#my entire next paycheck is going towards my car im just
dilfpassing · 11 months
I've had the week from hell and I think what I really just want is to have my car back and to be at home in my own room my routine has been absolutely destroyed and I really don't like it
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rosecarat · 3 years
hi okay i hate doing this bc i’ve made similar posts in the past but im leeanna and im 22. im bi and neurodivergent and im having a really hard time paying for school right now. amongst other things i am currently paying for school out of pocket. pictured below is where i split the second half of my summer school payment between two credit cards + my current bank balance (which i am going to lose $77.50 out of in a few days):
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and below is also how much i will be owing in the fall:
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basically i am struggling to maintain my school fees as well as pay for food and my phone bill bc not only has my job continued to cut my hours but im on the chopping block for being let go and am looking to leave regardless due to the constant racism and mistreatment me and my coworkers experience on a daily basis. i don’t have a car either so if im not getting driven by my bf i do pay for ubers a lot. my entire next paycheck is going solely towards school and i did not get selected for any of my scholarships thus far and am only still in consideration for one. i am not eligible for loans at the moment either. so anything would help i would really appreciate it if you can spare even a dollar. below are links you can donate thank you so much even if you just read the post i really am appreciative.
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kooktrash · 3 years
Mafia!jimin where he caught yn trying to leave him in the morning bcs of his rival threatened her to kill her family if she didn't.
13. "Please dont leave me." And 17. "Are you upset with me?" Please :3
Love Surrender
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summary: your relationship with Jimin had always felt like it was on bothered time, but you were too scared to tell him.
- You had always questioned what drove you to be with Jimin. He lied to you, did awful things to others, and wasn’t trustworthy. You always wondered if it was fear that you stayed with him, or love. But you couldn’t wrap your head around loving someone who couldn’t tell you who he really was. It took an entire year for him to tell you what he did for a living. That was one of the first lies he told to you. The second, was that he’d always protect you and your family no matter what.
But now you understood that it wasn’t possible. Because even though he had all these connections with big scary people, there was always someone who was going to find their way around his security. He tried his hardest to always make you feel safe, and you thanked him for that. Because on the days where you lived paycheck to paycheck or your car would break down, he was always there to pick you up. He treated you like you were his world, and he’d tell you that every day that you almost believed it.
And if it wasn’t for last night, you could’ve seriously pictured spending the rest of your life with him.
- “Y/n,” it was late. You wiped at the sticky bar top trying your hardest to hurry up. It was just your manager and you, and he loved to leave early. “You don’t mind closing by yourself tonight, right? I have to get my kids to bed already, the babysitter’s leaving soon.”
“That’s fine, I’ll make sure to lock up,” you had told him. You locked up the restaurant on your own many times, it wasn’t hard and almost everything had been done anyway. You’d finish cleaning up and then you’d text Jimin telling him you’ll be home soon.
The glass in your hands almost slipped at the sound of the door opening. You looked up, placing the cut down as you noticed the group of men walking in. Pushing your loose strands behind your ear, you frowned apologetically, “Hello, I am so sorry but we are closed for the night. The cook already left.” They ignored you, locking the door and pulling the blinds down. You found yourself taking a step back, one of them smiled at you, “You must be Y/n I’ve heard so much about.”
“Who are you?” With brows furrowed you waited, scooting to the side where your phone was put away in a drawer. “Consider me,” the man pushed for a moment, “A friend of Jimin’s. You can call me Suga.”
You could hear buzzing coming from the drawer and he smiled, “That must be him. Find the phone.”
You made a move to run but one of the guys gripped your arm. He clicked his tongue shaking his finger at you, “That’s not how you treat company now is it?”
“What do you want?” You asked trying to push against the restraints of the man’s grip. He smiled warmly, “Well you see, I don’t have any problem with you Y/n. You seem like a smart and hardworking girl, so why you’re with him? I will never understand. But that is not why I’m here.”
“The reason why I am here is because, I am tired of seeing pretty girls like yourself get hurt by men like Jimin.” He took a step closer to you. “What does that have to do with you?” You spat out, wincing as he lifted his hand to you.
Pushing your hair back he smiled, “Well let’s just say someone I hold dearly was in your position once upon a time.”
“So I want you to understand that my problem is not with you,” Suga said reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer, a picture of you with your sister and father, “Or with them. And unless you want to see them get hurt, I advise you to leave Jimin. For your own good that is.”
- You didn’t return home last night. It had left Jimin up majority of the night, your text for reassurance doing anything but that. “She’s not back yet,” he huffed looking to Jungkook as the two waited, “She won’t even answer my text.”
“She said she was sleeping over at Yuna’s, relax she’s fine,” Jungkook tried telling his friend. Jimin only shook his head, pacing back and forth, “I know but...no she’s fine. She has to be. She’d tell me if she was in trouble, right?”
“Yes, she would,” Jungkook sighed standing up, “So why don’t you get some sleep. You’re looking sort of psycho right now.”
The sun hadn’t even fully come up when you arrived home. You spent the night at your dad’s house, fixing up your room that had been used for storage. Your sister and him bombarded you with questions left and right, asking why you were leaving Jimin. They never understand the kind of people Jimin knew, or that you wanted to make sure your family was safe over being with who you loved.
Jimin was passed out on the couch, still in a suit and a few empty glasses scattered on the coffee table. You were as quiet as a mouse, trying to hurry into your bedroom to get your things. You didn’t want him to see you. He’d try and make you stay or ask why you were leaving. You hoped you could just go, not have to listen to his promises, not feeling like a burden to him.
You flickered the light to your bedroom on. Going into the closet and pulling a chair up. You stood on it, reaching a high shelf to pull your old duffel bag out. You hadn’t used the worn out bag since you first moved in. Not even when you’d go on vacation with Jimin, he’d buy you suitcases from high-end brands instead. You were leaving him, but you were only taking what you came with.
You threw the bag on the bed, quickly opening your drawers and pulling out what you could remember. A lot had changed since you moved in with him, but you could still remember your worn out things from the luxurious things he’d buy you. You shoved your laptop in, not caring much as you put shoes and clothes and everything you could think of.
“What do you think you are doing?” You could feel your heart drop, not wanting to turn around and face the reality. Jimin took a cautionary step toward you, heart racing as he got a closer look at what you were doing.
“Um, Yuna and I are spending the weekend at a spa, I forgot to tell you?” You lied, clearing your throat. You could see the way he pressed his teeth tightly, eyes narrowed down on your belongings as you tried blocking them. “Are you trying to lie to me right now? Right to my face?” He asked pulling out your old slippers from the bag, “What. Are. You. Doing?”
“I already told yo—I just gotta go for a little bit,” you bit your lip, “Jimin stop it.” You reached for the things he pulled out of your bag. “You’re leaving me aren’t you?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“Jimin I—“
“Why?” He asked, suddenly pushing your bag onto the floor, a crack being heard from your laptop hitting the ground, “And don’t fucking lie to me.”
“I just have to go okay? I have to go, please just understand and give me space,” you reached for your things with shaky hands. He grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him, “I don’t understand though. Tell me what’s going on. Are you in trouble? I can help you. Just tell me what it is. Is it money? Is your dad in the hospital again? I’ll pay the bill don’t worry about it baby, okay? Is it your sister—“
“No! I just, I need space okay? I don’t think I can do this anymore—“ “Y/n!” His body trembled, “Listen to me. What is going on? You can’t just leave me like this and not tell me why. You can’t just leave me. Please,” he reached for your hand pulling it to his chest, “Please don’t leave me. Whatever it is we can figure it out together, just like we have for the last four years.”
“Jimin I—“ he dropped down to his knees, arms wrapping around your waist, “No. Please Y/n. Please don’t leave me.”
“You don’t understand,” you could feel a tear slip from your eye as he planted soft kisses on your hand repeatedly, “I have to.”
“Why?” He shouted, eyes growing red, “Why do you have to leave me? Am I not enough for you? I’ve tried to give you everything, and I’m not asking for anything back but for you to love me. Do you not love me?”
“Jimin, he’s going to come after my family if I stay with you,” you finally said. He sniffled, looking at you with a cold expression slowly raising to his feet, “What did you just say?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything. Please just let me go,” you sighed but he gripped your shoulders roughly, “Who is he?”
“Jimin, you’ll only make it worse. You can’t always protect me,” you argued but he shook his head. “Who the fuck was it?”
“Some guy named Suga.”
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“Look at me,” he held your face in his hands, “Unpack your things, right now baby. You’re not going anywhere, I won’t let you. Let me take care of him okay? I’m sorry for putting you in this.”
“Bu—“ “I’ve got it baby, don’t worry.”
“Are you upset with me?” You asked as the pad of his thumb wipe: a tear away, “I’m sorry.”
“No baby,” he kissed you lightly, “Of course not. But if you try leaving me again, I will be.”
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beaniebut · 5 years
I went jogging with my dog a few nights ago and out of nowhere it decided to pour so I sprinted home. When I woke up my leg was in so much pain and I stupidly decided to deal with it for 5 days before going to a walk-in clinic. Now after having a MRI done on my leg, I wound up tearing the posterior horn meniscus (and 4 other things that I don’t even know how to pronounce) now I have to have surgery to fix it. Now I’m stressing because my entire paycheck went towards my car payment, a walk-in clinic visit and the MRI and now I’m sitting in the negatives with my bank account. I can’t even apply for a medical loan because I just had my bankruptcy finalized, I still have to visit my urologist on Friday, see my doctor this week to discuss my MRI results and the POA, pay my phone bill, pay my allergy/asthma bill, and buy my son his cub scouts uniform and I can’t even afford to put gas in my car. My anxiety’s all over the place and I don’t know what to do!
All I wanted to do this year was get an allergy test done because I’m allergic to literally everything my skin comes constant with, lose some weight and get on birth control to have a regular menstrual cycle because my body can’t even do the one thing it supposed to do. But now i have to go to a cardiologist for my heart, and deal with a bunch of other health problems, and I still need to take my son to get his hearing checked, but our insurance won’t cover it so that’s gonna he $2000 out of pocket, and he needs to see a counselor/therapist to help with his anxiety and i still need to take him to his doctor for his other problems.
Even while all this medical BS thats happening, I’m trying to save for a house with my boyfriend, but he’s constantly changing his mind about where he wants to live, but now he wants to move to another state within the next year, but I won’t leave my family and friends. I’d like to have one or two more kids and get married one day, but he doesn’t want to get married and he won’t give me a definite answer on the subject of kids. He likes the idea but when I bring it up he says he’s done having kids. So once again, I’m stressing on where our relationship is going, but I need a home regardless. I’m positive we’ll be breaking up soon.
I just got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago from a UTI (which is why I have to see a urologist because ever since I had my son, I get UTIs 3-5 times a year.) and with my knee being the way it is and my body constantly in pain, I can’t really have adult time with my boyfriend and I know he’s getting impatient, but with everything going on in my life, I’m just not in the mood. He’s starting to think that I don’t love him.
I’m so stressed about everything right now that my chest is starting to hurt. Im losing my appetite but I have force myself to eat because the pain killers I have take with make me nauseous if I don’t take it with a full stomach.
I don’t want to ask my sister for a loan cos she’s trying to move out and she’s getting a divorce. I don’t wanna ask my parents for a loan because I’m already behind in rent...I already feel like a failure as a mom cos I can’t afford to buy groceries for my sons lunch box. All I want is a cup of coffee...
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mint chocolate chip
i got bored and i liked this idea so i ran with it. longer than i intended.. could probably turn into something longer. eh (simons pov) 
simon has a very bad week, and baz makes the mistake of grabbing the last tub of simon’s favorite ice cream
words: 2.4 k
this was the last straw. the last, very short straw of a number of shitty straws i had received this week.
agatha broke things off. for the last time, i think. "si, this just isn't working anymore. we've both known that for a long time. and, well... i think i'm asexual, i dont know. i have some stuff to figure out simon, and i think i have to do this alone."
i could still see her, standing in front of me in the living room. i had romantic candles lit all around the room. and i (penny) made a fancy dinner, that was laid out on the only tablecloth that penny and i owned that i had yet to stain.
she didnt cry, but i certainly did. it was humiliating. i thought we had finally been making it work this time, and i was even going to ask her to move in with me and penny. hence the fancy dinner.
so she left me there on the couch and i spent the rest of the night crying in the tub (with a bottle of red wine).
then, because i stayed up all night crying (and very drunk), I missed the bus to class tuesday morning. which meant i had to walk 2 hours to school in the rain while hungover (in a torrential downpour) and i missed my class anyways.
i didnt even get to turn in my paper, because even my professor had left by then. it would have been the best paper i wrote all semester too; instead, i watched the grade be entered as a zero. i tried to email my professor, but i already knew it was hopeless because she was a bitch. and i always fell asleep in class, so i wasnt exactly her favorite student.
by the time penny came around to give me a lift home, i was soaked to bone. i knew something was wrong the moment i got in the car, but i didnt press her. normally penny greeted me with tea, a scone, and a perky hello, but she was as somber as the rain outside.
she didnt say anything for a long time. we were almost back to the flat when she turned the volume down on the radio and turned to me. "hey, simon, do you remember micah?" penny asked.
"what a bloody idiotic question penny, of course i remember your boyfriend. im hungover, not stupid." i snorted, grabbing my sopping wet bag from the back seat.
she killed the engine; she was watching me with that expression of pity, the one she wore every time agatha said she wanted to take a break. "he's moving to london." she mumbled.
"pen, that's great! now i won't have to listen to your skype dates and-"
"we signed the lease for an apartment today." she gulped.
my world was spinning. i stopped walking, "when, um... is he in town? you never mentioned... was this a split second decision? i..." i always knew that penny move move out someday. i thought it would be farther down the road. i'd need to find a new roommate, because there was no way i could continue to afford the apartment penny and i had by myself...
"when are you leaving?" i blurted out.
"i spent today packing. im almost ready to go. micah and i are going to finish packing and moving everything from my apartment to the new one tomorrow. do you want to help?"
"you mean... i only have one day to find a new roommate?" i couldn't help the anger boiling in my stomach. she gave me no warning whatsoever and the rent was due next friday. im not proud of what i did next, but theres no going back.
i stormed into my room and locked it behind me. i couldn't look at any of penny's packed boxes. i didn't even stop when micah called out a greeting. i was too upset, and i didnt really know the guy well enough to let him see me cry. the took turns trying to coax me out of my room throughout the night, penny even went out and bought me sour cherry scones from my favorite bakery across town. i didnt have any appetite.
i got out of the house before they woke up. i had work, anyways. thankfully, it had stopped raining sometime last night. unfortunately, the puddles remained. a taxi flew around the curb with no warning and soaked my jeans and shoes (my good jeans).
"bloody fucking merlin and morgana-" i shouted, before the mother behind me hurriedly covered the ears of her toddler.
I made it to the starbucks where i worked, and took in the comforting smell of coffee and sugar and the faint smell of cleaner that was used to wipe down the counters each night. it was apparently the only dependable thing in my life right now.
"sorry im late, trixie, i had a bad morning-" I sighed, grabbing my apron off the back rack.
trixie (my boss) just waved me into her office, "simon?" she was sorting through piles of paperwork and notices, and it took her a moment before she realized i was already in her office.
"so, simon-"
"yeah?" i responded, more focused on trying to tie the apron behind my back. i had terrible hand-eye coordination as is, it didnt help when you took one factor out of the equation. I could smell coffee wafting in from the front, and i prayed trixie would be quick so i could go out and grab a cup for myself.
"we had to make some budget cuts this month, so we have to let some people go... im so sorry, simon. here's your last paycheck."
trixie held out a sad, slumped little slip of paper. i stared at her, barely registering her words. after an awkward minute of silence, i took the check and left the apron draped over the chair opposite her desk. i didnt make eye contact with my coworkers as i left and i prayed they hadnt been able to hear the entire conversation between me and trixie, if it could be called a conversation.
i knew they mustve heard, even if they didnt it wasnt hard to put two and two together.
i shoved the check into my (wet) jeans pocket and made my way towards the flat. halfway home, i turned into the bank and cashed the check, knowing there was no way i would remember to do it tomorrow.
this was turning out to be the worst week of my life.
when i got back to the flat, half the boxes, micah, and penny were nowhere to be found. i holed myself up in my room again, this time having the foresight to take some food back into my room with me. i blasted my music, and kept the door locked again. the lock wouldnt actually keep penny out (there was a key for every room in the house) but if it was locked she wouldnt bother trying to intrude on my sob fest.
when i woke up, the house was empty. i made my way into the bathroom to freshen up and tried to ignore how quiet the flat was now. penny had even taken a lot of the photos and such with her, but she left most of the furniture (out of pity, i think). her and micah would get to buy all new furniture, together.
on the kitchen counter was a note, a key, and an address. her new apartment was within walking distance still (ten minutes or so). i imagined they were still settling in, and i still had nothing to say to her (i wasn't mad, i was just... not ready). anyways, i needed to start searching for a new roommate.
i went and grabbed my laptop, and settled in on the couch. i ignored the notifications reminding me to study or finish this project or that, and delved into my search. i didnt have class until later tonight, and i didnt have a job to get to either, so i had most of the day free.
i needed to search for a new job, too. there was no way i could afford rent if i didnt have a job, let alone a roommate to split the bill.
i had no idea where to start. i didn't really want to live with a stranger, but i absolutely didnt want to lose this apartment either. it was so close to campus, and i liked being near all the other students. it was ina great part of town, and almost everything i needed was within walking distance. maybe i could ask a classmate if they wanted to move in? it seems a bit short notice, and i imagine that by the end of the first semester everyone already has a place to live anyways.
i was screwed.
i grabbed some take out on my way back home, alone, and spent the rest of the night procrastinating homework and responsibilities. this is why i needed penny.
it was obvious friday was following the same downward spiral when i woke up to a text from agatha, asking if she could come by to talk. she wanted to stay friends and she thought she left a jumper at my place.
i almost fell off the couch at four o'clock, when agatha let herself in to find me in my boxers on the couch.
"oh, hi, simon. didnt you hear me knocking?" she asked, hanging up her jacket and unraveling a scarf from her neck. i could smell her from here. that perfume would haunt me forever. i never really liked that scent. i'd have to light a candle after she leaves.
"no..." i mumbled, trying to be discreet as as tried to get my pants back on as fast as possible. agatha headed straight for my room to look for her jumper. she had no qualms, did she?
"simon, where did everything go? why is the flat so empty?" agatha asked, drawing back the curtains to let some sunlight into my cave. didn't she think this was awkward? why was she acting so normal?
i cleared my throat, "uh, penny moved out. she got an apartment with micah a few blocks down. she sprung it on me this tuesday." i covered the emotion in my voice.
"oh, well, thats great for penny and micah." she hummed and finally found her jumper, which had wound up in my laundry.
she started for the door. i refrained from going after her. i wasnt going to chase her and beg her to come back, not this time. even agatha seemed surprised. she stopped at the door, almost as if to tell my this was my last chance to chase her down and beg for her forgiveness.
i didnt move.
"it was good to see you, simon." she smiled and twisted the door knob, "coffee sometime, okay?"
"no, thank you, though." i said. i didnt miss the flash of surprise in her eyes as she shut the door behind her. i cranked the volume back up, and cried in tune with adele.
come dinner time, i made my way into the kitchen to try and find something to eat.
the fridge and cabinets were empty. all that was left was a jar of curry, a bag of peanuts, and expired milk. i let out a moan. penny always did the shopping.
i peeked at the clock. it was already nine. but i was starving, and i wanted ice cream. i deserved ice cream, after this shitty week. and maybe some alcohol. any type of alcohol.
i tugged on my old Watford sweatshirt and a pair of grey sweats, and dug through piles of crap until i found my wallet.
the store was half empty, and there was only one cashier open still, slowly checking out one old lady who couldnt seem to remember what she was doing. i made my way towards the milk and ice cream first.
i grabbed a smaller milk, because there was no way i would finish a whole one without penny, and it didnt look like id be getting a new roommate yet.
i stopped. there was another boy by the ice cream, grabbing the last tub of mint chocolate chip.
i lost it.
"no, no, no! merlin, no, you dont get to have the last of the mint chocolate chip!" i exclaimed and the guy jumped, spinning on his heel to face me. why was he in jeans, it was nine thirty already? who wears such nice jeans out to the grocery store.
"excuse me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"if you dont mind, id like that tub of ice cream. i deserve it. i had the fucking worst week of my life. and all i want is to go home, eat some goddamn mint chocolate chip ice cream, get drunk, and pretend im not doing it alone." i shouted. he stared for a minute, before he broke out in laughter.
my face went red, but i didnt back down. i wasnt letting him take that ice cream away from me, i didnt care how gorgeous he was.
"i dont want to be alone, either." he smirked. "but you cant finish this whole tub by yourself."
"then come help me." i teased. i couldnt help it. that smirk was infectious. and he had pretty eyes.
"fine. but youre buying the alcohol." he said, pointing towards the next aisle. he followed me into the next aisle over, and we picked out various bottles of various alcohols.
he didnt make me pay. in fact, he paid for my milk too. and then i let him follow me back to my flat.
"im baz." he said, holding out a slender hand.
i dont remember how we got there, but i didnt mind when i woke up on top of baz, stretched out on my couch, with him in a pair of my sweats (those bloody jeans may have been hot but i knew they werent comfortable). i didnt even mind the hangover i could feel coming, or the messy, empty tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream on my coffee table.
not when baz was kissing me, mumbling “good morning, darling,” in my ear.
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sapphic-romeo · 5 years
I am soooooo mad at my sister rn (again) so im just gonna rant under a cut
Things about living with my sister that piss me off:
1. She relies on me for EVERYTHING. We don’t have sponges or dish soap right now because I ALWAYS get them, but I asked her to this time and she said she would... three weeks ago. It’s from the dollar store two blocks from our house, so I’m not asking her to go a long way away, or to spend a lot of money... it should be so simple. And this is the third time something like this has happened, the first being...
2. The Toilet Incident. This is a whole item of its own because it was so disgusting and unequivocally her fault. She has her own half-bathroom that she says “doesn’t exist as far as I’m concerned.” She says this because I told her she can’t trash “my” bathroom as it’s the only one I’ve got. (Side note, that doesn’t matter when she has guests coming over and i have to clean her clothes out of my bathroom). Anyway, she  clogged up the shared toilet with literal, actual shit. I was the first to find out it was clogged and it overflowed a little, and I had to use my personal bath towel to mop it up. I told her to deal with it, to go to the dollar store that is, again, 2 blocks away, and get a plunger, and she just. Didn’t. For a week and a half I was waiting to pee until I left for class or sneaking past her and her boyfriend while they slept so I could use her bathroom. Er, sorry, I meant the void I can’t look directly at because it doesn’t exist to me. Either way, I peed in it.
That’s not even the end of it. I left an angry note on the toilet for her to “GET A FUCKING PLUNGER” that she just threw away, and finally I told her “Today. It has to be today.” I had a few ideas of what the implied “or else” would entail, some involving poison ivy in her underwear drawer, or throwing her clothes behind our apartment, and frankly I almost did it anyway. Because she agreed to go get a plunger that same day. And then immediately invited her friends over to hang out. I don’t know about you, but unless they’re my best friend and they’re going to cheer me on while I hang up clothes, I don’t invite people over so I can run errands and do chores. That’s when I knew she was ignoring me. Again. So, despite it not being my literal, actual shit encrusting the main toilet, I went and got a plunger. I was still determined not to be the one to actually do it, because it was disgusting and you have to draw the line somewhere, but I just wanted it done at this point. So to make it even easier, I got my sister a pair of dish gloves, because I knew I’d want them. Even after all this literal and figurative shit, I was still trying to be nice.
So I bring the gear back to our place and I tell her that I got it, so whenever she’s ready to deal with it... She says “Oh. Thanks.” and goes back to talking with her friends. I putz around for a few more minutes, but now I have to pee. And I’m on the edge of going crazy. If she doesn’t deal with this problem right. Fucking. now, I’m gonna lose my entire mind. So, I get the plunger and put it in her hand. Literally place the damn thing in her awful, grubby, disrespectful, irresponsible fingers. She doesnt move. I have to beg her to go deal with it, in front of her friends (I’m sure she would’ve ignored me if they weren’t there), before she finally got up and made the toilet usable again. And you know what? She didn’t even scrub it. I did that. It was disgusting.
3. Money. This one is equal parts paranoia and justification for that paranoia. So we don’t have a lot of groceries in the house. The last time we did a big shopping trip was maybe a month ago. I picked up the tab for that, about $50. We got a lot of unnecessary stuff, mostly at her behest, but enough that I could make a few meals and we were both satisfied. She says she’ll pay me back over venmo, I say sure. On the way back we stop for gas, and this bitch. Oh, this bitch. She has not yet paid me back for the groceries, and at the gas station she starts trying to convince me to pay for the gas, because “You don’t fill up the tank ever because you don’t drive [our shared car] as much.” Yeah, no shit I don’t pay $25 to fill up the tank when I only use $5 of gas. I put in $5 of gas whenever I drive somewhere (I’m aquaintances with this one guy at this one gas station, I get a coffee and a few bucks of gas, it’s a good time). I tell her, “I just dropped $50 on groceries, you pick up the $25 gas and we’ll call it even,” even though that’s pretty forgiving on my part. She paid for gas, but even then she was huffy about it.
Small thing, she keeps borrowing quarters for laundry and then doesn’t pay me back.
She also keeps forgetting that I pay $50/mo for wifi, and says I owe her half the utilities, but doesn’t split the cost of wifi. Example: the gas bill last month was $84 total. She tells me I owe her $42, half, right? So I pay $42. Then I tell her she owes me $25 for the wifi, half, right? and she tells me “Well the electric was $25 total so how about I just put it towards that and you don’t have to pay any of it?” Um... what? The electric bill would only cost me $12.50 after splitting... where’s my other $12.50? I’ve learned my lesson at this point; we each cover the first $50 of utilities and split the rest, so she says “This month was $84, that’s $42 each,” and I say “No, we split $34, that’s $17 each.” It works out okay as long as I don’t let her get ahold of the money in the first place.
Now, this is where the paranoia comes in. I’m not sure she’s actually paying the bills with the money I give her. My (now ex) boyfriend lived with us for a few months, and when he moved out he gave her a chunk of cash that was more than enough to cover the last utility bills that would come along after he moved out. Then we go to dinner with our third sister, and she says “oh yeah, I can’t wait for my paycheck so I can finally pay the bills.” I look at her, and I’m like “Didn’t [REDACTED] give you the money to pay the bills like, 2 weeks ago?”
Both sisters ended up turning on me and thinking I’m dumb because “it doesn’t have to be the exact same money that he gave her, duh.” I mean, not technically, but when someone gives you money for something and you use it for something else, that’s kinda shady, even though she was going to pay the bills with her next paycheck. That’s something that absolutely happened, and I feel like that’s a precedent.
Now, I keep finding utility bills that are from at least a few weeks prior that say past due and are for way more than she told me (one from Feb 22nd said our account balance is around $150). I’ve seen the month to month statements, and she always brushes off my concerns, but I’m worried that she’s not paying our bills on time and trying to cover up the late notices. That might just be paranoia, but the whole thing is very confusing to me and it feels like she’s lying to me. She might just be paying them late within the month, and nothing has been shut off yet, but I worry.
3. Laundry. So, this one is a little bit on me, and the second story is about what set off this rant today.
First incident, she poked her head in my room one morning, I’d just woken up, and she said “I’ll pay you ten bucks to do my laundry and reimburse you for the quarters.” Good deal, right? I just have to keep an eye on the machines, it’ll take 3 hours, tops. I agree, and I get her stuff done, and then I get a text that just says “fold them.” Now, in my mind, running the machines and folding the clothes are two separate jobs. So I tell her “No, that wasn’t part of the deal.” We go back and forth, I don’t end up folding them, and she says she’s only gonna pay me $4 for running the machines, plus the quarters. I was pissed about that, because we had a deal and she shouldn’t get to just change the rules on me like that, but it turns out some of the clothes in the basket are still damp... whoops. Now the $4 (plus the $6 in quarters) seems generous. I didn’t know they were damp and I do feel bad about giving her a hard time for the fee when it was subpar work, but we move on. 3 weeks later she finally sends me the money (also 3 weeks? seriously?? I needed those quarters to do my own laundry.)
AND HERE WE ARE. A few days ago I took my laundry over to my dad’s house because I once again am out of quarters (I also couldn’t find my debit card to go get them, but that’s beside the point). I have about 2 hours before I have to go to work, and we have 2 loads of laundry to do, one with just my (top priority) clothes, and one with both of our bedding. My dad’s dryer takes longer than I thought, so I take most of the wet clothes out and just do my work clothes plus a few others. My sister says she’ll make sure that the rest of my clothes get done and she’ll bring them back the next day. My dad lives about 45 min away from us, so the next time she’s going to be near there I ask to come with... only I have work again and have to be back early. She doesn’t want to go home early, so she says she’ll get my clothes and bring them back.
We miss connections for a couple days, she’s at work or I am, she’s in class or I am, but my clothes are in the car and I can’t get to them. Yesterday I wore a pair of leggings as underwear. It was unpleasant. Finally, today, we’re in the same place at the same time, and I go down to eh car to get my desperately needed clothes. Only guess what basket she brought back, after telling me over and over that yes she had my clothes specifically. If you guessed the fucking bedding, you’d be correct. As grateful as I am to no longer be sleeping on a bare mattress, she only prioritized the load that included her things. Maybe I’m overreacting, but It feels like a massive slap to the face. It feels like she’s being selfish, and unreliable, and I am so tired of trusting her to do anything. I’m tired of trusting her being necessary. So today, as I go to a family party with no underwear on, I’m just going to fume and reconsider the poison ivy. 
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Non owner sr22 insurance. I don't own a car and I do not have the time to make calls for insurance quotes. So I'm looking for a good website for getting cheap non owners sr22 insurance. Anybody knows someone? Thanks
Keep car insurance payout?
So my car was scratched up during Hurricane Sandy, it didnt get hit by a tree, just stuff flying all over the place. So I called my car insurance like a good fellow and told them. I didnt even plan on going through insurance. I went and got my car independently assessed and the repair cost was $1000. A cheaper option was to just buff the paint (thus only showing the few deep scratches there are) and this cost about $200. I was considering both options,, but honestly I was leaning towards the cheaper alternative. Got my car assessed by my car insurance and they left me a check for $3200. The insurance guy didnt even take time to explain what I am to do with the check. Should I deposit it and then have my car fixed by my mechanic or go to a place that they (insurance people) recommend. Can I keep my insurance payout and have my car fixed anytime? What about the difference? I m not looking to make a quick buck, I didnt even plan on using insurance. But I dont want to be stupid and not have my car fixed either or throw away a windfall. I own my car, though I do make payments on it. I have 2.5 years left till I pay it off completely (loan of 5 years). What do I do next? Please help.""
Is there a way to find out someones insurance company only with their name and address?
i also have a license plate number. is there a website i can go to that i just type in someones name and their insurance company pops up?
Student Health insurance?
I have a friend who just turned 18 and no longer qualifies for Badger care (state insurance). Her mother is jobless and her father is out of the picture. She has a part time job but it does not provide insurance. She is still in High school and needs some sort of coverage. Does anyone know of an affordable health insurance plan for students?
Heath insurance help ?
what is affordable heath care plans ? and do u have 2 pay monthly 4 heath insurance
Best car for cheap car Insurace?
Hi, So I passed my driving test today which is ace. Im 27 male from from West Sussex. Im looking to buy a cheap car that has a cheap insurance premium. So ideally I want a 1.1l Any tips on which cars to look at? Obviously category 1 cars are cheaper but the actual cars are are quite expensive. I just need a banger to chug to work in, no motorways. Any help would be ace. Thanks Dan""
Cheap Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance
Is a 2000/2001 BMW 323ci an expensive car to insure?
I know insurance costs depend on a number of factors, but, all that aside, does anyone know if this car is expensive to insure? (or any of the other higher up 3 series like the 330ci )""
How To Fight Back When car Insurance Claim Is Denied?
a guy it me on the back wen i was stop on traffic them another hit him, the guy that hit me his insurance wont paid, i'm going to make a claim also with the other guy's insurance but can anyone tell me how i can fight this myself because i have 3rd class card insurance and they wont fight it ,i wane know ifcan i do anything like take them to court myself and how or anything around these lines thatcan help(they said they dodn have to much info on the case to said that they'r at fault""
How much would it cost for me to get put on my parents insurance?
I'm 18 and looking to get my licence soon. My mom, her boyfriend, and his daughter are all on the same insurance. They have Nationwide. But I don't have a car yet, so I'd be driving my mom & stepdads car. ABOUT how much do you think it would cost?""
How to fill out insurance quotes?
Ok first I'm going to explain the situation. Since I was 17 I drove with a licensed driver, and with my permit. When I was 18 I got a ticket for Under 21 drink and drive. It's a petty misdemeanor on my record, and I only got my permit suspended for 30 days. Just two days ago I got my license and passed my road test, I'm 20. I have a car picked out to buy so I've been looking into insurance quotes. However my ticket was never for a DUI and they never give me the option of what my ticket actually was. How do I go about this? Does it count? The quotes I've gotten back are 150-220 a month. Can someone help, or recommend an insurance company. I also qualify for driver's training discount, and good student discount.""
Car insurance on a subaru impreza wrx sti!!?
About how much would it cost me for car insurance for a subaru impreza wrx sti? I am looking at a 2005. I am 20 years old with 1 speeding ticket.
What's the cheapest car insurance in NY?
I'm 20 (female) with an 1991 Honda and a couple minor infractions, and I'm really looking to get a cheaper insurance plan. What would you recommend? Thanks!!""
Car insurance and my rates?
Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?""
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
i am looking for a good and cheapest car insurance in Florida...Help plz
Car insurance quotes online?
Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online
When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..?
You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?""
""Best and reliable home ,auto ,life insurance?
bset and reliable home auto insurance
Car Insurance question?
I own a car with me and my boyfriend.( I am on the title) I live with my parents. I'm going to get my license soon, and it is required I go under their insurance. Do I have to pay for both, or just go under my parents'? Thank you.""
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
How much has your health insurance gone up since the affordable health care act was passed?
I just got notice mine went up by 33.5% last week. Why is my insurance getting less affordable instead of more affordable?
Car insurance rate 2 driver 2 car under one policy?
I am 25 yrs old and my mom is 40 yrs old. Been shopping around for insurance and found out it is cheaper to put 2 drive and 2 cars under one policy. Is there any pros and cons in doing this? Could doing this affect me later on if i want to be under my own policy ?
""I'm looking for fullcoverage insurance that is cheap ,but i'm under 25 so what is the cheap campany around?""
Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst?""
What is a cheap auto insurance company?
Please be specific.
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
What is a sporty car that won't kill a teenager in insurance prices and is good on gas?
Also I prefer American made, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.""
Should I stop paying my insurance?
I got a D.U.I. five years ago when I was 18. I got my license back one year later but I had to have my SR22 for three years. The DMV told me Oct. 7 2013 was the last date I had to posses an SR22. My insurance company is still having me pay $50 every month and they threaten to have the DMV suspend my license if I don't pay. I talked to my insurance broker but she doesn't explain the situation to me very well. What I got from her was that the monthly insurance payments are to give me insurance to drive any vehicle. Why must I have insurance to keep my drivers license? My father has the vehicle I drive insured so why do I need it?
Can I cancel my auto insurance because I am leaving the country for 3 months?
I am leaving the USA for 3 months so I was wondering if it would be possible to cancel my auto insurance for these months and not pay the monthly premium. I will not be driving the ...show more
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Choosing a Family Health Insurance?
Hello, What is the suggested Health Insurance for entire family (Ex: 2 adult and 1 kid or 2 kids) among the nationalized providers (National Insurance; Oriental Insurance; New India Assurance; United India Insurance)? Thank You.""
Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?
I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.""
Can an uninsured person get affordable dental care?
I have a deep cavity in my tooth. It's really starting to hurt me. I know it needs drilled and filled, but I barely make enough money to pay bills, let alone dental care. My job doesn't offer dental insurance, either. Is there anything I can do?""
Car insurance question.?
If I buy a car from my uncle, and do not drive it do I still have to pay for insurance on it? Extra info: I only have my permit and get my license in October. So I don't plan on driving it until October. I don't want to have to pay insurance on a car I wont be driving until a couple of months. Thanks in advance.""
Would not getting your permit prior to getting your license increase car insurance costs ?
I know there are many things that increase insurance costs but would not getting your permit prior to getting your license be one if them? If so how can insurance companies tell you didn't get your permit first ?
Pros and Cons of a motorcycle for a teen?
Both my parents and I have gone over me getting a motorcycle instead of a car, and they're fully behind it. As far as my knowledge, insurance costs are a lot less (but more for me since I'm just starting out) monthly payments on it are lower, more MPG, more eco-friendly, less space and I personally prefer it, and use it as year-long transportation since we're moving to Orange County, Calfornia from Las Vegas (where it never snows). I'm almost of age to get my permit, and I would appreciate it if you could come up with any other possible cons or problems of having a sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, 2010-2011) instead of an older car. I know repairs, etc would be roughly the same. Thanks.""
How can i insure my car for 1?
just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
""Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
How long can i drive without a car insurance ?
lets say i bought a new car, can i for instance drive it for a week without having a car insurance ?""
Why do health insurance companies care what type of doctor you see?
My health insurance is awful. It doesn't cover anything I need and I wonder why they'll offer so much to pay for one type of specialist, but none for another type. If they are willing to pay the money for one type of care, why does it matter if you want a different type of care, worth the same amount. Why does it matter what care you're getting? If you're sick, and need help, isn't that what insurance is for? Right now I need to see two doctors to treat bipolar disorder, but it's not covered at all. But if I see a doctor about my physical health, they'll pay 80%. My physical health is fine, all I need is payment for mental health therapy and medication. They don't pay for mental health medicine either. I've had the same insurance for many years before having this issue. I never actually used it, and now that I need it doesn't help me at all.""
Which company offers the best medicare qualified health and prescription drug insurance in California?
I'm trying to find the best and most affordable medicare covered health and prescription insurance option for an elderly person who receives less than 24,000.00 annually from Social Security and one pension, who lives near Sacramento, California. This person has been using HealthNet for doctor and specialist visits and it is a policy which includes a prescription drug plan. By Jan 1, 2010 HealthNet no longer will offer this policy in the Sacramento, CA area. This person uses one prescription medication daily and the total retail price for that drug is approx. 100.00 monthly and under the expiring HealthNet plan the drug costs this person only 40.00 per month..""
Insurance company law help!?
My old insurance company is trying to take me to court. My problem where i need to ask people who know some law is... Can an insurance company up the payment without consent? In my case:- 800 up to 2000+ From (UK provisional license) to (UK Full) Thank you in advanced!
How much would my insurance go up?
I'm looking at getting a coupe for my first car. Possibly a 2010 Camaro or Mustang. As of now my mom and I share her car, a Cadillac CTS. The insurance for myself is about $140 a month (I'm 16) so if I got a coupe, around how much of a jump would that make my insurance go up?""
What is the cheapest insurance for young drivers?
What is the cheapest insurance for young drivers?
Home insurance cost in auburndale ny zip code 11358?
I am in the process of purchasing a new house in auburndale, queens ny. i wonder how much is the average home insurance cost in this area? it is a tudor building, 2 and half floors.""
What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance?
I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
Selling insurance question?
What license/certification does one need to sell and distribute insurance such as home owners, auto, life insurance etc. in the state of Wisconsin. And what schooling if any would someone need to obtain these licenses and or certifications. My grandfather and a friend own a agency that affiliates with another independent agency that allows them access to a large variety of insurers, and they would like me to become apart of business.""
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
600 sport motorcycle such as the r6 or zx 6r insurance quote in Ontario?
Could anyone tell me roughly how much the insurance will cost for a 600 cc motorcycle in Ontario? I'm 20 years old and i will get my M1 really soon. Also I've had my G1 in August 2006, G2 in June 2007, and my G in april 2009. I'm a university student living away from home. Never got a ticket or an accident. also, I've never been in an insurance before. I really appreciate anyone who could answer the question.""
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Where can a 17 years old female find the cheapest car insurance?
ok, so I am turning 17 in march, and I am looking at car insurance. I am getting my sisters old citroen saxo which is a 1.0 engine size 3 door car, very much like a ford fiesta. I was looking at insurance a few months back, and it was around 1,800, which I was prepared to pay. However, looking now, its around 4000!! what is going on!?!? I have saved up around 1000, but this is ridiculous! I was hoping to be able to buy my own insurance policy rather than go on my parents, as I'd like to be able to take my car away with me to uni next year! Does anyone know how I can get cheap car insurance?? I have tried apllying for third party only, with minimum annual mileage, etc... before you ask. Thank you!""
Will my insurance go up if i wrecked in a ice storm?
there was an extremely bad road conditions in my area on dec 15, and i hit a mailbox coming home, i was only going 15 MPH but the rear end of my car went out of control and hit a mailbox, will my insrance premium go up if i turn it into insurance? also will i get into any trouble since i hit a mailbox if i turn it in?""
Where can I find cheaper motorcycle insurance?
I need to get insurance today as I'm picking up my motorcycle later, it's a 1977 Honda CG125. The cheapest quote I have found is 377 TPFT, and that's with two years' NCB! Granted I'm still on a provisional licence but still ridiculous. Also, can anyone explain if there is any point at all forking out 150 more a year for Theft and Fire cover when it demands 500 excess? I'd have to pay that if it were stolen, right? Even though I paid less than that for the bike...""
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
Free car insurance??
My partner just called up his car insurance company to have me down as a named driver on his car. all the asked for is my name, DOB and my occupation. and they said there is no charge its free. Is this for real?? why is it free?? nothings free these days lol i also only have a provisonal""
Pay the Extra Premiums for Whole Life Insurance Quotes?
I currently have a term life insurance policy and am considering converting it to a whole life policy. I'm married with no kids. My wife has her own life insurance and retirements already in place. We are not going to have children. The main reason I was interested in the Whole Life was the investing portion to supplement my current mutual fund retirement. Should I pay the extra premiums for the Whole life or should I keep the term life and put the extra money into a Roth IRA? Any advice would be great. Thank you
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?
i need the insurance the requier for the law
What costs do you need to think about if you are thinking of buying a couple of narrow boats and renting them
what insurances, fees, maintenance costs etc do i need to be aware of. Thanks""
2002 LEXUS IS300 price of full coverage insurance?
im looking at a 2002 LEXUS IS300 and now im just wondering what the price of full coverage insurance is before i buy it.And if you have owned one of these cars maybe you could give me a review of it,like what kind of repairs so far while owning it,is it reliable?.just wondering because i dont wanna car thats known for having engine and tranny issues, oh and how does ride .any way im just wonderin what other people opinions are on it.""
What is life insurance?
I'm not looking for a detailed answer, just a very basic (simple!) idea of what it is. I understand other types of insurances, so I get how it works, but I'm just confused.. is it supposed to help your family when you die? Does it give them money to live off of? Thanks!""
Can you switch car insurance companies easily?
I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.
What is some good cheap car insurance ?
I live in california! I'm 18 & my first car is going to be a used one.help n advice plzzz:)
Is motorcycle insurance less than car insurance?
Alright so I am 18 and I just purchased a 2001 GSXR 600 and some tell me that it will cost more to insure than a car..and some say less..I personally think it will cost less considering that a bike will cause much less damage than a car would. Please help me out and tell me about how much a month this bike will cost, thanks!""
Camper van Insurance for 17 year old?
How much would this be, on average for a second hand camper?""
Anyone know what insurance company will approve homeowners insurance for Mastiffs in New York State?
I rent on a 380 some acre farm in New York State. I am told that the landlord could not get home owners insurance because of my dog and I have to get rid of him because of the liability. I don't want to. He is a mastiff and a VERY protective one at that if someone comes on the property and he is tied up on the chain (he barks a lot and can look viscious. But once someone is inside he is okay friendly and ready to play. Except one wouldnt know it by viewing him from outside. An insurance agent came onto the property (he was chained) and of course he was very vocal. Scared the crap out of him. But we ALWAYS keep him on a chain. Does anyone know of homeowners insurance available in New York State for this breed of dog, or of another option available. We do not want to have to move because we have a boy in school and we love it here. Any no kill pet shelters or anyone who wants a lovable funny (somewhat quirky) Cane Corso Mastiff>""
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
What is the average insurance rate for a 16 year old driver.?
16 year old driver with a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I do realize I must contact my agent (dads agent) for exact amounts, and that it varies a LOT even by zipcode. But I am needing just an estimated amount to draw up some figures. I am looking at a 2009 Suzuki Equator or a 2008 Suzuki XL7. Please help! Thanks! (California)""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance in the usa?
i am in america but live in england i have a uk driving liesence but as im staying in america for a few months i decided to buy a car i wanted to know where i can find someone that would insure me for the 6 months thanks
Why do I need title insurance?
I'm buying a piece of property, the lender says I have to get title insurance, why?""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
A GOOD first car that is great for insurance?
i need a car that will b a good first car for a 16 year old male. it has to be reliable, safe, low cost, and has to have low insurance. any suggestions?""
Is state farm a good insurance company?
just wonderin, anyone got any advice on a good one?""
Good car for a 18 year old thats cheap on insurance?
Hi, i just turned 18 and recently have been looking in purchasing a used car. my budget is about $5000 and I will be able to afford my own insurance. I dont want a very low quality but i also cant afford a mercedes. So what do you think i should look at? I live in Ontario Canada btw.""
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Where can I get affordable healthcare?
I am a Iraqi war veteran with a serviced connected disability of 50%. I would like to find good health care for my wife a full time student that is affordable. I have done searches in places like www.eHealthInsurance.com and the insurance is either really expensive or it doesn't cover much which could make things expensive. Any suggestions would be great.
How much is the insurance for a 16 year old with a camaro?
I really want a camaro LS for my birthday but my parents said the insurace would be too much, so i was wondering how much the insurance would be, for a 16 year old girl with good ...show more""
Immediate Medical Insurance Help Required?
Hi I am Rishika from Bangalore. I am new to this place. I had got a medical insurance done for my parents but It got expired one month back. Unfortunately, my mom is due for a surgery in the next week and I am looking for any quick medical Insurance help that I can get. I understand its too late to get a medical insurance done. I can arrange for the medical expenses by hand as of now. Is anyone aware of any policies from which I can reimburse the amount later. Or is anyone aware of any medical insurance people from whom I can make a deal and make it a cashless transaction using the insurance policy?? IM confused like hell. Please please help :(((((( :( Yours, Rishika""
Need Cheap Medical Health Insurance?
Hello, could anybody recommend me a site for cheap medical health insurance.I know many sites, but their offers are too expensive.""
What cars have cheap insurance for new drivers?
I have only been driving since january this year, i currently own a triumph spitfire that i have been restoring for the last two years, it is in really nice condition now and want something new, the insurance was only 756 for the first year which i was very pleased about. I want to sell my car an buy another convertible, but what cars have cheap insurance? i am looking into the the possibility of another classic or just a more modern car. all suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance""
Denied car insurance?
what happens if all the major car insurance companies deny you insurance if your a first time driver and have bad credit. geico and allstate denied me already. what can i do if they ALL deny me?
What does car insurance cost?
I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon ...show more
Will I be covered by my parents auto insurance for an accident if im not on the policy?
I was in a car accident last night while driving my parents insured car. I, however, am not on the policy. I am 23 and live in my parents household. I have my own seperate insurance for my vehicle, which I was not driving due mechanical issues. This is the only time I have driven my parents car. Will either my parents or my car insurance cover the accident? This is what happened: I hit a car who made a left in front of me while driving through an intersection. The light was green, I had the right of way. When the police arrived the individual whom I hit admitted he had been drinking and was a marijuana user. The police arrested him and towed his car. The officer disclosed that the individual did not show proof of insurance. Also, there was a witness (the driver in the car behind me) who pulled over to check on us. He had told the officers what happened which verified my explanation of the event. I live in California, if that helps. If anyone has any advice for this scenario, please advise me on how I should proceed as I have never been in this situation. Thank you""
What's the average price of a Doctor's visit without health insurance?
My eyes are yellow.
""If I make a claim using my company car insurance, does that affect my personal insurance reputation?""
I recently got into a little fender bender using my company car. The other driver wasn't present, so I left a note. He called, and I followed through by filing a claim with the insurance company. I'm worried, though, that my personal insurance reputation/rating is going to be affected because of this claim with my company car. Any information you can provide would b helpful.""
Group 1 Insurance License?
Hello, I need to get my group 1 insurance license to sell annuities in the state of Texas. I am honestly not sure where to go or what to do. What do I need to do? Thank you.""
16 and want State Farm Auto Insurance?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
Is there a website for health insurance quotes?
im goin 2 b 19 & my current health insurance will exp. i need to find health insurance fast as well as as dentist insurance. sum ppl told me not 2 get eye insurance cuz payin da monthly payment vs. getting da benefit isn't worth it. meanin u pay more than u get out of it. but i want ur opinion as well sum other ppl told me 2 go 2 a hospital 2 ask sum ?'s of what health i should get, meanin like find out what im cover 4. like i don't want 2 pay hidden charges. like basically i need help cuz nobody is guidin me on what 2 do after im not cover. like im on my own.""
Cheap insurance companies?
So ive just bought my new car, its a renault clio 1.4l. Its my first car and its insurance group 4. So i wanted to know if anybody knows any cheap and good insurance companies, thanks""
How much is car insurance for an rx8 in nyc?
I work for EMS n im gonna pay around 16 cash for a 05 rx8 with 30 k miles on it. how much would car insurance b a month ?
Insurance rates-will they increase with 1 speeding ticket-58 years old?
will my insurance increase with one speeding ticket? i have aaa auto insurance
Car Rental Insurance?
What happens if you rent a car and decline any coverage? I was told that if you were involed in an accident you would have to make a claim with your own insurance company. What if you don't own a car and thus don't have an insurance company? Are there limits to the amount of responsibility of the renter? I mean if the car is totaled does the renter really have to replace the entire cost of the car out of his pocket as well as damage to the other car and injury to it's occupants? I know i'm not alone in declining insurance. But if I got into an accident I always assumed I would just be responsible for a deductable and not the total amout of damage to the cars and injuries. Serious answers only. I really don't need to hear yes, you need insurance or you're screwed That tells me nothing.""
For what reason would i not qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
i was recently let go from work. so, for what reasons could i not qualify for unemployment insurance? and for what reason could i qualify for it?""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me for 6 months being 16 driving a 2008 kawasaki ninja 250R??
""Car accident, insurance rate?""
ive been driving 2 years, no tickets, no accidents....so tonight i got in an accident, rear ended a car....my fault,,,how much will my insurance go up? i have Allstate.""
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
Getting car insurance?
hey guys.. i have a question... im getting Gieco car insurance but my mother has the same thing...we both live in the same house but are doing a separate thing...by me getting the same car insurance company with that have any type of affect on hers???please let me know asap..thanks
How much does the average American pay for Healthcare?
Spending on health care to reach $5,170 per Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I'm looking for this in American.""
Can my car insurance start the following month?
My car insurance renewal is up this friday, however i am off on holiday for a month, so will not be driving my car. Can my insurance start in February instead?""
Car insurance question?
I am 16 years old and I will be getting my liscence soon. I am really excited to be able to drive and not to the bus to clas anymore and be able to meet my friends whenever but my parents are making me pay car insurance on my own and they will get me a car. Probably a toyota or something like that. How much will it cost I do have a good amount already saved up but i would like to get an idea of how much it will cost me thanks
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
Laurinburg North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28353
0 notes
Why is car insurance so high?
"Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting.     And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it?    I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Getting health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
I just quit my job and no longer have health insurance. I also have a very mild case of Chrons disease....I take pills daily for it, but other than that I'm in great health. I would like to get on a health insurance plan. What are my options? Do you think I will get turned down because of my Chrons? If I can get on health insurance, what range will I be paying per month for coverage?""
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
How much on average would insurance be on a Grand Prix? (For a 17-year old)?
Are they considered sedans or sports cars? I think I would go through State Farm, with the good grade/safe driver book. Does anyone have experience insuring one? It would be anywhere from 1997-2003 model with about 100,000 miles on it. Thank you!""
Whats the best car to get to make your insurance cheap as possible?
I turn 17 next month and start my job this month, so i'll have money spare, so i'm thinking of getting a car, but i know insurance can be really expensive, so i was wondering what car is best to keep the cost of insurance down? Thanks for answers :)""
What would be the best/cheapest place to get moped insurance through?
I live in Edmonton, Alberta and I just bought a little 50cc Honda Jazz to use to commute to work with. I can't seem to find online quotes so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a good place to go to for reasonably priced insurance for the moped. Also, would I have to pay for a whole year up front or could I pay month-to-month?""
If the 12/31/08 account for prepaid insurance is 3100 and the annual insurance payment is 6000 and this?
payment is made in advance on april 30, 2009, what is the insurance expense and the amount of prepaid insurance on 12/31/09?""
Would teen car insurance be expensive for a 2007 honda civic hybrid?
I am a new driver with good grades and took drivers ed. Will the year of the car affect my insurance rates? Would another car be cheaper? Would being on my parents policy be less as opposed to having my own?
Why do we need basic health insurance?
Health insurance should be for serious issues that require surgery or hospitalization. Why do I pay insurance to get a checkup or for routine visits? The problem with health insurance is it is too broad; therefore, it is too big. The idiots who say that car insurance is mandatory as an argument for mandatory health insurance leave out that it is only LIABILITY insurance that is mandatory. You are not required to insure fixing your own car if you choose not to. Think about how much more expensive it would be to take care of routine things like car maintenance, appliance replacement, etc., if they were handled through an insurance company. The answer seems to be to eliminate most of the unnecessary insurance and shrink it to only what is required. That along with serious tort reform would eliminate much of the red tape and cost. The person who abuses their things pays more to replace and fix them. Same thing with the fat people, who suck up most of the insurance money the rest of us pay.. If you choose to be fat, then you will pay more to repair your health. It seems pretty simple, but then again the current proposal is not really about health care is it???""
Should I report my car accident to my insurance company?
It was actaully me rear ending her car on my motorcycle. We exchanged insurance info so I know whe is going to report, but do I have to report it also? My bike was just scratched on the cheap plastic part and I only have liability. I know my insurance will go up either way""
Do I qualify for low cost Health Insurance?
I'm under 21 & still living at home. I live at home with my mother & sibling. My mother can't afford insurance through her work beings it'll be almost 1/3 of her paycheck a month. I work part time as a waitress making under 5,000 a year for now as I look for a full time job. So my question is: Do I qualify for any type of low cost health insurance to cover just myself? I've tried looking on sites like health .gov but because my mom has insurance available through her work it's basically saying i'm screwed out of insurance of my own. I need all 4 wisdom teeth pulled asap, as well as basic medical check ups & such that I can't afford on my waitressing salary. I really need all the help I can get. Please answer. & no, my job doesn't provide any insurance.""
Insurance for 16 year old?
Hi, i live in California and I am 16 years old, I'm just wondering how much it will cost my parents every month/year for my car insurance. I have an Audi A3 2008 and I have Farmers Insurance. Please help!""
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
What is pip in insurance?
What is pip in insurance?
What would be the insurance rates for a 16 year old with aford maverick?
I have good grades no felonies pretty much no anything. How much would it be for a 1971 ford maverick
My own car insurance..?
im buying a car and going on my own insurance. is it true i cant still be under my parents insurance with out it being registered in their name???
Car insurance questions NYC?
I'm a Newly licensed NYC driver... I have had my license about 7 months. I am now getting a car and I need to begin shopping around for the best and cheapest possible insurance in NYC. Can someone please list ALL of the companies wheather it be online companies as well and give me your opinion about which one you might like best? Thanks a lot!
How much would insurance cost for a 16 yr old female?
I'm 16 & getting a 2010 Nissan Maxima. Don't tell me not to get it because I'll wreck or trash it. I learned how to drive when I was 12 and I drove all the time when I got my permit. I'm not going to trash it at all. All I need to know if how much insurance might be. A rough estimate because I know everywhere is different. Some few details: I'm 16, a female, straight A student, and really responsible. Thanks.""
Insurance company said my car is totalled?!?
So this last Saturday before St. Pattys day I took this girl out to the movies and i went to go turn into a gas station and randomly this guy smashes into me as i was making my left turn, didnt see him at all until last second which makes the crash weird because he hit my front driver side and his front driver side is messed up, cops automatically said it was my fault probably because im 19 driving around in a car that is nicer then theirs or something. Insurance company came to the body part place and said it was totalled without leaving a report. No damage hit the engine my intake and radiator got pushed in alittle bit more towards the engine and my window washer tube cracked thats about all ive seen plus the smashed out headlight and my bumper hanging. Please leave me some thoughts on if you think its totalled, really dont want this thing to go. PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s http://flic.kr/p/e4GvZ3 http://flic.kr/p/e4AV3a http://flic.kr/p/e4AUr4""
What are the best car insurance company's?
In California it is Wawanesa low insurance rates for good drives only
On average how much do you pay for your car?
My boyfriend makes about 1,100 a month. I made about 1,200 a month. We're young, so we don't make that much but we do live together and we have been since I was 18. Pretty soon, I should be making around... 1,400 a month. WE NEED TO GET A CAR. I had one but gave it to my mother who was struggling. We want to get one so here it goes: 1, When we go to the car dealership what information (other than the standard info) will they ask for? 2. What is required to buy a car other than insurance and a license? 3. How much is an average down payment? 4. Say we get a used car made before 2005, how much on average should the monthly payment be? I know there's a million answers but this but anything will help. Maybe like a honda civic or ford focus, something small and cheap. You're help is very valuable. :) :) :) :)""
I have already asked if i can get car insurance without license someone said put it in my name is that the car
put car in my name or insurance in my name?
Average family health insurance cost?
for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:""
About how much will insurance increase if you lightly rear end a car but you just got your license at 16?
Someone i know has Geico insurance and turned sixteen in August. He got his license a few months ago and really lightly rear ended a car today. I mean you cant even tell its hit unless you analyze the back. So about how much do you think the insurance will go up?
I am 18 years old. I want to improve my credit score by buying a vehicle. INSURANCE PROBLEMS!!!!!?
I know ican get approved for a vehicle but insurance for a teenage male is un-godly cheapest is 650 a month, is it possible to buy a vehicle in my name, but have insurance over it under my fathers insurance policy?""
""I know it seems crazy, but whats the insurance per year of a 16 Year old with a Corvette?""
Lets say a 1995 Corvette with a V8 5.7 Liter Engine? I want to get a broken down one as a project car, I'd have to get insurance but how much would it be? Don't tell me its a stupid crazy idea just stfu... its only an idea.""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting.     And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it?    I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.
Best and cheapest (under 2000) convertible for a 17 year old?
cheap to buy, cheap to insure, cheap to drive but looks good and drives well. has to be under 2 grand the insurance has to be cheap - under group 10 - (i know insurance is gonna be expensive for a 17 year old) i was thinking fiat punto 1990s convertible or renault megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or rover convertible?""
Medical Insurance too expensive?
Currently I am paying $514.03, every WEEK to cover my family of four. Our employers do NOT cover a huge chunk of the costs. I am completely ignorant to this new Obamacare, but I am also starting to learn about it. The only thing I seen happen with Obamacare is yes my insurance got better and stronger (Open Network), but it also increased over $200 a week. I am not kidding it is about $2,064.00 a month. I can't afford to go to the Doctor and pay the Co-Pays because of my weekly payment!!!! It almost seems better for my husband to lose his job and we can collect welfare/medicaid! What is out there for us? Please don't tell me to shop around because I have and its very expensive. I can save $50 and some even increased over $100. Nothing in our medical history to cause expensive insurance either. What does Obamacare do for this situation? Who can I call to get some help?""
Do I need to get a SR-22 in Texas?
I got arrested for a DWI and I have 40 days until my license gets suspended at which time I am supposed to get a work license. I understand I have to get a SR-22 but when do I need to do this? Does the court tell me to get a SR-22 or am I just supposed to know I need one and go out and get one?
Car insurance claim farce?
my son narrowly avoided an accident when a driver braked very suddenly they missed a junction, although he swerved to avoid hitting the car he hit a barrier at the edge of the road. a truck behind him then hit him and the insurance company says its my sons fault and are going to repair the truck under his insurance. In my opinion the truck should have been travelling at a safe distance to stop. I know my son did not stop safely either but now i have the opinion he should have just hit the first car and claimed the same way the truck is !! has any body got experience with this and do you think i should fight the claim? his insurance is already 1800, i don't want to see it go up!""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance quote for a brand new VESPA?
I'm 20 years old and looking into buying a vespa to use in Toronto! Looking for the cheapest insurance possible!
""On average, how much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male?""
Dear reader I am a 17 year old male. I am searching for car insurance once I get my driver's license I will be required to pay for my own car insurance. I want to get an average cost (monthly) for someone my age- regardless of the company I am not sure what factors play into a policy's amount- however, if it does matter, I am a straight A student with a 4.2 GPA (scale of 4.0)- I have never been convicted, nor prosecuted for a felony or anything of that sort. To sum up, I am quite responsible for a male my age. Please do not be rude in your responses I appreciate your help PS. the car that I would be driving is a Toyota Camry 2005 (all paid for). I also live in the state of MD""
""Why are necessities, such as food, clothing and shelter mostly affordable, but not health insuarnce?""
Can't figure it out. Here in Tempe if a man were to work 80 hours a week and earn minimum wage with no benefits (remember, we have nine-percent unemployment now, higher than Belgium, Australia and Norway, mind you), he could bring in about $2,000 per month before taxes. He can get a studio for under $500 or a rented room for a little less; one month's worth of groceries, if purchased at the 99 Cent Store or Food City, could run him $250 per month, and a week of clothing purchased at Goodwill might run him about $100. All affordable, many options for the low-wage earner. Now, this guy actually works for a living maximum hours, so he doesn't qualify for state aid (I've looked into it, that salary is too high), and many jobs don't offer benefits, particularly low-skilled ones, so what's he to do? Let's say he has a pre-existing condition, therefore, he is either denied insurance outright or charged well over $1,000 per month (look at Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Golden Rule, Aetna, Cigna and United). So, he works for a living, doesn't smoke, no woman will have sex with him, he has no children, he doesn't do drugs, he has no gadges (iPod, computer, stereo), no car (he takes the bus), even after all that, he's still screwed. He needs preventative care, not emergency ward treatment as that's not financially viable for America long term, so what does he do: job offers no benefits, is denied or overcharged for health insurance, can't find a job with benefits, state won't provide the working man with state insurance...shouldn't he just quit working and become the welfare leach that conservatives revile because hard work is getting him nowhere?""
What insurances will insure scooters?
I am planning on opening a scooter rental business very soon. I need to know how I can get these scooters insured. How much usually would it cost. Please let me knoe someone.. Thank You
How much does car insurance cost?
Do you know how much does auto insurance cost if I am 24 years years old, just got my license, I am from New York City, I drive a 2001 Toyota Celica and I am not married. Where can I go to find out the best quote? What car insurance company is the best and cheapest? Thanks!""
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
Am I required to get health insurance!?
I am retired, I have health insurance thru my wife's employer. Can her employer require me to get insurance thru my retirement since it is available? It is not affordable, about $850 per month. Almost negates my entire monthly payment. it is not COBRA. What is the Ohio law about this?""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
What's the best life insurance company? why?
What's the best life insurance company? why?
I need health insurance for my daughter?
I am a 70 % disabled military veteran looking for affordable health insurance for my daughter. Any suggestions?
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
Is there a grace period for insurance in california on a new vehicle?
How long can you go without insurance after purchase of a new vehicle? I know it should be done immediately but I have other things going on right now and dont have time to get quotes currently. If there is no grace period I just wont drive until I get insurance.
I'm a first-timer with cars and insurance?
I was trying to research car insurance and taxes but came up with no clear answer. My probem is that I am looking to see how much it would cost for me to buy a cheap car (preferably a Mini or a Beetle) and what the insurance would cost. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm trying to work out how much I have to earn this summer so I can own my first car.
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
How can I get health insurance for my foreign-born mother-in-law?
We live in California, she's from Japan and is 74 years old.""
Know of a good Car Insurance place in LA anyone?
Where can i Find a Good Car insurance place in LA, CA? Looking only of liability insurance. But Cheap!!""
""I knocked over a stop sign with someone else's car, whose insurance company do I use?""
Nothing happened to the car, I just need to pay for the stop sign. (I still don't understand why they can't just stick the sign back in. Nothing happened to it.) Anyway, I'm wondering if I should call my insurance company, or the person's insurance company. The police took the insurance # of the car's owner, but to file a report, do I call my company or his? (We both have the same company, USAA, but I don't know what policy # to use.)""
Whats the best way to cancel my car insurance?
Iv had my car insured fully come with Halifax since the 28th Dec and iv already paid around 450 on the policy but as they will not give me any sort of discount on to add my new car on the policy I want to cancel it but they want me to pay another 300 to cancel it, its only been insured for a month and I agreed to pay 1600 per year and they want nearly half of it, would it affect future insurance if I just cancelled it anyway?""
Is Gieco a good insurance company?
Okay, a few weeks ago I was out looking for a new car (2010 Scion tC) I got some pretty good quotes on it. But when I got the quote through my insurance broker I found out it would be $2600 a year cause of my age and gender (male, 22)! One of the car dealers called Gieco while I was there and put me on the phone with them and they got a quote for a little $150 a month if I sent them my college grades. Is this too good to be true? Or will they just charge me that when I start out and charge me fees later on?""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting.     And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it?    I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
How much would the car insurance cost on an 87 Jeep Cherokee?
Trying to get info on what Im looking at insurance wise on the car Im interested in. Its an 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel drive. Completely stock other then that.
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
Cheap car insurance?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance online? I need full coverage. I have checked Geico and Progressive, they are so expensive. Thanks!""
Does anyone know the best way to get insurance leads?
i'm looking for a way to get insurance leads, I would rather own software myself as appose to paying for an individual leads, can anyone tell me the name of a some good software? thanks in advance!""
What country has the best and most affordable health care system in the world?
it cannot possibly be the united states. in the united states the only ones that can afford healthcare probably cannot actually afford it, their insurance covers it. take away ...show more""
Car insurance help (UK ONLY)?
my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL????
Who has the Cheapest libility Car Insurance in Chicago?
I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
How can I find out NAIC number for car insurance company?
I am filling out a report for DMV and there is a section where I need to provide the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number for AAA. I talked the company and my agent and they say that there is no such thing? I wonder if there is any where I can look this info up..... Any idea?
""Insurance whilst working In italy for 7 months for an aussie company, anyone got any good recommendations?
My job is travelling around I already have basic Travel Insurance
Suspended Registration in California due to Car Insurance?
My registration was suspended because I didnt show proof to the DMV that i had car insurance. I recently bought car insurance but I cannot show proof to the DMV until I receive my Insurance card in the mail which the insurance rep said it may take 2 weeks! I already paid my fee to the DMV to reinstate my insurance but i have to wait until the insurance card come inorder to submit my insurance to the DMV. I have my temporary insurance card and my car registration in the car. What would be the consequences if i get pulled over by a cop? Thank you in advance.
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver?
I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up.
Car insurance GIRL VS GUYS?
Guys get charged more for car insurance when new drivers, and from what I understand forever. In general. However, in my view girls ESPECIALLY new drivers that are girls are generally alot worse than guys as well as talk on the phone, do make up. And what not, but yet guys get charged more? How does this make any sense? Anyone else feel this way? Just thought I'd see what other people think. Not being biased or anything.""
What is the typical cost of maintenance for a Mercedes C240 per year including insurance for a young driver?
As the question states. :) Thank you so much for your help!
Buying a new auto insurance policy on a used car?
So im buying my first auto insurance policy (my parents dont want to add me to theirs) for my car. Will i have to pay the premium up front, or will i have to pay in 6 month installments?""
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
Cheap Auto insurance?
I got my G2 about 3 weeks ago, and i am trying to find a insurance company in the GTA that offers insurance for a primary driver for a low price. I am a teen and I would be driving a 2001 volvo S80 2.9L""
Work and Car insurance?
The business that I am employed by, is telling me that im required to put the business on my car insurance policy as an additional insured. Im kinda reluctant to do so, and im afraid to ask the reasons as to why the business would need to be on my policy. So my question is, what are some of the reasons they would need to be on the policy, and should i add them?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I need help for my homework.
Compare Auto Insurance Quotes With Local Agents?
I know there are many different sites where I can compare auto insurance quotes. I am wondering if there are any sites that have local agents available on them? My local agent just retired and I am looking around for new coverage, I just don't want to call everyone in the phone book you know.""
Geico car insurance?
I'm interested in transferring my car insurance to Geico. I went to their website and filled out the electronic form, and the amount came out quite expensive. I thought it was going to be cheaper. Should I call them and speak with a rep for more accurate info?""
Where can I get the cheapest insurance for my Yamaha jogR scooter??
just bought myself a new scooter that is an 03 plate. I'm only 16 and struggling to get a paying job. where could I get the cheapest insurance in Lancashire?????????
Short-term insurance coverage and ACA?
Does anyone know if and/or how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect short-term insurance coverage? My son currently does not have health insurance at work; therefore, he has been buying short-term coverage which can be purchased month by month, every 3 months, or 6 months. The downside is that after 12 months of consecutive coverage, he has to sit out for 2 months (no insurance coverage). Not ideal, I know but it's all he can afford at this point. It basically costs him less than $40 a month. Just wondering about this. I guess we don't know yet how much coverage will cost under the ACA?? Maybe he can afford something better once that takes effect.""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting.     And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it?    I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.
Will my insurance payment go up a lot?
I was recently in a car accident, unfortunately I was the one who was at fault. It had just rained the night before and the road was wet and so my brakes did not respond and i ended up hitting another car. Anyway, my question is, how much will I have to pay for my insurance now. Will it double, triple? I know that payments tend to skyrocket after your involved in an accident and your the one at fault.""
How do we get insurance companies to reduce medical insurance premiums to employers?
Let's face it, here in the U.S. the medical insurance premiums for group health coverage is rising faster than inflation. As a result, a lot of companies are either reducing the levels of coverage in order to offset the cost of insurance, increasing the deductible, and or increasing the cost to the employees for the insurance premiums. The problem is that insurance companies have no incentive to reduce insurance premiums. They continue to get record profits and this issue is out of control. How do we get the insurance companies to decrease insurance premiums to the rate of inflation, or better yet, start reducing the cost of premiums for a change?""
I already have car insurance and I am getting a new car...?
I already have car insurance which I paid in full in December 2012 which cost me 2500, I have got a new car and they said I owe them 550 for the remaining months, could I pay this monthly or does it have to be in full?""
Are insurance premiums considered as capital for insurance premiums?
specifically for pension plans, are the premiums received here considered as capital by insurance companies? assuming they are the ones issuing these pension policies""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol.
What would happen if I stopped paying my car insurance ?
I have full coverage auto insurance. Times are really tough for me right now and thinking about not paying my insurance. I have full coverage bc I took out a loan. Could my loan office find out too and lose my car? I'm stressing very much.
""First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?
smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D
Is Physician's Mutual a good insurance to buy on your own?
My family currently has no medical insurance and I received information in the mail on Physicians Mutual Insurance Company and wanted to know if anyone has used them and if they are affordable for a family?
How do I get my health insurance company to cover hiv testing?
HIV testing is now covered under the affordable care act. I went to my ob/gyn for my pregnancy and he ordered hiv testing but I got a bill from the lab for the full cost of the test. ...show more
Non-vehicle owner driver's insurance?
I just got my drivers licensce today. I need insurance to drive even though I don't own my own car and will use my parents?
Car Insurance - is it really this expensive?
Hi. Ive been living in Spain for almost the last 6 years and recently came back to the UK. Im after insuring a car, but the quotes im getting are ridiculous! I've been driving for nearly 6 years, I'm 24 years of age and I'm being quoted over 2,000 for cars like a 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... I have no proof of NCB due to living abroad in Spain but surely this can't be right can it? I've been told by a friend that their daughter of 17 years of age who still has not passed her test has been quoted 1,700 on a similar car. Finding this a bit hard to believe considering the quotes I'm getting. So, is insurance really this overly priced in the UK or am I going wrong somewhere? Cheers""
Auto insurance for a new driver and a new car?
I got my licenses on March 30th, 5 days after my sixteenth birthday. I was so excited to start driving to school and what not but when i got home, my mom told me she would not buy me insurance because it's to expensive. I asked her how much it would be monthly but she wouldn't tell me. My first question is about how much would insurance be for me, as a new driver, and i have a new car. My second question is if i don't have insurance, can i still drive with my mom or dad or guardian in the passenger seat? (they have insurance for themselves) If i can't drive with them, i don't get how insurance will get cheaper for me overtime if i haven't driven and can't drive since my licenses test.""
Just curious.......How many of you have no health insurance but.......?
.......have cell phones, satellite TV, Wii's and games, smoke or drink. Since the average cost of a family plan is about $3600.00 per year, just wondering if you realized you could buy your own health insurance with the money you spend on these things. I am curious why luxuries would be more important to you than getting health insurance.""
Car insurance for under 3k?
Hi, im 18 and im trying to find car insurance for under 3k and pay it off monthly. Im getting quotes like 5-6 grand, the comparison sites are a load of rubbish as their saying way ...show more""
I'm about to get my drivers permit. Do I need insurance?
I'm about to turn 16 in a few months. I just figured out that I need to complete driver education and am in the process of that now. When I do receive my permit in a few weeks do I have to immediately purchase insurance? I'm going to be driving my dads subaru. He will obviously be in the car with me at all times. Do I still need to buy insurance at all?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl in texas?
I'm going to be driving a ford I think f150 the year is no later than 2004. I know they have discounts for students with good grades. My gpa is above a 4.650. I need the cheapest I can get. Because aside from managing insurance on this vehicle. I will need to put money aside to purchase a different vehicle. (I'm borrowing the truck, but must pay my own insurance.) And battle school. I won't make a lot of money, so I have to try with what I will have.""
""Does anyone know of a high deductable, low premium health insurance?""
I am looking for a catastrophic insurance policy where I would have a deductable of $10,000... I would pay for office visits and prescriptions.""
Health insurance coverage for my 88 yr old mother with dementia?
our 88 year old mom who has dementia has medicare part a & b, with Aetna supplement. We need to relocate mom back home since she doesn''t have the funds to stay at the dementia home she is currently in. Payments keep rising. Due to the medicaid five year stepdown, she will be eligible in two years. Until then, we will keep her at home, however, is there a health coverage that will be able to cover any major health catastrophy, should one occur in next two years before Medicaid kicks in? We are willing to relocate with mom to a state that has this kind of coverage. Right now we live in New York, which in itself is very expensive and we are considering moving to help cover mom's costs. Where and what do you recommend?""
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
Do you think its best for me to pay the car insurance all in one go?
am thinking of saving up about 2000 because that's how much my car insurance a year will be and pay it all in one go or just pay monthly? which is better? if pay it all off then i have to save up for a good 4 or 3 months. answer please no stupidity :P
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
How much would my car insurance payments be?
I'm thinking about getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and was wondering how much would my car insurance payments be with Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? Also what would you recommend?""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting.     And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it?    I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.
0 notes
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
"Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best health insurance in california?
sould i go with the one that has deductible, and what it turns out that i have a cancer , m'i gonna be covered. i've been having this buzzing ear ( left) for few months and now i get dizzy when i look up and i started to feel oressure in my head and light headache. my emplyer's insurance start in 2 months and i need to be checked now, and i don't qualifie for medi cal any suggestion , advice?? thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando?
Should i be mad at my husband or his mother?
my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that.""
What's the most you or anyone you know has ever paid for car insurance?
I'm asking cuz I now pay close to 400/month... It's like 396. - I have 3 accidents on my record (from like 2 1/2 years ago, only one was my fault). however I found out that all of them were listed on my insurance as my fault. Found out the insurance companies automatically assign fault unless you produce proof otherwise. Now one of them I got hit from behind, so that's easy to prove with police report. However, the other one guy ran red light and I hit his side. I think the police report has it as 50/50 fault since it really can't be proven either way, it's his word against mine who ran the light. Do you think I'll be able to fight that one??? I'm gonna go down to the police headquarters and get the police reports over the next few days, just wondering... Also how much would that actually save me? - My dad had a speeding ticket (90 in a 65) and he was listed as a second driver on my car, so that also brought it up. I'm going to remove him from my insurance since he rarely drives my car anymore, and has replaced his own car. - I have the defensive driving discount already. - I'm 26 years old female in NY. I drive less than 5 miles a day to work. And I drive a silver 2006 Saturn Ion in which I'm still making payments on, so I still have comprehensive. Based on all that, do you think I can find cheaper elsewhere. Where should I loook??? I feel like whenever I try to switch companies they give me a great rate on the phone, than all of a sudden after like a month or 2 being with them, my rates suddenly increase cuz they just found the accidents . I realize I don't have the greatest driver history in the world, but 400 just seems outrageous. I know people who pay less than that a year. I was thinking of selling my car, and getting a cheaper one w/ no payments on it, which would rid me not only of my car payment, but I wouldn't have to carry comprehensive anymore either. Problem is whatever I made from the car would have to go towards paying off the loan, and I would have no money to buy the new car... I feel so stuck, but I'm paying like 750/month between insurance/car payments, and I have a crappy job and can't afford it. Suggestions??? oh btw I use a local broker and autoone insurance""
So what are all the people who have been laid off doing for health insurance now?
Most can't afford Cobra coverage... And as insurance gets more expensive and more companies pass on the costs to the people or cut out insurance coverage altogether, what's the average Joe going to do?""
Which insurance company has the quickest claim?
Okay so I want to know which insurance company would give me the quickest claim without any problems between: state farm, farmers, hardford, and all state?""
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
US car insurance rates?
I'm in the market for a midsized or compact car. I'm looking into purchasing a Honda, Toyota, or Mazda brand vehical. I'd like to know which of these cars has a lower insurance rate. (If it helps, I live in the midwest and have a good driving record.)""
In California how much are you paying for insurance on a 2012 Camaro?
Which have the best offers? v6 only. And to be more specific location : Sacramento
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
Questions About Car Insurance?
I'm trying to see how much would car insurance be for me and my fiancee. She's 20 and I'm 21 both in college. I will be a first time driver and she had hee license for a couple of years and we live in the State of New York. How does insurance work? What's the best company for this? Thanks and God Bless!
""Car insurance help, 16 yrs old?""
hey, so im 16 yrs old. I live in florida, have above a 3.0, took driver safety classes and everything, and im thinking about getting a 1995-2000 v6 camaro as my first car. Problem is, about 4 or 5 months ago, some asshole in a truck with a trailer crashed into me while i was driving and my parents got ****** on insurance, and the court just now ruled it wasnt my fault, but i know its still going to affect my insurance. If i go under their plan, have them as the lead and im just an off-driver, as it will be a school only car, how much do you think the insurance would be? im just looking for a medium range, i know everyone can't get specifics, im just trying to see if its worth it or not. i think with me on both cars now they had to pay $150 dollars more now, they said it would usually be more, but since they have been with them for over 30 years or something they get a discount.""
""How much is average insurance for a motorcycle, preferably in Texas.?
I am female and over 25 yrs. of age.
Health insurance?
is there any other form of low income insurance in south carolina besides medicaid? im 19 with a baby. i cant work because i dont have anyone to take care of the baby and cant afford daycare. i rely on my parents support. also i live with them. my baby is on medicaid but i am no longer eligible because of my age and i am not disabled
Car accident with no insurance in FL?
I was in a car accident where the other driver admitted it was her fault, and i had a witness - as well as the officer saying it was my right away. However, I did not have insurance.. I assumed I was still under my parents name but my dad took me off their insurance a couple months ago. My car is totaled, and im in some pain ( nothing minor, just very sore )Where can I go from here? is my only option to call a lawyer or can i directly go to her insurance? all i want is a rental for the time being and to get money to buy a new car ( so w.e money my totaled car was worth) i want to make this as easy and fast as possible which is why i dont want a laywer involved. is that basically my only choice though? Thanks""
How much do you pay for your car insurance if you are insured under your parent' policy?
im 19 yrs old
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
How can immigrants over 65 afford health insurance in the United States?
Federal employee looking to rotate back to the States and take my in-laws who are 73 and 75. Cannot get Medicare until they have been in the U.S. for five years Any suggestions?
What would be an estimate for insurance on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at insurances. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name?
My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name?
What is the best auto insurance for an adult driver?
For a driver that is under 25 but older than 21, what is the best auto insurance for a minivan or an suv? No accident history. No tickets. Clean driving record.""
Does the insurance company have to pay for this?
ok so i was involved in an accidents 6 months ago because this person ran a red light and hit me... i dislocated my elbow and have been in physical therapy since... last time i went to therapy they told me i have 8 more visits left because my health insurance is gonna be maxed out..... and they told me they dont bill car insurance companys..... soo i call the car insurance company and they told me they cant pay for any bills until the settlement is done, but the therapy said they cant wait that long soo i dont know what to do..... i need more than 8 visits""
Insurance on a 2007-2009 Honda Civic SI coupe?
I am 18 years old and I have had my license for just over a year with a clean record (no tickets, crash, etc.), I was wondering how much full coverage insurance would be on 2007-2009 Honda Civic Si coupe, the insurance will be under my father as primary and me as either secondary or occasional, my father has a clean 15 year driving record. How much will insurance be monthly?""
Insurance for old work ute?
Hey guys, I have just bought a old 95' toyota hilux ute nice and cheap and im not too worried about insuring the actual ute as its only costed me 2000 and market value is 4000. Just looking for some advice on types of insurance. I obviously would like 3rd party and im not sure if i should bother with covering my tools. Usually my boss brings all the tools, obviously i bring a small amount but never a trailer full. What is the best insurance company for this and what would be a good price for me to look at. Thanks :)""
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks
Will the car insurance company pay for the damage or fix my car?
Ok I got into an accident with this lady today and it was all her fault. so my question is, is her insurance company going to pay me money to get a new car, or will they just fix it. the damage pretty bad, the engine makes some weird noises whenever i turn it on/off. what are some tips for not getting ripped off by the company? btw my car is 02 Honda accord. Thanks in advance""
Will I get my parent's insurance after age 18?
I plan on taking a year off of school when I graduate high school. When I turn 18 during that year, because I am not a full time student, will I get taken off my parents health care?""
Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
I want to hire 50 car parking spaces from a major retail outlet in the UK with a view to renting these spaces to commuters /I will be sharing their car park with the retailers customers. Does anybody know of or know a way of finding an insurance company that insures car park operators?
Can I take my car to get repaired anywhere even if my insurance says no?
I got my window broken when someone broke into my car and I had an appt at the dealership where I bought to the car to get it repaired ASAP (and was going to) but my insurance nixed the idea. They said they wouldnt pay a dime if I did that. I HAVE to go to their suggested business. Now I have to drive to and from work with a taped up window for 2 more days till THEIR guy can fit me in. Is this legal??? It seems so unfair. BTW- I have Mercury auto insurance and I live in California.
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
I really can't afford to go lately and don't see any foreseeable future in which I could afford it. My job doesn't offer insurance. and I really think I ought to speak with a Dr. about dual diagnosis issues
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
Insurance comparison websites. Why can't I ask about a theoretical car?
They need the registration number. Why also do they need to know my phone number? All I want to know is- can I afford the insurance? A lot of people tell new drivers to go on comparison sites to get prices, but in reality you can't use them.""
How much is motor trade insurance?
I know this is a bit of a vague question! I am 26, clean license, 1 years no claims and would be working from home buying and selling 5000-10000 cars. Any ideas or how much do you pay if your in the trade yourself? Cheers.""
How much will car insurance be in NY for a 22 year old male driver?
I have been licensed since I was 18 and have NO accidents or moving violations! How much will insurance be for 2001 Maxima?
What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina?
Hi. So I recently moved from New England to North Carolina. I have my 2002 Toyota Camry. It was my Dad's and is still under his name. However, I want to get the title in my name hopefully by early 2014. That means paying for insurance too. I figure I'm going to have to do this soon, might as well do it now and learn more responsibility. My parents are paying for my car and their cars under MetLife. (Yes, the one with the Snoopy logo). They are paying about the same plan they did in Massachusetts. I know North Carolina has more competition in pricing and I want to shop around for a decent plan that gives me what I need but for a better price. My Mom is hysterical and doesn't want me to go anywhere else because she think NC insurance is crap. I like that MetLife gives me what I need but I'm not paying more than I have to in insurance. Sorry Mom. So my question is. What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina? Any suggestions. I would like a company that offers affordable plans but also is a reliable company when I need them. Please NO cheapo discount insurance. Here are my only two liabilities in my driving history: 1. Got into a minor car accident in October of 2011. Just a paint smear with another car. Nobody was hurt and neither car got in worse performance condition. 2. Got a seatbelt violation ticket in January 2013. (It was actually for speeding but the cop went easy probably because he saw I was wearing a suit. I was on my way to a family memorial service near the South Boston area.) Any experiences? I mean, what is my Mom worried about? I never hear in the news about people dying because they have NC car insurance. I know there is cut rate (bad) insurance out there because of competition. But there's got to be something better in NC than paying a Taxachuetts MetLife plan. (Sorry BayStaters, but you know it's true) Thank you!""
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
Is insurance required in north carolina?
if one had a car registered in georgia, he decided to pass through NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance expired, he gets pulled over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?""
How can the citizens pay the the deductibles for the only health insurance policies that are affordable?
I work 2 part time jobs and neither offer health insurance, so in 2014 I will have to buy some. One comparable to the one I had when I worked a full time job would cost $600 a month but would cover prescriptions with a $20 copay for generics with a $1500 deductible and a $4500 out of pocket maximum. That is out of what I can afford. The one I can afford is only $219 a month but has a $7500 deductible which would have to be met for any benefits and there is a $12,500 out of pocket maximum. If I got very sick I would be wiped out with that one, so it seems that I am in a Catch 22. I don't make that much money ($8 and $10 for the 2 jobs where I work 24 and 18 hours a week respectively.) Now I just pay the doctor out of pocket and I paid $375 this year for office visits and $150 for medicine. That was affordable and now I am forced to pay a premium in addition to the same amounts I paid for the same service. This thing is making me nervous. Affordable to me is no insurance. Give me a cyanide pill if I get a terminal diagnosis because being in the hospital and wiped out financially is not a good quality of life.""
Porsche boxster insurance?
I just got a quote online with my moms insurance for my new porsche boxster. It says $2789 a year. If i say my mom is the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 a year. I live in a small town in Ontario.
Car Insurance Question?
I was in a car wreak where it was the other persons fault....already determined by the police. I live in Tennessee by the way and I didnt have insurance at the time..even though I went out and got it an hour later. My question is who is responsible for paying for the damages to the person who hit me? Their insurance is already fixing my car, but the lady who hit me was driving her dads car and she only had liability but not on the car she was driving. Does she call my insurance company to have her dads car fixed even though it was her fault? Whos insurance pays for it? Or is she just outta luck?""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
What can I do about my car insurance?
My husband and I are seperated (Domestic Violence) but we are insured on the same policy. He is the policy holder and I am the name driver. He is beset to ruin me and may cancel my insurance without me knowing, just to get me into trouble with the law. Another thing he might do is get someone else to play to be me and again, get me into trouble. When I called my insurance to take my name off the policy they said that I need my husbands permission (something I can't get) for them to give me ANY sort of information. How will I know if I still have my insurance or if somethings gone wrong? I need to buy a new car and want to be independent but what can I do about this?""
CA Auto Insurance Broker Fee?
What is the average rate a Broker Charges when you sign up to insurance through them in the State of California?
What would insurance cost on a 2010 nissan versa?
I am getting my first car a brand new nissan versa approximately how much will insurance cost me i'm a male and a college student
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
Do you have to be on the insurance of the car you use for your drivers license test?
I know the car you use has to have insurance but do you, the driver, have to be on that policy?""
Is there any advantage of group health insurance?
I would like to know if there is any advantage of a group health insurance plan over a personal health insurance policy. I am planning on buying a health insurance plan so I wanted to know.
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance i can get on a 125cc bike?
i am 17 years old and i want to buy my first bike. could someone please tell me a good cheap 125cc sports bike that i can get cheap insurance on ive looked on some websites but the lowest i seen was about 2000 and it went up to about 9000 and also were i can buy cheap bikes from.
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks
Is this Auto insurance coverage seems good? p/s advice me . i am going to pay 107 a month for a year.?
Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 Property Damage $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property Damage or Collision Deductible Waiver Included Medical Expenses No Coverage ************* very scars me how come i am not covered****** Comprehensive Deductible $500 Collision Deductible $500 Rental Car Benefit No Coverage Towing and Labor No Coverage Gap Coverage or Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage Not Included Repair or Replacement Cost Coverage Not Included ************ how about this******** Special Equipment Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional Insured""
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
Will i need cash deposit or visa to get rental car after accident in which other party is at fault?
i did not have insurance at time of accident. i live in california.
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
Can you have more then 1 life insurance policy?
How to provide proof of auto insurance?
How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!""
""Health insurance question, very simple?""
Ok, this may sound stupid, but, for health insurance; we pay both the premium and the deductible, right? Or is it either or? Do we pay the premium every month and the deductible only once a year? Thanks a lot""
Vintage car insurance rates?
I'm 17 and looking to buying a vintage Alfa Romeo or something. Would insurance be sky high? Are rates higher for older cars that are classified as vintage?
Mandating health insurance?
I heard that HIllary and Obama want to mandate health insurance. How is that going to solve anything? People can't afford it, like me. Health insurance should be like car insurance, people pay their own way and if they don't have it they pay for their repairs or don't get fixed.""
How is the government going to make insurance premiums more affordable?
I keep hearing how Americans need more affordable health insurance, but I have yet to hear how they are planning to do this or what results we can expect. Does anyone know how they are going to achieve this for us? How much can we expect our premiums to go down as a result of the reform? Do you think it will be more than what we will pay in increased taxes?""
""I make $1500 and still live at home, is a $400 car payment plus $200 for car insurance too much ?""
I only pay for my cellphone bill which is $80 a month. I still live at home and i'm 20 years old. I will be making a lot more money within the next year. The car i want is a 2011 gti base model, which is top 10 in consumer mag for most reliable, practical, fuel efficient vehicles for this year. I want to drop $5k down which will be around $350 a month, but the insurance is $190 a month since i'm only 20. I've driven two used cars and they are just a headache and so i want to drive something fun, practical (4dr) and fuel efficient. Is this a good look?""
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What does Santa pay in Sleigh Insurance?
What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.?
With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic.""
What is the name of place where I can go to pass some test of driving and get lower prices for car insurance?
What is the name where I can go to pass some test of driving and get lower prices for car insurance? I remember smb told me if I go there and pass test they will provide me documents allowing me to decrease my insurance for car. Currently cause I just got my license and had no any experience of driving, I am paying about $780 for 6 months. How can I go down on that price?""
Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?
preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.
Who's best for impreza insurance? i'm 28 with a clean licence?
full comp keeps coming back around 1000, on a 98-2000 wrx""
What kind of convertible can I get that won't be a sports car on insurance?
I'm looking at getting a car and I'd really like a convertible. The thing is that I can't afford the insurance on sports cars. So what kind of convertible that would be around 5000 dollars used (perferably 90's to an early 2000s car) would not be a sports car to the insurance agency. Or is there no way around that? And if it makes a difference I have State Farm.
Cheap insurance?
i am looking to buy a chevy camaro RS and i know the insurance will be high does anyone know how much it will be? if there is a way to get less then i will buy the Z28 which would be more because of the V8 right?
Can my car be on my parents car insurance?
Im 19 years old and im buying a car and would like to know if my car can be on my parents insurance. The car will be in my name only, my old car was in their names so therefore it was on the insurance. I have been under their insurance for the past 3 years. i would like to know if im able to be under my parents insurance.""
Jason wants to buy a car. He has $2500 in his savings account. He also needs to pay $600 for insurance. How?
Jason wants to buy a car. He has $2500 in his savings account. He also needs to pay $600 for insurance. How much can Jason spend on a car? A. c < 1900 B. c > 3100 C. c < 3100 D. c > 1900
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
What decreases vehicle insurance rates?
What will happen because my auto insurance lapsed 2 months in Virginia?
We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for 2 months in Virginia. We paid the insurance company to get coverage again. What should we do with VA DMV? What kind of fine should we expect? Should I contact them? I'm mainly concerned about avoiding a suspended license.
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks
Can you get your Lexis-Nexis insurance score?
I recently got a quote for auto insurance, and the company said they used Lexis-Nexis insurance score - am I entitled to get a copy of this report for free? If anything on it is wrong, can I have it changed?""
Avg auto insurance for 18 year old?
i just got in accident and i won't be on my parents policy anymore i used to pay 350 for 6 months and thats a full cover now i am 18 year old male who got in accident only one car was totalled and no other cars were involved so whats the avg 6 month full cover auto insurance will be? i got some quotes and i got prices from 1000-4000$ for 6 months one more thnig the car is 2007 pontiac G6
Term Insurance or General Insurance?
I am thinking of insuring a member of my family. What would be an ideal choice? Going for a term insurance plan or general insurance? 10 points to the best answer.
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
Who sells the cheapest auto insurance online? Thank you in advance.?
My auto insurance is almost $400?!?
Ok, I am a 21 year old female and I just bought MY first car. I got a 2012 Ford Focus. I've had 2 speeding tickets since I got my license years ago. Well once we got the car I got my own insurance as well. The lady told me it would be $380 a month for my insurance?! That's more than my car payment. I'm having a feeling that this is a little outrageous and I need some opinions on this. Thanks!""
""Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?""
What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!""
How much should I be expecting from my insurance accident. ?
Hi I'm only 20 years old and last year I was involved in a car accident were the girl turned and hit me ad made me run into a house. I was unconscious until I was in the ambulance and I went right to the hospital were they have done X-rays. I found out that my t-12 lower spine was fractured and I had a concussion. Now my career was working sheet metal and I was told due to my injury I won't be able to continue or else I'll get more injured. The accident was on may 26th 2011 it is no march 17th 2012 I only receive 300$ a month from benefits and I am l looking for a new career now and going back to school. I just did a MRI and I am seeing a orthopedic surgeon in a couple weeks. Now the girl that hit me had no isurance and invalid sticker. She pretty much ruind my life but it happens. I am going through a lawyer here in Toronto suppose to be the best. I'm still in very much pain hurts everyday can barly stay still for no longer than a couple hours. I am doing physio. I was wondering how much I should be expecting. I heard that I sue my insurance cause se doesn't have any, then I go sue her? Is this true?""
Best car for cheap car insurance England?
i'm looking for an affordable car for my first one i'm a 19 year old female, i''ve checked a 2001 ford ka 1.3 and it was the second cheapest one for insurance which was 1500 the only thing putting me off is my friend had one and she said it guzzled petrol :P which i think she means it wasted petrol, the cheapest was a fiat 500 the insurance was 1300 but i really can't afford one so just want a cheap run around until i've saved up enough to buy a new one, does anyone know any affordable cars max price 1500 with cheap insurance thanks!! oh and if anyone has had a ford ka do you recommend one?""
""My car insurance, can i still pay monthly?!?! HELP!?""
my car insurance got cancelled because I missed two payments but, I always gave it to them on the same day I missed it. Anyways, I cannot afford to pay the full amount up front! its $2000! I need to pay month to month! does anyone know a car insurance company that will do this for me? I live in Canada so I need a reference for here.""
""Motorcycle with no License, Insurance, or Registration. ?""
I have a coworker that rides his bike without insurance, a license, and a suspended registration. He's under the impression that, at worst, he'll only be fined. What are the possible consequences if he is stopped by a police officer in the State of California or Oregon?""
Ques about auto ins and traffic school in Los Angeles
I just got a ticket for a California Roll..(not complete stop at stop sign)...To do Traffic school it's gonna cost me around $130-$140 dollars...Would it just be cheaper or the same amount of money if I just don't go to traffic school and let my auto ins go up a lil. By how much is my insurance really gonna go up for that, especially when my driving record is otherwise fantastic.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance i can get?
i got a v8 mustang, the insurance per year is 2,300 im 17 male""
""Which car insurance companies are the cheapest in New York State( queens, new york) in particular?""
I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
I am buying my first car and I want a 2005 scion tc how much would insurance be ?
I am 18 years old so I'll probably have my parents co sign if that will help me have lower insurance.
Health ins. companies can't deny people for pre-existing conditions. Should the same be true of car insurance?
I ask because my car has some pre-existing problems: 1. The brake pedal only works about 1/3 of the time 2. The engine is currently on fire How can these greedy car insurance companies declare that my car is unsafe to drive?
How would car insurance companies benefit if the driving age was raised to 18?
And would insurance cost less? please show sources if you can
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies in NJ for a new driver above 21 years old?
About how much money a month do you think it would cost a 16 year old to get a mustang gt ?
Including insurance and how much do you think the down payment will be
Question on car insurance and speeding ticket?
I was driving my friend's car and got a speeding ticket with 4 points (later reduced to 2 points). I didn't have my friend's insurance or my insurance in the car, but the officer let that one go. The car was from another state, and my license was from a third state. How will this affect the insurance rate? Also, I am under 21 and do not have my own insurance (I am under my parent's insurance) Additionally, is it possible that this could affect my friend's insurance rate? Thanks for the help.""
How much is no fault insurance?
I want to get the cheapest insurance, How much is no fault insurance in Michigan""
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
""Whats a good, less expensive, insurance for a younger driver?""
i'm 19 and have had my liscence since i turned 16, i have a clean driving record and even got a perfect score on my driving test 3 years back. My car's been under my dad's name for the last three years but i plan to move out soon and want to switch the car into my name. does anyone know of a good, less expensive car insurance that would be affordable, and not have high rates just because i'm a younger driver.""
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks
0 notes
silenceconsumes · 6 years
And my next paycheck grows thinner.
Yep, for the first time in a long while I missed work not because of a sickness or car malfunction but because my employer and contract employer decided it was unsafe to drive. So I woke up today, Monday, to a call saying that schools were cancelled due to road conditions and not to come in. This probably wouldn't have bothered me so much except that this week was already going to be a short week (what with Thursday and Friday being scheduled off). So now this pay week is down to just two days and whats worse is there is a very strong possibility that tomorrow will be cancelled as well. I know it shouldn't bother me as much. And I'm trying really hard for it not to, but it seems like every time I start to make a bit of headway on bills and such that something stupid comes along to rear its ugly head and make it that much more difficult. How are people supposed to get ahead with bullshit like this constantly yanking them backwards?
On the more positive side of things I filed for my tax return for the year so I no longer have that hanging over my head. Honestly I was hoping for a bit more but you know what, I'm still happy with what I am getting. Thanks to a hefty slush-fund taken out, plus head of household filing and a dependent I will be getting back $1930.02. A pretty decent amount and while it is bittersweet its for the bestm even though I will be getting that much exactly $0.00 will be getting saved or spent on me or someone I care about. Instead it will be helping me get ahead by helping me pay off some debts, the first will probably be just over a grand to the ambulance company and the rest will be put in a large payment towards a debt collector to whom I owe money from college. Sadly it won't be enough to clear both debts entirely but it will be enough to put a sizable dent in them.
After all that is paid off I need to think about applying for a credit card to help me build credit. Should be an easy enough task so long as I monitor my spending with it and spend just the amount I can immediately cover. Maybe a tank of gas or such a month. It doesn't seem like a lot but just getting more lines of credit will help out. That's not to say I have BAD credit right now, I'm sitting at 685 which is still considered "good" but it could be better and at my age I need to start working on it somehow. The question is do I get a secured credit card with my bank, or get an Alaskan Airline Miles card?
Talking about being productive I kept my word. I managed to pick up my laundry and get them in the wash. Doesn't seem like much but I think I'm going through a bit of a depression kick where I just want to sleep and my drive for being productive is minimal. But I'm proud that I held myself to what I said and more. Between getting my W-2s, my taxes filed, laundry done, and dinner cooked I'd say I was fairly productive given the circumstances.
Ashley and Sophia are still sick. Sophia is still running a fever which has Ashley worried and I feel lousy not being able to do anything to help. I know I shouldn't feel that way since there is nothing I could really do and Ashley pointed out that even if I had a means to get in there tonight it still wouldn't be the best idea. Not only would it be introducing more germs, but given that I work around kids all day and viruses and bacteria can cling to you well, I could potentially just make her more sick and that would really suck. I wish I could bring her popsickles or something though. I remember being a kid and when I was running a fever and my dad was able to (after he got home, or if he took the day off work) he would bring me either watered down juice or flat soda to help my stomach, give me a bit of a boost because of the sugar, and he would bring me popsickles and for a short amount of time I would feel better. Placebo effect most likely, but its better than nothing. I just hope she gets feeling better. That they both get feeling better.
Time for sleep myself. Lets hope tomorrow school is in and that my work day goes smoothly though at this point Im sorta doubting it will be open.
Journal Entry #38 23:53, Sunday Febuary 12 2018
0 notes