#monthly roundup post
sitp-recs · 2 months
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12 fics I’ve enjoyed recently…
Last year I did a short-lived “weekly rereads” series to spread love for old favourites that kept me afloat when reading new things became a struggle. I was looking for ways to stay active and contribute to the fandom with minimal effort, and I found solace in revisiting fics that I hold dear in my heart. This year, spring brought the @dronarryfest to pull me back into reading mood. Fandom is starting to speak to me again after a very long time, and the euphoria hit me with inspiration to write this short rec post for my recent reads. I am joining the party a bit late but on the off chance these escaped your radar, here are some fics I’ve really enjoyed during my catch up moment in February/March, and a few I’m planning to dive into next. It’s so nice to be able to write comments and rec blurbs again! What have y’all been reading lately?
HP fics:
Wet Leather by @lqtraintracks (E, 492 words) - Harry/Sirius
I live for LQT’s rare pair drabbles especially when it’s for my beloved Sirry because nobody writes this ship like them. The A+ characterization always takes my breath away: so much tension laced with yearning, it feeds my horniest deepest Sirry cravings tripping between guilt and absolution. This short is full of heat, want and sweet indulgence, with the usual tenderness underneath driving me up the wall and making me soft and hot for these two. Also, “my drenched little pup” excuse sir I’m??? 🥵
Nightswimming by @sweet-s0rr0w (M, 5k) - established Drarry, Dron, implied Dronarry
One of my instant faves this year, what a masterclass in tension building! As always, I’m so impressed by sweets’ short form. The brilliant banter and relentless sexual tension put me at the edge of my seat praying for MOAR. The atmosphere is so captivating I could feel the temptation on my fingertips, and have I even mentioned Ron’s spot on voice?? Superb bromance dynamics, late night drive aesthetics, an impressive amount of characterization within 5k and a teasing ending full of promise, come and feast!
Borrowed Time by @the-starryknight (E, 7k) - Dron + Harry
Another delicious Dronarry treat, now showcasing established Dron, body swap, the sexiest UST you’ll see today and an incredibly satisfying payoff. Once again Starry delivers peak romance with their “hot & sweet” trademark mixing compelling dialogue, witty flirting and uncomplicated smut full of want but also trust, understanding and intimacy. Forget the maddening anticipation, the domestic slice-of-life tone made me swoon - the characters are so clearly fond and familiar with each other it’s only natural for them to come together like this.
Heart to Hearth by @jtimu (E, 7k) - Drarry
This fic is a breath of fresh air and I still remember how excited I felt reading it for the first time. I’ll never get tired of seeing Harry get utterly horny confused at an attractive and carefully guarded Draco being competent at his odd yet surprisingly fitting job. Repairman Draco is indeed mouthwateringly efficient with his long hair and coveralls, and their tentative and awkward dynamics are just excellent. Love the subtle humour, the bits of repair magic theory and the earnest slow burn, with a smooth progression towards deliciously indulgent smutty times. Amazing concept, perfectly executed.
Long Haul by @wolfpants (E, 8k) - Drarry
Wolf is killing it lately, loved their Dronarry but this fic stole my heart with the long haul love premise. The image of their encounter - Harry holding his passport between his teeth, Draco with Muggle headphones around his neck - stayed with me the whole night. Harry loves flying and connects with NYC for the same reasons I do, so this fic spoke to me in a very personal way. I love everything from the title and bold flirting to the scorching hot and intimate smut with smooth daddy Draco! Not too long ago I prompted Florence’s “End of Love” for Wireless - unknowingly, Wolf wrote the NYC fic I’ve dreamed about when I thought of it 💜
Permanent by @citrusses (M, 14k) - Drarry, Dron
I’ve always been drawn to time travel and Citrus set up a thrilling, mysterious mood that’s impossible to resist. I was deeply intrigued not only by the plot but also by the complexity of these characters - a belligerent Harry with daddy issues and a saviour complex (yes pls!), edgy and focused Hermione, perceptive and kind Ron charming his way inside our hearts, and a lonely Draco trying to make sense of the plot, handle his feelings and find his foot in the post-war world. I loved being inside his mind - such brilliant characterization - and seeing the golden trio through his eyes. This fic has a wistful, melancholy tone mirroring Draco’s longing for Harry that hit me right in the solar plexus. It is also a great Ron study, and I’ll admit that made me fall even harder for Dron. Finally, it is tender and devastating as all good things are. A brilliant read and an instant favorite.
Dick Chicken by @oknowkiss (E, 15k) - Harry/Draco/Ron
Believe me when I say this is the Seinfeld AU you didn’t know you needed because you don’t wanna miss out on this. Hands down one of the most entertaining fics I’ve read in a while, this is hysterical funny, witty and steamy. The perfect mix of crack-y and casually horny vibes with a quirky Draco, a lovable and relatable Harry, and a hot Ron who’s 100% there for the ride, this chaotic trio will pull you into an unhinged journey and you’re gonna thank them for that 🤣 superb Harry pov, a warm and playful atmosphere that feels intoxicating, and a glorious shower scene followed by a fake orgasm competition. You’re heard it right. Run don’t walk!
Knot Your Average Coworkers by @thecouchsofa (E, 22k) - Drarry
Office romance is my kryptonite and I couldn’t stop giggling as I made my way through this wolf!Draco treat. I was instantly smitten with the charming characters, the delightful silly knotting jokes 🌝 and the good old oblivious friends/coworkers to lovers dynamics that always gets me. Pining Harry wooing Draco through cooking is SO my jam, the perfect mix of sweet comfort & unbearable UST that fills me with joy and anticipation while also wanting to smash their heads together “kiss kiss fall in love” style. Yum!
Cargo Case by @sleepstxtic (E, 23k) - Drarry
This was such an exciting ride, I love the inherent yearning & intimacy of break up/make up stories and this case fic kept me engaged and rooting for Drarry (and Pansy/Parvati!) the whole time. It was wonderful to see them not being antagonistic after a break up for a change - there’s delicious ust, fabulous Draco & Pansy brOTP, not to mention their super cool job. I was as invested in the plot as I was in the romance, and I’ve had a really fun time following them around. Undercover boyfriends for the win!!!!
Truth to Materials by @toomuchplor, lately (E, 54k) - Drarry
Another fabulous plor fic as per, this artist!Draco story immediately won my heart with the hilarious opening scene and the perfect combo of Draco’s “brazen gay” voice and Harry’s “bi panic” mind. What a delight! Love the clever dialogue, the mood so chaotic horny but the humorous tone making me giggle my way through the delicious loo sex scene. Unique premise, great pacing, fantastic cast and charming characterization - this fic is so easy to devour it doesn’t feel like a 50k journey at all. The story is great fun, very engaging but also delivering multiple tender and heartkick-y moments. It checks all my boxes including our king Ron Weasley putting a banana into Draco’s sculptural arsehole 🤣 what else could I ask for?
Skybound by @xanthippe74 (T, 61k) - Drarry
As a longtime fan of Ghibli’s movies, I was over the moon to see one my own faves adapted to fit the HP universe. This is the Howl’s Moving Castle AU we deserve, a light, enchanting and fun read with a lovely smooth Draco and a lovely earnest Harry making such a great pair. I love how Xan played with the original material making adjustments here and there, and giving life to Timpsy, the apprentice elf with a whole subplot involving mistreatment of magical beings. Very sweet and creative read!
Other fandoms:
a man—with human flesh by spqr (E, 14k) - Paul/Duncan, Dune
I love that this author writes for all of my favorite ships, I feel so spoiled! This is (yet another) banger following the 2nd Dune movie and a fascinating dive into Paul’s fractured mind struggling between his long-standing affection for Duncan and the intrusive thoughts under BG’s influence. So intense, vivid and thought-provoking. I was hooked from beginning to end and deeply immersed in this universe. Love me a fic about emotional implications and complications while delivering excellent character studies, this is the shit I live for right here 🤌🏼
Next up on my to-read list:
Home series by @hoko-onchi-writes (E, 22k)
In which Draco grows up hiding and finds out he doesn't want to do that anymore. And he doesn't want his son to hide, either. (…). In which Harry grows up in darkness, falls in love, fucks up, learns some things, and falls in love again.
Passing Stranger by @lettersbyelise (E, 53k)
Five years after the war, Harry, listless and depressed, stumbles upon Draco Malfoy playing the violin in an underground bar in Muggle London. The catch? Draco lost his memories five years ago. Ignoring his friends’ advice, Harry befriends an unwitting Draco, overlooking the fact that their mutual attraction might not survive if Draco’s memories return.
The Star Splitter by @oflights (E, 219k)
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
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PCCP's Monthly Fic Roundup - April 2024
Here's what I wrote this month! Check 'em out!
Multi-chapter fics:
This Sudden Burst of Sunlight: Ed's made the decision, and he doesn't want to keep trying to work towards a happy ending he doesn't think he'll ever get. When he meets Stede, it's still not easy to choose to live, but help makes things a little easier. A fic about learning to love being alive even after you'd given up on it. 15 chapters, 70k words, rated E.
Soft Days and Gentle Nights: Ed wakes up feeling nervous, and he needs a little extra care and gentle love. Canon-compliant, T, 2.8k.
Moth to a Flame: Ed and Stede have been dating for a while, and it's been great! One problem: Stede's an entomologist who just booked them tickets to an insect exhibit, and Ed hasn't told him he's terrified of bugs. Modern AU, T, 4.7k.
No Fucking Mermaids: when Ed gets kicked off the ship, he feels like the scraps of hope he'd been trying to cling to are being ripped away. Starts sad, but ends super sweet and cathartic with lots of hurt/comfort. Canon-compliant, M, 3.5k.
One Tiny Secret, Soft and Sweet: Ed saves one of Stede's robes from the purge, and though he can't fully enjoy it, he can almost convince himself having it is like being held, for a moment. Sad but with a soft, happy ending! Canon-compliant, M, 2k.
Love It, Zaddy: missing scene at Jackie'z in s2e8. Canon-compliant daddy kink fic. E, 2k.
haha and then what: Ed's lonely while Stede's away, and they have some awesome phone sex about it. Modern AU, E, 3.5k.
You Can Bug Me Anytime: adorable meet-cute where Ed meets Stede after finding a huge spider in his house and deciding to call a grindr hookup for help. Modern AU, E, 3k.
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dnfao3tags · 2 years
Monthly Fic Roundup - August 2022
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a bit late, but better late than never :]
kudos and comment and send lots of luv to all the talented people here, you know the drill!
— Come Here by BluishFrog (gen | comp. | 4k)
Three times Dream asked George to come here and the one time George did.
— r/WhoTheFuckIsDNF by furculaed (gen | wip | 2k+)
Dream realizes something and turns to reddit for help.
— Bruiseless by summerchai (gen | comp. | 6k)
Dream watches George be a good father, and tries to feel like one too.
— The Pilates Instructor by MilkWasTaken (exp. | comp. | 18k)
After listening to his friend rant about how great his new Pilates instructor is, George finds himself following along to one of his classes to see for himself. But there was one thing Sapnap had failed to mention. The Pilates instructor was really hot. It also seems like the instructor picks favorites, as he offers George a private lesson once the class is over. Just the two of them, working up a sweat together in his private studio. How could he ever say no to such an offer?
— earl grey and emergency rooms by juniper (teen | comp. | 1k)
George burns himself with tea, and they both get a little weird about it.
— Somewhere Only We Know by yoyoyoitsvern (mature | wip | 29k+)
It's been a month. They'd been on a few streams together, recorded something for Bad's channel, and spoken in group chats with each other. Besides that, no contact. George thinks it's the longest they've ever gone without addressing each other directly. So, when he opens his email one random morning, he can't help but burst out laughing. His fucking visa is approved.
— Obsessed by sampam (exp. | comp. | 7k)
When George moves to Florida, he finally learns just how obsessed Dream is with their size difference.
— Presently in London by consciousness_streaming (expl. | comp. | 18k)
On the day before Dream's birthday, Sapnap gives him the greatest gift he's ever received--a one way ticket to London to see George.
— summer smokes, bright heavens by FraustiButBad (expl. | comp. | 15k)
Dream hates how Sapnap and Punz, his best friends and the most annoying (he doesn’t mean that) couple on this entire planet, have to drag him onto a camping trip.
— A Loving Feeling by snakeinaboyband (teen | comp. | 6k)
“You wanna get in the hot tub?” “Is that even a question?” Their eyes meet and he traces freckles across his nose. Dream grins, “Well, your lips are turning blue, so..” “Creep,” He furrows his eyebrows, lips already curving up teasingly, “Why would you even-” His friend claps a hand over his mouth, tips of his ears going a bit pink, “George, can you ever shut up?”
— no one can see me like you do by capywrites (exp. | comp. | 23k)
George's Visa is finally approved. The waiting is over with. All that there is left to do is start his new life with Dream, and George is terrified of how much he loves him.
— ceilings by arcadianlilac (mature | comp. | 3k)
dream takes george to the beach -- a fic inspired by "ceilings" by lizzy mcalpine
— This Thing Called Us by venus43 (expl. | wip | 46k+)
summer with dream is a lot harder than george anticipated
— hold my hand, there's no need to be brave by honeyslut (expl. | comp. | 10k)
where george misses his boyfriend and some tears are spilled
rmb that ur always free to add in ur own recs !! hope u enjoyed
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yamayuandadu · 9 months
Monthly Wikipedia repair roundup
Nana, a separate article for Nanaya's post-Mesopotamian career. I do not think the current title is optimal - would prefer something like "Nana (East Iranian goddess)" - but patching up the content will be enough for now. Expect more Sogdia-related articles in the future, had a blast with this one. I think I also have to slightly update the Nanaya article itself.
Ninatta and Kulitta, another Hurrian deity article update. Sort of like the Hurrian Ninshubur except there's two of them, invoking the famous two hands dogma.
Oxus, Bactrian king of the gods and, apparently, Marsias in Interpretatio Graeca. New article.
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philharmonica · 10 months
august music round up
a highlight of some of the songs I really enjoyed this month. normally I write what I liked about the song, but I was really busy this month so it's just a traditional list. links are to spotify.
socks, drugs and rock 'n' roll by buffalo daughter
rom jongvak twist (dance twist) by pan ron
i should live in salt by the national
people are people by depeche mode
captain easychord by stereolab
it will come back by hozier
also by hozier: de selby (part 2) and first light
big business/i zimbra (live) by talking heads
kokomo, in by japanese breakfast
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agentmmayy · 2 years
september rotation
this was an interesting month for music! i didn’t discover as many new songs as i usually do or typically put on here, but these are my top picks for the month 
mushroom punch - zella day: zella day is on the fast track to be coming my new favorite artist bc this is a banger that’s equally as arresting as radio silence. just as punchy as the title suggests. it begs to be sung along to  
cyclone - maude lateur: the beat!!!!!!!!! absolutely a sad twerking song. it’s about realizing the self-destruction of past relationships with the beautiful comparison to a hurricane (...to soon?) it includes the build-up to expecting a disaster and the excitement buried beneath fear it incites and the heart-breaking devastation that follows
take off - prinze george: i’ve had this song stuck in my head for days and for good reason. ABSOLUTE banger. it’s selfish and greedy and all consuming in the way love is sometimes 
close to you - the wildlife: @majicmarker introduced me to this song and i haven’t recovered since. it has me down SO BAD i’m writing a whole ass fic. the eddissy vibes are off the charts and the lyrics ‘push your hands against the wall, kissing in the bathroom stall’ produced a very whoreish reaction from me ngl
lonely - ladyhawke: the yearning here... coupled with the haunting and harrowing vocals... contrasting the hopeful tone with the “hopeless” “other” in the song... the repetition of ‘run’ and ‘running’... all accumulates into this heavyhearted masterpiece that has me laying in bed and crying to. also the cover art fucks
graduating - nell mescal: oh this song... whew. it’s bittersweet. i know i describe a lot of songs on here as melancholic but this fits it to a tee. it’s also angry and hurting. like poking at a fresh bruise or an open wound. you want to heal but can’t do that without aggravating the pain, whether purposefully or not 
i wanna - ella jane: back again with the yearning! i had to google what the artist says about this song and she describes it as coming from being fed up with being single and admitting to wanting to be in love as such a vulnerable and honest and even embarrassing place and describes the chorus as “empowering” which i completely agree with. 
i WILL, however, debate with the interviewer of the article where they say the song “felt like they were in a coming-of-age film.” i wouldn’t definitively categorize this song as “coming-of-age” though i can see how it can be seen as such. it’s just not letting it live to its full potential. it’s a disservice. falling in love or realizing you want to be in love and be in a relationship isn’t limited to the ages between childhood/adolescence/adulthood. love can be found at any age! BUT i am also not trying to make this song inaccessible to people who are at that age (since ella jane is a young adult and wrote this song recently) and could benefit from hearing it
coolest fucking bitch in town - haley blais: already poured out the majority of my thoughts on this song to @152glasslippers whose tags introduced me to it and WOW. mind = blown. it’s nothing like i expected from the title and openly admit i was humbled right from the start. it’s soft yet still unapologetic and cathartic. i’ve been thinking about those trumpets ever since yesterday
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quincyhorst · 11 months
Montly Headcanon Roundup: Samuel Mayo
Big Waves
(Meant to be Bruce x Shine, kind of) Marlin's Koala Fear (?)
Rose Griffon
RG after the Ogre Match (+ An alternate scenario)
Ladji, Émile, and his bunnies
Fire Dragon
Afuro and his connections with Korea/Fire Dragon/the bencher Seong-Jun
Red Matador
El Matador Rojo: Pretty much me dissecting Red Matador's Querardo profiles both on in Japan and Overseas. Meant to be an analysis, but its true that it contains few personal interpretations of his character.
Potpurri Nº1 - Featuring the spanish MFs and briefly mentioning Davi too.
Other Teams/Characters
Touko's School Life
Talking about Miyasaka's profile, and his future
Both Ladji Paara (RG) and Jean Baker (BW)'s origin of their one-eyed looks
...Also talking about Queraldo -> Querardo according to the wiki. Prior analysis (Also featuring Mikel and Davi)
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aworldinpages · 2 years
September Round-Up
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As the end of the year draws ever closer, the days are shorter and it's starting to get chilly. We thought we'd let you in on what we have been loving throughout the month of September.
Click here to see what we've been loving this month!
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thisislizheather · 3 months
February Feats 2024
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Above Photo: NYC, February 2024
Welcome to March! You’re well aware of how much I love this month. Will I overdo it and be left a shell of a person come April 1st? Most likely, but there’s nothing that can be done about that! Here’s what went down last month.
The best tweets of the month can be found over here.
I kept up with my weekly Winter Wednesdays series.
I finally finished the Mel Brooks memoir I’ve been reading for months.
If this coat (below) was under $100, then I would’ve had no choice but to buy it.
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Above Photo: Bury me at the Nordstrom flagship
God, I love a small batch cookie recipe.
People won’t shut up about this New York Times marry-me chicken recipe but I absolutely would reject that proposal. I made it and it was FINE at best. And more recently, I made a cauliflower soup of theirs and it was bland as hell! I definitely need to take a step back from their recipes. Maybe the food styling is what’s tricking me? Gorgeous looking food doesn’t always taste amazing. There’s a lesson there??
I made this brioche berry bread pudding that was delicious. Something feels very wrong about using strawberries in February, but the Grand Marnier soak really helped the flavour.
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Above Photo: Brioche berry bread pudding
I can’t stop wearing these Aerie brown stockings.
Found a new coffee shop that I’m loving - Sonbobs in Astoria.
We bought Baby Dog a ramp to get on and off our bed and it’s been a huge help. Sometimes she’ll just leap off into the pillows alongside it, so it may take some time for her to trust this new inanimate object in her life.
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Above Photo: Baby Dog begrudgingly on her new ramp
I tried out a colour corrector from Huda because the internet told me to and it did absolutely nothing different to my face hahah?? Sometimes I seem smart and other times I do stuff like this.
Nathan and I saw the play An Enemy Of The People with Jeremy Strong (from Succession) and Michael Imperioli (from The Sopranos & The White Lotus) and it was great! Absolutely love the Circle in the Square theatre. $40 tickets straight from the box office can’t be beat.
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The winter kale salad at Uva Next Door on the Upper East Side was top tier.
The patty melt at Daily Provisions? Wow. Makes zero sense that a coffee shop has that good a sandwich.
I’ve finally learned my lesson and I’ve stopped using third-party websites for booking travel. Took me decades to learn this lesson.
Also, I’m sure no one but me buys Visa gift cards - but just incase, stay very far away from the brand Vanilla. I’ve had so many issues with money that was loaded improperly and their customer service is nonexistent.
Some things I watched:
Sometimes I Think About Dying: so great! Our friend Dave does such a great job in it.
Two Weeks Notice and The Wedding Date (combining them because they don’t deserve individual billing): WOOF. Why do I do this to myself when I have a list full of actually watchable movies?
If Lucy Fell: an old Sarah Jessica Parker movie? Course I’d watch that. It actually wouldn’t have been so terrible if the main guy wasn’t such an awful actor. He wrote, directed and starred in it, which was the wrong decision.
Waiting To Exhale: such a great rewatch.
Once Upon A Crime: perfect rewatch. It’s baffling that this movie did so bad at the box office.
New season of Curb: ugh. I don’t want to be mean, but I really hate this show now. The storylines are so tired and it really didn’t need to come back at all. (Richard Lewis will remain the best thing about the whole show.)
Some things I’m looking forward to this month: taking Baby Dog to Niagara Falls, I really want to try the vodka chicken parm from Compton’s in Astoria, excited to spend some time with my brother + family visiting from Scotland and there are so many birthday cakes I get to make for other people this month.
If you’ve got any interest in reading last month’s roundup, you can read what went on in January over here.
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silveryscreen · 7 months
october roundup:
only murders in the building, season 3 - coming out weekly star trek: lower decks, season 3 - coming out weekly our flag means death, season 2 - coming out weekly loki, season 2 - coming out weekly reservation dogs, season 1 doctor who, season 1 - rewatch doctor who, season 2 - rewatch doctor who, season 3 - rewatch doctor who, season 4 - rewatch adventure time, season 5 - rewatch
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aserendipityseason · 1 year
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january 2023 v february 2023
my goal is to always do better than the month before
👉 woke up consistently earlier
👎 went to bed later
👍 took more vitamins
👍  practiced yoga more
👍 walked my dog more frequently
👍 didn’t overeat as much
👎 ate more junk food
👍 journaled more frequently
👍 cleaned more
👍 learnt more French
👉 studied the same
👍 more active on instagram
👉 constant with skincare
👎 spent more money
👎 worked out my abs less
my goals for march are; to get to bed earlier (even if i don’t go to sleep earlier), eat less junk food, study more (i only studies three days of the month), spend less money, and just scrap weights in general (i just really don’t enjoy it)... 
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tyrannusimons · 2 years
last reblog is how i just remembered there's no september 31st and it is now october 1st
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cs-ratking · 2 years
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July's rattie roundup! Koikee put together a really stellar batch of designs, full bias for the teal palette. I absolutely love the very small differences between them-- just like many real rats, you have to know them to tell them apart! Thanks Koikee 💙
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philharmonica · 1 year
may music round up 🎵🎠
a selection of songs I've really enjoyed this month. trying to focus on songs that are new to me, whether it be a recent release or an old gem (basically, not the same 5 songs that are always in my rotation).
what about by louise post ft. veruca salt algorithmically recommend to me based on my previous listening of veruca salt, it's exciting to see louise on her own and i'm eager to *hear* what she does next
third uncle - single edit by bauhaus i find the band somewhat intimidating since i associate them with a harsh industrial/gothic sound but this is right up my alley and i desperately need to do a deep discog dive
you could easily have me by metronomy as embarrassing as it is to admit, i found this band while brainstorming names for my sims baby. if i had to describe it in the most rym-esque way possible, i'd say it's a quirky electronic instrumental
warsaw - 2010 remaster by joy division this has a much more raw/punk sound (to borrow another typical rym phrase) and it's really fun to uncover things like i'm a musical archeologist
reptile by the church a recommendation from a pal <3 and it truly is a song that i wish i could hear for the first time again, highly recommend the entire album to everyone
head on by the jesus and mary chain as beloved as "just like honey" is, i think this is better and it's got everything in terms of influences (according to wikipedia): post-punk, new wave, and the beach boys
undone and unashamed by the murlocs thought of this an early birthday present <3 it was hard to choose just one song, so everyone pls listen to the entire album
the look by metronomy okay i already featured them on this list but it was truly my newest discovery as i'd never hear of them before (or at least don't remember)
poncho & lefty by townes van zandt this is a song i would tell my dad that i listened to and that's all i have to say
beautiful james by placebo one of the best parts of music posting on tumblr is that I’m introduced to new songs :) on my old blog i had a mutual who really loved placebo, I hope they’re doing well <3
the rhythm by xtc this isn't entirely new to me so maybe i don't have great self control but i think this song could work as a musical scene in true stories
everything's gone green by new order this is an honorable mention since it came on while i was working on this post
first of the monthly installments of my music round up :) i hope i didn't mess up the links (they should open on spotify). to stalk my listening habits, you can find me on last.fm. i don't properly rate music on rym but i just ramble like in this post so you can read those here. that's enough self promo thanks if you read all this or listened to any of these songs <3 until next time
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jovial-thunder · 4 months
Lancer Tactics devlog
I'm gonna try out posting my ~monthly devlog roundup here as well. These suckers are glorified changelogs with anecdotes and gifs galore. Let me know if this is something you like seeing show up on your dash?
Map Editor
Got units able to be placed/deleted/moved in the mission editor
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Can paint/remove command zones in the editor
Can paint minecraft-like terrain blocks in the editor
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Can paint/rotate multi-tile props in the editor
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Can edit unit character sheets and portrait via the editor
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3D maps
Did a bunch of art tests with 3D mech models, provided by GeneralChaos, which we ended up deciding not to go with to keep things simple.
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To avoid the can of worms that is animation, we'd have to lean into a static "tabletop minatures" aesthetic which we decided is not a style we want to be stuck with. By sticking with 2D sprites, we avoid falling into a sort of uncanny valley; it's easier to get away with not animating a 2D sprite than it is for a 3D model.
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 We also experimented with 3D terrain. We decided to make a rule that the visual style for a piece of terrain should match its mechanical effect: obstructing terrain that you can't move through, such as rocks or buildings, will be in 3D, while non-obstructing terrain like trees will stick with 2D sprites.
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Hooking up the 3D camera to follow events like movement and attacks did a LOT for making it starting to feel like it's cohering into an Actual Game™
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Implemented cover! And an attack preview! Cover works by aiming a ray from the target to the originator (technically to and from each voxel of each, respectively, to handle size 2s shooting above size 1 cover) and tracking all the terrain blocks it hits (how we'll handle non-terrain hard cover TBD). I think I have it working according to Perijove's cover rules manual, but I'm sure there'll be edge cases to work out. This is a case where things are significantly simplified by working in squares instead of hexes; hexes have a lot more possible weird angles you have to deal with.
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Re-added what I'm stubbornly calling Combat Popcorn; little bits of text that pop out when you use abilities and attacks.
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UI & game screens
Added ability for the engine to show UI that's anchored to the game world via a little word bubble line but also stay on screen as the camera moves around.
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Got word bubbles working; you can now write dialogue in the mission editor, hit playtest, and see it work in a mission! (it does actually translate correctly now; this gif is just from a bug I thought was funny)
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Got ability effects mostly behaving appropriately again, including muzzle flashes. The easiest way to handle them ended up being NOT billboarding them so they always face the camera (like all other 2D sprites in the game); instead, I put them on a plane parallel with the ground and just spin them around the unit to point at wherever their target is.
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Did some work ironing out our tooltip system. The standard in CRPGs these days is this kind of nested labyrinth of tooltops that you see in Baldur's Gate 3:
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I Did Not Want to try and figure out how to wrangle that much UI, so we're instead opting to cap the nested tooltips at the second layer. You can lock a general tooltip for e.g. an action and then mouseover various items within that tooltip to get glossary definitions...
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...and then instead of having those glossary tips be lockable/mouse-overable themselves, I collect all related terms to that glossary definition and let you tab through them.
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Added skin overlay functionality to the portrait maker, enabling textures like scars, tattoos, stubble, and vitiligo to be applied to just the skin and not extend off into space.
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Midway through writing this update, Carpenter sent me this gif of the randomization button working! There's a still a bunch of skintones/assets missing and a few are a bit janky, but it was exciting to start seeing the range of these lil freaks (affectionate) that this editor can create.
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Mourning cloak license!
This is the one I'm probably most excited about: I did a bit of a content dive and implemented a basic character sheet + all Mourning Cloak traits and equipment. They don't have fancy graphics yet, but the weapons and systems can be added via the character sheet and used in-game.
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It took a little under a day, including adding soon-to-be common mechanisms like bonus damage. This is great news in that it means the engine we've been building for so long in the abstract seems to do a great job in handling comprehensive actual game content, and that it looks like we've set ourselves up for success when it comes time to buckle down on churning that out.
I'm sure other licenses will come with unique difficulties (I fear the day it comes time to do the Mule Harness // Goblin CP) but I'm feeling good about it!
Vertical slice?
Taking a step back, the pressing question on my mind has been "when will we have a playable early access build?"
I was originally hoping for Feb/March, but what we've internally been referring to as the "3D cataclysm" has pushed everything back by at least three months, so the target for the first alpha build is now in May. So, ah, thanks for your patience! Seeing things come together, I've become more and more convinced that moving to 3D was the right call.
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blouisparadise · 1 month
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of April. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) April Drools! | Explicit | 1,424 words
Louis offers a particularly slobbery blow job to his clients who'd rather not be made a fool of on April 1st. Of course, he's got an option for those who don't mind being a little humiliated as well.
2) Politician AU | Mature | 1,816 words
Part 15 of the Politician smau that you can find on babygirloui on twitter
3) Soulmates | Mature | 3,751 words
Request: They were never together, but always had feelings for each other in the band. Now they are both on tour, Lou is an omega and Harry an Alpha, one day they casually meet at a coffee and they find out they are soulmates.
4) Rollerskate Love | Mature | 18,826 words
This is a story I will write together with you as a reader. I'll post a chapter and at the end of the chapter you'll suggest shat will happen next and we'll continue like that until the story is done. As an Omega in the middle of the Eightees finding a job isn't easy but Louis is determined to make that happen even if he has to lie to get it. Roller skating can't be that difficult, right?
5) Last Chance | Explicit | 19,039 words
Harry Styles is a 25 year old dominant who can't keep a sub because they say that he is too strict and no sub wants to be with him. He is now on his last sub who can make or break his dom status. That sub is Louis Tomlinson a 19 year old who cannot keep a dom because of his sassy behavior and no one can keep him in line. Harry styles is his last hope to stay a submissive. Will they be able to stay together or will the whole relationship fall apart? Find out!
6) I Thought We Were Forever - The Moments In Time | Explicit | 21,890 words
The story of Harry and Louis in the universe of "I thought we were forever", going from the beginning to the end and with every little moment in between. Prompts will be open if you want me to write something in particular
7) Your Eyes Are Tired But Keep Them Open Cause You Wouldn’t Wanna Miss A Thing | Explicit | 144,281 words
Louis is an omega in an abusive relationship everyone forced him into; he’s miserable until he meets his favorite student’s uncle, Harry, a gentle alpha with a big heart.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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