thestarseersystem · 46 minutes
a note for anyone who makes "how to spot a faker" lists
read kluft's 1991 paper "Clinical Presentations of Multiple Personality Disorder" and see how many of your "signs of a fake system" are documented presentations written down over 30 years ago
i'll probably end up posting a summary of it at some point but im too busy right now
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thestarseersystem · 47 minutes
A good rule of thumb-- you should have enough saved for the diagnosis before you purchase your mental illness
(Pro tip: If you skip having an education, you can afford it sooner, but you also look like a fool online)
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thestarseersystem · 47 minutes
The goalpost is getting further and farther away ):
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thestarseersystem · 49 minutes
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This person is a fakeclaiming dipshit, block them. Doing it for fun is a nothing burger. Wow im such a faker xD.... ok, loser, you believe in a term that is deeply misinformed and believe in facticious disorder. Fuck off and fucking burn in hell.
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thestarseersystem · 60 minutes
Also that alters are a dissociative trait not the other way around.
God the "you have to find your plurality distressing to call it a CDD, I don't find my plurality distressing therefor I'm not disordered" is really not understanding what the "disorder" part of "Dissociative Identity Disorder" means.
There's other aspects of CDD than the presence of alters. Sure that's what sets CDDs apart from other dissociative disorders, but the "distress" part of a CDD diagnosis is not specifically about feeling distress towards having alters.
Some people find the amnesia distressing. Some people find the dissociation itself distressing. Some people may not feel distress but the "disordered" aspect comes from being impaired by the disorder. Impairment can and often looks like "well I'm doing perfectly fine" while they end up losing jobs and friendships and relationships and missing appointments but they don't see it as a problem because "well I can still get by minimally". Distress and impairment can be caused by the symptoms listed under the diagnostic criteria and the symptoms listed under "Associated Features".
DID isn't plurality disorder. It's a disorder that happens to include the presence of alters as part of its diagnostic criteria.
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thestarseersystem · 1 hour
I personally just don't feel obligated to elaborate on some of those opinions. It makes me uncomfortable to discuss what I am and am not okay with (with strangers and all) and I prefer to label myself loosely as anti-endo.
Whatever happened to syscourse codes?
This specific blog is way newer than those, but I remember like 2 or so years ago they were used pretty widely. I don't really see them anymore?
I feel like those give a lot more information on your stances than just pro, anti, or neutral. Plus, syscourse is way more than just talking about non-traumagenics.
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thestarseersystem · 1 hour
I wholeheartedly agree. I just believe endogenic is an inaccurate and false term, not that the people who use it are faking. Fakeclaiming is wrong.
[this post is made under the hypothetical assumption that endogenic systems aren't possible. this isn't to say i personally think they aren't, but rather, to say that even if they weren't, it's still bad to treat them like this. if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free not to read this!]
i think we should. stop fakeclaiming people? even if you don't believe in endogenic systems...
i personally lean more anti endo than the rest of the system but. i think it's really weird to fakeclaim people in general.
yes, even if endogenic plurality weren't real, i would still think it's a bit assholish to fakeclaim people.
for starters, people generally don't listen to fakeclaiming. being told you're wrong can be very stressful and can make you DEFENSIVE instead of going, "hey, maybe im faking."
second of all, even if endogenic systems WEREN'T real, it's not "faking" because that simply not the right term. it would be MISTAKING.
see, i think the problem in syscourse is people don't see the other persoective.
to you, endogenics may be malicious fakers, or "stupid" or whatever.
but to endogenic systems, these experiences are REAL to them. it's how they interpret their experiences. they're not pretending to be a system "for the funsies," it's genuinely how they FEEL, how they see the world. and when you believe so strongly in something, especially something like this???
telling people they are faking will do more harm than good.
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thestarseersystem · 1 hour
I've experienced a different type!!
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It's similar to type 3 but different.
Subsystem Type
Big red circle houses three colors of different circles throughout. There's one dark red circle, same as the overall circle, and then there's a few muted peach circles with arrows pointed out of the circle, and two light red circles inside the big circle.
Peach means: Subsystem alters that can interact externally. They can leave the space the main alter has and interact separately and independently from the main alter.
Light red means: Subsystem alters that can't [interact externally]. These are usually fragments that are dependant on the main alter. Their emotions and feelings are expressed through the main alter, and can only front through the main alter.
Dark red means: The main alter or the main trauma. The subsystem alters are there to cope with and deal with different subsets of the main alter's trauma.
This subsystem exists as a result of the many traumas that the main alter deals with. This is the type of subsystem that exists within my polyfragmented system. Most alters within my polyfrag system only hold a few fragments and no subsystem alters, but alters with great duties like hosts that have existed for a long period of time, are subsystems.
4 Types of subsystems
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(Picture does not belong to me)
Type 1: The typical representation and most agreed definition of a subsystem, where there are more alters inside one of them.
Type 2: A group of alters that can come and go to specific places that the majority could not, this can also apply to clarity in communication too.
Type 3: A group of splitted alters that came from the same one, because they have the same origin thus can have similarities or sense of connection.
Type 4: A group of alters that does not come from the same origin, but formed as a subsystem due to similarities, or connection, or any other classification such as roles, or source, or literally anything else.
EDIT: detailed post on explaining these four types right here. Updated on 19 feb
- j
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
You know what I hate about being an alter in a system? I only have so much time out in the body but I have so many hobbies. I can't read every book I want too or play every game I want too because the limited free time we have is split up between us. It's gonna take me forever to finish my reading backlog.
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
people with childhood trauma will be like nooo i don't think my parents were abusive. they just [the most horrifying shit you have ever heard]
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
weird systems you better GET WEIRDER NOW
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
Shoutout to all the hosts who thought arguing with the guys in your head was a normal way of “thinking about things” 😭
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
dear alters:
it's okay not to know everything about yourself. it's okay to know little to nothing about yourself. if the answer to "what is your name?", "how old are you?", "what kind of things do you like?" is just i don't know, that's alright.
you are conscious, you are real, you are important. you do not have to figure everything out right now. or soon. take your time. 🤍
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
apparently theres 5 threat responses documented now!
from a trauma & dissociation workbook page our therapist shared
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
let’s play a game of Who’s Fronting?! anyway nobodys right everyones wrong and someone is crying somewhere
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
there’s a lot of power in loving your system.
when the mere existence of systems is stigmatized and controversial, when people act like there’s a “right” and “wrong” way to be a system, and when there’s so many people that just don’t understand…
it’s powerful to love yourself and your system for the way that you are.
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thestarseersystem · 2 hours
It’s really rude of my brain that I can feel so lonely despite all of these guys in here.
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