#my catf
supbro50000 · 10 months
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the golden ticket winners from right to left
Augustus Gloop (German, Düsseldorf), Mike Teavee (Australian, Victoria), Veruca Salt (Afro-American, Beverly Hills), Violet Beauregarde (Canadian, Toronto) and Charlie Bucket (English, Cornwall)
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avelera · 2 months
Re-watched Captain America: Winter Soldier and First Avenger (in that order lol) and hey guys
Remember that time Steve woke up in New York City 70 years later and panicked, thinking he was in HYDRA hands and haha, actually it turns out, he kind of was??
Also remember that bit where he found out in the most deadpan way possible (thanks Nick) that everyone he had ever known and loved was dead or aged to to the point of death in the blink of an eye, and no one ever actually like, gave him a moment's sympathy for the fact his entire world ended in a split-second of self-sacrifice that ended up just being one battle in a war that never ended?
Remember when he found out that the only person left who loved him, Peggy, only occasionally remembered him in moments of lucidity haha and then it turned out that the only other person who still lived and who loved him, Bucky, also only remembered him in moment's of lucidity?? Good times, good fucking times, I'm an emotional wreck about it
And one last thing, because I will never ever fucking ever let this grudge go, remember that time Tony fucking Stark who I mostly love but in the context of Steve Rogers specifically I want to tear him to shreds, decided to have beef with a literal traumatized 20-something year old war veteran whose entire world just dissolved into nothing in the 70 years he was on ice, and Tony fucking Stark decided to pick a fight with this guy and rag on him 24/7, despite being in his 40s himself and completely comfortable, stable, and with insane levels of wealth and privilege, because his fucking dad who has been dead for decades apparently loved this guy more, something that would have bewildered Steve who like, barely knew Howard outside of work, and that Steve had fucking nothing to do with Howard's neglect of his son because it all happened while he was unconscious?
Don't even get me started on Civil War, we will be here all day in how these supposedly equal sides weren't even slightly equal in morality or logic at all, but I will die on the hill of Tony fucking Stark was being a Grade A fucking asshole for his stupid man-child fight he picked with Steve Rogers when you actually objectively view Steve's life story as a human being instead of a symbol that he was literally forced to be
Whew. Ok. I'm ok now.
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monniponi · 1 year
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Butterflies 🌸
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lostlitany · 10 months
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New profile picture!!!
Credit goes to me~ I drew that 💙
And I’ll be proud of it forrrrr- another 3 months tops LMAO
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rainbowcaleb · 1 year
Catfe: Frumpkin's First Fall Fest
(just the document title, I haven't decided yet! The WIP poll was very close so here's another snip for you)
Frumpkin is ever a gentleman even in face of great adversity. He was a prince of another land, the very goodest boy, and the winner of first place in the heart of his copper haired child-now-man. He is strong, he is beautiful, and he absolutely does not allow for interlopers to intrude on the delicate balance of the world he is in charge of overseeing. 
It would be a catastrophe, pun intended, if he ever turned away from his stalwart mission.
He is, of course, a leader and a diplomat. And sometimes hard choices must be made to protect the peace. And thus, Essek Thelyss has slid his slinky self into Frumpkin’s life and did not, for now, seem to be leaving. 
His tail bristles into a pumpkin pompom at the thought of Essek as a permanent resident, but Caleb’s happiness is paramount to Frumpkin, one of the cornerstones of his own life, and thus a fraught peace has been brokered between drow and cat.
Not that the idiot even notices. Frumpkin crouches down in his usual throne-perch above the catfe door, resisting the urge to gnaw his own paws as he watches Essek bustle around the kitchen, deftly working around and with Caleb as they get the morning rush orders out. A perfect latte for one, a nicely toasted bagel for another, a carry-out box wrapped with a bow for a third. In the teeny tiny space at the back of his great mind, Frumpkin is impressed at how quickly Essek had picked up on the intricacies of the catfe work. Impressive…for a usurper. Caleb pats on Essek’s arm with a fondness lighting his eyes and Frumpkin bites on the edge of his perch. His human with a heart much too big and soft needs to be protected, even if Frumpkin is the last cat standing after Essek has won over all the rest. He is a deeply rooted tree, an ancient mountain; he will not be moved.
Ah–! There’s that suspicious streak again, more proof that Frumpkin has been slowly amassing over the months. Essek has paused in his coffee prep, glancing up to where Frumpkin hid most magnificently. Essek’s eyes are much too sharp, scheming and distrustful, how else could he see where Frumpkin hid? He watches Frumpkin for far too long, the milk steamer clinking its timer several minutes ago. Frumpkin swishes his tail like a threat, like a challenge. Let the well-dressed bastard respond to that! Essek looks away, turning his attention back to the half-finished cappuccino in his hand. Frumpkin smiles to himself. Frumpkin 12, Essek 0. He has won another round.
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sharowolet · 6 months
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xiaoven catfe au
old friends
Previous -> [ Link ]
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(Left) Finally repainted the nose (the factory paint was mostly rubbed off)
(right) and went over the eye shines with white because they were a light pink and it was annoying me lol
unfortunately in the second picture there’s a smudge in the nose paint lol. I fixed her up now and sealed the paint, so hopefully I’ll get around to pictures soon. It’s half day so I definitely have time
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abominableabbey · 2 years
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Jellicles can and Jellicles do
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spottedenchants · 2 years
18, 13, and 38 for the fic writers question!
13) What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Ah okay, so these are things that work specifically for me :3
'Good enough', as in: there's no reason for perfection, as in: you have made something from nothing, as in: self-perceived quality will come with quantity, as in: there is no destination to a meander, as in: move on if it's no longer fun, as in: visit again and see what's grown since you left, as in: keep going, please, keep going
You can't edit something that doesn't exist, and it's a lot easier to reorganize and fluff things out than to try placing everything on a first pass
'tk' is a combination of letters that doesn't occur very often in English, so if you want to easily revisit & revise scattered bits, typing 'tk' nearby allows you to ctrl+f to them quickly without tangling with other words (I also enclose it in brackets since I don't use them for anything else, along with a note of what edit I want to make, like [tk- add name here])
18) Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Answered this one here!
38) Talk about a review that made your day.
Not quite a review, but I got a comment on In Which Essek and Beau Translate that made me aware of the fact that the Eilistraee Drow dictionary has a word for taco (it is kraltok)
writer ask meme
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atypi-cals · 7 months
OK OK someone please explain these cats coat genetics to me because im big excited about how weird they look
Cat 1: Spice. Adult. Is she just a weird dilute calico tabby? She looks so strange!
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Cat 2: Skor. Babie. Gray tabby with secret tortoiseshell tendencies. (Same beans as my tortoiseshell with secret tabby tendencies)
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Cat 3: Ashley. Babie. Similar deal to Skor but crank the tabby ratio wayyy up? Zoom in in her face why are her eyebrows so orange
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these cats are at the catfe in vancouver. Ashley especially is super sweet (they're all great cats tbh but spice and skor were super sleepy while I was there)
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Hell{} every{}ne! \ am M{}d Karkat 7.
\ w{}uld rather n{}t d\scl{}se my caste, but \ am a h\ghbl{}{}d. \ use he/him pr{}n{}uns (unqu\rked).
\ am als{} Spyder fr{}m QHS' catf\sh <3 That has been my {}nly {}ther f{}ray {}nt{} Grumblr s{} y{}u may rec{}gn\se me fr{}m there.
\ have ch{}sen th\s guy because he \s very unpleasant.
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for refusing to fall into madness?
I (1,147M) have been in possession of a cursed magical artifact for about 1,100 years, which keeping around me has slowly driven me into madness. I struggled with this for a long, long time, causing me to lose my wife, the love of my life, survive a horrible worldwide atomic incident, and completely drive away my surrogate daughter, (7NB) who was abandoned by her only living parent, and who hated when I used to artifact to protect us.
The more I used it, the less I became like myself, and it was utterly terrifying, both to me and to those i loved. I used this until I was almost entirely corrupted for a long, long time, and was revolting to every person that came around me, and my surrogate daughter (1,007NB) wanted nothing to do with me, and couldn't stand to see me at all anymore. I became obsessed with a woman (827F) who subconciously reminded me of my deceased ex wife, and I acted horrible to her as well, kidnapping her many times and attempting to force her to be my bride.
I felt so subconciously guilty over the way I behaved that, eventually, I did something that no one in history nor in any parallel universe where the artifact exists managed to do; the artifact is incredibly difficult to part with, as the powers it grants you are so overwhelming and tempting it is difficult to see your own corruption, and even harder to resist it. But I have managed to mentally brute force my way out of it! I've succeeded in both keeping my fantastical powers and my sense of self, both entirely within my control.
A few of my friends I've met recently (1,047M, alternate version of moi), (29F), (CatF), have told me they disapprove of my methods of this action, referring to them as "immoral" and "donked up".
You see in order to do this, I had to redirect the madness the artifact forced upon me onto someone else. This did in fact take a degree of concious effort every moment I was doing so, and I did know what I was doing. I redirected my madness onto the previously mentioned women (now 927F), as she seemed discontented and bored and stressed with her own life, and I didn't believe she would mind a bit of a change.
Doing this drove her mad, causing her to fall in love with me. Over the past 100 years of this she's kidnapped me on a regular basis to show me her newest songs and art projects about how she is in love with me, which has become incredibly tedious, but not unlivable, as my loyal guards I created always swiftly come to my rescue.
The most recent time this happened she kidnapped both myself and an alternate version of myself, one who has lost both his artifact and his powers in exchange for himself. The woman found herself madly in love with both of us, as we're somewhat the same man, and the situation quickly escalated into the woman putting us into much more immediate physical danger than I am used to, as she was about to murder us. The alternate version of myself has been insisting that this isn't the true version of her and that she can be 'fixed', which made me very hesitant to actually inform him of how she got this way.
Our other friends as well as my guards managed to save us in time and incapacitate the madwoman, but when I gave one of them a kiss as thanks for saving me, my artifact didn't exactly seem to like that she was from another dimension, and promptly, immediately, failed on me. As this artifact was 1. generating the madness 2. keeping me alive and 3. pushing energy into the kingdom I built, not only did my beloved guards and kingdom all immediately disintegrate, but I also rapidly aged all these unnatural years and died, as well as the woman lost her (technically my) madness and went back to her normal state as both leader of a kingdom and a scientist.
All three of my friends as well as the woman are all in agreement that what I did in those 100 years was messed up, even moreso than the way I behaved for the 1,000 years before, kidnapping people willy nilly and unable to take others feelings into account. They all hate me very heavily despite my hospitality to my new friends (giving them a place to stay, offering to give my alternate self his powers back, training one of them in the art of swordplay). The four of them are the only people currently able to hold an (extremely biased) opinion of this, as all my other subjects died with my powers, and my daughter having been dead for a long time (100yrs) now.
I simply wanted to both stay myself as a person and harness my abilities to their full, positive extent, even if that came at a price. AITA?
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sevencolorspasserby · 4 months
Hiya! Saw you mentioned Sinnohian! I have no idea what's happening but am here if needed!
Bebe (@hearthome-habitant)
ok so kurai proton got brainwashed i think thats his real last name i forgot to check he isn't. there anymore. and thats bad. but a LOT of people just up and forgot he existed. except sakaki giovanni but its not my sakaki giovanni so i'm just gonna call him stars giovanni. ok so stars giovanni notices stuff going bad. and so does quill @meow-you-doin-poke-catfe and a @anonymous-user-a so we go out to help stars giovanni and atlas lance but proton got snatched by like his mom i think and she has espeon and attached an espeon gem to his forehead and also somebody else's forehead and thats freaky and bad and a lot. but a can't remember writting their notes down also i'm walking and typing but they can't remember writing it down and i can't read it :(
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the-lincyclopedia · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday (on Saturday)
This week's theme: Rec a fic that starts with the same letter as your username (or, if you like, a part of your username)
The rules: Tag a fic that starts with the same letter as your username and describe why it's so good / how it has a hold on you. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Also, she'll do the round up on Sunday, so if you're still recc-ing on Saturday, no pressure! Please tag @welcometololaland or tag #fic rec friday so she can compile the masterlist.
Thanks to @cricketnationrise for the tag!
I went through my bookmarks and picked a LOT of fics whose titles start with T or L, so I’m inserting a cut so you don’t have to scroll past the whole thing. Also, I’m not tagging anyone to participate because Saturday is almost over.
tell me what it’s like (to be loved by you) - Check Please - by @likeshipsonthesea
Look, this fic has it all. Mutual pining? Comfortable friendship that neither of them wants to wreck? Co-parenting in the aforementioned dynamic? Check, check, check (please). The writing is gorgeous, also.
Life of the Party - Check Please - by penguinsledding
Another kid fic, this time featuring Jack and Lardo co-parenting a kid who resulted from a one-night stand they had right before Jack was supposed to be drafted. Bitty is the kid’s favorite YouTuber. This fic gives me so many feels.
the girl who lived (again) - Harry Potter - by @ink-splotch
I struggled with whether to include a Harry Potter fic in this list given . . . you know . . . but this is a beautiful interpretation of trans!Harry and makes the best case I’ve ever seen for why queer and trans young people need queer and trans role models, so I’m keeping it on the list.
Learned Our Lessons Well - Check Please - by @mcbangle
Shitty and Jack friendship so well-written that I wrote in my comment on it that I was happy-squealing. A great take on the ultimate brotp.
Land of Wishing Wells - Check Please - by @alexeiiimashkov
Patater fake dating at the Zimbits wedding. I have reread this fic SO many times. I’m a sucker for fanon Kent Parson, particularly when the writer gives him this much of an inferiority complex.
Love at the Juice Bar - Check Please - by orphan_account
The disability rep here makes me so happy! This fic features deaf!Jack and CODA!Bitty. It’s also just so cute, in general.
Three Points Where Two Lines Meet - Check Please - by @luckiedee
This fic has a two-person love triangle featuring Jack and Bitty falling for each other both at the grocery store and via email as Jack reads Bitty’s blog, without realizing that they’re the same people in both venues. And THEN Shitty and Lardo try to set them up. The TROPES. I love this one a lot.
The Kit-den Catfe - Check Please - by @justwritins
This writer is AMAZING at writing a Kent Parson who has been abused and is trying so hard to heal and figure things out. In this fic, Kent owns a cat cafe and Tater falls hard for him. Gosh, I want to reread this immediately.
The Placebo Effect - Check Please - by @doggernaut
Trope subversion alert! In this fic, Bitty and Jack fake being soulmates only to realize that they’re just as in love as they would be if it were predestined. I love when writers mess with the soulmate trope, and doggernaut is just so good.
That’s How the Light Gets In - Sherlock - by sylviarachel
This has been one of my all-time favorite fics for very nearly a decade now, which is utterly wild to realize, but it’s so deserved. This is an ace!Sherlock fic that helped me come to terms with my own asexuality, and my partner and I have been quoting it to each other since I read it to him a few weeks into our relationship. I don’t have words for how much this fic means to me.
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rainbowcaleb · 9 months
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Frumpkin won by a chunky margin so here we go :)
Presenting another snippet of what my WIP doc is titled,
Frumpkin Noir
He ran through the list of cats in his head, slyly looking around the room to check faces to names. Not all of them liked to hang around the human room on busy days, but he is sure he could find Ziggy. And if he could find Ziggy, he could find his first clue.
Ah, the cat of the moment was winding around some halfling child’s legs, doing his best impression of a dying orphan with gloriously shiny eyes, begging for a scrap of bacon from the halfling’s sandwich. Frumpkin rolls his eyes. He’ll need to remind Ziggy of The Rules again, but there was time for that later.
He made his way over, mrrping to catch attention. Both halfling and cat looked to Frumpkin with very different expressions; the child looked delighted and Ziggy looked guilty. A cat caught with a paw in the treat jar when there’s a perfectly full food bowl beside it. Frumpkin bumped into Ziggy’s side with a good-natured headbutt, trying to let him know he’s not in trouble. The child started to coo and aw, and Frumpkin used the noise to pass along his message. 
“Heard anything new, Ziggy?”
Ziggy startled; he must have been expecting something much worse. “No sir, am I supposed to have?”
Frumpkin sighed, but disguised it under another cute mrrp for anyone listening in. “Lots of bodies in the cafe today, lots of newcomers. Something is disrupting the schedule.”
Ziggy glanced around with almost comical movement. “Maybe business is just doin’ good?”
“There’s good, and then there’s too good. This is too good. People come from somewhere. And I am curious about that somewhere.”
“Tourist season, maybe.” Ziggy’s eyes were starting to glance distractedly away towards the dangling end of bacon in the halfling’s hand.
Frumpkin gnashed his teeth. Ziggy has a point, but even a broken clock can be right once a day. Adverse as he was to admit it, Frumpkin and the catfe have not been in town long enough to experience every possible season yet. They were close, very close, but Frumplin’s data is unfortunately lacking on the last two months of the year. A point of shame he had been meaning to correct.
Frumpkin slapped Ziggy with his tail and Ziggy’s attention snapped back. “Yeah, sir?”
“Who’s been sitting outside this morning?”
“Ah! I think Awni’s been around. Why you ask?”
The words fell into the air as Frumpkin was already trotting off, an orange tumbleweed rolling away from Ziggy and his bad decisions.
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prof-polaris · 4 months
Hey there! I saw you were currently living in Unova and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the work that you do!
If you ever find yourself in Castelia, feel free to drop on by🌸!
- @meow-you-doin-poke-catfe
I did not update my pinned for this blog. Unfortunately I do not live in Unova anymore, I am currently located in Johto
I appreciate your offer nonetheless
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