#mmm yes orcs
chainsawseesaw · 2 years
I think im gonna try to reblog a tad less and post like, original content a bit more? I just have a lot of stuff I wanna talk about and want it to actually get seen lol
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hush-writes-preg · 7 months
Spooky Season Day #21
There's an orc balls-deep inside of your very wet, very pregnant pussy.
You're in an incredibly awkward position, bent over the side of a sofa with your knees on the cushions, your belly pressed against the fabric, one hand gripping the edge of the cushion for balance and the other hanging on to the back. Your swollen tits sway pendulously beneath you, and a large orc is hunched over you from behind, fucking you hard enough that his leathery sack is slapping your thighs.
His hands rest on your shoulders, holding you in place. The muscles of his legs, covered in dark, thick hair, are rhythmically flexing as he thrusts in and out of your tight pussy. You've already come twice on his cock. You're about to cum again.
"Don't stop," you pant, closing your eyes.
The orc groans and speeds up his pace, his long, thick shaft pumping in and out of you like a piston. His claws dig into your shoulder.
"Mmm, yes! Fuck me! I'm gonna come! Don't stop!"
He snarls and pushes your head down against the cushion, forcing your ass higher up in the air. You feel your orgasm approaching, and your inner walls clench and flutter around his cock.
"FUCK!" he growls, slamming into you one last time before he erupts inside of you, pumping his hot seed deep into your occupied womb.
Your pussy quivers and spasms around his pulsating cock, and you scream your release into the cushion, your knuckles white from clutching the upholstery. Your knees tremble and threaten to give out, but the orc is there, holding you upright, still inside of you. He doesn't let you go, doesn't move, until the last tremor has left your body, and you're panting desperately for air. 
Finally, he pulls out of you, and a gush of warm, sticky fluid follows his cock, spilling out of your freshly fucked hole and running down the inside of your thigh.
Gods, if he hadn't already knocked you up, you can't imagine walking away from this without an orcling in your belly.
(A Spooky Season story.)
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cuprohastes · 8 months
Hey you, space orc!
Sometimes, Dave The Human got mistaken for an actual human, because someone saw the name and mistook her for Dave the Human - an actual Human, currently under the moniker of Phalanges Mitten as part of his deep cover as a female Atrix after accepting a sort-of marriage proposal from a small, actual Atrix.
And then the female Tsin would show up as per request and someone would double take and go 'Oh er'. and they'd call EVA 43, who was known for being an unkillable badass, or Phalanges, who was not known for being an unkillable badass, because he never mentioned the thing with the Thotari assassins or that one time he beat up an entire pirate ship.
This prompted Dave to broach the subject over food in the Cafeteria:
"So... what is a Space Orc?" she asked. Cat fantastic said "Gweep?" and Phalanges and EVA 43 did that thing where they leaned back and swapped significant looks and made 'Mmm, hmmm' faces.
Dave watched Cat Fantastic, Phalanges Little Guy copy the move thoughtfully, and then EVA 43 said. "It's an old joke. Like from before the Wallandernook showed up and got us interstellar."
Dave nodded instead of doing the ear sweep, a carefully learned habit. "Yeah... they got us off planet entirely - Without artificial gravity, we can't do it in person - And of course there's that whole 'oops bombed ourselves into an anti-space doctrine." she said.
Cat Fantastic said 'Graak' and Dave wondered what he meant by 'Nice exposition'.
EVA 43, who's actual name nobody could ever recall for more than a few seconds continued and once again Dave was bemused that the moment she looked away she couldn't picture 43 in any away: not their gender, skin colour... nothing: As though someone had written a character and failed to give them any description at all and for some reason kept up with the gag.
"We have this literary tradition of writing fantasy works - Fiction - With uhhh..."
"Tropes." offered Phalanges.
"Tropes - Yes, OK so one is Orcs. They're barbaric, kind of dumb compared with Humans... but they're a bit bigger, a bit stronger, a bit hardier..."
"So in any physical situation, the Orc is the one who's most likely to survive, discounting any plot necessity." said Phalanges.
"Oh I guess I get it." said Dave. "We've got something similar but it sort of loosely translates as Even Bigger People." - She herself was a Big Female, which was unrelated to size. It just meant that without modern medical intervention she was unlikely to change gender, unlike three quarters of the Tsin population who would swap to maintain gender balance naturally. The connotations were 'The most female type of female', which got adjusted for the benefit of talking to other species.
Cat Fantastic said "Graak." which was true: As a monogendered species who's reproductive roles were defined by body mass out of convenience, and who's actual reproduction was 100% external and more akin to a turtle dumping her eggs and then letting the hatchlings just deal with survival, the Atrix version of a bigger stronger more durable Atrix was literally just the biggest strongest and most durable Atrix that you knew.
And compared to Humans Atrix were fragile: A normal human could walk off injuries that would be incapacitating to an Atrix.
43 famously stepped into hard vacuum with nothing but a surgical gown, after surviving a few hours with life support disabled in a crippled EVA suit, by just being reversibly dead.
They'd done it to save their friend, an Atrix, who had to have a new eye installed, and had life-long scars from mere low pressure exposure that was too low for them to maintain consciousness... a situation that for a human would possibly, if sustained for a while, caused a hickey and dry eyes, maybe a wheeze from inhaling hard.
Phalanges nodded. "So yeah - In comparison to most species, we can survive higher gravity - or no gravity - injuries that would cripple or kill other species with shock - We've got redundant organs, and emergency chemical responses that turn off the limits of our muscles so we can trade massive damage for survival... or not feel pain."
EVA 43 frowned and thought about that, then nodded and ticked off a couple of fingers, "And we can stop breathing for a couple of minutes, consume our own body mass if there's no food, keep moving for longer than almost any other starfaring species...."
Phlanages picked up, "And then pack bond with nearly any organism or object, so instead of getting obliterated by everyone else because we met you guys and reached for a recipe book..."
EVA 43 added "... we can eat a stupid range of food including what a lot of other species consider poisonous chemicals..." to the list.
Phalanges continued cheerfully, "... so you guys were like 'Oh crap, no wait, these dumb monsters are friendly. Maybe they'll pick stuff up and carry it for us.'"
"And do human related stuff." EVA 43 added.
Daver held up both her small hands, the one on her second set of arms. "OK, and it helps you have this really weird flexible language and you're just right in the middle of the audio and visual range almost everyone uses." she added drumming her big claws on the table, which Cat Fantastic mimicked.
"Squeap." said Dave, making a pity comment in her normal, near ultrasound dialect of Southern Tstktk Tsin. "I do enjoy these weird little culture discussions. But I feel like I'm letting the side down because people keep calling me for space orc stuff."
Phalanges, mouth full of purple breadroll shrugged and gave EVA 43 a look.
43 leaned back and pondered. "OK well... look, it's going to be mostly Atrix calling, right? Humans don't need another human unless it's a specific uh..."
"Phkil" mumbled Phalanges.
"Bingo. And there's just not many Tsin doing work that needs a human. They're mostly in Med or admin where the gravity is safest."
Dave nodded again getting an idea of where this was going.
"So it's Atrix. Therefore..." said 43...
"... you just need to figure out what you can do that they can't." finished Phalanges, "And do it in the most flamboyant way possible."
Mothers Pride, looked down at Dave, having requested them to the bowels of the station - An area that really was the bowels as it dealt with the processing and containment of the sanitation system. Which means exactly what you think.
Actually, this was part of Dave's area of expertise, as they were a certified life support specialist like Phalanges. She had the horrifying stains on her jumpsuit to prove it.
"Oh we, er thought you were going to be a human." said Mothers Pride in very formal Tsin.
Two smaller Atrix peered around her, doing complex colour patterns with their faces.
"Well... I am for tax reasons." said Dave. "Is this anything to do with the overheating steriliser?" she asked in her natural colloquial yokel manner.
"How...? Yes, yes, it's in an awkward place and we can't get in because of the heat and the close quarters." Pride said giving Dave a peachy-green look.
"Ah, oh that's no problem. Just let me take a listen... hmmm... OK the circulator pump's not running fast enough..." she said and put her claw tips on the piping, "... yeah feel that, the vibration's about half what you would expect." she said.
The three Atrix simultaneously looked at their tablets where the diagnostics were telling them something similar, at length with less detail.
Then she paused, ears swivelling, making a high clicking sound that made the Atrix twitch minutely flush orange with each ultrasonic burst, and carefully added, "Ah you might want to step back", and rapidly knocked on the pipe as she stepped into the accessway - Too tight for an Atrix. OK for one of the slim wiggly humans, fine for the short and stocky Tsin. There was a startling gurgle and a thrumming vibration: The impellor picking up started pumping the horrible gunk through the system - the increased flow taking the building heat from the pasteurisation unit with it.
Then she shuffled back out with some new trophy stains on her overalls, flicked her ears once and said "Nice working with you, Pride." and ambled back down the corridor.
Mothers Pride and her two interns watched, astounded. They stared at each other, flickering colours on their cheeks and foreheads, amazed.
Dave, who's vision was at the other end of the spectrum to Atrix vision, and who'd been able to see the infrared coming off the machinery as a grainy glow, and who's vocalisations and hearing were good enough to do a little fuzzy ultrasound, had detected the mass choking the pipe (And gotten lucky that strategic knocking had make it move) got all the way around the bend before allowing herself some excited squeaps.
After all, she was a Space Orc now.
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sanisse · 2 years
Oh I have to make a request because you are freaking amazing!!! How about Glorfindel coming home after a hard fight against orcs and he’s full of adrenaline and still in his bloody armor when he finds the reader (female please) and goes hard on her. Bonus points if you throw in a daddy kink 😍
👀👀👀👀 mmm I’m always partial to Glorfindel in armor. 
Spice Level (1-5): 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶( beware: ghost pepper hot)
Pairing: Glorfindel/fem!Reader
Warnings/tags: penetrative sex, rough sex, daddy kink, dirty talk
Minors DNI. Your media consumption is your own responsibility.
Need | Glorfindel x Fem!Reader 
The second you hear that he’s back, you fly out of your chair and break into a run. Glorfindel’s only been gone for a day and a half but it feels so much longer, and you’ve spent most of the time praying to Eru that he’ll come back from the skirmish unscathed.
You barrel down a flight of stairs and then down through the next hallway, intent on meeting him in the courtyard. It comes as a shock when Glorfindel bursts through the door you’re headed straight for, golden armor flashing in the late-afternoon sun and flecked with black blood.
He closes the distance between you two in three swift strides, grabs your face in both of his hands, and drags you in for a bruising kiss.
You melt against him. Glorfindel mutters something indiscernible and desperate and then slams you against the nearest door so hard it knocks the air out of you. Your hand finds the doorlatch and the two of you slip inside. He kicks the door shut, doesn’t bother to lock it, then grabs you by the back of your neck and pushes you back into the door, palms flat against it, cheek pressed to the wood. Glorfindel crowds up behind you and wraps a hand around your throat. 
“You smell so good,” he hisses in your ear, dragging his mouth down the back of your neck. He’s so much taller than you, pure muscle, big as a mountain. You love when he gets like this. He always does after a fight. You push your ass back against him and hear him growl in response and demand: “I have to have you.” 
“Now?” you whine in surprise. He’s still in his armor, and this isn’t your room. 
He sinks his teeth into your shoulder. “Do you wish it?” 
You can hardly think as he snakes an arm around you to grab a handful of your breast and squeeze, but you manage: “Should you see the healers first?” 
“Probably,” he rumbles back with a chuckle that makes you wet. 
“Do you wish it?” he asks again. 
You whine again, letting your head fall back to his shoulder, utterly trapped between the cold gold-plated steel of his breastplate and the oak door and loving every second of it. “Yes.” And then have the wherewithal to add: “You’ll see the healers straight after.”
“Naturally,” he says, kicking your legs apart. 
You spread for him without a second thought. Glorfindel pins you to the door by the back of your neck again and you hear the rustle of his sash as he yanks it loose, then the metallic clank as he rids himself of his tasset and lets it fall to the ground. When he presses back up against you, you can feel just how hard he is through his leather trousers. 
“You were never out of my mind,” he says, rucking up your skirt. “Not for one moment.” 
He brings his hand to your mouth and you sink your teeth into his leather riding gloves and pull them free. Glorfindel moans again in your ear, then reaches down to plunge two fingers into your clenching heat. 
You let out a choked gasp. He growls again and presses his forehead to your shoulder. 
“So wet already, little one?” 
It wrings another, high pitched sound out of you, and you answer: “Just for you, Ada.” 
Glorfindel makes a wrecked sound at your answer, withdraws, pins you again, then lines himself up. You feel the blunt head of his cock brush your folds, making you squirm and wriggle your hips, pushing back, trying to swallow him up.
He covers your mouth, then shoves inside. 
You scream into his fingers. He’s so fucking big. Fills you up so perfectly. Stretches you almost to your limit. You never want anyone else. Usually, he’ll give you a moment to adjust. Not today. Today, he doesn’t have the patience. He pulls back out, then slams in to the hilt, making your vision burst white.
He finds the spot inside of you that turns you into a boneless, limp mess and hits it every single time as he pounds into you, keeping you pinned against the door with his own weight, letting you make as much noise as you want into the palm of his hand. The pace he sets is relentless, consuming, making your eyes roll back into your head as he splits you open again and again and again. 
Your orgasm takes you entirely by surprise. You’re too overwhelmed to even notice the build before it cracks through your spine like lightning. Glorfindel moans in response, his hips stuttering as your body flutters around him, sucking him in, and you mewl and writhe and shake. 
It’s so much. 
And he just keeps fucking you straight through it, pushing you into a second orgasm. A third. Until your vision’s rushing black and you’re muttering a muffled chant of thank you, Ada, thank you-- thank you-- into his hand.
You might pass out. You’re not sure. You don’t really care. Glorfindel praises you right through each orgasm, keeps you trapped where he wants you, tells you what a good little girl you’re being for him, letting him fuck your tight little hole.
“I’m going to come inside you, little one,” he pants in your ear. “Going to fill you up.”
“Yes!” you gasp out. “Come. Please-- Ada, please come--”
He slams into you so hard it makes you choke. Glorfindel sinks his teeth into your shoulder and bursts inside of you. You feel him paint your insides, feel it drip down your thighs with every little twist of his hips.
Then, everything is quiet. You’re utterly limp against the door, breathless and trembling and a little sore but so, so, so sated. Glorfindel lets out a long, ragged breath that turns into a laugh as he starts to soften inside of you.
“I think we may have traumatized some of Elrond’s staff.” 
You match his laughter with your own. “I think that’s very likely. Whose room is this?” 
“Guest room, don’t fret,” he returns, and presses a chaste kiss to your shoulder, where he’s bitten you, then peppers another gentle kiss just below your ear. “I didn’t hurt you?” 
“No,” you say back. “You fucked the living daylights out of me, though.” Your legs are still shaking like a newborn colt’s and you’re not sure you’ll be able to stay upright much longer. 
He chuckles. Runs a hand through your hair. “My apologies, melethel. I have missed you.” 
“And I you, thalion nín. Now,” you slip out from between him and the door and throw out a hand to brace yourself when your legs buckle. “Off to the healers with you. You promised.” 
Glorfindel reaches out to steady you. “Let me get you to bed first.” 
As much as you’re worried about him, you have to admit defeat. 
“Fine. Then off to the healers. Is that clear?” 
His face breaks into a radiant grin. “Clear as crystal, melethel.” 
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no-more-tales-tavern · 10 months
New M/F gif 6A Yang needs some new bracers and while Flynt is more than happy to make them, she needs to purchase the cost of time and materials. Rather hard to do when you don't have a gold to your name, but Yang has an alternative way to pay her dues. (@heroes-den)
"New" Gif List: 6A
The steady smack of flesh on flesh was a new sound to Flynt's workshop—but with how wonderful it felt, he doubted it would be the last time he heard it ring through the small smithy's walls. Nor would the moans of passion and desire falling from the buxom blonde before him, bent over the counter as he plowed away into her, her voice making the windows shudder and shake.
"Mmm yes~ fuck, yes~!" Yang moaned in earnest as she felt his cock plow steady and rough into her folds. The blonde brawler arched her back toward him, her hips jerking to his thrusts, and she smirked at him over her shoulder. "Definitely worth~ fuck~ that extra gold, mm, isn't it~?"
The half-orc blacksmith behind her smirked in reply, smacking her ass as he plowed down hard into her. "We're only getting started, Yang~ and those bracers are quite the pricey pair~" Flynt leaned close, his tusks almost brushing against her lips as he growled in a low tone. "So don't get cocky~ you'll be repaying this for a while~"
Yang shuddered at his tone and moaned out wantonly, before smirking back at him and bucking her ass back into his thrusts. "You say that like that wasn't my whole plan this whole time~ get a hot stud of an orc to fuck me, and get some beautiful bracers of defense for free~"
Flynt smirked at her shameless admission of her desires and bucked harder into her ass, fingers tangling in her hair as he jerked her back and arched her against his chest. "Well then~ you have quite the request to repay, beautiful~ I hope you don't regret this~"
Yang only moaned in reply, arching back to kiss the handsome half-orc blacksmith with a lustful passion—before squealing with delight as he lifted her and spun her around, plowing even harder into her, the sounds of their hips hammering against each other the only thing that would be heard within the shop for the rest of the day.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
The small goblin barbarian Naien getting quite friendly with the half orc/thiefling Wilder at his camp that she was so generously offered to stay at.
Version 2: 6B
"Was this what you were looking for, little slut~?"
The deep, rumbling voice of the handsome huntsman tiefling Wilder rolled over Naien, sending a delighted shiver through the short and curvy goblin's frame. Her large, sharp teeth bit at her lip provocatively as she stared up at her fellow greenskin, holding in a deep groan as she felt his cock spear even deeper into her tight folds. "Mmm, fuck yes~" she admitted shamelessly.
Wilder grinned down at the sexy shortstack and he gripped her ankles firmly, deepening the mating press he had her pinned in. Naien let out a short squeal as she felt her body pretzel even more--thank god she was so flexible, but now she could almost feel his cock thrusting far too deep into her--she was gasping for breath.
"Well then~" Wilder chuckled, leaning down to press his forehead to Naien's, his eyes staring deep into hers as his hips began to plow rougher into hers. "Are you sure you can handle what you're asking for, little slut~?"
Naien panted, gasping as he began to thrust harder into her. Every thrust was forcing his cock deeper into her womb, her tight pussy shaping to fit his so snugly. She was barely holding herself together--
--and then, she felt it. In her new position, her ass was totally helpless, and she felt something pointed and firm prodding at her back entrance. Her eyes widened with shock--he wasn't seriously planning on fucking her with both--but before she could protest, Wilder shoved hard forward, and filled the sexy shortstack goblin with both his cock and tail at once in both her holes.
The result was instantaneous--Naien threw her head back in a panting scream as she squirted around his cock, eyes rolling back and tongue rolling out. "Nooo~!! Fuck fuck fuck it's so fucking gooooooddd~!! Fuck, more, Wild~! Fuck me more, Daddy~!!"
The half-orc-tiefling grinned down at the slutty goblin and happily fulfilled her pleas, ruthlessly plowing her pussy and ass as he broke her more. Looks like he'd found himself a new travel companion after all.
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
Thing I love in monster romance scenarios is when the monster is of the "looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll" variety. Yes, they might look scary at first, but they are just an absolute sweetheart and a big softie. In spicy scenarios, this is also the kind of monster who's big on aftercare. Cuddles and gently holding you, perhaps gently carrying you to the shower to clean up... mmm
What could be better than a huge intimidating orc sweeping you off your feet and taking care when nuzzling you so that their tusks don't jab into your skin or get caught in your hair, holding you close to their big barrel chest...
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land-of-holly · 2 years
Rings of Power Episode 1 Liveblog
Okay, I'm going to watch the first two episodes again and take some notes. These will be a combination of the thoughts I remember from the first watch through as well as some stuff that comes up on a rewatch.
"Nothing is evil in the beginning" Nice quote to start off with, in a show all about Sauron.
These kids COULD all be her cousins yes?
Magic swan origami!
They hit you with "Elves can be assholes too!" damn quick, don't they.
I realize that the captions label this guy "Finrod" but I'm going to headcannon him as Aegnor until further notice, it fits better imo.
The inscrutible philosophizing in answer to a simple question is Finrod-like enough, though. Comes of never having real problems, I guess.
The lighting in the Valinor scenes is really pretty.
"We had no word for death" Feanor is SCREECHING. This is actually something even a lot of fan writers get wrong; the pre Valinor elves certainly lost loved ones!
And we took the boats to Middle earth and it was all fine and dandy for everyone
See, Aegnor could totally have died like that
"Left Middle Earth in ruin" on a shot that everyone was CERTAIN was of Alqualonde. Easter egg?
"we learned many words for death" you are Quendi you damn well MADE those words
I'm hype that the first word used to describe Sauron is "sorceror"
Vampire Finrod confirmed! In all honesty, the "Sauron symbol" seems a little heavy handed of a way to give this plot a visual through line.
Aw, Galadriel's poor second in command. I hope he's having a nice time in Valinor.
He's still putting his concerns in unnecessarily poetic terms lol.
My spouse has a point-- you NEVER assume that a guy literally known as the Necormancer is really dead until you have seen a body and disintegrated it.
This place in Forodwaith is never NAMED Utumno but we can imagine.
I would honestly expect the Evil to extinguish light before warmth, but that wouldn't lead to very good cinematography.
Yeah! Punch a wall!
The teleportation accident orc is really freaky.
See, I know you can do better than a random rune as a Sauron symbol. I could do better.
"A trail for orcs to follow"? That's quite an assumption, considering you've only seen it once before.
Galadriel is that boss who's like "we're all family here" ^_^ and then asks you to work 30 hours of unpaid overtime.
They got guys still speaking Quenya well into the second age? I guess when you are getting attacked by a snow troll you are allowed to revert to your mother tongue
Okay, Galadriel's stone cold equanimity when she fights is pretty cool to watch
Ah the anvil. Well know symbol of evil.
And after all that, the antler guys are just random no names. Bluh, trailer shots.
They're not even out of earshot, guys, maybe wait before you pop out of the grass?
I do like their hidden village, being good at hiding from Big Folk is one of the core Hobbit competencies.
I love the Harfoots' ideographic/pictographic writing!
Not super thrilled with Poppy's intro as the fat best friend being stuck in a gate+falling in mud, I'm giving her treatment a lot of scrutiny.
Mmm, fresh blackberries
Awww, aspiring poet Elrond sitting in a tree with a book os a pretty good introduction
Okay, "Elf lords only" teaches us NOTHING about the actual political structure of Lindon or Elrond's place in it, and is of course completely incoherent with Elrond's canon heritage, and it doesn't even seem to faze Elrond much??? Why????
I actually like the ear prosthetics on the Elves, they look pretty neat
Elrond's just looking for a good story out of Galadriel.
Galadriel not really taking orders from Gil Galad is actually....extremely in character as far as how I imagine her.
At this point my predicted probability of whether Elanor's going to have her name explained ever is dropping steadily.
Elrond as Gil Galad's Alexander Hamilton is pretty great.
Poor Gil Galad, Galadriel must have been making his life harder for CENTURIES
I can't really say anything about Gil Galad apparently having authority to send people to Valinor that hasn't already been said. It makes no sense to anyone who understands how this works. But in context it's a brutally incisive political move against Galadriel.
I assume the memorial carvings don't hurt the trees.
Yeah, it does seem weird that they give no indication that going west brings you NEARER to your departed loved ones.
Galadriel have you considered that your inner turmoil is a you problem?
Galadriel his entire family got ripped away from him too, please don't play oppression olympics with him!
Galadriel has a point that leaving won't necessarily fix her if the problem is in her heart. It'll sure make Gil Galad's life easier, though.
Elrond promising to continue her fight isn't a bad move, and I do think he means it, even if he considers the probability low that he'll have to.
Hitting Galadriel's refusal to go West so hard is not a bad theme to give a lot of weight to, all things considered
I expected to seem more whole communities of color than I'm actually seeing, it's disappointing.
Did people use Knife ear as a slur for elves before Dragon Age?
I like how Arondir stops anyone from starting a fight on his behalf.
Something about Bronwyn's costume really bugs me. I realize it's the South and it's warm and everything, but her bare shoulders and cleavage still look...sloppy, almost, like she's missing an underlayer or something. Like, it's almost ancient Greek inspired but not quite, and the result looks just...unfinished.
Hey, Idril and Tuor did not die....that we know of. Still appreciated to point out that this romance is not a good idea
So, it seems Arondir is not Silvan or Avari, at least not politically. He works directly for Gil Galad. How do we feel about that?
Elf racism! I believe it! Let's really dig down into this!
Oh gross, that cow's got something way worse than mastitis
Bronwyn why are you going with him???
:o The Sword of Evil!
Are the elves on the ship to Valinor just expected to stand at attention the entire time?
So Gil Galad's plan was to do nothing and expect Sauron to just chill as long as they didn't provoke him??
"i've admired his artistry since I was a child" now isn't THAT a loaded sentence if you know Elrond's history.
You can't just insult a woman's family like that, Arondir, I'd be upset too.
The armor removal ceremony was pretty cool, very symbolic. Who are these veiled maidens serving the soldiers though? Do they work for Cirdan? Do they just send a few along every time who are ready to leave? Who is driving this boat, anyway?
Birbs! Manwe says hello!
Jumping off the ship to Valinor is some crackfic shit, WTF?? Are we dealing with Hobbit movie senses of distance here, or does she actually expect this to work? Was she just hoping Ulmo would help a girl out?
Why does she need to take his hand? Is she gonna get left behind otherwise?
So Gil Galad is definitely sending someone to check out that gnarly meteor that just flew overhead, right?
Flaming eye symbology ahoy!
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Kink: fantasy raceplay (tieflings, elves, orcs ect)
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes | There goes my pants |
Bonus: Giving | Receiving | Both
Mmm regardless of fantasy races or real ones, raceplay will always be something I love to indulge in~
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xnottobex · 4 years
Orc imagine #8
Imagine having a mohawk which in orc culture means you're a warrior and the longer it is means how many battles you been in undefeated. In reality you're just a shy person who spooks easily so you can't understand why all these orcs are either nodding at you or either moving out of your way.
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awellboiledicicle · 3 years
Tumblr media
I'm gonna level with you @asleepymonster , I just spent about a half hour reading through anthropology sources online and i figure you just meant the blanket “polygamy as a blanket category for the marriage of multiple individuals” and not the “all polygamy is polygyny” version. Which in the field the modern use is just... the correct definition. Popular use is a different beast.
For real though i sat there googling for like 45 mins wondering if i wasn’t noticing something and then i remembered most people think the polygyny thing. Or assume it means bigamy--which is a whole different thing and for a second i forgot most people’s only reference for polygamy is cults/Mormons
For the other people reading this post, some definitions:
Monogamy, the union between two individuals.
Polygamy, the union between three or more individuals.
Polyandry refers to a marriage between a woman and multiple men.
Polygyny is the a marriage between a man and multiple women.
Group marriage is a form of marriage where several males are married simultaneously to several females.
Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all partners involved.
Polycule is used in this sense, as relationships between members of the group can take different forms. Like a molecule of water. 
Ok, now that that nerding is out of the way, on to the Tensura nerding.
If you mean serial polygamy as in, as members leave/die, more marry in or if you mean they just keep adding-- honestly it probably depends on whats going on. 
I believe the Ogres probably practice polyandry, if only because they canonically keep their numbers low and that means the balances are probably going to skew toward that. Additionally, they probably practice fraternal polyandry--several brothers marrying one woman-- to make sure family power/wealth is consolidated and negates any inheritance infighting. In this way, all the husbands are considered the father of all the children, which means everything ends out a lot clearer in terms of like... who’s in charge next.  It’s probably a lot looser for non-nobles, bc then its a lot lower stakes in terms of social capital when they come together.  This makes Shuna and Shion competing over Rimuru more significant if only because sharing-- which probably isn’t unheard of-- would complicate matters of like. Social stuff. That said, Rimuru would have to be ok with that and then not nosedive, because he’s a former japanese man that lived of Hentai and dating sims. That’s a whole different post, we’re talking ogres.
Given their long lifespans and their niche as mercenaries, it wouldn’t surprise me if serial polyandry was a thing-- but it would probably be more if their husbands all died and they married into another family. It’d probably be perfectly acceptable, but also i imagine any children from the second union would only benefit from their father’s status-- as any from the mother would apply to the first children. That said, i’m assuming its an eldest thing, because Benimaru being a prince is treated as a big deal. That said, Shuna being a princess is treated about the same in terms of importance. So it might also be an egalitarian version of polygamy. Honestly we don’t see much implying there’s a gender difference in their society so it’s possible they’re on the same level, socially. Hmm meta.
Also who fucking knows with Orcs.  Because i know mmm 4 things about them as a people, other than they’re hard workers and based on pigs. They eat a lot, they have a lot of kids, they only group when being driven by a stronger one, and the place they came from before the whole Orc Disaster was famine ridden.  None of those facts gives me a lot to work with, because while YES i can look at pig behavior to fill in gaps-- there’s a lot of pigs! Many pig! Which pig are they? Domestic? Those are monogamous when allowed in group settings. Wild hogs--in north america at least-- live separated by gender and only meet up when it’s breeding season. BUT some also just live in groups! What pig are they? Does it matter to anyone but me, who is trying to imagine if their hair is course or wooley? No.
Basically they could practice sexual monogamy, OR marital monogamy. They could have mating seasons and practice temporary marriages that legally end once the resulting offspring are old enough. No hard feelings or w/e, they just go about their lives and either enter a new one or just vibe. 
Humans are probably serial monogamists if only because thats the vibe i get from them. 
Aaaaand if none of this is what you meant, i apologize but ADHD and otherwise unused College go brrr
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Male drider x reader (sfw) - Part One
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
It’s Wednesday, so that means it’s ‘new’ story time. This one has been up on Patreon for a week already, and Part Two has gone live today already.
Content: Female reader takes up a job as an archivist in a creepy old house and is surprised to find that 'the master' refuses to be seen at all... Very much ‘Beauty and the Beast’ inspired, if you will. Cameos from Sarrigan Silkfoot and Damien the orc chocolatier (Tumblr links). Wordcount: 2464
EDIT: my favourite comment from patrons on part two has been ‘cranky spooder’
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WANTED: Librarian to take on an extensive, re-cataloguing project in a large, private collection. Diverse collection includes books, clay and stone tablets, scrolls, parchments, and various other media.  Applicant must be willing to live on-site in a relatively remote location, and archival qualifications preferred, though demonstrable experience may suffice. Board and lodging will be provided throughout the duration of the project. It is anticipated that it should take between four to six months. More details to be supplied to the candidate following a successful interview.
You stared at the strange advert in the paper and let your teeth sink slowly into your lip, a frown playing across your forehead. This was… honestly right up your street in terms of experience and qualifications. In that moment, sitting at the table in your favourite coffee shop in Starfall Springs while a summer rain shower hammered down outside, you wanted to wave that advertisement in the face of everyone who’d said a postgraduate qualification in archive and records management would render you essentially bankrupt and completely unemployable. If this was anything to go by, they were only half wrong. You were practically bankrupt. Well, up to your eyeballs in student loans at least.
“Fuck it,” you hissed under your breath, ripping out the advert and getting out your phone. There was no email contact, but there was a number, and you saved it to your contacts in case you lost the little shred of newspaper, and decided to call as soon as you got home.
The phone wasn’t exactly your preferred method of communication, but it was all you had, so after psyching yourself up, you punched in the numbers and paced about, waiting for someone to answer.
Abruptly, the dial tone cut off, and a crackling on the other end of the line announced that someone had picked up. “Hello…? I’m… I’m calling about the archivist’s role advertised in the Starfall Chronicle… I was hoping for a bit more information.”
“Oh,” came a reedy, thin voice. “Your qualifications?”
You told them and then waited for them to speak.
“Hmm. And your experience?”
You swallowed. “I… I helped the Starfall Museum in transferring their computer system from the manual catalogues…” you said, suddenly feeling like this was the interview already.
“Mmm. So your experience is not extensive then.”
It wasn’t a question, and you ground your teeth.
“Just how am I supposed to get this vast acreage of mythical experience if no one hires anyone without it? I can get you three stunning references from the museum curators and staff, as well as from my professors at university,” you said hotly. And instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry,” you added hastily. “I didn’t mean to…”
“Yes you did,” they chuckled, voice husky and fragile. “And you’re perfectly right. I think you might do well at this in fact.”
“I… what?”
Another soft snort. “What information would you like to know then?”
“Where is it, for a start?”
There was an uncomfortable pause, and you’d just been on the point of asking if they were still there when they spoke again. “There’s an old estate to the north of Starfall Springs.”
You frowned. You’d heard rumours as a child growing up here that there was some mad old nightmare creature who lived in the woods on the slopes of Starfall Mountain and came down into the town on the new moon snatched naughty children from their beds, but you'd long dismissed it as nonsense to make kids behave. Still, it sent a tingle of apprehension down your spine.
“I’ve heard something of it,” you said carefully. “Not much.”
“Widowsweb Court,” the person said with reticence. “The estate dates back centuries, and the collection is in need of some care and attention. If you would be willing to live on the estate in your own, self-contained apartment, with meals provided in the kitchens of the main house should you wish it, then I think you sound like the right person for the role.”
“When would you want me to start?”
In the end, it took you less than a month to get everything organised.
On the evening of your departure, you and your friends celebrated on Temple Meadow, the huge swathe of public park surrounding the town’s religious building, and as you lay back on the blanket, staring up at the sky and surrounded by friends, you saw a shooting star sear through the canopy of glimmering stars above.
Sarrigan Silkfoot and his partner lay curled up nearby, and Damien, the huge orc from the chocolaterie in town, had tucked his own partner’s head against the crook of his colossal shoulder. A thought occurred to you as you watched Sarrigan toss his head back and laugh at a joke whispered in his ear, and you sat up.
“Mm?” he hummed, laughter still dancing in his eight red eyes.
“I know you don’t talk much about your family, but do you know of any other estates around here?” You hadn’t mentioned exactly where the job was, just that it wasn’t in Starfall Springs itself.
“Why d’you ask?”
“The place I’m going to for this job is called Widowsweb Court, but the library said it’s been abandoned for years, and I couldn’t find much about it on the internet either.”
He went still at the mention of its name. “Widowsweb you say?”
You nodded and realised you had the attention of everyone in your small group.
Sarrigan straightened and tucked a strand of his long, black hair behind a tapering ear. “It used to be part of the Silkfoot family holdings… way, way back,” he began, gesturing with his hand. “But about four hundred years or so ago, there was a disagreement between the then patriarch of the family and the dowager, his mother. He essentially annexed the property and disowned the entire estate. He could have sold it, but apparently he felt just guilty enough not to turf her out onto the street…”
“Why? I mean, what did she do?”
Sarrigan shrugged. “No idea. Knowing my family, it probably had something to do with anti-human sentiments…” he winked at you and added, “We really didn’t like your kind invading these parts…”
“We’re not exactly a majority round here,” his partner said, thwacking him in the belly with the back of a hand.
“True,” he said before turning back to you. “But you’re saying someone actually lives there?”
Damien leaned across and grinned, “Could be a long-lost relative, Sarrigan!”
“Well, whoever my employer is, they have a huge collection to reorganise, so I’m in.”
“You don’t even know the name of the person who’s paying you?” Damien gawped.
You shook your head. “A Mr. Ambleside is taking care of that. He’s apparently employed to keep the estate running and such… He’s the one who interviewed me.”
“Ambleside is an old family name from these parts,” Sarrigan said thoughtfully. “Well, you make sure you keep in touch, hmm?”
“Will do,” you nodded.
The only problem was, you discovered after Damien had dropped you off and fussed endlessly over you outside the tumble-down gates of the estate, that there was no phone reception way out here. Not even a single, sputtering bar.
As the tail lights of Damien’s truck disappeared, you pushed the iron gates open, the hinges screeching in protest loud enough that you thought your arrival would be announced all the way back down into Starfall, a two hour drive away.
Heaving your huge suitcase into your hand, you began to struggle down the driveway. Overgrown, potholed, and muddy, the road was barely even a road after the recent rain.
Ancient, thick-boled trees hung over the drive, branches meeting in the middle like lovers fingers interlaced, and after half a mile of walking, you stopped, exhausted, and sat on your suitcase. You’d made it out of the small, gnarled copse that bordered the edge of the estate, but the parklands that lay beyond seemed to stretch for miles. The thought of hauling your sizable suitcase all that way made you feel faint, especially in the stifling sun. There was at least a cooling breeze that lifted your hair and caressed your skin, but honestly, it was hopeless.
Eventually, after perhaps a quarter of an hour of sitting there, getting warmer and thirstier, and growing no less exhausted, you caught sight of a movement on the driveway. Squinting, you made out a horse and cart, and sitting atop the driver’s bench, a figure with a wide-brimmed hat on their head.
The closer they got, the more you were able to make out, and when they were perhaps fifty yards away, you stood up. They looked to be an elderly firbolg, with warm-brown skin and flaming red hair and beard.
The horse was an elderly, bony looking thing, and the cart just as rickety, but the firbolg drew to a halt beside you and barked your name in a familiar voice.
“Mr. Ambleside?”
“Yes, that’s me,” he said. “You’re early.”
“A little, yes.”
“Well, climb in. Do you need a hand with your bag?”
You looked at it, and then at the height of the cart bed. “If you wouldn't mind?”
He nodded and climbed carefully down. You weren’t sure how old firbolgs got, but he didn’t exactly look young. Having said that, he hauled your bag into the back like it weighed nothing at all and then helped you up to sit beside him on the bench before turning the cart around and heading back up the driveway.
The house itself was nestled in a clump of massive elm trees, masked from view until almost the last moment. “I’ll show you to the cottage, and then you can come up to the house for some refreshments. You’ll start work tomorrow at nine.”
You nodded, not wanting to rock the proverbial boat. “Is it just you and… er… your - our - employer here then?” you ventured after a few minutes of silence with only the rumbling of the cart for background noise.
He shrugged. “My boy works here in the grounds too, and there’s Chiara who tends to the household. Other than that, yes. And the master, of course.”
“Will I be meeting him?” you asked.
Mr. Ambleside looked positively scandalised. “Oh heavens no!” he gasped.
“Right. I see. He’s… unwell?”
That drew a deep scowl from the firbolg’s thick, heavy brows. “No,” he said, but it sounded like he was buying time. “No, he’s not unwell. He just… prefers a solitary life. You are to enter through the back door to the kitchens, proceed up the route to the library that I will show you, and return the same way when you’re done, is that clear?”
“Perfectly,” you said, wondering just what you’d got yourself into.
“If you need to use a telephone at any time, you may use the landline in my office.”
That news came as a huge relief, and you clung to it as you were shown the slightly dusty stable-house apartment just across the courtyard from the main house. Widowsweb Court was a massive country pile, with filigree stonework and steeply pitched, slate-tiled roofs, and it wouldn’t have looked out of place in a horror movie.
Your first week passed without incident. You assessed the vast, rambling collection, and saw immediately that it would definitely take much, much longer than the six months for which you’d been contracted to get to grips with it and get it into a decent order. Even if you had a team of ten strong people to help you, there was no way you could reorganise all the shelves in the cavernous library. It was as large and as varied as any national archives, and contained books and scrolls on everything from ancient magic to the development of medicine in various countries across the world.
Travel journals were rammed in next to tomes on mathematics, poetry beside animal husbandry, and gemology beside botany. There was no scheme to it, and after two weeks, you nearly had a complete breakdown.
Covered in dust and suddenly vastly overwhelmed by the looming, dark bookshelves, you simply sat down on the floorboards and let your head fall forwards into your hands. This was a gargantuan effort for one person to tackle alone.
Something rattled in the stacks and you gasped, sitting up straight, heart hammering. “Hello?”
Silence followed, but after only another few seconds, you heard a skittering of limbs and the slam of a door. Except, there was only one doorway to the library, and it was behind you.
Standing somewhat shakily, you swiped your tears away and paced steadily along the floorboards towards the source of the noise. When you found nothing but dusty stacks and silent  books, you swallowed and turned away.
At supper that night, you ate with Mr. Ambleside and his son, Naril, who was perhaps a year or two younger than you, and looked very much like his father. Noticing your pensive expression, he leaned over and asked in his softly-articulated purr if everything was alright. “You look… I don’t know… Did something happen?”
You sighed, nudging food listlessly around your plate. “I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the project today…” you said. “And… I heard a noise in the library that startled me, that’s all.”
The two of them exchanged looks and then Mr. Ambleside said, “That was probably the master…”
“But I thought…” you began, though you hardly knew what you thought about the mysterious person who supposedly ran the estate, pulling all the strings from a hidden room in the old house and never revealing himself to anyone.
“Why do you think he wanted the collection organised?” Mr. Ambleside chuckled into his potatoes. “He’s an avid reader, but doesn’t have the patience to do it himself. Plus, he doesn’t see too well any more.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “All those books, and… that seems so cruel… Is he very old?”
Naril shook his head. “No, he’s maybe ten years or so older than us? Chiara reads to him in the evenings if his eyes get tired, and —”
“—Naril, that’s enough,” Mr. Ambleside barked, and Naril’s fluffy ears tucked right back against his head. “We do not gossip about the master.”
“Sorry, father,” he said, shooting you a look that conveyed a fair bit. ‘If you want to know more, ask me when he’s not around’ it said.
For another week, your recataloguing was left undisturbed by noises, but after four weeks of being at Widowsweb Court, you encountered ‘the master’ for the first time, and he was nothing like you’d thought he would be, though perhaps the name of the place should have given it away.
Part Two --->
To be continued next Wednesday... Part Two is currently up on Patreon so you can read it right now on the Pixies and Goblins Tier.
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beenovel · 3 years
Picnics and Surprises
Pairing: Sigrid x fem!reader
Word count: 1,647
Warnings: fluff I guess?
Summary: Four years after the quest you prepare a surprise for Sigrid.
A/N: I was very sad that there were so few wlw fics for Sigrid (or any Tolkien females, really) so I decided to take matters into my own hands. This is my first fic so please be kind. Thank you to @elvish-sky for beta reading!
Character ages: Sigrid is 19 with you being around the same age, Tilda is 13, and I couldn’t find and age range for Bain so I just went with around 15-16 for him.
You walked through the markets of Dale looking for the florist. You wanted this to be perfect. Sigrid had done so much for you, and you wanted to do this for her.
You had been a part of the company during the quest to reclaim Erebor (at Gandalf’s insistence of course). That’s when you had met Sigrid. You knew there was something there but you didn't have the time to deal with it.
Then the quest was over and the dragon slain and the mountain claimed by Thorin. You had decided to stay in Dale instead of in the mountain. You felt more at home under the open sky and Bard offered to let you stay with him.
You knew you had fallen in love with Sigrid and after that, it was only a matter of time before you got together and started courting.
Four years later and you were ready to take the next step. Tonight you were going to propose. If the weather cooperated with you that is.
You had been planning this picnic for weeks, plotting with your found family to make the perfect proposal.
You were going to propose under the starlight and you had almost everything ready. Food, candles, blankets, books, and the most important part. The ring.
It had a silver setting and a moonstone surrounded by small leaves and flowers. You were sure she was going to love it.
Finding the flowers you wanted, you bought them and looked to the sky with trepidation. It had been bitingly cold and windy all morning. Those clouds were far too dark for your liking.
This morning’s errands had taken a lot longer than planned and you began to worry. Tilda could only keep Sigrid out of the house and away from Bard and Bain’s preparations for so long after all.
It turned out your worry was well-founded because as you turned to go back to Bard’s home it started to drizzle. By the time you got back, the drizzle was a downpour and your cloak was soaked through.
Bain was waiting for you at the door and relieved you of your basket while you shed your cloak.
“Quite the storm out there” he commented.
“I know,” you said with a frown “so much for proposing.”
“We’ve taken care of it,” Bard said as he joined you in the entryway.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, confused.
“Come with me!” Bain said excitedly as he dragged you to the study.
You gasped.
“Do you like it?” Bain asked, clearly nervous.
“Like it? It’s wonderful!”
They had removed all the furniture from the room and replaced it with what appeared to be every blanket and pillow in the house. Lanterns from the ceiling gave off a soft glow as Bain added the wine, fruit, and flowers to the small pile of food on the floor.
With that you and Bard headed upstairs, you to change and him to get some of his, Bain, and Tilda’s belongings. He explained that when Sigrid and Tilda returned he, Bain, and Tilda would all go to a friend’s for the night.
“How did you get all this done so fast? The rain only started an hour ago.”
“When I saw the clouds on the horizon this morning I knew it was going to rain. We started pretty much as soon as you left.”
You stopped on the landing and turned to Bard.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you for making my daughter so happy, and for being a part of my life.”
You let out a shaky exhale at that and Bard chuckled and pulled you into a quick hug.
“Come now, we don’t want you getting all puffy-eyed. There’s work to do.”
You nodded and laughed and went to your room. You changed into a simple dress that would be comfortable for sitting on the floor.
Grabbing the ring from its hiding place and putting it in your pocket, you went and laid out one of Sigrid’s favorite dresses for her.
You went back downstairs to find Bain in the kitchen heating the wine with spices.
“I figured with it being so cold and wet-” he cut off with a vague gesture to the pot.
“A splendid idea!”
Bain rewarded you with a warm smile.
“I can’t wait for you to be my sister.”
Your heart swelled.
“I can’t wait either.”
“Neither can I,” Bard said from the doorway, “but let’s get moving before they get back.”
“No need to get pushy, Da, we have time.”
The front door opened with a slam as the frozen girls rushed in. Bard turned to Bain with an expression that had “I told you” written all over it. Bain raised his hands in surrender as his father turned to waylay the girls before Sigrid could see the study.
You and Bain looked at each other and suddenly you were both stifling excited yet hysterical giggles.
You breathlessly listened to Bard as he explained that Sigrid had to go upstairs and get changed because there was a surprise for her but she had to be in dry clothes for it.
“I have no complaints with dry clothes Da, just the secrecy” you heard Sigrid say as Bain poured the wine into mugs.
Once you were sure Sigrid was upstairs you took the mugs from Bain and went to the study. You set the mugs down on the table and went to the entryway to see the others off. You got quick smiles, hugs, and words of encouragement from everyone, then you bolted the door behind them.
You could hear Sigrid approaching the stairs and you went to stand at the bottom. When she saw you she gave you a wide, but nervous smile.
You laughed lightly as she descended the stairs.
“Calm down, my love, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you.”
She visibly relaxed and reached out to hug you.
“Mmmm, I missed you” she murmured into your shoulder.
“You saw me this morning.”
“Doesn’t matter, I still missed you.”
You pulled away from each other.
“Now what’s all this about a surprise?”
You smiled and led her to the study.
“I was planning on a picnic at sunset but with the rain-”
You opened the door to the study and Sigrid gasped.
“Y/n, this is beautiful!”
“Thank you, but I’m afraid most of the credit goes to your father and brother. They set everything up.”
Sigrid leaned in for a quick kiss before walking over to where the basket was set up. You grabbed the wine and joined her.
You gave her the flowers and she smiled before bringing them up to her nose to smell them.
“Mmm, my favorites!”
You chuckled lightly.
“I know, that’s why I got them.”
You pulled out the books and the food with a smile.
“Dig in!”
Two hours later and you were both very relaxed, any and all stress melting away in each other’s company. Even just reading together was enough to relax you both completely, but the talking was better.
There was a gentle lull in the conversation as you leaned back on the pillows and Sigrid leaned back on you. Looking up at the lanterns above you decided it was time.
Taking a deep breath you gently helped Sigrid sit up.
“My love?”
“I wanted to ask you a question.” Well, looks like you were getting right into it.
Sigrid turned to face you completely.
“I actually had a question for you too.”
Your eyebrows lifted.
“It’s probably better if I ask my question first.” You turned to your pocket to get the ring for a moment and when you looked back to Sigrid your jaw dropped. She was looking down at her lap nervously.
In her hand was a ring.
“I wanted to ask if you would-” she cut off when she looked up and saw what you were holding.
You locked eyes for a moment, staring at each other with disbelief before you both burst into laughter. Sigrid bent over double and you were wheezing violently.
“Looks like we had similar plans my dear!” you gasped out when you could finally breathe again.
“I guess so!” Sigrid said as she continued to laugh, which set you off again.
When you had both finally calmed down you looked back up at Sigrid. She had tears in her eyes.
“So I take it that’s a yes?” You chuckled.
“Yes!” Sigrid yelled as she tackled you backward with a kiss. It was long and sweet. When you finally resurfaced for air you both sat up and you held out your ring for Sigrid to see.
“Y/n...” she breathed out “it’s stunning.”
“I’m glad you like it,” You said as you took her hand in yours.
You gently slid the ring on her finger and you smiled at each other.
“Now where’s mine?”
“Bain, calm down,” Bard said with a poorly concealed smile and you and Tilda stifled giggles as the conversation went on.
“As I already told you, I wasn’t planning on it yet but I figured if I was getting some alone time with-”
You and Tilda began to openly laugh at this and Bard was also struggling to hold back laughter.
“Hey! What am I, an orc?” Tilda cried, indignant.
Bard came to stand beside you as you watched a new round of bickering unfold.
“Are you sure you want to join this family?” He asked with a laugh.
“Positive.” you cackled in reply.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Behind the Door.”
Stay for the ending of this one guys :) Very exciting :) 
Here they were with bags over their heads again. This happened a lot, to the point where Sunny found that neither of them seemed to care much. They had been traveling since the early hours of the morning having met their targets outside the airfield. Of course, the two Tesraki had insisted that the fake couple wear something over their heads, so they would not know where they were going. The commander had been fine with that considering he had a tracking implant welded to his ribs courtesy of the good doctor:, a tracking beacon that would send off an emergency alert if he was knocked out or in significant distress.
It certainly wouldn't have gone off that morning as, yawning the two of them stumbled up the ramp and onto some sort of transport. They weren’t tied up or anything, but made to sit in a set of relatively comfortable seats. The commander ended up falling asleep against Sunny’s shoulder as the roaring of the engines added a slight ambiance and gentle rocking motion to the shuttle. Of course Sunny let him rest there, humans needed their sleep, and she would alert him if anything changed.
Absently, she stroked the back of his hand with her thumb where she held it resting on her lap. It was going to be interesting when this was all over. For the past few days they had been in perpetual constant contact, awake, sleeping, eating, planning. It was to the point at which it was almost normal.
Off to her side the commander pressed closer in his sleep head resting even more heavily on her shoulder. She put an arm around him to keep him from falling over and waking up. The bag on her head smelled a little funny, but she supposed that was the least of their worries. It had not crossed her mind that they might have been found out and were being taken to execution. It’s not like the two of them were very good at undercover work. They hadn’t bothered to change their names for instance, not that it would have entirely mattered. 
There were so many humans named Adam and so many Drev named Sunny that changing their names would be almost pointless as well. Either way someone was about to get arrested, either for attempted kidnapping and murder, or for genetic tampering.
The ride too longer than Sunny would have liked, and she couldn’t tell which way they were going, or even if they had gone out of atmosphere.
At her side the commander stirred, maybe an hour or two into their trip lifting his head up though he couldn’t see anything due to the bag, “Any idea where we are?” He murmured.
“No clue.” Sunny whispered back.
“Still on noctropolis I see.” He muttered 
“How can you tell.”
“The rumbling feeling. It’s the engines fighting against the atmosphere. It would have been a lot smoother if we were in space, plus this is how noctopolis always feels when we fly. Seems Like we are heading north too.”
“How can you possibly tell that.”
“From where we were there is a specific wind pattern that takes us north, and it generally feels like this.”
“For all I know you could be just making that up.” 
“I might be, but you would never know the difference.” He rested his head back down on her shoulder listening to the rumble of the shuttle engine and feeling the vibrations under his feet, “Automatic pilot.” 
“Don’t tell me, you can feel a disturbance in the force.” He snorted, “No, but a ride this smooth is characteristic of an automatic pilot.”
“Than why use pilots?” She was mostly goading him
“Because Automatic pilots are for smooth civilian transport and not for cool badass aerial stunts.”
“Mmm, sure.” The two of them rocked forward a little as the shuttle decelerated and then began it’s descent. Voices came to them from the back of the craft, and two sets of footsteps approached.
“We are almost to our destination. Prepare yourselves it is a little cold.”
The two of them nodded, and after a moment the shuttle landed with a sharp bump against the ground, and they were helped to their feet. Sunny kept tight hold of the commander’s hand, not trusting them to not get separated.the commander seemed to be just fine with that and together they were walked to the end of the shuttle.
There was a slight whirring as the doors opened up, and both of them were hit in the face with a blast of cold air. The commander inhaled sharply and Sunny grunted with discomfort as a powerful blast of wind. She put a hand over the holes at her neck trying to keep them from cracking and drying up in the harsh air.
The wind whistled and the cold grew more piercing. The commander began to cough as sharp needles of cold bit into his throat. For a moment, sunny was convinced that the two of them were going to be kicked out of the shuttle into the freezing cold blast of wind where they would eventually freeze and die while the Tesraki flew away laughing at their stupidity for being so obvious.
However, that thought was dashed as the shuttle doors opened, and they stepped out and downwards boots thudding over the metal  ramp. Voices and engines roared around them as even harsher wind whipped past their faces.
Something rumbled over the metal ground just to their side, and Sunny thought she felt a few wisps of snow brush against her skin. She was so…. Very...very cold.
Inside her heartbeat sped up desperate to pump warm blood through her body.
At her arm, the commander was already shivering Uncontrollably.
She pulled the human closer partially to warm him up and partially because she hoped that he might be warmer than her, “You ok?’ she whispered.
“You’re asking me if I’m ok… not to, bring light to a situation sunny, but your naked, at least I have a jacket, which I would totally offer to you if you were smaller or I were taller.”
That made her laugh, but luckily for them they ad stepped inside some building by that point and the wind was cut off.
They could still hear voices, the thudding of feet on metal and the running of machines all around them. There was a sharp metallic hiss, and they were led inside with a sigh o relief as warm air washed over them.
The bags were drawn from their heads, and they found themselves in a nice little waiting room with a reception desk at one end and chairs with magazine lying around on low-lying coffee tables, “You two take a seat, we will be right back.”
They did as told surprised to find themselves sitting across from another couple, this one also Human/Drev, except in their arms they held a very small bundle. Commander Vir craned his neck to see, and noticing the two of them, the human female holding the bundle rotated it so he could see, smiling.
The tiny face was of a human baby, or so it seemed, though it’s hair was shockingly pearl white.
Both of their eyes widened.
“IS that….” He trialed off 
The human nodded smiling, “Our baby, yes! We just came in for a one-week checkup to make sure the DNA splicing went well.
The commander stood up, “You mind if I…. Get a closer look?”
“No not at all.” The Drev responded motioning the two of them over.
They came and sat down close by looking down at the sleeping baby. One of its arms had been brought up to the chin, and there they could see how the skin glittered sort of white in the light above.
“Wow…. pretty. What’s their name?”
“We named him Daklan.”
The commander and Sunny exchanged looks of surprise, “Amazing … that’s the translation isn’t it.”
She smiled, “You speak Drev?”
He cleared his throat, and took Sunny’s hand, “Of course I do.” 
“Are you two here for a consult.” 
Sunny pulled him closer, “Yes we…Well we admit we were a little  skeptical.” She looked down at the baby, “But now.”
A door opened on the other side of the room a door opened, and the two Tesraki stepped in, “Why don’t you two come on and follow us.” They paused waving goodbye to the other couple and then stepping into the room behind the Tesraki.
“Admiring one of our success stories I see.”
“Yes…. are there not success stories?”
There was a sigh, “Afraid not, in the early years of developing this technique we had some pitfalls. There were a lot of children who came out deformed or with strange medical conditions. It turns out that genetic testing is best done beforehand to see what sort of underlying conditions the parents have since they can manifest in very strange ways when paired with other species.” 
They were walked into a nearby office and sat down.
“Hold out your arms.”
They did as instructed wincing as the needles pierced into their skin.
“We can harvest from any piece of genetic material we want and splice them together by pulling the DNA string from the nucleus. IT took a lot of hard work, but we have automated the process that checks the sequencing for abnormalities even as it runs probabilities on each genetic combination. Let us demonstrate.”
He passed the genetic codes into the machine and let them spin around for a while as the monitor worked.
About ten minutes later, they had results.
“Ah, see here.” he glanced at Sunny, “Your genes are almost perfect, until we get to the combination that contributes to height.”
She sighed, “Of course.”
“IF we were to pair that with human DNA we would probably et a creature that is no more than three to four feet tall, not dwarfism, just a very, very small human Drev hybrid. So what we would do in this case, is we would pull the height genes from the father instead.” They turned to Adam, “You are carrying a recessive allele on the TYR gene that can lead to certain types of albinism in humans.”
HE blinked in surprise, “I am?”
“Yes, now this is not normally an issue unless your partner has the same matching recessive trait. However, if you pair this particular gene with a Drev gene, you can get some pretty unfortunate consequences. This will make the Drev child completely blind where it only causes visual issues in humans, not to mention bu it will make the Drev child extremely susceptible to UV light based of how Drev coloring and carapace tends to interact. So what we dofrom here is we take the healthy genes from both parents and splice them together and then our software creates a realistic rendering of what the offspring would look like so you can more effectively choose, however that option does cost more.” 
He turned to the monitor, “You have four options male/female and humanoid or Drev like.”
Four images flashed onto the screen, and sunny was surprised at the tiny human with golden hair and skin. She recognized that gold color, she also recognized the starry purple color on the little Drev girl.
Her parents colors.
“So, what do you think.”
“I…. wow…. This is a lot to take in.” Adam Squeezed Sunny’s hand, “I don’t know if this is too much to ask, but might we be able to see the process before we make our decision.”
“Of course, right this way.” The two of them stood leading the couple out and back into the hallway. The commander leaned close and Sunny dropped her head in to listen, “Well at least we know if we ever had children they would all look like anime protagonists.”
She snorted as they continued their way down the hall.
A door at the far end opened, and they were pulled into a small viewing room overlooking a massive factory sized floor.
They looked around with wide eyes.
It looked a lot like the prodigum factory with rows upon rows of test tubes set up to contain growing fetuses of all shapes and colors. Some of them were almost done while others were only in the early stages of development. A good portion of the factory was mostly dark except for red light, “Can we get a closer look?”  The commander wondered 
“Yes, I suppose we can go down onto the floor.”
The commander gave Sunny a look and she nodded. They walked along the floor staring at the tanks and the tiny creatures growing inside them.
“What’s behind that door?” 
“Simply equipment, nothing important.”
He squeezed Sunny’s hand, and she stepped in front of him as they passed by another tank. She felt his hand drop from hers as he slipped behind a row of tables ducking into the darkness where only the red light glowed. She pretended to be mesmerized by the tubes even though they were absolutely disgusting.in her opinion.
Behind her, commander Vir ducked through the darkness pressing himself up against tables and machines trying to stay out of the glowing red lights.  He made it across the room silently and paused by the closed door. Glancing over his shoulder to check and make sure no one was there, he backed through the door and into the next room with only the barest of noises. When The door shut he turned around,
What he saw made him freeze in place.
His mouth dropped open and his chest tightened with intense horrific anger.
The Adaptid’s bodies hung from hooks in the ceiling as their genetic tissue was harvested. Soft moaning came from cages all around him, and he turned in a wide circle pausing when his eyes over the cages.
His heart hammered in his chest, and he thought he was going to be sick. The anger intensified as his eyes fell on the last figure in the line of cages. His hands grew cold and his entire body began to tingle. His vision tunneled.
He raced across the room straight to the cage wrapping his hands around the bars, “Vicky!”
The hybrid-human adaptid turned her large dog-like head to face him. He found himself staring into soft gray eyes., “Vicky.” He whispered through a strangled throat.
The adaptid mewled piteously sniffing at him ears perking up when she recognized his scent. She pressed up against the bars, and he reached through running a hand along the soft skin of her neck. She mewed again, “Shhh, shh its alright, I’m here now, and I’m going to get you out, I promise.”
His hands were shaking against the bars as he concealed barely unbridled rage. 
He understood now, understood how their process was working where the prodigum’s did not.
And with that realization came the desire to do nothing more than annihilate this entire facility and every mewling coward inside. 
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could-be-calliope · 4 years
"Azu’s so good and the world should be good for her.”
[Audio transcript: An excerpt from Rusty Quill Gaming episode 96, in which Azu has been slightly poisoned while chasing down Howard Carter.
Helen as Azu: “There was a trap!”
Ben as Grizzop: “Yeah.”
Helen as Azu: “Mmm.”
Alex: “See, what Azu thinks she’s saying is ‘there was a trap.’  What comes out is [gibberish].”
(Helen laughs.)
Ben as Grizzop: “Ah.  You should come-- I think you’ve been poisoned.”
Helen as Azu, dismissively: “No…”
Alex as Azu: [incoherent moan]
(Helen laughs.)
Ben as Grizzop: “Yes, yes, you definitely have.  Come back, and we’ll sort you out, but…”
Helen as Azu: [unintelligible protests]
(Alex laughs.)
Ben as Grizzop: “I dunno, I’m gonna guess-- if you’re concerned for Sasha, she’s very suited to this kind of thing, she’s very competent, so I’m sure she can handle herself.”
Helen as Azu: [unintelligible protests]
Ben as Grizzop: “Okay, I can't understand anything you’re saying--”
(Alex, Helen, and Lydia begin laughing and continue to laugh.)
Ben as Grizzop: “--because you’ve really obviously been poisoned.  You’re probably gonna fall over in about ten seconds, so--”
(The sound of dice rolling.)
Ben as Grizzop: “I can’t carry you, so really, come with me before--”
Alex: “Azu collapses.”
(Helen cackles, and a sound effect of a massive orc collapsing to the floor plays.)
Ben: “On me, or…”
Helen: “Just on…”
Alex: “No.  No, no.  Backwards.”
Lydia: “Reflex save!”
Bryn: “Yeah, reflex save!”
Alex: “You know what, yeah.  Give me a reflex save, that’s fair.”
(Helen giggles.)
Ben: “Fifteen.”
Alex: “Almost on you.”
(All laugh.)
Ben as Grizzop, relieved: “Whoo!”
Alex: “Around you.  You find yourself in the midst of an Azu.”
(Helen and Lydia laugh.)
Ben as Grizzop: “Okay.  Right.”
Ben: “Spit on my hands.  Uh, yeah.  I cast Lesser Restoration.  Which, I didn’t know if it was gonna be effective but it absolutely is.”
Alex: “Yes!  It is.  Lesser Restoration goes off.”
Helen as Azu, struggling to speak: “There was a-- there was a p-- a person.”
Grizzop: “Yes, and Sasha ran after--”
Helen as Azu, struggling to speak: “Running, yes.”
Grizzop: “Yes, you got trapped.”
Helen as Azu, struggling to speak: “She can’t see!”
(Grizzop sputters helplessly.)
Ben as Grizzop: “So?  She’ll deal with it, she’s capable.”
Helen as Azu, struggling to speak: “She’ll-- but the trap!”
Ben as Grizzop: “Okay, look.  You can see, and what happened to you?
(Ben and Lydia laugh.)
Lydia, cheerfully: “If anything, it’s a distraction!”
(Bryn and Alex laugh.)
Helen as Azu, downtrodden: “It was hidden.”
(Alex laughs and Lydia makes high-pitched pitying noises.)
Ben as Grizzop: “Yes, traps-- traps usually are.  Now come--”
Lydia: “I just want to give Azu a continual hug!”
Ben as Grizzop: “Come with me, and we’ll get you back out.”
Lydia: “She’s so good, and the world should be good for her!”
(Alex and Ben laugh.)
Helen: “It will not be.”
(All laugh.)
Ben as Grizzop: “You can have a nice sit down, and we might be able to get you a cup of tea or something.”
Helen as Azu, almost comically downtrodden: “...okay.”
(All laugh and make pitying noises.)
Lydia: “My heart!”
Ben, overlapping: “So I-- I was, instinctually--”
Lydia: “Everyone take three heart damage.”
(Helen laughs.)
Ben: “I was, instinctually, gonna say ‘I... help Azu back,’ but I’ve just remembered that she’s literally three times my size.  I... wave my hands vaguely at Azu.  Kind of helping her… psychically.”
Lydia: “Supportively tapping the elbow from below.”
Ben: “Yeah, that kind of-- yeah.  Just reaching up.”
Helen: “Yeah.”
Alex: “I am gonna skip ahead to Hamid.  What is Hamid doing?  You’ve still heard or saw nothing.”
Bryn: “Still pacing.”
Alex: “Suddenly, Azu stumbles through, followed by Grizzop.”
(After each paladin’s name, a magical fizzle can be heard as they pass through the illusion.)
Alex: “Stumble being the operative word.”
Bryn as Hamid, overlapping: “Are you guys okay?”
Helen as Azu, slurring and incredibly downtrodden: “No.”
Bryn as Hamid: “Oh, Azu!  Oh, Azu.”
(All laugh.)
/end transcript]
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 2
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So in case you missed it Part 1. Again, many thanks to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing the concept of ice orcs with me and letting me run WILD with it. I’m having so much fun with this. 
Ok, so Zara Kingsley, top left, top right- Doug Kizzo and just under him is supposedly “Wolf Eye” which is a brand of whiskey I made up just for this story. Fun fact- there is actually a high end brand of whiskey called “Wolves” and they sell whiskey the way designer limited edition sneaker/tennis shoes are sold ($150 a bottle and you have to “register” to even get on a list before they’ll send you a bottle, *sigh* rich people, but I am not a rich person in real life which would explain why in every fantasy story I write, I can change that about my character) anyway, I didn’t know was even a thing until after I wrote this and as a point of curiosity, I double checked to see if Wolf Eye whiskey was a thing so I didn’t have to worry about copyright (Which is why names are Like That in this story) And that beautiful plate of seafood is what I envisioned a “king’s platter” would look like vs. A fisherman’s stew which is the picture right above the little girl who I’ve chosen to represent Sakura in this story and we have the lovely Taylor in the bottom left. 
Now let’s go shall we? Off to the Arctic Tundra!
Jewel of the North 
Part 2 
You woke up earlier than you thought you would, mostly because you were still in your Great Lakes time zone. So what was 10am to your body, it was 7am there. You crept out of bed and snuck into the bathroom to brush your teeth and your hair and put a bra on under your pajamas and then as quietly as you could, unpacked your gifts for Taylor and her family and arranged everything on the table as you quickly made a pot of coffee and some toast for your pre-breakfast and the smell of coffee was what roused Taylor and Greg at about 8:30.
“Good morning.” You greeted them warmly as they were both still obviously groggy but both happily shuffled over to the coffee pot to drink their coffee.  
“What’s all this?” Greg asked as he looked at his table which was almost overflowing. 
“Presents, Taylor told me to bring seeds.” You answered. 
“Did you...like...clean out a greenhouse?” Greg chuckled as he looked at the sheer amount and variety you brought. 
“Mmm...more like 5 but that’s not important besides I got to a lot of them just as they were closing out for the season so I got a bunch of it for mere pennies on the dollar and it was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time with money in your pocket.” You giggled with a dismissive wave of your hand. “I don’t do anything small or by half.” You shrugged before you handed him a wrapped present. 
“Oof, that’s heavy.” He realized as he took it from you. “You didn’t have to get me anything...oh my gods, you got me Kraken!” He practically squealed when he opened it and pretended to cry as he hugged the gallon jug. 
“My precious.”  He impersonated Gollum as he pet it which cracked you and Taylor up before you handed her- her own gift as she gasped and tried not to squeal too loudly as she unwrapped a bottle of raspberry peach Grand Marnier. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She practically bounced in her spot, hugging the jug too before she leaned over and hugged you too. 
“Alcohol is so stinking expensive up here it’s ridiculous, thank you so much for bringing this.” Taylor thanked you. 
“Yes, it’s very generous of you, thank you.” Greg mirrored. 
“You’re welcome.” You beamed. 
“You know, we really shouldn’t keep all these seeds for ourselves. We should gift these at the festival. That way all the clans can benefit from this.” Greg realized. 
“I was thinking the exact same thing, I told her that last night when she told me about them.” Taylor nodded in agreement. 
“You got a box we can put it all in for now?” You asked before Taylor grabbed the biggest box she had and the three of you packed the seeds away before you grabbed your other crate that had all the seasonings in it. 
“There’s more?” Greg laughed. 
“Well yeah, Taylor said the local grocery stores are pretty limited on spices so I brought enough of everything that it should last you until we see each other again.” You shrugged. 
“It’s like you brought a spice store with you.” Taylor swooned as she opened some of them and sniffed them before Greg did the same, both of them grinning at the scents in their noses. 
“French toast for breakfast?” You suggested. 
“Hell yeah,” Greg immediately agreed before you and Taylor began to make breakfast before the scents of breakfast woke the kids up. 
“Good morning guys!” You greeted them cheerfully as they stopped and stared at the stranger in the kitchen. 
“This is Zara, she’s a friend of ours so you can call her Auntie Zara and she’s going to be staying with us for about a week.” Taylor introduced you. 
“And I’m really grateful you guys opened your home up so I could stay with you, so I brought you guys presents.” You told them which made all of them gasp in excitement. 
“So, you must be Katie, the sensible older sister.” You asked as you pulled out the presents that had their names on them. 
“Lovely to make your acquaintance Katie,” you greeted her formally as you handed her the wrapped gift. Because tweens always loved it when you treated them like little adults. 
“And you must be Matthew.” You deduced as you handed Taylor’s son his gift before you got on your knees so you could be eye to eye with the toddler. 
“Is your name Jamie?” You asked as Jamie hid his face behind his mother’s leg as Greg and Taylor laughed at his bashfulness. 
“Do you think you could take this gift from me Jamie?” You asked as you held it out to him before he took it and ran away. 
“You got me a race car!” Matthew exclaimed and promptly high fived you as Katie’s jaw dropped at her present. 
“Your mom said it was ok to give you girl pampering stuff, so there’s a few face masks, some nail polish. Fancy hand lotion, a few bath bombs and stuff.” You explained as you pointed everything out before Katie happily enveloped you in a hug. 
“Thank you so much.” Katie thanked you gratefully. 
“You’re welcome sweetie.” You grinned just as Jaimie squealed in delight at his new toy and came running in and nearly knocked you over giving you a hug which got you to cackle laughing so you were left to sit on the kitchen floor while Jamie hugged you before he left to go play with his toy as Matt was already racing his car around the house before the family finally got to sit down to breakfast as the kids got to know you better by asking questions about you and your family and where you lived as you showed them pictures of your own kids and how you were a widow now and what you did for living and your horses and pets and things as Jamie happily ate his breakfast from your lap and stared at you adoringly and practically inhaled half your breakfast which you didn’t mind one bit.  As long as babies ate well, they should thrive and you remembered how your own son Xander was practically a bottomless pit. 
Then the calls started to come in on Greg’s and Taylor’s cell phones, all asking if you were there yet. 
“Yup, Noah flew her in yesterday.” You heard them both say as their phones then started to blow up from texts. 
“Uh, babe…” Taylor looked at her husband in a meaningful look that bordered on concern because word had spread like wildfire as they showed each other their screens, the same people texting both of them, but mostly Taylor because they were hoping she would give better answers than simple yes or no’s that Greg was giving. Except to his brother Doug, who Greg was giving him just about everything that you were sharing with his kids as Doug was already claiming “dibs” to the others. 
“Want to go out to dinner?” Greg offered. 
“Sure.” You nodded. 
“In town there’s really only a few restaurants, Eska’s which is a mom and pop- grandma’s food in a tavern, the bar- Kesuk’s.” Taylor began to list off. 
“Is it the place that has the ‘kitchen sink nachos’?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Taylor beamed. “And it’s not a “dive bar” but it is very much the local watering hole. Now there is a “dive bar” and that is Goose’s. I wouldn’t go to the bathroom there but we will get takeout from there because they make the best double cheeseburger while White’s has the best wings.” Taylor explained. 
“But Swanson’s has the best steaks, but it’s a bit pricey, it’s right next to Gold Horn’s which is the biggest and nicest fishing and hunting retreat around.” Greg explained. 
“And one of the nicest butcher shops because most of the hunters can’t take all that meat home.” Taylor added. 
“Anyway, the locals around here will go to Swanson’s for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and stuff, pretty special occasions.” Greg continued before they continued to list off all the places around to eat before you decided on Eska’s because it sounded like the ‘safest’ option and spent the afternoon getting ready while you happily walk Katie through your ‘routine’ of getting ready as you, with Taylor and Greg’s permission helped her get dressed up too and put some simple makeup on her as her new ‘auntie’ and by dinner your nerves were already a little frayed because Taylor told you that you were meeting ‘the family’ meaning not only hers but Greg’s too and you had picked up on the hint of Greg talking about his brother and his accomplishments and such and you gave Taylor a meaningful look to which she looked back apologetically. 
If you were honest, you were used to it. If your friend’s mates had failed trying to flirt with you or whatever, often you were ‘introduced’ to so many brothers, friends and especially brother in laws. 
You got to dinner and the ‘family’ was already there, waiting for the table to get ready while ‘Doug’ was running late getting ready and there had to be 20 people there, all of them there to meet which you didn’t mind as you did your best to meet and greet everyone before the table was ready and Taylor had you sit at the end of the table as Greg and Taylor made sure that the seat across from you was Doug’s seat and you asked Katie to sit next to you so you wouldn’t be all alone since there was an empty seat next to Doug’s seat because he liked to “stretch out” as you met Greg’s parents and Taylor’s parents and got got catch up because Glenda, Taylor’s mom had missed your mom and to see pictures of your mom on her horse with your kids made them all happy as they got to know you a little as you kept an eye on the door, waiting for ‘Doug’ before an older woman came in with the cutest little girl you had ever seen in your life then a familiar face came in behind them. 
You instantly blew out a breath of relief at seeing him before a relieved and happy smile plastered itself on your face and you noticed they were walking by you and Noah seemed to see you shortly after you saw him as he soon mirrored your smile as he seemed equally excited to see you. 
“Hey Stranger.” You greeted. 
“Hey, fancy meeting you here, this is my daughter Sakura, this is my mom, Summer.” He introduced. 
“But you can call me Nana Hun.” She warmly smiled at you as you shook her hand. 
“Lovely to meet you Nana, and it’s so lovely to meet you Miss Sakura.” You excitedly greeted them as you crouched down to take a knee so you could be eye level with Sakura, she couldn't be much older than 5 and your heart ached at the thought of her losing her mom so, so young and how hard that must have been for her but you didn't want to bring it up because you didn't want that to be upsetting. 
“You should be really proud of your Daddy, he did such a great job flying me here yesterday.” You praised to Sakura.  
“He’s the best pilot ever!” She agreed which got you and Summer to laugh as Noah chuckled bashfully at the praise. Goodness was she precious. 
“I agree!” You confirmed with a very exaggerated head nod. 
“So you’re Paradise?” She asked in awed wonder as she stared at you. 
“Uh...oh, are you talking about how I look like a paradise orc?” You asked as you ran your hand over your skin of your exposed arm and she nodded before you nodded in confirmation. 
“My Grandma’s tea leaves told her that my daddy would be meeting Paradise yesterday.” She proudly informed you as you could see Noah turn a deep sapphire as his smile turned slightly nervous as he gave his mother the side eye. 
“Your Grandma reads tea leaves? Mine does too! Only the way my Grandma does it, I think she reads them wrong because they tell her things like my son was ‘a ball’, which, to be honest when I was pregnant with him, I looked like I swallowed a ball and when he was six months old he was almost as wide as he was tall and very, very round because he was a fantastic eater and he’s still practically a bottomless pit but he’s turned out pretty normal so far, he doesn’t ‘bounce’ too much.” You shrugged with an easy grin which got Sakura to giggle at the joke which got you to laugh as Noah and Summer chuckled too. 
“But that was really cool that your Grandma’s tea leaves told her that I was coming,” You nodded solemnly. “Did they tell her anything else?” You whispered as you leaned forward as she smiled and giggled and nodded. 
“Can you tell me?” You asked hopefully as she looked up to Nana for permission before Nana nodded her permission as well- completely ignoring Noah who looked particularly terrified at the notion and was shaking his head subtly to his mother and his daughter ‘no’ but it was like they couldn’t see him before she came up and put her hands over your ear. 
“They said that you were the best mom ever.” Sakura whispered and your heart melted and you almost wanted to cry. 
“Well I try, really hard, every day- to be the best one I can be so that’s true.” You confirmed. “And you know what? I tend to adopt every kid that’s around me, so if you see me and if you need or want anything at all, you just let me know ok? And I’m not offering that just to be nice, I mean it. I don’t offer anything unless I’m prepared to be taken up on it. I’m only here for like a week and a half but while I’m here if I’m needed somewhere to either help your dad on the plane or help watch you, I’ll happily do it ok?” You generously offered because you just instantly adored this child and could tell she was just a sweetheart and you just...loved her. The way your love surged for your children when you got to hold them for the first time, that same love was surging for her. Something about her found every heart string you had and pulled on them and made them into a bow and you would happily wrap yourself around her little delicate fingers as you just stayed there smiling at each other before Doug cleared his throat which made you turn your head away to see Greg next to what you assumed was his brother who was dressed really nicely as they both smiled expectantly at you. 
“Hi, be with you in a minute.” You greeted them with a polite smile before you turned back to Sakura. 
“Now, you go enjoy your dinner ok Sakura?” You urged her before she launched herself into your arms before you gladly caught her and hugged her, grateful you had taken a knee so you weren’t knocked backwards. 
“How did you know I loved hugs?” You cooed as you hugged her tight and rubbed her back and just held her until she let go first because you knew that some kids just needed a good long hug and you didn’t care if you were making Greg and Doug and everyone else wait, all that mattered was Sakura and the poor baby just needed a hug. 
When Sakura finally pulled away she was smiling and her eyes were just a little glassy from unshed tears before you reached into your purse and got her a tissue and your business card. 
“This is my cell phone number. You call this, and if I’m working when you call, just leave a message and I’ll call you back as fast as I can and if I’m not working when you call, I’ll pick up ok? I’ll always pick up.” You offered and it only felt odd as an afterthought that you just met this child and you were kicked so hard and so high into mom gear that you would already go to the moon and back and bend over backwards for her but it felt like the right thing to do and the best thing you could do for her. 
“Thank you.” She thanked you graciously. 
“You’re welcome Sweetheart.” You cooed to her as you squeezed her little hands in yours before you reluctantly let them go because Greg cleared his throat again before Noah took the hint and ushered his family to sit in the booth directly behind where you would be sitting. Which was nice that they were so close as you stood to your full height. 
“Thank you so much for your patience. I’m Zara Kingsley, the LMT from the Great Lakes.” You introduced yourself to the man who had a familial resemblance to Greg as you politely shook his hand from across the table. He was handsome, that usual olive green skin, gold amber eyes, jet black hair, he was obviously younger by the way he styled his hair and his hipster- black t-shirt, black blazer, skinny jean look and the way he proudly carried himself, his chest puffed out all proud, like a peacock showing off his plumage. You could tell he knew he was one of the most handsome men in the room and his ego was too big for the place. You knew from Greg that he was practically a decade younger than you too. His ex wife had been one of the prettiest women in the Arctic Tundra but they divorced after five years and two kids because they both were having affairs. 
“Does every kid treat you like a visiting Disney Princess?” He asked pleasantly which got you to chuckle. 
“Yes, very much so, which I don’t mind at all.” You shrugged. 
“Well it’s understandable, with a name like Kingsley, it’s kind of a given you should be treated like royalty everywhere you go.” Doug flattered and you heard Noah cough a ‘damn’ behind you like he had just gotten hit in the gut and even you had to admit that was a pretty smooth line. Although it wasn’t the first time you heard that. 
“Thanks,” you nodded. Oh gods. This was going to be the longest dinner ever. He was just going to spit game at you all night and you just wanted to turn around and invite yourself to dinner with Sakura and her family as you slipped back into your seat because you were not about wait for Doug here to come around the table to pull out your chair because you were pretty sure he’d try to sneak a peek into your cleavage as he would try to too. The game was on and you were in no mood to be chased by Doug. 
Noah though, no he could chase you like the silver fox he was because he was just barely getting a few gray hairs on the sides of his head  and it made him all kinds of distinguished and made you all hot and bothered and you could already fantasize his head between your legs, with your thighs resting on his broad shoulders- your powerful thighs clamping around his ears as his tongue…
Oh, that’s right, Doug was talking to you. Damn it. 
“I’m sorry what was that?” You asked as you tried hard to refocus on Doug and what he was saying, thankfully the restaurant had gotten louder since Doug sat down directly across from you and started talking and it was kind of hard to hear him anyway. 
“I asked how you’re liking the Frozen Tundra.” He repeated. 
“Oh it’s wonderful. It’s gorgeous and the people are lovely, very kind and generous and welcoming.” You grinned politely as the waitress came over. 
“What can I get you to drink?” She asked you. 
“Anything sweet and fruity?” You asked hopefully. 
“Lethal too or just light?” She questioned. 
“Ooh, lethal.” You couldn’t help but giggle because you would need it to persevere Doug’s advances as Doug started to grin a little wolfishly. Ha! Like he had a chance of scoring with you tonight. 
“For sweet and fruity and lethal you have two choices, cloud berry punch or purple peach punch.” 
“Purple peach.” You ordered. 
“Half or full?” She asked. 
“What’s the difference?” You asked curiously. 
“A half is served in a tumbler. A full is served in a mason jar and has an order limit of three.” She answered. 
“Oh yeah, my kind of drink, a full please and thank you.” You ordered gleefully. 
“Do you want your usual Doug?” She asked moving onto him. 
“Actually could I get a glass of Wolf Eye?” He asked and you nearly snorted a laugh and covered it up with a cough. May the gods grant you patience to deal with this pretentious asshole. While Wolf Eye was a decent whiskey, it was only popular because celebrities thought it was awesome and the bottle was *couture*. Just like any other designer name brand. 
“Do you like whisky?” He asked. 
“I do.” You nodded. 
“Could I also get her a glass too?” He asked. 
“Sure.” She nodded before she got everyone else’s drink order. 
“Wolf Eye is one of the better whiskies.” You appraised. 
“Have you ever had it before?” He asked. 
“Yes I have. My sister Blossom is a whiskey geek/ whiskey snob, my sister Blossom’s husband is a whiskey geek/snob too and my own parents and my brother are all beer snobs while my baby sister Anya is a bartender and she gave me a shot of it once. Usually it’s too rich for my blood to order it though.” You confessed. Even though you had three bottles of it at home from your wealthier clients. 
“What about you? Is there any kind of alcohol you’re really into?” He asked.
“It doesn’t really compare to Wolf Eye.” You answered as you realized you probably looked bashful, when really, you were dreading being judged. 
Every guy- without fail who got you a glass of Wolf Eye were trying to show you how fancy and couture they were- thinking that because you were jewel orc- you somehow should have very refined, expensive tastes. When in reality, you didn’t. Honestly once those guys heard what you loved- they thought less of you. Or the guys who found out what you liked and weren’t pretentious assholes somehow felt that because you didn’t have “refined” tastes in wine or other booze, that that spilled over into your taste of men which couldn’t be farther from the truth. You were picky as hell when it came to men. 
Although if you were honest, you loved your clichés- the bubble gum pop music, sweet fruity wine and cocktails and peppermint mochas and sappy romance novels and romantic comedy movies and you would preferably have all of those at the same time while in the comfort of a bathtub with a bath bomb fizzing away. But that was a world away from this. 
“Oh don’t feel bad, you like what you like.” He reassured you but you laughed that laugh that said ‘oh you don’t know what you’re really asking’. 
“No I insist, I promise not to judge you based on your answer.” He vowed and you didn’t believe him one bit. 
“Ok. So, honestly, in my family- food wise, I’m the queen because I love to cook and I cook really well and my brand of hospitality is you are not allowed to leave my house hungry but drink wise, I’m like the black sheep of the family because I love flavored alcohol, the kind of liquor that’s low on the proof and mostly flavoring, so flavored moonshines and flavored rums and vodkas and especially liqueurs and things like that. The cheap ones that you just pour into some juice and it’s instantly a fruity cocktail. That’s my speed. Sweet and fruity.” You shrugged as the waitress came back and gave you your drinks as you graciously took the glass that had whiskey in it and sniffed it and swished it around the way your sisters always did before you took a tentative sip. 
Yup. It was whiskey. Could you tell the difference between a scotch, a whiskey or a bourbon? Nope. Could you tell the difference between a $20 bottle of whiskey or a $70 whiskey, hell to the nope. The only thing you noticed was if it burned or was smooth or not. You knew that all scotches were whiskeys but not all whiskeys were scotches and that was the extent of your knowledge. Honestly if this glass was full of peach whiskey you’d probably like it better. But you knew how to be a gracious recipient of a gift. And you had your manners to keep. 
“Very good.” You praised, pretending you knew what the fuck you were drinking as he took a sip and practically moaned and for some reason, that noise coming from him was making you want to gag and one look at Katie who frowned at him was nearly causing you to burst into laughter. Even she could smell his bullshit, which to you was hilarious and part of the reason you wanted her close. Having someone like a niece or a sister or the best ones - a mother or a grandmother, or someone close to whoever you were paired with tended to keep whoever it was- in line- and would keep them from asking inappropriate questions or delving into inappropriate topics of conversation. It was a strategy you learned to employ often in these circumstances. 
“So Greg told me that you’re divorced.” You put to him. 
“I am divorced and I have two kids, two boys, Doug Jr. who we just call Jr. and Kent, Jr is 5 and Kent is three.” He answered. 
“Aw, they must be adorable, where are they?” You asked. 
“They’re with their mom tonight.” He answered. 
“Oh, well I would have loved to meet them, I love kids, I also have two of my own, Xander and Skylar, but they’re a bit older, Xander is 9 and Skylar is 7.” You answered before you pulled out your phone and showed him as he showed you his kids. 
“And Greg said you have joint custody of your boys?” You asked. 
“Yup, they get to spend the week with their mom and the weekend with me.” He answered. “And their mother is about to remarry so the bitch won’t bleed me dry with alimony and child support for too much longer now.” He groused and you took a measured deep breath in to keep your face neutral as you heard Summer murmur into her drink. ‘Lucky woman’ and somehow you got the distinct impression that his ex-wife was lucky to have divorced him and to have gotten alimony and child support and just seeing Doug and after knowing him for a whole 2 seconds- you could agree with that sentiment. You could just sense that he was a narcissistic asshole. And your late husband had been one of those and there was no way in hell you were ever doing that again. 
“But I understand you don’t have that problem because you’re a widow. Obviously a young one.” He returned as you could tell he was trying to age you. 
“Yup, that’s true, my late husband Andrew was in an accident at work about two years ago, but I’m not that young. I’m 35.” You answered and he paused. Greg had told him early thirties, you were mid thirties. You looked great for mid thirties but that was practically middle aged and you only had what- another 5 years of child bearing age left in you? Not that long. But you were supposed to be a rich widow who worked in some kind of spa and had married into a rich family and drop dead gorgeous, he could work with that. 
“Wow you really good for your thirties. How long have you been dating since then?” He asked. 
“I haven’t really been dating much or for very long, just in the last couple of months actually. I wanted to give myself and the rest of my family time to grieve properly and not rush into anything that not only I wasn’t ready for but that my kids weren’t ready for and it wasn’t until a couple of months ago that they let me know that they were ok with me trying to date again because they are the most important people in my life and I’m really picky about who I let around my kids too. So I can understand why you didn’t want to bring your kids to meet me.” You answered as Greg was kicking himself for not bringing his kids because obviously you connected to kids and if his kids would behave long enough and well enough you could have bonded to his kids and made him a shoe in and this could have been a done deal already. 
“So, Greg told me that you work in the fishing industry.” You prompted him. 
“I do, I’m a sales executive for First Star, which ships all kinds of seafood all over the world.” He answered proudly. “And the pay is really good and there’s always sales incentives and I get bonuses often.” He grinned smugly as he fingered his heavy gold chain necklace around his neck and he put on way too much cologne. It was almost burning your nose and making your eyes water a little.  
“Wow, do you have a business card?” You nodded, pretending to be impressed before he very proudly pulled out his wallet and you could see from his billfold that he must have had at least a thousand dollars on him. He was flexing for your benefit and judging by his gold rings and gold banded tusks and just the general decked out nature of his attire. He was definitely showing off for you as he handed you a brand new business card. It was fancy but...not as fancy or as nice as yours. 
“Very nice. Remind me to call you before I leave so I can buy a case or two of crab and ship it home and have my mom put it in my deep freeze freezer.” You urged him. 
“Oh, you won’t have to buy them, I’ll happily gift you whatever you want.” He generously offered. 
“Aw, that’s very generous of you. Thank you.” You thanked him even though the way he said that you were pretty sure he had another "payment" in mind but this was polite company and Katie was right next to you and you didn't want to expose her to what you assumed was that particular side of her uncle just yet but if he exposed himself that was on him. 
“So being a sales rep does your income base itself on how good the fishermen’s catches are or is it pretty stable, like no matter what they catch, you’re bringing home a salary?” You questioned thoughtfully. 
“Oh it’s a salaried position and it’s all year long, unlike the fisherman who only run on the boats for a fishing season, like the different kinds of crab have their seasons and the different kinds of seafood all have their own seasons.” He answered. “Or even the pilots who only fly during the spring summer and fall, which is only like a three month window up here and have to live off of that all year long.” He answered as he cast a look past you to see Noah who was pretending to enjoy his own beer instead of eavesdropping. 
Oh this son of a bitch had to go for the low blow of putting others down to build himself up. Ok. Honestly you were grateful he was telling on himself like that. 
“So are we ready to order?” The waitress asked as she came over, after having gotten Noah’s order already and you were following along with the menu and you already decided that you wanted the same thing because it sounded amazing. 
“Yes can I have the King’s platter?” Doug ordered. 
“It’s a huge platter, we could share it.” Doug offered to you. 
“Oh, no thanks, can I just get the fisherman’s special with the seafood stew?” You requested sweetly. 
“Sure thing.” She nodded as she wrote that down and continued to get everyone’s meal. 
“So I understand you’re a masseuse?” He asked excitedly once the waitress left. 
“No. I’m a licensed massage therapist, LMT for short.” You gently corrected. 
“What’s the difference?” He frowned. 
“A masseuse uses “massage” as their cover for being a prostitute, which honestly if you’re going to be in the oldest profession, just be honest about it and don’t call it massage. Which, again, if you chose to do that,  I don’t judge, I have strippers as clients because they take self care to a whole new level and everything they get from me is a tax write off for them so it’s a win win. However, a licensed massage therapist actually went to massage school and has a license to practice massage just like a doctor has a license to practice medicine and we are held accountable to a board or in my case- to the state medical board just like any other nurse and doctor and an LMT never gives happy endings or has sex with clients in any way shape or form.” You answered with a proud smile. 
“Oh,” Doug nodded and even you could see he was trying to hide his disappointment. 
“So, are you able to make any kind of real money off of massage or is this just a hobby for you?” He asked and you were ready to dump this overpriced whiskey in his face, but that would be alcohol abuse and an insult to the whiskey itself. 
“Well massage has been a passion of mine since I was a kid, so you could call it a hobby that turned into a career. But I’m more interested in what constitutes as “real money” in your opinion.” You posed curiously. 
“Anything more than forty or fifty thousand a year.” He patronized. 
“I take it you make more than 50 thousand a year then.” You deduced as you overheard Noah whisper to his mother. ‘I barely make ‘real money’ then.’ 
“Oh I make a few times that. I make about two hundred thousand a year.” He bragged. 
“Yeah I can see you’re wearing most of it.” You appraised and Noah snorted his beer and nearly choked on it trying to cover up his laugh because your unimpressed tone was giving him life as you heard a hissed ‘yes’ from Noah. 
“You’re one of the lucky ones then. I make about the same. A little over 200 thousand a year actually.” You answered evenly like it was no big deal. 
“What? H-how?” Doug frowned in shock.
“Well I have four businesses, all four of them are solely in my name and I own all four outright and none of them have any debt while each of them have their own assets, so my massage business which makes me about a hundred- to a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year, my esthetician business which makes me another fifty to sixty thousand dollars a year and then the sales of my massage products, essential oils and esthetician products, skin care line, makeup, all that goods stuff to round it out with another thirty five to fifty thousand dollars a year and the fourth business is the shareholder for all three businesses and I only have to work about thirty to thirty five hours a week in total to do it too and I only work about 9 to 10 months a year.” You beamed proudly as Doug’s eyebrows practically went up into his hairline as you heard Noah murmur a ‘damn’ which you imagined was muffled because he must have said it into his fist behind you. 
“W-why?” Doug stuttered as he struggled to wrap his head around all that.  
“Well,  when my husband was alive, he made about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year and when he died, I turned all four of those businesses which at the time were the side businesses I had to earn my own spending money into my full time career to replace his income when he died because you see I specialize in…” You began as you brought out your business card and listed everything off from the back and added to the additional certifications that weren’t on the card.  
“Not bad for a “hobby” huh?” You asked with a smug grin as you heard Noah practically whistle lowly behind you and clap ever so softly and you would have given anything for a mirror to see his face, hoping he was at least impressed. 
“Uh, nope, not bad at all.” Doug had to admit. 
“So if you got remarried and the man you married could provide you with his income that would either equal or surpass your own would you still continue to work or would you scale back? Retire?” Doug asked thoughtfully. 
“It depends.” You answered simply.  
“On?” Doug prodded. 
“It would depend on the circumstances and the person.” You specified. 
“Such as?” 
“Well, I’ve been very lucky in that I have the four thriving businesses and because I have a very good and very expansive client base where I live and I fill a niche that very few others can fill in my area and because I live just 20 to 30 minutes outside of few major cities because I’m centrally located in the country in between all of them and I work out of my own private space at my home and the home I work out of is my dream home, it’s a home that my late husband and myself designed together and it’s awesome and the only way I’m moving is if I find a home that’s even better than the one I have and that criteria is pretty extensive plus I’m very well supported and well known and have a reputation that I regularly bank on every year and speaking of support, I have my parents who live right next door and my in-laws live only 15 minutes away and all of them are very involved in my children’s lives. So honestly, I’m not gonna move unless I find circumstances even better than the ones I already have and the person I would be moving for can give me things that I don’t already have which is basically at this point- unconditional love, respect, recognition, dignity, sympathy, empathy, kindness, understanding and freedom to keep my independence that I already have so that if I so choose I could basically start my businesses over again in a new area.” You specified. 
“So...what is your criteria for a potential mate?” Doug asked, hoping that you would list off things that he could try to shoot for. 
“Well, whoever I choose to marry- he can’t drink to excess, he can’t do drugs, he can’t have a bad temper, he can not yell or scream at me or my children, he can’t be abusive in any way shape or form or I will kick him to the curb faster than lightning strikes but he doesn’t have to make as much as I do or make more than me or whatever. If he had a job that he was passionate about and he loved it as much as breathing which, for me, that’s what my career represents to me, I do what I do because I love it, it’s what I was put on this planet to do and I’m really good at it and to a degree, it’s a skill I can practice anywhere as long as I have a pool of clientele to pull from so there’s some flexibility there.” You mused and you saw Doug nod along with your train of thought so at least it was making sense to him. 
“But for me to give it all up for someone and be absolutely dependent on my partner for everything- probably isn’t going to happen because there is inherently a power dynamic that I’ve been on the losing side of in my past marriage. Because my husband had a great job with fantastic health insurance and other benefits and shouldered all the financial responsibility of the family which had its perks because that freed up my time to pursue what I wanted to and he could afford to send me to school to get all these licenses and certifications. But because he made all the money, he felt he had the right to demand whatever he wanted in return and he had a say so on how I spent the money he gave me to care for- as he put it- “his house” and “his vehicles” and such because he’s the one that paid for it all and he was a controlling narcissist. Now, was he all bad? No, he was a fantastic father and he was decent enough as a husband in that he didn’t beat me, didn’t drink to excess, didn’t smoke, didn’t gamble, didn’t do drugs, didn’t cheat on me and didn’t scream at me or cuss me out in front of the kids but I couldn’t get a credit card in my name without him knowing and he tracked me on my phone everywhere I went and if I wanted anything “extra” I had to “earn it”, like a child earns extra screen time for doing their chores kind of thing. It was all about a power dynamic and if I didn’t support him in everything he said, he got after me for not being “a good submissive wife” or “a team player”. And after 13 years of that, I’m done. I’ve had more than enough of that and I will be damned if I ever let that happen to me again. I’m not interested in that dynamic at all. No matter what side of it I find myself on.” You specified as Doug just stared at you, a bit guiltily as he was rather speechless and blushing profusely like you had just pulled his pants down and exposed him and you didn’t feel any guilt for it either and the look on Katie’s face told you that you hit the nail on the head and were preaching truth and her smile of adoration and awe was priceless.  
“I have clients that easily double, triple, quadruple even- my own salary because they’re doctors or surgeons or executives or whatever. But they’re the kind of men who feel emasculated when a woman they’re with earns anything because their income is what they base their own masculinity on which is a very dangerous and stupid thing to do in my opinion. And while these men may be really good at earning an income, that’s all they’re good at. Otherwise they’re shitty husbands and fathers. They feel that because they earn so much money that they don’t have to help out at all around their own homes. Heaven forbid they change poopy diapers, do any dishes or laundry or especially scrub a toilet and if they do any of those things, by the gods they will piss and moan and gripe and complain forever and feel “owed” that they did more than their “share”, which is bullshit. They would rather hire someone else to do any or all of that because they feel that’s beneath them as manly, masculine men and feel that a wife’s only job is to stay in their home, raise their kids and clean their house and look flawless while doing so and feel that the only support they need to give her is financial. Which, in my opinion is complete and utter fucking bullshit.”  You explained as you watched Doug’s frown get deeper and deeper the more you talked as you heard Noah hum in agreement to that sentiment. 
“So... you’re basically just looking for a Mr. Mom?” Doug asked and you could tell by his tone he was offended and incensed just saying those words. 
“To a degree, yes. But what I’m really looking for- is a partner who will view and treat me as an equal instead of a lesser or a supporting cast member while they’re the star of the show. Right now I do everything all by myself because I have to and I will continue to do so for as long as I need to because my children need me to be their everything. If I’m going to enter into any kind of romantic relationship, I would look for someone who’s willing to put in work. Someone who will happily and willingly pick up slack and support me as much as I support them. Someone who will work to gain not just my respect and admiration but my children’s respect and admiration as well and it doesn’t matter how much I like or even love a guy, if my kids are uncomfortable around him or just plain don’t like him. I’m not going to force the relationship onto them. Now there have been a couple of guys who my children really clicked with but I didn’t because they were either immature or had other issues and I’m pretty sure the only reason why my kids liked them is because these guys never told them ‘no’ and bought them whatever they asked for which is no way to raise children. There’s ways of telling them no and explaining your reasons why you’re telling them no without belittling them, hurting their feelings, implying they’re stupid or annoying for asking.” You explained as you heard Noah murmur an ‘Amen’ from behind you and instantly you saw all the hope and lust in Doug’s eyes die because he realized that this wasn’t going to work out for him just as dinner came. 
Conversation dissolved into idle chit chat while he practically wolfed his food down as quickly as he could and drank his whiskey and excused himself and quickly paid the waitress for his meal and only his meal and begrudgingly- your wolf eye whiskey too, saying he had work to do at home and you were so grateful when he left and so relieved when you peeked over your shoulder to see Noah still there, finishing up his dinner as Katie got up to go to the bathroom, leaving you alone at the end of the table as Sakura and Summer went to the bathroom too. 
“Do you like whiskey?” You asked him hopefully as you leaned backward in your chair towards him. 
“Yeah,” he confirmed. 
“You ok drinking after me?” You put to him. 
“Yup.” He nodded before you took your glass of Wolf Eye and put in on his table. 
“The whiskey’s good, I just can’t enjoy it knowing a pretentious asshole bought it for me, but I don’t think you’ll have that issue enjoying it yourself. Enjoy.” You beamed at him which got him to laugh. 
“Cheers.” He offered before you got your own drink and clinked it with his. 
“Cheers.” You mirrored. Even though dinner didn’t go as planned, you got to share a drink with Noah and that was more than you hoped for before Sakura and Summer came back. 
“Nana, I forgot my bow.” Sakura realized as she reached up to find that the bow she had been wearing in her hair was gone. 
“I can go back to the bathroom and help you look for it.” You happily offered before she took your hand and led you back to the bathroom as you grabbed your purse too. 
“Are you going to date Mr. Kizzo?” She asked you as you went into each stall, looking for her bow. 
“No, absolutely not, he is not the man for me.” You shook your head adamantly. 
“Oh good, his boys are mean.” She pouted. 
“Have they been mean to you?” You asked as your protective urges surged again. 
“They play really rough and they knocked me down and they didn’t even say sorry!” She complained and you gasped in horror. 
“No! How rude! Well if we ever go anywhere together and they’re there, point them out to me and I’ll protect you.” You insisted before you found her bow sitting on top of the toilet paper dispenser in the last stall before you quickly sprayed some sanitizer on it before you had her take a seat in one of the chairs in the bathroom so you could brush her hair and get it looking gorgeous again because you kept a little brush in your purse. 
“My Daddy likes you.” She blurted as you brushed her hair out. 
“Aw, I like your Daddy too, he’s a really good guy, he’s sweet and caring and protective and I can tell he loves you a lot and he works really hard to take care of you.” You praised as you smiled happily at her in the mirror. 
“He cries a lot.” She revealed. 
“Well I cry a lot too,” you nodded. 
“He cries because he misses my mama,” she added.
“Well, I can understand that because your Daddy and I both lost our marriage mates and we miss them sometimes and the happier we were with them and the more we loved them, the more we miss them and the more it hurts to lose them. Do you cry a lot too because you miss your mama?” You asked gently as she nodded. 
“I’m so sorry you lost your mama sweetie, I can’t imagine how much that must hurt.” You sympathized with her before she got out of the chair and reached her arms up before you readily picked her up and held her tight as she started crying before you took the seat in the chair and just held her as she cried on your shoulder and you just held her and rocked her gently and comforted her before Nana came into the bathroom. 
“What happened?” Nana asked. 
“I was brushing her hair and she told me her daddy cries because he misses her mama and I completely sympathize.” You told her as you did your best to keep your composure but you were failing spectacularly because you were an empath, her pain felt like your own as Summer pulled up another chair from the nursing mother’s area as she shot Noah a quick text just as Taylor came in looking for you and seeing how Sakura was crying in your arms, she instantly knew what was going on. 
“Noah and Anarra, or ‘Neena’ as she was better known as- were basically Frozen Tundra’s sweethearts. Neena still is greatly missed, she took care of a lot of the older ones whose kids have moved away or are on the coast making their money on the fishing vessels and when she got sick, everyone rallied around her but...by the time she started showing signs she was sick- it was too late. None of us have been the same since she passed away. Noah puts on a pretty strong face but he’s probably the most fragile.” Nana revealed as you nodded in understanding as Taylor nodded along too. 
Taylor had told you about “Neena” because Taylor and Neena were best friends and you didn’t put it together until just now that Anarra and Neena were one and the same which would explain why you and her had gotten so close so quickly because you had bonded over your losses as Sakura’s cries turned into whimpers and sniffles as you just held her and pet her head and her hair and held her and rocked her as she curled up in your lap and happily soaked up all your affections as you kissed the crown of her head affectionately as she clung to you as Nana and Taylor filled you in on the situation. 
“Neena had brain cancer. One day she was fine, the next, she had such strange symptoms and doctors around here are rare and expensive and by the time we found it, it was too late, there wasn’t anything we could do. She barely had enough time to make some videos for Sakura. She died holding her.” Taylor said as she nodded towards Sakura in your arms as you wrapped your arms tighter around Sakura as your heart effectively broke in your chest. 
“Her last words were how much she loved her and Noah.” Nena added as you passed around your thing of tissues because you were crying your makeup off. 
“My husband’s last words to me were a ‘honey do’ list, which was- ‘do the dishes, do the laundry, clean the bathroom and to brush my damn cats’ who he hated and I’m so grateful they outlived him, I know that sounds awful but they love me more than he ever did and he wasn’t dead a week before I went to the local shelter and adopted a dog for each member of my family and another cat so that there’s three cats and three dogs and we were renting from his parents at the time and before it was only because I bore them their only grandchildren that I got the ‘privilege’ of having the two cats before. And they didn’t dare argue with a new angry widow about ‘protection’ dogs for their only grandkids and didn’t want me moving away into a new place just to get them animals while we waited for our house to be built.” You revealed. 
“Did he at least have life insurance?” Nana asked which made you nod emphatically. 
“Yeah Andy wasn’t an idiot or heartless, he had a life insurance policy through work and a private one as well and because it was an accidental death at work, it paid out even more and his parents had a life insurance policy on him too that they handed over to me because they had the good sense to have life insurance policies on me and him so that if anything ever happened to the both of us, they could raise our kids comfortably and at the time, I was working for another outfit and even I had my own life insurance policy on him so we’re all set, the house is paid off, all debt is paid off, all the vehicles are paid off, I own everything outright. Other than utilities and of course food and insurance, which I can easily take care of myself, we’re ok.” You answered. 
“Did Neena have any kind of life insurance?” You asked and Taylor and Nana both shook their heads no. 
“No, Noah barely had enough money at the time to cover the funeral. When she died in the fall, at least he didn’t have to work and could stay home with Sakura and he already knew how to take care of himself and her because Neena was always caring for others, which he was very proud of her for doing and he supported that. He was always helping her to help others because so many ice orc men have moved away chasing “better lives” anywhere other than here and ice orc women are left to either do the same or stay behind and have to deal with the others who come up here, either looking for gold or fish or lumber or other resources and it used to be every summer solstice that all the tribes would get together and alliances were maintained and marriages made but all the young people are rejecting those practices because they feel they don’t have a place in the modern world. Our ways are dying, our languages are dying and Neena was one of the few women who embraced the old ways and was teaching all the kids the native languages. And when she died, a lot of the same older ones reached out to Noah and helped him with what they could and unfortunately after Neena died, some of the older ones she took care of followed, but they left Sakura everything because Neena was like a daughter to them and because she took care of them, all they could do is leave her what they could leave behind and when Neena died, that left Sakura as heir in her mother’s place, but she’s a child. She’s had so many men come back to claim what they felt was their birthright, which is mostly land at this point but thankfully the courts upheld Sakura’s rights as heir since their parent’s had the good sense to get it writing with the local lawyer who fights for the clan’s rights.” Nana explained. 
“That’s...that’s a coincidence, I know exactly how that feels.” You nodded. 
“How?” Nana asked as she tilted her head. 
“When Andy died, I was really close to several older clients as well, I got to work on them when they were at retirement age and came into my work and when their health declined, I stayed with them because they were close friends and I wanted their last moments to be in peace and as pain free as possible. They didn’t have any family to take care of them either and I endeared myself to them enough so that when I lost Andy, they all individually entailed everything they had to me too because I was their favorite person and they wanted to make sure I wouldn’t financially suffer because of my husband dying. Within six months of losing Andy, I lost almost all of them within a span of only three months. So the nine months that followed Andy’s death were just...the worst. But then to meet with dozens of lawyers and get check after check, after check, and deeds and titles and property and vehicles, I was so...numb. It didn’t mean anything to me, but man did I sure learn a lot very quickly about how to handle my newfound fortune. But the worst of it was the vultures circling because it felt like the minute I inherited all that money and property myself, suddenly every vulture of a guy somehow found me and circled me like wolves. Cause I was this “hot young desperate lonely widow” who didn’t know how to handle that much fortune and here were all these ‘knights in shining armor’ coming to “help me out” and “be there for me”. It was ridiculous, as if I couldn’t see right through them and what made it even worse was the way Andy died at work, it was a freak accident that killed not just him but five others. So the company he worked for sued the company who built the crystal grower because this was a known and very well documented issue. And the company used my picture because I was ‘the prettiest of the widows’ in the news and in the courts and they won and I got the lion’s share of the settlement because I was the one who was the public face of it and because I was the public face of it, I had organization after organization reach out to me to try to help me out too and by that point I had 5 very good lawyers and a private investigator in my pocket who were more than eager to be at my disposal. So I know exactly what it’s like to be an unwitting heiress. It’s really, really hard, thank the gods my in-laws are so great with money because they’ve been helping me structure it and organize it and keep it all and make it work for me.” You revealed lowly. 
“Could you teach Noah and Sakura any of those lessons?” Nana asked hopefully. 
“I would be more than happy to, I feel I need to at this point.” You admitted. 
“Because no one else around here knows what to do or how to help. Even now Noah’s dad Ukluk works as guide at Gold Horn and pilots his own bush plane for the hunters but it doesn’t pay as well as others, Noah’s brother Nago works for the postal service but he and his family are in June Neau. And now even Neena’s parents are no spring chickens. I know they would really appreciate it if they knew you could protect Sakura and Noah with what you know.” Nana insisted. 
“Consider it done,” you agreed. 
“So are you ever gonna get married again?” Sakura finally spoke up. 
“I would like to.” You answered honestly. 
“What are you looking for?” She asked. 
“I just want to be with someone who makes me happy and loves me for me and loves my kids as their own too who won’t hurt us but will protect us.” You answered. 
“What if they already have kids?” She asked. 
“Then I would hope that their kids would like me too, I do love being a mom, it’s the best job on the planet in my opinion and if those kids would let me love them as much as I love my own- even better and if my kids and those kids could get along, oh man, I’d be so so so happy. You see it doesn’t matter he’s rich or poor or whatever, money doesn’t matter to me. Who and what kind of person they are and how they treat others- that’s all that matters to me.” 
“And if they happen to be well endowed enough so that when...” Taylor double clicked her teeth. “Happens, you can’t walk straight after...” She hinted which made Nana raspberry her laugh. 
“That’s a bonus.” You readily agreed which made you start to laugh through your tears which made them do the same. 
“Well Noah’s you know,” Taylor implied as she clicked her teeth and winked which got you and Nana to start busting out laughing. 
“He’s what aunt Tay-tay?” Sakura asked as she turned to look at Taylor.
“Handsome, he’s very handsome.” You quickly supplied which earned you a solemn nod and an appreciate grin from Nana. 
“Ok, no more tears, let’s get cleaned up.” Nana insisted which prompted you to gently get Sakura off your lap so you could rinse the rest of your makeup off in the sink before all four of you left the bathroom to see Noah looking particularly worried. 
“Everything ok Pumpkin?” He asked his daughter. 
“Yup, we were telling Paradise about Mama.” Sakura told him. Every trace of sadness now gone as a happy smile plastered itself on her face. 
“And she brushed my hair and braided my hair and held me and comforted me and everything, can she come over to our house to watch me?” She asked. 
“If she wants to.” Noah answered. 
“I would love to, just give me the address, I’ll be there any day you need me there, free of charge.” You immediately offered. 
“Work an extra long day tomorrow Daddy, I want to watch my movies with her.” Sakura insisted which got Nana to snicker a laugh. 
“Uh,” Noah stuttered. 
“I can do tomorrow.” You immediately agreed. 
“You could have Taylor and her kids come too, because usually Taylor watches her on Tuesdays.” Nana added. 
“We’d love to.” Taylor immediately agreed as well. 
“So it’s a date. What time should I be over?” 
“He leaves early, like six in the morning.” Nana informed you. 
“Won’t be a problem. I’ll be there at like 5:30 then.” You insisted. 
“I won’t be there that early, I’m going to sleep in until a decent hour and come by later but we’ll drive by and show you where Noah lives and you could walk there if you wanted to because he’s like a ten minute walk away, five if you run because normally, she spends the night so that I don’t have to get up that early.” Taylor added. 
“But my body is still on Great Lakes Time Zone so 5:30 am here is only 8:30 am to me which is a normal time for me to wake up. So it’s not a problem at all.” You reassured Nana and Noah. 
“Ok, thank you, very much.” Noah nodded as he avoided Nana’s smug grin that screamed ‘I told you so’. 
“Well good night then, sweet dreams guys, I’ll see you in the morning.” You offered as Taylor tugged on your arm as Katie peeked her head back into the restaurant and gestured for you and her mom to hurry up. 
“What about my bill?” You asked her. 
“He got it.” Taylor answered as he gestured to Noah. 
“Aw, thank you for dinner!” You thanked him as she had to take your hand and pull you out of the restaurant.
“I really love Paradise.” Sakura said dreamily as she watched you go. 
“Well she is lovely.” Noah admitted as he got his box of leftovers and got out of the booth. 
“She likes you back, she told me so.” Sakura informed her Dad as she took his hand in one of hers and continued to hold your business card like a beloved photograph. 
“Oh yeah?” Noah returned, pleasantly surprised to hear that. 
“And she’s an heiress like me and she promised that she would teach me what she knows about it.” Sakura revealed. 
“Really?” Noah turned to look at his mom to either confirm or deny that. 
“Oh yeah, she knows how to deal with not just foxes but wolves and vultures too. The gods sent us the perfect person to help. And I have a feeling she won’t leave until everything is well taken care of and we will be hearing from her and seeing her very often from now on.” Nana predicted. 
“How?” Noah asked. 
“Just wait and see.” Nana simply grinned. 
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