#more of Kazuichi can bake
loststarphounix · 9 months
Soudam Week Day 2 - Even
A/N: I had a fic that fits this prompt that I was working on, so this is longer due to me using it for the prompt lol More of my ‘Kazuichi can too bake/cook” headcanon propaganda!
It all started because Kazuichi got cornered.
Apparently, he was still somehow obligated to give his “friends” from middle school free shit and unlimited access to his classmates when he got accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy. It didn’t matter to them if they had dumped him as a friend first - it was the principal of the matter.
More like bruised pride in his humble opinion, but who asked him?
He had already accepted his fate when he tried to lose them by making a mad dash out of the shopping center, panic lacing through his veins he heard the familiar, passive aggressive tone of his once best friend demand he come over to “talk”. Kazuichi lived with an abusive father longed enough to know that “talk” doesn’t actually mean a conversation.
It didn’t take them long to corner him in a back alley, and their ire and indignation wasn’t much a surprise when he continued to deny them of they thought was theirs. 
What was surprising, though, was that someone stopped them when they started beating him.
Kazuichi didn’t know when or where Gundham came from, but one moment he was on the ground curled up as three guys circled overhead, and the next they were all pulled away and fighting the breeder. It was honestly so surreal that all he could do was watch as the taller teen moved and fought with the motions of someone who’s fought for years. And being bombarded by 6 foot something of rabid animosity wasn’t something his old “friends” weren’t prepared for.
They didn’t last long and by the time the mechanic struggled to get on his knees, the three were already running off, their half assed threats lingering in the stink filled air. Kazuichi watched as the other breathed harshly, took in the leather long coat that the other stupidly refused to take off but somehow didn’t even have a tear in, stretch with each haggard breath. 
When the other turned towards him, he flinched at the dark look in his mismatched eyes and the bit of blood at the corner of his lip. The dark look fell away at his wince, being replaced with barely concealed concern.
“Mortal?” Gundham asked and fuck even his voice sounded like it went a couple rounds.
Kazuichi scrambled to get on his feet and the speed of which he did it made his feet away dangerously for a second, “Why did you do that!?” He hissed. “They could’ve beaten you to a pulp!”
“Such a queer way of giving thanks to your Overlord. If I had not intervened, you would have surely perished.”
“W-whatever!“ the blush that burned hot on the shorter teens cheeks distracted him from the weird fluttering the goth gave and he shakily stalked passed him and out the alley, ignoring the other’s indigent calls.
As he semi limped back to the academy, Kazuichi vowed to put it behind him. But now, almost two days later and it was all he could think about. It hung over his head like a dark cloud, circling back and forth between the start of the fight and the look of concern. Not many people were ever concerned for him. So few even showed it.
It…it made the fluttering in his stomach grow and he didn’t know how he felt about it.
So, to get the feelings of guilt to leave him alone, he decided to do something about it. He would make something as a sorta thanks sorta sorry gift that Gundham couldn’t refused!
And who would ever say no to homemade baked goods? 
Kazuichi decided that his first step was talking to Sonia. She knew Gundham better than anyone in their class, and they’ve been having a sorta good relationship now. He knew he didn’t have a chance with her and she knew he was genuinely trying to be her friend. She wouldn’t fail him in his mission in making Gundham something!
The next day, he approached her after class and the princess was surprised he came up to her for anything other than the fake flirting they usually do, then became suspicious of his motives before declaring that she would oversee his baking to ensure that he wasn’t trying to poison the Dark Overlord. 
Which, ok fair but also really fucking insulting because he wouldn’t just tamper with someone’s food. Tamper with the supply chain maybe - make sure it never arrives at the destination- but not full out tainting it. He’s not Hiyoko.
But at least she agreed to help and that had to mean something, didn’t it? He didn’t act clinging, didn’t break out into song or tap dancing down the halls. He just simply thanked her and set a time Friday evening when Teruteru wouldn’t be there and they parted ways. And it was pleasant too! They’ve come a long way from first year!
 So he found it a bit rude to then be immediately ambushed and interrogated by his so called best friends, who demanded to know what he was doing bothering Sonia now. 
Which, fair again but rude. And after pleading his case while ducking punches from a angry yakuza, the two decide that too will join in on this “baking” to ensure he doesn’t “fuck this up”.
And that’s how he found himself in the kitchen, kneading dough with Sonia sitting in a chair opposite him; Hajime hovering by his shoulder and Fuyuhiko leaning against a wall.
With a spread of options in front of him, Kazuichi decided to get down to business.
“A cake would be too much, so a dozen cookies will have to do. What about filling, though? Like - does his Iceness have a favorite flavor?” He asked Sonia, who seemed to take the question seriously as she hummed distractedly. “There’s chocolate - that’s always a popular one. Or vanilla or red bean? Maybe peaches and cream? If he likes bitter or tart stuff, maybe the matcha or citrus…”
“Gundham’s tastes are not all that different from yours - though his is much more moderate.” Sonia commented, “He is particularly fond of angel’s fruit!”
Kazuichi blinked.
“Angel’s fruit?”
“It’s another name for papaya.” Hajime piped up, looking up from his phone.
“Never done papaya filling before…” A contemplative look settles on the mechanic’s face, fingers tapping on the marble surface. “Shouldn’t be too hard though. You guys are gonna have to be my tasters, though.”
Sonia clapped her hands together in excitement. “Splendid! I’ll get the papayas!” 
As she hurried over to the pantry, Kazuichi’s attention fixated on the recipe. The cookie base was simple enough, but the recipe for the filing was strawberry jame and he had no idea how to portion for the papaya. It’s gonna be a challenge.
Fuyuhiko saddled up beside him and he jumped. He forgot the other was even in there with them, he’d been unusually quiet since they first entered the kitchen. Turning to face the blond, he began to squirm under the scrutinizing gaze.
“W-what?” He muttered, ducking his head. Fuyuhiko shook his head, amazement coloring his tone.
“Nothing. Just can’t believe you were actually serious about this shit.”
Kazuichi huffed as he reached for the flour and mixing bowl. “You’re one to talk. You didn’t have shit about that mousse I made you last month!”
He watched somewhat amused as his friends eyes widen and he sputtered. “That was you!?? I had Peko help me look for the bakery you mentioned! Motherfucker you lead me on a goosechase!”
“You acted like I was lying about making Akane that cake once! Even after she said I did it, you still didn’t believe me!”
“Come on! I can’t see you being a mechanic and a fucking baker!”
“But I’m supposed to believe you can be yakuza and a nice guy and have the biggest sweet tooth I’ve ever seen!?”
“He’s gotcha there.” Hajime commented from his position by the pantry, a bag of sugar in his hands.
Opening his mouth as if to object, the yakuza heir froze. Turning away with he huff, he crossed his arms over his chest, ignoring their snickering.
“Both of you bastards shut the fuck up.”
“If we are quite done!” Sonia chirped, placing several oblong greenish fruit on the counter. “We are on a tight schedule.”
“You’re right.” Ignoring the amused look Hajime threw at him, Kazuichi grabbed an apron and tied it behind his back.
It was time to start baking.
Gundham opened his door and blinked.
After nearly three days of no contact, he found Kazuichi standing outside his realm, holding out a surprisingly well wrapped rectangle.
“Here.” The mechanic shoved the small box closer to his face. It made the taller reel back in surprise.
“What is the meaning of this!?” He demanded, his voice raising in surprise before he composed himself. “Have you decided to try to vanquish the great Gundham Tanaka? It will take more than mere tricks to fall a demon as powerful as I!”
The shorter teen sputtered and his affronted face made the breeder pause as he slammed the box into the others chest. The force behind it made him slightly breathless, but he tried to not show it. And if his cheeks tinted a bit at the contact, he tried to ignore it.
“There thanks for the other day!” Kazuichi replied, his face as bright as his hair as his eyes skittered away. “Now we’re even!”
And without another word, he scurried away, leaving Gundham holding the wrapped box against his chest. Looking down, he gently tugged the ribbon until it opened up and revealed small cookies, each filled with an orange yellow centered.
“Confectioneries?” He picked one up and examined it closely.
Scoffing, he placed it back into the box and returned to his dorm. How preposterous.
Apparently, he had made them from scratch.
Sonia had explained that to him later in the afternoon, when she came for their daily demonic training. She proudly stated how she supervised the whole thing and even had took a few for herself and her girlfriends.
”Who knew Souda-Kun was such a wonderful baker!” Sonia exclaimed, taking a dainty bite from one she brought from her own dorm. “How have you found them? Is the papaya too much?”
Gundham shook his head. ”I have yet to consume them. I had assumed that the Tamer of Machines had done something untoward to them.”
He glanced at his desk where the box rested and Sonia hummed.
”Well, be sure to have some and tell me what you think!”
Once their training had concluded and she had left, Gundham decided to have just one of the small cookies. If Sonia, Hajime and Fuyuhiko all saw the mechanic make them, then surely they haven’t been tampered with.
‘What can one truly hurt?’ 
He took a bite and was surprised at how delicious it was. Flavorful, but not too overpowering, with just the right amount of crispness. And the jam was tart but sweet. A perfect melody of flavors.
Gundham was surprised how delicious the tiny cookie was and found himself grabbing one more, before going out to preform him duties at the academy’s farm.
The cookies were gone in less than two days.
Gundham could not believe how much his cursed body enjoyed them - let alone to the point that they were consumed at such a rate. Usually he was very sparing in his intake of junk food - most went bad before he’d even make a dent to it. 
He didn’t even notice that he ate almost the entire bag, until his fingers only grazed against one single treat. The lone survivor. 
Now he was sitting at his desk, holding the small round cookie up to the light as if he held all the secrets in the universe.
Madness. That had to be the answer.
“What potion has the Mechanical Tamer drenched these treats to enthrall a demon? Surely he is more crafty a mortal than I previously suspected. I shall keep this one to examine it’s contents!”
The cookie soon joined its fallen brethren two hours later.
Gundham decided that he must have more of those demonic delicacies. He needed to know what components combined to ensure him so throughly. But how to acquire them?
He decided to interrogate the answers out of Hajime, the mechanic’s greatest companion, but was met with less than stellar results.
“You could probably just ask? Kaz usually has me taste test stuff a lot of the time.”
Surely he could get them another way.
Luckily, an opportunity arose when Kazuichi had been transporting some kind of heavy machinery. And Nagito just so happened to be nearby and caused a blowback of bad luck.
He acted quickly and rescued the mechanic just before the machinery slammed against a wall. He held onto the other tightly, feeling the shorter hearts beat hard against his own chest.  Hands gripped the back of his leather jacket and warmth spread from his chest up his neck.
“Holy shit!” Kazuichi cried out, pushing away slightly to look at the broken mangle of parts scattering the floor. “I could’ve been wall pizza!”
“What a vivid picture your mind conjures.” He murmured, making the pink hair teen look back up to him.
The surprise and wonder that shone in those rose colored eyes made his heart speed up. 
“You just waiting in the wings to save my life or what?” The mechanic whispered and the tone made the warmth creep up Gundham’s neck.
“Hardly. However, I do expect some kind of compensation for sparing you such a gruesome fate.” Feeling brave, he made sure to keep eye contact with the other as he continued, “Perhaps another batch of your intoxicating confectioneries?”
Kazuichi looked slightly dazed, before a radiant smile split across his face. Gundham had to admit, that it was pleasant to gaze upon.
“It’s only fair. Maybe we can just skip you saving me next time?”
Years go by, and Gundham will find ways to get rewarded with Kazuichi’s papaya cookies, even if the other will gripe about how he’ll make them for him anyway. Whenever anyone asks how he and Gundham got together, Kazuichi’s face splits into a dopey ass grin before loudly proclaiming:
“Ya know, way to a guys heart is through his stomach. He liked my pies  but stayed for my cakes!”
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Your Face Is Red (It's Not the Sunburn)
Summary: It's Summer, and you know what that means! Wearing your swimsuits to the lake, road trips with your classmates, and being trapped on top of your mortified crush's hard-on. I hope you packed an outfit that says 'sorry for making you accidentally cum'!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3.0k
Tags/Themes: , Nagito Komaeda/Reader, Extra Shy and Nervous Komaeda, Mega-Virgin Komaeda, Humiliation Kink, Sub!Nagito, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Reader's Kind of Mean but Girlboss, Slight Exhibitionism, Roadtrip!, Non-Despair!AU
Content Warnings: Accidental Orgasm/Sex, Female Anatomy on Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Public Sex, Under-Negotiated/Accidental Kink, Accidental Sex
A/N: I can't stop writing bitchy, femdom reader and horny, nervous Nagito it's an affliction. Also, I came up with this in one night, this was supposed to be a drabble and I lost control like Two Bros lol. Also, I love mom friend Mahiru and dad friend Hajime *mwah*
Also (last one I promise) here are some more titles I came up with. They get worse as they go on:
Road Trip Travails (and Other Reasons to Pack Sunblock/Thank God for Sunscreen),
You're Really Hot (It's 90, Lose the Jacket),
Forecast Calls for Sunny Skies (And Bumpy Roads)
Get Your White, Sticky Cream on Me (I Forgot My Sunblock)
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Nobody else had even wanted to sit next to Komaeda, much less on top of him. Being in half-heartedly concealed swimsuits only made it worse. The luggage overflowed onto the seat next to it, all the way in the back, so it meant that someone had to draw sticks. Whoever got the shortest would have to sit in the back next to it all. Nagito drew it with a rueful smile. However, by the time all the supplies were in, you all realized that you were short one more seat.
“We can’t have any more people up front, that’s way too dangerous.” Mahiru frowned.
“We’ve already got four people in the middle seats.” Hajime sighed.
“The back seats are pretty spacious.” Kazuichi shrugged, and it seemed everyone seemed to know what that meant within the same split second. You all turned to look at Komaeda. He was already looking at the floor, picking at a loose thread on the sleeves of his jacket he insisted on taking despite the baking summer sun. It had begun to slip off of him, slumping around his elbows like his bare shoulders in his underconfident stance.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. Kazuichi scoffed audibly. You all knew he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t a sort of class trip, and you were urged by Chiaki. However, you were secretly grateful. You knew you’d be just as much of a pariah if you admitted the many friendly moments you had shared with him after classes and in empty hallways. Or how badly you were hoping he’d take off the shirt and let you rub sunscreen on him when you got there. You’d even caved and brought an extra bottle of the lotion kind with you. Just in case.
Around you, everyone had begun to squabble about who would be sitting in Komaeda’s lap. Hajime and Mahiru were already splitting the drive, Akane and Kazuichi were arguing about who between them was smaller (it was definitely Kazuichi), and Ibuki and Sonia weren’t much help. After a moment of this, you realized you were tired already, and the drive hadn’t even begun.
“Everybody shut the fuck up!” You shouted over them. “It’s fine, Komaeda can sit in my lap, can we just hurry up already!”
“Wh- wh- what?” Ibuki gasped, like some sort of DJ. “But Nagi-chan will totally crush you!”
“It’s true, you’re probably better off the other way around.” Hajime mused, clearly sizing you two up. You felt weirdly pleased about the admission.
“I know it must be disgusting to be so near me already,” Komaeda said. He couldn’t even meet your eye. You couldn’t tell if that pink flush on his face was from the sun, or the prospect of it all. ‘Mega-virg.’ You thought to yourself. “I wouldn’t want to be an encumbrance to top it off.”
“I literally don’t care! Just get in!” You groaned, shoving him towards the car. He gave a small yelp and clambered into the back ungracefully, your insistent hands forcing him forwards. He ended up wedged between the middle seats and luggage, stuck between them until you pulled him out with a massive sigh. You couldn’t have anyone think you were too eager for this, after all, least of all Komaeda. He was totally red by the time he was in, but now you knew it was from embarrassment. You slid in after him and sat down on his lap with no fanfare.
As you suspected, Komaeda’s legs were bony and slightly uncomfortable. You shifted, trying to find a spot where he didn’t dig into you, until you realized what you were doing.
“Sorry.” You shrugged, turning to glance back at him.
“It’s okay.” He mumbled. He managed to continue to avert his gaze, even this close to you. As everyone else got in and got settled, he began to tug the seatbelt down.
“Nuh-uh, no way.” You caught his wrist and stopped him in the air. ‘It’s… pretty small.’ You couldn’t help thinking. “We’re already crammed in back here, I’m not having this thing choke me on top of it.”
“I understand, but, ah- my luck-” He stammered. He didn’t even move to free his hand. You decided to take pity on him.
“Fine, whatever. But we gotta adjust so this thing isn’t bothering me the whole time.” You didn’t wait for a response before you were pulling the seatbelt on, and moving around on his lap trying to find a better spot. You ended up pressed front to back, his chin having to rest on your shoulder as you leaned against him. ‘At least this is comfy. I wonder if he’ll say anything? Pfft, yeah, right. Human doormat Komaeda Nagito complaining about getting cozy with an Ultimate. I’m surprised he hasn’t creamed his pants yet.’ “There, that’s better.” Sure enough, when you looked back up at him, his eyes were wide and nervous but he didn’t seem unhappy.
“I- um-”
“Alright, everybody ready to head out?” Mahiru asked from the front seat. Akane and Kazuichi cheered way too loud for such a confined space. “Cool, let’s hit the road then.” She nudged Hajime and he pulled out of the parking space.
In front of you, they rolled the windows down as they sang along to the radio, chatted, and laughed away. You and Komaeda, on the other hand, were quiet. He seemed content looking out the window and listening, though you supposed it wasn’t like he could do much else. You put in your earbuds and listen to your own music while you scrolled through your phone.
You didn’t notice the road becoming progressively bumpier until one jolt caused you to knock one of your earbuds out.
“What the fuck guys, where are we driving? Pre-civilization?” You groused.
“I told Hinata to take the regular road.” Mahiru half-sang. You couldn’t see his face, but you could picture the focused scowl on Hajime’s face everyone knew him by.
“This ways a short cut! I’ve taken it a million times! We’ll get there thirty minutes earlier-” Another bump cut him off.
“Woah!” Ibuiki giggled. “It’s like a roller-coaster!”
“It’s not that bad!” Hajime protested. The bumps eventually calmed down, but the road was still rough. As you drove along it, you could feel the way the uneven path jostled the car. Soon you had to put down your phone and quiet your earbuds so you wouldn’t get carsick.
Everyone else had similarly calmed down. While they still chatted within the rows, the whipping air and hum of the drive were too loud to hear much between them at all. You could barely make out the pop song from the speakers in the middle row. Only twenty minutes into the hour-long drive, but you resigned yourself to looking out the window as time passed.
It was at the next larger bump that you realized something was up with Komaeda.
As you bounced a bit on his lap, you could have sworn you heard the smallest whimper come from him, more a squeak than anything. It sounded pained, and you almost apologized, until a thought crossed your mind. You gave no hint you’d noticed anything as you stretched and shifted on his lap, scooting your hips closer to his-
It was just as you’d suspected. At some point, Komaeda had gotten completely hard.
You almost moaned out loud with the realization. The rush of arousal was so sudden it almost stunned you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you forced yourself not to move at all on top of it, no matter how badly you wanted to begin grinding against him. ‘Holy fuck, he’s hard, he’s hard, he’s hard. What do I do? Do I say something? Would that make it more awkward? What a pervert! Is he getting off on this?’ You looked at his expression out of the corner of your eye, expecting to find him looking down at you already, that filthy look he got on his face when he began to ramble or something similar. But he was staring quite hard out the window at nothing in particular. The muscles in his jaw were clenched. You finally noticed how rigid he was under you, and realized you hadn’t heard Komaeda be silent for this long ever. He almost looked like he was going to cry.
‘Aww, poor thing. He’s hoping I won’t notice. Too bad.’ With no further hesitation, you arched your hips back into him hard, leaning your torso onto the backs of the seats in front of you. You had positioned your pussy right against his dick, knowing he’d feel even more heat now through the thin layers of your swimsuits. Komaeda gasped, the pretty noise torn from his lips with the move. The car’s ride made the seat practically vibrate, and each second bounced you on his lap even as you sat completely still. You could feel his cock twitch and throb with the new feeling. You were glad nobody could see your face, because you worried you’d start drooling soon.
“You okay?” You asked casually, taking the opportunity to look directly at him. His hand was by his mouth. You were sure he’d begun to bite down on it.
“Mhm.” He managed a shaky smile despite his heavy breathing. He even gave a weak thumbs up. You noticed the bite marks in the flesh between his thumb and pointer finger at once. He was so preoccupied with hiding his… condition that he didn’t even seem to notice you’d already found out, or suspect your teasing at all.
“Mmkay. Let me know if anything gets uncomfy.” You turned back to the front and dropped the calm mask at once. The position had him grinding just as hard against your clit. You knew your bottoms were going to be soaked through. You continued in the same silence, though now you had something new to focus on: keeping your breath even as you noticed every move he made. His other hand was curled into a fist by his thigh so tight his knuckles had gone white. His foot was tapping rapidly against the floor. After just a couple more minutes, he had begun to let out a choked sort of sigh with every turn, shift, or movement. For all the hums and nonverbal noises he usually made, it was clear he was doing his best to be completely silent and not disturb you. The idea of him trying to be so good while he was hard and probably aching and humiliated under you almost made you give yourself up.
When your back got tired, you leaned back up against him. Your bodies were now flush with each other. You felt his heart hammering against his chest. Each labored breath of his was now right against your ear. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and watched his fingers sort of spasm. You had to give it to him, if you weren’t so busy thinking about each new dirty item that had replaced your previous mental vacation itinerary during the ride, you would have certainly given yourself away. If you had been distracted the whole time, or maybe didn’t know what a hard-on felt like, you likely wouldn’t have noticed the weird behavior.
“Ah- um- (F/N)?” His trembling hands tapped your thigh gently. ‘Look at how bad he’s forgotten himself! Addressing me by my first name- he’d never do that. How absolutely precious!’ “I- I- Could, um, could you-”
“Hmm? Oh, do you want me to-” You shifted on your seat once more. This time, you turned yourself to the side as much as you could, your knees pressed up against the luggage. His hard on pressed into your bare thigh. You could see his face like this, petrified and desperate. He’d begun to sweat just a bit. ‘He’s so gross.’ You thought lovingly, your eyes tracing a bead of it down his too-prominent Adam’s apple and past his sharp, pale collarbones. He held his hands up, as if terrified to touch you anymore. “It’s alright.” You lowered them for him, one onto the seat by his leg and your ass, the other on your leg. “There, that better?”
His expression made it clear that the answer was yes, and he wanted to die about it.
“Well, I, uh-” His nose scrunched with another bump. One hand was now pulling at your clothes, the other gripping your upper thigh. He didn’t even seem to notice anymore. You finally gave in. He looked like he was going to combust or faint. Your careful mask melted at once into a knowing smile as you shushed him softly. He seemed entranced as you straightened up to bring your mouth as close to his ear as you could get it.
“You don’t want them to know too, do you?” You murmured. A strangled moan caught in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” He mewled, giving up all pretenses at once. He squirmed under you, hips stuttering up as he ground against you in pathetic, jerky, inexperienced movements. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” His voice spilled from his swollen, bitten lips, and his eyes were shut tight. Even his torso curled into yours, his head bowed down by yours. There was no warning but a deep inhale before he sunk his teeth into your shoulder and his cock twitched against you in time with his hummingbird heartbeat as he spilled his orgasm into his shorts.
He shuddered as you began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck soothingly, cradling him against yourself. You wanted to shush his remaining noises, to tell him he did a good job, to call him yours and coo at how pretty he was, but the moment felt too delicate, too precarious-
The blaring sound of the horn made you both jump at once.
“CHIAKI-CHAN!” Mahiru shouted out the open window at the cabin you approached. “WE’RE HERE!”
Akane and Ibuki cheered. Kazuichi hopped over several laps in his rush to get out, holding his stomach like he was going to be sick. Sonia clapped and thanked Hajime like he was her personal driver before sliding out delicately. Hajime yawned and shook his head to clear his drowsiness as he got out. Mahiru folded up the map they hadn’t used and tucked it into the dashboard. Before you knew it, they had forgotten both the two of you and the luggage as they greeted everyone else there.
“They left the seats up.” You scowled out the window to no avail.
“Oh, I, uh, think I can do it from here!” Komaeda said, too eager to be of help. He unbuckled the seat belt and began to reach over you.
“Wait, no let me just-” You tried to get off of him the best you could to give him room to pull the latch that would lower the seats and let you out. 
“Sorry! I think I can-”
“It’s okay, but you-”
“Do you think you could-”
“Ow! Your jacket is caught-”
In a tumble of limbs, the seats came down all at once and the two of you fell back onto them and into each other painfully. You had just opened your eyes again after the crash as the door opened, blinding you once more with the bright sun.
“Hey! What were you two doing back there?” Kazuichi squawked. When you could see again, you realized the position the two of you had landed in. One of Komaeda’s arms was trapped under your back, pressing your faces just inches away from each other’s, and your foot had gotten caught in the handle of a suitcase behind you, wrapping your leg around his waist. Komaeda was only holding himself up with the arm he’d caught himself with, the rest of him pressed up against you.
“I- It’s not-” You stammered as more and more eyes of your classmates had turned towards you at Kazuichi’s accusatory voice.
“How shameful my luck must be for you.” Komaeda sighed, already pulling himself up. “Don’t be silly, Soda-kun, nobody would allow me to disgrace them in such a way.” He chuckled and shook his head at the prospect as he got out. “I’m just too incompetent to even get us out of the car. Such a simple task, and yet-”
“Ugh, god, shut up! You’re right, I’d be an idiot to think anyone would do that sort of thing with you.” Kazuichi looked disgusted.
“Get your mind out of the gutter!” You snapped at him, grateful for the new target Komaeda had supplied you with. “You’re such a pervert, Soda!” You made sure to say it louder than necessary, making everyone’s gaze turn toward him instead.
“Eewww, Pervuichi’s at it again!” Hiyoko cried, always happy to pull out one of her nicknames. 
“They wouldn’t have been trapped like that if you’d remembered to let them out!” Mahiru scolded him. “You were in the middle, you should have been the last one out!”
“Huh? What? Wait!”
As squabbling picked up once more, reminding you of how you had entered the car, Komaeda extended his hand with a smile. His other hand held his jacket by his stomach, over his front. You felt much more grateful for the eyesore. Nobody noticed as you rummaged around for your backpack or when you finally tugged a surprised Komaeda away with a mischievous smile.
“C’mon, let’s head down to the lake already. We’re gonna need an excuse for being all wet already.” You laughed as he nodded quickly in response, until his face fell.
“We’ll have to be quick, unfortunately, my skin burns quite easily-”
“Whoo-hoo!” To his confusion, you gave a cheer at that. ‘Thank you Summer gods! Thank you SPF 100+!’ “Don’t even worry, you have no idea how prepared I am for this. Best vacation ever!”
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more-than-a-princess · 6 months
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[ REASSURE ]: in a bid to steady the unsettled receiver, the sender lightly says "hey" to help them calm down. // since sonia is skilled at maintaining her calm, it could be either that kaz noticed a small flicker in her expression and caught on, or that it was something big enough to really unsettle her
An old meme buried in my blog somewhere idk - No Longer Accepting!
She'd been so sure that she'd had the dormitory floor kitchen to herself. With a closed door and music streaming from her mobile phone, Sonia had created the perfect holiday atmosphere to bake. Or at least, make a giant mess that caused the Ultimate Princess to swear in about a dozen different languages. Maybe it was her inappropriate verbal outburst that had prompted Kazuichi to peek his head in.
"Soda-san!" Sonia cried out in surprise, whirling around to face him. The green apron she wore had done little to protect her and her clothes from the array of ingredients: stains of various colors now adorned it, with stripes and smudges of red and green icing, dark chocolate, and white flour and sugar adorned her hands, her arms, her face, and even sections of her hair despite tying it back with a coordinating green ribbon. There was no better way to say it: Sonia Nevermind looked like a mess.
As did her Christmas cookies, or her attempt at them: half-mixed batter still clung to the beaters of the electric stand mixer, melted chocolate dripped from the corner of a counter, and burnt charcoal vaguely shaped like trees, snowflakes, reindeer, and more stuck to several metal baking sheets with melted, caramelized sugar pooling below them. At least she'd managed to crack a window open, or the smell of inedible holiday dreams was enough to make her eyes water and her nose and throat itch.
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"I...I can explain..." She began. Though for the first time, she seemed to be at a loss for words of the most appropriate and concise way to convey her feelings regarding her current situation. It was easy to dismiss him when he'd salivated over her, insisting she was perfect. Now that she was so very clearly not, Sonia found herself tongue-tied. She'd wanted him to understand she had faults, but not like this. Not in something that normal people did easily. That anyone could do, that people and homes and friends and families did all over the world without incident: bake Christmas cookies.
"Well no, I suppose I cannot," She admitted with a sigh, pushing a freed lock of hair out of her face. A little more melted sprinkles would be added to her unruly hairstyle in the process. "It is just that I simply wished to bake the Christmas biscuits, or cookies, for the upcoming class holiday party! And Hanamura-san so kindly allowed me to borrow some of his kitchen tools and now not only have I used up all the ingredients, I have nothing to show for it but having ruined said tools! Everyone is going to be so very upset!"
Though likely not as upset as Sonia herself was. The frantic tone in her voice continued to raise, panicked, as tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Her hands balled into fists, clutching the material of her apron within them. No matter how hard she tried, she could not cook even the simplest recipes. Even the jovial tones of 'Jingle Bell Rock' on her mobile phone did little to brighten her mood. If she didn't truly need the device, she'd have chucked it out the window as soon as she'd opened it for ventilation: the cheery carols only served to mock her situation. That she couldn't even celebrate Christmas like a normal person.
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pinkanronpa · 5 months
With not a whole lot to do on the island, Kazuichi picks up baking. Baking is easier for him than cooking, I think with how precise it is, cooking is more an art, and he likes the step by steps. He doesn't tell anyone in the beginning because he's scared it makes him look girly, and begins making everyone custom secret treats for their birthdays. He wraps them all pretty and each one is specific to what they enjoy. Fuyuhiko gets a little strawberry shortcake and Mahiru gets an elaborate Lemon bar. It becomes a whole thing where everyone is trying to figure out who it is, and nobody suspects him of course.
It's not until December when Gundham and Sonia walk into the diner at midnight that they catch him mid icing Gundham's Pumpkin cake that the secret is out. They watch him finish it for another hour because Kaz had only the base Done. by the end, its black with purple and lavender accents and his name pretty in red right on top. The sides have good fortune affirmations airbrushed in pretty cursive script. He places some pearls and occult symbols and paw prints in sprinkles on it.
He focuses in, but they're finally able to talk without him being inappropriate. He talks about how his mom used to bake before she passed, and what sweets are like in Novoselic, and how Vegan ingredients can change the consistency. Kazuichi usually has the cakes done the morning before, but had to remake it 3 times!
Finally around 2 he goes to grab the box and stops, as Gundham is already there, and instead grabs the candles. Four tiny little hamster candles are set on a plate next to the cake with a lighter and he goes to leave. They stop him because he made it he had to try it! They sit in the little diner and light the candles for Tanaka and share the little cake. Upon parting they promise not to tell everyone so long as they receive samples, and they all walk away with an extra Hope Shard.
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
👪 i mean yuki's already met gundham's mum but he'll always take more of her if u will oblige--
Send “👪” to meet my muse’s parents. (X)
Gundham was lucky he managed to even keep Yuki the in car on the way to his mothers, the halfblood rather surprised he hadn't jumped out the minute the tires had hit the small dirt road trailing up to the little cottage. When the angel didn't come greet them as he parked his car, Gundham knew that meant she was out back of the house, leading Yuki around the side to the vast garden of the backyard.
Knelt down by one of the many flowerbeds was his mother, whistling a little tune to the birds at the feeder over head, a few even echoing it back if they liked the notes. Giving a soft smile at this, Gundham mimicked her latest few notes back with a whistle of his own, the angel perking up at the sound and turning to him with a grin that could rival the sun itself. "Gunnie! Oh, I was wondering when you would arrive!" She said as she rose from the grass, setting her small trowel to the side and brushing the dirt from her clothes.
"Greetings mother, I trust the day is treating you well?" He asked as she wrapped her arms about her son's neck, Gundham having to bend down quite a bit in order for her to reach. "Aside from that pesky squirrel digging up my bulbs, yes. You will have to have a word with him." Gundham just gave a small laugh, pulling a twig from his mother's hair. "I will do what I can. But you know he is not keen on listening."
His mother just gave a small huff as she turned to greet Yuki, not one of completely annoyance, just a simple sound to fill the gaps in conversation. "I know, dear, but it couldn't hurt to speak with him again." Hands squishing at Yuki's cheeks, she turned her full attention to the kitsune now, turning his head this way and that as if to inspect him. "How is my sweet little fox, hm? Has Gunnie been feeding you enough?" Then, in a lower voice. "Have you been getting along with Kazuichi? I heard what happened..." Then a pause as she looked about. "Where is your little mechanic friend? I thought he was to fix my oven?"
Gundham gave a nervous little laugh at that, head turning to the side with a smirk that he barely tried to hide. "He will be along, at the moment he is-" The halfblood didn't get to finish, Kazuichi choosing that moment to come around the house looking like death itself. "Dying." He wailed dramatically, one arm hugging his stomach, the other carrying a box of tools. "Your son is trying to freakin' kill me." Gundham just scoffed, arms coming to cross his chest with a shake of his head. "It is not the fault of mine that you are cursed with motion sickness. I offered the front seat, you did not take it, so now you must suffer."
Kaz just whined, shooting a pout Gundham's way as he stopped several feet away from the three. "I was being nice and letting Yuki have it!" Mostly because the newly minted werewolf was trying to stay in the kitsune's good graces, but it was proving more and more a lost cause as time went on...
The angel watched them bicker with a fond huff, one hand on Yuki’s cheek while the other rested on his shoulder. “Boys, please.” Was all it took to have the two cowering in on themselves, Kaz more than Gundham, as they muttered an apology. “Gunnie, take Kazuichi inside and fix him some tea for his stomach, will you? And don’t ‘mix up’ the salt and sugar this time or I will be having you try each and every one of my entries for the community bake sale this weekend.” It’s said with a sickeningly sweet smile, one that had horror spreading across her son’s face before he hid it in his scarf, the man knowing very well it could take dozens of tries before something she made was deemed edible. “...Yes mother...” He said with a motion for Kazuichi follow, the poor mechanic much slower in his movements than he usually would be as his stomach churned. 
“Now,” The angel said turning to Yuki, both hands clapping his shoulders now. “Would you like to tell me just what the issue is, or will I have to bribe you with the gift I have waiting for you inside?” She already knew the answer, of course, or else the gift wouldn’t have been brought up in the first place. For an angel, she was pretty crafty in her ways...
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not-bcring · 2 years
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Gundham didn't say a word as he came up behind Kazuichi while the man's attention was elsewhere, one hand pulling the baseball cap from his partner's head in a single smooth motion while the other reached around to cup the mechanic's cheek, turning his head in time for the breeder to slot their lips together behind the cover of the cap.
After a moment, Gundham pulled away with a smirk, cap being replaced, but facing forwards this time so he could knock the brim over Kazuichi's eyes before continuing on his way. //gunnie wanted a kissy too uwu
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Kazuichi used to think Hajime was his best friend… but after the betrayal of allowing Gundham to sneak behind him without so much as a blink of warning ( Hajime’s poker face is something to behold ) the mechanic is starting to wonder if that title should go to someone else. Because no best friend would allow him to be SO caught off-guard— confusion and annoyance at having his hat ripped off suddenly transformed into shock the likes of the world has never seen —by someone as insufferable as Gundham Tanaka. As much as Kazuichi might adore his boyfriend, he knows that this is a victory Gundham will lord over him for at least the remainder of the day.
Wide eyes blinking dumbly at the surprise kiss, face burning pink and body languid in shock as Gundham pulls away, Kaz doesn’t even get a chance to sink into what is happening before it’s over. Kaz left standing there like an idiot, mouth slightly agape as his mind tried to catch up with what the FUCK just happened. Still getting used to the concept of having a boyfriend, let alone being kissed by one— dating is fucking wild —one can hardly blame him for looking like a deer in the headlights, with Gundham being the car that promptly ran the young buck over before he even knew what was coming.
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Mouth opens to stammer some half-baked complaint, but all he chokes out is a startled noise of protest when he’s abruptly blinded by his own hat. Fumbling to fix the brim, by the time clumsy hands manage to get a hold of it, he’s staring at Gundham’s back. ❝  H-Hey! You can’t just—  ❞  He sputters, exasperation lathering his tone and making his shoulders limp. Adding insult to injury, he can hear Hajime roaring with laughter behind him, Kaz spinning around to snap at him, bristled like an indignant cat,  ❝  Sh-Shut up! This isn’t fucking funny, dude! ❞
Hajime, doubled over in laughter, would argue otherwise.
Growling irritably, Kazuichi spits out a strained, ❝  Oh yeah?? Well, y’know what? Y’know what??  ❞  Hell, even Kazuichi doesn’t know what. Not sure where he’s going with his retort, he just groans in frustration before turning on his heel and chasing after Gundham. Screw his Soul Brother; they can continue their conversation later when Hajime is able to BREATHE again.  ❝   Hey! Wait up! Gundhaaaaam!  ❞  Boyfriend’s name is more of a whine than a shout, Kaz scrambling to skid in front of the breeder.
Breathing heavily from aggravation, adrenaline, and annoyance— a mixture that only Gundham is able to elicit —he huffs and grabs onto the front of Gundham’s shirt. Yanking his boyfriend down, Kazuichi presses a firm if clumsy kiss against that stupid, sexy smirk. With no cap to provide cover, his face heats up with a warmth stemming from his pounding chest, but Kazuichi stubbornly refuses to lose his nerve. Pulling away with a pout, he wonders how triumphant someone can actually appear when they look like they just sprinted a marathon, chest heaving and cheeks matching his rose-colored hair perfectly.
Whatever. He’ll count this as a partial-win anyway.
❝  No fair leaving before I can kiss you back...  ❞  Kazuichi grumbles, awkwardly looking away now that the burst of boldness has ceased, leaving a flustered and fidgeting fool in its place. Still, having gotten not just one but TWO kisses within the span of a few minutes… Kaz can’t say he regrets any of it. Even if he knows Hajime is never going to let him live this down.   「 ☆ 」
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randoimago · 2 years
Can you do relationship headcanons for Taka, Chihiro, Fuyuhiko, and Kazuichi where their S/O is the Ultimate Baker and their love language is baking for them?
This is very self-indulgent cause my love language is baking for people lmao 😭
Ultimate Baker S/O
FANDOM: Danganronpa
Character(s): Chihiro Fujisaki, Fuyuhiko Kazuryu, Kazuichi Soda, Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Baking is so much fun, eating the food is even better. I'll happily write this for you!!
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The first time you baked him cookies, he was a bit stunned. Didn't really think they were for him at first but gave a bright smile and thanked you so much.
The more things you baked him, the happier he was. Of course it also led him to be a bit curious. He knows your Ultimate Talent but hadn't really seen you baking so much for others.
You telling him that this is your way of showing him love causes him to grow flustered, but he is really happy and thanks you so much!
In return, he might put a little program into any computer or your phone that gives a little "I love you!" "Take care of yourself!" message (does say he can take it off if you don't like it!)
Makes a face the first time you baked him something. Just because he is supposed to maintain this image of being scary yet here you are giving him cookies.
Doesn't complain, might huff a bit, but he'll take the treat you baked him and grumble a thank you. Will glare at anyone watching, as if daring them to say something.
Would try to bake you something in return. He does his best to follow a recipe but it's annoying and so specific. 
It ends up not being the best (it's not terrible, probably a tad over/under baked). Gets more flustered if you act as if you genuinely like it. Grumbles that you don't have to pretend, but would try to bake more if it makes you happy too.
Might start crying the first time you baked him something, would exclaim that he'll treasure it and enjoy the taste! Probably eats it all at once because it's so good and then he feels bad.
Would ask if you could bake him other things, only to be flustered when you mention how you'd love to and that this is how you show your love. 
Does his best to make some little robot chefs for you! They probably won't help too much with baking (at most they can probably crack some eggs for you) but they're cute and he hopes you like them.
You can bet that he happily eats anything you bake him. Even if you were to tell him it has some of the nastiest ingredients, he'll still eat it because it's made by you so he knows it's full of love!
Depending on what baked good you make him and where you give it to him might be a bit interesting. 
Just because if you give him cookies in class he might scold you a bit about having food when it's not lunchtime.
Also might mention that while sweets are okay, you should also have a balanced diet! So if you make him more healthy foods then he'll be pleased!
Of course, him learning that this is your love language makes him feel flustered as he tries to maintain his composure, but he does sincerely thank you and tells you that he'll do something nice for you too (he just needs to figure out what)!
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citronsblog · 3 years
Since you're okay with writing something for my birthday, could you write some non-despair relationship headcanons for Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Ultimate Imposter and Teruteru with introvert s/o? Of course you don't have to write for every character (but please write for Kazuichi 🙏)
Notes:EVERYONE TELL THEM HAPPY BIRTHDAY RN 😡(also I hit 100 <3 I love you all!)
Warnings: none!
Characters: Kazuichi Soda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Teruteru Hanamura, Ultimate Imposter
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Kazuichi Soda
Oh boy, this man will love on you 24/7
Kazuichi understands that you don’t really like to go and meet new people, honestly he is afraid of judgment from others so he doesn’t talk to many people either, but he will bring you outside to secluded areas to have picnics or just to be outside and away from others <3
Sometimes he will drag you to places you don’t want to go to but you always end up having a lot of fun!
He’s a big show off around you, you’re already impressed enough that he’s able to bring you places. He makes you feel so special and loved though so you can’t hate him
“S/o! Look! Heh, I made you this… hope you like it!”
“Kaz :) I love it! And you of course!”
Oh my gosh please if you are comfortable shower with him. He thinks it’s really romantic, you would do it to make sure he doesn’t smell like oil, it’s a win/win if you ask me
Loves being the little spoon, he likes to be able to curl up with you while you play with his hair. He feels so relaxed in your arms :).
Steal one of his beanies and he will be so happy! He thinks it cute when you wear some of his things
Oh my gosh kazuichi is super clingy and when he sleeps with you he will hold on to your waist. Super cute but he’s like a furnace because he is naturally always hot warm, it helps in the winter though.
He will take your phone and just take photos of himself so you have them
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyuhiko doesn’t get why you just don’t go out that much, his thought process is like;
‘Just go out 🤨 it’s not that hard.’
Like Fuyuhiko yes honey it is, still love him though.
He will think it’s weird at first but then will adapt to it. Fuyuhiko will try to take you to some places but he won’t force you, the last thing he wants is his s/o to feel uncomfortable around him.
When you two don’t go out he will just have long and deep conversations with you, cause let’s be honest small talk is boring and having long sentimental conversations with him really let’s him open up and be honest with you
Ohh! Learn how to bake him sweets and he will be on one knee proposing to you
Please let him be the big spoon, he just wants to feel tough for you :)
Also tell Fuyuhiko how much you are thankful for having him, he loves you so much but sometimes he needs to be reminded that you love him too
Teruteru Hanamura
This man is a big supporter! He doesn’t mind that you don’t like going out or socializing!
You don’t want to go out to eat? Great! He doesn’t want to take you cause he can just cook for you! Don’t want to meet someone? That’s a-ok! He wanted to stay inside and cuddle! You want to go out but not be near a crowded area? His hometown is small, peaceful, and near the country side!
He likes to hear your voice, it’s like a soft melody to him. Please rant to him about your interest, he loves that so much
Oooo Teruteru is a total sucker for romance movies, have a movie night with him and you guys can talk, make jokes, and just bask in each other’s company!
Teruteru will compliment you all the time! Get ready for a confidence boost because he is your go-to hype man!
If you guys ever have a picnic please make him a flower crown, he will be so happy. Most definitely will take a selfie with you and him wearing a flower crown. He will send it to his mama ;)
Cloud watching? Cloud watching.
It’s the small things you two do together that he just adores
Ultimate Imposter
They’re pretty softly spoken when they’re not impersonating someone, so they completely understand if you have a quiet voice or don’t want to speak all the time
Does enjoy the things you guys do talk about!
Help them find more things about themselves, they will be so happy!
Maybe cook for them once in awhile, even if you aren’t good at cooking they will love your food so much!
You want to do makeup? Well since makeup has no gender they will help ya! If you want to feel more confident and makeup is the way you do that they’re 100% supporting you!
Never doubt what you’re doing! They will always give you small pep talks and raise you to your highest self :) in their eyes you deserve the world and seeing you smile is what makes them smile
cuddles are so soft and wholesome
They will just hold you and whisper how great you are and how you have been so amazing to them!
Sometimes you will go on small nature walks and look at the scenery together <3
Rainy days are so fun together, if you want to play in the rain they’re all for that…. Just don’t get sick, they hate seeing you in pain ):
“Hey! Look at this cool rock I found!”
“Wow! I once took the identity of a geologist, if I remember correctly that looks like a anorthosite rock!”
“Oooo! Gah! That’s just so cool!”
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drtenebres · 3 years
who are the most developed/most focused on characters right now??
Thanks for the ask!! It’s hard to say who is the most developed character right now, due to so many brain cells trying to work together, but we’ve all got our own individual ones we’re working on that we feel the strongest about !
@shslstraws :
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blah blah blah this is where jude talks about oumota -Snelly (SHAAAAADDUPPPPP -Straws) 
Kaito (My beloved) - A commonfolk who was oblivious by the magic world around him until he inevitably is pushed to it, by living his new life as a Tenebroso werewolf. The cause for how he became a werewolf is unknown, and he tries to keep away from his friends and family to protect them from this “curse”. Kaito gets in a mix of mages and eventually meets with Kokichi, a plague doctor who claims he can cure him. He slowly realizes and comes to face the reality that is Tenebres. 
Kokichi (Most developed??) - A mage who lived in an orphanage until he gets adopted by two mages, Nagito and Hajime. Kokichi dreams of being far powerful than both his dads and going back to recruit the other orphanage kids to his upcoming organization. Until he gets a set back when he takes things too far with the magi academy, he gets demoted to a Plague Doctor; a low status of a mage. It is until he meets Kaito, on one of his duties, and believes if he figures out the mystery behind Tenebrosos, he will earn the right to regain his place back in the academy. 
Shuichi (Most Focused on ATM) - Born from the great Kyoko Kirigiri and Makoto Naegi, there are a lot of expectations put upon Shuichi since he was very young. The expectations were too high and too heavy to carry that Shuichi decided to leave behind that life and the Kirigiri name. He meets up with Rantaro who gives him the ability of a werewolf, and thinks he can finally start anew. Until he faces the same problems with being a werewolf and being part of a pack, Shuichi decides to live amongst the commonfolk with his new friends Kaito, Kaede, and Maki by his side. 
@baylardian-1 :
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Kyoko (Most focused on) - A detective who grew up working under a large magefolk entity in the specific branch that deals with magic-based crimes. Kyoko is telepathic with a hindered use of magic due to a strange curse covering both of her hands. Because of her ability to read minds and the overwhelming loudness many voices can create in her head, Kyoko prefers working alone. Eventually she retires from her occupation and becomes a private investigator alongside her husband Makoto.
Hifumi (Most developed) - A hamster familiar most closely resembling a smitten patsy for Celestia Ludenberg. Not having many friends he impulsively chose to follow a pretty girl one day and has never ceased. Initially out of threat, Hifumi would perform healing spells for Celestia after her hunts in addition to take care of her every beck and call. Nowadays their relationship takes on a more unspoken respect and fondness for one another.
Mukuro (My beloved) - A Tenebroso werewolf nearing closer to being 400 years old in age. Born a mage alongside her younger twin sister Junko, many events surrounding their past are shrouded in mystery. As a Tenebroso she has an unnaturally extended life. Mukuro is naturally covered in scars and physically looks to be reaching her mid 50's-early 60's. She is most often however seen to be disguising herself as a young girl.
@snellymain :
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Kiyo (Most developed) - A socially reclusive vampire with a guilty conscience and a sworn duty to feed by killing swiftly rather than turning anyone else into a vampire; since he hates his vampirism and his sister that cursed him with it. Has a huge fondness for humans and anthropology after his controlling sister's hatred for them caused him to have extremely limited interactions with them. Ends up committed to a mage named Angie while the unwanted spirit of his sister began haunting him after many years of being dead.
Mahiru (Most focused on) - A standard mage with very little powers and a high respect for her non-mage mother, matching her disdain for her mage father. She got into photography as she had no attachment to her underwhelming magic, until her mother urged her to go to an academy so she wouldn't let her powers go to waste like her father did. After doing so, being out in the world more, she met Hiyoko and Hiro; in which she happily adopted the former and angrily married the latter.
Angie (My beloved) - A healing-based blood mage raised communally on an island, she heals others wounds with their own blood and often secretly takes their blood for her own use while doing so; mostly to feed her partner Kiyo, but she also has a fascination for blood of her own, initially being a result of her village's blood sacrifices and now a result of her blood magic. Generally a loud nuisance, though a medically helpful nuisance, in her academy.
@samsquatchem :
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Doodle + blurb done by Snelly ♥
Yasuhiro (Their beloved) - A nomadic powerful mage with a wide variety of powers, mostly focusing on clairvoyance and near-limitless telekinesis; generally wanders around getting money wherever he can but spending it horrendously, ending up in a constant flat circle of time. He’s basically homeless; not out of poverty but what he considers convenience and tax evasion, for the most part and bums around Mahiru’s place. Close friends and a father figure to Hiyoko, (much to Mahiru’s initial dismay) the two bond over their shared tendency to wander and be in a new place every week + magic that neither know how to use properly, she became quickly attached to him due to him being the first person to talk to her after she ran away from home. Hiro is able to see the future but unable to speak it verbatim or else the opposite outcome will come to fruition, he can only nudge clients in the right direction of his visions. Most people think his magic is a scam and he’s the most useless mage ever.
@sutexii :
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Chiaki (My Beloved) - A wooden mask enchanted with a human soul, powered by dream juice and magic robotics. Created by Chihiro to live in the dream realm (where u go when u sleep + also where the killing games take place) to gather data on it for Chihiro’s research, and help those in it travel safely. Has a deep fascination with the unpredictable and strange, and enjoys seeking out new knowledge wherever she can. Still likes her games, and while originally given access to some to help entertain those she’s traveling with, she just ends up hoarding them herself.
Tenko (Most Focused On ATM) - Commonfolk w/ a smidge of monster that comes out when her anger peaks. Abandoned due to said anger issues as a child, and taken in by Aoi and Sakura. She had a very Ghibli idyllic childhood, having adventures with friends and delivering donuts for her mom. Learned martial arts from her mom, taking a particular liking to Aikido, and through it learned to control her anger. Follows childhood crush Himiko around to protect her, leading to her entering the less than legal artifact smuggling trade with her later in life.
Aoi (Most Developed) - Water elemental with a love for baking donuts and raising/rehabilitating carp. Married to Sakura, having met when she wandered into the pond in her family’s abandoned dojo and decided to stay to fix it up, motivating Sakura to fix the rest of the place up in turn. Very carefree, friendly, and laid back, loves kids and taking on the “fun auntie” role. Never worked on her humanoid appearance much at all until motherhood, Tenko enters their life and it became hard to hold back a feral monster baby with fins.
@Soupcifer_ :
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Nekomaru (Franken-maru) (most developed) - A reanimated corpse who was brought back to life thanks to the help of Kazuichi and Mikan. Unfortunately, he has amnesia and thus no recollection of his past friendships and family. He's a lot more quiet and mellow in comparison to his old self which makes him seem pretty dull, but in actuality he's being rather attentive and simply trying to understand everything that's happening. He does a lot of behind-the-scenes work when no ones looking like cleaning up after Kazuichi and setting reminders for Akane (still a team manager at heart).
Gonta (My beloved) - A vampire raised by werewolves. He only recently came to terms with being a vampire as he lived most of his life assuming the form of a wolf. He has an obsession with bugs, classic literature, and vintage clothing. Gonta likes to follow around a few of his friends, Angie and Korekyio (wink), and be of assistance whenever he can. He unfortunately has trouble dealing with his vampire nature sometimes due to only having lived with werewolves, so he often turns to Korekiyo for help.
Chihiro (most focused on) - An electric elemental! Chihiro is the creator/parent of Chiaki and Monomi. They have a passion for creating things that run on electricity and magic and as a result created their two lovely daughters (that and to investigate the dream realm). Chihiro also has the ability to possess electronics and machinery! Despite being incredibly small, they can emit a surprisingly large amount of energy which makes possessing large or complicated machinery an easy task.
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loststarphounix · 4 months
imagine... little red riding hood souda x big bad wolf tanaka-
instead of kazuichi going to see his grandma like the original story — he's visiting his sick friend, hajime, who he wants to surprise with a fresh batch of muffins that he baked himself! and then during his journey, he comes across the big bad wolf himself :0
this is super open-ended because i have little creativity atm-
(i saw art on pixiv about this and i just thought to tell you about it xD)
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I hope we already know the drill! Long post ahead let’s go!
Let’s see:
Kazuichi lives in a cottage that’s attached to a smithy semi on the outskirts of the village. He mainly does commission work, primarily metalworking, but he does has a knack for toy making and secretly bakes but only shares with his friends. He hasn’t heard from Hajime in a while and after hearing from Nagito that he’s sick, decides to take him a basket of day old bake goods and go visit him.
Unfortunately, Hajime likes his privacy and as such, he lives in the middle of Jobberwock Forest, a dark, dense wood that stretches nearly 2/3 of the largest island in the cluster. Most spots in the forest that are perpetual night, where the Sun barely peeks through the dense foliage. Basically, it’s scary as hell. But Hajime is Kazuichi’s best friend - his soul brother - and he’s ill. He’ll venture into the deep, dark, evil embodiment of all things sinister forest to get to him.
So he gets ready, with his basket of muffins, apples and some leftover medicine from when he got food poisoning, as well as a book so his friend isn’t bored (he borrowed it but found his dull lol) and of course, his trusty outside wrench and pocket knife. He puts on his vibrant yellow hood, locks his home up and sets out for the wood. He’s SUPER careful to stay on the trail - like he’s habitually looking down and behind him to make sure he’s in the middle of the safe path. The woods always seem to change everyday, Sonia loves to say that it has a mind of its own which does nothing to sooth his frazzle nerves.
He’s been walking since the late morning and thinks about taking a rest, when he hears a twig snapping. The sound it so loud it makes him jump. He turns to where he thinks it originated from, but another loud sound is coming from behind him and he whips around to see two red eyes staring at him in the shadows. Gripped in panic, Kazuichi turns tail and runs, leaving the safety of the path. Our bumbling boy is booking it - somehow not tripping on upturn roots until finally he’s in a clearing a few miles southwest of his friend’s home.
He’s so exhausted that he collapses onto the nearest stump, unaware of the hulking figure behind him. The basket wobbles a bit on the ground, but it doesn’t topple over so he breathlessly calls that a win.
“Good day.” A voice says behind him and it makes Kazuichi jump like a startled cat. He snatches his knife as he moves.
He whips around and sees, possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Tall, Kazuichi has to tilt his head up slightly to look him in the eye, with pale skin and dual red and grey eyes. And wearing all black clothing aside from a purple cloth wrapped around his neck. The guy even had a scar over the grey one. Hot, but most definitely a thief.
“I-I don’t have any money!” He says, hoping the other will let him go, but the other only tilts his head.
“Apologies, I did not mean to frighten you, mortal. I rarely see one of your denizens venture this far into the dark wood.”
Kazuichi can only blink. Ok…maybe he wasn’t a thief. More likely a nutcase. Pity, dude was kinda hot.
“uh…yeah. I got spooked by a giant animal and ran.” Looking around the are, he realized in growing horror that nothing looked familiar. He doesn’t even seem to notice that the guy is staring at him intently, eyes zeroing in on him sucking his bottom lip between sharp teeth before speaking. Or the way his eyes trailed down the length of his body in interest.
“You are greatly fortunate this day, Persephone. I was reared in these very lands and can navigate you to the more safer paths.”
He didn’t really understand all of that, but the stranger seemed to want to help him and despite his suspicions, he was lost. Maybe he could trust the weirdo, just this one time.
“Really? And you won’t…like do anything bad? To ,e?” He squeaked, hand gripping his knife.
But the stranger merely shakes his head. “Not at all. I, the great Gundham Tanaka, ensures your safety through these dark wood,”
“Gundham.” Kazuichi silently mouthed, eyebrows furrowed. Tale and creepy had such a weird ass name. But he’s gonna help him out so he may as well put it aside for now.
Shaking his head, he places his knife carefully back in his basket and bends down to retrieve it. Again, he somehow misses the look Gundham gives his bent form and the slight peek of tongue running across his bottom lip. The man is damn near salivating lol
“My name’s Kazuichi’s by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” The pink haired man flashed a nervous smile, which the other returned with more ease and a bit something that makes Kazuichi’s stomach flip.
“I believe I am the more fortuitous between the two of us.”
They begin backtracking through the woods and as they do, Gundham gently starts to ask Kazuichi questions - what does he do, where does he live, does he live alone. Simple questions. Nothing untowards or suspicious about them.
And Kazuichi answers each one truthfully, not really mindful of his answers because the forest is much darker than it was when he had started and having the other by his side eases him. He also asks Gundham a bit about himself as a distraction, but the man deflects; only reiterating that he grew up in the Jobberwock Forest, that he has lived there all his life and that he’ll keep Kazuichi safe.
Finally, they are in more familiar territory and the path unfurls before them. Tears of relief well in Kazuichi’s eyes. He’s so happy he could kiss the dirt road. Just before he can kneel down and actually do it however, Gundham pinches the sleeve of neon yellow hood to get his attention.
“You had mentioned your comrade has fallen to a malignant force, correct?”
“Huh? Oh yeah! Hajime’s sick.” He almost forgot his friend for a moment what with his fear of the forest and this mysterious man. “I should hurry to his house before it gets dark.” Being out here at night was so much scarier than being out in the daylight.
“Fret not, you will ensursedly arrive at your destination before the dying light of the sun. I merely asked, for do you see these fauna?”
Gundham pointed to a patch of flowers. They were small, with white petals and tall, thin stalks that bent towards a shaft of sunlight. Kazuichi’s eyebrows furrowed, but he gave a slight nod.
“These are medicinal plants.” The man informed, giving the other a charming smile. “They can assist in curing your friend. Merely steep in a concoction of tea and he shall be remedied!”
Kazuichi stared at the flowers, eye wide with disbelief. “Seriously?! But they’re all over the place!”
“This glade is their preferred choice for germination. You should collect them before you go.”
“Right!” Kazuichi took a step closer to the flowers but stopped, peaking over his shoulder to look back at Gundham with an awkward smile. “Hey, thanks again for helping me back on the path. I’m sure I took you away from something important-“
But Gundham merely waved his hand, dismissing the notion. “Do not fret, it was far more important to ensure your safe return. Sadly, I do have some business to conclude, and must leave you here. I can assume you know the way to your companion’s domicile from here?”
“Yeah everything looks a lot familiar now. I should get to Hajime’s hut in a half hour or so.” Kazuichi nodded, giving one last smile in gratitude before setting off to pick a few of the plants. He calls out one last time. “Thanks again man. I really owe you!”
As the mechanic bent down, Gundham retreated into the shadows, his eyes ensuring the other was too engrossed picking flowers, before he transformed into his wolf form and raced through the forest. He knew the quickest way to Hajime’s home, and in his quadrupedal form, he made it there in just under ten minutes. Barely skidding to a halt, he just had enough time to change back before Hajime opens his door.
He only looks a little pale, but he’s standing up straight and his breathing wasn’t labored. Excellent, this soothes his fretting mind somewhat.
“Singularity! I require a boon.”
“Hello to you too, Gundham.” Hajime chuckles, inviting the other in. “It must be important- you rarely ask me for anything.”
Crossing the threshold, Gundham wasted no time retelling his encounter with the most entrancing creature he has ever met, going on about his aura and mystical powers for surely he could not be a mere mortal if Gundham, Overlord of Ice and Ruler of these Woods, is so successfully ensnared. And through it all Hajime listens, a little bemused, but actively listening to his rants.
“I’ve been meaning to have Kazuichi meet you, but you usually keep to yourself.”
“My boon is thus: depart from your realm so that I may have succeeded in completing our courtship! In return, I shall assist you in your own quest for romantic endeavors.”
Hajime blinks, stunned. “Hold on. You want me to leave my house, just so you can make a move on my best friend?”
Well, when put like it sounds unsavory. Gundham fiddles with his scarf, a hot flush spreading down his neck.
“And I don’t need help in my love life thanks,” he said sardonically. How about this: I give you my home for the night - only tonight! - and whatever happens, happens. But you owe me by helping around my property and hunting. Whatever he brings in his basket that he made are mine. And you stay away from my bedroom.” The last sentence was said with such severity that if he were a lesser demon, Gundham would quiver.
Instead he chuckles, a low, dark sound that would seem threatening to anyone outside their friendship, but was really one of agreement.
“Very well mortal! I accept your bargain.”
Hajime takes entirely too long in Gundham’s opinion to pack an overnight bag, but he departs and Gundham prepares for the mechanics arrival. He already ensured Hajime’s personal abode was sealed (Hajime locked it) and that Kazuichi would not be suspicious of the changes dwellings (Hajime wrote a note explaining). Now he only had little left to disguise his aura and appearance. The borrowing of Hajime’s night shirt and pants and pulling the shades down in the guest room shall do the trick.
And now, with infinite patience, he awaits his prey.
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kaitosimp · 3 years
Once upon a time I posted some hc's I have for what Kaito does with his classmates when they hang out, but a few days ago I realized I never posted the hc's I have for him hanging out with the other students so here's part 2 🌠 It's the talent development plan mode all day everyday 🌟 This has been sitting in my drafts for days and it is very long so I'm sorry in advance 💀
☕ Byakuya (imposter) ☕
-They hang out in the dining hall, they chat over snacks and food per Byakuya's request
-Byakuya always asks Kaito to bake sweets like cookies or brownies
-They visit a lot of food places/restaurants
-Kaito knows it's a little odd to be friends with someone who literally imitates another student but he doesn't care
-They talk a lot about how different their lives are, and Kaito always tells Byakuya that he can trust him with his true self
🍴 Teruteru 🍴
-Teruteru always cooks dishes for Kaito to taste
-They go shopping for ingredients/food a lot
-Kaito helps him in the kitchen and Teruteru helps Kaito improve his cooking skills
-Since Kaito always goes stargazing with other people, Teruteru makes snacks and hot chocolate for them and joins in when he can
-Teruteru tries roping Kaito into peeking on the girls, but Kaito just talks about his passion for space so they end up talking about the universe
📸 Mahiru 📸
-Their friendship started when Mahiru randomly came up to him and asked to take a photo of him, Kaito is one of her favorite people to photograph cause of his smile
-They spend a lot of time walking around the academy talking and taking pictures
-Mahiru often takes photos of the moon and the night sky for Kaito
-She got him his own camera when Kaito expressed an interest in photography and taught him how to take photos properly
-They have a thing where they compete to see who took the best photo that day
⚔ Peko ⚔
-They alternate between regular training and kendo sparring a lot
-Kaito is able to make Peko smile, it usually happens when he goes to her with Gundham's devas or tells her cheesy animal jokes
-Peko taught him how to fight with a bamboo sword
-They trust each other a lot, like Kaito knows how she feels about Fuyuhiko and helps her sort through her feelings, and Peko can tell whenever he's feeling down and tries her best to cheer him up
-Their conversations are always about the universe, animals, and sword fighting
🎸 Ibuki 🎸
-They never stay still, when they hang out they'll be running around or playing instruments or playing games, they're super energetic together
-Ibuki taught Kaito how to play the guitar
-They like doing karaoke, she's literally the only person Kaito will sing around
-Ibuki writes songs about space for Kaito and sings them to him, it always makes Kaito happy
-They love listening to music together, whenever they go stargazing they'll bring a speaker outside to blast some music
👘 Hiyoko 👘
-At first Hiyoko thought he was an idiot and Kaito thought she was Kokichi 2.0, their friendship only started cause Mahiru wanted them to get along
-They act like siblings, they bicker a lot and call each other names but they care about the other, Kaito is lowkey protective of her and Hiyoko insults anyone who calls him an idiot cause only she can do that
-Kaito 100% supports/cheers on her dancing, he goes to all her performances with Mahiru
-Kaito gives her a lot of piggy back rides
-Hiyoko likes hearing about the stars and Kaito likes watching her dance practices, they also spend their time eating candy and squishing ants (sorry Gonta he tried but couldn't convince her to leave the ants alone)
🩹 Mikan 🩹
-It took a while for Kaito to get her to understand he truly wanted to be around her
-Kaito always visits her at the nurse's office and helps with whatever she needs
-They have positive talks everyday, Kaito helps lift her self esteem/confidence and always tells her positive things about herself
-Mikan always teaches him new medical things and Kaito teaches her random space facts
-He often makes sure nobody's bothering her or doing anything that could upset her, he knows it'll be a while before Mikan can stand up for herself so he does it for her in the meantime
🏆 Nekomaru 🏆
-They are so l o u d and boisterous and rowdy when they hang out
-A good 95% of their conversations are just them constantly motivating each other on
-They spend most of their time outside in the field playing sports or sparring
-They jog together in the mornings before class
-Nekomaru brings Kaito with him to his teams' sport matches a lot, Kaito always joins him in cheering the players on
🐹 Gundham 🐹
-They bond over animals, Kaito helps Gundham tend to them and he loves playing with the dogs
-Thanks to how much Kaito talks about the universe, Gundham started naming the newborn animals after space things
-Kaito loves playing with Gundham's devas
-Gundham tries to teach him spells and curses, Kaito doesn't have a single magical bone in his body but he still tries
-They like to wander around the city looking for stray animals to feed and take care of
☁️ Nagito ☁️
-It took forever for them to be friends cause Nagito kept talking about Kaito being an amazing beacon of hope while Kaito just wanted to hang out with the guy normally
-Nagito greatly admires Kaito, he always compliments him
-They mostly hang out in Kaito's lab, Nagito really likes listening to Kaito talk about space
-Kaito tries to change Nagito's negative views of himself, it always ends with them going back and forth about how great the other is
-If Kaito's with him when his unlucky situations happen, he always helps Nagito out of them (he lost track of all the times they almost got into hostage situations)
🕹 Chiaki 🕹
-Video games and chilling all day everyday
-They meet up to play games and to talk in their labs, Chiaki always falls asleep so Kaito keeps pillows and blankets in his lab for her naps
-When they hang out outside, they usually grab a bite to eat, walk around the school, and end up cloud watching or stargazing
-Chiaki falls alseep on him a lot so Kaito is always seen carrying her/holding her up
-Chiaki started playing more space related games to make Kaito happy, some of them were sci-fi horror which had the opposite effect but Kaito appreciated the thought still
🍖 Akane 🍖
-They always go to the dining hall to chat and eat, they often meet up with Byakuya and Teruteru there
-They have competitions to see who can eat the most meat
-They like going to the gym to spar, Akane sometimes teaches him gymnastics/parkour moves
-On the weekends, they go to Kaito's favorite space exhibits and Akane's favorite restaurants
-Kaito goes to her gymnastics competitions with Nekomaru to cheer her on
👑 Sonia 👑
-They love watching documentaries and movies, it's always a mix of occult/scientific/murder/space-y stuff
-They go to the library a lot, they have a tradition of picking books for the other to read
-Sonia loves hearing about Kaito's epic adventures and all the space info he knows
-They always make plans for Kaito to visit her home country
-They hang out outside of school a lot since Sonia loves visiting new places
☠ Fuyuhiko ☠
-Kaito always asked Fuyuhiko to hang out and was never intimidated by his attitude or threats so Fuyuhiko just gave up and let the friendship happen
-They like to climb trees, they make competitions of who can climb them faster
-Kaito invites Fuyuhiko to come along with him to his beach trips, they always sunbathe/tan
-Kaito makes fried dough cookies and other sweets for Fuyuhiko (Fuyuhiko really appreciates it/thinks Kaito's awesome for it but he never says that out loud)
-Fuyuhiko became interested in space thanks to Kaito and often asks stuff about it
🔩 Kazuichi 🔩
-They always hang out in Kaito's lab cause Kazuichi is in love with the spaceship simulator in there
-They talk a lot about rocket ships
-Kaito has already decided he wants Kazuichi to build the rocket ship that'll take him to space, Kazuichi is happy to fufill that request
-Kazuichi likes building stuff for Kaito, Kaito's favorite thing has to be the spaceman alarm clock he keeps on his nightstand
-They like to read magazines/mangas, watch action movies, and tinker with machines
💫 Hajime 💫
-Kaito always tries to make Hajime feel included since he isn't an ultimate
-They do all sorts of things around the school like watch movies, play basketball, eat lunch together, read, etc
-Kaito often convinces him to sneak out of the reserve course dormitory at night to stargaze
-Kaito made Hajime a sidekick an hour into being friends and Hajime has since joined the nightly training
-They like going on walks to just talk freely about whatever comes to mind
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
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bf!shigaraki x gn!reader, fluff and crack, 800 words
A/N! this is my piece for @prettysetterbaby 's valentines day collab, go check out and support the other writers and their pieces too!
also please ignore that i cut it off early bc goddam a bitch is tired. did I wait last minute to finish this piece? hell yeah. am i posting this at 4am? hell yeah
also ignore that i did not proof read or fix any errors in here, im just tryna sleep so i can go boogie tmr w sum pals for vday mang
WARNINGS! I dont think theres any I need to tag, but please let me know if there is!
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Valentines day, love was in the air, couples spending this day in homes or at parks– masks on of course. Since you and your boyfriend couldn't go out, he had decided to do a little baking. He wanted to make some of your favorite treats, but due to his lack of baking skill, he stuck to cookies.
He definently knew he was lacking baking skills when he pulled out the sheet of cookies, all burnt to a crisp. Its alright he thought, he still had sometime before you were coming over. He pulled out his phone to search up a recipe, not trusting the instructions on the cookie mix box.
He quickly opened another box and grabbed some more ingredients, reading his instructions. "Why didn't I just buy cookie dough," he groans to himself, opening the carton of eggs when he heard the door unlock. "Tomu tomu!" You slipped off your shoes and stumbled into the kitchen with a bag in your hand, noticing your visibly upset boyfriend.
"Shigs, whats wrong," you frowned and dropped your bag, rushing to his side and hugging him, making him chuckle softly. He rubs your head softly with your hand and kisses your head, "its not that bad baby, I just burnt some cookies trying to bake." You lifted your face to look at him, and cupped his face.
"You dummy, why didn't you ask me? Are you okay, did you burn yourself?" You ask him, squishing his cheeks. He grabs your small wrosts and pulls them away from his face and he shakes his head. "Im fine, I didnt get burnt, but I really wanted to bake these cookies for you." You could tell he was upset, so you smiled and patted his arm.
"Let me help you! You can learn how to make cookies AND we get to bake together on valentines day," you saw the corners of his lips turn up and he leans down to kiss you. "Sounds romantic," he fake barfs and you pinch his cheek. He winces and you smile back at him, "says the one who tried to bake me cookies."
"It says.. In a small bowl, stir flour, baking soda, and baking powder," he says and goes to grab the ingredients. You look over at, waiting for him to read off the measurements. "Oh yeah, uhm.. 2 ¾ cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda andddd.. ½ teaspoon of baking powder," he reads as you had already began measuring the flour.
He measures the baking soda and you sprinkle in the baking powder with a grin. "How did you even make the cookies?" You asked, looking at his phone for the next set of ingredients. You grab a seperate bowl for the other ingredients. You mix the suger in with the softened butter while Shigaraki explains.
"Not sure, I'm pretty sure I did the measurements right. I just wasn't keeping track of time when I was baking them," he laughed and opened up the egg carton and took a peek at his phone before snatching out an egg. "Atleast you got the measurements right," you giggle lightly as he cracks the egg and mixes it into the sugar and butter.
"Yeah, but it doesn't compare to your baking, I just used one of those cookie mix boxes," he laughed and you scoffed with a smirk. You slowly mixed the dry ingredients in with the wet ingredients and felt Shigaraki wrap his arms around you. "Tomu, help me bake," you laughed, playfully elbowing him. He responded by hugging you tighter.
"I just wanna hold you close and kiss you, tho. Mm, do we have to bake baby?" He asked, placing small little pecks to your neck and cheek, causing you to giggle and cringe away from his kiss. "Stop Tomuu, I'm ticklish," you laugh and he chuckles into your skin, "and yes, you burnt those cookies so we HAVE to make new ones!"
"We have to?"
"Yes Tomura, we have to."
"Like.. like we /have/ to?"
"Shigaraki," you cross your arms and turn to give him a stern look, causing him to sigh. He kissees your forehead, "okay baby, lets hurry up with those cookies, yeah?" He pats your arm and goes to help you place the cookie dough on the baking sheet, and eventually slipping it into the oven.
"Now Tomura, next time set an alarm," you lecture, flicking his forehead and going to the clock app on your phone to set an alarm. You had about 15 minutes before they would be done cooking, so you decided to go cuddle with Shigaraki and watch the beginning of a romance movie.
"Hmm, aren't you glad I came over when I did?" You question, nuzzling your face into your boyfriends neck, humming with relief. He was gentle with the way he held you, but made you feel safe and soft in his embrace. "Yeah, now I can eat some bomb cookies," he laughed, holding you close.
"Yeah yeah, whatever," you sarcastically remark, looking up at him to see him flashing an innocent smile. "You're getting up and getting the cookies then," you states and press a sweet kiss to his nose. "Happy valentines Tomura."
"Happy valentines day baby."
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TAGLIST! @kekozume @dearestmegumi @bigger-simp-than-kazuichi
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neondarklight · 2 years
So, @moodorbs​ and I decided (I suggested it and ey were like “alright, let’s fucking go”) to make a tier list of Danganronpa characters based on how good they are at baking cakes.
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I want to explain our reasoning some of the placements in more detail, so here we go:
Kaito bakes when he’s stressed, and he bakes A LOT. However, he also just bakes for fun, for parties, etc. It’s probably one of his favorite hobbies.
While Celestia makes fucking amazing cakes, her true baking specialty is cupcakes.
Sonia, while her cakes are amazing, her tastes in cake are... odd. She made a strawberry cake with a salted caramel buttercream. It was fucking phenomenal, but very odd.
Teruteru would be S Tier if there wasn’t a not insignificant chance that he’d drug a cake.
Kazuichi is very good at following recipes, and he has a lot of technical skill when it comes to cake baking. Furthermore, he’s very skilled at using modeling chocolate as decorations. However, when it comes to coming up with his own recipes, he’s very bad at it. He’s just not good at cake recipe innovation.
Chihiro is like Kazuichi, but she’s significantly better at coming up with new recipes. She describes it as an algorithm, which most people don’t really understand (I’m gonna guess that Miu probably understands). However, the cakes are great, so they don’t care too much.
One of my favorite Danganronpa headcanons is that Shuichi and Celestia are siblings, and Leon is their cousin. So, given my headcanons, Celestia taught Shuichi how to bake. 
Angie’s cake decorating is out of this WORLD.
Yuta and Hiyoko have a very similar problem when it comes to baking cakes: sugar overload. Their cakes are WAY too fucking sweet, and because they probably usually work together when they bake, they enable each other. Oh, and they have A LOT of enthusiasm. If they ever managed to tone down the sweetness enough, they’d both be in low B Tier.
Kokichi’s flavor combinations are FUCKING WEIRD. He has a lot of technical skill, but he will pair a decadent, filling, moist chocolate cake with an equally delicious grape buttercream. With a cake baked by Kokichi, the whole is almost always lesser than the sum of its parts.
Hifumi makes the most mediocre cakes in existence. They taste so fucking mediocre, it’s impressive. But in terms of cake decoration, Hifumi is an easy S Tier.
If she wanted to, Junko could be B Tier at the bare minimum. Alas, she does not care.
Mukuro can bake a cake, but her baking specialty lies in brownies. Her brownies are A Tier.
Maki has a lot of experience baking birthday cakes, even though much of her baking consists of either baking sugar cookies or changing a sugar cookie recipe to put some additional stuff in there.
Peko, Nekomaru, and Sakura don’t eat cake. Therefore, they cannot make a good cake due to not having much of a reference point whatsoever.
Gonta uses wheat and cricket flour in roughly equivalent amounts, but that’s not why he’s in F Tier. He’s in F Tier because of a lack of experience. Given enough time, Gonta would be a solid C Tier.
Tenko learned how to bake solely to impress cute girls.
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I’m just gonna say Non-despair AU cause I want everyone to be happy. I freaking LOVE Gundham so much, he’s wonderful and I’ve been wanting to write him for a while (but stalling cause of his DIALOGUE. It’s so hard). Buuuut I decided to finally give it a shot. And to kind of vent a little cause he used to stress me out in his dark coat and scarf in tropical heat. With Kazuichi because I want them to be friends, and because I seem physically incapable of not putting Kazuichi in every fic. COULD be seen as pre-soudam if you prefer, I didn’t write it like that but it could be if that floats your boat. I do like that ship, I just like other ones with Gundham and kazuichi more. Anyway, hope you enjoy - Circle
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33543364
Warning: descriptions of overheating, sickfic. Nothing really bad here.
Kazuichi wasn’t shocked to wake up sprawled across a towel with sand in his hair and a dry mouth, completely alone on the beach. This wasn’t even the first time it had happened. When his insomnia was really bad he’d always doze throughout the next day - for some reason he couldn’t sleep in his warm, comfortable bed at night but could drop off in seconds with his head on the breakfast table or against Hajime’s shoulder. His classmates never bothered to wake Kazuichi if he was somewhere he wouldn’t be in the way, so the beach was a frequent napping spot. They always made sure to leave him in the shade with a water bottle for when he woke, so Kazuichi didn’t mind. It was normal.
What was very much not normal was waking up to Gundham grasping the front of his t-shirt, shaking him violently and yelling some weird gibberish that Kazuichi was still too woolly-headed to understand.
“Wha..?” he muttered, trying to wake up properly. For a second he wondered if he was having a weird lucid dream, because Gundham never usually touched people, especially him - though he was shaking him by the shirt instead of the shoulders.
“You’re gonna stretch out my clothes,” Kazuichi whined, sitting up and scrubbing his eyes.
“As if your tattered garments are a priority right now! Answer me with honesty, lest the demons tear your tongue from your very mouth. Have you encountered the wrath of my Crimson Steel Elephant?” Gundham cried, far too loudly.
“What?” Kazuichi mumbled. “Gundham, I can’t decipher your witchy language when I’ve just woken up.”
“Foolish mortal! This is a dire emergency!”
“Why? What’s happened?”
“I shall repeat myself just once more, so listen well. Have you encountered one of my Dark Devas of Destruction? Maga-Z appears to be missing,” Gundham said. Despite the grandeur and fancy words, Kazuichi could see he did look pretty distressed, holding the three remaining hamsters in his hand as if he was scared they’d dash away too.
“Oooh, okay. You’ve lost a hamster. That’s all you had to say, Gundham. One single sentence and I would’ve understood,” Kazuichi said.
“Do not talk so disparagingly! My Devas are far more powerful than mere hamsters. And Maga-Z has an independent spirit and often attempts to cause chaos alone. I have my concerns for the safety of everyone on this island if Maga-Z wields his destructive power without my guidance.”
Gundham was completely serious, but Kazuichi had to bite his cheeks to stop himself laughing, picturing a hamster storming across the island in a tank, decimating everything. But Gundham was clearly frantic, and Kazuichi was trying to be nicer to him recently, so he sighed.
“Okay, I’ll help you look for him. We should try to get the others to help too.”
“Indeed. You were the first mortal I came across,” Gundham admitted.
“Right, what does Maga-Z look like?” Kazuichi asked, taking a long drink of water. He felt like he’d be running around in the hot sun for a while now and wanted to drink while he had the chance.
“Your memory is abysmal.” Gundham seemed irritated that Kazuichi didn’t know the hamsters by sight.
“Look, I’m not exactly on nodding terms with your ham- Devas, am I? How am I supposed to know which is which? I only recognise the chubby one.” Kazuichi pointed to Cham-P.
Gundham reeled back like he’d been slapped, spluttering in outrage. “How dare you mock his corporeal form! If Cham-P was not so patient, he would obliterate you where you stand for such cheek.”
“Look, I wasn’t trying to body shame your hamster,” Kazuichi said irritably. “I wasn’t mocking. He’s just bigger than the other ones.”
“He is of the Golden variety, of course he is larger in stature. It has nothing to do with his nutritional intake.”
“Are we going to search or not?” Kazuichi snapped. God, talking to Gundham for more than five minutes was exhausting. “Do you know if Maga-Z has favourite places to go or something?”
Kazuichi let Gundham lead and did his very best not to talk to his strange companion as they searched through bushes and inside cupboards, asking any of his classmates they encountered to look too. Gundham muttered to the remaining hamsters, but didn’t try to talk to Kazuichi much either except to order him around - though his grandiose tone was quickly becoming softer and more anxious.
“Maga-Z has never disappeared from my influence for so long,” he mumbled, pulling his scarf to cover his mouth. “I cannot contain this feeling of dread.”
“Hey, don’t worry,” Kazuichi said, surprising himself. “We’ll find him. He’ll be okay.”
Gundham blinked, then stood up straighter. “I assure you, I fear for the inhabitants of the island. Maga-Z will come to no harm.”
But he was worrying, and even Kazuichi could see it. His searching was becoming frantic, his usually careful hands clumsy, so he knocked things off their shelves and forgot to tidy up or close doors behind them. He started running between buildings and bushes, long coat billowing, calling out for his lost hamster.
“Gundham! Hang on a second,” Kazuichi gasped. “I can’t breathe!”
Surprisingly, Gundham did as he was told, leaning against a palm tree in the shade. He wrapped his arms around his chest, pale fists gripping his dark coat. His carefully styled hair was starting to droop in the heat, and his face was very pink. Kazuichi had never seen so much colour in his cheeks before. The three remaining hamsters cowered inside Gundham’s scarf, sensing his anxiety.
Kazuichi went to lean beside him, wiping the sweat off his own forehead. He didn’t know how Gundham managed in his black clothes every day.
“We’ll find him,” Kazuichi said again. “Ibuki and Twogami and Mahiru said they’d look. And Miss Sonia looked like she was going to cry when I told her Maga-Z was missing. She said she wouldn’t rest until he was found.”
“She has a good heart,” Gundham said softly.
“Yeah…” Kazuichi paused. “Hey, you didn’t say anything nice like that about me. I’m the one who’s been running around with you in the baking sun for hours.”
Gundham didn’t respond. He’d been talking a lot less in the past twenty minutes or so, though he’d originally been giving incomprehensible orders to Kazuichi every two minutes. Souda assumed he was just growing more concerned for Maga-Z the longer he was missing - so he was caught off guard when Gundham slumped over and fell limply against him, almost bringing them both to the floor.
“Dude!” Kazuichi managed to catch hold of Gundham. “What are you doing?”
Perhaps Gundham didn’t know what he was doing either, because he had a look of sheer bafflement on his face. He tried to pull himself upright, clinging to the rough bark of the palm tree, but each time he wobbled dangerously and Kazuichi had to grab onto him again.
“What is this..? I appear to be reacting negatively to your mortal world’s atmosphere.” His usually forceful speech came out laboured and slow, and Gundham placed a hand to his lips in surprise.
“What? You’ve been surviving in this atmosphere for ages already,” Kazuichi argued. “What’s up with you? You sound drunk. Can you tell me in plain English?”
“The temperature in this godforsaken land exceeds even the fiery bowels of hell,” Gundham hissed, having to cling to Kazuichi to stay upright.
Kazuichi took a second to disentangle Gundham’s web of fancy words. “Sooo… you’re too hot. I guess that makes sense. Who wears a black coat and a scarf in this heat? And I know you haven’t had any water since we started searching. I’d better take you back to your cabin,” he sighed.
“Unhand me this instant, you fiend!” Gundham growled, though he was the one using Kazuichi like a walking stick. “I could never rest while one of my Dark Devas of Destruction is unguided.”
“Well they’ll all be unguided if you get heatstroke and drop dead,” Kazuichi said. “Half the island is searching for Maga-Z - and I’ll go back out to keep looking as soon as I can, okay?” As much as Gundham might get on Kazuichi’s nerves sometimes, he didn’t want him to get really sick or hurt. He hoped Maga-Z had enough sense not to wander into the sea or something; Gundham would be crushed.
“Hmm.” Gundham didn’t look convinced.
“Your other three ham- I mean Devas probably need to cool down a bit too,” Kazuichi tried.
Another pause. “Very well,” Gundham sighed. “I shall retire to my artificially cooled domain until the effects of this oppressive atmosphere wear off. I trust you to ensure the search continues.” He turned on his heel and tried to walk on his own, staggering alarmingly.
“Hey, careful!” Kazuichi ran to steady him. “I told you I’d help you.”
Gundham slapped his hands away. “Fool! Have you forgotten I am cursed with poison?”
“Oh for God’s sake! Could you just give an inch for once! Why do you make everything so difficult?” Kazuichi cried exasperatedly.
Gundham stuck his chin in the air and started berating Souda again - but before he’d even finished the first sentence his words died away. He blinked several times, looking dazed, swaying where he stood.
“Gundham..?” Kazuichi said nervously.
Gundham didn’t respond. He took another few staggering steps towards his cabin, then crumpled as his knees gave way under him. Kazuichi cried out and hurried to catch him, their foreheads bashing together painfully. Gundham’s skin was clammy and damp, his face looking much more… alive than usual. Kazuichi realised it was because his pale makeup was running.
“Fucking hell, Gundham,” Kazuichi groaned, hauling one of Gundham’s arms around his shoulders. “Just hold onto me, okay? Try not to pass out.”
Surprisingly, Gundham nodded, staring down at his feet like it was taking a huge effort to make them move. It was clear he was trying to be helpful, but Kazuichi had to carry a lot of his weight and they were both breathless by the time they reached Gundham’s cabin. Kazuichi breathed a sigh of relief as the wall of cool air conditioning washed over them.
“Thank God for that,” he mumbled, dumping Gundham onto the bed. It was carefully made, which Kazuichi had never understood; why bother making your bed when you were just going to mess it up every night? The entire room was neat, though the giant cage meant it rather smelled like hamsters. “Right, get your coat and scarf off.”
Gundham glared at him viciously.
“Oh, that’s the thanks I get, is it? Well, no matter how annoying you might be, you’re overheated. No wonder, wearing that stupid dark coat. So get it off.” Kazuichi grabbed Gundham’s arms and yanked the coat sleeves off like he was undressing a sulky toddler. Gundham hissed a series of furious curses at him - one of which sounded like Latin, which was actually pretty impressive - and the three remaining hamsters hopped out onto the bed, startled.
“There. Was that so hard?” Kazuichi said silkily when Gundham was lying on the bed in his shirt and scarf, glaring. Kazuichi tried to take the scarf off too, but Gundham’s hissed threats became more vehement and he gave up. “Fine, keep it on then. Though I don’t think the gothic look is very sustainable in a tropical climate, man. Right, I’m going to get you something to drink.”
Gundham didn’t respond until Kazuichi had returned with a cup full of water from the bathroom. “I shall take advice from one with such abysmal fashion sense as yourself with a grain of salt, fiend,” he said, with as much dignity as he could muster while tomato-red and damp with sweat on his bed.
Kazuichi had to fight very hard not to pour the glass of water directly over Gundham’s head, but he just about managed to help him drink it instead. Then he grabbed the little fan from the bathroom and placed it by Gundham’s bed, dampened a cloth and slapped it rather unceremoniously on his forehead. Gundham yelped and glared again, water trickling down his temples. Good. Serves him right for that earlier comment. “There. Keep your head back or you’ll smudge your eyeliner. And don’t move. I’ll try to find Mikan while I’m looking for Maga-Z, okay?”
Gundham turned his face away, cupping one hand over the Devas protectively. He mumbled something into the material of his scarf.
“What?” Kazuichi asked.
“I said I am grateful for your assistance…”
“Oh.” Kazuichi was surprised. He’d never heard Gundham acknowledge he needed any help before - though maybe that was Kazuichi’s own fault. He’d been the one to start up the whole stupid rivalry thing (which wasn’t ever a rivalry in the first place since the girl wasn’t remotely interested). Maybe this was a step towards a reconciliation.
“I mean, I wasn’t gonna leave you to die,” Kazuichi added awkwardly.
“You are far more tolerable when you do not echo the Dark Queen like a parrot. I once believed you had no real mind of your own,” Gundham said bluntly.
Kazuichi flushed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You made yourself an extension of the Dark Queen. You never disputed her or challenged her. You agreed with her every word.”
“Well… I wanted her to like me,” Kazuichi mumbled. “Look, you don’t need to lecture me about all this. You know I’ve left Sonia alone.”
“Indeed. But you still wish to befriend her?” Gundham asked. Even weak and overheated as he was, his eyes were burning into Kazuichi’s with such a fierce intensity he had to look away.
“That’s her choice. Why are you asking all this?”
“If you still seek a friendly companionship with the Dark Queen, you should not forget she is a mere powerless mortal,” Gundham said. “She does not wish to be treated like she is extraordinary. She does not wish to be around those who only agree to please her.”
Kazuichi stared at him. Was Gundham really offering advice? Was this a weird way to repay him for helping out? It was pretty embarrassing to be given advice on how to make friends from Gundham, who openly distrusted everyone - but he was friends with Sonia. Maybe even something more, Kazuichi honestly didn’t know. He’d tried to stay away from Sonia as much as possibly, partly because he wanted her to be more comfortable and partly because he was pretty fucking embarrassed by his past behaviour. But he would like to be her friend. Nothing else - he knew that wouldn’t ever happen - but friends was good.
“Now make haste!” Gundham suddenly cried, making Kazuichi jump. “Continue the search! I shall rejoin you as soon as I am able.”
“No, rest. Don’t move and especially don’t put your coat on again. I’ll find Maga-Z,” Kazuichi said quickly. He dashed outside before Gundham could protest, groaning as the sticky heat wrapped around him once more.
He started searching again, after taking a quick detour to Mikan’s cabin to ask if she could go check on Gundham and make sure he hadn’t gone out into the sun again. Almost everyone on the island was searching now, splitting off into little groups to cover more ground. Nagito was one of the last to join in - and Hajime and Kazuichi watched in astonishment as he shifted the very first box he touched in the storage room of the old building and pointed. “There he is.”
“WHY didn’t I ask him first?!” Kazuichi practically screamed.
“Ultimate Luck seems a pretty useful talent,” Hajime murmured to him, not wanting Nagito to hear. It’d only start him off on a long self-deprecating rant. “Go on then, Kazuichi. Get him.”
Kazuichi peered behind the box on his hands and knees. Maga-Z was cowering in the corner, fur dishevelled and standing on end. He didn’t look too friendly. “Why do I have to grab the stupid hamster?” Kazuichi whined. “You grab him, Hajime. I don’t like them. They look like they know too much.”
“What are you on about?” Hajime sighed. “It’s just a hamster. You can’t be scared of a hamster, Kazuichi.”
“They’re Gundham’s hamsters. They probably like… worship the devil or something.”
“Hamsters don’t worship anything. They’re just hamsters.”
“Can I go now?” Nagito asked, looking like he was losing braincells just listening to this conversation.
“Yeah, thanks, Nagito. Unless you fancy grabbing this hamster,” Kazuichi said. He looked hopeful, but Nagito left without another word.
“I’ll do it,” Hajime said, exasperated. He reached behind the box to ease his hand underneath Maga-Z, but as soon as his fingers brushed fur, the hamster made a mad dash forward. Directly towards Souda. He squealed and hastily cupped both hands around Maga-Z, holding him at arm’s length. “Oh my God, oh my God, I got him… Oh God, he’s gonna bite me, I know he is,” Kazuichi whined.
“Hey, good job,” Hajime said, surprised. “I didn’t think you’d catch him.”
“I’m not a baby, Hajime,” Kazuichi huffed. Then he whimpered in a very childish way. “Ugh, he’s wriggling around. Can I… put him somewhere? A bag or something? I don’t trust him.”
“Just shove him in your pocket and let’s go. It’s boiling in here. And Gundham will be stressing about Maga-Z. Do you know where he is?”
“I had to put him to bed because he nearly fainted. He was running around in his black coat all day.”
Hajime rolled his eyes. “Nobody on this island has any self-preservation skills.”
“At least Maga-Z is okay.” Kazuichi studied the little ball of fluff cupped in his hands. Somehow his little ink drop eyes did look menacing. “Hey, he really does look like he wanted to go off and cause chaos on his own, doesn’t he?”
Hajime gave Kazuichi a look. “I think you’ve spent too much time with Gundham today.”
Thankfully, Gundham was still in his room and looking a lot better, though still very visibly agitated. His colour had returned to ghostly pale (he must’ve reapplied his makeup) and his eyes were far more focused - they snapped to the door right away when Hajime opened it. When he saw Kazuichi, his hands still full of wriggling hamster, his brow cleared.
“Take him, quick!” Kazuichi said, hurrying over to the bed. “I’m sure he wants to bite me.”
“You fiend,” Gundham murmured, taking the hamster. For a second Kazuichi was offended, thinking Gundham was calling him names when he and Hajime had been nice enough to bring the hamster back, but then he realised Gundham was talking to Maga-Z. He spoke to them in exactly the same way he spoke to his classmates, no silly mushy voices like most people did with cute animals.
“I can only pray you have not caused too much destruction while unsupervised,” he murmured, smoothing Maga-Z’s fur. The hamster sat up to greet him like a little puppy, and Kazuichi noticed for the first time that Maga-Z’s cheeks were bulging.
“Did he really run off just to steal food?” Kazuichi groaned. “We’ve been so stressed and he was just eating!”
“Ah yes, a feast befitting the magnificent Crimson Steel Elephant,” Gundham said, gently placing Maga-Z with the other hamsters. They circled him joyfully, happy to be reunited too.
Kazuichi threw his hands up exasperatedly. “I give up. You’re all nuts.”
Gundham turned to Kazuichi, his face solemn. “I am deeply indebted to you, as is everybody who resides on this island. I cannot speak of the terrors that may have occurred if Maga-Z was without guidance. I shall spread the story of your triumph to every other mortal here so they can show you due gratitude,” he said.
“Oh… Thanks, man.” Kazuichi could see he meant well, but the thought of Gundham telling everyone Kazuichi saved the island from a hamster’s destruction was pretty embarrassing. He could already see Hajime smirking out of the corner of his eye.
“You should stay inside a bit longer though,” Hajime said. “Just in case. You need to make sure you’re totally cooled down.”
“Indeed. I have had ample excitement for one day,” Gundham said.
“Me too,” Kazuichi mumbled.
“If you’re feeling better, you can tell everyone about Kazuichi saving the island over dinner,” Hajime said, grinning. Kazuichi glared at him.
“Asshole,” he muttered as soon as they were outside Gundham’s cabin.
Hajime burst out laughing. “Maybe he’ll make you sound really gallant and fearless when he tells it.”
“Then everyone will know it’s a lie right away. And anyway, Nagito saw what happened. Even if you don’t give away the real story, he’ll definitely tell.”
“Probably. But you did save his hamster, even if you weren’t that fearless about it. Is there a truce between you two now?”
“I suppose so. He’s not so bad. Crazy and dramatic and difficult… but okay,” Kazuichi admitted. He paused. “I don’t know what half of the words he uses mean though.”
“Yeah,” Hajime agreed. “I don’t either.”
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dangankingdom · 3 years
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Nagito and Kazuichi w/ a GN Ult. Baker!S/O Imagines
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Requested? Yes Masterlist
Rating// PG - H*nd H*lding Before Marriage CWs// Nagito and Kazuichi(?)
Mod Saihara is trying out a new format! Hello! I’ll be putting an A/N before and after the imagines/headcanons/oneshots now! Thank you for the ask Anon, enjoy! Imagines below the break.
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Nagito Komaeda
He enjoys eating your sweets, according to him they’re very “hope filled.”
You’ve asked him if he’d like to bake with you multiple times, but he always politely declines saying, “an unlucky piece of trash like myself shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen.”
Komaeda appreciates how beautiful your baked good turn out, seeing as he likes beautiful things.
He often considers your talent as “more hopeful than anyone else’s talent.”
He’s very supportive of you but gets frustrated when you do the same to him, calling himself trash.
He likes being around you when you bakes, and you enjoy his company too.
When he’s acting out you try to get him to relax with your baked goods.
Kazuichi Souda
He loves your baking, and eats them while he works.
He’s not very talented when it comes to baking, unlike you, but he likes being in the kitchen since he thinks he’s helping, even if it’s just slowing you down. You find it endearing though.
He often says that he wishes he had a more interesting talent like yours compared to his.
If/when you sell your baked goods, he always leaves a bunch of five star reviews.
Even though he’s not the richest guy, he likes to buy you baking supplies and ingredients when he can.
He’s pretty bad at baking but you always pretend his poor quality treats are good, just so you can see him smile.
You made him a cake that looks like a wrench, and got so confused when he picked it up to use it, and it squished in his hands.
He always asks to taste-test new recipes and techniques. 
He’s allowed in the kitchen, but he’s not allowed to use the mechanical whisk, since he got dough all over the walls and celling the last time you let him try it.
He’s quite the sugar junkie, so you never give him sugar-free stuff you bake.
You made him a Coke-a-Cola cake for his most recent birthday, since you knew he likes the drink. (He liked the cake too.)
He’s your biggest supporter and tries to make you feel better if someone says they don’t like your baking.
He never takes you on dates to bakeries, because he assumes there’s some sort of ‘baker’s code’, and even though that isn’t true you find it cute.
He dropped a screwdriver into your batter once (neither of you realized), and so you were both surprised when his missing screwdriver was in the cake he was trying.
You always put extra effort into the sweets you make for Souda, since you just like him that much.
When you’re doing something related to baking that you can do with one hand, he always holds your free hand.
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Hngng sorry Komaeda’s is so short!!! I suck at writing him and I really only took the ask for Kaz haha,,, I can force one of the other mods to re-write it if you’re not satisfied with it Anon! Just send in another ask!! Okay thank you for reading!!! Buh bye! :)
Mod Amami
87 notes · View notes
Gundham’s bday is Dec 14 that’s right around the corner :) Could do a scenario where you plan a date for him at Monoworld. He’s hesitant not cause he doesn’t like it, but because he’s never really celebrated his bday before. He enjoys the date & you show him his surprise. It’s a surprise bday party for him & everyone is there. The gift is a toy car that fits the Devas & the cake is a vegan pumpkin cake. He cries and hugs/ kisses you a lot so. Super fluff
Of course I can write for best boy’s birthday! And this prompt is amazing! Requests are still closed, but I was planning on writing for Gundham’s birthday anyway, so I just decided to use this request!
This takes place during the Island Mode of Danganronpa 2.
His First Birthday-Gundham Tanaka x Reader(Happy Birthday, Gundham!)
You blinked open your eyes to the sound of Usami’s morning announcement, something that had become routine since you woke up on this island and were told you and sixteen others were to be staying here for the foreseeable future. 
And that had been life for quite some time now. You and the others had grown close while exploring and cleaning up the island. However, there was one individual you had gotten particularly close to; the Ultimate Animal Breeder, Gundham Tanaka. The two of you formed a strong bond rather quickly, until he finally worked up the courage to ask you out.
You adored him, and now today was a very special day for the animal lover.
You hopped out of your bed, a large smile on your face as you quickly got ready and made your way out of your cottage. As you stepped outside, you noticed Gundham leaving his own home. Your eyes met, and the breeder smiled as you made your way to him.
“Ah, good morning, my sparrow.” He greeted you, his four Dark Devas crawling out from his scarf to see you as well. “Was your rest a pleasant one?”
You nodded, reaching out a hand to scratch Cham-P behind his ear. “It was!” You smiled lovingly up at Gundham. “I was super excited about today.”
Gundham furrowed his brow. “Excited? About what, my paramour?”
You giggled and shook your head. “Oh come on. Have you forgotten your own birthday?!” You grabbed ahold of Gundham’s hands, an action that never failed to make the self proclaimed Dark Lord blush. “I have plans for today!”
“A-ah, that is not necessary, my queen.” Your boyfriend assured you, pulling one of his hands free from yours in order to raise his scarf over his red face. “Merely basking in your presence is all I require for this day.”
You gave a soft smirk. “Well luckily for you, that’s the plan! You and I are going to go on a date!” You began lightly tugging on the breeder’s hand as you made your way to the main island. “In fact, we should get going right now!”
The Overlord of Ice’s eyes widened in surprise as you gently dragged him behind you. “B-but what of our daily meeting with the mortals?!”
You rolled your eyes. “It’ll be fine! Something tells me they won’t miss us. Now come on! Just get moving already!”
Gundham let out a sigh and shook his head, a soft smile forming on his face. “Very well. Even I know better than to argue with you when you have set a goal, my love.” And with that, the boy allowed you to lead him to your destination.
“The...amusement park?” Gundham raised a brow as you came to a stop at the fourth island. “This is where you plan for us to have our date?”
You nodded, excitement basically pouring from you. “Yup! It’s really the only date spot I could think of.” You looked up at him, and your smile faltered when you noticed his...less than enthused expression. “Oh...is...is it not a good place? We can go somewhere else if you want...”
Gundham looked at you as you spoke, and his features softened. “You misunderstand, my fallen angel.” He began. “It is not that I am not happy. I am pleased just to be beside you. It is just...” The breeder bit the inside of his cheek and glanced away. “I...never really celebrated the day of my birth. It was simply something I was not so...excited for.”
You let out an ‘Ah’ sound as you understand. “Right. That makes sense.” You grinned and leaned up to plant a peck on Gundham’s cheek, which caused the boy to once again start blushing. “Well, I would like to start celebrating it! I want to show you how much I appreciate you. And I think the birth of the Overlord of Ice is something worth celebrating!”
Gundham chuckled at that, and he smiled lovingly at you. “Very well, my queen. Though you truly do not have to go through so much trouble.”
“It’s no trouble, really!” You assured him before grabbing his hand and tugging him in a direction yet again. “Now come on! We still got some time before we need to get to your surprise, so let’s have some fun!”
Your lover glanced at you quizzically. “Surprise? My sparrow, you did not-”
“Yeah yeah I know, I didn’t have to go through this trouble, shut up.” You interrupted him. 
Gundham snorted and shook his head at that as the two of you made your way around the park.
The two of you spent the majority of the day at the park, riding the rides, the rollercoaster, and playing games ran by Usami. You did purposely avoid going into Nezumi Castle, and you could tell Gundham was becoming suspicious. But thankfully you wouldn’t have to dodge his questions for much longer. 
You looked to a clock on a nearby wall and beamed, grabbing onto your boyfriend’s hand and looking up into his eyes. “How have you enjoyed the date, my dark lord?” You asked him.
The breeder smiled lovingly at you. “It was incredible, my queen. The perfect way to finally celebrate my arrival to this plane.”
You grinned and leaned up, planting a kiss on his cheek. “I’m glad you’re having fun, cause we’re not done yet!”
Your lover raised a brow. “There is still more? It’s getting quite late, my sparrow.”
“This’ll be worth it, I promise!” You assured him, yet again tugging lightly on his hand.
Gundham sighed and quickly relented, allowing you to pull him along until you stopped in front of Nezumi Castle. “Ah, so the mystery of this building is to finally be revealed?” He teased, giving you a soft smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “Just close your eyes, ok? Don’t open them until I say!”
Gundham obeyed, closing his eyes and listening to the sound of the castle doors creaking open. He then felt you gently pull him inside and close the doors behind him.
“Ok! You can look now!”
Your paramour slowly did as he was told, and as he looked around the room, he suddenly froze. There, in front of him, were the others you had been trapped on this island with. Beside them was a large table with a gift wrapped box on it, and a fairly big orange tinted cake.
“Surprise!” Everyone called out, Ibuki even releasing a party popper. “Happy birthday, Gundham!”
Your poor boyfriend simply stood there, staring at you as he took everything in.
Your friends looked at each other worriedly. “Uh, is he ok?” Mahiru asked Hiyoko quietly.
You frowned and slowly approached Gundham. “Babe? Are…are you alright? Is it too much?” You suddenly started to worry. “I-I’m sorry, I thought you’d like having all our friends celebrate your birthday with you. I-I didn’t mean to-”
You were cut off when Gundham pulled you into a tight embrace. You let out a surprised squeak, but quickly softened in his grip. When the animal lover pulled away, your worry returned as you noticed tears staining his cheeks. Before you could say anything, he smiled.
“My...my love...This is truly the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I do not deserve this. I do not deserve you, my dark queen.” He whispered, reaching a hand up to gently caress your face. “No one has ever gone to such effort all for me before.”
You chuckled softly and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “It really isn’t a problem, Gundham. You’re worth all of this and more.” You turned to the table and gestured to the present. “Now, come on! Open up your gift! I worked really hard on figuring out what to get you.”
“And then after, we can partake in the pumpkin cake I made for us to all enjoy!” Teruteru spoke up, a smug grin on his face. 
Your boyfriend looked over to the chef. “A pumpkin cake?” He repeated.
“I know pumpkin is your favorite food, so I asked Teruteru to bake you a pumpkin cake!” You informed him. “And don’t worry, it’s vegan.”
A small smile formed on Gundham’s face. He looked into your eyes for a short while before approaching the table and reaching forward to unwrap the gift. You watched excitedly as he tore the paper off and placed it to the side revealing a cardboard box. The animal tamer glanced over at you before opening the top of the box. As he peeked inside, you saw his eyes widen. You giggled as he reached inside and pulled out the gift; a toy car with four seats. He turned to you, holding the car.
You smiled happily. “Do you like it?” You asked him. “I thought long and hard about what to get you, and I decided to ask Kazuichi to tinker with this toy car so that the Devas could control it.”
Gundham looked to Kazuichi in surprise. The mechanic shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “Look, I did it for Y/N?” He said, glaring at Gundham. “She’s my friend, and besides, as long as you’re with her you’ll stay away from Miss Sonia.”
You rolled your eyes and elbowed Kazuichi. “Yeah yeah, cool it, Kaz. I appreciate your help.” Your pink haired friend crossed his arms and grumbled.
“You...really contracted this mortal just to construct this vehicle for my Dark Devas?” The breeder asked softly. As he mentioned the Devas, they popped out of his scarf and scurried down to where he was holding the car. Gundham placed the car on the table and allowed the hamsters to climb inside it. After sniffing and inspecting it, they let out happy squeaks. Gundham beamed and turned to look at you, and you felt your heart swell at the joy in his face. “My fallen angel...thank you. This is the perfect present.”
You jumped in place excitedly at hearing that. “Oh, I’m so glad you liked it! I was hoping you wou-”
You were cut off by Gundham suddenly rushing towards you and pressing his lips against yours. You quickly returned the kiss, smiling into it as your boyfriend wrapped his arms around you. 
The two of you stayed there for a short time and only pulled apart when Hajime cleared his throat. “Um...we’re still here.” The unknown Ultimate said, rubbing the back of his head and looking away. 
You watched as Gundham suddenly turned a bright red and pulled his scarf over his face. You giggled and kissed his cheek. “You’re cute when you’re embarrassed.” You whispered, placing your head on his chest. “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your birthday, Gundham.”
The breeder glanced down at you and smiled softly. “As I’ve been saying, all I need to enjoy this day is to spend it with you. You are the light to my dark soul, Y/N.” He told you, placing his forehead against yours. “Thank you for being in my life, my sparrow.”
You felt tears of happiness fill your eyes as you held him close. “No. Thank you for being in mine.” You murmured. “Happy birthday, my dark lord~”
I was given my first commission! I’m working on it as we speak! I just wanted to get this done for Gundham’s birthday! If anyone wants to commission me, the info is pinned on my Masterlist! I would greatly appreciate it!
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