his tongue at her. 
“If I’d listen to you, I’d probably still be a virgin.” She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. 
“So you’re telling me the dude from last night was amazing and he just happened to leave before two because he was late for an appointment.”
“How do you even know what time he left? I thought you were sleeping on Simon’s.”
“He also had a date.” He grimaced, looking away from her. “I decided to wait in my car. I was pretty sure you’d get rid of the prick soon enough.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sack, Anthony!” She stood up in a jump, slamming her hands on the wooden breakfast table and sending the sugar tumbling down. “You were right. He was shit. Sex was horrible and I had to fake it to get rid of him and I kicked him out of my bed as fast as I could. Is that what you want to hear?!”
“Do you really think I want to hear about you having sex with some other guy?!” He stood up as well, his expression shifting from annoying amusement to bitter indignation in a blink, but instead of facing her, he turned around, tugging forcefully at his hair. 
“You can’t act this way every time I fuck somebody that isn’t you!” She accused him.
“I can and I will because none of these pieces of shit deserves you!” Kate was done. Or maybe that was an understatement because she was way beyond that. But something inside of her snapped right at that moment and she couldn’t hold back. “I don’t bloody enjoy hearing about you with some other guy, alright?!”
“If seeing me with other guys makes you so pissed, then do something about it!” She did not care that she was yelling. She did not care about the stricken look in his eyes. She was done playing this game of push and pull with him never brave to ask for what she wanted and yet too afraid to walk away and lose what they already had. “You’re the one who told me this was just casual sex. I've been waiting for you to make your move for ages, to do something about this. About us. Why haven’t you?”
“Because I don’t fucking deserve you either, damn it!” He yelled back and it was clear by the way his face blanched and his eyes widened that the words surprised him as much as they had surprised her.
In a normal situation, the prickly monster in Kate’s chest, the one that felt smug satisfaction that even if he was sleeping with other girls, she was the only one he allowed in his bed, who got to see him in the morning, or that bristled happily when he declined a date or a hangout or changed his plans so he could spend time with her, would be dancing with joy with the admission. Because it meant he thought about it. That he wanted the same thing she did. But at the moment, the prideful monster was buried in her chest under a pile of self-righteous anger. Why did he think he could deny her what she most wanted? And because of what? Honour? Insecurity?
“Who the hell do you think you are to decide that?! Don’t you think I have a say in it too?” He looked like she had struck him across the face, his mouth gaping open and close like a fish out of the water. He seemed to be holding himself back from either taking a step closer or farther away from her and she, for once, couldn’t tell which side was winning. “I’m not a little kid, I can make decisions for myself!”
He shook his head dejectedly, his messy hair flowing around him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I am your best friend, you moron! I know you better than I know myself sometimes.” 
“Kate, I can’t risk you…–”
“For fuck’s sake, Anthony!” She exploded, tugging on her hair hard to keep her from jumping on him, either to kiss him or to punch him. She wasn’t sure which. “I’ve been in love with you since we were 15 and I’ve been waiting for you to catch up for the past 10 years. I kept trying to convince myself that you didn’t feel the same way. That you didn’t want what I wanted. And yet every time I bring a date home you just sit there as if some angry puppy whose favourite toy was taken away! So you can either do something about it or stop complaining about my dates!”
They stared at each other, both standing on opposite sides of the table, their breaths coming out in heavy pants. Anthony’s gaze burned holes into her, his pupils blown wide and she tried desperately to understand the dark, heated look in his eyes and the twist of his lips. 
Kate regretted her words the moment they were out of her lips and she wished she could take them back. Things with Anthony were good. They spent most of their free time together already. Anthony was the person who knew her best. Better than Edwina, better than Mary, better than anyone in her life. He was the only person she had been able to open up about her grief and hurt over her father’s death and the pressure she felt to take care of their family and in return, he had told her about his father, the impossible spot he left Anthony in when he died and how he was never good enough to fill it and yet he was all there was left to fill it. Why would she try to push something more if it meant she might lose what she already had? She could live without Anthony being her boyfriend, but she could not survive losing him as her best friend. 
Her cheeks were burning and she couldn’t look at him anymore, her eyes darting down to her bare feet. She wracked her brain for something, anything to say to pull out of the situation, but her mind was too jumbled to come up with excuses. She was getting ready to just turn around and leave without a word when there was a flurry of movement in front of her and before she could react, Anthony had crossed the room, pulling her until his arms were wrapped tightly around her and his mouth was on hers. 
She didn’t have time to think before her mouth was opening up to the pressure of his tongue against her lips, her hands raking up until they were tangled in his hair. He tasted like coffee and toothpaste and his skin smelled like the delicious shaving cream he usually wore. 
The moment they needed to pull away for air, a small dash of clarity flooded her brain and she shook her head, her hands firmly planted in his chest as she tried to push him away to no avail. His arms kept holding her close and she watched him from under her eyelashes. 
“I can’t keep doing this Anthony, not like this.” She could feel the hot heat of his chest against her palms, his breaths tickling her cheek. “I want more. I can’t keep doing this if there will be nothing more.”
“Kate.” He whispered her name like a prayer, his lips brushing feather-light kisses to her face, moving from her cheeks to her forehead to the top of her head, sending shivers to every corner of her body. 
“Don’t do this unless you’re certain.” She let out a raggedy exhale, closing her eyes and trying to will her heart into a less frantic rhythm, her body responding to the feeling of his warm, soft mouth on her skin now moving down, back to her forehead, the tip of her nose, the side of her mouth. “Are you certain about this Anthony?”
“Hell, no.” His honest answer came with a broken, hoarse laugh. “Certain? I’m terrified.”
She opened her eyes, lifting her face up to watch his guarded expression crumble. “Why?”
“Why?” He repeated as if the question was so obvious he couldn’t see the reason she would be asking. “You’re the best thing in my life, Kate, and I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything else. I’ve wanted you for years. But you’re too important to me. I can’t afford to lose you.”
“You won’t lose me.” She scoffed, pretending it wasn’t exactly the same though hammering in her head the minute before. 
“I’m a mess. I’m full of issues.” He mumbled, a self-depreciative smirk tainting his plush lips. Kate lifted one of her hands to smooth the frown from his brow with the tip of her fingers. “I don’t want to hurt you and I don’t think I can be enough for you.” 
“You already are enough, dumbass. Who do you think is the first person I text whenever something good happens to me? Or who do I go to when I’ve had a bad day?” Kate reached out to cup his cheek, unsure if she was about to laugh or cry. Anthony's eyes were studying her face hungrily, taking in every word, every touch, every look. “I know all your issues better than anyone else. God, Anthony, if you're a mess, what does it say about me?” 
“You’re amazing.” He whispered, turning his face to kiss her fingers. 
“I get panic attacks whenever it storms. I’m still afraid to tell Mary how I feel because I’m afraid she won’t love me anymore and I shelter Edwina way too much, even went it costs me my happiness or my sanity.” She shook her head, feeling the smooth texture of his face under her fingers. 
“You also think you are invincible and refuse to accept you can get sick or that sometimes you actually need sleep and food.” 
She pushed back from him, her eyes tightening while her lips curled into a smirk against her will. “Are you criticizing me, Anthony Bridgerton?” 
“I would never dream of it.” Anthony finally seemed convinced Kate wouldn’t bolt from his arms the moment he stopped holding her and slowly, he brought his hand up to push away a dark damp curl stuck on her face. His eyes wandered around her face as if they could look into her soul and he was trying to figure out what he was seeing. “‘I’m afraid to hurt you.”
“Somethings are worth getting hurt for.” She whispered against his skin, her face pressed tightly against his neck. “You are worth it, Anthony. I am willing to try if you are.”
“I am.” He tugged on her arm gently until they were face to face, their warm breaths mingling in front of them and their eyes boring into each other before he closed their lips together in a searing kiss that stole all air from her lungs and left her legs weak. “Although I think you might regret it.”
“Me?” She scoffed. “Do you just realise you’ve just given me the okay to vex you more than I already do till the end of our days?”
“Good.”  He mumbled with a kiss on the corner of her lips. “Although I don’t really think it’s possible for you to vex me more than you already do, Kate.” He said in a fake thoughtful way. 
“Just wait until I get the dog then.” She saw Anthony narrow his eyes at her, his hand still holding firmly to her waist. 
“There is no dog in the roommate agreement.” 
“For now.” She mumbled just loud enough that he would hear the words under her breath. 
“You are a menace, did you know that?” His tone fell somewhere endearing and exasperated. 
“Ah, but you love it.” The words were out of her mouth before she could consider them and her breath caught in her throat when Anthony dipped down, kissing her fiercely before she could say anything else. 
“God help me, I do.” He murmured against her mouth. Kate allowed her hands to drift until her nails were scraping the hard planes of his back, eliciting a delicious groan from the back of his throat. With a sweep of his arms, he pulled her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the wall. His lips trailed away from her mouth to her neck, pressing sucking kisses that would most certainly leave a mark. Kate couldn’t find it in herself to care.  
“Take me to bed, Anthony.”
“Whatever my girlfriend wants.” He mumbled against her skin and Kate threw her head back with a joyous laugh, the word sending tendrils of fire down her body.  
“Whatever, hum?” She hummed thoughtfully. “So the dog thing…”
“We’ll see.” It seemed like Anthony wanted to reply, but there was not enough time. She tightened the hand in his hair, bringing his mouth back to her, pushing her tongue against his plump lips. 
He pushed them away from the wall, holding her firmly to him as stirred them blindly down the hall without breaking their kiss, much like the first time they’d done it. 
There would be time for talking later on. Time to discuss their needs and insecurities, to lay their souls bare and to understand where they stood. To discuss their expectations and their fears. Kate smiled into his mouth at the thought.
They had all the time in the world and it was beautiful.  
What an amazing thing. 
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codenamehazard · 11 months
.:Rage in a Cage:.
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Chapter 8: Rage in a Cage
Hey guys! Hope you guys are ready for some cage rattling and lots of rage! This was a riot to make!
Big shout-out to @rogueshadeaux for helping out with the dialogue in the VC. It was absolutely hysterical bantering back and forth with her and I hope you guys enjoy the banter as much as we did coming up with it!
Without delay, let's jump in!
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“Hey!!” I hear the thief scream out from her literal rib-cage. “You broke my bike, jackass!” I growl and look at her and really get a good look now that her mask was out of the way. Her eyes were glowing with the hot iron fire I remember seeing through the eyes of her mask, but I wasn’t expecting to see a baby-face. The thing that stood out the most was the white chunk in her hair… And the large burn scar on the left side of her face.
“Oh boo hoo, you broke your toy—you stole my blast shards!” I snap as I bang my fist against the literal brick wall that traps me, my eyes looking out of the hole in the wall. I watch her lunge to get out of her confinement, only to nearly fall thanks to what looks like calcified mass locking her feet to the ground. A mocking snigger escapes my mouth as I watch the poor little thing struggle to break the binds. Even as pissed as I am, I couldn’t deny watching the bitch flail about gives me that feeling of schadenfreude.
“Wait—you’re the one she stole from?!” Mako damn near screeches out in shock as she looks at me. I get my arm through the hole and start gripping around, seeing if I can get my fingers hooked around any loose brick and start chipping away at it, but no luck. I shouldn’t be surprised though seeing as it literally popped out of the ground.
“Do you see any other Majora’s Mask knock-offs around here??” I hiss out at Mako as I pull my arm back in and start looking around watching Mako and Pangolin like a hawk. I see Mako walk over to the thief’s cage and give one of the ribs a good bang with her fist.
“And you didn’t think to tell me this little detail?” The sharp-toothed woman snaps at the caged woman, causing the trapped thief to fall back and look at her in surprise before she looks at me with an angered sneer. I couldn’t help but to smirk mockingly at the sour face.
“Well I didn’t expect you to bring the rabid mutt home!” She snips back, throwing her hand in my direction in frustration and irritation. Normally such a jab would have pissed me off if she didn’t look like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. “I’d ask if he’s had his shots but clearly he hasn’t—”
“Hey now, let’s knock it off with the name calling.” Pangolin interrupts the bitch’s snark with a firm tone, like an older brother about to chastise a younger sibling for acting like an idiot. A tone I’ve taken before. The caged rat turns her head and gives a snarl, flashing teeth that look sharp, but more like they were built for crushing and tearing than Mako’s razor teeth.
“Oh fuck off pinecone, this isn’t your fight.” The woman snaps as she tries to break free of the bony mass on her feet. I pace back and forth in the brick prison cell as I smirk at her fury.
“Kestrel Marie Morrison!” I can’t help but to burst out laughing as I hear Mako shout at the thief, causing the girl to flinch. I couldn’t help but to think about when my own mother would yell in that same tone my full name and it made the sight all the more funnier. Seeing this grown-ass woman being scolded like a misbehaving child! Then you have her name! Her fucking name!! Oh this is just rich!!
“Your name is Kestrel?!” I manage to guffaw out between stifled and cruel laughter, I was holding my stomach all the while. “Like the bird?”
“Yeah, so?! It’s a cool name!” I hear the little birdie squeak out as she tries to put the tough girl act back on, but the look on her face was like that of a kicked puppy. Ooooh, I’m gonna have some fun with this!
“Is that really important right now?!” I hear Mako blurt out in an annoyed tone, but I pay her no mind. She knows how I am, so she should know that I like to needle where it hurts and by the looks of the thief, it was hurting.
“I already took you for a bird-brain but I didn’t think you were that much of one.” I sneer as I look at Kestrel dead in the eyes. A devilish and cruel smile stretching across my face. Is this juvenile? Yes, but I don’t give a shit. I see the stupid bird bitch slowly stand back up and puff her chest out to make herself look all big and bad. Awww… How cute.
“At least I don’t look like I got my clothes from the reject bin of the Salvation Army!” Kestrel shouts with a snarl. As if I couldn’t laugh any more, she’s grasping at straws!
“And who’s fault is that, you pigeon-brained fuck?!” I sneer, mocking her own tone as I see the anger in her eyes. Shimmering smoke rising from her hands as she gets angrier and angrier. My expression changed to one of annoyance as Mako gets between the cages and puts her hands up as if to stop two squabbling people from going at each-other.
“Hey! Dial it back a few notches!” The shark woman shouts as she looks at me with a stern face, I look back with an expression of “what the fuck??” Ain’t she supposed to be on my side?! What’s her deal??
“Why the HELL are you defending this bitch?!” I growl at her as I point an electrified finger at the caged bird, prompting Kestrel to show me her IQ by flipping me off with both hands. I hear the door to the large hummer looking vehicle open and slam shut, drawing my attention from Mako and her audacity to whoever was coming out.
A fresh new rush of anger shoots through my veins as I see that the driver of the big hummer train was Kestrel’s little boy-toy, the fucking skinny-ass plague doctor that intervened when I was about to turn the stupid bird into ash.
“What the hell is going o-” Is all the beanpole could utter out before he was stopped by Pangolin, who gives him a look and shakes his head as if to say “Stay out of it.” Bird-brain number 2 nods and backs up, but I wasn’t gonna let him run off so easily.
"Oh! So the damn lanky beansprout is here too! Ain’t that a load of shit!!” I bellow out as electricity sparks across my back and arms from the mounting rage. “What? Did your little birdie bitch friend call for help??” Venom drips from my words as I spit them out.
“This playground smack-talk is getting us nowhere!” I hear Mako shout out in exasperation. I snap my head back to glare at her, my eyes glowing crimson as my anger continues to grow.
“Mako, shut the hell up and stay out of this! You have no dogs in this fight!” I damn near snarl out at the shark woman. Her face was irritated, but I can tell she expected that from me. Good. At least she wasn’t shocked. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Kestrel raising her hand up and fire off a smoke shot at the opening in my cage. I duck behind the wall, causing the smoke to wizz overhead before I pop my head up. Oooh the little bird is lashing out now.
“HEY, FUCKFACE!!!” I hear Kestrel bellow out, full chest and full of fire. Well, this is a bit surprising… The fire in her eyes is blazing brighter than when I was having a go at her personally, she must have really hated me going after Mako. “Leave Mako out of this, mangy mutt!!”
“Oh! So the little birdie wants to talk big game now, huh??” I taunted with a grin, arms outstretched in a challenging manner. I knew she couldn’t do jackshit to me in her current state, not like she was a serious threat to me in any sense, but at this point I was just wanting to piss her off more and more.
“I got your big game right here, right now!” Kestrel shouts out with all her might as she thumps her chest with her hands, it almost makes her fall over backwards due to her balance being affected by the calcified block on her feet. It was a hysterical sight to behold.
“Big talk for someone who hid under her boyfriend’s skirt like a coward!” I shout back at her, remembering how she ran away with her tail between her legs with her little boy-toy plague doctor knock off. She looks taken aback.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Really, bitch? Really?? Is that the thing you focus on? Though I’ll take that as an admission of being a coward. The grin on my face is wicked and malicious as I stare her in the eyes.
“Oh? Thought that lil limp-dicked stick would be perfect for you since you probably can’t get any other guy to touch you.” I sneer at her, seeing as she reacted to the “boyfriend” part of my insult, I figured going the “lovesick heart” route would get me more of her frustration and rage.
What I didn’t expect is what came out of her mouth next.
“At least I have people who actually want to be around me, who do you have? Hm?”
“What did you just say, bitch?!” I hiss out, venom dripping on every word as my eyes glow brighter. My mind reels as the words struck my ears and I process them into meaning. My blood starts to boil as I start to seeth. The mocking tone and the way she says it with such audacity. It pissed me off more than her little stunt. Memories of the people I lost flicker through my mind as the grin on that girl’s face widened. Black and red sparks arc off of me.
“Awwwww, what’s the matter? Did I touch a nerve, you fucking recluse? Are you gonna throw a hissy fit?” I hear that woman’s voice take a childishly mocking tone as she makes an exaggerated pouting face, complete with a wibbling lower lip, before shifting back to that infuriating smirk. This bitch thinks she has the right to call me that? Who does she think she is?? Memories of Kuo’s little tirade with the power transfer device comes to mind. This little girl thinks I chose to be a recluse? Chose not to have anyone in my life?!
“You don’t even know who. The fuck. I am.” I snarl out as I put my arm against the wall and glare daggers at her. I could see Mako looking terrified as she tries to tell Kestrel off, but the girl doesn’t seem to be listening.
“I know enough that stray rabid dogs like you are always alone.” That infusing grin on her face grows as she mocks me, shaking her head as she talks.
“Oh, You have no idea what I am capable of, girl. I could easily shut you up for good!” I give her the only warning, but I know she won’t heed it. I hope she doesn’t heed it. That way, nobody can get on my ass when I completely and utterly rip. Her. Apart…
“Oh really? Then do it! Come on! Come out of your brick house, little piggy! Come out and make me.” Kestrel taunts as she looks so cocky. Perfect. Heat starts to build in my body as I prepare to let The Beast come out to play. It has been a while since I obliterated someone with these powers. Mako’s face goes pale as she knows what’s about to happen and knows what’s going to happen to Kestrel.
“KESTREL MARIE MORRISON!!!!” I hear Mako scream out in panic, but it doesn’t matter as I let the raw RFE energy build and build and build until…
The brick prison is now nothing but rubble as I stand in a small crater. My skin now sickeningly pale and grey, black veins showing predominantly on my skin. Electricity crackles wildly around my body and a fiery aura surrounds my person, the Beast has arrived and he’s ready to take his due.
I can’t help but to grin manically as I watch the oh-so tough girl’s face drain of color and wilt, her expression one of pure fear and terror. A similar reaction is seen on the plague doctor’s body language as he backs away. All of them look terrified. Good. I start to stroll up to the caged bird, ready to take what I am owed.
“Wait!” To my surprise, Mako gets in between me and the bird. Seriously, what has gotten into her?? “Mako, I’d get out of the way if I was you.” I warn. She’s the first familiar face in this wasteland, I don't want to snuff her out too, but if she really got in my way, I won’t hesitate to. She knows this, I’ve done it before.
“Look, Cole. Please.” She pleads. “I know Kestrel is a fucking idiot. I can promise you if I had known it was you she stole from, she would have gotten her ass chewed out so much that it would look like used bubble gum. Just… Please, let me explain the situation.”
“Wait… Cole…? Like… Cole MacGrath?” I hear the dead woman squeak out in terror. Oh now she realizes who she just fucked with?? How dense is this bitch? She looks over to Mako with a look of shock. “THIS is Cole MacGrath???”
“Wait, you know this guy?” The dumbass in the plague doctor mask blurts out. I would have face-palmed if I wasn’t so pissed off. Two things I can��t stand, thieves and brain-dead idiots and these two are both! Kestrel looks at her boy-toy with a look of horrified realization. I can’t help but to smirk at her fear.
“Dove, he’s The Beast!!” She screeches out. Dove? Really?? God, what is with the bird names?? The realization continues to sink more and more for the caged bird as she sinks down into a sitting position, curling up into a ball. “Oooh fuck… Oh fuck, I’m gonna die…” I can hear her mummer. The smirk on my face turns to a grin. Music to my ears.
“The B-” was all that the beanpole could utter out before running off like a coward. I see Pangolin go to grab at his arm, but the bird slips away as wind. Oh hell no.
“Oh no you fucking don’t!!” I growl out before throwing a grenade at the fleeing chicken. The ball of charged static pops and creates a small gravity well that pulls Dove back and flings him onto the ground. He makes a panic filled squeal as hits the dirt. With the birdie’s wing clipped, I fire off a bolt that strikes him. He convulses some and yells in pain before Arc Restraints form on his wrists and ankles, keeping him grounded.
“There, let’s see you run from that.” I hiss out at the chicken-boy before turning my attention to the real source of my rage and Mako. “Now that everyone is on the same page on how fucked they are… Mako, make it quick.” I snap at the shark woman. We may have history and I like her well enough, but she knows what happens when someone gets in my way. I watch her take a deep breath and sigh before looking me in the eye.
“When I left you guys… I was not prepared for the dangers that the Wildlands had in store.” I watch her fidget with the shark-tooth necklace around her neck as she talked, I can’t help but to raise an eyebrow. What does she mean? I personally trained her, she should be able to handle herself. “The bastards in Fracture? Tip of the iceberg. If Kestrel hadn’t found me, I’d be bleached bones in the dirt.”
“She saved your life?” I scoff as my eyebrows furrow and my frown deepens. That thief? Saving Mako? I look at the calcium Conduit’s face to see if she’s bullshitting to save her so called savior, but the look in her eyes tells me everything.
She’s telling the truth.
“Yeah…” She nods, looking back at Kestrel before looking back at me. “As much of a reckless dumbass as she can be, she’s a vital part of the group. She has a major role in a big project and she’s an expert scout and resource gatherer…” She sighs softly as I cross my arms, sparks still arcing off of my body. “Look… If she gives you back the blast shards, would you at least spare her this time?”
“What?!” I hear the thief blurt out before the calcified mass around her feet shifts, prompting a pained yelp from her mouth. I hold back a snicker as she rubs what little ankle that isn’t covered she could. Mako turns her head to give Kestrel a vicious death glare. Jesus, if looks could kill.
“I know if you truly want to kill her, I can’t stop you, but please. I never asked anything of you, this is the only thing I will ever ask.” I let out a deep sigh before running my hand over my chin, closing my eyes so I can think. She is right. During her time with me when I was leading, while everyone was constantly asking for me to do one thing or another, she never once asked anything of me. If I am to be honest, she was the closest thing to an actual friend I had in that outfit. So to say I have a lot of respect for her and trust wouldn’t be an incorrect statement. She also said that she’d make the thief return what was stolen, so there was that.
I look over at the caged Kestrel and I see her looking terrified, flinching and closing her eyes when I make eye-contact with her as if she’s preparing for the worst. Mako’s plea isn’t the only thing I have to consider. Mako knows she can’t stop me if I decide to kill the thieving bird, take the Blast Shards anyways and fuck off… But they’re still my ride and if the bird is as vital as Mako says she is, it’ll just make everything needlessly harder for everyone, including me. And with Mako’s honesty about Kestrel saving her life and this “Tip of the iceberg” business, as much as I hate to admit it, the bird is more useful to me alive than dead.
“Alright… Hand over the blast shards and I won’t turn the bitch into a smoldering husk on the ground, but this is the only time I’m doing this.” I sigh while looking at Mako. I see a shine of hope in her eyes as she bows her head to me.
“Thank you.” She murmurs out softly before she walks over to her caged friend, her expression changing to one of fury as she calls off the cage. The bones turn to dust as she roughly grabs Kestrel by the arm and stands her up. “You. Blast shards. Now.” She hisses out to the bird.
“NOW!!” The shark roars out as the birdie goes scurrying off into the vehicle. Mako watches the doors and I think to myself. She better hope for both her and her friend’s sake that she doesn’t try to pull a fast one. My trust in Kestrel is non-existent.
To my pleasant surprise and Mako’s relief, Kestrel returns from inside with Shards in hand. I couldn’t help but to grin as the thief made the walk of shame towards me. She looks absolutely defeated, like a puppy that got kicked in the stomach. I revel in watching her being unable to make eye-contact with me as she holds out the Blast Shards she took from me. Perfect.
“I’ll be taking those.” I sneer as I touch the Blast Shards, causing them to discharge. My body absorbs the sweet, sweet RFE like a sponge. The boost may not be much with what I am now, but the surge from it still feels so good. I look down at the thief and scowl. “Now get out of my sight before I change my mind.” I growl lowly and spark up my hand to make sure she knows that she may be spared for now, but she’s on probation. She nods her head rapidly and I can see her body start to smoke up before Mako grabs her ear and yanks it roughly down so that it was at her head-level.
“You. Fucking. Owe me.” I hear Mako hiss into Kestrel’s ear before letting go and storming off. The bird looks even more pitiful to the point where it would be no fun to goad her. I leave her be as she goes off to start pulling her totaled bike back to the convoy. As she was busy with that, Pangolin walks over, clearing his throat awkwardly, but carrying the most poise out of everyone here.
“Hey Cole…” He starts off, I turn to look at him and give a grunt of acknowledgement. “Don’t worry about my brother. He’s an idiot.” I stifle a snicker at the bluntness of the comment. Honesty is something I can appreciate in people.
“Hey!!” I hear Dove shout before Pangolin forms a brick and chucks it at the chicken’s head. The red rock makes a nice thunk as it hits the boy’s head. I cough a bit as I try to stifle back more laughter.
“He’s basically our get-away driver and his wind powers make escape all the easier.” Pangolin states as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t cause you any more trouble… Could you, um… Let him up, please?” I can’t help but to roll my eyes in irritation, but the truth of the matter is my beef wasn’t with Dove. He was just a useful idiot and, as Pangolin said, the get-away.
“Since it looks like I’m being merciful…” I sigh as I walk over to the beansprout. With a spark of my hands, the Arc Restraints were dissipated. Before the chicken can get up and make a break for it, I grab his shirt and pull him up, causing his legs to dangle in the air. “Don’t think I won’t hesitate to fry you like a thanksgiving turkey next time, understood?” I growl. Dove shakes his head rapidly.
“U-u-understood!!” He stammers out. I drop him onto the ground like a sack of potatoes. Dove makes quick work getting back up onto his feet before taking off as a burst of wind. Pangolin sighs and shakes his head at bird number two before looking at me.
“Deepest apologies. This would have been addressed if we knew all the details.” Pangolin apologizes to me as I stretch out my arms. Relieving some of the tension in them. I’m about to tell him something when out of the corner of my eyes I spot Kestrel walking up to me. Oh great. My mood sours, even after being spared she still has the gall to come up to me?? Her eyes are still downcast though… What is she up to?
“The hell do you want? Already wanting to throw away your friend’s plea?” I sneer, my hand arcing up with electricity as a small reminder of where she currently stands and a warning to pick her words wisely. Was she gonna start up a fight? Try to make some more digs? Give me an excuse to drain her? Whatever stunt she was planning, I’m waiting for it.
“I’m sorry….”
“What?” My murderous thoughts were stopped mid-track at those two little words. Is… Is she… Apologizing??
“I’m sorry for taking the Blast Shards from you…” Her voice meekly murmurs out. She is actually apologizing! What in the hell?? I rack my brain a bit to see if I remember seeing anyone go up to her and put her up to this, but no! She did it on her own! She’s… Owning up to this??
“Wha-” is all I can get out before she dashes off to go back to the scrap-pile that was her bike. I look over at Pangolin to gauge his reaction and to my surprise, he wasn’t surprised. Normally when people have a lack of reaction, it tells me this is a common thing. So… She just… Owns up when she fucks up and apologizes without prompting?? Nobody telling her to do it?? Granted, she could be apologizing because she got caught and now she’s in trouble, but still! She still had the balls to come up to me, someone that was literally about to kill her, and say she’s sorry! I run my hand over my scalp as I try to fully process what I had just witnessed.
I start to pace around as Pangolin goes off to help Kestrel to get the wreck into one of the trailers on the convoy. This day was a roller coaster and if my insomnia decides to act up tonight, I’m not gonna be happy. Hopefully the rigamarole will have tired my brain out enough for me to actually sleep.
My pacing is soon interrupted when I hear Pangolin call for me and gesture to me to come onto the convoy. I let the energy in my body dissipate as I walk over to one of the trailers, my skin returning to its healthier and slightly sunburnt tone. I climb inside and see that it’s a cozy little set up. I sit down into one of the chairs and rest my head back on the cushions and close my eyes.
The vehicle shifts and we are on the move again, hopefully we aren’t too far from Droptown and where the gunsmith is most likely gonna be. The sooner I get there, the sooner I can get my hands on that gun.
What a day…
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dodger-chan · 7 months
It's approximately my birthday (don't forget to vote). I didn't have time to make self-indulgent birthday posts for all the things I love this year, so instead let me offer this excerpt from the Stranger Things fic I am working on.
(warning for a complete absence of editing, the presence of Billy Hargrove, foul language, and some nasty homophobia)
Steve didn’t usually hate people.
That was more Carol’s thing. She hated just about everyone. Liked to use a lot of different words for it. Carol despised her mother. She loathed Laurie. Abhorred Amy. She execrated Nancy, but only detested Jonathan Byers. Different words for different people, because each word meant a slightly different sort of distaste. Or so Carol said.
Steve was a simple guy. He’d stick with hate. And he was starting to fucking hate Billy Hargrove.
It wasn’t jealousy, either, whatever Carol said. He was glad Tommy finally had a real best friend, someone who got him the way Carol got Steve, the way Steve never could quite get Tommy. He just wished Tommy had found a friend who was a little nicer.
Which, there was probably a joke in there, since his best friend was Carol. But when Carol told him to choke on a dick and die, she meant it with love. Kind of. Steve thought Billy wouldn’t mind watching him die.
Might not mind killing Steve himself, if he thought he’d get away with it.
“Hey, Pretty Boy.” Billy’s fingers snapped in front of Steve’s face, and he reluctantly turned his head. “What you staring at over there?”
“Nothing. Lost in thought.” Steve took another bite of his sandwich and tried to ignore Billy leaning into his space to see what had grabbed Steve’s attention. Between gym class, lunch, and basketball it sometimes felt like he couldn’t get away from Billy and the guy’s need to get in Steve’s space.
“Unfamiliar territory?” Carol joked.
“Do you ever get new material?” Steve asked. “Or are you just going to keep calling me stupid every day?”
“Not every day. But your stupidity is a deep well; it’s hard not to revisit it from time to time.”
“You’re passing geometry this semester, then?” He knew she wasn’t. In another week she’d start asking him to do her homework for her. He’d do it, too. Not that it would be enough to get her a passing grade.
“You learn to read yet?” She smiled sweetly across the cafeteria table.
“I can’t believe you’re letting this guy flirt with your girl, Tommy.” Billy threw an unfriendly around Steve’s shoulders, pulled them close together. “Pretty face like this might steal her.”
“Yeah, right.” Tommy snorted. “Steve and Carol might as well be siblings. And Carol loves me too much to cheat. Don’t you, Babe?”
“I suppose you’re mildly less repulsive than the other boys I know.” She tugged Tommy over for a kiss. A quick one, since they were at school. Steve looked away. He didn’t want Tommy, but he did get a little jealous of how much Tommy wanted Carol. He wanted to be wanted like that; for more than a day and in spite of himself.
Fuck, Steve really needed to get laid. Maybe Heidi would be up for a date. She was single and reasonably pretty. Plus, he’d heard she put out.
“I don’t insult girls when I flirt with them.” Steve pulled Billy’s arm off his shoulder. He wished the guy would stop touching him. Their shared dislike was easier with distance. It was much harder up close and personal.
“And how does the Casanova of Hawkins High flirt?”
“I was going to go see what Heidi’s doing tonight.” Steve nodded in the girl’s direction.
“Guessing it’s going to be you,” Tommy teased with a laugh. Carol smacked him in the arm.
“Gross.” She probably wished she’d made the joke first.
“You want lessons, you’re welcome to watch.” Steve stood. “Now, that is. Not tonight.”
The last time Steve had dealt with a guy watching him fuck he’d ended up losing the girl and having to buy the creep a new camera. And Jonathan wasn’t nearly the piece of shit Billy was.
“I know how to get girls, Pretty Boy.” Billy’s eyes were empty and dangerous. Steve ignored them and strolled over to Heidi’s table.
Heidi probably couldn’t fuck the queer out of him, but sex usually helped him shorten its leash a bit. Stop it from sniffing around Billy Fucking Hargrove.
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cardinaldante · 5 months
Greetings Siblings of the church! I have finally managed to sneak past Swiss and Papa Copia and finish the work that had been piling up lately. Swiss wasn't too happy- but he promised not to tell on me as long as I don't tell Papa he wasnt there this morning to make sure I stayed away from work. I decided to go out to the local village today and met up with the love of my life the local village priest, Jacob. He's a very nice guy my age and he likes hanging out with me, even though I come from the satanic church. I told him Swiss was my older brother who was tasked by Papa to keep an eye on me and he laughed and told me I worked to much!!
Can you believe it siblings! He said I worked too much! Ugh, I don't think I do. It's just that, this is a big responsibility for me taking over the duties for Papa Copia while he's Papa. It's an honor. I tried to explain that to him but he told me I should just relax. We walked around the local gardens and I accidentally had to leave Swiss behind when we went onto Church grounds, but Swiss wasn't too upset with me. Annoyed, yes, but not upset.
I told Jacob of my worries about Saltarian, and he said the same thing Primo did, but with an added bonus- that the Lord( Or rather, he saw me grimance at that and quickly changed it to Satan) will figure it out, and that everything will be okay. I hope so, but with things like this...
We had to split apart when the townspeople came out of their houses, and me and Swiss had to beat a very quick retreat back to the church when one of the townspeople started to throw rocks and nearly hit Swiss. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Jacob, which sucked. We ran into two ghouls while headed back. One of them was Sodo, which I mistakenly called him 'Dewdrop' and thought he was going to kill me before the other- Swiss called him Rain- stepped in. Rain calmed Sodo down, but I could see the imprints where Sodo had burned through the ground. Huh, I never knew this one was the fire ghoul. I had heard of one of the water ghouls transforming, so maybe...
Rain seemed very excited to talk to Swiss and so did Sodo, so I decided to head off back twords the church while Swiss was engrossed in talking. For some reason, it makes me feel... Odd. Sad, maybe? I don't know. I never had many friends growing up here- always the outcast- so I didn't really understand the whole.. feeling thing I was feeling at the moment. While headed back, I came upon an old greenhouse. Inside was decrepit, and the plants had gotten super overgrown. However, I found something. There was a small chest at the end of the greenhouse with the symbol of Omega on it. I tried to open it, but it was locked shut, and when I turned around, I was greeted with a ghoul I had never seen before at the entrance. They were tall, and wore a pre-imperia mask. They weren't Phil- Phil was a little on the shorter side- but they had their tail put in full display, the thing twitching behind them.
I didn't know what to do, and the ghoul just stared at me. I tried to speak, but the ghoul holds up a hand, and it spoke. Actually spoke. It told me to- and the exact words were,
"Get the fuck out of my greenhouse. You don't know what box you're trying to open, Pandora." Needless to say, I fled instantly the moment the ghoul stepped out of my way. Now, safe in my office, waiting for Swiss to find me so I can go to dinner(where Papa Copia will be, not eating, but interacting with the other siblings, most of you will probably see him at dinner time), I wonder what the ghoul ment. Who was that ghoul, anyways? And why couldnt I open the odd Omega box? My only options are to ask Omega, since the box did have his symbol on it, or ask Phil.
I think the safer option is Phil. My stomach is starting to rumble, and I'm debating on wheather I want another scolding by Papa Copia, or if I want to wait for Swiss. However, I am starving, so my hunger has definitely won out over waiting for Swiss. Pray to Satan for me, dear siblings. Papa Copia is definitely going to give me a scolding of a lifetime.
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lostonehero · 6 months
Corpse Micheal YouTube continued
The video was glitching, but not enough to ruin the sound.
"I can't believe Mr. Emily agreed to this." Jeremy crossed his arms as he squinted in the dark basement. "Why can't we turn the lights on?"
Micheal sighs and comes into view. "Because it's nighttime, and the lights never turn on at night. I haven't actually been down here since she was put here. I highly doubt she knows who I am or what this even is."
"..... I know who you are, Mikey." A little girl's voice comes through glitched audio in the video, but neither man can hear it.
"Man, I can see why this thing was used for security." Jeremy walks around the crumpled puppet. "I do like the music box, though." He stands up straight. "Hi Miss Charlie, I'm Jeremy. I know you don't know me, but I'm Micheal's boyfriend, and I would have met you if you weren't killed a year before I got to America."
Child like giggles glitch through the audio. ".... you have a weird voice..... Evan says sorry, and so does Fritz."
"I'm sure you both would have been good friends." Micheal sighs. "Uncle Henry made the puppet for her specifically. Charlie loved it, I never paid much attention to it while I was alive. You were my best friend, and I wish I could of saved you."
"....I was looking for you.... Uncle William found me....." the little girl's voice glitches through. "Purple..... looks better on..... Uncle William."
"Do you think the kids talk to each other?" Jeremy winds the music box back up. "I wonder if Charlie talks to your siblings when they were in the same building."
"Lizzie..... says sorry..... Mikey. Evan misses you a lot...... he doesn't believe..... you're..... purple." The childish voice huffs. "I... want..... to.... see.... Uncle William...." the child voice glitches through.
"I wonder if she hates my father for what he did to her. He was her legal guardian if anything happened to my uncle." Micheal pulls down his mask. "Ironic really since well he killed her."
"I mean, they did have a will they won't they relationship." Jeremy chuckles. "I wonder if your father gave him bedroom eyes when they were alone."
"Jeremy I swear to fuck that's enough." Micheal rubs his temples. "They weren't some sort of star-crossed lovers."
"Didn't...... killl....." the little girls voice glitches. "Don't.... hate... him...."
"Also, for the people yelling at me about the dates of when I got my head injury, I'm sorry I recalled it wrong, but again, I have a good excuse." Jeremy huffs. "Sorry, I just wanted to get that out of the way."
"I think that head injury made your adhd worse." Micheal smiles softly.
"Oh, shut up."Jeremy snickers.
"..... Mikey.... fix..... you...." The child voice glitches out and is inaudible.
Micheal nearly jumped through the ceiling. It's only been an hour since he uploaded the puppet video, and his phone and computer have been going off like a rocket. His videos never blow up this fast. Well, maybe they did he only just started turning on his notifications because Jeremy asked him to.
Micheal picked up his phone and scrolled down. He pauses and reads through the stream of comments. "Child voice? It was just us in the video." He mumbles and dials a number. It rings for a second before someone picks up.
"You're lucky you caught me on my night shift." Jeremy hums. "What's up? You never call me when I'm working."
"So I turned on my notifications like you said I should, and uh, did you watch the video? I don't watch my own stuff. I really don't like how bad my voice is." Micheal sighs.
"Your voice isn't that bad, but no, again, I'm working." Jeremy hums. "Wait, I'm right by the kids, and I know for a fact some refuse to go to bed."
Micheal can hear some groans and giggles.
"Hey, I've got Micheal on the phone. Did any of you watch the new video? He's curious about why it's getting so popular." Jeremy chuckles as the spund of excited kids and teens start talking over each other. "Hey one at a time, and I'll put on the speaker."
"Mister Micheal!" A teen boy shouts. "Did you add the voice in post? She doesn't sound like anyone here."
Micheal makes a strangled noise of confusion. "Nobody female lives in that house, and Aunt Jen just left with her son like two weeks before we filmed that."
"Micheal's right, Mr. Emily wasn't even home at the time either." Jeremy clicks his tongue. "Cassie, you're next. What did you see?"
"I didn't see anything." The teen girl hums, and Micheal can imagine the smirk. "But that girl talked about an Evan and a Lizzie and how they wanted to apologize and see a Mikey. Wait.... is Mikey your nickname?"
"It's a nickname nobody living is allowed to use...." Micheal freezes and drops his phone with a string of curses as it hits him.
"Hey Mike, you ok?" Jeremy pauses and listens to Micheal, pick his phone back up. "I can watch the video on my break to confirm."
Micheal makes an odd clicking noise that might be stitches popping. "Did Charlie say anything else?"
"Is that who was talking!? She mentioned a Fritz! Oh, oh, and that she said something about fixing you!" Little child Micheal couldn't decern the gender shouted.
"...fix me?" Micheal's voice gets quiet. "I think I have to go."
"Mike, wait!" Jeremy groans when the phone gives a dial tone as Micheal hangs up. "Ok, everyone, how about we go through the video again and play detectives." The children giggle in agreement, not realizing the seriousness of the video or his tone.
Micheal takes a breath from his nonexistent lungs as he plays the video again for the 100th time. That was Charlie's voice. He just knew it was her voice. He had too many questions and emotions he long thought dead bubbled to the surface.
The door to his room opened slowly. "Micheal, come on." It was his uncle, he didn't look upset as he thought he would he looked happy.
"Uncle Henry... I'm sorry." Micheal shut his laptop.
"Don't apologize to me, I'm happy. I never thought I would be able to hear her voice again until I was dead." Henry smiles softly. "But that doesn't mean I'm not worried about you. You've been in here almost 24 hours straight. You need to head out and clear your head. We can always discuss what was said later we have the time."
"I have time you don't." Micheal frowns.
"Boy, don't make me drag you outside." Henry raised his brow.
Micheal gets up.
"Also, get some ice, I think you've burned your thighs with the laptop." Henry sighs. "Don't make me call Jeremy."
"I'm going. I'm going." Micheal moves past his uncle. "I'll figure this out I promise."
"Don't kill yourself a second time over this. I just got you back. I refuse to lose another child." Henry frowns.
Micheal matches the frown. "You sure are great at a guilt trip. I'm going I'm going. I'm going. I'm going. I'll fix myself up, too." He sighs. "I'll take Jeremy on my next job."
"And?" Henry raised his brow.
"You'll be outside in your truck." Micheal sighs. "Love you, Uncle Henry. Thanks for caring about me."
"Of course I care." Henry smiles. "Now clean yourself up."
"Yeah, yeah." Micheal waves him off.
"This is a terrible idea." Micheal crossed his arms. He's in a beat-up tank top that shows off the horrors of his corpse frame and purple hue, along with the stitches keeping him from falling apart. He was also in shorts that could be mistaken for a skirt from how skinny his legs are, just flesh and bone.
"To be fair, you don't need protective gear when you go exploring." Jeremy rubs the back of his neck, putting on a respirator. "However, we are looking for your father, so I mean clothes you used to wear are somewhat a good idea."
"I could have just put makeup on!" Micheal groans following Jeremy into the run-down haunted house.
"But you'll also be even more disabled than you already are. Besides, I think you look fine." Jeremy hums, adjusting his goggles. "It was this or another video with Charlie in the puppet, and when she suggested she could fix you..."
"I get it!" Micheal huffs. "I just wanted to ask where Evan went, and I forgot how much Charlie is like her father with how much she goes from topic to topic." He dusts himself off as he heads deeper into the dust covered attraction.
"I think she's pretty great, and Henry offered to build you a new body." Jeremy snickers when Micheal throws a rock at him. "Yeah, yeah, I know you don't want to be a machine, but I honestly don't think that is what Charlie was talking about."
"Oh yeah? What did you think she was talking about?" Micheal huffs.
"Well.... wait, what was that?" Jeremy pauses and pulls Micheal back. "I think I hear something moving."
"Moving? Jeremy, it's probably some animal that made itself home here, and as much as I would rather not have an animal make it's home in me again, I highly doubt it will go after me." Micheal sighs then stops himself hearing a creak of metal and springs.
"Yeah, that's way too heavy sounding to be an animal." Jeremy pokes his head into the hallway. "Huh, I don't see anything. Maybe this place is actually haunted."
"An abandoned haunted attraction ripped its theme from child murders and fazbear entertainment is actually haunted. Color me surprised." Micheal dryly responds, his voice aced with sarcasm. "This is probably a dead end like the other place Uncle Henry had me investigate. I did scare a few drug addicts though."
"You're not pretending to breathe, right?" Jeremy suddenly asks.
"No? I'm even behind you." Micheal raised his brow as he watched Jeremy look at something he couldn't see. "What did you forget the hallway goes both ways?"
Jeremy steps back out of view down the hall. "Hey, big fella...."
Micheal started to walk to the hall and turned to face Jeremy. "Are you trying to scare me? You're going....to...try...uh" he turns to face what Jeremy was looking at.
A loud distorted glitches voice which has hints of a rough British accent. "BLOODY FUCK IS THAT?"
"FUCK ITS NOT NIGHT." Micheal yelps.
The two just stare at each other not really sure what to do.
Jeremy clears his throat after a long time had past. "So, uh, I have a question."
The giant animontric seemed to motion for him to continue.
"So for shits and giggles, Rabbit creature machine guy, what year is it?" Jeremy stands up straight. The initial shock has worn off.
"Jeremy, why would -"
"It's I believe February 1987." The rough glitches voice responses. "It was oddly warm for February. Why would you want to know the date?"
"You didn't write me the letter to come to Baby's?" Micheal turns his attention back to springtrap.
"I don't know who you are." The glitched voice responds. "Er what you are. I know I am dead. I think I am dead, but I don't think dead people can feel pain nor can speak."
Micheal covers his face. "I'm going to set myself on fire."
"Please don't." Jeremy holds Micheal's shoulder. "Ok, follow up question. Why haven't you left?"
"I don't fit through any of the doors. I also don't know where I am." The animontric stands up straighter. "This is clearly not a certified location, so I suppose I am waiting to be taken for scrap. Then I will go to hell, or is this hell. I am not certain I expected fire."
"I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm." Micheal groans.
"You need to have blood for that." Jeremy hums. "I have so many more questions. Do you know how you ended up here?"
"I was really drunk and I thought I saw something so I hid in the old springlock suit which in hindsight was a horrid idea since it was so humid in that backroom without the fans running and the fact it was abandoned. Why do you want to know?"
"Why are you answering my questions?" Jeremy fires back, making the springlock suit tilt his head and crouch down.
"I haven't seen a person for a long time. I would suppose I missed conversation. Now I really must asleep who is the purple skeleton? Why does he know me, I certainly don't look recognizable unless you saw the old shows or went to the old diner."
Micheal reaches under his tank top, and a soft zipper noise is heard. He pulls out an old stitched up foxy plush. "Does this answer that?"
"..... Micheal?" The springlock suit stands back up straight. "Micheal, what happened to you?"
Micheal returns the old plush to his chest cavity. "Well, apparently not you."
"Why would I hurt you?" William crosses his arms with the scrapping of metal.
"I don't know why you would hurt kids?" Micheal throws his hand up.
"First off, I was drunk, which doesn't excuse my horrid actions, but mentally, I wasn't there. Secondly, what are you even doing? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" William gives a glitched sigh.
"Father, for one, look at me. I literally can't go out in public, and two, it's not 1987 anymore. I graduated high school like ages ago." Micheal groans. "I can't even be mad at you. You've been stuck here, and you didn't do this to me."
"Maybe you should have listened to Charlie. Now you've locked yourself into a trap." Jeremy's mouth was covered, but Micheal knew he had a shit eating grin.
"I fucking hate you." Micheal groans louder. "Fuck. Ok, I'm going to get the chains from the truck. Jeremy get my father by a doorway to the outside."
"Chains? Micheal, what are you doing?"
Jeremy chuckles. "Come on, Mr. Afton, we're breaking you out of this joint."
"Well, I don't want to destroy the building." William still follows behind them. "How long was I stuck in here?"
Jeremy sucks in a breath. "Uhhh well...."
"I'll have Uncle Henry tell him." Micheal walks ahead of them.
"I have to apologize to him. I honestly had no idea who I hurt was Charlie." William stops as they reach the exit. "Wait, Micheal, why do you need a chain?"
Micheal hums. "You won't fit through the door, but we can use a car to pull you through."
"Do you even have your license?" William's voice glitches out as he gets nervous.
"Father, I forget you still think it's 87. I can drive better than you ever did." Micheal sighs. "It's been a bit more than a few months. Just stay still while I fix the chain around you."
"Micheal, why do you need a chain?" William stares at his son.
"Because I don't have Uncke Henry's truck, so in order to take you, I need to drag you." Micheal hums and gives a thumbs up as the car starts, and the chain pulls tight.
"BLOOODY F-" William gives a glitched scream.
Henry puts his newspaper down, hearing a distorted glitched yelling. He got up from the kitchen table and made his way to the front, opening the door.
"Hi, Mr. Emily, we found something while we went out." Jeremy waves from the side of the van.
Henry looks over at the giant rabbit animontric and recognizes it almost immediately. "That's the springlock suit..... you found the springlock suit."
"That's not all." Micheal huffs taking out bolt cutters. He moves over and cuts the chains.
"What do you mean by that?" Henry cautiously moves closer and stops when the suit gets up.
"Henry....?" A glitched accent voice comes from the suit.
".....oh." Henry freezes.
"It's not 1987, is it?" William was quiet as he could be with the glitched voice.
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