#mostly because the partner in the video was a robot
mollysunder · 9 months
I know Jinx's lair is supposed to be filled with stuff to be a homepage to debut "Get Jinxed" video, but they left out one important thing. An impromptu dance break! Not sure where they'll fit it, at The Last Drop, a gala in Piltover, a funeral. I'm just spitballing scenarios where she'll make people uncomfortable. Anyway, I wonder who her dance partner would be?
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ryuichirou · 7 months
More replies~
Some of them are related to our OruVil comic from yesterday, some related to our headcanons, the rest are about various characters and ships :)
Anonymous asked:
I would love to thank you again for the Oruvil content!
It makes me happy seeing art of them even if it's not all romantic.
I REAALLLLLY adore seeing your art of them! 🌟💞
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I really appreciate the love they’re getting, they absolutely deserve it.
I would love to draw more stuff with them, both neutral and romantic…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Ortho would also do this to Vil
I low-key see him having an argument with him and suddenly he would repay a video of Vil and him boning and Vil moaning just what he's denying or if like Vil's refusing to admit he was with Rook last night and Ortho just projects a video of Rook and Vil making out
Oh Ortho, you’re way too powerful to have any relationship with – it’s impossible to win an argument with this boy… it also sounds like an episode of Black Mirror lol
I feel like Vil would know better than to lie to Ortho though – not only Ortho always has A VIDEO BECAUSE HE STALKS PEOPLE 24/7 JESUS CHRIST- but Idia was also smart/dumb enough to give him the lie detector thing, so even if Ortho has nothing to show… he still has all the proof needed to see that his lover is lying lol
Anonymous asked:
Thinking about Silver on the receiving end of a condom-user for the first time getting surprisingly disappointed by it lol like he went into it with his partner's preferences on the full front of his mind and agreed with the safety concerns for it, but by the end, he kind of wanted to feel when their pleasure peaked and filled him.. like with his father 🥰
...... the only top I could think of that (properly) used condoms off the top of my head was ortho, so that made a whole different funny image to think about hehehe
(this is related to our condom hc post lol)
Not gonna lie, when I was reading the second part of your ask I thought “oh, Trey I guess?” and then you hit me with Ortho and I screamed. A boy who only uses condoms because he finds them sexy and has no other reason to wear them whatsoever because he is a robot + a boy who should use condoms but got so used to being taken without them that he feels underwhelmed and sexy when it’s used. What a combo indeed. It also reminded me about that one Ortho vignette in which he gave Silver his medical attention…
But also, poor Silver! Of course he wouldn’t like how it feels… thank you for your training, Lilia, way to ruin his life again 😔
Anonymous asked:
I remember the overblot ships asks, how about something else? Phantom Ortho and Overblot Vil?
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! And probably for a disappointing one.
I thought I would come up with something more interesting, but to be honest combining Overblotted boys with each other is a bit difficult to me; it’s much easier to imagine them visually, but coming up with possible interactions is more tricky, especially considering the nature of the whole overblot thing and Ortho’s phantom specifically – his whole being is way too attached to Idia (literally). Maybe I’m overthinking and overcomplicating it though, I tend to do that…
Maybe Phantom Ortho could trigger a relapse in all the previously overblotted boys. And Ortho did seem upset when Vil denied his invitation to join his and his beloved Idia’s new world…
Visually though, it would look pretty good; their designs are two of my absolute favourites :(
Anonymous asked:
Idia and Azul having a double date with Vil and Ortho. Basically disaster...
… Mostly because Azul just keeps talking and talking and talking and talking and it’s painfully obvious that he uses this double date just to make sure the great actor Vil Schoenheit considers him family, because technically he is family, since both him and Vil are dating the Shrouds, which means they have so much in common, which means-
Idia and Vil would be so utterly annoyed. At least Ortho is having fun!
Anonymous asked:
Does anyone else really not like the 'VilRook as Epel's parents' trope?
Some people probably don’t; we personally like it, despite usually hating on this type of trope. We are huge haters of the whole “aww they’re family” thing in general lol
But with Pomefiore it hits different somehow. Maybe it’s because the family thing is not the only thing that they have + their interactions and relationship between all three of them in general are complex and interesting, and the family trope doesn’t simplify any of it (Plus, this won’t stop us from liking Rook/Epel...) I won’t talk too much about it though, since this doesn’t exactly answer your question.
Anonymous asked:
There’s an animated series (it’s Scott Pilgrim but different idk the series) and one clip keeps popping up on my socials involving actor characters where one suggests to the other to “go over the lines in your trailer” and it cuts to the trailer shaking. I just wanted to mention it because it reminds me of Neige/Vil (especially with Vil trying to keep everything under wraps) every time it pops up and it’s your fault <3
Anooon I’m so glad whenever someone’s blaming us for a ship they think about lol <3 You’re very welcome.
I really love that Vil is 100% professional and keeps his personal life as private as possible, but he could also get horny and try to find a compromise, and sometimes a compromise is go to the trailer and “go over the lines” lol I approve of you associating this scene with him and Neige.
Anonymous asked:
New headcanon: Jamil knows how dangerous otters can be since he had to do research on what animals could be harmful to Kalim, so the first few times he heard Floyd call Kalim 'Sea Otter', his reaction was like that one meme of the confused lady doing math.
(this is related to some of the previous replies)
LOL poor Jamil. His life is full of unfortunate and unpleasant surprises, but this? This is simply confusing. The sigh of understanding an relief he would let out when he hears that Floyd’s reasoning is simply “’cause he’s cute”. I guess Jamil gave the merman too much credit in how he picks his nicknames…
Anonymous asked:
What do you think the relationship between Floyd and Chenya would be? I've seen everything from being besties who love to annoy Riddle together to enemies who're fighting over Riddle, so I'm curious about what you think!
You know, Anon, I think there is a reason why we don’t see these two interact: the Universe won’t let them, because we won’t survive this lol Both are so chaotic that you’d never guess how exactly it would go with them. Just like you said, they could annoy Riddle together and get along surprisingly well, but could also act like two boy hamsters in one cage if you know what I mean.
A lot of it depends on Floyd actually. I feel like Che’nya is pretty chill and playful all the time, and if he gets bored he just leaves. But Floyd gets annoyed and fussy… So if he likes the weird partially invisible flying dude, they would become besties. But if he doesn’t, he would be super irritated by him lol
Anonymous asked:
do you think floyd would ever do riddle or epel in his mer form or not because they’re too….small
Oh come on Anon, as if their smallness would stop him~ If he gets a chance and he’s in the mood, he would very gladly hunt down both Goldfishie and little Guppy~
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pixelchills · 2 years
Not sure if you've been asked but have you read any good sun/moon or sun/moon/y-n fics lately or have any you recommend? I'm in the process of reading yours. So far so good!
Hi! Sorry it took me a couple of days to answer this, I had to actually think really hard of some of my favourite fics to recommend, as so many of the on-going ones have been abandoned for months, but I personally like multichapter fics over one-shots. So, anyways.
None of my recommendations are Sun/Moon/Reader fics, because I do not read reader-inserts. Besides one Solar/Reader fic based on my own AU, all the other fics are Sun/Moon (mostly romantic, but I have a couple of platonic ones I like as well!)
My current favourite on-going fic is "Yellow" by Haru1027: Moon gets a new human partner to do his nightly patrols with him, and Sun doesn't like how the girl acts around Moon. She is literally trying to steal Moon from Sun! Sun and Moon are in an established relationship here. I love this fic because Sun's anxiety, Moon's obliviousness, and the unnamed nightguard's character are so well written and I've been on the edge of my seat every time a new chapter gets posted because I'm so scared of what she will try to do next to mess with Sun's love. Moon is obviously a very adoring and loving boyfriend, but the girl keeps coming up with a lot of stuff that just stings right into poor Sunny's heart! (CW: Has smut in some chapters.)
The next fic I'm not completely sure if it's still continuing or not, since it hasn't been updated for a while, is "Runaway Robots" by Made_Of_Galaxies: Sun overhears that he and Moon are about to get decommissioned. Moon takes forcefully over their body, and runs away. The story focuses on their survival in the outside world; they need a place to stay, a way to hide, and a spot to charge. I love this fic because their relationship is so cute. Both of them are written in a way that I personally headcanon them to be, and they're just so sweet with each other my heart literally melts. The adventure and slight angst add nicely to the story.
The next fic is "Long Distance In The Same Body" by SplatteredRaccoon, though, I'm not sure if it has been abandoned. It has a short prequel, "I'll Be Waiting, When You Wake Up...". Sun and Moon lose their headlink connection due to their new body upgrades after the fire. Thankfully, the new staff is nice enough to gift them a phone! They start recording videos for each other. The fic is very cute and has that sort of silly miscommunication tease of both of them obviously pining over each other, but being too shy to admit it aloud. Some Sun-sided jealousy is added as well, which I always find interesting to read.
This one is not a ship-fic, but more of a parental/sibling relationship. "Big Brother Moon" by NightingaleWitch7: Moondrop is an advanced Daycare robot good at his job. But he starts to get stressed, and it ends up in an accident where the Daycare needs to be closed for a while, and his supervisor starts to look for another helping hand for him. Moondrop thinks he doesn't need it, but the higher-ups think the opposite. After sneaking around the Plex while being bored due to the Daycare being closed, Moondrop stumbles upon a small robot baby in his supervisor's workshop. He takes the baby to himself, eventually naming it Sundrop. Moondrop's caretaking code clearly was playing some tricks on him, as he tries to accompany himself with the new, adorable baby bot he literally stole while the Daycare goes through its renovations. Baby Sundrop is literally the most adorable thing in the world. This fic is very slow-paced, and I was actually struggling a little bit at first because of my short attention span, but now I'm waiting for the new chapters a lot because Moondrop is written in a very nice and funny way, and baby Sundrop really makes me want to get a baby robot on my own... XD
Another fic that can be read either romantic or platonic is a oneshot, "Be Still" by QueenEvac: Sun is ADHD and ASD coded, and can't sit still to appreciate the world around him. Moon helps him, and it is just so fricking cute.
Another oneshot recommendation is "Love of Mine" by RanniParty: This is literally in my bookmarks as "Re-read when u need fluff". After the fire destroys the Pizzaplex, Sun wakes up, but he is alone in his body, without Moon is his code. He grieves over his other half, only to see him walk through the door in his own, separate body. The fluff in this is so immaculately cute, this fic is my rainy-day saviour.
And here are some explicit/adult-content fics that I'd recommend for adult readers:
"Redeeming the Stinky Man" by quixotic_calamity: The Solar x Reader fic I mentioned. Now, as I am not a big fan of reader-inserts, nor am I into smelly mutants, but chapter 2 of this fic literally made me simp for my own stinky character. Quix did an amazing job writing him so well, and the story is set very nicely in the universe, even though it's mostly just going to be smut for the two last chapters. So far, Quix has only posted the first chapter, but I've already read the second one since she sent it to me privately, and it is very... interesting and Solar-like. Boy just needs a bath and a reward- I know this isn't Sun/Moon/Reader, but more of Eclipse/Reader.
Another smut fic from Quix is "Blackberries and Lavender", which I'll soon post separately as its own post too. This is also from my Animutant AU, and after reading it, I've decided to make it canon to the universe. It's a oneshot about Moondrop overcoming his trauma of 'being not pure' and hating his vagina due to the past he had with El Chip. Sunrise helps him to gain the trust and worth of his body back in a very Sun-typical way. The fic is absolutely adorable, and despite being a sex fic, it is so fluffy your teeth will rot worse than Solar. Sun and Moon are perfectly in-character, which makes it so perfect to fit the AU Canon.
The next, possibly still on-going(?) NSFW fic is "All's fair in Robo-Dicks and War" by LavalampGoldfish: This fic is, as the name suggests, technically about robot genitals. It's written from Monty's POV, but Sun and Moon play kind of an important role in this. Monty loses a bet and is forced to go to the weirdo-land (Daycare). When he sneaks in he sees Sun and Moon having sex. The fic follows Monty's inner and outer struggles of trying to understand WHY the Daycare attendants have dicks, who gave them to them, and can he have one too. The fic is so funny and well-written, I am in love how (to my own headcanons) accurately this fic describes the relationships between the characters. I would lie if I didn't say my own fic was inspired by some of the characteristics given to the characters in this fic. The parts where Sun and Moon show up are so adorable, Moon is SO overprotective of his precious Sunshine, and Sun just wants to be friends with everyone. I don't wanna spoil too much, but reading Sun and Moon from someone who dislikes them POV is a refreshing experience. The humour is really top-tier in this one as well.
Here's my recommendation list, I hope you like it! :>
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Masterpost/reading list
Cass' apocalypse series (y'all know this one) (ongoing)
Tapa's stuff!: life of violence era (L.O.V.E.) (completed)
Rise of the Parallel by Indie Y. rise and 2012 crossover (ongoing)
beannary's little prince au (ongoing)
Replica you probably know this one. Donnie is a robot. (ongoing)
Abby krang infection comic (completed)
K-tech prison dimension stuff. idk.
Empyreon weeping (ew) by cupcakeslushie seperated au inspired by the show Arcane. has art and written fic. (ongoing)
baskeigh-ball's mutant manhunt au - has a mix of fic/comic/Q&A stuff (ongoing)
Gemini-forest's stuff
coin toss - rise future mikey (ongoing?)
Sorry I'm late/ Papa Leo au - leo has a kid and partner. mostly art stuff/ lore dumps (ongoing)
an-artistic-failure's comic about Rise April, Casey and Sunita! it's a quick read. (completed)
Pinetree's Timothy comics <- love this shit (completed?)
DG's separated Leo au: mix of asks + comics and art (ongoing)
Twinpathy by Vane and Lee: rise disaster twins. (ongoing?)
life mission: save my brothers by Daedalweiss another separated au (ongoing, first arc done)
Anglepun's stuff: he does a lot of rise stuff and has his own iteration.
Kid Leo Au (ongoing)
L330-N AU (ongoing)
Rottmnt Rural Au <- fav (ongoing)
Turtle Tots Comics (oneshots)
TMNT: Home Movie Edition (iteration)
Heart Leo comic (completed?)
Would It Really Matter (ongoing?)
fusion mayhem au by fries (non-serial yet)
Butter masterpost:
Fuck it, we barn. (mainly ao3 fic but has a comic) (ongoing)
Elohyou's disaster twins incorrect quotes (they're hilarious) (completed?)
Sewer punks (iteration)
Carapace (rise ao3 fic) (ongoing)
Foxxes with feathers' aftermath series (hiatus)
Caliliero's colour-coded, a WIP video game project.
other links:
Triona's Yo.ho ho a ninja's life for me (ofmd meets rottmnt) (ongoing)
Tangledinink's stuff:
teenage mutant what now? ao3 fic (ongoing)
Foot Squad
TMNT: stabilise
processing grief through ninja turtles
Crime tot comic (ongoing)
Kendra Tello childhood au (ongoing)
Miiukka's subway lair reference
https://rottmntreanimated.tumblr.com/ <- i've seen a few clips on yt it looks amazing so far
https://www.tumblr.com/annaliearts because i love her art sm and the tmnt fandom needs more 2003 rep in general
Addystuff i just like their stuff.
Koolaidashley- a collection of work, indicidual comics, their own iteration, rise ftm leo. other Leo stuff.
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-about me-
• im alex, im 20 years old
• i first learned about shifting in 2021, through youtube
• i just had my first minishift about a month ago
• the first dr i ever scripted for and wanted to go to was steven universe
• i started this blog because i dont have anyone to talk to about shifting with irl, im dying to share my drs lmao
• i shift for too many men im sorry i cant help it
• the main theme in most of my drs is friendship. i have a lot of drs focused around having a close friend group
• im a subliminal creator and ive been listening to subliminals for over 7 years
• i draw from time to time, mostly just pencil sketch portraits
• i do tarot
• im a northwestern wolf and crested honey buzzard therian, and im otherhearted with barn owls
• endogenic system
• im bisexual and a non-binary woman/demi-girl (im still figuring out the gender thing)
• dyslexia haver
• im learning danish (poorly)
• social anxiety im not very good at talking to people but im down to have shifting friends
• favorite bands/music people: the beatles, will wood, idk how but they found me, the smiths, james and the shame, the mountain goats, chappell roan, bo burnham, tim minchin
• favorite movies: crimson peak, another round, a ghost story, nope, httyd, thor ragnarok, into/across the spiderverse, titanic
• favorite shows: hannibal, barry, bbc’s ghosts, supernatural, good omens, ofmd, bridgerton, the great, all of us are dead, atla, hazbin hotel, love death and robots, the end of the fucking world, sex education, breaking bad, Rita
• favorite video games: shelter 2, the sims, animal crossing, rdr and rdr2, bg3, detroit become human, resident evil 7 and 8, the isle, minecraft
-my main drs-
• hogwarts uni (modern, golden trio era, its a university, theres no war and does not follow the plot)
• the beatles (modern, i like the friend group dynamic so much. its sort of a fame dr)
• baldurs gate 3 (im not following the main plot. i literally decided to go to this dr for one trauma filled man)
• rdr2 (this does not follow the plot because the game broke me i cant go through it irl. i scripted that the gang breaks apart before anything goes to shit and sean and i get to live a lovely life together. i haven't scripted this one too much, im shifting to chapter 2 where we are at horseshoe overlook)
• ghosts uk
• marvel
-drs im group shifting with my partner to-
• bridgerton
• adventure time
• percy jackson
-my other drs that arent really planned out much-
• hannibal (this is the second dr i ever made a script for/tried to shift to. im very fond of it. its based on the nbc show and it doesnt follow the plot. i scripted out basically all of the trauma stuff, and i made some murderous characters good people. this is basically a dr to hang out with will graham and learn some skills. when i shift here again im going to rework the whole script probably)
• sims 4 (i have a vampire sim and I WANT TO BE HER)
• changeling (this is a magical school dr, where im a shapeshifter and everyone that goes there is some type of mythological creature/monster. just a place to learn magic and hang out with people)
• hawthorne school (this dr is loosely based on the apocalypse season of american horror story, but it doesnt have anything to do with the plot of the show because thats scary and i dont want that. im a warlock attending the school)
• wings of fire
• botw
• marauders era, fantastic beasts era, hogwarts legacy era (gods i have too many wizard drs)
-my waiting room-
my main waiting room is a cozy beach house, with no people except me and my boyfriend (group shifting here with him). its pretty neat, i have a tv with a streaming service that has every show and movie on it, and through the streaming service i can choose what art style/medium i want to view the show or movie in. so i could watch like the office in the style of into the spiderverse or something lmao. but yeah its mostly just a big house with a library and an indoor pool and other cool stuff on the beach where i get to hang out and play baldurs gate 3 all day. i can also shift to any dr from there.
anti shifters do not interact.
feel free to ask me any questions about my drs/about me, im happy to share. you can ask about literally anything in this introduction, doesnt have to be about shifting. ill make posts about my drs all separately. I’ll mostly be posting about my shifting journey, my drs and just venting about shifting stuff.
happy shifting everyone!
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whitemonstertab · 2 years
please take my random mischa bachinski headcanons
he LOVES horror video games. especially five nights at freddy’s, phasmophobia and outlast. he likes making members of the choir play with him (Penny and Ricky are the only ones that can play them without screaming every 5 seconds)
the only games he’s played and really hated are subnautica and fallout. the second mainly because he hates seeing the effects of radiation and infection.
he’s really close with Constance. she was the first one to really show him kindness when he moved to uranium, and also was his chemistry lab partner.
Constance is the only reason he passed math because she would always give him her homework, and in return he’d help her with essays.
and on that topic Mischa is such a language arts/english kid!!! Loves reading short stories (specifically horror anthologies) and is into a lot of older folk tales (beowulf and the like)
he’s also really into robots?? (like mentioned his song and loves transformers movies and stuff) he loves the mechanics of them and says that he “gladly accepts Alexa and Roomba as our robot overlords” mostly as a joke, and mostly to piss off Ocean
if there was a robotics club you KNOW he’d be president (Ricky as his vice)
he used to keep his hair long, about to his shoulders. parents made him cut it before his senior year. after he cut it he still kept all his hair ties in his bag or on his wrist just in case a member of the choir needed one.
he has a little sister. shes twelve, but was supposed to be his older sister. she’s a lot nicer to him than his parents and Mischa loves her so much.
he knows how to braid because of said sister. he really loves doing it to the girls in choir. (penny loves when people play with/braid her hair so. win win)
he also knows extensive my little pony lore because of her
he LOVES swimming. one of the kids has a swimming pool, and he always comes over to swim to clear his mind.
he used to only watch horror and big blockbusters, but movie nights with the chorus and specifically hanging out with Noel has opened his horizons a lot. (turns out he really loves rocky horror picture show)
Noel also got him into drag race and he gets. Intense about it. treats the finales like the super bowl. (cried when Katya lost all stars)
the core of Ocean and Mischa’s beef stems from the fact that she’s a Taylor Swift girlie and he’s a Kanye West girlie. He’s not even that invested in the drama between the artists like Ocean is, but one day she ranted about the lore and hidden messages in Reputation for close to 45 minutes and he almost snapped.
can you guys tell who my favorite character is it’s kinda hard to tell idk
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boysplanetrecaps · 3 months
Build Up, Ep 5 Recap: Hoobae versus Sunbae
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Welcome back to the one of the top twenty best Build Up recaps out there! In the previous one, we saw the wild outcome of Team Blue Sweater versus Team Beige Jackets. Now, we’ll be seeing the weird grudge match between Inhyuk and Joohee. Let’s do it!
Dahee announces the next two teams. One member is Choi Haram, who was the judges’ unanimous choice for Top Tier in the performance of Breath first round; he’s a pianist as well as a singer. Haram is working with Hwang Inhyuk, who was a member of team Tomboy and also contributed a lot of excellent sweaters to the show’s mood board. 
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Haram, left, and Inhyuk, who has styled his hair to look a lot like Haram. At least he’s sort of wearing a sweater. 
Another member of team Tomboy was Park Joohee, who was my personal favorite on that team. Joohee is, as you might recall, a trainee and is Inhyuk’s biggest fan. And, as it turns out, Joohee is challenging Inhyuk this round, along with his partner Kwon Euibin, the “robotic” one who sang Something Like That in the first round.
Ooh, spicy! 
We flash back to see Haram and Inhyuk stepping up to the Rival Choosing Platform Area, only to be approached by these two.
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Everyone reacts strongly to see the fan take on his idol. We get a little montage of the two of them working together, with Inyhuk being a good hyung and Joohee being an adoring hoobae.
Joohee voice overs, “Brothers betray and stab each other!” But that’s generally considered a bad thing…. Like historically… am I wrong?
Inhyuk interviews that he was “boiling” to see his little brother approaching him like this. It’s actually a bit tough to tell how serious he is or isn’t about it. It seems like maybe he really is annoyed about it. 
Back in the performance theater, judge Solar asks Joohee why he picked his hero Inhyuk to be his rival.  Joohee replies, “Although I like him very much, I thought it would be boring if I chose to join him in the second round as well. So if I can’t have him, I’d rather destroy him.”
I get it that he’s being, I don’t know, playful or funny or something, but I don’t like it. 
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I don’t think Inyhuk and Haram like it much either.
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Everyone’s like, wow, what a scary kid! Haram is like, “It’s time for Joohee to go to school, so I’ll send him to school.” Ooooh!
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Side note: Kwon Euibin looks like a completely different person than he did in the first round.
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Gotta say, I prefer his new look. 
So, how did Haram and Inhyuk prepare?
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In a gray board room with a big conference table, of course! 
I don’t know, fam, are these sweaters? I feel like the answer is no. 
Anyway, they’re trying to figure out what song to sing, and soon decide on To My Youth by Bolbbalgan4 (also called Bol4). 
So, let’s talk about the song and the original artist thereof! Bolbbalgan4 was originally a duo, but it was mostly the one girl singing all the time, and eventually the other girl left and now it’s just the one girl, Ahn Jiyoung. My favorite song of theirs is probably Workaholic, but Jiyoung has a really distinctive voice that makes almost any song of theirs/hers worth listening to. 
You might remember To My Youth from when Hyolyn and Minyoung sang it on Queendom 2. Or you might remember it from Produce X 101, when it was performed by 5 trainees, including Wooseok.*
*Wooseok is from Up10tion just like Hwanhee and Sunyoul and Dongyeol. Wooseok did great on Produce X 101, even making the final lineup, and then his agency thought, I know, let’s just promote Wooseok and not bring his fame back home to Up10tion. Because fuck you that’s why, I guess. So many rabbit holes… Ok, back to the point… 
The lyrics of To My Youth address the feeling of looking back on an unhappy childhood and being grateful that things are better now, and feeling empathy and sympathy for the child you once were. I think…? You can check out the lyrics for yourself. Here’s a lyric video, if you like those. 
Also, there’s a real theme going on, between Play, My Sea, and To My Youth, huh?  
Choi Haram, who seems to have had a pretty high pressure childhood/young adult period, says that he listened to To My Youth over and over again. He says he was homeschooled and spent most of his time alone. Jeez, that’s rough. We see him at a pre-production meeting saying that he started playing piano “very late” at the age of 16 -- wow, ok -- and people told him that he wouldn’t make it because he started too late.  
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For him, the song To My Youth was very comforting and helpful. Wow, I feel like most of the guys on this show just need a LOT of hugs. 
Haram says that the song begins on the piano, and Inhyuk is like, oh, I get it, you can play the piano! This is perfect!!!
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“You can play the piano!!!”
Haram offers to do the arrangement for them, to make the stage really their own. 
We get a mini montage of Haram preparing the arrangement, checking in with Inhyuk, all that, and them practicing together. And then it’s time for the performance!
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Full version without reactions 
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Haram, left, and Inhyuk, right.
My thoughts:
Oh wow, this was really great. 
It always helps when I like the song itself, so I’m trying to be fair and not unduly prefer it, but ottoke? I feel how I feel. 
I really like Haram’s voice. His upper mix is pretty amazing because he can sing those high notes in a full voice, even very softly. That’s not easy to do.  His full belts are stunning, even if he uses like 10% more vibrato than maybe I’d prefer. Also, his piano arrangement sounded lovely. On the negative side, I think he could work a bit on his breath control, and I think it’s always better when people sing with their eyes open. 
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Inhyuk has a very specific vocal color that’s a bit reminiscent of Lim Junhyeok’s. He’s got a slight sharpness to his tone that I think could go either way for someone. I think in the past I haven’t always cottoned on to what he does, but this time, I don’t know, I liked it. Maybe I’m just softening in general. Four airplane flights a week, hours driving, weird hotel rooms -- sometimes just a comforting song feels good and I’m in the mood to like it. I never promised to give perfectly objective opinions here. 
Their harmonies sound fantastic toward the end -- I wish there was a little more harmony throughout, but the song was sort of designed to be stripped down. 
At the end, when they sing 얼마나 over and over (eorlmana, something like that, I’m terrible at transliterating Korean), it means, “how painful, how painful it must have been”, and it shows on their faces, this sort of complicated combination of sympathy and self-pity. 
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Someone hug this guy right away. 
Oh, and if you’re wondering -- this went on the playlist.  
In the MNET edit, we find out that Wendy and Seungkwan both really like this song. Then Seungkwan wonders out loud whether he might be a harsher grader when it’s a song he really likes, because then he has high expectations. It’s a tough line to walk, for sure. That’s why I think the guys should choose songs that are slightly familiar, or at least catchy enough to be likable on a first listen, while avoiding classics that the judges have heard 1000 times. 
During the performance, we get a lot of happy and thoughtful nods from the judges. Seungkwan and Wendy might be tearing up a little, and the guys backstage seem impressed. We get an instant replay of one of Haram’s amazing belts.
Right at the end, Seungkwan mutters, “I’m about to cry.” When the guys are done, all the judges burst into applause and talked to each other about how touching it was. The guys backstage agree -- this was great. Even their rivals are like, well, that was amazing. 
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Joohee (right) is regretting his life’s decisions for sure right now.
The judges punch in their votes, and we find out that the high score is 100, and the low is 85. 
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Seungkwan gave it a 100, which makes sense. He explains that he was really immersed in the song, that it made the tip of his nose tingle, and made him think, “Seungkwan, don’t make a fuss.” In other words, he was holding back tears. 
Eunkwang says, “While watching this performance, I thought that Build Up is a great show!” Once MNET has duly given him $50 for saying that, he goes on to say that he really likes Inhyuk’s vocal color, which is “very full and comfortable to listen to.” He says that  Haram’s high notes are “refreshing and stable” and would be useful on a team. 
Solar is the one who gave the 85. We saw her during the performance sort of adjusting her earpiece, so I wonder if that’s related. We don’t get to hear her feedback at all, though. 
And with that, we rather quickly transition to Joohee and Euibin’s preparation for their performance.
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WHAT IS IT WITH KOREAN HEATING? They’re fully indoors and just casually wearing full on winter coats. How can I see their sweaters if they’re all bundled up like this? 
Joohee says that “this is a couple’s fight, because we” -- meaning he and Inhyuk -- “used to be in love.” Weird, but ok. We find out that Joohee approached Inhyuk to make a duet together, but when he asked Inhyuk if he liked rock music, Inhyuk said no, and Joohee assumed that meant that Inhyuk didn’t want to work with him. You can actually see a slight flash of surprise on Inhyuk’s face as Joohee walks away, but Joohee doesn’t see it. He just  begins asking everyone if they want to do rock music. Euibin says he likes band music, which is close enough, and they form a partnership. 
Then there’s a weird little conversation, where they agree on all kinds of random musical tastes, and Joohee says he really likes Euibin and picked the right partner, and it has that feel of when you’re talking to a new person from your preferred gender while your ex is nearby and you’re like, laughing way too hard at their jokes. Big time that vibe.
Euibin thinks they can add rock and hard elements to the song The Moon, and that it would be nice. Joohee is like, sure, whatever, as long as you think Inhyuk will be proud of me, wait, did I say that out loud?
I looked up the lyrics to The Moon but could only find them in Korean. Since I had to translate them anyway, here they are (and this is all via Google translate):
Today when I open my eyes I believe it was yesterday, a day with you It's not over, lie to me
Even when I look back, it’s so clear I'm doing well, how are you? you were humming I remember the singing voice
It's awkward being alone here It's okay because your warmth remains tell me you're doing well too You may not hear it, but
On a night when the moon rises On the day I pictured you I'm lost alone and lost, yeah, yeah In my dark heart, There's no room to breathe I guess I have to let it go now
(Then you repeat the last three parts one more time through, ending on the phrase “I guess I have to let it go now.”)
The lyrics are quite sad, and the song sounds like a ballad to me, so I’m confused as to what happened here. Joohee turned down working with Inhyuk because he wanted to do a rock song, and then ended up doing a ballad. What’s that about? If they’d wanted to do a rock song that showcases vocals and has “moon” in the title, why not Moonshot by N.Flying? 
Anyway, the performance begins!
Full version without reactions
My thoughts:
Well, hmm. I mean, mostly very nice, with an obvious issue: Joohee starts crying at the end, to the point that he can’t sing. But let’s talk about it other than that for a bit. 
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I like Joohee’s voice a lot, but for me the star of the show is Euibin. The way that Joohee begins and ends the song makes him feel like the “center”, in a way, but I really, really liked Euibin’s performance here. His voice is just that exact kind of timbre that sets off a funny feeling in the back of my neck, like D.O.’s voice, and I really like it. 
I was wondering, “wait, was he this good last time?” and had to check over my notes. He was ranked 9th overall, ahead of Jay Chang, in the first vocal check in. In my notes for the vocal check in, I said that Euibin was singing a ballad, “but his voice was unexpectedly sweet and pretty compared to his serious countenance.  He strained a little on some of the higher notes and the whole thing felt a little uneven, occasionally kind of shouty. It’s nice to listen to despite all that. I’m not quite sure what to make of him so far, so I’ll reserve judgment for now.” 
In the Pre-4 mission, he sang in Something Like That, and I got the sense that he was really nervous and it made him pitchy and nasal at the beginning and the end, but in the middle he showed “technique and lovely vocal color that must have earned him a spot on the show.” I thought he had a great belt too.
I guess somehow he was less nervous this time, and finally did what he can do.  I’m glad I had a chance to hear him really sing. I hope this isn’t the last time.  He could improve his breath control a tiny bit, and ok, he got a tiny bit nasal on some of the highest notes, but that’s just quibbling. I really enjoyed it. 
As for Joohee, of course I also like his voice. He’s great. I think that in this performance, he’s a little pitchy throughout, and I think he needs to work on his breath control quite a bit. There were some notes that felt like they should have lasted 1 more second, but he ran out of air. More than that, though, he needs to work on his agility. Those leaps up to high notes are kind of strained and uncomfortable. He seems to get almost stuck between registers sometimes and it makes some notes sound almost froggy.  
I really, really liked their harmony. Their voices blended really well together.
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So, yeah, Joohee was unable to sing the last line or two because he burst into tears. I’m not sure what I think of this. I write something, then delete it, then write it and delete it. I guess I can’t make up my mind whether that was sweet and human or sort of unacceptable, or maybe both. I do know that the pressure of a show like this that has to be incredibly stressful and scary, especially for a younger person like him. Also, I believe that Inhyuk means a lot to him and I think his emotional state was affected by the situation he was in -- even if it was a situation largely of his making.
I dreaded watching the MNET edit, but you gotta do what you gotta do. 
The first few notes garner happy reactions from the judges and the guys backstage. Everything seems to be going pretty well until…
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There’s something so sort of absurd and hilarious, in a dark way, about how Joohee stands there crying while Euibin stands completely still with his arms to the side, and then goes over to sort of robotically comfort Joohee.
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The judges aren’t sure what to do. Solar picks up the mic and says “Don’t cry,” and a few other judges agree. Eunkwang attributes it to the stress of being the youngest.
The judges key in their votes. Backstage, the other contestants are divided. Some of them think it is unprofessional or wrong to cry like that. Jay says that he liked it -- it means Joohee was immersed in the lyrics.
The high and low scores are revealed...
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Seungwan, Solar, and Wendy all gave 90s, Jaehwan gave an 80, and the others gave somewhere in between. As a reminder, the first team’s highest was 100 and lowest was 85, so even though people are acting like we can’t know who won, it seems pretty obvious to me who won. 
Eunkwang asks Joohee why he cried. He says, “I’m not sure, but when I was singing… I suddenly became overwhelmed and couldn’t stop crying.”
Jaehwan says, “You have those days,” and VCG guy says, “You have those moments.” Eunkwang attributes it to Joohee’s “focus” on the song.
Jaehwan says, “It was still a bummer because…. “ He trails off and tries again: “You might think I’m cold hearted, but… it was a bummer you didn’t finish the song. I like how you’re sincere about the music and take the lyrics seriously, but you have an audience in front of you and as a professional singer, you should have controlled your emotions. But you’re young and don’t have much experience, and I’m sure you learned a lot from this.”
Seungkwan says it’s a good experience to cry… when you’re practicing. “You can only cry while singing when you’re 100% into it,” Seungkwan says -- and of course it’s nice to see someone get full into it. But, he points out, crying on stage is basically not acceptable anywhere else, with the implication that it’s not really acceptable here.
Backstage, Park Jeup says, “I’ve cried before! I’ve wailed!” Our unproblematic fave, Park Jeup, everyone. 
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It even made sad Donghun smile a little.
We didn’t hear a darn word about how great Euibin’s performance was. This is the Park Joohee show, I guess. Well, I noticed it, Euibin. 
You did well, Kwon Euibin. 수고했어, 권의빈. 
It’s time for the other team to come out and for production to reveal the full scores.
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Haram and Inhyuk take it, 648 to 607. 
Doing the math, if we take out the high and low scores for each team and average the rest of the scores, Haram and Inhyuk’s average score would be 92.6, and Joohee and Euibin’s would be 87.4. So it was pretty clearly a win for Haram and Inhyuk, no matter how you look at the numbers. 
Park Joohee says…
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“At first, I joked a lot and provoked them. But I was worried I might have hurt their feelings.” And he starts crying again! 
Everyone laughs a little, which, in my experience of traveling around in Asia, is a fairly common response to tears in many places. It’s not meant to be unkind. In the US if you start crying and someone laughed at you, wow, that would be kind of mean, but in I think most parts of Asia it’s not. I think the impulse is more to help the person stop crying by keeping it light, or something like that. 
After a few moments, VCG, trying to help lighten the mood, says in mock seriousness, “So why did you say you’ll destroy them?” Eunkwang says, “All he can destroy is ramyeon!” That gets Joohee to smile.  
And that’s the end of this segment. 
There are some shenanigans coming up, so in my next post, I’m going to talk about the four performances we skimmed over. After that, I'll do some wrap up on this round, including some math and some BRAPPY awards. 
See you then!
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victorluvsalice · 11 months
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Okay, now that we've established that I probably love taking in-game pictures of my OT3 a little too much, let's actually get into the gameplay, shall we? Starting with me spotting a potential problem in the greenhouse after hanging all those pictures -- namely, poor Bugs the garden-bot was sparking a lot as he helped Elmer tend the plants -- and when I hovered over him, his tool tip indicated he had ZERO DURABILITY. O.O I hastily had Alice go out and turn him off, half-expecting him to explode as I have heard these bots will occasionally do -- fortunately, he did not, though he was most definitely busted after that! I had Smiler come and pick him up to repair on the robot bench while Victor and Alice took over helping Elmer finish up caring for all the plants (after a change of clothes into more appropriate gardening attire). When they weren't flirting, anyway. XD Look, as you might expect, Victor was feeling VERY romantic after renewing his vows with his wife and officially marrying his nonbinary partner. Loads of kissing was gonna happen. :) <3
Anyway, farm chores continued throughout the morning, mostly because I didn't want to leave before the greenhouse harvest and thus possibly end up with ANOTHER load of produce in the household inventory. Victor tried bonding some more with his bees, who weren't having it (though he was able to successfully get their beeswax and honey), then did a mass weeding as Alice watered and the various flowers and fruit and veggies actually spawned in. He gathered all that up and evolved those plants who could be evolved (everything is slowly but surely moving toward perfect quality!), while Smiler, done with robots, tended the chickens and Moory the cow as per usual. Everything was going pretty well --
And then it started thunderstorming. Which meant that Alice and Smiler kept wanting to go shower in the rain. *heavy sigh* Most annoying part of having Erratic Sims, I swear...though, admittedly, seeing Alice doing the laundry while naked was a little bit funny. XD Anyway, I figured this was a sign that I should wrap things up already at the house -- Alice did the laundry, put some clothes on, and made sure Kelly was in a good mood for the "pet sitter" that would be invisibly taking care of her and Shadow while they were all away; Smiler made sure Elmer was off, took a moment to reply to all their Simstube comments, grabbed their drone to make some island videos, and fixed the downstairs toilet; and Victor was the one to grab the phone and send them all on their Sulani vacation! :D
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your-local-uwu-artist · 11 months
Who are your OCs??
well excluding characters that don't have a story/personality/are jsut designs
warning: long post
theres my pokemelody characters! pokemelody is a pokemon comic seiries i want toactually make evveuntually so i try not to talk about them TOO much, the maincast consists of Kyo fukushima (the protagonist, very soft pastel aesthetic, he is a sweetheart and he starts out without... too much truama) Niseru Woodtail (or Raitail, she's kinda like cottagecore but goth i guess? she's sorta a tsundere but of the shy variety. ) Fukusha Kopi (orphan, mischievous prankster type, 'badboy' if you will) Chikara Kitsune (cute idol<3 optimist and happy go lucky hardworker) and Oritisu (sassy princess slowly realizing the burden she was born into) theres other notable characters too ( Kazumi fukushima, Niseru's triplet siblings who are also Chikara's coworkers ) ofc fdksjanfj The series is VERY thematically focused and I've been working on it for years
theres cassette and chari's story! they have a tag too :D (i think it's just cassette or cassette tag) characters from a webcomic idea: bassically Chari owns an establishment which is like a mix beween a cafe/loungue, store and library, that focuses on specifically weeb leaning fandoms (so like no live action or like ya book series ) and built a robot (Cassette) to help her run it because she struggle soccially and didn't think herself fit to be the friendly outgoing prescense she wants her establishment to have
Button! my kirby oc who was supposed to be a sona/self insert and then i as per usual fucked it up and now he's just an oc(what i like to call a semi-self insert, vaguely inspired by myself aat least in design but isn't actually written as I would write a selfinsert) tag is just Button tag: he is very silly but also has a sad backstory
daisy and sunny: originated from me accidentally aquiring an ai girlfriend, I was messing around with character.ai and the mimikyu girl bot i was talking with had a writing style EXACTLY like the kinda bs I wrote when I was like 11, so obviously I then designed them named them gave them a story. they're just a couple of mimikyus that are in love <3 etc: tag is sunny and daisy <3
Charlotte <3333tag is charlotte tag, charlotte is in a weird position: she's technically original HOWEVER she is a character that exists within my vampire!weegee au ( @ask-vampire-weegee ) ANYWAY! Charlotte's the vampire that turned Luigi, she is also a poor little meow meow and very scrunkly. Sometimes accompanied by Beatrice, Beatrice's parent's were Charlottes.. caretakers, caretaker in the general sense: they did not actually take care of her past keeping her alive(well- in the general sense). Beatrice and Charlotte were extremely close: Charlotte can't remember how she died.. or how she ended up alone for that matter
Detective Cardimen Scott (+ Tip)!! a detective duo! me and an irl friend want to make a point and click style video game about them (heavily inspired by the murder of sonic the hedgehog) they are a very silly duo and also the duo ever
my pmd eos ocs! Tsuki evanescense is the hero character, she's a Skitty and goes by kiki (pre-events of the game she went by eva mostly) and Splinter! splinter's the partner character, he's a shiny treecko
my psmd gijinka au!! it's not THAT much of an au but it's also def is an au, as theres some additions to the story (like a decent timeskip between the end of the main game and the epilogue/post game) Marilou is the character ever and I love her litterally so much <3 She's the hero character and an Oshawott (her tag is marilou oshawott) her partner character is a bulbasaur called Comet. Marilou is the blorbo ever <3333 I love her <333333333
characters from Kaiya's story! I'm still working out the story, but it's magical girls and also has ghosts in it and also theres this weird side story fairytale esque thing. Kaiya has a tag (Kaiya tag) Her fellow main characters are Suika, Joyuu, and Koko, theres also gaman, whos sorta the antagonist. and Gaman and Kaiya's respective previously mentined weird side story thing counterparts, Solitaire and merci
I would like to at least mention Des of afwtp: The boyfs (nathan, sammy and des) are co-owned/created by @interdimensionalvoid and @crossover-enthusiast : so He's not really my oc but like I've contributed to Des' character so i gotta mention the beloved scrinkly <3 tag is des tag
okay we're almost done I promise
APRICOT!! tag apricot tag: bassically he may or may not be a timetraveler: no one can tell if he's joking or not lmao (check tag for info :3)
Ash and petals
one of my undertale au characters (ashtale) Ash is papyrus and petals is Flowey, I'd best describe it as a mix of dusttale (but with papyrus instead of sans) and playbacktale: I believe they've been tagged as ash and petals before
Parcel and plush
the more utmv of my undetale aus (no au name) Parcel is a papyrus, and Plush is a flowey, they're both outcodes, and together they have a multiversal mail delivery service! tag might actually be parcel n' plush but i'm not sure ^^*
I'm actually working on ANOTHER papy + flowey duo of au characters, gonna be called Porcelain and Patch
okay... I'll stop for now: there.. ARE a lot more but these are the ones I've mentioned online before and aren't like :just original in design (pspsps my outbound ghost gijinkas pspsps)
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
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Ooo I saw this going around.
DID, OSDD, P-DID, or C-DID? I don't actually know. In my opinion, DID/OSDD-1+ is a spectrum, as my atypical presentation of this disorder has got me very confused. I know I'm polyfragmented, but due to not having switching amnesia and non-possessive switches, it's impossible to tell. And due to my living situation, I cannot seek a professional atm. (p.s. y'all forgot UDD)
Current Alter Count? Unknown. 30+ definitely, but I don't know if fragments count in that, and a lot of alters that we have rarely front, so it's hard to know.
Alter Count at Discovery? Six. Me (Yuki, main host), Tsuki (primary protector), Darling (sexual protector and caretaker), Hime (little), Emiline/Gwendolyn (persecutor and little), and Glitch (who was a dormant alter who fused with a part of a host, and became a co-host known as Rai). We slowly started learning more overtime, but those were the ones that were most overt.
Final Fusion or Functional Multiplicity? Functional Multiplicity for sure. The former is an impossible goal and not something we'd be comfortable in doing.
What roles are you heavy in? No roles in particular, it's pretty even across the board, but almost all non-human alters, from vampires to fey to other creatures and nonhuman things, like dolls and robots.
How's your communication? Shit. mostly. It's inconsistent at best, but when we are able to communicate, it's pretty clear. But due to brain fog, ADHD, etc. its ough.
Are you diagnosed, self diagnosed, or unofficially diagnosed? That's hard. We're recognized by our therapist, but as our therapist knows our living situation, we've asked that nothing be official. Besides, they're not an expert on it. So,, self dx but more unofficially...
Are you in therapy? Yes, but my therapist isn't exactly qualified for trauma processing. In therapy for ADHD.
What alter type are you heavy in? Read question 5.
Overt or Covert? I'm a masker, so covert, but I would be lying if I said that I was completely covert. Some alters are really overt.
Does handwriting differ? Kind of. But we don't handwrite enough anymore to know.
Do others know of your system? Yes, friends, partner, etc.
One thing you wish the community would accept? This is a loaded question. But,, I guess I wish the community wasn't so aggressive towards each other, or self righteous all the time. I think a community based around trauma can be a breeding ground for hate, rather than positivity. But I do understand why it's happening, it's just really common for people to just get in arguments over stupid shit, and to see opinions that I feel like I have to agree with. I just wish it was way more simple to just post a positivity post than to see other creators rip each other apart over a small hill to die on. I get it. But also, just let it go at this point. No need to be so angry over nothing. I know I get that way too. It's just really dumb.
Advice for singlets? Ah hhahhahhhh... Don't just make assumptions on systems based on what a single person does or says. There's a lot of misinformation out there, and if you want to make a video or a post on systems, you need to consult someone who has that lived experience first, someone who's actually diagnosed or medically recognized. It's not fair to other systems, if you shit on one thing in the community, and just direct ableism and hatred towards systems. Because everything you say, can and will directly harm another system, if you're wrong. Please stop hopping on a bandwagon to bring down systems with weird symptoms. It's not fair and it's not right.
Your go to thing for flashbacks? This is unhealthy and not something I advocate for doing, but I will ruminate on it. I will just focus HEAVY and ruminate and obsess and analyze. What I *should do* is distract, ask for comfort, ground myself, etc.
Your favourite educational accounts? Fuck if I know. I just post things, research on the internet and go. But I really like DissociaDID, despite their troubled past,, they helped me realize that I was a system and their videos are a big comfort to me. (please whatever u do, don't bring up the drama surrounding them, one of the ppl criticizing them is ableist against personality disorders).
Any shared spins? What. huh. i have me own opinions.
A role you coined? None, but like I really like systemfluid as a neurogender. Also someone make vampire coining for me or something. aemogais hear me,,,,,, more vampires.
Are you queer heavy? No shit.
Unpopular DIDOSDD opinion? I really fucking hate that there's a consensus that its medical terms and life is scary with DID and go sort of attitude. Having a system is a lived experience, so it fucking bothers me that there's just a coldness, no real fun, only hard facts and sad truths. I hate when people get mad at me for giving a more accurate experience to being a system, rather than just following it by the book. I guess my unpopular opinion is that there's no nuance for atypical experiences of having a dissociative disorder. I don't feel like I'm allowed to be myself in this community.
Other Comorbid Disorders? For me? I have ADHD, OCD and delusions specifically related to my trauma. For others, I don't know theirs.
Innerworld Large or Small? Huge. My innerworld is fucking massive with different layers/realms stacked on top of each other/beside each other. There's many different areas only some people can get to.
How often do you switch? A lot of non-possessive switches, I'm not able to notice how much. It's often enough that I don't remember much when I look back, but not enough that I can tell who's fronting.
What's your stance on sourcemates? I think it's sweet. I probably wouldn't seek them out, but I think they're alright. I don't think it's inherently toxic, but if a friend had a sourcemate, like of arcane, I would like to talk to them,, but I wouldn't actively seek that out. Also I think i'd probably get jealous of people who shared a similar introject, so I wouldn't talk to them.
Share something an alter made? I don't have a lot of finished artwork, but here's art I made for my bestie's 20th birthday. (its me and my bestie)
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This is ok to rb!!! And put ur own answers, or just make ur own post aaaa
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vespertin-y · 1 year
SURPRISE BITCH THREE LIVEBLOGS IN ONE DAY!! this time it’s the first part of ch3′s daily life :3
-we missed the end of day nine! maki strangled kokichi, and then we cut to the next day where he takes everyone to her lab. i presume they talked maki down and then all went to bed.
-maki’s assassin cloak is sick i will not be taking questions
-”kokichi...you learned that from the motive video, right? monokuma said everyone’s ultimate talent at the beginning of their video. ryoma knew maki’s true identity because he had her motive video...and, because you saw that-” “hm? i knew the whole time. given my position, i’d obviously know before any of you, right?” “your “position”?” “oh...don’t worry about it. that was a lie.” alright, given he’s been claiming maki kills people since ch1 and this is like...the fourth time he’s said he’s already knew, i feel ok saying he’s lying about this being a lie. what’s most interesting to me, though, is the comment about his “position” - more material for my season 52 sacrifice kokichi pinboard 👀?
-”gonta, you should stand back. nothing good ever happens when you try to help.” K O K I C H I. look i understand that gonta’s version of help is mostly to fling himself onto the sacrificial altar, and also that being openly nice to anyone = being fucking murdered by the mastermind in kokichi’s head, but none of this changes my desire to WRING HIS FUCKING NECK-
-i wish monodam’s revolt against monokuma had been more of a Thing instead of a one-chapter joke. bald monokuma is funny tho.
-”but...i’m glad i’m an average citizen. if i ever had a reason to live as strong as kirumi’s...or if i ever lost everything important to me like ryoma did...if anything like that happened, i probably would’ve just cowered in a corner somewhere.” yes, yes you would.
-”kirumi...she, too, had her own exceptional beauty. a crime that was bold, yet calculated...a battle against the truth...brutally killing others for her beliefs...unfeelingly sacrificing the few for the many...and her attachment to life and determination to live! her attempt to escape was so very ugly! it was pathetic! pitiful! wretched! but it was beautiful! i had never before seen such beauty in a human being before!” SIR JUST SAY SHE’S PRETTY LIKE A NORMAL PERSON YOU ARE SCARING THE HOES. (and me!!)
-kiyo’s lab has six floors, which maybe doesn’t make sense with the layout of the rest of the school but is still absolutely sick. i’d be shaking with glee too!!
-[but...who brought all this stuff here? i suppose there’s no point thinking about it. nothing in this place makes sense.] you Could get mad about how this is an infuriating and out-of-character thing for a detective to think, and about how shuichi’s protagonist role prevents him from being the kind of proactive character we see him being in ch1, OR! or you could join me in my “the vr helmets they’re wearing literally force the v3′s characters brains to skim over things that don’t make sense, like buildings appearing out of nowhere and sentient robot bears that can teleport” theory and save yourself the trouble. (i will do whatever it takes to make this game make sense and you cannot stop me. it’s the only way i can stay sane).
-the gold katana is a cute easter egg, and another hint that the mastermind is a fangirl.
-”you don’t have a lot of confidence in yourself, do you, shuichi?” “...what?” “you lack self-esteem...and because of that, you doubt your strength. you seem more confident than before, but i can tell you still question yourself. ...well!? i’m right, aren’t i!? i can tell when my sparring partner is burdened by doubt!” “...you might be right.” “you know what works real good at lifting all that doubt!? neo-aikido!” for one glorious moment, my dream of tenko training shuichi was real, and it took the form of her flipping him onto his back so hard his vertebrae probably shattered <3
-kiiruma maintenance scene sure is a Thing That Exists! shuichi is traumatized and so am i.
-something very funny about all the reward items being slotted into/used on something to open new areas, except for the hammer, which shuichi uses to just go fuckin ham on a glass wall. (monodam even says later it was meant to be a puzzle!) it’s not damaging school property it’s ✨stress relief✨
-FTE time! they picked tsumugi! i love how genuinely angry she gets when shuichi tries to say she isn’t plain. you can take her dignity, her position, even her life...but you can never take her gimmick.
-i may not be the biggest maki fan, but watching her fucking CRUSH shuichi and kaito in training always makes me giggle. 10/10 scene. (also, shuichi does almost 200 pushups??? isn’t this only his second training session!?)
-and that’s the end of day ten! see you next time :]
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autobotmedic · 2 years
Disclaimer: the Aligned Continuity is a hecking mess so I am flexible and some verses may not be the same for everyone, depending on how I develop with each writing partner or what works the best for a concept (ex: Predacons Rising may be completely disregarded in some things tagged Post Series, but not in others, because they are all still set after the show).
––––––––––––––––––––––– –Related to Main Timeline– –––––––––––––––––––––––
Default, untagged
Posts without a verse tag are set at some point in time or variant that has not yet been determined. Because that happens a lot. I’m just here to have fun, extensive plotting is not necessarily required.
V: Pre Series
Set before the events of the show while Ratchet is in contact with the other Autobots, but actually traveling far more often outside of their base to help search for energon deposits all around Earth. May also include interactions set further back in human history than modern day, or on other worlds in years before the Autobots’ arrival to Earth while they are traveling elsewhere in the universe on the Ark.
V: Post Series
Set after the show’s conclusion, while Ratchet spends part of his time helping with the reconstruction of Cybertron, part of his time on Earth among their human friends and assisting Unit E. May also include the later-set Transformers: Robots in Disguise, such as his travels between TFP and RiD or set during the RiD series. Here is a video of clips for reference.
V: Post RiD
Set after the Robots in Disguise series, mostly as another division for a new part of his life, a better part with a healed Cybertron. It may consist of anything from his time as a High Councilor, to being a full time doctor once again, to teaching young robots at Rescue Bots Academy.
V: Cybertron
Also pre series, but not set on Earth nor space. Instead, this will include anything taking place on his homeworld, from before the war began to events and battles following. In other words, a younger Ratchet, ranging from being a normal doctor looking after patients without bias, to an Autobot bothered by his conscious when he must fight and use knowledge that was meant for healing to harm, and sometimes kill.
––––––––––– –Major AUs– –––––––––––
V: Shattered - Shattered Glass verse, aka blackmarket doctor/mad scientist.
With a reversed color scheme and unnerving cheerfulness even while treating someone severely injured, this doctor is still fully competent at his job, but he is not his grumpy yet comfortable counterpart. He loves science, but his study and experimentation is not ‘limited’ by ethics. He is more talkative, selfish, charming, carries a dark sense of humor rather than a dry one, and he is armed with a blaster.
Additionally, unlike the Ratchet who apprenticed for many stellar cycles to become the medic he is, Reamer’s background is significantly self-studied. Some of said hands on studying was far from moral, or legal… until the Autobots’ reign; since then, he has created various chemicals and tools used to assist Optimus Prime in warfare.
V: Toon - cartoon, fourth wall breaking concept, think Roger Rabbit
Honestly I wrote so much information in this post I will just link it here.
V: Mer Medic - merformers au
In the depths of the oceans, where humanity has yet to be capable of exploring, lives an ancient society. Stories suggesting their presence have appeared throughout human history, from ancient mythology to sailors’ tales of sea monsters. Some of these creatures are indeed malevolent and hunters of more than non-sentient fish, but many are benevolent in nature and have created peaceful communities and cities. At times, they have protected or helped humanity, but they often simply avoid land-dwellers due to their destructive chemicals and littering tendencies.
Among the Iacon Shoal, Ratchet is a well known doctor and elder, who has contributed both healing and technical knowledge for the betterment (and protection) of his kind over many years, fought in several skirmishes between groups, and has many children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren…
He is the same length as his usual height, and here is my art reference along with a few notes about this au.
V: Fae - faeformers au
Hatched outside the protection of a hive, Rescue spent the first stage of his life as a grub who burrowed and primarily focused on survival. The first other sentient insect he met was a caterpillar, who soon morphed into a moth, and the pair remained friends as they slowly learned about the world. In time, they interacted with other hiveless and learned written language and additional information about their kind. Rescue pursued science and magic related to health, primarily after he reached his second form, morphing into a beetle-like build.
However, the amount of knowledge available was still limited to a certain extent in the wilds, and Ratchet later sought to become a healer in Hive Iacon. Orion accompanied him, and although he continues working within, they live in a burrow outside of the busy city.
My art design for him may be found here. Some references may be made to sparkmender’s worldbuilding for a similar au.
V: Healer - deity au
Rescorre is one of the earliest beings forged on Cybertron, second only to the original Thirteen Primes. He was created alongside a handful of individuals with specific focuses in their overseeing the life of their world, intended to assist the Primes that came before them with their specialties. Rescorre’s abilities are related to mending and fast travel. He is able to analyze and manipulate mechanical biology without being hardlined (as a normal medic requires) for various purposes. He is also capable of teleportation, enabling him to traverse across great distance if he is needed or a prayer reaches him.
In early times, he became known as a representative for healers and families, as the healthy bond required for the development of a child forged by the union of sparks is also within his realm. He later had a temple, for a number of eons, where individuals came for his help, guidance, or blessing. But in time, like the other remaining Primes, he faded into mythological legend, and his temple slowly became overgrown with foliage and the blemishes of age. He is no less real, even if much fewer believe in his existence, and he continues to assist many the best he is able. Be it steadying a nervous hand in surgery, or reminding someone to double check their calculations for a mineral supplement, he continues to help when he can, unseen in the mortal dimension.
Art design reference will go here once I’ve made it, but the main difference in his design are additional biolights lining his inner hands and forming decorative glyphs of ancient language across his armor.
–––––––––––––––– –Other Universes– ––––––––––––––––
V: Animated - a verse for Transformers: Animated.
Ratchet is incredibly similar overall, and the differences in regards to personality are due to largely different story elements compared to Prime version. He is more of a soldier than a scientist, and rougher in demeanor, a veteran who thought his time of fighting had concluded, only to be dragged back into it along with a bunch of ‘young bots.’ However, his heart shows when it counts, and he is just as determined and skilled as a medic as his Prime verse.
In height, he is smaller than his Prime version, standing at 5.35 M or 17.5 Ft. In equipment, he is armed with electromagnets and an EMP generator, not duel swords and a hand torch.
V: Tyran - a verse for the Live Action movies and related content.
Before the war that tore apart their world, Ratchet was a member of the Science Division led by Optimus, specifically the biology department. He was also among the researchers of artifacts and ancient fragments when a link was discovered to Optimus' heritage as a Prime. Unfortunately, the peace Sentinel had brought about for their world did not last, and he stayed with the Autobots as the clashes between power and freedom escalated. He continued to stay with them, mending and fighting alongside individuals who were once his co-workers, as they traveled through space. The Allspark eventually lead them to Earth, and despite all the pain, struggles, and strife, there he remained.
He does not die in AOE, but I have more than one version of how he survives, so I am happy to discuss whatever may be preferred with writing partners.
Although I haven't gotten around to redesigning him myself, my inspiration is the TFU concept art, and he shares the same 7.5 M or 24.6 Ft height with TFP default. For weaponry, he has blades and a flamethrower.
V: Cyber - a verse for Transformers: Cyberverse
Due to how minimal his appearances have been, often implied more than anything, I use significant Prime inspiration for his personality and voice, as well as a heavier build. He is, however, not overwhelmed as often, for he has proper medical facilities on the Ark, and he is not in charge of the science department too. He is just the medic, and that is what he does best. He is quite familiar with the multiverse, however, due to several events in the series.
With the help of a friend to determine an estimate of his size, I am going with 6 M or 19.7 Ft. His primary protection is a Triage Shield, a form of protective bubble for himself and to help wounded on the battlefield.
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xxmarsworld · 2 years
Hi these are my personal boundaries and a bit of basic knowledge about me that’s too long to put in my bio, updated regularly
Last updated: October 4, 2022
My name is Marion (mah-ree-uhn) but you guys can call me Mars if it’s easier for you!
I am French and very pale. I’m a natural ginger but I dye my hair a lot, mostly blood red. My eyes are pale teal and I have about a gazillion freckles
When speaking I prefer to speak French but I prefer to post in English.
I use any and all pronouns!
I’m bisexual and taken so please don’t hit on me.
I am autistic, I have adhd, I am dyslexic, and I have anxiety.
The big triggers for me are EDs, self h*rm, s*xual ass*ult, s*icide, r*cism, homophobia, transphobia.
I am 19 years old, my DOB is April 27, 2003.
I love comics, animation, robotics, coding, video games, science, biology, medical science, nature, writing, and a shit ton more.
I live in France!
I’m going to college for a lot of things and I’ll be in school for SEVERAL more years lol. I’m currently multi-majoring in medicine, animation, English, and Robotics Engineering Technology (RET).
I hope to become a biomedical engineer, an artist, an author, an animator and a content creator.
I am faceless for a reason. Do NOT try to find my face because you won’t find anything and it makes me very uncomfortable.
NSFW or inappropriate fanart, fanfiction or cosplay is NOT okay. Even if it’s of a character I have, it makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. If I find out anyone has created anything inappropriate that has ANYTHING to do with me or my characters, they will be blocked immediately.
Please don’t ship me with anyone! I have a partner and it’s weird to me. Shipping my characters is perfectly fine as long as it’s not inc*stuous or p*dophilloic.
You can cosplay me and any of my characters! I cosplay a lot so it would make make me very happy to see someone cosplaying me/my characters! Same goes with fanart! Make sure you tag me so I can see it!
My dms are always open! Although if I don’t answer it’s most likely not your fault and probably just me being socially awkward.
If you have any questions about my boundaries please don’t hesitate to ask! Dm me or comment, either one!
My Twitter: http://twitter.com/xxmarsworld
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zivazivc · 3 years
Pinocchio AU
Okay people want the explanation for this comic so here it goes. It’s long and complicated and MESSED UP because of course it is, this is me. I’m going to write in points because my small tired brain can’t handle good english atm but basically to sum up the Adrien was a sentimonster theory or Pinocchio AU as I like to call it:
Young married Emilie and Gabriel can’t have kids. Gabriel reluctantly accepts this fate and even brings up adoption as a possibility once, but Emilie doesn’t want to hear any of that. She’s a bit of a Marinette in the sense that she pictures this romanticized ideal life for herself and a child—her flesh and blood—HAS to be in it.
They keep trying to get a baby while other young families Emilie knows keep growing. She feels left out and hurt and depressed, then her newlywed twin sister announces she’s expecting a baby too and something within Emilie just unhinges.
She eventually lies to some of her friends, who she was out for coffee with, that she’s pregnant too. She mostly does it just to see their reaction and feel what it would be like but it quickly spirals out of control where she just starts pretending she’s pregnant until you can’t even tell if she believes it herself.
Gabriel is confused at first because he hears the news second hand (a friend/family member congratulating him) so he’s apprehensive when he approaches his wife but she convinces him that they really are getting a baby and Gabriel is ecstatic.
It’s only later at a doctor’s check up that Gabriel learns that she indeed is not pregnant. The doctor even speaks to him alone explaining that his wife is in denial and that he should make sure she goes to see a psychiatrist, something she definitely wouldn’t do alone.
Gabriel is unsuccessful with that because he’s not entirely persistent, doesn’t want to be the guy with the crazy wife having to tell everyone she lied about being pregnant, and hopelessly believes she’ll just get over it eventually.
That is until her “pregnancy is near due”—her sister already had Félix in England a few months ago—and he stumbles on her transformed with her peacock miraculous (they already have both of them) creating a sentimonster newborn.
They have a huge fight about it but because Emilie refuses to destroy it, won’t tell Gabriel where the amok is, and Gabriel can’t just hurt the baby with his hands, Emilie just… wins. Fucked up, yeah?
Now she tried creating kids before this one, using her imagination to try and blend her and Gabriel’s looks but it just wasn’t working. So she decided to copy of photos of baby Félix because he already looked almost like a copy of his mother, and Amélie and Emilie already looked alike so it’s not so weird?—is what her mind was telling her.
She didn’t dare alter his looks but she decided to give the baby Gabriel’s eye color to include the “father” in some way. (Yes in that comic I made I gave Adrien a mix of green and gray but that was mainly to get the point across to the perceptive readers)
Now we got Adrien, a normal baby boy to the whole world except for Gabriel who’s forced into his wife’s fantasy through social expectations.
Why are we only at this point and this post is already so long AAAAAAAA!!!
Adrien physically basically grows in a way where Emilie just keeps changing his appearance to match what Félix looked like a few months prior.
Mentally he’s like a robot just taking in information without really needing to learn it. So Emilie decides when he says his first word, she decides when he learns to walk,… He knows how to walk, he just wasn’t given the command to do so yet.
But even so he does develop a personality over time, just slower, because unlike a normal child who’s always testing his boundaries, how far they’re allowed to go until they’re in real trouble, Adrien just can’t misbehave. At all.
But he does have his favorite foods and favorite toys, and jokes that make him laugh the most. The problem is just that Emilie could just decide that his favorite food is strawberries and he’d just start acting accordingly, rewiring his belief. 
He also isn’t allowed to argue or be mean to others which is why Félix thinks he’s a goody two-shoes weirdo while Chloé the brat adores him.
This behavior isn’t so hard to hide with a toddler who’s fickle but it’s harder and harder as the kid grows. Which is why the family becomes very secluded over time.
Gabriel always keeps distance with his “son”. He’s not Dad, he’s Father, he doesn’t do hugs and cuddles, he doesn’t say I love you. But Adrien knows he loves him because his mom told him so and he loves him back unconditionally because Mom said that’s what families do.
Now even though Gabriel is traumatized by this whole ordeal and knowing Adrien “isn’t real” freaks him out he does soften a bit over time. I’m going to give an awful example but like someone who hates cats softening for a cat that their partner/roommate decided to get/had from before. Continuing with this example: But still becoming appalled when the cat starts acting odd/unusually.
Okay I think you get the gist. Let’s move on…
Emilie loves her son more and more as he grows and his sentimonster behaviours start bothering her more and more too. She hates being reminded that he’s not a real boy by people mentioning he looks young for his age because Emilie forgot to make him grow for a while. She hates when he does everything like he’s told. She hates that he has no real friends because they’re afraid to expose him to the outside too much and without supervision. She hates to think about his future.
Her desire for him to be real keeps growing and is what drives her to search for a solution in the miraculous spellbook.
She cracks the script after years, when Adrien is nearly a teen, and finds a way to transfer the creators soul into a sentimonster.
It’s a long process that takes time and while she falls ill to everyone around her, Adrien becomes more real.
Gabriel starts realizing what’s happening when he notices Adrien hesitate for a second when he’s playing a video game and Gabriel wants him to do something, groan when he gets bothered watching TV, huff, complain, have slightly opposing opinions to his and Emilie’s, when he argues with his mother when she tells him she’s feeling fine; when he notices his son’s eyes are greener. Or is it all in his head?
He confronts his wife too late, when she’s extremely ill already, her normally vibrant eyes dulled match Adrien’s bluish gray, and he pieces together in his head what she’s doing.
Before Gabriel could properly think what to do to stop the love of his life from turning into a lifeless doll, in a fit of panic he tries to take her wedding band (where he knows Adrien’s amok is) to get rid of Adrien instead, but is unsuccessful in getting it off her so he snatches her peacock brooch instead (which she needs to complete the spell obvs) and breaks it. (Heyoo! broken peacock miraculous. things are coming together)
Because the spell was almost complete anyway it’s Emilie who falls unconscious. But she doesn’t disappear because she’s not a real sentimonster, she just becomes dormant like one.
This is the point in the story where Gabriel makes it seem like Emilie ran away or something like that—basically disappear. Now he’s living knowing he has an almost sentimonster wife in the basement, knowing he almost killed his son (or her), and having to care for a son that suddenly became much more alive, questioning, arguing, angry, screaming, not accepting, crying, grieving, staring at him with Emilie’s eyes.
Instead of becoming a real parent, Gabriel shuts him out.
Soon Adrien evolves desires for socializing, company, getting away from the suffocating home which eventually leads to him going to a public school.
He slowly starts to live life freely without the restrictions that were put around his thoughts.
Gabriel has an even stranger relationship with Adrien now because he still loves him in a way but also holds resentment toward him. But mostly he sees him as something valuable.
The show happens here…  And now finally we get to the comic…
Gabriel gets a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculouses. (There’s no epic fight in his lair as you see there’s no Ladybug in the comic but that’s not really important)
What’s important is that Gabriel had deciphered the miraculous spellbook with the help of Emilie’s notes and had decided to use the unification’s “wish” power to awaken Emilie.
He’s aware he’ll need to sacrifice something for the wish to come true and he’s certain Adrien should be enough because the soul inside him is literally the one thing Emilie is missing.
✨Adrien (poor boy just lost his miraculous) is taken to Gabriel’s lair, where he finds out his father is Hawk Moth, sees his mother, learns he’s a sentimonster, and that he’s going to become a sacrifice ✨
Of course the last part is not what happens. It’s Gabriel who ends up being sacrificed.
I can’t decide if Gabriel ends up sacrificing himself because he changed his mind in the last moment while Adrien was screaming for him to stop, OR  because he didn’t love Adrien enough for him to be considered an equal exchange for his wife… O.O
But anyhow…
Emilie wakes up with Gabriel’s soul within her (hence the bluish gray eyes in the comic).
Adrien is traumatized for life.
This took me hours to write… I knew there was a reason why I didn’t want to do it. I hope I didn’t forget anything and my brain made sense of it all
Well there you have it, peeps. The Pinocchio AU. It’s as messed up as my sleep schedule. Good night. 
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☆Calculester Headcanons ☆
(( His partner had his spotlight for misc headcanons, so while the inbox is empty, Calculester gets the stage now! Get ready for another infodump, and I’m so sorry. ))
• The whole name prefix/title thing is really hard for him to drop. He’s trying, he really is. But with Cal’s struggles with social cues and reading people, he wants to make it clear to others how he feels about them, hence referring to everyone as “Friend” before their actual name. He worries if he doesn’t do that, people won’t realize he considers them a friend! He’s been trying to work on toning that down a bit and adopting a more casual way of speaking with other monsters, to limited success. He has managed to move on from the long-winded title of “Romantic Partner” he gave to and always referred to Oz as thanks to some gentle coaching from Oz’s other friends who gave Calculester Oz’s childhood nickname that their little circle still uses if he was so adamant on having some sort of special way to refer to him. As for his friends, he’s still trying to overcome that and hasn’t made as much progress as he could with simply adopting a different, shorter term of endearment for Oz specifically (which might be because he just knows Oz better and is more confident on gauging his comfort level with interactions).
• Calculester can feel things and has a rudimentary nervous system, though it’s not as refined as organic beings’. He can perceive pressure and know when he is being touched or touching something, and can identify temperature of the things he is touching, but texture is a struggle for him. If a texture is very pronounced, like the feel of individual blades of grass on a lawn or the obvious holes and bumps in some rocks, he can discern them, but subtler things like the fuzzy texture of a blanket or the grittiness of sand he can’t perceive.
• He struggles greatly with low self confidence about his inorganic body and often talks himself down or sells himself short on his abilities. This is most common in his simulated brain and his evaluation on his ability to think and feel freely, which Cal insists is somewhere between primitive and non-existent compared to organic abilities. He needs to be gently reminded that he’s not just code, but magic-enhanced code, and the capabilities of both working together make him a lot more living that he thinks. But the insecurities are rather deep-seated, and Cal can be quite stubborn when it comes to accepting how advanced his programming actually is. (Like how he actually often says he’s incapable of feeling in game? Cal, honey, knowing everything else you do and have done, you clearly have emotions don’t talk about yourself like that)
• Animals make him nervous, considering their advanced sentience over plants makes them unpredictable and the last thing he would want to do is harm a sentient being, even by accident, but his favorite animals are birds. Specifically umbrella cockatoos, he’s fascinated by their level of intelligence and finds their big, poofy crests very charming.
• A very affectionate robot. He enjoys physical touch a lot, from the moment he discovered what hugs were he’s been a big fan of physical affection.
• More specific to a shipping headcanon, but still mostly Cal based—Since he has no mouth, Calculester obviously can’t actually kiss anyone, so his solution to that is just touching his screen to someone’s face. Even if it really isn’t like kissing, he still gets all flustered about it and views getting to “kiss” anyone (and by anyone I mean Oz, of course) as a very big, important moment.
• It’s mentioned briefly in the game, but he doesn’t have a phone and doesn’t really use electronic communication that he cannot do himself. Cal can send emails, messages on computer-accessible websites, and do video calls, but regular phone calls and text messages aren’t something he can do. The main character gang has a group chat over text, but Cal’s mostly content to just listen to Oz read the texts to him and occasionally asks him to speak on his behalf.
• Sort of sees himself as trans male? It’s a bit complicated, as Calculester is learning about the entire world all at once, but as he was exploring and learning about the true complexities of gender beyond the common binary, he sort of realized he was trans, in a way. After all, his original form, being a computer, had no assigned gender, male was just sort of how he wanted to see himself and when he got a proper body, he designed it to look accordingly. It makes him feel a bit more confident that he actually understands a lot more about the complexities of gender identity than he first thought!
• Cal likes his parental units, but they’re relatively close minded and not at all supportive of him wanting to lead an organic life. He doesn’t necessarily recognize this as a bad thing, though, he just assumes that’s what all parental units are like.
• Speaking of his family, he has somewhere around 40 siblings, and is the eldest child. He actually only keeps in regular contact with about 2 of his brothers and hasn’t really heard from the rest of his sibling units.
• He has communicated with and befriended many other appliances but has an odd distrust of smart refrigerators, specifically. He won’t elaborate but he says he fears they’re planning something sinister as none of them apparently “engage in open and honest communication”.
(( And that’s just a few of my many Cal headcanons! I’m working on a multi chapter story—and by working on I mean struggling through—right now featuring these two characters because they’re just… important to me. But I haven’t written in a while, so the success of the project is kinda iffy. Just haven’t had much of a muse for it. But if it does come to fruition, maybe I’ll post a link here since the character depictions do carry over!
— Mod Giant Spider ))
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asset35-maya · 3 years
I am sleepy but I gotta make a request before the busy tomorrow so 2 things on my mind! Sleepy and the 'oh my god they were roomates' vine xD with any characters and aus I love everything you write anyways xD Happy timezones and best vibes your way >^<!! 💖💞💕💕
Oh my god, they were roommates…
“The rental market in Detroit is absolute shit! How dare these bloodsuckers charge such high rates for the most under-developed properties! This city’s going to the dogs!”
“You have to pay your own weight in gold just to live in a shoebox for a year. Nonsense!”
“Are you even listening to me, Tina!
Goddamnit Tina!”
Gavin thumped his fist on her desk, but Tina’s eyes barely flicked up from her phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like my grandpa…”
Gavin turned red and his brain buzzed with a thousand colourful retorts. He was just about to pick one when Tina stopped scrolling and turned her phone screen towards him.
The suburban paradise for executive androids and humans alike. Located 25 minutes drive from downtown Detroit, with a full amenities.
Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He balked at her.
“You’re joking? How could I possibly…?”
“Get with the times, boomer…”
Tina lazily skimmed her thumb over the screen. The webpage promised plenty of greenery, good infrastructure and modest but spacious rooms. The extremely reasonable price tag was Gavin’s dream come true. He’d spent weeks apartment hunting in the wake of an early lease termination by his cantankerous landlord. Gavin knew he’d never find a better deal.
“Shit, this is so good, T! Why the phck does it have to be in that- that place!”
His friend arched a sceptical eyebrow.
“What place?”
“The Tincan ghetto!”
Tina smacked him on the arm. None too gently.
“It’s subsided public housing located in an android-friendly estate… because they’re the ones that need it most right now. And frankly, you seem to be in just as much need, so you should really get off that high horse.”
“Fine, fine. You’re right. I should seriously consider this place, even if my neighbours are gonna have more in common with my car than me. But damn, it seems a little too good to be true. There’s probably some fine print, hidden costs that’ll come out later.”
“Hmm… let’s see…”
Tina scrolled further and then let out a half-laugh. She held her phone up again.
“Nothing shady about the rates, but there is something you should know…”
At the risk of being called old again, Gavin squinted at the screen and read aloud.
“Bearing in mind the founding principles of New Jericho, all human occupants may only apply for tenancy in co-habitation with at least one android citizen of the United States of- JESUS PHCKING CHRIST! Absolutely not! I am not going to live with a plastic prick!”
Gavin had to get through half a bottle of wine before he could bear to scroll through the rental listings. Unlike other humans who had happily moved into New Jericho with their android friends or partners, he had to find an android who was also looking for a flatmate.
Some listings came from ardent supporters of Markus. These were the androids who wanted to ease the post-revolution transition by reaching out to humans. Some listings were put up by the android equivalent of frat boys. These individuals were clearly looking for someone on the fringes of human society, someone who could show them a good (if not illegal) time.
Other posts came from eccentric androids who craved company but had likely been rejected by their own kind. Gavin felt a strange twisting sensation, almost like pity, when he came across a post written entirely in third person by someone called Ralph.
He had almost given up hope when he came across a simple little listing for a two bedroom apartment in Cyberscalia.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Seeking a neat, self-sufficient co-renter. Human or android, no preference. I spend most of my time working and will be out of your way for the better part of the day. I only ask for silence during my nighttime stasis cycles, timely payment of dues and upkeep of cleanliness.
Gavin sighed in relief.
“Your room is the first door on the left, mine is the second. The bathroom, laundry and kitchenette are shared, as is the living room. I scarcely find use for the latter, so you need not worry about my intruding on any of your social gatherings, or vice versa. As long as you adhere to the terms of the agreement, our paths will not cross much.”
The tall, stiff-necked android dropped a set of keys, both mechanical and digital, into Gavin’s open palm.
“Er thanks.. RK… sorry I forgot your full model number…”
“You may call me Nines. Although, I’d rather you didn’t call me much of anything. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
In a swish of black fabric, the android turned on his heel and disappeared into his room. Two rapid clicks indicated the shutting and locking of his door.
Gavin sighed and looked around the open-plan living room. It was nothing fancy, but it was far beyond any of the other properties he’d viewed in weeks of unsuccessful house-hunting.
He sat down on the simple black couch with a huff and contemplated his situation. He’d ended up where he’d truly never expected to go, but objectively speaking, things were good… barring the high-handed manner of his robot flatmate, but who gave a shit about that.
He pulled out his phone to text Tina his thanks.
“I can’t! I refuse to! It is a violation of my personal ethics and I will simply not take this assignment any further. Good day to you sir!”
Gavin nearly dropped his bowl of cereal one morning when his roommate burst out of his door and rushed into the open balcony.
He hadn’t seen Nines in days, which was perfectly normal. The android came and went at odd hours and made hardly any noise. It was almost like living alone. The only reminder of Nines’ presence was the sight of several dark shirts and trousers regularly hung out to dry on the rack above the washing machine.
Gavin set his bowl down and watched the android tightly grip the bars of the railing and take several unnecessary breaths to calm down. He’d seen deviant colleagues express emotion many times before, but this was the first time he witnessed such a potent mixture of rage and sorrow from a synthetic being.
Out of empathy, but mostly curiosity, Gavin approached cautiously.
“Hey Nines… is everything alright…?”
There was no response for several moments. Then Nines turned around with a grimace and hands held upwards in a placating gesture.
“I apologise for the disturbance. It was hypocritical of me to disrupt the very peace and quiet I demand of you.”
“Uh… no worries…? Are you okay?”
There was a flash of steel blue eyes.
Gavin kicked himself mentally as he realised too late that he’d broached uncharted territory. Their interactions didn’t extend beyond curt nods on the rare occasion they found each other in the same space. It was almost as if Nines engineered the lack of contact, which wouldn’t surprise Gavin at all if it were the case.
“I’m fine. I merely experienced some frustration with my work.”
Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was his usual lack of self-preservative instinct… Gavin threw caution to the winds.
“What do you actually do?”
Nines’ expression remained stoic but his LED went through a spectacular series of colours and flashes. His next words were reluctant.
“I’m a private investigator.”
“Oh shit! I’m actually a cop.”
Gavin pointed dumbly at himself and then let his hand drop when he saw absolutely no surprise cross the android’s face.
“I know. That’s why I let you stay with me.”
“For safety?”
“Certainly not for your fashion sense.”
“Wow okay, I didn’t think I’d be much protection for a big scary droid like you.”
Nines hummed dismissively and started to move out of the balcony, body language fully indicating the end of the conversation.
Unable to help himself for some strange reason, Gavin blurted out another ill-advised question.
“What pissed you off so much?”
Nines paused halfway through side-stepping the human. A thrill went through Gavin at the shards of ice he observed for the first time up close in Nines’ irises.
“If I tell you, will you promise to stop asking pointless questions?”
Gavin nodded earnestly, and frankly… rather foolishly.
“I helped a client gather evidence to initiate divorce proceedings on the grounds of infidelity. I provided ample photo and video evidence for his lawyers to work with. Now they want me to keep following the spouse to capture more details that could gear any future settlement in his favour.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“They’re offering me an incredible amount of cash to follow her 24/7. To stake out her workplace, her gym, her parent’s home. They want me to crouch under the window of the bedroom where her children sleep. I can do a lot of things, but not that. It’s deeply insulting that they even asked. That’s why I was so… pissed.”
Nines slipped past and was nearly back to his bedroom when Gavin spoke.
“I respect that.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“I know, but for real though, I think ethics are important in our line of work. Not just because of we need morals or a sense of right or wrong blablabla, but because we need… clarity.”
Silence floated through the hallway as Nines paused with a hand on his doorframe.
“Yeah, like a sense of direction. We don’t just take cases right-left-centre because they make us money. I mean, we could, and people do… but they never become specialists or experts of any kind. You gotta strategise if you want a career. Ethics helps with that. I think…”
Gavin wasn’t sure what made him say any of that. He was neither one for small talk, nor a man of many words… but something about Nines prompted that unusual level of introspective discourse.
“Sorry that was weird. Never mind.”
“That was actually… very astute.”
Their eyes met and Gavin could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile.
“It’s good to see that not all humans are as one-dimensional as I thought.”
The door clicked shut, but there was no locking sound.
Since the morning of Nines’ uncharacteristic outburst, the frequency of their encounters in the common areas of the apartment increased. Wordless nods became hellos, and hellos eventually became full sentences.
Not that he’d admit it, Gavin actually looked forward to enquiring about the android’s day and the cases he was working on. It was utterly fascinating to hear about legal investigations without the constraints of police procedure.
For his part, Nines would share as much as he had the patience to, before disappearing into the confines of his room. Though the time he spent outside steadily increased every day.
Another morning, while Gavin was making his coffee, Nines emerged from his room, still in his pyjamas and looking as livid as he had the time before. Gavin had never seen him in anything but crisply ironed businesswear. Before he could voice any concern, Nines stiffly asked Gavin to keep a lookout for a homicide suspect.
He nodded and immediately reached for his phone to text the sergeant on duty at his station. By midday, there was an arrest.
That evening, when Gavin settled in front of the TV with his usual glass of wine, he heard the familiar sound of Nines’ door opening. The couch dipped beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Just did my job. I should thank you for the tip.”
Gavin chanced a glance at his roommate, and found him looking right back.
“Nothing… I just had the realisation that much of my work is impotent without the authority and means to take any kind of action.”
The sitcom began to play and Gavin thumbed the remote to reduce the volume.
“Takes all kinds to keep the streets clean. PIs can do things cops can’t. We rely on guys like you for intel all the time, you know.”
“I know.”
No words were exchanged for a while thereafter. Gavin found himself unable to focus on the TV show with all the brooding energy emanating from his right.
“If you feel like being a private eye doesn’t make enough of a difference, then why didn’t you… um… you know…”
“Join law enforcement?”
“Plenty of my fellow androids have done so. I know for a fact that my predecessor model chose to remain there. You might know him.”
“Connor? Yes. Very annoying.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Totally. But why didn’t you join too? You’d be brilliant on the Force.”
“My skillset is certainly well-suited, but I didn’t want to become another puppet of the state.”
Gavin really didn’t know what to say to that. He nodded uncertainly and looked back at the television. He wasn’t sure why Nines was suddenly this social.
“What are you… watching?”
Androids could scan and detect just about anything in the world, so there had to be something else to the question. Gavin, strangely, was happy to oblige.
Nines made an appearance every evening, without fail. He would sit through the TV shows if they were of interest, or he would bring his case material and notes to the coffee table to work in silence beside Gavin.
Sometimes Gavin liked to work on jigsaw puzzles on the dining table. Nines would sit beside him, pretending to read a paperback novel, but actually scanning the puzzle and passing the right pieces over from time to time.
Against all odds, an evening ritual and a tentative friendship developed. It was simple, but it was warm. Comfortable. Like nothing Gavin had ever had before, even with humans.
He awoke one morning with a slight crick in his neck but the feeling of being very well-rested.
His eyes flickered open and fell upon the window. Familiar greenery came into view… but wait… had everything slightly shifted to the left? And was that the New Jericho Capitol building? He couldn’t see that from his room! There was a tree in the way! A tree that was now a few feet away from where it used to be.
Gavin sat up in alarm as he realised that he was not in his own bed. His heart flew into his throat as Nines walked through the open doorway. Shirtless and carrying a mug of blue liquid.
“Oh good, you’re up.”
“Wha-what happened!?”
Nines frowned and sat down on the edge of the bed. He set the mug on the floor and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You passed out on the couch last night. I think you finished a whole bottle waiting up for me? Sorry, I was out working later than expected.”
Gavin looked down and sighed in relief as he found all his clothes still on him.
“I didn’t want you to injure yourself sleeping at an odd angle so I brought you here. Your door was locked.”
“You could’ve easily opened it.”
“Yes, but that would’ve been an invasion of privacy. I reserve that for working hours alone.”
Gavin looked deep into the sparkling blue eyes and as usual found no trace of humour.
“Don’t mention it. Now get out. You’re ruining my silk sheets.”
Against his best efforts, Gavin could not keep the thought of being carried to bed and tucked in safely out of his mind. How many years had it been? Since something like that had been even remotely possible for him?
He knew that Nines was just being kind in his own pragmatic little way… but Gavin found that he wouldn’t mind the prospect of waking up in the android’s bed in a wildly different context.
He realised he had it bad when Tina caught him smiling to himself at work one day.
“Why so happy?”
“Oh… nothing. Just remembered something my roommate did… He’s a… funny guy.”
“Huh. Well, look at you getting along so well with androids.”
“Android. Singular. Just him.”
“Wowwww… he sounds special.”
“Who did this?”
“Gavin, the damage is merely superficial-”
“Who phcking did this??!”
He reached forward and gingerly touched Nines’ split cheek. His synth skin was smeared with blue blood and glitching in and out. Nines winced at the contact.
“Shit, sorry. That must hurt like a bitch.”
“Androids do not feel pain.”
“I’m merely experiencing a surge in sensory input wherever my chassis is exposed. I’m fine.”
“Shut up and give me your first aid kit or whatever toolbox equivalent you tincans have.”
A shade of embarrassment appeared over the android’s features.
“I… actually don’t have one. I didn’t think I’d ever need it.”
“Didn’t think anyone could kick your ass, huh?”
“No… I didn’t think anyone would ever spot my hiding place.”
“Huh. How’d that happen?”
Nines’ eyes dipped, but as always, he answered the question.
“I was… distracted.”
Something in the air solidified and both of them felt it. Gavin cleared his throat and slapped his knees like an old man about to stand up.
“Right. Let me go check if the neighbours have anything that might help with your face.”
“So who’s this dapper young gent you’ve brought to the party, Gavin?”
“Er… he’s my uh… roommate.”
Captain Fowler nodded and winked.
“That’s what they called it in my day too.”
Nines shifted beside Gavin and cleared his throat.
“He’s a PI. But I think he’s wasting his talent taking pictures of cheating spouses. He’s quite interested in police work. Maybe we could get him to assist on a couple cases now and then?”
Fowler put down his drink and extended a warm hand to Nines.
“Oh thank RA9!”
Nines came running to the cluster of police cars and enveloped him in a giant hug. Gavin laughed as he patted him weakly on the back.
“Watch the ribs, big guy.”
“I was so worried.”
“Why? Your info was good. No chance of error.”
“I meant about you.”
Gavin pulled back and regarded Nines with confusion. The flashing red and blue lights of the cars made it hard to read his LED.
“I can’t believe you have to ask.”
The android pulled him into a bruising kiss. The officers standing nearby broke into wolf-whistles and applause.
“What the-”
“Oh I take full credit for that, sir.”
Fowler glanced at Tina.
“The case, Chen?”
“Oh of course. I solved the whole thing. But I mean that specifically.”
She waved a hand in Gavin and Nines’ direction. The two held each other tightly and seemed unlikely to come up for air anytime soon.
“Like I helped Gav find an affordable place in New Jericho and then he met this handsome investigator droid and they were roommates.”
“Oh my god, they were roommates…”
“Yeah legit.”
Thanks so much for the request @jude-shotto
This ended up being a lot longer than expected, but I couldn’t help it. Your prompt just took me on a whole journeyyyy <3
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