#muses conversation
coyoteworks · 4 months
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“Uhhh.. Hanaka? Is it me or does Maroon been acting kinda...Sus today?“
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“I don’t know. He seems to be acting pretty normal to me.“
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blondebxt · 3 months
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in my brain this is taking place in the the middle of a wayne gala (:
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chipper-smol · 3 months
you cant do this to me we’ve known each other for less than 30 minutes
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
To me, being trans is one of the most incredible blessings a human can receive from HaShem. From the moment we take our first breath, we are given the wondrous opportunity to mould ourselves b'tzelem Elohim–in the image of G-d. Every day we get to decide what b'tzelem Elohim means for us; we get to lovingly form ourselves like clay, every iteration a reflection of the Divine all on its own, into the image… the person that HaShem always knew we could become.
—G-J-B (Queer & Jewish Musings)
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sbrn10 · 7 months
On a scale of pure comedy to heartbreak, Imogen realizing that she and her girlfriend were not alone despite all appearances to the contrary:
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avesmonster · 9 months
jacobi: let's play twenty questions you go first
kepler: what's your favorite color?
jacobi: dynamite. do you like men
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Ever have your bestie read you like a freaking book??
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Some context??
Hitch wasn't at the best place when Amalma met him so she did somewhat latched onto him to make sure he will be alright.
What Hitch is referring to regarding romance is just Amalma's general history of crushes on bugs and who they were. Hitch was very straight forward with his question and Amalma didn't mind until Hitch realized a pattern that Amalma didn't... :D
a bit of hint on one of the crushes is in there~
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st-just · 4 months
Unironically a non-zero amount of my antipathy to basically* every big budget modern DC adaptation is a continuing sense of betrayal from growing up with the Diniverse justice league cartoons and then discovering that in every other main lineup ever a) there's no Hawkgirl and b) Green Lantern is white and also boring.
*the cute romcom superman from last year and the john cena suicide squad tv show excepted
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entropyvoid · 1 month
Honestly with all the overlap between sci-fi and fantasy fans, I’m really surprised that “high fantasy in space” isn’t more of a thing.
There are some things generally assumed by most to be sci-fi that I’d personally label space fantasy, like Star Wars, where the high tech is just there as a backdrop to a classic heroic story of good guys vs. bad guys, who are definitely doing magic (by using the force). The point of Star Wars isn’t the tech or anything, it just happens to be a tale told in space. It contrasts pretty starkly with something like Star Trek, where the vast majority of episodes revolve around exploring whatever scientific or philosophical concept the writers thought would be kinda neat that week, using established characters as a vehicle for said exploration.
I think one of my favorite things about Honkai Star Rail is that it freely and unabashedly mixes sci-fi and fantasy. It just goes “You are a walking neutron bomb. Also turns out your bestie is from a self-reincarnating race of dragon people with powerful water and illusion magic. They live on this big, planet-sized ship that’s dedicated to hunting down this one cosmic horror that cursed all the ship’s inhabitants with immortality, under the banner of this other cosmic horror that exists solely to kill the first cosmic horror. Let’s go on vacation to the theme park planet, the actual resort is technically an Alice-in-Wonderland style dream triggered by the same kinda cosmic-horror-gifted bomb as you. Your new friend is a meme. By the way, did we tell you about the one time this super-genius harnessed the power of *imagination* to build a death ray that instantly obliterated a bunch of planets? That was kinda fucked up, huh.” Sometimes Star Rail tries to give explanations for its tech in a way that seems believably sciencey. Sometimes shit’s just straight up called magic or it’s from some deity or another and none of the characters present have a good understanding of why, so you all just go about your bullshit. It makes it work within the context of its established universe.
Cosmic horror in general is often (but not always) found in sci-fi, but where the point of sci-fi is to expand on and detail a concept in a believably scientific way or explore the impacts of a scientific thing, the point of cosmic horror is that there is a Thing that is beyond human understanding or comprehension. Sci-fi is a fun thing to insert it into, because the more scientifically sensible and well-understood elements of the world you have, the more jarring that becomes.
Then you’ve got things like Dungeon Meshi, which exists in an inverse of something like Star Rail: it takes a very Tolkien-inspired Dungeons and Dragons-esque setting, and then details it in a very scientifically sensible way. There is magic, and there are these fantastical monsters, yes, but the monsters are parts of their own delicate and intricate ecosystems, they are edible, and they have very particular nutritional values and ways you can cook them! The protag’s biggest strength lies in him being a nerd about monster biology. Magic, too, by the end of it, ends up with a plausible enough explanation as well. And the explanation is a cosmic horror! In this way, Dungeon Meshi, despite being built entirely off of very easily recognizable and classic fantasy tropes, is probably more accurately classed as sci-fi.
I just love all of it. Can I get like 50 more of these fucked up lil mixtures of science and magic please?
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“Ah, look who we have here. It’s the oldest short-stack Valkyrie. How are you~?“
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“Quite good. Good enough that I’d wanna bash your skull in for that comment, ya oversized pup.“
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“Seems like your tongue is as sharp as ever~“
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note-boom · 1 year
The best thing about BSD Lucy Montgomery is that she is trying so hard to live her fairy tale dream, like asking Atsushi to save her from the Guild and all that nonsense.
Instead, she just gets beaten by him once when they're enemies, gets out of the Guild on her own, and has to save that sorry boy's life over and over again.
Like, sorry, Lucy girl...you're not the damsel in distress in this fairy tale. You're the prince charming who had a bit of a villain arc and now is doing good out of sheer spite and stubborness. Better luck next arc?
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vmures · 11 days
I see a lot of "but so and so should know that was offensive, or harmful, or upsetting, I shouldn't have to tell them" especially in online communities. Usually right before heaping abuse on a person for something they allegedly said or did.
The thing is that everyone fucks up. We aren't born knowing everything and the world is a vast place. The only way we can ever know with certainty that we've upset someone is if they tell us, preferably with their words.
There are a ton of studies that show that berating, shame, and verbal or physical abuse are not effective teaching tools. You don't beat a child who is not able to recite their ABCs when you think they should be able to do so (and if you do, what the fuck is wrong with you). If you really want to help make the world a better place, then using your words to tell someone that they upset you for any reason is the best way to do it.
People are not mind-readers. The only way they will know that you've upset them is if you tell them. And I don't mean tell them with angry words and accusations. Think about the last time someone tried that approach with you? Did you listen or did you react in fear and shame and spiral so hard you couldn't remember what was said in detail after?
Using I statements is helpful. Some examples:
"I felt really uncomfortable when you said x. Could you not use that term around me?"
"Were you aware that where I'm from that is a slur? I'd really appreciate it you wouldn't use it."
A lot of times people are generally unaware of things and for a whole host of reasons that are not deliberate, willful ignorance. And sometimes people just misspeak. People get tired, people get emotional, people fuck up. Give them a chance to learn. If they refuse to change at all and refuse to learn, then remove them from your life.
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triple-pupil · 2 years
Writing down the dialogue just in case.
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KD: "Oi, boss, a question."
D: "Hm...?"
KD: "You think we're- uh... Gettin' too close?"
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D: "Nah, we's just professional, Dice, we all know it."
KD: "Ah, good to hear."
Comic officially married to @doodzoodz, no, I won't answer any questions.
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
You know what I want?
I want Agatha "I can be good" "No, you cannot" Harkness to meet Kamala "Good is not a thing you are. Good is a thing you do" Khan.
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dailycupofcreativitea · 8 months
Went to three stores today and got mistaken for an employee at literally each one 🙃 I was wearing casual clothes and sneakers and had a tote bag too! Does my face scream "how can I help you" 😭🙏 This happens to me a lot for some reason
When I went to Scotland someone actually stopped me MID POWER WALK and said "could you take a picture of us? Sorry your face just looked really friendly" 🤣
(It does mean I have nice conversations though 🌞)
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