#my bestie my lob my everything
aerodynamicks · 2 years
i love having clara here to describe everything sky germany does for seb. girl you are a lifesaver
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t00nyah · 11 months
t00nyah explaining project moon without actually explaining project moon
after posting lcb trigger warning i wanted to do this
me explaining project moon in the shortest way possible except its goofy af bc im eepy and lazy but im in a desperately talkative mood (i post mostly about limbus company since it came out cmon)
what the fuck is projmoon:
project moon is the coolest ever indie game development team we love them; they've made three games so far, also have an unfinished novel, a...idk, just another novel that was initially a comic but im a hater (im sorry(not)), and another comic
they've been doing it for like 7 years almost and still have no idea what optimization is but its okay we love them
there's a lot of killing and just amoral guys in general who can and will kill thousands. its THE 'your meow meow killed thousands of people' 'and they looked good doing it!' universe. everyone is fucked up there guys. but UMMM thats kinda the appeal
so the games! we all here are gamerzzz!
it all started 6 years ago, when lobotomy corporation released in early access and my gf was like hey look what i found
lobotomy corp is a game where you're a manager in a big company, L corp, and you have to get your guys, employees(lucky ones who got the job) to work with abnormalities(fucked up creatures) so they would generate enkephalin, a big energy resource
except your guys will probably die when you're already so attached to them so you just restart the day each time this happens
theres like a maaassive plot, it is the beginning of literally everything, like some stuff still haunts us in limbus company (looking at a particular individual) and there are more characters that you'll fucking love(sephirahs) and then learn their fucked up story (and then learn your fucked up story and not be happy about it)
ah yes while im on it theres no actual self incert in project moon games im sorry but every character IS a character
gameplay-wise you just have to organize your guys, give them equipment, assign them to a job, make them suffer and struggle to suppress abnormalities if they try to make a mess(kill everyone) and do hard tasks your besties make you do
later, in like 2018 i think, they almost immediately after full release of LC announced a sequel, library of ruina
library of ruina is a game that continues the story(duh) and i can't tell you much about it without spoiling lob corp too, but in this one you have to USE BRAIN like A LOT because its a STRATEGY CARD GAME
in this one you dont even have a character you play as, you just follow the characters' on their journey. but dw! you'll get your own customizable guys to adore here too!
basically in this game the characters from LC and your guys are called librarians and you have to greet guests of the library, that were specifically invited there and /tp-ed, basically fighting them. every battle has its own story and eventually it branches off into four arcs and oh gott i love library of ruina a'right you meet characters for like one story and then have to fight them knowing their issues and how life fucked them over enough to get there</3
gameplay-wise you build cool decks from cards of those you've killed for your guys, pick guys for fight and then pick cards. simple. i think. not so simple in game but i simplified it
there's also a lot of amazing lore drops, bc in LC we were kinda isolated and focused on the corporation, but in LoR? we get to see all kinda of people of The City, we learn about The City, we learn about factions and all, we get all the lore we missed by being stuck in that manager chair
okay and now we're here. limbus my fucking company.
limbus company was, again, announced almost immediately after LoR's full release(PM are CRAZY), and released february 27 of this year, and already has more story in word count than lor does or so i've heard...
limbus company is pm's first mobile game(but dw there is a steam release if you're more of a pc person or your phone will explode if you try to install it(and it will)) and their first...(behold) gacha game. yep. but no dont get scared it actually has the best gacha system ever known to men
they've also tried to make it enjoyable without getting into previous games but to me it doesnt feel right i dunno i feel like it's just not that cool without knowing the context and going insane screaming at carmen or connecting the dots, also like the events of LCB are all connected to LC and LoR, so ummm if you try to get into limbus without at least learning what the other games contain be ready i'll personally explode you
in this game you basically play as dante(they/them for the sake of mysteriousness of 'who TF they are') and you have 12 deranged guys named the sinners who are ALL BASED OFF FUCKING CLASSIC LITERATURE did you fucking know pm are fucking literacy nerds and cant have a game without book references without exploding??? well they are.
so the characters (IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED) are:
1. gregor (metamorphosis, franz kafka)
2. rodion (crime and punishment, fyodor dostoyevsky)
3. (emil) sinclair (demian, hermann hesse)
4. yi sang (the wings, yi sang (kim hae-gyeong))
5. ishmael (moby dick, herman melville)
6. heathcliff (wuthering heights, emily bronte)
7. don quixote (don quixote, miguel de cervantes)
8. hong lu (dream of the red chamber, cao xueqin)
9. ryoshu (hell screen, ryunosuke akutagawa)
10. meursault (the stranger, albert camus)
11. outis (the odyssey, homer)
12. faust (faust, johann wolfgang von goethe)
also don't forget dante is based on the divine comedy by dante alighieri!
also dante DOESNT FUCKING KNOW SHIT. faust seems to know all shit and never tell dante.
i mentioned it being a gacha game. so like. you dont pull characters. instead you pull the initial deranged guys' alternative versions where they end up on another job like cult leader or a terrorist idk
the best part? you dont necessarily have to get them from gacha in most cases, you can get special currency, ego shards, to get whatever you want separately. also pm added ideality that you get from unfortunate pulls that you can spend on the special identity from the banner. but tbh i think its way easier to get the shards needed than pull that much, not really worth it
gameplay-wise? well. you have to basically just choose your guys' identities(those alt versions, they use them in fights to be stronger), choose their skills, a little similar to ruina (except TBH lcb lets you fuck around and put it on auto until it doesnt really work out (please dont autoplay with r corp ishmael or at least check what they're doing you silly goop they might do friendly fire if you're stupid enough)). the game consists of cantos, chapters that tell you a separate story of a sinner(in the order i gave earlier, not everyone knows that), that have story-episodes(cool ones), story-and-fight-then-episodes(epic ones), and sometimes just-fight-episodes(who the fuck thought those are a good idea?). and in the end of a canto there's always a dungeon. honestly, first two cantos are easy enough to just learn basics yourself, im rambling at this point
there's also hellish grind options and paid stuff like battle pass with the coolest perks ever
also LoR and LCB have mili songs, which is fucking cool, they're such bangers. no no projmoon games' ost in general. just fuckign bangers my guys and i mean it.
well that was fun and games. like i mentioned theres also:
Distortion Detective
im such a fucking fan of this unfinished novel, im so upset they abandoned it </3 pm did say they're probably going to rework it as a game or smth later but in my opinion it just loses its charm if its not a novel
distortion detective ... i cant explain it without spoilers to the games but its basically about moses, the distortion detective, who solves distortions which are like uhhmmm... people turning into some funky shit(that expresses their feelings). and she has a parthner named ezra. they're both poor traumatized women. and stuff happens. thats all i can say without spoiling everything. you learn a lot about the distortion phenomenon from moses' perspective.
wonderlab is a comic made by artist mimi, that follows taii, rose and catt. its about another lobotomy corp branch that actually introduces us to the concept of abnormality aberrations (slightly similar but different abnormalities like we have a little red riding hooded mercenary's(do you remember me mentioning pm being literacy nerds?) team fortress blue team version or whatever) that is used in limbus quite a lot so we old people from LC can be like 'heehehehe this is like like snow white's apple's aberration, so funny, reminds me of good ol' days...'
my main enemy. initially it was a comic, but i think they had to stop working with the artist for some reason and continue it as a novel instead.
i didnt read it. im so sorry i failed you. but i cant. first vergilius, main character, is ugly AS FUCK and he's STUPID i hate his guts. BUT OH DEAR LORD HE APPEARS IN LIMBUS COMPANY AND I HATE HIM EVEN MORE. AND NOT JUST APPEARS, HE'S THE GUIDE OF THE BUS, HE'S KINDA ALWAYS THERE. I HATE HIS GUTS. oh hey lap-- charon, no, you're good, you're amazing, vroom-vroom, yes, right, you're so right.
i'm pretty sure it has A LOT of important context for some stuff in LCB but i just CAN'T MAKE MYSELF TOUCH IT. please read leviathan for me.
i'm sorry it turned into a looong ramble but here's t00nyah's awful brief guide to project moon. in case you want to know about world-building or the story in particular...i'm always here to dm me. please do. i really love telling people about project moon. there's just a lot to unpack.
edit. okay apparently it was easy to misinterpret my leviathan commentary so im putting this here for the sake of clearing the confusions for future!! tl;dr: i know it wasn't continued as a comic for REASONS, it's OBVIOUS!! and yes, leviathan is important, i just can't make myself read it therefore don't have enough knowledge to write about it(cool idea: write your own post about leviathan if you're seeing this and are enthusiastic about it! i just won't.), i still don't like vergilius, it's just a me-thing. DO read leviathan if you're interested</3
edit2. after thinking for a while, decided to add this just in case: i was given a summary of leviathan! well. it IS something. (opinion on vergilius hasn't changed much sorry not sorry, still a me-thing.) but yeah 👍 all good 👍 still not liking it much, mayhaps because i couldn't read it myself, but. it can be found here in the comment section.
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madamegixxysticks · 7 months
Skylanders Trap Team Trappable Villains in a nutshell
(This was just because I was bored. Treat it like Vegetable Justice and don't be offended easy if I roast your favorite one.)
Sheep Creep: The first baddie you shove in that emerald hammer, sorta like your first bug type with a pokeball.
Broccoli Guy: Useful... For everything not fighting.
Chompy Mage: Beloved old loon since 2012
Cuckoo Clocker: Where's the fighting element? No problem! Put him in life!
Shield Shredder: I guess they would've put you in tech, but all the chairs were taken.
The Gulper: A walking sin of Gluttony
Slobber Trap: Hey, boy! I think the Earth Element was that way.
Chill Bill: Was cool before it was cool.
Brawl and Chain: Somebody needs to give him a teddy bear, STAT.
Cross Crow: I guess water comes from your arrows...?
Threatpack: NEEERD-
Tussle Sprout: Hey, wanna swap elements with Cuckoo Clocker?
Chomp Chest: Yeaaah... That chest wasn't sus at all!
Grave Clobber: Why did you change to water in Imaginatiors...?
Golden Queen: Entitled to all the gold in Skylands, is female, and yells a lot... Is she Skylands' Karen?
Buzzer Beak: Uhh... Okay.
Dreamcatcher: Oh... How she'd dream of having a better fight... Oh wait, Pain-Yatta and Hood Sickle have that? And they're in the same level as her?
Krankenstein: Are you trying to copy Jet-Vac? Is that why you're in Air?
Bad Juju: Why you don't mess with voodoo.
Bruiser Cruiser: Hey, your mech is kinda clever.
Shreadnaut: Double trouble!
Brawlrus: You gotta pick him!
Krankcase: Dude, you can take the hat off, you don't need to put that other hat ON TOP OF IT.
Trolling Thunder: How does THAT fit in the trap WITH him?!
Mab Lobs: What's with mirror people and facial hair?!
Bomb Shell: No another "Should be in tech"!
Pain-Yatta: Everything about you is great!... Expect the evolved form.
Rage Mage: Brocc but not useful.
Chef Pepperjack: How did you get into that baking contest?!
Scrap Shooter: GARBAGE DAY!
Grinnade: I'm sure Activision would've been sued if you didn't get a mouth.
Smoke Scream: Mr. "I have the best Skystone", which is better than KAOS.
Masker Mind: Green is not a creative COLOR.
Hood Sickle: I think my bestie has a crush on you.
Wolfgang: First you break others' eardrums, now you copy off of Snap Shot in Imaginators?
Eye-Five: You're lucky I'm convinced you're a living plushie.
Blaster-tron: Systems indicate: You are a very cool bot.
Lob Goblin: Not again with another "should be in tech"!
Luminious: Actually, I got nothing. You're good.
Eye-Scream: Would I need to call a dentist or an eye doctor...?
Fisticuffs: I guess you're meant to be like the Pokemon version of the Dark Ty- er, Element?
Nightshade: ...Now I'm going to give the "Worst Doom Raider Fight" medal to you. And that's because I can't think of any way to fix yours!
.... Basically the Joker, but bald, the size of a dwarf, and has nothing to do with clowns... He's a metamorphic one.
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changbeens · 1 year
i love the mystery of a named anon. like we're in a friendship and i have no idea who you really are but i think you're awesome and i genuinely do not want to know who you really are because that would change everything about our friendship but u are my bestie and i lob u
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Hello!! Im really really sorry if im disturbing u or anything but i wanted to request a matchup of thats ok😭
Since I saw that they were open, I'd like to request a twst matchup^^ be warned my grammar is really eurghgh bad😢😢
So starting off with my personality,, Im an enfp, 7w6, scorpio sun, cancer moon, and sagittarius rising!
Im honestly a really fun and charming person to be with -said pretty much everyone i know
But even though I'm fun to be with, i can lowk be pretty annoying😭 But shoving that aside, Im really caring, really motherly tbh. Ive sorta been a personal nurse AND doctor for my friends - and family members when they were sick - as a child and now. Im kinda like,, a duplicate of emu otori and mizuki akiyama from pjsk..!
I can always cheer anyone up, jokes, comforting words, anything! I always try my best to make people happy,, honestly kind of a people pleaser but whatever!
My friends tell me I remind them of a goldfish, so they just call me "the celestial goldfish of (gc name)"
VERY soft hearted person😞
Im really good with children somehow.. I dont even know how but yeah - somehow,, babies cry whenever i leave the room😭 so pretty much - im a good babysitter err aunt! I guess!
My love language is probably physical touch,, i always want to kiss my lovers cheeks, and hold their hands! Im asexual though so im like- really uncomfortable if it gets mistaken for something sexual😭😭
I also love giving gifts to my friends even though im broke asf
Buuuuuut moving on - what abt my interests, hobbies??
I love astronomy so so much, and stargaze whenever given the chance! I've memorized like 10 constellations in the spam of 5 minutes since i have a photographic memory (even when i have the memory span of a goldfish,, wow)
I also love art! Sculpting, painting, music (that counts right?) Anything.. It calms me so so much i just love it😍😍
I also like gaming, even if i dont game as much anymore.. Im honestly so pro at every game i swear💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
I also like collecting anything and everything. Plushies, sea shells, dolls, make up, mirrors.. No wonder im poor damn
i love listening to music too, i mean who doesnt!! Stan twice and yousei teikoku (lob their music sm)
I also like reading, and writing too! I mostly read and write poetry, sometimes i cry because i relate to it though huhu..
I also love love loveee shopping, especially with friends! I also buy atleast 1 or 2 plush(ies) whenever i go shopping because of my unhealthy obsession with them😔🤞
So liek after i just told u all of that pls let me tell u random stuff abt me🥰🥰
I usually get into fights (depending on my mood tbh) and end up just dating the person i was fighting😭 (enemies 2 lovers fr)
I dress in lolita fashion!! Mostly sweet lolita, but i dress in gothic lolita at times!
I am an energy ball,, no, i am a rain cloud looking to ruin someones day,, no, i am both.
I honestly love rainy days sm😍😍 sometimes i like it when its kinda stormy, but where im from were more prone to floods so keyword SOMETIMES😭
I totally give off black cat, introvert, loner, emo vibes at first glance but i am the total opposite. I WILL BECOME UR BEST FRIEND IN LIKE THE SPAN OF A MINUTE
Even though im more extroverted, and energetic, im sort of a calm person tbh. The perfect person to go to if you wanna have fun or just calm down!
I actually like being more educated on true crime, reding them.. That stuff.. It usually just ends up in me being more uhhmm dead inside tbh😭
I give people the weirdest nicknames, and they do too - like.. "Goldfish" "voodoo doll seller" "kulangot at boga seller" there are weirder stuff but atp it would just become a whole 29739373837386383937392729 word essay😟😟
I adopt introverts, and become their bestie, so we sorta just become the sun and moon trope😭
Anyways,, im just gonna tell u my type now😍😍 beware since this is gonna be long (i have like 17 crushes who are all the different person with waaay different personalities)
ppl with the same vibe as me. Me and that other person r gonna be commiting arson probably /jj
Confident ppl that give of "gege ml boy who plays basketball for a living"
Practically all of my best friends (im besties with everyone in my school ahahahhaha....)
hopefully i didnt take up too much of ur time and that the reqs dont close after i just typed this😔😔 TYSM HWIAH THANKYU BE MY FRIEND PO IM COOL I SWEAR‼️🤞
Lol oh my- waking up to this was a great surprise, you seem very cool so I hope I see you around ‼️‼️
Anyways, I match you up with...
Tumblr media
Rook Hunt!
Through your request, I was getting the vibe that you were hoping for someone who was introverted but I feel like an extrovert would be much better to match you up with! Rook at first would totally fall for your mask of being a loner and ngl like wet cat energy. I'm not sure about you but I'm 100% sure that Rook has talked to everyone on the NRC campus at least once. So, it was to his surprise how you seemed to be didn't match how you acted at all!
Also regarding weird name names he'll give you one back in return! Besides Floyd he wouldn't expect anyone to give him a weird nickname so when you gave him a nickname he gave you the nickname Madame/Monsieur Renard(e) which means fox in french!
Also, be prepared for him to break out the french and compliment you in french. "Je t'adore" "Tu regarde magnifique aujourd'hui" Although they seem such general pharses he means everything he says.
If you didn't know this man's family is r i c h- He has villa's in every kingdom of Twisted Wonderland, I doubt he's as rich as Kalim, Idia or Vil but he still probably has a pretty penny or two to spend. Anything within reason he'd buy for you!
Videogames? Rook would probably try to play a couple just for you but as he would say it "How about we switch it up and go to chasse (hunt)"
Overall, Rook matches your energy. Plus he'd do anything to make you happy. He's always one step ahead of you and is always ready to help you, all you have to give him is your love and he'll reciprocate it tenfold.
Idia Shroud
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Waging War. An Age of Steam and Sorcery Novel. Chapter 10
“So what you’re saying is that we’re headed back into the same dungeon where you two became best friends?” Peter asked, flipping through a rack of leather armours on hangars.
 “Well, I wouldn’t say BESTIES”, Pham said. He was sitting on the counter swinging his legs and watching everyone else shop. “I mean, we got off to a rocky start. Woz came into my starter town all “hurr durr, chop chop” with this sabre or something. I was set up at the local smithy grinding my skillz, cos I wasn’t 31337 back then. It was, like day one? Two?”
 “Day one,” Warren’s voice sounded echoey and tinny, as he was trying on a new helm. “And it was a katana. I’ve still got it somewhere. Besides, you weren’t IN the smithy, you had tools spread halfway across the road. I nearly broke my neck tripping over one. Pfha, do they even wash these out before they put them on the shelf? This one still smells of sweat and dragon ass.”
 “Should I ask how you know what dragon ass smells like?” Dani’s voice floated over the racks and shelves in the store.
 “No.” Warren and Pham said in unison. 
“It was an Ant-Man versus Thanos plan, wasn’t it?” Peter grinned.
“Shut up, don’t want to talk about it.” Warren lobbed the helmet at Peter. “Worry more about what we’re getting into. You’re going to need armour with more elemental resistances, the traps in that place are nasty and not even Pham can disable them all.”
“Speaking of armour, I remember you lost your entire wardrobe that day we first met. Walking into town buck nekkid, wang swinging in the breeze all pixelated like a cheap hentai. The “one point oh my god” version was the Wild West.” Dani chuckled, a hint of pink in his dead white cheeks. “It took the pearl clutchers less than twelve hours to “someone think of the children” a patch out.”
Warren sighed and stomped out the door. “It wasn’t all my clothes, it was just the seat of my pants. There was no wang,” he called over his shoulder. “Come on, this is low tier vendor trash. I know a place, but it’ll cost me a favour.”
Peter and the other two followed Warren deeper into the gloom as the road led away from the water and under the overhang of the upper level. Here the gas lamps never went out and condensation dripped from the roof to form rivulets in the gutter. The buildings were grimier, soot from the fireplaces adhered to everything damp, which was everything. Light shone through smoky windows streaked where the drips had carved tiny tracks in the grime. Even the people looked grittier. There was no way to tell NPC from Traveller, all were equally worn down and coated in black.
Hard up against the back wall was a building even blacker than the rest. Iron walled and imposing, with red rust patches like a rash over the frontage. No windows on the front, just three stairs up to an iron door inset with a sliding hatch at eye height. There wasn’t even a handle on the outside. If you weren’t let in, you weren’t getting in.
Warren ascended the stairs and rapped his knuckles on the door in a rhythm that Peter found familiar but couldn’t put his finger on. Da ta-da da da.
The hatch slid open and a pair of beady eyes examined Warren. “How much?”
“Two bits.”
The hatch slammed shut and they were left standing in the street, listening to the sigh of gently escaping steam from a nearby valve. The nearby lamp flickered and went out, and a horrible rotten egg smell wafted over them before it reignited with a whumph. Peter was just opening his mouth to suggest this trip had been in vain when the door clanked as the locks inside were released and it opened with a screech.
The owner of the beady eyes stood in the gap and beckoned them in. “Yer mates better be on their best behaviour MacGregor. You’re on thin ice with the boss as it is.”
“He’ll get what I promised on time,” Warren rumbled, reminiscent of when Peter had first met him. “I still have several days and for now I have bigger issues.”
The beady-eyed bloke huffed noncommittally and led them deeper into the building. The iron theme continued inside, with metal bound glass light fittings illuminating the halls with riveted iron walls, though these were at least painted to prevent rusting. It was an even institutional grey that reminded Peter of pictures of warships from the late 1900s that he had seen in History class. It was not a colour choice that inspired hope, joy or faith in humanity. In fact, after the fourth or fifth bland hallway separated by a bulkhead style door he was beginning to feel like they’d stepped into the domain of a happiness sucking demon. 
The waiting room they were eventually deposited in did nothing to relieve that feeling. The seats were bare metal benches the same colour as the walls and attached by a hinge at the base and a chain at the edge. There were no windows at all and the only entrances and exits were the same metal doors with a wheel in the centre. Without the lights and paint, Peter could have mistaken this room for the labyrinth under Averton.
“Wait ‘ere”, Mr Beady-eye grunted and left by the same door they’d entered. The locks clanked when the door closed.
“Woz, what have you gotten us into?” Pham asked, flopping down onto one of the benches and lacing his fingers behind his head. “Peter might not care about respawns, but you know my stance on them.”
Dani had her ear against the door they’d come through and was trying to see if she could insert some sort of probe in the gap between the door and the jamb. “Yeah, mate. This is kinda unpickable. I’m guessing there’s two ways out of this, Peter’s and that door over there.”
“I’m standing right here, you know?” Peter felt a bit put upon. “I don’t ALWAYS die. Besides, I’m sure Woz has a plan. You DO have a plan, don’t you?”
“Wheest yersel. I dun need a plan. This is just a weekly quest. I just… hannae done it in a while and my rep has dropped with tha faction ye ken?” He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “They’re going to make us wait for a mite, just to flex that they have all the power. Which, in this town the kinda do.”
“Izzat all?” Pham responded. “What kind of faction are we talking though? Cos there’s a big difference between a reputation drop from the Mechanists Guild and a reputation drop with the mob. One means you lose access to the good materials and one gets you concrete shoes.”
“Uh,” Warren looked uncomfortable. “What’s your shoe size again?”
All eyes snapped to him.
“Kidding. Mostly,” he held up his hands in surrender. “I’m still liked, but if I don’t get them the stuff they’ve asked for by Friday I drop back to neutral and have to start again. It’s just posturing, we’ll be fine. We’ve been busy and I haven’t had time to turn in my dailies, weeklies or monthlies cos, you know, taking on a Geas was a big deal.”
“I knew it!” Part of the wall detached itself and became a formless humanoid shape, as though a puddle had delusions of grandeur. “I knew you’d have something to do with the Geas. You can’t help yourself, can you Mister MacGregor?” As the humanoid spoke it rapidly assumed the form of a green skinned, scaly creature in an admiral’s uniform and hat. “Always chasing the bigger fish.”
“Goober, you wee scunner. I KNEW you’d be listening. I’m just surprised you hadn’t shown one of your faces already,” Warren loomed over the diminutive naval officer. “This is a new low, though, even for you.” He picked up the creature by the neck and slammed it into the wall. “The real Captain would have you keelhauled for stealing his image like this.”
“Hey, he’s just a lil’ guy,” Dani protested. “Is that really necessary?”
“Yes, it is,” Warren growled over his shoulder. “Goober, show the nice people your real body.”
“It’s Gruber, and you know it,” Gruber hissed. Seeing no support from the others in the room his form melted again and reformed into a child sized being in a robe and hat. The hat had the word “wizzzard” stitched into the band, multiple z’s stretching the word to wrap entirely around it.
“Bloody wizards,” Pham spat.
Peter held up a finger. “Um, how does this help us?”
Warren shook Gruber like a dog shakes a toy. “Goober here is a Traveller like us. He makes bank by eavesdropping and selling secrets to the highest bidder. I’m betting he slipped Benny Blue-Eyes out the front a handful of silver to let him loiter in here until we’d dropped something juicy. Isn’t that right, Goober?”
“Damnit Warren, put me down. That bloody hurts.” Gruber’s real form as a gnomish spellcaster was even smaller than the kobold body he’d worn as a disguise. “How did you know it was me?”
“Captain Krunch hates spellslingers more than Pham does,” Warren harrumphed, dropping Gruber to the floor. “You’d know that if you’d done your homework instead of just bribing the doorman. Now get out of here before I send you for a respawn.”
Gruber gathered himself up to his full unimpressive height. “You haven’t heard the last of this,” he insisted in his high-pitched voice.
“Peter, do your eye thing please.”
Peter let the cold of the Paragon state flood his body. He was getting more proficient with it every day, even though it scared him in equal measure. He still didn’t know what they meant about his eyes, they always looked normal to him when he checked the mirror, but the way Gruber wet himself when he looked at Peter’s face told him he was doing something right.
“Ok, you’ve heard the last of this,” Gruber pressed himself against the cold metal as he hurriedly rapped out a code on the door.
Benny cracked the door, looking entirely unrepentant as the tiny Gruber pushed past him. “The Captain will see you now.” He pressed a something on his side of the wall and a buzzer sounded. The door on the other side of the room opened and swung wide. “Best not keep him waiting.”
On the far side of the final door a completely different room awaited them. A massive bay window stretching from wall to wall allowed a view out over the waters unimpeded by the town. How that was possible, Peter was unsure. The trip through the winding halls had left him disoriented but he felt sure they should have been able to see at least the lower tiers’ tallest buildings. A problem for another time, he thought, suppressing the memory of the walk in. There was no sign of the soul-sucking grey walls here though. The whole room was wood panelled, with shining brass fittings and artfully lit by primitive electric lamps. No gas appliances were visible at all, nor were any suggestions of magic. It was the most technologically advanced scene he had experienced in the game.
Dominating the room was an ornately carved mahogany desk. Spread across the glossy surface were maps of the world and its various regions. Exquisite cartography tools littered the desktop, finely made pens, protractors and compasses scattered seemingly willy-nilly at first but a closer inspection there was a sense of a greater organisation in the chaos. There were also, for some reason, footprints.
Behind the desk, in a red velvet lined swivelling chair that dwarfed its occupant, or maybe koballed it, was a doppelganger of the first form Gruber had taken. Small, green, scaly and in possession of a marvellous admiral’s hat, Captain Krunch lounged in the opulence of his domain. “Well, Mister MacGregor, we meet again.” Where Gruber’s voice had been reedy and hesitant, the Captain’s was deep, confident and resonant. Not at all what one would expect from a diminutive, dragon-runt like creature – no matter how impressive his headgear. “I am a busy man, Mr MacGregor. State your case and be quick about it.”
“We do indeed, Captain,” Warren knelt before the desk, waving to the others to do the same. “I come bearing gifts, in the hope of obtaining a meeting with… the armourer.”
The Captain waved a clawed hand disinterestedly. Warren stood and placed a small chest on the desk, facing the captain, and opened the lid. Peter couldn’t see what was in it, but from the way that the kobolds’ eyes widened he must have been very impressed. The reaction was only fleeting, however, and the captain schooled his features back into an impassive poker face. “This will do for now, but I trust you are aware of your obligations?”
“Captain, I assure you that you will have your tribute, as agreed, by the end of the week.” Warren’s voice was the most subdued Peter had ever heard it as he returned to where he had been kneeling.
The Captain stood on his chair and stepped up onto the desk, picking his footfalls carefully so as to not disturb . He closed the chest and picked it up gently, almost reverentially while maintaining an impressive air of impassiveness. “Then I will send word that you are on your way. I expect you still know where to go.” 
“Aye, I do.”
“Then see yourself out. And send Benjamin in as you go. I feel I need a word with my doorkeeper.”
Warren waved them all to follow him and exited the room as quickly as manners would allow. In the antechamber he leaned in close to Benjamin in passing and whispered a few words that Peter couldn’t make out. Benjamin paled, looking decidedly less smug as the Travellers left the room.
When the crew were what Peter deemed a safe distance away from the imposing iron building, he burst into laughter. “Do you think he knows? About the cereal?”
Warren harrumphed. “Aye, he knows. NPCs regard our world as a sort of mirror dimension to theirs, in case you hadn’t noticed.” He waited for acknowledgment from Peter before continuing. “So the captain regards it as a point of honour they’ve named a food after him. He says it puts him on the same standing as Lord Wellington and the Earl of Sandwich.”
“For cereals?” Peter punned. He couldn’t help it. Everyone groaned and Dani punched him in the arm. “Ow! I know, I deserve it, but ow!”
“So, what’s with this armourer dude?” Pham asked. “I’ve never heard you mention them before.”
“Well, we don’t come here often,” Warren explained. “He’s a secret shopkeep you get to meet at the end of the local guild questline. You never did the quests, you never got to meet him. Besides, he specialises in heavy armour and you wear,” he waved generally in Pham’s direction, “that.”
“It’s called fashion, sweetie. Look it up!” Pham twirled on the spot, showing off his blood, oil and soot stained overalls. “I don’t need armour if I don’t get hit.”
“But, you DO get hit,” Dani pointed out helpfully.
“Yeah, that’s where the plan falls apart.”
“Come on,” Warren urged. “It’s not far and at least two of us need better protection if we’re going back into… well. There. You,” he looked pointedly at Pham, “we’re just going to cover you in bubble wrap and hope for the best.”
0 notes
touyasdoll · 3 years
NSFW, Minors DNI Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x reader
Request: bestfriend!izuku telling you how good of a friend you are while you let him pound into you aggressively in his apartment after another bad relationship even while you plead and tell him that this could ruin the friendship; "don't worry beautiful, you'll always be my bestie."
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: a cinnamon roll turns into a vengeance-fueled sex fiend 🥰 choking, degradation, filming/exhibitionism, revenge sex, impact play, biting, quirk play, unprotected sex, little bit of a corruption kink bc I can't help but want to ruin this man
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You rapped on the door to Izuku's apartment, pizza in hand, and an overnight bag slung over your shoulder. This'd become a frequent enough occurrence for you to know you'd probably be crashing here tonight, so at least this time you'd be prepared. Break-ups weren't usually easy on him, but this one took the cake, hence the comfort food and stash of feel-good movies in your backpack. You'd never liked the bitch anyway, and you'd told him so after the first time you'd met her. She lobbed one back-handed compliment after another in your direction, hanging off of his arm like he was a piece of meat that she had to protect from you, lest you swallow him up yourself. 'Oh, you have a lower back tattoo? Aw, s'so cute. I'd never be brave enough to get one there. You know, the connotations around it and everything.' 'Totally love your outfit. 'Zuku doesn't like that style though, so I'd never actually wear something like that.' He'd waved the idea off, saying 'she's just got a strong personality, she didn't mean what she said like that'. You rolled your eyes at the memory, cursing Izuku's forgiving nature. He thought too much of people to understand the dynamics of that type of psychological warfare that only the truly toxic bitches seemed to master. But where was she now? Choking on someone else's cock, no doubt. That's how he'd found her. In his apartment, no less. In his bed, throat jammed full of someone else. And so here you were, picking up the pieces of another doomed-from-the-start relationship. Half the women he went for were only interested in his up-and-coming status as a rising Pro Hero. The other half were just raging bitches. This one, unfortunately, had been both.
"Hey," Izuku's smile wasn't as wide as it normally was when he swung the door open, taking the pizza from you as he stepped aside to let you in. "Hey," you flashed him a sympathetic smile and stepped inside, setting your bag down on the couch as you entered the living room. "How are you doin'?" "I'm all right," he shrugged, shutting the door before he followed you in to the living room and placed the pizza box on the coffee table. "Don't really wanna talk about it. Thanks for coming over on such short notice." "Of course," you jabbed his side with a playful elbow, "Anything for my bestie." He cracked a smile and you nodded toward the couch as you offered him one in response, "C'mon, let's queue up a movie and dig in, I'm starving." "I'll grab us some plates," he nodded in agreement as he made his way in to the kitchen. The night was moving along in the same way it always did. Good food, good conversation. Hilarious commentary through the movies that each of you had seen at least a hundred times. You were curled up in the spot that you'd claimed as your own when he first bought the couch that you were sprawled out on, laying across the extra-wide chaise at the bookend of the piece of furniture. He was in one of his usual spots in the seat beside you, hand digging in to the party-sized bag of M&Ms he'd brought out as dessert for the two of you. "Is it all right if I crash here tonight? I didn't mean to assume, I just figured that I usually did, so I actually packed some necessities this time," you popped another candy in your mouth, turning your head to look up at him. "Yeah, I'd actually prefer it if you did," he smiled down at you before turning his attention back to the movie, "I don't really wanna be here alone tonight." "I get that," your lips pulled into a sideways smile and you sighed as you sat up, stretching your shoulders before standing, "Well, in that case, I'm gonna go change real quick. No need to pause or anything, I'll be right back." "Okay," he turned his head as you picked up your bag and he watched you walk down the hall, taking notice of the alluring way that your
hips swayed for the first time. The observation planted a terrible thought in his brain and sent an excess of blood pumping to his crotch. He shifted in his seat, shaking his head as if it would do any good to rid him of the thoughts now plaguing his mind. Thoughts of you, tits bouncing wildly while he fucked relentlessly into your tight, wet pussy. The image made his cock twitch. He shot up straighter in his seat, clearing his throat as he rubbed a strong hand over his thigh. "I miss any good scenes?" "What?" he responded with a little too much surprise in his voice, staring up at you with widened eyes. "Oh, uh, no. Nothing much happened." "O..kay. Y'all right?" you cocked a curious brow at him as you sat back down in your place, folding your knees to sit cross-legged. "Yeah, sorry," he struggled to focus on your face, barely able to keep his eyes level with yours when he could see from his peripheral how well the tank top you'd changed into hugged your breasts. "Just thinkin' about earlier." "Oh," you looked down, unsure of what to say in response. He took the brief opportunity to study your outfit, having to bite down on the inside of his cheek when he realized that you were braless, the outline of your nipples poking through the thin fabric. His eyes roamed lower, peeking at the apex of your thigh, visible within the gap between the tiny shorts you were wearing and your skin. "I'm all right," he tore his eyes away from your body, setting a hand on your knee as he looked at your face. "Promise." He fought the urge to slide his hand any higher as you turned to smile at him. "I, uh, do wanna ask you something though." He averted his eyes, feeling nervous for potentially the first time around you, "It's a little weird--and we totally don't have to if you're not comfortable with it--," he flashed you a reassuring expression as he continued, "but, would it be okay if I just..laid with you? Like, while we watched the movie?" "That's not where I thought this was going," you laughed, letting out the breath that you were subtly trying to hold in anticipation of his query, "That's totally fine with me, 'Zuku. Anything for you. 'Specially after what that cunt did to you." He half-shrugged, scooting himself onto the space of the chaise beside you, "Better off without her. I'm just glad I've at least got you," he laid back, propping his head against the back of the couch and tapping his chest, inviting you to join him. "What would you do without me?" A laugh left your lips as you laid beside him, turning onto your side as you unfurled your legs and rested your head upon his muscular pecs. "I'd be pretty lonely tonight," he mused, hooking the arm that was resting behind your neck around your arm, letting his fingers drift along your soft skin. "Thanks for everything tonight. For all the other times too. I know I've said it before, but I really appreciate you bein' here for me." "You don't have to thank me," you sighed comfortably, letting your body sink against his at you relaxed under his soothing touch. "You'd do the same for me in a heartbeat." "Yeah," he gazed down at you, speaking softly as he continued dragging his fingertips along your arm. "I would." You both channeled your attention back to the movie. Well, you did. Izuku had to work much harder to keep up with what was going on, despite having seen this particular film more times than he could count. In a word, he was distracted. Desperate to keep his hips pulled away from you, worried that you might notice the bulge pressing against his loose sweats, only remotely restrained by the compression of his boxers briefs. He tried to focus on the movie, he really did. But your skin felt so soft beneath his fingertips. His mind inevitably drifted to thoughts of what the rest of you felt like. "Mm," you readjusted beside him, propping yourself up on an elbow as you looked at him, "You all right if I turn around? Think my arm's starting to fall asleep." "Course," he nodded, lifting his arm to give you the space to turn over. "Thanks," you sighed as you
flipped over, wiggling against the cushion as you settled in to a more comfortable position and laid your head back against his chest. "You comfortable? Feels like most of you is halfway across the couch," you laughed, pointing with you chin towards his legs, awkwardly hanging off the edge of the chaise. "You can get closer, there's plenty of room and I don't mind, really." "Oh, uh, I don't know about that," he chuckled, trying to mask the nerves bubbling up in his chest. "Why? Just shut up and get comfortable. C'mon," you reached back and tapped a hand to his thigh, pulling it towards you and he relented. Carefully, he pulled both legs up onto the couch properly, trying to keep his hips straight. “Better?” You tilted your head back to look at him and he smiled in response with a nod. “Yeah, you more comfortable this way?” “Mhm, just tell me if I get too close. You’re pretty comfy, so I just might doze off here if you let me,” you brought your body closer to him, letting your weight rest against his frame. “Been a minute since you cuddled up to anyone, huh?” His voice was laced with a teasing playfulness. “Hey!” You nudged an elbow into his side, uselessly, as he just laughed it off. “You should be honored you’re allowed to get this close to me. Most men don’t have the chance.” “Because most men aren’t good enough for you,” he laughs, quiet and cautious, as he makes his first bold move, letting his arm drape over you as he leans in, turning his hips to the side, but keeping them distanced from you. “See? You understand,” you giggle along with him, relaxing into his hold and he does the same, sighing as he holds you with less apprehension and more ease. “You’re an exception. I don’t mind snuggling up with you.” “I’m honored,” he says, a little softer, pressing his forearm against your stomach as his fingers slip beneath the other side of your waist. The simple gesture made you feel completely snug and secure against him, but the way his capable fingers were gently pressing into your waist, applying just the right amount of pressure to a somewhat intimate spot, inspired an intoxicating amount of pleasure to pool between your thighs. “You should be,” you breathed, arching into him ever so slightly as you tried to keep your thoughts from clouding with desire. You shouldn’t have reacted at all. You should have taken a deep breath, steeled yourself and pulled away. You couldn’t have known how eager he was to touch you; you weren’t gifted with a mind-reading quirk. So you couldn’t have known how his resolve had been slowly drifting away. How drunk he was on the proximity you two had been sharing in the low light of his living room. How fucking hard his aching cock was at the moment. Until you felt it. The tip of his firm member pressing into your ass as you arched yourself in to him. You might have apologized, rolled away and pretended like it didn't happen. If it wasn't for the way he gasped, drawing in a shallow breath as his eyes fluttered shut, lip catching between his teeth as he desperately fought off the groan crawling up his throat. He lost. The sinful noise rang in your ears and your hips reacted before you could, rocking against his raging erection in earnest as you mewled, reaching an arm back behind his head as you grinded against his length. Instincts took over. He slid out from beneath you, pinning an arm on either side of your face as he settled himself between your legs, leaning closer to hover his lips just above yours while he rutted himself directly against your core. "'Zuku," his name left your lips as a wanton sigh as you searched his eyes, begging for some kind of sign that you could do this and it would be all right. "We can stop, if you want to," his voice was hoarse as he slid the outline of his cock against you again, this time with enough pressure to push your folds slightly open beneath your shorts. The sensation made your head spin, any thoughts of hesitation falling aside as you shook your head. "Don't stop, please," you wrapped your legs around him, fisting your hands
into his hair to close the distance between your lips. He moaned into the kiss, returning your efforts eagerly as his hands cupped your breasts, massaging them as he thrust his hips against yours repeatedly, picking up a rhythm as you both writhed against one another in pure carnality. "Are you sure about this?" His lips moved against yours, hands slipping beneath your top, waiting for your reply. "Yes," you whined, "please. Want you to touch me." He pushed your top up over your breasts without a second thought, tossing it aside as he attached his lips to your nipple, rolling the other between his fingertips as a groan vibrated against your skin. "So fucking pretty," he mumbled, mouth still full of you, "I'll touch you wherever you want. Make you feel so good." You moaned watching in ecstasy as he laved his tongue back and forth over your sensitive nipple, flicking it with the pink muscle occasionally, each sudden stroke of his tongue causing you to let out a little yelp of pleasure. "'Zuku," you were breathing heavy already, hands roaming down his sides to fumble with his sweats. "Wanna feel you too," he reached a hand down to help you pull off his bottoms, kicking them off as he stood up and lifted his shirt off his torso. The sudden lack of stimulation had you reeling, whining at the loss of friction. "C'mere," he took both your hands, pulling you to sit up before he tucked his hands beneath your thighs, lifting you as he stood and settled you around his waist. You gasped as he lifted you, the weightless sensation adding to the dizzying amount of lust fogging your brain as you wrapped your arms around him, leaving space to lean in and kiss his neck as he carried you down the hall. "Fuck, that feels so good," he came to a stop at the edge of the bed, laying you back and running his hands down your sides as he stood back up, hooking two fingers into your bottoms to pull them off, panties and all, in one fluid motion. You were stripped bare and completely vulnerable, watching his emerald eyes glimmer as they devoured your body, committed it to memory. Your better judgement chimed in, interrupting your thoughts of all the filthy things that you wanted him to do to you. He paused, trailing his fingertips up yours sides as he pressed a knee into the bed, hovering over you as he gauged your cautious expression. "What's wrong?" He spoke softly, cupping your cheek in his hand. "This isn't going to change anything, right? Between us, I mean," you propped yourself up on your elbows to meet his eyes. "I don't want to risk anything bad happening between us." He smiled and shook his head, leaning in to kiss you. When you didn't pull away, he connected your lips, moving his soft, slow, and hungry against yours, "No," he said as he pulled away for air, "don't worry about that." That was all the convincing you needed for now. You pressed your hand to his pecs, giving them a gentle squeeze as you groaned against his lips on yours. "Then fuck me, please," you begged, caving in to your most primal desires as the need to be filled overtook your every concern. "Fuck me better than you fucked her.” "Oh, fuck, baby," His eyebrows knit together as his mouth fell open in a primal groan, his strong hands each grabbing a thigh and bidding them to part as he moved between them. The tip of his cock brushed against your entrance, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from you. He took notice and seized his throbbing member, smacking it against your exposed clit before dragging it between your folds, watching your reaction through hooded eyes as you mewled needily beneath him. "You want me to fuck you better? I'll fuck you better, baby," he lined himself up, slipping into you with ease, but moving inch by inch, dragging out the delicious feeling of him positively filling you up as he pressed his lips, dressed in a smirk, to the shell of your ear, making you shiver as he whispered, "Anything for my bestie." "Fuck, 'Zuku," you cried, clenching around his thick cock, "s'so big." He groaned in reply, stilling his hips as he bottomed
out inside of you, allowing you to adjust, "Ssh, I know, but you can take it." You relaxed, feeling your walls stretch around him more easily as he began thrusting. All you could do was grasp at the sheets, fisting your grip into them as his cock began kissing your cervix, pulling the most sinful noises from yours lungs as well as his. "Zuku, oh fuck, 'Zuku!" you arched your back, eyes clenched tight as you braced yourself for your impending orgasm. Your expression spurred him on, hips snapping forward faster as he slipped his thumb over your clit, "You wanna cum for me? You can do it, pretty baby. Cum all over your best friend's fucking cock." Your eyes popped open, mouth hanging agape as you screamed a slew of curse words, your vision locked on Izuku. The sight was certainly one to see. Him, sweaty and vibrating on top of you, slamming his cock into your quivering hole, not so much as slowing to allow you to come down from your release. "Feel good?" He was breathless, but he never faltered as he continued to pound into your soaked pussy, both hands gripping the back of your thighs as he lifted them up, using his hold on them as leverage to bring his feet beneath himself, pressing your knees to your chest as he folded you into a mating press. "FUCK!" You whined helplessly, voicing pitching up as you cried out over and over again, screaming obscenities each time his massive cock assaulted the wall of your womb until you were falling apart all over again. He took mercy on you this time, dropping back to his knees as he slowed his pace, his cock still throbbing inside you as your velvet walls continued to suck him in. Your senses slowly returned as his lips met your chest, suckling on your breasts as his hands held your waist, holding your limp body in place as he moaned and took your nipple between his teeth. "'Zuku," you muttered weakly, chest heaving from the after effects of your second orgasm. "What, beautiful?" His lips crawled up to your neck, hands sliding down your sides to grab yours hips as he lazily rolled his against them. You'd already gone so far, what was one step further? You debated your next words, weighing the risk versus the reward. Debated for so long, that he pulled away and propped himself up to look at you, tucking your hair behind your ears as he spoke with a gentle tone. “What is it? Are you upset? I ca—,” he stilled his hips, moving to pull out of you as you caught his wrist. “No,” you rushed to reply, “no, not that. I just, I wanted to ask, have you ever..used any of your quirks in bed? Specifically..black whip?” "No," he narrowed his eyes, a devious smirk creeping across his freckled features as he resumed his thrusts, moving fast enough to make your tits bounce as he held up a palm and raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you want, to be tied up? Who knew my sweet little bestie liked it rough?" "Mm," you chewed your lip in anticipation, muffling the moans you swallowed as he impaled you. "I bet I can take a lot more than that fucking bitch could. Tie me up. Smack me around. Choke me with your hand or your cock, I don't care. She never let you do whatever you wanted, huh? But I fucking will." He shook his head in disbelief, eyes wide with surprise, hanging on every word pouring from your filthy mouth. "Do whatever the fuck you want to me," you panted beneath him, cupping your breasts as you tweaked your nipples, groaning louder as you met his thrusts with your hips. "Fuck me like you mean it. Ruin this tight little pussy with that big, fat fucking cock of yours until you forget about that fucking whore." You gasped as black tendrils surrounded you, binding your arms to your sides as he slipped out of you and flipped you suddenly on to your stomach. His cock pressed against your ass as he loomed over you, teeth scraping against the skin of your shoulder while he grabbed your hips and forced them up. He slipped his cock between your folds, diving in and setting a brutal pace as a hand closed around your neck, squeezing your windpipe while a gruff voice whispered in your ear.
"You're the best fucking friend I could ever ask for," his fingers tightened as your eyes rolled back, earning you a triumphant smirk from him. "Sure hope you don't regret this."
You sputtered, gasping for air as he released your airway, but he only gave you a moment to draw breath as he shoved your face down into the mattress.
"Your pussy feels so fucking good," he leaned back, digging his fingertips into the plush skin around your hips as he aimed to hit harder, deeper. He threw his head back, a strangled moan leaving his lungs. "If I'd known you were such a good whore, maybe I'd have fucked you sooner."
You laid there, feeling every inch of him slide into your overstimulated core as you were helpless to do anything about it. Face down, ass up, your clit being battered by the slap of his heavy balls each time he sheathed himself within you.
"This how you like it, huh?" He struck your ass, his cock growing impossibly harder as he watched your cheek turn red beneath his touch. He did it again, grunting in gratification as the shade of the mark deepened. "This what you wanted from me? For me to beat this slutty fuckin' ass of yours?"
"Yes, oh shit, 'Zuku," you scrambled to form your words before the ability to do so slipped away from you, "'Zuku, wait. Phone. G-grab your phone. Don't get my," you sighed, mewling anxiously beneath him as tears pricked your eyes, "just don't get my face, b-but get my tattoo."
You didn't have to say more. His eyes sparked with devious delight as he paused his motions, giving you only a moment of rest as he leaned over and snatched his phone from the nightstand.
"You're so fucking dirty," he opened his messages, finding their text thread and clicking the camera button, then he swiped over to video mode and pressed record as he resumed his actions, "I fucking love it."
He held the camera over where your bodies met, losing himself as he watched your pussy hug his cock, clinging to it, dripping all your juices around it as he moved in and out.
"Shit," he sighed breathlessly, picking up his pace as he groped your ass, spanking you again and groaning at the sight of your marked up as on the phone screen. "Say my fuckin' name."
"'Zuku," you moaned, slamming your hips against his with as much leverage as your could manage in your restrained state.
He cracked his hand across your cheek again, harder this time, "Louder."
"'Zuku! Oh, feels so fucking good when you fuck me, Daddy."
He didn't hesitate to click send.
"Fuck yes," he tossed the phone aside, seizing your hips with one hand and your clit with another as the black tendrils dissipated from around you. "Cum for me. Wanna cum with you, baby."
Your body had no choice but to heed his command. You buckled, legs turning to jelly as your walls spasmed, milking his cock as he shot hot spurts of seed inside you, watching intently as it formed a ring around his cock, still sliding inside you as he groaned and growled.
He collapsed beside you, shuddering as he let out a shaky breath when he pulled his cock from your leaking core.
"Fuck. Oh, fuck," he stared up at the ceiling for a moment, collecting himself while you did the same. "I can't believe we just did that."
"I can't either," You turned your head to the side to look at him. "You better not get all weird around me now."
He chuckled and reached out to you, pulling you into his chest, "I won't. Promise."
His phone chimed once. Then twice. Thrice. Four fucking times in succession. You popped up, stretching a hand out to grasp it from the edge of the bed before laying back beside him and swiping open the thread.
'Are you fucking kidding me?'
'Bet she can't even fuck you properly.'
'Enjoy your second-rate whore. Knew that bitch was trying to get at you.'
'Fucking disgusting prick. I never liked you anyway.'
He shook his head, laughing as he read the messages, "I really can't believe you suggested that, but boy am I glad you did. That felt good."
"She deserves worse, the fucking whore," you moved to set his phone aside, but paused when another text came through.
''Zuku, wait. Can't we talk about this? I fucked up, you fucked up. Let's try again? Please 🥺 let's talk about it..'
You scoffed, unable to contain your laughter as you showed him the message and he joined in with you.
"The nerve of this bi--," the ring of his cell cut you off and you exchanged glances, before you decided for him and answered, putting it on speakerphone.
"Hello?" You glanced at Izuku, who was holding his breath.
"Put him on." Her tone was venomous. He raised his eyebrows.
"Who?" You played dumb. "Oh, Zuku? No can do, sweetheart, he's too busy fucking your stench out of his sheets." His lips pressed tightly together as he stifled a laugh.
"Put. him. on."
"Put him in? Honey, he's already balls deep inside me. Why don't you try back later? If you're mouth isn't too full to talk."
You hung up and Izuku burst out laughing, chuckling as he pulled you back to his chest and pressed a kiss to your temple.
"Thank you for that," he sighed, his laughter trailing off as he closed his eyes, rubbing your back as he held you on top of him. "I needed all of it. Now, lemme take care of you, okay? I've never been that rough before, so I'm a little out of my depth, but would it help if I draw you a bath?"
"Only if you join me," you smiled sheepishly, feeling a bit silly for suddenly feeling bashful as if he wasn't rearranging your insides but a few minutes ago.
"Of course," he shrugged nonchalantly, "who else is gonna rub your back?"
"You mean you're gonna blow my back out and then massage it?" You shook your head, smiling as you propped your chin up on his chest, "I really hit the lotto on having you as my best friend."
"Nah," he stroked your cheek, smiling softly. "I did."
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getoswhore · 2 years
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ᥫ᭡ ─ HAPPY NEW YEAR! ⸝⸝ bestie appreciation post!
okok, i’ve made some amazing moots— besties* (cause once we meet on this hell site of an app, we automatically 4lifers ‘n your mine forever xx <33) 🤪🤪 like, augh, i never knew i could meet such amazing and genuinely sweet people on here, especially in the span of a few months. like?? 😳😳 that honestly just proves to show how lovely and amazing y'all are :”))) so cmere ‘n gimme a big sloppy new year's kiss!! 😈🖐
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@gothmikasasupremacy — my bestie, my love, my everything tbh :(( like you rlly mean so much to me. you've been here for me since forever, since wattpiss!1?1!1 like phewww, can't believe you're sexc ass has stuck with me for this long :”))) you rlly mean a lot to me, like sm. you've been there for me, through everything tbh, and you've always made me smile through the hardest times :”) so cmere ‘n gimme kiss.
@shujisdailyshow — omfg jackie :( my love, my world, my leedle meow meow :(( i love n care for you sm :(( like augh, i hope you truly know that cause after everything we gone through, i will go through all it again cause i care sm for you. </3 anything n everything for you bb :(( also, you're so fuckin sexc 😳🖐 like, pls squish me with those pretty ass thighs n smother me n smooches—
@rynfushiguro14 — omfg you've been here for me since forever and i just want you to know that i rally care for you, like, you really do mean a lot to me. like all of our memories are so fuckin funny, literally, everything we've spoken about was a good time :((( pls you're so funny, you always make me smile n laugh, like you for are an amazing bestie, could never ask for more. <33
@tohokuu — this whore dkfkdnf pls i love you sm. tbh, though we may not interact sm, but when we do, you always make me smile 🥺🥺 pls, you're so funny n your writing is purely amazing, literally art. like how mf, you made me into a mf kpop stan, that's how good you are at writing. i stan you ngl, also, pls you are so pretty, just wanna smother my mf face in your—
@sauza — monty fuckers deserve everything!! plus, your sauza, you deserve the world anyways. 😌😌 but in all seriousness, you fr are just the sweetest n funniest person, like how can you have it all 🙄🖐 share your talent mf. <33 i lob you sm, n i hope you stick with my annoying ass 4lifers cause i rlly do care for you sm bb. :”))))
@dilftaroooo — my leedle fav meow meow 🥺🖐 pls, you are so fucking funny you always make me giggle n queef a lil every time i see you on my dash or when we interact. but augh, you tbh were my first few moots that i have made on this app, n i just wanted to say, thank you, thank you for sticking with my annoying ass self, beautiful!! MWAH!1!1
@earlesskitten — just cmere so i can smooch you. you are fr the most sweetest human being. like, you always make me smile sm 🥺🥺 skfmsmfn i care for you sm, n am always here for you okay, taiji? and your writing is also just so MWAH SPARE SOME TALENT TAIJI PLS SKFSK
@trippingbunnies — you + me = 4lifers. i love talking to you so fucking much cause everytime we do i always feel a connection and get closer with you. like it makes me so happy that you trust me enough to speak about some topics, and that makes me must feel so loved. SO CMERE N GET SOME HUGS N KISSES CAUSE YOU DESERVE IT N SM MORE BB!1!1!
@koutaroulogy — ok, tbh we were closer on watt n sorta drifted on tumblr, but that's perfectly okay, cause i still hold that same admiration n love for you thea bb 🥺🥺 ik you're not as active on here, but every time i see your post it makes me smile, cause i see you're doing well n still thriving, cause you deserve thatr and sm more bb. kissy kissy!1!1
@fsrintaro — my literal wife. you, honey, the sweetest person ever. you make me blush sm, like augh, you don't understand how much i truly love interacting with you. cause you always make me smile n blush, got my toes curling in all 🥺🖐 you rlly do deserve everything n everything cause eeee you're too nice n it makes me want to just smother you n kisses. <33
@voidcamz — i miss you sm 🥺 like i truly do 🥺🥺 ik your on hiatus but gotmgmfk grrr i miss you :(( i miss having our funny and serious convos together :”(( i miss sharing our horny thots together n thirsting love big beefy men like wild animals together dorkdkkd but honestly, your a moot i never wanna lose contact with 😔🖐 so bestie, when you come back pls TELL ME FIRST MF GRRR BARK—
@poiseuns — okay, phewww, you've been here with me since my watt 😟🖐 n that just proves to show how much of a bestie you rlly are fkcnskck jes, ik we don't talk much, but ik when we do i always have that feeling like, “oh she does care for me” N *SNIFF* YOU JUST MAKE MY HEART SWELL ALL THE TIME— n also, pls, YOU MF are so fucking talented i will rip my womb out for a sliver of your talent 😁👍
@diaphanoso — you n me need to kiss rn— every time we interact it's always so nice n supportive 🥺🖐 pls, you are just too sweet n deserve sm recognition with your talent like AUGH YOU ARE SO AMAZING AT WRITING GRR BARK. pls, i hope you take care, n hope we can become closer moots :”))) cause you seem vv funny n PLUS YOU'RE LIKE SUPERHOT—
@blessedfatui — horny little puppy— I STILL LOB YOU. AKFKSK you've been here for me since mf watt 😟🖐 and you've stuck with me since. ESPECIALLY THROUGH SOME RLLY HARD TIMES :”)) so you rlly are n a special place in my heart cause augh we've been through some shitty stuff on that app n still pushed through together bb :)) i lob you sm. ty.
@vlyntage — vlynn 🥺 my world 🥺 my little sweet cheeks 🥺🥺 KSKFKS PLS I LOB YOU SO FUCKING MUCH. i never wanna lose someone as sweet as you :”((( pls, you are just everything n so supportive i can't handle it skfmme just wanna hold you forever n smother you in kisses cause you only deserve the best things in this world with your cute self. <33
@bimbokutos — mf omfg pls, you need to be strapped down n kissed BY ME. skgmskfk ofmgmfm i lob you sm, everytime i see you infesting my inbox it always makes me smile n tbh, rlly motivated ngl. you keep me from wanting to describe NGL SKFKS LIKE THE INTERACTIONS WITH YOU ARE ALWAYS MAKING ME SMILE SO PLS I LOB YOU SM FOR THAT N YOUR CUTE SELF!1!1
@luciuslut — you've also been here for me since watt n have always supported me all the way through 🥺🖐 ofmgmg pls, i lob you sm heather like you don't understand how grateful i am to have you as a good moot. PLS TAKE CARE OKAY?? I LOB YOU SM, MWAH MWAH.
@kakuachoo — OKOK LILY MY BB OFMGMFG I LOB YOU N TBH I LOOK UP TO YOU 😳🖐 your writing is so perfect you don't understand how in love i am with it and how in lob i am with you— like not tryna sound weird but i do be lurking n binge your works 🏃‍♀️💨 also pls, you are so sweet n supportive, like you srsly deserve only all the good things in this world, MWAH.
++ @saintshuji @haitaini @suget @bnnynoir @ambrodias @devilzumi @saintshinobu @satosuguslut @chosophilia @6sens @whoreshijima @sakusins @yesamu @nymphobunnie @anthenais @nkogneatho @nanami-luvr @sunkeiji @luvrindou @01-20-1992 @leviskata @svnnyysvga @mtsuyas @r-indou @ztoji @rinesei @shvji @luvdrvg @cumfuyu @misss-chrisss @laudthingcat + so many more — though we may not talk so much and/or we just became moots (aka 4lifers), i still love you sm and am always here for you if anything!! would love to become closer moots babes. xx take care, MWAH!1!1!
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pop the champagne hotties cause it's a new year!!
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astrowithkaro · 3 years
Plz do a reading for october 3rd for LOB? THX
Language Of Birthdays: October 3 - Libra
[You can find the rest of the series here; or check out my masterlist]
The Day Of The Trendsetters
Those born on October 3 have their antennae out for social trends developing around them. They are not only adept at being fashionable but perhaps at setting fashion as well, at least within their social circle. They are very happy to have up-to-date-clothes, houses, cars, as well as ideas, and wish to be modern in every sense of the word. Yet they also have a sense of tradition and where they fit into it, which is the underpinning for their success.
October 3 people are expansive, and do not like to be pigeonholed. They are interested in everything around them and can become quite expert in more than one field. Those born on this day are people who let their spirits soar. They are exaltationists, yet critically so, and though they may be open to a variety of experience, manifest strong likes and dislikes.People born on October 3 take their principal profession very seriously, wanting to be the very best they can. Those October 3 people of exceptional abilities or in positions of authority can be idolized by their co-workers or peers who see them as a kind of paragon, or ideal representative. However, an intense and hard-driving approach to work can also make them subject to possible burnout.
There is always something of the role player about October 3 people, who are usually quite aware of the figure they cut in society and of the part they are playing at any particular moment. Prone to exhibitionism, those born on this day are never happier than when they are the center of attention in any gathering. It is extremely difficult for them to go unnoticed, and although they can spend long periods alone, they need to emerge periodically and be recognized for who they are.
October 3 people often feel they have to set the pace in their family or social group. They are rarely content to sit back and allow things to run their course, but have to take a hand themselves, no matter how mundane or ordinary the subject of concern. Personal taste is a matter of great pride to October 3 people and therefore being accused of bad taste a true insult.
Those born on this day are a curious blend of introvert and extrovert. They often demonstrate piercing insights into the inner workings of other people but may be reluctant to reveal what they know about themselves. Most October 3 people prefer to spend time with small groups of people, and can ultimately share their life with only one or two intimates. They may not want to allow time for family or children, but nonetheless can make good parents.
Those born on October 3 must be careful not to get caught up in superficiality, snobbism or status, which can have a particularly bad effect on their offspring as well as undermining personal relationships. Some born on this day could well be accused of cultivating friendships to advance their careers, and of wanting to be in with the right people.
Socially aware
Up to date
At various times in their lives, October 3 people may suffer from party-circuit or dining-out syndrome. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes, because of the social nature of their use, can hold an attraction for those born on this day, but should be controlled or eliminated if possible. Diet too often is subject to availability for October 3 people, who often take their meals on the run or "sandwich" them into a fast lifestyle. Many born on this clay can benefit greatly from slowing down a bit and arranging their time to allow for proper meals and regular exercise.
Don't neglect your spiritual development in a rush to keep with the times
Seek those abiding principles by which you can live your life, and concentrate more on your personal development
Don't get lured off the path
All that glitters isn't gold
Hehheh, heyyy bestie - hope you liked it!! Lmk if it resonated
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
i hear the storm is especially bad in the uk,,, take care bestie, don’t get swept away by the wind
I've been hiding away under my blanket all day to avoid it n looking out of the window. Half of everything in my garden has been chucked across to the other side ahdkahdoshrd
I was meant to go out into the shed today for sm but almost got my neck lobbed off by a tree branch that got whipped almost into my face so I went inside 😃
M good tho 😌💜💜
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 9
Even though I already befriended the Drenchen forever last time, I keep hanging around a swamp because I heard there was a SkekSil hanging around and I wanted to see him in his natural habitat.
Now that the Drenchen are my best friends forever (high five, Gurjin!), I have to save them from the Chamberlain doing Chamberlain things.
Mission: Bogged Down - Putrid Banks
"The heroes set out to aid a Drenchen encampment. Rumor has it that the Chamberlain has been causing trouble."
I hope he doesn't have any threaders. Thats too much mind control in one place.
Aw dammit a bunch of hostile Drenchen. I'm always fighting Gelfling! There's not going to be any left to unify after everything at this rate! Short-coming of the narrative, I guess. If it was set later in the timeline, we could fight Garthim and Crystal Bats.
Maybe the sequel should get on that, hint hint?
And there's poisonous swamp water everywhere!
My swamp dream team is Gurjin, Naia, Rek'yr, Hup, and Kylan.
Because they're my lowest levelled but also because Gurjin and Naia are Drenchen and are immune to poison swamp water.
Dammit, the Chamberlain told the Drenchen that my group were fugitives.
Gurjin, you're a prince or something, can't you do something about this?
Apparently not.
But things are going okay. Sure, I can't cross the swamp very effectively except with the pet Nurloc, Naia, and Gurjin but do you know what is very effectively?
Kylan and Naia as a combo. Mark plus Double Strike? Very good. Beating up all the fools/members of her own clan.
I've never used Defeaning Roar before even though its been on his movelist for a while but I love the graphic for it! It creates a blue energy shell around the unit which they bang ineffectually on with their fist! Its like noise proofing, for annoying mages!
Rek'yr, as you might expect from a desert guy, doesn't take well to the swamp. Most of the enemies that have attacked so far have ganged up on him. But he's still holding his own.
I'm very proud of my resistance group.
And then I gang up on the last guy, stack him with conditions, and kick the crap out of him.
Then Gurjin delivers a speech about freeing everyone from the Skeksis' tyranny which everyone is too unconscious to hear.
Its a feel good victory.
Rek'yr learned Evasive (passive +15 evasion), Gurjin learned Tempered Stone (attack up for three turns if critical hit), Hup learned Friendship (he had this all along (ok fine, buffs accuracy and critical chance to adjacent allied beasts)), Naia learned Flurry of Steel (attack and take your next turn sooner), and Kylan learned Aimed Shot (attack a marked enemy for massive damage).
Oops, Kylan got to level 5, so I have to start training him on Mender so he can be a Song Teller, like the prophecy says.
Gurjin and Naia will stay Stone Warden and Paladin respectively. Feels like good symmetry for them.
I'm just going around the wheel with Hup so he needs five more levels in Tamer so he can become a Potion Master.
Rek'yr I'm going to try to make a Grave Dancer because it sounds rad and because he flirts over funerary arrangements. But he's a level 5 thief now so I need to get him to Paladin, which means Soldier. Since I'm making him a fighty guy, I'm giving him the Dousan Axe.
Encounter - Putrid Banks - Fight a challenge to test your mettle
Always with the testing my mettle, geez.
Dang the swamp is full of darkened nurlocs and windsifters. This game is doing a slightly better job at making me remember the Darkening is an ongoing concern than the show.
Since encounters help you get more xp, I'm bringing my lowest levelled people Breg, Alyadon, Rian, Brea, and... Rek'yr? You just levelled!
New guy has to play catch-up a lot.
Well. That went well enough. Breg died. Poor Breg.
Rian leveled up so now I can start him on Stone Wardening so I can eventually make him the big-brained strategist of the resistance. And Alyadon levelled up so I can make her a tracker or thief. I forgot what the plan was for her. I don't have a dedicated Mender and she was one of those so maybe time to lean into that?
But if she's going to be in a basic job, I'm giving her nice things. A Dusty Tome so she can attack from afar, an Apprentice's Cloak because I was out of clothes, and a Pouch of Hollerbat Fur.
Decked to the nines.
Geez, you never get much money in this game. I feel like a really long time goes by between being able to buy next tier equipment for my party but other than grinding on Encounters (which don't give much) I don't see what I can do.
Mission: Creepy-Crawlies - Muddy Shallows
"Hot on the Chamberlain's trail, the heroes are stopped when they encounter an army of Arathim."
Dangit SkekSil!
My party is Breg and Rek'yr, doomed to always be the lowest levelled guys from some reason (its because Rek'yr just joined and Breg keeps dying), Brea and Boggi because a girl and her shouty dog is just classic, and Hup because Hup already knows Friendship.
The spiders talk, which I know they can do from the show but I don't think they've done in the game yet.
Gurjin: "Now he's convinced the Arathim to help him? We have to stop the Chamberlain and his manipulative ways."
Just keep Rian away from him. He's a good kid but way too easily swayed.
"Well this is not going great, what with all the spit but at least nobody as died so f- HUP NOOOOOO"
But despite spending much of the mission with most of my party hovering in low health, Hup is the only one who did die by the end. I'm surprised. Usually my team starts dropping like flies.
It occurs to me that this was a filler mission padding out a filler story arc padding out the show plot by having Chamberlain Up To Something.
Good news is that everyone level up!
Breg learned Evasive, Boggi learned Concentrate (Magic Up and Shell for one turn, take next turn sooner), Brea learned Landslide (Stun all adjacent units, nice), Hup learns NOTHING, Rek'yr learned to Shove people.
Mission: The Chamberlain's Deception - Drenchen Encampment
"The heroes reach the Drenchen encampment and confront the manipulative Chamberlain"
Well, I won't say no to kicking his butt a second and a half time and stealing his clothes again.
I do wonder if we'll get to fight more Skeksis besides the Chamberlain, the Hunter, and presumably the General.
Geez, this map is huge.
I'm bringing Deet, Gurjin and Naia (home turf), Kylan (because he's Naia's bestie), and Breg. Because I'm always bringing Breg. Poor guy needs more experience constantly.
Gurjin: "Begone Chamberlain! Your kind is no longer welcome, drainer!"
The Chamberlain: "Please... Skeksis come only to help Gelfling living so far away. We bring them back to the castle. GIve them much-needed food and supplies."
He has a trustworthy face, I say we trust him.
Rian: "Don't listen to him! He plans to drain you all for your essence!"
Then again, Rian is a protagonist. He might be right.
Chamberlain: "Wicked Gelfling spread lies! Capture the fugitives and skekSil will reward you all at the Castle!"
-me hits a Drenchen after they hit me-
Chamberlain: "You see! Gelfling here to hurt you"
I MEAN. It doesn't look good for us! 90% of what we do is roll into town and beat up other Gelfling!
Soo. I lost.
Its a bad setup. There's a lot of swamp water in the middle that Chamberlain can just sit on the other side of and lob his ridiculous 4 and 5 ranged apparently perfect accuracy confuse Please, Please and stun Spithead abilities across.
All the Gelfling enemies are Drenchen so they can cross the swamp water no problem or darkened armaligs which have ridiculous defense.
Chamberlain himself has 1000 HP. You only have to beat him but he plays keep away on the other side of the swamp. And if you try to keep out of his range, then he'll cross over but run away if you attack him too much. And he's seemingly immune to status effects.
Trying again with Rian, Gurjin, Naia, Brea, and Hup. The all-star squad.
And I lost again. Chamberlain is just too able to lock down the party with confuse and stun and not to mention converting your people onto his team. I even got his MP down to nothing and he still used an ability to I can't win via attrition either. And when you take out half the enemy units, he automatically goes hopped up on essence and can use Skeksis Friend to convert a confused team member.
I had Hup, who could clear confusion but he died.
Eesh, what a disaster.
Going to try Hup, Alyadon, Brea, Rian and Naia. Alyadon and Hup can both clear statuses, Brea and Alyadon can heal. Rian can hit things. And Naia can hit things but look cooler when she does.
Oh, shit I actually won. I lost everyone but Naia. Heck, I lost everyone but Brea, Alyadon, and Naia just getting across the swamp to where Chamberlain was. Hup and Rian both got cornered and slowly beaten to death =(
I had Alyadon mark the Chamberlain, then he executed her =(
I had Brea dreamfast to give Naia more MP, then two armaligs bumped her to death at the cost of their own lives =(
And then Naia did double strike AND IT WAS THE DRAMATIC LAST BLOW! GOOD STUFF!
I didn't denude the Chamberlain again but I did steal his Signet Ring and got a book of Drenchen legends.
The ring lets the equipped hero start battle with ten turns of Guardian's Blessing! Which means an auto-revive! I'd have to suck a lot to die in the first ten turns but STILL NEAT
Giving it to Naia, she more than earned it!
Drenchen Legends is a spellbook, grants a ranged magic attack with 30% chance to inflict poison. GIVING IT TO BREA, SHE EARNED IT! Plus, she loves to read.
And Brea and Naia levelled up, as befits THE LAST TWO PEOPLE STANDING.
Brea learned Channel (grant adjacent allies MP regen? YES THANK YOU) and Naia learned Retribution WHICH IS VERY APPROPRIATE FOR HOW I GOT IT (50% chance to counter attack melee attacks). I kept wishing Naia could counter the whole mission when she was confused and being slowly beaten to death by a mender.
I spent some of my battle spoils giving some teeth to Gurjin and Rek'yr and buying Brea some bat fur.
And thats where I leave off because that is just enough for right now. I really thought I'd just be stuck at this point and have to grind on bar fights!
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Germany to Eurovision with two total strangers turned friends overnight
First, S!sters, let me tell you how it works, hey!
I am never too sure why but German national finals just almost NEVER work in my exact favour. Granted, I have forgiven them for Roman Lob because I have had literally no other reason to hate him other than “eww he’s winning every single Unser Star für Baku show bar one he’s such an easy winner”; and maybe Michael too because my only vitriol towards him was that he’s such a great soul... but only on his non-ESC stuff? If I had anyone else at the time, it would have obviously been the energy of Xavier Darcy and his song too! But at the same time Xavier would have placed worse than Michael so I’ll assume that Michael was actually the best possible choice for Germany at the time? Sorry, voXXclub, Ryk and Ivy Quainoo fans.
But god damn Germany, you could have given us just at least SOME ounce of competitiveness this year, couldn’t you??? And you'll know exactly why do I feel this certain way about this next target of my reviewing. Meet Carlotta Truman and Laurita Spinelli that were assembled specially for the German national final (which hopefully gives you a bit of a heads-up of where are the things going) and have a song written especially for them to pretend to be something they are actually not looking like to be, without their involvement... this songwriting camp experience has turned them into S!sters. Got that? Even the exclamation point part? Good, because you'll probably never hear of neither them, nor their song "Sister", ever again. Just like it is accepted for a German entry as of lately, I suppose.
It starts off innocently enough, with the music-box-y sound, and then quickly escalates into the singing on top of a different set of instruments. If there’s one thing I can’t fault this song for, it’s the instant relatability levels this song hits you with: “I’m tired”, “I’m tired of competing”, “I’m sorry for the drama”, “I tried to steal your thunder”... if these aren’t moods. Now what does this message tie into? Of course one of the songwriters (Laurell Barker) talked about the message of it being somewhat related to women who get aggressive with one another for things and I think I remember that the choruses represent their unity or so. However, I’d like to interpret it a little differently. If I consult myself of the meaning of this song for myself, it is somewhat indeed about two sisters that find it hard to get along a LOT (e.g.: me and my sister irl), but the chorus represents that in the end of the day, they’re still sisters, therefore, they’re each other’s family parts and the “fire” burning in between of them is the sign of the by-default sisterly bond and that it can be strong. If I listen to Laurell, however (and I should because it’s HER song and HER interpretations should be official), it’s two women who probably compete for a man’s attention and get angry at each other when they either receive something from that man (”how dare you get more flowers from him than me!”) or they don’t (”it’s your fault he didn’t look at either of us today!”). At the end they’re just “tired of competing” and “tired of always losing” and secretly accept the fact that they should just get the man notice them both equally so he can hang out with two chick of one’s price, all at once. ^^
But what about how the song sounds? Well, that’s the problem. It’s just your standard average pop tune that doesn’t offer anything fun nor exciting. It uses simple instruments (guitars, music box), simple melodies (the main leitmotif progression on this song is C - E - lower B - C), even the simple stage presentation (the girls were dressed in black for this song on the NF). Simplicity is key, but for a country like Germany, they often tend to wander off into a painfully average or just plain ‘misunderstood-idea’ category. Cascada had a good tune but in a rapidly evolving Eurovision their act just looked completely uninspired - just some chick with a mediocre dress dancing on stairs with random camera shots to the backings. While the others were even more fun and intriguing (or diaspora overvoted them). Elaiza for some reason was uninteresting for most songwise, to say the least. Ann Sophie wasn't so bad but the German staging director did not get the gist that turning your ass against Europe is a no way points magnetiser, not even from the thirsty guys looking for attractive Eurowomen. Jamie-Lee was so-so but she refused to let her otaku look go away for her Eurovision performance, therefore everything looked so confusing and there was no absolute point in anything, not even in those laser trees. And Levina was... ehhhhh... and like someone said on Twitter few days ago, this was a song with no staging. It's sad to see Germany sending something cookie-cutter but it's even more awful when they send something remotely decent but their staging sucks at the end. Even the one for "Sister" is not gonna feature the spinning platform they had in the NF originally for Tel Aviv, that's a shame.
Well if there’s something I can admire the song for is that the girls kind of sound good when they do the song live? Unlike San Marino 2018 (which is also two girls only paired for a national final that never knew each other in their lives but having to pretend to be besties after winning the NF they sang on), they truly sell the thing nicely without making it out to be a mess. The spinning platform might have helped a bit more and with it being gone so is the magic I guess, but I guess the ladies might make it work some more at SOME point (at least with their singing)... Also the structuring of the song is pretty smeared out but interesting. I'd expect them to go "oOoOo SISTER! WahOoO SISTE-ER!" after the whole chorus but Carlotta and Laurita are rebels - they use it after half a full chorus, omitting the second chorus line. And they manage to somehow bring that chorus back, so they can end it with proclaiming once more that something "[shines] like city lights, torches in the skYYY". Then they go all like "don't you try to hiiiiide iiiit, dON'T YOU TRY TO HIIIIIDE IIIIIT... SISTER!" and the music box closes everything. Bookends. And its simplicity is nice enough to not bother me, and the instrument touches (again, guitar, and they even tried to make the chorus slightly majestic, with strings I suppose, and thise backings that repeat the song's leitmotif melody) are quite delightful in itself, so that it wouldn't be boring, melred out vanilla with maple syrup - instead it's a bit more 'orchestral' vanilla. It's vanilla that's at least accompanied with some vocal strenght. I do imagine playing just that "oOoOo SISTER" part alone in a background of a fancy ball, with red carpet, punch bowl, silver sparkly dresses and chandelier lights. Everything of there filmed from top view until camera pabs to someone that looks like Anne Hathaway.
In the end I actually kinda like this, and I even liked Levina to some degree 2 years ago (but wasn’t fond of Jamie Lee and Ann Sophie, the better of the average German entries). It stands its ground out more than them - it has more going on for itself without needing to sound like a ripoff of another song or an anime fangirl staging. It has some nicer things going on for itself that I could care about (like the ‘orchestrale’). I have a feeling I might not like the girls' chemistry on stage and that it won't transmit to the viewing audience’s TV screens though, but more on that on the below résumée:
Approval factor: It’s... approvable, nothing much of complete approvable, but the feeling of liking this is there, so go ahead with it Germany...
Follow-up factor: Do I need to say more on this? You know what, these last two years for Germany proved that they decided to not improve on their result, Michael Schulte was just a fluke and if the Germans were more cloudcuckoolanding on last year’s German NF, they would’ve sent that only vanilla NF song they had in there...
Big 5 factor: If (emphasis on “if”) S!sters are staged nicely - decent vocals (no voicecracks like Levina), a bit better staging, “believable” chemistry - they maaaay escape bottom 2 at best, maybe even explore some more beyond the bottom 5... if anything else fails, bottom 5 is locked. I mean, they have plenty of places to fuck up in, like, making the girls look way too fake happy at each other at the end, or just let them scream “SISTEEEER” at each other with no mutual emotions exchanged at each other. Just like Italy was feared to look like last year - two men yelling angrily/passively-aggresively at each other. So can be S!sters, but the catch is that they’re’nt the fan faves. And they’re singing in English. And barely anyone of the “locals” would care about them anyway, just like the Eurofans don’t. (Also can S!sters get better stage clothes for Eurovision? Please? That’s just my flop suggestion, idk if it will give them better points but I would dress Laurita in a white suit (white crop top, white coat, white pants, even the stilettos white). Just because... they could play ying-yang with each other. Laurita can still have red lipstick on if she wants btw)
Soooooo, Unser Lied für Israel. To be honest with y’all, this wasn’t a very favourable edition for me because, for one, I have never heard of any of those final NF acts. Wish they admitted Kasalla to the lineup, so then I could’ve had another clear favourite next to the first one down below that I’ll be talking about in this bonus. Second of all that... like I said, I wasn’t very hyped about this NF much unlike last year, where even some “who is she where did you find her” people tried their asses off to be appealing, and hey, a mediocre German NF filler-declared-winner did not win for once! (instead she went for judging talents in her actual home country and even danced a bit to that country NF’s winner song while it was performed as a competitor) This year, not only don’t I have an act that I would actively mourn of its NF loss, but also aside from my apparent favourite, the songs weren’t even that likeable by me. Yes, a lot of them were nice and Germany certainly upped their game, but I feel the same way I felt with Dora - only one good song, then another decent favourite that I have I guess, but that’s it. Let’s find out who won this NF for me and some other things:
• Look Germany, I found you your saviour you seemingly rejected! Well yeah fine, she didn’t do well with the international jury and S!sters did (only because the biased German juror pushed them into 1st), but let’s all agree her song would be a-bangin’. Meet Aly Ryan and her stylish synthpop tune “Wear Your Love”, complimented with a cool stage show, with projected stripes and everything! The expert jury rewarded it with 12 points rightfully, I’d say. Germany should’ve followed suit :) (also the trumpets remind me of a British NF fan flop from last year, “Legends” by Asanda. Is it just me???)
(this might as well just not matter anymore now that Aly’s management thought that it’s the best idea to block the fans that go to her DMs... granted that some artists could really use some privacy Instagram-wise, but that’s what disabling DMs is for. At least Aly still has fans though, unlike most other ULfI candidates. She should have enjoyed her attention, no? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) UPDATE: despite this people still would’ve wanted to see Aly win, and I agree. Some minor things are forgotten anyway and the artists are loved still if anything.)
• Not necessarily my favourite now but there was this cool chick going by the moniker Lilly Among Clouds. Nothing particular in her song “Surprise” sounds like there’s a happy sky with few clouds - it’s very much so a cloudy sky with a slightly dramatic storm coming out of them, complemented with Lilly’s bold vocals and the tone in her voice, and those orchestrals were something (and this song has an orchestral-based music video if anything). The song dragged in between a lot of the parts (verses felt like a passenger in a vast desert and the choruses were like a big oasis) but maybe those in-between song parts were to signify the calm before the storm, the warning before the “surpriiiiiiise”. Would have been a bold choice for Germany, this chick. Oh and I didn’t put a video down below (instead it’s linked somewhere) because I still have this screenshot on my phone. I love it.
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• Besides those two, there also were two other remarkable ladies, and they they have a lot of things in common, besides their dark skin and that they’re ladies - BB Thomaz and Makeda. Two powerful ballads and two powerful vocals! Granted they were not my faves (I like 1,5 of both those songs combined though) but I admire their singingwork. It was magical. Not to mention are their songs themselves - BB Thomaz sang “Demons”, a quite personal song about overcoming one’s fears, bullying, naysayers, depression and everything like that, and also spawned this iconic line I am probably going to use on my T-shirt someday: “my demons can go and *dramatic thump* themselves!”. But I would’ve liked it more if the whole song sounded just like the verses - granted, it makes sense for her to go all showtune-y happy when she declares that her demons can go and *you know* themselves as she’s no longer dependent on them, but I found the choruses cheesy either way. Whereas Makeda, the sweet lil lovely gal, decided to go for a romantic ballad about not hating a guy after he breaks her heart. Her song “The Day I Loved You Most” is one big role model of mine now when it will come to my future relationships: I will never have to worry about the days when my non-existent future BF is a dick to me - instead I will rather cherish the good ole’ days in my heart without whining big time about our broken-off relationship! Yeah that’ll do I suppose. It was a nice ballad to me. Makeda also nailed one damn big great highnote live and that’s how I understood why International Jury and Eurovision Expert Jury loved it so much. Televote dares sink Makeda and uproot S!sters? For shame. Inb4 y’all ask me “but what about the other two?!?” - lol they’re not worth your attention. They’re just twink songs. I like one of them enough to be my 2nd of ULfI, but lbr, no one and absolutely no one, cared about them. That’s all.
• This NF started off with the hosts collectively attempting to make “You Let Me Walk Alone” sound somewhat funny? idk? and then Michael came back to save his own goddamn song out of the entrance door from the audience and right onto the stage <3 amazing. 
• Yet again, I commend the hosting of this show that has, and how much does it try to make a knock-off Eurovision, ever since last year ❤ Starting with the logo, continuing off with live commentary during the ending and the beginning of performances, including interval acts, and a sequenced voting ❤ One of the few complaints I have is that the postcards seemed waaaaay longer than each individual competing entries? I know I tl;dr with my reviews a lot here but some NF shows just get out the stories of singers' lives rather quickly and painlessly...
• ULfI decided that it'd be a good idea to outrival Festivali i Këngës in terms of ridiculously unnecessary interval acts. Yeah. There was this cowboy guy with glasses doing his own tunes, then him again on another interval act (I forgot but wasn’t his name Udo?), then Lena at some point (one of the better interval acts actually), then Michael Schulte, then this one dude from a band Revolverhed (who later voted as part of the International Jury as the German juror and... 12′d S!sters out of his The Voice mentor bias for one of his ladies. Yeah yeah, rigging...)... there were just a little too many, that’s what I’m saying.
• Now how exactly did we all know of the victory of the S!sters? Why, with voting sequences, of course! At first we have had this international jury made up of random specific people, usually giving 12s to S!sters, Makeda or some other twink. S!sters won it, then came the Eurovision panel whose votes were co-read by ... GASP! WILLIAM FROM WIWIBLOGGS!!! ;O don’t worry though he did not dun goof anything this time - the 12 from the Eurovision panel went to Aly Ryan. Sounds hopeful enough, right?? Well, hell no, as then came the televoting results, announced by Mr. Jon Ola Sand and he announced the 12 to S!sters! Oh German televoting, why did you allow yourselves to be THIS brainwashed and decline the good progress since Michael???? I will never forgive Germany for pushing S!sters this far. Putting them up together last minute and also last-minute adding them to the lineup, giving them the pimpslot, making a person who knows one of the S!sters more personally a German 'representative' of the International Jury... unacceptable.
• IDK where to find this but there was this part of the winner reprise where the blonde S!ster (that’s Carlotta) was so overwhelmed with joy that she struggled to open her song straightforwardly and instead let all the tears and laughs(???) take over her. It’s obvious this happens during all those winner reprises that the winner cannot really contain their emotions for what joyballs the victories have rendered them to, but that moment still sticks out to me. The other S!ster (Laurita) was much more collected and later on both of them carried on the right track and sang the rest of this whole thing decently!
For now I’d just wish them viel Glück in Tel Aviv and I hope that their friendship last longer than Jessika’s and Jenifer’s from last year! (probably not because like these two, S!sters are bound to flop, and separate as immediately as the unfortunately-formed class group project participants, just like Jenifer from Jessika)
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“That’s my dragon.” [D.O.] (9/12)
Group: EXO Member: D.O Word Count: 1152 (chapter) / 13156 (total) Summary: Do Kyungsoo, stereotypical brooding genius who doesn't really play any role in your life... Until Dame Boah declares the two of you must take care of an dragon egg together to see who gets the chance to become a full-fledged Dragon Rider. With the stakes raised sky high, you struggle with your newfound archnemesis and your tumultuous relationship with him, learning a little (a lot?) about yourself along the way. Tags: Enemies to lovers
PART I  |  Part II  |  Part III  |  Part IV  |  Part V  |  Part VI  |  Part VII  |  Part VIII  |  Part IX  |  Part X  |  Part XI  |  Part XII  |  All
You were no stranger to friend fallouts. When you were a young impressionable preteen, you ended up punching your then-best friend in the face. For the next two weeks, the two of you brawled whenever placed in the same room. To be fair, you and Minho still fought nearly every time you met, but it was much more controlled now. When you were a teenager, you got caught up in a nasty bullying scuffle, and that was how you dropped your friendship with one girl and became besties with Amber instead. None of them had affected you in such a visceral way before.
“I’m a horrible person,” you wailed, blowing your nose on the flat sheet clutched in your hands.
Amber gagged and patted your shoulder with the tips of her fingers. Once your friend caught wind of your predicament, she dropped her planned activities to come see if you were all right. When she walked in on you bawling your eyes out and punching your pillow, she knew right away something happened. “You’re not a horrible person. You’re just…” She shrugged. “You tend to solve problems with your fists instead of your words.”
You lobbed your pillow at Amber’s head. It hit the young woman with a loud thump and dropped to the floor. Pushing down on her dishevelled hair, Amber glared at you.
You clenched your jaw. You hated this one thing in the world more than brussel sprouts, sand stuck underneath your toenails, and the sound of tearing parchment paper—knowing you did something wrong and that it was 100% your fault. You were never one for words as evidenced by your low grades in rhetoric classes. Ever since people brushed off your thoughts as a child, you wondered why people even bothered talking if no one ever listened. That belief stuck with you through the years.
You stared down at your bedsheets. “I can’t, Amber.” The words stuck in your throat, clogged by years of disuse and repressed emotions. “I don’t know”—you dug your heels into the mattress—“how.”
“Well figure it out,” your friend said. She contrasted her harsh words with a gentle pat on your head. “I know you can do it.”
“Thanks,” you snuffled.
Knowing you had to apologize to Kyungsoo was one story. Finding him was another. After turning up empty-handed at the nursery, the library, and his room, you realized that Kyungsoo had been right. You didn’t know much about him. You sighed as you passed the same tapestry once again. Why was everything so confusing? You hated visiting the male quarters.
You almost (keyword: almost) let out a yip of joy as you rounded the corner and bumped into Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo!”
Kyungsoo glared at you, and your stomach dropped. When he took a few steps back, your heart stuttered. This was it. You fucked it up so badly that he would never forgive you. But then a tall figure barrelled around the corner and Kyungsoo’s sullen expression made sense.
“You do not walk away from me.” Kyungsoo’s father towered above the two of you, a scowl marring his face as he reached out to grab his son.
You jerked your arm outward, blocking his path, instinct fueling your action. Sir Do recoiled as if burned.
“You are?” he asked, wiping his hand against his trousers.
You struggled to keep your knees from knocking against each other as you straightened your back and introduced yourself. You didn’t meet a legend every day, especially not someone you considered your personal idol.
“Ah.” Sir Do’s nose wrinkled. “The other trainee recommended to receive a dragon egg. Well, I am going to speak to Dame Boah about this oversight now.”
You mind froze, cogs creaking to an unsteady stop. “Oversight?” you asked.
Sir Do strode past you, knocking you out of the way. Kyungsoo put a hand on your shoulder to steady you as you stumbled backwards.
“Kyungsoo, come,” Sir Do commanded. “I will sort this out with Dame Boah, and the dragon will be yours. It’s ridiculous that its ownership was even a question in the first place.”
All thoughts of apology flew out of your brain, and you opened your mouth to speak. Kyungsoo beat you to the chase.
“Father, I will tell you once again. This attitude of entitlement goes against the rider code of honor. If the dragon is to be mine, it will be mine through my own hard work and dedication. Please don’t bring anyone else into this, especially not someone who has the skill and heart required to become a rider.” His lips trembled as he spoke, and you felt the urge to reach out and grab his hand.
Sir Do looked as if he had just stepped into a large pile of dragon dung. “Fine,” he sneered, “but remember your end of the bargain. I’ll be hearing from you by the end of the month.”
Kyungsoo’s mouth pressed into a tight line. “I will,” he said between gritted teeth.
As Sir Do strode down the hallway, you turned toward your friend. “You really mean that?” you asked.
“Mean what?” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and turned away from you, but you weren’t discouraged.
“You think I have the skill and heart to become a rider?” You held your breath. When Kyungsoo nodded ever so slightly, you let go of all restraint and flung your arms around the man. The words spilled from your lips, flowing freely like running water. “I’m sorry, Kyungsoo. I didn’t mean to say those things. I don’t actually think those things about you. To be honest, you’re one of the kindest and most talented people I’ve ever met, so please please…” You trailed off, unable to speak the words you wanted to say. Please don’t hate me. Please don’t leave me.
Kyungsoo’s gentle touch on your wrist nearly sent you into another crying jag. “I’m sorry too. I know you didn’t mean it because I didn’t mean what I said either. I was just…”
You finished his sentence. “I was just worried about you.”
You released your grip on him, and the smile he sent you when he turned around sent your stomach backflipping.
“Dinner?” he asked, touching your elbow.
Tingles spread from the area of contact, sending a flush across your cheeks. “Sure, friend,” you murmured.
However even as you enjoyed a light-hearted meal filled with banter and good food (the cafeteria was serving its famous salmon fillets), you couldn’t shake Sir Do’s words from your thoughts. Remember your end of the bargain. What bargain? To what end? What did Kyungsoo have to uphold?
But you always treated a newly repaired friendship like a recently healed wound, keeping the bandage on until the scab disappeared so that you wouldn’t pick at the edges and open it once again. Thus you kept your mouth shut, and the rest of the night passed without further complications.
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queenie-the-writer · 2 years
appreciation post — 4 days to one year!
where else could i start but with one of my first, longest, and closest friends. to think that if i never started this account i never would have met you, my platonic soulmate, loml. you’re there for me in the good times and bad and everything in between. you are one of the strongest, most selfless, beautiful, and kind souls i have ever encountered. words cannot begin to describe how much i love you
PERSEEEE. literally from the moment i saw your account i knew i wanted to be friends with you and i wouldn’t change that for the world. we haven’t known each other long but it doesn’t feel like it matters. you’re just super nice and fun to talk to and I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCHHHH
(HEY LOOK ANOTHER ONE OF MY POSTS YOURE TAGGED IN!) our friendship is a blur of account tips, life ranting, chaotic lateeee night convos (i’m talking 1am, possessed washing machines yk), screaming, fangirling, and a lot of other crazy shit. the fact that you literally just messaged me as i’m writing this at almost 12am proves my point i think. lmao love you to death cookie monster
you’ve literally been here since the beginning omg. honestly the sweetest person i’ve ever met through my account and to think we’ve been through this entire journey together is crazy. you beta read LoB and are one of the first and most hardcore fans of the story and characters (#ambriacult where u at). i cant even begin to express how grateful i am for you <3
sadly you aren’t active rn and idk if you’ll see this but i could not leave you out if my life depended on it. you’ve also been here since the start and are one of the most supportive friends i’ve met here. you beta read LoB too and became an instant fan, joining the ranks of the fandom and the #ambriacult, and i love you endlessly for that. i wish you all the best in your writing and your life and whatever comes next!
HI JORJA, MY WRITING BESTIE THROUGH AND THROUGH. it has been such a ride with you gsjdhskdbc i lwk trust you with my life. i am OBSESSSEDDDD with your wip and this is my formal request for mira’s hand in marriage (dw caed is welcome too as you know polyamorous relationship and such ;)). i love youuuuu but also hate youuuuuuu but also love youuuuuu at the same time
it was the bonding over sjm, more specifically crescent city and the release of hosab and ruhn danaan for us. ugh but no ilysm even tho we’ve only known each other for a few months you’re literally one of my besties and idk what else there is to say. you’re brilliant and funny and talented and so nice omggg ily hj <3
idk when i became the person you went to when you needed help brainstorming for your freaking IMMACULATE posts (i still don’t know how you post 24/7 maam) but it happened and it’s always when it’s late and i’m just abt ready for bed so my brain is wacko and yeah. you get it. granny needs her brian to rest. lmfao. tired brains + chaotic convos + post brainstorming = cOnTeNt and some great besties >>>
a bunch more amazing friends who deserve shoutouts <3
and one last thank you
which would be to you, wonderful reader of this right now. whether you’ve been here since day one or found my account just now; whether you left a like in passing or shared one of my posts to your story bc it made you laugh or you related to it or it helped you; whether you took the time to write me a comment or replied to one of my stories or sent me a dm just to say hi or how much you liked my account; thank you. if it weren’t for any of you, i would not be where i am today. i love every single one of you so much <3333
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baranskini · 7 years
Okay, I’m aware this is slightly unrealistic, because of course Diane has a spare room, but let’s pretend that she doesn’t for the sake of this fic. Also this isn’t a romance fic, just in case some of you get cold feet a few sentences in. Will and Diane have the most wonderful dynamic and I just adore getting a chance to play with them.
Disclaimer: Obviously I own nothing otherwise Will would be alive, drinking with his bestie Diane and Alicia would have gotten that slap a hell of a lot earlier.
Apologies for any mistakes – this is unbeta’d.
Hope you all enjoy and review!
“You know I love you, right?” Diane let out a low chuckle at Will’s question.
“Yes…” She drawled.
“You know I’d do anything for you, right?” Will continued, his tone leading but still slightly hesitant.
“I do.” Diane replied with a smile.
“And I think that my being here right now proves that,” He said cautiously; swallowing the lump in his throat as he watched her shoulders tense through the dim lights from the street.
“Yes,” She whispered back softly, rolling over under the duvet she shifted to look at him. There was silence as the pair merely stared at each other in the dark room. Suddenly this all felt too intimate, too real.
“You’re with McVeigh?” Will broke the silence and steered the conversation in a different direction. Diane blinked a couple of times before replying.
“I am,” She confirmed.
“So why is he not here, Diane?” He questioned bluntly but not unkindly. Will watched her eyes skirt around the room as she bit her bottom lip and shifted deeper into the warmth of the bed.
“Kurt’s in Washington.”
“The Hampton case?”
“Okay,” Will began, his eyes thinning in suspicion. “Except, you stay on your own all the time when he’s testifying, and even before him, you lived here relatively alone. So what changed?”
Diane let out a shaky breath which could have been a sob. “I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“You don’t need to be sorry,” He replied, flashing her a comforting smile.
“No, I do, this was silly, I’m a grown woman, I, I shouldn’t have asked you to do this!” She began fretting, sitting up and flicking the bedside light on, Diane pulled her knees to her chest and covered her face with her hands. “God, I’m so embarrassed!”
“Diane,” Will said sitting up too, and moving to envelope her into a hug; her head resting soundly on his shoulder as his fingers calmly combed through her hair. “Just tell me.” He implored after a few beats of silence.
Gathering her courage, Diane lifted her head to face him. Her eyes were slightly red from silent tears. Will smiled sweetly at his friend and took one of her hands in his, squeezing it lovingly.
“You remember when you first came to Chicago, and you did that stint with the DA?” Will nodded, patiently letting her tell the story. He was curious as hell as to why Diane Lockhart had requested he stay here tonight, but he let her continue at her own pace.  “One of the first cases you were assigned was Jeffery Spellman; a drug dealer, and I was opposing council?”
“Yeah, I remember, double homicide.” Will observed, trying to recall the case from over 10 years ago.
“Yes. He was convicted and during sentencing…” Diane trailed off, her voice small and meek, but Will didn’t need her to elaborate, the memory had come back to him in a flash.
The jury ruling. The grunt of anger from a bulking, bald man as he threw his chair back and shoved Diane to the ground. His large hands wrapped around her throat. The screams of the jury and the judge as Will, his co-council and the bailiff struggled to keep the man off her. The fear in Diane’s blue eyes as he screamed and vowed; I’ll kill you, you stupid Bitch. I’ll kill you for this. I will come to your house and I’ll fucking kill you. The judge had yelled for order and the man had been taken into custody. That had been the first night Diane and he had shared a drink together, she’d come to thank him for his heroism and he’s offered her scotch all the while trying desperately to avoid openly staring at the bruises forming on her pale neck. 
“God!” Will cursed at the memory.
Diane locked eyes with him, attempting a reassuring smile. “I spoke at his parole hearing a couple months ago, against release of course-“
“They didn’t!” Will gasped in disbelief and Diane merely nodded as he hugged her tighter, his hand holding hers and squeezing it almost painfully. “When was he released?”
“Jesus Diane!” He growled angrily.
“I know, I should have said something-“ She started calmly.
“Damn right you should have said something!” He admonished in anger.
“I’m sorry.”  She whispered quietly again and his anger subsided, he didn’t like seeing her like this. Diane was many things but never weak, never small, never afraid, and this behaviour scared him. Pressing his lips together, he pulled her head back to his shoulder comfortingly.
“Why now?” Will questioned after a while.
“Huh?” Diane frowned.
“He’s been out for almost two months.”
“At first I was nervous; I even had Kalinda get me a gun for a while.”
“No!” Will said in shock. Diane chuckled slightly at his awe.
“I did, went to the firing range and practiced shooting, everything!” She agreed quite proudly.
“Wow. That’s kinda hot actually, you firing a gun.” Will complimented, lighting the mood for a moment. Diane laughed, that rich, full laugh he so loved and for a second it didn’t feel like such a serious conversation anymore.
“Anyway,” She picked up the story. “I gave the gun back, it wasn’t for me, and then Kurt came back into the picture and even when I was alone, I put it out of my mind.”
“Until?” William prompted knowing there was more to the story.
“Until I got a call this morning informing me Spellman had broken his parole and hadn’t checked in in three days.” She finished quietly.
“Hence the sleepover.” Will added after a beat.
“Yes, hence the sleepover.” Diane moved to look at her friend again. “I know it’s silly, he could have come after me any time in the last two months, but getting that call today-“ She trailed off and Will could hear the fear in her voice. “I just didn’t want to be here alone tonight.” The pair sat quietly for a few moments before Will let out an exaggerated sigh.
“Well, thank goodness!” He exclaimed and Diane’s mouth dropped open.
“Excuse me!?”
“I was so worried!” He continued sarcastically. “I thought this might be a sad attempt at seducing me!”
“What?” Diane laughed out. “You thought my idea of seduction was asking you to sleep next to me; fully clothed after a dinner of cold pizza?” Her tone was shocked and if he was hearing correctly slightly offended.
“I didn’t say your plan had a whole lot of finesse!” He replied grinning and Diane shoved him away from her, reaching behind her for a pillow to hit him with.
“Will!” She screeched as he ducked out of her way hopping out of the bed and onto her hardwood floors. Will smirked as she lunged for him again with the pillow; her smile wide and bright.
“Okay! Okay!” He said lifting his hands into the air in surrender as she lobbed the pillow at his head. “I’m sorry I mocked your seduction technique!”
“That wasn’t my seduction technique!” She retorted offended.
“Of course not!” Will agreed condescendingly.
“Hey! If I’d wanted you I could have had you, okay Pretty Boy? I’ve seen the way you look at my legs!” She fired back hotly.
“They are great legs!” Will chuckled in agreement.
“Damn right they are!” Diane replied and the partners smiled at each other before both bursting into a fit of laughter.
“You’re pretty good at this comforting thing,” Diane noted as their laughter came to an end.
“Well, I try.” Will replied smugly, picking the pillow up from the floor and placing it back on the bed before sitting down on the corner and facing his friend.
“It isn’t silly, Diane.” He said kindly. “I’m glad you asked me to stay tonight.”
Diane smiled at Will, her eyes suddenly filling with uncalled for tears.
“I remember that day too.” He added and reached out a hand to squeeze her knee in reassuringly. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He promised.
“Thank you.” Diane said swiping tears from her cheeks.
“Kurt won’t be back until Thursday,” She hinted softly from under her wet eyelashes after a bout of silence.
“Then I guess I’m staying ‘til Thursday.” He responded happily. “Hey, you could be my tester wife, see how it goes, if I like it!” He exclaimed cheekily.
“Oh, I hate you!” She sassed back.
“No, you don’t.” He grinned cockily.
“Shall we get some sleep then?”
“Unless there’s something else you’d rather do?” He replied suggestively.
“You are aware the man I’m dating is a Ballistics expert with more than 300 guns at his disposal?” Diane queried with a smirk.
“Okay, keeping my hands and thoughts to myself now!” Will replied nervously, shifting to climb back under the duvet and lie down beside her. Diane merely laughed at his response and snuggled back down into the bed again. Flipping the switch of the bedside light again she plunged them both back into darkness. The pair lay silently, each listening to the other breathe.
“Hey Will?” She whispered, her eyes beginning to feel heavy.
“Thanks again.”
“Anytime. What are partners for?”
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getoswhore · 2 years
Start off, completely fine, I’m glad that you treated yourself! Everyone needs one day to just go “I’m done! Mine” to their favorite junk. It’s the mom friend in me to worry about people. Honestly worry about everyone on the server but I can’t exactly go “is everyone okay?” Since you do it more times than not.
The panic attacks are social anxiety 🥲. It’s whenever I’m in a crowded area or out of my comfort zone do they happen. I’m able to get them under control but it’s literally just anxiety. Being introverted does that to you. I do notice when they’re starting, which is why I try to de-escalate them during the middle but if it’s at gatherings and school…many try dragging me back and so I can’t get it completely together. I’m good after about 30 minutes to an hour. And surprisingly it’s not my mind. My mind’s completely blank and working on calming me down. Weird right? Very rarely is it because my brains all over the place during them. It’s all over the place before and after but never during.
Actually..I’ll be happy to show you! And if you wanna go through the process then I’ll let you do that too! I normally do my makeup and have my sister in law do my hair. Thinking a rope braid or just some crowning braid with defined curls for hair though. Nothing too much. And I’ll be happy to show the outfit and everything when I get it! Most likely because I’ll be suuuper exited. Gotta to shoe shopping tho because wooo, ain’t done anything for this. Yet. And my “besties” have work or have a boyfriend so…doubtful 😅. And at school I’m known as my mom’s kid or the quiet smart girl…so. I’ll be with my “husband” during this 😂. Yeah, the 25 year old is sweet…but I was just looking for friends 😐. Also! When don’t I keep you updated Bella? Wishing we were closer tho. Oh! And to answer your morning question! I’m doing fine…kinda annoyed because I couldn’t pull into my parking spot like normal but it’s okay. I’ll be fine. Currently listening to Britney Spears and just enjoying my morning. Hope your morning can be the same! 😘
hihihi bb, sorry i got to this so late, just busy.. y’know..
YEAH even when im with my pookie bear he makes me feel more comfortable to eat???? like he enjoys feeding me xkgndjnjfn so i like to just let him sometimes but ty for your concern :(( lob you.
ah, i see.. hm i used to have vv bad social anxiety when i was younger, so ik in a way how you feel.. but then after finding comfort in myself and forgetting what people think of me or how they look at me when m around a large group has rlly helped me ALOT DJFJD being able to dispose of the thought that your around so many people when you're with a group of friends also help too, just focusing on your friends and acting like it's just y'all has always worked for me, yknow? but ik it can always be different for everyone, just wanted to tell you what's worked for me and my attacks.. maybe and hopefully and can help you to bb. <’33
ooooou a rope braid? had to look that up n it's SHPER CUTE AHH. wish i can do that with my hair :/ but my hair texture CAN NEVER HOLD THAT DJFJSJ i bet you'll so goooood when you have everything all done and figured out! can't wait to see bb. also, do you think you can bring that mysterious 25 yr with you? cause i remember a old friend of mine was able to bring her bf who didn't go to her school to her prom before.. hm idk if they changed the rules or if its different in each state. idk, but hopefully you'll be able to go with someone and if not, that's perfectly ok! being a hottie by yourself is good as is <33
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