#mollie watches c3
molliehaswords · 1 year
“What’s her name?”
OHHHH?!?! You mean the thing that Morrighan Ferus was sent from the Feywild specifically to destroy proof of in Kymal during the poodle?!?!
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
OKAY i have watched c3 e33 (yes i post memes about spoilers i haven't watched what about it lol) and this is probs the first episode i've watched in one sitting. I have THOUGHTS.
Honestly, it didn't feel... right? like not in a bad way. Even considering that they have FCG and revifify which wasn't there for Molly, it seems like Matt didn't seem to be taking the deaths as seriously as he could be, he's having fun,
So, maybe:
a) Matt said all bets were off this campaign, and has mentally prepared himself to kill all the characters at any point, so he just isn't reacting like he used to
b) Matt KNOWS they can get out of this fairly easily due to something that will be revealed next episode
c) the whole thing is a dream Otahan is putting in Imogen's head to show her what could happen (or something) and no-one is actually dead.
I'm not convinced by c honestly because I don't see it being all a dream on dnd principles, but I'm SO excited to see where this goes.
I'll say I'm glad that everyone seemed to be having fun. This wasn't Molly's death where Tal was visibly upset and angry. They're all confused, but Liam says 'great game Matt' and Ashley is begging for like ten more minutes. So tbh they all seemed to have fun, and that makes the episode actually watchable. The whole episode was kind of rad, but of course it's one episode in the grand scheme of a massive planned epic arc, so we shall see what it means in the long run!
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teatitty · 1 year
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balleater · 1 year
i Love how the party split is going and the more i think about it the more it's made me realize i don't actually have one clear-cut favorite this campaign
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utilitycaster · 6 months
this might be a stupid question but the "floaty purple homewrecker" bit (and the upcoming nein show) reminded me - asking as someone relatively newish to the fandom who has watched the majority of c2, is there a reason why so many people on tumblr seem to like. irrationally hate essek to a very large degree? (i totally understand disliking a character! but the vehemence i've seen here surprised me.) i was just wondering if there was an explanation rooted in fandom history that you might be able to shed more light on as someone who's been around in this fandom longer.
As far as I can tell here the reasons:
People who shipped Caleb and Jester but who are smart enough to realize that an NPC is a safer target than a PC because you do look like a fucking asshole if you hate on Fjord or Jester, though they sometimes do that as well.
People who see shipping as a competition (already a mistake) but who specifically see it as a competition between different ships that are not inherently in conflict in terms of which characters are in them, which I have been informed may be the legacy of the Glee fandom. Anyway I have seen the opinion that like...Beauyasha was "supposed" to be the popular ship (I do not know what power decided it was "supposed" to be popular) and then Shadowgast was also very popular, and it's like. ok so they're both here and popular? win-win honestly. I do not get this mentality, but I have observed it from afar. These people also tend to hate Caleb, natch.
People who are not good at separating "the fandom for this is fucking annoying" and "this character is fucking annoying." To be fair, again, I absolutely am influenced by fandom to an extent and if a character is sort of annoying and the fandom is REALLY annoying, by the transitive property that character becomes really annoying to me. However, this doesn't work if I actually did like the character, only if I was neutral to lightly negative. Anywhere there are plenty of really annoying fans of Essek (the "IF HE DOESN'T SHOW UP AT THE LIVE SHOW I WILL DIE AND EXPLODE"/WHY DON'T PEOPLE TREAT THIS NPC LIKE A PC" variety) but like, get over it.
People who hate C2 for other reasons, which usually boil down to either being mad about Molly not being resurrected, being mad about other ships not mentioned above, or being mad that Caleb decided not to ruin his life and destroy the assembly in a big violent rampage (which, given the plot of C3, was probably doomed anyway in that Ludinus could probably have either curb-stomped him or just vanished, even if this wasn't also, thematically, a garbage take to begin with). Again, I think Essek makes a convenient scapegoat in that he is a major character and a member of the Mighty Nein but is not a PC nor a cast member.
Probably there are some people who genuinely dislike him for the war crimes but like. The war crimes are pretend and if you can watch 2x97 and not lose your mind at how good it is perhaps you have bad taste.
People who really just want an excuse to call someone a stupid twink for reasons I do not care to investigate; might be combined with one of the above or might just be kind of a hateful person.
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captainsspnanon · 5 months
C3E78 - reaction
No Liam! Sad times :( This is the second time he’s missed a game (my mom just watched the C2 episode where Marisha jaegered Caleb, she’s on such a great parallel watching as she bounces back and forth between the two campaigns)
I was very surprised by Fearne’s very physical reaction continuing after the end of last episode, but then I wonder if a part of it is above table. Not anger from Ashley, but her going ‘oh this is the first time I’ve actually been at the table during one of these moments, I’mma take it for all it’s worth!’. I mean, she wasn’t there when Scanlan left, she wasn’t there when Molly died, she wasn’t there when Fjord was going through his big power adjustments, so a part of me thinks that maybe a small part of Fearne’s reaction may be Ashley just reveling in being there for the moment.
Did NOT call the Delilah resurgence, nor did I even consider that Laudna could view this as a betrayal, but I’m loving it! I’m really happy that Marisha is leaning into the Delilah aspect more and more and Matt meeting it perfectly with voices, wisdom saves, etc.
CONSEQUENCES! Holy shit, con down 2 permanently???? Pretty sure a greater restoration won’t fix this! I am FASCINATED. There HAD to have been an outside conversation about this – I feel like it’s completely flipped from how it left off at the end of last episode? I mean, Narrator!Matt was saying how Ashton was now “unprecedented”, Taliesin was talking about high risk high reward, and Ashton’s physical body was certainly being described as a combination of earth and fire. But now here, their eyes are back to normal, their arm is now just a bigger mismatched earth arm, the gold veins are back to normal, and the shard got REJECTED. I just can’t imagine Matt choosing to do this without having some sort of conversation beforehand, even though I know he’s played with Taliesin for years even before CR. I wonder if it came from Taliesin though, if he could have wanted Ashton to fail for this…. I can think of so many different conversations above table, but this is just a full 180 from end of last episode, and honestly a harsh punishment from Matt. I’m all for it, and I’m so excited to continue this, but I would be VERY surprised if Matt did this on his own without any above table talk.
The vision that Ashton talks about seeing themselves with their family, and seeing that they were bad, and everything being their fault makes me think that Taliesin may have chosen the outcome of the shard being rejected, though of course it’s all pure speculation.
(Side note, can we talk about how Ashley is absolutely gorgeous and Taliesin’s hair is fucking phenomenal??? I like the Caduceus swirls a lot more than I liked the Percy geometric. Okay I’m done being distracted)
I was trying to figure out why I was enjoying this episode more than a lot of C3, and I realized that it’s because this is very reminiscent of the M9 relationships. It’s been a long time since we’ve had real interparty conflict with the Hells, whereas that was M9’s bread and butter. I’m hoping this isn’t something that’s just fixed by next episode, because I am THRIVING. I know that C3 has mostly been about external conflict (the solstice), but the PCs have all been….well...almost ‘shallowly’ connected? I don’t feel like that’s the right word, because there WERE true relationships between the group, but I just feel like the internal conflict is always so great at deepening the relationships.
(I’m actually doing this write up AS I watch, rather that after I watch the full episode as I’ve been doing for most of C3)
I am genuinely surprised about how everyone is being very aggressive towards Ashton. I didn’t expect FCG to lash out as hard as they are, and Imogen is cutting NO slack. Again, missing Liam at this moment as I would really love to see where Orym would fall on this, but a tiny part of me is a bit glad, as I don’t know if the conversation would have gone the way it’s going if he was there. And while I didn’t expect it, I am LOVING it. Sam is thriving! And honestly? Big growth moment for FCG here too, even a dozen episodes back I’m not sure they would have reacted this way.
LOL Ashley’s face when FCG asks Ashton how they could hurt Fearne because she’s so wonderful.
God the Fearne and Chetney dynamic is SO GOOD. He scolded her, gave her advice, tried to boost her confidence, maybe was a little offended that she was going for Ashton instead of him, helped her redirect her anger towards a more constructive destructive outlet…. Travis is SUCH a good player, y’all. And Ashley!! UGH I am so glad we get her for so long. *chefs kiss*
Fearne and Laudna/Delilah just off on their own, and holy shit I did not expect that harshness from Chetney, though I suppose I really should have. He’s always been incredibly pragmatic, and we’ve never seen how he would react with a betrayal of trust before.
This...this is both a new and an old perception of Laudna, or rather, it’s bringing new context to the woman who still plays with dolls and assumes they come alive at night. I really REALLY hope we get to see more in this vein, this is FASCINATING.
Alright, a lot of this is now post-watching rather than mid-watch. I really strongly speculate that Taliesin talked to Matt about having Ashton not fuse with the shard. All his RP this episode really feels like he planned to have the backlash and guilt ahead of time. I wonder if he felt that this would be the best way for Ashton to move forwards? Of course, definitely still can be wrong here and this could all be in the moment, but it just feels too off for Matt to have done it without some sort of discussion.
I can’t even begin to sum up how I feel about the feywild trip. It’s needed, I’m excited, I want to know what’s going on with Birdie, what’s going on with Fearne!
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seizethegrey · 2 years
Something I think all DMs, players and fans of D&D should examine about PC death is the way it can transform a campaign.
Let's look at C2, and generalize that to what could change about C3 (and by extension, what can change about YOUR campaign at home).
There will NEVER be a moment at your table more memorable or pivotal than a PK. I would say it is more or less the only time I have invariably seen tables simply forget about their DM for the rest of the session.
For once, the DM is irrelevant. The players are grieving for a character they wanted to see develop, and the characters are grieving for a companion lost too soon.
And for those of us consuming a game as a piece of fiction in a format that is ostensibly not unlike any other show or stream? Suddenly, the difference is immeasurable.
We've all seen so many characters die, and sometimes we've seen our own personal little baby meow-meow moon-and-stars die in the stupidest way possible. But even if the death was a surprise for us, it wasn't a genuine surprise for the actors.
With a PC death, we're seeing something radically more raw. We look on in shock and horror as the genuine fear of rolling death saves transitions abruptly into the panic of a rez attempt and the crushing, all-consuming grief that grips the table when the rez fails and the last available component is consumed.
It's a fictional death that feels more real than any other medium would allow for. As someone whose entire life was consumed with grief starting from that first time I watched someone die gasping in March 2020, watching Molly die (much later than some of you did, but I had NO IDEA it was going to happen) was a moment so crushingly recognizable that it ripped me from the narrative and forced me back into my own skull. Caught completely off-guard, I scrambled to yank off my headphones as a panic attack slammed into me with concussive force, stuck in a place I'd tried to avoid for months.
When I managed to put myself back together enough to put the headphones back on, Matt is asking for last words. Then Taliesin storms from the table, leaving behind a party as shocked and bereft as the audience.
The path they forge from that moment forward defines the campaign. Many parties do everything to bring a character back to life, rewriting the DM's plans - but this party didn't want that. They didn't want to take away the significance of Molly's loss. Instead, the characters canonized their (deeply flawed) dead friend. It was that sainthood, that rose-colored view of a man who in life had been so varicolored, that made the incredible conclusion of the campaign possible. It made the party willing to spend so much time and so much conversation with a BBEG that wouldn't have been possible unless they hadn't been convinced that Molly was in there somewhere. It made Lucien's presence traumatic and upsetting for the party and the viewers alike without a single bit of violence being required (though of course there was violence, and that was horrifying).
Sitting alone at home, taking frequent pauses to calm my breathing, I took something away from the depictions of both Lucien and Kingsley that I am sure other survivors of disaster did as well. I felt for the first time that you can try to go back - but that you can't. And what's more, if you could go back, the dead would look at you in surprise. They would look at you with sadness in their eyes - not for themselves, but for you.
I'm dead, they would say. I'm not coming back. You fought a war for me - and the war won.
Don't cheapen it by asking God to undo it.
I'm glad you don't just remember me as a time of death, as yet another line on which you copied the ICD-10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure, whatever the fuck that is. I'm glad that to you, I was a person.
But people die.
You didn't kill me, doc. Being born did.
Now stop trying to get into this god damn grave with me? There isn't room for two.
The decision to let death win was a choice that fundamentally made C2 the incredible story that it became. As popular as C1 remains, I don't think it holds a candle to the sheer emotional punch packed by C2. All of that was because they let Molly die.
So what would character death mean for C3?
First, some technicalities: Fearne is the one with the second Revivify slot, so she'll be the first rez attempt. Her chance of dying right now is about 15%. Orym's is 24%. So I'll focus on Orym first.
If Orym dies, he will have died within minutes of realizing that he's going to be killed by the person - the single person - who killed his husband. The party will be unable to do anything but stand and watch as the person who murdered their friend in front of them walks away.
It's worse than that, though. Otahon isn't just the woman who killed their friend. She's the reason Orym left his happy, tranquil life in Zephrah, the very person who single-handedly uprooted him from a place he'd hoped he'd live and die in peace and sent him on this quest that ended his life. She's the beginning of his misery and the end of it. She's the reason.
The best among their number, the only decent, normal person, will have died because of this woman that defeated them, this woman who now has a direct line of communication to the most powerful member of the group. If she didn't just chase Laudna's mind when she heard her thoughts on the balcony, she might even walk away with Treshi. It all would have been for nothing.
This will have happened either because FCG's first Revivify on Fearne failed, or because Fearne's Revivify on Orym failed. The crushing immediacy of "my failure caused his death" will be a lie - but a lie that will consume them both.
FCG will blame himself no matter what, feeling his actual purpose is now invalidated. He's not just a bad person - he's a bad healer. (My therapist will be hearing a lot about this one).
Fearne will have failed to save the guy who's been at her side from the beginning, the first tank to ever soak up hits for her. This is the person who might have been happy again with Dorian (and/or Ash), the person that might have made Dorian (and/or Ash) happy, too. This was her moral center, and now he's broken and bleeding at her hooves because of her inadequacy - morally, ethically, magically, personally.
And what about if we lose Fearne?
If that happens we're looking at a complete refocus on the Nightmare King. If he hadn't asked for the weave lens or kept her parents in his thrall, she never would have left the Feywild. She might have lived her life in Morri's fane, mercifully unaware of her fate as a Ruidus-born. Also, the way she left it with her parents? Fucking kill me now, please, before I have to pressage the thought of listening to that Sending.
Everybody has to die somehow - and I don't imagine for a second that the party will do what home games do all the time. No one will want to pursue a True Resurrection spell. If that was the answer to this party's problems, then Orym would have just asked Keyleth to do that and he'd still be at home with Will. This isn't about them - this is about the fate the moon has in store for them.
Now more than ever, they will recognize that all of them might die on this quest. And yet, we know them well enough already to know that they aren't going to hesitate. They're going to do what brave, lawful good Orym and chaotic neutral Fearne had both set as their highest personal priority.
Exandria matters. They don't. They'll have lost the only man who would have told them otherwise with an authority they'd have listened to.
I hope they don't die - but if they do, I know their stories won't die with them. They will become the stars that the group navigates by, the pearly light of Catha that illuminates their passage through the dark.
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blackmosscupcakes · 10 months
How could anyone hate Molly, Essek, Or Kiki? They're all so good!!!
I don't know! Before I finished C2 I was trying very hard to avoid spoilers so I was sticking to Reddit because individual threads made it easier to do, but any time someone makes a thread like "I miss Molly" or whatever it's just filled with negativity. I think in that case the problem is people not wanting to look below the surface level of a character--they just write Molly off as "shady asshole" and leave it at that. Which is disappointing because it's not even like you have to read between the lines to see that he's more than that! It's right there!
With Essek it's a very black-and-white "he did bad things and doesn't deserve a redemption arc" line of thinking, and the Kiki hate is lesser these days but was very much tied up with the Reddit side of the fandom and their general negativity towards Marisha during C1. I haven't watched much of C3 yet but it seems like they hate Imogen and Ashton now. 🤷‍♀️
The subreddit was really starting to bug me with the general negativity by the time I finished C2, so it's with a lot of relief that I came running back here and planted my flag where people actually tend to ENJOY the things they watch.
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Now that I finally finished Campaign 1, here are my final thoughts:
Character Rankings By Player:
Liam: 1. Orym 2. Caleb 3. Vax
Laura: 1. Jester 2. Vex 3. Imogen
Travis: 1. Chetney 2. Grog 3. Fjord
Ashley: 1. Fearne 1. Yasha 1. Pike (they're all one because I love them all and couldn't choose)
Sam: 1. Scanlan 2. FCG 3. Nott
Taliesin: 1. Caduceus 2. Molly 3. Ashton 4. Percy
Marisha: 1. Beau 2. Keyleth 3. Laudna
Campaign 1 Thoughts:
Personally, wasn't that big of a fan of the Raven Queen storyliine - had I watched Campaign 1 before I watched the other 2 campaigns, I may have thought differently, but it was just the same "Liam's character is depressing" storyline and it didn't really seem to be all that much of a point/benefit to his sacrifice.
Grog and Pike's friendship is literally the best. I love the goofiness that comes out of Ashley and Travis's friendship
Vax and Keyleth and Vex and Percy genuinely had zero chemistry for me. I think that Keyleth should have ended up with Kashaw or nobody, Vax with Gilmore, Vex with Zahra, and Percy with nobody and/or some unknown NPC
Absolutely adored Scanlan/Pike's relationship and the path it took. Yes, Scanlan did some not appropriate things at the beginning, but he truly was the best version of himself when he was trying to be the best for Pike
Kima and Allura are amazing and it really adds to their appearances in C2/C3
Keyleth, at least in this campaign (she is different in campaigns where she's piloted by Matt) is definitely not leader material. She struggles so much with making decisions, and often makes not great ones
Percy spent the entire campaign trying to get sympathy for the fact that he felt guilty for making the guns, yet never stopped using them and even continued to make them for other people. Even if you wanted to make that argument that that was his class, so it would be weird if he stopped, he didn't even really play a major role with them in the final battles because they weren't magic
Percy was genuinely Taliesin's most annoying character and every character he's played since is just Percy in a different shade, in my opinion.
Grog with the Deck of Many Things was amazing
I genuinely loved all the different guests that were a part of this campaign, especially Will and Maryann
Not necessarily about C1, but I find it a tad strange that with how important Vox Machina was with literally saving the world, that they're barely mentioned by name in subsequent campaigns
Sam's devastation over having to use the Wish spell was genuinely heartbreaking
Campaign 2 is still my fave
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
Now that you're watching campaign 2, if you had to pair off c2 characters with c3 characters for two-person missions or just to see them interact, who would you pair with whom? Assuming they're at the same level of course. Just something to maybe ponder on if you're in the mood to answer while waiting for episode 38 😄
oh good god this is hard. i just want all of them to hang out with all of them is that too much to ask.
caleb and fearne would be fun just bc they've both got fire and they've both got little animals but one of them wants to know Everything and the other one couldn't care less about knowing things and just wants to Vibe. i think she would drive him nuts it'd be funny
jester and fearne would be dangerously fun and oh god they would LOVE each other. jester and orym would be "you thought your party was chaotic? get a load of This One (1) Girl in our party" and orym just *stressed noises*
anon my brain is breaking trying to answer this i don't know the m9 well enough dfkjskdfjskd
i think beau and imogen would be a Very scary duo to get interrogated by. that's all i have to say about that. oh also im gay
chetney and veth????? two characters i know,,nothing about but i feel like they'd vibe in some uncontrollably insane way??
yasha and fcg would be cute. very soft
laudna and fjord. shove that dead rat in his face when he gets too serious girl i'm cheering u on
ashton and molly would be interesting just bc it's like looking in a dark mirror (and idk maybe hating it) but also ashton and jester would bring out a lot in ashton that we don't typically get to see i think
oh and i do want all of the wlw to be friends. besties, even
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molliehaswords · 6 months
Ruby of Byroden, you unleashed a monster when you introduced Orym of the Air Ashari to the glory of pie.
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hayleysayshay · 1 year
So we're getting the Apogee Solstice today, which is potentially apocalyptic. If it ends in an apocalyptic calamity, I will probably stop watching c3.
Don't get me wrong, I love C3 a lot. I love the characters, I love the moon lore and story of it, I don't mind the fast pacing even if I wish we had more downtime. It's not for everyone but i do enjoy it, criticisms and all. I also enjoy the high stakes and that any of them could die. I do find amusement in this group of crazy, amoral people being the ones to save the world.
But I do not want Exandria to be apocalyptic, that's just too high stakes. I don't want the c1 or c2 characters happy endings to be ruined by them living in a post-apocalyptic world. I think the Whitestone mini arc was an excellent way of using the main characters as NPCs in the campaign and made a lot of sense. I do not want to see the characters actually be at risk of dying or having their world turned upside down. I think a campaign retroactively affecting the other campaigns ending this much is unpleasant to think about.
That being said, I also wonder if people are taking the apocalyptic-calamity stakes a bit too seriously. Instead of a true apocalypse, something is released, something dangerous, a dark god. Something is changed in Exandria forever and the Bells Hells have to fix it. There is still so much open-ended with the characters. Like Ashton, or Fresh Cut Grass, Matt gives hints about their backstory and they haven't had a chance to delve into it. Sure, Ashton could die with unanswered questions like molly died in C2 even though matt had plans for molly, but i don't think the calamity 2.0 is all that Matt has planned for the characters.
I also think there's a possibility that this is an Imogen corruption arc. Something in Exandria is released or changes for the worst, Bells Hells has to fix it, and Imogen goes to the dark side, which I think has been set up as a potential story. That would be fascinating--- and my preferred outcome recently (though Imogen pulling back and staying good is fine as well! Her winning against the dark impulses could be really satisfying.) A part of me thinks this outcome is more likely than Exandria becomes completely apocalyptic but you never know--- Matt is serious about consequences. So who knows.
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sentistrange · 2 years
If Mera Salamin was in Genshin Impact
Molly, Giovanni & Sylvie.
Basic Information:
Rating: 5 Star
Affiliation: Wanted Criminal
Nationality: Fontaine
Element: Cryo
Weapon: Polearm
Normal Attack: Watch Your Step
Mera has a 6 ATK combo. Her charged ATK swipes her polearm under the enemy, causing a temporary float.
Skill: Fragile
Mera's current HP is cut by 50% and her Burst charge rises by 50%. This Skill is instant. CD 27 seconds.
Burst: Shatter All
Mera summons multiple spikes of ice that protrude from the ground. This is especially effective against enemies affected by another element and causing a reaction, even moreso with Freeze. Additionally, Mera's weapon will be infused with Cryo, thus applying the Cryo effect on every enemy. However, she continuously takes DMG during the duration, ending at 30% of her HP. This is amplified with every ATK, which drops it more by 2% every time she hits. But alongside that, her ATK is boosted by the percentage of HP she lost. If Indus is in the team, the amplified effect is not present. This lasts 15 seconds (increased by 5 at C4)
Passive Talent
All party members' movement speed is increased by 12%.
Recommended Weapon
Staff of Homa.
Recommended Sets
2-piece Tenacity of the Milelith + 2-piece Blizzard Strayer, 2-piece Noblesse Oblige + 2-piece Blizzard Strayer, or 4-piece Vermillion Hereafter.
The HP lost from Fragile is decreased to 40%.
Base ATK is increased by 10% of Mera's total HP.
Fragile's Talent Level is increased by 3.
Shatter All's duration is increased by 5 seconds.
Shatter All's Talent Level is increased by 3.
The additional ATK received during Shatter All is tripled.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
You mentioned in a previous ask that you believe C3 characters have issues with bonding. I've kind of noticed something similar and was wondering if you'd share your own thoughts on the idea?
Hi! I talked about this a bit here with regards to pacing but to sum up the issues with bonding:
Having characters with significant pre-existing relationships tends to put a damper on making new connections. I've mentioned before: I adore the twins in Campaign 1 but it meant that their first person to talk to was always each other (and later their respective love interests) and so you really didn't get the party mixing together - there were often these pre-set groups. In Campaign 2, this was far less apparent because there were only three pre-existing relationships and all three were fairly new and tenuous or based on some degree of deception, plus Molly's death meant Yasha was without that pre-existing relationship (and Yasha's absence meant that Molly, while he was alive, didn't really have it to lean on that much either).
Here, Imogen and Laudna have known each other for two years, Fearne and Orym (and Dorian, earlier) have already shared some profound experiences, and FCG and Ashton are pretty close. After Bertrand died and until Chetney came around it really was like three separate parties, and they're still trying to erode those existing barriers between the groups.
They also had half the party already settled in Jrusar, and they had a lot of money, which made it much worse. Ashton and FCG would stay together at Krook House, Imogen and Laudna would go back to their apartment with Zhudanna, and Fearne, Dorian, and Orym would get a room. At least if they'd been on the road keeping watch, or if they were without lodgings in the city and were broke and had to pool their resources, they'd have had reasons to intermingle. As is, they had the first real one-on-one conversations outside of these core groups in episode 17. For reference, the point where I felt the Nein had at least started to seriously bond as a party was like, episode 14 or 15.
Basically, I think for a large group like this you need one of the following to be true.
No one really knows each other well yet
Everyone already knows each other
There is a clear reason to interact extensively one-on-one outside of your existing group, such as keeping watch or sharing rooms.
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captainsspnanon · 10 months
CR spoilers for the latest episode below, not tagging because I don't want drama
Was checking various platforms to see if CR had made a SAG strike statement (they have), and got spoiled that Imogen and Laudna kiss.
.....This is gonna be interesting for me, because I REALLY haven't been feeling this ship, which unfortunately is a good part due to the fact that fans have been relentless about it, with many being obnoxiously so.
I wasn't a part of the fandom when I watched C2 and C1, and that spared me from really seeing much of the drama, unless I was reading youtube comments.
Now? Since I've been in the fandom since day one of C3, I've seen all the nonsense, which means that I've been able to get turned off of ships just due to fandom stans.
I do have faith in CR, so I'm really hoping that they sell this ship for me. I've mentioned it before, but I'm a big fan of all canon ships (and I think the only non-canon one that I've felt strongly about is Vax/Gilmore, which was also heavily present in campaign so it's not really 'non-canon', more just non-endgame) so I'm hoping that I can vibe with this one as well.
Much like Caleb pining after Jester, I was able to see Imogen having feelings for Laudna, but I really wasn't seeing it returned.
Also like, just so much of the fanbase is really just smooshing down the ship to shallow surface cottagecore levels. I really REALLY need to work on removing myself from those takes in order to process the ship as portrayed in canon and see how it goes.
Ah well, this campaign and shipping is weird for me. I didn't really vibe with FCG/FRIDA either, and I still really don't? It just feels like Sam 'yes and-ing' where maybe a 'yes and' wasn't the right direction to make IC. I'm hoping as the campaign goes on, I'll become more in tune with it (or something interesting will happen with it in campaign where it ends, we've never really had a main campaign breakup)
It's also weird, because part of the annoying fanbase stuff has been coming from the official cast, which is really weird to say. But with Sam and Aabria and Aimee and Erika just PUSHING. PUSHING for Imogen and Laudna, PUSHING for Orym and Dorian (another ship which I feel is probably canon feelings but I also don't really vibe with). I dunno, there's a level of 'forced' to it around the true RP which makes it weird for me.
Either way, it's not something that will make or break my enjoyment of the campaign. I might just need to start blacklisting some tags to not get the constant barrage (and from the people I see it from, I like enough of their other stuff that I don't want to unfollow them for it!). And the good news is that none of the three ships mentioned above are NOTPs for me. My only NOTP for all of CR is caleb paired with molly and variations thereof.
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flovelle · 1 year
What were the pros and cons?
They were kinda jokes since they had pretty much already decided on campaign 2 cause they love molly 👀
But they were:
Campaign 1:
Pros: it’s the og!
They make allusions of this (especially in c3)
Very epic fantasy esque with a bunch of dumbasses
It doesn’t start where they meet, they had been doing that campaign for like 5 years
I haven’t watched like any of it
You are advised to skip like the first 20 episodes
Campaign 2:
My favorite
Bunch of mistrusting assholes
This was the first NEW campaign so they’re trying new things and it’s fun
They’re a bunch of mistrusting assholes
Because it’s the first new campaign there’s a lot of trial and error in the beginning
It’s the longest
Campaign 3:
They’re having so much fun with it!
All of the pcs have a connection to at least one other pc so they become friends faster!
It’s ongoing so it’s shorter rn
It’s been awhile since I’ve watched c2 but it feels more fast paced
It alludes a LOT to the other campaigns (like Liam & Marisha’s characters both have a big connection to campaign 1 and Sam’s character [not sure how deep] has a big connection to a place from campaign 2)
Hope this helps :)
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