#mob! haz
jascurka · 3 months
this is purely out of curiosity and i don't want to send hate your way, but do you ship mob and reigen? and if so, why?
I do, yeah. An ex-friend of mine asked me the exact same question (just more... harshly I think and with what I assumed was prejudice) before they decided to part our ways and I could never properly answer them because I was so stressed by the situation, it was hard to gather my thoughts. So I'll do my best to explain here, hopefully to make myself understood better.
Sorry if this gets lenghty >_< I'll just put a readmore right here.
I think the biggest reason for why I like them is their canon relationship that has been explored in the series already quite thoroughly - that they have changed eachother, helped eachother grow and one wouldn't be the person they are without the other. I think most of us understand the depth of it. Reigen is Mob's teacher and friend, someone like an older brother. There surely is a strong bond between them and they've seen each other at their best and worst and still acknowledged and accepted eachother's flaws. They trust eachother, they would give their life for eachother even (at least Reigen would, he almost did in the finale after all). And I do think that they love eachother but in a way that isn't actually romantic in canon. I'm perfectly capable of realizing that and I value it a lot both in the series and in fanworks (one of my fav works of fanfiction is about exactly that).
It was my curiosity that made me search up a ship fic of them, I was just confused why people ship them in the first place and whether it can be good and I found myself enjoying it a lot (to my surprise). It was set into the future, and dealt with some serious topics like loss and acceptance, it was kind of bittersweet. Then I felt that maybe it was just slightly ooc because all of the serirei fics I was busy reading depicted Reigen slightly different. Nontheless, I had the other ship on my mind then so I never really dived into Mob/Reigen, but it changed my perspective on them a lot.
And at some point into all this I realized, why not? Why can't I haz 2 cookies? (god im sorry that was terrible sfjgsdkj). What I mean is that the buildup canon offers can be taken further - more of their relationship can be explored in terms of new tropes, sometimes romantic too.
On a personal note I'll just add that I'm rather picky about them and tend to stick to fluff, hurt/comfort and slow slow burns. And I like them most post-canon, a few years into the future. It turns out that it all depends on how they're portrayed for me to like them anyways. I talked on here recently about a work that really had it all and portrayed their relationship in a very satisfying and mature way, with all the complicated feelings, it felt very realistic, especially on Reigen's side. So if anyone wants, here's a rec from me again -> in my dreams (I seem to be more honest) on ao3, just because I think it has all that I like about the ship.
I think that this is the whole point of fanworks - to kind of look further and have fun with it, to see "what if?". Even if it's something sort of.. taboo I guess? Because you get to take it apart in a fictional dimension (if that makes sense). And I completely understand if this is something that can ick some people out or that someone doesn't want to ruin their perception of the characters' relationship. That's totally fine by me and I'm not going to force anyone into liking the ship of course. And there are definitely tropes and tags I really don't want to look into - not everything is for me either.
And I think this goes without saying but I'll add it here anyways: what I like to see in fiction doesn't mean I would like or encourage anyone to do the same thing in real life! It's just interesting to explore from a safe distance where no one can get hurt.
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mrs-hollandstan · 2 years
Mob!haz forgetting a date coz he was busy beating out some intel from baddies. Once he reaches his places and sees the beautiful ambience, realizations dawns on him. Reader is already asleep waiting. He decides to make it up to her with a surprise week long vacay!
So coote
It hits Harrison as he's wiping his hands on the handkerchief offered to him. The date that you were planning. The one you were so excited about all week. His heart stops and Tom cocks his head,
"S'matter?" He asks. Harrison swallows, 
"I-I missed date night." Tom tsks,
"I'm telling you, Y/N deserves someone like me. I'd be early for date night. Give her head before, for the effort." He teases. Harrison sighs, 
"Fuck…" Tossing the handkerchief in the sink, Haz points to the passed out enemy, 
"Get the fucking location from him. I don't care if you kill him after, just get it from him." He commands, quickly washing his hands of leftover blood and shrugging his jacket on. Tom nods, 
"Make it up to her mate… make it up to her real good." Harrison nods, sliding his phone from his pocket with a sigh, 
"Yeah, I'm already on it." 
It's a short drive home, and Harrison's heart immediately breaks when he sees the effort you've put forth. The candles are blown out, but how far they've burnt down tells him you waited a lot longer than he'd hoped. There's flowers and placemats right next to each other. A quick trip to the kitchen has him in agony. A perfectly made plate is in the fridge, tinfoil over. He sighs again, trudging upstairs. He shrugs his jacket off, unbuttoning his shirt most of the way and kicking his shoes off in the door. 
Your form in bed hurts the most. Taking a deep breath, he walks around the bed, sitting beside you. Watching you sleep for a moment, he reaches up and strokes strands of hair from your eyes. When he leans in to kiss your cheek, you stir, stretching out as he sits up the smallest bit to not startle you. You open your eyes and he smiles, 
"I am… way way late, but goddamn you're gorgeous." He coos. Rolling your eyes, you pull yourself to sit up slightly, 
"Did you see your dinner?" You ask. He nods, 
"I did. It looks amazing love and I am so so sorry." He responds. You shake your head, 
"It was poor timing. This case was important to you and it's been in the works for weeks. I should've touched up with you." You defend, pulling his hand into your lap and brushing your fingers over his busted knuckles. His lips press in a line as hair falls in your eyes. He reaches up to tuck it behind your ear again,
"I promised you darling." He defends. You shrug, "but, I've got a surprise for you." He drags his phone from his pocket, clicking through it for a moment before he flashes the tab to you. You stare at it for a moment before your eyes widen, 
"Paris… are you serious?" You ask. He nods, 
"Two weeks, no business, swear on Tom." You launch yourself into his lap, wrapping your arms around him. He holds you close, face nuzzled in your shoulder. You pull back, kissing him softly, 
"You know how much I've been wanting to go. Dinner means nothing in comparison to Paris." You remind. He nods with a smile, 
"I know darling." He holds you close, 
"But don't swear on Tom. If it weren't for him, you'd never be able to take vacation with no work." He smiles, 
"Course… but yeah keeps talking about how he'd be better for you, I might not have a choice." He jokes. Laying your head against his shoulder for a moment, you sigh, 
"You hungry?" He hums, 
"A little." You slide from his lap, taking his hand, 
"Let's see if we can salvage any of your dinner." 
"I deserve it if not." He murmurs. You smile, 
"Probably. But I'll let it slide because Paris." Chuckling, he follows you down stairs with a grip on your hand. 
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onlythebravest · 2 years
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Happy birthday Niall! 🎉
To celebrate, I’ve compiled some of my favorite Niall quotes or moments in fics.
The Night Sky is Changing Overhead
Niall looked at her thoughtfully and then shrugged, “I think I was meant to be gay but God forgot to flip the last switch.”
Too Young To Know by @2tiedships2
"God!" Niall burst out. "I missed out on one of the best parts of the night! I prefer my beta genes but fuck. The Love Triangle just got so much better!" Niall grimaced, giving Louis an apologetic look. "Forget I said that. The Love Triangle shall never be spoken of again."
Hold You Now by @cursethedaylight
“Haz.” He puts a hand up, effectively stopping Harry’s impending speech (and friendzone attempt). “I love you, you’re my best friend and a lovely guy. First one to help me move into me flat when I came over to the states. You’re truly a catch.”
“Thank you?”
“But I am not trying to court you!” he cackles, looking at Harry incredulously.
Take My Breath Away by @realitybetterthanfiction​
Louis looked over at Niall. “You do realize I’m still your instructor, right?”
Niall looked right back at Louis. “No. Right now you’re the arsehole who’s breaking my best mate’s heart. You want my respect, you make that right first.”
Louis backed down instantly. 
Unbelievers by @isthatyoularry
“No! Christ Tommo.” Niall shakes his head. “I meant, like, a prank. Make him suffer a bit, but not in a ‘rough him up’ kind of way. Who do you think we are? The mob? Mate, we watched Disney movies last weekend.”
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surrowndedbylights · 10 months
God, I'm missing you and your addictive heart
Small Larry drabble I wrote for the end of HSLOT and their anticipated reunion. (also on ao3)
Harry just finished his tour a few days ago. It had been going on for more than two years, and it was really exhausting for him. He adores traveling the world and seeing his fans and performing, but right now, it seems like the perfect time to finally get some rest and enjoy other things in life such as hobbies or spending time with his loved ones. Especially Louis.
"Hi, love," he greets him on the phone, unable to suppress a smile as soon as he hears his beloved husband again.
"Hi Haz! Where are you?" Louis is grinning too, Harry can hear it in his voice.
"I'm still in Italy. Will you come as soon as you're done with the American leg?"
"Of course, baby! I also have my festival in a month or so, so I would come anyway. You know how much I love Italy."
"Yeah, I do," Harry replies before saying goodbye and hanging up.
The only thing Louis can think about is how much he misses Harry. He has been touring for two months, and even before that, he couldn't see him because he was on the road as well. Now, however, after his last show in New York, he is determined to take the first plane to Italy.
It is an eight-somwthing hour flight, during which he can't take his mind off Harry. It's strange, like they fall in love all over again. Like they are still teenagers in their honeymoon phase. Its not that they ever stopped being insanely infatuated with each other, anyway.
Louis closes his eyes, imagining various scenarios about reuniting with Harry. He imagines jumping into his arms and kissing him and going around holding hands to see their favourite places in this beautiful country (always incognito, of course, in order to avoid any accidents). He is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realize when he arrives.
By the time he gets out of the plane, there is a mob of fans trying to approach him to take some photos. He agrees and talks to them a bit as well until he remembers that Harry was waiting for him. He waves at them as he leaves, putting on a hat and his sunglasses to make him less recognizable before he calls Harry.
They agree to meet up at Harry's room half an hour later. When the man opens the door, Louis immediately hugs him tightly and proceeds to give him a firm kiss. He craved it for so long that it almost felt unreal.
They used to spend every minute of every day together, while they were in One Direction. Even after it, they would spend much time apart, but never for so long, and then there was the lockdown, where they were with each other all the time. When Harry started Love On Tour, however, everything became a little more difficult.
"I missed you so much," Louis notes truthfully after he pulls away.
"I missed you more." Harry leans into another kiss, and they stay like that all night. Well.... the rest you can imagine.
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DYK that in Iran there are thousands converting covertly to Christianity..
DYK in USA most Latinos are Christians & they are cancelling out da globalist mafia mob votes..
Pleaz keep spreading da word & defeat da globalist mafia mob d-evils...
God wins, satan haz alreadies lost✝️
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liberty-barnes · 1 year
i'm pretty sure this will never be over to be perfectly honest 💀 but here's your snippet of a sneak peak into Gabriel's (noa and haz's son, y/n and tom's godson) life.
Let it be known that if nothing else, Gabriel has good timing when it comes to getting in trouble.
“Gabriel Thomas Osterfield, what did you do?”
Well, mostly good timing.
“Mrs Holland, if I may-”
(Y/n) shut the headmaster up with a hand gesture.
“I want to hear it from him first, when I’m ready to talk to you, I will. Now you-”
She pointed back at him, hands on her hips, looking every bit the angry mob wife Gabriel knew her to be.
“Spill. I want the full story, and I want it detailed, if I catch even a hint of a lie, I’ll make you wish you were in a Siberian gulag during the Cold War.”
From behind them, the headmaster’s eyes widened. Gabriel resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This wasn’t even the worst threat he’d heard from her this week.
“Well, it all started about two months ago…”
also ps: gabriel is my baby, my darling, loml, my sweet little angel if anyone comes for him I will make you wish you were dead <3
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pouringmeout · 2 years
Getting fired upon
The police and mental health professionals all act like I am delusional and insane I am not and there is a large group of mafia and street hod types attempted to wound me severly and kill me with a gun that shoots through the wall and or ceilling with out making too much of a hole or sound in the wall.
It makes me like swiss cheese on a regiular basis and I usually spend my entire day and night with ice packs on my wounds and bruises, washing out whatever haz matt they shoot in my mouth, and also taking pills to stop the pain.
I am very ready to attempt an in person with the police to report active shooters from the "NOBODY" mafia.  As in "Nobody is shooting, nobody is breaking in while you're asleep, nobody is on the roof shooting you either,"
Standard to call these men and women who don't exist outside of the mob and intelligence community "NOBODY,"
I am scared for my life and JFK's assassination on the 23rd is always the hardest day of the year.
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fanficparker · 3 years
“Man is not the master of destiny but a wooden doll strung on a string.” - The Mahabharata, Vyasa
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.65k words
Warning: Smut* [Male masturbation, reference to past sex (mild dom/sub dynamics)], swearing, smoking.
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
A/N: hehe, i am falling for my own characters. this chapter was honestly fun to write. hope you also enjoy reading it the way i enjoyed writing it!
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Harrison slammed the door of his room, sliding the bolt into place. He marched straight into the bathroom, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it across the floor.
Bracing his arms on the basin, he met his own eyes in the mirror. This was the day he was eagerly waiting for all these years. The day when he would finally step out of the shadow of his uncle, the great Lufian Clarke and draw his own image in the mafia world. But...
I thought Clarke's scion would be smarter.
Even her previous words were an arrow to his heart. And her new words just managed to rub the right amount of salt over his wounds, successfully bothering him all over again.
If what she claims is true, if Clarke really had claimed half of his empire to her, all by his choice— Harrison groaned at the mere possibility, yet it managed to haunt him.
Was he not worth it? Hasn't he not proven his worth enough to the dead stubborn man? His grip on the marble top tightened as his teeth grit, accentuating the hollowness of his cheekbones.
She wasn't even the leader of her clan, just a top ranking member of a gang.
"A gang." The words sounded funny on his tongue. He chuckled bitterly, feeling the rising bile in his throat.
He turned on the faucet, bending over and splashing cold water over his flushed face. They weren't even a properly systemized Mafia syndicate but a semi-organized street gang, scattered all over the place.
Meeting his eyes in the mirror, again, he watched as the water ran down his face, wetting his white vest shirt. He discarded it, massaging his shoulders, trying to untangle the knots, rubbing across the silver chain that swung by his neck.
He shrugged off the remaining of his garments and stepped into the shower. The water battered his back, hammering against the taut muscles as he stood with his palms sticking against the cold wall, shutting his eyes, inhaling briskly.
No. It wasn't just her words that were bothering him.
It was all of her.
Right from the day he had first met her, Sandhya Omar was the physical manifestation of trouble.
Sandhya Omar was also his first failed mission.
Two years ago. That Casino in Vegas.
He slammed his fist against the wall, feeling the vibrations rippling through his muscles, advancing the pain through his bones.
How could he forget that night? How could he ever forget that smug look of hers? Oh, what he could have done to bang that smirk off her face!
Contrary, he did nothing and instead let her take control.
That night he lost against her in a stupid game of cards. That night he found himself crazy and desperate for her.
He brought his fist to his lips. Torn and tattered knuckles, fresh blood oozing out of them, washed by the water. He could taste it on his tongue.
That night he let her touch him, torture him in the most sweetest manner. That night her lips traced over every corner of his skin, burning through his flesh.
His gut churned at the memory.
She wasn't even the prettiest woman he had encountered. He also had a fair share of one-night stands with pretty women that he bet could compete with Helen of Troy... Even then, even after two years, she could still get him... crazy... desperate...
She didn't let him touch her but worshipped every inch of his body. She marked him all over his chest but never let a scratch corrode her skin. She got him over the edge multiple times not allowing his release, bouncing over his dick, her perky breasts dying to be caressed.
If those weren't torturous enough—oh, the noises she made, falling apart, pressed against his skin—
His cock twitched with fresh lust.
His right arm trailed down, long fingers closing around his girth. He drew in a ragged breath as his hand started pumping across his shaft. Long and slow rubs, right wrist twisting as his left hand pressed against the wall tighter, occasionally pushing back the wet curls the fell over his eyes.
Her image flashed in his head. Big black eyes staring at his clear blue ones. He tried to push it away. Only to lose all over again, pumping furiously against his hand, the veins in his arms protruding with the pressure he applied. The sound of his breathing was defeated by the sound of the shower along with the obscene squelching noises his cock made as it twitched, squeezed between his fingers.
Moving in and out of his grip, it turned wetter every passing second, soaked in his precum--sweat--water--or all three of them. He felt it spasm. With a low grunt, he came in his hand, slumping against the chilly tiles. He watched his seed wash down the drain as he rode through his orgasm, slowly stroking over his softening length.
How cruel was it to hate a person's guts with every drop of blood in your body, only to find yourself jerking off to them?
"Pathetic." He mumbled, out of breath.
Sandhya woke up covered in silk sheets over a mattress softer than (what she assumed) clouds. The morning sky had entered her space, tearing through the window shades, manifesting itself as streaks of orange-blue light.
She felt better than yesterday even though her sleep was improper and a faint soreness rested in the region below her neck and above her breasts. Her going-to-be-the-best-day-of-her-life-turning-dreadful rushed back into her memory lane.
Harrison Osterfield.
The way he gripped her last night. She could still feel the ghost of his arms pressed against her body.
In an attempt to calm down, she sat up, scrubbing a hand over her face, pushing back her hair, swallowing her anger.
She hated ruining her mood at the beginning of the day. He wasn't worth it. Also, her stomach rumbled with hunger.
She peeled the sheets from her body and walked up to the dressing mirror, glancing at her face. She hadn't even removed her makeup from the previous day. She didn't even remember falling asleep.
Studying her face, she irked at the smeared mascara that almost made her look like a raccoon. Her eyes stopped their trail and focused on the three faint scars she discovered over her slender neck.
They weren't there before.
Her brows pulled together as she moved closer to the mirror, bending over, trying to take a better look at them. Grazing a single finger across them, she could feel the slightly bumpy but fine red lines sketched over her light brown skin, resembling paper cuts. Or, perhaps, a very sharp knife.
That bastard.
A heated flush of irritation rose along her skin. The cuts weren't deep enough to hurt her in any manner, they would probably not even last a week, but they were enough to shake every bone in her body with fury.
Inheriting Clarke's wealth and power was virtuous enough. Having her own mafia, run after her life was the inherent vice. But working alongside a jerk...?
She didn't even realize she was clenching her jaw until she felt the tension rise to her forehead. Her fists were clenched too.
If anything, this agreement now felt more like a forced marriage. As if she were a princess married away to an arrogant, equally ignorant, self-righteous prince of a faraway kingdom.
Disgust lodged in the pit of her stomach, twisting into nausea. She tried to shrug off the ridiculous parallel her mind had just drawn.
She wasn't married to Harrison Osterfield. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not in a million years. Not in an eternity.
She drew in a shaky breath. Her eyes searched for the coat she had worn yesterday. Finding it lying across the foot of the bed, she picked it up, rummaging through the inside pockets, fishing out a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter.
She needed them to start her day now. Now that it was officially ruined. Breakfast could wait. She would also need to fix the way she looked. And change the clothes she was wearing especially those skin-tight jeans. She couldn't stand in them for another minute. How had she even managed to sleep in them?
Sitting on the edge of the bed, she plucked a stick from the pack, languidly pressing the yellow filter between her lips and lighting the other end with the flick of her thumb over the lighter. With a long drag, she relaxed her shoulders, throwing herself on the mattress. The grey smoke filled her lungs. Her other fist unclenched.
She sunk further down on the bed, lying on her back and squeezed her eyes shut. A drowning feeling rested in the middle of her chest as the smoke escaped through her nose and from the corner of her lips.
She took another drag.
If the past day was tough, she was well aware that the passing days will be tougher.
Navigating through the hallways, dimly lit with yellow electric lamps, Sandhya walked on her bare feet (the cloud like soft carpets were screaming for attention), carefully studying whatever came in her path. She had woken up a household staff, getting herself something comfortable to wear. They had a huge collection of dresses and makeup supplies for a place lacking significantly in female representation. She had tossed the dresses for a comfortable hoodie, probably the softest piece of fabric she had ever worn and a pair of shorts. She was just looking to be comfortable for now.
Anyway, she continued to walk through the space, passing through numerous corridors, now bathed and feeling fresh, but hungrier than before, desperately in search of the kitchen. She walked across a trail of doors, massive, illumined by spotlights reflecting over the giant marble columns that surrounded them. Probably more guest suites. In its Godzilla like size, the mansion's symmetry of the architecture and the attention to detail made it exquisite even for the largest of free spaces. They seemed homey. Habitable.
"Wow." Her lips formed the words. Although she knew better ways to spend money than on liabilities such as these.
Merely wondering about the electricity charges or the number of staff members it required to manage a monster like this... Her head started hurting.
She paused below a giant black-and-white portrait of Lufian Clarke, steps faltering a bit. He stood tall against the wall, his fingers pressed against the side of his head. His signature grey beard was nicely trimmed, adorning his jawline, complimenting his perfectly coiffed hair. He looked elegant. He looked undead.
No wonder he was once listed amongst the greatest film stars that ever walked on Earth before parting into the mob business. Funny (not surprising), he overthrew everyone in it too!
A spark of confidence ignited in her heart. If Clarke had chosen her to be his successor, he must have seen something in her. She could be—special.
Her gaze landed on the entrance of the library that stood merely six feet away from the portrait. Just from observing it from afar, she could tell it was at least three-storeyed.
For another day. Sandhya tried to drive away from the temptation, climbing down the spiral staircase, knowing well, she would starve if she went there.
She found herself standing in the middle of an octagonal hall ignited by the giant chandelier suspended from the gold-patterned ceiling, high enough to consume three floors in their entirety. She was here last night, just was not in the condition or mood to observe anything. And now all she could sense or see was luxury. Leather sofas with embedded remotes, wall-sized TV screens, a large dining area, wall-to-wall bookshelves creating a fortress around easy chairs and lamps along with a reception area to the left corner. It looked more like a waiting room and nothing like a waiting room at the same time.
Her eyes finally landed on the silver kitchen door. She flung it open. It resembled the cooking area of a five-star restaurant more than any household kitchen. Not that she expected otherwise. But it was vacant. Clear counters, empty utensils and not a single human being at sight.
Sandhya felt relieved upon spotting a giant double door refrigerator, and a series of racks adjacent to it, seating a larger variety of loaves of bread than she could ever name.
However, it was a disappointment that the fridge only contained jelly and peanut butter apart from being packed with uncooked ingredients that couldn't be eaten raw. Even if the butter and jelly were of the superior most quality, prepared in the same space she was standing in, by the best chefs in the whole of the country, it was still a massive disappointment.
She, nevertheless, picked up a loaf, one that didn't look too fancy, slicing it with a knife. She had barely turned the lid of the jar when a voice startled her.
"The cooks will prepare fresh breakfast in a while."
Somehow she managed to not drop the peanut butter jar, turning on her feet to take a look at the intruder. A guy wearing a crisp black suit, his hair wet, red and curly, sitting over his head. He was holding a briefcase. He seemed young and somewhat familiar.
"Harry," he introduced himself, stepping closer, stretching a hand.
"Harry Holland," he presented his full name.
The switch flipped in her head. "You and... Tom--"
He cuts her off, pulling his hand back and taking a step away, "Yeah, we are brothers."
Nodding, her vision fell back on her breakfast as she assembled a sandwich. "Any idea how long they'll take to be here?"
She took in a bite, searching him for answers. He seemed to think before he fished out his phone noting the time. "Not before seven-thirty." He slid the device back in.
"And what time is it now?"
"Uhh... Six?"
She hummed, assembling another sandwich.
There was a short silence surrounding them before he decided to break it. "I... I gotta leave." He pointed at the door.
"This early?" She questioned, face contorted in confusion.
"Just some work." He shrugged.
Sandhya studied him, her look turning sour.
"See you later, I guess?" He excused himself, breaking her stance and passing a tight-lipped smile in her direction.
"Sure." She responded nonchalantly, dropping the sandwich on the plate as he walked out.
The Holland brothers, now that she had met both of them, felt a bit peculiar to her. Probably she was overthinking or she was just being careful. She slid a small knife in her clothes, the one she managed to swipe moments before.
Noticing the big window on the other side of the kitchen, she quietly walked up to it, sliding the curtains to the side, just enough to see.
A black Mercedes coupe was standing where last night the car she was brought in stopped. Harry strode towards it, telling the driver something before sliding inside the back seat. She watched carefully as the car drove around the fountain, moving in the path lined with colourful foliage, being actively trimmed and watered by two gardeners.
She dragged the curtains back when the car left the giant mansion gates, turning on the coffee machine. She pressed her palms over the counter, realizing where she was currently living in. The house where Clarke was murdered. The house where the murderer... or murderers... were roaming free, disguised as anyone among them.
A chill crept through her spine.
Pouring the hot coffee into a mug, she decided the first course of action. She must learn about Clarke's employees and their connection with him.
And she would also need Harrison's assistance for that.
She sighed heavily, her head rolling back.
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bigilante · 3 years
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Harrison for The Rake magazine
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softholand · 3 years
hey! idk if im doing this right and you dont have to do this but "I always said I'd die for you." "I didn't think you meant literally." imagine this with like mob haz and holland reader that were childhood best friends and lost closeness bc they didnt realize they were both in the mob. protective but not asshole tom please
𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
⤷ mob!haz x holland!reader, childhood best friends to enemies to lovers au, angst, blood, guns, the usual mob shenanigans
prompt: “i always said i’d die for you.” “i didn’t think you meant literally.”
words: 2.5k
a/n: you’re doing this so right, anon !! in fact, i almost turned this into a whole one shot, that’s how much i loved writing it 🙈 ty so much for asking ♡
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You laid with your head on Harrison’s lap, his fingers carefully massaging your scalp, the sound of the rain steady against the glass windows, while you watched a movie at his house, a bowl of popcorn being shared between you two.
When a specific scene about a guy getting the shot that was fired at the girl came on, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Now that’s some bullshit! C’mon, no one would do this in real life.” You grumbled as the guy now laid on the floor, blood seeping through his clothes. “I’d die for you.” Harrison simply let it out, as if what he had just said wasn’t serious at all.
Getting up, you stared stunned at your best friend's expression, rolling your eyes with a laugh. “No, you wouldn’t!” You scoffed, getting back to your previous position. “Yes, I would! You're my best friend, y/n!” He said, stopping his movements. “That doesn’t mean you should die for me, Harrison!” You declared, making your best friend let out a frustrated groan. “Well, I would.” Harrison stated, “Okay, fine! Sure you would.” You rolled your eyes once again, giving up.
Harrison could only smirk at your sudden change of attitude, “You know what, I changed my mind. You’re too stubborn, I’d happily let you die.” He said, making you laugh. “You’re such an asshole, Osterfield!” You playfully hit him, earning a chuckle from the blonde. “Yeah, yeah… you love me!” He said, staring down at you with his beautiful ocean eyes. “You wish, Harri!” At that, it was Harrison’s time to hit you, both of your laughs filling the room.
“Hey, you ready?” Tom’s voice startled you, abruptly taking you out of your daydreaming. “Huh?” You asked, shaking your head to try and get rid of the clear image of your once best friend. “I asked if you were ready to go?” Your older brother repeated, to which you nodded, getting out of your rather comfortable position in bed.
Taking a couple of steps inside your bedroom, Tom asked the same question he had been repeating like a mantra the whole day. “You sure you don’t wanna stay? It’s not going to be a big deal.” You chuckled, putting your leather jacket on top of your blouse. “Yes, Tom! I’m sure, let’s go!” You exclaimed, walking past him and into the living room where the rest of your brothers waited for you.
“Oi, the princess is finally ready?” Harry let it out in a mocking tone, making you flip him off, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by your older brother. “Hey, behave you two. God, I swear I must have a place in heaven for having to deal with these kids.” Tom sighed, and you refrained from rolling your eyes.
“Okay, first of all, you’re only a few years older than us. And second, you really think you’re going to heaven with all the shit you’ve done, Tommy?” You asked, standing in front of him with your arms crossed and a proud smirk on your face upon seeing your older brother’s angry expression.
If it was one thing Tom hated, it was being called Tommy, especially by you, since you first started when you heard a girl he had brought home call him that. “In the car, y/n! Or I’ll leave you home.” His voice was firm, but he held a playful smirk on his lips.
When everyone was inside Tom’s car, he drove off to the abandoned warehouse, where your older brother had agreed to meet with some of his buyers, the ones who hadn’t paid your family yet, to be specific. After turning the engine of his beloved Porsche off, Tom suddenly stopped his movements. “What is it?” Sam asked, to which Tom held his finger up, a sign for you to stay quiet.
Taking a closer look, Tom furrowed his brow, “There’s more cars than there should be.” He said, making you roll your eyes. “They could’ve bought it?” You tried to reason, but he quickly shut you up, “If they’re not paying us, why do you think they’d have the money to buy a new car?” Tom stated and even though you hated to admit that he was right, you had to give him that.
“Sam, Harry, you two check the back to see if the place is clear while I go in. y/n, you stay in the car.” Tom’s words were firm, and this time there wasn’t a playful smirk on his lips. “What?!!! Why?!!!” You protested, to your brother’s distaste. “Because I said so! There’s something off here and I don’t want you involved if things go south.” Tom snapped, but you weren’t one to go down easily, you were a Holland after all. “Oh, so I’m just supposed to stay here and watch my brothers get killed?” You tried once again, but your brother wasn’t having any of it.
“No one’s dying tonight, and you’re staying inside this fucking car, do you understand me?” Tom scolded you, getting even angrier when you refused to answer. “y/n, do you understand me?” He pressed, finally being able to convince you. “Fine, I’ll stay here, for fucks sake!” You grumbled, crossing your arms, tearing your gaze away from him.
With that, the three boys got their guns ready, finally stepping out of the car, “Hey, I love you, ok? That’s why I do this, to protect you!” Tom whispered but all you did was ignore him. “Just… stay here! We’ll be right back.” He then mumbled before signaling for your brothers to go to the back of the abandoned building, while he made his way inside.
“Yeah, like shit I’m gonna stay here.” You let it out as soon as your brother entered, taking his spare gun in the glove compartment, before exiting the vehicle. Taking cautious steps, you made your way to one of the parked cars, if Tom wouldn’t let you help, then at least you could try and get some information about who was there.
Taking a closer look inside the vehicle, you noticed a picture hanging from the rearview mirror, gasping as you saw the familiar faces in the polaroid. Harrison, his sister Charlotte and their dog Monty laid on the floor of their grandparent's house, a place you once used to visit all the time.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat, fear of what could happen with not only your brothers but now Harrison inside the warehouse. Making your way to the door, you listened carefully, trying to make out what they were saying. “Well, it seems like we’re not the only ones not getting our money.” You heard Tom’s voice said, followed by Harrison’s. “Just give us the damn money Dexter, and we’ll all be on our way.”
You knew how risky this was, but you also couldn’t help your emotions anymore so, with your gun in hand, you took a couple of steps inside the house, the old wooden floor creaking as you did, letting all of them aware of your presence. “Y/n?” Harrison was the first to acknowledge you, your older brother immediately turning around at the mention of your name. “What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to stay in the car.” Tom scolded, his expression a mixture of anger and confusion. “I’m not a child, Thomas!” You groaned, taking a couple more steps in.
Sam and Harry, upon hearing your voice, also entered from the back, making the guy who owed you money draw his gun, aiming it directly at you. “Hey, hey, drop the gun now!” Tom warned, “I don’t have your money, Holland! Neither yours, Osterfield! So it doesn’t matter what I do next, I know the only way I’m getting out of here is in a body bag.” He whimpered, the hand holding the gun shaking like an old branch in the wind.
Too much happened in the next couple of seconds, you heard a shot being fired, another three following, and suddenly you were on the floor, in Harrison’s arms, but you quickly realized what he had done when you saw blood starting to seep through his white shirt. “No, no, no! Harrison!!! Tom, Harrison’s hurt!!!” You yelled, not even caring about the armed stranger anymore, your brothers had most likely killed the bastard anyways.
“Oh shit!!! Here, take this and press the wound, we have to take him to the hospital.” Tom cursed, taking his suit jacket off, before passing it to you. You did as you were told, pressing hard on the blonde’s wound, blood quickly covering both your hands and the piece of clothing. “Hey, look at me! You have to stay with me, ok? Don’t close your eyes!” You cried, feeling your voice tremble. “y/n…” Harrison whimpered, trying to reach his hand to your face. “Stop, don’t move! We’re gonna get you to a hospital, Haz! You’re gonna be okay, please, stay with me!” You pleaded, crying as he kept drifting in and out of consciousness.
It wasn’t long before Tom had burst into the old warehouse doors with his car, helping you carefully lay Harrison’s body in the back seat, his head resting on your lap, while he sped to the nearest hospital. Once there, the nurses put him on a stretcher, rushing to the surgery room where they stayed for the next hour.
“If you had just listened to me none of this would’ve happened.” Tom scolded you, while you sat in one of the waiting room chairs, your hands, and clothes covered in Harrison’s blood, whimpers leaving your quivering lips. “How many times do I have to tell you that what we do is dangerous, y/n? This is not a fucking movie, this is real life!” He kept repeating, absolutely fuming with your childish behavior.
You didn’t have the strength to fight back though, all you could do was cry, looking at your bloodied hands, thinking about Harrison’s almost lifeless body on top of you, his once blue eyes now covered by a grey haze. It was then that Tom seemed to finally notice your state of shock, cursing himself internally, before joining your side. “Hey, hey, look at me, I’m sorry!” He whispered, opening his arms, “C’mere!”
You cried in Tom’s arms, the guilt eating you alive, I mean, what would you do if Harrison died? It was your fault after all. “It’s okay, y/n/n! He’s gonna be fine, he’s a tough one.” Your older brother kept reassuring you, even though it did little to help your nerves.
It was a couple of hours later when a doctor came out of the room, asking for Osterfield’s relatives, making you and your three brothers all stand up. “He’ll be fine! The bullet did not lodge so we were able to remove it. He just needs some rest to heal now.” Their words made a wave of relief rush over your body, happy tears now cascading down your face while you hugged each one of your brothers.
“He’s anesthetized now but he’ll probably wake up soon. Does anyone want to see him?” The doctor asked, making all eyes lay on you. “Go on, I’ll call his mother and let her know he’s okay,” Tom said, to your surprise, since you knew how much he disliked the fact that you and Harrison were once best friends, seeing as he was from another mob family. “Okay!” You nodded, before being led to the room where Harrison currently was.
Upon entering, you couldn’t help but let a few tears slip, it was hard seeing the state the blonde was in, since you still felt guilty. The machines plugged into his body let out a constant “beep”, letting you know he was okay, easing your guilty mind. “I’ll leave you two to it.” The doctor said, before closing the door behind them.
Once you were alone, you held Harrison’s pale hand, letting all of your emotions out, “I’m sorry, Haz! It was my fault!” You cried, staying like this for a few minutes until you felt his hand squeezing yours back. “y/n?” His voice was hoarse, probably because of the lack of moisture since he had been there for hours. “Hey, you’re awake. Here, take this!” You held the glass of water to his lips, watching him take a few small sips. “Thanks!” He said, this time more clearly.
“What happened?” He asked, finally noticing he was in a hospital. “You were shot!” You informed him, before adding, “For me!” in a small whisper. “I always said I’d die for you.” He plainly let it out, making you even more stunned. “I didn’t think you meant literally.” You protested, watching his face contour in pain when he tried to laugh. “Well, clearly, you should have.”
You smiled, shaking your head at the boy in front of you, “God, you’re such an idiot, Harrison! Do you even understand the seriousness of the situation?” You asked, “Of course I do, y/n! You are… were my best friend and… and I love you, I couldn’t let you die.” The blonde admitted, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
Getting up from the chair you were previously sitting, you leaned into Harrison’s body, reaching his lips, depositing a quick but firm kiss on them. “Thank you for saving me, even though I didn’t ask you to.” You said, making the blonde roll his eyes with a smirk. “You’re still stubborn as hell, I see.” He said, his eyes shifting from your eyes to your lips. “Uh-hum, and for your information, I love you too. Always have.” You smiled, and this time it was Harrison who collided his lips to yours.
It was only when you heard the sound of the door opening that you and Harrison let go of each other, widening your eyes upon seeing Tom entering the room. “It’s fine! I’m not gonna kill you! It’s not like this wasn’t bound to happen anyway.” He shrugged, his lips fighting to hold back a smile.
“Thank you, Tom! I love you!” You hugged your brother, kissing his cheek, before letting him go. “Yeah, yeah, whatever! Now, you better treat my sister right, or else you’d end up in a much worse situation than this, got it Osterfield?” Your older brother lectured the blonde, making you roll your eyes. “Tom, c’mon, seriously?” You groaned, making your brother laugh.
“What? I’m just looking out for you.” The boy stated, “Don’t worry, Tom! I promise to take good care of her!” Harrison said, reaching his hand out, interviewing your fingers, before leaning in to kiss you. “Ok, this is gross! I’m gonna head out! I’m glad you’re okay, mate!” Tom exclaimed while making his way out of the room, leaving you and Harrison sharing laughs.
“So…” Harrison said once you were alone. “So…” you repeated, the smile not wanting to come off your mouth. “You know this ain’t gonna be easy, right? Our families will not accept this without a fight.” He breathes, “Yeah, I know!” You mumbled sadly, but upon looking into his beautiful blue eyes, the smile made its way back to your lips, and even though you didn’t know what the future held for the both of you, you felt like it was going to be fine, as long as you were together. “You’re worth the fight though.” You stated, Harrison’s smile mirroring yours, before reaching for your lips once more.
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— don’t forget to reblog and leave your feedback ♡
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Mob!haz fucking you on his desk🥵
yes pls and thank you 😌 headcanons coming your way!
cw: mob!haz, fluff, smut (oral - f, public play, some playful slapping, unprotected sex)
mkay SO
you come into his office to pick him up as he works late
and of course, he's all hunched over his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose as he reads the papers before him
so you put down your purse and sit on the edge of the desk for him, fingers carding through his wavy curls comfortingly
he turns into a puddle when you do that, resting his head on your lap with a deep sigh
but his cheek falls on a lacy material and he lifts his head to find his favorite nightdress underneath your coat
"you're wearing this outside the house now?"
"maybe?" you smile devilishly
"you minx," he curses, but kisses you on the knee before spreading your legs wide open
you quickly look around the mostly dark office through the glass windows
"is anyone else in here?"
"don't know. don't care." he pulls you in towards him and sucks a hickey on your inner thigh, marking a secret trail to a treasure only he knows the way to
he impatiently rips your panties off and licks you, hole to clit, like a starved man
first he fucks you with his tongue, all soft and sensual
letting you grind into his face and drown him in your arousal
but you need more
so he fucks you with his fingers
his long, beautiful, rough, impossible, amazing fingers *sigh*
he stretches you open and you're losing yourself in your pleasure, but even then, in your orgasm you still beg for more
"greedy little thing, aren't you, darling?" he rushes to unbuckle his belt and push down his pants
"don't be a tease," you giggle lazily, feeling the tip of his cock slap against your clit
"im not being a tease." he frowns, making a serious face but you know better
you playfully slap him on the cheek. "get on with it."
"imma make you pay for that." he gasps and bottoms out in one go
but you're a little shit, so you slap him once again
"get the fuck on with it."
and he knows what you're doing, he purposely goads you on as you land smack after smack on his pretty, "that what you want, baby? you wanna play rough? I'll show you rough."
then he lifts your leg up close and thrusts into you, hard and fast
you're crying out his name, not even caring that a janitor might walk by or an employee might still be around
he's filling you up and no one does it better than him
and really, there's no pussy he's ever fucked that will ever compare to yours
"fuck baby, im gonna--"
he rubs your clit like his orgasm depends on it (it does, but that's beside the point)
as soon as you feel him convulsing inside you, coating your inner walls with his release, you're gone
you're squeezing around his cock and sending him into overstimulation, moaning and groaning and bucking up into you
"if this is your way of getting me to come home... Fucking hell, it's working."
173 notes · View notes
spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter Five
A/N : Chapter five is here. I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying this series. Hope you like this chapter. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : death, violence, murder, mentions of blood, misogyny, language, little bit of fluff, sexual tension, flashbacks in italics.
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You stormed out of the room furious at the false accusations Tom gave you. How dare he accuse you of infidelity? When he is the unfaithful one between you two. He never stopped bringing in girls, on days he would come home late you often woke up in the middle of night to hear filthy moans and screams coming from the guest bedrooms but you never complained nor accused him of anything because this is what your relationship was after all. You were just a married couple in the eyes of the society but within the confines of this huge mansion you were two separate individuals living separate lives. 
You could easily take the reins in your hands and become a normal couple if you stopped pushing him away but he never tried to reconcile with you either. Both of your egos, not letting you to accept defeat even if it hurted you in the worst possible way. Interestingly you found your eyes wet, you were actually hurt by his words but why? Why do you care what he thinks about you? Emotions can be really messed up sometimes and you let them get the best of you. You shrug away those lingering thoughts and went to get dressed for today’s event.
Tom looked into the invitation card carefully and went to make some calls. He finally understood his mistake when he was informed about you taking over the property with the help of Harrison. He felt so ashamed of himself that he doubted his best friend moreover hurt you after you nursed him yesterday of his wounds and took care of him, you finally showed a little bit of affection towards him that he craved from day one but he single handedly ruined it. He went to look for you to be informed by Leslie that you already left.
Back at New York 
"Rosette! Rosette!" Victor yells storming inside the house with rage followed by two of his capos. 
"Anything wrong honey?" your mother's voice is calm and sweet as she walks down the stairs. 
"Anything wrong? What have you done?!" His voice sharp, laced with anger.
"What have I done?" your mother acts coy. 
"Now don't play dumb! Why did you write off the deed of  rêves de nuit to Y/N?!" 
"She asked me for it and how can I say no to my little girl?" her soft demeanor irks Victor even more. He grabbed on to her arm roughly and lashes out at her.
"You foolish woman! Have you gone out of your mind?!"  
"I think it's you who have gone out of your mind Victor. That place has been left abandoned for years. At least Y/N is doing something good, you should be proud of her" she tries to talk some sense into him. 
"Rosette you knew very well that place was very important to me, I used it to smuggle drugs and now it's gone all under legal protection, and it's all your fault!"
"Then get over it and stop whining about it like a little kid" Rosette snaps at him as Victor gives her an incredulous look. 
"What did you say? Did you forget who you are talking to?!" 
"Yes a coward, a failure in the name of a father" 
"Stop shouting!!" Rosette barks at him pulling her hand out of his hold "You really think I’m afraid of you" she scoffs "I was never scared of you instead I used to have men like you wrapped around my fingers before that goddamn night happened. All these years I kept numb just for my little girl’s sake but not anymore!" 
"And now that she’s far away from your clutches, safe under the protection of her husband I have nothing more to worry about" 
"You wretched slut!" Victor grabs hold of her throat, choking her. 
"You’re going to kill me? Well go ahead ‘cause I have already made a will and written everything in my name to Y/N. So if I die you lose half of your precious empire Victor Martinez" Victor tightens his grip as she gasps for air. 
"Dad, stop what are you doing?!" Jules intervenes in time pulling him off her "it's useless to ask her. We better introspect the real culprit that is my sister. Why did she want that place?" 
You were at your underground bar of your newly owned diner supervising everything before tonight’s grand opening of the speakeasy when Harrison walks inside with a carton of liquor bottles. He had finally called you back last night as soon as he got to know about Tom’s accident. 
Even though they weren’t on talking terms but he was his best friend and naturally he was concerned about his well being. You talked for an hour apologizing to him on Tom’s behalf. He assured you that it wasn’t your fault and he wasn’t mad at you and he would definitely come for the opening night. Harrison placed the carton carefully on the counter before taking out the bottles and placing them on the shelves one by one. 
You take a deep breath and made your way towards him standing on the other side of the counter as you speak.
"I really don't know what to say to you Haz. Even after what happened between you and Tom you decided to help me. I just can't thank you enough" you say with guilt in your voice.
"Y/N I already told you that whatever happened wasn’t your fault besides we're friends now so you don’t need to thank me and as long as I get free booze I’m totally fine" he lets out an airy laugh making you smile.
"Well I can totally arrange that but I really feel sorry for ruining your friendship, that's the last thing I ever wanted"
"It wasn't your fault I know Tom and his unnecessary paranoia very well, he will soon understand his mistake and come running back to you" 
"I wasn’t talking about me.." your conversation is cut short when you hear murmuring, chattering and lots of footsteps coming from upstairs. You and Harrison went upstairs to find Tom surrounded by a bunch of reporters 
"Always has to make a dramatic entrance" Harrison scoffs, shaking his head annoyed. You were still processing what was going on in here.
"Mr Holland, what do you have to say about your wife’s new accomplishment?" One of them asks.
"I'm really proud of my wife. She has always been a smart and business minded woman" you had to interfere with whatever was going on as you strided towards him.
"Ah the boss lady arrives!" Tom exclaims "come here darling it’s your day after all" He wraps an arm around your waist pulling you close to him, you smiled at the cameras feeling a little uneasy with all the unnecessary attention.
"Congratulations mam, what made you decide to reopen this place?" a reporter asks.
"Umm to be honest this place is owned by my family and it had a huge name during the 90’s just trying to bring back it’s glory" you say with a smile etched on your face posing for the cameras before you excused yourselves dragging Tom to a corner.
"What are you doing here?! And what are these guys here for?!!” You hissed.
“What kind of a husband would I be if I didn't come to show my support to my gorgeous wife on her life's new endeavors?" you roll your eyes annoyed as he continues. "and those are just for a little publicity of this place" 
"Well that's very generous of you given that I was cheating on you" You jab. 
"Okay that was a minute misunderstanding I shouldn’t have doubted you or Harrison" 
"And I’m elated with your quick realization" You say with a sarcastic tone.
"Won't you offer me a drink darling?" He asks with a smug grin.
"This is a kids friendly diner Tom, no alcoholic beverages so if you're up for a chocolate smoothie I can get you one" you quip.
"What about the underground speakeasy? I bet there's a bar over there" he says with a knowing smirk and you scowl.
"What? Don't look at me like that it does things to me’’ he says cockily making you roll your eyes. ‘‘And it has been a really long day for me a glass of whisky would really help"
You scoff. ‘‘You’re unbelievable!’’ 
"Now c'mon chop chop" he ushers you. You huff, as you tilt your head raising an eyebrow to tell him to follow you. 
You lead him down the stairs to the underground speakeasy. Upon entering Tom's body stiffens seeing Harrison sitting near the bar counter. 
"I think you owe him an apology for acting like a jealous bitch" you muttered into his ear.
"Well he didn't apologize either" he retorts and you look at him in disbelief.
"Seriously? You really gonna do this right now?" you chide, he was about to say something but you cut him off
"Listen I hate you and nothing is going to change that. But I don't want to be the reason that two best friends drifted away. So for once keep aside your goddamn ego and go apologize" Tom stood there staring at you still hesitant.
"Don't stand here looking at my face, go!" you order him. He slowly made his way to where Harrison was sitting. Harrison notices him coming and gives him a side eye continuing to have his drink. Tom clears his throat taking a seat next to him.
"Hey man listen I know I have been a complete asshole to you lately and I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have said whatever I said that day" Harrison puts down his glass and glances at him with a serious face. He grabs another glass and pours some whisky passing on the glass to Tom.
"How’s your arm?" He asks nonchalantly.
"It’s better now" Tom says, picking up the glass.
"We need to find those fucking bastards and show them who’s the boss over here" 
"Oh that we bloody will and I trust you with that" Tom places a hand on his Harrison’s shoulder proudly. 
Harrison sighs deeply. "I was really hurt you know" Tom’s brow knits in a frown as he was filled with guilt.
"I know Haz and I'm really sorry for everything but you know very well the reason behind this hysteria of mine" He rambles.
"Well she is worth all the hysteria" Harrison looks at you with admiration in his eyes "she's the perfect queen to your empire mate. Her wits can out match anyone, don't let her slip away" Tom glances at you proudly admiring how you radiated power with grace. 
"I won't" He takes a sip of his drink. He couldn't help but check you out through the rim of the glass. The flared dress with a low neckline that you chose to wear for today only accentuate your features, the loose wavy hairdo complimenting your look.
"She's a hard read though one second she's all good and happy and soon she's cold and hostile"
As the evening rolled in it was time to officially inaugurate you went up the stage the speakeasy was packed with guests mostly from the high class families of London.
"Well good evening and welcome to everyone present at the opening or may I say reopening of  rêves de nuit . I hope you have a good time here" As soon as you left the stage the jazz group which you had hired for the speakeasy took over playing somber music setting the mood for the night. The room was buzzing with men and women drinking, having hearty conversations and enjoying the ambience. Some of them came to congratulate you on your excellent work and you couldn’t be any happier. You wanted to stay the whole night but Tom didn’t want you to stay out late and you needed some rest after everything. You finally decided to leave after Harrison repeatedly assured you that he will look after everything. 
You were now back at your house. Tom was already in the shower as you stepped inside the bathroom standing near the mirror to take off your makeup.
"Oh god! I'm so tired" you huff.
"Already?" Tom quips from inside the shower room, you roll your eyes. 
"What do you mean already? Do you know how much work it is to run a diner as well as a speakeasy?" 
"Maybe a little given that I run the most powerful mob of London" He replies teasingly.
You pour some micellar water on a cotton pad and rub it on your skin. You hear the shower go off as Tom walks out of the steam filled shower room with a towel wrapped around his hips. Your eyes continuously fleeting towards him as you glanced at his reflection through the mirror. His hair wet water dripping down his curls over his sturdy and muscular chest. He looked magnificent, you thought. 
To be honest with the amount of vodka martinis you had tonight you were presently not in the right state of mind and that’s why you had to admit that watching him like this does make your stomach do a flip for a good unknown reason. Maybe this is what happens when you start living with someone 24/7 close to their proximity even though you plain and simply hate that person from the bottom of the heart. You just can’t help but start to notice the good things of the person too. 
You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to notice him standing behind you, every breath you take you now only smell the cedary scent of his shampoo. You subconsciously gnaw your lower lip anticipating his next move. He lifts his hands to hold on your shoulders you shudder at the feeling of his cold hands on your warm skin. He gently starts to squeeze your shoulder muscles lightly massaging them you begin to relax as a soft moan escapes your mouth.
"Feels good right?" His lips quirk into a light smirk
"Mm hmm" you hum in satisfaction "a little to the right" Tom complies to your request trailing his hand to where you exactly wanted.
"Oh yeah right there.. Perfect" you breath out tilting your head to your left exposing a little more area of your smooth skin for him. Tom perfectly knew what he was doing as he listened to the little sounds you made. 
"Have you considered taking up the job of a masseur? I mean you would do really good in that profession" you tease smiling eyes still shut as you enjoyed your free massage.
"Well you see-" Tom finally took the brave step testing the waters as he brushes your hair aside "these massages are private and only for one special person" He places a soft gentle kiss on the curve of your neck, your breath hitches and you flutter your eyes open. 
"Wha-what are..you doing?" You stutter whilst he slowly turns you around caging you between him and the marble counter. 
"Nothing as of now but if you want I can" His voice an octave lower as he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear resting his palm on your cheek.
"I don’t want anything from you" you retort.
"Hmm is that so, love? But I think your heart desires something after all" He gently brushes his thumb over your cheekbone, he has indeed caught you in a vulnerable state. The leftover alcohol in your system clouding your judgement. You don’t know why but standing this close to him made you feel safe and loved. He wraps a hand around your waist and pulls you impossibly closer to him you instinctively raise your hands placing your palms flat on his broad chest. 
"Why don't you just let me go?" You squirm in his hold
"Because darling you drive me crazy" His voice husky. 
"You know I will never be able to give you the love you want from me" you say quietly.
"I beg to differ" 
"And how's that?" 
"Because some girls like bad boys and you my dear have always been attracted to me or why else would you let me do this" He leans down and kisses the sensitive spot behind your ear making you gasp. 
You wanted him to stop because every word that rolled out of his tongue in fact was true you were always drawn to people’s darkness. Maybe, maybe if you weren’t forced into this marriage, maybe if he didn’t have a hand in the death of Ethan, maybe if you had met him in a different circumstance you would have fallen for him instantly.
"But I-I loved someone and you can never take his place" Your voice was shaky.
"Well love, he was your first but I intend to be your last however long it takes" His lips curve to form a light grin as he swipes the tip of his tongue through his lower lip eyes trailing down from your eyes to your red tinted lips.
"I-I.." the words died down in your throat. 
"Ssh.." He shushes you bringing his lips dangerously close to yours, his hot breath fanning your face. You were breathing erratically as you closed your eyes shut and just then your phone rang loudly, you jumped in surprise breaking you out of the moment, you pushed him off you as he stumbled back. You take your phone in your hand and frown at the caller id.
"Daddy?" You leave the room hastily to somewhere alone. 
Tom tsks, shaking his head annoyed at how you were finally having a moment and it just got ruined. He finally had you under his grasp and you were almost ready to give in but damn you Victor. 
"This man has truly turned out to be the villain in my business as well as my love life" He huffs.
"Oh hi daddy!" You chirp bringing the phone to your ear
"You sound really happy, mija" 
"That I am didn't mom tell you about my new diner? Today was it's opening night" 
"Yeah I heard about that and congratulations on making it to list of enemies of the vipers" 
"What do you mean enemies? Daddy I started a new business on my own you should be proud of me" 
"By taking away the prime location which I was using to expand my hold on the European drug cartel" 
"Well maybe if you would have treated me like a daughter and not just like any of your lackeys doing your dirty job then things would have been different" 
"My love for you has always been my weakness and that is why I trusted you even when Jules warned not to.
"You never loved me! You had turned me into a monster!!" 
"I just tapped the darkness inside you dear so you could protect yourself which I was successful indeed" you hear him chuckle lowly. "Take this as a fair warning Y/N after tonight whatever happens will be the consequence of your betrayal, every drop of blood shed will be on your hands" 
"What do you mean by consequences? What are you—” you were cut off.
"Well goodnight sweetheart sweet dreams" 
"Wait! Daddy?" the call ended.
The whole week you spent with your father’s threatening words spiraling inside your head along with the moment you had with Tom in the bathroom. You didn’t talk about it the next day neither did he but still you were wary about it in weakness of the moment you couldn’t deny that you were developing feelings for him which scared you. You told William every bit of the conversation you had with your father and he advised you stay alert and start carrying your gun which you couldn’t comply with. You had kept yourself busy with work at the diner and speakeasy but the constant anticipation of what will be your father’s next move kept on reeling at the back of your mind.
You finally decided that it's better you carry a gun for your safety so you opened the drawer where you had kept your gun hidden and one look at it memories came back rushing in. That gun serves as a reminder of one of your darkest phases in life and you fear that you may again spiral into that darkness again to no one to pull you out.
The allure of darkness is so overwhelming even the most purest hearts get drawn to it and you weren't an exception. You killed the first time to save your loved one but the bloodlust got you after that.
‘‘Here's your birthday gift sweetheart’’ your father said handing you a new shining FN five-seven ‘‘I really didn't think you would be brave enough to handle all this given your mother being so protective of keeping you safe from the real world that you have to deal yourself one day but you proved everyone yesterday that the Martinez blood flows in your veins’’ You took the gun silently and went to your room. You still couldn’t pull yourself out of the trauma of killing the person the other day and here your father is celebrating by presenting you a gun. You cried the whole night in agony and fear. From the next day William was incharge of training you to expertly use a gun.
And that was just the beginning of your walk towards your darkness. Just like a tiger after its first taste of human blood turns into a man eater for you, your first kill was frightening and was a desperate measure to save your mother, you hesitated the next two times too but after that you started to enjoy it. A bloodlust took over you, your first instinct to anything wrong was to remove it from this world. You turned into your dad's personal mercenary, who killed for fun. 
"Why did you kill Dan?" Jules walked into your room while you are busy doing your homework.
"I didn't like his attitude" you informed nonchalantly. 
"Sister killing our rivals was ok but you can't kill our own men just because you don't like their attitude" You rolled your eyes 
"Brother you have been part of the family business for much longer than me and you should know very well if you want people to listen to you then they gotta fear you. That’s exactly what I did, I sent a message to the men who question my authority because I’m a girl." you gritted your teeth.
"You need to stop sister before you regret your impulsive killing one day"
And soon you realized how deep you were stuck in it.It was your senior prom night students were enjoying their last bit of school life to their fullest but not you. You were on a mission, someone stole your father’s money and you were about to kill his son who is in your class as payback. You lured him out of the school building to a desolate alley and pulled out your gun aiming right at his heart but you were interrupted by your best friend Elizabeth.
"Y/N no! Please don’t do this" she stood in front of the boy guarding him.
"Lizzie move! I’m gonna kill this bastard!" 
"No Y/N, stop please I love him" 
"He isn’t good for you Lizzie, his dad is an imposter who duped my dad and I’m gonna kill him to punish his dad"
"if you have to kill him then it has to be over my dead body" Lizzie held onto the nozzle of your gun. You tried to pull the gun out of her grasp, both of you struggling to take away the gun between all the scuffle you accidently pulled the trigger. The bullet punched a hole right through her navel. Lizzie let out a choked gasp, her eyes bulged out while her body went limp. You threw your gun away as you rested her head on your lap
"Lizzie? No, no, no what have I done?!" You wept as she took her last breath in your arms.
"I-I'm so sorry Lizzie" 
Since then the dying face of your best friend in your arms haunts you.
"Y/N  can you do me a favor?" Tom’s voice breaks you out of your daze. "Can you pick up Paddy from his boarding school? I have a packed schedule today" 
"Don’t worry I’ll go" You say with a smile
"Thank you so much" He says happily and leaves for his work. 
You ponder for a while and finally decide to carry the gun with you. You grab the gun and lift your top, tucking the gun in the holster inside the waistband of your jeans. You leave the mansion to pick up Paddy from his boarding school. 
He was elated to see you waiting for him. You help him get his things inside the car before you drive him back to your house. The whole ride you chatted he told you about all the things he learnt so far and the fun he had with his friends. You entered the driveway of your house as you felt something was odd there were no security personnel on the gate that usually used to stand there to escort you inside.
You enter the house and instantly get the feeling that something was off, it is way too quiet to your liking in here.
"Y/N the other day" Paddy was going about his story. 
"Paddy, ssh…" you shush him "-stay behind me" you order as you pull out your gun from your back eyes scanning the living room
"I know somebody is in here, it's time to show your face or are you that scared of me" you say mockingly. 
"You are very wrong to think that I will be scared of a tiny, weak woman like you" a tall man appears from behind the heavy curtains.
"Well that’s debatable, now tell me what do you want?" you demand sternly.
"My father told me once that if he was to ever be murdered, not to take the life of the man who killed him, but to take the lives of the people that man loved the most" 
"Paddy, go and hide in the study!" you order him.
"But Y/N.. " He hesitates to leave you alone.
"Run!" you insist with a stern voice. Paddy didn’t resist further and runs away while you covered for him.
"You think you can save that kid from me" the man mocks and you didn’t delay for a moment as you fired three shots one after the other. The bullets punched holes on his chest knocking him down. 
You scoff. "Think? I already did" You put your gun down and sighed deeply when you were sure that man was dead but suddenly an arm wraps around your throat holding you in a choke hold catching you off guard. You drop your gun and struggle to free yourself. 
"Didn’t see this coming did you?" the man mutters in your ears, malice in his voice. You found the voice quite familiar and turned your head to find an indeed familiar face from the gala.
"Miller? You really have got the nerve to break into our house after what Tom did to your family"
"I used to fear him but not anymore not when I have the support of a deadly gang who really did a number on your husband" 
“The gang which you’re relying upon so much, their days are numbered I can assure you that.” you say. “And Tom will not leave anyone of your alive once he comes to know about your audacity.”
"Such a shame I heard a lot of things about you but guess what you are just a sweet little angel who needs to be protected" 
"Oh honey I was just warming up” you stamp on his foot hard and he flinches back in pain, loosening his grip on you. Next you jerk your head up hitting him right under his chin making him groan in pain. You hold his hand and freed yourself twisting his arm hard and grab onto his hair roughly. You smash his head with force on the glass coffee table. The glass shattered into pieces as Brandon screams in pain and collapses on the floor with blood flowing out from his skull. You swiftly pick up your gun from the floor and place your right foot on the middle of his chest whilst applying pressure, the heel of your shoe dug into his chest. He was writhing in pain under you as you cocked the gun at him.
"You see I’m definitely an angel, the angel of death and you have really pissed me off" You say with a menacing voice.
"You should have met me three years ago I would have loved to torture you to death but this new me is full of mercy and I’ll give you a quick relief from your pathetic life" You point the gun right in the middle of his eyes and pull the trigger. 
After cleaning your hands off the blood and go to find Paddy in the study and bring him down to the dining area. You made him some hot chocolate and a coffee for yourself. 
After sometime Tom rushes in followed by his men. Worry and fear clouding his features.
"Paddy! You're okay" he hugs him tightly heaving a sigh of relief. 
"I'm fine brother all thanks to Y/N" Tom glances at you as you put your coffee mug down. 
"The bodies are in the living room" you inform him blandly. Tom directs his men to do all the clean up necessary and himself went to check the reason behind this security breach. He was furious his brother’s and wife’s life was in grave danger and he wasn’t there to protect them. He felt like a complete failure.
You were in your room sitting on the bed with a first aid kit nursing some minor cuts you suffered during the fight. You were feeling so angry as well as guilty. You still couldn’t believe your dad would go so far just to teach you a lesson to not to meddle with him. You were cent percent sure that he was behind this planned attack. There was no way anybody could infiltrate the mansion and Tom had made sure of that a long time ago. This was his way of warning you because he knew very well that you can single handedly take down those idiots. But Paddy didn’t have to witness this; he's just a kid who just got dragged into a power fight between a daughter and father. What if you weren’t with him? Your heart panged at the mere thought.
"Y/N can I come in?" Paddy’s soft voice breaks you out from your thoughts.
"Yeah sure Pads, come sit" you pat on the mattress beside you. He walks inside and sits beside you. 
"Are you hurt?" he looks at you concerned.
"Oh it’s nothing, just a teeny tiny scratch" you assure him. Tom is about to enter your room to take Paddy to his parents house but stops near the doorway to listen to your conversation.
"Thank you for saving my life Y/N"
"You don’t need to thank me Pads, you are my like my little brother I’ll always protect you with my life. You say smiling "How much of it did you see?" you ask him skeptically as he gulped nervously.
"Umm most of it actually but after you smashed that bastard's head I didn't have nerves to see further so then I ran to the study" He answers meekly.
"So are you scared of me?" 
"No! Why would I? Instead you looked so cool fighting those guys just like the black widow in avengers" 
"Really? That's a first for me" you snicker amused. 
"Y/N can you teach me how to use a gun?" He asks you coyly.
"What?" You knit your eyebrows "I mean to say you have your brothers right? They can teach you"
"They are way too busy" he shrugs.
"But why do you want to learn in the first place?" 
"I don’t want to be the weak spot for our family" He says sadly, you felt bad for him.
"Hey you’re not weak, I myself never liked to be a part of this but circumstances made me like this. But you have a choice and it’s up to you what you want to do. If you want I can talk to your brother." 
"But if you still want to learn I can spare some time for you" his face lights up instantly "but that’ll be only for self defense." 
"Yes okay" he hugged you as you ruffled his hair lovingly. Tom couldn’t help but smile at how caring you were.
"Y/N can I ask you something?" 
"Yes anything Pads" 
"Y/N, don’t you like my brother?" you feel a little uneasy at the question.
"Okay, who told you that?" you chuckle.
"Nobody, but you and Tom seem to be always angry with each other" 
"You see, I am angry at him" 
"Why did he do something bad?" 
"Well yeah he did something bad actually helped" 
"Can’t you just forgive him?" 
"I don’t know Pads and fairly speaking he didn’t apologise either so" you half shrug. Tom didn’t want to listen further so he called out from outside the room.
"C’mon Pads it’s time to go home!" 
"Yeah coming Tom" 
"I retire and all hell breaks loose!!" Tom stands in the living room of his parent’s house along with his brothers as his father yells at him.
"How many times did I tell you Tom to keep your woman under control?!!" 
"But dad-" 
"But what?! If it wasn’t for her impulsive and reckless decision to take over the club my little Paddy’s life wouldn't have been at gunpoint!" He lashes out."And this is why I don’t like woman getting involved in the business of men" 
"Dad try to understand those were the son of Samuel Miller whom we tried to killed and framed him of murder. They were our enemies." 
"And now I’m wrong and your wife is right for you, she has really turned you into her puppet I can see that very well" 
"Nobody has turned into anybody’s puppet dad, she saved paddy’s life risking her own at least a little gratitude she deserves from our side. And I promise I’ll finish them, whoever comes after my family " 
"You better do it" His father says sternly before leaving the room.
"It’s going to be ok Tom, its just after we heard about the attack we were very worried" Nikki makes him understand
"That is why I came here to ask dad’s permission to bring Y/N here for few days but I don't think that's possible dad's really pissed off" 
"It's ok I'm sure she will be fine. She doesn't seems to be the kind of woman to be easily shaken up by these things"
"That's true" 
"Just try to be there for her. She needs you more than anyone else right now." 
You were getting ready for bed as you walked to the dressing table to brush your hair to find a box from Tiffany kept on the table. You open the box to find a dazzling diamond cluster necklace inside a little after Tom walks in to see you have found his little thank you gift. 
"A plain and simple thank you would have been enough" you say closing the box.
"Yeah maybe but I didn’t gift you anything on our wedding night so took the chance and also  thanks for saving my brother’s life" 
"No need for that Paddy is innocent he doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this power grabbing war, even though we may have our differences, truth be told... I like your family, though your other two brothers aren’t that fond of me and that’s fine but the bond you share is precious and I’m truly jealous of you for that, wish my family had that kind of bond" you purse your lips in a smile.
"And I see paddy as my younger brother so I’m begging you as his elder sister Tom you’re his brother he looks up to you don’t let this happen to him. Don’t let him go through this bloodshed and violence which you and I went through when we were his age. Let him live his life. He still has a choice to do whatever he wants to do with his life. Don’t let his pure and innocent heart get lost in this darkness"
"I never wanted this for him at least I just wanted to run the business just like my dad but they are targeting my family" Tom finally speaks. 
"You chose to be the leader of this mob Tom. The target on your back? It comes with the job" 
"But Paddy wasn’t meant to be the target!" 
"Tom, someone came at your family! It might be one today, but if you sit back and do nothing, by tomorrow, there'll be more. You gotta respond with a show of force"
"I know that very well more than you, okay! He sounded irritated but the person you are asking me to go against is your dad. And you're his daughter so Y/N Holland I ask you where do your loyalties lie?" you exhale deeply before looking straight into his eyes.
"If my loyalty is an issue then let me tell you that I hate that man more than anyone in this world. He ruined my mom's life, my life and now he wanted to kill a child just to get back at me" you lower your voice an octave "Do whatever is necessary. I'll not come in your way. I can assure you that" saying so you turned away. The words that you said to Paddy before were still replaying at the back of Tom’s mind and he mustered up the courage and spoke up.
"Y/N I’m sorry"
Taglist in bio or send me an ask/dm I’ll add you.
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farfromharry · 3 years
summary: you force harrison to take a break to spend time with you and your son. 
mob!dad!haz x reader
w/c 639
Harrison was a workaholic. yes his job was dangerous, meaning he had to be alert at all times, but the man rarely left his office.
You were always trying to coax him out of there, sometimes sternly, sometimes in a flirty way, sometimes you’d even being your one year old to see his dad and hopefully guilt trip him, but nothing ever seemed to work.
One day you’d just completely given up, deciding you were putting your foot down and forcing him out of that office whether he liked it or not.
You knocked on the door softly, not wanting to outright start a fight with your husband if it could be avoided.
“Come in,” he announced, assuming it was one of his men coming to tell him about something.
You entered with a sweet smile, catching the eye of your husband who set down his paperwork to call you over.
“Hi, beautiful,” he said, stretching his neck to place a gentle kiss on your lips. You hummed, glancing down at the documents on the desk, weighted down by a gun carelessly thrown on his desk. “When are you going to come and join us?” you asked, getting straight down to the point of why you were here. He huffed, resting his head on your shoulder with a shy smile.
“I can't tonight, I'm really busy. I'm sorry.”
That wasn't good enough for you considering how little time he’d spent with you and Jack this week. He knew you were angry, hence the sweet kisses he placed on the skin where your neck and shoulder met in hopes of buttering you up.
He really didn’t want to piss you off more but he had to get back to the work scattered over his desk or he probably wouldn’t ever get it done.
“I have to get back to this,” he said, placing a kiss on the back of your hand before he tried to shoo you away. You shook your head, intertwining your fingers to try and pull him up from his seat. However the man was much too strong, not even budging from where he sat. “Y/N, please.”
“No,” you stated. He raised his eyebrows at you, watching the way you settled your hands on your hips. He bit back his grin, thinking now wasn’t the best time to point out you were giving him your typical scolding mum look, the one you claimed you didn’t do. “You’re going to turn your work phone off, and come and spend time with your wife and son.”
His jaw dropped slightly, not used to see this demanding side of you very often. You'd think with being a mobster that everyone would be scared to talk back to one of the most dangerous men in London, but not you, to you Harrison was a big softie who was just your husband and Jack's father.
“Fine,” he said. You watched as he made a show of turning off his phone completely and placing it in one of his desk drawers. You bit back a smile, rolling your eyes at his dramatics before guiding him out of the room and into your son’s nursery.
“Hello, baby,” you cooed, gently raising him up out of his crib into your arms. The little boy babbled happily, even happier seeing his Dad standing behind you.
Harrison grinned, leaning down to place a kiss on top of J’s head, the little bub reaching for his Dad, craving being held in his arms.
He, of course, had no problem scooping his little monster out of your arms, letting him tuck his head under his chin while he quietly whispered to the boy.
“See, isn’t this much better than work.” He rolled his eyes. He knew you were right, even though he hated to admit it.
“Much better.”
harrison osterfield taglist → @seutarose @euphorichxlland @hjoficrecs @call-me-baby-gir1 @hazardosterfield @icyhollands @hollandbroz-n-haz @hopelessly-harry @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys-blog @itstaskeen @zspideyy @spideyssunshine @givebuckyhisplumsnow @lowkey-holland @hollandcrush @wizkiddx @sannie-san-shine @hopeless-romantic-baby @thehumanistsdiary @dummiesshort @itsbieberxholland @lillucyandthejets @piscesparker @bvttercupbby @kujokura @l0velyevans @jess-holland23 @captainamirica @gog0juice @annathesillyfriend @whoeveniskendall @heyafellows @sunwardsss @bi-lmg @londonspidey @multixfandomwriter @tomhollandismyhusband1996 @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @magicalxdaydream @hallecarey1 @avengers-hamiltrash @writingrem @aayaissaa
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piscesparker · 3 years
Stress reliever H.O 
Requested: 24 & 75 with Haz 
Books scattered along with your notes and stationery, laptop battery draining along with your energy was how you spent your Sunday evening. If it wasn't for your damned exams you would have been out clubbing or simply waiting for your boyfriend to come back from work to cuddle.
Just like you, your boyfriend too was a very busy man, being a mobster wasn't easy and you understood that; besides, your books kept you company. You had no idea for how many hours you had been studying and neither did you care, you had to finish tonight, even though it meant to pull another all-nighter. But unfortunately your boyfriend had other plans for you.
"Hey lov-" Harrison was cut off seeing the sight of his girlfriend in sweatpants and his hoodie a messy bun, drumming the pencil on your book trying to concentrate. Slipping off the coat he came and sat beside you on your bed, snaking his arms around your waist, peppering kisses on your shoulder and trailing up to your neck, "Hey," He whispered, but you didn't give him the attention. "Y/n! Take a break." He dragged your name and begged you.
"I'm almost done," you placed your palm on his cheek and reassured him. But Harrison had his fair share of interrogations and he knew you were lying, the bags under your eyes said so, "One more chapter."
"Nope!" He announced and began to close your books and laptop keeping them aside, "You're taking a break now, and I'm not taking no for an answer." He stood up and put his forward signaling your to give yours. "Come on, I got a surprise for you!" He beamed.
"Haz!" You protested, but they were all in vain as Harrison was already dragging you out. He had his hand over your eyes as he led you to your 'surprise'. "Okay, open 'em!" He said, coming to a stop. Fluttering your eyes open you saw a small picnic-type set up in the backyard, surrounded by candles. Your hands flew to your ever wide mouth as you gasped softly. "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" You said as threw yourself at him as he chuckled and almost loosing his balance. "Shall we?" You nodded. It truly was perfect, Harrison really knew how lighten you mood and so far he was doing great, he had your favourite food and you felt like all your worries had gone and it was only you and Harrison in this moment as you laid on the bedsheet, gazing at the stars and laughing to your hearts content.
"Thank you Haz." You smiled and pecked his lips as you walked back to your room.
"You deserved it, my little nerd." He laughed.
"Haha." You rolled your eyes and mocked him, getting under the sheets as a yawn escaped your mouth. Harrison began to undress and went in for a quick shower, when he came back he saw you already asleep looking adorable as always. A small smile crept upon his face as he got in bed and arms around you placing a soft kiss on your forehead, letting sleep take over him.
And as if last night's surprise wasn't enough, he decided to wake up before you and get you breakfast in bed. Balancing the tray in his hand his opened the door and placed it carefully on the bedside table. Sitting beside your sleeping figure he started to pepper you with kisses all over your face till you woke up giggling at his antics. "Morning, sleeping beauty," He cooed, "I got you breakfast!" He placed the tray in front of you, his famous pancakes and a cup of freshly brewed coffee to start the day. "What would I do without you?" You shook your head and pulled him in for a kiss as he laughed into the kiss, when your kiss was interrupted by Harrison's phone.
"Sorry, love duty calls." He winced.
"It's okay." You smiled.
"Good luck on your exam, you're gonna ace it!" He encouraged, kissing your forehead and dashing out the door, you sighed feeling less stressed, ready to give your exam thanks to your boyfriend.
General Taglist: @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @peaches-parker @mischiefmanaged011 @hollanderfangirl @calltothewild @parkerpeter24 @whatthefuckimbisexual @yourstrulyamour @holland-parkers @peterbenjiparker @theonly1outof-a-billion @miraclesoflove @theliterarymess @osterfieldholland01 @chrisosterfield @zspideyy @chillingonlife
Harrison Osterfield Taglist: @hollandbroz-n-haz @hjoficrecs @euphorichxlland @asshatgrace
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mrs-hollandstan · 4 years
what about....... giving Mob!Tom a blowjob😉while him being in a meeting....? uh? 😏❤️
Fuck that, trying to hide it. Kinky NSFW below, unashamed.
You couldn't wait. You just couldn't. Tom's men knew that whatever the boss said, went and if that meant his girl dropping to her knees in the middle of a meeting and sucking him off, so be it. 
When you slunk into the meeting and into his lap, whispering in his ear how much you want to do something, anything with him. He just smiled, 
"Anything?" You nod, catching onto what he's asking in a few moments. Without even being asked, you slide down between his legs, his eyes darting up to a few men who suck in short, surprised breaths once they realize what you're doing. Tom ignored them for a moment, helping you get his belt undone, zipper and button following. He lets you pull them down enough to free him, letting out the faintest whimper as you immediately take him into your mouth, bobbing your head. His eyes follow for a moment before he eggs his men on to continue the previously unimportant discussion. 
You take him deep in your mouth, fisting what you can't take in, watching his jaw clench and his eyes gloss over every once in a while as you fondle his balls and hollow your cheeks, focusing on the tip every once in a while. You can see sweat collect on his brow, his eyes darting to Harrison who leans over to watch you for just a moment, giving a satisfactory hum at the calmness you provide his boss and best friend. You watch his mouth move as he chews the inside of his lip to curb the moans and grunts you would otherwise hear. 
No weakness to show. Never. That's the motto your beautiful boy lives by. He isn't going to show any sign of weakness no matter how loyal these men are. 
His jaw clenches as you give his balls the gentlest squeeze, a hum leaving his lips which you aren't sure if it's directed towards you or an interesting point brought up by Axel, the current man speaking. He apparently isn't sure either, given the stutter that ensues. You giggle, Tom's hips lifting from his chair and effectively gagging you. He lets out a soft chuckle, chewing his cheek now as he watches your lips swallow him. Those innocent eyes are what eventually make him bust, throbbing against your tongue before the salty substance costs your tongue. 
He holds up a finger, silencing the room as he cums, eyes squeezing shut as his head lulls back. He growls once, glancing down at you, 
"Lemme see darling." He murmurs, drawing you up to his eyes by your chin. You open your mouth, showing him his cum across your tongue. He hums, 
"Good girl. Swallow it for me?" He poses as he tucks himself back into his pants and fastens himself in. You nod, doing as he asks and crawling up into his lap. He hums, kissing you softly, arms wrapped around you. He sighs, eyes finding Axel again, 
"Continue." He mumbles as you rest against him, smiling to yourself. 
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landothemuppet · 2 years
Tumblr media
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