#my favorite chat
westywallowing · 4 months
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my favorite scene redraw from S5E13: "Migration"
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novaneondream · 10 months
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Take my hand 🌙
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fridayyy-13th · 7 months
i swear sometimes i think people forget that Jon's s1 skeptic act was just that—an act. it was an act!!! he believes the statements!! he's believed them since episode one! do we so soon forget that he denied the statements were real because he knew the Eye something wanted him to be scared, and he knew that was bad, so he decided to act like the statements just didn't scare him? remember, he was working with extremely limited information ("when i record the tape statements, i feel watched, like something knows i'm afraid, and i don't want it to know that"), and came up with a genuinely solid solution with what he had! not his fault that the thing watching him was a literal unknowable eldritch entity that feeds on fear, and he was just some underqualified archivist.
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lawbreaker13 · 2 months
Guys, why are we not talking about Plagg’s character growth more?
Compare his goodbye to Zoe in season 5 to literally any interaction with Adrien in season 1. He’s so SUPPORTIVE?? And SWEET??? He’s encouraging and of course sarcastic, but he just sincerely means so well. Plagg is a literal god and has existed for eternity and yet the character growth that he’s exhibited over the course of this one single year is so immense. And it’s so important that it happens with Adrien, because boy does Adrien need it.
Good for Plagg, you know? A+ for Plagg.
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theymademesignup08 · 9 months
Marinette: *working on a craft while Chat Noir lays his head on her lap*
Marinette: *moves his head off of her so she can reach something*
Chat: “Marinette…doesn’t love me anymore? Marinette is…evil? Marinette…is Hawkmoth?”
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Sooooo that infamous sentimonster theory amiright? 👀
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katydoodles · 1 year
This has been sitting in my unfinished stack since November, don’t think I’ll ever finish it.
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Might as well share it
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binkusdinkus · 3 months
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She's so whimsical
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westywallowing · 2 months
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snippets from my miraculous Fruits Basket au :))
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merakiui · 2 months
Mera Mera, would Azul send a drunken dick pic saying "check this out" and how would he react when you respond with "yeah check it out with a doctor, I've found 17 flaws and 3 concerns, I will continue this analysis in the morning"
I just want him embarrassed, maybe sobbing bc lord knows how cute he looks crying
OHHHHH,,,, MY POOR TAKO.......... you are killing him!!!! He's taking damage in real life. He never wants to come out of his octopus pot again after that. T^T more importantly, he vows to never get drunk and allow liquid courage to aid him in sending nudes ever again. He reads the text a few more times and it hurts even more than the last. </3 he's just so sad. Is it really so terrible? If it's that flawed in human form, what does this mean for his mer form?!?!?! Will you think it's unsightly and gross? Omg he is spiraling.
He doesn't get any sleep that night. He's kept awake rethinking his life and his choices and every little mistake he's ever made. >_< please give him a hug and bring him his favorite snacks and promise him you were only joking. He needs the reassurance.
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sandradoodles · 2 years
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Part 18. It’s TOP SECRET, you guys.
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mattodore · 5 months
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i circle around you, a wild animal near a fire
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devildom-moss · 11 months
F*cking Idiots (and Barbatos)
[Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos, and MC watching the brothers doing something stupid]
MC: You’re all fucking idiots.
Solomon: Well, technically, you’re fucking idiots, so…
MC: And you’re one of the idiots I’m fucking, so what’s your point?
Solomon: No point, I’m happy just to be included.
Lucifer: Are you seriously grouping me in with the rest of them? 
MC: Listen, I’m stupid-sexual: either you’re an idiot I have sex with or you’re not and I don’t.
Lucifer: Understood. So I take it you aren’t fucking Simeon?
MC: You’ve seen that man with technology.
Lucifer: And Diavolo?
MC: Sheltered + childhood trauma = reckless, idiotic behavior.
Lucifer: Well, what about Barbatos?
Barbatos: MC said I was special.
Lucifer, staring at MC, betrayed: Excuse me?
MC: Barbatos is special.
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undertalethingems · 12 days
Hi, I really like your comic, the Unexpected Guests one, but I feel like there's not enough Papyrus 😭 Where is he and what are your plans for him? I miss him 🥲
well, there's still plenty of this chapter to go... :>
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tahthetrickster · 4 months
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tfw you have a messy breakup in (the equivalent of) your early 20s and didn’t want to talk about it and now 400 years later everybody has gossipy opinions on it
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Is it funnier if:
Shishido tunes in to the VTuber's broadcast knowing he'll fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is already a fan of the VTuber and tunes in as normal only to fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is the VTuber
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