#mod bert
cripplecharacters · 15 days
A Quick Guide to Writing Dialogue for a Character with a Speech Disorder: Articulation
[large text: A Quick Guide to Writing Dialogue for a Character with a Speech Disorder: Articulation]
As both a speech-language pathology student and someone with what's known as a lateral lisp (more on that in a minute), I rarely see characters like me and my students portrayed, or portrayed well, so here's a quick look at writing a character with an articulation disorder. A warning that this is going to be a long post.
[large text: Learning]
The next section is a large look at the information and background of what this disorder/disability is and explains it.
What is an Articulation Disorder?
[large text: What is an Articulation Disorder?]
An articulation disorder is a disorder where a sound or sounds are affected and changed in some way (distorted, deleted, substituted, etc).
This is not to be confused with a related disorder known as a Phonological disorder. Phonological disorders are when sound related rules are affected.
A sound, in articulation disorders, can be substituted, deleted, inserted, or distorted. Substituted means instead of sound "a" they say sound "b" (wose instead of rose). Deleted means they get rid of sound "a" and skip to the next part of the word (ose instead of rose). Inserted means a sound is added (ruh-ose instead of rose), and distorted means the sound is off but not completely one of the other categories.
Specifics of Articulation Disorders
[Large text: Specifics of Articulation Disorders]
There are two common sounds related to simple articulation disorders - "r" and the lisps. A thing to understand about "r" is that there are two types of "r" that can have errors - "r" with a vowel and without a vowel. Another important thing to understand is that each sound comes at a certain age and "r" is the last sound to come for most children, meaning that a 4-year-old who can't say "r" is not disordered and has a possibility of learning to say it later without intervention (although intervention and assessment are always preferred sooner rather than later). Again, though, articulation disorders can be any sound or group of sounds.
What are the lisps?
[large text: What are the lisps?]
There are 4 kinds of lisps - we'll start with interdental (the stereotypical "th" for s and z - "have you theen my thlipperth?" usually assigned to a nerd or intellectual character) and the lateral lisp (air leaks out the sides and "s" can become "sh" - "can you pash me the notesh for clash?") There are two other types as well but we can come back to them later.
I'm largely skipping through phonological disorders, as they can be more difficult and there are too many of them to discuss in a short post without that being the entire post!
Personal Experience
[Large text: Personal Experience]
This next section is more fun - looking at my own experiences and opinions as someone with an articulation disorder.
What to add
[Large text: What to add]
There are aspects to a speech sound disorder/articulation disorder that I think is very important to keep in mind that seldom are. The biggest one is that a person with an articulation disorder that impacts them enough is going to have ways to get around their disorder outside of receiving speech therapy. This can include avoiding words that prove difficult and words with certain sounds (I know that "ss" in the middle and end of words is a problem so I may avoid it around people that I think would tease me for it). They may be silent during conversations or class for fear of embarrassment. They may use their body more, like pointing or gesturing to things.
Another important thing I would love to see is reactions to articulation disorders that are positive or even neutral - letting people repeat words until they get the sound right if they're able to or just letting it pass otherwise.
[Large text: Stereotypes]
There are only 2 types of articulation disorders:
Many people when they think of articulation disorders think of either an "r" substitution (rhotacism) or an interdental lisp. There are so many types of articulation errors a character can have, and for several reasons, from comorbid and related illnesses (such as neurological disorders and dysarthria) to no known reason (known as idiopathic) to structural reasons (my hypermobility makes my tongue too long, which causes air to come out the sides of my mouth).
Articulation disorders make a character less serious:
Often characters who are given an articulation disorder are the comic relief (Tiny Nose in the Owl House is an example of exaggerated rhotacism) and aren't allowed to be serious or leads because our voices and way of speaking are too "ridiculous". This leads me to my next point...
Articulation disorders make a character "stupid":
There's a myth that speech and intelligence are related, which harms not only people with speech disorders but mainly people with intellectual disability. There is no relation between speech sound disorders and low intelligence, but there is nothing wrong with low intelligence and there are absolutely people with speech sound disorders with low IQs* (which do not label all intelligence and have its faults) as well as people with high and average IQs.
Should you "write out" a speech sound disorder?
[Large text: should you "write out" a speech sound disorder?]
This is a complicated question with no specific answer. Many people would agree that it is jarring and unadvised to write out an accent or dialect, but a speech sound disorder is not a dialect. It may also be difficult for the reader to visualize and keep in mind the differences if it is not put down. However, very unintelligible dialogue will need to be adapted for or translated in some way in most scenarios and some readers may be annoyed by the stylization of writing out the errors. I would overall lean towards including it, for reasons mentioned and so the disability isn't one that's discussed but never shown or adapted for.
Why not call my character's speech sound disorder "severe" or "mild"?
[Large text: Why not call my character's disability "severe" or "mild"?]
This is a personal take from my time at a clinic but one that I personally think is really impactful. Especially for younger people reading or younger characters, hearing that their disorder is "severe" may be both alienating and insulting. It also often implies there's no getting better or growth, which is not true. There are better ways it can be phrased - the disorder is significantly impacting them, or their intelligibility is significantly impacted, for example. As for "minor" or "mild" I try to avoid it because any disability can still impact the person - my lisp is relatively "mild" now after a while of using compensatory strategies and learning how to navigate but it still is impactful to me.
When writing characters who are less severely impacted by their disorders it may be more internal than anything else - others may not notice how much the character is compensating. This is going to impact their internal view and narration, however.
And that's another thing I want to stress - these disorders can run all kinds of ranges, from very impactful to barely noticeable. There is no one way to have a speech sound disorder - or a speech disability.
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Hehe I like the nicknames selfshippers give their crushes! "Blorbo", "Plinko", and "Skrunkly" they're so cute! ( ´ ▽ ` )b
Hmm, I don't know... they're kinda weird to me. I've never heard anyone use those words before...
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autisticheadcanons · 8 months
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Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street are both autistic!
-takes things literally
-doesn't understand jokes
-follows a specific routine
-only likes a few specific foods
-sensory avoidant
-uses humor to socialize
-doesn't understand social cues
-sensory seeking
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u/Loss_Education on Reddit found a video of not only the original Bertha, but also her baby! - Mod Coyote
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mariska · 2 years
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Jean Shrimpton photographed by Bert Stern for Vogue magazine; 1963
(via instagram user 60swonderland)
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: I don’t know its name. I’m sorry.
Debut: Q*bert (2019)
This is not the first time I have not known the name of a creature I am posting about. However! This time, it is important, because this creature DOES have a name! I know that much! I reached out to the artists who worked on the game, and they very graciously answered my question of whether this orb has a name. The answer is, it does!... But they don’t remember it.
That’s okay, really. Again, I’ve talked about nameless entities a bunch already! But I would like to Give it a name, even if it won’t be the official one. It deserves it!
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This game (which has an excellent art style, by the way) brings back the whole original cast, as well as Frogg from Q*bert 3, and features the new propellered orb as its only new standard enemy! And I love this thing so much. It is so cute!
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It exists basically as a counterpart of the classic enemy, Bad Ball. Bad Ball is a ball that is bad news. It probably isn’t even alive! Let’s consult the Q*bert Lore Bible on this matter.
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In the timeless classic tale, as Q*bert ascends the Magic Mountain of Qube alongside Sam and Slick, he encounters all the classic enemies except for Bad Ball... unless, and I am inclined to believe this is the case, those are represented by the boulders falling down the mountain! For the purpose of the game they have been simplified to balls, because some aspects are bound to be lost in translation when adapting an epic.
SO! Bad Balls just bounce downward. But there were no enemies that just bounce upward! How about something similar to Bad Ball, but with a propeller? And how about, it’s also a little guy!
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Yahoo! It really did not need to be a little guy at all, but it is, and hooray for it being one. Even just it having eyes would be a delight, but it even has little hands, so you could give it a high-five or a handshake, or it could even hold a lollipop!
So now, we come back to the matter of its name. I have been tentatively thinking of it as Orbcopter, but that isn’t quite Fun enough, I think. A name for something that goes up, while spinning...
I decided on Upsy-Dizzy! It’s silly, it’s relevant, and I like it! I did think maybe it didn’t fit in with the Q*bert naming conventions... but then I remembered that there is a character named Ugg, a character named Wrong-Way, and the main character has an asterisk in his name. There are no naming conventions.
I hope you like the name as much as I do! But do you have any other ideas? I would love to hear them! Let’s give this humble creature more names than it knows what to do with!
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Bert and Ernie killed for that queen sized bed
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Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street killed the Queen!
Did your fave play a part in Queen Elizabeth the Second’s death? Submit them here! 
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keekity · 2 years
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Obviously I had to put the girls in the beautiful new Mimosa Collection by @serenity-cc and @greenllamas!
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gayfraggle · 11 months
I tried to draw Bert and Ernie for the first time
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tumblrisweird · 1 year
Been messing around with the COMP/CON app for Lancer and made a really scary/funny LL6 Deaths Head mech.
Turn 1: identify sniper position. Move there, using jump jet/high stress mag clamps if necessary (can be on walls or ceiling). If I have an extra quick action or under fire, deploy Aegis shield generator.
Turn 2: do any additional movement needed, deploy siege stabilizers, spin up gun.
Turn 3+: activate Core Siphon protocol, fire Leviathan Heavy Assault Cannon (range 13). +3 accuracy from Core Siphon, Perfected Targeting, and Auto-Stabilizing Hardpoint. Additional +1 accuracy if higher than target. Can reroll attack roll. Deal 5 damage on miss, 4d6+4 damage on hit, 28 damage on crit.
For evasive targets, use Tracking Bug, Light Nexus, or Vulture DMR(w/rank 3 Crack Shot). For tough targets, use Marked for Death full action, giving a total of 46 damage on crit.
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cripplecharacters · 25 days
hi! long ask up next.
I'm not sure if this is the right blog for this question, i'm really sorry if it's not. I'm part of a theatre class/group that is putting on Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. The teacher has a very specific vision in mind that i generally vibe with. However, she's asking me to play a character in a way that might be offensive. I play two characters, one of them is Snug. There's a play within the play that an incompetent artisan theatre troupe is putting on, which snug is a part of. In our version, snug is meant to have a speech impediment (the teacher hasnt given me more specific directions on how to talk). I did a bit of research and decided that my version of snug has dysarthria (no dysphasia or aphasia) from a degenerative disease that he inherited from his dad. Im trying to play him as having distorsion and omission type articulation errors, in the initial and medial positions respectively, but it's been very hard for me to consistently play him like that becuase i dont have his disability. The only correction the teacher has given me so far is to speak slower so my dialogue is more comprehensible.
Now, i shouldn't have, but i did watch some scenes on youtube with snug in them. And none of the versions i saw give him a speech sound disorder, from what i could tell. What most versions do have in common though, is that the artisans who are putting on the play are, for lack of a better term, meant to be "dumb". Snug specifically has a line which i didn't realize was supposed to be a dig at his own intelligence until i saw a clip. The line is:
Have you the lion's part written? pray you, if it be, give it me, for I am slow of study.
In the video i saw, the actor paused briefly after saying "slow", for emphasis:
for I am slow... of study.
I'm autistic and i know what it's like for people to assume i'm "slow" because of how i talk, and i don't want to promote those stereotypical views.
What makes this whole conundrum more complicated for me is that our version is going to be (sort of?) a musical. And my teacher is adamant on me rapping an eminem song. I thought this would be fun but thinking about it more carefully i worry that the joke might be that snug is faking his disability for some reason, and that he can actually speak "normally".
sorry if some of this isnt clear, english is not my first language.
Anon S
Hello! I wanted to address this ask as a former actor and current student studying speech language pathology as well as someone with an articulation disorder.
You can give a backstory in your head as detailed as you want - and as an actor this is a good thing, and something you should do with every role no matter how complicated or simple - but the unfortunate truth is most audience members are not going to interpret it exactly the same way without the same context. You may be thinking of portraying a mixed dysarthria (and there are many types of dysarthria, from spastic to flaccid to ataxic, to mixed that will all have difference in sound quality, articulation, and rate) but unless it's written somewhere the audience, who is just noticing a slow rate and articulation errors, and who may not even be aware of what dysarthria is, may think your character has some dialect or strange difference they don't recognize.
From my knowledge of the play, the Rude Mechanicals are meant to be laughed at and this falls into the idea that people with certain speech patterns or disorders are funny or silly or even, yes, stupider than others. However, there's not much you can do about this if your director is insistent other than refuse to treat your character as a joke. I would feel better about a character with consistent errors and whose disability was thought through than one who wasn't, even with a character like a Rude Mechanical.
As for a disability disappearing during a rap, for something like stuttering that would make sense but not for an articulation disorder and certainly not for dysarthria, which causes a slower rate normally and can cause articulation issues due to coordination of the parts used to speak (not only the mouth but also the soft and hard palates and the lungs, for example). I would talk to your director about what the point of the rap is - is it to be funny? is it to show another side of him? why does this character need a speech disorder? why does this character need to rap, and why does the speech disorder need to be dropped during the rap?
If you can talk with your director and figure out what the vision is for some honestly bizarre choices it may help you figure out if you're on the right track (and if dysarthria is the right choice for a disorder for your character, as well). As always, if anyone has advice or input please feel free to add it!
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Ernie says it's what this "community" is for but I can't think of doing anything with Mikey without feeling shy... even holding hands has me all giddy...
Really Bert? Well, I like to imagine doing all sorts of things with him! Going to the park, feeding the ducks, him kissing my cheek (or me kissing his), going home and having dinner together, all kinds of things! :D
Feeding the ducks... well I guess feeding the pigeons with him would be quite nice.
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urfavisproship · 9 months
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Bert Wily from Mega Man: Fully Charged is Proship!
Antis DNI
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plumpybread · 1 month
I've been playing modded Stardew Valley these last couple of days and one of the mods (Ridgside Village) adds this himbo dad called Bert and he's so cute and I might draw him and it pains me that he's not a bachelor candidate cause I want him so bad
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galiccfinds · 9 months
Hi hi, love ya sims. Would you be willing to share the 2 other sims from 1 base 4 sims. The purple and pink one. I see you already released the other two, very neece. love love.
helloo bert! ♡ thank you for being so sweet! here ya go (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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download here - ꒰ purple ꒱ ♡ ꒰ pink ꒱ ♡ tray & cc included one everyday outfit ♡ if there's anything missing or not working please let me know ♡ hope you have fun, enjoy~ •ᴗ•
NOTE: i didn't include purple sim's tops on the folder because it's still under early access and i don't want to brake the creator's t.o.u. here's the links: top & acc. it'll be public soon tho (。- .•)
they have some skin details in scars categories, so if you have only base game i recomend the Cas Unlocks mod to make sure it looks the same as the pics
note to cc creators: if you don't want your cc to be included on this sim download, please contact me and i'll remove it from the folder as soon as i can
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