#my mom called me today about medical school prep and I felt sick to my stomach
bare1ythere · 6 months
finished assignments for today. welp off to the incinerator
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Lost one sibling, gained four more; Queen x teen reader pt.1
*Author's note*
Can this be true? Two updates in one day?! Well you better damn BELIEVE IT MY PEOPLE!!! I just got this request FINALLY done after working non-stop when I could and finally I had time to just sit down and finish it. So I'd love to thank the requestor for being SOOO patient. And yes this request is VERY long so this is just Part one, pt.2 will be posted immediately after this so just hang tight my darlings :)
So warnings include: INSANE FLUFF, cancerous sickness (leukemia), some angst (but not in the part but buckle up for pt.2), and the lovely and nasty Queenies :) Hope you all enjoy this fic as much as you've enjoyed the last one :)
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*Tokyo, Japan 1974*
Being here in Tokyo, Japan has been such a thrill. Even though the boys weren't overly popular like the Beatles or Elton John just yet back home in England, at least here in Japan they've greeted them like royalty. There were screaming fans everywhere to greet us at the airport holding up pictures, drawings and signs welcoming the guys to their home country.
The boys had a press conference earlier today and now we were in a special garden just behind the Tokyo tower for the tea ceremony. It was such a beautiful day for such a ceremony and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
As I looked at the boys I could tell they were extremely happy to be here. I looked down at my art book and went back to sketching the boys who were all sitting along the blanket holding their Japanese teacups. Making sure to get each detail of each of their features, and the last detail like the wind blowing their hair down just right.
Oh I should introduce myself; my names (y/n) (l/n). I had gotten a job being an assistant to the band's lawyer Jim Beach just before Queen began recording their 3rd album "Sheer Heart attack". Since joining the boys over a year ago when I was just 16 years old, they have become like a second family to me.
And it's exactly what I needed because—well I've been dealing with some hardships in my family as of late for the past few years now, so being with the guys has really helped brighten my day.
As I watched the boys play with their gifts given to them by the Japanese fans and giving them a recorded message, curtesy of the Japanese press that had joined us along with the ladies who help run the tea ceremonies for only the elite politicians of Japan.
God were they ever silly, Roger photobombing behind in almost every message, Deacy being a secret cheeky guy, Freddie interrupting Roger's greeting, and Brian stepping in when he felt like it during Fred's message. I continued my outline of the boys on the blanket with the Tokyo tower in the background, when I felt something touch behind my ear.
"A blossom for our blossom." I softly grinned and turned around to see Freddie and Deacy standing behind me. I lifted my hand to see just what he had done but he told me, "No, no darling don't touch it. Deacy darling, take a picture of us two."
I blushed and tried to bury my face into my hands.
"Oh no, no, no, no, no love not this time. You've been avoiding all pictures ever since we got here. I deserve at least one with you in it for myself." Deacy said as Freddie pulled me close onto his lap and leaned his head against mine.
"You guys are nuts, you know that?"
"But you love us dear." Freddie said as he gave my temple a quick peck.
"Yeah, guess I do."
"Alright you two look this way." Deacy said as he prepped his camera. We turned to face Deacy and I wrapped my arms around Fred's neck and his arms went around my waist as we leaned our heads against each other's. Deacy got in a few pictures and he said. "Beautiful."
"Tell me we can see the blossom in her hair Deacy."
"Yep, got a clear picture of that." I gently removed the twig from my hair to see a multiple line of cheery blossoms. I smiled and that's when Fred grabbed my art book.
"Working on some new sketches darling?"
"Yeah, Japan's definitely given me some beautiful inspiration. But most of it is still a work in process, so no lookies."
"Aww c'mon dear let me have a sneak peek, please? From one designer to another?"
"No not even if you were my professor Freddie."
"Oh you better hand over the sketch book (Y/n) darling, if you know it's good for you." He playfully threatened. I gripped my book tightly to my chest and that's when he said. "Fine, you leave me no choice. Roger!"
"Shit no!" I took off running and before I even knew it, Roger quickly swooped in and swung me around and he said.
"Might as well give up lovie, you know it's useless to get out of my grasp." He emphasized his point by nuzzling my head like a cat and peppering my face with slobbery kisses.
"Eww Rog! Cut it out!!" I tried to escape his grip but as always it was pointless to escape the arms of Roger Taylor. He kept peppering kisses all over my face, even poking me in the sides slightly tickling me till the grip on my notebook was just enough for it to fall.
Deacy caught it and handed it to Fred.
"Thank you my darlings."
"Deacy, Rog, you both are on the official hate list. I no longer like you two." I huffed.
"Aww, that hurts poppet, that really hurts." Deacy mocked using the puppy dog eyes on me that he knew I couldn't resist.
"After all we've been through (n/n) you'd just dump me like that?" Roger faked cried.
"You are such a drama queen Rog." He grinned and playfully ruffled my hair and that's when Freddie said.
"Ohh (y/n) darling. These are—there's not even a word that can describe what I'm looking at. The realism is uncanny down to the last detail. You even got Brian's hair right and not even I can do that."
"I'll admit, even though I'm no artist that these pictures look like a photograph being developed. You're truly talented (y/n)." Deacy praised me as he looked over Fred's shoulder. Brian soon came up and he said.
"I must admit Fred's right. Every hair detail for all of us is down to the straight detail. Do you—think I could get a signed copy of this?"
"Not if I take one first Brian." Roger spoke up.
"I swear darling, you should go to the university I went to; Ealing Art college. They'd be soo lucky to have you."
"Well.....I mean they're okay but I don't think they're worthy of that university." I muttered.
"Don't be so modest darling, I'll even give you a recommendation. As an alumni I can have the rights to help you get in." he decreed.
"Well I'll—I'll think about it Freddie. Right now I just want to get through secondary school and graduate from that." After that conversation, the five of us continued to have a fun time in the Japanese garden.
After the tour in Japan, I arrived back in London and as the guys were piling in the cab Roger said.
"C'mon love let's go."
"Actually I promised my mum that I'd wait here for her. She said she was gonna take me home."
"You sure?" asked Brian.
"Yeah, she might be waiting outside right now. You guys go on ahead I'll see you guys next week."
"Alright, thanks for coming with us love."
"Thank you guys for inviting me. I had a wonderful time."
"You always make our tours and trips more memorable (y/n) dear. Drive safe." He came up and kissed my cheeks and hugged me. I hugged each of my boys and they piled into the cab waving goodbye to me. I blew them a kiss goodbye and they took off in the cab.
About five minutes after they left, my mom's van pulled up. I smiled at her and picked up my luggage and headed towards the car. I placed them in the backseat and I hugged my mum.
"Did you have fun love?"
"Ohh Japan was so beautiful, I wish you and Kay could've been there to see it."
"I'm sure your sister would've loved to have gone with you."
"How—how has she been?"
"Well we—had a bit of a scare just the other week, but she's stable now."
"What? What happened to her?! Why didn't you call me?"
"I tried but each time I did no one was answering. Plus with the time difference and this internship I didn't want you distracted."
"Mum, if something happens to Kaylee, I deserve to know." She cupped the side of my face and said.
"You're right I'm sorry. Do you wish to see her?" I nodded and said.
"I still gotta give her that gift I promised her." My mum shifted the car into drive and drove us out of the airport to London hospital.
Once we arrived at the hospital, my mum checked us in and we headed towards my sister's room on the 5th floor. Now you remember me mentioning about the family turmoil right? Well it all has to do with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, my older sister Kaylee. See about 4 or 5 years ago we noticed how she'd always get high fevers and suddenly seemed to be losing weight.
At first I thought she was going anorexic but when she passed out and my mum and I saw the bruises forming on her arms, we immediately rushed her over here to the hospital where they diagnosed her with acute myeloid leukemia.
It devastated the whole family and it really began to take a toll on my mum and now we're hardly able to afford my sister's medical bills to pay for all the chemo she has to go through. That's why I got the job with Jim in the first place.
Any checks I get from him, go straight to my sister. Not my college fund. In fact I'm not even going to college, cause I want to continue to fund for my sister's health, and finally get her the cure she deserves.
When we got to her room, there she was lying on her bed, beanie on top of her head to cover her bald head. She turned over to me and smiled tiredly.
"Hey (y/n)." I smiled and rushed over to her and hugged her without hurting her. "How was Japan?"
"It was beautiful. Maybe once you're out and better we can take a trip there."
"I hope so."
"Oh hey, I got you what you've been asking for." I went into my bag and pulled out a poster of the Queen 2 poster that had all the guys' signatures on them. I had asked them while we were in Japan if they could sign this for me. Easily able to trick them, I told them to write it for Kay, telling them that it was a nickname of sorts.
"Oh my god." She squealed softly as she took the poster in her hands and looked at it. See she's the reason why I got into Queen. Since she's two years older than me, she first heard about the first Queen album and kept playing it on repeat.
Liking the music I was hearing, she gave me a brief education on Queen and ever since then, we've been fangirls of Queen ever since. They're music has really helped my sister a lot especially since her leukemia has seemed to be getting progressively worse in the past year.
"Thank you (y/n). You are so lucky that you get to work with them."
"Well it's mostly just doing stuff for their lawyer. I don't actually help make the songs."
"Still, you're living every girl's dream right now at the chance of even being close to them. Are they nice?"
"Oh Kay, nice doesn't even begin to describe them. They're so sweet and down to earth. Cheeky at times especially Roger and Freddie, but they are all so supportive and treat me like I'm a part of their little family."
"I'm glad they're treating you right." I then showed her some of the pictures that I had drew while I was there and some of the photos I took. "God (y/n). I envy you for your drawings. And the fact that you were in Japan. You know I always wanted to go there."
"Well—maybe when you get out, we can take a trip there." Unaware of my mum's solemn attitude, my sister smiled and said.
"Yeah. Maybe we can make it just the two of us squirt." She playfully shoved my head, our friendly little gesture of affection since we were kids.
"Hey I'm 2 years younger than you."
"Still a squirt compared to me." She teased.
After about a week of being back home, I went between my final few weeks of home schooling, the studio and the hospital. Right now I was sitting with my sister, the two of us having the boys' "Sheer Heart attack" album playing in the background as my sister and I were chatting away.
"Okay so FMK; Paul McCartney, David Bowie or Elton John." I asked my sister.
"Oh Goddamnit (n/n) why make me choose those three. I love all of them!" she whined.
"Cause I'm evil like that. No c'mon you made me have to kill Brian the last time so this is payback."
"Okay, okay. So.....ugh I hate you. Okay I would marry Elton, fuck Paul and I'm sorry David. God I hate you so much!"
"Well don't let David hear you say that darling." Oh god it—it can't be. We suddenly looked up and there stood Brian, Freddie, Deacy and Roger.
"Oh my god what are—what are you guys doing here?"
"You left your journal at the studio last night. We called your mum to see if we could give it to you at the house but she told us you were at the hospital." Answered Deacy as he held up my art journal.
"At first we got worried that something bad had happened to you, but then she explained to us what was going on." Continued Roger.
"So you must be the real Kay." Freddie pointed towards my sister.
"Guys I'm—I'm sorry I tricked you, I just....."
"It's alright love. There's no need to explain. It's sweet you got something for your sister after all you've done for her. But we figured maybe a visit from the real band might make her day a bit better." Brian said with a soft smile.
"I—I....." Kaylee started as the boys all came in and sat around us.
"So Kaylee darling, which of our three albums is your favorite?" asked Freddie.
"Uhh well I—it's hard to pick but I guess your recent album Sheer Heart attack is probably my favorite."
"Do you have a favorite song from the album?" asked Brian.
"Oh god uhh—can't I say I love them all? It's so hard to pick a favorite song of yours."
"That's understandable." Replied Deacy.
For the rest of the time, my sister got to ask the guys so many questions about how their musical processes, how they choose which lyrics work the best, how the arrangement works when performing, how they all got together, everything she had been dying to know since she was a music nut.
And bless the boys they answered all her questions no matter how ridiculous or embarrassing they were. Soon a nurse came in to tell me that visiting hours were over.
I hugged my sister goodbye and even the guys gave her a hug and kiss goodbye, which made her heart meter skyrocket, especially when she got a kiss to the cheek from Deacy.
I walked out with the guys and we all piled into the car and I said to them.
"Thanks you guys."
"For what lovie?" asked Roger.
"For—being nice to my sister. You four.....have made her happier than my mum and I have seen her in years since she's had to go back and forth between home and the hospital."
"You're family to us (n/n). And if we could give a little bit more back to you, it's always worth it. We're honored that you let us in on this personal matter of your life. Thank you for letting us have your trust." Said Brian.
"Just—promise me that none of this gets leaked out."
"Don't be ridiculous dear. We wouldn't dare proclaim this secret of yours out to the public. Your sister's secret heath crisis is safe with us." Freddie said as he stroked down my hair. I smiled and thanked them once more.
One year later in 1975 I was with the boys, Mr. Reid, Paul Prenter and my boss Jim Beach. We were currently in Ray Foster's office waiting for Freddie to arrive for the meeting of the next hit album. I leaned my chin against my palm as I drummed against the armrest of the chair I was sitting in.
Finally Freddie walked in greeting us with a hello.
"You're late." Said Mr. Foster.
"Am I?" questioned Freddie.
"Saved you a seat." Paul said as he gestured at the chair I was sitting at. He then glared down at me ordering me to move. I sat up but then just before I could walk away to stand beside my boss, I was pulled onto the couch and saw that it was Roger who had pulled me in to sit on his lap. He winked at me and placed a quick peck on my forehead as Mr. Reid introduced my boss to Ray Foster.
"You must stop calling him that." Freddie said as he lit himself a cigarette.
"That's his name." said Mr. Reid.
"No we cannot keep calling him Jim Beach. No that's absurd not to mention unspeakably boring." He breathed in a quick drag before proclaiming. "Miami. From now on; I dub thee, Miami Beach." My boss chuckled then said a quick little teasing joke of Miami Beach.
Truthfully I liked it, hopefully I can have the honor of calling him that one day but for now I'll just settle on Mr. Beach as I have been referring him as.
"Right now that everyone's got an acceptable name let's get to it. Look; we just really need something special. More hits, like "Killer Queen", only bigger."
"It's not bloody widgets we're making. We can't just reproduce Killer Queen." Said Roger as Freddie sat up and walked towards Ray's record player taking out a record from his bag.
"No. We can do better." Said Freddie as he placed the record on the vinyl and turned it on. He lifted the needle and placed it at a specific point and soon coming out of the speakers was the famed song from Carmen. I grinned and as Freddie gracefully walked around moving his finger around to the tun, Mr. Foster bluntly stated.
"It's opera."
"Opera!" exclaimed Mr. Reid.
"Opera." Echoed Paul.
"Ahh there seems to be an echo in here." Deacy stated which made me choke out a laugh. As the song continued, when it got to the big crescendo part of the song, Freddie went all out waving his arm in tune before on the final note, slamming his hand down on Foster's desk. He almost couldn't contain his excitement as I chuckled softly.
Brian, Rog and Deacy were also in tune to the idea as they with less enthusiasm as Freddie but the same interest followed the next crescendo of the choir. Freddie turned the volume down as Brian said.
"See we don't want to repeat ourselves. The same formula over and over."
"Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time." Freddie stated bluntly.
"Formulas work. Let's stick with the formulas. I like formulas." Mr. Foster said.
"We'll call the album......A Night at the Opera." Hmm after a Marx brother's film. Sounds interesting.
"Are you aware that no one actually likes Opera."
"I like it." I said to myself, but I guess it was loud enough because Mr. Foster looked right at me through his shades and asked skeptically.
"Do you?"
"I do as well." I heard my boss say. I looked at him and he gave me a slight nod. God he was such a cool boss.
"No don't misunderstand darling, it's a rock and roll record. With the scale of opera. The pathos of Greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare, the—unbridled joy of musical theatre. It's a musical experience. Rather than just another record, something for everyone something—something that will make people feel belongs to them. We'll mix genres, we'll cross boundaries, we'll—we'll—we'll speak in bloody tongues if we want to."
"There-there's no musical ghetto that can contain us." Proclaimed Roger.
"That's it." Freddie pointed towards Roger.
"No one knows what Queen means because it doesn't mean one thing." Deacy pointed out.
All was quiet, man I have a feeling that this album was gonna be the one that would put Queen on the map of the entire world, that after this they were gonna change the name of music forever.
"What do you think John?" Foster asked Mr. Reid.
"I—agree with the band."
"Of course you do." He then turned towards me and asked, "How about you uhh—" I was shocked that he wanted my opinion. I looked to the guys and they gave me an encouraging nod.
"(Y/n). Well—fortune favors the bold, does it not?" I felt Roger pat my shoulder. Freddie then leaned against Foster's desk as he said.
"Surely a man of your—unique taste. Isn't afraid of a little risk?" Foster debated before finally saying.
"Please don't make me regret this."
"You're fun." Freddie pointed out with a grin.
After the meeting, Jim called me into his office and I said as I peeked into it.
"You wished to see me sir?"
"Yes c'mon in (y/n). Have a seat." I took a seat in front of his desk. "Alright (y/n), now it's come to my attention that since you and the boys have gotten so close with each other since you started working here, I feel it's best that since I can't go with them to Rockfield due to my legal matters here as their lawyer, that I'm electing you to go with them to keep an eye on them."
I was flabbergasted. Me? Go with them to Rockfield studios?
"M—Mr. Beach....."
"Miami." Wow he did he really just ask me to call him that. "Freddie's insisted that you refer to me as that from now on." Ahh that Freddie Mercury.
"Miami. I mean it's an honor but I—I don't think I can go away for that long. I mean....."
"Please (y/n). You know as well as I do that Paul has no good intentions when it comes to Queen." That I do. Ever since working with the boys, I've had a sickening feeling about Paul Prenter. There was just something about him that felt—slimy, ill, almost like a virus.
"There's no other person I would trust more to go with the boys to the farm. Plus they all believe that you should go with them anyway so it's out of my hands either way."
"I'll think about it."
"Just make sure you tell them in two days' time when they leave for the recording." I nodded and stood up. "Oh wait, one more thing. Your paycheck." He then took out his checkbook and wrote down my pay for the 2 weeks. I thanked him but when I looked down, my eyes widened.
"Wait uhh—Miami. This....this is double the normal amount you pay me."
"I know."
"I agreed to be paid 500 pounds."
"It's come to my attention there's some financial struggle you're going through. The boys wouldn't explain it in full detail but they made me aware that you were in dire need of it. Plus I know they can be a lot to handle, so you deserve 1000 anyway." I looked down but couldn't help the small smile across my face.
"Thank you—Miami." He smiled and nodded at me and I left his office with my raised paycheck. As I walked across the hall, I saw the boys go from the snooping position to trying to act nonchalantly, like they weren't spying on me. "I know you four had something to do with this." I said raising my check.
"We have no idea what you're talking about (n/n)." said Brian as he looked over his six-pence coin that served as his guitar pick.
"So you're coming with us right?" asked Freddie.
"I—I'll get back to you on that. I—I need to talk to Kay about it."
"I'm sure she'll let you come with us. C'mon love just say you'll be coming with us." Roger said as he came up and wrapped his arms around me.
"Besides you'll be much better company than Prenter. I'll go mad if I have to see him every day while we're there." Said Deacy.
"Exactly Deacy!" agreed Roger.
So that night after work, I was in Kaylee's room and I told her about what I was going to do for the summer and she was psyched for me.
"I say you go!" she proclaimed.
"But what about you?" I asked. She reached over and took my hand and she said.
"You've been doing too much for me. You've always put me over yourself. And this is your last chance to be a free kid before you start thinking about college. So please for my sake go with them. If not I'll never let you live it down. Ever."
"Okay, okay. I'll give Fred a call tomorrow and tell him."
"Call him tonight."
"Fine. And you're sure you'll be fine."
"Yes. I've got mum to look after me. And I expect new drawings, pictures and lots of stories from you when you get back."
"I promise Kay, thanks girl." She smiled as I leaned forward and we hugged each other.
In two days, the guys picked me up right at 4am on the dot so that way we'd get there by sunrise to the farm. Deacy put my bags in the trunk while I hugged and kissed my mum and sis goodbye.
"Now be sure to be good for these boys (y/n)."
"I will mum. Promise me to keep me updated on everything?"
"You know me, I'll be calling you every night." I smiled and separated from my mum before finally standing before my sister.
"Don't do anything insane till I get back." I told her. She smiled and scoffed playfully.
"How can I? You're taking all the insanity with you." I grinned back at her and the two of us embraced each other. "Have fun tigress."
"Be strong lioness."
"Oh come on let's get a move on! Anymore wasted time here and we'll be late!" I heard Paul cry out.
"Piss off Prenter! Let her say goodbye to her family." Brian sneered.
"Go on, don't want you to get into trouble." Kay said as we separated. I waved bye to them one last time and I got into the car with Rog and Deacy and soon we drove off.
"Since it'll be a long drive and it's still pretty early, why don't you try and go back to sleep (y/n)?" suggested Deacy. I nodded and leaned my head back against the car, but Deacy offered his shoulder for me to sleep on. I took his offer and in his playful jealous tone, Roger spoke up.
"What about me?"
"You fidget around too much on long car rides." I moaned tiredly.
"Why you little—"
"Face it Rog, she loves me more than you do when it comes to sleeping buddies. Isn't that right love?"
"Yeah." I heard Rog huff but then he said.
"Well at least I provide the best blankets." He emphasized that point by draping his fur coat over my shoulders as a blanket.
"Won't deny that though. You both take such good care of me."
"Only the best for you love." I nuzzled into Deacy's shoulder and exhaled tiredly through my nose and began to fall back asleep.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Unicorn - Chapter 26
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The Unicorn:  A Pepperony Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS  //
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:    1640
Pairing:  Tony Stark x F!Reader x Pepper Potts
Warnings:  birth stuff!
Synopsis:  After being on bedrest for a while, the twins decide it’s time to make their entrance.
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Chapter 26
If being on maternity leave had been hard for you, being on bed rest was nearly impossible.  Thankfully Pepper was now on maternity leave too which meant it wasn’t just up to him to entertain you.  It was definitely much, much harder to think of ways to entertain you now.  So having two people to sit and keep you company helped.
Still, there were a lot of pages from FRIDAY throughout the day.  Sometimes it was to bring you some plans you’d been working on.  Sometimes it was because you were sick of using the tablet to read and now you wanted a book.  Sometimes it was because of cravings.  Sometimes it was because you wanted a back rub or a foot rub or the babies were kicking and you wanted him to tell them to cut it out.  Sometimes you didn’t even have a reason exactly.  You just wanted him there.
He played like it was this big deal.  Slumping in the room with every page.  Rolling his eyes.  Making over exaggerated groaning sounds.  He loved it though.  Or more, he was happy doing it if it meant you and the babies were safe.
Pepper while not being as demanding as you were, still liked taking advantage of the fact that if she said jump, Tony asked how high.  Sometimes you and Pepper would each just lie together in bed talking as he rubbed both your feet.
The babies were healthy.  So he was happy.  He’d do whatever he needed to to make sure you and Pepper were both relaxed and happy so when the time came he’d have two healthy moms and three healthy babies.  He wasn’t risking that for anyone.
The birthing suite was finished being built and he’d noticed with the promise of a school and a childcare center and special maternity care the usual turnover of scientists and field agents wasn’t happening.  Maybe that would change.  His people were poachable and if other companies and organizations wanted the best, they took them from him.  This year though, it dropped to less than half previous years numbers.  It turned out, having kids wasn’t just going to be good for him.  It was good for SI and the Avengers too.
The pregnancy progressed well from the incident.  Though you were being carefully monitored.  Each week that passed meant Tony let go of that fear of losing them and started getting excited again.  When you reached 35 weeks Tony actually thought maybe you had a chance of getting to the 37 weeks they wanted.  Even if you didn’t.  You were full-term for twins.  He would relax if he wasn’t so excited about it.
It was almost 36 weeks when he was making you one of your pickle and peanut butter sandwiches that you disgustingly seemed to be craving at the moment.  He couldn’t even make sense of that.  You were supposed to be over them.  He didn’t argue with you though.  If you wanted a pickle and peanut butter sandwich.  Then you would get a pickle and peanut butter sandwich.
“Mister Stark, they want you in the bedroom,”  FRIDAY said.
He sighed and shook his head.  “Tell her to be patient.  I’m doing it.”
“No, Tony.  This is different.  You don’t need to worry about the sandwich.”  FRIDAY replied.
Tony froze, the knife falling out of his hand and landed on the counter with a clatter.  It felt like his heart stopped.  “FRIDAY what is it?”
“Perhaps you should just go into the bedroom, sir.”
Tony spun and ran into the bedroom pulling up hard when he saw you out of bed and Pepper helping you out of your nightgown.
“What is it?”  He asked trying to take in the room and get an idea of what had happened.  The blankets were pulled back on the bed and there was a large wet patch in the middle of it.  “Is it the babies?  Did something happen?”
“You could say that,”  Pepper said as she tossed the nightgown into the laundry hamper.
“My water just broke.”  You said.
“What?”  He said coming over and putting his hands on your stomach.  “You’re not having labor pains?”
You shook your head.  “No.  Nothing yet.  But that was crazy dramatic.”
“We gotta get her down to surgery.  FRIDAY has paged the medical team.”  Pepper said and went into the closet.
“We’re having the babies?”  Tony asked.
“Yeah, we are.  Ada and Edwin are on their way.”   You said.
“Oh, my god.”  He said and kissed you.  It was an excited kiss, full of love and hope and a little tinge of terror that you weren’t quite ready yet.  “Oh my god, honey.  It’s happening.”
“It is.  Now let me get some clothes on so I don’t have to walk through the compound naked first.”
He let you go and you dressed in a simple maxi dress and you and Pepper tried to support you as the three of you made your way down to the medical wing.  Not that you made it easy for them.  Given you weren’t in any pain yet and you hadn’t been allowed out of bed for much more than trips to the bathroom, you were pretty adamant you could walk yourself.
When you got to the medbay a large group of people was waiting for you.
“Two of the babies going to join us today, huh?”  Doctor Singh said greeting you all.
“Seems that way.”  You said.
“Well come through here and we’ll check you out.  See what happens next.”
The examination showed you were two centimeters dilated so you changed into a surgical gown and were moved into the surgical room, where Tony had you lean on him as they put the epidural in.
“God that is a huge fucking needle,”  Tony said as they put the local anesthetic into the site they planned for the epidural.
“You’re not going to faint are you?”  The anesthetist asked.
“How dare you?  I’m Iron Man.”  Tony joked, but he was worried it might be a close call.
Luckily it went in with no problem and you lay down and the rest of the preparation began.  IVs were put in, a screen was put up and the surgical site was prepped.  Pepper and Tony sat side-by-side next to you.  Tony held your hand and Pepper kept hers over yours.  He could vaguely see what was happening past the curtain.  The passing around of sponges and suctions and scalpels.  He resisted the urge to look, instead just focusing on you.
“Feels weird.”  You said, grimacing.
“Are you in pain?”  Pepper asked, her voice full of concern.
You shook your head.  “No.  Just… like pressure and pulling.”
“It won’t be long, but yes, it’s a very odd sensation.”  Doctor Singh assured you.
She wasn’t kidding it was less than ten minutes before the first baby was eased out of you.  “You have a son.”  She said, clamping the umbilical and cutting it.
He looked just like you.  Like none of Tony’s genes were passed along at all.  He was wiped down quickly and shown to you.  “Oh my goodness.  Look at him.”  You said, tears pricking your eyes.
“He’s beautiful, honey.  Look at our little boy.”  Pepper said, her own eyes glistening with tears.
“Make way for your daughter.”  The doctor said as she eased Ada out.
Tony was shocked by how quick it all happened.  This time the baby just reminded him of him.  All his dominant genes coming out and overwhelming Pepper’s.   The two babies started squalling as they were held close to your skin.
“Do you both want to come and do skin contact with them?”  The nurse asked.
“Please don’t leave me.”  You said looking around panicked.
Tony’s hand tightened in yours and he looked from the babies to you to Pepper.
“You go,”  Pepper said.  “I’ll stay here with her.”
“You’re sure?”  He asked.
Pepper nodded.  “There will be plenty of time to hold babies.”
Tony nodded and got up and he was lead to the Intensive care room that the babies would be kept in until they were ready to go home.  They were taken to be weighed and cleaned up.  They were given their first vaccination and their vitamin k injection and then put into diapers.  Tony took off his shirt and sat down in the big lounge chair and both Ada and Edwin were placed on his chest.  They were so tiny and so fragile and they both stopped crying within a minute of him holding them.
His heart felt full as he looked down at his tiny babies.  Both of them looking up at him with wide eyes.  The dark, jewel-like blue that occurs in babies due to the way they melanin still settling, looked so otherworldly.  They were wrinkling and weird looking, yet the most beautiful babies he’d ever seen.  He loved them.  He loved them in a way he’d never loved anyone before.  Completely and unconditionally.
“Hey there, little ones.  I’m your dad.”  He whispered as he stroked his thumbs down his back.  “I promise I’m not going to be anything like my old man was.  You guys are gonna be so loved and so well taken care of.  You don’t have to worry about anything.”
He sat with them for a little while before the nursing staff took them again.  They were hooked up to feeding tubes and monitors and put into the incubators where they would spend most of their time as they got bigger.  He sat and watched them until Pepper came in.  “Our girl is out of surgery.  She’s just in recovery now.  How are they doing?”  She asked.
“They’re good.  A little small.  But they’re strong.”  He said.
She smiled and kissed the top of his head.  “Just like their dad.”
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
So I didn't know how I was gonna feel about today, first day back at work after vacation, but overall it was a really good day! Woke up at 7 (ugh) but got out of bed, got ready and hopped on the bus. Upon arriving at work I was informed almost immediately by our calendar lead that my boss called in sick, so I'd have to figure out what to do for the day. Okay, I had some stuff left to do on the case where we're trying to track down the mom and kid using relative info and such, so I spent most of the morning doing that, trying to track down addresses and the like, not a great amount of success but got some leads. I had snacks to accompany my lunch but no main dish (pretzels and an apple aren't really lunch) so I walked over to the deli nearby and got a sub from there. It was pretty good, but very salty the way the meat was layered so I ended up saving most of it for later. During lunch I played candy crush and continued listening to the rest of the DCTV podcast episodes from the marathon this weekend that I've been like, binging all day haha. After lunch I was effectively out of work so I went searching for more, and got two permanency hearings set for the first week of July. They're both considered "medically complex kids" because they have severe physical and mental disabilities as a result of horrific abuse as very young babies (heartbreaking). The first lives in a medical facility and recently had a DNR signed for him by the department (since they're his guardian) because his respiratory problems are getting very progressed sadly. The second was doing a bit better, in a foster home he'd been in since he was very young and had a good relationship with his foster mom, she would've adopted him by now but they think it's better for him to stay in the system so they have the full resources of the system at their disposal to care for him (which makes some sense, I suppose). So I spent most of the rest of the afternoon looking over their files and paperwork and coming up with a question list for them. By the time I finished it was like 4:20, and I'm not gonna go ask for more work to start when tomorrow my boss will be back and have new assignments for me. So I mostly chilled on my phone. Sometime around then we had discovered that the Lotzers group effort to get Caity Lotz nominated for a teen choice award had been successful, which was incredibly exciting because we spent so much fucking work on that haha like you don't even know how much effort went into that so I'm very happy it worked. I'm kind of lol'ing that they moved all the CW superhero shows to the action show categories instead of sci-fi, because they were DEFINITELY all nominated under fantasy, I was watching them pour in lol. I guess they felt like it was better distributed that way? I mean, 5 out of 6 nominees for Action TV Actress were from CW superhero shows, lol (Caity, Danielle, Candice, EBR, and Melissa) so clearly they got a lot of attention. So our group chat was blowing up trying to figure out how to get as many votes as possible in and figuring out the rules (it was a bummer to find out only votes from within the US count when so many shows have an international fanbase). So I was mostly on my phone managing that while also playing candy crush, lol, can't help myself. I left around 4:45 to catch the bus, and ran into my juvenile justice professor on the elevator down (his office is 3 floors above mine) so it's always nice to see him. Took the bus home, encountered some rain along the way but it was dry by the time I got home around 6:15. Pretty much right away I got changed, grabbed my cart and then ran off to the grocery store so I could be back in time for my conference call at 8. It didn't take very long, I knew what I wanted so it was fairly efficient. Got back, put away the groceries and made some dinner (eggs and sandwich from earlier pulled apart and eaten piece by piece, which was much better) while listening to more DCTV podcasts before it was time for the conference call for PAD. Dialed in and we got started pretty soon, a lot of just planning and stuff for the next year. It was a bit difficult for me to try not to control the conversation since I was the only one on the board last year and nobody else knows what was going on then- but I'm not president and I'm not running the meeting, lol. But I just ended up interjecting frequently but tried to do so politely and only when I had something valuable to add to the conversation (I tried to limit my sarcastic comments too, but I'm not sure how much I'm physically able to do that). It was a pretty good call, we talked about the auction and the mock trial team, both subjects I had some expertise and knowledge in so I contributed quite a bit to both discussions. And yeah, it was pretty productive, we'll have another one on July 10th to get the ball rolling on auction things and start really prepping for the school year. We finished around 8:40, so I turned on Justice League while perusing the internet for various purposes, and continued to do to so for the next hour and a half, until I saw a retweet on my twitter feed asking for help filing a civil order of protection. Well, I know how to do that, I work for a clinic that does that. So I volunteered to help and wound up talking to this lady for a while, ending up looking up California law on the subject and finding the forms. She was very grateful and I was super happy I could help her. I had another twitter friend DM me over the weekend about a potential medical malpractice claim, so I sent her to my dad and they talked today. I like helping people from a legal standpoint because it's not something a lot of people can do and I just like helping people in general so I was pleased with both situations. I stayed up a bit later than I would've liked dealing with that, but I didn't mind because I wanted to make sure she knew what to do. And yeah, shortly after that I started writing this post and here we are. Sleep now, still gotta wake up in 5 hours (I really need to be better about getting to sleep earlier). Goodnight sweeties. Hope your Monday didn't suck.
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5 Ways My Chronic Illnesses Have Made Me Be a Better Person
New blog post! When you're living with chronic illness, it's easy to focus on the drawbacks. Even after I went gluten free, celiac disease almost killed me - and I still battle some stomach issues. Similarly, although going gluten free greatly reduced my fibromyalgia pain, I still have my fair share of fibromyalgia flare ups and bad days.
I always try to focus on the positives, though - and this post is no exception! Today, I'm sharing five reasons why being diagnosed with two chronic illnesses (before the age of 18!) has made me a better person...and how you might be able to say the same thing.
1. I know the difference that a few kind words or the support from a stranger can make. 
Can one person really make a difference? That's a common enough question, and the answer isn't always obvious. However, my experience with celiac disease and fibromyalgia implies a big Y-E-S. When I was hospitalized due to celiac complications, Gluten Dude shared my story and hundreds of people from all over the world sent me healing thoughts and kind words. Sure, those words didn't "heal" me; however, they did keep me from feeling so alone in my hospital bed. And when I'm having a fibromyalgia flare-up or a "fluffy" (aka super bloated for no reason) day, a silly meme from my best friend or a short phone call with my mom never fails to make me feel a little bit better. 
Kind words can't solve everything, but you never know how much of a difference they can make. So the next time you see someone struggling - whether due to chronic disease or everyday challenges - why not send some positive vibes and encouragement their way? 
2. I've felt wrongly judged by my appearance - and I try to not do the same. 
One of the biggest challenges of having an invisible illness is that you look "normal," but your body doesn't always behave that way. If you have celiac disease, this may mean that people assume you're a gluten free fad dieter ditching bread out of misinformed vanity when you ask for a gluten free menu. Or, if you have fibromyalgia, you might get disapproving looks when you use a handicapped parking spot but look "just fine."
The truth? Being wrongly stereotyped based on your appearance, well, hurts - and I try to use my own painful experiences as motivation to not do the same to others. 
Of course, it would be a lie to say that I never judge anyone by their appearance. Stereotypes - harmful, or otherwise - are one way that we organize and make sense of the world around us. We see homeless people and think, "They're so lazy! Why can't they just get a job?" instead of considering the mental and invisible illnesses that they could be facing. Or, we spot gorgeous men or women and assume that their life is perfect...even though their medical history may be anything but. However, being aware of your own assumptions and stereotypical thinking is a step in the right direction.
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "This #celiac gets real about how my #chronicillness has made me a better person. #fibromyalgia #selflove http://bit.ly/2xfM1Pi"
After all, the more aware you are of your own assumptions, the more intentionally you can examine how accurate these assumptions really are. At least in my experience, the world needs less judgment and more empathy - and you can help lead the change. 
3. I've learned that, sometimes, not listening to your body isn't an option.
You've probably heard the phrase, "No pain, no gain" - and, at first glance, there's nothing wrong with that mantra. After all, I'm all about striving for improvement. However, if my fibromyalgia and celiac disease diagnoses have taught me anything, it's the importance of listening to the messages your body is sending. 
For instance, I remember that a month before my celiac diagnosis, I suddenly started craving my mom's chicken and rice bake. "It's so weird," I remember telling her. "But I feel better after eating that than most other things." Little did I know that the bake was lower in gluten than most of the other foods my family ate...and that my body was hinting at my need for a gluten free diet a few weeks before I received the life-changing phone call from my doctor.
Similarly, living with fibromyalgia means paying close attention to my daily pain levels. If my muscles are especially tense, I've learned that a yoga session is more helpful than weight lifting. And, after a few months of experimenting, I've realized that eating corn in large doses often means extra painful joints the next day. 
Sure, sometimes you need to reject your body's wishes to just lay on the couch all day and listen to your brain and do a workout or go to class instead. Other times, though, listening to your body can literally transform - or even save - your life. 
4. I've discovered the importance of advocating for myself...and I try to teach others the same skill. 
When you think about living with chronic illness, the term "limiting" might come to mind. Surprisingly enough, though, chronic diseases can also be empowering...and I have my chronic illnesses to thank for my loud and proud advocacy. 
Fibromyalgia has shown me that doctors don't always know everything - and that you might need to fight for the diagnosis and treatment you need. Meanwhile, celiac disease has helped me realize that I'm not "bothersome" or "annoying" for giving extensive explanations and instructions to restaurant staff. It is not my fault that gluten can literally kill me, and it is my right as a customer to receive safe, delicious food. If a restaurant cannot accommodate me, that's fine; tell me, and I'll go somewhere else. However, I refuse to endanger myself to be an "easier" customer or lunch date.
Yes, I still have moments of self-consciousness when I'm the only person eating who needs a "special" meal. But I also know that I'm special for many more reasons than my chronic illnesses - just like everyone else!
5.  I've accepted that I don't have to be perfectly "healthy" to be capable of success and worthy of love.
On a similar note, my chronic illnesses have also shown me that I'll probably never be "typical" - but that I'm no less awesome because of it. 
I was diagnosed with celiac disease a few weeks before my first date. Of course, I promptly glutened myself on movie theatre popcorn and felt less lovesick and more, well, gluten sick in the following days. Since then, though, I've had my share of successful dates. I've learned that needing a guy to brush his teeth before kissing isn't a mood killer and that bringing my own food to a "meet-the-parents" brunch is less of a big deal than I worried.
I've also seen that, with the right determination and planning, my chronic illnesses can't stop me from chasing my dreams. Despite the hospitalization, the food prep and the bumps along the way, I graduated college with a 4.0 GPA. Despite my unique "employee" needs, I worked my first full time job with a kick-ass feminist magazine called Entity. And, now, I'm teaching my first college course and attending grad school to receive an MFA in Creative Nonfiction. 
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "This #celiac gets real about how my #chronicillness has made me a better person. #fibromyalgia #selflove http://bit.ly/2xfM1Pi"
I've always grown up hearing the phrase, "Everything happens for a reason." And while that can be harder to believe with certain events than others, I 100% believe that it applies to my journey with chronic illness. Why? Sure, fibromyalgia and celiac disease come with plenty of challenges, and I complain of those more on some days than others. However, they have also helped shape me into the empathetic, determined, strong and confident woman I am today...and for that, I am grateful.
And I hope that when you reflect on your own life with chronic illness, you can find a few positive points that make you say the same thing. No questions today - just tell me your thoughts!
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