#mod chocolate doesn't sleep
urfavslav · 1 year
various headcanons of tr characters !
when ran asks you to be his s/o he gifts you gloves. while u may not think anything of it other then his love languages being gift giving. he's asking you to be his forever. they're symbolism that while the gloves would protect your hands, he would protect you.
imagine giving senju one of those sanrio hats that have velcro at the bottom ,, so they stay on ,, yknow ,, but she is so thrilled. so she wears it 24/7
if you say or do something stupid, hanma won't let it go. period. it will become an inside joke, something he uses to see u laugh, also he will do that with things he's done too. use 'em as stories to cheer u up.
emma sano would be so aggressively caring ,, but in the cutest way ever. cutely aggressive texts urging you to drink some water, eat something and get rest before she rushes over to do it for you !
thinking about petshop trio ,, chifuyu and kazutora eventually push baji to get a piercing ,, he ends up getting an industrial ,, sbsjs. it shows when he pulls his hair up also, chifuyu has considered a nose piercing. he likes simple studs.
sanzu deals with mania and or hypomania. for him they can be really scary because he also uses drugs and that heightens how he feels and emotions during that time. he calls it 'madness episodes', after his episode is over (for him they last a while. anywhere from a week to almost 4 weeks) it takes a while to get him calm. even after it ends. haruchiyo craves being close to you, sharing your warmth and inhaling your scent. it calms his nerves like an anesthetic. please indulge him.
kakucho likes chocolate chip waffles. like he just doesn't like pancakes for some reason. you start to notice a pattern when he makes waffles in the morning on his days off. he only eats his choco chip ones. maybe strawberries on top.
when hanma wakes up (whenever his ass does) I think he has like leftover eyeliner smudged around his eyes ,, also playing playing his long fingers and tracing his tattoos ugh
shinichiro with an s/o who's slightly taller but their love language is physical affection. they give minimal acts of affection though. hand holding, hugs. etc. one of shins fav acts of affection is when his s/o ruffles his hair. he'll get all flustered with warm tinted cheeks, eyes squinted and a goofy smile on his face. he's so cute :(
if I saw south, I'd try n hang off his arm ,, I just think it would be funny I also think he's a fan of play fighting ,, i think he will ruffle tour hair and pick you up like a cat ,, by the scruff of ur hoodie
mikey's texts that may not make sense. the typing looks like 2007 scene tumblr, all lowercase with words shortened so bad it doesn't make sense and faces like [:(, XD, :p] his texts look like ; 'hiii bby !!! im almst ther jst wait a bit kay !!!! I promise u he's abt to jump on his bike and visit u, or calls where he's just about to fall asleep but tried his hardest to stay awake for you so he can heat ur voice ,, even though that makes him feel even calmer. it's gonna put him to sleep
koko has money, but like he has nice shit, he takes this nice, modded car, he goes around at night, driving to get a break from the bonten trio shit ,, playing around with his loud ass engine revving it up. then goes on his spotify premium with one of his favorite playlists
for stay home dates mitsuya sets up his record player to play old, classics and sway his partner around when they aren't feeling so good to cheer them up :(
sleeping/nap dates with mikey are a staple ! no matter if you're immersed on a book or your scholastic duties, or even cooking he will pull you for a nap.
sanzu plays around with tarot cards and gives readings when he's completely high or drunk. the other executives pay no mind to it, but when he sobers up and asks the execs what he said about the cards and goes 'yeah, that sounds just about right, but just this and that too." the execs look blown out of their mind and slightly scared that he remembers
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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clown-moss · 2 years
More stuff our N Fictive does that I'll disguise as headcanons!
N Harmonia Headcanons
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This man has never eaten Mint Chocolate ice cream before but he thinks it's an abomination to society.
This man does not like sweet foods, can not stand them. He doesn't understand how somebody can eat a whole slice of cake or eat a chocolate bar, it makes him gag going near chocolate as he HATES the stuff. He does love pie though so I guess you can give him that.
N is definitely more of the savoury and spicy type, his favourite chip snack is Red Rock Dellie's Salt And Vinegar. Favourite dinner to eat are these spicy noodles, absolutely loves them.
If you find the ice cube tray missing or ice cubes missing that's probably him because he loves to chew on ice cubes, no clue why.
Whenever he's expecting a guest he cleans like a madman, clean, dust, vacuum, take out trash, light candles, he even prepares food! He always complains if we don't vacuum because he's rather die than be seen as "unclean."
He has intensive mood swings, he can go from crying one minute to being happy the next. Whenever he's done having an emotional break down (Fun Fact: Before The Winter Began was actually based on true events, all the things described about him in that fic was stuff he actually did. This include the crying about how he doesn't understand, this happened when he met our friend Winter for the first time) he gets incredibly silent and his voice gets very soft, mostly because his throat is coarse.
His notes are in cursive, and I mean very cursive. It's just his natural (ha) handwriting, heres an example;
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Full doctor's note handwriting, he can read it perfectly though.
He falls asleep on the floor more often than he sleeps on a fucking bed, he slept on the floor for roughly 5 months at some point. No clue why he does this he just does.
He was addicted to Red Mountain Dew at some point in his life, he's tried takis and hot Cheetos and choked even though he loves spicy food because he hated it so much.
This man has climbed random as trees and sliced his hand on some barbed wire fence because he didn't see a women approaching him and she scared the ever loving shit out of him.
He can't even go into the kitchen when somebody is cooking red meat because he literally gags and plugs his nose, this man fucking hates red meat and prefers to eat vegetarian foods.
N loves custard and cheese cake, this man had gotten his hands on some strawberry cheesecake and it was gone faster than he could ever speak. He loves that shit fr.
Man maybe if my memory wasn't so shit I'd remember more... Oh well
- Mod Ivor 💗
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Countryhumans cuddle headcanons?? Idk who you do so you can choose but I have a soft spot for Russia, Germany, (soft with s/o)USSR and (once again soft with s/o)Third Reich(ik not many ppl do the last 2 so you can leave them out if you dont want to!)
and my limit of characters is like 10? or more?
Russia, Germany, USSR , Third reich Cuddling with his S/O (NON-POLY)
TW: fluff that break ur teeth
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probably you two just cuddle in the night 'cuz, well wOrK
but man, pat his back, give him a back rub, or just run your hands down his back and this man will NEVER let you go
he is the big spoon, no exceptions.
cuddling with you on his chest with a blanket in winter, you wearing his ushanka, while drinking hot chocolate and watching movies in Russian with subtitles?
He LOVES morning hugs, or short cuddling sessions before he leaves for his stupid job.
Probably after a while of being cuddle, he will fall asleep
but that only happens when u both are in the bed
sometimes he puts the heat on full blast so you guys can snuggle up on the couch with a warm blanket
never let him go, and he will never let you go (again)
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again, FUCKING, work, so shortu cuddle sessions
BUT when he arrives home , he have a puppy face that says "Hg me i have a bad day"
and if you don't do that he will hug u to hard that breath will be hardest thing in history
"okay so i have a reunion with other countries, uhm a professional dinner, more work, work , work , work, oh! and a cuddling sessions!, k lets start"
doesn't like surprise hugs but after a seconds he will give u back the hug
but u almost give him a heart attack
not joking
Drama king when you need to go
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more woooooooooooooork
but he loves cuddle sessions with u...
and his kids
he arrives home , and if he fins you just a quick kiss, and a bear hug
and then cuddle sessions before sleep
coffee and hugs in the morning yes yes
the hug start with you and him
and end with his like 4 kids , you and him
soft scary boy w big teeth
not too much to say :(
he is a simple old man
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Third Reich
but someimes is just a lazy hug
and thats a huge change from him
he just arrives home
hugs u for like uhm 20 minutes
and then let u go
just to come back and have a cuddling session
while he is talking about his shitty day at work
nothing special again
just a mean, tired, man
🐝🍒 Bee-Cherry /SUG4R-SP1C3/mod lol:
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nadiajustbe · 1 year
Random Scarlett and Browne series headcanons because this fandom needs content (there was supposed to be more Albert, but it turned out to be a little bit for everyone)
He literally adores comfortable knitted sweaters, I mean, he canonically lived in one in the first book, but hear me out: when choosing, his favorite would be purple, followed by brown and light and dark gray.
Albert would have loved those coloured animal patches that they sometimes give to children in hospitals. I mean, I don't know what animal species are left alive in their world, but giraffes or tiger cubs would have been good for him. It's just cute, don't look for logic.
He is sometimes picky about food, in terms of, of course, the harsh realities of survival with Scarlett, he will eat whatever he can, but I think if possible he would have some kind of limited diet of favourite foods and dishes.
Scarlett, on the other hand, eats and loves absolutely EVERYTHING, because it is literally the only way for her to survive and she is used to taking whatever comes to hand. Although, I think she has some favorites too: fish and meat, most probably not so much greens (??? at least because they are not so easy to get and process, and also because I think so). But with all that said, she doesn't really think about it in most moments.
Joe, in contrast to this, also likes meat and fish, but he leans more towards fish because, c'mon, he literally lives and moves on a raft, he doesn't have that much choice, so I'm sure he can fish well)
Scarlett doesn't like chocolate, Albert likes milk chocolate or chocolate with nuts.
Ettie loves all kinds of sweets, although she hasn't had many in her life, so she enjoys fruit, for example.
Thomas also loved sweets, and it was literally the only reason they were ever in the McCain household in the first place. (I absolutely do not want Ettie to bring up Scarlett's trauma in any way, but there you go)
I saw a headcanon, it was @mellowkotto's I think, about Scarlett being terrible at playing computer survival games, and it really fits, but listen.
Albert is a very fast learner, so he would be really good at survival games because he would understand the mechanics and the rules of the game very quickly. This would create a pretty strong contrast, because in reality, things are a little different even after Albert's survival lessons. This led to a whole series of headcanons between me and my bestie about how they would play Minecraft, but that's a topic for a whole another post.
That's the only thing I'm saying from there: Albert built himself a house, tamed a dog, an ocelot and built a garden on his first day of play.
Scarlett spent the whole night trying to kill monsters with her bare hands because she's so angry that there are no knives or guns in this "bloody game" (don't tell her about mods), but then she just burrowed into the ground a few blocks down to survive.
Albert likes his pillow and bed to be warm
Scarlett likes her pillow and bed to be cold.
(It doesn't matter anymore, because if they share a bed, Albert canonically will be sent to sleep on the floor)
Albert falls asleep quickly, almost instantly, no matter how easy or hard or crazy the day has been.
Scarlett falls asleep for a long time thinking about her past and the results of the day, and even meditation doesn't always help. (Because they are both traumatised, except that Albert tends to ignore his traumas/not trigger them much, and Scarlett tends to live in them more than she wants to.)
Albert likes to play with Ettie, spinning small rocks or things in the air in front of her in a circle, like an invisible juggler when no one is looking.
Scarlett is pretty good when she needs to draw a quick sketch of a plan on a piece of paper, although she usually prefers to analyse the situation on the fly and keep everything in her head. And she and Albert are both terrible artists, seriously, some of Ettie's drawings are much better than what they can create even as a team.
(Although I think Albert would like to practice to better understand Ettie, for whom drawing is her preferred method of communication instead of words)
Both Scarlett and Joe are quite canonically gamblers, the only difference is that Scarlett spends large sums of money on gambling, not really caring about winning (she has trauma, just leave her alone), Joe mostly plays for fun, playing, for example, cards with Sal, for example, with a maximum bet of a few coins for show.
Mallory has been trained formal, clean language while working for the Faith Houses and the authorities, and so even if he speaks in a threatening and violent manner, his speech always remains calibrated. Therefore, it was another minus to his perception at Scarlett that she greeted him with a bunch of curses and a fist directly to his face from the truck cab.
And, regarding Mallory, in his childhood at Stonemoor, he would try to bring Dr Calloway some kind of gift after her "experimental sessions", whether it was a flower from a vase or a crooked drawing. Calloway was genuinely pleased with such thing, not because she really loved Mallory, but because it was the clearest indicator that her system was working and that this child was definitely attached to her and would do what he was told.
Despite the fact that Scarlett had the cuss-box after she joined the Brothers of the Hand, I really wish that the idea to pick up this tradition had come to her on her own, not on someone else's suggestion. Perhaps she had a similar jar for monitoring bad habits in her old house and then remembered it.
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digitalmidnight · 2 years
Ridiculous Kirby Headcanons
Unashamedly silly headcanons featuring the dream team with little to no basis that I can not fit into a fanfic at the time. In no particular order at all with cherry picking from various Kirby media.
Potential Bandana Dee backstories for why he is so high ranking
Adoption into position after Crystal Shards
Literally just walked up and said he's the new kings advisor one day and King Dedede said "K"
Found as child and Dad instinct says protect him, but King Dedede doesn't want to admit to having soft spot at the time so Bandee gets funky title and such.
Made King Dedede a cake and it was so tasty he made Bandana Dee the highest position he could
Just happened to be the closest Waddle Dee and kept getting more responsibilities. Ended up being good at it, it became an official job.
Things that would be funny if Meta Knight didn't know how/what to do, but Galaxia did
How to cook, however all of Galaxia's recipes and advice are ancient so it just looks like Meta is bad at this
A whole language that Meta Knight is pretending to know but it's just Galaxia translating for him the whole time
Any weapon besides the sword, assuming Galaxia can still help him if he isn't holding her
Random and obscure facts that make Meta Knight seem well-read
Meta Knight's favorite flavor is chocolate. He thinks it's a secret. Everyone in dreamland knows this is a fact.
Meta Knight and King Dedede, despite being highly intelligent in their respective fields, have the world's stupidest internet search history.
King Dedede has every clothing item in every color in animal crossing. He exclusively wears custom designs and the two very expensive crowns. His wand outfits are cosplays.
Meta Knight and Dark Meta Knight have equal drawing ability
Bandana Dee has eaten something, such as a leaf, to see if he could have a copy ability like Kirby.
Kirby has a random fear that pops up sometimes that if he eats a certain food he will gain a copy ability from it and become that food.
Meta Knight owns a pair of stilts. He did not buy these
Kirby has broken into his friends' bedrooms to have impromptu sleepovers
Meta Knight accidentally confuses the names of the members of his crew in much the same way a parent might say their dog's name instead of their child's. Nobody corrects him.
King Dedede is excellent at reading people because he discovered it gives him an advantage at chess and some other games he is determined to win
Waddle Dees learned their "charge at you and attempt to tackle" attack from King Dedede
Bandana Dee prints out fanfiction and binds them. He does not admit to reading fanfiction
Despite being a horrible cook, Kirby has learned to deep fry foods scarily well
King Dedede and Kirby recommend each other cooking shows. Meta Knight watches them too but will never say anything about it
Bandana Dee collects souvenirs from his adventures such as really cool rocks
Kirby has a better range of taste buds than an average human. This does not mean he has better tastes in food than an average human
King Dedede has attempted to get a pet dragon for his castle as all castles deserve a dragon. Kirby was 100% on board with this idea.
Meta Knight plays Cookie Clicker casually
Bandana Dee can not hover because he can not hold his breath. He can swim because he does not necessarily need air
Daroach sometimes sleeps on the Halberd without telling anyone, wakes up on a different planet, leaves to steal stuff, and accidentally gets abandoned on the planet leading him to have to call either his squad or Meta Knight to go pick him up.
Susie has modded video games involving robots as bad guys to make it so the robots win
Sailor Waddle Dee was the Waddle dee who stole Kirby's cake in squeak squad and has told nobody about this
Magolor makes prank DIY videos that encourage stuff like microwaving metal. Taranza falls for these posts.
Marx only texts in L33t speak
Kirby's past friends do visit him or call him at least once a month and on his birthday
Kirby owns Kirby merch. So does Bandana Dee.
Meta Knight has never gotten rid of a gift from a friend. He has many shoeboxes filled with crayon drawings from Kirby
King Dedede can draw realistically however gets too bored to finish the picture unless it's something he is really passionate about
Bandana Dee and Meta Knight are fishing buddies. Kirby and King Dedede are too technically but they keep falling asleep
Meta Knight rage quits Co-op games with the rest of the dream team.
Kirby has all of his friend's favorite foods memorized
The only person to ever beat King Dedede at chess is Kirby. Kirby has only played chess once and needed his friends to tell him how the pieces moved every time
Meta Knight can't drive and that's why he hired Captain Vul
King Dedede shows affection through gifts, mostly food related. Bandana Dee shows affection through acts of service. Kirby shows his affection in many ways, but especially physical affection. Meta Knight shows affection by rigorously training those he cares about so they can defend themselves
Marx has attacked someone else for being a food thief. He has standards and stealing food is a line one shouldn't cross. Marx has stolen food before and will do it again.
At least one of the Meta Knights' names aren't their real name, however they never corrected anyone and so it just kinda stuck
Bandana Dee has good attention to detail which allows him to find an absurd amount of 4 leaf clovers
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If you're not the first, I think you're one of the first to take second years students into account (especially Cater and Silver) and honestly makes me very happy. So... Could you write some romantic headcanons with the second years? sorry for bad english
I know right!? Cater and Silver are so underrated. Also MY FIRST REQUEST. LETS GOOOO
You know all those ultra cheesy scenes that come out in romantic comedies? Ok that's Cater
Normally the dates are in popular places or in trends, some are pretty good others... not so much. although they are definitely an experience, you never get bored
Couple photos? I mean of course, doubt offends.
In general, it is very romantic and in view of anyone it’s #BoyfriendMaterial
He also record your partner's reactions to doing something mildly romantic. So it's no surprise to you when Cater suddenly pull out his phone while offering you an expensive gift or saying some compliment.
When he is not in front of the cameras... The truth is, his romantic gestures are much simpler but by far the most sincere
Having spent time with Cater has made you see how different he is when no one is looking at him (And if it wasn't for you discovering his superficial facade, he would have continued with that mask)
Cater knows he cannot lie to you and that makes him vulnerable. Even though it's something that bothers him, he actually appreciates it and eases her load. And he wants to thank you in some way!
With that said, the best dates are movie and blanket nights. It never fails
“... I should have recorded this” “Cater...” “Yeah, yeah, sorry”
"Romance? What's that? Can be eaten?"
Actually Floyd doesn't treat you in a special way when he is in a relationship, if there is closeness he calls you by your name instead of ‘shrimpy’ but... that’s all
Honestly romance bores him a lot, he prefers just do anything fun with you.
Jade tries given him some advice to at least try to be romantic (Spoiler: He ignores him completely)
It's not until he sees how much fun it’s watch you blush when he does something “romantic”
And i insist when i say "he tries it"
Flattery? He is too honest or tells you wonders or insults you unintentionally. He gifts you a box of chocolates? You can assure he has eaten half of the box (if not the whole box) Any present that he gave you? They're the weirdest shit you've ever seen because he laught with it when he saw it and wanted to see your reaction
The only thing that has worked out for him has been offering hugs. This man can squeeze to death but he also knows how give a hug (The best ones, honestly)
And of course dates are not boring at all, they are full of games and laughter. Some are a bit risky but you are in good hands
When he doesn't try Floyd can be so much cuter and more romantic because his actions are so much more genuine.
He literally looks like a fairy tale prince. A half-asleep prince, but a literal prince
Lilia has taught him well how to be a gentleman and be romantic.
However, Silver already has a romantic heart and that is seen in how respectful and soft his gestures are.
Oh and the little animals of the forest will also help to create the atmosphere and they will be especially nice with you.
The dates with Silver are very calm, fun and varied, but the important thing about these is that both are together
And because of that you will always find our gentleman holding your hand (And from time to time he might drop a kiss on them while you see a slight blush)
Your safety is also in good hands. Silver is alert and will protect you from any danger, not for nothing he is one of the main guards of Malleus
Anyway, the best moments are when they are alone and both sleep in the silence of nature.
Waking him up with a kiss is a YES YES
Are you sure you haven't accidentally walked into a Disney movie? Because you just lack the musical number
~Mod Azuln’t
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Sunday General and Relationship headcanons
General Headcanons
I like to think that they love musicals ( Minus Hamilton obviously )
They are just a huge huge fan of music and anything that includes it really, especially if its a main part
She actually doesn't like things like energy drinks, she just prefers soda
She is like a cat
Sleepy, hungry all the time, snuggly, and very shy
I like to think they sometimes eat edibles before her shows or just in general. They help her relax ALOT more than she already is and they can help them perform better
That being said, they aren't really addicted. They usually eat them one or twice a month for fun
In the mod universe, I'd like to think they'd get along with Tricky, Cassette girl, Annie and Pico and would make a friend group with them
Just a random hc but I'd think they would wear men's boxers to sleep at night just because its super comfy and makes her feel gender happy
They would definitely own a pet cat that they name Licorice
She loves Licorice with all their heart and would die for her precious kitty
They are still super close to Carol and sometimes misses when they were a thing
Not like they wanna go back to dating Carol because she's happy for Carol and Whitty but she can't help but miss the memories they made together
Would probably make her own clothes
When sleeping, they sometimes put on music either on a speaker or with headphones so they can sleep better
So if you randomly hear Green Day or Metallica, they are either working or sleeping
Relationship headcanons
Sunday is a super laid-back partner
Like they don't really get jealous, don't mind your friends ( as long as they aren't trying to flirt with you or her ), or what you do outside her vision
If anything, they are willing to open the relationship if it means the both of you will be happy
They love to snuggle you
Big spoon Sunday lmao
They love to kiss your neck, especially when big spooning you
You will always get a vip pass for their shows
Late night burger trips ....like all the time
They love it if you constantly look over them and care for them
Like either making her something to eat or reminding her to sleep or shower
She loves being taken care of
Will let you wear their clothes. She finds it cute honestly
Sunday loves to spend the holidays with you
Something about snuggling up with her lover drinking coffee or hot chocolate during those seasons make her feel weak in a good way
They will constantly hand over headphones or lyric sheets so you can look and listen to her music and give her feedback
I just really wanna date Sunday lmao
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💣💤💓☕🧭 ~ from @vthekidfromtheforest mod <3 (also i hope you are having a good day/night )
(omgg hiii v thanks for askingggg *hugs you very tightly* and you toooo)
💣: wellllll jane isn't a destructive person but she may make messes on accident orrr not an accident and her level is 3
💤: well she is a kinda light sleeper but kinda heavy sleeper it depends on her tiredness and also she sometimes doesn't sleep but sometimes do sleep
💓: .... i will answer that later and i will give you her answer
☕: she likes tea or sometimes hot chocolate
🧭: she isn't good at sense direction let me tell you that hun and also she will get lost a lot, she prefers someone lead the way and she will follow them
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chocolatepancakes · 3 years
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It do be like that tho
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Hey again may I request s/o receiving gifts from their partner on white day ?, with the trigger happy havoc boys pls. ( xD I'm sorry I think you'll have to research again xP lol.) - 🐺
Receiving gifts from TTH boys on white day
i am overly pining for that man i sleep on at peets like every day. i'm gonna miss him. it's winter break now so i willnt be seeing him for awhile and i'm like gahh
oh my god what if i got him something for valentines day.. wdjsnmnndhhhhdhhhshh
i wish white day existed in america yatzee
i learned how to do a french inhale as i was writing this also this took me 6 hours yatzee LMFAO I'M STUCK A SLOW WORKER
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
❤ Giving him gifts is easy. Anything from temporary tattoos to a bottle of fizz gets him all lovey-dovey and excited. He will be surprised and thankful for anything you give him.
❤ His gifts are completely stolen, curtsey of the fact that even if he did try to buy something he would most likely be denied service.
❤ He loves wrapping them and putting them in boxes. Special occasions: winter holidays, your birthday, white day, he looks forward to them so he can spoil you with reason.
❤ Even if you gave him one gift, he's giving you many. He'll give you your favorite candy along with pocky (just an excuse to kiss you).
❤ Literally half of your relationship is the art of gift giving. Outside of physical touch, it's probably his to-go love language.
❤ Spends the whole day with you. His friends can wait; you're his first priority always.
Leon Kuwata
❤ You had been so hesitant to even give him a gift - he must receive dozens. You knew all the girls who wish they were in your place try to swoon him by buying him shit. It doesn't matter all that much to you. He is openly annoyed by them, anyway.
❤ You gave him his favorite chocolates (something those girls definitely wouldn't have known about) and a music book: guitar sheet music from his favorite old rock bands. His smile when he received them was all you could have ever asked for. He put his arm around your shoulder and rested his head against yours. It was affection - affection that usually was not as tender.
❤ Trying to be humble, you told him that you didn't mind him not giving anything back for you. You had made jokes about how he should spend all his money giving gifts to the dozens of girls instead - but he'd just wave you off and repeat that they are not as important as you.
"You bring it up too much for it not to be bothering you," he had pointed out, drying his hair with a towel after a shower. The steam had fogged the window and you were fighting the urge to draw shapes into it.
"I just think it's funny."
He gives you a side glance.
❤ He woke you up with a smoothie on that March 14th, pushing the cold glass against your cheek to wake you up. You had glared at him when you finally realized he was bothering you on purpose - but he had said this is the first part of your gift. So you allowed yourself to get up.
❤ The second part of the gift came much later. Throughout the day you were wondering if it would be something shocking, something worth the wait. What could he have possibly done? You wondered if he wrote you a song or bought you tickets to a show. But those things are given; not worth the anticipation.
❤ Finally, he told you to close your eyes and stick out your hand. You face your palm up and once you shut your eyes he flipped your hand over. It makes your lips twitch into a smile. When you feel something slip onto your ring finger you open your eyes immediately.
"This isn't a proposal!" He clarifies instantly. "It's a couple's ring - look, do you like it?"
On his finger, next to the other rings, is a silver band that matches yours.
"The inside has our names in it."
You eye it, smiling and nodding your head. "Thank you so much. I love it." And this is way more... worthy than what you got him.
Byakuya Togami
❤ He could get almost anything in the world. You know this - and it makes gift giving hard. Still, he enjoys whatever you give him, not genuinely but enough to make you feel content with his reaction. He doesn't degrade you for giving him shit and that's all that matters.
❤ You were surprised he even brought up White Day. He asked you if you would prefer he celebrate it, and you said sure. That was your word: sure. He grunted at your informality.
❤ The question for what to get you was as daunting as you wondering what to get him. You also could get anything in the world, though he is hesitant to treat you with such a lavish way of living. He tries to remember what you talk about - fandom wise. Are there rare collectibles?
❤ He spent a lot of effort into researching for this gift. Like ten minutes in he sat back down in his chair and put a hand on his forehead. I'm really in love.
❤ He had one of the servants wrap the gift. He's not that hands-on.
❤ But he made sure to wait until half the day passed before he handed it to you. The box was big, which surprised you, and you tried to hide your smile as you opened it. And you were surprised. So he does listen to you when you talk. The first thing you noticed was the cd, an album that recently came out, with writing on it. He had gotten the artist to sign it for you. And it even had your name. Underneath was a simple stuffed bear holding a heart. Engraved in it were the words be mine.
"I'll be yours."
He rolls his eyes, grabbing the back of your head and kissing your forehead. "I know."
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
❤ When you gave him his gift, his cheeks were burning pink and he was stuttering like crazy. One thing ran through his mind: what am I going to get them in return? It stressed him out beyond belief.
❤ You would often find him in great thought, staring off into the distance, mumbling to himself and squinting. You eventually stopped trying to break him out of it.
❤ A part of you knew this would happen if you got him a gift. No matter how simple it was, he needed to repay you somehow.
"Rise and shine!" He pushed you over in the bed, rolling you over, taking the blanket away from you. You whine his name and rub your eyes. He is already fully dressed; his hair is brushed and his eyes are alive.
"I made us a reservation!"
"For breakfast?"
He nods, leaning over your body, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. "The most important meal of the day."
❤ In the beginning of your relationship, you tried to get closer to him by asking him to tutor you. You always picked this restaurant - sitting across from him in this lighting was a blessing. He is beautiful.
❤ This was your gift - along with a book, one that the two of you can fill out together, a questionare of sorts. And the two of you linger over it like it's a textbook, reminding you of old times, where even back then he was madly in love with you, reciprocated.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
❤ Wait - you're actually giving him something? But the two of you are already together. You still have to get each other stuff?
"You don't have to if you don't want to, love." You had laughed, noticing his stress immediately.
"No - no no." He opened his mouth to say more, but when nothing came, you spoke over him.
"Don't worry about it."
Afterward, he had simply grumbled to himself and scratched his chin.
❤ Whenever he thinks about gifts, he can only think about things that he wants. You - what are your interests? The two of you watch movies together, that's a start, have there been movies you liked more than others?
❤ He found himself fishing through your closet. A shirt, he decided. He'll give you a shirt.
❤ A shirt for that movie you made him watch a couple of times. Every time, you had quoted some of the lines, smiling as you did so.
❤ And when he gives you the shirt - it's in a tiny little bag, one with your name written on it with sharpie. He looks so nervous that you just want to melt into his arms. You make sure to show your appreciation, as you know this has been particularly stressful for him.
Makoto Naegi
❤ He went to ask Kirigiri what to do. You gave him a gift for Valentine's Day and then said he doesn't need to return the favor - is this a trick? She tells him to do it anyway, as she suspects you're just trying to be generous.
❤ Which is correct.
❤ He considers himself someone who's good at giving gifts. He'll try to give someone something that's less obvious - something that they wouldn't know they wanted otherwise.
❤ But with you, it's hard, because he knows everything you like and everything you don't like. How can he surprise you?
❤ But maybe it's not about the surprise - and just that he has gifted you something in general. He thinks about this stuff too much.
❤ So he settles with a shit load of stuff. Like a goodie bag, almost. It has candles, snacks, love letters, stickers and gift cards. He didn't know what specificall you wanted so he just got you a bunch of stuff.
Hifumi Yamada
❤ His gifts do not come in physical form, but rather writing, where he creates a whole novel of you in your favorite fictional world. He knows you so well, and he's amazing are characterization - everything plays out exactly how you imagined in your head.
❤ This is his to-go thing. Outside of that, he will cook a simple meal for the two of you, or the two of you can draw together. He'll take pictures of you trying on his glasses, print them, and tape them inside of one of his writing journals.
"Do you enjoy them that much?" You ask, a bit self conscious, looking at the photos as he takes out the tape.
"Why, of course! You look absolutely ravishing."
The corner of your mouth raises in a shrug, but you just know that he loves you a lot, as if he doesn't show it all the time anyway.
Chihiro Fujisaki
❤ Mostly, every single time he goes outside, you are there with him. So buying you a present was actually rather difficult. He eventually just had to say I'm going to find you a present for white day and took off, alone.
❤ Your Valentines Day gift to him was a fidget toy. You realized that whenever he was away from a computer, he doesn't seem to know what to do with his hands.
❤ He wanted to get you something equally important.
❤ Him and his dad went together on White Day, pondering together. He got you a stuffed rabbit, just for how cute it looked. He also got you flowers, fitting those things (poorly) into a tiny little backpack, one that is your favorite color.
❤ He had you close your eyes when he came home. When he put the bag into your hand, you were surprised at how large the gift was.
"I was... unsure as to whether you would like it or not." He clasps his hands together, rubbing his thumb over the other.
You make a show of kissing the rabbit on the cheek. "It's amazing, I love it."
His worried eyes calm as he smiles.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I love your writing skills! It easy to imagine what's happening in my mind! Do you have any minor headcanons about the differences of the submas brothers? For example one could take long baths, the other likes a quick shower or one sleeps in a pjs set while the sleeps in a t-shirt and boxers. Stuff like that :D
i have tons.... i have created entire lives for these characters,,, i think i'm the one down bad. my poor OCs have been abandoned temporarily. thank you, anon! i try my hardest the scene build before running into too much mushy stuff!
▲Ingo & Emmet Minor Differences HCs▽
● Their bathing style is a great place to start! Ingo loves long, relaxing heated baths, while Emmet takes a sub ten minute cold shower and is content. Ingo sits buried in a world of oils and bubbles, their entangled scents hovering in the air: steam has fogged up the mirror from the heat of the liquid. It is a rare moment of relaxation for the older twin. Emmet goes into the bathroom, turns solely the cold knob, hops in and walks out in nine minutes. Does he actually clean himself? Yes, he's not disgusting, but he doesn't see the point in lingering in the tub. Ingo attempts to convince him of baths, but Emmet thinks they're conceptually gross.
“Brother, you are literally stewing in your own filth,” the younger twin claimed, sticking his tongue out. Ingo shakes his head at the claim and points at him dramatically, “You're 'literally' only under water for seven minutes. Don't talk to me about filth!” Emmet placed a hand over his heart and threw his head back. They go on about this for hours.
○ It's been mentioned somewhere before, but they have different flavours of food they enjoy. Ingo likes bitter tastes with maybe some spice. Think things like kale, ginger, and coffee. He eats those 91% cocoa chocolate bars and does not flinch. Emmet, however, likes sweets and umami flavoured things. Think things like shellfish, tomatoes, and mushrooms for umami. There have been times when all Emmet consumed in a day was sugar because he was too busy to fit in a meal. They always bicker at each other over where to go out for food because their tastes don't really overlap.
● Ingo likes to sleep in proper pyjamas, or at least, strangely, a robe. He thinks it's normal to have clothes you only specifically wear for bed. Emmet counters this in his pair of shorts and baggy graphic t-shirt. Both are things he's worn outside before; both are things that Ingo despises. The older twin often gifts the younger sleeping clothes, but he never wears them. Emmet used to sleep naked until Ingo asked what he would do in case of a fire. (A funny thing they do is steal each other's clothes and usually don't realize it happened for a few days.)
○ They style their hair similar, yet different. It's slicked back under their work caps but parted from left (Emmet) or right (Ingo). When it's au naturale it's noticeable how Ingo's bangs are longer than Emmet's. It likely isn't on purpose, and the older twin just hasn't made it to a stylist recently.
● Back from the pyjama questions: their fashion tastes! They are separate people with different tastes, after all. (They still own quite a few matching outfits. Part of it is nostalgia from their younger years where all of their clothes matched up except in colour.)
◆ Ingo leans more into formal styles of dress, with his more casual looks consisting of sweaters or button-downs with regular-fit trousers. The beatnik style closely aligns with his tastes. He could also dig the dark academia aesthetic. (Ingo also 100% had an emo phase he refuses to discuss.)
◇Emmet, though, loves the soft boy aesthetic. He thinks it fits his personality perfectly and it is comfortable enough to move around in. Baggy, comfortable sweatshirts with or without a collar top and acid washed jeans. He likes to have a bit of peppiness somewhere, yet still look chill and casual. Alternatively, he might also like a bit of vintage mod fashion.
○ Ingo is a night owl who gets is his best work done when the sun finally sets. This is part of the reason he stays so late at the office. Emmet is a morning person who gets out of bed with a smile on his face. It's night and day how they walk into the Gear Station in the mornings; Emmet is basically skipping, while Ingo is trying his hardest to not run into anything.
● Ingo is the type to stress over things and run every possible outcome through his head before moving to do something, while Emmet thinks about whether or not it's safe, then acts. Emmet believes thoroughly in active actions, while Ingo unconsciously leans into passive actions.
○ A cute thing that's different about them is gift giving. Ingo loves receiving sentimental gifts bring given to him but has a hard time accepting them. Emmet loves giving gifts to people. Whenever Emmet gets something for his older brother, Ingo never fails to melodramatically burst into tears. Emmet is enthusiastic that his brother likes his gift and also bursts into tears. Depot agents watch the bizarre scene.
● They have different dominant hands! Ingo is right-handed while Emmet is left-handed. This always surprises people because they’re identical twins; surely their bodies are exactly the same, but nope! Ingo actually cried when he realized Emmet’s dominant hand was different because that clearly meant they weren’t twins anymore. (He was like four when that happened.)
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genshingarbage · 3 years
hoii, is it okay if I request something with Diluc and Kaeya ? like, gn!reader feels very alone and unloved, because they can't make/keep friends and their family doesn't pay much attention to them ?
and if it's not too much, can the men be like big brother or father figures to the reader ?
it's okie if you don't want to write it!
have a good day/night ♡
This is too cute. Bless. Both I and Mod Kaeya worked together on this one, take a guess who wrote for who lmao hope this is okay sweetie! - Mod Diluc
I'll Always Care.
|| One - Shot ||
Kaeya / Diluc
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The sun was beating down like normal, the heat was unbearable and it was making you itch and sweat like nobodies business. You felt stuffy and so uncomfortable, but maybe you could give the sun a break from your insults; because deep down it wasn't the sun making you feel like utter nothingness right now. It was the fact you yet again were reminded of the harsh fact that no one cares for you, not even your own mother can pretend to wear a smile around you.
First your mother sighed and brushed you off this morning like a pestering bug, and to rub insult to injury your small group of friends (if you could even call them that.) Had conveniently forgotten to secure a place for you to go with them all on their expedition today. So here you were alone, curled up with your knees pressed against your chest and your eyes closed as to try prevent the threat of tears: despite you trying to convince yourself it's just to block the sunlight, even though you're under a tree that's already blocking the sun indefinitely.
You felt the pain sinking further inside you now and it just stung worse and worse. Why? Why do you always get forgotten about... why do they never care how you're feeling? No one seems to understand you ever. Was this world even meant for someone like you? You debated it sometimes, but all it ever did was work you up more into a crying mess because even if you'd conclude you're better off dead- you'd never have the guts to kill yourself; and you'd be way too terrified to let someone or something else do it for you.
Your head sunk further into your arms that coiled round your frail frame as you began to sniffle and sob softly. Your ears were ringing and your head was hurting so much from how much you'd been on and off crying the past two hours by yourself, nothing but the breeze and butterflies to keep you company in your own misery. Life was cruel, and you were starting to resent it in a whole. But all you could so was curl up and cry like you always do, why can you never fix yourself? Stupid.
You practically leaped out your skin however, shooting your head up fast, almost giving yourself whiplash from the force you done it at. The squeeze on your shoulder was most unexpected and most definitely an understatement to how shaken up you were. You felt the scream aching in your throat about to fly out your lips when you saw who it was, Diluc. His crimson eyes staring down at you, the matching hair tied neatly into a ponytail behind him. His claymore resting on his shoulder effortlessly.
"Why are you crying Y/N?" He spoke sternly, but under that tone you could hear the concern in his voice; as poorly as he was at showing his emotions on a day to day basis. You sniffed hard, an involuntarily rub of your eyes and nose following behind as you blinked away the tears quickly. "I- I'm not. Just resting is all." You wanted to cringe at your poor excuse there yourself, your voice was wavering in tone and cracking so badly, why did you even bother to lie?
He let out a deep sigh before slipping his claymore off his shoulder and swinging it in a circle before letting it peirce into the dirt, securing its position he let it go and stepped next to you, bending down and taking a seat beside you now. Inviting himself into your private affairs had become common ground for you now, then it hit you. He is always around when you feel at your lowest. You looked at him with a bewildered expression, eyebrow raised. The look of utter confusion evident on your face.
Finally he turned his head to you and then looked forward again, one of his knees lifting up for him to rest his arm on, the other sliding round the back of your neck and gently pulling you into his chest. You were confused at first, but then it hit you, he was hugging you and comforting you, in his best efforts at least. You laid there against him, cuddled up to him, your head pounding, your throat sore from crying, your eyes stinging. Face flushed red from your inner rage. You really looked like a mess right now.
"Rest. You need it. When someone's cried at lot it helps to get rest after." He spoke matter of fact like to you. You lifted your head ever so slightly about to attempt another pitiful protest, but his hand came up to your head and softly stroked through your hair. "Rest." He added. That silenced you and simply closed your eyes, feeling not so alone anymore and at actually at ease. He always helps you feel better, no matter how small of an action it was.
He always makes you feel loved and cared for, if you could describe Diluc in one word, it would be big brother. He really was like a big brother to you, always there to cheer you up and make you feel better, always there to remind you that you're not as alone as you always think you are. He's always kept you safe and always put you first before himself even sometimes. A smile crept onto your face ever so slightly when all of this was resurfaced in your mind.
You truly were grateful to have a friend like Diluc, even if you have no one else that's by your side, he is, and he always will be. "Thank you." You muttered the words ever so softly and breath like, as you'd mutter them out in your sleep, while your head rested against his chest. His eyes slowly trailed to the side, looking down at your peaceful sleeping state. His hand still stroking through your hair as it kept you huddled up to him. Not that you'd ever see it or know of it, a small smile made its way onto his lips too.
"Sweet dreams, Y/N".
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The lanky man found you in his guest bedroom, knees tucked under you chin with a cloak of thick duvets framing your clearly exhausted face. He sighed softly before beginning to  pat over to you, chocolate milk in hand and heart on his sleeve.
Once you’d noticed him making his way over you shifted under the blankets to let him crawl into the little cave you’d constructed yourself. He placed the glass onto the night stand, interrupting the somber silence of the room with a gentle clink of glass against hardwood, then turned to you in order to pull you into his broad chest. He gently rubbed your back as his icy eyes observed the room with it’s askew drawers and new adornments of thrown pillows and tossed weapons or tools. The gentle moonlight pouring in from the still open curtain, tarnishing the peachy walls a soft periwinkle blue only telling him of the sadness you were feeling.
“You can stay here as long as you need.”
“I know Sir Kaeya.”
Your sniffles broke his heart a little, the way you buried your head into his nightshirt even more so. You were some sort of enigma to him. Like a puzzle he couldn’t solve yet was made of pieces of a mirror he had shattered.
You reminded him so much of how he was after Diluc had…well…
The blue haired man pulled you closer to him to bury his nose in your hair, beginning to frown, “Will you tell me what happened?”
“It is not really what has happened and more what keeps happening honestly.” Your voice was muffled slightly but he could still hear it clearly through your tight words forcing their way out of your throat. You didn’t really have the heart to tell him that since you became an adventurer your parents had all but kicked you out because they didn’t want to deal with the likely chance you wouldn’t be making any sort of money with your dream job. Your friends had began to leave one by one with teasing remarks about joining your adventure team or horrific monsters, leaving to study in far off corners of the world.
You were completely and utterly alone, with only Kaeya at your side. It didn’t take the feeling of his arms tightening around you to tell you he could already sense what you were thinking about.
“They weren’t your family or friends if they simply tossed you aside y’know? You should not spare them another thought.” He muttered this softly into your hair, hoping you could somehow find comfort in his backwards way of thinking. As much as he wanted to toughen you up…he didn’t want you to become him.
He’s well aware of your plights, has been since you were a kid and he was a fresh young face in the knights even if he doesn’t necessarily know what happened today to cause you to spiral into such a state. Maybe that’s why he took you in. He’d ponder over it as he tucked you in, brushing your hair out of your face afore lightly stepping out of the room to leave you to sleep finally.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
hi, if it’s okay could I have byakuya, Hajime, shuichi, and kiibo with a ftm reader who menstruated on the sheets while they stayed the night? Maybe some comfort and validation sprinkled in, it happened to me irl with my past partner and was really embarrassing,,
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ON YOUR PERIOD • byakuya, hajime, shuichi, k1bo x trans ftm reader
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of course! that does sound quite embarrassing, im currently on my cycle, which really isn't all that great since it does give me a bit of dysphoria. anywho, i hope these headcanons are good, enjoy!
tws/cws: mentions of blood, bottom dysphoria & bruises.
|| -> mod taka <3
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i've adressed before that i think byakuya is an extremely light sleeper, so the moment he feels a liquid seep slightly on his side, he's wide awake, shaking you up to see what was dripping on the sheets.
when he turns on the lights and sees that its blood, he's immediately checking your body to see if you were injured by something. when you say that you weren't injured, he asked why theres blood on the bed. and then, it clicks.
he's silent for a moment, before apologizing for his cluelessness. there are times where he forgets that your anatomy is originally female.
he'll go ask for his servants to clean the sheets, making sure to only ask the women in the staff to do the task, not wanting to embarrass you too much.
also asks the other ladies in the crew to buy tampons/pads/menstrual cup/pantyliner, he'll buy whatever you need, including food if you're the type to have cravings during this period.
he definitely knows alot about menstrual cycles because of his science classes, so no need go get humilitated in front of him.
buys you a heat pad if your cramps ever get really bad, so you can go back to sleeping comfortably after the whole situation happened.
it really doesn't matter to him, you're still a man in his eyes. this day will probably fade into the back of his mind, only remembering when you mention it. it really is irrelevant to him, he loves you no matter what.
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probably the deepest sleeper out of everyone, so he only notices when he's waking up and looks over to your side of the bed, getting overwhelmingly worried when he sees a red liquid under you.
after a small while of trying to figure out why you were bleeding, it hits him. unlike byakuya, he does know that you're afab, because he needs to keep track of your binder time.
still, it does surprise him, either way. he probably knows the least out of this group when it comes to periods, but he isn't dumb, he knows the basics at least.
wakes you up so he can clean the bedsheets. when you express that you're embarrassed, he tells you not to worry about it, its a normal thing and he really doesn't get why other guys are digusted by it.
will go out at like, 6am to the nearest grocery store if you need more pads and things of that nature. he'll buy you some chocolate as well, he's heard from his female classmates that they crave sweets during that week.
gives you massages if you're ever sore anywhere. he just looks like the type that knows how to give a good massage whenever you need one.
if you're having any bottom dysphoria because of the fact that you still get your period, he's quick to say that body doesn't matter, and whatever you are is right no matter what.
that day becomes one where you two can joke around about it. its sort of like an inside joke, he doesn't take it in a negative way.
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when he wakes up and sees the red liquid around the bottom part of your body, he immediately realizes why its there. knows quite a bit about periods, he's not that knowledgable on it compared to actual women, but he knows more than the basics.
has a stash of menstrual items in his bathroom. he has alot of his afab friends come over, and he wants them to be comfortable talking to him about such topics and prepared, just in case.
he asks what you use and will go get it from his bathroom, and makes you breakfast so you can eat in bed. he's heard how painful cramps can be during these times, so he'll offer to put his warm hands on any part thats cramping, since he doesn't have a heating pad.
writes a note to buy a heating pad for his stash though. will also stock up on candies and junk food for any craving you or his friends have.
will make sure that you're extra careful when walking around. he's heard that people tend to bruise more often when they're on their period, and he doesn't want you to get injured.
will attend to your every need. if you're like me and have a part of their body that hurts every time you have your menstruation, then he'll make sure that you take it easy so you're not feeling so much pain.
won't judge you if you're ever over emotional over something that he thinks isn't that big of a deal. he knows its just a temporary thing, and therefore he can just wait until you're finished with the week.
doesn't see you as any less of a boy when this happens. sure, you were born with a female body, so what? you're a boy at heart and thats all thats valid to him.
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do you know those apps that keep track of your periods and tries its best ot predict whenever your next cycle will start? k1bo is the walking, living version of that app for any afab person.
most of your other classmates use him as a calendar for their menstruation, and he's almost always right. so, when you unexpectadly bleed all over his dorm bed sheets, he's more worried than disgusted.
puts a mental reminder in his head to readjust somethings with the calendar function, all while he goes to clean the bed and your clothes, also going to get you some new boxers and clothes.
since he's a robot, his whole body has a self heating feature, so theres no need for any heating pads, his hands can do a much better job at providing heat.
does a quick scan of your body to see which material would work better for soaking up the blood. if you're too embarrassed to do that, then he'll just buy one pack of each.
he's your go-to buddy if you ever want more information about your body during shark week, he's researched alot about this topic, so he doesn't mind telling you some things about it.
he's probably had some of his code changed and modified by miu to be open minded and sensitive when it comes to certain topics, and this is definitely one of them. he's very open to others talking about their cycles, he doesn't understand why its taboo in other areas to do so.
doesn't really pay mind to the fact that you're a trans man that still gets his period, it's a big disconnect in his brain as to why it would prove your identity wrong. he'll be by your side no matter what, so you can always count on him to validate you.
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Fluff Alphabet with Chihiro and Chiaki
Since today is Chihiro and Chiaki's birthday, I wanted to do some fluff alphabet letters for them!
I get compared to Chihiro a lot so he's one of my favories in THH (I use he/him pronouns for chihiro)
Chihiro - Letters E,K,L,R,W
Chiaki - Letters D,I,J,P,X
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【Chihiro Fujisaki】
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
• I think Chihiro would be the passive one but would try to take the dominate role in the relationship. He would just want to be more masculine and try to take charge but he isn't really good at it. He tries though!
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
• It would be a more awkward and shy kiss if I'm being honest. He doesn't really know how to kiss really. It probably won't even be a kiss on the lips, it'll probably just be on the cheek and then he'll freak out if he did okay or if he overstepped some kind of boundary
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
• You would be the one to confess. Chihiro is too shy to really say anything (it might be a but obvious though). But if anything Alter Ego would end up saying something about Chihiro's love for you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
• He would really do anything to make you happy! Okay he may do the little cliché things like giving you a small box of chocolates and some flowers but he tries to be creative! Though when it comes to anything romantic you would usually have to take initative.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
• Chihiro, being the Ultimate Programmer, would give you some programming lessons in your spare time if you would like! Also he's a big person for cuddles but he's shy to ask for them.
【Chiaki Nanami】
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
• Chiaki isn't one to exactly thing of the future. But whenever she does picture the future, she sees you two playing games together, maybe a child and some pet bunnies
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
• You help her with self care! And have better sleeping habits ^^
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
• I don't really see Chiaki being one to get jealous a lot. And whenever she does you probably won't really notice. The most she'll do when she's jealous is kinda cling to you and ask to play video games together
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
• Not exactly upfront at all. She doesn't mind PDA or anything but she isn't one to brag about her relationship. If anything she prefers to be more affectionate in private but is okay with PDA if you are into it
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
• Chiaki actually love kisses and cuddles but more so in private. She likes it when it's just you two as it feels more special to her in a way. Plus whenever y'all are cuddling she'll most likely be playing a game and letting you watch
Again just wanted to say Happy birthday to these cute danganronpa characters. Really wish they didn't die tho smh-
Also they would have the cutest father daughter relationship
~ Mod Toko 💜
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muggle-writes · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
tagged by @elizabethsyson
Nickname: Muggle is my nickname, but when I went by Muggle in person for more than a month at a time, it naturally got abbreviated, usually to Mugz
Zodiac: Aquarius
Last movie I saw: into the spiderverse (same answer as last time. I don't watch that many movies tbh except around Christmas. unless YouTube counts in which case... music of some sort? idk links for the next answer)
Favorite musician: changes by the day. I've kinda been in an acapella and/or folk music mood recently so the Maccabeats and Peter Hollens are in my YouTube and Spotify history a lot recently. also I'm eternally in awe of Forte Handbell Quartet (eta a longer video; i recommend skipping to the techno piece or the Jurassic Park theme)
Last thing I googled: "vine why are you buying clothes at the soup store" (my wife hasn't seen it; also i can't find the vine because apparently it's a much bigger meme than I realized). before that it was "chgrp not root" because work and group permissions are useful when they work
Song stuck in my head: well for most of the day when I haven't been actively listening to something, it's been the Pokemon RSE route-walking music. (but that somehow happens frequently when I'm in the no-music-no-internet room at work, as I was for most of the day, and I don't know how I accidentally trained my brain to make that connection). right now, surprisingly, I don't have any background music playing in my head. I think it's because the humidifier provides just enough white noise that my brain doesn't feel the need to provide its own
Other blogs: my main is @muggle-the-hat and I'm a mod on @why-do-neurotypicals but we've gotten one ask ever so that blog has been dormant for a while. I have a bunch of other sideblogs, but they're all small and I use different screen names on each of them (enby life: no idea which name suits me best so I may as well try them out) so i feel like it would just confuse things to link them.
Following: blogs matching all the themes of my sideblogs, (including this one, which is writeblr), korean langblr, jumblr, assorted fandom blogs, authors of my more favorite fanfictions (some overlap with other categories), and irl friends and acquaintances (including one fandom blog turned irl friend)
Do I get asks: on my main if at all, which isn't really surprising because i have hundreds of followers there and maybe 60 followers combined among the rest. but I get asks far less often than I reblog ask memes so... I'm always happy to get more. I do get tagged in ask games more on this one, but writeblr is actually vaguely organized about tag lists so that makes sense. also I used to get tagged a bunch on my main and I rarely could find the posts again to follow up when I had time to answer.
What I’m Wearing: pajamas. staying warm and cozy
Lucky number: I don't remember what I said last time, but I like a lot of numbers. 64 is a good number. recently I've been debugging software in which 0x3E is my lucky status number and 0x0E taunts me. (um, decimal 62 and 14). Also my other favorite number i can't share until it's no longer the combination to the lock to the Secret Room. (or realistically never because opsec and i shouldn't make public the types of parents we use for that combination lock), honestly I aim to be like.... ah, I'm sure the anecdote involves G.H. Hardy but i don't remember on which side. anyway one mathematician remarked to another about how the id number of the taxi he rode in was sadly uninteresting, and the one I aspire to be like, argued "what are you talking about, this number is interesting because ______" and I'd like to be able to do that for any arbitrary number thrown at me. (hi yes math is good, history is hard, math history is interesting yet i still forget the people even if i remember the math. except when things are named after people, but that tends to be, like, Euler and LaGrange and other people who did lots of cool science things so i remember the methods and the names of the methods separately which never helps)
Amount of sleep: ....depression both screws with my sleep schedule and means I always feel like I need more sleep except when I wake up at 5pm and feel like I've wasted the day. so yeah. I can never get enough sleep
Favorite food: yes (why do I have to pick a favorite?) uh, chocolate in most forms, many other sweet things, red meats (especially if served with potatoes), curry (especially if it has "too much" ginger), fresh-baked bread, chai the way my favorite local Indian restaurant makes it (spicier with just a little bit of sweet, which is the opposite of what i can get from the mocha machine at work which is wayyy sweet with a hint of spice but that inferior chai is still superior to coffee so i drink too much of it). also vegetables which I really don't eat enough of: sauteed zucchini and onions, roasted broccoli
Dream trip: dreaming requires creativity and tbh I funnel that mostly into my writing instead. I wouldn't mind going back to Korea for another visit though
Dream job: my current job is pretty good when I feel productive and when my debugging tools actually produce data maybe??? (they were not being helpful today. but i still mostly like my job.) dream job is probably this but with seniority and confidence and double the salary (while living in a similar area of the country; I wouldn't want to double my salary by moving to work for Google in California and having less available after rent than I do now)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
the smell of old books
the first glow of sunrise (the sunrise painting the mountains pink and gold)
a rainbow in the spray from a waterfall
the flicker of distant lightning (watching a thunderstorm fade into the distance)
this picture
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Random fact: about me or about the world?
how about a combination answer: when we got our new handbell music this season, we only looked at half the pieces our first rehearsal and afterwards I tried to look up one of the pieces we hadn't gotten to on YouTube because it's got a weird time signature and I wanted to get a feel for how fast it would go and how strict the counting is...... except it turns out we're the first group to ever play the piece. it was commissioned recently but seeing my conductor's name on the page didn't tell me how new it was because he's super prolific. (the fact that it was on printer paper without the publisher's graphics should have been a giveaway but it's only the second time I've been among the first to play one of his pieces so I think I can be excused for not realizing)
Languages: mostly just English, but I took Spanish for years, so I can hold simple conversations in it. I can almost read sound out Hebrew fast enough to keep up in services, and I know some random Hebrew vocab but comparatively no grammar. and I took Korean in college, enough that I can recognize sentence structure but I can really only speak tourist-Korean, though I can sound anything out (if it's typed. handwriting is hit or miss.) in both Hebrew and Korean (and Spanish tbh but i don't often listen to Spanish music) I'm very proud when I can separate the words enough, listening to a song, to translate them without looking up the lyrics. also I tried to learn Japanese from Duolingo when it was new, but I still hadn't gotten the kana straight when it started progressing to kanji so that was a rough time and I went back to Hebrew.
tbh I "dabble" in "language learning" which really means I start a million courses on Duo and stick with none of them. with the notable exception of French, which I acknowledge is super common and probably a good idea to learn but the spelling and pronunciation seem so arbitrary I'm scared to look close enough to learn it properly, and I've never particularly considered starting the Duolingo course for French
I think I lost a few questions, because that's only 18 answers. whoops.
um... who to tag
@abluescarfonwaston if school hasn't drowned you in work yet and @copperscales I'm interested in both of your choices for lucky numbers especially.
... wow I'm blanking on other mutuals I haven't tagged recently. as usual lmk if you'd like to be edited in, or just answer the questions and tag me back, that's great too.
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kaweeella · 2 years
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I posted 1,710 times in 2021
890 posts created (52%)
820 posts reblogged (48%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.9 posts.
I added 664 tags in 2021
#a3! - 123 posts
#mha - 86 posts
#bnha - 86 posts
#classpect - 72 posts
#a3! act! addict! actors! - 57 posts
#persona 5 strikers - 55 posts
#persona 5 strikers spoilers - 53 posts
#obey me - 48 posts
#danganronpa - 42 posts
#art - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#because if you’re talking about a character you don’t like for whatever reason you wouldn’t want the post in the tag for primarily people
My Top Posts in 2021
A3! Performance of Willy wonka and the chocolate factory
Muku is Charlie
Yuki is veruka, taichi is violet, and others to be thought of later
80 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 19:07:35 GMT
minecraft mod where endermen can pick you up
86 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 01:20:29 GMT
Gimme lazy morning cuddles with OM! Boys 🥺 please...
Of course!
He rarely has any time off.
Even when he does, he has his brothers to worry about.
So one morning he starts to get up but you drag him back down.
Or at least try to.
"I've got to get up, dear."
"No." You then cling onto him.
He lets out a sigh. "Alright."
He could easily get you off.
You both know that.
But he doesn't because he really does want to stay in bed with you for a little longer.
He is always willing to cuddle.
So when you softly mumble "cuddles" While making grabby hands at him, how could he say no?
"Alright, y-you better be grateful, human."
Mammon.exe has stopped working.
Whatever plans he had for the day are now thoroughly out the window.
Today he's spending time with his human.
He rarely goes to bed.
You knock on the door and give him the password.
Then go immediately to his bed-tub.
"What are you-"
"Nap time."
You grab him and pull him close.
He is very warm, which is a nice contrast to the cool tub.
"It's nap time."
The fish tank makes the perfect background noise.
"I-I guess I'll sleep a little bit..."
When he starts to get up, you tug on his sweater.
"Come on, just a little longer? Pleeeeaase~?"
He laughs and lays back down.
And then one of the cats come and lay on both of you.
"I hope you're happy now, we're trapped."
"I am! >:3c"
Cuddles with Satan would never be complete without at least one cat.
Later Lucifer comes to scold you two for staying in so late.
"Get up."
"Sorry, we can't."
"Just move the cat."
*dramatic gasp*
"How dare you ever suggest such a thing!"
He loves you.
But he has a routine to follow.
"We can cuddle in a moment, love~"
"But I wanna cuddle now!!!!"
"Me too, but if I don't do this I can't be my normal beautiful self."
"Bull you're always beautiful."
Will make up for the delay with lots of kisses!
Morning cuddles?
Sure, but you both have to be up for breakfast.
It's the most important meal of the day!
Big teddy bear man holds you delicately.
Will carry you into the dining room if you want him to.
After lay on his back while he does push-ups.
He makes sure not to jostle you too much.
Every morning is a lazy morning so long as he can help it.
And cuddles are always a must.
So if this is your ideal, Belphie will provide.
His bed is so soft and comfortable.
The rest of the brothers are gonna have to PRY you two out of bed.
98 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 01:47:18 GMT
Hey, here’s some writing advise:
Once you’re done, go back and read it again. If you aren’t enjoying it, change it.
I mean this. Write what makes you happy. If you feel like it’s a pain to go through and read your own work then adjust it to where you do enjoy reading it.
And this doesn’t mean to ignore any flaws, but it’s kind of a policy for me to not post something I write until I personally enjoy it.
And before anyone says it: I know that it can be hard to enjoy your own work. No matter what you’ll find a problem with it and you know what? That’s fine. Seeing your flaws means you’re improving.
I wish everyone a good day/night.
111 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 04:01:28 GMT
Toga, fighting Dark Shadow: Hey, what are your pronouns?
Dark Shadow: What’s a pronoun?
Toga: Indicative but not exclusive to your gender identity.
Dark Shadow: Stop swearing at me.
Toga: Can I refer to you as they/them?
Dark Shadow: But my name is Dark Shadow.
Toga: Hey, what are the shadow’s pronouns?
Tokoyami, fighting Spinner a few feet away: I use he/him for him, but he doesn’t really care.
Toga: Ah! Thank you!
117 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 03:39:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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