#msh writes
mrssakurahatake · 4 months
I Licked it so it’s Mine😛— snippet, snippet, snippet!
This was an event or twitter thread thing i started, that just fizzled out, but just picking a snip has my mind spinning again.
Ino’s gaze narrowed and Sakura knew she’d said too much. “Forehead,” she accused, pointing her finger for good measure. “Why does Kakashi pop up in every story?”  Sakura was sure Ino could see the panic on her face. That was exactly the conversation she wanted to avoid, and instead she’d walked right into it.  The lack of response seemed to speak volumes to Ino, who looked as if her birthday had come early. “Is he popping up anywhere else you aren’t telling me about?” The eyebrow wiggle was completely unnecessary. It left Hinata blushing and Sakura enraged, which was entirely Ino’s point.  “There is nothing happening with Kakashi!”  Ino wasn’t buying it, her icy blue eyes narrowed in thought as she leaned across the table to get closer to Sakura’s face. Not one to back down, Sakura met her in the middle, definitely. Ino’s hand slapped the table, making the mostly empty tea cups rattle and Hinata jump. “That’s exactly the problem. You’re spending all your free time with the man and nothing is happening.” She sat back, a triumphant grin plastered across her face. “Ino,” Hinata admonished, all the while watching Sakura for a reply. “You can’t say something like that about the Hokage.”  Undeterred, Ino continued, “If he isn’t interested he needs to back off so someone else can stake a claim.” “You did not just say that. I don’t belong to Kakashi, or anyone else for that matter.” Sakura protested, her temper dangerously close to boiling over. 
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
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Heading off to bed now but lookie a new oneshot
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silverskye13 · 15 days
As is my want, my brain has cycled back around to that really tragic sculk horror au I still desperately want to write.
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sirwow · 3 months
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I think its about time i talk about my internsona more in depth- so a long ramble about Wally under the cut for those who wanna know about him!
Wally Oxie Wornon (yes thats a joke on oxymoron and the initals spelling out WOW like my username) is MSH's local patient-intern. - 5,0 - 18yrs old, Trans n pan, skipped to college after softmore year - Smart but very lazy - Loves to pull pranks on people and make bad jokes to cheer them up. never goes too far with them unless the going too far point is only tolling him - Monotone and sarcastic, cares alot with a heart of gold under it all though. Not willing to worry about himself though - Dislikes authority and being bossed around in general - Despite the fact he was basically pushed into being an intern by Edega, he doesn't mind that much- he was bored anyways - call him a kid and you will be bitten on the spot - if its not a serious situation- runs completely off of cartoon logic So how'd bro even get here??? well originally was just a patient at MSH and went around causing trouble for funzies which made the job of every online intern trying to keep up with him very hard. (this is during act 2 after he had some stress heart issues) Wally eventually ended up back in the hospital during act 5 this time much more long term due to a sudden lung collapse. This is the 17th time hes shown up at the hospital and Edega is sick of having to deal with him so instead Edega gave Wally an easy button when he complained about being bored n told him to go take care of people. so he did. Wally after the fact chilled in his physiotherapy room when off work and wandered around when on work n not having anything to do. Eventually got in the habit of pranking and shooting people with his dart gun. When it comes to other interns- Hes friendly, open, and a bit kinder to younger interns then him or the same age, encouraging them to join in his pranks most the time. (with the acceptation of cold ones) Older interns it's usually more tense and heavy with sarcasm but hes still a prankster to them. Almost never opens up to them about his interests (writing drawing and gaming) and only gets along with ones that go with his shenanigans 100% of the time (or gives him candy) When by himself though Wally tends to watch people veeery intently. Memorizing their schedules and paths, little fidgets, favorite things, and what is ok to prank with and whats not. Can catch people off guard by suddenly appearing in their path at the perfect opportunity where they're distracted n can be spooked to get a laugh for himself. Will also leave gifts around their usual spots n if they leave candy for him anytime then like a fox he'll bring something else they like. So yeah thats all for Wally for now. Goofy goober with a good heart deep down and very smart but he doesn't like being open about either.
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bloctg4 · 8 months
random question, but since I still kinda struggle with the whole An Luan / Dé Luain thing, which one would you write in a calendar / week planner?
i bhféilire (calendar) úsáidtear dé luain níos minicí :)
seachas sin kiiiinda is cuma. ach msh déarfá "beidh mé ag snámh dé luain/ar an luan" NÍ DHÉARFÁ "ar dé luain"
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spacenutspod · 1 month
After over 70 successful flights, a broken rotor ended the remarkable and groundbreaking Ingenuity helicopter mission on Mars. Now, NASA is considering how a larger, more capable helicopter could be an airborne geologist on the Red Planet. For the past several years scientists and engineers have been working on the concept, proposing a six-rotor hexacopter that would be about the size of the Perseverance rover. Called the Mars Science Helicopter (MSH), it would not only serve as an aerial scout for a future rover, but more importantly, it could also carry up to 5 kg (11 lbs) of science instruments aloft in the thin Martian atmosphere and land in terrain that a rover can’t reach. A new paper presented at the March 2024 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference outlines the geology work that such a helicopter could accomplish. The paper, “Unraveling the Origin and Petrology of the Martian Crust with a Helicopter,” notes there are several outstanding questions about the makeup and history of Mars’ surface, especially with recent discoveries of unexpected dichotomies in the composition of basaltic rocks. In observations from the Mars rovers and orbital spacecraft, some regions appear to have been influenced by water while some have not. “Up to last decade, we thought that magmatic rocks were only basaltic on Mars,” said Valerie Payré from the University of Iowa, the paper’s lead author. “But with recent rover and orbital measurements, we observed that there is a wide diversity of magmatic rocks similar to what we see on Earth.” Payré explained via email that there are rocks on Mars with elevated silica concentrations called felsic rocks – feldspar and silicate — that are rich in elements and were not expected to be found on the Martian surface. “We measured these with the Curiosity rover and have some hints of where there might be others using orbital measurements,” Payré said. “However, close-up images (millimetric scale) and composition analyses are lacking from the orbital dataset to know if these felsic rocks are widespread on Mars or just at a few locations. This is yet highly important to understand what the crust of Mars is made of and if it is similar to Earth’s crust, which has implications regarding the formation of the planet and even past climate.” First X-ray view of Martian soil – feldspar, pyroxenes, olivine revealed (Curiosity rover at “Rocknest”, October 17, 2012). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ames Payré and her team feel that a helicopter would be perfect to explore places where a rover could never traverse, such as terrains that are too high in altitude, since landing there would require too much fuel. The instruments they propose include a miniaturized visible and near-infrared (VNIR) spectrometer for small scale mineralogical mapping and a small Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS) with a micro-imager, an instrument similar to the ChemCam laser instrument on both the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers. In their paper, the team writes that a helicopter with these instruments could travel kilometers to detect promising felsic terrains, and measure their composition at a micron scale. “We could fly over these possible felsic terrains and look at their minerals using a visible/near infrared spectrometer, land on locations of interest, take close-up images, and measure the compositions of these rocks with the LIBS,” Payré said. “We could finally know what Mars’ crust is, and better constrain how it formed.” A graphic show the parts of the Ingenuity helicopter. Credit: NASA There could also be an onboard a magnetometer, which measures magnetic field anomalies, to better understand how Mars’ magnetic field operated, which is still uncertain. Mars does not presently have a global magnetic field, but had one early in its lifetime. “Such payload would finally enable us to better understand the past climate on Mars by measuring the composition and minerals of sedimentary rocks of various age,” Payré told Universe Today. A conceptual design paper published in 2020 proposed a Mars hexacopter with a mass of about 31 kg (70 lbs) and a total diameter of just over four meters (13 feet). Each set of rotors would have blades about 0.64 meters (2 ft) long.  The helicopter would be powered by a rechargeable solar cell. This would not only power the rotors, but the desired scientific instruments.  A model of NASA’s Mars Science Helicopter concept. Credit: NASA. This helicopter could move as fast as 30 meters a second (60 mph) but also could hover over a spot for as long as five minutes. Engineers from Ames Research Center, the Jet Propulsion Lab and the University of Maryland wrote that MSH could fly with a range of up to 10 km (6.2 miles) per flight. With this speed and range, MSH could potentially cover as much ground in a few days as rovers like Perseverance and Curiosity have traversed in years. “The fact that a helicopter can fly would facilitate the mission to visit to places that would be inaccessible for a rover, and we could access locations that we never imagined before,” Payré said. Payré and team proposed several landing sites including Gale Crater Gale crater where evolved felsic rocks were found by the Curiosity Rover; the massive canyon of Valles Marineris, where orbital observations have revealed a deep crust with feldspar-bearing rocks; and Hellas basin, 2,300 km impact crater known to have layers of feldspar.  Annotated view of Valles Marineris from the High-Resolution Stereoscopic Camera (HRSC) on the Mars Express spacecraft. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Michael) The post The Mars Science Helicopter Could be an Airborne Geologist on Mars appeared first on Universe Today.
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Meet the Contributor: Mrssakurahatake!!
Name: MSH Writing Pseud: MrsSakuraHatake Top 3 Sakura Pairings: Kakasaku, gensaku, raisaku Social Media Links: Tumblr || Twitter || Ao3 PFP Credits: jingmcastle​
What are you most looking forward to about this event? exploring new pairings Mittens, gloves, or bare fingers? Why? bare fingers, I live in the south, we don't really have winter for more than a day or two
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
Welcoming October! Here's my September Recap..
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Actually i'm not posting this.. I saved this and writing here~
First photo i dedicated to my only one dearest daughter! Selamatttt dan terimakasih atas keberaniannya menjadi petugas upacara. Melawan rasa tegang dan melaluinya dengan lancar. Suaramu lantang terdengar 1 sekolah. Alhamdulillah ibu dan ayah punya kesempatan menyaksikan semua itu dan ngga berhenti tersenyum lebar. Sungguh sangat bangga, kami nak! Keep going ya nak..
First time join Strength Training karena "dipaksa" bapack suami. Alhamdulillah aku bisa keluar dari zona nyaman. Melawan rasa malas, rasa ngga pede, rasa resah yg ada pokonya. Terimakasih untukku yg selalu ingin merubah diri menjadi lebih baik dan terimakasih untuk suamiku yg selalu support utk ku dlm segala hal.
Cooking class bikin sushi. Bukan pertama kali nemo makan sushi tp pertama kali dia bikin sushi lalu memakannya sendiri dan lahap haha sesuka itu dia. Ntar gedean dikit makan sashimi pake soyu nak enaaaak ituuu haaaa~ she's so happy joining cooking class, katanya ingin lagi dan lagi dan lagi wkwkwk.
The almighty baso gandapura! Sesuai bgt aku julukin itu karena enak bgt dan super kenyang. Masih jadi top list sejauh ini perbasoan di bdg. Beruntung nemu di twitter deh itu yg riviunya. Nuhun ah akang eta kita jadi tau baso yg enak..
First time long run for beginner.. Aku pake track mama runner, strava ku gabisa ngesave space penuh huhu. Achievement unlocked lagi this month.. Alhamdulillah ternyata aku berprogress dlm hidup kirain msh jalan ditempat atau bahkan mundur huhu. Walaupun pace lambat tp mama runner membersamaiku, sepanjang jalan menyemangatiku, menungguku, ngasih minuman energizing, foto2 jg tak lupa (si aku yg gapedean pdhl). Haturnuhun mam, so glad to know you pokonya.. Untung anak kita sekelas yah. Skrg aku jadi suka lari gara2 mama runner! Semoga istiqomah yaa..
Cuaca Bandung sepanas itu. Kayanya ngga beberapa hari ini ya udah berbulan2 kan? Hari kamis kemarin itu capai 32 derajat celcius. Bawaannya buka kulkas mulu nyari minuman dingin. Udah abis di stok lagi.. Biasanya mandi disini water heater selalu nyala terussss.. Sekarang pgnnya mandi air dingin biar seger. Tapi aku berharap musim hujan segera tiba. Mudah2an Allah menurunkan hujan yg bermanfaat.. Aamiinn
Terimakasih bulan September dengan segala kejutannya, suka dan dukanya. Masih berkutat dengan ketidakstabilan pikiranku. Alhamdulillah bersyukur jg atas nikmatnya dan semoga terus belajar bersyukur dari hal hal kecil.
Oktober.. Kami berharap jadi bulan yg lebih baik, lebih banyak goal2 tercipta lagi. Ketenangan dan kedamaian segera menghampiri. Rejeki bertambah, sehat selalu. Tetap konsisten lari hehe. Bismillah untuk oktober.. Semoga Allah selalu dampingi di setiap langkah yg kita ambil..
Tag @sagarmatha13
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megatrxnic · 3 months
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[any question? I'm chill, just ask!]
\-For: Headcanons, Drabbles [ Canon x Reader, F/OxS/I primarily]
\\\-WHAT & WHO I WILL WRITE?-/ / /
[-LIST-] - Lego Monkie Kid
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-\\\Lego Monkie Kid/JttW\\\
"Monkie Kid" Keely/Papillon - [Post/Art]
Papillon/Muse/Anthro - [Art/mini-showcase]❣︎[Papillon w/ 🦋]❣︎ [blorbo bleebus]
Papillon & Devin's [MAIN] Ref Sheets - [Art/Refs]
[To Be Continued...]
Transformers OC #1; Turbine - [Post/Art]
Transformers OC #2; Booptimus Convoy - [Post/Art/List]
-\\\Legacy of Kain/Nosgoth\\\
LoK OC #1; Kryyptus the Wretched - [Post/Refs]
Lok OC #2; Realistic Kryyptus art - [Post/Art]
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-\\\Lego Monkie Kid/JttW\\\
Ask 'F/O' games: [X] Maccy
Fearless Frontlines; Prologue - [prologue/1/2/3/4 ...]
Bayverse Autobots Try Monster Drinks - [Post]
TF[RiD’15]: Steeljaw X G/N canine/wolf-bot reader - [Post]
TF[RiD'15]: Bumblebee, Grimlock, StrongArm, Fixit & Sideswipe react to a Goat-Like Cybertronian!Reader on their team. - [Post]
-\\\Crash Bandicoot\\\
A Few Choice Words (Pinstripe Potoroo x self/OC) - [Post]
-\\\Legacy of Kain\\\
What the Hexx? [P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7[bonus]]
Comfy Night Time Car Ride: [X]
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-DNI IF: you are/or support pr*sh*pping/c*msh*pping, are a minor [do not follow me]; or are Z*os, M*PS, P3DOs, ...if it's morally unreasonable, I'm not with it.
-I ONLY WRITE GN READERS OR "GENDER NEUTRAL" as a survivor and Trans Man, please respect my boundaries and levels of comfort. I'll go as far as 'descriptive' as I'm comfortable with, as well.
-Be aware that these are topics I absolutely will not ever be persuaded to write EVER: noncon/r*pefantasy, und*r*ge, T-slurs of any kind, characters that I blacklist due to discomfort, [more as I recall them]
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mrssakurahatake · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Oh my dear Cicada, you're putting me on the spot. I have love/hate relationships with all of them
subject to change without notice or reason
The Princess Tsunade Rating: M Pairing: Kakasaku High Expectations Rating: T Pairing: Kakasaku, team 7 friendship
A Fan-Stache-Tic Challenge Rating: G Pairing: Kakashi and Gai friendship, minor kakasaku
Open The Door Rating: E Pairing: Kakasaku
Push My Buttons Rating: E Pairing: GenSaku
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dissectedgrrl · 4 months
@luckynature 's mourning star !! (sorry for the random tag !!!!)
uh erm uh uhhh ermmmm MOURNING STAR OCS
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i went kind of hog wild making these but the top two r gnna b the main ones the other two r their friend n ivorys bf that i mostly made for funsies !!
the top two are eleanora and ivory ortega !! (left is eleanora, right is ivory)
ivory is the oldest (20) and eleanora is the youngest (16)
they both live with their parents (but ivory is constantly being told to move out already)
eleanora (she/they/it) is a pretty quiet girl. she has few friends and passes the time by writing, taking photos, and seemingly . . . . talking to nobody. it looks like a normal conversation but its like . . talking to the air ? they love animals more than anything else on the planet and can be found volunteering at shelters, vets, etc. shes known for taking in strays and helping wounded animals. its the neighborhood pet sitter and a student at MSHS
ivory (she/he) on the other hand . . whew. shes the most loud and extroverted person youll ever meet !! he loves to explore and always brings his sister with him on his adventures. shes an ex-cheerleader who loves to dance !! she can usually be found in the dance studio or out exploring someplace. he works at a bakery and always brings home some treats for her family
the bottom two are opal and wyatt !! (left is opal , right is wyatt)
opal (she/her) is eleanoras best friend (or maybe more i havent decided yet 😭) opal spends most of her time playing guitar while making incoherent sounds that she calls "singing" and listening to music for inspiration. she works at a thrift store and also attends MSHS
wyatt (he/they) is ivorys boyfriend !! theyre still trying to figure out what they wanna do but for now they work with ivory at the bakery. he spends his time reading and watching cheesy movies
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silverskye13 · 6 months
I wanna do NaNo this year, I say as my brain actively liquefies and pours out my ears
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sonorous-cicada · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for the ask!
1. Where You Go, I Will Find You (M+)
I wrote this one in about 6 weeks and it came to 73k. I will never not be proud of that. It taught me a lot, how to plot a romance novel, using the 3 act structure. It was sweet and cheesy, but I liked the cheese. It definitely made me smile every time I wrote for it.
2. Breathe (T)
First, the oc in this one was a lesbian which I absolutely loved. It was nice to break out of that box, even if it was still just rated t. I think starting this little drabble series really inspired the creation of my other civilian oc in 'where you go'. (Also wrote this in 1st person, which I've found comes more naturally than 3rd)
3. Shisui Uchihas Journal (M)
Good God, this one made me cry in some places when I was writing it. It was therapeutic, really, just getting everything out on the page. Writing this helped really solidify him as a 3d character for other things I've written.
4. Hatake of Kumogakure (E)
The pacing in this is so different than anything I've done. It's challenging, and everything has to be thought out 10 steps before it happens to make sure it makes sense. But I like the puzzle. I'm up to 72k in writing from the last 6 weeks. I was hoping I'd be finished writing on it before the 3rd week of August, but that seems unlikely. I'll probably only be about 100k deep by then.
5. Shadows of a Red Dawn (E++)
I orphaned this a while back and regret it. I absolutely loved writing it. I loved working with my friends who would help me bring the smut to the next level. I got so much help with it from msh, saria, moonlady. At times it felt like a group project. I was writing about 5k words a day, just absolutely obsessed.
@sariasprincy was right. There's my public statement about that. 😂
Thank you anon for the ask! These are fun!
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200shams · 1 year
(2022.10.19) 200 Shams - Lazem Yetla3 Sobh [S]
(2022.06) 200 Shams - Wael Jassar + Zy ElBaet [DS]
(2022.03) 200 Shams - YaReet Nebda2 La ElWa2t Yesra2 [DS]
(2022.01.24) 200 Shams - Mobasher Men El-Qahera, December 2020 [DemoAlbum]
(2021.12) 200 Shams - Mosalas Makloub [EP]
(2021.11.15) 200 Shams - Hbeeny Shwaya (Disco Version) [S]
(2021.08.31) 200 Shams - Kalmeeni, Khaleeni Ashrahlek [EP]
(2021.05.25) 200 Shams - Leela Fil-Disko [EP]
(2023.05.23) Rektar, 200 Shams - 12 Ela Telt [S]
(2023.05.09) Faress Eissa, 200 Shams - Nisyan (Remix) - A2ollek Nokta [S]
(2023.02.17) 200 Shams, Ma-Beyn - Khaleeni A2oom ElSobh [S]
(2022.07) NGM, 200 Shams - Namousa [S]
(2022.06) Dirty Backseat x 200 Shams - Te3rafy [S]
(2022.06) Ismail ElZahed, 200 Shams - Stallion [EP]
(2022.05.27) 200 Shams, Milo - Ana Wnty (Version 200) [S]
(2022.04) Besh, 200 Shams - Mixed Feelings [S]
(2022.03) DizzyTooSkinny, Abayazeid, 200 Shams - Kol Ma Tgheeb [S]
(2022.01) NGM, 200 Shams - Shayfa Fanny Fake [S]
(2021.02.19) Fayrouz Karawya x 200 Shams - Kont Baheb [S]
(2023.05.30) Hashem ElSaifi - Bases Msh Shayef [EP] (as a mixing & mastering Engineer only)
(2023.02.22) Dirty Backseat - Aftermath (as a mastering engineer only)
(2022.08) Songs of Petrichor - Miss G [S] (co-writing/production only)
(2022.05.07) Dirty Backseat - A2ollek Eh [S] (synths & keyboards only)
(2022.03.07) VoidHaze - La7n ElGhab (ft. 200 Shams) [S]
(2021.08.13) Djiza - Monochrome (ft. 200 Shams) [S]
(2021.05.07) Besh - Benakol Samak (ft. 200 Shams) [S]
Soundtracks, Ads & Installations
(2023) Wall of Sound - AirBag + Ambiance 002 [Art_Installation]
(2022) Nob Designs - Har Gedan (Summer Collection) [Ad]
(2022) Nob Designs - Sheta2 Momter (Winter Collection) [Ad]
(2021) Nabat El-Zel [ShortMovie_OST] (01 The Intro - 02 7dashar Sana Daw2ya - 03 El-Ta7alol Be Bot2)
(2021.12) Frànçois & The Atlas Mountains - Revu (200 Shams Remix) [S]
(2021.11) EON - Precious Nightmare (200 Shams Remix) [S]
DJ Mixes
(2022.05.12) 200 Shams - Stories From The East 003 [DJ Mix]
(2022.04.24) 200 Shams - 1800 Volt Radio - Kesas Men Afrikia [DJ Mix]
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a little note about 'Lab Black Box Tapes'
(aka the actual name for the main part of this goddamn Au.)
( Side note: I got sick of typing out Mad Scientist housemates Au every good damn time. so from now on all of the shit posts quotes from our boys will be labeled as MSH AU because I'm kinda lazy. but the audio files/storyline will be labeled as the Lab Black Box Tapes to keep things easy.)
I haven't set a specific release schedule for new 'sessions' (episodes I guess, but this isn't animated so episodes didn't feel right) But they will be released as I finish them. It does take quite a bit of my time to create the audio at a good quality and in a way that sounds like the characters in question at least a little bit. In fact, the first session which has a run time of a whopping 1 minute and 2 seconds took me well over three hours to create the audio alone, not to mention the time it takes to write and edit it. (Please keep that in mind, also I worked really hard to create the audio so please be kind, but also I would love to hear constructive feedback if you have any for me!)
However, that doesn't mean I won't be posting MSH content daily to hold you over till the next black tape is done.
anyways thanks for your time and now back to your regularly scheduled content!
-the monster under wonderland
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sysk-ehess · 8 days
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Lundi 29 avri 2024 à 19h (heure de Paris)
Monday April 29th 2024, 7pm (Paris time)
@ MSH, 16 – 18 RUE SUGER, 75006 (métro Odéon ou St – Michel)
Mark Franko est un historien de la danse de réputation internationale. Il a renouvelé notre compréhension de la danse baroque autant que de la performance et de la chorégraphie du XXe siècle dont il a étudié particulièrement les relations avec le champ politique et la constitution des collectifs. Depuis Dancing Modernism/Performing Politics en 1995, il a publié Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body traduit en Français par les Éditions de l’Éclat sous le titre La danse comme texte : Idéologies du corps baroque ; The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography: Kinetic Theatricality and Social Interaction (2022) ; The Work of Dance: Labour, Movement and Identity in the 1930s (2002) ; Martha Graham in Love and War : The Life in the Work (2012 )et, en 2020, The Fascist Turn in the Dance of Serge Lifar: Interwar French Ballet and the German Occupation. Il est aussi le co-éditeur de Acting on the Past: Historical Performance Across the Disciplines (2000). En 2018 une anthologie de ses écrits a été publiée par Routledge : Choreographing Discourses: A Mark Franko Reader qui permet de retrouver les nombreux articles qu’il a publiés dans Discourse, PMLA, The Drama Review, Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, Theatre Journal… Mark Franko est professeur de Danse et président du département des Arts du Théâtre de l’Université de Californie, Santa Cruz. Mais Franko a aussi poursuivi une carrière de danseur et de chorégraphe, d’abord (1964-1969) dans le cadre du Studio for Dance, à New York, un bastion précoce de la danse post-moderne auquel il a consacré un livre, Excursion for Miracles: Paul Sanasardo, Donya Feuer, and Studio for Dance. Avec sa propre compagnie, NovAntiqua, fondée en 1985, il a travaillé le répertoire classique autant que la restitution des danses du Bauhaus par exemple. Son œuvre de chorégraphe a obtenu le soutien du National Endowment for the Arts, the Harkness Foundation for Dance, the Getty Research Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Zellerbach Family Fund and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. NovAntiqua s'est produite au J. Paul Getty Museum (Malibu), au Berlin Werkstatt Festival, à la de la Torre Bueno Award Ceremony (Lincoln Center, New York), au Mueée d'Art de Toulon, à l'Opéra de Montpellier,au Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors Festival, aux Princeton University Theater and Dance Series, au Haggerty Art Museum (Milwaukee), et le ODC Theatre San Francisco.
[EN] Mark Franko is an internationally renowned dance historian. He has renewed our understanding of Baroque dance as much as of twentieth-century performance and choreography, whose relations with the political field and the constitution of collectives he has studied in particular. Since Dancing Modernism/Performing Politics in 1995, he has published Dance as Text: Ideologies of the Baroque Body, translated into French by Éditions de l'Éclat as La danse comme texte: Idéologies du corps baroque; The Dancing Body in Renaissance Choreography: Kinetic Theatricality and Social Interaction (2022); The Work of Dance: Labour, Movement and Identity in the 1930s (2002); Martha Graham in Love and War: The Life in the Work(2012 )and, in 2020, The Fascist Turn in the Dance of Serge Lifar: Interwar French Ballet and the German Occupation. He is also the co-editor of Acting on the Past: Historical Performance Across the Disciplines (2000). In 2018, an anthology of his writings was published by Routledge: Choreographing Discourses: A Mark Franko Reader, which brings together the many articles he has published in Discourse, PMLA, The Drama Review, Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, Theatre Journal... Mark Franko is Professor of Dance and Chair of the Department of Theatre Arts at the University of California, Santa Cruz. But Franko has also pursued a career as a dancer and choreographer, first (1964-1969) with New York's Studio for Dance, an early bastion of post-modern dance to which he dedicated a book, Excursion for Miracles: Paul Sanasardo, Donya Feuer, and Studio for Dance. With his own company, NovAntiqua, founded in 1985, he has worked on the classical repertoire as well as the restitution of Bauhaus dances, for example. His choreographic work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Harkness Foundation for Dance, the Getty Research Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Zellerbach Family Fund and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. NovAntiqua has appeared at the J. Paul Getty Museum (Malibu), the Berlin Werkstatt Festival, the de la Torre Bueno Award Ceremony (Lincoln Center, New York), France's Toulon Art Museum, the Montpellier Opera, Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors Festival, the Princeton University Theater and Dance Series, the Haggerty Art Museum (Milwaukee), and ODC Theatre San Francisco.
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Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia Falguières, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte
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