anyone blaming non voters for a trump presidency is stupid. that man should be in prison and biden is commiting attroices overseas killing babies, children, women, men , in yemen/palestein and also belongs in prison. .. what gives these pres the right to cause attrocies overseas? all of em have blood and belong in prison..
. fuck it i dont want to vote .. and if it goes downill its on the corruption in the democratic party . its so annoying how the real corruption is never talked about.. esp with them not allowing other dems to have a chance to win.. the election is a big joke
just vote blue in your state for mayor/govs/ thats better than nothing.
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un-suflet-anonim · 3 days
Dacă a știi ce vrei de la viață, de la persoanele din jurul tău, de la persoana iubită, te face o persoană dificilă și imposibil de înțeles, atunci nu are rost să-ți pierzi timpul prețios stând lângă astfel de persoane, sau ținându-le aproape de tine în continuare.
A te submina nu este în nici un caz cheia unei relații de succes!
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heavywithfire · 2 months
I truly will never understand people’s disconnect with the idea that Bad People can make Great Art.
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Do you get along with your other cousin, Dawn?
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"I mean, I don't know her that well. We didn't see a lot of each other growing up that I remember oddly. The last time I really hung out with her she yelled at me for having a backstreet boys CD. I don't really see as much of her as I do Buffy. Wouldn't be opposed as long as she has come to the realization that while N'sync is over all superior, larger than life and Everybody are timeless classics that his just as hard as bye bye bye."
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yourbuerokrat2 · 25 days
Q wanting Picard to become a Q is rather interesting, because Picard would actually make a pretty decent one. By the Continuum potential standards he might even become a 'better' Q than Q. Mainly because of his love for the Prime Directive and he is someone who certainly likes the law and order, but he is also willing to 'walk around', or bend them for what he percieves to be the Greater Good. So, I think in general he would follow the Continuum laws if they make sense in a 'greater picture stuff' kind of way but he would still ocassionaly bend them. But even when he would bend them, he would be more than willing to argue his case, his reason and moralit and not just do it because 'it was more fun that way'.
And that there are 'decent' Q is something that Guinan herself has said during her confrontation with Q and he might even make friends or close associates with the ones who already were friends/associates of Guinan.
And then there is Q. Q who as Ron Moore has said, wants Picard to become a Q. And now that Picard is one they are equals or at least they will be equals since I do not think that one is just going to be completely free and capable when adjusting to being a Q and learning how exactly these powers and the new 'body' and the Continuum works.
I can see Q being very happy about and even celebrating this and definitly insisting on being the (only) one who shows Picard 'how it's done'.
Not really leaving Picard all that much alone because he is finally no longer alone. Who cares if the Continuum throws him out every now and again now he has Picard for company. Forever.
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what can you say about this? now the Zutarians pretend to care about Mai and say that becoming a Firelady is a misfortune and grief for her.
My post on why Mai becoming Fire Lady does not contradict her character and arc:
My post on why Zuko and Katara rulling together (be it over the Southern Water Tribe or the Fire Nation) would never make any goddamn sense:
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ardor-mohr · 1 year
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“Hegel ethik ve moralite arasında ince bir ayrım yapar: ethik ilke, bir durum karşısında, orada ve o anda gösterilen bir tavırda içerilir; moral ilke ise o olayın üzerine düşünümsel bir tutumda... Ona göre, ethik tutarlılık, gösterilen tavrın kararlılığının dakikliğindedir.”
— Alain Badiou, Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil
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jessebutchman · 3 months
People interpret maxs more ambiguos moralitity to him being the equivilent of a child /head in hands/
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dragoncarrion · 4 months
aha tak plakej. překvápko sráči: dospěláky může přitahovat kdokoliv kdo se jim zalíbí a nemá to s moralitou nic společného. co uděláš, povedeš válku proti všem fanouškům ultrakillu kteří nesplní tvé standardy?? ty mrňavý puritáne?? chovej se dospěle.
Oh si llorame un puto rio. Sorpresa pendejo, los adultos pueden estar atraídos a quien sea que quieran y eso es algo completamente vacío de morales. Que vas a hacer, declararle la guerra contra todo fan de ultrakill que no se adhiere a tus ideales? maldito puritanito? Ya madura
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tigara-si-cafea · 2 years
ok, deci, uneori mi-aș dori să pot fi în anumite privințe altfel. una dintre privințe este legată de subiectul "pe interes". pentru că niciodată nu am putut fi pe interes - nici iubită, nici prietenă, nici amică, nimic. am avut întotdeauna intenții bune, pure și am fost demnă. mi-am urmat inima dar acompaniată de demnitate, onestitate, independență, moralitate, bun simț etc. nu am știut să joc teatru, nu am știut să mint frumos, nu am știut și nici nu mi-am dorit să fac ceva ce nu am vrut chiar dacă știam că mi-ar fi adus beneficii pe viitor. efectiv, nici nu mă pot imagina făcând ceva ce nu se pupă cu valorile mele. prefer să muncesc ca un robot decât să fiu cu cineva într-o relație din interes. prefer să tac decât să lingușesc o persoană pe care nu o simpatizez absolut deloc, indiferent de ce statut sau putere sau whatever ar avea aceea. și pot da mai multe exemple. dar, realizez că, dacă aș fi putut fi falsă și șireată ca altele, poate acum eram mai bine decât sunt. dar nu pot și nici nu vreau, și sunt mândră de mine. dar uneori viața mă face să gândesc prea mult.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
algorithms are destroying the world make your own gd decisions about shit
if you hate freedom so much go read a google ads round robin fanfic on ff.n (I think Michelin and Bridgeport are doing the enemies to lovers back and forth rn) or go 😳 at whatever happened to lj
or change all the names and sell your erotica to bellsaplus; just know that the writing is better, and the porn is more diverse on ao3
(I say porn but JEEZ guys even if you’re reading nothing but gen-fic the writing is still usually trying to say something unlike the useless pap that capitalist “content creators” churn out — to generate clicks in order to generate data on what people do everyday sitting and watching or better—-shopping. that data is then sold to other bidders. please protect the plentiful, the beautiful, the ao3. god knows what anyone would say if they say my ao3 history)
wow ok coming in hot! i'm assuming this message is meant to be like...ranting at me the way u would to a friend on facetime and that the "you" you're yelling at isn't actually me? and i am also going to take a wild guess and say that this is a response to the tiktokification essay i wrote that has escaped its enclosure and is now running wild across tumblr. so.
yes i agree we need to protect ao3 and yes i agree anything made for the sole purpose of getting as many people to click on it as possible is probably going to be pretty soulless but i feel like this rant is maybe getting slightly away from what the original intent of my post so i'm just gonna use this as an opportunity to address a few things i've seen across people's responses that have made me like :/ (warning this gets long lmao)
the tiktokification essay was not intended to be an all-encompassing analysis of the way things are across every fandom space connected to ao3. like. i am pretty secluded over in my little corner of marauders-fandom tumblr and i generally post my little essays expecting maybe like...10-20 people to interact with the post? like, when i post stuff on this blog, it's just because when i start thinking about something i can't really relax until i sit down and write my thoughts out and organize them. so when i'm posting those thoughts on tumblr it usually feels to me like the equivalent of facetiming a friend and rambling at them, except the friend is my little handful of beloved tumblr mutuals <3 anyway, i know the post is called "the tiktokification of ao3" which is a very broad statement, but that's just because i like pithy titles. if i had known it was going to run amok across tumblr i probably would have been a little more intentional with my phrasing, but oh well! what i did do is specify in the post that i was only talking about the marauders fandom, because that's literally the only fandom space that i am a part of. it's interesting to see how widespread the stuff i was talking about seems to be across different fandoms, but for anyone who has interacted with the post to essentially just be like - "ok but this isn't true everywhere/in every case"....cool! that's because i was talking about a phenomenon i have observed specifically within the marauders fandom.
it was also not intended to be me shaking my fist and cursing the youth, nor was i trying to invite like...an "us vs. them" mindset between older and younger members of fandom spaces. this is where i've seen some stuff that's made me a little like...hm. because, ok. i am one of those people who's sort of in-between the like...older versus younger sects of fandom spaces. and so i see the ageism that gets aimed towards older people by a lot of younger teens, and i understand why a lot of older adults are fed up with young fans and feel defensive, and i get that teens can be annoying on the internet. on the other hand, i still very clearly remember when i was an Annoying Teen on the Internet, and it was because i was still just...learning, y'know? like. i was just coming into contact with complex ideas about emotion and morality and relationships and everything, and that is just part of being on the internet together. there will always be shitty people, yes, but there will also always be people learning, and especially when those people are young teens, i personally tend to try and start out by giving them the benefit of the doubt. like, i tried to be clear in the post and also included in the tags (though those do get lost when the post gets spread around) that i wasn't trying to condemn anyone for engaging in the behavior i was talking about, because i do genuinely think that a lot of it is simply coming from a place of not knowing any better. so, while y'all can vent however you want on your own blogs and i do understand the frustration, i just want to make it clear that my own intention was to say - hey! younger marauders fans! here are some things to think about moving forward in how you interact with fic, since you have maybe grown up with only one model of social media, unlike those of us who grew up with the internet (i was literally born the same year google was invented) and have seen various examples of social media and observed how it's changed over the years. and it was also intended to say - hey! older marauders fans! if you're scratching your head and wondering wtf is going on with younger fans, consider that they maybe genuinely do not know better and this might help explain some of the roadblocks when it comes to trying to communicate with each other about our fandom spaces.
i did not intend to imply that there is anything wrong with wanting people to read your fanfiction. this is another thing that like. i might have spent some more time clarifying had i known how many people were going to be reading the post. but i did state very clearly that "those sharing their work online might be seeking community, but that is fundamentally different from seeking an audience." it is completely natural and understandable to want people to read your writing!! i actually made a separate post about this after the tiktokification essay but obviously they're not going around as a pair lol. however, i stand by the statement that writing fanfiction with a goal of going "viral" or just getting as much interaction as possible is not sustainable and will not bring you deep or lasting joy. idk i'm not gonna go on about this here if u want to know my thoughts on social media culture rot u can scroll through my blog i've talked abt it in a few different posts.
i was not trying to say that negativity is a new phenomenon in fandom spaces. a few people have interacted with the essay and said something along the lines of "i disagree with this"/"this isn't accurate" because there always have been and always will be people in fandom spaces who are entitled and rude and criticize fic. which like...cool! i'm sure that's true. i do think you missed the point of the post a little bit. it was specifically about a phenomenon in the marauders fandom involving the way that changes in social media over recent years have fundamentally altered the way we view online interaction, and the way i have observed that bleeding over into the marauders fandom. it wasn't just about general negativity in terms of things like comments and messages so much as it was about how expectations relating to influencer culture and virality have led to things like...people making tiktoks about "jegulus fics i hate" or fics going viral on tiktok and people then interacting with the writers as though they are the ones who made those tiktoks. and granted, i have only really been involved in this fandom for a single year, so maybe i'm just wrong about how new this is! but the tiktok stuff at least can't be older than like...2020. so. i do actually do think it's valid to talk about how changes in social media culture might be affecting the ways people interact with ao3 and fic, and i do think there's more to it than just "people will always be negative and entitled sometimes!"
i was not trying to say that we have a right to treat influencers/people posting shit on other social media sites as though they are products. this is another thing that a few people have felt the need to add on, which...okay. nothing wrong with wanting to clarify that. again, if i'd known the post was going to get so much attention, i might have spent some more time talking about it. but i'll just clarify here - my observations about the way capitalism gives rise to an influencer culture that essentially leads to viewing people as products are just that. they are observations. they are not normative statements. just because i understand why we interact with influencers like that does not mean that i think we should interact with influencers like that. however, there is a difference in an influencer whose job is content creation on social media versus an ao3 writer, and the purpose of my essay was to talk about that. saying "we shouldn't treat ao3 writers this way" does not mean "but we SHOULD treat all influencers this way."
anyway, as i warned at the beginning, this got very long -- and honestly, each of these points could probably be its own separate essay, but....i'm tired rn lol. i know that most of the people reblogging the tiktokification essay probably will not come all the way to my blog and run across this post, but i'm just leaving it here because i get grumpy easily and it's annoying to see people misinterpreting or missing the point, so i want to have all the little things i've thought about addressing in one place.
and anon - the main reason i say you may have been getting slightly away from the original point is just
1 - it had nothing to do specifically with porn, and that seems to be mostly what you're talking about? which like. real. but also just wasn't really part of the original post lmao
2 - you seem pretty angry, which again is valid, but i'm just...not. like i feel like u came into my inbox wanting to rant back and forth, and the thing is that i wasn't really intending to rant in that essay! like i said, i'm not necessarily angry at the people i've seen asking for algorithms, because i think a lot of them genuinely don't know better because they have only ever used social media that is algorithm-based, and to me that's mostly just sad and something i wanted to pick apart and piece back together like a puzzle, so. apologies for hijacking your rant to as an excuse to write a whole 'nother essay lmao i appreciate ur energy tho <3
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deepspacevivarium · 1 year
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fenmere · 2 years
So. We saw your post and read the wiki article explaining your census and we found it super interesting! We checked out some of your other stuff and saw a whole lot of similarities to how our system functions, despite the fact that we're a lot smaller, at 30-40 members. So basically, we were wondering if you have any advice or tips for how to figure out complicated system structures and inner world things, as well as setting up internal government structures and systems etc., because we've really been struggling with that.
-Mina, Ambassador of Paluimbel
PS Hawthorn wanted me to let you know they really liked the idea of creating an in-system conlang! We've made a conlang of our own, though it's not super practical for in-system use, and we're planning on going into linguistics!
No problem!
First of all, we'd like to say that the original purpose of our conlangs (we have three now) was to add detail to our works of fiction and help bring them to life. It just turns out that our works of fiction were both about our inworld and have worked to shape it. Most of us do not speak any of our conlangs. Our inworld communication is primarily non-verbal telepathy, with a lot of English to back it up. But some of us have been learning Inmararräo and using it to name things, at least.
We've had several different ways of learning about what's going on behind the scenes, and then influencing it. Some active and some passive. And we recommend using all of the methods that you find that you have at your disposal. Some may work better for you than others, and you may even have modes of communication and senses that we don't!
So, it turns out that a lot of what we've done to structure our inworld, shape its politics, and learn what it's like, is very, very similar to Tulpamancy (which we have never studied and are only learning about via a couple people we follow here). We've spent most of our life actively daydreaming and letting ourselves follow all of our streams of consciousness while doing so. And when we write, we put ourselves into the same frame of mind as when we daydream.
It turns out that this daydreaming frame of mind is really good for communicating both ways between the conscious and subconscious, even though we're not fully aware of just who is communicating with whom. We tend to get blendy, more focused on our visions than on who is who, and very cooperative.
So, like, when we want to shape our inworld government to work better, we will sit down and write about how we want it to be, and then hope that helps us reshape it.
Sometimes, however, we will sit down alone somewhere and have a conscious council meeting with everyone who is coconscious. And during those meetings, we'll call upon certain members who we know are good at what we need, and assign them inworld tasks, like, "Deliver this message to all the groups you can find."
This is how we did our censuses, as you've no doubt read.
When we're holding a council meeting, it's a different state than daydreaming. It's not focused on visualizing a situation, but on sensing and listening to each other. It kind of feels the same as daydreaming as opposed to paying attention to the outworld, but it's different. Daydreaming, to us, is focusing on what "I" am visualizing, feeling, creating, and doing, while a council meeting is focusing on what we are sensing from our brain itself, and where our thoughts are coming from.
When it comes to feedback from the subconscious, and learning about what our inworld is actually like and seeing if we've been successful at shaping it, we are hampered compared to some systems.
Some systems can enter a kind of daydream-like state where they consciously enter their inworld and explore it and interact with each other. We can't do that yet, though we've come very close a couple times. We tend to experience something like it when we're having fever dreams, or are sleep deprived.
Instead, we've come to learn that our nightly dreams are, while also morality plays and internal RPGs or kink scenes, set in our inworld. We can learn about our inworld by paying attention to our dreams and journaling about them.
Also, looking back at all the fiction we've written, since it was done in a stream of consciousness state, is usually a good indicator of what our inworld is like (and it's backed up by our dreaming).
Finally, we do get some different and fun communications from our subconscious members sometimes while awake.
Sometimes we get flashes of visions, intrusive thoughts, impulses, and the like that communicate tiny fragments of what's going on under the surface.
When someone gets something really complex to communicate to the front, they have a couple of methods they can use.
They can either take full control of our mouth and vocal cords and just say something, which is kind of freaky and weird feeling and a little embarrassing when we're around other people.
Or, they can take control of the small muscle movements of our head and face. This feels really similar to when you do that thing where you stand in a doorway and press your arms against the frame for a while, pushing outward with them, and then step our of the frame and relax. Your arms will naturally start to rise up on their own. It feels like that, but with the urge to nod, shake your head, or let your mouth form silent words.
And we can hold conversations with someone who is doing that. Sometimes they are very coherent, sometimes it ends up being gibberish. So we assume that different members have different skills at it.
If someone gets really frustrated that we're not paying attention to such attempts at communication, they'll give us Non-Epileptic Seizures until we stop and ask them what's up. This hasn't happened in a long time, so we think we're doing a pretty good job of listening to everyone.
Finally, also taking advantage of small muscle movements, we've used a pendulum to communicate with inworlders, to ask them yes and no questions and clear up misunderstandings. It's basically a game of 20 questions about whatever topic you feel is important. This has limited success, because sometimes the unconscious motives of the front runners will override what the pendulum does, instead of the will of someone inworld, and it's hard to tell the difference.
So, anyway, our system government is centered around our conscious mind. It seems to be the place we go to and communicate with in order to put things on record, both by writing things down and by committing them to long term memory.
We know that the conscious mind is constructed and controlled by the subconscious mind, and that the subconscious mind in human beings is far, far more powerful and aware of things. So, we assume that our co-conscious system members are supported by a larger group of subconscious members who are feeding us sensory inputs and impulses from the rest of the system. We assume that we can think of these subconscious members as government staff workers and other kinds of agents. And the way that people come and go from our conscious mind and the way we get communiques from our subconscious, this does seem to be the case.
The layer of governance below that is not something we are very consciously aware of. We can't just directly look at it. Instead, we get a sense of it from our dreams, and it seems to be very different from region to region. And we sense regions primarily via dream realms and individuals. Like, we have had dreams of taking tours of various parts of our inworld. And also, when someone comes forward to talk about their inworld constituents, their attitude and way that they talk about them tells us how they manage things there.
In return, we take time to tell everyone what kinds of local government structures we prefer to see in our system. Being of a sort of anarchist bent, we keep reminding each other that we prefer adaptive fluidity, eschew dictatorship, and strive to protect everyone's rights to autonomy and consent in all things.
And currently, we're trying to write stories that take place in a mirror of our inworld where people on the margins of society are struggling to have their voices heard in hopes that any marginalized people in our system will take control of those characters and air their actual grievances so that we can hear them and address them.
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confesiunianonime · 2 years
Trebuia sa imi dau seama ca e ceva in neregula cu el cand mi-a spus ca fosta lui e nebuna si se intelegea mai bune cu prietena ei. Dupa cativa ani ani, dupa ce m-a inselat, am intalnit-o intamplator pe fosta lui si am aflat ca o insela cu acea prietena, cum m-a inselat pe mine cu prietena mea. Culmea, ambele suntem nebune si el e un sfant care da sfaturi de moralitate tuturor pe internet.
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christophe76460 · 3 months
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Moralité et sécuralisme ( reprise du texte de Pascal Denault 2011)
« Une des caractéristiques de la postmodernité est de définir la moralité à partir de principes immanents… »
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ardor-mohr · 1 year
Hegel, ethik ve moralite arasında bir ayrım yaparken orada (Tinin Fenomenolojisi, 466. paragraf) karşısına aldığı kişi Kant, onun “içimdeki ahlak yasası” dediği şeye bir şerh düşüyor. Ancak, o şerhe de bir şerh düşülebilir (onunla karşıt değil ama ona ek olarak): Ethik, benim içimde (intuition) değil, ben ve başkaları arasındadır (öznelerarasıdır). Ethik bir ethos’a işaret eder, yani kişiyi kuşatan bir toplumsallığa ve kültürel sifere. Robinson Crusoe o adada tek başına olsaydı (yanında Cuma veya herhangi biri olmasaydı) “içindeki ahlak yasası” susardı. Birine “sende hiç vicdan yok mu” dediğimizde onun içindeki bir sese veya “içgörüsüne” seslenmeyiz, aksine ona şunu deriz: “benim, bu kişinin, ötekinin, hepimizin doğru diye bildiği şeyi sen de doğru diye bilmiyor musun, neden o doğruya uymuyorsun?”
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